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Previous Thread: >>484451806

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Rabbit 1 status?
Hifumi is a massive slut
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Alice is my light.
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my students are lvl41 and i STILL can't beat THAT level
A couple of threads back, someone was complaining that people were just throwing generic Haruna teams at his cool and slick monotank team.
Today, I finally understand why lmao. Comp definitely has its issues.
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RABBIT1 here. Providing a sitrep.
The time is currently 05:35. No casualties to report. I'll continue my activities, over.
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key is better
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive

Which one is the real thread dammit
Fuuka smells like rice
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I expected nothing less from a genshitter.
i want to breed her so fucking badly
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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theres always suicide
especially for your kind
Gone, hopefully.
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My precious desert rose.
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You'll get there one day
Mika? More like Rajang lol
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goodnight anon
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That's a Genshin picture?
Why does Genshin have a Raikou?
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nom nom
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My breeding fetish is getting so much worse
Good night.
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How come monkey man responds to every Mika pic except rabi Mika?
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Post roster.
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i don't get it
serika is DEAD
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Yume senpai giving her wisdom
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Found this comment online
>Elden Ring is impossible to beat due to the unfortunate circumstance of me not owning it.
I can use this excuse if I can't beat Wakamo Hovercraft insane.
can't afford to UE40 Koyoko
can't afford to UE50 Mika
can't afford NYFuuka
sex for the purposes of procreation is a fetish?
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What a cutie. Is she playable?
she wants to know what it's like to have her foot licked
how do I do that?
>big titty Neru
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>That's a Genshin picture?
Reverse image search says that it is
>Why does a chink game blatantly copy everything that's remotely successful?
Geee, captain. I have no idea.
thank you Toki
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The idea of impregnating her turns me on way more than the idea of having sex with her
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I just 3T'd Wakamo and I'm somehow in top 1000
is it this easy to plat?
This is the future architects want.
Why are her fingers wet
Just post all the students you owned right now.
And did you level up their equipment + skills? Or just leveling them up?
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>Elden Ring is impossible to beat due to the unfortunate circumstance of me not owning it.
bro? your torrent?
based, imagine mating press hasumi
I always find this ironic

Amount that they each contributed to saving the game
Asuna : 90%
Karin: 10%
Akane: 0%
Neru: 0%
Toki: 0%

It's not C&C that saved the game, it's specifically two of them.
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What are your thoughts on adults but evil?
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imagine forcing her to get abortions so you can repeatedly impregnate her
Nonomi, Himari, Sakurako, Rumi, Mine, Shun, Mutsuki, Yuuka, Serina, Kirino, Hasumi, Momoi, Suzumi, Junko, Haruka, Asuna, Pina, Kotori, Airi, Hanae, Mari, Hare, Utaha, Chinatsu, Juri, Shimiko, Yoshimi, Katama

I'm only leveling their level and equipment since i'm not sure which skills to level yet so I'm saving resources.
yeah no, unless you are clarisse and use atomic abortion, then it's a ok since that's hot
is there anyone in BA that speaks with a kansai accent
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I hope you're not the usual hasumi anon cause now I can't look at you the same anymore
yikes, no tsubaki?
>hitting students
>Making them get abortions
>Raping them
>Ignoring them
>Wanting bad endings
People here used to know how a proper sensei should act
We took on a bunch of tourists since the anime and now there is a distinct lack of sensei like behavior
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>your student
>your favorite kind of apple
Maybe I'll get her during the anni banner free rolls haha... I'm saving the jimmies for dress hina and the uncle
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive the 2nd time around
>Hasumifag has an abortion fetish
What the fuck
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Apple is an evil fruit, my family and I only eat dates.
>*throws you to the ground*

So this is the famouse and powerful so-called “/bag/“… was it?

>*begins tearing at xour clothes*
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>no tsubacutest
have sex with you? don't mind if I do
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I had her on another reroll account but decided to go with the current one. Life is suffering.
I'm not sure if I'm the usual Hasumi anon you're talking about, but I've been posting about Hasumi ever since I started coming here and that guy is not me. Hasumi deserves kindness and affection.
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>reroll account
>go with the current one
yikes! you don't love your student
Usually you would've spooked her by now (she's a 2*). Also, no Chise or Momiji? Those two kill the blue churchfags that spawn regularly. Unlucky.
Kaede should be milked
Just level shit up and tackle it later.
As for skill priority, just level all the skills that deal and increase damage for DPS, and increase healing for healer.
>mobs with eyes
holy cringe
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No Kirino says having consensual sex with students is fine

It's the other stuff that's bad
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I do be looking at her like this
Are you the "this is a hasumi general" anon? if so, then yes.
imagine locking hasumi in your basement, starving her and only offering her your semen for sustenance
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imagine having a girl touch herself to a video of you and not marrying her
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No, that's not me. That guy is my favorite poster though because he posts pictures of Hasumi. I'm the guy who complains about fapping to Hasumi too much, which I just got finished doing for the third time today.
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Just roll now. You need her NOW. You'll get her. Just buy pakeji for bluefes.
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thats a man
bros, is it just me, or did the performance become amazing this update? I've never seen the game like this, it's so much more fluid, the menus are so much faster, especially clicking through relationship levels in the cafe
did they do some optimization?
Rise >>> World honestly. And that's coming from a guy whose favourite prior was MH4U. The zealotry around World I've always found puzzling. I found it quite boring quite honestly.
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when you're new you don't know who to love yet :^(

haven't rolled once aside from the 40 from the beginning and the 10 from the campers. unlucky indeed.

anyone in particular to focus on from this roster?
>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! Fubuki and Kirino said they're on their way to the Princess' karaoke bash! Let's see here..4..2..3. oh man I gotta get cooking! Pass me the ribs and marinate Sensei!
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Shiroko wears white panties. Get this fucking poser out of my sight!
>The baseball player girl in Mamezou's newest doujin looks exactly like a loli version of Sumire

Sumire Loli alt when
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I dont think I ever used Tsubaki outside of scripted battles
>wak da boat
>(dont wak da boat baby)
>wak da boat
>(dont wak da boat ova)
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No idea if pic related is getting redeemed or getting Beato'd
What do you think /bag/?
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nnnnyooooo I'm already buying pakejis for 3 other gachas
Vanilla World > Rise > Iceborne

Fuck Clutch Claw and fuck every stupid gimmick that Rise has in it, and fuck these "raid" style fights. 4U didn't have any gimmicks, that's why it was so good.
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>is able to charm male senseis with her body
>is able to charm female senseis because she is a dog
Isnt kanna way too powerful?
absolute shit tier fetish all around, I'm surprised she doesn't have armpit hair and her legs in your face with all this shit
alright, I get her tits and stomach being vascular, but what the fuck are these veins on her legs
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>and marinate Sensei!
You can't just not post the sad panda link
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>redeemed or getting Beato'd
She's a student. Of course she's getting corrected & becomes an obedient slut.
Wait /bag/, you guys told me she was the third Hasumi/Rio but her tits are non existent. I hate Kokuriko now.
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You've already tried this b8 a couple of hours ago, troon.
It's in the newest issue of Comic LO.
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Do any of you guys here have a UE50 MMMM 888 Meru that I can borrow in ASIA?
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my lovely studentWife Noa
based noticer
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gold looks better anyways
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its not even a nooticing thing
i dont think its even been a day, the nigger is legit desperate
>She's a student.
Not really.
Nature's Beauty members are youkai, so I am just assuming they'll turn into monsters by the end of that storyline.
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phew, almost replied to call him a idiot
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I wish this was a grand raid where I'd only have to do 3 attempts on the very last day
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Ui's vagina...
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She has the same hair but it it just me or does her vib feel off
ngl bros im cravin her mcnuggies
>stupid gimmick that Rise has in it
The only two bad ones are the bird collectibles and Rampage quests. The rest of Risebreak outstrips World in terms of sheer fun factor.

The "ecological immersion" nonsense that the newfaggot World players harp on and on about is ultimately just set dressing that's never held back the designs of prior mainline entries like it does World.

>and fuck these "raid" style fights. 4U didn't have any gimmicks, that's why it was so good.
That's disingenuous. 4U had its version of weird spectacle "raid" fights as well (as does every MH title). And the "gimmick" of its day was elevation and mounting which only looks mundane in retrospect.
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Hungry lady pretty
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what does /bag/ think of this guy is he worth watching are his guides any good?
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I wont put Karin at 10%. I honestly would give her more and put Neru at 10%. Can't deny tho Asuna hard carried. She's like DMC5 Vergil. She can show up really late but still totally steal the show. Big sad for Toki tho since she is in NPC hell

Poor Akane tho. I can see her appeal being the elegant maid bunny. She needs a separate event.
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>the inevitable 6 months of re-run cancer is coming to global.
nta but Mutsuki, Yuuka, Serina, Hanae, Momoi and Junko would be good starting points for a new player, The other students in the list do have their niches but it might take a while for new players to recognize and appreciate them.
Adults in Kivotos don't have halos
Buy an ad.
I just came
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>John Nexon will use the dead period to bring the global-JP gap closer
trust the plan
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Imagine this shrimp was your dick
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Ui's vagina, her feet, her hair, her butt, her armpits, her smell...
I love everything about my wife.
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Why does a fucking nerd need to be so sexy?
I'm not him, but you're out of your fucking mind if you think World's raid fights are comparable to the previous games. You had to run Safi and Kulve Taroth hundreds of times compared to running Ceadeus or Dalamadur a couple dozen times.
Why are you guys like this?
She's just malnourushed like the brat. She just needs to eat
I ask you, or any other anon here in this very thread, to post the picture of Ui in which she has the most Ui face ever.
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What the fuck my dick isn't that sakusaku
It's going to fall apart
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You can pick one and she'll become playable
His guides are shit. He plays like shit. He's the prime example that some servers need their brackets adjusted tighter for Plat.
Stick either to Rainstorm for general things or Vuhn for raid comps. Also >>484474223.
>want to upgrade GPU
>also have to buy new psu
Fuck that
I'll just buy pakeji
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Pat pat your precious students, slut
Then wish them good night and then wait for the night shift and do it again
Camp Maki is so cute. When is her alt going to release?
Toki, milk me
I dont trust that plan....
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what did you expect from a literal pajeet or is he a seanigger
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When it comes to her expressions, this one comes to mind the most. She has a lot of cute ones though.
Looks like some descendant from a refugee that escaped to Canada.
Yes that is what I was talking about, this is one of the "Ui Faces" she makes. Same as Fuuka has this annoyed/tired face. Ui has this expression I can't quite name...
EVERYONE in Hyakkiyako are supposed to be famous yokai

Each school is their own mythology
Hyakkiyako school is the school of yokai
The name of the school is "night parade of one hundred demons"
With a bit of guess work you should be able to realize just which yokai each student is
Wakamo is Tamamo no mae
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God I really need to rape that whore until his hips are black and blue... Ah Sensei didn't see you there good evening, I wasn't think outloud my thoughts just now was I? Nn.
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Arata just because she will bring her mobs just like ichika

Then I can finally say IDW is now in Blue Archive Da Nyaa
Issue with Toki is she really isn't part of the group at all
shiroko would never.
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Toki, milk Sensei.
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>Every time they release a new loli meme student
just spend the extra dollars
arona is worthless
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The Childhood Friend Youkai
The Jew Youkai
The Gaijin Youkai
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Peak UI.
How mad will you be when it's revealed that Arius Summer was a red herring and we get Milennium Summer instead?
One one hand, mad.
On the other hand, pattern niggers get BTFO, so happy.
In conclusion, extremely confused, cause where do you even put Summer Arius at now?
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>rainstorm insane clears
>bro your kokona?
>bro your sChise?
Nigger. I'm gonna wait for based vuhn clear. I really need selector ticket to get kokona already, this is bullshit.
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Hoshino should fry.
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Hey hold on, I wonder if people who draw girls like ibuki use real children as reference
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Wide Youkai
>breeding fetish
That's the Childhood Friend.
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>arona is worthless
I will beat you to death
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>Issue with Toki is she really isn't part of the group at all

That's the initial premise for her character. Her pouting about "I'm better than you Neru-Senpai" and stuff comes from pic related. Let John Nexon cook.
pakeji pricing is suckass
fuck you Arona
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Aris learned how to masturbate
It would be extremely weird for them to have actually revealed the anniversary event in the PV, since they're never done that ever. Anniversaries are usually always a surprise and generally not that predictable except in a few cases. Mika was really the only obvious Bluefes unit that we've had but the rest have been surprises.
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I don't wanna brag but I've unlocked a new jerkoff technique that makes the climax feel like I'm in the audience of angelic beings which I'm not worthy to witness
also: I forgot how nice it feels to pat Chise's head in her l2d. no wonder sensei really wanted to pat her in vol.5
Yeah, great. I'm sure we'll come along to this in a few years since they're dragging their heels so hard for this game.
>bro your kokona?
Sounds like a perfectly valid question.
Have sex incel.
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Shrimp of the pool, what is your wisdom?
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Gamer maids event takes place after volume F
Technically all of Toki's Momo's take place after Volume F it's revealed in the end
Even now she's not part of the group
She's wishes she was but she isnt, especially with how fucked up Rio left her mentally, only realizing afterwards that she was the villian

So crediting her with saving the game when she didn't even get a bunny alt at the same time as the others is a lie
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>Hyakki are all yokai
>We dont have pic related
I do this
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3.5 gonna be Millennium Pajama
and Yuuka's 2nd alt
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I will in winter.

Behold, the tiramisu dance
Me on the left
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Who the fuck do you think Kuzunoha is?
Thank fucking god.
>fucks up the worst out of all the student presidents
>leaves, escapes justice
>completely abandoned Toki and left her with no idea what to do and all alone
Rio kinda worst girl desu
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I'm gonna need you to explain further
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Yeah but her tits are huge
Ako is worse, but yeah.
I initially disliked Himari because her anomisity with Rio during VF felt like it was stupid and there was no time for it, but in hindsight, Himari was completely justified.
At least she isn't 15 years old!
I've said it multiple times already: Rio needs to go back and go to jail.
Until that very simple problem is resolved, Rio will NEVER be playable, no matter how much faggots argue otherwise.
Wakamo broke my pelvis and the bed
>Ako is worse
Makoto is Gehenna president

Hina is the prison warden
Ako is her secretary
Ako is barely middle manager tier in Gehenna
Isn't Toki is now Himari 2nd lackey after Eimi in the Paranormal club?

Despite being the newest member of C&C, she's hardly with them
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Sensei, provide milk to Toki
Why can i not kill the beacon in time with the team everyone is using? Everyone is maxed and I'm using a giga whale Mika borrow.
Middle managers are the worst
>Wakamo will never ASMR whisper you to sleep while you rest your head on her chest pillows
Why even live?
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yes , i hate you ako
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Rio's really the one school president that kickstarted an apocalypse with her own hands rather than because of an external force
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Will Sensei get stronger if he gets a blood transfusion from Kivotos student?
Oh, you just called her worst girl. I thought the "fucks up the worst out of all the student presidents" was just a qualifier for why she was the worst period.
Amongst the student presidents it's not even a competition.
No that's the point, she's not really a member of C&C
As of yet she hasn't gone on a single mission with them ever
She has trouble being around any of them due to autism
Himari took pity on Toki and invited her to her club, where she could interact with people in a more relaxed manner. Toki has massive autism. Himari understands Toki's issues and has pity on them, so she's slowly teaching Toki to act more human. Although she's teaching her badly. She taught her that if you do the peace peace sign it's useful for tricking stupid people that you mean no harm. Although ultimately Himari probably is the right person to watch over her, Himari acts foolish but she lives up to being a genius and emotionally smart when she isn't trying to act arrogant
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I like Ako
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She will be the anniversary character
You will forgive her
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What should I jerk off to tonight /bag/
>She taught her that if you do the peace peace sign it's useful for tricking stupid people that you mean no harm.
Wait that came from Himari? Is this in momo's I haven't unlocked?
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Can't deny that... I expect Toki to finally go along with her senpais on another event desu. Just waiting for that. Problem too is that Nexon LOVES their status quo shit

TBF she actually did rival most C&C on fanart as well especially during that post Volume F high. I won't blame people who will say it's only pic related but C&C is just that good as a club.
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when Chise smiles it feels like the evils of this world don't exist. that kind of innocent smile without any suppressed worries or stress
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How about you stop announcing when you're going to masturbate. Especially to random strangers in an anonymous online underwater basket weaving forum who don't want to hear about it
Go to jail, nigger.
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Rio blackmailed the student body to get voted president.
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Hasumi's ass always works for me
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Can't forgive if she hasn't done anything wrong. Rio love
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otogi cunny needs more love
Biggest cumdumpster in the game?
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Not momos, Volume F. Himari was banking on Toki gap moe

Kinda disagree with pity. I would say she is doing things to spite Rio desu based off Vol F stuff when She ragged Rio about the trolley problem while making Toki kill Aris. However this is why I expect future character development with Toki. You'll know there will be a chapter where this setup will pay off and you'll see the whole group kicking ass.
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Leave it to fate
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Hoshino (young)
>just slapped a vein texture layer on the whole body and called it a day
>goes even up to her forearms
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Gratz anon! I used Tsubaki with her EX @3 (no mats for EX5) instead, To save cost (thus time) I just let her die to the 2nd flower, like 1 second before Mika finishes phase 1, but since she doesn't do much on phase 2 it's not a big deal.
I had to 3T all my mocks but somehow had 1min left on the 2nd team during the real thing lol. Aiming to 3T almost ended up draining my reports because I leveled a few chars from lv0 + T3 main gear (Utaha Shiroko Pina Hasumi Sumire)... Hope I'll have enough for the anni... And ShiroKuro is likely a lost cause to me, now that I think about it. My only relocator is Kotori and Shizuku is lv1
>they call Americans burgers as well
God damn
Why are my hands brown?
Bunny Neru's what first caught my attention for this game, it's nice to finally have her.
Toki, milk me.
Hmmm nyo, you WILL listen to my masturbation announcements and you WILL be happy.
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Only if you give Toki your baby batter (nakadashi) as well
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Fuck Ako. Disgusting piece of filth.
>no sound
sun tan
> Yakumo
Well fuck you too Seia.
> Shigure
Fine, animal stoat porn it is.
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Whats wrong with Yakumo
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Can this character can still be redeemed in vol 5 part 2?
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what did he mean by this
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that's it. I'm gonna leak naked pictures of Mari on Kivotoschan
She's not Ayame, so no
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>Wow this student looks so cool
Every god damn time.
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You won't do shit, Gehennoid scum
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noone cares nigger
were all in the /sensei/ general
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Nothing to jerk it to.
> But look at all the paizuri art!
Unless you are Marina, or Shigure, all Red Winter porn are haram.
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>not a hime

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If Toki came up to me looking like that, I would instantly pin her down and fill her with my seed all night long
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God imagine the smell of that room...
Remember... do not give seed to commies. Commies are not human and are state property.
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we posting trannylsator cancer?
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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They really put their everything into this opening
Imagine osakabehime character in BA with our current trannylators... hooo boy
I miss Scott.
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You see that pretty much every night. She doesn't even shower before cozying up in your bed. The sheets probably smell like her raw scent
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i see
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Maybe not as cringe as that but it's totes gonna happen for realsies
Post more Ui Face.
Is this official FGO translation?
That's Ui's face when she sees me.
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Imagine Erika and Kirara going full Valley Girl...

Dunno if I will cringe or be impressed
if only you knew how bad thing truly are
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Damn, what an improvement!
Global or jp? Im not noticing any difference in global
I want to make Mari squirt.
That's why people hate the hare drug thing. I've been around the block with Mobage before. When localizers start deciding "it's not accurate but it's funnier if I change the line to a meme" that's always how it starts, it only gets worse from there.
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thighs of v1 with face of v2 is perfection
v3 is shit
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This but unironically, I may rape my student but I have my own standard
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Long legs.
Huffing Toki's raw smell while I pour my semen into her..
Post her swimsuit cringe.
Esspecially "poggers" that aged like milk didn't it.
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>wakamo hovercraft raid
>no bullshit rng using s.chise
thank you s.chise love you, please keep retarded
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Wrong pero
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>Tadai'm home
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Lots of sex with Hare in a tent.
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That's racist
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Forcing my students to wear grass bikini.
God I'm so hard right now.
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sexy seia
If only they could've put some of that effort into the rest of the show.
Even in fanart Chihiro is a nag
we need more makisex
Hime...you can't say that
>Maki and Sensei in the same tent
>Chihiro, Hare in the other two
>third tent has someone coming out of it
Geez, can't a man have some privacy with his son during a camping trip?
We took your annoying, blogposting avatarfag away from you, you're welcome.
Which general are you from again?
>She doesn't even shower before cozying up in your bed.
You unironically have our thanks. Keep him for at least 2 years.
thank you
Kotama... Forgotten... even in sex parody art...
which avatar
how is iroha allowed in pvp
Who’s that?
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Those events are canon to my timeline. The black eye my ex gave me for letting Maki talk me into it is proof.
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Fagfie finally found a new gacha? Is it Brown Dust 2?
>even with him gone, /bag/ still can't help but talk abour fagfie
/bag/ is such a tsundere
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Talk about who deserves the Bluefes slot more than Arius.
good morning seia anon
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>Best Raid

>Worst Raid
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wuwu wawa and zzz actually
azoos deserves another swimsuit alt after the travesty that is her single current one
thread closed.
thread opened
The zoos deserve nutting.
is the zoos similar to the noid
Do not nut the zoos
Nutting inside ᓀ‸ᓂ
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
mari's a cat
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so mari is a fox or a cat? wtf?
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>get to experience every event that happened before I started
i'm winning
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post fat cat students
Mari's a dog
I'll take Aoi.
Can you talk that desert rose faggot with you too?
I will not fall for your smoochbait
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This guy's now writing prequel chapters to show how everything started out
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fat! she is fat
Hod hate
θ ω θ pero
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I think BAdoujins are too oversaturated. too much and kinda boring but hopefully this c104 will have some good creative food. BAdoujins are now FGOera where every artists just draw soulless FGOstuff and ruined nhentai.
btw, Dickneckmix is a refreshing one, and I'm glad that it's successful enough to have a second book
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seia is not _ fat
cat as per her designer's words
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She is NOT
give her ears back
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need more azusa lewd.
I recently watched a video on the importance of being a hater. Always be a hater because when the object of your hatred eventually gets their comeuppance the high you'll feel is gonna be legendary.

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its rather comfy when scatnigger isnt around
i wonder why mods arent getting rid of him
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Why doesn't Mari have ASCII?
Having pocket thread mod requires either a deciated mod or straight up scat/cp spam
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>mentioned HIM out of nowhere
Unironically, though, how do new fags get Summer Zoos now?
they wait for her banner rerun
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I'm betting they'll do some kind of "year 1 limiteds" banner eventually. Maybe post 3.5 Anni or just before/after 4th Anni.
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little d?
We just don't know
but thats just wrong
years ago i used to browse hoyo threads (forgive me) where youd have HIM spam literal aids infected gay porn and it would never get deleted
CP on the other hand is insta tracked since 4chan is now gov owned
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Built to father my children
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shiroko get the fuck out of here
Reisa should pee on sensei's face wouldn't that be funny haha...
I have a shameful confession, /bag/ (even though it's not Sunday).
I can only like vanilla, at worst I like female raping male.
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God I hope they get translated into English, unlike his other Hoshino focused story that's not even half done.
So who’s gonna be the 3.5 girl, sSaori, Hoshino (Activated) or someone else entirely?
I can respect that.
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>AX 2024 in three days

Any /bag/ sensei going there?
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It's going to be your favorite student.
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I want her
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GFCore or WifeCore?
It'll be the student you hate the most.
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Why the fuck would I want to meet someone from /bag/
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A hot natsu day calls for a yarawakai parfait~
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It'll be Junko.
There's a slim chance it might actually be Rabu.
sxe core
>he decensored it
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I'm cool.
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Me and my daughter
That's a nice parfait
she's core for my heart.
There's nothing wrong with the strawberry.
Why is there a pearl on top of the sundae?
> Jobbed to Abydos
> Jobbed to Wak
> Probably jobbed to some other shitter school
Rabu being a bluefes would unironically break /bag/.
It's okay to post this
You're embarrassing yourself with that doshit edit.
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Suzumi alt when
Hurry up and eat the parfait my dick is freezing
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Yeah. He was the reason I finally gave euphoria a listen. Good shit.
I don't feel comfortable meeting somebody at their workplace
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Miyako is sexier than Konoka
>Rabu being a bluefes would unironically break /bag/.
I don't think it would, pretty sure most would be fine with it
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I call bullshit.
What does Ayumu think of Sensei?
don't see why it has to be someone strong or why there would be backlash if it wasn't
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Love Noa
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only from the amount of celebrating
it's an npc jail release
Does Ibuki or Kokona have a cuter clit?
If she was Ichikacore, she would show a bit of her midriff
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Seia still not playable
>she get ton of fan art/meme
Seia become playable
>she will get even more fan art and meme

HOW CAN WE STOP THIS MENACE, she literally cannot lose
She feels like a product of the dev team combining Ichika's role and looks together with Himari's laidback personality and superstitious obsession.
>it's another episode of npc hogging all that attention

Nexon tested modus operandi to gauge certain character to be playable
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oh she lost alright
her virginity to me that is
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How do i protect myself from 4chan?
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send nude
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There is no escape from this man
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> Dangerous Beast
That outfit was the only good thing to come out of FGO.
Or more broadly, the only good thing to come out of Mash.
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>Theme 207 starts playing
arona definitely rig the rates
arona owes me sex
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>Theme 209 starts playing
arona is my light
I owe arona $1.50
purana owes me sex
Thank you Akane
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> America Election starts
> Costco shilling stopped
CostcoArona was an inside job to force /bag/gots to vote all these times.
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Can I do Eimi/Marina instead of Eimi/Tsukuyo for ins/tor?
look at that half-tucked-in aloha shirt
it's gonna show when she stretches
Post Plapna
You're probably still going to need a healer for Marina for both insane and torment.
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If you want to argue against it, you're going to have to show us some proof
I started playing this game last weekend so I have a ton of catching up to do
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At least we get Reijo, so I’m fine with that.
Chihiro and Maki's dialogue in the JP version of the Cyber Camp is way different than what I'm seeing in the global version. I'm not even sure where to begin on this one since i've already seen 3 bad maki and 5 bad Chihiro lines in JUST the prologue. She has some serious rewrite tier lines. No wonder you guys think she's a boring nag... Chihiro...
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Arona is sexier tbqhfmlm
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Better save up cause this will be your last chance to get S.Chise and S.Izuna.

Anon, I...
would you give up your life to sex arona?
>last chance to get S.Chise and S.Izuna
The thought of possibly having to spark chise because she's CC core now is infuriating because bag made me skip her when I was close to pity.
God I fear how much I'll have to whale now.
Are those 2 VERY important or are you just blowing it out of proportion? I'm not even close to worrying about metafagging right now, I'm just enjoying the game and having fun getting told to sit close by kikyou every time I get to the main screen
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Imagine being a newfag and rolling for meta
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more pyros more waifu simple as
A personal comic about my experiences with a student.
If you don't have every single plat in the game then you're a platlet. Therefore newfags are already platlets.
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Imagine still expecting that we get newfags this late in the game
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>roll 24k pyros to get a meta student
>to get 200 pyros more to roll a student you actually want
Why not just roll what you want directly?
Extremely important? Not really they are just nice to have, it's just that they are both limited and the event will be immortalized, so who the fuck know when will they be rollable again.
S. Izuna: Crit Shred, quick EX, and Focus Fire for Goz.
S. Chise: Now core for raids that require CCs, of which there are like 2 of them (Blue Hod and Hovercraft). Just see how many /bag/got lament about having to use Kayoko.
Where is Reijo? Is she safe? Is she alright?
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Newfags aren't real. They can't hurt me.
Hopefully they announce something regarding these limiteds during the 3.5 anniv stream, if not earlier
I want to learn to do bayesian analysis, would /bag/gots be interested in helping me out?

It's a few weeks until bluefes which gives me enough time to mess around with JAGs and get something set up to estimate blue archive rates. All I'd need is anons to give me data on their rolls, and I'd set up a google form or something to do it.
It'd be something simple like number of rolls, number of 3*s (non-rate up) and number of 3*s (rate up).
In return I'd provide a bunch of dumb graphs to prove whether or not rate up is a lie.

Bluefes seems like a good time to do it since people will be rolling probably.
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Arona is a fucking satan, an anti-christ to be exact
I feel like if rate-up really was a lie then the gooks would've found out by now.
Just keep an eye on any 'damage report' posts around Bluefes and you should be able to scrape a bunch of data.
Even grubshit gets new players, and you think a bonsaige like this cannot? Really?
Considering what they did with maplestory, I'm sure someone would have figured it out by now, yes. I just wanted to pretend I would do something nice in return when in reality I'm just begging for anons to give me data for free.
Izuna was also used as pseudo tank somewhat frequently. Though not as much as of late as I noticed. I used izuna for tanking Hiero and goz for sure.
This thread is glowing
Might be difficult to get people just outright lining up to give you data so that's why I said just check damage report posts.
Just make your own 'damage report?' posts when Bluefes is running as your sneaky data scraping post.
>grubshit gets new players
bullshit, more likely than not those are seasonal players looking for a quick dopamine fix during legfes
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That is true
t. grub seasonal player
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This is true
t. grub seasonal player
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
string SEXO
Fuck off, plane. You're not replacing Arona, ever.
What if we fused the 2?
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Imagine Shuro "expecting" after being corrected without a condom
If it exists, god will create new people to try it.
I'm not saying that people will stay for long, but to say that newfags can't exist is a bit too far.
Arona can't give you pink anymore because Plana is leeching off her
Plana would give me pinks.
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It just hit me how fucking sexy Tsurugi's swimsuit is
Like goddamn
Is Shuro still a virgin?
Her swimsuit sprite and L2D aren't as spergy as the base version.
But one has to wonder how successful her 2nd alt will be.
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I've been eating a lot of instant noods lately. Like one or two packs a day. Hope it doesn't cause stones.
Fuuka save me
Princess 'roogi will be the most popular 2nd alt ever. Everyone will realise that she's the sweetest cinammon roll and spark her.
Yeah, newfags for the Natural Beauty club, lmao.
No wonder your club room smells like stale bread and toilet paper.
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Really wish they'd focus more on her cute face when she's with Sensei than her scary face for her sprite
Where's the content?
I am content
She is 15 years old.
You're probably on the high end of the sodium intake. Not to mention the carbs from the noodles themselves. I'd say that you should cook for yourself, even the basic stuff would be healthier & more nutritious than the instant garbage you're eating right now, but whether or not you'll actually do that is entirely up to you.
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How can I be enlightened like you?
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Finna go full skibidi on yo gyatt with fanum tax
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Student for this feel?
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What hurts chances of newcomers to BA is how unaccommodating it is to them (outside of buying pakeji, that is).
No significant catch-up boosts or anything like that to somewhat close the gap, or give the feeling of closing the gap.
Someone starting out playing BA now more or less will progress at the same rate as someone who started out playing BA 3 years ago. Again, because newcomers aren't given notable catch-up / welcome bonuses like in other games when a they get past a certain age.
So there's a high chance of them wondering what's the point of playing if they will always be behind to an absurd degree
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Me, I did it
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I think I average out to 1000mg per day if the stats on the back are accurate.
>cook for yourself
Uhhhhh does adding vegetables to it count? Sometimes I do add meat to it as well.
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As always the angles on this map just feel unfair for Junko. Constant doublekills are a thing of the past...
> The swimsuit you want
What did she even mean by this? I want to wear her swimsuit?
That's like every other gacha game... you just can't make a brand-new player catch up with someone who has played for more than 2 years.

Then again you play BA for the story & character, other stuff is just extra
Pretty sure most semi modern gachas gave up on catch up bonuses. Hoyo being a bastion of
>no fuck you lmao, pay up
Doesn't help either.
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bro played his first gacha
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Why are you so bloodthirsty?
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Which student is she talking about?
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Who, what or why do you need to catch-up for this game?
I hate your webms because I cry when I see marina rape enemy Ioris while I have to do tsubaki/atsuko cope team.
Do newfag really think they can catch up with someone who played longer than them? That's just naive, especially for gacha games.
WTF? I thought that mangwa ended already?
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I've been taken to time limit by some fat Tsubakis this season.
Is that ligma company
What tf are you even?
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It's just the way of life for a Gehenna Sensei.
I don't envy anyone without a Marina this season... I'd really like to use my other red tanks more often but Marina is the only one who actually stands a chance against Nagisa and SShiroko still hits way too hard against my red bag tanks.
Bags need a buff.
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nigga u wot?
You easily get more than 3 sparks worth of roll from missions and story quests.
New characters are way stronger than base game characters, it's way easier to go through missions than it was on release and therefore it's easier to catch up.
Only real hurdle is catching up to max level and wanting to roll specific limited students, but that's just gacha for you.
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Two predators are hunting me...
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How many Apple products do you own?
Your little sister
total newfag death
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*kiss* *lick**lick* *suck**suuuuuuuck*lick* *lick**suck**suck* *smack* *lick* *liiiiiick* *suck**suck**ssuuuuuuuuuuuck* *gag* *gag* *smack* puuuwaah *suck**suck* *massage balls* *suck**suck**deep suck* *gag**hug**deepsuck* *gag**gag* *fingers prostate* MMMM *suck* *slurp* *sluuuuuuuuurp* *suck**suck**sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp* *chew**chew**chew* *gargle* *gulp**gulp* AAAAAAAAH *lick*lick**kiss**suck* *kiss* *lick*
I keep packs of apple sauce as snacks.
The game incentives it because of raids and pvp which are meant to make you care about keeping up since performance is compared against other players. And the better you perform the higher the rewards. Also it's basically the only interesting thing to really care about BA as a game.
You may as well ask why the devs decided putting these competitive elements was a good idea if the optimal move is to just not give a shit about any of this, if that's the answer then BA fails as a game, period
/bag/ and /lcg/ are allies
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t. started at kourin taisai rerun
2x exp weekends help
event reruns help a lot for the elephs/welfare chars but of course veterans are going to complain
of course I don't expect to have as good performance as day 1 players but most new characters powercreep the old ones (both bad and good, since I can roll but it also means farmables are now weak)
anyway have a picture of the first student I just got to UE30
My work phone is an iphone and it sucks.

looks shit
Why are you eating sauces as snacks
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tsurugi is eternal best girl
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I have a MacMini. I usually use it for work and making meme.
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I have two chicken breasts from Applebees in the fridge right now
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5/5 today coinflipsisters
My job gave me an iphone but I have only used it to take photos and buy pakeji.
Pubes too wispy
i would sex this nun
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White boys fuck dogs
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When will we get a student who punches their gun at the enemy.
And then the gun explodes.
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nah id rather not invite the limbab schizos here
they put even scatnigger to shame
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My last apple product was an ipod shuffle like 15 years ago
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>max out my 3* Meru
>find out she's not even used for top insane teams
I have an Apple syrup, Apple juice, Apple cider, Apple chips, Apple jam, Apple jelly, Apple candies, and Applejack.
Haruka tanked that
2 macbooks, 2 iphones, 1 ipad, airpods pro
half of them are given by my employer though
"Hmmm, time to see if there's a friendly guide for Wakamo Insane. Oh, team 1 Mika, I'll just borrow her, that's okay. O-oh, team 2 Mika..."

Latelet bros, how will we ever recover?...
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0 ive never owned an apple product in my entire life and never will
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You maxed her out for love.
Get lucky in bluefes
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>Rei runs in and starts clubbing enemies with her bat (gun)
you don't need mika in team 2 look at the guide again
You can easily bodythrow for p2. Especially for insane.
Last time had no luck. Granted I did get like 7 Wakamos and 5 S.Hanakos in 400 pulls, in addition to a lot of other units I didn't have. I'm hoping I get Mika while rolling for S.Hoshino and D.Hina though.
He really can't draw thin women for shit
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It's pretty good if you are craving something sweet. Plus you can mix it into oatmeal instead of sugar.
I don't wanna fearmald Kayoko every day either though... Was using RS Rainstorm's guide since it's easy to just watch and mimic, is that not advised?
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the wait for dress hina and the uncle is long and painful
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HELP ME /bag/
>halfass extreme is deep plat in EU
I'm not gonna bother with insane if this is it
What happened to the chinks?
ii handan da, sensei
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Listen to some calming music
he clearly didn't though
Grab a monoblock and sit outside
It's still Tuesday retard. Wait until chinks do torment.
Wait till reset. Raids in EU like to spike an hour before reset for some reason.
rape Ichika
rape Konoka
>He judges scores on the first day of the raid
Come back to me on Monday
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Zero, because I hate Jeff Bezos
Just masturbate and moan loudly. It's not like anyone can hear you with the thunderstorm outside.
Why are chinkoids allowed in the white man's server again?
i want to make this grandma a great grandma
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Jeff Bezos owns Microsoft retard
Konoka doesn't wear a choker. That means she isn't a slut
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Is this how people practice first aid?
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Elon literally bought Microsoft
Why is her whistle anti-gravity
The raid guides in the op should have some other comps that don't use Kayoko.
>someone's guide
Don't know who that is. If it works, it works I guess.
My first aids
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Michael Jackson owns it dumb Momoi
>instant erection
I think they made Kirino too erotic.
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Kirino has been getting a lot of art lately
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Thanks to the hard cap on levels it'll take like 6-9 months for a new player to start platting. Yeah, you won't be able to do Torment or whatever but at that point you're just missing on a few purple coins. Also your rate of getting/maxxing students is higher than the rate they are being released at so you'll catch up eventually. Day 1 player will have maxxed Kirino cause they have nothing better to spend their shit on but that's about it.,
It wasn't working, lmao, but yeah these guides seem way better. I forgot about these since I hadn't used them in so long, hadn't had any issues with last few raids.
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Her goofy face always makes me smile
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Mika should die
what are they cooking
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It's time for your meds, sensei
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>Game think the best server for me is Europe
>I'm from Asia
Use a VPN for account creation, after that you won't need it anymore.
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I cum in ogogee
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>checkmark with a westerner username
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faggot lesia nigger
no but really thunderstorms are comfy
Skin contact is incredibly good
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It's over 21C/70F in the middle of the fucking night and I can't sleep because of it.

I'm starting to understand Hoshino
I made this post
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>third pic
given the melting outlet she would not melt like that
this is fake news
also yeh shits fucking hot
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That's Ako from the game Blue Archive
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aint no way
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You are like little kid
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Go to bed Himari.
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oh hey i used that mod for my minecraft server
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Love Ako
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>tfw 17C and I'm already in a pissed off mood
I miss winter...
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like nigger just have your own goals, if the best you can do is take orders then dont expect anything more than being used and disgarded you autistic fuck
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>rank 11
>get walled by iori niggers
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>least secundary Asunafag
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Noa would never
Nonomi would never
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>He thinks that Nonomi is safer than Hanako
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nah id win
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Oh so you're ready for torment?
I am not emotionally attached to magnesium as I am to Mutsuki.
Rio bros how are we holding
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>implying they can beat cock
I want to hug Ako...
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Heh emocosine has a sense of humor
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Noa alone is enough to suck me completely dry, I don't think I can handle these 4 together
Kiri-no bra

Holding what? Her massive fucking tits? With my hands of course
We don't call it rape in Kivotos.
It's called snuggle with a struggle.
+1 to bump limit
Zero contribution
release the Seia!
Students are now coming up with euphemisms for all the ways they violate my rights...
+1 to bump limit
ᓀ‸ᓂ contribution
So what now?
Cumming = Consent ᓀ‸ᓂ
>are you doing torment
>would you lose
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
I want to hug Tsurugi
erection = consent ᓀ‸ᓂ
It's an actual term and it's regal in Kivotos.
If you think that rape is acceptable in Kivotos, then you're mistaken.
Sensei is an important member of Schale, and he has helped his students where they've gained enough respect for him so as not to warrant this treatment.
We would never rape him; this is all slander.
>and it's regal in Kivotos
My rapist goes to Shanhaijing?!
Okay and why can I hear crying coming from the room behind you?
And a chink chonk ding cock to yu too, sensei.
>Uhhhhh does adding vegetables to it count? Sometimes I do add meat to it as well.
Don't make me slap you. Read https://archive.org/details/cookingfordummie00mill_0 & start taking better care of your health. It's what Fuuka would've wanted.
nah, I'd win
total thread EOS~

⪩ ⪨
qθ ω θp
Koharu failed her exams... No, Azusa and Hifumi are watching a new episode of Peroro friends.
Good to use for Hiero (I assume that's your isue)

less good
Kotama (not Katama)

you only have to destroy Hiero. Mutsuki deals a lot of damage, especially if you can pull her forward using Serina so her mines land on Hiero
I'll try today later
Most likely yes, neru is U30, and theres potential of first team jobbing with U40 Mika.
post faster
ike ike, zako
>wakamo hovercraft raid again
>have to deal with phase 1 RNG again
can I opt out of this piece of shit raid? fuck phase 1 with the rage of a thousand white suns
ᓀ ‸ ᓂ
I'd rather this raid than Goz to be honest
> Blue Archive
> I don't know what to buy for the steam sale.
i cum on zoos
she ᓀ‸ᓂ at penis
There is exactly zero RNG with Fubuki.
Should've rolled sChise

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