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Visual Novel General #6505

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>484362668
Love my sister's
No more jopping
What headphones are good for VN's? Mine are starting to die once again and I'd like something with greater longevity.
Sony XMs. I'm still rocking my 3s, they're fucking tanks if you treat them right.
I have sony 1000xm4, people complain about sound quality on those but they're so comfy you can wear them all day every day with no fatigue and that's what counts to me
Speedreading sure is a disease.

I'm buying superlux hd669 again
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
Its third time you complain about this
jop energy from this post
>Alexa built in
This shit weirds me out. Can I uninstall it?
I didn't even know it had that feature until you mentioned it, it probably doesn't even work unless you install official sony app or something I never used it even once
erabe, /vn/
I didn't like how preachy and over the top full of NTR it was.
>replying to a three hour old post at the start of the new thread with obvious bait
if you want to talk about muramasa you can just say so
i can tolerate preachy if the message isn't retarded like it was in muramasa
Holy sameface
Seems so. Thanks.
One good sameface is better than a bunch of horrible differentfaces (anything by Sei Shoujo, fat morgan, that one Shibuya 3DPD VN, etc).
Different tits, however.
Which is what really matters.
looks like pretty genericface
I've been using my pair of cheap chink IEMs for around a year now and they're still perfectly fine.
The Hojo after story arc is weird.
It feels like the authors went
>let's give some screentime to girls who were woefully underserved in the main story
but it was included in the same package as the original VN, so they could've just changed the original to give them more screentime instead of putting it in an after story
this is a good cg
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Erabe, /vn/
Any moege with an ex-girlfriend heroine?
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the white women
Can we stop regurgitating the same meme about it being a "killing bad" VN? It's annoying because it's not like you guys want to talk about this again nor is there any need to if it's the same 3 guys.
If youre baiting for the sake of bait at least don't use legit discussion points, since it becomes impossible to talk here about anything due to this shit
This is a dumb complaint.
Ruining the main story with forced inclusions isn't a solution - making an extra story for people who wanted to see more of these girls is
The loli/flat one
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pissing good
I didn't say it was a complaint.
Also calling it an after story is kind of incorrect - it's the direct sequel arc and it's 30% of the VN by chapter count.
>Ruining the main story with forced inclusions isn't a solution
Anon do you know what VN we're talking about?
This is the VN where they had to give every single heroine a cool line before the start of the final battle, and a cool moment during a fight during the last battle. All 40+ heroines. Koyasha gets two and they're both great though.
i'm not interested in reading your headcanon explanation again either so shut it
It is one by nature, you even suggest a solution.
>after story
Point still stands. Better to give them time to shine elsewhere rather than muddle it up between them all.
>cool lines
Cool. Not exactly relevant though
killing is badong
murder is rad
vinnies where the message is "killing is good"?
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VNs where the message is that absolutism is mostly retarded
fuck off faggot
Riddle Joker
Fate Redman route
>40+ heroines
At this point, shouldn't we just call them characters?
>navel gazing the same topic
You didn't read the NVL segments, did you? You might want to actually check what the words you use mean, omphaloskepsis isn't what the mc engaged in at all.
>nihilist ramblings
Troubled teenagers contemplating things isn't nihilism, but again, you didn't read the NVL or didn't understand what you're reading. iirc you said you finished the VN in 9 hours? lol
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jop moment
that anon is probably in bed. stop calling
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What's it to you? Anon doesn't need a lawyer and can answer when he wakes up.
If you're embarrassed about shit takes born from speedreading you should just say so.
What other oppaige are there than the Academy and Funbag Fantasy ones?
>However, phrases such as "contemplating one's navel" or "navel-gazing" are frequently used, usually in jocular fashion, to refer to self-absorbed pursuits.
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My reaction to this exchange
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a lil late. If they're so worried they should talk to her themselves anyway, what a fucking piece of shit duo.
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is there something worse than the bitch who stole your love interest trying to play matchmaker for you
jesus. She just can't stop plaguing this story.
Singlehandedly saving the thread
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Navel gazing
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keep the trip on when you are arguing too
Yeah, but omphaloskepsis is navel gazing. It's the same thing.
Point was engaging in fancier-than-thou to make fun of the anon pretending to be smart via fancier writing. For a general dedicated to reading, it sure isn't very good at it.
lurk more
skepsising this omphalos rn
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so the jop was mad because someone used a word he didn't know? naruhodo
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j*ps, deban da
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I solved it

pachi pachi, not useless for once
Sumi's future big breasts...
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Chuuni wife.
I predict disaster if she ever gets her hands on a kitchen knife.
what a nightmare
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Girls that protect (You) are the best
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I'll probably end up rewatching shaft's ef, at least for these two. Curious how much they improved ch.1 and how they handled the camera shots since I cant recall much anymore.
Kinda wanna see how the wonderful art direction translated into the show
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fuck I missed my chance to JOPsplain it
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I wish the MCs were fully voiced ,such a retarded decision to only do it when they're not the POV character. They spent so much money on this they should have just committed there too
it was only me
amidst the unchanging years
who has slipped away
>no post in 37 minutes
is this a new record?
We love our sisters'
since when are blogposts not posts?
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I've been busy recovering my sd card
Welcome to the dying medium
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Thoughts on adult women with mature bodies?
That's why I sync my important data on multiple devices
there wasn't any important data on it, just years worth of shitposting images
I almost thought I was free of this general but I recovered almost everything, damn recovery tools are amazing these days
They make my pp hard
meant the time between >>484489124 and >>484491534
>just years worth of shitposting images
That's the most important data I have
fair. EU mornings used to be slow in general, when this place was less spammy. Unlikely to be a record
I recall time where sometimes there were no posts for an hour or more so it's certainly not a record

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