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>Giten Megami Tensei's new partial translation patch for PC-98

>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

Post your own funny images featuring your favorite demons, maybe one will end up in the next OP

Previous thread:>>484337735
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I like Alice

niggas don't even understand what Kozuka did on this masterpiece and its SAD!
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I love the scratching noises it's fun when my music tries to harm me physically
I posted this before but it's too underrated so I'll post it again
>took away the links
ruined. make a new one
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Alice likes me
I need him to go unhinged and add more textures to SMTVI soundtrack so it can sound demonic and ritualistic like this. This was the kinda shit I expected for Lucifer's theme
So lucifer's SMT IV theme?
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why is sensei the nahobino?
Damn, you're right. He's ahead of the curve
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Because children love him
based I want Kota Hoshino levels of off putting
sex bird
>wearing blue coral number 5
/smtg/ can't even post good demons they made themselves without following reddit/youtube inflooooencer guides
>removed Alice's funny picture
stupid bitch.
SMT x Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji
>in the japanese version tehom's race is the same as mem aleph's second form's race, but the reference wasn't caught in localisation so it was translated to something else
Many such cases in modern megaten
Yeah but that's because I don't make good demons I just slap whatever works together while Nihil Benis spams Wrath Tempest and/or Severing Bite
same image every thread is boring, I want people to post their broken builds and strategies they had one shotting bosses or things like that
if you disagree make the next thread yourself
Vesk's tiny booty
the broken stuff is just omagatoki strategize / arahabaki swap abuse
honestly, it's boring
Does Tao watch Beano and Yoko have sex?
Apparently, Translators change Lucifer's character
In the EN patch of SMT II he apparently says "thank you for destroying order. Now humans are free" while in the original he more or less says "thx for destroying order lmao. k thx bye faggot"
where did you get that impression
How come there is no Shin Majin Tensei?
There's Shin Megami Tensei so what's stoping Shin Majin Tensei?
It would be too kino for nu-Atlus
majiten was never the most popular IP so they don't really see the need for those shinanigans
It was removed a few thread ago, check the last thread, it's not a NSFW pic anymore.
who the fuck said anything about a NSFW picture. meds.
i just beat the tentacle head that possesed that redhead and that fight sucked. not even hard, just boring. and why did they give tao an aoe attack when the optimal strat is to focus fire one tentacle at a time?
It's literally what the og pic was.
AG are Chaosfags. They literally changed the context of the alignment conflict in 1 to make Law look more evil and Chaos look less retarded than it already was in that game. This is old news.

It's already abundantly clear Chaos was whitewashed by AG's translation and if you even remotely pay attention to the game you can tell. For example, in 1 they act like Law orchestrated the interference to take over the government but after the cataclysm, the Americans disappeared from the plot entirely. Then in 2 Lucifer's last speech directly contradicted his in-game action where he sapped magnetic from innocent people to power up the the Kuzuryu and shot it at innocent humans. Only retarded Chaosfags would literally play the game without reading story text and conclude Lucifer was ever "less evil" than the Law side.
seek help
The original link was SFM porn of Atlus with a nigger ass giving Oni an assjob
Sahori seedbed
Alice* sorry
Don't stick your penis in demons, humans are here for that.
I want to FUCK Mirai
Can you just make some side by side comparisons instead of rants how you feel like those naughty translators they tricked us all.

Cause I doubt any context will make 2's law end not genocide on a planetary scale.
she's 13
You're a dumb nigger, you can literally check what the og pic was through the archives but chose not to.
It's not because you took every human being that is willing to admit they're wrong and want to give up their knowledge of good and evil to return to a state of innocence. So only people who already got their energy sapped from Lucifer to power the Kurzuryu + retarded mutants who don't understand Lucifer was only using them as a front to promote his rise to power + people unwilling to repent for their corruption like the Messian dogmatists who think God can do no wrong or Arcadian citizens are punished.

Law is also treated as the canon ending of 2 so good fucking luck, hater.
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I want to fuck Mirai
not the boss of me, I WILL a lilim and you can't stop me
it's 6 in the morning, why are you niggas so horny
You are one sick individual
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it's 6:30am and I'm about to go to sleep
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It is kind of funny that the real world arguments about whether law chaos or neutral is objectively correct are just as venomous, blinded and high horsey as the alignment reps in universe.
so many devil summoner tracks in the metaphor anniversary soundtracks we're getting a debisama remaster trust the plan
Tbf it's only arguing in the context of the game's setting which are huge exaggerations of the current real-world issues. Extreme situations call for extreme solutions.
I feel like neutral is the way. A world for humans, free from the manipulation of angels and demons alike is most ideal
Who is the stronger Fiend?
Mother Harlot or Trumpeter?
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Why'd they drop a parasite into his mouth bros
Okay so you don't have comparisons showing story changes in the translation. But we did genocide for a reason is still a genocide.
it was just a prank bro
The games stay relevant due to their ability to generate discussions, so it's a good thing I think.

You can google it yourself, the information is out there. I don't need to spoonfeed you retards on something this fanbase has known for a long time.
I sm not sure if I am reading this correct.
That githib states that Zeus' innate gives elec skills a 1% accuracy boost and 5% crit rate boost for each able ally.
Does this mean that if you have a full stock that Zeus basically has a 100% crit rate keraunos?
I want the permanent unless removed buffs back...
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Tr*mpeter is based, Mother Harlot is just a ho
>Beat every mainline game aside from 2
The shrine shit at the start was a huge filter for me. And having to climb the tower with the siren just to come back later was what did it. Does it get better
I'm just saying, that video of Alice giving Oni a buttjob was fucking hot and should have been kept in the OP.
Googled out and found out that AG is the most accurate one
I'm not the one who originally posted that pic, I'm just saying that it got swapped a while ago.

See above, what did you think the funny part meant you dumb nigger?
I have no idea. It's extremely poorly written
>Friend told me devs compared Law/the Center in 2 to Nazis
>He purposefully omit that they also compared it to the Edo period which is considered one of the most prosperous periods in Japanese history

When are you fags gonna learn that the devs never reveal in marketing what is evil or what is canon? Marketing-wise this series is still propping itself up as an alignment and choice based RPG. They will only force their Neutral boner in the gameplay design.
i swear to god im talking to either actual children or the stupid fucking seamonkey. there's no way you're fucking real. READ FUCKING WELL, I'LL TYPE IT ONLY ONCE. CLICK THE FUCKING PICTURE IN THE PREVIOUS THREAD, ITS NOT PORN, ITS BEEN LIKE THAT FOR A COUPLE OF THREADS. THAT NEW PICTURE, IS THE ONE IM TALKING ABOUT, NOT YOUR STUPID PORNO. your brain is literally melting from all the porn you're constantly jerking off that you're incapable of processing the most basic of thoughts. stop quoting me.
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You guys are both fucking sick disgusting creatures
why are you having a meltdown over something this dumb
Yes, that's literally what I said?
But you never mentioned that anywhere, you just cried about how the funny pic got removed but didn't say which one.
I only mentioned the porn pic FYI but apparently I necessarily must be a coomer because I only wanted to establish the truth.
Looks like you're the one seeing coomer everywhere, must be nice to live in your head rent free.
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You know what? I'm gonna include that Alice buttjob video in the next OP and you won't be able to stop me from doing so.
When is Helel coming to mainline? It's always demon form Lucifer
I think the last time he appeared was in SMT II or was it SMT I?
Demi-fiend is just some kid, prove me wrong
Demi Fiend is in college IIRC
We need a truly Eastern SMT game where Yama represents Law and Asura represents Chaos.

Isn't he in high school?
You didn't play the game
The Girl in the Denim Skirt
Is a whore
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He's lucky.
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let's start from the beginning.
>im fully aware that the alice picture has been changed
>i never cared about the stupid porno, in fact, i found the screenshot to be quite silly.
>anon proceeds to delete it
>i jokingly said "haha, why wouldst thou do that, sire?"
>implying i enjoyed the funny-not-porno-alice-screenshot
i believe i never stated in any of my posts that i wanted the porno picture. i thought most people here knew the picture was a screenshot of alice and was over the age of 18 to understand my silly little gesture but it appears i was wrong and i met the consequences of my actions. KILL YOURSELF YOU STUPID NIGGER.
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If you know that you're the one who was wrong, why are you telling me to kill myself?
That's very rude you know.
Did Demi Fiend fuck her?
It's okay Vesk. You'll get to post your commissioned nigger porn for the next cycle.
You are literally assuming something i never mentioned, your ape brain is making connections i never stated ANYWHERE. FUCKING MAKE THAT APE BRAIN WORK MONKEY.
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Would you have sexy with 3 meters tall muscular elephant guy, /smtg/?
I have before, its real splitting hairs stuff from fags like eirikr. Hebrew forces instead of Hebrew pantheon isn't gonna change anyone's mind. But he could've re-wrote the whole thing for all it matters, we see what happened. You blow up earth and no amount of actually all the unclean deserve it is gonna save you. Just as nothing changes how Lucy killed all those people. You live hoping one day context is given that justifies all of it. But most players will still see what you do as wrong.
Only if he chooses her reason. She won't settle for losers.
Would she fuck Beano?
You seems overly upset over a simple misunderstanding on an anonymous basket weaving image board, why is that?
My dream megaten game is one where the actual setting of the game is a world that is described in the chaos endings of SMT 1/2/V (vanilla) where its a more equal stage for the gods from the start instead of an abrahamic god dominated world (or a world still dominated by his previous presence like SJ or V). They could do so much cool shit with new interesting alignment figureheads.
its 4 am and i cant get my work finished
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Nobody likes chaosfags cuz they are annoying and they still have a victim complex over being forced to go to mass and Sunday School.
Shouldn't you get back to work instead of arguing over minor things here?
It's really retarded if they're actually making a metaphor about how religiosity is declining in modern times. It's time to move on.
phoneposter exposed
Is this the only nsfw image of blue tao in existence
I think yokos first tier is hotter than taos first tier but then yokos second tier shits the bed and looks shit while taos second tier is still pretty hot
No. Beano doesn't have a peno, just some weird blue light
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that's crazy, why would i do that when i can just shit on children who use this thread.

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It's not hair-splitting stuff because context matters to why a player would pick a certain solution over others lol. That is a gross simplification of AG's biased translation.

They literally got tricked by Lucifer and still pretend they're the smartasses in the end. It's honestly laughable.
Why is Raidou so pure sex???
It's basicallycapital punishment instead of a genocide if anything, since genocide would imply it's targeting a specific group based on race/ethnicity/citizenship.
Does Phys Pleroma goes well with murakumo?
>A literal wage slave
How does everyone here know so much about religion and myths?
Is Murakumo a phys skill?
No because Almighty Pleroma exist
You have to be mentally ill to enjoy SMT.
By playing lots of SMT
No. Murakumo is a STR-based Almighty attack
>because context matters
You aren't going to find a context that will get most people cheering for blowing up the earth and everyone left on it. Oh they're sinful and didn't repent, ignore anyone who was nice to you we gotta start vaporising. You aren't eve bring up a mistranslated line but hoping there's one which would save your crusade.

Well citizenship would apply here as you're splitting the population into chosen and unchosen. With the latter featuring certain groups I guess we could call races like the muties. Systematically killing a section of the population on a mass scale, that's genocide.
I see. Then is this finally a good build?
Bro your crit charge?
why are you guys allergic to skill potentials
Because MegaTen attracts mythology and religion autists.
Plus most of the stories require minimal knowledge of certain things because their use of mythology goes beyond just having mythological monsters around as jrpg monsters.
For example, Nocturne talks about japanese buddhism and it's centeted around the cycles of death and rebirth.
it needs murderous glee or critical aura. enduring soul and great mana spring are useless.
Why do they have giraffe faces
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>enduring soul
This image was made by someone that never played the game
Law is literally the ending Atlus treats as canon for 2. The Chaos ending shows MC and Hiroko begrudgingly go along with Lucifer as if they are already regretting their decision somewhat. And Neutral is the canon ending of 1 that led to the dystopia society in 2 so repeating it in 1 won't help humanity any better.

I don't understand why you fags just can't let people have nice things when 90% of SMT games don't treat Law very favourably. You already won so many times, let people have their own small victories lmao
if you get killed then you're gonna end up being killed again, you're supposed to avoid that from happening to begin with.
It's an oversimplified meme based on an existing template you doofus
>let people have nice things
The nice things in question being genocide of 90% of the already diminished remaining population
Crit zealot is only worth it with a set up that guarantees crit. So either buff with crit aura, or use a move that always hits critical with the buffs to fix its accuracy. A strength based skill and a magic skill shouldn't be run together, put all your points into one.
Ah yes, let me just avoid chaotic will
the stories are meant to be retallings of old mythology in current times, it's the "reincarnation of the goddess"
just dodge it bro
Demifiend is best most cute CHARNAME
Do you think he gagged and choked on it as it was going down his throat
probably the VV tweet with the most retweets, it somehow became a bigger meme than featuring dante from devil may cry series
People would rather do the tired gay ass song and dance about Chaos vs Law because le epic side picking like Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle.

It doesn't help that Atlus keeps soft rebooting SMT (not MegaTen) and dumbs down the shitty conflict everytime while sucking Lucifer's cock in their most famous side series (Persona 3/4/5), which just makes Chaosfags louder and smugger despite this series being all about context and choice instead of PICK A SIDE! THE SIDE OF DADDY LUCIFER BRINGER OF FREE SPEECH AND FREEDOM! YAY!
This is literally only an issue because of ultra long doimon signature moves, it looks fine if a move is just a quick blow or couple of blows and it misses
It's a fictional world in a video game you fucking schizo. Take a fucking walk.
my level 21 siren somehow got 35 mag and +4 in ice...
That one Naamah video popped off too. When are the other two whore getting their chance?

>a bigger meme than featuring dante from devil may cry series
calm down
I hope they find a nice balance in the next game where the animations are cool and flashy but don't take a million years. 99.9% of my playtime in both games were spent with animation skip on.
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I feel like your hair trigger temper over poking fun at your statement paints a different picture on who the schizo between us is bro
Atlus just figured out that people want to use video games as an excuse to practice their deep hidden desire to devil worship

Oh so now you're pretending to be calm when trying to derail the original conversation between people discussing the in-game context into "you evil genocide/no-freewill supporter would you do the same irl"

You were the one who got triggered by people calling Lucifer a retarded manbaby in 2 and saying that Americans did imperialism better than other imperialist countries. Imagine butting into a conversation that you're not even included in because someone insult your daddy Lucifer, true schizo behaviour
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Leave the Chaosfags to me!
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My first contribution to your conversation was >>484494305
Meds, asap.
Metaphor won.
>Horrid art direction
>Horrid UI
>The gameplay probably won't save the story and presentation

V:V and Metaphor both lost
Nice try but we all know it's you from the last thread, schizo Chaosfag.
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>/smtg/ loves Strange Journey
>Atlus is willing to try something similar again
>/smtg/ didnt play it and its already shitting on it
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>Atlus just figured out that people want to use video games as an excuse to practice their deep hidden desire to devil worship
Chaosfags don't even realize that, they just think he's a sexy blonde boy against evil institutions and ~fascism~ (this in particular is for twitterreddit chaosfags who love throwing around the word facism) instead of an accurate representation of the manipulating, narcissistic liar he is in abrahamic mythology.
Atlus knows the allure of his character and they keep rehashing him (each new time worse and more dicksucking than the previous) alongside the faction conflicts because it's basically all part of a distilled, trendy and superficial view of what MegaTen is. Just throw in a reicarnated Amaterasu and some milquetoast japanese nationalism and there's your Ass'm Tee 6.
SJ had soul, Metaphor doesn't. It's that simple, folks.
play it first faggot. or dont tell me you're actually just a coping poorfag?
Wrong wrong and wrong
Metaphor: 3
Seething smtfag: 0
I'm not giving Atlus money for slop, sorry
metaphor is worth playing it's just not worth getting full price
unlike SH2 which isn't worth spending any time on.
>it's another disingenuous Metaphor shills vs /smtg/ episode
I think it's funny that it's primarily people who live in first-world countries (Westerners) that support Chaos. It's like how a lot of libtards actually think communism is good and viable, as they've never actually been to countries run by an actual communist government. These kinds of people are always easily tricked by a charismatic moron into fighting for a non-sensical cause based entirely on buzzwords which is literally what the Chaos path is like in most of the games. I appreciate the original V for trying to give Chaos more depth and merit but they literally trashed all of that (which was extremely poorly developed in the first place) for another generic Chaostard solution in Vengeance. This series is just so fucked.
>/smtg/ hates playing smt games
someone really wants to pretend like people here have some sort of unjustified gripe with it when the reality is that it's just not that interesting, but it can end up being a really good game.
Do you like Atlus doing stuff like Susanoo, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu being robots?
But Atlus told me Metaphor wasn't SMT...
Why does Panagia Yoko look like a high class prostitute
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Kogetsu Kuzunoha
It's the kind of people that get tricked by pretty words and that think because something "is good" it means that will be a good thin in the long-term, one of the few chaos endings i like is the SJR one
I don't think VV can escape that 90% of it is the same as V
I studied /x/ stuff a lot. A lot of myths in different cultures have the same kind of baseline with small changes anyways.
Not in the slightest. I feel like if they wanted robot hero artificial demon characters they could have just pulled zomas back out of the storage locker (for real, not the imposter in SH2)
No. It's dumb.
Will SMT ever return to something more grounded instead of having us recreate the world and its innate laws through the use of a metaphysical macguffin?

Even 4 couldn't get away from this. Wtf Atlus? It's gotten to the point where playing it straight is the counterculture.
No, they tried to do Dagda again with Aogami but failed to make him anywhere near as interesting.
Would Capcom support another Dante cameo in SMT?
Dagda wasn't interesting he was just retarded
Ok Danu
say whats interesting about him
Says the guy that spent full price + tax + tip on a rerelease that barely fixed any of it's issues
No because they don't want to write an actual story and world setting anymore. They just want to rehash the core pillars of SMT via 1, 2, and 3 and force you to create your own enjoyment of the games through understanding the references it makes the past entries.

The one SMT games that were actually good were SMT2 and SJ anyways. Most of these games are always ruined by dev biases and pandering re-release content.
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I'm actually glad you brought this up, I've sorta had a similar opinion but felt like it wasn't really shared by anybody so its interesting to actually just see someone else say it. I greatly prefer the plots without the cosmic eggs and kagatsuchis and thrones at the center of the conflict that will actively just shape the world into a desired form in the ending, (mainly SMT1/SMT2 really).
The idea of blood, sweat and lots of hard work being required after the ending has always appealed more to me. Its why I enjoyed destroy the throne the most conceptually in V, just telling the almighty magic creation tool to go fuck itself, but even that has the lingering thread that its just gonna come back at some point so fuck you anyway.
Mermaid you mean, Siren haven't been in a game since forever.
I thought DeSu's chaos was pretty cool.
You just have beef with god and don't really care about anything beyond that.
Caring about human casualties in your fight against is him is up to you.
What if this month to celebrate DDS's 20th anniversary, they announce the DDS duology HD remaster where they revamp the gameplay in 1 for the Mantra skill tree to work like in 2?
>Celebrating games anniversaries
If they didn't do shit for Persona 2 or SMT 1 20th anniversaries, then don't expect anything besides MAYBE a tweet about it
I did and it fixed most of the issues of the original release
> it's
At least VV doesn't ask full price for PS2 graphics
I don't remember the details of DeSu chaos ending i was thinking of replaying, i do remember Abel just leaving to beat up God while leaving humans to their devices and his friends thinking if they will see him again or something
Yeah in the chaos route they gave you the option to either kill or not kill people and if you do choose to kill people you will conquer earth first before taking the fight to heaven and if you choose not to kill people you just fuck off and go to heaven to fight god while leaving humans to their own devices.
Kogetsu Kuzunoha
Tempted to kick her out of the party due to the zoomer lingo she's doing
Forgot pic
i fuckin hate localizers
Buy a fucking ad
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>Post your own funny images featuring your favorite demons, maybe one will end up in the next OP
wang long
it was nice fighting that long dragon and having my bird gf congratulate me for my achievement.
this guy is so fucking ugly, what were Soejima thinking
yeah but she can suck mad dick
Metaphor designs aside of monsters are pretty bad
Reskinned Adachi.
Johnathan but black and catboy
That's fucking Johnathan! Holy shit!
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the monsters look like shit too

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