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Previous: >>484466142
Happy birthday to Popukar!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika
[7/9 - 7/23][A Kazdelian Rescue]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Medic Paprika
[7/9-7/30][Coral Coast] Reed, Typhon, Catapult, Proviso, Totter

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
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why the fuck is this homewrecker here
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Well I for one like her.
Ugly ahh cut
Shit new patch
>flat as a surfboard
Slutbros I thought Vigna and Warfarin were just early game mistakes, where are our beloved big boobs genes??
Is she cute and funny?
Cute devil
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Alright the Sarkaz have had their fun, this means no more Sarkaz 6* for the rest of the year right?
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Mitm looks to be 5* Beanstalk. He has a similar range summon additional blocker skill. His other skill is probably genericy, but appears to be an active skill which means it isn't just a heal you can pop like Beanstalk.
her design reminds me of goldenglow (meaning its shit)
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Would maxpot have saved him?
This just means we get to skip and save. After this upcoming onslaught having crap like Ulshit banner and this means we can have a break from rolling.
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>wake up
>ermengarde content
i won
>FAT fucking tail
JS, JC same thing
Yep, now Summer event for actually good stuff then whatever comes
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Our jobber is beyond saving, anon.
Yes, we're all saving for Namie's summer limited.
controversial opinion but Ines is a sarkaz
what race is that
Image too clear. Clearly fake.
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Need Vignatent
Ok schizo
What are his summon pets?
she has big boobs, I'm ready to welcome her
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I believed
Why so mad?
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based grudgeposter
Some RC carts
>Drug Cocktail Administration
>Pharmaceutical Diffusion
What will be his talents if he is actual an operator?
The tail absolutely ruins her slim figure
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>woke up
>checked youtube
>oh the new PV has dropped
>the thumbnail is some new pink plob
>watch the teaser
>the artstyle feels very familiar
>oh sweet Ch'en module!

I am glad that YUJI finally got her very first 6* Operator and I find it cute .. but I am not really a fan of the unique horn shape.
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As long as Peppe is 6* Odda with bigger numbers she'll be good, guy already is good for his rarity.
Mating press
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>wake up
>Yet another Reedo skin
I know this isn't the case, but i feel lile this is the 7th time Loughstinky gets one. Really competing for the most shilled character alongside skadi and Whu
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I think he's a gote, probably another Leithanian the lich took care of like Lessing
I'm still miffed we don't get to beat his ass in Victoria.
She will not be a 6*
Her design is peak 5* material
New CN banner looks like fucking trash.
I hope so, they've been dragging down the game for long enough.
Still sulking yourself in the past?
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>obvious Reedfag pretending not to be one so he can claim Reed is on the same level as Skadi and W
Actually pathetic
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I need a red cert stage for muh chips
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Not my cup of tea. I am saddened that both outfits don't really cater to my interests so I will stick with base ..but
>it is probably the second or third fiery based character that gets water particles instead
>it reminds me of the art Starmagician drew for Bethelem during the summer before her release
Easiest skip in a while imo
Even most of the skins are trash
You're gonna look real dumb in about 3 weeks
Maybe I'll pull up your post after the stream
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Dork love.
>Knive ears
>Those tails
Either Voivre (or whatever you spell that shit) or Sarkaz
I don't even have either of the reeds
Only time will tell
it provides a contrast for her perfect DFC
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>All these operators getting their 2nd or even 3rd skins
>Still no White Wolf BoC skin for Horn
It's just not fair......
Defeated Blemishine
Who the fuck asked?
Her default design is fine, shes one of characters that doesn't needs skins because they're all going to be sidegrades at best
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>Still missing
The Totter skin reminds me of Shiva
devilshitters when they get the 16th event in a row:
>"waah why did a non-sarkaz get the l2d skin?!"
anons would talk about totter's skin until EOS if he was a female instead
But what if she gets a V string bikini skin????
This being said what is her seiyuu?
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I'm hoping the chibi effects won't be water based because her art intentionally has her casting fire with the fire flowers
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Reed is an honorary Sarkaz.
Totter has the best skin of the batch so it wouldnt be strange
We'll go back to the prison and she'll be the banner 6* with Jesselton as the 5*.
Obsessed. Rent Free. Constant Seething.
Its an amazing skin
Ines will never be a sarkaz
I am trying to find the Bethlehem art..
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Would (You) cum into Typhon('s swimsuit)?
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Please... let me sleep....
Actually she's honorary Vouivre
>Ruining the stellar Vouivre operator line with her
No thanks. They can keep her.
Next summer 6* are Mudrock alter and Surtr alter, btw.
You can rest when she is pregnant
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Saving to max pot Thornsalt
I can't stop thinking about Reed's ass.
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How many babies can Ray's womb carry?
cobsisters are all curvy
About three fiddy
>no feather or fur
She's a Sarkaz.
I can't stop thinking about Reed's tail.
I can't stop thinking about Reed following those 2 guys behind some boulders
Two events in a row where 6* operators who already had skins got new skins.
Egg2, Hoederer, Jessicalt, Viviana, Degen in shambles...
I would have to skip pretty almost all other coming banners if it happened, need a spark guarantee I can't miss it
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should i
Is it that time of the day where Yostar shills start posting about upcoming operator to bait retards into wasting pulls and not saving for limiteds instead?
Choom finally allowed to get a module now that Wisadel exists, lmao
Eh, why not? Good way to get a complete collection. If you want someone from the future banners probably not. Choose yourself or give better parameters
I swaer to god, if egg2 and Hoederer are the only nu6* to get a summer skin I'm traveling to china and burning down Hypershits building
it's time for you to take your medication
>Talulah plushie
Problematic behaviour.
1. This is the shitty summer batch, the real one comes later during the summer event
2. It would suck for most of those ops to get shitty summer skins anyway, when there are better skin lines
Yes, report and ignore
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Totter love.
If you want to, I wouldn't.
idc about coomershit lol
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I remember this discourse happening last year.
Last year we only had two 6* summer skins revealed during the stream: GG and Gavial.
So one spot is already occupied by Eyjaberry. That leaves only one spot open which will most likely be Egg2...
He doesnt even look like a 4* here
>Swire's Lungmen food guide
Fat fucking bitch
What would Spreadshooters' modules do? What would /akg/ want them to do?
Why are Ascalon and Fang alter already in another banner?
No stomach window = no deal
>Mostima getting second module
just how busted would it have to be to be even considered
Asky or Degen summer skin would be kino and you know it
Lol no
I hope he will dodge summer skin, I want to see something better on him
Executor is too autistic to wear a swimsuit during summer...
The only skin I’m buying this batch
lol yes
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I know, it's great
executor is the type of person to wear a swim shirt
Faggots are the only ones that would say no to that
What drug should I spike Fia's drinks with to get her to chill the fuck out?
God I wish he was playable. All the nation elites are cool as fuck.
>Hitomi Sekine
What the fuck, this is a literal who
Rhodes Island's cafeteria is the greatest institution
>Last year we only had two 6* summer skins
And the year before that we only got 1.
Why are you acting as if there is a pattern? They could give 3 this time, it doesn't matter.
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Degen yeah Asshit no
>females get generic trash tier coomerbait skins (when typhon and reed already have skins which are superior)
>totterGOD gets this
Mb i will raise him at last
>expanded attack range
>When deployed, increases the SP recovery rate of all Casters by +0.4/second (only the highest effect of this type takes place)
It is an SP talent, so it does have a shot of being very good. The question is will they fuck it like Suzuran, who's SP talent wasn't actually upgraded with just a 9% atk boost tacked on.
>do surtr investigation
>deploy surtr on the beast stage
>4 sheep run at her because of sui's wrath
No we need even more sarkaz, we were in a sarkaz drought prior to the edgy OL. Time to make up for it.
You literally get a 4* promo ticket on the login bonus.
Degen needs something better because that third world North Korean tier military uniform is sooooooo ugly.

The yellow shirt doesn't help either.
Shit, my heart twitched at seeing his happy face. Am I gay now?
sui's BRICK, forever and always
worst post ITT
>third world North Korean tier military uniform
Nymph looks cute and fear looks like a potentially fun kit. Will roll. Don't get the hate.
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Yuji ops get a free hate card, this isn't new
Mating press
>chalter module

hell yeah
is there any info on what it does
kek the same thing happened to me
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lame niggas
I just hope she sucks so I can freely skip her, god knows I'll need to save after Anni
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>ugh, coom female swimsuits? no thanks, i'd rather get a cool skin for my bro
Cock carousel
This skin is hot. I like how covered she is above, compared to how little she's covered below.
Nymphomaniac... nyo...
Shes german its nazi brownshirt uniform
nymph is definitely going to be a brick, right?
I also want to facefuck Vigna
>When in the squad, all ally Caster operators' SP recovery speed +0.4 SP/sec (does not stack with similar effects).
Nympho's horn is kinda silly...
Not quite

MC of Shiny colors.
He was a good unit anyway especially for IS low hope
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Opposite for me, I usually only care about males (not gay, they're usually just better) but Typhon is really hot
He carried me so much in IS3 and 4. He deserves this skin
Hopefully it fixes his weird attack animation.
She really is
Cock carousel
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>stupid crying dog walks out of red box
>activate totter's s2
>he dies instantly
A feeling like no other.
Hmm maybe I should raise my Totter...
...Why don't we have a cock Operator?!?!
You got xim
You mean during our event or cn event?
You just like seeing happy people
Just announced for CN.
It's most likely a sidegrade for S2 spamming. I hope it will work with the extended range
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The absolute state of LM7
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she CAN'T be a 5*
It won't leave my brain.
I want my face between her massive tits
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For me, it's the cow(horse)
Amazing how a 4* like him can deal with this little shit so easily.
>that magazine pic
typhon if SEA
I like it
Just announced. Said login event will also give free item to instant M3 for a 5* skill
I'm cringe and awkward
operator for that feel?
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The sword the cleaves the tides...
Totter is my go to sniper in IS3 when I have low Hope, he's a real one. Broodmother-b-gone repellent helps.
>both new Sarkaz are from RI faction
Why is there no Kazdel faction?
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Imagine Typhon trying to fit her fat ass and tits in a one piece.
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>when you order something online vs when you actually get it
Just delete lm7 at this point
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What was your setup for the one attempt clear medal?
I struggled hard on the boss stage.
Yeah, you're gay. Like the way someone from the 1900s would use it.
borrow ejya alt and leak boss
Easy. SSS is ass so I don’t care about the medal. I have actual hundreds of module mats.
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There's additional stage details if you play on ultrawide, wow.
I just realized that the summer skinline is the only one that gets two different batches every year. Tiring.
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The only correct answer.
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Found where Sanguinarch went
I am pretty sure he knows nothing about her personality, what a dogshit artist
Girl in a JAV cover
girl in the actual video
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So the new 6* is a new sarkaz sub-race, right? The creature with a rose-looking neck showed back at the IS6 illustration too.

Wondering what could it be though... A dryad? Succubus?
Both above my league
man, lm7 blowjobs must be mindblowingly good
I love our next 5* mystic caster
The lm7 down syndrome is a puzzle for the ages
>Three out of Four LM7 ops got summer skin
What did they mean by this?
Filler artist, filler ops
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Its still not enough
>LM7 bad samefagging hours
It's pretty catchy.
Hoe's childhood friend is a succ
Is it really THAT hard to recolor the chibis?
LM7 is great at sloppy toppys
>lm7 hate
newfag trying to fit in
Why does it look like she's posing for a magazine here
and they're all worse than their other skins
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How can other Sarkaz even compete?
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Is farming materials outside of events stupid? Gel has such shit drop rate... Kinda makes me wonder what is stamina efficiency rate comparison in farming stages vs event for mats
>Typhon's meme arrow S3 marker
>better than competition swimsuit
Lol, lmao
It means snakebird chads get to roll the dice again in the future on a swimsuit skin.
Logoskeks powercrept already lmao
/akg/ has had a consistent opinion on LM7 down syndrome faces. it only works for cob because she canonically has down syndrome
Mind Flayer apparently.
I misremembered, but you can create a weibo account with just a phone number, no need for a chinese phone number.
The key thing is do it via the weibo app, because I just tried it with another phone number (not chinese) and it worked.
>LM7 white knight brigade hours
>t. lm7
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NGA has been shitting on LM7 since this reveal. They like Reed's skin and barely anyone is talking about the new 6*. They're also annoyed at the dupe skins when some ops havent gotten their first skin or characters like Lappy haven't gotten their 2nd skin in years.
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>Three out of Four
Why did they refuse to give her one..
Damn, stranger things reference
By not looking like a goldenglow sidegrade
If you need it you get it. If an event that drops the mats you need is around the corner than you can hold it off for few days but if you gotta wait like few weeks or months then fuck it.
>/akg/ has had a consistent opinion
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Sure if you need them. I wouldn't start stacking them, but if your upgrades are missing materials then I don't see why not.
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>Hit enemy
>They go back to red box
Nobody ever complained about Angelina, and Ceobe's face was seen as mildly derpy at worst.
This outright hatred for LM7 and wishing his art would get deleted from the game started with Ho'olheyak and was amplified with Typhon.
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>tail and horn mogs every other sarkaz
You may not like it, but THIS is what peak sarkaz looks like
Tf is this game
She's too fat to fit in a bikini
I bet everyone in this thread is drawn in an ugly art style.
NGA hateboner for LM7 aint doing shit lol
LM7 keep getting more ops and even more skins
>barely anyone is talking about the new 6*
I mean, it's secured since she's from LM7. Also, you will get to enjoy the peak taste that is a one piece swimsuit
ermengarde competes in girth
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Yea, Ange looks fine too.
The derp faces started at Ceobe (where it was fine) onwards.
She will get one since she's from lm7
>LM7 keep getting more ops and even more skins
Well duh, he has amazing dicksucking skills
Lapp is getting an alt what more do they fucking want?
>peak taste that is a one piece swimsuit
Kill yourself contrarian piece of shit justifying desexualized swimsuits.
A garbage one piece will never compete with a classic bikini that shows cleavage and midriff.
Thighs are a boring milquetoast fetish and the "skin tight" meme is an awful cope.
>Male slop and and yet another Sarkaz
How exciting
>RI faction
We colonized her so fast
>those horns
Built for using as improvised weapon and impaling your enemies on.
Sarkaz are meant for precursor cock.
Its not just NGA but weibo and baidu too
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>Lowlight after handling Namie and LM7
Is it okay to have 2 maxed out waifus as newpipi?
Uh oh melty
Doctor you whore...
And Yuji, fifth operator means three more skins to come
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Calm down, Kim
I am right and you are wrong.
Pic related is what Typhon should've gotten.
Great tail;
Stupid horn.
Gonna fuckin drain you dry, but it depends who they are. If they can't hard carry you're gonna fuck yourself over by depriving yourself of a levelled, rounded team comp.
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Jessica is like the Korean grim reaper...
Been a while since I've seen a gay man try so hard to pretend he's into women
Why are you always talking about namie and lm7 when ryuzakii and skade own like 70% of relevant ops
It being a one piece isn't the issue. The issue is that she got one with a shit design on top of being drawn by lm7
I like Typhon's new swimsuit
>b-but she doesn't deserve a second skin!!1
Her first outfit is a welfare free skin and she wasn't even allowed to have L2D. You literally have Reed getting a second costume for an alt that already has an L2D. You had Goldenglow last patch getting a third costume after getting an L2D skin. You had Lee getting a second costume after getting an L2D skin. Typhon is the only one who hasn't had a costume you can buy and the only one without an L2D skin.
Nymph looks like a certain pink, schizo attracting dragon from a certain other gacha.
Ok Im not that new, Im 6 months old newpipi. Im just asking if 2 waifus is too many...
Nymph love!
Namie has a few very vocal haters despite her only having 2 ops so far
Too basic. I unironically prefer hornwood's summer typhon
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Bro doesn't find one pieces and leotards hot. Gayest dude here, and we have guys unironically into Aak, Lee, and Mountain.
>practically naked
Of course you'd prefer it
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Where the fuck is my mlynar one piece skin?
Still a two-piece bikini.
Any bikini design is infinitely superior to one-piece trash that only hipsters enjoy.
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Getting this bnuy pregnant
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Imagine if they gave Typhon the Myrtle treatment here
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I don't hate one-pieces, but you can't deny that almost any other option would've been better. Or with how short-stack curvy Typhon is, at least make it one of those skintight racing-esque one pieces to accentuate her figure.

Or maybe being drawn by lm7 is that much of a nerf that it was going to look shit no matter what.
deleete this
>being drawn by lm7 is that much of a nerf that it was going to look shit no matter what.
Its this
Anything he draws is likely to look like dogshit. They should've gotten another artist to do this one for him.
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If you can handle it it's fine. A couple years from now you'll be able to manage plenty of them. Who are they?
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Popular operators today:
>1. Typhon.
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>Mind Flayer
Dark Urge Sarkaz doko?
>Mlynar's bulge is smaller than Margaret's
How embarrassing for him.
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>it's sexier because it shows less skin! in fact it shows no skin at all!
>you can, like, imagine what's underneath...
>look at the way the swimming burka accentuates her curves... so hot..
>i'd much rather look at a piece of black cloth than an actual body
>yeah candy is nice but it tastes waaay better with the wrapper on
Orin the Red vamp doko
we can't afford to have a canon dogfucker operator
Like his archetype, he's a grower
THIS would've been a better one piece swimsuit for her
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I'm volunteering to be a dogfucker.
>he doesn't understand the appeal of clothes that outline what's underneath
We can and we should
Very nice imaginary cope from nonexistent anons. Look man, hot is hot, no need to justify it. If it makes my dick hard it works.
You are korean
There is no appeal, it's just cope for getting an inferior swimsuit. You don't want to admit that it's worse, so you pretend less is more and prude is lewd.
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I don't particularly like reed the story character but I like the way she is drawn like a innocent and elegant slut
patiently waiting for more reed porn
They gave Typhon the swimsuit equivalent of grandma panties....
One piece schizo.....
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Can we get higher?
Coomers are so deranged
No skin variety allowed. All must be two piece bikinis. You can change the color, that's it.
why is he going schiz over a fucking one piece bikini?
You're seeing things, that's clearly just cloth.
Bro, grandma panties are hot as fuck, because, you can imagine what's underneath. In fact any clothing is hot because you can just use your imagination to pretend it's not there.
They're smug powerful casters
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Hey Hijabknights
i don't even look at operator art, i just visualize the operators naked while i play
Lingerie is objectively hotter than nudity. You cannot argue against this.
Thanks for admitting one-piece swimsuits aren't coom, that's all I wanted to hear.
Just accept that they are the inferior desexualized choice instead of pretending they're equal or superior to bikinis in any way.
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>wearing clothes is hotter than not wearing clothes
There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual anon, you just need to be honest with yourself
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There's a specific schizo who thread hops around summer to every gacha general JUST to get mad about bikinis. It's legitimately insane.
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Nah, that's a tail
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These two? Carnelian? :p gang
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Why is this even a discussion when her official artist already draw her with a tail?

Good on you bwo, go tell those retards off.
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Good morning, goddess of cucks.
A onepiece has you only wearing one piece of clothing. A bikini has you wearing two. You're asking for more clothes
No, you're just interpreting what you see incorrectly because that's what you WANT to be the case. It's definitely cloth.
What the fuck? Dave the Diver??? Make this make sense.
How am I supposed to jack off to this? There are no pussies or nipples on the display
The tail-denier tried to argue that this artwork was non-canon/didn't count because it's not in the game
Breeding the sexy lich lady.
I laughed so hard seeing this because I knew exactly what kind of reaction the schizos would have. Man I wish we had a Dave the Diver collab.
I want to experience an lm7 blowjob
Ermy's fat tail does ruin her symmetry.
Dave the Diver is a Nexon game, one of the biggest Korean publishers
Nikke's dev is a rising star on track to be one of their big players after Nikke+Stellar Blade
So they collab
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i see toes i buy, simple as
Namie hasn't done anything wrong imo, but I can understand some not liking her cutesy style.
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Good morning, Mumu love
>claiming fan art is canon
Does /akg/ really?
Nta but it's a tail. It's not the first time her tail has been in images.
>pretty much barechested
>It's not coom though
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Harmonie is one of them, the snek was definitely a candidate too but the other one is blue angel
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It's over Raybros... Degen is merciless...
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Hijabknights is why our game is dying
If One Piece is so good why is there no One Piece 2?
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Penance has clothes on therefore this is not porn
You have zero taste. That Totter skin is absolute chinky shit for no reason.
This is 2024 Arknights, she's gonna be broken
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>goddess of cucks
What did I miss
Who gives a fuck about Ray? You are screwed for Ela, Shu and W2
>tail visible in two pieces of official art, two pieces of chuzenji's fanart and her ingame CG
i think you lost, thoughbeit.
>I just hope she sucks so I can freely skip her
Or you can skip her regardless because you already have 2-3 full rosters worth of meta units that can curbstomp just about any content the game can ever throw at you
Hmm... nyes.
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Wife-shaped elf.
>she's gonna be broken
No she fucking isn't. Zuo isn't, Assclown isn't, Ulpianus isn't.
I fucking love Dave the Diver, would have liked the collab for us
Nothing really. Nikke has a Dave the Diver collab, which of course means Sanjay works overtime shitposting.
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>Ulpianus isn't
Unless you give him Gladiia
and only gets more broken from there.
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Wyell I'm gonna swipe for Shu. And we get another top up reset for Walter.

And Ela + Asky can get Shu's leftover.
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>Any other game releases a skin
>Hundreds of fan art and memes, my twitter feed is full of it despite only following Arknights artists

>Arknights releases a skin
Not gonna bring a shit op to babysit a mid op
Meta addicts are something else man. Year 1&2 ops can still carry you through everything and they're still emptying themselves out for every new op.
Zuo isn't broken but still really good, Ulpianus wants Gladiia but gets busted that way and used in a15 is4 clears if shes available.
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AK has 150k+ fanart though
Yeah that usually happens
>too lazy to inpaint her fucked up finger
Nikke is all girls so they attract the schizos that lose their minds at the mention of men
Including when they collabed with Nier and got THIS as a low rarity character, making people mad because Pascal is considered a dude canonically https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5SHwMP0vi1g
Dave the Diver is a fat dude so of course it inspires ugly bastard shitposting, but also he's not in the game the collab is minigames and scuba suit skins
AK is long past its glory days, anni cant even hit #1 in japan anymore
Its unironically over for this game. B team has done it, they've ruined everything and this ship is going down.
Honourable Japanese artist don't draw fanart for CN content.
AK hit #1 on Golden Week 2 months ago though
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Moon in the Water, or the Anchor Point Strike?
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wtf if you deploy an operator pointing left near the bottom it'll cover almost the entire stage in the anti enemy laser
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When did Arknights lost it's operator design "magic"?
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Don't worry, my good fellow Yunomi will draw some futa Reed based on her new skin.
Blame the 6 month gap. Many japs avoid spoiling themselves on what's coming in that time. Bet you'll see a noticable increase of Ray art when she drops on global
Nikkeks getting uppity today.
Doesnt nikki have that one hot male NPC with the stubble, I think he’s the commander’s ally? Do they seethe about him?
It was something alongside with liberi wings if i remember correctly. That Artists drawings don't matter if they are not in game.
Hell yeah, let's boost those number up
>Fate Grand Order Futa - 5.2% of all FGO doujins
>Genshin Impact Futa - 2.3% of all GI doujins
>Blue Archive Futa - 2.6% of all BA doujins
>Arknights Futa - 9.9% of all AK doujins
Uhm sis, that's indeed how the map works.
Deploy op on top left pointing right and you will cover even more tiles than you are now.

What you are currently doing, is a high asc strat as the top left position I named has to deal with casters. But at low asc the casters die easily.
he only has sex with a couple of the really unimportant nikkes so not really, commander still has like 98% of them to himself (or at least he's one of their partners, not all are exclusive)
It's really bizarre how we're the only big gacha left that doesn't have servers in sync, and even specifically have anniversary fucking the schedule EVERY year for no good reason. That just doesn't fly on the modern internet, everyone knows what's coming so it's always 6 months stale.
Yes FGO NA is still a full 2 years behind but they don't count because JP makes 99% of their money, meanwhile yostar gimp Japan with their schedules too
nikke designs aren't magic either
gookshits all look the same with those small ass feet and fat ass thighs and oily body without a single trace of muscle
not exactly unlikeable but it gets boring very quickly
He's the cuck, so nobody cares.
When it started accepting trash designs like Erato
When are we getting more tacticool
We are from the pre-2020 era. All gachas were like this back then, not synchronized.
I say yes. I say always.
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do liches make babies with their chest hole
I didn't read the spoilers, but if it pops up there fuck you.
dunno but they most definitely lactate through their chest holes
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They should go back to drawing incest instead...
They canonically have sex?? WHY CANT ARKNIGHTS DO THIS?
Just like with AK most people don't reach gacha stories, meaning they only really notice a character exists when they're playable. There's probably a bunch of NPCs we have you could post and the skipfags have never seen.
arknights is not a coomer game
Eh GFL2 will have months of gap.
Who did the vertical cleave to our boy? His death will be remembered in kind.
most of the nikkes aren't actually human so it's not really sex since they're androids
There was seethe around launch, I think they all got over it.
Arknights doesn't need to dangle "le canon sex" keys in front of people to make them want to play the game
Will it end before Endfield?
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I wish
tails, especially hairless ones, are like penises but safe for work
women with particularly large tails are just as exotically attractive as futa girls with massive cocks, while not being a taboo among less-indulged coomers
But we do?
Gertrude canonically had sex with young noble boys.
Ursula canonically has sex with her soldiers.
Harold canonically had sex with his wife.
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Here, now /akg/ will buy and coom to this skin
GFL is not a big gacha, it's honestly a miracle they're even still around with how the the base game/Neural Cloud perform
Lotus position
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>salesfaggotry didn't stick because the salesfaggots' website shit the bed and just didn't include half of the month
>so now it's down to doomfagging because Typhon didn't get a microbikini skin
Not going to lie, this is some pretty weak shit today
I prefer this edit>>484498954
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here's your cannon sex
>still seething that people can find anything more than a micro bikini hot
Holy giga slut
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This is not a hot skin. Do not coom to this
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That's cool and all but I didn't ask. Please stay away from tails.
(You) actually have an inordinate amount of sex in Nikke. There's a list somewhere of all the canon sex/sexual acts you have. Some Nikkes just blow you.
I mean, yeah. It's not hot.
Newfags, you need to stop replying to the bikinischizo.
He actually doesn't do this only on /vg/ gacha threads, he does it on /a/, on /v/ and all boards basically.

Go search "bikinischizo" on /a/ or /v/ archives for fun.
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Fuck micro bikinis, give me this. If I wanna beat my dick I will look up porn of the characters.
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You can't see the areola's, so by definition you're not allowed to have sexual thoughts about it, yes
Hijab would be the shit. Getting a reveal in story cg where she trusts Doc enough to show herself. Showing that she is half KIN? AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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this is NOT a sexy outfit
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>Telling Blemishine that I'm a better defender than her
>Listening to her arguments about it
>Telling her that just because she's Big Nearl's little sister doesn't mean she's the best defender
>Laughing as she brings Zofia into it
>Telling both Blemishine and Zofia there's an easy way to settle this
>Let's see who can take a hit better
>Tell them that I'll kick Blemishine in between her legs, as hard as I can, then she can do it to me, Zofia can time us to see who recovers the quickest
>The fastest recovery wins
>They both have a quick team talk and Zofia says it's a deal
>I take a run up at Blemishine, and kick her in the cunt as hard as I can
>It lifts her a good foot off the floor
>it sounded like a steak being dropped onto a granite work top
>She's rolling on the floor, tears streaming down her face
>A good 6 minutes pass before she weakly gets to her feet
>Blemishine looks at me with.a determined look in her eyes and whispers "My turn now.."
>I simply smile and say "you know what, you win" then walk away humming a jaunty tune.
this is NOT a sexy outfit
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>Every time Blem gets bursted since her defensive stats are not good enough.
*tsk* I could've TANKED that.
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>the slut stride
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And don't come back again!
Emptying my balls into Reed.
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Get in the line
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>Go search "bikinischizo" on /a/ or /v/ archives for fun.
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Weedy is sexo but I don't like cannons, my great great great grandpa was shot by a cannon
Maybe I should give Nikke a shot...
So now they showed how the tail were placed.
I thought the base would be bigger.
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>top half completely covered
>bottom half completely exposed
god that's hot
Just pick Kal.
Mandy...you have to stop seething just because you have no assets to show off in a swimsuit
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>Huh, hello. I'm one of the recently hired operators. Yes, yes, I've had no trouble getting used to Rhodes, everyone has been very nice to me. So, huh, I just had a little curiosity... is it normal occurrence for the other operators to sexually assault the Doctor in the corridors and leave afterwards like nothing happened? N-no, I'm not complaining or anything, it's just- it was a little sad to see the Doctor having to clean those messes all alone, that's all......
Touch Touch.
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>robot sex
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I want something like this but the woman is nt wearing anything (except sho) on the bottom
>Make a thread on RIchan about it
>It gets autosaged
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Wtf I like Reed now?
You get used to it. Just ignore it, it makes him feel worse if you help him clean up.
Man don't remind me. Two game got fucked and two game got buffed by that shit.
This is a good skin. Typhon's is not.
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You just know
>post on RIchan about closure's secret invite-only shop
>3 day unappealable global ban for trolling
Why can't Weedy get a new skin that isn't her ugly outdated christmas one?
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>Second L2D Reed skin
What the fuck. Not usually a big fan of summer skins but I like it more than her alts first skin. Neither beat emerald holiday though. Just know this one is gonna have horrible water effects though.
because she's an ugly outdated operator
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Your wish has been granted.
we aren't allowed to acknowledge weedy after designing every piece of challenging content to avoid her
I wish I could use the suit skin on the alt
it's easily the best among all her outfits
If the swimsuit turns her explosions into water splashes it's an instant never buy
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when the other girls asked her to go clothes shopping it was just a prank so now she doesn't want new outfits
So fucking retarded that they're giving a flame operator WATER effects. They aren't even trying anymore
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Factually incorrect
>they're giving a flame operator WATER effect
Many such cases
Weedy skin wishlist
>maid skin with the side of her hair braided like that persona 3 girl
>feminine casual wear
>microbikini thong g string
>6 month gap
>Base still in beta
>All new game modes are flops
This is why we are dying. This is why EoS is around the corner.
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Good skin for Weedy soon
When is Lofter going to open up... I want to read chinkfics again...
I need vulpo maid skins
when base leaves beta they will add sex...
Now make someone else Luigi
weedy skin where she's drenched in water from her cannon malfunctioning and she looks like a pathetic wet cat
I need cute and sexy female operators and skins
cunnies or hags or whatever
It doesn't help the last two operators are almost back to back.

When you compare Typhon cutscene art (that some people on Bilibili say LM7 didn't even draw that) to the playable art and first skin, it really screams waifubait.

Both of her skins have very weird proportions and strange physics. The second one has short arms, way too small hands and way too big head, not to mention the stiff and the hands itself look weird. I got a feeling LM7 is doing trash Typhon skins on purpose.
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At-least we all agree the Reed skin is hot.
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Now that Yuji got their first 6* it's time for Greyy's artist to get one too.
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Its really a shame how 2 L2D didn't end up beating a skin that didnt even add effects. Dont think I'll end up using either of them
If I had to rank her outfits probably would end up being something like
If this was a better game we would already have that as her E2
Never, why would they open? China wants their internet to be as closed of a garden as possible. They just gave up on a complete lockdown and replaced it with continental social media that gatekeeps gweilos.
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Weedy one piece swimsuit
People ITT not ready for the Endfield sex scenes
Angie is only okay since she doesn't smile like a retard except her summer skin. Ceobe is a stupid retard so people give a slide despite looking like shit. You have no excuse for Typoon even the promo art with Reed mogged her actual art.
register for wechat and then use that to log in to lofter
but his release will kill GGfags...
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my wife in a one piece swimsuit but it's because she lost the top half of her two piece swimsuit
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Either people don't complain enough or no one even complains about it, I mean they already did that before
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>Posts the endpipi made for trannies
Typhon's skin is fugly yeah but I think Reed's skin is pretty cute, what's the issue? The l2d animation?
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Sorry, we've only got older models
The Answer to the Sarkaz Question by DevilHater69
It's simple. We kill the male devils and we keep the female ones as breeding stock.
Tell the Kally Janny that she won't be able to ban me from RIchan this time
Way less people care about Surtr thematically compared to Reed, she's just a hot lady they like cause of her strong gameplay.
That's why being the 1st L2D swimsuit launched her to being one of the most popular ops for a while.
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The one that appears in all of the trailers, gets all the fanart, and was the only one available in the public test?
talk about the new operator not the stupid skins
Victorians and Mandy seething, that's all.
both stacy and slut shinny
Reed is NOT escaping those slut allegations
its ooc
You can larp as a tranny, I will use the male mc
Last thread you had 10 replies arguing about her design and only one reply asking why the fuck are we getting a 6* burn primal caster before a burn ritualist. Nobody seems to care about her class, not even HG
You're the only one accusing anyone of anything, Mandy
mandy's ghost is working overtime today
There's a male mc?
she's yuji's worst design
she's a standard op so people don't care by default
>playing as a cute girl makes you a tranny
What kind of cope is this?
Reed is not a slut! She just wants Doctor to make her his personal cumdumpster!
just like Degen right standard ops are skipcore
it's very nice but I don't like the water effect
and I'm deranged enough to coom to her pantyhose and high heel shoes
If there is a guy mc and a girl mc. Yes.
Do we have kits?
The Nyph seems to have a charm effect.
The fuck you want to talk about? Start talking bout them if you are interested.
You seem to be the kind who just answers one syllable answers when asked a question.
yeah because i can buy them for $25 buckaroos
Saga is pure :D energy
I said by default, a standard op needs something extra standout to get people to care. Degen being a broken DPS with a unique design that already showed up in the story making people want her 2 years ago made her get attention.
But a brand new character who's standard? Unless she's better than Logos nobody will care.
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Ghosts don't sleep that's why
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Reminds me of this one panel from a doujin so I copied the panels and effects over and it works well enough
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feet too small
Why did yuji draw this BP skin
Maybe the dicksucking is the real reward
What doujin, cause I feel like it reminds me of something too but I can't remember
Fantasy theme really doesn't fit Arknights.
Texalt passed, though, since she's cool.
it would be better if there were cum trails between her thighs, making doctor even more pathetic
Asiacore edit.
Her artist works on a different project. Gavial skin was also drawn by a different artist
What kind of demon is her spirit animal here?
But that's Ch'en, from Arknights...
horned and bat-like but I don't really know
it looks generic and nothing like a mind-flayer
The people who said this was white and gold are literally color blind.
>Burn Primal Castar aka the best status so far (-20 res has amazing synergy with arts output)
>New status condition that makes enemies charmed/feared (we don't know yet), guaranteed to be useful

All is lined up for Nymph.
Literally who?
Why is reed there?
Could Alraune. I think we had name for them in some chapter. The small ones.
It's literally white and gold
No one else would hang out with her.
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Sarkazbros what's our opinion on the new devil slut?
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AK has always been highly influenced by fantasy. That's why guns are rare in the setting, to keep the focus mostly on magic and melee
Also the fantasy theme worked perfectly fine on the DnD skins, which is probably the best batch they've ever done
It's in the shadows so it has bluish tint and gold does not pop out that much, but yeah, i think it is white and gold.
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All AK has taught me is that mediocre artists can still secure jobs
Need bikini skin for Lee
Stop covering him up, Kuro
>name is literally the Greek word for young woman/wife
>her motif features hearts, appropriate given how the nymphs in Greek legend are largely associated with love, nature and purity
>design features many locks showing she is pure and she hasn't been unlocked, probably wearing a chastity belt for the Doctor
She's perfect
What is a great artist/art in your opinion? You piqued my interest.
now we need Eyja burn delta module as well
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words alone cannot express the lust i feel when i look at this lich's chest
While I agree with you but he literally has 2 skins with one of them being L2D, they should give a skin to those who haven't gotten a single one yet first.
black rose dragon
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If 'flat is justice', then I'd rather be a criminal...
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Yuji is absolutely not a mediocre artist, they have some of the best coloring/texture to art in the game. I just find it odd that BP skin was by Yuji, because it's pretty different from her usual look.
Kataokasan, famous Chinese female artist
Is she the one who broke the doc's arm?
Thank goodness she doesn't actually have one and it's just crazy people shitposting.
>best coloring
Yeah, reusing blue 300 times is amazing
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Picasso gatcha would be pretty fun. Would probably not have much staying power.
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I see.
I didn't skip it. I just forgot.
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Yuji is peak, just look at this set
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are all those men going to fuck her?
Sarkaz genes strike again...
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Degenbrecher if she were a good character
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Should I use my pots for this event or save it?
>hoove heels
Isn't that like the best thing the artist can do? Having singular palette and still be able to differentiate the borders of colors clearly. Like picking one piece of the color wheel and use that or do some triangle like blue,red,yellow if you want to make them pop out like back ground vs an object?
If you've cleared the shop you can save them, but there won't be anything to farm except rocks/chips/certs so if you still need resources from this event spend them noe
Carnelian has hoove boots
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Is it possible to save it for the next event?
Is this from that furry arknights rip off where thre is a singular human woman and a furry pram as only females?
Would sell my soul to this ABSOLUTE BALL BUSTER BAPHOMETH
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>finally master Pram's S2 because she was useful this event
>both M1 and M2 require a lot of T4 sugar
Fatty fat fat
1 day to the end and my RS8 auto is still a fucking disaster and any attempts at making it better had only made it worse.
They have steel toes on the outside like hooves but don't have a cleft cause she has human feet
I need an operator thats so braindead to use I can clear every single stage without thinking
>the range of a besieger
>the DPS of mlynar
>the redeployment cost of yato2
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Wasn't that bad
Well the cost can be pretty hefty, but have you hear the brainlets saviour, The Double-W?
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Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Her Seiyuu voices Nico Robin
they fucked
the good news: W's DP doesn't matter since she has perma camo and you will never need to redeploy her
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why cant chen be as good as degen?
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Zamn! The East has fallen to gender politics. Thousands must die.
they saved Warmy with a new op on cn before the global banner is out so Ray won't flop good thinking hg
Ch'en killed Harold.
He's our friend. Why would we beat our friend?
Wasn't she like literally the first new 6* after launch?
She's had her time.
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Elves are such disgusting creatures
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En Taro Adun Doctor.
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is it just me or muelsyse woman?
like, priestess-style
I once did something similar in Italy and I got yelled at
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I doubt he'll get a swimsuit, maybe Egg will get the 24 op half anni skin like Mlynar did last year, plus arturia gets a skin then too, maybe they can do something cool with that
Ray is an omnibus. Omnibus don't have farm maps.
However, supposedly there's a node to farm in Ray's omnibus specifically but I haven't seen anything ab out it since it was released in CN, and it's not included in any farming planner
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That was Skadi, because Grani's Treasure was out 1st event ever.
Ch'en was the 1st op to be added with a new story chapter when ch5 released like 1 month later.
Sugar can be used for things other than food...
What is that? Is that where they let you earn the event token by farming almost any map?
They will get a skin at the same time to please incestfags
>En Taro Adun
What was that, a korean language?
Yeah he's definitely getting the half anni skin since Arturia is getting her skin then too
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I see, then it would be wise for me to save it then, thanks.
egg2 and arturia will get their skins alongside each other and they'll be themed foils
Egg2 fans acting like he won't be getting a Live2D skin but still crying and shitting themselves begging for it now
I wish chen had serious alt instead of swimsuit, shes cool in story so far
Arknights doesn't do kino like that
Omnibus is a fan term for what is officially called a Vignette.
Normal events like the one running now have 2 sets of maps and you farm them for event currency. They also last 2 weeks and have a full chronological story.
Omnibus events give you their currency from EVERY map in the game, last 1 week, and are usually made up of multiple episodes each focusing on 1 character. They sometimes all connect into 1 story but often are like 6 completely different ones.
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And yet...
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Again, only do so if you're set, and have something like at least 100 Poly, mongoose ore, and the green crystal things from the current event.
The omnibus event store is much smaller since the event lasts less time
I'm an old stinky with more than 200 of those mats so I am set.
I rather farm red certs at this point
Your shitty male flopped and will be powercrept by a female reaper. Your time is fucking nigh so you might aswell just off yourselves now
What if vamp king is Logos' dad
>Omnibus events give you their currency from EVERY map in the game
Except any stage that does not cost sanity and anni.
lol you think he's male
I'll just play Reaperknights then
I think all of the female operators should have revealing and tight swimsuit outfits... yes, even Weedy.
Uh oh melty
>you think he's male
Sounds like that's what you think anon
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She will. It's just a matter of time. They keep pushing her as one of the main 3, even in the Victorian chapters and promo material for some reason. It's at least an indication that they still consider her that important
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She did have a knack for Victorian "love poetry"
Oh hey you're back
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Will it be a chink event?
Kroos swimsuit... Cheeto swimsuit... Siege swimsuit... QUERCUS swimsuit...(very powerful)
She's slowly being replaced with W
Instant buy
I wish you fucking retards could stop giving shitposters attention
amiya means nothing to me
HG need to give her and Skadi redux alters as an apology for fucking them up forever
>replaced by a side-character
Sarkaztent is almost done tho
>They keep pushing her as one of the main 3, even in the Victorian chapters and promo material
Glad that they still stick to their guns, regardless of what happened with wet Ch'en before
If W is a side character then Ch'en is a background character
Gosh shes so cool, I would make her into my main waifu if I had her
Wuh doesn't really have legs to stand out outside of Sarkaz content. She already comes across as forced now more than ever. I'd like to see that hack lowlight try to make the push even more blatant than now
Just because I want to see Weedy in a swimsuit it doesn't mean I'm a shitposter
Weedy in a microbikini
bros but weedy is cringe...
She is such a bs operator for low rarity, holy shit. She is the best healer by a mile and has retarded level of HP, DEF and RES
Not complaining, I love her.
As for me, I want a new 6* HSM operator. Thanks for asking.
Exu microbikini.
there are no "cringe" operators
Me too, I'm ready for Blacknight #3.
When I first started Arknights I thought Weedy was a nickname for Reed because she could light blunts with her tail
>She is such a bs operator for low rarity
She's a 5* and not even an actually broken one, just an okay one.
/akg/ quercusfags just need to stop shilling this shit already
Who's Blacknight #2?
- Talent: weaker shelter buff than other options. Shelter is a generally poor gameplay mechanic.
- S1: It has a large SP cost so it can't be easily toggled and you will need to wait a while to activate it. No useful utility other than healing.
- S2: Operators get no SP if they aren't being healed. If enemies aren't actively attacking you, it can be easy to cap your HP during Quercus' skill duration and then she will stop healing and generating SP.
I could not find a single fanart of Quercus in a swimsuit with a floral headpiece...
They've huffed so much of their own farts they actually believe their own shilling
Truth nuke
using male pronouns doesn't make him male
Yes, she is. She was mostly absent during the arc till ch14 to shill her.
What? She's the best healer.
Even when I don't need a healer, I like to use her just because I think shelter effect is really cool.
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Someone needs to draw Mandy in Reed's summer outfit, but she falls on her face or ass when tries to walk on heels
QB or Cantabile?
God no there's no way to salvage this character, just let her fade away
>weaker shelter buff than other options. Shelter is a generally poor gameplay mechanic.
Bait used to be believable
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You get it.
worthless post
worthless anon
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>closet homo banner
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The swimsuit skins are basically nude skins and they are the best outfits in the game.
valuable post
Would be such a good banner for me if I didn't have QB
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penance and 4-5 vanguards basically, then heal the drone.
lappGOD for stage 5.
they really listed 168cm like it's tall
>t. lolikek
It is for Asians. The avg height of women in Japan for example is ~158cm if I remember correctly
She is better than dedicated healers. Her only downside is her forward range and that has a setup time.
Abjurer class reasoning is that hey have windows where they are powerful. Quercus window is all the fucking time during S1.

All in all, I think HG should buff Tsukinogi and 9CD
QB is considered better than Penance in CN.
175 and 168 aren’t even tall, what did anon mean by this?
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>not even an actually broken one
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What's the fastest that a character has appeared on another banner after their debut?
Ascalon is 3 months for reference
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More like hagchads banner
You like being humiliated for your baby height, don't you?
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Imagine the night with a horny daughterwife hag
>Upgrade on 3rd stage that gives SP every time you get healed on elemental damage
>Saria with 2x Vanguard/Guard stacks
Enough to keep the device running as long as the boss is on the stage. You stall two eggs that come out of top left because the first one is a killgate, leak the boss and win
As an actual homo this banner is a turn off. If you like this you are unironically not a homo
i remember santalla appeared in like next banner or something
175 is really tall for a woman bro it's like saying 185 isn't tall for a man
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Can your healer do this?
This is why I hate mumu
Silverash if we want to be pedantic
175 is pretty tall for a girl
>You're gay if you like women
Thanks for your input MumuGOD
Shelter is cool but there are tons of medics that heal more than Quercus in the 5 star pool.
Depends on country obviously
175cm for female would be average here
You're a manlet, aren't you?
Funnier when the only really "man"-looking woman there is Degen. The rest are plenty feminine-looking, just a little taller than usual
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Mumu mentioned?
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Homogod has spoken, thus the truth comes to light.
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Behold, Mumu Derangement Syndrome.
bros, am i gay if i am sexually attracted to women??
>ew man, you want to have sex with this adult woman? what are you, a faggot?
Pozemka, please stop fucking posting
Only if it Hoshiguma or Asbestos
>175cm for female would be average here
Bro what. I don't think there's a single country in the world with recorded statistics that has average women heights at 175cm. Which bumfuck middle of nowhere jungle village are you from?
Whisperain's competitive swimsuit
I can't escape the homo threat it seems. So be it. I will face them head on her tits.
>tons of medics that heal more than Quercus in the 5 star pool.
What? Who?
Warfarain S1 may be the closest competitor, but you need a high HP target and lot of dying around her.
just come out already, sis
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Hey, anon *SMOOCH*
If you like a character I don't like then you're GAY. It doesn't matter if you're a guy and you like a female character or a woman and like a male character. You are gay, gay, GAY!
Netherlands seems to be 1.70 m so you are right. And that one is an imposter from Venus or some amazonian tribe.
Hopefully the game can move on from sarkazslop now
Whisperain heals a lot more
Hell fucking no. I wish the jelly did though.
Yeah it does
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>using fucking Xiaohei as your bluebox op
dumb shit, did Saga teach you nothing
Only dogs are fast enough typically...

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