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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Code Vein is better
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>vaare and mohg were good guys all this time
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You know how you wanted to do that bow-only playthrough some day but also wanted to not kill yourself in frustration?
transfer one of these babies
St. Trina is my wife and I'm her promised consort! I love my cute sleepy wife!
that bow needs like 40dex, what do i use until i have the stats?
finally beat the duo gargoyles for the first time since launch
has anyone ever beaten them solo? bullshit bossfight
How good is 1h great katana? I'm planning a faith build with a flame art melee weapon + offhand sacred seal, can't decide between it and a fire knight sword. From what i remember ~1 year ago this setup was kinda trash in pvp though, apart from the zwei crutch poke + catch flame true combo.
Anybody go that Miquella Oreimo picture?
Ansbach is good. Mohg is not.
And Ansbach is good because he mellowed out and got old. He was seemingly a complete edgelord in his youth.
how do I drain the underground area? I found the elevator to the storehouse but no way to drain the water.
the lever is above those bats near the church
Bone bow is pretty funny
There is a separate path opposite of where you went to the storehouse with a Marika statue with a skibidi fragment on it and the path has bats along it, follow it and climb the ladder
Ultimately a boring character with no implact.
No. Varre is still a religious zealot. (But given he was born to be, not really his fault). Mohg's entire dynasty was still built on a pillar of suffering.
Still good because it still has running and crouch pokes and natural synergy with either Flaming Strike or Flame Spear is great.
Who would Mohg have impregnated to form a dynasty in his original plan?
What does being a God even mean in the world of ER if a random human can still kick your shit in with a sword?
Mohg is the one getting impregnated.
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She's cute though
Reading up on those death knights really showed me how much influence the undead loving whore had. A death cult that is seeping into Leyndell's nobility and Omen ranks, multiple renowned Tarnished warriors, and now Godwyn's elite dragon knights all fighting for her order. All while working under the nose of the GO.
Fia has way more hustle than any of the other legendary Tarnished.
okay, so i give myself bone bow until i get the stats
thats pretty much every character in the dlc
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You're mad people are having fun solving a puzzle you weren't smart enough to solve on your own. On my first run of Elden Ring I played with ashes and every tool at my disposal because I'm more interested in exploring the world than fighting bosses, I steamrolled Malenia with rivers of blood and Mimic tear, on my second playthrough which is the one I did the DLC on I decided to engage with the boss mechanics and learn them all properly

So as someone who's done both I can say the seethe from people who use summons is so much worse than the "YDBTG" crowd. The "you didn't beat the game" stuff is just lighthearted shittalking people who (I had assumed) didn't actually care about the "pride" or "honor" of beating a fucking video game boss anyway and just wanted to explore the world like I did, but the amount of genuine bitterness and malice from these people is insane. When I said online that I cheesed Malenia with mimic people just made fun of me, when I say I beat Radahn with no summons or shield and that he's a fun boss people start crying and telling me to kill myself, it's pathetic.
>random human
Super human with God-killing weapons unable to die. Not because of no Rune of Death but because of Grace.
best dlc pvp weapons that are not backhand blades?
do you transfer arrows too or do you get them the fair way?
I'd say they were the hardest fight in my RL1 naked straight sword only playthrough, took me around 20 tries
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rellanas twinblades, im confused. people say that having 50/50 int and faith makes the ash of war good.
but what about the regular attacks?
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What the fuck was his problem?
fire knight ugs
throwing shield
lightning perfume
Hes like the Golden Order without the optics
That he hadn't been caught in the Total Hornsent Death genocide yet.
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Ok, immersion broken. I would never succumb to this faggot incubus.
i NEED the source for a better quality version of your pic
please please please please please please please
They're shit, naturally. You're not getting good value out of those unless you're deep in a NG cycle when having all 4 scaling stats is a thing you can feasibly do.
good morning erg!!!
aren't people use moonveil at least bisexual?
>what about regular attacks
anon this is L2 the game
there's no such thing as regular attacks
you just spam AoW
A good Hornsent is a dead Hornsent
A good Omen is a dead Omen
A good Albinauric is a dead Albinauric
A good Demihuman is a dead Demihuman
A good Misbegotten is a dead Misbegotten
A good Fire Giant is a dead Fire Giant
A good Troll is a dead Troll
A good Bloodfiend is a dead Bloodfiend

This is a human world, the rest of them are just living in it for the time being.
>The "you didn't beat the game" stuff is just lighthearted shittalking
No. Some of them are just fucking around but you cannot seriously believe all or even most of the bitter niggers who respond to everything with ydbtg are just ribbing. Just look at the early DLC threads where people unironically tried to discourage people from upgrading the Scadu fragments and interacting with the DLC's core systems.

>engage with the boss mechanics
As someone who doesn't cheese because 99.5% of the cheese tactics look boring to me, you can't seriously pretend that greatshields or whatever cheese somehow don't interact with the boss's mechanics. They do. That's the reason why they're good against them, because the boss's mechanics are ineffective against turtling. They're still cheese but that doesn't mean you don't interact with the boss. Saying it doesn't count if you jump attacked someone to death (I fucking hate jump attacks in general because they look stupid) is like saying it doesn't count as beating Mohg if you took the anti-nihil tear. The game specifically gives you things to trivialize certain mechanics, and you don't need to use them if you don't want to for whatever reason, but that doesn't elevate you, it just means you played the game in a way enjoyable for you.
so basically RL 300.
dangit... int/fth keeps on losing....
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He's very cute though.
I thought zorayasbros were gone for good. Nice to see you're still alive.
>dex/int build
>not gay
sure thing mate
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I don't have the webm on this phone.
>but what about the regular attacks?
They do massive damage at level 200+. Which is actually pretty populated these days so...
Anyway the LGS moveset is fantastic although I unironically prefer the 1h moveset to the powerstance one
normal attacks do more dps than the L2, L2 is good because you can chose range or aoe
You have to skip the arrow parts otherwise it's unplayable. The bow needs too many arrows.
/erg/ do you wanna see my cat?
google is your best friend nigger
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I've never been more immersed
look up EldenRingSaveCopy.exe
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Dragon form needs precisely enough poise to tank a single throwing dagger before HA kicks in. Fuck from you unbalanced niggers
thanks bro
I'll complete the set
I think the two-handed moveset is super soulful
and practical too
What kind of question is that?
Of course we want to see the kitty
Throwing daggers ought to just not deal poise damage. In what universe is being staggered by a spammable, no-cost ranged tool healthy?
anon will now receive the holy buttsex
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So how many attempts do you guys try before you decide its time to get the summons out? I'm up to attempt 10 on this guy and I'm starting to feel the desire to just use a spirit ash and move on already
>Finished Ymir quest shit
So his whole deal is he is into mpreg basically?
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Moonveil barely even qualifies as a good weapon at this point. If I wanted Moonveil but good I'd be running STR Unsheathe Nagakiba with Bloodflame. Not that I have anything to prove to you fags but I never even used Moonveil prior to the DLC.
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yeah move on /erg/ is a dog general
Nice cat dude
Also do I remember wrong, or did Greyol's roar have a lingering hitbox? Seems to be one burst now and just a huge opening after if you i-frame it.
>nah I beat the game
>YOU'RE MAD [paragraph paragraph]
I think I know who's mad...
Did you play DaS3? These guys are just the Sullyvahn Beasts with some new moves. Strafe to the side, sideroll its attacks, punish, roll the back attack, punish again. You can do this basically forever
If you're not having fun use a spirit ash.
I usually wait until a second playthrough to do a summonless run. It's more fun when I'm able to prepare more for fights
pretty easy if you don't get greedy and use a damage type that actually hurts them (strike, magic, standard)
mental illness
It was always like that. It's always been a really fucking bad spell. Decades of windup with no hyperarmour, easy to roll through, decades of recovery that gives up a free jumping R2/backstab/long windup WA if it's avoided.
>These guys are just the Sullyvahn Beasts with some new moves
post talismans
Who are you quoting?
Get to the DLC early and earn it yourself you coward
mental acuity
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>invade people just doing PvE
>do nothing but spam swift slash
>feel joy that someone on the other side is frustrated with this
Maybe I AM the Dungeater
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playstation just gave me 2 currency units back in credit for pre-ordering cause they changed the price, not sure what im going to do with that but its neat.
That guy's a well known schizo on this general who migrated here from dark souls, just ignore him and his inevitable meltdowns over invades, everyone else does
most honest elden ring invasion
insane wdc webm
>running healer tank
>host and sunbro die
>feel bad
haunting photos taken seconds before disaster
Like with most things, being PROPERLY tanky and spamming a high poise damage L2 with a big weapon is the solution.
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I hate that a lot of the good stuff were locked behind this lame fight. the dane's footwork specifically.
cute cats give em a pat on the head and a chin rub from me
You DID beat the game
Lmfao this exploit is still in the game? What the fuck? Jesus christ fromsoft sucks.
At least there's the new staff. That thing might enable new true combos due to spell chaining.
SOOOOOO proud of you xister!!! you did beat the game!!!! keep chainsawing and you'll beat your gender dysphoria next!!!!!
/dsg/ trannoid lingo, pay it no mind
>host summons me and some other dude in Stormveil
>clear just about the entire level
>get invaded like four times throughout, all the invaders run into us and crumble immediately
I can't believe people still complain about invaders. Like for every 10 invasions you might get one guy who is competent, and even then competence can only go so far when up to three other players who can't hit each other are swinging at you, inadvertently staggering your attacks so you end up getting roll-caught no matter what.
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>dancer set + number 37 hair doesn't actually look like this in game
what the fuck...
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Cute cats
Yes? They recycled the animation skeleton and several animations. The fight is fundamentally the same despite some new moves.
My wife
>radahn decide to fly around and only do clone attacks until I die
I want to lick his feet. Any fanart of that?
I have a lot more respect for rannibros since I have found my wife (St. Trina) and now I understand.
>can't kill grandam
do regular quality builds get anything in the dlc?
It's fine because I look like that
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>FAI got absolutely insane new invader tools that help you effortlessly control entire crowds
>INT got uhhh gravity missile i guess
>1000 years
>but have to be completely alone, no kids, no pets, no interaction with anyone
TFW you simp so hard you fuck your life up permanently
Should have just went with Goldmask
>not cum on
I beat Radahn with the perfume bottles. I'm not proud of it, but it's a weight off my chest.
yeah some anon gave his ahk script couple days ago lol. had to tweak it a bit but it worked.
At most I agree when you're underleveled as a complete noob you struggle with invastions. Yeah honestly I can't remember the last time we lost to an invader, if anything I'm almost excited to get invaded.
Gravity missile aimed at the ground is absolutely nuts, though.
int has been pointless since they nerfed stars of ruin, the only spell I even like now is ice tornado, kamehameha which takes a physic tear AND was also nerfed recently, and weapon summoning aka blue flame spells

faith already had lightning and fire. my generalist mage main dropped all INT spells and just uses mlgs now, it saves 4 weight on a staff.
As if you would deserve it.
>INT got uhhh gravity missile i guess
Nigga that one spell is all you need. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous how strong that is and it has multiple options for a fucking TRUE COMBO

I'd take that any fucking day of the week over a 7 second pillar of life that's in actuality a suicide button against anybody with a brain.
You have your wife Ranni and now all of humanity has free will because of your actions
you can kill her if you draw a bead on her from outside the no combat zone
Afterimages with mass?!
So I was checking Japanese twitter. People here saying the Japanese text clearly said Radahn isn't charmed are all liars lol. Most of the Japanese said that it's ambiguous and how you view Miquella depends on whether Radahn is charmed or not. They are just as clueless as us
I wish St. Trina (my wife) had her own ending so that the whole world would know the bliss of naps.
>Nigga that one spell is all you need
It'll be nerfed like every good INT spell was.
i think they got lazy with this dlc...
I do this precisely to make casualshitters cry about it an get it removed from the game.
Are there ties between the Omen and Hornsent? Just got to the part where it reveals Marika was whipped like the nasty hoe she was when she wa young.
If I don't like square off and unsheathe, what's the best way to deal good posture damage to Radahn on a dex build?
It's weird how small the map feels when you've done everything
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>I invade someone
>I spam l2 of greatsword of damnation
>Pic related
man all the under 2 bucks stuff on psn is dogshit, the best one i've seen so far is dead island (which I already have on ps3) there rest are babies first game maker project tier
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Why'd they make him cute?
Repeating Thrust or Blood Tax
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How long dragons live, or how large they grow, and how healthy they are, etc, isn’t without the magic that upholds them, to a literal point—they’re too heavy, too big, to realistically fly. They need too much food, etc. What truly sustains them? Magic.

Even a dragon’s scales and fire are dyed in vibrant colours, and some are known to breathe blue or even gold fire. Or a mix of such. Balerion breathed black-and-red flames, something Drogon carries over.

When magic goes away. They shrivel up, to account for how they cannot fly. They barely grow larger than a cat. They don’t breathe fire because that would kill them. Everything about dragons in asoiaf is an aberrant fact; including how they’re even assumed to have been made, or bred. All dragons are chimeras, technically, and as a consequence can only be described as part-reptilian, part-abomination.

The foul sorcery that produced them was horrific, or possibly of a parasitic nature, if we are to consider those *things* inside Aerea (pic related), cooking her from the inside out, actual firewyrms. Dragon eggs even stay dormant like worm eggs.

Dragons are a hybrid of wyvern (fire-less ‘dinosaurs’ from the southern continent) and wyrm (human hating serpents of the deep) genes, and aren’t natural at all.

Valyrians were fucking evil and twisted to the max. Targaryens descend from these people.

— ‘By any name, it was an evil place. The dragonlords sent their worst criminals to the Isle of Tears to live out their lives in hard labor. In the dungeons of Gogossos, torturers devised new torments. In the flesh pits, blood sorcery of the darkest sort was practiced, as beasts were mated to slave women to bring forth twisted half-human children.‘

Magic is like pseudo-radiation in asoiaf. It moves around. Alive. It’s also a sick fuck.
post webms, greatsword of damnation is hilarious
It feels big when you're doing stuff because there's lots of stuff to do, but it feels small when you've done all the stuff because you realize the map was made just big enough to hold all the stuff and not unbelievably vast for the fuck of it like some of the base game areas.
Wake up babe newest hostcel killer just dropped
nevermind salt and sanctuary is on here, now were getting to the maybes. thanks for the rebate sony
Now that you say it, "Incubus" would be a great name for a RadahnxMiquella doujin
Igon and Ansbach were great.
My favourite is dunking on the host and the sweatlord phantom that spent the whole time trying desperately to peel with Swift Slash swaps to Damnation just a second too late and grabs me after his girlfriend is already seeing a loading screen
>In the flesh pits, blood sorcery of the darkest sort was practiced, as beasts were mated to slave women to bring forth twisted half-human children
that's fucked up. please go on, it's interesting but also horrifying. i read the base books about a song and ice of fire and i never expected that of the valyrians.
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Need Miqqy hugs. Love the Miqqer.
How do I progress Moore's quest? I can't find him.
open ending on a characters actions, do you rike?
Did you draw this anon? Cutee
is ansbach bow viable without the ash of war?
What are the best pve spells for a dragon communion build? Is there something I should aim for on the dlc?
I fucking hate miqqers
You homos never answer my questions. I assume you fags know little to nothing about the Elden Ring story.
rot and cold, everything else is trash
Anon, I fear you got miquellested
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creepy face
save us vaatividya
>hear jolan and anna are a good ash
>get them
>try them out against the troll in front of the Godrick boss door
>they get annihilated
I guess I'll keep using the mimic
My attempt at getting from the haligtree prayer room bonfire to the next without my co-op phantom dying currently has a 100% failure rate after 7 different players. Only one death was due to an invader.
Abuse early, abuse often
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I WILL hug him
Omen are the product of the Hornsent curse upon Marika's order after they got fucked
Did you get burnt out trying to clear everything?
I'm on my first playthrough and doing everything in the weeping peninsula is kinda tiring
Some of the stuff I've found like the flask and spell memory upgrades are obviously good but a lot of the actual dungeon rewards feel superfluous (and the rune amounts aren't great)
>big tit ranni
stop it, get some help
No. It's from @haligtreeOracle. Same as the "I'm delusional" pic.
If he's already gone it means one of two things, you told him to put it behind him which means you won't see him until the end of the DLC or you told him to stay sad forever and he's already dead.
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I WILL suck his cock
sword lance and a couple other weapons i think.
Are those... Boobs?! And is he grown up?!? Get this abomination away from me
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>Friend (fujo) actualy made me soften in relation of these two being together.
I still think it's character assassination on both parts, but i don't despise it as much as when the leaks dropped.
Miquella is a dumb fucking troon faggot who sucks the cock of a dead guy because "muh gentler world" and I shit in his mouth with rolling sparks, fuck miquella.
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No, I dont think I will.
Its just a consequence of her heritage.
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Can you cheat in Scoobydo fragments? I've done the DLC twice so far and each time I collected all of them. Now on my third character I really don't want to be forced to collect them.
Man, who the fuck types shit like this? Fucking faggot. Why do you fucking freaks always leak out of your containment discords? What, did you see everyone's cocks there and get bored? Kill yourself.
I've used rat ashes on both Replescent and Gaius because they're horse niggers (that's cheating)
They probably just posted some art that looks good right? That can help you cope with anything, but it's still cope.
There's really only like 5 dragon spells:
Claw (plus the new "claw but bigger)
Roar (plus the new "roar but bugged"
And then like 12 recoloured breath spells.

Rot breath is the best breath against anything you can rot. Ghostflame Breath powercrept Ice Breath as the best breath for raw damage. Magma and Roar are worthless. Claw is good for certain big enemies it can stagger and stunlock. Maw does the most damage and can stagger Tree Sentinels but is super slow.
Goodnight /erg/, I will return to post more about St. Trina (my wife) tomorrow.
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Deflect makes enemies a complete joke when paired with a shield or even a large sword due to how it's just an iverpowered extra on top of safe blocking. If they actually want to incorporate deflecting, it should be something exclusive to weapons lighter than greatswords when guarding, that activates automatically but is mistimed fucks you up. It's just not a good iteration otherwise.
I get that it's probably testing ground for guture games like all DLCs are, but I hope that it's not indication that we are getting another parryslop centric game. Deflection should be a secondary mechanic, possibly the gimmick of some weapons designed around it. My hope os for something that mixes and expands the great elements of Elden Ring Ashes of War, jumps and builds, with limb targeting system and expanded movesets of Bloodborne, possibly a refined iteration of both.
>character assassination
MAYBE for Radahn, but we know very little about him beyond being incredibly ambitious so marrying a god makes sense. We also know that Miquella is incest pilled, and was exposed to literal divine incest from a young age. Plus sexuality as we see it doesn’t seem to matter to the pantheon in ER.
>spawn next to moonthiryll
>a good day
>host and 2 buttbuddies notice this and now refuse to engage
>they start pelting arrows
>feign like I'm leaving so they'll try to kill her
>hear them engage her
>she aggro'd up the ladder and started 1v3
>before I even get there I get HOST SLAIN
>she won the 1v3 alone

what a fucking chad
don't care, didn't ask, cope. seethe, stay mad
There's no homoshit in this game. If you think there is then what that's called is projecting and you're the one who is actually gay. Which is bad. Because being gay means you're instantly a failure at life.
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I love them now
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Why do people defend Ranni doing literally everything wrong?
Why are shota-obsessed subs so dangerous?
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so many based posters in a single general...
where the fuck is the cock
miquella should be incest pilled with his sister, not radahn
Total Rellana Death
nah after doing a ton of all 165 boss runs i find optimizing my route in dungeons and between dungeons fun now
r8 my incantation loadout
>Knights Lightning Spear for ranged
>Dragonclaw for groups of enemies
>Wrath of Gold for a "Get off me" button
>Flame Grant me Strength for a general buff
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>There's no homoshit in this game.
The story makes more sense with Radagon and Marika now with the information that gods/demigods can physically split aspects of themselves off into different beings.
Not before I do.

Straight, high testosterone males type shit like that.
Literally kill yourself. I can't wait for your discord faggots to turn their drama on you, it always happens, you porn-obsessed, touch-starved, gooning FAGGOT.
Actually true, I prefer them together, divine twincest is peak. I’m biased though because I want to fuck my actual older sister and self insert as Miquella. I wish they’d gone that route in the DLC.
Are you the AI schizo too? You type like him
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>activate grace
>your character is nowhere near it
literally unplayable garbage refunded
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no one knows
Miquella and malenia would have been the far better twin princes ripoff
sleep sex with st trina
I hear there's high concentrations of Testosterone released in lead as well as when you pull a trigger. I have an idea, get a shotgun, put your mouth around the barrel (It's easy, just pretend it's a cock!) and pull the trigger. You'll get a MASSIVE rush of test.
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Why does "You didn't beat the game" trigger such a kneejerk reaction, I said that to one of my friends as a joke and he was like "OMG IM USING THE GAME'S MECHANICS" why do people take it so personally? This game is a fucking meme
Did you level up jolan before transforming it into +anna? People are saying there's a bug that makes it super weak.
wrath of gold is too expensive and too low range

Golden Vow, Howl of Shabriri, Knight's Lightning Spear, ADLS, Unendurable Frenzy, Frenzied Burst, optional x4 which is usually some combo of Black Flame, normal Lightning Spear, Rotten Breath, Scarlet Aeonia, Giantsflame Take Thee, Erdtree Heal, Multilayered Ring of Light, Light of Miquella, Pest Threads (NG only)
Me having sex with Ranni and Miquella
>Light of Miquella x Waterfowl Dance collab
yea im busting out the spirit ashes for that one
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uhhhhhh that's too much info
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— ‘Ser Lucamore said that the princess's fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor. She had blood in her eyes and her body had "something inside her, something moving", the knight said, until the king forbade him from speaking of the princess. Benifer left no account of Aerea's death, but according to an account in Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before.’

— ‘The girl was burning. Her skin was flushed and red and when I laid my hand upon her brow to learn how hot she was, it was as if I had thrust it into a pot of boiling oil. There was scarce an ounce of flesh upon her bones, so gaunt and starved did she appear, but we could observe certain…swellings inside her, as her skin bulged out and then sunk down again, as if…no, not as if, for this was the truth of it…there were things inside her, living things, moving and twisting, mayhaps searching for a way out, and giving her such pain that even the milk of the poppy gave her no surcease.’

— ‘Barth reported that "swellings" moved underneath the princess's skin, possibly searching for a way to escape and causing a great pain. He wrote "I pray that I shall soon forget some of the things she whispered", and that she often begged for death. It seemed to Barth as if Aerea was cooking from within. Her flesh grew darker until it resembled pork cracklings; smoke came from her mouth, nose, and her nether regions. Aerea's eyes cooked within her skull until they burst. When the princess was lowered into the tub of ice, "slimy, unspeakable things" making horrible sounds emerged from under her skin—one as long as his arm—but the "creatures of heat and fire" died from the cold of the ice.’

— ‘The things…Mother have mercy, I do not know how to speak of them…they were…worms with faces…snakes with hands…twisting, slimy, unspeakable things that seemed to writhe and pulse and squirm as they came bursting from her flesh.’
Stand proud little chuddie
Radagon, Messmer and Melina are Marika's children by the Fell God.
You need to seriously kill yourself
I see now why Miyazaki clicked with the Fat Man
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>meet her
>exhaust her dialogue
>she tells me to fuck off
>rest at grace
>try to talk to her
>still told to fuck off
What a bitch. Why do people simp for her?
The egg is Miquella's actual physical form, he was actually more cursed than his sister but blessed with mind control.
He wanted to cast off his body like Ranni the entire time.
I see my man GRRM is a Heaven's Feel enjoyer
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You wouldn’t get it
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>Verification not required
why the fuck does Gaius charge deal too much health?
I love how catlike she is
Shouldn't the MC of this game be considered the most important person to ever live and garner crazy respect and a lot of cock sucking? We accomplish more than anyone ever has in this reality.
>Malenia, cured of rot
>First phase is pretty similar to the in-game one, probably less fancy because she's not blind now and doesn't do that water style fighting
>second phase
>this happens
Would have been cancer, yes, but kino
cause the limits you set for yourself are good enough, and its pretty condescending when you actually try and still get "you didn't beat the game" like when I beat malenia at level 60 with not very upgraded weapons I didn't even get a well done. its always just insults and that has become the norm so essentially insulting them more won't have any effect beyond just pissing them off.
Why is magic so fucked in GoT? Wasn’t there a guy who chopped off a boy’s junk to speak to some blue flame demon? The eunuch guy I mean.
What is Dragoncrest Talisman
What is Boiled Prawn
At that point we haven’t accomplished shit
You can probably collect all missables (including the NPC questlines) and get to the end of the game in well under 12 hours. The only problem is grinding the duelist weapons and outfit. Everything else can be collected at any point.
literally just block it
nope, only leveld it after combining them
i mean im pretty sure you'd end up straight to izalith if an armored boar with titanium tusks rammed you at full speed
Normally an attack is a single hitbox that can only hit the same target once and then deactivates.
Gaius' charge is actually several different overlapping hitboxes that persist for a second and then are replaced with new ones constantly, so it can hit you multiple times in each instance of damage, and hit you repeatedly for as long as you're touching him.

Similar to the bug that let bleed dogs deal millions of damage a second, except here it was done intentionally.
It is a cruel, bloodthirsty, pedophilic force of “nature”
It is no coincidence, the *children* of the forest …
It can be compared to tossing to a beast a piece of meat
i summoned them for the ganksquad and they stunlocked and bled freyja to death by themselves
I already have the dragoncrest talisman.
So how much of mohgs insanity was due to micks mind control? Was he always so quick to murder everyone while living in a blood filled shithole or was that the homolust?
last tangentially related question I swear, is salt and sanctuary a good "dark souls" game?
I am a nerd for ds1 so, I should enjoy it yeah?
gotta spend that rebate on something and thats all that stands out to me. (also dreamfall cause I never played it back when, but its the sequel not the first one so pass)
So Miquella x Malenia bros all want to fuck their sisters...
if i were to get crushed into a wall by a raging 7 feet high boar with as you mentioned plated tusks and 1 ton of armour then eh i had it coming if i get oneshot.
lol’d at the relevant image
Isn't this whole game incest?
Dragoncrest talisman + ritual shield talisman + blue-feathered branchsword + opaline hardtear + crimson bubbletear + black flame's protection + sacred ground + endure + fingerprint + barricade + shield talisman
i heard that the first one was good but the sequel is complete fucking ass
I want to know anon
did people just pretend to watch game of thrones or what? incest is wincest. Jamie Lannister won. the one that dies in the desert lands was so undeserved that I actually laughed when cersei did the same to her eventually and I am not a sadistic person usually
His worship of the Formless Mother was all him.
The plan to make manlove to his boywife until they got asspregnant was all Miq.

It's also likely that the Miquella was behind the Bloody Fingers as well, turning to Tarnished to acquire sacrifices after Ansbach became suspicious, and thus he couldn't rely on the Pureblood Knights anymore.
People who are against incest just have ugly siblings
There will be an Elden Ring 2 and you will deal with that fact.
well that explain the damage.
No I get it, that anon is mentally ill, it's just this whole game in regards to relationships is incest. Everyone in ER is either fucking their brother or sister.
I still don't know how some people are still taking Elden Ring's lore seriously.
I mean, I guess Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro make sense (but also no need to fellate them). But Elden Ring is a clusterfuck because G.R.R.M. is a hack.
Why can't anyone see that?
thats a shame, I just learned there even was a sequel. I guess I have no reason not to grab it
I look forward to it and the tv show
and hbo bloodborne, which has about as much proof of existence as the dark souls shows at this point but I refuse to let hbo forget they announced it was in production like the dark souls shows (they tried twice to my knowledge)
If anything, maybe fucking his boywife kept him too busy to be extra murdery
Ranni handjob
you wasted time summoning your mimic instead of dodging/strafing. Absolute state of summoncucks
The only part of this game GRRM wrote was the stupid royalty dynamics, who is fucking who, who wants to kill who for the throne, etc. Miyazaki is literally everything else.
George wrote like 2 pages about the basic backstory of Elden Ring, this is squarely on Miyazaki.
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Does getting the Black Wolf Mask screw anything up? I havent played in years but remember Blaidd not being a fan of it.
>4 arms
go on...
Why are you being stupid? This isn’t his fault. He wrote something for Miyazaki to INTERPRET. They met with him ONCE.

Do you REALLY think Rellana would be some oc donut steel type character in his eyes? Really? Miyazaki even said that he would be shocked.

It’s not George, it’s the production team.

For all you know George never even had the idea to make Malenia so badass.
I saw someone with a gigantic boar helmet, how do you get it?
>Elden Ring is just an elaborate endorsement of big dick anal
That's wild yo.
Oh, my fault then. Guess Miyazaki let his fame go over his head or became senile then?
The story makes more sense now, just people are trying to reinforce the headcanon that the community already came to.
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I'm trying to keep it at like 3-4 incantations. Mostly melee with some spells for niche situations.
So when will we get a mod that adds a boss rush mode? I want to refight some of these bosses.
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solo'd that guy personally. someone just shared that webm yesterday
>got hit by jump attack several times with big hammer
>still no stagger
how many poise does Gaius have?
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This is the most powerful character in the lore. You cannot kill him. He is above and beyond the player. He needs no HP bar.

Not even Radahn+Miquella would prevail, and you know it’s true for a fact.
rykard and ranni both married well outside the family
i suppose there's that theory about ranni being betrothed to godwyn, but she already made sure that wasn't happening
>The story makes more sense now
Miquella is now more confusing of a character than before.
all the dlc bosses have 120 posture except romina who has 80. use some throwing knives or something to keep his posture from regenerating
And arguments too, she sent me a fanfic she wrote for an anon here
>Mage fag
>Wastes time summoning his meat shield mimic
>Forgets he can use torrent
The absolute state of shitters.
I know the jar cannon is objectively a stronger weapon, but I like the way the hand ballista looks, you know?
Could you use greases as lube? If you apply shield grease on your dick can you stop worrying about DST? Would magic grease make I fuck like a M A G I C I A N? What about holy grease, the divine cock?
I managed to stagger him a lot with DMGS but I used the poise breaking Tear and it had to be fully charged R2s
Could a meteor Radahn smash it? Hmm.
Personality wise we’re perfect for each other, idk I’ve been obsessed with her for ages honestly, basically since I discovered I liked girls. The happiest I’ve ever been was when we were living together for a little bit. We also just fit the mold of Miquella/Malenia pretty well.
All the bosses have the same posture but their "turn" is so long that it triggers their regen, which gives a lot of them effectively infinite posture unless you cheese them.
>since I discovered I liked girls
Are you also a woman?
i keep trying to make a new character but i just can't, this game is way too big it would take me at least a 100 hours to finish it again
and if i use my already existing character for newgame+ then i can't do colloseums anymore
Why is Senessax beefier than Bayle
what did he mean by this???
I imagine it would feel like what happens when you put icy hot accidentally on your genitals.
>invading the same 3 man gank squad of 2 bone bows and a ansbachs bow over and over
I don’t have an image to describe this bullshit. I think I’ll be in the right to chainsaw them if I invade them again.
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Grabbing Miquella's tiny waist and blowing raspberries on his tummy.
>you cannot kill him
>>>>above and beyond the player
I can glitch his ass though
apply some dragonwound grease
The lusty ancient dragon, Sexxex.

I posture broke divine beast and the hippo multiple times. You just gotta eat shit and keep attacking even if they're beating you to death.
alright thank
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That's just one person...
I'd rather blow something else
>summoned into a Radahn
>host has 13 skibidi
>even still all he has to do is let me handle it and we'll win
>rush in, in phase 2, can't dodge anything, and dies
What the fuck are these people doing
What are they doing?
What the fuck are they doing?
What the fuck.
What can I possibly do in this situation? He even dodged my heal from afar.
Hoes mad
>get married to your goth girl sorceress half sister
>she fucking kills your soul and kicks off eternal war
>marries some random tarnished instead
Fucking brutal
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If Messmer breaks his eye to unleash his snake curse, does a curse release when Miquella abandons his eye?
Radagon and Markia make more sense with the knowledge that gods can split themselves into different physical beings.
Also seems to make them more obsessed without the conflicting ideas and emotions.
What is left of Miquella seems to mostly just care about making everyone love and worship him after casting off Trina and his cursed physical body.
im not, I have literally referred to the dlc lore as "similar to fallout 4s which isn't good" people are still so dumbfounded by radahn2 that even loretubers are assuming everything we learned in the base game was because characters were just straight up lying to us or something (this was one theory I had about melina at one point anyway but even then, wheres the truth then?)

i've heard so many "actually that was retconned" including frenzied flame that i'm not sure I care anymore, a bit like fallout 4...
the only reason I do is because I haven't personally confirmed it myself in game. for now.
Nope, he is above you, just like Azur and Lusat.
Even “unkillable” npcs like Miriel are killable.
The big mighty jar man and the two crystal wizards are beyond you.
That’s just how it is.
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Anyone would be annoyed if you stomped on their accomplishment. At some point community went from "git gud" to "you need to restrict yourself" and it's never recovered since. You can climb a wall just fine but some people need the rope, just how it is.
Total Jar Death
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>some day
Are there any STR/INT weapons this expansion? Why is From so allergic to this stat combo?
>But what about the Moonrithyll's Knight Sword
Literal copy/paste of the Troll Knight Sword with worse weapon art.
you know what I can do that the jar, azur and lusat can't?
I can fucking move
stop asking questions bro
morgott could seal his curse in a fucking sword
No, I could’ve worded that better. I mean like when I first started getting romantic/sexual feelings. I did get mistaken for a girl 9/10 times when I was a kid though, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I’m still pretty feminine though desu. Or I guess androgynous. I kind of want to do a Miquella cosplay.
Don’t be rude I love your art.
Most people fucking suck ass at this game
Perfumes on the offhand seem pretty nice, at last for PVE. Wonder how well they do in PVP.
Hes about a hundred times more straightforward now, cope
caelid is still my favorite area
>the sense of danger, even if you're a veteran
>the mystery and exploration
>both high and low level areas confined to the same region
>unique setting and theme; it reminds me of a condensed Morrowind
The jar can move, he just has no reason to.
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I dunno about that....
this should be mandatory viewing at this point
PLEASE watch the whole thing and please understand, its important. it will help you in life.
>implying the great jar can’t sit up and do a continent wrecking spin
>implying azur and lusat aren’t projecting themselves into the astral
do we ever see miquella's eyes? i remember the st.trina depiction on the torch or whatever has them covered.

he might have fucked up eyes that give him away unless you're charmed or a seal.
This is why I never invade without a ranged option. Shitters will never engage into anything even remotely disadvantageous unless you piss them off really badly. Golem Arrow Greatbows excelled at this.
>decide to try Mimic out
>it dies easier than some summons
I don't get it.
I still can't believe Morgott is such a chad, why did he get done so dirty gameplay wise
You need to upgrade it.
Is Fire Scorpion Charm worth it? Or is it just as bad as Soreseal?
already at 10+
The greatshield skeletons seem more reliable than this
Needs to be fully upgraded. Need good items on your bar, and even then you also need to have a good loadout of either weapon or spells.
Once your build is finished, regardless of what it is, it's far and away the best summon and it's not even close.
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So this was his actual form all along and he was using his mind control powers and made a plan to cast off his body?
Is commander gaius supposed to be dogshit on purpose because this fight is dogshit
Miquella mindraping you into loving him doesn't make you a homosexual. Sure, he is a faggot but it's limited to him.
Caelid is cool, but too forgiving. Dragonbarrow is meh because it doesn't really have anything in it and I don't like the constant raining.
doing a fist only run and some enemies i cant even fucking reach with fist weapons. Like godrick for some fucking reason wont get hit by some swings even when i am right up in his grafted cock punching away at it. Even the smallest short sword or dagger can reach enemies but fists man are so fucking short reaching. this shit kind of blows but im going to persevere through this .
The mentality comes from the fact that the essence of these games is experiencing the interplay with a boss through its moveset and mechanics, and fromsoft's easymode tools to help reviewers give their games good ratings are all built on the idea of NOT engaging with that interplay to allow someone who is disinterested, distracted, disenfranchised and lazy to blow through the game in 2 weeks and write about how it's a masterpiece.

In previous games this was well understood. You can play sorcery in Dark Souls 1 if you want but you're skipping the essence of the game and only depriving yourself of the experience--and so magic wasn't popular except for people who've already experienced every other facet and are making a game of breaking the game. And in Dark Souls 2 it was well understood that you literally could not lose while holding a greatshield--and players intuitively understood they could bust out the greatshield to trivialize a boss they weren't having fun fighting but that they should probably try most things without it first.

It's only with elden ring that the game reached this audience of disaffected binge-gamers that are only interested in blowing through a game using the path of least resistance, experiencing as little of it as possible, learning as little about it as possible and getting to the end like seeing the credit roll is in and of itself the accomplishment. "You didn't beat the game" doesn't mean "you failed to accomplish the goal" but that you literally, L I T E R A L L Y failed fundamentally to experience a fucking videogame, because you were in too much of a hurry to get to the next one on your list and didn't take your time to engage with its gameplay. Petulant children making tier lists where anything but the pickaxe isn't 'beating the game' are the ones blew through it, and lash out at the perceived slight from people telling them all the fucking videogame they missed that they shit the bed in screeching irony.
Anyone else find the yellow-green lighting in Scadu Altus extremely ugly?
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How the fuck are people like, level 150 by endgame?
I'm at after Godfrey, beat Haligtree (except Malenia) and beat Mohg and I'm like level 75.
I'm generally not dying much, so it's not like my runes are wasted.
Promised vow means it was mutual at some point before all the shedding of identity and Radahn getting hit with the rot. Radahn just wanted to fight and die in battle before getting married and Miquella sent out Malenia to be his champion to get it done.
The final boss weapons.
Why do foids choose to intentionally draw the ugliest things ever? You never see ugly shit drawn by men. Unless they are trannies. What makes women and trannies so unappreciative of beauty?
nailed it
Ranni is a game and I’m a player
maybe if you do many dungeons and generally kill everything instead of riding past

i dont know
I hate yellow in general and think the majority of Elden Ring has intentionally ugly lighting because they pushed the GRACE OF GAULD thing way too far. Limgrave and Altus are absolute eyesores.
If you go around trying to find everything on the map and full clear it you can end up over 150 by the end of the base game pretty easily.
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I haven't played since December of last year so i'm picking up where I left off
based off what I vaguely remember, I was doing volcano manor stuff

just a quick question, can I fight Rykard now after finishing Rya's quest or should I still do the 3rd assassination in the hilltop snowy area? (i havent figured out a way to get there yet)

I'm at altus Plateu but im not sure if i can just go up the big stairs or i'm missing something

i'm a Faith/Strength player if that means anything
>What makes women and trannies so unappreciative of beauty?
bitterness that theyll never look like that
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Most streamers I watch going through the dlc are beating the remembrance bosses in just a few attempts and they aren't even summoning. They always took me like an hour each, at least. Multiple hours for Rellana.
>according to the mindrapist
I think the LOWEST i've been by morgott is 90 no wait 70 when I literally skipped everything else on my dragon guy that got respec'd cause I don't like dragon breaths just draining the fuck out of your fp bar taking 5 minute to cast and no hyperarmor, except claw and maw they're all shit, and greyolls, but my main uses that already anyway.
god i wish ranni was real and told me to go fuck myself
There has to be a point where we take what's said at face value otherwise there is no lore and everyone is an unreliable narrator.
You have to either be dying more than you think, spending them on other stuff, or bypassing a lot of dungeons.
I made a character recently and just leveled up at the end of dungeons/after bosses and ended up at 129 right after the Fire Giant. Still have Farum Azula and the Ashen Capital to go.
I'm not sure where the fuck your runes went buddy I was 120 before I set foot in Leyndell.
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>There is no secret weapon or piece of armor that's going to magically make all of this easy
Always funny to hear this, specially after L2 Ring
>no you don't get it you HAVE TO believe the mindrapist becuase...YOU JUST HAVE TO
>It doesn't matter that we've already been fed false narratives in the game
>What the mindrapist says is 100% the honest truth even though his musclepuppet doesn't even say a single word
Most of the DLC was about Miquella being a liar that used his powers to try to get everyone to love him and kill anyone that resisted.
assassinations then after juno (AND patches one for magma whip and bhernals one which is a 2v2) talk to tanith AFTER Ryas dialogue has moved as far as it can and Don't you dare!
then equip the spear and jump tali and spam jump r2 (optional: with mimic out) for the free win, gold scarab + gold foot for 200k+ runes

build is irrelevant its a gimmick boss unless you DONT use the spear then its the hardest boss in the entire game.
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Showing off my Rurouni Tarnished-kun because I'm proud of the mods I done did for him.
This all just boils down to the childish notion that if someone's not playing the game the way YOU want them to, they're not playing it right.
welcome to the rice fields motherfucker
dark bead existed back then, the point is valid enough. if you use super overpowered shit you are only cheating yourself.
I hate beating bosses too quickly, because often it means you barely got much gameplay out of the best parts of the game. I died a bunch of times to Metyr's giant laser move in the last phase and then on my successful attempt I killed her before she could use it. I never mastered that move, never overcame it and I don't feel good about that. It's like beating Malenia because her AI bugged and never used waterfowl.
he needs some facial hair or some stubble, then he would look even more like..
Yeah dude ER is so much less balanced than ds1! You’re so right!
The game calls him Promised Consort Radahn, not Miquella
So he's even lying when he talks to himself? Even item descriptions lie? There has to be truth somewhere in what he says. You can't just dismiss all of it.
Yeah, everything he tries to project into the minds of others is a lie, he even lied about the true form of his physical body.
pls tell armor used, i love your style
anyone got that clip of at least 4 people front backstabbing each other for no damage? fun times.
just for the sake of saving time, how do i get to the mountaintop of giants area for the Juno bit?
do i need to reach Leyndell or is it before that?
>Alright beloved sister and loyal blade of mine
>I need you to fight our half-brother Radahn because I want him to be my Lord
>Don't worry, he wants that he just doesn't know it yet
>Meanwhile I will wait here until our other half-brother Mohg comes to kidnap me
>Then I will mind fuck him and get him to water my cocoon with cursed blood so that I can go to shadow realm
>Radahn has to become my lord in the shadow realm because...because he just does okay?
>You probably aren't strong enough to kill Radahn so you just need to weaken him or something
>But don't worry, one day a tarnished will show up to finish the job and send his soul to the shadow realm for me
>That tarnished will also kill Mohg for me, you don't have to worry about that part
>IF you survive all that and make it back to the haligtree hopefully the tarnished will come put you out of your rotten misery too
>If all goes according to keikaku I'll be in the shadow realm getting my bussy pounded by our bro Radahn who I resurrected with the corpse of our other bro Mohg
>k thx byeeeeeeeeeee!
Not what I was expecting.
>character uses mind manipulation
>this is my excuse to ignore everything he says
>because it's gay
she's not
No, it doesn't. It just calls him "Consort of Miquella." Miquella is the only one who says "promised consort."
Here are the facts we know:
1) Miquella is a lying, manipulative mindrapist.
2) Radahn behaves like a machine. Like a puppet, if you will.

What's the reasonable conclusion here? That they were madly in love? Fuck off.
they look normal
You see his actual deformed physical body he casted off.
He lies about everything.
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>slow walk around Stormveil like an NPC, spamming Lamentation
>if host ignores me and doesn't actively mess with my routine, i leave him be
>if he attacks, i go full Winter Lantern on his ass
This is so much fun
Nigger they're half brothers; I don't think it's supposed to be perceived positively by well-adjusted people.
Go to bed Miyazaki.
it uses what you have equipped when you summon it, you may need to change your loadout a bit for maximum effectiveness
oh man you got some progress to do, see I usually visit volcano when reaching altus first time cause Rya is a sweetheart and I never ignore her, get millicent to carry on her merry way (do this if you haven't, erd hill, detour to shaded for something important, but do not go to the boss, patches has an event here later too. and then windmill village) and after getting up to the red letter (Juno) you sort of forget volcano exists for a bit except the miniboss godskin noble and go back after the Juno invasion

you need to clear leyndell before you are able to reach mountains.
People assumed he was a child physically, it turns out he is just obsessed with making everyone love him and do what he says like a spoiled child.
you can only be level 75 if you do LITERALLY nothing besides fight main story bosses
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why do so many people in souls games care how others play, its just a singleplayer

please help me understand
Phase 1 is called Promised Consort Radahn. Phase 2 is Radahn, Consort of Miquella.
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I'm allowed to think their duo boss design looks pretty great though. Especially their remembrance. I'm sad they aren't actually really fighting as one because if they were this would be even better.
If the bosses aren't annoying, sure. Like for god sake, stop creating bosses that mess with the camera pov while they are flying around in the sky.
Doing an honest run is such a slog in this DLC for some bosses unlike the base game bosses.
Even from the main story bosses you hit like 100
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Dryleaf Robe (with a few texture and model modifications), Dryleaf armwraps, Land of Reeds greaves (with texture modifications), and Iron Kasa (replaced with Straw Hat model I found on Nexus).
a lot of people who summon will reply to posts saying "wow malenia was really hard" with "huh?? i beat her second try with mimic lmao"
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>DS1 DLC was great
>Old Hunters was some of the best video game content I ever played
>Every DS2 DLC was amazing (Sunken King was the weakest FROM DLC I played though)
>Then THIS comes out
Maybe I just had high expectations because FROM DLC tends to be their best stuff... Like, I didn't play anything from DS3.
So maybe it's a trend

But I've never been more fucking disappointed with a FROM DLC than this. It's just fucked... Despite having a few really good fights, the main questline just feels like shit.
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alright, yeah i thought i could get volcano manor out of the way before hitting the capital

man that sucks, i really wanted the greatsword from rykard tho
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>It seems like you just cheesed it and the PvE didn't even move
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LEGENDARY LOOT! I sure hope it's not another Glovewort or something haha ;^))
nta yeah im sure the people freaking out about this on twitter are well adjusted people
I just finished rushing a second character for the DLC, I've only done a couple side dungeons for some deathroot and cookbooks and ignored every early-midgame boss that drops less than 50k runes. I haven't killed Maliketh or Malenia or Mohg and I'm at RL145, my character file is only 15 hours.
ge golly i wonder what the loot on top of a tomb ship could be
No, that's how you WANT to interpret it because you're incapable of self-reflection.
I'll feed you a food analogy since that will be easier for a child's mind to digest:
A renowned, acclaimed chef just cooked you foie gras, and since he knows there are children at the table he also made up a simple plate of fries as a side. You brushed the foie gras aside, at the fries and now you're telling the adults at the table that dinner was "mid" and you think the chef is overhyped.
Nobody is going to sit down and walk you through why your opinion is silly and nobody is taking it seriously. We'll just tell you "you didn't eat the foie gras."

Now imagine this fry-loving child is instead a grown ass man with a platform and followers, and uses his platform to proudly declare his stupid opinion and influence his followers, many of whom have not tried the food themselves and would base their decisions on what they see spoken about it, and cry and put and stamp his feet when asked "did you even eat the foie gras?"

It's not wrong to enjoy the side of fries, or be the kind of person who just doesn't like foie gras and only showed up to the meal because there were other options--it's wrong to pretend that you're a fucking food critic when all you eat are fries. So many (mostly young) people come into this game thinking fries are the main dish because their only source of information are the manchildren with a platform that turned up their nose at a real meal but still desperately want internet clout.
Ashes of Ariandel was dogshit and the Ringed City was decent, the trend that "From releases their best stuff as DLC" died with Bloodborne
you can but you'll miss takers cameo iirc. which you don't want to miss really in the grand scheme of things.
use a flame art flam until you can use the actual str faith sword with heal fire and passive vamperic on kill healing
>food analogy
Stopped reading.
They're right. Imagine any other game where a major mechanic like that is introduced to you right at the beginning of the game and a whole faction of the community loudly declares they won't use it for whatever reason. Don't complain about difficulty if you're purposefully gimping yourself.
Chief made better foods with his old dishes.
Got a question about NG+
Is it significantly harder than the base game (if it is harder to begin with)?
I finished the game at lvl 140-ish and was wondering if I was supposed to farm and level up again to finish it a second or third time on the same save?
>Got Malenia on 3rd try after DLC (only killed her once before)
I think I've been hardened
Here is my definitive list of "You didn't beat the game" mechanics:

>Barricade AoW
>That one tear that gives you infinite FP for a bit

That's it imo
Fair enough it does. Regardless, that alone still doesn't override the few facts we DO actually know. And let's not pretend like the English text hasn't made significant fuck ups before when Ranni's ending sounds way different in English than in the original Japanese text.
I'd rather focus on the things we know rather than what terms the English uses.
It's somehow even more nonsense than that because Miquella was at Caelid making the timeframe from when he got Mohgnapped incomprehensible
>main questline
Its the same its always been, you murderhobo you way from zone to zone while NPCs clue you in on what's happened before they inevitably bite it.
What is the intended interplay though? When you have to restrict the vast majority of playstyles in the game I think that maybe things have gone too far.
Wow what a retarded analogy. No big surprise that something so delusional came from the mind of someone so obsessed with other people playing a game the "wrong" way.
You WILL get excited for the sneedworts. You WILL level up the new spirit ashes.
>golden arcs
>giant golden arc
is one preferable over the other or is it situational?
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am I supposed to do something here?
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What did he mean by this?
You forgot
>Using any L2 sticks
it's an optional easy mode for newbies
first ng+ is very easy, its like a victory lap

i think the difficulty only goes up after like ng+4
I thought the ds2 dlc was lame with the "this is the poison soldier uh okay different dlc this is the Ash soldier uhhh Ice Man next???" crap but that combined package puts this garbage to absolute shame
where is that
you forgot bleed and rot/poison
also Endure
Losing what? Elden ring is about massive levels and using everything you want, mandatory sl brackets are for dasbabby subhumans
This is a community that worships a guy for LITERALLY playing the game for them
rabbi's rise
every ng+ scales hp and damage a little bit, the first adds quite a bit of flat defenses. starting at ng+3 enemies get more poise up to 40% at ng+7 which is where scaling stops
Ok thanks
Drop down from the back of Marika's village to get at the top of the wizard's tower.
If you have Ymir's simp's ashes you can upgrade them if you interact with her.
infinite fp tear got another nerf
and why do you hate blocking
i think you have some points but at the same time i dont think its good to be so invested in this when it really doesnt matter
if you're not pressing L2 you're not even playing elden ring and are pretending it's ds3
When did Miquella go to Caelid? I must have missed something. I guess that explains why his needle was there at least.
People who fuck deathbed maidens are desperate for companionship of any kind.
You forgot
>jumping attacks
>poise damage physick
>charged heavy attacks
>fighting on torrent
>playing on mouse and keyboard
>using an Xbox controller
>not using the donkey kong bongo controllers
>having both eyes open
are there super stronk weapon arts for greatsword other than giant hunt and the guts somersault one?
You can mix it up, like seriously, imagine playing like the average moonveiler through the entire game, literally fucking braindead
it's ok to admit you were wrong this is an anonymous board
No, the needle was there because of Malenia
If you mean after then yeah. I generally didn't like DS3.
TOH and Bloodborne in general was FROM at their best in terms of the Souls formula
I guess.. The setting and twists kinda matter to me.
Like, I really don't like Radahn being the final boss. I felt he got a pretty good final battle with the Festival. I also hated him gameplay and presentation but that's a seperate matter.
Ivory and Iron King DLC was cool as hell, but I'm a "dude in armor" design enjoyer.
Blocking the last hit of a combo for guard counters is fine, guarding the entire combo is too easy.
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I'm starting to be able to dodge the bullshit anime attacks.
>every NPC except for Florissax if you drug her dies
I mean come the fuck on base ER at least had Ranni, Rya, and Nepheli/Kenneth who are alive at the end.
he was on the battlefield of aeonia and "healed" freyja there, i say "healed" because she still has the scar but doesn't seem to mind it anymore
A good rule of thumb is that if you see every attack a boss does and successfully defend against them all at least once by reacting to the telegraph and responding accordingly before beating a boss you probably experienced everything it has to offer.
I think this is a good rule of thumb because it allows for virtually any playstyle as long as you're not just stunlocking/dunking the boss instantly, but still makes it clear why, for example, parrying a boss to death or hiding behind a fingerprint shield will frequently rob you of the experience while using some actual tools to help make the fight easier doesn't necessarily ruin it.
but this was my first reply to the chain why am i wrong

but sure im wrong
Coop is fun. I like having fun.
holy buttsex time
You beat up Godrick and Nephali, Fia, and D seem to like you. Duh.
you mix it up by equipping a different skill or using a different unique weapon
Flame Spear/Skewer on the Fire Knight GS.
>*stunlocks the boss permanently to the point it barely gets to move*
>goo goo gaa gaa
Remember when shit like this was widely mocked? Now you're lucky if they bother to change the colour
DS2 DLC dungeons are amazing, would've been better with more creative enemy rosters but we haven't seen anything on that level since.
just making sure, but does thoillier just moan pitifully and not die after trina tells you to kill miquella and you beat his invasion?
>*stunlocks the boss permanently to the point it barely gets to move*
>goo goo gaa gaa
you just described the gameplay of every strength build, coop or solo
>immediately triggered into babbling like a child
Yes, you mindbroke him from the NTR and now he become your obedient attack dog/cameraman.
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If Miquellas is journeying through the Land of Shadows alongside the Tarnished, the one who was riding Torrent on that promotional image was Marika and not Miquella?
i dont know
>no shield
>no bloodhound step
>no light roll
>no spirit ash or summon
>no ranged attacks
>no status
Behold, foie gras
Miquella and Malenia sitting in the haligtree KISSING.
go look up the radahn phase 2 cutscene
just double checking after i killed myself another two times and nothing changed, thanks
I've decided. I'm going to save my love Melina from her ridiculous path of self-destruction.

I will use the Frenzied Flame to set fire to the Erdtree. I will free myself from its control using Miquella's Needle. It doesn't matter if she hates me for doing so.

That's love. Reciprocation is optional.
damn wtf didn't even know this cliffside existed
Not just the color itself but literally everything about that particular lighting state, something about the way the shadows are graded and it's like the light isn't even being projected correctly. I thought maybe I just had calibrated my monitor or the ingame brightness incorrectly but it looks the same in other people's footage too.
Concealing Veil is sooo fucking good for invading with all these new weapons
i should use endure more in pve
what the fuck is up with senessax
why is the camera fucking me up more than the boss
incredibly tilting fight
I'm not really invested it in. I think it's funny when I see balding manchildren and their underaged worshippers in the wider ecosystem cope furiously about being afraid to really engage with a hobby they invest so much time and money into. But it's mind blowing to see the same shit parroted here where folks ought to actually know better. It screams of insecurity, which is why the picky eater analogy works so well, I think.
>he doesn't hang out with the Hornsent Grandam
>he doesn't dance and cavort
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Good goy
if you have never enjoyed a good excitedly jumping around alongside your fellow tarnished after beating up a mean enemy you have no heart at all
>Radahn has to become my lord in the shadow realm because he's the only demigod strong enough to resist the stars
>Once you kill him, go kill Mohg too
>Then I'll become a god and fix your rot
Troll's roar? Maybe braggart's roar charge R2. How much poise damage does the buttslam do?
is there anything else in the massive finger arena?
anyone else just blank out when fighting bosses and forget all their buffs, flask of physicks, and weapon arts?
Anyone already made a timeline of events with Shadow of the Erdtree stuff? Was Messmer and Melina born before Marika made the Erdtree? because, knowing that Radagon is his father? during Carian alliance Godfrey was still her consort

The game is so insanely active during chink hours on max level bracket wtf
>endures through an attack
>boss is already in frame 0 iframes from lightspeed attack startup
one of them has a hidden cave with a fingercreeper spirit ash

also one has a gesture in it

atmosphere, you can look at stuff in different angles, leave messages, meditation practice
Radahn was one of the few people that could resist Miquella and see him for what he was due to his powers allowing him to control the stars and cycles/fate.
That's why Miquella became so obsessed with him and his refusal to the point of making plans that involved killing his own siblings and casting off any love he had into Trina.
hornsent grandam is sleeping forever wdym
Obviously you expect sex and cummies for it though.
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>Hunter DongCheng70 summoned
There's more people alive in the base game than that. Tanith and Patches stay alive if you don't kill them for their outfits. Jar-Bairn goes on a quest or something. Gostoc's hanging out with the Stormveil people. Jerren is presumably alive if you sided with him to kill Sellen.
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Radahn was a lazy addition that takes away from the story they were trying to write for Miquella through the base game and most of the DLC
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this game very good
tanith is meant to be killed for the crucible knight fight imo. rya can survive at least.
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>mfw when i pull out Swift Slash
He was "LIKE an older brother" to Radahn, so we know he was older than him AND Radagon wasn't his father so he was probably Godfrey's son.
Or maybe Marika shoved a snek up her cunt and he was the result because it would be noted if he was of the Golden Lineage™.
sure is
Kute kot
A remembrance dupe altar.
He has red hair
>redtroon has to be carried by a npc
real dsg hours
You have no true love in your hearts. A real man does whatever it takes to make sure the ones they cherish are safe and sound. That is the reward in itself, no more no less.
Do Melinafags really? Kek
>people really tried to say everyone who had problems with the iframes is a shitter
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sorry bad picture
computer cant capture greaatness of game
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Gravity Missile is so versatile and mechanically fun no fucking way they designed it like this, it's antithetical to the dogshit ass backwards spell design of this series. They are probably going to remove the explosion when you hit the walls or ground.
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Someone suggested a bow build so I transferred over the ansbach bow, can't use it yet since I'm level 15 at the moment, but how is this for a dex build? I've never done a dex build, usually I go strength because it's braindead and I can settle for 55-66 strength.
I might lower my strength if I end up not wanting to use something like the Zweihander 1 handed.
The 15 faith is for Fire Grant me Strength, should I bother with this or move these into something else?

Any tips would be really appreciated, never done dex before.
heal first so your bars are off the screen bwo
I rarely buff before bosses
I don't like glowing like a christmas tree
How are there still people with 1300 HP at RL150?
They were born during the Age of the Erdtree. Messmer's army includes Erdtree nobles and Melina straight up says she was born at the foot of the Erdtree.
We don't know the father for sure. Could be Godfrey still, they have M names like the Omen twins. Could have just popped them out by herself like Malenia pops out buds. We know Rennala had to have been mentally together to gift Rellana with her helmet before she went off with Messmer so Radagon had to have been with her.
>PvE support
It doesn't count
i cna only see radahn's feet. what the fuck is this lmao
>10 mnd for a skill spam build
i know it only costs 12fp but you arent gonna have a good time chugging that often
>Tranny was arguing that Freyja's dialogue proves that Radahn wasn't mind controlled and was behind all the war between Malenia and him
>People translated Freyja's Japanese text and it said Miquella promised TO Radahn not WITH Radahn, as in it's a one sided promise
>The silence of the trannies
I only consume the crab
Fuck. I've completely forgotten about my mind.
based webm what a great spell
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>Messmer is a redhaid
>Melina, most likely his sister, has auburn hair
>Both parents were blonde
You hate to see it.
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>>People translated Freyja's Japanese text and it said Miquella promised TO Radahn not WITH Radahn, as in it's a one sided promise
I fucking knew it, he literally stopped the stars so he wouldn't be gay
did you rike it?
I made a STR FTH build for the specific purpose of buffing the shit out of myself.
Put the lion head on and get some soup.
radahn tried his best
You got the teleport though
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Sellen needs to learn a sorcery to give everybody everywhere footjobs at the same time
glintstone nails are good on NG, grav missile and microcosm are good for aoeing in different scenarios, i missed triple glintblade so no idea if it's any good
cant even tell his moves all that much without fucking up my camera somehow lol
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I hate that we don't see miquella with wings, it would be so cute
also fits the cleanrot knights and malenia having wings
I physick before crossing the fog.
For the first dozen attempts or so I play really greedy and try all sorts of stuff, then once I feel like I've got an action on mind to respond to each boss opening I just zone out and enjoy the fight.
I think the only boss I didn't do this with was Radah. He wasn't worth the time.

You come to some really satisfying solutions this way. Against Putrescent Knight I was able to stunlock him 100 to 0 on my successful run after about an hour of learning him inside and out. Against Dancing Lion I got the fight scripted so perfectly that I was counting the hits to each stagger and using it to interrupt attacks I struggled with.
The arrows are acquired the same way hostcels like you that didn't beat the game got their stuff
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now I see how BS gaius is
What, you dont like your glintblade trio?

Some are pretty good though. Both gravity spells are good, microcosm is great, vortex of putrescence is great for aoe mob killing, and impenetrable thorns is the second most broken thing in the game atm behind lighting perfume
which is the #1 complaint for this boss, enjoy being flashbanged while you're trying to learn the boss
>Radahn was one of the few people that could resist Miquella
You just made this shit up
>what a cool zone, I hope it's full of cool things
I did that. But her questline ends with her saying she's sleepy and giving mega soup.
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>Giant's flame
>Flame of frenzy



Can coldcucks be any more pathetic?
>The knight, once the personal guard of Godwyn, was also the protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate.
So, they tried the bodyswap with Godwyn.
the rest of his quest is after the burning the sealed tree and is just talking with him and summoning him for leda gank and optionally for radahn
Bro you're gonna love fighting that ghostflame dragon from the starting area again.
>It's a dragon again, but this time he's weak to holy
>And he has fire breath disfunction
>And he explodes like Death Rite Birds
>And his slams also have ghostflame
>And he summons a shit ton of skeletons, for some reason
Is it just a mix of Death Rite Bird + Dragon + Tibia Mariner? Are they out of ideas?
it is full of absolutely stunning views
>Just look at the early DLC threads where people unironically tried to discourage people from upgrading the Scadu fragments
Actual history revisionism
No one said that, it was quite the contrary
Bro what if, hey what if titanite shards and flowers? Hell yeah
i think they're cool
The timeline is really hard to piece together
>shadow runes imply the land was sealed long before the crusade, and they knew it was a one-way trip
>molted snakeskin and O, Mother gesture in Bonny Village implies Messmer was born in the land of shadow
>explicit text states Marika sent Messmer TO the land of Shadow to lead the crusade, meaning he lived outside of it in the Lands Between until then
>the total lack of traces of Hornsent culture or connections to shadowlands stuff in general in the base game implies that the sealing happened very early in the Golden Order
>but Messmer's red hair implies he's related either to Radagon, the Fire Giants, or both
>but Godfrey is the first elden lord and Radagon only married Marika (relatively) recently--within Rennala's lifetime
To subvert your expectations
I thought the dracoliches were pretty visually striking and the belly breath was a nice touch
Who promised Radahn to Miquella?
Forgot Messmer's fire
Marika reproduced asexually because she's a snake. That's how she had kids with herself as radagon.
Specifically there are several discrepancies in people trying to peddle the that theory starting with the translation. For example in the final dialogue, Miquella said
The translation has it as
>If we honor our part of the oath
However, the actual translation is
>If we keep "our" promise
And it's deliberate vague because Miquella actually prefers to himself as "We" or "Our" often. So it's deliberate vague whether he is saying they (Radahn and Miquella will keep their promises) or he(Miquella) will keep his one sided promise. And then there is that dialogue with Freya that says Miquella promises to (onesided) Radahn rather than with (mutual).
Ghostflame Drakes are the best Drake reskin
I want to stroke his wings.
Also, mmmnnff miq butt
why are half the elden ring manga volumes out of stock on amazon
I wanted a new big ass primeval sorcery not TWO FLOATING TESTICLES

They had NO creativity
How many butterfly pickups are there in the lake of rot?
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Help a brother out, how to get down there?
Today zoomers and ESLs learn what the royal "We" is.
first time buying manga?
shadow keep illusory wall, go from there
In the first part of Shadowkeep, after the Hippo. There's a hidden path there that leads down to the water. Follow that path for an hour and you'll end up in that zone.
it's good at mulching npc invaders, yust spam it
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How much dex will you need on a 150 RL dex build? I know the cap is 80, but it's really damn hard to reach. Can anyone recommend a decent dex build?
Here's a pic of my new puppy sleeping
And more specifically Radagon's hair didn't turn red until the war against giants, whenever that was.
You don't like the galaxy hole? I thought it was cool.
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messmer deserved better
80 is pretty easy to reach at 150
The translation supposedly means that Miquella makes a onesided promise and it is ambiguous whether Radahn promised him back (just like the final cutscene where it's cut before Radahn answers). So the intention is supposed to be that it's "ambiguous". People using the text to peddle any headcanon are bullshitting because the intention is deliberately vague
There are better spammable spells to use on PvPers acting like gerbils
i kept waiting for an alien invasion 2nd half where that area would be suddenly full of very dangerous enemies but it never happened as it is only the loading area for the fissure
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BZZZZT! Wrong!
Katana's and curve sword is what most dexfags use but since you are already going for dex might as well invest some points on int as well for spells.
i meant actual npcs not real peopel
>have most of the DLC ancient stones unused because FOMO
+24/+9 is my new standard...
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15% heal (20% if using the spirit tear)
Done every 6-15 (seemingly hard cap) seconds regardless of where you are. Also heals itself.

Doesn't do shit for damage. But, it'll last.
no, but I was coping that they would restock before volume 6 was released
>Grotesque mask constructed from countless solidified caterpillars. A ritual implement of the greater potentates of Bonny Village. Used to ward off thoughts of impurity, doubt, temptation, and other wickednesses one is vulnerable to while absorbed in divine ritual.
Too much bugs
>a spell that creates a miniature universe
>42 int
>a spell that creates two miniature moons
>72 int
How do I dex/int this dlc? I don't see any good new weapons for me.
How good is the master yoda spirit?
your cold backhand blades?
>They had NO creativity
Definitely wont argue with you there. INT kind of got shafted with the dlc, especially on the weapon front.
>rellanas blades are a 4 way scaling meme
>star lined sword is more katana slop, even though it doesnt look like a katana to begin with
>also moonveil exists and is better in every way
>both death weapons are ugly with copy and pasted base game ash of war with some skulls added
>the new carian sorcery sword catalyst is cool conceptually but the moveset sucks and the scaling renders if unusable
>the new staves are cool, but shit scaling unless youre level 300 or some shit
Why are people so against status effects
He had to make a plan to kill him and one of his other brothers because he refused and could fight off Malenia.
Messmer was also an older brother to Radagon, so I think he left around the time of the star scourge conflict and wasn't born in the Lands of Shadow.
He discovered Bonney village and the Potentates which is why the gesture is there and seeing what they did to his mother's people inspired him to be even more cruel in his crusade.
Marika is seen taking something out of a snake skin in the trailers and uses it to make the Erdtree, so she probably killed and took some of her power from that snake and that would later cause Messmer to be cursed and have that snakes power like how her other children excerpt were cursed.
The snake skin could either be from that snake god, or it could be from Messmer when he started embracing his snake powers.
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clear A tier spirit, he does large amounts of damage, he has bleed, but by far the most nice thing about him is his constant teleporting directly to enemies, he never just stands in the back and walks like many other spirits. his downside is he doesn't have a ton of poise and he is wearing rags so his defenses are ass
they are yet another layer of easymode
i am never bothered by others using them though, but i would be disappointed in myself if i cave in to something like bleed in place of patience
You SHOULD be able to afford 60vig and 80 dex at 150. I don't know what else you're putting points into that makes this difficult. You can hit these breakpoints at 120, so you have 30 levels to spare on luxury stats.
If you know proper English from having graduated from high school some time in the 2000s and earlier, and not whatever speak whatever bastardized tittok zoomer talk that passes for English these days, you can easily recognize that the final cutscenes is an entire one sided request or plea by Miquella. Radahn is not there, there is no answer from Radahn, nothing that suggests any sort of concrete agreement being reached.
I hope this DLC did a good job gatekeeping IQlets and Skillets from the next FromSoft game
With frozen armament?
optimized non status damage builds are about as good as status effect ones, this is nonsense. exception being chicken leg which is clearly bugged.
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why is miquella such a bully
So basically he is a glass canon, as long as he doesn't get hit he will turn everything to shreds?
>embracing his snake powers.
He had a seal on his eye. The snakeskin comes from before the seal was put in place, ie childhood. And the fact that the skin and O, Mother gesture are next to each other makes it very obvious whose snakeskin it is. There are dozens of Marika statues but the gesture is in that one specifically.
Just imagine. The tibia mariner greathorn, an INT FTH greathammer with exceptional reach, and the L2 doot spawns one of those giant laser skeletons to fire off one beam.
>Why are people against effects that shave a good percentage of the boss's health without any extra effort
I wonder
with blind spot obviously
Needs to look more like a true schizo, he's too well kempt
>best spell is 14 int
Requirements ain't got nothing to do with usefulness.
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Bro are you kidding me? He does the fucking meteor too?
>Titanite Shard 1 (x6)
yeah pretty much. dlc has a lot of A tier spirits too. none touch mimic or tiche for bosses
it could have been an ash of those worm spheres fuckers from base game which can now snipe you over ludicrous distances and very fast
Extremely bad. Even avoiding the comparison to the spirit tier the inquisitors heal 35%. The only thing it has on them is that it heals out of combat.

Great damage juxtaposed against literally no survivability. In every single boss I've tested him against he will die before 20% is done due to cleave.

He'd be really fucking strong if he wasn't so fucking brittle. As is, he hardly weighs against the big mouth imp and he dies quicker than the fucking man flies lmao.
How did Mohg's corpse even make it to Miquella?
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You are a hellbound faggot and your soul will languish in the lake of fire for all eternity
But because you posted a cute pupper I would reccomend an edgy 60 VIG/70-80 DEX/10 FTH/12 ARC rest spread in MND/END depend build that's optimal on wretch where you use enchantable keen infused weapons with multiple strikes/inmate bleed or both like claws/bestial claws/flamberge/milady/backhand blades with the bloodflame blade incantation to inflict big numbers, you can make due with just the 10 STR from the wretch class if you twohand some weapons I mentioned like the milady and the flamberge
You rike?
Chicken leg isn't bugged it's just really strong. Its status buildup is only slightly higher than any other Bleed Colossal (they were always insane and slept on) and its AR is much lower than say, a bleed GUGS. What makes it good is the second hit on the R2s gives you a little extra status and posture damage to help push you over the edge, but you literally gain this at the expense of damage.

The chicken wing isn't itself overpowered it's just allowed cookie cutter RoBfags that never leveled strength above 12 to learn what the actual easymode of elden ring always looked like.
You lose a ton of damage in return for getting a big burst later. I'd argue that with DLC scaling on split damage, a proper hybrid damage or pure damage build will outdamage a status build most of the time unless you're doing coop with giant health pools
run to the throne for meteor
too soulful for new-fromsoft

you will get another ground slam attack and you will be HAPPY
L2 blows the horn, applying a weapon buff. R2s now automatically summon a giant skeleton to swipe the ground alongside your own attack, charged R2s do the beam instead.
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you somehow charmed leda, at first
A couple item descriptions mentioning his soldiers resolve being tested once he got more snake-y, so I think he started embracing his snake and fire powers once he discovered Boney village.
The O' mother gesture would be like an expression of overwhelming emotion when he learned what happened to his mother's people, besides that snake skin seems a bit big for a baby Messmer.
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Uncharged Messmer's Orb is actually fantastic for invasions, shit's so fast you can chase panicking hosts around for a guaranteed 1k combo if the slam hits them.
FAI got all the coolest stuff, but then again, it needed new tools.
anyone ITT who got a Radahn tattoo at any point in the last two years? how does it feel to have it transformed into a tattoo of a nigga that fucks twink ass in real time? lmao
The Int/Arc one is backloaded like PoD is but the Great Beyond Staff is a sweet 45/45 so it slots right in if you were using the Golden Order seal.
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malenia is a fujo now
It's fucking awful. There's no way to know how to avoid it until you've died to it a few times unless you're just roll spamming in a panic.
The normal meteor homes in on where you are so remembering that there's no reason to try avoiding the center of the area for no reason it's really fucking stupid and the absolutely absurd amount of damage it does through a shield and whatever stacked resists you have is the cherry on top.
>can't charm her to stand on my side
Imagine having someone this faithful as a knight
Just forbid her from murdering anyone without consulting with me first
You press L2, something awesome has to happen. So L2-awesome, connected now, in Elden Ring.
Im gonna use it to dab on redfags
too bad it does absolutely no damage in pve, only thing it has is hitting through walls but bear roar is unironically better for that at EXTREMELY low 17fp cost
Messmer hated his fire, but he wants to be the one hated to save Marika the ire. His Fire Knights taking on his Fire Snake look is them telling him they love him even if he has flame and serpents in him. They are kinda cute that way.
>slept on
they weren't slept on, colossal moveset is complete dog ass and it's not worth using a weapon with dog ass moveset when you can replicate shit it does with less sucky weapons
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A disease far worse than the scarlet rot.
Most people were being realistic but there were niggers saying ytbtg if you upgraded past scadu 0 and comparing it spirit ashes
Doesn't seem to have higher than usual poise. So if they know what they're doing they can jumping heavy you.
Yeah but the mimic has been nerfed to the ground and only works as a glorified meat shield, tiche still a OP as hell, I'll upgrade Yoda let him rip and tear through dungeons.
there were like 2 people in the entire thread saying that and 15 people saying how hard it was without exploring and 50 people telling them to use the fucking fragments
>total lack of traces of Hornsent culture
There are some hints of it, the Hornsent also had bairns like the Omen did, and I think the Omenkiller Mask is supposed to resemble the Furnace Visage
Oh yeah that's even better, and also how the dragon greatclaw should've worked. L2 buff into the draconic sentinel moveset with lightning hitboxes.
on a caster at least mimic does great dps and cannot die with marika's blessing on hotbar
Those were the same retards saying YDBTG yes, which is my point
Nobody is saying the entire thread was saying not to use the scadu
Though there were niggers complaining about how it sullied their run or whatever
Mickey mouse game
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>Spectral Rings, Putrescent Mass and Vortex of Putrescence are all not affected by the Prince of Death staff
>The Necromancers inside the various DLC catacombs have centipede death wheel sigil spells we never get to use
>Fake patch notes about PoD scaling
Those were obviously shitposts anon. I actually did 0 scadu blessings (for fun, not some misguided sense of accomplishment) and it's obviously not the intended way to experience the DLC. I had to jump through so many hoops to prevent later bosses from oneshotting me and progressing my way through took way longer than a normal run. Faggots spouting "skibidi boop bop it doesn't count :^)" in the first week and right after the first patch were obviously just /v/ermin shitposting.
Oh right, they also copy your items, I forgot.
Rot girl summer
Also the ancestral followers are following Hornsent horn budding worship, although more primitive and druidic.
Imagine dealing with that schizo on a day to day basis lmao -
>Kindly miquella, I must kill the other needle knights
>Kindly miquella, I must kill the other needle knights
>Kindly miquella, I must liquidate the cleanrot knights before they turn on you
>Kindly miquella, I fear your sister may have betrayed you
>Kindly miquella, we really need to kill the other needle knights
>Kindly miquella, the haligtree itself has betrayed you. Say the word, I have already acquired the Roundup necessary
>Kindly miquella, we need to kill the other needle knights
>Kindly miquella we must stay out of the sunlight, the Greater Will may be spying on us
>Kindly miquella I have gathered men fanatically loyal to your cause
>>Kindly miquella they were traitors and I have resolved the matter
Ironic shitposting is still just shitposting and ironic ywnbtg posting is still retards telling other people not to play the game properly

Where the fuck was the cutscene
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>Freyja was inficted with the rot and she is a fujoshit as well
It all makes sense now.
>Stop using Bleed
>Start using split damage infusions
Wtf the damage is so fucked
even worse, she's an extremely japanese blood knight chud who just wants to die in glorious battle. so fucking tiresome
>fake patch notes
The keen (actually quality which was mistranslated) scaling buff was lies too.
99% of the hosts don't know what they are doing lmao
It's not a duelfag incantation
Although you can true combo it from a madness proc
why does this romina character feel like another godefroy, literal who forced in at the last minute of development
Patch notes?
>Hand it over, that thing, your Elden Ring.
bravo miyazaki holy shit
kek the Merchants, a minority group expelled and forced into nomadism, really are just Jews. It's crazy, right down to Shabriri being a Jewish demon.
The Frenzied Flame is Communism, of course.
Is blood tax just a better repeating thrusts or is it more nuanced?
japanese cleanrot name is apparently some fujo pun too
miyahacki definitely knows how rotten those bitches are
I feel like it's the other way around, Romina probably had a bigger role originally and got it cut or something
She's in a desperate need of good fucking
The point is that the faggots spamming "YDBTG" at every little thing are obviously malicious and most of the time don't even play the game themselves. It's not about being critical of how other's play, it's about being inimical to constructive discussion about a thing they hate. it's about having a personality built around seething about a thing and living your life to make things slightly inconvenient for anyone who enjoys it.
Conflating dedicated, organized disruption with the fanbase they're attacking is the height of disingenuous. You're not the only decent person in a toxic sea of incels, no matter how much you'd love to pretend. We all just learn to recognize the autistic background noise for the overt malice that it is and tune it out.
2.12 dumbdumb
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>summoned into Bayle
Fuck yeah. I love this fight.
>Go inside, get ready to toss lightning to snatch boss aggro
>host dies before I even get the cast off
5 skibidi
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G-glad you figured it out anon.
Leda became much more interesting at this point. It was a good twist.

Imagine the fanfiction Romina must write.
I don't think you properly understand what I'm saying
When people complain about ydbtg fags they're attacking the malicious retards and so there's no reason to say they shouldn't be doing that
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Gael was so much better of a fight its actually unreal, right down to the absolute insanity of his title drop
If we didn't put her down she'd be after Radahn next
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>someone mentioned lulling branches can be farmed easily
>try it out
>get 40 nectarblood burgeon in 30 minutes
Please tell me the other mats are hard to farm I don't want to see a billion of these being used in every invasion.
Romina probably used to be in the Grand Cloister or something. Her difficulty scaling is very "base game". Would fit in fine
Where do you farm them and what are they for?
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Ah shit
Hornsent or Needlest Knight?
Autism is a natural disaster, anon. You might as well shout at stormclouds, there's about as much consciousness behind it. If you just put up your umbrella and ignore it long enough it'll go rain on someone else's parade.
Yeah that makes some sense, Grand Cloister is huge for how completely nothingburger it is
Original DLC plans were for a boss resembling each god/Empyrean which were Messmer Marika, Metyr GW, Romina Rotgod, Rellana Moongod, Putrescent GEQ.
However when it went from one DLC to 2 they had to rewrite everything around Miquella which is why the most polished bosses don't have cutscenes and the Miquella/Radahn centric bosses all suck ass and have glitches like Gaius/Radahn's missing hitboxes.

Thank u, it worked
You can't fix her, anon.
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(Fujoshi 腐女子, lit. "rotten girl")
>go in blind against the putrescent knight with a holy build
>his health is going down fast, a sure sign of a multi phase boss
>kill him easily
>wait for the phase transition
>Kindly Miquella, your consort has betrayed you. Fear not however, for I have already dosed his morning protein shake with scarlet rot
>If you just put up your umbrella and ignore it long enough it'll go rain on someone else's parade.
nigga that's just not true, autism calls to autism just look at shitholes like /gsg/ where nobody even plays the games anymore
Not that anon but I've been ignoring official news to keep myself blind for my first DLC run. Did they actually confirm that they are making a second one?
She has a more human-like form in the trailer cutscene. I assume she probably had a questline that got cut similar to the original Millicent one that would explain more about the rot shit.
Did he not shit out a ton of blue flames? That's his phase transition, he doesn't get that many tricks
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>can't stop spamming glintstone pebble for one fucking second in order to not aggro the merchant I'm standing behind
This dude sat there for ten minutes absolutely refusing to play the game just for the encounter to end like this.
The first Death Knight in Fog Rift absolutely destroyed me, but using the Deflect Hardtear for the one outside Rauh trivialised the encounter.
Completely changes the game for the better.
Helping Hornshit gives you a broken to fuck Ash of War for backhands that will likely be nerfed. Helping Needledick will get you a dash attack talisman. Pick your poison, either way the both of them are psychopaths.
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I know
But I know a guy who can
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how do i get to the dragon fight at fia?

i found fia at the big spooky tree, gave her the mark and got her better blessing
read that she should be asleep if i reload the area but she's still just sitting there
Ok Lance.
No, they've confirmed Sote will be the only dlc
Yeah and don't forget it used to have rotted ancestral followers. Would fit more into the way they placed Romina in the middle of Rauh among other old timey muscley grugs.
They were going to do 2 but at some point it was decided to just have 1.
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boss rush time, give me that fecking sword Marika
He didn't at all, I just killed him in like half a minute
>I don't want to see a billion of these being used in every invasion.
you do know pvptroons just cheat the items in and aren't even hiding it right
Talk to her again, she'll say some stuff about going to lie with godwyn and then fall asleep at some point
>Title drop
>The buildup of the guy that helped you being the final boss
>That phase transition
>The fight being hard but fair
>That gigantic arena
I like to meme on DS3 but they absolutely nailed the finale of the Ringed City
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Lulling Branches are the new crafted starlight shards. They give more FP, but slowly cause sleep build up.
Nectarblood Burgeon can be farmed extremely easily outside the Putrescent Knight's boss room, where 20+ sleeping animals are sleeping. They have a chance to drop it. If you have a reliable way do an AOE like the rune farming sword, you can kill all 20 in a second or 2 and if non are glowing purple, then immediately rest at the grace. Rinse repeat. I was assuming that the Nectarblood Burgeon was the hard material to farm since it says "Exceedingly rare to find" but I was able to get 40 really fucking fast.
Now I'm just hoping that Dewgems or the Beast Horns are hard to find.
beat fias champions
"no I just want a hug"
rest at grace
hug again
rest at grace
"touch fia"
dragon fight
collect death rune of mending
rest at grace
kill other D for ripping off bloodborne
That's really fast
Were you using holy? He's insanely weak to holy damage and has super long combos/timing, so maybe he just died too fast
I think you can't be directly under him for his phase transition, at least I never got it until he used one of his moves that sends him halfway across the arena
Nectarblood Burgeons are a "limited" material used to craft Lulling Branches
Lulling branches are craftable starlight shards that also build up sleep in the user over time.

You can farm them incredibly quickly from the congregation of sleeping animals at the grace in front of Putrescent Knight. Every one of the sleeping animals can drop it and the rate is high enough that you'll get a couple basically every clear.
Most of the new recipes don't actually require limited materials at all. Frenzy pots, Eternal Sleep pots, big rot pots etc. all just require normal respawning materials from easy to access gathering spots.
The limited mats are only used for weird shit like the new frenzy stone.
leda because you want that ansbach bow and hornsent is a bitch
>300 Fire Resistance
>Flash Sweat
>can tank bed of chaos primordial flames like they're nothing
>stupid red lizard oneshots me
fuck this thing
>Farming in a 200+ hour rpg
Yeah, no
on PS5 so I'm not sure these are tradeable so they'd have to at least trade the crafting materials and back up saves over and over again until you eventually reach 999. So it's at least slightly harder on PS5.
*between rest and hug again give ranni quest cursemark
missed a step my bad, I always have it already so I forgot.
>They knew Gael might have visibility issues so he does a distinctive growl before his biggest phase 1 combo and a big whimper before his P3 skull explosion
Why did they stop doing good audio design...
Literally everywhere across the rivers
>Beast Horns
Site of grace before Rauh, ride to the right, there are 5-6 boars, all nearly guarantee a Beast Horn drop
Because Radownies got their way
>explored entire map and killed all bosses but fagdahn
>still only at lvl17 blessings
Where the face are you hiding them
where the fuck are "easy" gathering spots for winter lantern flies
Oh there, I see, thank you anon.
That's neat.
I died once to the first death knight because of the soulsuck grab. Then I killed him on second try by staggering him with my greataxe and the other knight went down on first try because they have no counter to that. The most basic strat ever and it worked like a cheese.
No, all this shit is exceedingly easy to farm and it has a synergy with saint trina smile. Every invader is going to use it.
Post build.
From the church grace, head south. Theres a few lining the tall grass where the winter lantern was patrolling.
shoulda worn the havel set bro
Fuck. I already know how annoying Ash of War spam is but with this they'll literally never run out and they're so fucking easy to get.
ghosts carrying pots in graveyards
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>i7 950
>gtx 970
jap coders.. I kneel. Playing the base game at 40-50fps is doable, but I can't play fucking 20fps vs a boss like renalla. Hopefully i get my refund instead of waiting for a performance patch that won't ever come
Can you kill the madness lantern bitches? They're easy enough to avoid but I see a bunch of bloodstains.
What do you mean? You don't like a boss animation canceling into doing a big AOE out of nothing once you trigger a HP threshold like Romina does? You don't like 12 hit combo chains that start from the same opener of a 3 combo string the boss usually does all the time?
Skill issue. :)
>go kill undead (no hp, super weak to holy) with holy build
>wtf why it died so fast
Most hosts won't bother. It's only an issue in possible gank scenarios but why wouldn't you just sever out and block lmao
This is a direct boost to you as an invader
Because they're obviously a mob enemy promoted to boss to pad the DLC.
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It has a lower fire resistance than what I'm wearing tho.
parry the grab then either the parry removes there invinciblity, or the riposte removes it allowing you to spam into them.
I'm no expert and only fought the guy the one time but it really does seem like prime radahn invalidates most of the ways you can build a character in this game. You don't really have time to do anything but smack him once during your openings and you're otherwise light rolling or turtling 90% of the time. Seems like there wouldn't be enough time to do things like charged heavies, most weapon arts, most spells, etc. without having a summon or spirit there to distract him long enough.
at least it was befo I fucked everythang up
There's a letter in the mansion on the far side of the stealth segment that tells you how to touch them
If you parry them when they are about to shove their tentacle in you they become vulnerable.
Temped to just install that merchant mod.
>just crossed 300 attempts at radahn
ok i give up he filtered me, fine you win game
Final boss is just insane for that. 13700 and a 6800xt and I was chugging at 30 fps on some of the attacks
you can cheat on consoles since forever (actually cheat not just dupe/trade)
post build and skibidi level.
I can give you help anons
Welcome to the Age of Compassion
I haven't parried anything since ds1 when it first came out on the ps3
time to greatshield + poke cheese him if you're that shit
use your spirit ashes.
You're exactly right. There's actually a few fights in the DLC like this, where the boss forces you to deal with unnecessarily long combo strings only to 'earn' the right to barely land a single hit before starting again.

I brought the Bloody Helice vs Radahn to see if I could use the WA to dodge the undodgeable cross slash and actually laughed out loud when I realized the rolling attack wasn't fast enough to safely punish some of his windows without getting me hit for trying.
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he said he likes me :)
It's less common though. I've only seen like 6 of them compared to when I played on PC with DS3 seeing dozens. Granted on PC I also had access to mods to boot them from my world if they started cheating...
Fucking EAC. I want that mod back, I want to play on PC again.
>DLC, close to end-game
>Hostoid has ~900HP
That's why this golem needs complete strangers to hardcarry him even through trash mobs lmao
>I am Malenia, president of the Radahn x Miquella OTP fanclub. And I have never known a healthy heterosexual shipping.
When I picked up my first dewgem I instantly knew what they were gonna be for from just the name alone. From you fuckers you actually put infinite starlight shards in the game.
for everyone having trouble with radahn, try either light rolling, if you wanna play melee. Much more doable

or just fingerprint shield + gaius' heavy rapier w/ blood, shit does 135 buildup per hit
would rather just leave him unbeaten atp tbqh
17 skibidis and abusing bloodfiends arm, 100% completely serious
Tell him to kill himself
>Against Putrescent Knight I was able to stunlock him 100 to 0
Post webm and/ or build.
i will never do that, i will hug him and warm him with my warming stones and ask him about his things
My favourite are the fucking Golden Vow consumables that take non-respawning limited materials despite just being a craftable copy of the WA version we can cast for free.
Isn’t Staff of the Great Beyond better than the Prince of Death staff now if you level Faith and Intelligence equally? It has a bit better scaling, looking at it.

I’m going pure INT until I get it.
I practically never drink my physique except for bosses, and generally ignore all other buffs unless a boss really starts kicking my ass.
>light rolling
largely underestimated strategy, can save your ass more than you expect
yeah i'm watching some of the fights now, bayle would literally melt my case
you can give it to the tear to buff itself though
Single arm or powerstance?
single arm
yep, you can actually start learning the moveset if you lightroll

besides, I'm convinced some moves are just not dodgeable with medium roll lmao
So he always knew that she wanted her brother to be dicked by Radahn? He was always aware of the fujo shit? He always knew Miquella was for Radahn, and def not Godwyn? Reeee.
But higher overall defense.
>Wow base game is so full of filler, it should have been like Shadow of the Colossus with empty atmospheric areas
>DLC is like Shadow of the Turdossus
Kek /v/iggers are hilarious
at least you have pride even if you suck at the game, unlike more than half of this thread that cheesed him
I was on a level 120 arc build (60 arc), had to use the strength physick to wield the chicken wing. I had it occult infused instead of blood since he can't bleed. Lion's Claw for the WA.
He staggers in 2 fully charged R2s, IIRC. I would have to fight him normally to get the first stagger (Lion's claw helps since it can reach him when he moves away). You stagger, riposte and charge an R2 into his recovery. This causes him to start with the combo into the double slam, because he inputs reads and uses that combo as a 'punish'. Only, you recovery in time, so you roll the combo and punish the second slam with another charged R2. He's down again. You just repeat this forerver.

Sometimes he'll break the pattern to do his phase transition attack (and then you have to work to get him back in the loop), but often he just skips it because the staggers fuck with his AI. Several of his attacks leave openings for charged heavies/lion's claw so it's not too difficult to get him back in the loop once you know his moveset. It can just be tricky to do it fast enough since a lot of his time-waster moves will let his posture regen
She is 100% a random unused boss from somewhere else that they didn't have finished properly by the release of the base game.
So what you’re saying is, the caster-summoner playstyle is the superior one?

I’m still mad that a lot of the wizards we fight in this game are summoning huge ass giants and dozens of goons.

Using ashes is literally the ONLY way to feel like you’re summoning an army, and only if you pick the right ones.
What should Ranni's other 2 arms be doing while she gives you the ol' succ?
This. Midrolling Radahn was unironically harder than the final bosses of Sekiro for me.
Not sure if you noticed but I'm getting killed by fire at the moment. I don't care about the rest.
That's not *exactly* how it is, but the scaling drops after 45 points. So after you hit 45 int, each additional point in int will be less efficient than a point in faith up to 45. Where as with something like PoD, each point is less effective UNTIL after 60.
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>Mohg fight ends
>gooner arm reaches out and pulls body into egg
Changing a fundamental principle of your build means you didn't beat the game.
Are you not able to unlock target and use the WA in reverse to move yourself behind him and use the jab jab jab part of the weapon art from there?
Yeah, I've got lots of emphasis on holy damage.
Bit disappointing that it went by so fast, but oh well.
Leda grabbed it while we weren't looking
Where did she hide it?
>Most of the new recipes don't actually require limited materials at all. Frenzy pots, Eternal Sleep pots, big rot pots etc. all just require normal respawning materials from easy to access gathering spots.
This is godsend for someone who loves invading but loathes to use CE
I can stack 10 hefty rot pots easily. Why the fuck would they limit aeonian butterflies at this point? Let us buy them.
>There's actually a few fights in the DLC like this, where the boss forces you to deal with unnecessarily long combo strings only to 'earn' the right to barely land a single hit before starting again.
That's my experience with most bosses so far, and it's tedious.
Add to that their enormous health bars and a feeling of resigned defeat just overtakes me.
>This causes him to start with the combo into the double slam, because he inputs reads and uses that combo as a 'punish'
Ah, makes sense.
>Several of his attacks leave openings for charged heavies/lion's claw
I've only ever seen the post-slam cooldown and the prancing pony finals give any kind of opening. Even when he's doing his drive-by, he gets carried out of range of any kind of r1.
The existence of Rellana, Gaius, and that fucker Consort Radahn makes this DLC ultimately just a 6.5/10 for me, those three are so stupid and annoying to fight, especially consort radahn, it's like fromsoft had the basis for a great boss fight with nameless king and gael and they just threw it all away

The only good bosses in the DLC are the dancing lion, messmer, and Romina as forgettable as she was at least she wasn't annoying to fight, to this day DS3 and ringed city is still unmatched in boss quality
Rellana and Gaius are literally tutorial bosses

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