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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Can I duplicate a save file and have the copy work online? I want to just clone my dex/fth character to make him str/faith so I can swap between them as I feel like it
Not really, the server is going to snap you in half for that. Better off just making separate characters
Understandable. Is there anything I should avoid doing with CE if I want to just instantly bring up a character? I assume as long as I dont add any items that can't be traded, right? What about unlocking graces and summoning pools?
Graces and pools don’t matter you can do that, items won’t get you beaned as the game doesn’t really check for it
I don’t use CE but I have a few friends that do, I just use merchant
Btw go here >>484501601
Has anyone fought the hippo since the patch? I was fighting it on my second run yesterday and couldn't take crits on it at all, I'm wondering if they somehow broke it even though the patch only says it changed the blessing curve. I don't remember having such a problem the first time around.
Are there ties between the Omen and Hornsent? Just got to the part where it reveals Marika was whipped like the nasty hoe she was when she wa young.
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>Shits on the Consort and his top twink boyfriend
>hornset talks about getting revenge on everyone after beatihg Messmer
yeah, you gonna die
Omen are hornsent
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>Boss uses summons
He didn't beat the player
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I haven't played since December of last year so i'm picking up where I left off
based off what I vaguely remember, I was doing volcano manor stuff

just a quick question, can I fight Rykard now after finishing Rya's quest or should I still do the 3rd assassination in the hilltop snowy area? ( i havent figured out a way to get there yet)

I'm at altus Plateu but im not sure if i can just go up the big stairs or i'm missing something
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>warmonger takes advantage of a young boy to live out his godfrey larp fantasies
>causes the kid to ruin his life and the lives of others trying ton get his lordussy just cause he demands a warriors death on top of already getting his fantasy godfrey larp.
>everybody simps for him because le heckin horse he's so stoic
How did he do it bros?
he had a cat too
Well that seals it he's le heckin wholesome and soulful
>uses summons, frostbite, commander's standard buff, commander armor
The Omen are cursed by Hornsent, the Omen Killer mask describes how Omen are tormented by elder spirits in their dreams.
Those elder spirits are the vengeful souls of Hornsent who aren't able to return to the Erdtree/Crucible now that they're stuck in the Lands of Shadow and are angry at Marika.
No, kill Rykard after you go through the mountains and complete those two quests.
Rya quests will be complete but you'll miss out on some of Patches stuff and some unique gear.
I hate this guy. Why does he get a retarded amount of tracking?
>try out spellsword on a new character
>finally get to the spell part
>prefer just using ashes
looks like you are doing good
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are you using the sekiro juice?
Makes sense, he was literally a huge faggot.
This is the issue with all of ER's design desu
Feels like you're playing vs a designer who is out to 'get' people used to the series rather than an actual living enemy
so did Choryn kill Goldmask?
So the key to Miquella's plan is to wait for Radahn and Mohg to get killed? Assuming we don't do it, that's a pretty long wait because they are both impressive fighters and no one else is autistic enough to keep fighting them like the Tarnished. Malenia could do it but for some reason, she's just chilling in the tree
You have to be able to appreciate mediocrity when playing as a Red Mage. Jack of all trades and all that.
im so glad im not picking up map pieces and im so glad they're not as generous with those sites of grace as the base game, this DLC has felt like DS1 all over again and i am having a ball and a half
SEX with FIA
>how do we make this fight difficult?
>how do we make this fight interesting?
spellswords are mostly "I buff the sword" and not much else as a concept anyway trust me i've been making them since 3.5 dnd when it was unfathomably unoptimized.
She's waiting for Miquella to emerge from the tree. But wait no actually she knew Miquella wasn't in the tree at all and her lines are schizo ramblings.
How exactly do you manage to make Hornsent help you in the teamfight?

First playthrough I helped him when Leda invades him, then summoned him on Messmer fight. Then he invaded me anyway on the ruins and had to kill me.

Second playthrough I also helped him when Leda invades him (I'm told he dies if you side with Leda) did not summon him on Messmer fight. He DID NOT invade me on the ruins.
But he joined Leda's gank squad anyway and had to fight him.

In both cases you get all his loot, so its not because of the rewards, at this point Im simply genuinely curious to know what are exactly the conditons for him to aid you in that fight
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Cutest schizo. Wish we could side with her.
you're still not gonna get your soul back, godwyn
I don't think you can get him on your side?

idc I'm a coomer now
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>you're not allowed to have cute yandere saber because you're not miquella the femboy
death to golden order
>How exactly do you manage to make Hornsent help you in the teamfight?
You don't lmao
>Then he invaded me anyway on the ruins and had to kill me.
the hornsent will tell you how he was harmed, but not why he was harmed
So what IS she doing just sitting there? Resting to get her strength back? Probably the best reason I can think of
He just invades you because he's Hornsent filth fit only for the innards of a Furnace Golem.
Hornsent are innately evil, anon, you can't make them good.
>start a new save
>get alexander out of the hole
>some bug keeps interrupting his dialogue by hitting us
>try to kill it
>hit alexander
>he aggros on me
Please tell me I haven't fucked his entire questline because some bug was fucking with me and if I have please tell me there's a way to fix it
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Is anyone else my kind of autistic where you pick one character, and from then on you read all the item descriptions in the game in their voice only? For me now it's Moore. Now it's him who tells me all about the DLC lore.
bro your turtle oswald?
>coomers in the lands between turn into clam fish thing hybrids
I can believe it
Yeah no way you're ever going to get L2, let alone charge it against this boss lmao
Is this really necessary?
Honestly, I might use CE so i don't have to waste time with respawning and see what kind of stuff I can get away with against him,
This attack threw me for a loop. I recognized the kind of move it was right away and sprinted a tight circle around him to the left.
It has infinite tracking, he will wheel around until it lines up with you, only sometimes failing to line up perfectly due to framerate.
She was probably less under his control once so far away and wasn't sure what to do on her own since she was under it basically her entire life.
Miquella parked her there while he went on a love quest for the girlfriend free boyfriend of his dreams. I assume he would have come back for his pawn eventually, Malenia is too useful as a rotnuke to just be abandoned.
It's actually really funny how Marika is just taking out the trash and the hornsent bitch and moan about how they're being betrayed and it's annuda shoah
I'm at the very beginning of my save how the fuck do I get to him quickest without fucking any questline progress along the way?
yep totally. for me its grover from sesame street!
take the side path to liurnia from stormveil castle
Carian bros
>noooooooooo they were supposed to go in the jar not mee
It seems possible but it has to be a really small circle.I'll try to see if I can avoid his first attack without rolling.
This logic is probably covering some outlier that makes the game crash
Radahn is unironically a top 3 all time FROMSOFT boss.
>he went on a love quest for the girlfriend free boyfriend of his dreams
kek. all he needs now is the oedipus incest arc
>Hornsent's runic language are free-flowing crucible currents that weave the very fabric of life
>their hubris causes they to build a sky-scraping empyrean monolith, from which a god descends and ruins their civilization, forever binding their language to an esoteric script
lmao it's literally the tower of babel
>Messmer is Midra's son
Oh fuck its all coming together
Doesn't setting foot in Liurnia advance some questlines?
Maybe if I could actually see the fucking boss and what he was doing
I succeeded about half the time I tried but I could not get it consistently no matter how tight my circles were, so I eventually just gave up trying and chalked it up to a frame-pacing thing.
>abyssal woods
>abyssal serpent
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Yo this gameplay BUSSIN'
not unless you've spoken to hyetta over at weeping peninsula
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Rellana's giant milkers
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Adding a new carian sword ash of war while all the actual carian weapons are uninfusable is some fucking bullshit let me tell you. I don't want to give up the perfect aesthetics of the carian knight's sword just to use the new carian move.
Yes. Festival Radahn
i cant hear voices in my head, im not a schizo aka i have aphantasia
please tell me at least some of the crucible lot are innocent, I have a ancestor follower inspired character as a beast spells caster and i'd feel pretty fucking bad about it if "we" are somehow responsible for genocide on a mass scale that caused a complete shift in world power involving alien parasite trees.
like, omens don't actually deserve the shit they had to live with (death or living in sewers if they're nobles) right?
Marika had literal god powers she could have just resurrected people instead couldn't she? and before you say thats impossible she resurrected US at the start of the game, INCLUDING DUNG EATER
What is YOUR favorite DLC enemy?

For me it's Spider Scorpions.
Not that I know of, not Alexander's. Maybe Boc's. Look up Nepheli's questline to be sure.
But in my present save I went to Liurna before entering the castle and I could do all the questlines, not sure your worries are based on something.
So ignore Hyetta and I should be fine to just rush to dog pope?
Maybe try backing up?
Substantiate your claims.
So what's the deal with the Tower of Suppression? Why is death suppressed? Was it always there, or did it only exist after Marika removed the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring, or what?
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>Troonveil is still the best INT weapon
fucking grim
I didn't do the madness quest personnally so you should be fine if you don't.
An anon posted an image that showed all of the points of interest that break or advance quests and I'm sure something mentioned Liurnia
It's so fucking fucked up. Why not just make Carian Knight Sword infuseable.
The point is that you're meant to memorize him. There's no skill in reacting. But being forced to memorize complex fight patterns and cognitively recognize the START of a combo BEFORE it becomes impossible to easily see? You basically need to map out your rolls and attacks mid-combo in your head. It's pure mental gameplay.

Genuinely genius solution to the "press roll then press r1 when its safe" problem of these games. Radahn + Miquella needs to be the philosophy of these games' boss design going forward.
yea. only other questline that oughta be started so early on would be diallos', since you need to find his servant's body near the ruins at raya lucaria before setting foot in the hold
too early for me to say but that spinning lad that trys to filter you at the start was fun, I basically showcased that to my mom while showing her the dlc area and how god damned impressive the graphics are.
The Black Knights(Hammer) probably.
I unironically like the fire knights. Cool design. great moveset, not too hard. I don't understand why people have such a problem with them.
Idk man that new yoda monkey sword fucks
Those Messmer soldiers who do the roar stomp double axe slash attack.
Presumably not every individual was involved directly, that's logistical nonsense
Try powerstancing another bleed colossal or have a shield.
Use defensive talismans. Marika's braid OP.
Trade more. A lot of Radahn's attacks aren't 100% safe but it's fine to trade.
Run towards the boss during the light nuke. You can get a ton of damage after he floats down
Run perpendicular to the boss and jump to avoid meteors
Trade into his grab. You can hit him as he grabs you and again in the grace period after.
His tornado spin gravity attack is safe to punish if you roll in
His lionclaw like attack input reads so wait a second before going to punish
Use sekiro tear if you are playing with a shield and stonebarb if not.
The only explanation I could come up that felt somewhat satisfying is that Leda took it after we kill Mogh and go about our business and then handed it to Miquella.
Originally it was supposed to represent the anchor point for the seal that keeps the land of shadow veiled, and corresponds to the Divine Towers in the base game, which form a hexagon around it.

But they had to do last minute rewrites to justify Radahn so now dead souls go to the land of shadows for some reason never explored and the tower traps them there for reasons never explored and the fact that the tower is the center of the divine towers is irrelevant and just a coincidence and none of that matters because it's just for radahn lol
>new yoda monkey sword fucks
it's very flashy, but it does less damage.
The entire system is retarded. If weapon skills are gonna be such a huge part of the game then every weapon should be able to have them swapped out and they should not inherently be linked to the infusion system. Keep somber weapons un-infuseable if you must but at least let them change their ashes of war.
>Marika had literal god powers she could have just resurrected people instead couldn't she?
Only after Erdtree starts capturing people's souls for the reincarnation cycle thing it has going on, not before when her village got jarred
Try edge, so to speak death
What's the ideal dex/fai split for flame art fkgs? I'm at 60/60
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Where is this? The only place I could see it feasibly being drawn from is the area above the Cliffroad Terminus grace.
Maybe you should stop being a basic bitch anon.
>But they had to do last minute rewrites
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>young boy
>he's ackshually older than Radahn
>tries and fails to hold him to a one-sided homo childhood promise
Miquella is a GROOMER
i have heard your complaints, i will make no early threads no more, i will wait until the thread gets deleted to make a new one
It's the plateau with the Red Bear gaol but you can't do it until you actually unseal the tower.
we were talking about the best weapon, not your favorite fuck stick so I expect top dmg.
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>[retarded headcannon you just made up]
>"Oh fuck its all coming together"
Yeah lmao
I believe this makes sense, I also believe the groups were punished as a whole nonetheless just look at nokron the ENTIRE civilization is just buried for trying to make a mimic god out of (quick)silver (the alchemical opposite of gold, mercury is fluid and changing, gold is "inert" and resistant to changing, moon and sun too respectively)
:( I feel even worse for jarburg now, and, Diallos is an actual hero for even trying to protect them despite dropping out of volcano. bhernal, I assume should never have killed Laynard, the whole quest reaks of game of thrones and I wish there were some way to reach outcomes that don't end with "npcs dead good job"
just communicate and get ONE person to bake its not hard otherwise you're doing it on purpose and are a dick.
>he's ackshually older than Radahn
Is he? Radahn is from the marriage of Radagon and Renalla, after which he left for Marika.
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Chadahn was TRICKED. It was a BAD FAITH promise!
Radahn didn't consent.
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How do I get to this spot in Belurat?
>I don't think you can get him on your side?
you can't? I could swear I saw some video with him as helper.

But I only ever managed to get Thiollier and the old mand with the scythe as helpers
>2x noble slender
good taste
killing the necro dragon behind fia is proving rather difficult with a zweihander
is it worth upgrading a different weapon to make it easier?
or do i just got gud?
>>young boy
>>he's ackshually older than Radahn
been saying this for a long time now, and you should be questioning when dlc descriptions say "in his youth" cause that covers thousands of years since he was cursed with eternal youth.
its not a 5000 year old dragon kanna do not lewd the loli just so they can get away with making a tv show out of it and not get canceled (they're japan so they dont care anyway but) situation, he is LITERALLY thousands of years old and doesn't age with decent reason.
Dual wielding is for fags.
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>Watch the Zullie Divine Beast video
>The whole gladiator schtick in the base game was a larp to reminisce the fight of Messmer and the Divine Beast Dancing Lion's and make the genocide not seem as bad once people in the lands between started doubting the crusade
>"Direct thy ire, thy maledictions towards me and me alone etc..."
Very cool bit desu.
The map really needed a layers option
Is the new Troll Knight sword any good?
Just pound his back feet like everyone else
You absolutely can, I don't know what that other guy is talking about.
Back you save file up. Then make the new build. Then back the new save file up as well and just replace the save file in the main directory with what you want to use. I literally have dozens of save files backed up for every imaginable invasion build at every imaginable level range.
Is Messmer canonically stronger than Malenia?
Radahn is older. He was from Radagon's first marriage while Miquella is from his second marriage.
Stay mad, shitterbaby. Radahn P2 is pure unadulterated kino.
amen to that
Left. Look for large chunks of wall pancaking each other. Behind them. Should be messages with pointers.
Talk to him at the grace
Beat Dancing Lion
Talk to Empyrean Grandam until she gives you scorpion soup
Give it to Hornsent
Advance his quest
Protect him from Leda
Summon him for Messmer on your winning attempt, make sure he survives
Go back to grandam and talk to her until she gives you Gourmet Scorpion Soup. This one will have a special quote in its description
Find Hornsent again before going to Rauh and give it to him.
The name "Enir-Ilim" should've given away that the Hornsent are a bastardization of the Akkadians who happen to be Semites
Retard-kun what are you saying
>Frenzy Forest
>le same name so must be
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He's just some loser trapped in his mothers basement. All he has fought against are hornset not other demigods or their armies.
Lorewise I wouldn't say he is stronger than Morgott. Yet alone Radahn or Malenia
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but he does so much fucking damage and kills my fps with his disco lighting bullshit
is Heal from Afar better than a normal Great Heal at the same faith level?
Bayle is an insurrectionist.
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Directly to Miquella's labratory so he could take a hacksaw to Mohg's horns.
what armor is that?
What's so kino about it? The endless AoE spam, the terrible optimization, the unsatisfying climax of the entire DLC's build-up, the lame lore, or the flaccid final cutscene?
so godricks armor is tree and beast, and the gladiators are snek vs beast?
there are some neat little details still hidden around, pretty fun. like, the scorpion shield and its description, and the "low key" berserk reference band of the hawk shields found underground

reminds me of the caduceus shield in ds1 which has real mythological meaning but in the context of 1 heavily implies the two "snakes" are working together (as seen in the dark ending, frampt bows anyway even if he fucked off earlier in your game)
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pebble and comet not grandeur and slicer okay? praise lusat
nah it's only 270 degrees or so, you can dodge it with blind spot
Blind spot has iframes, anon
>The endless AoE spam
Learn to roll.
>the unsatisfying climax of the entire DLC's build-up
Shit taste + irrelevant to boss mechanics.
>the lame lore
See above.
>flaccid final cutscene
See above.
>terrible optimization
You're fucking poor and you're blaming it on the devs. That's actually insane if you're not baiting.
>Might makes right, a crown is warranted with strength, be a Lord or a God or be nothing but sacrifices
>get to the altus mine
>summon a random
>it's a paypig with the karate hands
>he proceeds to fly around and 2-shot everything in the mine
>we get invaded
>destroys that guy as well
>go to the boss room and lay out the crystal fags
>done in less than 5 minutes
what a trip
why the fuck
basegame Radahn maybe.
>Midra cursed with madness fire
>>Messmer inherits cursed fire
>Abyssal Forest
>>Messmer inherits Abyss Snek
>M name
>>inherits M nam
>Landed noble in the hornsent society, his own fiefdom and mansion
>>Marika was a high class prostitute before ascending
How did Miquella get mohgs body anyway?
time is convoluted
>Hey this game is kinda unoptimiz-
>Assmad at Carians
>The only powerful academics were the fringed schizos like Azur Lusat and Sellen who got banished for being too big brained
>dress up as a plebian hogwarts college student
You will never be wizard harry
I'm not hearing any argument about what makes the fight any good. Is it the fact that you get to stand there watching him do stupid anime bullshit for 20 seconds before earning the opportunity to smack him once?
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can someone please explain to me how to do a new playthrough, i know a bunch of anons do them.
do you give yourself the weapons you want with ce then just play those or do you get normally
do you just go from boss to boss or do you reexplore all the areas and do all the quests
do you use mods to unlock all the teleporters and stuff?
Why indeed. It's hyper cancer in pvp right now because you can just blindspot in reaction to virtually any player attack to iframe it and hit their recovery.
I have no idea how I'll have to go from down there to up there, but thanks for the direction. This DLC has a wonderful sense of exploration, but man can it be hard to navigate.
maybe he thought after their god noped out of there that hiding beyond time was a pussy move
like how generals are all "we must attack NOW" and presidents are all "be patient you maniac"
i've been watching designated survivor...
>get summoned by host for radahn
>get him to about 3 or 4 hits to death when the second phantom died about five minutes ago
>host dies
he had a pretty normal build, guy was doing not bad
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the skibidi dripler set
fire knight armor, fire knight gloves, hoslow's legs
the fires are different retardkun
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>make sure he survives
He and Messmer mutually killed each other and all I could do was seethe as I watched both their dying animations.
My degree says otherwise also its a well known fact that c*rian knights are homosexual queers (source: cuckoo knights)
i mean yeah pretty clearly
>Hoslow + fire knight chest
I do the same thing, very good taste.
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We already established the Messmer inherited the Fell God's Flame, the same flame that Melina is able to control to burn the Erdtree because she and Messmer are probably full blooded siblings.
ALL games should have a way for community to do mods and patches with a vote system and dev overrides and vetting, and trustee systems for known modders/ other studios who give enough of a fuck to help professionally or for free or both, for the purposes of ensuring quality, optimization, and the rest in areas devs may lack (japan cant optimize for shit on average just look at dd2) I should have posted this sooner but I only had the idea the other day
ALL games. ALL you hear me corpos?
Don't make me pull out the undefeated LIST
Say her name.
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Blowing raspberries on Miquella's tummy.
the map is intentionally obfuscated in the dlc because all the paths are interlocking spirals or some shit it's thematically relevant cinema
>host spamming spooky ghostflame skulls directly behind me onto Midra
I ce myself anything that drops from enemies that I don't want to spend time farming and any weapons locked behind endgame areas so I get to actually use it before finishing the game, then I just play normally. I dislike cheating anything else in because the game becomes really boring when there's nothing meaningful to seek out and find and I enjoy the progression of early game talismans and shit to the more powerful later versions.
magic knights (spellswords by definition) aren't regarded that highly by the magical acedemia types, they are taught magic buff sword and shield as payment for their services
battlemages are however respected since they got their own conceptus via creating siege spells.

I assume Rellana is a special case.
i just play the fucking game instead of cheating
Grab flask
As many seeds, sacred tears
Get medallions
Kill Greyoll and let Night Calvary jump off a cliff
Kill Liurnia Crystalian for somber bell (1)
Grab bell (2) from Altus Tunnel
Iji can +5 a Somber weapon

Ready for Margit
nice to play cartographer every once in a while, at least... once you start from moorth ruins or the grace outside rellana's castle it's pretty straightforward from there, but watch out for the golem near the spiritspring
>so godricks armor is tree and beast, and the gladiators are snek vs beast?
Seems so. The Guardian Lions (they even have cut horns and some variations have frost breath) were supposed to show up fighting the Gladiators in the arena that was scrapped too.
Now that you mentio the hawks, I think they are a reference to the ascended Horned Warriors, the Bird Warriors. They are supposed to call upon the might of the storm and are considered higher beings because of that.
Maybe the Stormlord Godfrey fought was once of these dudes. Would make sense too, but I don't know if can make that assumption out of the blue yet (at the very least it makes more sense than the previous claims that Godfrey fought Placidus lel).
What's a good level and build if I want to be summoned but only act as a support? i.e. no one shot boss builds. I want to make sure the host doesn't die and I want to enjoy the fight longer
it's +4 at iji
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found it. jesus christ this was a bugger to spot
what would even be the genetic mutation rate for sharing 1/3rd of a parent between two dudes in this fictional setting?
>Cuck Knights are on Hogwarts' side
>Say the Carians are full of homos despite the fact the royal women are all weak and desperate golden order cock
Yea I think your degree and propaganda is full of shit
was going to make a post but i forgot about what, help me
Sorry. I know.
Works wonders in PvP though.
You can CE the items you miss in the Leda questline, right?
it's alchemy not mutation so a better chance
she's literally a fujoshi trying to make her BL fanfic happen
>not shooting his ass from the ledge
okay, i will just give myself the endgame dlc stuff (like thiollier's and ansbach's armor)
i tried but it's really hard, now that i tried cheating i feel like i can use it for anything, maybe i shouldn't have tried in the first place
>it's alchemy not mutation
don't know why im laughing so much at this lol true true
170 lets you get summoned from 150 to 200 and anyone playing the game who isn't a mindrotted PVPfag is at least 150
>There's no skill in reacting.
there's no skill in memorization
It's why Sekiro's difficulty falls off a cliff even with charm and bell after playthrough 1.

Due to windows being so "fine" tuned multiple entire attacks are completely invalidated, large amount of weapon arts and spells are unusable, and every action influences a very specific counter-action leading to brainless play.

All of these downsides attached to a boss with an obscenely high amount of counters that completely invalidate the fight.
Gael was fucking SMASHING your stamina through a greatshield while also having many attacks that were comfortably blockable with a medium shield. Gael was fucking relentless while also having openings that allowed nearly every single weapon art in the game to connect without trading into damage.

Were it available, I could run a dragon communion build into gael comfortably. You're not doing that shit with Radahn lmao.
I've been running a "Let me solo her" character by radahn for about 3 hours now and just letting shitters die.
This game needs some cosmic rebalance and i will do it myself.
I hope Spirit Ashes or an equivalent are never in any FromSoftware game again. Shit ruined co-op and added an easy mode which now makes playing the game normally hard mode
>Scholars (cringe)
>Carians (cringe)
CrystallianCHADS run this thread
that was me, I said this, me and my host are trans btw
>take carian sovereignty
>slap it on [valid sword]
>magic/cold infusion
>deal fuckload of damage x2
I see at absolutely unreal amount of pvp activity at 120. Like instant invasions into the first area of belurat with hosts wearing the stone masks with 700hp
>let you solo her
>peple would still probably summon it
>Get annoyed at having to run after Golden Hippo to land a hit for minuscule damage
>Equip two Death Knight armor pieces, cast Golden Vow
>He dies after four Ancient Dragon Lightning Strikes
Was he always weak to lightning?
The Fell God's Flame =/= Flame of Frenzy
This shit you wrote is as retarded as the other guy claiming Alexander got his fire powers from the Fire Giant and that the red hair in the Shard of Alexander was not Radahn's even though there's a fucking piece of his armor in the item art
Everything except for key items and cut content versions of items (some of the cut content armors are back in the main game such as Igon's being Ragged Set or the Brave set being found in a pile of hog shit unironically, under a different name) is safe to add with CE.
Also making sure you keep to the maximum of items like the cracked/ritual/hefty pots and perfume bottles and not going over.
True. Speaking of, does anybody know if mists avoids sword of damnations grab?
>Brave set being found in a pile of hog shit
eh? what's it called now?
if you cheat once you cant go back anymore
Actually key items and bottles are safe to CE as well, the game won't let you pick up any above your max. I think only cut content like Fia's panties are dangerous to CE.
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Nigga you fags get torn apart easily by pic rel
Oh cool. RL 156 and I'm still getting summoned for co-op and getting immediate duels. A dozen more levels won't hurt.
>in water
A proper faith build does it in one to two depending on aim.
Also he's in water so yes.
>had to beat Metyr on a low level character because I forgot Sword of Night is locked behind it
>no idea how to dodge her double laser move
>try finding a safe spot, doesn't work
>try sprinting away, doesn't work
>try sprinting away and jumping at the last second, doesn't work
>try rolling through, doesn't work
>try sprinting away until a safe spot appears, doesn't work
>Ongbal uploads his sexy no hit run
>finally, I can learn how to dodge it
>Metyr floats into the air
>he whips out raptors of the mist

Spirit ashes were too big of a concession to casuals. Spirit ashes, combined with the commercial success of Elden Ring, have bred a generation of retards who beat the game without ever learning its mechanics, but presume to have opinions about its design.
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I deadly poisoned then beat him up with dual rot/frost greathammers. Guy really wasn't that tough as long as you mind the walls to avoid having your camera eaten.
enjoy the assholes immediatly jumpscaring you
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Highland Warrior
I can't stop guard countering
Deflect tear + GS talisman + Guard counter talisman
I'm runnning just regular brass shield + longsword
how can i optimize this, what are even the best weapon types for guard countering i have no fkn idea
this is fun as hell
Bayle is kicking my ass and the only thing I have left after this is Enir-Ilim I think.
Killing Miquella and blowing a load in Malenia's rotussy.
You can't dodge the laser through normal gameplay means yeah
It's literally making no-hit runners shit themselves because of it
How good is the black hammer against those undead dragons?
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If I had my way spirit ashes would work in the overworld at all times but not in boss rooms.

Also, invasions would be mandatory like in Demon's / Dark Souls, just locked behind rune arcs or whatever.
straightsword has one of the better guard counters
nooo not the potbro
How much skibidi you're on?
the c*rian takes his aggression out on the humble pot when frustrated
scholarbros look how low they have fallen
The new Black Steel Greathammer has an additional effect when you guard counter. Other than that regular hammers (like Morning Star) or something like the Zweihander with Cragblade are good options because they do >40 poise damage every time.
i used crimsonwhorl, lol
Fucking saved.
Top 3 moves in the DLC that unironically need to be rebalanced
3. Radahn's cross slash combo
2. Meytr's laser
1. Gaius's faggot charge
Everything else is fine
What's her deal anyway, I'm in messmer's castle and found out she exists (she's in one of the two areas I hadn't explored yet). I already drank from Trina's milkers. She's still at the cross but I don't know if I locked myself out of anything important.
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It's done, my party is finally assembled
>Cut Fia's Panties
>Give you Hornsent's shitstained thong cloth instead
Fuck you From
dex/int build with keen nagakiba, scholar's armament and double slash is making the DLC like trivial shit
will this build still hold up against the final boss?
17 I think. I have only given Bayle less than 10 attempts though so still a lot of improvements to be made. Kinda feels like my Brass Shield + Broadsword setup is a bit lackluster here.
i feel like the stormlord logically is probably related to the stormhawk king somehow otherwise having two storm monarchs mentioned doesn't make sense (plus the loux connection)
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zased merchant
wish we could summon multiple at a time, it would give some incentive to upgrade these and it would look funny
These pots are filled with Shaman people guts. Killing them is but a mercy for the people and letting them rest.
>muh carian
>muh academy
this is a hero starting class strength god general
Guys how about we add something to the game to spend runes on?
no because you usually don't have enough time to cast weapon buffs and you definitely don't have enough time to do anything besides the first 2 hits of double slash
>like 15% of the game's landmass
>no loot
>five bloodborne reskins
The Abyss? More like the aMISS
The people are already dead, from their guts a new person lives.
Anything marked [ERROR] will get ya yeah, including both versions of millicent's outfit which is annoying, not sure why they didn't just put it in if all the work was done.
Yeah, that was the worst. Especially when he started doing his Sonic the Hedgehog rolls.
yeah but they look kinda cute in a goofy way
Don't forget the ties of the storm to farum azula and the ancient dragons.
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he's an ungrateful jerk
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Didn't ask, GObitch. Dungeater, crush his skull, thank you.
Is he the best NPC or what?
All items are safe, anything that goes in your inventory, unless it's normally unattainable stuff like Fia's panties. I've cheated in literally everything before.
>get to the Shadow Keep pot Hall
Edge, Lord
I was on my best run, so close to killing him, and I strafed into the fucking scaffolding towers from my blindspot, got completely locked in. I was so fucking mad.

The DLC bosses so far for me, half the battle is learning to avoid them while sticking to the middle of the ring.
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so if I had someone drop this for me
what would be the most effective way to stock up on the thousands of arrows needed to fuel it
I'd need multiple types of arrows due to 99 carry limit outside the stash, not just max on the cheapest

Also the
>deals full damage to every enemy struck by even 1 arrow, NOT a shotgunning damage from multiple arrows
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(((Who))) could possibly be behind this post?
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>make Hornsent help you
He exists purely to prove Marika right, he will always betray you.
nice... thx
thats awesome
Best voice actor by far.
God damn you're doing something terribly wrong, that's enough skibidis for a final boss
Post your build?
It also insta apply status effects
>what would be the most effective way to stock up on the thousands of arrows needed to fuel it
I'm just dumping my runes into uprgrade materials.
Carry materials to make new arrows on the fly as well.
Dear God this DLC really is pay2win after all.
>What's her deal anyway
Miquella is discarding parts of his mind as well as his body. St Trina is one of those
but that means using 8x status arrows per shot which is very expensive doesn't it
can't infuse it or use ash on any other weapon
Based star man
ahh, may chaos take the world...
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i want to go back, elden ring just isn't the same
you can start upgrading every single weapon to +9 starting from top, that will keep you busy
Don't care still helped him fight off that crazy bitch
>Perfume bottle weapons
>Throwing sword/axe weapons
From just kinda gave up on the open world/crafting thing in the DLC, didn't they
You can be as high as 175 and still connect to 150.
Thnaks but no I meant what's Thollier's deal.
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>New Roundtable Hold upgrades
>20,000 runes for leopard skin rug
>50,000 runes for a little stable for Torrent
>1,000,000 runes for painting in the romantic movement of every female NPC naked
Not quite. The (utility) perfumes are still good. Poison is still good. Firespark just got retired.
Which is just as well. I've done a perfumer run before. It fucking sucked. 80% of your playtime is fucking farming flowers for miranda powder.

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