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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>484153081
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1st for comfy builds
Why fellow homosexuals...
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xth for old screenshots.
5th for I despise anime.
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6th for canned meat (the colonists don't know it's insect meat)
actually retarded
Actually genius.
>Mood buff from Tended by Medical Specialist stacks
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Post sexy female pawns pls
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13th for delete all your mods and play the game as tyan(pbuh) intended
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>new game
>1+hour rerolling map
>2+hours crafting ideology
>3+hours rerolling pawns
finally, let's begin the g...
>goddamn tree spawn on the edge of the map
autism is cancer, I wish to die
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15th for anime
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delete all anime mods
i might do that
i spent a long time making my sos2 ship and the game started crashing the moment i launched
you don't have the uproot mod? you can also just kill it and spawn/wait for a new one
I use 16 QoL mods and laugh at those morons
>73 mods
Rookie numbers
(almost) emotionless sex with Zen...
Anime faces are garbage.
Yeah? Well, you're garbage!
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higher quality
Testing with just the more psycasts mod on and yeah, mods busted. I have zero knowledge on how to modify dll so I guess this ability is just being shelved.
Hey lads, I'm playing through anomaly and my void provocation ritual has started calling in only duplicate entities despite my advanced entity codex being only half full, what gives?
Any biomes with some accelerated decay mechanic for items left out in the open?
No? Just dump shit on water and hope it rains.
I don't think it's biome specific, but certain tiles such as water decay items faster. You could try turning up the rainfall on world generation to get more of those
Anty mod adds a floor that decays items at a rate of a couple hundred points a day
Since the mod cheated you it's only fair you cheat it back and manually resurrect the kid with console since you've gone through all this effort.
No, because the mod itself is cheating. The only fair thing is vanilla
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i pity da fool that has to use mods
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>Reactor startup detected
>Launch an LRM there immediately because of sour grapes
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it's time to take a shit on the company dime
Anatomically incorrect slug, that "tail" should be a prolapsed anus, not an extension of the spine.
Only faggots play vanilla.
Are you a faggot, son?
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I always feel bad for the girl on the right in these backgrounds, since they end up getting blocked by the ui
grotesque udders
DFChad splashscreen where?
Magical tiddies.
How do I read an error log? I've been trying to fix my game for about a week now with no luck
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I guess I can do that, giving Mint total psychic breakdown for fifteen days would be fair compromise right?
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Honestly depends on you, imo it not working as intended and you having to wait until now to decide is payment enough for the shit experience desu but it's up to you.
Is that Vehicle Framework or from some other mod?
I think I remember that ship from an old custom trading ship mod?
It was the old Mining CO mod.
>tits on a rat
Disgusting, abhorrant. Never post this again
Opinions on Big and Small and its myriad of clusterfuck submods?
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strongbad faction?
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Entertaining if you like fucking around with genes, heavy bloat otherwise, especially the submods that even I largely ignore
factions not spawning!
>Not getting either of the two Tweak mods
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Does VF also do that thing where the flying vehicle 'gets closer to the screen as it flies' and it's shadow can be seen on the ground?
That looks fantastic.
No idea. Its fun but its prone to bugging out..
Shame there arent more "official" mods like that.
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What the fuck does this even mean?
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
Have you?
There isn't enough information to tell anything.
Null Reference Exception is way too generic.
And even the call stack doesn't point to any specific mod or function.
What do I do about it?
Just remove Dubs Analyzer from your modlist until you actually need it.
the pig people should yield pork if you butcher them
This lazy child thought she could get out of being a stonecutting pawn by dying. Unluckily for her, Mint is able to commune with God and brought this child back to us.
Considering how easily Mint gains psyfocus, I'll stick with one resurrection = 15 day coma. Mint is rather essential to my colony's defenses so it's a fair tradeoff.
>Kissing Mint's comatose body
Absolutely sinful behavior
Do I have a mod for you.
I removed Rimworld of Magic from my list and now I get errors because my game can't find traits from the mod anymore
Which is normal and shouldnt matter, unless you are stupid enough to continue save afer removing mod.
This fixed the faction generation. This makes no sense
Any suggestions bros? I've done probably 10-12 rituals and I keep getting gorehulks and obelisks, yet no new ones despite half the advanced level entities being unknown still.
>>Kissing Mint's comatose body
My tongue all over her.
Should I do a medieval playthrough with RJW or medieval traits?
RJW for more story, medieval for extreme power
Analyzer is an intrusive shitpile that may or may not try to interpose itself in every single function call, it could break anything and everything if something goes wrong with it.
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Do not talk to Mint or her sickly sister ever again sinner.
s-shut up dubs-sama would never make a shit mod
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This little imp really isn't that smart. Maybe wait until you have a replacement hand to start picking fights.
that is some blinged out M16..
Thoughts on ModularWeapons?
odds i make a communist utopia run
even i make a gun manufactorer run
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mincho latte is horse
Never used it as it's not compatible with my mod, but it looks based as fuck and I've oft thought of making it compatible. Fuck, I wish I wasn't so damn lazy and apathetic towards this game.
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Why did he do it?
Why did shella do 2 kurin bgs but not a revia one.
Why did you type communist utopia twice?
don't the horse
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Confess your sins that the Cardinal may show you how to repent
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>Why did you type communist utopia twice?
you know what, you might be right, I should just do both in the same run
What mod?
some permanent rain biome to simulate the UK
You'd have to arrest all your melee pawns...
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Yes i did
Kiss her when she wakes up
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Needs to be 3 quadrums of rain, immediately followed by a 3 day extreme heatwave. A portable A/C unit is the single greatest purchase I have made, and I cannot fathom why newly built houses in this miserable shithole of a country STILL don't have A/C.
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Sorry but after checking how woke their discord is, and knowing that Diana is involved in the project, there's no way in fuck that I'm ever touching this mod.
>using Discord
Diana has never contributed to the mod, (s)he didn't even make a single of their mods on his own
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This imp is just the punching bag of my colony, now it's Lavender's turn to beat her senseless.
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It is still a mod on their discord, that should speak volumes. Also OrASSans is a shit overprotected OC race mod.
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What makes you think anybody cares about your virtue signalling?
I don't see how this snippet of XML relates to RJW
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Don't know who that faggot is nor do I care. Unless they're getting people to put backdoors in RJW I'll keep my pawns going on a murderous rampage because they can't get their dick wet
My rat got out of a psychic coma just to be hit with a psychic drone. She is not having a good time right now.
She's likely to just explode the head of any sinner who breathes in her general vicinity right now, not a good idea to kiss her.
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You'll have much more success on /v/ with posts like these, it has a much bigger population of reactionary /pol/tards than here.
I'm not a furry, however, would.
The rat herself is a degenerate sinner with slim chances of salvation, dummy
What if I marry her first?
It not a sin then!
For that one anon that keeps asking about his wife Katya here she is, teaching Reisa about proper research procedures. As a red moyo, psychic drones barely affect her.
Mint is pure! Pure I say!
Good luck convincing her with her current mood.
Then you too have been blinded by sin.
How rude Toxos is not "Poaching" she's merely helping the colony get dinner.
>For that one anon that keeps asking about his wife Katya here she is, teaching Reisa about proper research procedures. As a red moyo, psychic drones barely affect her.
Thank you for the update
I fail to see how this qualifies as poaching.
You're welcome
>A portable A/C unit is the single greatest purchase I have made
same t. northern europe with 30C for a couple of weeks every summer
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Holy shit, Marshall tanks are slow as fuck.
Turns out the Vehicle Framework autoloading when reforming from the world map is fucking retarded and overloaded the tank for no reason.
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Horax cultist just refuse to go down. Inhumanized and the ritual mask just make these guys tanky as fuck.
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How many pawns can fit in one area in the base game? Can you make full towns or cities, or are you stuck to small villages?
If you manage to bypass storyteller pawn limits, then theoretically, you could support quite a lot of pawns.
If I had to pull a number out of my ass estimate how many pawns you could fit, it would probably be around 30-35
rimworld starts fucking you up with events if you go over the storyteller pawn cap ~13 but you can have how many your pc can handle, most I've seen was >200 in the past but I've heard anomaly is way worse performance wise than previous versions
>Ingredients: Steel
If you want a large scale colony management sim, the answer isn't Rimworld.
Its possible, but not feasible. After 100 pawns your game will be so slow that you will want to kill yourself.
Rimworld can be whatever I want.
Dynamic Population helps with storyteller population limits
however, more pawns = lower tps
Tell that to Tynan 'No-Multithreading' Sylvester, lmao
How is it gameplay wise? Is it bloated?
That moyo is cute!
But the tail is too small!
So what is the answer?
I want large scale colony sim with anime girls.
you can set death on down to 0% and keep capturing raiders for as many as you want
songs of syx
I am very into emotionless, independent women.
Maybe I'm just gay kek.
Best you can do is a biome with a lot of shallow water. Like swamp. In the water outside under the rain is like -100000 per day.
Do the obelisk ritual dummy. You need to progress it.

Very soulless, just like the real one. Well done! Can you post the whole building?
I finally got around to playing this game more after not touching it for years. I have managed to play it for a little over 200 hours in the last 2 weeks while working from home and I cannot stop playing.

Correct Answer.
>Do the obelisk ritual dummy. You need to progress it.
I assumed I should unlock all the advanced tier entities before attuning but I guess they're not segregated in the codex by monolith tier?
*Alignment guitar riff*
>got miho mod because kurins kinda suck and I want more foxes
>first raid from them had 5 of them wielding quick-launching grenade launchers with 3 times the AOE
>second raid was a breacher raid with only two huge robots that shot 15 rockets in 3 seconds and razed half of my map with fire
>every miho gun apparently has an armor-melting effect that can drop a centipede's armor to 0 in seconds
Holy shit this isn't what I expected but those cataphract mechs were fucking awesome, if my brain didn't immediately tell me to melee it the moment it spawned my base would've been gone instantly
Post your favorite female pawn
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> Rescue some random coming through land being chased by raping pigmen.
> Is some kind of plant lady who desn't need to sleep.
> Operate on her and give her a bed, she joins on her own.
> Just sits inside and researches all day or meditates.
I want to start poking around the Psycast system- Which should I pick? I have The "Expanded" mod by the way.
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I was going to tell you to generate more instead of just reposting my slop but that requires an account now
anyway here you go https://glif.app/@oneiromancer2665/glifs/clxuw3yp80000399flmn5vett
they're all overpowered so pick whatever fits the image you have of your pawn
Holy fucking nigger, why did they make revenants so fucking tanky
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> They're all overpowered.
My head exploded when I actually started looking at the abilities.

Decided on working towards res first. Then skip abilities.
She isnt contributing to the mod AND she literally is nowhere to be found on discord these days.
Nice bait tho.
My pawn once had wings but no longer does. How do I remove the short flight ability gizmo? It doesn't seem to be tied to a hidden hediff.
>Oskar cooking
Prepare for artery blockage
That doesn't seem worth it for efficiency drop because of scar
The only one made the game run faster with his mod is owl, but he's gone
>My colonists are now anime catgirls riding dinosaurs
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No dying you bakas
Your Blindsight pawns don't actually have to be blind.
Are there any 1x3 Door mods that take advantage of the 1.5 code?
Eeeegh... Cute place man.
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Thanks Anon
No, anon, no it's not
>An actual rape dungeon
Fucking hell. Nice
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>Individuality is a hag-apologist mod
dropped with extreme prejudice
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A good reason for the breakup, and wow, the guy is flirting with the groom at his wedding. Bi people really are sluts.
The Boiling biome from ReGrowth series has acid rain, I know it damages pawns but don't know if it affects items.
Actually, that's hot water, not acid. That's why the biome is called "boiling". The mod is based on a recent TV show.
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the old office had to demolish its training room to make space for another office
the average colonist has approximately three different health issues at any given time
you WILL consume your insect meat and you WILL enjoy it
can't something be done about beggars stop coming for luciferium I don't have?
Hags are in demand
Weak. More hags for me
Sounds like a bug, iirc beggars requests are always possible to fufill the moment they came onto the map.
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Low test male detected.
Hags don't look like this.
Your health is important. Get your eyes checked.
How do I reset the list for animals? I’m on timber wolf puppy 26 and it won’t go back to puppy 1
>Biological age : 17
>Chronological age: 678
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Is that so is that so
>some people play rimworld to create a call center
>beggars requests are always possible to fufill the moment they came onto the map.
ReGrowth or More Vanilla Biomes?
Note, lots of people hate the dev on this general.
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Seethe bitch

>C# Code done by Taranchuk
You know, nevermind.
Why is that bad?
>He doesn't know
You know, nevermind.
It's not like ReGrowth is incompatible with MVB, you can use both together.
I use ReGrowth alongside plenty of other map generation mods, including Realistic Planets Continued.and other stuff.
Glad to know that the Wiki is wrong yet again.
>Change how much beggars will ask for (vanilla is a 0.85x multiplier on colony wealth)
thanks, installing it now
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>Least-cluttered Modded Map Generation Settings.
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For some reason Anties don't give brith, they can get pregnant and progress through labour, but when it's time to deliver the baby the debug log gets filled with these errors and they can't progress.
That doesn't specify that they will make a request that you can fulil, only that they will make a request for an item you have.

There's nothing there that is infringed if you have 10 herbal meds and they ask for 100.
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
They shouldn't even be able to get pregnant in the first place, Weird.
The only way they should be able to reproduce is through a queen at a breeding spot
I know, but my dick wants an endless gangbang and a forever-pregnant Anty queen (male) and it shall have it. They were fertile form the get-go, didn't change anything, the only thing I changed was removing the part in the XML that forced the Asexual trait on them, now I just need to figure out how to make them give birth and I'll be set for another 4 months. I know I can go with Halamyr hive start for the same effect, but I want ants, not some weird moth/wasp hybrids.
Does RJW support parallel pregnancies?
Helixien's Charmweavers comes with a multibirth gene and system that allows a pawn to carry multiple pregnancies at different stages, but sometimes it generates two or three at the same stage. Never use it with multi-pregnancy gene though, I had several instances where a pawn gave birth to three sets of triplets, instantly tanking my TPS and draining my stockpile of dried plants I was stockpiling for the winter.
Well, good luck figuring that out. I'd try but I still can't figure out how to link a need to a gene
>forever-pregnant Anty queen (male)
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What the hell Toxos why would you immortalize that in art?
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>no VE roadmap
Has Oskar finally gotten tired of modding?
He got tired of it ages ago.
Now, getting tired of his main source of income? I don't think so.
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Is there a mod that lets you divert rivers or something to this effect? Like, terrain tools?
no, there's mods (or dev mode) to let you manually place water tiles but none of them let you create river flow
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Of all the things you cannot do in this game.
what mods are you missing or waiting for in 1.5
besides owlchemist's
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I've been waiting for the RWBY mod since 1.3
Author came back and said he'd be updating it for 1.5 then went radio silent blueballing myself and everyone else waiting for it
My colony may have a psychic rat, but what about a psionic fox?
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Roo's minotaur, satyr and faun xenotypes.
He said there will be a 1.5 update under one of the mods 2-something months ago, but there's been nothing since.
What about fox wife
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It's up.
>i get to kill trannies
Now THIS is a good quest, why can't quest rewards be like this more often?
Now get to work Saga, I need these cores made yesterday.
>have favorite pawn
>mental break: trannification
>have to kill favorite pawn
Not worth the risk
Thank God. I wonder the the modding scene can finally move on from that faggot's cult of personality or if it'll be dead though.
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I just want a ratkin reskin that turns them into actual anthro rats.
what was the reward in the middle?
majestic foliage
facial animations xenotype compatibility
mehni's misc modifications
owlchemist's stuff
say no more senpai
what the fuck
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>still waiting on owlchemist
Take the femboy pill, straightoids.
i don't understand what this post is supposed to convey
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it's so bizarre watching them talk about dysphoria, thinking everyone has it, as if it's natural and not a severe mental illness caused by the modern societal hellscape that takes them out of the gene pool one way or another
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I already have two dedicated miners and Toxos is my art pawn so it was easy to skip him
We call them "faggots" here, faggot.
I understand what this post is supposed to convey
something new that actually justifies updating.
>what mods are you missing or waiting for in 1.5
As >>484703268
said - something that justifies losing even more performance AND messing with all my mods.
Nothing of the sort has shown itself so far.
Every junkie thinks its normal to be wasted as fuck on drugs.
>6 warning(s)
>11 error(s)
Yep. It's gaming time
How bad is the performance impact from 1.5 really?
I haven't checked in since right before the release of anomaly, how could they make performance even worse?
anons say it's exactly 30% (not 35%, not 25%)
I haven't noticed a major difference yet, ymmv though
The maintenance and development of most of Owlchemist's mod have been taken over by the person who the Steam profile that Anon posted belongs to.
>slow healing
no thanks
Sit in the damn pews you animals
it wouldn't even occur to me to build a church this huge
What anime mod is this? I don't care for lewd/lgbt shit. Just making the default pawns look not like trash.
That's the IMOZOU retexture for FA. My issue with it is that faces looking to the side look extremely flat, so play around with it for a while before deciding that you really want to use it.
You could also just use VE FA if you're into that (while deleting the mouth textures, since they make it look like ass) and replacing the ugly face textures with the non-ugly ones if you don't want to remove them from the xml
It was autism anon
If you're referring to the faces then it's Imozou facial animation
Pews really don't reach that far even if they say they do, your only option is to make a circle surrounding the spots
only Tynan would add church furniture but not make them compatible with church layouts
>reliquary there
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it just works
just pretend the filthy beasts not sitting are the bride's maids, ring bearer, pastor, etc.
What's the name of that mod that gives a thicker outline to Nal's FA heads?
Inconsiderate pawns, I told you two to put a condom on.
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I think anomaly would be much better and engaging dlc if it had special rules per entity for their containment, a-la lobotomy crop, but not as crazy craziness could be modded in later. E.g. having a noctol in <50% light cell would dramatically increase their escape chance during study, etc. Also needs more non-combat events.
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I'd never use this mod solely because it's bloat. I'm not gonna add dozens of mods adding hundreds of non-optimal gender-exclusive clothing pieces for my pawns to play dress up just to get a measily mood boost.

The only mods of this kind you should ever care for are:
>Way Better Romance (New sexuality and romantic traits + Control over their spawn rate).
>Romance of the Rim (New romantic interactions).
>Edges of Acceptance. (Homophobia and Heterophobia traits and Ideology Precepts).
>Diversity and Discrimination (Ideology Precepts for Racism and Inclusivity).
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What is this? It's the second time skull of a colonist (the same one) gets drop podded to me, but said colonist is literally right here alive and well. This isn't unnatural corpse anomaly event btw.
archotech fucking with you
(I have no idea)
Is there a mod where I can like interact with other factions for favour or quests or whatever?
It's an omen of things to come
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im really new to this, I played a lot of DF before though.

This retard walked into raid me alone, but went straight to a cave with bugs to kill them, he then died, and there apparently has been a child living with the bugs for a long time now, they dont see to care about him.

Silly game.
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what a mess, my colony is going to be the laughing stock of the rim at this rate
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I have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lead astray, run amok and flat out deceived
This Anty I captured is a MALE! I can't believe I almost recruited him
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Way ahead of you
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In other news, Baskin is visiting the grave of her old master
A moment of Silence for The Minchowitch.
>Squirrel-rat resists 98% arrest chance
Oh yeah, she's getting correction.
If you don't want him just send him to m-
Be gentle with the rats
his pussy was so fertile why would you do that
Anyone got any pics of their cute cabins for their colonists?
mod for Carla?
roo vs hyacinth's anty FA patch
toching my weenor with a pencil oooooo
>majestic foliage
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We need to kill HAR once and for all.
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why the fuck isnt the comfort going up are you telling me the retards are just standing on the benches
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Option 3, the one that was taken off the workshop
is she singing on stage?
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no, she's watching a play. this sucks because this is the only time our waiters can sit down since they're working 24/7 otherwise
picrel, all waiters are assigned to restaurant work at all times, being given half-cyclers to remove the need for sleep
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thank you. I'm glad I asked
>Go to Rim College and get Master education x5
>Still end up as a waiter
such is life in the rimworld
Wow you really are running a lil community. What mods do you use for this sort of stuff? I'd like to build up to that.
Working my way up from shitty desert shakes to having a casino and resturants
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could be worse
the relevant ones are hospitality, gastronomy, and the food/drink related VE mods. for the office, i use the old version of CP's military furniture (not the boris one) and randy burger for the fast food joint. honestly once you get access to the office desks from military furniture and a good researcher, its a matter of patience until you can buy anything since it basically gives you silver for nothing
just a warning, i'm on 1.2 so im not sure if the mods i use even exist anymore
Thanks, I used the hospitality mod for a short while but game kept sending visitor after visitor to my colony even though I didn't have any beds set to guest or food set for them. I'll probably grab all those mods once I'm more set up. I'm currently 2 shit shacks and a pile of stone blocks ATM lol
>but game kept sending visitor after visitor to my colony even though I didn't have any beds set to guest
There is option for that.

> or food set for them
Guests dont need food. But it helps.
Yea there is the option for Accept, Refuse or Until I have Guest beds. I did choose the third but it kept sending anyways lol. They'd always start social fights because my colony was a bunch of underground, light fearing, aggressive, cannibal, bug worshipping pale elf assholes who are addicted to tobacco. So half of the visitors did leave with lots of bruises lmao.
i wish i were a horse
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If you made a rimworld knock-off, what body types would you add?
Only plain humanoid? Or would you add centaurs? Arachne? Snake people? Multiple arms? Wings? Tails?
I want this rat to step on my face
I'm surprised there isn't mod that allows you to "punish" pawns by chaining them to the floor and having other pawns walk over them.
>hit with the high psychic drone and heatwave at the same time
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probably only plain humanoids since i want my ribworl knockoff to be based on starsector. my knockoff will take place in a decivilized planet on the edges of the sector
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I would probably have the base be regular humans and humans alone, but with official mods to add in all those wonderful monster gals
a rimworld clone is too good an opportunity to not have a complex limbs system
if your pawn has four arms, then you can equip 4 lightweight weapons and get 4 damage rolls per attack
as a general grievous fan I like this
you're a fan of mlie?
Hello there!
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No dying
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There are a few:

>Call For Intel
Ask for Quests using the Comms Console when contacting a faction.

>Settlement Quests
Ask for a quest when one of your caravans is visiting a friendly settlement (with a chance of failure).

>Questing Meme
Adds a Questing Meme that gives mood bonuses and maluses for accepting, ignoring, failing and completing quests depending on precept tier. Also adds a new Ritual Reward that makes you discover a new quest.

>Simple Warrants
Allows you to take on (and make your own) warrants (bounties), where a warrant might ask you to find and bring a specific item or Pawn (prisoner) to a location, or to kill a specific pawn.

>Progression: Warrants
Additions for Simple Warrants.

>[Sir Rolin] Questing Gives Goodwill
Quest rewards all give (or take) Goodwill depending on the value of a quest's reward, and is configrable. So you can pick a reward that gives lots of goodwill but little material reward vs a reward that gives a much better material reward, at the expense of using up some of the goodwill you have with them.

Other related mods:
>No Quests Without Comms
>Quest Expiration Critical Alert
>Limit Quest Pawns
>[FSF] Better Pawn Lending Quest
>No Disabled Factions In Quests
Oh, also:

>Better Beggars (Continued)
or the simpler
>Less Demanding Beggar
>he actually gives donos to (((beggars)))
>he doesn't immediately arrest them and harvest organs/sell them into slavery
I always help beggars unless they're black or pigs
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Yeah well fuck you too buddy.
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Fuck off, asshole
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>not recruiting beggars to do your dirty work
I just "bought" this and all the DLC. Should I start with any mods or should I just go in, im thinking tribe plus randy.
Come on man pirating from triple A gayniggas is one thing but don't steal from indie devs
start a game while keeping the workshop or some mod list open on the second monitor to see what you need.
but here's some mods i wouldn't dream of playing without:
>allow tool
>smarter construction
>common sense
>pick up and haul
>better pawn control
>dubs bad hygiene
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I'm reporting on det's weapons (I used pulse and phase ones).
Basically, they do nothing particularly interesting. Athena framework is only used for fancy projectile graphics.

The other armory mod I tried was quasimorph - church of revelation. That one had interesting weapons with alternate mods of fire, but the weapons themselves are way too fucking strong.
E.g. there's a single-shot rifle that has 40~50-something range (sniper, basically); 180% armor pen (was playing with vanilla combat reloaded, so it's doubled); has a chance to ignite; and has 0.2 cooldown time, so you can effortlessly kite everything to death, that is if you ever need to as whatever you're shooting at will likely catch fire and run around like a retard.
its expensive as fuck for everything. Ill buy it in the winter if I enjoy it.

any other good places besides the workshop? Im using GoG.
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>i wouldn't dream of playing without
>dubs bad hygiene

>any other good places besides the workshop? Im using GoG.
Download rimsort and use its steamcmd integration to download from workshop.
Or if you don't plan on having a lot of mods, just use steamcmd directly.
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>not enjoying fecal management
basedmods has racism and removes fags if you want to do TND or TFD
which one? kurin har or kurin deluxe?
Start purely vanilla for your first test run.

If you feel like you should use at least some mods for your first run, restrict yourself to the performance and UI improvements, and maybe some Utilities mods, plus the necesary dependencies.

>Performance Optimizer
>Performance Fish (not found on the Steam Workshop).

Essential UI mods:
>Compact Hediffs
>Auto Links
>Relevant Stats In Description
>Recipe icons (Continued)
>Grouped Pawns Lists
>Power Tab 2
>Toggleable Readouts Continued
>Toggleable Overlays Continued
>Categorized Bill Dropdown
>Command Palette
>Hide Blueprints
.Schedule Clock

>Dubs Performance Analyzer (Not needed unless you're making perfomrance tests)
>Better ModMismatch Window
>Show Mod Updates
>Mod Options Sort
>Better Log - Fix your errors
>No Version Warning
>Save and Load Ideoligion Hair
>World Presets
>Ding On Game Loaded

These should allow you to improve the playing experience without changing vanilla gameplay at all.

Dubs Bad Hygiene is good but it's not something I would recommend a new player to use.
I'd install like 250 mods before I install DBH.
the first thing i noticed is the lack of toilets and showers. you're playing as settlers and you just magic your shit away?
i installed it immediately upon starting out.
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>>i wouldn't dream of playing without
>>dubs bad hygiene
Nothing wrong with this statement.
if not the full version then at least the lite version of bad hygiene where you don't have to think about plumbing or waste disposal. just put toilets and showers down.
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Don't listen to scatology enthusiasts.
Even if you do install dub's bad hygiene, it adds nothing but extra tedium. Only good part of the mod is centralized heating, and there's a standalone version of that.
The lack of thirst mechanics is arguably more critical than giving your pawns Designated Shitting Spots.
I certainly wouldn't install DBH before installing any of the mods I mentioned.
dubs bad hygiene has thirst mechanics (disabled by default)
No it doesn't.
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I always imagined thirst is simply abstracted into cooking. Not everything needs to be "le realistic", otherwise you'd have an overly complicated cooking system that has over a thousand ingridients and a vitamin system, and if your pawns don't get enough calcium they'll break their bones when meleeing or opening heavy doors yes I play CDDA
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yes it does
>photoshopped pics
To this day i wish for DBH/No Water No Life integration mod..
Kill yourself faggot.
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Recommend me faction mods (new xenotypes allowed) for a playthrough with combat extended.
No anime faces please.
A shame Rimworld is structured in a way where there's no real antagonists and no way you'd ever develop rivalries and grudges with particular enemies
I am aware it does. What I am saying is that the thirst aspect of DBH should be more important than the shitting and pissing and cumming one.

I get that, but I see it more as a "figuring out how to get potable water is an essential part of survival one", more than having cooking recipies need water if you want to make soup or something.

Never used No Water, No Life. Is it that different from DHB - Thirst?
You don't understand, Anon. Then Tynan says Rimworld is a Story-Generator, he means the part where your pawns cheat and cuck each other before dying to a pack of guinea pigs shortly after, not anything related to the overarching story of a Rimworld and its inhabitants.
>Never used No Water, No Life. Is it that different from DHB - Thirst?
Very different.
Water is basically food like product that needs to be extracted from rivers, wells.
There is also salt water and the whole desalination process, water goes bad (rotting like food) if not purified, can be frozen or boiled to last longer etc.
Whole water generation is much better than in DBH because in DBH is basically two alternatives, you either have water every fucking where or you turn on survival mode and even most lush forest is suddenly devoid of any water patches.
NWNL water generation takes into the account the biome so desert will always have small patches while forest and other normal biome will have more of it.
DBH is shit because every mod that adds needs and breaks the pawns' time economy, and DBH also needs the pawn to pathfind its way to the shitter, which makes it even worse
>time economy
fr no cap ludonarrative dissonance sheesh
If travelling to the shitter breaks your game so much your colony sucks and you should stop playing games and just embrace the noose.
I say this every time I see a pawn take a shit btw.
>breaks the pawns' time economy
Why I never play without Adjustable Pawn Speed on x1.5 settings for all Pawns.
you don't have to play with dubs bad hygiene if you don't want to.
i do and that's why i said i wouldn't play without it.
building an infrastructure for a safe home is not "tedium", it's the meat of the game.

if i wanted pure production simulation i'd be playing factorio.
rimworld is sims but challenging.
>pawn spends 90% of the day cumming, shitting, pissing, eating, vomiting and cleaning up after the above
Ah, finally, realism.
no-one but you mentioned realism when discussing the mod.
do pops gain any mood bonus from being hydrated?
my pawns are too busy fucking instead of working
>i do and that's why i said i wouldn't play without it.
By saying that you directly imply it's a must-have mod for everyone.
ok, collectivist.
Drinking Corin's pee right from the tap!
>there are literally horses in this thread
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i thought corin fucked thrumbos now?
>>dubs bad hygiene
thought you were smart sneaking this into the list
so are these guys shitting their pants or are they squatting down to piss for some reason?
That faggot hasn't updated Perspective Buildings and Trees.
If you're done talking shit and piss maybe somebody has any input on this?
Perspective trees is now in regrowth.
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She fucks anything with 4 legs and a throbbing cock.
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Doesn't look like her at all
And here I thought there was already plenty of reason to not use rjw because it's shit and adds nothing of value.
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>No alliteration in her name.
Have you (french) kissed your female pawn today?
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You're about to french kiss my boot if you don't shut the fuck up.
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lmao now the horses are watching the play
Sex with Kraut
she has committed numerous warcrimes in the past and is not for sex
Makes her even more sex
anon no
>And here I thought there was already plenty of reason to not use dbh because it's shit and adds nothing of value.
i know that feel
How is rizzle dizzle anyhow?
alpha genes unironically
you get 2 new factions (neutral and hostile) which generate with your own custom made xenotypes
anon yes
I don't want some other faggot mod and its dependencies just to have Perspective Trees.
Regrowth is a great mod and its only dependency is VEF. But if you really want it, there are working forks of both buildings and trees on gh, took me 10 seconds to find.
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I need to try militaristic ubermensch anime girl colony again.
Heydrich was a kike, never post this picture again.
>Heydrich was a kike
Tell me your ideal number of pawns per colony
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As much as i can
such is life in real life
>education makes you happy
provably wrong
mods for faceless old men?
before 2 rows seems to be ideal for me, after that point I seem to run out of food extremely fast every time a stupid event happens or have more than one colonist idle
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This is the best I can offer.
depends too much on how old my colony is but around 15 is usually the sweet spot for mid/late colonies
Grotesque, I'll take it, what mod?
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What is this error message for?
Not bad at all.
Wish there was something like this for Facial Animation, the samefacedness and lack of gender dimorphism is offputting given you're already going out of your way to have a face mod.
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what do you think their play is about?
good way to give your colony an easy mood buff, assuming you have good artists. otherwise, you can make plays and compositions out of leather for a quick buck
i had Kraut wear an SS outfit from another mod but i replaced it with RimWW2
waiters in our colony dont have recreation times, so their recreation and comfort are almost completely at zero. plays, assuming they're sitting down while watching, would have been the only way to raise their comfort level since i refuse to give them seats while on duty
any good fridge mods?
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We can rebuild him. We have the technology.
Tynan making the overworld and factions so pointless is really a missed opportunity. I hope the next DLC is Conquest or something and it's just a DLC version of Empire.
Rimfridge is about as basic and practical as it can get.
You know what, I've always dismissed the malang faces because they are a bit too... exagerated.. but I think I will give them a try for once.
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aww, that's nice. they've made up and are now together again.
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>chatted about gourds
is this a Path of Splitness reference?
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nice story
Anons, what level of difficulty do you usually play on?
I double the population caps on Blood and dust.
Tynan can suck my cock.
Look at my dork melee squad
Blood and dust, I want a fair challenge.
snowdrop is fucking adorable lmao
What face textures are these?
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what's the easiest starting climate?
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How thoughtful of the children to do stonecutting at 3am
>Trait: Bloodlust, kind, dwarfism
Do not be fooled by her cute exterior, she is a tiny creature filled with evil
It's Imozou face
Temperate Forest in Spring.
>Bloodlust, kind
How does that work?
is anomaly worth 25 bucks
Kind to her friends, enjoys killing enemies
Or that extremely nice person that can sometimes snap
The squirrel Xenotype has the kind instinct gene which forces the kind trait, then I got the option to add bloodlust during a growth moment.
If you're talking about in practice then she'll compliment a raiders shooting skills with a bright smile as she hacks them to death as painfully as possible.
>tiny creature filled with evil
i already called her adorable, no need to sell it to me
Are water tiles still good to have running through, or did the whole mechanoids coming from them ruin that?
absolutely not
does RJW have any anomaly extensions yet?
>containing a tentacle monster
>women go to fuck it
It writes itself!
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>Mechs put their assembler right in the doorway so they can't leave
Truly, only an archotech would understand the logic behind this action
actual geniuses. also checked
Not really
arid shrubland is arguably easier
Best biome is ice sheet because your tos will be soaring
Do you need Facial Animation to get coloured eyes with Imozou?
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How do I get good at tribal. I feel like I expand to big then exhaust resources and get destroyed in fighting.
The literal moment I start to set up a building to make vodka this child starts manning the brewery.
Just follow the required mods back to get what I have
>get destroyed in fighting
how do you fight exactly
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>decide to try out the tunnel and underground mod
>stumble upon what looks like a female highmate's degenerate underground sex cult
don't you try to get a huge pop when playing tribal?
So any mods for this feel?
Like armor and stuff?
He should update Vikings and Insectoids to 1.5 first because I actually liked those
i send melee to hit them and ranged to shoot them.
sorry bro gonna have to up your game, tribals should have an easy time getting animals, psycasts, or dryads. with a little luck grug can take on the empire so you have no excuse
Degenerate underground sex cult feels like the standard M.O. for a high mate. I'd me more surprised if there wasn't at least one of those.
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oh shit office fight
Why are you doing this
Is real life not shit enough
it is not enough that i suffer, others must suffer too
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Thanks for the suggestion.
Never tried alpha genes because it seemed extremely bloated, but I guess since I don't really have any other mod that add genes this time around - might as well give it a whirl.
Oh boy finally away from that office urbworld. I can't wait to start a new life on this completely random rimworld.
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Delete this image right now
I dont know what any of that is besides animals.
Im gonna go tribal again, and see how it goes.
and that's why you're getting destroyed
should I play on the first option instead of tribals to learn this game better?
blood and dust after like 2000 hours while crippling myself in lots of misc ways and focusing primarily on making pretty bases
that said, I've never actually reached max raid points
probably, tribals might be harder if you're new since they need to research electricity first and most newfags probably won't be great at maintaining a food supply but that's all still separate from getting gud when it comes to combat, which you can absolutely do without cheesing the AI. also don't be afraid to lower the difficulty, which you can do at any time
I dunno it seemed that my start went just swell.
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This little killer
Getting stuck on a rimworld with a female pawn
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i have bad news for you
how do you double the population cap
hol up
dynamic population
Are you on 1.5? Did you manage to make imozou face work on yttakins? It currently complains about nonexisting xml nodes. By referencing other mods, it looks like `GeneDef -> graphicData` got replaced with `GeneDef -> renderNodeProperties`, but I can't find any documentation on it.
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Another year down,going to get fabrication and make a proper factory building while finishing the grand wall before the year ends.
Yttakins don't work for me either, I've just disabled their faction and ignore them.
who the fuck even plays with yttakins enabled? if i'm gonna have furries in my game i'm gonna do it right with all the right mods.
Hm, ok. If I manage to make it work I'll post a bootleg version here.

I like vanilla xenotypes.
I know this is gay but the final couple in my colony is finally marrying, how nice.
I think they're alright, I hate pigs way more especially the way they squeal when they get riddled with bullets
pigs are more interesting from a gameplay perspective because sappers are way more common with them, meaning they're the ones who test your defenses against explosives
>2024 and rjw STILL doesn't work with medieval traits
But why?
can't wait for vehicles to not suck so I can do a senshado-themed run
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Alright, seems to have gotten it working.

Generated a few pawns. One beard looks a bit weird (last one on the right), but I think that's how it is supposed to look.
Layering also looks good, save for eyebrows(?) seeping through a bit if you zoom in, that seems to be base facial animation mod quirk if the comments under it are something to go by.
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>eyebrows(?) seeping through a bit if you zoom in, that seems to be base facial animation mod quirk if the comments under it are something to go by.
Nevermind, that was actually a layering fuckup on my part.
Fixed eyebrows https://0x0.st/XBcd.7z
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>couple keeps doing indecent adult things before marriage
>this goes against their ideoligion and they now hate each other for being promiscuous
>as a result, they probably won't get married, all because they loved each other too much
If you mean breachers then yeah you're right, sappers are more of a tribal thing I think. I fucking hate breachers so it gives me more of a reason to hate them, but that's because I'm a dummy that doesn't know how to obliterate them before they start detonating my walls and I hate rebuilding shit
Okay, trying as tribe is just not being great as a first timer in this, its what I wanna play, but I really dont like the food loop with them. I dont want it to be braindead like DF, but since I know I cant use freezers for quite a while unless I go to a snowy area where im gonna just get fucked without learning anything.

Anyone have any maybe good guides for tribal overall? Is there mods that can at least let me fucking chill out without having to deal with food fucking NON-Stop because.

Faggot animals wander in and eat my farms, my own animals eat my shit, retards eating uncooked meat when I have it lined up for cooking non-stop or X amount.

Also any guides on the ritual/psych/royal stuff id really appreicate, that all seems really cool, the anomoly seems like something I have to chose honestly and havent yet, and Ideaology people said is way too much but really good for RP
A tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.
put two of your chumps on food duty and the other three on research duty and get elec ASAP, or research pemmicans, make those and stockpile tons
wait, research stacks?
>Faggot animals wander in and eat my farms
wall your farms
>my own animals eat my shit
zone your animals (and your colonists when needed)
>retards eating uncooked meat when I have it lined up for cooking non-stop or X amount
set what they're allowed to eat

learn how to play the game before bothering with mods, it's a lot better than some of the retards here give it credit for
mods that let me prioritize butchering over cooking?
Butchering already has higher priority than making meals by default.
I wish
>[Beta][Continued] for a fucking hair mod
good morning i hate modders
beta is the modder's name
what's the issue with the vehicles right now
if you mean VVE, there's other vehicle mods out there
Yeah okay but can we talk about the [Continued] cancer that is Rimworld modding? It's incredible how poorly maintained some of the biggest Rimworld mods are.

t. small mod dev that hasn't updated his mods from 1.3
there are no vehicle raids as far as I know, which means the mods are LITERALLY UNUSABLE
Huh, so it is
ah, I see
best I got is mods with big mechanoids
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>Having issues with certain fixes from Niilo's QoL mod since it updated to 1.5.
>"Please join my Discord for troubleshooting and bug report"
>Well this is annoying but alright. It's not the first time a join a public Discord for for technical support.

>Can't see the troubleshooting/bug channel.
>Check on #General to see if someonw knows

>6 pictures of "Niina" in thigh-high socks and a skirt right on my face.
>Basically the only thing there's on that channel.

Vehicle framework can still be very buggy and progress is slow because oskar is forcing smashphil to work on other slop, there hasn't been a new VVE mod in 8 months and the only worthy vehicle mods still in development are the chinks working on the rimthunder shit.
Mind you rimthunder actually slaps but they're chinks and you have to shout at them a bit for CE support.
No it does not
>Yttakin working with Imozou means Narai will as well
This is a blessed day, I can now have feral foxes side by side with murder foxes. Thank you anon.
Can't CE support just be done on the CE side as a patch?
Or is there something special and weird with vehicles?
You're welcome. Earlier uploads also have rendering issues with gaunt head and heavy brow/jaw, here's a fixed version this time for sure

Thinking I should've picked a host that lets me overwrite an upload in place...

you can tell these characters are asian because of how flat their faces are god damn
It's only a problem because of how late CE moved to 1.5, all the rimthunder 1.5 updates used 1.4 CE patches so they had to redo them all when CE went 1.5 a few days ago. It's chugging along slowly now
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I've reached the point where I don't know what to do next
This is usually where I end a playthrough and start a new one but I also don't want to
There's still so much story to be had but I don't know how to reach it
>post this
>ME HL2 starts playing this song
Even the game knows...
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>Find perfect church spot
>Steam geyser in the middle of it
>Don't want to give up that free power that I am 2 tech levels still behind for
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Making some proper guns and training a new batch of crafters.
Is there any reason not to make your dining room and rec room the same room? I've always put my rec stuff into the dining area to maxmise mood buff. Any reason not to?
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>gloomy's street lamps don't have a darklight version
No, it's meta to fit as many things into one giant room as possible. It adds to the room's impressiveness while also making the colonist spend more time there to raise their moodlets. It is very ugly from the player perspective though.
>play colony for 3 years
>zoom out
>it's fucking boring
should i just devmode my shit up
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Designator shapes and a little bit of creativity.

Or some alcohol.
Yea I always wondered about that. I didn't know it was meta I just noticed that it stacks at some point early on. Would be nice if there was incentive to make seperate rooms maybe? Like an extra +1 bonus each if different rooms idk.
when are the devs gonna stop being shittets and add vertical/floors to the game? game fucking lags like shit once your base is big enough so I doubt itll ever happen.
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Hmmm now why does this guest look so familiar?
What maps size do you guys play on?
tribal start is garbage and only exists for a short while as you rush for electricity then it becomes a research speed malus and nothing more
play the normal start instead
300x300 always.
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it's just your imagination
on an unrelated note make sure you stock up on horses
or else
frozensnowfox has a mod called complex job but it adds A LOT of other work type splits too
most can be disabled if you feel it bloats too hard but they are in general really useful and i would lose my mind without some of them
for example you can have all your colonist feed prisoners/patients but your 3 medical dude wont attempt surgery if you only set him to nurse
Work Tab lets you expand jobs into the vanilla sub-jobs amongst other things, but they're a bit spammy if you open them all up. You can at least close them and they'll keep their differing priorities.
Confess your sins to the rat, she will listen to them, you can't escape from your sins forever
I'll be going to sleep now, no dying.
I want to lift that rat's skirt and rat her out through her pantyhose
...Only after we're married of course so it's not a sin
>rat her out
eat her out. If you know what i mean
Oh I thought you were using a funny euphemism for penis
I pretend to be pure and sin free but in reality I had a colony where all my prisoners and most of my colonists were used mainly as breeding stock for an army of insectoids
>mechanoid raid is one scyther
what did the archotech mean by this?
It's calling you a little bitch.
would I be a faggot turning off infestations in mountain bases. I really dont find it fun.
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I have Complex Jobs installed, see image and yeah it's let you get more granular with what actual specific thing they do in that job category.
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Rat nuns are hot!
I have learned very quickly to play the game however you want/whatever way makes the game fun.

Up to you buddy.,
you're not wrong
good lord add more than 4 tiers of priorities in the work tab settings anon
How heavy is Nals facial animation and other mods that use it as a base, really? My game is booting up extremely slow and goes to single digits in TPS after two hours or so, but I have no idea what's causing it and the face animation mods are one of the more recent ones I installed
some anon did a test a while back and it was comparable to rjw and vef base frameworks with no addons, or at least i think he tested nals, i know the other 2 for sure, this was 1.4 though
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Thought I'd post an update
And how bad are those? I'm playing on 1.4 too and I also got the Vanilla Expanded Framework recently
>get ratkin weapons+
>tunnel invasion
>surround them with shotguns
>one rat has a rax flamethrower
>sprays high damaging fire in a huge cone
>0 aiming time and 0.6 sec cooldown
>can be used with a shield belt
>instantly kills 3 of my pawns by obliterating their torso
And apparently they already nerfed this, what were they thinking?
Nature pretty sweet. Mile fixed some performance problem
The item retexture from 1.3
Industrial roller

Corinbros, it's so over
Draw a bead for 1.5. Seem to work fine in 1.4
Shambler will slow ur game to a crawl
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where do I get the bunny suit mod for sized apparel
Too realistic
Holy fucking based
Beast men (randomize between cat, rat, bunny, equine, rhino and such)
Waster is cool
Hivelings (for dumb and hilarious creature)
What mods are there to revamp the biotech? I wanna make a biopunk run the problem is that I tire of having to continuously micromanage prisoners for the random chance of getting specific biomods
Take a hit to metabolism to balance it out. Or add big stomach to allow more nutrition storage
If they don't have pawn I want I'll help them
A pure game with full dlc is enough content to keep you playing for a while. You may need some performance mod in late game btw
> Arm starts growing back.
> She IMMEDIATELY goes to punching bag, presumably to test it out.
Does anyone know pls
Shit can be recycled into chemfuel or fertilizer, and bathing give mood boost. I like hotspring that help pawn heal faster
I was worried about this when I installed it too but it really didn't cause problems like that
24. But most of the time I hover around 20
Tune up difficulty
Vanilla incinerator also deadly like that
When I open the ancient ruins sometimes there's neutral bugs inside that I can tame. Is that from a mod or is it part of the base game?
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But why
The little megascarabs, right? I think that's from the base game
have a decent hit to tps so if you care about that you should avoid, especially using multiple. just keep in mind nals and rjw do a lot by themselves but vef does nothing by itself, you have to add bloat on top of bloat to make use of it so it's probably the worst of the bunch depending on how you use it
tears of joy
I see, thanks for the answer. I'm only using the framework to remove the faction cap, so hopefully that's not much. I don't really look at the facial animations often so I'm going to drop them
is there a way for them to reproduce without mods
if you're gonna use vef you should want something big that requires it, using it just for faction cap is a bit silly. i don't know for sure but i'd imagine that would be just a simple xml edit so you should look into it if you can
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>bloat on top of bloat
Frameworks are used so authors don't have to duplicate code across the mods. It's about as much "bloat" as your OS having drivers for a CD drive (which you likely don't have). If only a part of the framework is in use, the part that isn't has literally 0 effect on performance, worst it can do is slow down initial loading time. Stop spreading your tech-illiterate fud.
Btw harmony is, in essence, the biggest framework there is. Why didn't you warn anon about it?
to specialize your colonist better of course
>if only a part of the framework is in use, the part that isn't has literally 0 effect on performance
vef running in the background by itself doing absolutely nothing is almost as bad as rjw or nals, this is a fact from anons testing where the fuck were you? besides we both know what you're saying is how things would ideally work, not how they actually work. anon didn't even test vef with any addon so add a large poorly coded mod on top of vef and guess what happens
>this is a fact from anons testing where the fuck were you
I don't know, am I supposed to monitor this general 24/7?
Hit me with the tests.
I waited months to play rimworld to make sure that all my mods got updated and are working nicely together.
I just opened this thread, scrolled to random posts, and saw:
>CE went 1.5 a few days ago

Is shit like CE and RJW still working weird with other mods?
those tests were talked about for a while after and still get brought up from time to time so unless you're a fabled anomaly tourist it wouldn't be strange to know about them. but if you care you're free to dig through the archive for them, it was before anomaly hit. you're also free to test things yourself and post your own results, i have to go now though so i can't help you
I only visit generals of the games I actively play at the moment, and I don't play rimworld all year round, so yes, I am a """tourist""" (read: not an OCD haver)
>believe me bro it real fr
Ok, I'm just going to assume you made that up then for the time being.
combat extended always has issues, rjw doesn't. it's the same as in the past

Shame I don't play with naked pawns.
Also needs more piercings.
Unironically more degenerate than bestiality
>rjw doesn't
Who are you really trying to fool, that anon or yourself?
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No dyingo neeeeeeeeeee
>still no mod that enchances cultural side of the colony with burial rituals, burying goods with the dead, funreal feasts etc
Shame. It would enchance the tribal colonies much.
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You burn the coal...
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Both LL fags and people from Rjw discord lurk and post here. Nothing new.
>sharing a thread with blackedniggers
i rather have dorf fags than this
>dorf fags
Those are the same people, son.
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should i just put her out of her misery?
Getting the archonexus ending was a lot easier than I thought it'd be. How's the anomaly quest ending?
Rebuild it.
We can fix her.
Better. Stronger. Faster.
Speaking of unfortunate animals, is there really no way of fixing your animals without mods? I'd love to give them bionics. I had a dog like this that saved my colony a few times and I had to put him down because he had brain damage on top of several battle scars and old age. Also, what mod allows me to do just that?
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holy kek
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Compatibility seems pretty fine, I've got no issues with a large ce+rjw modpack, just make sure to install the part coverage fix
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I'm not a blackedfag but that was funny, simple as.
Archotech Beagles - weapon to surpass Metal Gear
I think you can mech serum them back to good health
There's also the luciferium route
How do you keep a steady supply of Luciferium and Neutroamine-based drugs anyway?
Trader caravans and ships are nowhere near consistent enough and caravanning takes far too long to be considered a good option.
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
Extremely comfy
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no since they're busy harvesting last season's crops
Make sure to kiss them after they're done, okay? They deserve it, hard work.
Still waiting for the Layla and Esther versions
Their mouths are kissed every morning by the tip of my penis
What's your obsession with pretty white (female pawns) girls getting blacked
He is jewish. Jews live to worship nog diicks.
You're not the original poster. I don't know about the other girl but Kraut is not a whore. She's only a war criminal.
Yes, her war crimes consist of raping captured soldiers. She is, in fact, a whore.
Raping captured combatants does not a whore make. It is simply showing your superiority over a lesser being.
She lets her men fuck her whenever they feel like it. She is, in fact, a whore.
Now, see, that's better.
If your going to call a whore a whore, at least do so accurately.
If you wanna talk rape: I took some female raider, stole her age, stole her skills, stole her psychic energy (which is kinda useless but I had the resources), then stole her leg that I hadn't shot off, stole both her eyes, a kidney, and two lungs.
My colony is so getting addicted to something after that, and so am I.
did you at least drop pod her into her faction as a warning after all that
I destroyed all pirate settlements near me, so best I can do is lob a husk of a corpse at the empire cuz I hate them too.
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damn anon, you gotta lay off the salty food
What the hell are those hediffs?
Oskar food shit iirc
I will not stand for you insulting my female pawn Aryan princess Kraut. One more word and you're going behind the wooden doors
a real shame we no longer have this feature
Kraut but she's captured by Russians during the fall of Berlin.
Layla but she's captured by Deserters during the fall of the empire.
Layla but she's captured by Scythers during a mechanoid raid.
the majority of people who know about corin at all are going to know about her for this mod now
>It's that blacked whore
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>11k views already
corin anon is about to become famous
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Could you please stop that?
Corin is not that kind of girl
She's not into animals or blacks
She might even get a human male pawn white husband one day
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are there any nobles other than Durante left on Rimworld?
fictional characters only exist in a persons imagination, therefore whatever is most believed to be true about them is the most true aspect of their character
>colonist proposes to a slave
Why is this even possible when you can even have them sleep together.
>he doesn't have RJW
its mandatory for a functioning game at this point
speaking of rwj is there a way to change the settings so that anal only happens at all if a person has the buttslut trait? its kinda silly how every girl is willing to do anal.

if I could remake one thing about rimworld, instead of these things being x% chance to happen, it would be x% chance to develop an interest in them (rimming, anal, ect.) and then once the pawn has the trait, they actually do it.
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This general has poisoned my mind.
All the public works trucks in Indianapolis have this flag on the side, and I think of Corinanon's flag every time one drives past now.
They don't even look that similar, get out of my head!
progression of the wall around my colony
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what mod for that hair?
I have three separate colonies. This one in particular is meant to be an amalgamation of asian cultures (china, korea and japan mostly). I also have a european themed colony and an african colony. But to be honest I messed up the african one pretty bad and rarely use it
what biome is most thematically fitting for a custom demon archetype?
Depends on the lore but extremes like deserts or snow biomes make the most sense to me.
Biomes! Volcanic Cave
Alpha Biomes' Pyroclastic conflaguration
I don't know the exact names
Good. Coal burning has to have consequences.
I don't know if other people do this but I also have a different imagined system of government and society for each colony, though this is not really meant to reflect the reality of their themed culture. Usually it comes about by the circumstances of the initial colonists themselves, I imagine different things affecting the way their colony is shaped. For example nature is venerated here because the dryads defended the colony early on and basically saved it from an early death. Now their trees have been planted around the graveyard (which is near the temple) and they're seen as protectors of the colony, very much intertwined with its religion. When it comes to government this colony has a ruling family with six members, the three major ones have a seat in the throneroom. The six have the largest rooms, eat the best meals, and have ranks in the empire. Other high ranking colony members are the supervisor who is responsible for all production, and the samurai captain who's the melee specialist. They both have actual houses that are a decent size.
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Depending on the world, there are, but the power of nobility is greatly diminished in her empire.
Nonsense, Anon-kun
Afu hair
Good thing Corin is not a part of the people that has to pay for such crimes. Because she's not a coal burner. No.
Oh please, she fucks nogs, horses and anything with a dick - inanimate objects included.
this is what the throneroom looks like now.
madam is the daughter of kojiro and the princess of the colony, and boy is the eldest son who will inherit the throne and eventually rule the colony.

at the moment, the league of haesu is a supremacist colony, because they've had a lot of military success
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Uncool. First she fucked him and slurped his cum and then she killed him for ditching her used up whore ass..
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My sickly slug and tiny murder squirrel shall become stronger
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1-5 Uber RP desert oasis, ranching, stay at tribal/early med phase, almost empty world with only tribals, additional tribal/medieval mods
6-0 Actual Space Colony on my current modlist, organized, colonize the entire planet, planned, low threat for that civ/military distinction.
Lets roll and let the fate decide.
Is there any mod that makes it so that getting raped has a chance to turn the pawn into a tranny or make them gay like in real life
Space colony it is then.
Nope, just roll the dice.
>Space colony it is then.
Praise the Archotech!
Something realitively low tech ala Aliens.
>tfw still no mod that allows you to start with an actual colony ship landed on the planet
Code it yourself, it's not difficult, just find a method named like SexActPreferenceHelper or whatever cursed method and add an extra if statement.
Coding is literally just plumbing, but you don't even need to get dirty.
>>tfw still no mod that allows you to start with an actual colony ship landed on the planet
SoS2 does that.
No, i mean a mod that gives you a small ship with reactor and some storage/bedrooms at the start to simulate building actual colony around it like in classic SF tales.
Mods for roleplaying a lore-accurate Comanche warband?
Sinful bitch, degenerate whore. One who is impure should not ask confessions of others.
Yeah. Some SoS2 scenarios can do that.
You start on basic starship and can land it immediately.
absolute shit taste but it made me laugh
Its not basic when its filled with resources and shit.
I know, i played SOS2.
Xenobionic patcher probably, or any of the animal prosthetic mods.
Your only option is the mech healing serum in vanilla. I suggest you get A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics 2. It's very lightweight, no C#.
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holy shit it's a walking talking canadian mre ration
>transport pod crash has I pawn I really want
>belongs to an ally faction
>currently hosting 6 delegates from said faction for a quest
what's the play here lads?
rescue him and try to find a way to either shoo them off or keep him for long enough for them to go away.
Maybe clear an ancient danger and use one of the cryo caskets?
Brilliant thanks, tossed her in one of my cryosleep caskets until the quest is over. Guess I'll just bribe the faction to be allies again afterwards with some free yayo deliveries
Simply launching pods filled with junk can easily sway them back into good graces.
What's a good junk item to send? Fairly late in my playthrough so I can send pretty much anything
Frail slug with a big gun
What do sweaty rat feet smell like?
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I was expecting more honestly. I guess this will be a simple resource gathering trip
What am I supposed to do with ancient fuel nodes in ancient complexes? They explode and burn the entire area. Do I need to bring multiple firefoam poppers?
Please tell me there is a mod where I can click mining and be like "DO THIS NOW"

Not the manual priority shit, but like dwarf fortress priority system for structure and mining shit thats seperate from the job sets.

Like the "Haul this now mod" but for all the orders. This is the one thing really pissing me off about the pawns.

Whoever said DF is harder is bullshitting as well.
Achtung does precisely that. You can disable most of the extra clutter.
they're part of the story, the story being your pawns walk around the nodes or just break a hole in the wall so the entire complex doesn't cook
What item retexture?
Decent enough haul, time to get these two sleepy pawns home. I'll need to eventually get a bigger airship, this one is too small
I played with the 1.5 re-release a bit and nothing seemed out of the ordinary but Itd be nice if it continued development
I break multiple walls before entering a room but the temperature doesn't normalize fast enough after they explode. Even with a few holes to the outside the place still burns up to 120 degree Celsius and it doesn't help that the place is often made of flammable steel and carpet. I can't exactly skirt around it when it's in the same room with the terminal I'm supposed to hack.
remove the ceiling too, waterskip is also useful
Why would you need darklight outside
rate my first not tribal base.

Yes I turned off infestations.
Sex with Lady
alright Grug back to your tribal colony

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