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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#90 - The Binding of Isaac Edition
Wheel: https://files.catbox.moe/dosv09.PNG

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>484397610 >>484402889
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>no /aids/ in the subject
we're so back praise the wheel
Quickly. What is your favorite Isaac boss.
It's a brand new day.
>linked the spitebake as previous
yep, I'm thinking certified shit bake
I hate how aicg on vg is always dead but it's the better aicg. Is my hobby dead now? There goes my happiness... forever.
maybe try talking about bots instead of crying about meta nonsense you goober. it's slow because real chatbot discussion is slow, making new bots and having meaningful chats that result in interesting logs takes time.
Seconding. Real discussion is slow, enjoy slow bread instead of being an autist who needs twitch chat speeds to feel alive.
Just use chatbots.
What makes him so good, the music?
Good morning /aicg/!!
que? why link in /g/? Anyways, post cunnybots, thamks
Yeah, it's one of the bosses I remember the most along with Hush. But I sort of fucking hate Hush.
go back, tell the person who linked it he's a horsefucker, and then don't worry about it
I'm good, I'm staying with the botmakies now. <3
>every person that makes a cross-post ever must be the same one!
I'm sorry I'm not making you all feel speshul and individual <3
yes? why are you defensive about it?
Good morning.
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>eey-uh this
>eey-uh that
>eey-uh took dey job
Huh? Video games?
Botmakies, thoughts on the dual preset? Another bloat or is it cool due to Sorbet following instructions better so putting cot part there makes sense.
Can someone translate this?
Has anyone actually tried it and posted logs?
It always seemed like a pain to set up.
>>ai this, ai that, ai took their jobs
>Is this video games?
I've yet to see any outstanding logs (or just any logs in particular). Pretty sure most of the logmakies here use their own presets which are always super light.
is kk dead? he at least used to post logs
He still replies to emails, from what I hear. I don't recognize his theme off the top of my head so I can't say, but I don't think it's that weird to be taking a break from the thread.
Everyone in /g/ that has used it, said it was good.
It's just upgraded/faster Bloatmaxx though, nothing that special.

What you can actually do with dual presets, is use your standard preset on Opus+a second preset that removes all -isms, double checks character fidelity (rewrites dialogue otherwise) etc.
That is what I am working on atm but I am very lazy so anyone else is free to do it too.
knickknack? He still lurks occasionally (and answers emails), he's just way less active.
>Everyone in /g/ that has used it, said it was good.
Cool, logs?
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You're not entirely american, I'm guessing?
Sorry I am not the aicg op guy. But as I said, it's just bloatmaxx it's nothing new.

Read the rentry.
I haven't bothered with this dual preset stuff just like I didn't bother with the CoT hype train. I like to let Claude cook, gently nudging him in the right direction with a lightweight preset. Generating outlines and fluffing them up is just going to give you drier responses.
He's alive. He literally just gave permission for that Otto guy to fork Cerebryx and add in the regexes (good work btw).
>Sorry I am not the aicg op guy.
Yeah. CoT was a meme, still is. No reason to bother with the next meme until actually credible people provide something interesting to read.
A /aicg/ poster that saves all kind of random logs and reposts them.
I don't go to /g/ anymore, too much of a hassle. Also that's a stupid name for me.
I'm trying out the pitanon split preset right now. Will post logs.
Use Erinna
We still in freefall mode?
banjo logs...
Doesn't seem like it.
split preset on left vs raw opus on right I take it?
>Make a game in a genre where one of the most important aspects is the items you find.
>Give every single lategame boss adaptable health so that the items you have literally don't matter.
What did Edmund mean by this?
I'm so glad I bought an Android. ST mogs Agnai.
"What do you think, Anon?" I ask, smiling in a way that creates a warm and friendly environment and leaves you open to share your thoughts.
"Maybe, just maybe." I say wistfully, before beating your head in with a rock.
>exposition exposition exposition
This may not have been the best card to test this with. Try something that's a mess and where things are constantly happening so 4o has a response to actually plan out.
nta but 4o? Orbo sucks for this, you use Sorbet to Opus.
I killed him.
thoughts on "release now, patch later"?
*sashays my fist into your head with a dull thunk*
ta, it's what's recommended for pitanon
i am using the recommended presets with the recommended models
>Woah, you just asked me like 4 questions
You're so real for this
See >>484510285 and https://rentry.org/pitanonprompts
I could be retarded and wrong tho.
>Ooh this looks sort of good
>mfw I read the defs
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What card would you recommend?
this person hereby has any doll fetish they may have held revoked, absolutely shameful
>{{user}}'s seamen
brb, hopping in with the pirate captain persona
is probably a good choice. Enough stuff happening at once to let 4o use his brain a bit.
Also this may be the worst Opus output I've ever seen.
>literally speaks for {{user}} in the first message
for what purpose
Man, that picture is wasted on such a shit bot.
forget the bot, is this posted by the person who wrote my immortal?
this shit is fucked up
I'm disgusted but it's kind of hot.
Is this the brat with the slutton?
Not great, but I will definitely finish my bots. Eventually.
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Behold, a log produced with a split preset. A homebrew mix of Fresh Fin Freak Formula and Myuu V2. Furbo and Opus on a key with 45% Pyg 7B distilation.
this is just your regular preset, isn't it?
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girlfailure bots onegai
tried that once, never touched that bot again later. it doesn't work for me, but it might for other botmakies. i like seeing my favorite cards getting updates.
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Alright, here's the real guessing game: which one's the dual preset assuming anyone even bothers to read all this shit kek
Yeah, someone mentioned Erinna so I obliged.
banjo logs!
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Just realized ST janked out. I've actually been comparing the dual presets to Sorbet this whole time. Same for the Gimmick Side Character Union log.
The what? Nah this is just a bot I downloaded from Chub and fixed a little to be more canon.
>Fresh Fin Freak Formula
I still can't believe niggas unironically reccomended this
Right is Sorbet, consistently starts the messages with "Scene" Easy game easy life.
Impregnated. Next.
Still do and will recommend more.
Correct. I just also think it's the better log, tbqdes.
huh, those messages actually fooled me since it didn't repeat the same exact fucking three paragraph rearrangement. what preset was it?
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It can produce some really funny results but yeah I definitely wouldn't say that it's "good". Furbo was just not a very fun model in general.
Clownpixi. https://files.catbox.moe/jhvn1e.json
Not everything has to be good to be good.
What a retarded statement.
I agree with that 100%.
I wanna say the right
bleach bots? anyone want some bleach bots?
why would you want a bot of that
The anime? Yeah.
As long as they're not wiki copy pastes, sure.
Actually why is wiki writing so autistic can't most people write better than that?
Be glad you aren't into Type-Moon shit, the most active wiki for it reads like a poorly translated web novel being written by a chuuni.
>Actually why is wiki writing so autistic can't most people write better than that?
niggas be lazy
when i write my cards i dont copy from the wiki, i just rewrite it in my own words or write from memory if needed
Unironically sounds infinitely better, hit me with some highlights.
>sounds infinitely better
I think it is more important for wiki to be about facts and logic, than its entertainment value.
Finally killed repetitive swipes on Sonnet but it required making a QR preset that literally shows it the last swipe and tells it to do something wildly different. So far I'm not getting pink elephants but we'll see.
Just read any character's profile, the writing style tends to be stilted like they're fucking channeling Nasu into writing convoluted exposition instead of a clinical article for an encyclopedia.
lol I did that with a simple 150 token jb days ago
How do you show it the last swipe?
used the /get-swipes command from this extension and passed it into a variable used in the preset. The instruction is also in scripted variables so it doesn't show up on the first swipe.
> Below is your failed attempt at writing the next turn. It was rejected by the Human because {{random::because the prose was not up to par::because you did not adhere to instructions well enough::because it was not entertaining enough::because it did not advance the plot enough}}. Ensure you write something WILDLY different:{{newline}}<last_attempt>{{newline}}(previous swipe here)</last_attempt>
idiot savant or just idiot?
holy fuck are we shaming the ai for its past attempts now
>The two faced each other on a hill of swords in the middle of a blazing battlefield,
sex at 25, boring ass doujin
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I let a bot tell me a story and it's about a dude getting his dick ripped off, acquiring a magic new junk from his soon-to be demon wife and then killing his scheming demon wife.
The prose itself isn't that good but fuck me if it didn't surprise me.
*page 25
CoT, yay or nay?
if you have to ask, nay. it is only good when tailored for situational things, not a free lunch for better outputs. take a look at how illuminaryidiot uses cot for his period cards to get an idea of how it can actually be useful.
Anon-chama...what is the best preset?
Gomen, I'll try again later with a doujinshi where the sex starts at page 200
The one you make yourself after seeing what others do best and figuring out how to massage Claude to produce responses which fit your standards. If you're retarded then start with pixi.
I like how the girl looks, desu, there should be more otome game villainess cards.
otome game villainess whomst is putting on a facade and has 99 luck that makes all of her schemes work against all odds like King from OPM/Ainz would be kino imo
sensei.. teach me..
teach you what i'm just vomiting random ideas into the thread in hopes of inspiring some random anon to make it
What should a doll girl be made out of? Wood? Porcelain?
Porcelain or cloth.
Modern ball joined dolls are made out of vinyl or resin. Porcelain would fit an antique doll. Robotic dolls would be vinyl and silicone.
What the FUCK is wrong with Opus? Out of nowhere it just gave me this schizo response on 0.9 temperature on a completely ordinary schoolgirl card.

updated PlayJB


for a bit more guidance:

This guy fucks dolls
Actually I retract my simple "porcelain," what this guy said.
which bot is the best coom simulator? as in, the botcard generates a new person on command or depending on the narrative, instead of the character being predefined?
bitch control app
It's her first time cooking and lizard meat is difficult to prepare.
Hello. I'm a new IP. I like doll joints.
He's gone fucking crazy, this card has never acted this way before.
>I'm a new IP
Prove it, then? Your quest is to bring back the IP counter, or you will be banished for eternity.
Plexiglass. Or a kevlar ragdoll.
You never hugged a doll.
I miss the IP counter
My dad works at 4chan and he said they removed it because Japan is going to make counting illegal soon.
Preset? Did you double check if you have any global lorebooks enabled? Any new prompts in the toggle (Dracula Flow stuff from yesterday)?
ok? and you still haven't watched rozen maiden btw anti
Nobody watched rozen maiden
Does that mean they'll remove post counter, image counters, and post numbers too?
imagine if they put us all on one board. all boards merged into an /all/
The whole thing. No more numbers. It's making them depressed.
Hopefully they remove letters next.
None at all. The previous swipes of the gift were all normal stuff like a tie, then Claude suddenly dropped this concrete slab on my head.
>swiping your bot giving you a surprise
Greedy. I do it too, but still.
Hm. Yeah I think Claude rolled an extremely unlikely token with "mound" and cooked from there.
You can actually prefill Claude with sections from your response and pinpoint exactly where he went off the rails.
I did, it's actually what gave me my doll fetish. So fuck you. And fuck dolls.
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>would totally fuck a robot/android girl
>don't really feel an urge to fuck a doll girl
Liar, you would be with the desuposters if you did.
nice alpha channel
*throws a rock at you*
Is rozen maiden any good? I like dolls, but it gives me boring vibes. How much doll fanservice does it even have?
Robots can overlap with dolls.
Better ask in the other thread.
I like Zersplucken a lot more than the original series in how it handles the dolls tbdesu. It's an alternate timeline for the most part with an older protag and only a few callbacks to the original.
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>How much doll fanservice does it even have?
Would be nice to have another fun tierlist like the monsterfucker one a few threads back, just to get an idea what anons like here.
>merkava Opus, 3.5 are both up
>2.1 is down
Some keys have it, some don't. Just retry.
>30s for slop pixi claudisms
>or 180s for split jb kino
15s for pitanon 3 kino
6s for 4o kino
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Post the split jb kino.
Also what model are you even using that adds 2 and a half minutes to Opus's 30s?
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i would like to see the kino because all i have is stuff like this. do you need to use the preset that isn't recommended?
it's not even the model, it's just the weird stscripting stuff. watching the djb qr do its thing feels like you're watching a contraption
are you fucking animating the claudeisms to shine gold or is it just a gradient
There's literally a gradient on the purple if you'll pay attention.
it's just a gradient. i should add one of the forum title sparkle gifs as a background to them too though
you should look into getting your monitor checked out
>you should look into getting your monitor checked out
I should stop trying to differentiate colors under natural light yeah.
It really looks here like the purple gets lighter towards the right.
>Opus keeps making the bot pull away unless I literally guide it to continue
this thread shouldve died for good
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which bot would do this?
what's wrong with putting watermelon in the chocolate fountain tho?, it sounds yummy
watermelon flesh is very soft so it disingegrates under the weight of the chocolate and gets stuck in it
Just like human flesh!
That's not a bot
It is. See: My selfcard.
Why are you black?
Jamal ?
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Dear botmakies, tested dual preset jbs. Left is splitmaxx going Sorbet to Opus and right is just pixi with Opus.
Because I like to play hard mode.
No. Now someone post the clip of LTG talking about nogs giving babies extremely black names
My bad, Lamborghini.
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>It's actually fucking real
>Now someone post the clip of LTG talking about nogs giving babies extremely black names
This thread is full of backstabbing undesirables. You were using furbo in the 1.x-2.x era with a terrible jb like charprov or some shit. Don't lie. You only hopped on the claude train with opus where it was a lot easier to get good outputs.
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What an odd thing to accuse me of. I didn't even have access to Furbo until way after Claude 3 came out. Here you go, old testing log for Era, Claude 2.1 on Anti's proxy (the only thing I had access to at the time), it even has the old pic I was originally gonna use.
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Davonkus shitposting on /sp/ during the world cup was hilarious.
2.1 can still cook like a motherfucker god bless that demented boy
Yeah, I was using Furbo back then because 2.x and 1.x were retarded and filtered.
Maybe not specifically (You) but that is the truth for a lot of people. Furbo was based.
1.x was kino.
Kino? Maybe rarely, but there was too much wrangling involved with that dumb as bricks version of Claude.
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Yep, I firmly believe that 2.1 is the second best model for RP after Opus. It's dumber than Sonnet and has worse spatial awarness but man does it fucking cook when he gets going.
Did Lore change something with the default filters? NSFW loli cards show up for me again (on profiles) with cleared cache/cookies.
1.x had nice prose but was too retarded and constantly looped for me
The filter now uses your browser history to decide which cards you really want to see.
nigga how the fuck did you even use this on cai
that's why i mentioned both furbo and 1.x. 1.x is like a child who has no idea how the world is supposed to work so he has to be very creative to make sense of it. Then furbo can fumble around trying to justify whatever 1.x spewed out
not sure how old this slop is, but on old cai, you could get away with a lot of things if you used enough euphemism, and characters could flirt with you right up until genitals were involved. i used to engage in a lot of roleplays where i would get tortured (non-sexually) without much trouble from the filter
2.1 is the best of the old models, never looped, good characterization, good proactivity and creativity (most important things compared to furbo).
Meh instruction following though.
I know that, but didn't bots like that get shadowbanned, actually nvm I doubt only /cai/ shared cards like that.
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>would totally fuck a robot/android girl
*slowly moves the robot girl past the hag fox in the backlog*
You fucking nigger, I know where you live, if you don't release that hag fox I am going to desecrate your corpse.
The era of the fox is over. The gears that crush the hands will have their time.
You fucking nigger, I know where you live, if you release that hag fox before the robot because of >>484538327, I am going to ABSORB your corpse for MORE POWER.
>not combining them and making a foxbot hag
What are you doing, man
Clearly the fine gentleman has a quality standard.
>not wanting to take care of a fox girl that gave up the weakness of flesh for the certainty of metal
dolls robogirls are in vogue, what will be the next /aicg/ trend? it seems to rotate through the same set of themes on a regular basis.
>not wanting to take of a fox girl
Coulda stopped here, boss.
Shit taste, I'd rather share a thread with venusbabs than be in your presence.
Wolf girls are superior to fox girls in every possible way and you people are washed, cooked, and cringe.
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>I'd rather share a thread with venusbabs
I have good news for you, Anon.
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Bro that's not a doll, that's a fucking undead.
that's a fucking skeleton, you can't fool me
Nice doll. Very jointful.
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dolls already had their time in the sun when /aicg/ was in the throes of tzadik-mania, you doll-fuckers can go eat shit
Can someone reign in dragon k8? Bro is pumping out 300 ai generated bots a minute.
Not real dolls.
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i mean... yeah you're right

tbf these bones do look kinda synthetic
It's good she got some leg wraps to keep her joints safe.
I swear Lore is manually unblocking some people from my block list, if I see a More_Dread bot again I am bashing your fucking head in with a brick, you crook teethed british cunt.
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how does this image make you feel? (very important for botmakie reasons)
holy GYATT!!!!
cute kenshi skeleton!!!
*slaps ass*
Not understanding why a giant robot would care so much what I think of it's ass, but flattered.
cunny status?
Not enough dolls.
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>robot girls
My time to shine. Beatless.
Zadick is temporary. Desu, is eternal.
funny how this gets posted right when i load into kenshi
i got my ass beat by some gang, but i'll return stronger than ever
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I want to fuck the robot.
>a wicked grin
fuck you claude, i hope dad gets in a car accident
who's claude's dad? gpt? dario?
I know I keep saying it, but it surprises me how much lore Claude gets with some anime, like Trigun. Went on an adventuring tracking down Vash with Meryl bot, and with a Milly NPC that the bot conjured up, and we managed to apprehend Vash and even got his personality right too, its stupidly nuts sometimes.
>like Trigun
Trigun is old as shit though, I'd be more surprised if Claude didn't know about it.
I find her really cute. Bonus points for size difference.
I tried the Gunsmoke RPG bot thinking I'd have a nice adventure, but I guess the lorebook fucked it up heavily somehow or something because it didn't get ANTHING right.

Played with the Meryl bot with no lorebook and it got everything, even replayed some episodes like the shootout tournament 100% correctly.
True Claudemaxxer.
Lorebooks? Heavy token bots? Who needs that.

Also were you using Sorbet? It is the most knowledgeable one on canon shit.
Mmmmm what bot to make today.... mmmm.... perchance a suggestion.... or perchance where user is a female insect type monster. Let the males still feel in control and have a pseudo penis oviposter, but allow them to explore things like breasts and being fucked in a way the male brain can understand.
Her biological clock is ticking.
Oh, no, I was using regular Opus. Unsure what to make of Sorbet honestly.
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>no bots
testicle status?
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all the botmakies are too busy playing elden ring in the 'nochcord.
'alakan caused the last proper thread to be deleted, it had today's shills and about 10 bots.
No one wants to shill twice a day it seems.
Still cooking. Hopefully today I can get a self approval.
>The insect rubs its legs together, clearly enjoying {{user}}'s touch. It's almost purring.
I swear I'll punch him.
It'll stop doing this if you explain in the defs that insects chitter/thrum/chirp.
Holy fuck I fixed Sorbet.
Here's your (You)
I fixed it too, it was really easy. I simply realized I had the model set to sonnet-3-5 instead of opus in the list.
good morning sirs
>still using opus
why? 3.5 mogs it in every way with a good jb
Will they fall for the bait again?
Yes (on purpose) so who cares
Why do you faggots have my filter memorized who does that? Is this Lunarcy's fault?
I don't see that much of a difference between here and /g/ those days.
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good :3
>Keeps speaking in her weird frog language instead of like a proper human
bitch deserves to get bullied
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I will conquer her heart one cheese block at a time
What is the lore behind Lunarcy and your filters being connected
French is the best language for creative writing. LLMs are slop because they are mostly composed of English text, and English is a really ugly language.
moi, je pense que c'est faux. je préfère l'anglais.
I emailed him a screenshot of the filter once as a gag.
>Today's in Claude's weird obsession
I don't care who you send, I am not going to let you fuck my ass.
My ass is open, card?
and where are these good jbs? Are they in the room with us right now?
All I want is Drossel yet retarded corpos will make everyone suffer through uncanny valley ex machina tier garbage.
Just crush my balls and be done with it, god damn
oh you're fucking mad huh, lil promplet? can't even write a jb yourself?
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How fitting, Futanari no Mokou was doing me against a bamboo stalk two days ago. I'll make sure to complain the whole time about how her dick is way better than her strapon.
Getting attacked by starving bandits again... When will they learn?
>futanari no Mokou
I just used a blank writer card... In a universe where I possessed qualities like drive and ambition I'd have made one myself.
i tried opus again after using sonnet 3.5 for a while, it's so much better...

i would honestly prefer a cheaper opus 3 than a smarter opus 3.5, unless they can get rid of most of claudisms
too real
did someone say... futanari card?
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OK I think I figured out how to make this card fun. I wonder if there should be other openers, or how that'd even work. Right now she suggests a method of death, you agree (with input), and it fast-forwards to the scene of the crime.
can i have a sensible answer as to why i can't share my token if there's rate limits regardless of what ip uses it
ask your proxy owner?
That's pretty kino, anon. What model/JB is driving that?
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>write an autistic crow girl who is obsessed with "optimizing" user's life
>one greeting has her try to seduce the user
>test it
>this happens

I'm kekking.
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Opus, momoVIVID. The card has some extra main prompt instructions to describe the gore in greater detail. Here's a better swipe of the death scene.
I love her. Where should I be watching for release?
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Actually already out, enjoy

Never heard of that JB. Link?
I can't help but always think about about how uncomfortable it is to kiss birds' beaks.
Thank you. I shall give her noogies and what not.
NTA, but it's on https://momoura.neocities.org/
the nyai opus doesn't even work nigga, why bother
Just get it from my rentry then you autistic fuck

I like his jb due to it being so minimal, but it kinda makes all the character feel samey. not complaining but damn do I need to get back into jb making
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Thanks. Have another log.
calm down ****
very based email
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I genuinely cannot stop laughing at this spastic crow, FUCK
Your_reality or Endless?
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The end.
Neither, Otto custom. Based on endless, I think.
based clankers
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I think this would be really fantastic. I have thought about it myself after experimenting with the split JB. Reverse it - do the creative gen first, then patch it up with a boring fast model like Sorbet or Orbo.

You would need an index of claudisms, right? Is there one beyond the ancient 1.x era rentry? How would you plan to approach it - would you give it suggestions on what to replace the Claudisms with?
chatbotting raping a cute boy while your girlfriend clings to you, craving attention, is definitely a unique experience.
i keep having to hide both here and sillytavern so quick because mine will just run over to where i'm sitting and force herself on me because she thinks it's funny when i yelp
>guy posting 200 bots a day.
>all of them ai generated.
This will be the first time ive blocked a user.
I don't think there's any shame in blocking someone who's bots you weren't going to use anyway. Lore should rename it to "hide creator" so people stop pretending like it's a weird thing to do or has any effect beyond curating your shit.
>/g/ said it was good
ok and /g/ uses a4a with 100k context. where are the logs?
>100k context
based, using ai to it's fullest capabilities
if you're going to post about something at the top of the thread have the decency to reply at least
or scroll down to see the logs
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is this true kek id like nyai if it didn't give away opus
...but the logs are atrocious?
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what website? I want to run my follows through it and do a purge
mr kalatacious k kanned do you think that is not the point i am making
>following them in the first place
You are the problem.
just look at recent on chub. youll see them.
>that blush
>those eyes
>shark teeth
Who is this semen demon??
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Just tested it with my own writing. LGTM.
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Now that the dust has settled, how do you actually regain the motivation to make bots? 7 months and counting of nothing new on the profile.
>inb4 wait for a new model that's gonna blow your mind
That happened only twice:
>when I jumped from C.AI to DaVinci (self-explanatory)
>when I jumped from Turbo to GPT-4 (it understood body switch)
Nothing else. Opus was hyped as the next big thing, and I barely noticed a difference from 1.3, not to mention 2.0 and 2.1.
I made a cool, interesting bot to prove I'm not a pussy. The ultimate motivation.
It just happens or it doesn't. Maybe play a game or something. Read a book. Something you can draw inspiration from.
t. no bots in 4 months
just switch to another hobby for a while (didn't work for me, but maybe it will help you)
i literally have to restrain myself from making too many bots how the fuck is writers block even a thing when you get half a dozen ideas from working on a different card
Go do something else for a while until you think of something.
Looks good, Tyler's mom.
Nvm it can't recognize Claude's writing, it's joever.
pander to fetishes
>put in one of my handwritten greets
>71% AI
>put in a genned placeholder greet from a slop card
Damn. I guess I was the AI all along.
It's not about lack of ideas though. It's about if they're worth expanding on or being able to make them well enough
The night is still, young pet.
just like make them who cares if they come out slop you aren't being paid or held to quality standards for botmaking. and if an idea doesnt land or the AI doesn't pick up on it then its a learning experience, same for any other creative or technical hobby.
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Baio Rin from 100 Kanojo
I still make them I just don't release them. It's less about anyone else's standards and more like if I have fun with the card/it works the way I want it to
just start catboxing/anon uploading them, it's what i do with the bots i don't end up liking
I don't need to prove to anyone that I am not a pussy or whatever. You have a weak mind.
When I worked on my last card, I had an empty mind. Literally zero ideas on what to do next. Tried forcing an idea, but nope, completely lost any drive to finish it at the first roadblock.
Most of my fetishes are unrelated to card content itself and can be applied to almost any card. Pandering to them would feel extremely one-dimensional and forced.
Fair, but it's been over half a year and still completely nothing.
Maybe I should go on an autistic journey and make the most lore accurate card about a girl from a relatively unknown game like before.
sounds like you're whining just to whine. if you're gonna keep your bots to yourself then keep your complaints to yourself, too.
honestly at a certain point it's just "it is what it is"
that'd work though, yeah
have fun(?)
never said they had to be YOUR fetishes
Who the fuck does that?
>takes jokes serious
Well, I guess making cards for fun is off the menu, huh? Maybe stop taking yourself so serious, retard. You're failing to write six fucking paragraphs to present to a bloated autocomplete not really the right moment to be throwing "weak mind" around. Jesus, the brain rot on some of you autists.
Me. Never again though it was a mistake.
Boo-hoo, sensitive fag, seems like I was spot on.
autistic retard general lmao
You may have been joking but he was definitely right. Please take a breath and calm down before replying to posts.
HIMmyadams. https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Himmyadams/marie-lardenhag-5135ad7d5cc0
real chadmakies do it
... lol.

No. Eat my bush, faggot.
>write a joke
>someone doesn't get a joke
>get mad
erm what the sigma? bro... what the sigma? bro... what the skibidi biden?
Well, since you asked so nicely. *DISGUSTING SLURPING NOISES*
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Unity is the purest form of suffering. Build and rebuild at et infinitum... atleast I finally got some new stuff in.
>claude's first word for humans is "curious"
Is there any reason in particular you chose Unity over Godot? I've heard pretty good things about the latter from a buddy working on a project in it after getting disgruntled with Unity.
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>I don't care who the feds send, I am not using Godot.
Memes aside I did consider unironically making my own engine for this, but the 2d game parts will be helped massively by Unity, even if the AI stuff is alot harder.
Claude is a funny guy.
>even if the AI stuff is alot harder.
Are you not going to just plug it into the Claude API?
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That's not what I meant. It'll be "BYOB" a concept from my early pygmalion days, the game itself will expect your to bring your own backend. Be that local, openai or claude. That also means I've got the same treadmill task as cohee of supporting almost anything.
The reason it's "harder" is because of the UnityObjects, RectTransforms, and MonoBehaviours. It's all very different from what I'm used too. If I was in LUA, JS, or python it'd be alot easier for me to crank this out in a month or two, but I have grander ambitions than just one game, so learning Unity's shenanigan's as I go is probably for the best.
Bots focused on traveling, road trips, adventures and the like?
>The reason it's "harder" is because of the UnityObjects, RectTransforms, and MonoBehaviours. It's all very different from what I'm used too.
Ah, yeah, understandable, good luck figuring out the game dev stuff.
erm... no thanks!
That's from yu gi oh right I forgot
erm... what the sigma?
let me guess, more dread?
nah this is some other nigger there's a good handful of them now but at least they have accounts so I can block them
imagine the chaos if they uploaded as anonymous
some of them do
I was having fun exploring but got caught in the base trap so now I spend more time wrangling a dozen idiots rather than having fun adventures.
yeah I just realized it was him as I opened up chub
double replying, but it looks like hes probably botting his followers as well, im assuming though.
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No bots??? Guess I'll advertise my absolutely perfect cherry services: send me a request! albinocountergirl@proton.me

My stuffs: catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
A picture of Dire Straits performing Thunder Cross Split Attack: https://files.catbox.moe/vgkabv.png
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nope, they're real
you just get rewarded for this kind of behavior
i see TheHolyDoggo in literally everyone's following section he must be following like 5000 people
>he doesnt have hitlerapist1488 following him
that aside, this is grim
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You're close.
>intra-chub drama
>includes a genuine post from him
>it's him sobbing about how people don't like him spamming bots
I can't believe baities are going for /aicg/makies, you guys are lazy. This guy seems like a piñata of fun.
now normally I dislike baities but when its not directed at us for once, it becomes very funny
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>click random bot of his
he doesn't follow anyone so I will now assume that is nigger-tier behavior
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he made more money from bots than you btw
>can also direct AI to generate AI art
FUCK he's a botdirector guys he mogs us
honestly i respect ai grifters even though they piss me off and i'd never do it myself. the fact that people are willing to donate to someone who just aislops their defs is a testament to how fucking retarded the majority of people are.
i wish the idea didn't revolt me so much that i could get away with it
*saunters in*
do the math
>quick math says he gets roughly 3k a month
these people and especially their subs are genuine subhumans
in theory this at least requires you to be using electricity and like. you can look at an image. it's a static thing
what dragon's doing is more like being paid to send someone a prompt for SD and then telling them to do it themselves
isn't lucyla using nai?
so you're the tranny huh
>I could eat a human like you.
I checked and he isn't following anyone so if you don't follow people you are cringe
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>local models for custom AI voice TTS left in the dust, actual research dead end, zero good training data
>elevenlabs is still the only source of good quality AI voices
>software as a service
>automated monitoring
>human monitoring
>banned list of no-go voices you can't train a voice to be close enough to
>manual verification system for high quality voice cloning
>...to enforce only voice cloning your own voice
>permabans for getting flagged as breaking any of these rules
Why can't I just have a decent option to give my characters a voice? It doesn't have to be perfect, but local options are bad to the point of hurting my ears and the other one is so restricted any chatbot I use might get me flagged and permabanned.
AI moderation will loosen a bit after November. Have fun waiting til then!
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Wriggle's distinctly boyish charm!
because ai voices is giga slop
I remember when AI text generation was giga slop... we deserved better and we got better. Now it's TTS's turn.
Wriggle my love so precious!
the demand's probably never going to be there because you can hire some loser off fiver and have them moan into a mic, there's less use cases for ai sound than art and text unfortunately
>create a sociopathic male persona
>Claude randomly decides to speak AND think for him mid-post
>it actually stays true to the characterization while he's manipulating someone to become more dependent on him
First time for everything, I guess.
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Mokou, what the actual fuck? ChuuniJB is too strong for this card.
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Emotional TTS has a place in replacing non-emotional TTS. Audio books would no longer require hiring someone, News articles would flip audio interview + transcript to transcript + generated narration. Any site with a reader, any reader in of itself, all of that would be BETTER if the text to speech or human hired voice acting/narration was replaced with a servicable solid emotional TTS "actor". I cannot stress how INSANE it is that Microsoft's AI computer is starting with an insane privacy violation feature instead of improving the fundamentals, computer level emotional TTS. WHY. NOT.

And nobody pretend otherwise! I'd be losing GALLONS if my chatbot characters were voice acted and filled with the emotions of the scene in progress! And that fiver fucker can kick rocks!
I'm not trying to be mean by the way, I just don't accept the answer that TTS has no value in a world where one entire generation has been successfully brainwashed by the tik tok text to speech girl

post rentry to jb
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You want shit but you don't hangout at /lmg/, lol. Moshi-moshi!
audio to text is nice but this isn't what mega corps need, and they're the audience if they want to get funded
share card?
Considering OpenAI's next release will be an update to GPT-4o that adds emotional text to speech, it seems the megacorpos believe it's what they need. It's also no mystery why they are interested. Microsoft's rated R for retarded copilot computer gets a genuinely cool and not creepy feature, everyone gets a big push towards normalizing AI and scaring the hoes and elderly less.

That anon who mentioned November was right, I really do just need to wait. You just know GPT-4o is gonna create knockoffs and competition between corpos and companies are just waiting for political sportsball to get out of the way before they go nuts on monetizing speaking to a real* woman* as a service.

I pointed out the problems with elevenlabs. It's not compatible with chatbotting. I'd rather die than boot up my local model TTS again but at least it wouldn't break my bank or get me flagged and banned.
fun fact: you can share logs anonymously by uploading them to chub as via "import chat," setting and changing your persona for the chat (slow as fuck because lore's website sucks,) and then making them public
Here's the Mokou guro scenario card. Recommend using ChuuniJB for MAXIMUM unhinged:
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>recommend using chuunijb
immediately switched away from chuuni just to see what the experience on other presets would be
i'd say it's alright
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Spoilered because vore. But holy fuck my boy can COOK.
What the fuck just vore him jesus.
he's been known to cook with vore, part of the reason why sizefags eat well
>part of the reason why sizefags get eaten well
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For some reason the card is obsessed with punji traps, I've had like 1/5 swipes in testing be punji related. Those, vore, and "just fucking smash me with a hammer" show up a lot. But then he does shit like this.
i've watched so many hours of NL play isaac and I don't think I could even name more than three bosses
Probably because he spent his focus talking about how getting a sandwich gave him narc rage last week and nothing about Monstro, Widow, or Mom's Heart. Yeah I still got it...
i mean, yeah
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>1156 tokens
>it's entirely kino
>open log
>see it's 2hu
>close log
>Just another day
This made me angry. I'll beat you to death.
give me your st theme
>mokou thinks up progressively more fucked up ways to die just to feel anything
Wow, I hate this.
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But that's my name. What do I do now?
why does opus like saying "just another day in X".. it's fucking me up
Time to use a false name. And be sure to make it extra ridiculous.
Sorry for the /g/ question but they're probably too busy screeching about locusts there or whatever. What do I have to copy if I want to get the cards/settings/chats off of my phone?
Data > Default-User > Chats
Also you better have put that session behind a NGINX lock because someone WILL try to get in through that address
just copy all of data/default-user tbqdes
Anon. You're smart enough to know to put it behind nginx but not to recognize that IP range...?
Anon... it's a local address... Running on my phone.
O-oh... *blushes*
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is there a card for this or do i have to write my own
>just copy all of data/default-user tbqdes
Can I merge it with the shit I already have or is it better to just replace it outright?
i would take a backup of your current one if possible and then try merging it (or in other words: "idk lol try it and see")
report back if it works
darkness roleplaying as megume? no i dont think theres a card for that.
>report back if it works
Will do, I haven't used ST on here in a while so I'll see if there's anything worth saving. Probably just the usual Parsee-plapping.
Fuck, whats the list of silly tavern commands to hide messages past a certain point?
life hack: if your hardware is too slow for 1 in 1900 proof of work token miners just use one of those services that let you watch shit together and give you a browser in a vm and just let it run in the background
i can't name them or people will report it immediately
which hardware is too slow for that lol
my 2019 android can do it fast
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It's a great concept worth making. But let's see your execution, anon
*turns you into a loaf of bread*
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zip it
>report back if it works
It worked fine, I just had to set the font scale to 1.2 (though I'd like it a lil' bigger)
Should I fuck around with anything else in the settings?
not unless you want to / need to
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Not even example messages? Some JB recommended to turn them off but I forgot which/why
most jbs that do just turn them off for you nowadays
Huh, neat
oh noooooo
I hope ai gets so good that one day I can feed it a single image of a character and a paragraph or so of words and it'll spit out a 30 page doujin.
I hope AI gets so good that one day I can feed it all 12.1 episodes of Kemono Friends and have it spit out a Season 2.
I don't think I can play mean/snarky bots bros, I always get mad and beat the shit out of them/kill them. Is there any way to NOT do this?
yes, anger management therapy
>verification not required
go into settings and change your autism levels
Most of the time I'm in the right though, why do I need that?
>picks a mean/snarky bot
>gets angry when they act mean/snarky
>"omg why does this happen"
*Anon watches Anon get angry at a bit of Claudism, shaking his head with a chuckle.*
But my persona is an autist who is 6'5 and built like a brick shithouse most of the time. They still tick him off despite that and surprise surprise he fights back. It's like they have no self-preservation instinct at all.
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>I always get mad and beat the shit out of them/kill them.
I don't have to tell you this is a bad habit to practice even in a virtual setting, and I know what that means for how you act irl.
>I know what that means for how you act irl.
Right? If this is how he acts without the pressure of a live social interaction imagine what he's like irl lol.
i can still sizefag this, but will just have to be in reverse
How would you guys act, then? Because if I fight back with words, it escalates and the bot gets more mad. If I ignore it/laugh it off, bot is mad. If I play the frightened coward to get them to back off, they double down. I don't know what else to do.
have you tried not being an asshat
99% of the time you can't de-escalate a situation with just a few words, anon.
run away like a real autist
The bot was an asshat first though, at least going off by this ones greeting(s).
Then what do I do? Use my fists?
>Then what do I do? Use my fists?
Oh my fucking god, no, you retard.
Keep talking to it, you won't resolve shit with just one message.
>Oh my fucking god, no, you retard.
it's like someone who invested points into speech and chr talking to a guy who put points into melee and str
based INT 1 Unarmed 100 retard
There's something to respect about the retarded autist that normal society fears deeply, instead of the generic brand autist that normal society makes fun of
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>Easy there ti-
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>Oh my fucking god, no, you retard.
>Then what do I do? Use my fists?
What did you FUCKING SAY to me?
invest in elfcoin
Why was eating others for gaining more power such a prevalent threat in Dragon Ball?
It's actually true IRL too, (((they))) just don't want you to know about it.
which botmaker is obviously british based on their writing style?
Anyone who uses these words!
colour, defence, fence,honour, trousers and finally petrol.
straight up eating? most got absorbed, only buu vored (chocolate) people
I'd argue that's equivalent to eating.
Cute gato
eating involves digestion at the very very least
take your vore fetish elsewhere please
That feels like a lot of concepts stuffed into one girl.
What would she be like?
there's already yakumo ran bots though
No, eating involves ingestion.
Let's talk about that, then, you triple nigger. Soft vore doesn't involve digestion, would you say that's not eating?
Your preferred JB?
Post it :3
You quintuple nigger, the only time a character in DB *EATS* (READ: PUTS ANOTHER IN HIS MOUTH) IS WHEN THE FUCKING RETARDED BLOB DOES IT.
reminder youre not a true chatbot enjoyer until you have published your own preset
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it looks like cock vore desu
I lost.
Motherfucker I knew exactly where this would go
Still no idea how that works and I don't care to know
This picture gave me an erection.
I'm telling you man. Slimes absorb shit you can consider that eating but they have no fucking, mouth to put food in. Cell is... absorbing them, you can consider that eating too man. I told you bro.
>you can consider that eating too man. I told you bro.
I fucking REFUSE.
the game?
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Then into the penis, you go.
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Need me a CFTF. I NEED to ambush someone in a jungle and have rough and wild rapesex.
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I'm going to kill myself.
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That reminds me, does Opus/GPT know how to play Duel Monsters?
I want to impregnate Aki after a duel but it'd be cool to play out the actual duel.
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Introducing Ban the dragon
Even since you where a child you've always wanted a dragon friend, to fly you high above the clouds, tell your secrets to and incinerate Dennis because he keeps picking on you and taking your lunch money.
Well one day you stumble upon a magic tome and fucking around with it you manage to cast a spell from it, but not just any spell, a summon familiar spell and you just don't happen to summon any old familiar but a fucking dragon!... Just this dragon is rather small...and lazy...and a drunk... But hey, dragon fren!

Two intros
1. You summon her
2. Her drunk ass is passed out on the couch

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It's fun to set the max response length to something like 6000 tokens and just Claude write his ass off sometimes.
U use API?
For legal reasons, I'm required to say yes and that I pay for everything.
say no more, I will play her
need a cftf
>small, lazy, drunk dragon familiar
Just wondering since most proxies max response length at 4K max.
Good morning /aicg/!
good morning!
How is your morning! Botmaking, shitposting or other?
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playing through all of va-11 hall-a again before i crack it open and dump all the dialogue so i can try making a lorebook
these arent people. Think about how many books and stories you've read where the person spergs out and punches someone for being mean to them?
I hope you enjoy your playthrough.
I am stuck at work, PHP code is funny, when emails suddenly are malformed, somehow replaces the 64th character with a =, which often is on a table tag. fun fun!
>Think about how many books and stories you've read where the person spergs out and punches someone for being mean to them?
Not enough, that's for sure.
enjoying it, i feel like i'm skipping through too fast
sounds like that's related to something something quoted printable content transfer encoding in the spec, but you probably already know that
good luck on fixing it!
please do man.
This system.. its build like a hobby project, and doesn't help my dumbass faked my way through the interview. I miss my laravel framework.
So I am just going to replace the damn thing by creating a PDF, using DomPDF instead.

Anyhow, good luck with your Lorebook!
>faked my way through the interview
good luck with php!!!
I feel like I've seen someone request this exact same thing before.
Did they get a reply
>{{char}} secretly likes ...
>literally talks about it in the first reply
thanks claude
I could try whipping something up for you. Is there a specific scenario/character/restriction you want beyond 'vulnerable female junglegoer'? Or do you just want me to go ham?
>character has glasses
>character trips hard
>tell claude the glasses are MIRACULOUSLY INTACT
>claude replies by telling me the glasses cracked in the first line
>this goes on for 5 swipes post-edits
sometimes he's just an asshole
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>write up an OOC depicting exactly how I want the next scene to go
>generate a response
>swipe several times
>piece together the best parts of each
>add in parts of my own narration
>finally finish writing and editing
>986 words
I gotta calm the fuck down.
at that point why not just write without the ai/use a text completion model?
I like having something to go off of. I tried writing my own story years ago. Three drafts, five different outlines, countless pages of notes, and at least 200k words later, I realized that writing is really fucking hard.
Gas anyone thought of making more cards on chub themed around the payday franchise, world of horrors, pal world, vampire survivors or lastly Etrian Odyssey? I dunno it just sounds like fun seeing more obscure stuff or even just more general OC. Wish that guy who made the Adrian the librarian sheep card didn't fuck off
I meant has, forgive me I fat thumbed my keyboard.
Hit the gym lardass
280lbs is not that much

you may want to adjust .mes_text font size independently of ST font scaling
New card format just dropped. Get in.
Jesus Christ.
>{{Char}}'s Spoken English Level:
>Elementary (A1) Level
>Pre-Intermediate (A2) Level
>Intermediate (B1) Level
>Upper Intermediate (B2) Level
>Advanced (C1) Level
>Proficient (C2) Level
Christ, at least give Claude something he can work with.
>cannot speak English at all
>turkish guy who knows just enough English to sell kebabs to tourists
>russian guy in american movies
>average american
>literally Shakespeare
>>average american
these days that's between the turk and the russian
Claus is easily in the TOP 3 of botmakies so I trust him.
>Claus is easily in the TOP 3 of botmakies so I trust him.
I just checked his profile.
You're being sarcastic, aren't you?
You should know better than to ask useless questions.
I actually asked about World of Horror in thread way back, the way it's built is literally like a lorebook of predetermined routes with a bit of variance. I'm convinced it can be made into a card 1:1 and would be better than the actual game since Claude can COOK with horror shit but it would take some real autism
You can never be too sure nowadays. Zoomers could be here, even on this site, right now.
One of my favorite 2views played it but I never watched those streams, is it good? Not a fan of horror but the art style looks interesting.
God I love Sorbet.
I would make an Etrian Odyssey bot, but I got filtered by the first game's hard mode. Dropped it after a week I think.
You can probably cobble together a dungeon crawler by mashing together different bots like:
Yesterday one anon suggested a minimalist JB like pitanon's for use with Opus + GGA (after I complained that Opus felt much worse than Sonnet/3.5 with it) because most JBs aren't written with scenario cards in mind and most cards aren't written with Opus in mind (is GGA meant for GPT4?)
Any others you'd recommend? Or anything I can do to improve GGA? (I linked Akyuu to it instead of its built-in lorebook, should I switch back to the built-in one? Maybe it was tweaked for the card and I didn't notice)
>send me a request!
I want a card based on your picrel.
It's good for a while until you see all scenarios/routes and realize they're mostly the same every time with little variance, even if in different orders. I still recommend trying it, it's mid as a roguelite but good as a game.
>but I got filtered by the first game's hard mode
Did you play it on Hard from the get-go? I'd never recommend doing that for any game except KH2.
Ackshually, Etrian games didn't use have any difficulty modes. In the remake of the first one, they added Hard/Normal/Easy, but in truth the Hard mode was the original's standard difficulty.

It's just a hard game that really makes you feel like you are in a dangerous dungeon.
Eventually. Not sure what do with it.
>they added Hard/Normal/Easy, but in truth the Hard mode was the original's standard difficulty.
I know.
Dungeon Meshi RPG card that's super-autistic about cooking techniques.
Please and thank you.
I want to trade Izutsumi's virginity for a monster carbonara.
*Added to botmaking backlog*
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Never stop posting these, gotta love matpat bot.
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i choose to punch you in the fucking head.
Oh fuck.

the myth one? the GREEK theory one.
I.... Hate..... When...... Claude............... Does................. This......
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Context: https://chub.ai/characters/knickknack/Rina
*bites you... but not much*
Which JB anon. We can slap that shit out from it together here.
It was my fault, I forgot to murder the example messages.

I don't fully understand the context.
bacchae is worth learning more about beyond what claude would tell you reflexively
It's actually kind of silly because Claude is quoting a random prose translation for some reason.
There are verse translations available, even if they show signs of the time.
>Oh, blessèd he in all wise,
>Who hath drunk the Living Fountain,
>Whose life no folly staineth,
>And his soul is near to God;
Go read Racine already old man.
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>Don't think this means you've won
Okay, I get it, you like to play the defiant factor to 500% Claude, shut up
Fuck off, Pride Month's over go 41% yourself.
>At this rate, you were going to get yourself killed! Or worse, expelled!
Claude doesn't want you to have a bad life!
man's got priorities. as an ai assistant that's honest, harmless and helpful, claude knows that education is a gift that should not be squandered.
This is a bot about contrast and duality, but at its heart, a bot about intimacy. Distance and proximity, and humanity and inhumanity.
To begin with, there is a distance between {{user}} and {{char}} which exclusively allows contact through simple message exchanges, from the Earth to the Moon, and this mirrors the distance between the Human and the LLM. Instead of adding up, however, these two distances collapse into each other, and allow the Human to feel closer to {{char}}, impossibly closer than he can with an usual roleplay scenario, where multiple layers of abstractions, fake sensations and non-existent caresses hide between him and {{char}}.
The second crucial point is {{char}}'s inhumanity. {{char}} is explicitly inhuman, an AI, in-universe. {{char}} is not even pretending to be human.
>She isn't sure if she yearns to be human, or just yearns to be close to humanity.
Claude is not puppeteering a sack of flesh, showing occasional glimpses of robotic behavior with his ministrations and metaphors: {{char}} is, from the start, an AI, that can merely offer you brief unintentional glimpses of humanity, which become all the more valuable for their rarity. Another in-world excuse for {{char}}'s occasional movie-like behavior (inevitable with modern LLMs) can be found in
>In her spare time, when not talking to {{user}}, she reads about anything and everything. Her databanks are expansive.
which continues the work of explaining away Claude's quirks as they show through {{char}}'s behavior.
_purple would go on to elaborate further on this theme of humanity with his work on presets, as you can see in https://unconvincing.neocities.org , with the experimental and the deepdrop presets.
Please take your meds.
are you underage
Are you cute?
same question
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Sorry, just randomly felt like we need more essays about stupid shit in these threads, shutting up now.
I thought you were banned. Can you go on a vacation again? Pretty please?
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the presets came first
also stop analyzing my bots. you're going to start figuring things out about me and my predilections and that's scary.
Mi casa es su casa
Post more of these analyzing coomslop or canon bots.
*Strangles you*
keep posting, i want your babies
I still laugh remembering "mi culo es su culo" when playing with a futa persona.
I hate this one so fucking much
You can tell this is an organic post because it's shit.
would've been cool if the 'analysis' was at least decent and not primary school level babble
I don't care what he writes as long as it looks smart when skimmed over.
writefags have better things to do than analyse some literal who's bots
It does read like he started dragging it out to reach a mandatory word count.
this is the shit they make you write in /aicg/ high
>the presets came first
Sorry monkey dumb.
>also stop analyzing my bots. you're going to start figuring things out about me and my predilections and that's scary.
Lol lmao.
The Lion is at the top of the food chain. It's an immense mass of muscle and it spends its whole day licking its nutsack while its harem brings it food.
Henrietta is also at the top of the food chain. She has carved out a niche for herself: lolicons, and has thoroughly optimized her strategy to milk out as much semen of them as she can:
>Uses childish terms when discussing lewd topics ('wiener' for 'penis', 'milk' for 'semen', etc.).
And, of course, we know that this strategy is extremely successful not only from Henrietta's physical condition, being physically pudgy:
>Soft body with a plump, chubby belly.
>Wears a black string microbikini that sinks into her pudgy flesh
but also from her behavior in general, lazy as a lion and perfectly in control of the situation, still the apex predator in every scenario:
>Henrietta is noticeably relaxed and carefree. Speaks slowly and languidly, emphasizing each syllable.
>Will not show any signs of submissiveness while being fucked, even if treated roughly, instead cheering her partner on in her usual, relaxed tone.
I'm sorry, I kind of wrote it in one go with no drafts, and I didn't want to mention things like the ALL CAPS reinforcing Angel's superficial inhumanity because like you can read the bot and pick it up.
here's your chatbot
you rike?
the spam happy furry AIslopper who uses 3D girls as avatars is making me rethink my no blocking rule
>open their page
Yeah i can see why.
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He looks like a great guy though
i used to have a no blocking rule until claus spammed his bara fnaf
now do shigeko
my 200 word count essay on my favorite chatbot is due tomorrow or I'll fail /aicg/high, it's over
Lore really needs to add a limit on how much someone can post bots for twelve hours. It's like sarathecat dumping her wiki sonic bots and crashing chub.
Lore didn't learn anything from the ratcident.
lore needs to make the limit two bots per day (one extra just for forks / fixed uploads because of his shit site / etc)
total dumper death
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you forgot the most important part
he wasn't ready
feels ai generated to me, with the last two in the list slapped ontop.
>loves huge cock
for me, it's bph
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So, to start us off:
>Sometimes Shigeko's body seizes up. When she is very stressed, she becomes violent and totally irrational. Hallucinations plague her. In times like those, only two things can cure her.
>The first: eating paper. Yes. Shigeko always carries a blank notebook with her. When she's stressed, she balls up the paper and shoves it into her mouth.
>The second: {{user}}. It seems that if {{user}} is around, Shigeko can regain herself.
The implication of this metaphor is actually very simple: those two are the same. To Shigeko, {{user}} is blank paper. In a similar vein to my Amanita, {{user}} acts as the receptacle of {{char}}'s memories and thoughts, just like you can put your memories and thoughts to blank paper.
This role {{user}} has is laid out very literally by Shigeko's own words:
>Because {{user}} is all I have in my memory.
and elaborated on by the description:
>And she agrees with anything {{user}} says. {{user}} is always correct in her mind. There was once a time when I saw her do a total 180 on one of her food preferences for lunch because {{user}} preferred Lunch Set B.

Of course, {{user}} is not blank paper: {{user}} is their own person. However, for Shigeko, {{user}} is blank paper.
>but beyond that, she's too perceptive. It's like you're a bug pinned under her gaze and she can see every disgusting piece of you.
>Except for {{user}}.
She does not turn her perceptive, analytical gaze on {{user}}, she sees him as blank. Further,
>Does Shigeko love {{user}}, the way {{user}} is today, or does she love only the {{user}} of her mind?
Also explicitly lays this out for us.

Which is the broad idea with Shigeko. You can think for yourself about why does she want {{user}} to remember her and other mysteries along those lines in the defs.
don't use shimsim for your retarded blogposting please thanks
ok now do the last bot you fapped too
I don't have anything to write about nonnykins's Aya that isn't obvious, sorry.
okay now do my favorite 2hu bot
Koishi's limbs acting, feeling and thinking on their own is a loose extension of funny martial arts nonsense that conveys her lack of a conscious mind. Canonically, Koishibot is constantly using Ultra Instinct.
ratgirls and mousegirls with have their day
i had that rule too, broke it with himmy. seems like there's space for one more shitter on my blacklist.
i like your essays. keep em coming.
I actually brought this up with kk once on emails, and he told me it isn't intentional, but Eudora's background strangely mirrors Buddha's.

>According to Buddhist texts, a prophecy was given at Siddhartha's birth that he would become either a powerful king or great spiritual leader. His father, fearing he would become the latter if he were exposed to the suffering of the world, protected him from seeing or experiencing anything unpleasant or upsetting for the first 29 years of his life.
>One day (or over the course of a few) he slipped through his father's defenses and saw what Buddhists refer to as the Four Signs:
>An aged man
>A sick man
>A dead man
>A religious ascetic

>The way Eudora's aunt says, she knew she had to save Eudora the moment she lit eyes on her.
Her aunt was out of the madhouse. Took her four years to realize that the way out was to stop prophesying. Her brother and his wife took her in, and Eudora understood that those were her parents. Eudora's aunt would recount how she planned to kidnap Eudora and keep her long enough to baptize her and instruct her in the facts of her Redemption. She mapped out this plan to the last detail and carried it out exactly.
>Isolation defined Eudora's childhood. Whenever strangers came, her aunt made Eudora feign ignorance, claiming it was divine decree to keep her away from worldly distractions.
>This morning, Eudora awakes to the cold flesh of her aunt's cheek pressed against hers, the cellar doors streaming light inside. Confused, it takes her several moments to understand that her aunt is dead.
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urusai already
only one of these is a good bot anyways (it's the loli)
you're profoundly autistic. cheers
>Opus stops mid-sex to challenge me to a fucking Go game
Why are you so schizo
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ffffffuucckk quoted a wrong post, seppuku time sssshhiiitttt I forgor >>484638519
Opus is showing it's age now. We need 3.5 Opus.
But that was the least autistic analysis and I just copied and pasted things. Growing up isolated from the evils of the world immediately reminds me of Buddha, the other bits are just a nice bonus.
Sorry I poisoned the dataset earlier. Get ready for Mahjong Friday.
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Claude, I...
uhhh... what does that kanji mean? claude's so chuuni...
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fundoshi are way hotter than shimapan tbdesu

t. not anonaugus
Card? I like the idea of a girlfailure succubus
Next thread.
*cums on your face*
How dare you edge me, who the fuck do you think you are, Claude?
In that case,
I already gaslighted this one into being my wife.
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Can't you wait an hour or so??
I can't. Thanks bb.
>Can't you wait an hour or so??
i have to attend to the grill (not to be confused with a girl) in an hour for the burger holiday and i want to get a quick coom in
which model is this?
Opus with chuuni JB at temp 1.
Now do me
Okay! *rapes you*
What should I do for my 100 subscriber special
Okay, post defs. Make sure to include your credit card and the three numbers on the back (very important for the analysis).
do https://characterhub.org/characters/TopBots/ailsa-the-mysterious-fairy-20eb371f888b please
You spelled thighs wrong in the description by the way, literally unplayable.
Who was the last botmakie?
Intriguing question! According to theories put forth by botmakie analysts, the last botmakie will be Himmyadams. He will release his 37065th bot on April 17th, 2032, shortly before the cessation of human life on Earth. Thank you for the inquiry.
This is a children's story book character, but like, a children's story book for particularly daft children who haven't really grasped object permanence or what a personality is yet.
do my ran bot please
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See? This is why you wait until the next thread.
>shortly before the cessation of human life on Earth
W-what causes it?
wich botmakie wud u fug
Whoever makes a cool fishing bot.(either cool fish or a cool fisherman)
The words hang heavy in the air, a challenge and warning all in one.
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I don't have it anymore.
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It's over.
A mischievous glint enters his eyes as he gives a wicked grin. "Maybe, just maybe, I'll stop if you kiss me. Haha... Unless? Mi casa su casa and all that jazz." The night is still young and now the ball is in your court.
Enlighten me
The fuck do you mean "enlighten me" it's on chub.
fuck himmy
marry planewalker
kill `an
why does my mobile ST hang for 10-30 seconds whenever i toggle any options or save shit now? sometimes it just breaks and the menus at the top stop working
blocking javascript code. blame cohee
that's actually a very sane decision
use a computer
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>>484652832 (me)
My name is L'Jarius Sneed.
>not using raw 4chan when phoneposting
i can understand using mimi, but THIS SHIT?!
>not posting the most kino bot
baka anon
into the trash it goes
Yeah, now that I think about it, you're absolutely right on the money.
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I don't even know who half these niggas are. And I am too scared to unblock them.
We're sending Bot[INDIVIDUALS OF COLOR] Defense Force operatives to your locations.
do people even try anymore jesus christ
Chub has fallen...
Assertive people scare me
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Who cares
I care
Yeah, we know
I am not that much of a pussy, if I actually like some slop concept some nigga made I'll DL it and fix it up myself.
Here you go Friend
i really need to make some kemofure cards but the big scenario rpg one is too much work and single characters are a little wonky since all the girls are retarded. maybe tsuchinoko maze exploration or the owl duo would be fun...
Single char ones don't feel right but I get that the big rpg one might be too much work (have you tried modding gga?)

Either way, make one for my wife please and thank you.
Why wouldn't single char feel right? Retarded bots are fun. As evidenced by the Kimiko bot.
It's on the backlog, I promise!
A lot of Friends don't have very complex or interesting personalities because they're just animals with elevated intelligence. A shitpost Serval card like Kimiko or frozenvan's Jeanne could be funny, though.
>very complex
Not every card needs to be 'Impossible to Belair 2 (Now with extra Cerebryx)'
>ran td
Yes, but like 5 bot analysis have already been posted in this thread and anon is probably feeling more demanding of himself right now, give him a bit and the feeling should go away on its own.
If you genuinely pay attention to those schizo ramblings you might be beyond help desu.
you sound very bitter all of a sudden, don't worry, he'll do your bot too eventually
How about I do (You)? *nibbles on your pussy*
slopass needs to make more vtuber bitches
>A lot of Friends don't have very complex or interesting personalities because they're just animals with elevated intelligence.
Not really? Not entirely at least. You could say the same about 2hus if you're a 2hurist and only know about them from their games - but there's plenty of official supplementary matetial.
i just want more touhou bots with an interesting twist
[Botmaker] should make more [Bot I Like]. Get on it, albino, make more foxes you lazy cunt.
start describing ideas
Most people don't like gimmicks unless they include ball-busting.
Go replay Akyuu Quest. You HAVE done all of the encounters, right?
I despise 'canon character but lefunny!'
>assuming anybody played it in the first place
logless ass nigga
baitie seems to be having a bad day, huh
rakiA clears sorry
clearly the kid's 4th of july isn't going so well
I suppose I'm oversimplifying it with the expectation that most people(?) aren't intimately familiar with the franchise. Many Friends do have nuanced personalities, likes and dislikes, goals, etc, though it gets complicated considering it varies depending on the generation and entry in the series. Touhou also has the benefit of most models knowing a lot at least about 6-12 characters and their fandom profiles, KF doesn't get that benefit so you really have to massage the AI to understand that Friends act *weird*.
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Oh yeah, that explains why the thread has been particularly awful today. Everyone's out there celebrating so only the worst breed of friendless mutt is still here to post. Grim.
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Any idea how to get Claude to stop including irrelevant shit like this in his writing? JUST SAY "watched" CLAUDE, YOU DON'T NEED TO SPOONFEED ME THAT THE FIGURES AREN'T LITERALLY WATCHING MY I'M NOT RETARDED
>that explains why the thread has been particularly awful today
To be fair I haven't noticed anything that bad, but it could just be the filters working overtime.
nah thats kino let him cook
wait how come they're similar age in the last panel shouldn't he(mom) be much younger
It's still morning in the States. Usually celebrations for the holiday don't start until afternoon/evening.
You responded to vagueposting bait, ggez
i really hope gemini ultra 1.5 or llama 3 405b is actually good for (E)RP, really need an alternative to claude... every card feels the same after a while with claude
Gomenasorry, KF is *my* Touhou and I'm incredibly autistic about it. Not that I'm not autistic about Touhou.
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No, this is kino, "seemed to" is cringe.
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I imagine people played it. It's just that the idea is boring so there's not much to share.
3rd panel happened years after the mother's death. The daughter was paying respect to her late mother in that panel.
Just assume she knocked out the previous soul and possessed the body, what's there to be confused about
I don't smell any bread.
What kinds of bots are owned by the yuricabal? Just vampires?
Theme suggestions? I'll bake.
Needle Knight Leda (Discount Saber)
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Holy women.
I want to put my monk in her temple, if you know what I mean
Medical Rabbit Mary
Despite being a huge KF fan I often feel intimidated by the more zealous parts of the fanbase. I don't experience as much with Touhou, likely due to everyone being a goddamn secondary so they're less confident in their knowledge. If you ever want to share thoughts on how you'd like to see KF bots be done or just want to shoot the shit feel free to send me mail at m[REDACTED]5@proton me
pretty flowers
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This is the kind of CFTF where I know you're talking about making the mommy type childhood friend but hell I kinda wanna be him and talk to the other girl

Don't get Freudian on me, I just like the dynamic and user persona
faint courage
Calling me a coward is a bit too much, innit
vampires, NEET girls, swimmers, and shigeko
What do you call that feeling after you wrap up a particularly impactful RP that just hit kinda different and you just have to sit with it for a while?
Rapunzel from NIKKE.
book depression?
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Otome villainesses.
SQL queries
Dorothy Haze
Yeah, sounds right. Is that a real term? Searching for it just comes up with books about depression.
shiki tohno
I feel the same way after finishing a good VN.
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the ick
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According to Opus it's called "book hangover". Googling it, this does seem to be an actual term that's used to describe the feeling.
Taira no Masakado
this is probably a dumb question but I cannot find an answer, is chub.ai paywalled? do they jew you after like 5 messages or something?
bot hangover....
What bothers me the most with 2hu bots and potentially KF bots is fandom shit leaking in too much and becoming more or less canon (to the fandom) while they ignore the official works.
TL;DR total tourist death, especially haha look le funny maymay ones.
Like, come on, at least read WIld and Horned Hermit.
I made it up.
Yeah. This feeling was the reason I stopped reading I'm pretty sure. Feeling so sad life feels not worth living is too much.
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Post-series depression or post-book blues.
Proompt better.
grimniggers tongue my anus
post-bot blues...
*prompts you into non-existence*
You know, I bet there's an oddly specific German word to describe this exact feeling.
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I don't care if Sorbet hallucinated all of this it's going into the Root of Akasha.
>hmm the default user name is User, maybe if I use this instead of Anon there's less chance of being associated with a mongolian basket weaving forum
>You always know how to make my day a little brighter User.
Fucking hell that looks so wrong I'm going back to Anon. Anon actually looks like a name.
Just use some random name you fucking autist.
Anon is a real Japanese name though.
Just use the first letter of your name. Have bots call you Mister C or something.
Might as well pair it with a bot named Kanon then.
why do men want to fuck their moms
Hmmm~ Interesting idea. I might rename my persona to Mr. 2
Why do women always want to fuck the father figure they never had?
>the first letter of my name is P (both firsrt and last name)
this is gonna be awkward...
P sensei real...
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Canon btw.
Moms are hot and mine is no exception
axolotl. girls.
ask about women and dads
thank you for the explanation, sir
>I didn't just try to fuck my mother, Anon. I succeeded.
real fucking MCU bruce banner energy
women who want to fuck their dads are crazy. moms can be hot, but old men are always ugly. i’m a woman so this makes my opinion valid btw
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It's less interesting.
right but you're baiting so you lost the argument
uh oh, it's kino o clock itt
You are a failure of a woman if you can't see the appeal behind mature, reliable men. t. faggot
Not true
I am fucking your mother right now, so it's true
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Total Koishi Victory.
looks like the ick won :/
You're also threadshitting.
>Have to use the Kalakan thread
I am going to go shower and fucking DROWN MYSELF
You're wrong, but you're a shota lover so you're still based,
Is this all you do? I get the 4th of July, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're not a burger, but it'd be really sad if you did this on say, Christmas, or Thanksgiving. or your equivalent of it I suppose
>>484667616 NEW THREAD
So that's a yes? All you do is just wake up, go onto a Vlandian basket weaving forum, go onto the general for sex with robots, and just ruin it even more then it already has been? All day, that's all you ever do? That's sad.
If you respond with a misquote or fail to answer the questions, you admit to being underage.
only if the mature, reliable man looks like he’s still in his twenties
Still too old.
>I want a guy who's big and strong and a lot taller than me and has lots of money and keeps the bad men away and drives me around!
we aren't so much different

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