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visit the <<02> fc house and find all 3 hidden miniature ilohs to get a prize :) more info at >>484525508 (Cross-thread)

>Dawntrail Info

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>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484517889 (Cross-thread)
My Malezen has gray skin
wtf is this op
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I'm on the right DC now. pw 5555 (ooooo you want fast healer queues so bad oooooo)
Why did that bitch Sphene let Otis die bros...
He was my favorite part of the story and she just let him fucking die for no reason. "Hey Otis it doesn't matter if this body dies I have nigh infinite replacements and can swap at any time" Why didn't she just tell him?
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Fiddie for my middie
Wuk isn't even a awfully written character, is the thing. She's just there WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH.
If Wuk only showed up as much as Lyse had, it wouldn't be so bad.
I also loved all the new side characters so much that I would have liked more screen time for them or just a bit of shortening of the story.
I really don't. I'm relieved I had learned to manage it some years ago.

Your Middie is so cute. It's sad that you enjoy this misery.

Eyebags really should have been an on/off option for everyone. Seems that some faces have them added and some don't.
... that's not an Elezen. And i've seen many Elezen without them.
femra belong to sunnies
No bullshit what are your HONEST and UNBIASED thoughts on Wuk Lamat?
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I like Wuk Lamat.
>expansion launches before DT
>would be max level grinding extremes alt jobs tomes crafters and gatherers by the end of the 2. day
>DT launch
>got to bed earlier tha nnormally
>would rather play other games
>day 5 and im still not done with the msq ( i dont and wont skip)
owari da
nice crushed blacks you stupid idiot
With chat mode in Say, enter "Thank you, Wuk Lamat!" in the correct location
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i think its a psyop
I WILL REMIND THEM (SPOILERS): https://streamable.com/l1a21m
>Your Middie is so cute. It's sad that you enjoy this misery.
thank you but ??? what misery???? ast??
Sphene is a cunt in case you haven't noticed.
Kill Wuk
Kill Erenville
Return to Garlemald
Return to Ishgard
Youre fucking telling me that after finding the fabled CITY OF FUCKING GOLD? Not a SINGLE one of these FUCKING RETARDS asked to enter or how to enter? This entire story is fucking WoW tier fanfic horse shit. The plot demands everyone acts like a retard with no common sense or the plot just doesnt work.
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I'll give it to Yoshi, the fights have been really good.
Did the final days happen in tural?
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who to blame?
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EN lost JP won as usual
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I hate Wuk Lamat.
I love Uklamato.
These are not the same.
i think she's very cute and endearing but i've also barely begun msq, so that may change over time

My femezen looks like this but would never speak like this.
You're playing a game that celebrates exploration and diversity while you're a wet blanket that wants everything to conform to your sensibilities and calling everyone else sensitive.
Get a grip and focus on things you enjoy anonymous.
people like this make me ACTUALLY want to be transphobic
like shut the fuck up you dumb nigger surely you're not implying that no one can find fault with any trans voice actor
I was the guy was sad about a face 2 femra, gave in and bought a Fantasia, IDC anymore about being a generic bitch, should I just go sunnie? tried Hyur, but all the faces kind of suck.
I liked Wuk
I don't even mind her showing up a lot
But I can see why people don't like her for that and other reasons

But rather than just move on people are gonna fucking argue and vent over this MSQ for the next 3 years aren't they?
my fiddie is
Bozja or Endwalker FATES for 80-90?
>what misery????
That you do all the roulettes.
Doesn't it take like 2 or 3 hours to do them all, and you don't really get much from it? There's so much else I'd rather spend hours every day on.
Greek or Italian cat. I doubt there are many names shared between Slavic And Mediterranean regions that aren’t biblical
I do not care if wuk is in EN or JP she is overbearing in the story to the point where it made me dislike her presence
it does not matter if she is voiced by a tranny or a goddess she is a shitty character
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>having a cute moment with otis
>suddenly, out of nowhere
jesus christ dude
your colors are all fucked up
We like Wuk Lamat. We like Dawntrail. If you don’t, you’re an Indian WoW troll who touches kids.
>there are people in DT with no adventure plate
>alt. rotation
uh we don't like these here
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>replace wuk lamat with wuk evu
expansion fixed
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Hey latinx, mind apologizing to me now????
Mind giving an excuse for making me suffer through your latroonx VA that's in literally every scene?????
Wanna explain why your culture is such dogsh*t?????
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She’s right you know this general specifically hates Wuk Lamat because the VA is trans
my favorite housing item
mine is set to private :)
>all this wuk lemutt drama
>people still saying it's better than lyse
lmao wat
fellow coomers gooners and degens
I'm fantaing rn
Which race/gender gets the more attention, either it being a futa or a male character
I need2plap badly and will take quantito over quality
I'm EU btw

recently moonie stocks are high as fuck but I could be memed or it's probably a NA thing
You could easily quantify that the VA spent key formative years growing a biologically masculine larynx.
Would you have enjoyed Wuk Lamat if she was a clone of Senua from the Hellblade series (meaning, a mentally ill killer who is relentlessly tortured so you can jack off to Woman In Pain)?
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I don't dislike her but she is shoved quite insistently in our faces, I can see how people find her too much.
I think taking a backseat for something more relaxed was a good idea for the Expansion but they might have overdid it a little, especially with the spotlight on Wuk. Some of the scions are completely left behind and I dislike that.
im confused
If you still have shared fates to complete, do the EW ones to complete them.
If you want to get 90 the fastest, do Bozja.
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you retards actually paid 40(?) dollars to get your shitty story raped by tranny slop. you deserve this, and it will only get worse since you're giving them your money anyway! :)
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I got from 90 to 93 on my WAR yesterday from doing them all
I liked a lot to be honest but I can absolutely see why people ended up not liking her eventually.

I'm fortunate enough to like her otherwise I'd probably hate the MSQ

VA needed better voice direction, she sounded fine at points and then later a terrible case of a director just using the first take. The issue plagues every VA in this MSQ but Wuk had the most screentime so her flopped lines are the most obvious.
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Yeah I really don't know how more people don't have issue with this, the entire point of the trials was to find the city of gold, we find a doorway then just turn around and claim we found the city of gold, we don't investigate it or try to enter it at all, we don't even know if it is the city it makes zero sense

No it was now retconned that the final days started in eorzea and spread out but we stopped it before it reached or had any noticeable impact on the new world, enjoy your new hack writers
EN lost hard but JP doesn't fit at all outside from the screaming. Needs someone older/rough sounding.
i assume people forgot to update it after using their fantasia
no anon
the end of the world started in some shithole in india and barely made its way to eorzea before it paused or something i dont remember, endwalker was shit
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No, kill yourself traveco.
Sphene's crown is her Heart of Sabik. It contains her memories as a living being, which is why her idealized self can't remember her days as a normal person: that entity was stored in the Meso Terminal.
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You can find Japanese men that can sound more feminine than Wuk Lamat's English VA
>Wuk Lamat: Um... You want to explore together?
>Wuk Lamat: It's not that I'm scared or anything... Everything is just so different from home, is all!

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>WoL refuses to help Wuk Lamat in the contest
>Wuk Lamat fails miserably, Zoraal Ja mogs Bakool Ja Ja and Koana, winning easily
>Zoraal Ja is validated as the true son of the king thus has no need to open the portal
>Alexandria doesn't invade and threaten the end of the world
>WoL gets to enjoy a normal fucking vacation meanwhile

>mfw this whole garbage could've been prevented
We got any fresh posts to add to the image yet?
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Wuk Lamat isn’t a badly written character like Lyse who literally does nothing and is just given a royalty position
>quantito over quality
male character it's the other way and honestly that's better once you get burnt out on retards saying "mare? anims? nightlife? oo me cum"
I lack context so idk if you already used the free one they give you for the expansion or not. Wait until Glamourer is out and then test it.
why cant we just have a vacation where were getting into shenanigans with Estinien until we stumble upon a serious threat we need to deal with
hello my wife
Lyse was a million times better than Woke Lmao.
See >>484529040
Also I think she is pretty cute and I like her genki attitude. I can only the speak for the Japanese Version though.
>can't glam each viper sword separately
>older/rough sounding
She is literally an inexperienced princess who's only 20ish at most
the german wuk lamat
She's right
Eng VA, people were conditioned to endure through expacs because of the context needed in the story, and had to stomach an already bad element that stuck around for a very long time, and that made things that were not as necessarily bad to be nitpicked into bigger things than they actually were.

People who played with JP voices on were confused on the direction of the story, people who played with EN voices just hate Wuk Lamat as a character entirely because they had to deal with bad voice acting.

There's a phrase/saying of how when one thing is bad, it makes everything else seem worse than it actually is in the process.
sphene and kr*le share the same VA don't they
It never happened throughout the entire world at the same time even in Shadowbringers. Watch a youtube video that contains the entire plot next time.
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Into the dark of an endless night
Where the pulse of the land offers no respite
In spite of the blood that was spilled before
You whet your blades, you thirst for more
Now kneel overdweller, your lord commands
There's no salvation for the sons of man
The skies will tremble and the earth will quake
From the crumbling walls no one escapes

Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (in hell I wait)
i unironically laughed every time he did the thing
best hrothgar
need a needy, overy-attached face 4 femra EB...
whenever I bump into a private plate, I can't help but imagine a very dirty pose in it.
surely there are asymmetric viper weapons? r-right?
Holy fuck why didn't they enable mounts for Solution 9? This is cancer.
I'd fuck Lyse, therfore she's better. Simple as.
There is nothing wrong with the english voice acting
Wuk Lamat has no range, but that is a single character
I liked the first two zones and how the splits made either side feel significantly different, especially the not-Andes zone. The upper area is noticeably more arid. The peaks from Stormblood had a significant difference between the two areas too.
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ZJJ would've expanded into eorzea due to his endless drive, but we would've cut him down effortlessly as well. I think a lot about how so much would've been prevented if we'd just said no. Hell, wuk's daddy even says at one point that if the winner of his tournament isn't up to snuff he'll simply refuse to pass power. This whole thing was a fucking nothingburger and Wuk was worried about her brother becoming king for nothing.
That's... slow though... That's what I mean by bad reward. You don't get much exp, tomes, or clusters, gil, anything.
Couldn't you have gotten to 93 faster just by doing fates since they buffed them? And then you'd also get gemstones, and the vendors unlocked, etc. Plus there's the new treasure maps, hunts, lots of things.
I got Picto from 80 to 90 in a little over 4 hours. 3 levels in 3 hours is really slow.

I did treasure maps with you before and that was fun, but I'm not at 100 yet. I'd like to hang out more but I hate roulettes so much.
and it sounds bad/doesn't fit.
>the lizard in the hub town if you talk to other lizards before him
>the giant in the pelu pelu bodyguard quest line
Is there any other places that mention the WoL being a bigot who can’t tell other races apart?
I am the tank carrying trillions of PCT and VIP through Kstieos Hyperborea so I can level my tanks to 90.
dude on the bottom is so real
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WUKLAMAT lines=647 words=7065
WUKLAMAT lines=647 words=7065
WUKLAMAT lines=647 words=7065
I don't get why PLD can but MCH/Picto/Viper/Ninja/RDM can't mix and match their shit
All of them.
>Daichi Hiroi wrote the overall story
>Natsuko Ishikawa let him do what he want
>Banri Oda still exists somehow despite his absolute failure with SB
>Tomohiro Kawasaki and Megumi Onozuka just padded the shit out of the dialogue
oh I had no idea. Thanks for the tip!
I honestly don't understand why the WoL would even consent to helping anyone. Surely they'd realize that whoever they'd end up supporting would have a MASSIVE unfair advantage? Hardly makes for an actual challenge.
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Honestly who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
man, that's so kuh-teesis hyper-boring.
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Koana is amazing on EN and I won't hear any objections
Gay sex with sweaty Turali hroths
Futa rava will always be easy mode
They literally tell you in Amaurot that the final days didn’t happen everywhere right away. Stop skipping cutscenes you fucking brown retard
That was Endwalker patch quests and everybody said it was shit
>/wowg/ raid
Is TWW really looking that bad?
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I don't think anything I'm saying is spoilers but I'm going to put it behind spoiler tags anyway, just in case.
She's a solid or at least decent character that suffers from being overused. She isn't really interesting enough to being forced to carry an entire expansion. However I also see why people would dislike her and the unfortunate heavy downside is that if you really dislike her, it's going to mean you probably dislike the Dawntrail MSQ.

The English voice acting is genuinely so OBJECTIVELY abysmal in some serious scenes that I was forced to change to JP Audio and I CANNOT RECOMMENDED THIS ENOUGH, she gets a lot more tolerable if you do this. I wish I had doen it sooner. I could not fault someone who disliked the entire character because of the poor ENG performance even if I don't agree with it.
waiting patiently for a balmeme hunt train to start
I still think this ad campaign is kino.
No fuck off I would rather have wuk lamat shoved down my throat until I'm suffocating than listen to lyse for 5 seconds alright
Changed to femra face 2 with the free fantasia because I thought she looked good, doing the MSQ made me hate her face
Imagine if Wuk Lamat were a midlander voiced by a white woman. All else being equal, I think that the character would be much more warmly received.
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what are the boys doing
while playing the msq i felt that they might factor into zareel jas backstory somehow, as the military guy who would be the first on the scene having to deal with that shit
but no hes just an asshole
The second she started realizing that she had to grow as a person she became a fun character to be around, in a parent taking their kid to a playground kind of way. There was actually a lot of fun to be had knowing that you the player could just dumpster anything if things got out of hand but letting the new characters grow and improve themselves.
>JP Audio
you will NEVER be a jap, filthy weeb
fuck off with your anime "KINO SUBTITLES I KNOW JAPPERNESE"
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>post my femra in suggestive seductive poses
>plenty of likes, bookmarks, retweets
>not a single tribute
How do I get her glazed?
Just some light sparring
The winner gets to mating press the loser.
>Miera in S9 cutscene
>Woman voice comes out
I'm in tears, how are miera bros ever going to recover?
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>If you don't agree with me, you're from other game
Damn, you're on a whole new level of copium.
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dear god
when i was levelling PCT i kept on getting retarded tanks that couldn't rip aggro in the 3 or so GCDs before tankbusters, i blacklisted them whenever it happened but i doubt those morons are going anywhere near PF anyways
Post her.
there are women now
hroths dont have to gay
the more i do the DT msq the more i look forward to TWW, i was laughing about how bad tww looked before but it only needs to be decent
t. just entered heritage found
Wait, what? Didn’t you say two days ago that an Indian staffing agency was the one posting all the criticism? Then you said it was Filipino students studying in Japan. Now it’s our people from /wowg/? Which is it?
i need ktisis/brio back RIGHT NOW i have so many gpose ideas
i dislike lyse 2.0 but i dont feel super strongly about it i also dont play in english so that might be part of it
>retards saying "mare? anims? nightlife? oo me cum"
how frequent is this?
I cant play viera because of some game limitations, I would play one right now if I could
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I see. I suppose go with catgirl then if you can't wait for Glamourer.
very frequent, futards are categorically horrendous
>Zoraal Ja mogs Bakool Ja Ja and Koana, winning easily
Nope. Zoraal Ja would still have jobbed to his dad's shade in Mamook, gotten DQ'd by attacking the elector, and gone mad anyway.
Male hroths will NEVER grow out of the stigma they wallowed in for the past 5 years.
They will always be the gay furry race to me.
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>mindbreaks the entire internet into having a nuclear melty
How does she do it?
kill modbest
kill grummzfags
return to afica
return to monkey
They wouldn't even have made it to Eorzea, probably none of the other factions would've supported Zoraal Ja and the Mamool Ja and it'd have just devolved into a civil war.
there is nothing wrong with the english dub.
you wouldnt even know if wuk was voiced by a trans poc if people didnt look up her va thats how good it is and people are switching to japanese voices because theyre transphobic. but sure, enjoy your "NANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAKANA!!!!!!!!! MASAKA!!!!!!! SOUNA!!!!!!!!! KONO SEKAI!!!! SORE DEMO!!!!!" by the same 10 seiyuu you have heard thousands of times in anime and japanese dubs of games over and over again. wuk in jp sounds generic af
EN is amazing because the moment you go to xal tural, it is HOWDY PARTNER YEEHAW land
>various vipers have the sword on their hips
>trailer viper has it on their hips
>game i have it on my back like some faggot chud

>unquantifiable issues with her

The VA switches between their American accent and Tural accent in the same sentence.

Every piece of voice acting from them sounds like they're having a conversation even when they're supposed to be in the thick of combat https://streamable.com/duemvl
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>I'll go back to WoW to avoid this woke shi-
Are you on Crystal/Balmung? I forgot.
I kinda want to level a 3rd job to 95 or so at least and I'd be up for some shared fate grinding. I've been playing with someone and I think she wants to do fates too. She regrets ignoring the previous expac shared fates, and this one has even more rewards.

I think that's why Miqo'te is popular. Quantity of quality.
i think she's okay, she's following a lot of basic tropes but she's not offensively bad as the shitposters here desperately want you to believe
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do we like malezen?
Simply by being a tranny with a hideous voice
Smelling and licking Sphene's feet after a long day of touring Solution 9
>Game has multiple characters asking you whether you even really want to help Wuk Lamat at all
>Gives you dialogue options where you can act unsure or outright reluctant to the idea
>Gra'ha suggests that you could literally just fuck off and do your own thing if you don't want to get involved
>Erenville literally offers to help you back out of the contest entirely
>You obviously don't actually get a choice in the matter when it comes down to it, your character is excited to participate regardless
Why did they even put this dialogue and these scenes in the game?
*skips ur zone*
nothing personnel
So do we like wuk lamat? I haven't even played the expansion yet but it's a fucking warzone on modbeast twitter. Any mention of disliking wuk gets that account flooded with people calling them transphobic even if their complaints have nothing to do with the voice.
Any criticism from WoW players is immediately null and void holy fuck
That one I could almost sorta overlook because right away the big guy shows up with, "Congratulations! You found it! Now hurry back on home for the party!" What I didn't overlook was later when they walk into a town of clearly suspicious people, every single one of which has blinky-glowy brain-rootkit modules strapped onto their heads, and not a SINGLE person in our party ever raises an eyebrow or any mention of, "Hey what's all that about?" until like an hour or so of questing later when someone else brings it up.
What's the actual backstory of this character
I dislike earlets
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This guy will be part of Hildibrand isn’t he?
I won't argue with you if you're going to defend the VA.
Then there'd be no winners and the whole thing would be called off or redone. The only reason he flips is that he loses to a furry who isn't even a blood descendant.
haha it would be funny if you confessed to my femlala haha!
I've said this before, but I think what's happening is that weebs have trouble differentiating between "anime" Japanese and authentic Japanese. So they reject English voice acting for sometimes sounding cartoony, only to embrace Japanese voice acting that is often even worse in that regard.
I could not wait because I made the post on the chara creator, retarded decision on my part since I completely forgot that glamourer was a thing, thank you for responding thought!
Why the projection?
>wuk finally has some sense says i dont have to help her in this one thing because its not part of the rite.
>i could use a nap

fuck off erenville
I assume any private plate is either a modded coomer pose only for their coomer friends, or someone involved with lots of drama and neither are worth hanging out with.
Yeah sorry Male hroths are always gay men end of story. I respect them but would literally not believe them if they said they weren't
ok i had her in japanese because i switched halfway through the expansion from how bad the voices were. she annoyed me in jp but holy fuck the delivery on this line is obscene
Criticisms of Dawntrail:
>the plot is poorly written
>the acting is flat
>too little gameplay
>too much padding
>characters aren’t interesting

Praise of Dawntrail:
>critics are from India/Philippines
>critics are transphobic
>critics skipped cutscenes
>critics are illiterate
>critics are WoW players
>critics are taking part in a raid/review bomb
Claiming the Kraut one, that's my wife.
ok but the story is still bad regardless of dubbed language
Then face me! Not as a machine, but as the real you!
Why did all the Groomz twitteroids decide to jump on the thread today?
i am
a viper moony
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Very cool how everything in the expansion cannot be talked about because you guys are stunlocked for at least a month and a half more on being /pol/-lite
it just grummzfags who think more about trannys then actral trannys, both are retarded
This guy is running major damage control for free lmao
I hope it's because they're monitoring people's responses to see that they don't like her being overly involved.
Zoraal Ja would have failed the trial because he couldnt beat the shade, that would have been the care with or without us there. Nothing would have happened and UJJ would have done the rite again later.
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Looks like there's an imposter among us
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What top is this? (Please don't be useless crafting/gathering glam...)
They saw the melties created by every single WoW expansion/patch and wanted to mog them in that area as well.
does erogeville ever get more tolerable or nah
good post
Talk about the expansion then.
>Place is called Nexus Arcade
>No arcades or video games for the player character to enjoy

Another reason why Dawntrial is a flop.
free (You) for posting the truth
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Ninja is doing more consistent damage, but hate that the lack of wind timer bar and other homogenizations makes me want to miss it.
Bitch please
I have been defending english VA since stormblood
Okay, and how’s the acting? Does she butt in every 5 minutes? How’s the gameplay—is there any gameplay in between story quests? Does this character keep you from progressing?
That is not what projection means and I would recommend finding out what it means to avoid embarrassing yourself again in future internet arguments
>Are you on Crystal/Balmung? I forgot.
I'm on Primal, but I play on Dynamis often. I'd be down for fates.
best catboy voice?
>makes people mad
Yeah, I'm thinking Dawntrail's pretty good
Yeah! Sorry I couldn't be of much help though. Have a good day, Anon
>>Zoraal Ja is validated as the true son of the king thus has no need to open the portal
Stop skipping the story he would have still gotten his ass beaten by his dad’s shade. God you amateur writers room people can’t tell a good story to save your life
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Take that back.
>The only reason he flips is that he loses to a furry who isn't even a blood descendant.
No, it's specifically that he lost to his dad and got DQ'd that he rages out. His whole thing is he put his whole self-worth in being his dad's strong destined to take over for him, and getting denied that without any other means to self-validate broke him.
if Zoraal had invaded Sharlayan how hard would he have lost?
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If the thread's going to be like this for a month I'm just going to fucking hypnopost until I drop dead.
>get cave spawn
>every single high rank tomelith spawns in the cave
>split alliance into 4 parts and rain hell down on losers who can't even get up the stairs
>defend all tomeliths despite being heavily outnumbered because good luck fighting uphill
>win 700 to 244 to 188
Trannies have trouble differentiating between people who play with JP voices because the English ones are just that bad and people who are /jp/ posting weeaboos.
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Oh my god.
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Is there anything like Anamnesis that actually works right now?
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Give me back my old home's lighting...
but it doesnt look like that either so you are right after all
>get cave spawn
the funniest part is how 90% of it wouldn't even be happening if we didn't have the tranny va but the general deserves it for being so bad aready
Post character and thoughts on your main job changes
I didn't even know the VA was trans til after I finished the MSQ
They're really not awful they just needed to have a few extra takes on some of the lines because the delivery is really bad at key areas and you can tell they're trying to do an accent.
It's like the dude that played Lee Adama in BSG. Some times you can really tell it's a British dude trying to sound American and it's weird
>pissed yourself
>”haha you’re laughing, that means I’m based”
>you will be in the middle of politica turmoil warrior of light, but you still have the option to bail out bro I swear
>VN prompt doesn't have a choice to bail you out
Nice freedom of choice retards.
I have been. Especially the implications that the last zone have after what we do to it.
Playing in Japanese so she's a dumb tomboy trying her best against stronger and more intelligent siblings.
It's kind of endearing but I still feel like she's too much of the focus over other characters, especially ones like Krile who don't have much screentime despite being one of the less explored scions who basically sat the last expansion out.
SCHbros! I haven't played SCH since Shb, how do we deal with tankbusters? Excog or Swiftcast Adlo?
Yeah, as soon as I saw everyone wearing those things but not the queen I got suspicious. Also for people who had been pretty much uprooted from their society, 30 years or not, they were strangely super ok with it and praising Sphene. I was 100% expecting their memories had been altered to be loyal slaves controlled by her or something, including Erenville's mom drone, but I guess that'd be too much to ask from this writing.
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me through this whole arc
>he’s still larping
Even normal people and casual people aren't that much a fan with Wuks EN VA
I actually didn't mind her personally.
>new expac launch week
>posting about sloplines
Get a grip dude lmao what the fuck. Grats on beating people who don't pvp and just want the free levels so they can play the real game thought I guess.
there's no deeper meaning, this shit is an mmo.
i think he will thats what i thought of when i first met him
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excog is all you need, no matter which tank
use fairy tether to top off after if the guy is a moron and didn't cd
Does Sharlayan even have a proper military? There's no Sharlayan grand company. I haven't seen proof in-game that they are capable of defending themselves from anything.
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are you a lewdie or a cutie apb anon
azimborean queen
Honestly? Anyone who says this is bad is extremely likely to be a brownoid indian/paki/philippino wow player incel.
Every line of greentext in this post is true, except "transphobia" has never been a "phobia" in the original sense of the word.
when am I getting my plugins back?
i hate trannies and she's right, especially with this thread
Wha the fuck were they THINKING hiring a tranny?
Yeah... Walked into my large and it's fucking dark as hell even on max. They need to fix the lighting system because they clearly did a very quick pass over the old stuff.
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>there is nothing wrong with the english dub.
>you wouldnt even know if wuk was voiced by a trans poc if people didnt look up her va thats how good it is and people are switching to japanese voices because theyre transphobic. but sure, enjoy your "NANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAKANA!!!!!!!!! MASAKA!!!!!!! SOUNA!!!!!!!!! KONO SEKAI!!!! SORE DEMO!!!!!" by the same 10 seiyuu you have heard thousands of times in anime and japanese dubs of games over and over again. wuk in jp sounds generic af
She's a more 'honest' Lyse. I like her, she does yap a lot and is pretty much a Naruto-esque shonen protag. Her journey throughout the story was nice and it was cool being a more background quasi-mentor figure, a Kakashi you could say, in her life after all the experience and adventures we came off of saving the star. It was good to see the rite plotline get wrapped up in 5 levels instead of taking over the entire expansion and overstaying its welcome. Her immediate character arc gets done fairly quick which is a good thing as putting on the façade of being tough would get tiring if it went on longer than it was. This was her story and we're just along for the ride and using it as an excuse to do what we do best: adventure and explore a foreign and mysterious continent, and help out when needed as heroes do, our definition of a vacation.
Did anyone ever felt bad about Erenville and his realization that his mom was dead?
muh /pol/
He'd fuck up Sharlayan pretty bad, they have no soldiers or weaponry afaik
True, and on other hand valid criticisms about the story and characters will be brushed aside for the same reason.
wtf is an apb
Alright, how do you explain the whole Indians/WoW players/transphobes deflection when even JP has issues? https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/503084
yeah i'd fuck his face
why do i need to stand up from crafting and exit the crafting menu to swap crafting jobs
Trying to win a GLAAD award I guess.
I didn't even know she was a tranny until near the end, and despite the grating monotone intonation on every single fucking line, I was ok with it for a while. But this shitty character being shoved in your face every fucking quest and not letting you spend time with any other characters is what did it. The shittier VA later on and the tranny thing are just the cherry on top of the shit cake.
What did you pick?
"Bobby pees pants too!"
*High fives*
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>there's no deeper meaning
There is retard.
The people we deleted from Living Memory are gone gone. They aetherically separate the memories from the souls then store the memories away from the soul. Normally souls return with their memories intact to the stream, but those memories are now ironically lost forever because they were forcefully tried to be kept alive unaturally.

What mentoring do you believe you did?
The brightness on max brightness is way too dim, but the darkness on the lowest amount of brightness is way too bright. I hate how it looks now. I don't have a cozy dark home anymore with how bright it looks...
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I know people rag on about how often Wuk Lamat goes on about peace and happiness but that's basically been the WoL's MO since the end of ShB. Despite what people say about "their" WoL, the canon WoL through the storyline of the game does go through an arc where they genuinely want people to be happy and at peace. We pull our punches constantly now post-ShB, I genuinely can't even remember the last time we just wantonly cut through people to complete our goals that weren't already beyond saving. Even if you say you don't care about lizards or the Alexandrians, the WoL canonically does. WoL is the ultimate hopefag shonen protagonist that wants to save everyone. Now does that excuse the writing of Dawntrail? No, it definitely has pacing issues and was too focused on Wuk's growth, but at it's core I don't have a problem with the game reiterating this.
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I want to cum inside Lyse.
God I can’t wait for it
the drink sounded the most appealing to me
its a game or something idk
The middle one. Not interested in grapes, I didn't want the V8, and fuck lab-grown fake meat.
Can to the furthest right
I picked the nutrient bar because that's the most WoL-esque thing to pick. I still chose the "mean" dialogue option though.
The grape stuff cause I just thought of it some kind of candy and artificial seemed less repulsive than nutrient paste or artificial meat.
there wasn't even an option to really speak to him about it after it happened.
later when she comes back in the memory town like a ghost on strings, erenville looks visibly rattled and no one even acknowledges it. the whole thing is very off putting.
may i please lick your catboy's tummy
the green one because my femlala needs to lose weight
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the blue satchel because it reminded me of steveMRE
More like
>pisses yourself
I picked the grapes
Fine as a character, English VA sucks, story sucks not because of her but because the writers pushed the WOL to the sideline and have them do nothing instead of being co-protagonist with Wuk Lamat
I don't think amateur voice actors should be hired by professional companies at all
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>was actually having fun leveling AST with all the weaving
>mfw I see the new card system
The NA one does bad voice work. But not even the JP crowd likes the one they got. Does Wuk Lamat sound any better in the other two languages?
>Cut Wuk Lamat's lines by like 70%.
>Give all that time you just won to other characters and specially Krile, also make Krile the one who leads and befriends Sphene and does stuff in the second half of the story.
>With Wuk Lamat's remaining lines, cut about half of the "MUH FAMILY, FRIENDSHIP, TACOS" bullshit.
>Make the trials not just about how Wuk Lamat is willing to listen so that instantly makes her the best, instead have all the various npcs teaching her chide her for thinking being Dawnservant was as easy as just screaming for tacos and giving smiles and hugs and have her learn things like taxes and public works and how to deal with foreign companies and diplomacy etc. and of course keep the traditions stuff.
>Have Wuk Lamat get an arc where she realizes it's not all adventure and fun but an actual job, but she toughens up a bit and starts taking it seriously and ends up being a worthy candidate because she was, indeed, willing to learn and change.

Boom, she's now a good character and the expansion is now much better. With all that time won from erasing the ridiculously repetitive and long winded bullshit, you can work to fix all the other problems the expansion had.
good bait, but
>what character arc
>what mentoring
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>be me playing sunnie because they are cute and I like the cute/god killing machine contrast
>people think I'm a high knee sock wearing tranny
Well, you cant win I guess, and if I play any male char they will think I'm a homosexual faggot
>I picked the nutrient bar because that's the most WoL-esque thing to pick
anon there are a billion references in the game to azem liking grapes, this being one of them
grape was the canon option
yes no shit, we killed them. this isn't subtle and they shove it directly in your face. from the second you step into the last two zones.
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shoved way too much in the story, shitty English VA who need to be replaced. had potential but this msq left a bad taste in my mouth of her,

and some fur too
I wanna grab a handful of her bit fluffy TTs
Went with the protein bar, didn't want to go for the grape meme, and the spam sounded disgusting (and wuk picked that so doubly worse). Didn't care for the rest.
Either way, wish they had given them unique reactions.
if they ever make a singing job (no BRD doesn't count)
i will fanta and rename my main to Pvp Femlalala and only play the new singing job
mark my words
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Which DPS classes "won bigly" in Dawntrail?

I need to level something up real quick so that I can not waste MSQ exp.
I'm not going to level VPR or PCT until I finish the MSQ.
The can kinda looks like something Steve1989mre would eat.
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You don't want to die on this hill, the voice acting is objectively bad, theres dudes that can do a believable female voice and no one complains, however despite cutting off his dick and taking in hormones he still cannot sound like a woman, it's a legitimate skill issue.
No. No amount of talent can make up for shit writing.
Hmm I see. I guess I only really lose 1% exp if I lose my 15% FC exp bonus since it only applies to the monster kills.
I'll put up a PF for dynamis fates if I decide to do later tonight or tomorrow.

Protraction is the answer you're looking for.
But... Tankbusters are so weak that you really don't have to do shit. It's entirely tank's job. You don't have anything like aquaveil that you just spam out in general on tank.
Do not swiftcast Aldo.
You have Sacred Soil, Expedient, and you can Fey Illumination so they heal back up after it faster.
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>Cut Wuk Lamat's lines by like 70%.
>Boom, she's now a good character
maybe we just go back to the drawing board with this character.
>dogshit 4chan writer doesn’t understand a character so he completely cuts their lines down and sucks off a character he likes instead
Dogshit writers like yourself need to stick to shitty erp
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Samurai is just still good
>in the original sense of the word
do you mean "aversion" or did you think hydrophobic surfaces are literally afraid of water
the ones playing them or the ones wanting to get impaled by them?
Hey lil Donnie I pissed my breeches of maiming. How do you like them apples?
Nobody won.
It's gonna be weeks for them to get bored and move on to another game or when one of their Twitter/YouTuber Grifters tells them to bother someone else.
How to fix Dawntrail:
Rewrite it so that you're helping Koana with Thancred, Urianger and Estinien.
We need a reflection of Gerolt that's just addicted to water
You have an entire discord trying to defend this character due to cultural influence value, don't you?
both, but double for the ones wanting to get impaled by them
where do I find hags to EB
How are the French and German dubs overall?
I'm praying for us all. Because you're right and it completely ruins the atmosphere. My home isn't cozy for me anymore, I enter, and then squint my eyes as I look at it and cringe. Hopefully soon, because they're doing the housing slot expansion I believe in DT. I was so happy for that but now it would just feel not as good having the extra space if the lighting is fucked.
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what did he mean by this
They simply handled it.
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Samurai hasn't changed much and the additions are cool. Although I do have some nitpick with the Tsubame being tied with Meikyo. Sometimes I used the cooldown of the charges to time my rotations, and that's all gone and I get confused and keep pressing it outside of Meikyo's buff because it's not as dim as it used to be. I wish I could save the Tsubame buff, I have to use Tsubame after a Iaijutsu or else it falls off. But I guess that's one way to make the rotation difficult.
you literally cant win with delusional xivturds. at that point you'd just make your character however you want and stick with it not caring what others think.
I kept worrying it had to be something sinister like that too. But evidently the only downside is that they grand some centralized AI the authority to go in and erase things out of there that it decides you don't need to think about any more. With the only upside being an auto-revive upon accidental death, assuming you're wealthy enough to afford it. Sinister in its own way, but not quite the hivemind controller the story seemed to be skirting nearby.
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Once again proposing Neon Stein as our new hangout spot.
Doomers working overtime I see
i think french sounds nice
Fiddies look so much more motherly than Femezen now...
99% of all german dubs are awful and painful to listen to
Post your nose and Early Life section immediately or get in the oven, Chaim.
>Its Wuk Lamat’s story
>she asked us to come here and help her
>dumbfucks that can’t handle that screech about why their “new” favorite character Krile doesn’t get a lot of screen time
>they’re also mad the WoL isn’t just killing everything in sight
There are no other characters in the game but those residents that have been erased so thoroughly. Which makes it impossible for Erenville to ever fulfil his promise with his mother, even after death.
I'd also cut your head off in the process, if that helps.
What's it say about me if Sphene reminds me of myself...
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Can anyone identify the color of this big fat cock (bird)?
Sorry i'm straight
>now have to listen to the catboy talk about sharlayan tech 24/7
I'll pass
You do not have the right to try tearing down Wuk Lamat's English acting. I cried over 30 times doing the MSQ and a huge part of that was due to Wuk Lamat's incredible acting. Cut the transphobic BS and go harass a different fanbase Grummz
I probably would hate her less than Woke Lmao
might be bone yellow?
That you will be plapped expeditiously
i liked the german dub until i had to listen to a man speaking
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The French one is "alright" but it generally still falls short of JP and EN (outside of this one isolated incident of course). I haven't really taken the time to listen to the German one.
Seraph won. Apologize to the Seraph femlalas NOW
Can we talk about gay sex instead
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Little annoying and overstayed her welcome at times, but I enjoyed this retarded knucklehead.
Was just your typical shonen protag in a ff game.
I played on the english dub so take that as you will.
No thanks, I'm repulsed by romance
vapid, no soul, husk of a human being
>Its Wuk Lamat’s story
>she asked us to come here and help her

Yes, you've accurately explained the problem.
I'm not going to get banned again for posting a picture like that!
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wheres the fucking glogg0nes
Hopefully the JP housing autists make a big enough deal to start complaining about it since SE doesn't listen to any other region except JP.
I thought people who posted this were right at first, but by around the level 94 point it becomes obvious that would have been just about as annoying. They are both fine characters, but this much screen time of either would suck.
No, but we talk about corn.
I must be taking crazy pills as I remember nobody liked Krile
>It's Wuk Lamat's story
>who specifically asked us to come help her because we're strong
>she just solos everything regardless
>we have no reason to be party of this story
Nice try,retard.Have your (you)
>it's your friend's house
>he asked you to come for a party
>he's a pajeet and the house is full of poo from floor to ceiling, you screech because you can't have a normal conversation with your best friend who also got invited
>you are mad at yourself for not leaving the loo compound instantly
There is a powerful family in WoW and suddenly this asspulled character has the same surname as those characters (the family was fully mapped and this was just shoehorned in) and she lost arm early on and doesn't want to replace it because she "feels" better fighting with a piece of metal stuck to her shoulder
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we can just afk in limsa while looking at each other
French is goated, I'm french but I hate chauvinism and I hate everything about my country especially my comrades, but the dub scene in France is really good, for shows movies etc it's always high quality

I had to switch to eng for SB because the Zenos voice was atrocious and I can feel the difference in quality overall, I will switch back now that I finished the main expansion
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Dodo-A-Gogo Flying Clown Car
Begins at Wachunpelo in Urqopacha Instance 1!
Dawntrail: 48/48

We leave in 5 minutes from this post.
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Bone white?
Nigger it used to be a positional
Gotta be boner white
it's almost like this shit is as ubiquitous as the very air we breath and it gets shoved in our faces all the time at the cost of making games shittier
>Zoraal Ja wins
>He starts warmongering becoming garlemald 2.0
>MOST LIKELY will get help from sphene guaranteeing being Garlmenald 2.0
How much exp do trains give if doing them at under 100?
Honestly don't even care about it being a tranny voice, I just fucking hate the super obviously fake accent.
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I chose steak because I've recently become addicted to cooking steaks in my cast iron.
voice acting aside, mixed bag that would benefit from better writing and characterization. Her two-headed brother I will say became a showstealer and more of my favorite.
>lay out exactly why we hate wuk lamat and how ruins a lot of dawntrail
>she talks too much, every other character is extremely undercooked because of this
>you are basically babysitting someone who is clearly not fit to be a ruler
>the joke of her being afraid of alpacas and suffering from travel sickness is run through the ground
I was fine with her in the 6.5 introduction and didn't mind the voice too much. even liked the accent. But 7.0 made it clear whatever creature is voicing her is failing miserably whenever the scene actually requires some ooomph in the voice acting. Either the voice directing was shit but more likely is they can't do yelling and screaming with a female voice without anyone hearing the XY chromosomes.
And "muh knowing, muh understanding" got annoying after the n-th time (n=2)
id find the msq disappointing but pleasantly forgettable if not for the final zone
one level of emotional tearjerker farewells does not redeem nine levels of disneyslop, only magnifies them
also i wish someone had warned me not to unlock the circus dungeon. fuck
when does Koji come back to FFXIV?
>Runs up to injured NPC
>Just kneels next to him
>Doesnt heal
I guess I just wanted a closer look at the wound.
>it's ok for goku/luffy/narutos voice actors to be women in the jp dub
>but not ok for a transwoman who sounds like a cis woman voicing wuk simply because she is trans
not a good look
its VOW Wuk Lamat

Get it right chuds
I still play monk as if the positionals were never removed on most of the skills
I look retarded and that's okay
>it's not about wuk's VA being a tranny, it's about [politically charged drivel]
What about it?
Sphene -> Sophie -> Sophia
you wouldn't reject the true goddess would you?
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We killed hundreds of thousands of people who were no threat us, not capable of fighting, and most of which didn't see it coming. We blindsided them with an unexpected murder with no time to allow them goodbyes.

There's no defending the reason we did it that way. They'd have naturally run out of power if we just stopped supplying them with souls and had more time to prepare for their complete upcoming nonexistence.

They don't even get an afterlife. Sphene may have put them on life support by separating the soul from the person, but ultimately our WoL was the one who pulled the plug.
Voice actor: bad
Voice actor (Japan): good
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>new graphics overhaul
>lalaboy armpit bones still wrecked

i hate this fucking game
>But not even the JP crowd likes the one they got.
Out of the JP complaints that have been crossposted to here, I don't think I've yet seen "Her voice is bad!" amongst them.
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This would've been fine. We could've actually influenced him to see how his approach isn't the answer. We ARE the traveler of the star. Fuck's sake. We go around getting to know people and helping them. They literally replaced WoL's role with a fucking transexual furry GOD DAMN I HATE THESE WRITERS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
The same thing happened to anyone that became a blasphemy (we killed them too), so it's nothing new.
None of that is valid criticism. Yes, you are transphobic. You only think those things because you are transphobic.
>not to unlock the circus dungeon
what does it do?
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it's too late to 'pologize
it's too laaaaaaaaaate
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>a transwoman who sounds like a cis woman
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Time for pain.
my tummy is otherwise engaged, I fear.
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>rogue machine servitor civilization
ok that's kinda kino
It's not about wuk's VA being a tranny, it's about wuk being on screen 80% of the MSQ
I don't like goku's jp voice and exclusively watch the english dub.
I don't watch naruto or one piece.
That said, I wouldn't care what the gender was as long as it sounded good and could act.
Don't worry I'll be gentle
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I like her, and count her among my WoL's friends. The early MSQ has a bit too many jokes regarding her but she is a likeable, reliable and a very sincere person. She also feels like a person on her own quest and not just someone playing a part in ours.
forces you to play the circus dungeon in roulettes forever
I believe the normies also think the same way
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a transwoman who sounds like a cis woman
dunesfolk femlalas belong to plainsfolk lalaboys
And the only reason that is a problem for you is because you are a transphobe. Got it.
>self-inserters losing their shit because they're not the center of the universe for once
Yeah I'm a transphobe, so what?
its about square enix hiring a bad amateur voice actor for a professional role
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And I'd do it again.
Game can only saved by turning into XI
what does she solo aside from BJJ that one time?
it's not about wuk's VA being a tranny, it's about them replacing the WoL with wuk lamat. we've no reason to be in the story. she wins every fight alone.
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always the most based futuristic society
i don't need free will or productivity, i just need machines to nourish me, exercise my muscles and let me alternate between sleep and an orgasmotron every day for the next 80 years of my life
I think wuk ENG voice is bad but fine enought to be passable, however, the Va does not know how to shout at all, it's like any type of Va you see some fan made on twitter, it has no direction, nor soul, its mediocre, ignoring gender identities, it is just a bad casting all aroud
>wuk la mat
annoying takes up too much time
>eng tranny voice actor
awful and hired based on nepotism
>tullyoal/new world
based new world
>sphenes arc
7.1 potential
>role quests
>viper/pictor job quests

trannys ruin everything.
it's clear you don't understand how roulettes work
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They were already dead the moment the memories were sucked out. They were just simulations running on magic rocks.
An actual latina would have been amazing there, but they went with twitter diversity points over actual diversity. Now we're stuck with some mentally ill white man pretending to be a latin fem hroth.
While I agree that Krile should have had a little more screentime, I personally think Krile's VA is as bad if not worse than Wuk Lamat's, and don't personally find the character very interesting either way.

>Have Wuk Lamat get an arc where she realizes it's not all adventure and fun but an actual job, but she toughens up a bit and starts taking it seriously and ends up being a worthy candidate because she was, indeed, willing to learn and change.
She does this, though. The most maturing and growing she does as a character and person is when (genuine big spoilers warning DO NOT MOUSE OVER) she realizes that not every person or problem can be dealt with peacefully and she resolves to kill Zoraal Ja. She even stays resolute with this despite Sphene's pleas and I found this is what endeared me to her the most. I just wish they had maybe devoted a little more time to her being torn over it rather than one or two lines, but a lot of the parts around that and especially Living Memory are already really dragged out so maybe it's best that they didn't kill the pacing even more.
They were not real people
german dubs sound like nazi's lol
How come transphobes never post their characters when they shittalk Wuk Lamat?
Surely you aren't afraid of backlash?
That sucks to hear
It's making me curious but it feels like it gets old real quick. Is it why most of the ebins ITT refuse futas too?
do we need to make a list of things people are using as fallacies to the argument that wuk lamat just fucking sucks?
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>Think I'm going to have fun today in DT Expert
>SGE Healer
>Sprout DRK
More like
Voice actor: good
Voice actor (Trans): bad
I don't like 99% of the voice acting in the game and just click to the next dialogue before they finish speaking so sena didn't really bother me.
wuks character development was fine.
I just dislike her shonen manga personality being written like this is a game for children.
I had a similar issue with zero. her arc was about learning lessons that would be better in media for children or autistic people. well I guess a lot of autists play this game but still. at least Wuk has a more endearing character arc than zero did.
>almost 500 posts in 30 minutes
It sure smells like tourists here
We seriously need a character like Jack Garlond that just interrupts the enemy doing their dramatic monologues because the amount of times things has gotten worse because we opted to stand there with our mouth agape is fucking ridiculous.

I wanted to feel bad for him but after 'adventures' with wuk lamat I didn't care about anyone anymore, just wanted it all to end.
I think they need to do some adjustments to GNB, it should be a bit more like WAR
>trannys ruin everything.
Yes but all the other negatives you listed happen with all the other languages taht didnt hire any trannys
Yeah let me back the boring autistic guy who’s obsessed with Sharlayan and doesn’t care about the traditions the various people of Tural have. That would such a good story anon!
Why does it make trannies seethe so much if someone doesn't have an adventurer plate? Does seeing someone who doesn't care about the self-absorbed narcissistic bullshit that they do make them feel inadequate?
are you below the age of 25?
Gulool Ja Ja's Glory.
The literal final boss that 1 taps WoL but somehow she can just stand there like it's nothing.
Shut up you fucking nigger. Kill yourself.
>wuk lamat is now following you
>wuk lamat is now following you
>wuk lamat is forever following you
>wuk lamat is forever following you
So you're saying it's good, right?
after a patch or two it'll no longer be required to unlock a roulette, right? isn't that normally the case?
wuk lamat did this and you hated her
Come on man you immediately hear this is a man.
The absolute state of engkeks.
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The actual plot once it gets going is pretty standard fare for XIV honestly. People are right that the early portion of the MSQ is basically just one big preamble that probably could have been pared down.
She does, she's doing two voices at once.
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>I deem you less of a person than me so killing you isn't murder
t. assians
I now understand that if it's true that we are the eyes through which the Universe observes itself, then I'm also proof that the reason for the Universe existing is so that it wishes it never existed
That aside, I just unlocked the lv97 dungeon in FFXIV
This thread is painfully white
Could've gotten a Thai lady boy for a couple of dongs and it would've been better than what we got
>it's ok for goku/luffy/narutos voice actors to be women in the jp dub
In defense of Masako Nozawa, Mayumi Tanaka and Junko Takeuchi, none of those three have gotten it into their heads to believe they are actually men in real life. So they got that going for them at least.
I dont remember a time she did anything useful.
Reminder that this is your average hentai ara ara milf VA
stop being racist
Is there a problem with Sages? I went through the whole thing as one and it went flawlessly. Had a sprout drk once who didn't use mit but still do it ez pz.
if we had an expansion with that type of based guy as a main-character I wouldn't even mind if the WoL took a backseat
More like pooptomancer you shit snacking subhuman.
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>a transwoman who sounds like a cis woman
ok one thing. I think you need to not be so angry, shouldnt you be on /pol/ or something you brazillian monkey.
It's more than okay to be white
Anon, they were not real people. That's the whole point.Memories of the dead given form are not real people. They are at best tormented existences.Did you pay NO attention on Amaurot?
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yall are minorities. haters are minorities and overwhelming majority LIKE wuk lamat and the english performance. die mad
This. Women are not part of mankind.
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What if i'm red?

Go away American
I will literally double murder any endless that gets in my way
I am so disappointed at how krile got fucked over for wuk
I'm glad that hurts you, shitskin
He sounds convincing, English Wuk Lamutt sounds like a guy trying to sound like a girl... It's as shrimple as that.
Helping her have a more solid foundation on why she wants to be Dawnservant and the qualities she excels at, not constantly comparing herself to her siblings and being more open with her insecurities instead of hiding them away under false bravado. We and the rest of our party stand by her and teach her that throughout the journey, and she's thankful for it the entire time saying how she'd never get as far as she did without our help. Her boundless compassion for the people and resolve to protect her people no longer being a simple childish dream but a matured and embolden reality as she truly learns more about the country she's trying to rule over and its people.
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>a transwoman who sounds like a cis woman
It does make me wonder if we'll ever bring up soul imbalance between the source and reflections now that at least two different methods of removing shit from the lifestream have shown themselves. But it wouldn't be the first they gloss over it.
Any new emotes?
Endo fucked that guy after the show.
I need preach to tell me if it good or not
WTF I love femra now?
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If you're playing the JP dub as god intended the first half of this expansion is better than the second half S9/Unlost World sucked ass
Yeah no, when I say "toughens up" I mean that she gets used to the job not being fun and riding alpacas or fighting bad guys. I mean that she realizes she's gonna have to do ACTUAL ruling, and the tough decisions that come with it.

Fuck's sake, do you watch House of the Dragon? The scene where the new king keeps making promises to help to every single petitioner that comes around, and his Hand has to constantly walk up to him and advice him that he's promising shit he won't be able to deliver? That kind of actual learning. Not "Oh no I guess this mass murderer and kinslayer must actually die that makes me sad".
wuk VA can't even speak normally, that's the issue
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imagine not being white and feeling a sense of pride or superiority lmao

This joker thinks twitter reflects reality
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Please help a Diabolos lalafell and her two duty finder associates with the 99 dungeon. Fucker left minute 0.
Based story understander holy shit
i'm free trial and have been playing for a few months
someone offered me a code
do i take it
i was thinking of subbing eventually but it does mean i won't be able to go back to being free trial afterwards
Technically three via the Pandemonium raids.
>no arguement
I accept your concession.
my femra is a system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked connected to one stem
Not now macchi
Twitterfags are making me hate Wuk Lamat even more.
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Memories shouldn't "live" at the expense of actual people.
>overwhelming majority LIKE wuk lamat
Yes, she's kind of cute... a little too forced for me but I don't hate her.
>and the english performance
Purely based on social pressure. The voice is objectively bad, tranny or not. Zero range stays zero range, so shove your Argumentum ad populum up yours.
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>she has a deeper voice than me so she must be a man
I am also under the age of 25 and am looking for hag EBs
from the second we met her in EW i hated her
no respect for the wol after saving the world, shoves our companions arround, acts like she owns the orld
is revealed to be a complete pushover with 0 battle experience (startled by the first mob on the island, shaking from adrenaline whe nfacing the bird while the wol and graha jsut shrug)
then comes DT and it gets worse, so much worse
atrocious writing , she cant do shit, cant even walk a muddy path without falling, every citizen in tully belittles her, jobs to an alpaca
only for that to never get brought up again, instead SHE IS NOW A CHANGED PERSON, CAN TALK SHIT TO THE GUY SHE COUDLNT EVEN MAKE FLINCH WITH EVERYTHING she has and also is now able to not only hold her own but completely wipe the floor wit hhim + his goons ALONE
on top of all the plotholes, the wol + scions dont do shit, see her failing at everything but still praise and celebrate her as a trusted companion
she is also the center of every fucking scene and everyone is sucking her off at every turn
I don't like it because it sounds like garbage, not because I'm transphobic
i prefer bluera these days
yes, this is euro hours
go away stinky burger
Then as a minority you need to be quiet and listen when I speak. I am tired of being oppressed. WLHLM. #LoveOurHate
troon hands typed this post
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I'm mostly just shitposting because I'm upset they didn't touch on it at all, and won't because it'll upset people to even think about the possibility of their WoL being responsible for genocide for the greater good. Mostly.
A lot of the fun ethical stuff they could have brought up this expansion is just skipped over and it's LAME
I like her enough as a character but she really does feel like some writers pet project, in that she suffers from overexposure. At times her voice acting is very flat but she's not alone in that in this expansion but she's so omnipresent that it's very noticeable.
Her showing up in the final trial alone was a bad call. The absolute chunks of damage she outputs, her standing front and center, and the EN voice acting being really poorly done during what is otherwise a very cool fight; it just really ruins a great trial.
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I'm counting that one as fusion/harvesting too, the other being corruption.
>Fuck's sake, do you watch House of the Dragon?
No, I've never heard of it and that sounds really fucking boring for an MSQ that was already too boring.

And which interactions with the WoL do you feel best exemplifies an interaction where these qualities are promoted?
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I'm going to kill those memories if it means ACTUAL living breathing people have to die to sustain them
Only now?
Blue gatorade is very tasty indeed.
Anon I'm pretty sure it's blue?
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bros is it faster to spam frontline or CC for season exp?
we spent enough time around nerds from 2.0-6.55
Yeah genuinely, the dumbest shit. The amount of details they just glossed over was insane with characters constantly interrupting you to inform you of how you really shouldn't feel guilty, they're fake 30 times in a row. Like god damn I get it ErenMILF but in most other expansions we tend to discuss the ethics at hand rather than ignoring it.
your obsession with scat is weird and gross
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>she realizes that not every person or problem can be dealt with peacefully and she resolves to kill Zoraal Ja.
yeah and when sphene becomes hitlerAI, she's just like "nooo besty!! you can't!! you're better than that, sis! let's just talk it out"
come the fuck on I hate this shit
Change your diaper, you smell like shit.
The fucking hugbox that is Reddit is shitting on the tranny VA, at some point you have to accept they fucked up the casting
Can't help but notice I still explained to you what the scene was about in case you didn't but you chose to ignore it.
It doesn't matter what the voice actor is, they did a performance and the writing for the character is shit. Making it about anything else is just being a grifter. We didn't like the american ARR voice actors because they did terrible voicework. Here in dawntrail, its no different with Wuk Lamat.
>”Krile got screwed over!”
>she found out where she came from
>she found out who her real parents were
>she found the city of gold
How did she get screwed over exactly?
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Holy shit the melties this caused
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Post pics of your femra's stem please
Yeah I clearly read it because I remarked that it's very boring.
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>yeah I play maler-
Alright guys, I think it's time for that conversation.
We've already had to deal with wuk for hours, do we really need to have all these threads about this annoying bitch too?
And then she solos a boss that 1 taps the WoL. Great synopsis now shut the fuck up you apologist bootlicker.Imagine if Lyse fucking turned around and beat Zenos after he knocks us out.I can't believe I'm saying this but even that dumb cunt who singlehandedly ruined SB had more dignity to her writing.Look what the writing team did.I am defending Lyse.FUCK YOU
i just want to forget. whens the foray and the space lifestyle content thing
surely luk wumat cant follow me into space
CC has faster queues, so it's better. Do frontline roulette for xp once then do CC.
You made a very compelling argument in favor of them. However you are not allowed to fanta and I will admire your redra silently
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It took me an embarrassing, borderline clinically retarded, amount of time (Years) to realize when doing gathering levees, you just need to get most of the items collected to hit max evaluation bonus, and I was basically wasting 20+ minutes per levee waiting for my GP to recover between points so I can use all the bonus yield perks and shit.
i fanta'd to catboy
I'm clean, must be smelling yourself
Well I guess you can stay with your moral lessons for children where Wuk Lamat solves world hunger because she tells the dying children to smile and be happy.
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They weren't "people" they were AIs and they have no rights, just because you programmed chatgpt to pretend to be your gf doesn't mean it really is, I'd kill them all again if I had the chance
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Sphene will have sex with you and make you the next King of Alexandria but you have to eat 10 of Kyoppi's dirty diapers.

Do you take the deal?
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Good boy
>surely luk wumat cant follow me into space
anon she followed us to another dimension what makes you think she won't follow us to the end of the galaxy
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Thanks, you too bro.
God I love face 3 catgirls
Wtf was SE thinking?

WUKLAMAT lines=647 words=7065
SPHENE lines=254 words=3472
ERENVILLE lines=160 words=2042
BAKOOLJAJA lines=139 words=1792
KOANA lines=131 words=1822
CAHCIUA lines=122 words=1741
KRILE lines=118 words=1294
GULOOLJAJA lines=115 words=1560
ZORAALJA lines=109 words=1105
ALISAIE lines=87 words=896
GRAHATIA lines=62 words=922
OTIS lines=56 words=733
ALPHINAUD lines=47 words=548
VORPORLOR lines=40 words=515
KETENRAMM lines=39 words=484
GULOOLJA lines=39 words=226
ZEREELJA lines=36 words=435
THANCRED lines=35 words=429
HUNMURRUK lines=35 words=478
YSHTOLA lines=34 words=486
ROBOR lines=31 words=496
GURFURLUR lines=27 words=451
ZEKOWA lines=27 words=275
WIHUWTE lines=27 words=338
ALAYLA lines=27 words=348
SAREELJA lines=25 words=280
SHENZA lines=22 words=267
PEPOANE lines=22 words=270
KEMAKKA lines=21 words=204
WAWLIKA lines=19 words=306
NAMIKKA lines=18 words=225
ESTINIEN lines=15 words=163
SHALE lines=15 words=229
WUKEVU lines=14 words=266
URIANGER lines=12 words=192
ZURMURWUR lines=12 words=130
Fucking dumb whore why did you ruin the last fight
Nah this is great. All the avatarniggers are too afraid to spam themselves right now because they're anonymously shitposting Wuk Lamat. Can't have their clique know they're transphobic chuds.
We must seethe endlessly
We are the main character of Final Fantasy XIV Online.If they decide to replace us with some shonen shoe-in, we've no reason to be here.We might as well have not existed in 7.0 and everything would've played out the same.With how 7.0 ends, we've no reason to have been here.All of this would've resolved the exact same way without the WoL's involvement.You stupid fucking NIGGER
isn't it just leve
OK I would prefer that to boring political petitioning in my anime fight game.
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Groomz fans get the fuck out of here you chinkoid-loving nigger tourists
nip game
nip voices
simple as
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look im not transphobic but
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Sphene is my Queen. I would gladly accept a footjob from her majesty.
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dynamis gamers please que...
>these are the people calling you cutscene skipper
Don't tempt luck, or you'll suddenly find yourself explaining to her how running a space colony works so she can apply it to Tural.

>Follows us to the fucking Zenos duel "arena".
>Ohhh so this is where you had your final fight? Care to repeat it again so I can actually be part of it?
Just like the Mongols invading Japan, Zoraal Ja's fleet would die in a tornado. Twice.
If you didn’t think this place was gonna be like this when it’s as transphobic as it is you’re fucking insane. This is the new Zodiark trance enjoy 3 years of it
Her dad (lizard) is cool and she inherited some of that coolness. She's a good girl.
Don't care about the VA because JP dub.
I don't mind babysitting her because it's like I'm still on vacation while killing giant birds.
If the only way to give more time to Krile and Erenville was to remove time from her then I would have preferred that. Not because of her but because I care more about Krile
Money? Status? Power? I don't care about that
Nutting inside that weird goth woman with cellulite, smells kind of funny, enough black lipstick and eyeshadow to blot out the sun and skin so pale it can be confused with porcelain and is a walking series of massive red flags and may kill me? Yeah I'm banking my life on that one
Whats the point in buying Tomestone Gear and EX weapons when crafted ones come out soon?
look im extremely transphobic and
I'm not transphobic. I don't even use 4chan anymore outside of this weeks curious thread lurking because its so fucking awful here. I just think shes a bad voice actress, it happens.

However people have poisoned the well so its impossible to actually talk about so thanks for that
>ESTINIEN lines=15 words=163
And yet he still seems to be having the most fun in this expansion even if he is gettng swindled on his vacation.
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I wish all the Wookie Lamarr apologists a happy explosive diarrhea session.
I will tie you to a chair and slowly scrape 1mm of bone off of your gargantuan chin with a box grater for every diaper you've shit in and every woman you've hit.
i wish she had 100% of the lines so your bigoted piece of shit ass would leave already fuck off
That's the point, anon. They weren't.
a fiddie and
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I wasn't planning on fantaing anyway, can't improve on perfection.
Whats with this god awful fucking Disney-slop tier song they chose to include?
Im not exaggerating when I say its one of the most cringe inducing things I've ever seen in a video game
I hope he didn't end up in the merchant country
They'd strip him of everything he owns
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Uklamato >>>>>>>> Wuk Lamat
You have to eat 10 of Kyoppi's dirty diapers to get a footjob from her though.
There's cutscene skipping, and then there's outright ignoring the environment of the level 99 dungeon.
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I just got to Heaven's Ward is Dark Knight more fun than Warrior? I like the big axe but the big sword looks more cool
Cactard here. Should I transfer to Seraph?
it's so hard to get novaclusters to drop from these hunt marks
just unlocked picto. bretty fun mane
>CAHCIUA lines=122 words=1741
>KRILE lines=118 words=1294

This is what gets me the most. Poor Krile got sidelined even when she finally got main cast privileges.
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I'm only thinking of edging right now as well if you catch my drift
stop dead naming lamatyi
thread is making me feel nauseous. just wanted to have an awesome comfy time playing dawntrail with my friends in here but everyone is just a brain poisoned doomer shit talking the game. you people are so fucked in the head.
Ew Clamato
You're even worse than a cutscene skipper, I don't even think you play this game.
Every single one was powered by a soul soup of every soul powering the facility.
>use free fanta to turn my catgirl to a femra
>regret it after one day
Also they can't be a femra.
>SHALE lines=15 words=229
an absolute crime
>we know what being alive means
>the endless aren't it
Seraph resident here, if you want sure. Marketboard is kinda shitty, Limsa/Gridania are usually pretty packed
me on the right
i genuinely cant believe i let you retards trick me into thinking this expansion was shit, it's mid but it's nowhere near shit, i really gotta stop reading this thread
how many for a pit job?
Autocorrect as an occupational hazard, I spend a lot of time pounding dykes.
Yep the discussion went to shit as soon as the talentless hack known as Grummz did his usual grifting.
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>Get to live forever
>Queen Sphene will personally tend to my erections every day too

Why the FUCK was I helping Wuk Lamat?
They are allied with Radz-at-Han. Some dragons would come to defend them.
I thought the same thing, lmao. I love that she has that scene where she tells the scions to call her that, and Alisaie immediately obeys, but some other scion calls her Wuk Lamat almost immediately to her face.
You misunderstood how soul cells work
it is pretty fucked up how yoship, when he talked about the upcoming expansion, was excited to put krile in the main cast and expand on her background
and yet she barely gets a couple of crumbs tossed her way at the very end, and all her goals conveniently line up with wuklashit's
fuck it feels bad dude
Because you're a furfag now.
There's a reason only the most delusional and mentally insane stuck to femra after the change.
Heh... wait until the ending.
Stop listening to people that badmouth DT. Cut them out of your lives if you know them personally. No friendship is worth that.
as war/drk main, i'd say it depends on the mood. Warrior is for safety gaming if you wanna have an easier time in an instance while drk is more on the ride or die side of things since it doesn't have much of a self-sustaining toolkit
>some pajeet dragons
>all sharlayan has at best are a few squishy mages
sharlayan loses hard
I would love to see this count for every xpac so we can gauge just how much of an abnormality Wuk is in this regard.
>Sphene, listen to me. Like, only if you want, not like I care
both are pretty fun, but warrior will keep you alive a lot more after lvl 56 when you get raw intuition. dk is kinda meh until 70, and slightly meh until 90. warrior is fuckin crazy at 90. level both, play both they're great
>another "cope that all my friends are lost so i made this replica world in my head"
>another "remember us ending"
Why did we get shadowbringers again? DUde its been 1 expansion in between
unironically same, i knew this thread was bad but this is something else, fuck you people seriously need to get happy or something
Aren't they basically 1-Ups? 1 grandma dies = 1-Up for some peasant in the thundermines about to get struck by lightning.
so true
lalas are old news after 7.0 graphics gave them disgusting asura eyes and mouths
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Same anon, same
me also on the right
>URIANGER lines=12 words=192
Frankly that's still too many. I'm still not sure why we haven't executed this guy.
>raubahn steals our kill against teledji
>alphinaud steals our punished arc
>estinien steals our nidhogg kill
>have to get help from alphinaud to save estinien
>gaius kills ascians
>g'raha steals all of our comrades
>our powers are borrowed from a dead ancient giving us a magical rock
>warriors of light from beyond the rift see comrades as opponents and not just our character
>wuk la-
wasn't this supposed to be krile's expansion
they had an excellent lead in for her backstory and then...what, nothing?
why does she have less than fucking cahciua
>wuk lamat has 2.5 times the lines as the next person
if wuk lamat doesn't stay behind and this trend continues into 8.0 i'm going to throw an autism fit like no one has ever seen
I gotchu bud
why is lightning hair so erotic
>I don't like wuk lamat
this makes you a transphobic jeet doomer wowfugee who only wanted the expansion to be about his character and nothing else
got it? you're a bad person for not liking her
>Implying it wouldnt just be like that scene in Knosuba where all the mages just BTFO all of the demons.
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Living Memory is literally just Dream Zanarkand and people freaking out about "killing" them missed the point. The Dream has to end eventually.
I have Wookie Lemutt fatigue
Endless do not have souls
They are memory illusions powered by pure aether
Putting aside the fact that he really should've been instantly disqualified and put on a national manhunt for releasing Valigarmanda, am I crazy for thinking that Bakool Ja Ja has a more apparent character development than anyone else in Dawntrail?
how does grummz cum taste faggot
ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto ook lamatto
Someone 1-2 threads ago posted a comparison with Lyse from Stormblood, and she was much closer to everyone else, like low 200s compared to 2nd place's 150s or so.
I am happy. Shitting on the game has been incredibly fun.
Whose Kyoppi? But the answer is yes.
>I must speak to Zoreel Ja and make him understand

Understand that he just murdered your people and he needs to be stopped with maximum efficiency
Dubs of any language traditionally rely on adult female VAs for young boy characters, because an adult male generally is incapable of sounding that young and an actual child actor is by definition quite young and inexperienced at the profession (and, should the series run long enough, will inevitably get his voice hit by puberty). The weirdness that Japan brings to the table is the stubborn insistence that the adult woman maintains the same role even after the character in question has become a grown man in-series. But the audience just rolls with it because that's how it's done. The opposite route, hiring a grown man to voice a female character, is mostly reserved for purely comedic functions.
Pretty much.
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Your reaction when this happened?
It's explicitly Terra from FF9 down to the fucking world merger you stupid piece of shit.
Dream Zanarkand will literally be dream Zanarkand in the Foray.
Dalriada-esque raid inside of Sin.
Trust the plan bruddah.
Impregnating Wuk Lamat...
>Yoshi P you fucking NIG-
The whole community has shown their asses this weekend. Can't believe I trusted people that are whining about the MSQ and Wuk Lamat now. It feels like they're stabbing me in the back at the same time as the game. You need to choose your friends wisely anymore, scan people hard to make sure they're not bad faith trolls.
I cried because I knew my chance to eat Sphene's pussy and lick her armpits was ending.
Rancid bait.
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I think I have managed to create a the least (most) cursed Viper Hotbar
Spoiler because hotbar gore
Its less development and more an instant turnaround after we somehow solve their fucked up stillbirth culture in like 20 minutes
I clapped
I picked the landmine and said it was interesting because who the fuck gardens meat, that's some onions green type shit
Thought you were talking about Solution 9/Heritage Found.
The French one's a qt. Would cuddle with
my malera is the joffrey baratheon of /xivg/
>at least a month and a half more on being /pol/-lite
>at least a month and a half
does he know
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is there an updated version of this?
>I like it when the main character is the main character and acts like the main character
very cool
pretty much. from what I read, the woman that wrote shb is supervising the writing now, so it makes sense that the first quarter was fucking eh -> last quarter is shb and actually good. i cri evrytiem
I believe women. You are an abuser.
It's a little bit of both. The idea of needing to usurp the souls of the Source to sustain themselves is absolutely FF9 to the core. The way Living Memory is presented and Sphene's "dream" is also Yu Yevon and Dream Zanarkand to a T.
>it's bait because I don't like it
Continue melting
Wuk Lamat picked and liked it... you and her are pretty much the same people!
I sighed. That's all.
At least I can pose myself with Sphene soon in my headcanon scenario where she's real and we rule over cyberpunk city together.
then you should believe me
Make it into macros
Nobody will ever know
The entire zone is an elaborate exercise of redundancy of something that the lifestream already did, but ends up instead deleting those people from existence altogether, which is hilarious to me because they had to built it this way on purpose.
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Reminder that it is the latinx fault that we got this troon expansion......
Be mad at the latinx......
Hate the latinx......
Roundhouse kick a latinx in the tummy.......
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One of these is not like the others
I felt my soul leave my body
people can talk so much shit on any other character in the game but none of them come even close to this level of overbearing
lyse might have been a retarded bimbo but she doesn't come into the shinryu fight and "save" us
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but are you a sunny
or a moony
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No you cannot. Enjoy the expac redra
>It feels like they're stabbing me in the back

Buddy you need to reconsider how you view your relationship with random strangers on the internet.
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Weak bait but
>Steals every quest
>Steals every cutscene
>Steals every emotional story beat
>Steals beating Bakool Ja Ja
>Steals tank slot on every single trust
>Steals every inn cutscene
>Steals reaching the main villain's heart
>Steals the final trial
And she's not even black
where the fuck is my fucking blitzball arena then
Didn't laugh.
Mfer downed the fisher's price philosophy that this expansion gave him and clapping like a seal for not choking.

You're a retard, and there is no cure. Kill yourself.
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>Excited to get to Solution 9
>Finally here
>Empty as fuck vapid zone

*sighs* why do I trust this team
>”hey come to my homeland and help me win the throne”
>Yoshida: “You are going to Tural to help her win the throne”
>Yoshida (months later at fanfest): “You are going to Tural to help Wuk Lamat win the throne”
>expansion comes out
I was talking with a friend before the trial and was complaining how she was present 24/7 and was celebrating when she finally got teleported out.
When I saw her jump in i was just shouting to myself JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR 10 FUCKING MINUTES
>oh this is anime as fuck
Kill yourself, traveco.
We found our fourth, thank you!
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ok but train was kino
Why didn't Zenos's body shimmer away in aether like everyone else? It means he comes back in the future?
I think I was complaining to my EB about unskippable Trial cutscenes at the time.
I know some of these people IRL man, years of fun times playing this game together and now they're badmouthing it for the most BS reasons? It pains me to see it. I thought I knew them but I was wrong, I thought we were all fans but I was wrong.
anyway how did she manage to get inside?
Yes hello this is the Final Fantasy Themepark MMO where they constantly pull stuff from other FF games and make it fit into the XIV setting.
Nobody but suburb white girls say latinx, go fuck a dog instead of shitposting.
it's fucking over
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my moonie acts like this
>she's the average scion
And now you suddenly have standards?
>would have been excited if it's Zenos
Somehow worse

>tank slot on every single trust
true. I leveled tank during the msq so she was "intrepid" warrior dps, which is cool. I want that alt-spec desu. more flips and bashes and shit
>Expansion where Zenos and Wuk are your traveling companions
train was the most retarded scene of dawnfail
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She is quite an outlier.
I liked the trolley arc in ShB so this was kinda based
his combat data will be uploaded to the arcadion and start making it glitch out because his power level is too high
>the limiters arent working, if you die in the game you for real WoL!

Get some help. It's a video game.
kill yourself grummz fag
Meteon flying somewhere fuck else was canon right? They have her as somekind of future plot device?
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Woah my Moonie is also a sexpest!
They're still debating whether they should somehow bring him back despite what happened or actually commit to keeping a character that people like dead for once
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And in no way does it not make you retarded.
That was the one detail I got spoiled on in the whole main story because I had looked up a guide of the last boss's abilities and it mentioned she would come charging in the third phase. And I am glad I got spoiled, so I was already expecting it and had the seething out of the way ahead of time.
You have a button in front of you.

If you press it, Wuk Lamat's presence in the story will be written out and the story will be infinitely better, but you don't get to play FFXIV again until you eat 10 of Kyoppi's dirty diapers.

Do you press it?
zenos would kill her in first 10 minutes for talking too much
>Krile 1294 words
it hurts
this was meant to be HER time
What are you so upset about anyways?
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I had to suffer playing this expansion because your subhuman ilk wanted representation, now you have it and we're all worse for it.........
And why can't I say latinx? It's easier than writing latina/latino every time.
how is this the trunny fault when it effect the whole game in any langage
>damn we didn't have balls to kill scions in the perfect expansion to kill them so we killed like 3 sets of parents of nobody we care in the next expansion start
bro she sits on your shoulder if you get her from the dungeon
see all of these:

I was on the phone with my consolefag buddy running the trial with him, like "how'd she get in the room she got yeeted nigger"
>take the character the story is about out
>”this will make it better guys!”
Shitty 4chan writers should stick to ERP in the quicksands
I will skip the story instead
I press the button, but I don't play the game again. Everyone can thank me for my sacrifice.
Instantly. I'd savor those diapers too, fuck Woke Lemutt.
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I would and just quit the fucking game.
this motherfucker cant be serious LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Just write latino you chinkoid-loving nigger
You mean we get to have an expansion with a big cat girl who is very nice, strong, and cares about her people AND we get to filter all the EW tourists? Best expansion ever, 2bh.
My sunnie also acts like this. I usually do this to smaller fiddies tho
>URIANGER lines=12
so fucking true
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i still cannot believe this zone is real, also BRDbros the QoL changes are fucking AMAZING
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I will press it for my fellow bros, and not play XIV ever again
The key is only half of a full item. Its supposed to be an hourglass that lets us travel back in time in the future when we need to save the world
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Why do people blame Wuk Lamat for the story's quality when the writing and pacing are at fault?
I hope you never get to ERP with a catboy again.
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I refuse also I'm whiter than everyone on this board on account of being nordic+neet
Seethe less latinx
does the new blacklist change help stalkerchads keep track of people?
yes yes we know you're a contrarian
Probably trying to unkill the worlds she and her bitch sisters destroyed
You're the tourist, let's be real.
its funny how the only people that like the msq are washed ebins like mm and tika marsala lol
Imagine eating a 3 day ban for defending wuk lamat and then even normies hate the shit out of her.
Poopin' poop nose
Has anyone seen Nayr Muffkins since the release?
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>making another contrarian post since your 40 year old grown ass man can't get any attention
oh shit new race?

Thank you for your service. I will oogle some cat girls on your behalf. If you prefer me too oogle girls of other races feel free to specify.
>I'd never play the game again
You never did though?
It's 100% the localization and voice acting.
t. Bilingual Japanese
Can you just heckin' stop, you're being so hateful and rude and honestly I think a little transphobic..........
I don't press the button, and live in the doomed world society has created.
Did the Ascians give the Alexandrians electrope?
>Urianger lines = 12
Yoshi P you fucking hackth
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I am
a gay catboy
stuck crafting for gil
that's a funny way to say "brightly-dyed-hair womxn localization director™". spics would've never greenlit a white troon roleplaying dora the fucking exploder lol
I skip all their posts desu
She talks about herself at the end like she's about to expire. "Let me sing one last song before oblivion" and all that.
Because her screen time eclipses everything in the plot. You don't get to enjoy anything for 30 hours because it's the Wuk Lamat expansion, guest starring NO ONE else.
She won't need to, she found something better.
Best part of the expansion is there being no Au Ra

fucking hideous race
Did you pay attention to the fucking story at all? Sphene literally tells you someone found some black ore they’ve never seen before that turned out to be Electrope.
Well the first half of the expansion is literally 100% centralized around her and even after the mid expansion twist she still gets a lot of screentime.
my racist wife
erp'd this expansion yet?
It's heavily implied that the key is of Ascian design and that they guided the Alexandrians the same way they guided the Allagans and Garleans, yes.
Tell me what to sell I really need this fucking hoverbike mount
>a gay catboy
Weird since I've been playing this game consistently since 2.0 beta.

Imagine trusting the opinions of normies. You're already a lost cause. All the tourists and all the normies should be marginalized as much possible. It's the true FF and FFXIV fans that have made this game successful, nyot the trend-chasers and people who only can handle media consumed in the form of a 5 second Tikker Tokker;
aren't you that one neet that kept poopsocking TOP in PF?
Well obviously someone found it but it was probably placed by the Ascians to accelerate the calamity, right?
You forgot to add that you're white and want to live in Japan with a pure virgin maiden asian tradwife
We don't know yet. Would be nice if we learn one of the ascians that didn't appear in the story was doing that before the whole Shadowhunter/Final Days story put an end to them.

Still, I feel like if that was ascian-made, Sphene or Krile's parents would've mentioned the weird cloaked person helping them find cool tech that doomed them.
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the poop cycle
No but they did give them Lalafells that were able to maximize it's usage and potential.
>Get gatherers to 90
>get orange scrip colelctables
>get the materia that sell for 250k/+ a pop
made a lot of money today homies.
yeah I thought this as well because I play in jp and it wasn't that ass. thanks jpbro
>I've been playing this game consistently since 2.0 beta.
Me too, what now?
I think they used a different name but basically yes Ascian's
I mean that's the point right?
When I went in I accepted that my WoL was closer to a body guard if anything.
I'm mostly mad at the very shitty pacing I don't think Wuk Lamat is the issue
Hard to really say at this time, but I guess the sections where we sit down and ask her questions directly that make her do more introspection and come to a better understanding of herself, accepting what she's lacking and what she excels at where none of the other claimants do. This maturing more culminates in her bold decision to bring Koana along with her as dual rulers, showing that she understands that her brother balances her out and that he has qualities that can compensate for her weaknesses, and that working together in harmony like their father is whats best.

I imagine because Wuk is the most obvious symptom of the bad writing. And since she's omnipresent, she's in all the bad scenes.
Items needed for leves and the endgame crafting/gathering set
>all femras are elderly domans
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Both Zoraal and Sphene sucked ass
Bring back real villains, like honest to god evil ass villains
No she fucking blows in Japanese too she's just a magnet for every bad habit this new writer has
I just think it would have been better if Wuk realized she was way in over her head and just gave us and the Scions carte blanche to do our thing. Maybe have her show up to cry about her brother when he died.
not that nigger, but gg niggy I'm gonna farm minions. my buddy's selling shittons of leather o7
>Sphene sucked ass
I wish..
>Arcadion 12th boss
>we found the absolute strongest fighter to simulate in the whole universe
Will be so fucking kino
At least she sounds like a woman though
And they probably could have found a smokin' hot latina.

Are those sections in the room with us right now?
ken-sama won btw
>me a final fantasy enjoyer: “this is just like FFX yay!”
All I’m missing is a Blitzball game and Seymour fights but technically Zoraal Ja could be seen as Seymour in a way I think. I’m just about to do his normal trial where he’s all roided up
that's what i'm saying. give me a kefka, i'm tired of these "sympathetic" villains
>a body guard
And doing a shit job at it between the kidnapping and just standing there like 5 times when Zoraal Ja was doing evil shit
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No idea what any of that means but I still blame the latinx and their villianry.
I cleared TOP in pf and I exercised and ate healthy and m*sturbated so no not me......
What materia sells for 250k+ a pop? On Balmung it was 50k for either materia 12.
>liking the msq makes you a contrarian
grim mental gymnastics
>relegating Zenos to side content
Don’t do this to him
No way you pulled the nordic as fuck card lmfao
zoraal ja was kino
sphene was good until the final trial ruined her
If the Ascians made the stargate key, that means the ascian in question knew Azem's magic?Could it be that they awakened a shard of Azem into the fold?
>Hasn't finished the story
>Thinks his opinion matters
zoraal sucked ass. sphene was HEHE I SHOULDNT BE THIS HAPPY creepy-evil but she was no ff6 kefka evil
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>he's actually the 11th boss
>in the 12th fight he's your ally and the reason mechanics are doable
tranny post.
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>a touching reunion
>suddenly this
god, just fuck off already
miau miau only likes it to be a contrarian. i know you're media illiterate, but this is a fucking message board, it's not that hard
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What should I be using these on?
Won't happen, but I'd like a raid series to be a bunch of "what if" of things we never really fought, kinda like Ranjit Thancred in Eden. Give us an overtuned Raubahn, Elemental-fused Kan-e-Senna, Tataru extreme, 4 lords imbued Lord Hien, etc
See now
Zoraal ja is a MUCH MORE frustrating case imo

Yeah, exactly which is why the expansion had shit writing really.
I don't know who took care of the pacing and who managed the story but they're way over their head, still Wuk Lamat is a dumb bean and that's why I kinda like her, I just HATE how retarded she gets the second you enter the last quarter of the expansion.
It matters more than story skippers opinions :^)
They don't even need to, they can just throw in their shard's version of Zenos.
Especially after the latest Encyclopedia Eorzea confirmed that Zero was the 13th's shard of Zenos.
mats or glams

This, just fucking back off without drawing attention to yourself.
I am small height max bust pictoid fiddoid
Trade them for poetics. That's literally all you can do.
He's already been main content for plenty of time spanning across three straight expansions. Also he's not coming back in main content ever again. So this could still work.
I doubt it since the WoL is now the greater part of Him. Like 9/14th.
yeah no "I WILL X I WILL Y I WILL Z, I DID X, I DID Y, I DID Z" as we carry her ass, and the only badass thing she did was when she was under our control in the duty lul
It isn't, I still maintain that the tranny is a shield from the localizers. A symptom, not a cause. "Oh god this character fucking sucks enormously, I know, we give her a trans VA and nobody will be allowed to say anything bad!".
please just have sex with a tranny and stop bitching about them on 4chan, you know you want that sweet ladyboy cock
obviously at least one of them knew one of his magics, they created a stone imbued with it
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msq issues aside, the new zones are pretty comfy actually.
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Story skippers don't have an opinion on the MSQ. Story skippers are happily prepping for the new raid coming in by capping tomes and crafting raid food. Story skippers unironically won this time around.
No it was pretty clearly stated that the key belonged to Lahabrea "the speaker"
Living Liquid But he's shiny and chrome and powered by a 4090
what game is the music that plays when sphene's on screen from? sounds like old music
Urqopacha is my favorite zone in a long time. The dungeons and trials are a lot of fun. I don't really have complaints about the expansion outside of certain portions of the main story.
that was the intention with the omega raids
poetics for anima mats. anima quest is kinda koo and weps look gud
you mean 100 right?
>Tataru extreme
No, that still wouldn't add up. They have to hire the cast well in advance of the expansion in order to have all the lines recorded in time. If they're that far back and realizing that the character in the script is going to be a big problem, then that's also far enough back to attempt to fix the character in the writing. This is more easily explained by their audition tape hitting far above their actual skill level, by some sort of friend calling in a nepotism favor to secure them the job offer, or by a directive passed down from higher-ups saying, "We will be hiring a trans+ for this role."
I thought the new tier of raid food wasn't craftable until 7.05 when the savage opens. Or is that only the new tier of weapons/armor?
femlala like this for my femlala
Yeah 100.
Guerdon. Sold a bunch on Alpha for 250k+ on Alpha.
flat grapes
I guess then that the only real conclusion possible is "Everyone involved fucking sucked this time around".
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That's because they brought alphinaud along. Him and Krile basically share the same gimmick as characters. They have nothing to differentiate krile from him. If the twins weren't around that would've helped give her space to develop into an actual character

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