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Prev.: >>484493375
Happy birthday to Popukar!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[7/4-7/18][Standard]6* Guard Zuo Le, 6* Specialist Dorothy (Shop), 5* Guard Akafuyu, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Proviso (Shop)
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika
[7/9-7/16]A Kazdelian Rescue - Catapult skin
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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How long is this popukar's birhtday?
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I wanna rail a chick in a wheelchair
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Mumuchads run this general.
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What could've been
I currently have 224 rolls for Nymph along with 6 months of saving. I will be blowing my load on her.
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>akg/ - Arknights Genera
Bnuuy love
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/akg/ is just tsundere towards their future wife.
Did they do something to IS4 this month? I was playing it a ton last month and I swear the enemies all just feel twice as tanky since the month rolled over.
>wrong previous op
>Arknights Genera
Yep, it's a Mumu thread alright
>Arknights Genera
Retarded Mumukek
What will* be, brother.
I like Mumu as a character
what's his name?
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No? It's still easy
Large Robert
Big Bob.
Previous thread: >>484509809
Absolute fucks mumufags are.
I don't even know how you can fuck up the thread this badlt
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Wide Wilson
Sizeable Sam
Robust Rob
No one answered my question from the previous thread :(
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>roll Ray
>skip everything
>roll Nymph
Red woman love
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Chose your fighter
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She holds the keys to my heart!
Rangeful Radomus?
Kin sweep
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Smooching press
Sucks to suck
This one? >>484531640
Hmmm not bad
No it was this
Someone in a previous thread mentioned getting new IS buffs. But how do you do it? I've ran IS2 at least 50 times and beaten it twice and I haven't noticed any new collectables it's always the same few that don't help much at all. How do I unlock new ones?
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Amiya... Stop...
she looks like a prostitute
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small vulpo (adult)
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Nice Mumu thread
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Totter S1 or S2?
I have every single maxed module released that I can buy and will be able to buy every new module I can get that comes out too.
30 6* (360)
16 5* (96)
9 4* (27)
483 modules spent total, 25 left over.

Is anyone else as comfy as I am or are you still picking and choosing who gets modules?
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sex with Amiya while Savage watches
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Why do I see Priestess in Savage?
In is2 you don't get them if you go easy modo.
You are a schizo, unironically.
I clicked on the artist and I got elephant tits, now I'm no longer happy.
But that just says you get a starting collectable? Are there not new ones to unlock as well?
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wait, Reed is getting a new skin?
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At least we don't have incels in our game, we love hijabs here
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Summer skins and not one of them is barefoot
My soulmate...
I wanna see a purple and green version
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You can see Reed's naked feet just fine.
I've never played the easy mode though, I dunno maybe I just need to grind more but I haven't noticed new collectables showing up.
Mumushitter is so desperate for OP pic that he cant even type the title properly. Fucking kill yourself elfkek
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Yikes, aren't you embarrassed?
Reed is not a size queen she would respect me and think my slightly below average chin chin is cute.
>twitter screenshot
>ursus femcel
bottom right doesn't even need the edit. The official art is more than enough.
>I've never played the easy mode though
Would I believe you? Go to Crimson Exhibition next to explore and there is Longevity box. Show it to me.
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She is, and a certain corpse is not taking it well
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So are you rolling?
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click on these and you'll see silhouettes of the collectables you don't have yet and their unlock conditions
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Beach skins are for whores, only whores go to the beach and reveals their bodies. Womens skin should be covered unless with their husband, their bodies is not to be shown to anyone but their husband.
>hole in the condom
Hi Elfschizo
Yea. I'm skipping everyone after Ray so I'll have a nice stash by then.
Jessicat 2 is due for a skin... honestly should be a swimsuit skin too.
Green is not a natural color for sarkaz
No, he's right. Kill yourself.
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Need to see her voicelines
Reed is a slut now?
I stand with him. Kill yourself.
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It helps when you're MIA from a war, you don't need to take breaks from shitposting
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Kill yourself
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So a medic version then
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Is catapult no longer the ugliest character in the game?
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Inshallah, brother
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Sounds like someone hasn't had enough to drink yet.
only homos will skip her
She might be Taran but still Viccy at heart...
Uh oh melty
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Desperate girl.
Thanks Doc
She is cutie patootie in that skin.
Operators for fucking behind a dumpster?
Adult AND professional Doctor!
I always said I'd bang Catapult, always. I still stand by that today. All she needed was some makeup and to dress better.
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Oh wow I had no idea that was there, guess I need to click around more thanks for the heads up that is exactly what I was looking for. I see there are still a ton of them I need to unlock.
Imagine this is a 5 paragraph post about putting active originium everywhere to ward off elves.
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>skipping Walter
Nobody's buying it

See >>484533991
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what would she do if I just picked her up? (I'm 190 cm)
she's ugly
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Reminder to kiss your angel wife
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Out Liz'd instantly...
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but my wife is a vulpo
Do you know about the skill tree? Below the medal set and topping the investment system there is. The preparations behind scenes go there and use you points and next time read the tutorial, newfag.
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As if I need a reminder
how do i get a gf exactly like this
Sex. With Arleta.
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No. You are wrong. Repent.
She looks like she comes from Disgaea desu
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Texy Wexy
wow, they made her look actually alright
You are not completely wrong.
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Did we win, Choombros?
Is this the hardest emergency floor 3 level? Fuck it
Straight btw
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I have soulful Chen Alter.
I don't need soulless W Alter.
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Can't hear your seething over the sound of my wife's music.
>showing fingers
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*smooching press*
Rhodescore making me go hardcore nuts.
I'm skipping Walter. Seethe.
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Everyone loves Kjerag
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a slut can't make these faces
on the foot?!
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A surprisingly flattering angle
Kjera is canonically ugly.
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Shit music
Plain design
Flat with no visible feminine features.
Honestly the non-emergency version is harder than most of the emergencies.
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Your dick is going to regret those words tonight
Look how flat she is holy shit
Yes. And then on the butt.
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In your anus.
Go back to d*scord, dr. A
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Those palms in the corner... the way the smaller one seems like rising from the ground, and the peculiar shape of its leaves. This is a sign! Mandy has risen!
In my anus
Imagine a world where like, every op bad both a plainclothes and a rhodes uniform skin
You could have their normal clothes as base and their rhodes uniform as a 100 trust thing
I meant separate but regardless thanks doc
This ritualshitpost made me hate fishfags
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Myrtle finally getting her alter
If the devs gave a single fuck playable ops would arrive with an alternative rhodes island illustration, or at least make it farmable/unlockable. But nah, they don't care about anything enjoy your slop
Distended Dave
>implying he is fishfag
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I think Nymph is very cute, will roll unless 5th anni fucks me in the ass.
She looks like she had no buyers.
Humongous Harry.
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>the ritualshitpost meant to piss off fishfags by saying a dude is fucking their favourites made you hate fishfags
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I'd buy Ch'en services. At a discount, but I'd buy them
*gaulish smoooch*
Myrtle the Nympho...
>pv makes Arturia look like an evil woman who is fucking with Moose
>actually helps her find catharsis over her lot in life and loss of her father
What did HG mean by this
Dont lie, you always hated them anyway
Is Dr. L still playing the game or did he drop someone's monthly wage on a whim on this game before stopping
Imagine her smashing her ass on your pelvis with the force of a mountain...
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Replacing Chen's water gun cannisters filled with water with a cannister filled with cum...
He is switching to ZZZ
We ready for ZZZ, bros?
>arknights -male_only -furry -anthro
>Still get flashed by gay furry porn
I hate it here
He sent me a clue this morning.
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Where's the rhombus eyes schizo? I want him to look at this
I only hated Dr. M (attentionwhore faggot)
He's still logging in but I think not posting here
I can't believe people still get fooled by and hyped for Mihoyo games.
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It's their passion project.
When was the last time you were hyped for something Arknights related?
Reminder that ZZZ unironically sponsored and paid s**ah to shill ZZZ so there's unironically a paid shill for that game here.
Y'all ever thing about how Degen's trust that is us trying to grab her by the Degenbrecher?
If you think at least 75% of this traffic isn't artificial than I have a nice flower I found in the sea to sell to you as a potted plant
Every livestream.
NTR Knight trailer or Texas Alter whichever come first sadly
Anyone have this pinecone photo set?
Somehow kemono skipped this one
When I saw Ulpipi's anchor on that one livestream.
When I saw that I could finally domestically abuse Kal'tsit
I like how the Surtr starter gift straight up just makes the game harder because it fucks you if you go to emergency beasts/resort on floor 1
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Neat, I never saw the second and third one
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Just use Degen, she dumpsters this stage
I'm sure all the money they make is fake too anon.
how do I apply for the shilling program?
This, it's blatantly obvious every time a game explodes in popularity over a couple of days. That's not how hype builds up and it's not how word of mouth works
If you're talking about any one of these games and you're not being paid to you're literally an unpaid shill in a viral marketing campaign
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Sharkbros... I'm getting tempted... help...
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What? Could you run that by me again?
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Alhamdulillah brother
Kill yourself
When I saw this on the livestream
Divegrass. I do get hyped when we get streams and stuff.
yeah, your wife is obsessed with it
Ulpipi, but before that uhhhh, IS3
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I wonder who this chick will be I'm thinking Priestess' apostle
What happened to Dr. B?
The most likely ain't one. Something to do with tails/horns probably. Also watch less porn, go outside, meet people.
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And I'm sure it wouldn't occur to them to use that money to re-invest into a "marketing campaign", that's just not possible.
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Sniffing tails
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You've got two or so weeks to make a decision before her banner goes away and you're forced to roll for Ch'en 3.0 instead.
Madness never stops and here we go again.
>You'll need to try a little harder if you want to pick up my degenbrecher.
>I have a personal schizo
It "blew up" because the game's release got close retard. It was being talked about for a year+ beforehand like any other game that's been announced.
It's the exact same when an op gets close to release here and sees and uptick in posters.
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Yes, I like those operators the most, in this specific order:
It's not hype for the game it's hype for "the next thing". Peoples dopamine levels have been fried by social media and they have lost their attention spans. Instead of caring about a few things for the long run they are always on the lookout for that next big thing to be hyped about until the next next big thing comes around and they forget about the previous thing. There is no loyalty it's just new thing hype.
Tight Columbian Rope
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Wait what the fu
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How do you fix this girl?
eh ch'en 3.0?
I'd rather not know who the fuck you are, frankly, but it's impossible when you atttentionwhore so much, sad, pathetic, lonely faggot.
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>Sailor Uniform
>pant less
>incomprehensible yapping
The resemblance is uncanny...
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I could bring Specter climbing on my hand to make the ultimate grabbing apparatus.
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What does that mean?
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When she moves her hand to cover her weapons, that's when I strike at the real prize
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For me it's happy Speggtre
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What would Patriot, Theresis, Blood Prince, and Nachzehrer King stats be?
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You okay?
What would her mom say?
None of them would take the test
Patriot - redacted phys/endurance
Theresis - all excellent
BP - Outstanding arts
Nachzehrer King - All Outstanding
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Standardised testing are some sankta bullshit.
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She will give Suzu to Doctor in her lines or will hint towards it, you have her blessing
I agree with your point but not what you say. Never be loyal to a corporation.
Be skeptical of new thing, especially actively hyped new thing, but also stick with what is actually good, not with what you can't bring yourself to leave because of sunk cost or "loyalty"
All boxes except Mobility (excellent)
All outstanding except Arts and tactical acumen(excellent)
>Blood Prince
>Nachzehrer King
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why the fuck did they turn reed into a slut
I wonder if this would be better
>Minus Patriot, all of them would lose to Rosemary based on stats alone
It's a swimsuit. Not even the sexiest swimsuit we've had.
Patriot's arts were mid, though
He was mostly unga
That's canon.
Patriot is fast too in lore
rerolling for an hour, still no Suzuran
Why can't they focus on the actual character instead of overloading the skin with useless backgrounds. AK skins are like 90% background, 10
% character you can barely see any details of.
Shouldn’t BP have a box in Arts since he’s stronger than Logos?
The thing is that stats alone don't matter. Rosmonntis didn't show any impressive feat in lore at tall
Godspeed and good luck
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Dorks shouldn't wear sexy swimsuits
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Eyja alter, texas alter, long range ops are good here
Wasn't she like the top defender when protagonist went to the tower with shield guards?
Patriot sandbags his witchcraft because he thinks it's icky
But not Gladiia or Nearl fast, I think excellent is about "sprinting across a valley in minutes" tier.
You get a guaranteed 6 star with her in the banner. It won't take you that long, if you really want to do it fast just do multi instance rolling.
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she won
Is she in rate up?
Anon, she is not...
You will know pain. (probably)
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I strongly disagree, dorks should wear sexy outfits but be completely embarrassed by them
For me it's Rocas.
I will never like this bitch because she stole Ceobe face while being meta
BP fails to press Logos offensively in the story, he just doesn't go down cause BP is tough and angry.
Retarded Skipfag
Gladoo's mobility is redacted not excellent
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Didn't she literally bisect a skyscraper?
no, she's in the beginner banner
I just have rotten luck
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Mandy, please stop seething...
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Typhon breast sweat
I had to delete him a few days ago...
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Ceobe IS meta thoughever
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She will save our game
Our first 6* cunny since Suzuran. Of course I'm rolling
What's the appeal of feet?
I don't understand...
Are there any Arknights character that are city or mountain level?
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good luck, you will need it
An hour isn't very long, many people can reroll for days or weeks trying to get a specific character. If all you want is suzu count yourself lucky. You get a guaranteed 1/6 shot every rerroll. It won't take much longer I guarantee.
Kjera and Mountain
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They are cute and fragrant
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Doesn't matter. The seed has been planted in your mind. You'll be jerking it to feet within 6 months.
The real question is when? When will she arrive?
Kal maybe you wouldn't be letting off stink clouds if you weren't wearing plastic shoes with no socks
Chong Yue is a hundred mountains
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I love butts and legs, and feet are just part of the leg. You can't just have feet, you need the whole thing for the full experience.
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She's wearing them for a reason
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In our darkest hour.
Skadi is known as the mountain cleaver. This cake serves as proof.
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Oh yeah. Forgot bout that.
You deserve it for liking trash
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You will become a feetfag, yes (You).
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LOVE this dork.
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Just realised how broken this will be when W comes
It all started with that one image that I thought was cute and hot despite feet. Yea......
Reed sister will alway be Reed sister. I will never acknowledge her actually name
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But I already am
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Suzuran is my wife
You would think so, but it doesn't really help since everything dies too fast
I'd rather become a Ch'enfag
Tea with Amiya's worn pantyhose.
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Reminder that Skadi canonically did THIS
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Not that good... Wuh has a slow attack speed that gets even slower with her skill and a large chunk of her damage comes from her rocks
Gargantuan Gregor
>“Skadi actually cleaved that mountain”
>“What is a hybole?”
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Space Reed is next
That won't be in IS5 though, either it will be changed to remove flingers or a whole new one will be added.
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She made it with love
That must have been in Knights Treasure.
Post your engagement ring and the certificate of marriage
sexy lesbian
Something very rare in artknights?
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So I did bit of the testrun of that Arknights Nuzlocke and some takeaways for when I do a real run
>I think Suzuran might be the worst possible thing to get off the newfag banner. At least early game.
>I forgot how much of a pain getting materials for skill levels was early on.
>Kafka is fun and I'm levelling her on my main account.
>Courier is pretty much required early game if you don't get a decent vanguard from your first rolls.
Don't be stupid
Titanic Tim
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You will?
They told me the same thing about futa 10 years ago and I still don’t like it.
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Didn't lowlight say in an interview they made mudrock because management said no to big bob?
>E0 Suzuran is bad
You spent time out of your day rerolling to figure this out?
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>Urban Reed
>Magic Reed
>Sea Reed
>Space Reed
It fits the pattern
Eblananananabro? I thought you had left us
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Mumu love? Mumu smooch?
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No takebacks.
No, not Lowlight, hoshieve said it, but yes. They wanted to make a big armorer character but couldn't make it big bob so they mudrock was made
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Futa is a completely different and leans towards faggotry while liking feet is a natural evolution of taste for straight men
What do you need Courier for when you have Kafka?
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I don't understand how he is blocked in all guides...
kill yourself
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I really really want mumu and started playing today. Can I get her on the newfag banner? I will just play ZZZ if not
Sorry, not him
Maybe you should try someone who's actually tanky and not a fucking Specter2
I'm not being stupid, stupid
As a Dwarf chad, respectfully off yourself knife ears sympathizer
And then they put her in a dress
Mudrock being a petite cute girl was the biggest mistake in Arknights. She should have never taken off the armor
Sorry, the EN server will EOS in two weeks. Just play ZZZ insteaz.
Non-daily reminder that Degen's number is fucked by Sensor Tower's incompetence.

Her real number is at least 60% better than what's being posted around here.
Nobody's been posting sales since yesterday. Now shitposters moved on to another topic
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Frostleaf strong
Either use a 1-block or block him at the top left
The elites do too much damage, if you try to block Harold AND an elite with the same unit you will fail
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Reed _____ !
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Degenbrecher is killing any enthusiasm I have for this game. It's exactly why I haven't rolled for Młynar any time he appeared on a banner, because I knew he was too strong, but the sexgoat baited me with her sexlook and now I'm left disgusted at myself and at whatever HG thinks game balance is.
In several months I will roll for W alter because W is a fun character and quite likely drop the game after Babel event.
>just don't use them bro
I'm trying but it's hard when they're ready to go in your roster.
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Use her S1 then
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tail holding
How do you play phone games when you have so little self control?
How much money have you dumped on Arknights?
W on the bottom as she should be
Fang is literally all you need. Also you can get myrtle for a dollar or in a few hours from recruit tickets.
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with the back part of her panties that low you can see half of her butt cheeks, no ass crack though since her fat fucking tails covers it
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>In several months I will roll for W alter because W is a fun character and quite likely drop the game after Babel event.
W isn't the banner character for the Babel event.
How are you rolling for Walter if you’re quitting after the Babel event?
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The slut stride
That's because you've only seen the nasty futa shitposters post. There is good tasteful stuff where the girls don't have 50 foot cocks with balls the size of a beanbag and making insanely gross faces.
It's Loughslutty, actually
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Just play lore accurate holdingbackknights and use her s1/s2
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Used condoms doko.
I thought Tarans were malnourished
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>waah waah waah
Just fuckig kill yourself and drop the game faggot
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Bro, your eyes?
Damn, this woman works fast
Donald Duck looking slag.
>How do you play phone games when you have so little self control?
I don't quite understand the question, I have two other games on my phone. One is actually good and decently balanced, the other one is mahjong, so it's mostly luck anyway. Your question doesn't make sense in this context.
>How much money have you dumped on Arknights?
Whatever $5 * (number of months I've played this game - 1) amounts to.

My bad, but you know what I meant.

I wish I could just disable some things from my roster, namely Texas alt, Yato alt, Degen's S3 and possibly a few more.
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Degen killed my hype but for the opposite reason. I rerolled for her because of her cool S3 animation and afterwards I found out her upgrade mats are locked behind the endgame and I can't even promote her. Now my real hype is for Ray because I can actually get her upgrade mats and she is way cuter.
Degen tail is still cute and she carries me with her S2 tanking bosses so it's not all bad.
Soldiers of Dublinn, koko!
Saria ModY1 and Quercus is enough percentage reduction to tank his hits, throw in Pram's enfeeble and he's stuck on CM
The balance in this game slurps semen to fund Endfield and you know it too.
Disable yourself.
>Other general be having melty because character isn’t lewd enough
>Arknights is having a melty because characters is lewd
Are you gay?
Just needs the tats
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Muh cute, moderately lewd snek
Not enough.
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We really can't be satisfied with what we have... truly a samsara...
Maybe you should stop being retarded?
That's my wife
Touristbro, "we" are having a simultaneous melties because a character is too slutty and a character is not slutty enough, pay attention
>no pink ones
Dr C? The drawpile is going to explode in art I guess
Guys I can't take Wagie, Yato and Texas out of my squad. Lowlight is literally standing behind me with a gun up to my head. HELP M- *BANG*
The pink ones go to bagpipe
Do I spend all of my sanity pots now?
Are we having a dead week?
But no one's having a melty
>only 3
>not a bunch of different colors
>Wake up
>Mandy is STILL shitposting
>Wake down
it's a vignette bro, whether we have a dead week or not there will be nothing to farm
Next event is an omnibus so it's pretty much a dead week
Yunomi is a blessing.
>1139 attempts
>Been trying since 16th February
On one hand I gotta respect the dedication. On the other the sheer autism terrifies me
Make it sluttier
fox autism
She doesn't break the game. She's top tier, but I wouldn't say she's stronger than Surtr, Kal'tsit, Reed Alter. I had hard time using her at EX-8 of this event, replaced her at CM for abyssal hunter synergy.
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I think you misunderstood the post.
DP generation since that one tutorial level removes fang from the pool.
She dies in like 0-5 of something, and the ruleset I decided on means I can't use her anymore.
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>Time to set up lateranotent
You just sound bad at the game
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> I wouldn't say she's stronger than Surtr, Kal'tsit, Reed Alter
our hero... soon...
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Summer Exualt+Lemuen trust the plan
>I had hard time using her at EX-8 of this event
...she's literally purpose built for this event, given how you can trigger Harold second phase HP gates on demand, near-instantly.
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No more sluts. No more sex. Just peace and quiet.
Anytime my wife gets anything I nut.
the banner will be Lemuen + Andoain bro
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Ant kin...
I love Loughslutty!
Me too. I had to hold it in for over a year now.
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I'd prefer the lemuen andoain banner
Alchemy Stars looking ass character
Can't wait for Adnachiel alter
She'll be the non-limited unit on the Mandragora banner.
That game still running?
Yvangelista XI off the top rope
Adnachiel 5* welfare alt finally would be cool, now that they finished the fang squad, the melantha squad should get their alts
someone please post the aieeedol, I don't have it saved
>now that they finished the fang squad
>they finished the fang squad
Don't we still have beagle or is she in some other squad
andoain doko
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>this thread
Not if alters mean they got traumatised... I'm satisfied with their skins.

Give Orchid's squad the alter treatment (and trauma) instead.
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I fucking k(n)ee(l)
She's dead
>Not if alters mean they got traumatised...
Not every squad has to be the same
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Doctor! You haven't forgotten about me, have you?
Full Nelson
I disagree because I wanted to fuck her before the armor came off. She should have just had a skin with the armor. Or her swimsuit should have had the helmet on.
Get back in the grave
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I love Reed
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Please understand, she hasn't gotten to talk much recently and she had to be let out
Mandy is dead. I buried her myself, dug up the corpse, cremated her, and then shot the ashes into the sun. She is not in this thread.
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you like sluts!
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Thank you my sworn ally... who needs guides with you...
>practice so it doesn't count, Literally
>was kind of rng with burst timings
What is she playing?
Mandy Mandy you're my personal corpse sleeve Mandy!
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Official drone footage of Beagerus last moments
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She is a slut for (me) only
Reed shouldn't be getting any skins because i hate her
HG PLEASE have Nakata Youji voice a priest character
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Beagle survived... but 80% of her body is now mechanised after the incident...
Not an argument, retards
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Wasting your good rng on practice runs is like wasting your roll rng on the simulator website, hours before the banner
People still coping for Exu ever getting content?
Cello cover of this song
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We need it so Kgod comes back
A slutty tradwife...
this >>484546073 Kgod will save this game
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When are we getting news on the next banner?
Operators that are sluts only for their husbands?
That's precisely the reason why we need her to NEVER get any more content. Finally he can fuck off and go somewhere else
We made the list of slutty tradwives the other day
No, a traddy slutwife.
Would the offspring be a pure banshee or a pure gargoyle
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Cute doc.
why do you want the game to die...
I think he's a she
Hmmmm, nyo. You're wrong.
I want futafags to die. Big difference.
do not the doc
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Ops for this feel
futafags die = the game dies
>We can rebuild her, we have the technology
Beagle Alter cyborg weapons platform like those Rhine Labs gundams when
Is it worth going higher than difficulty 10? I haven't cleared ending two yet and I'm thinking of clearing it for the first time at AS11
Nuh uh
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May I see it?
I'd prefer Yuya Hozumi
uh huh
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Only if we get her on threads, the superior forward moving apparatus.
Fuck off
I think Ascalon would give great back rubs with her claws
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uh... bros?
Doc onahole...
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Eagerly awaiting for El Banana release
Degen isn't even that OP. Mlynar is waaaaaaaaaaaay more OP
When you retreat her when Chiave on the field, her redeployment time reduces by 80%
She will never be playable
>he thinks Eblana will be playable
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Don't worry about it, the whale is just glitching out again.
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So she can get called a whorecumslutbitch?
There's a few teens here that just say that to random posts.
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>Get back scratches from Ascalon
>Death Sentense stacks up and you die
You said she was going to die in the Victoria arc. Why should I believe you?
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>implying calling Eblana any of that would be wrong
She will put her sister in place eventually.
look closer on her arm
>queen of spades tattoo
I see now, you are one of those /trash/faggots. Go back.
>no one noticed
I hate asian people
We just found nothing off about it
>everyone was too focused on her ass to notice
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No one noticed because most of it was 3 of the same guy replying to himself
Kek it's like lana eboec all over again
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Is she a time traveller or something?
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Change it to a QoH
I was more dissapointed by the lack of pink condoms
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Her ride is. Poor dude got killed by the Sanguinarch and got turned into relics.

One of those are Mostima's staff. The other is her stopwatch.
Or keep both
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As a free player I feel bad knowing I waited till 4pm to do anything, if I wasn't gonna play today I could have at least done a few auto-grinds of event currency and rocks

I'm high all day today and tomorrow so don't wanna "waste" the high on playing cause I know I will sink hours in without realizing it
I.. how come?
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Operators who would be happy to engage in netorase play if you asked them? I know Reed and Eyja would be down, but who else?
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Meteor nee-san evokes both of these strongly
god damn that's a nice ass
As a priest who's an incantation medic
Actually cancel that, as a geek who kills allies to buff himself
Does RI skeleton has similar item to abuse skeleton powers?
Andoainfags. I've decided, I will compromise. He can be a 6*, but he will be a chain medic, just attacks were chain based as an enemy so as an ally he will chain heal.
Canon Wife
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There are no Andoainfags, only shitposters
what the fuck are you talking about
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We don't know what's the deal with our whale.

Other than this fat Orca that is.
Make him heal unhealables for that executor Laterano synergy
Queen of Hearts. Means she likes Big White Cock.
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Okay but when are we getting a yandere operator?
It revives Kal
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so you got a plan to deal with rhodes island's financial situation ? tell me father, i'm all ears!
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This cutie is just misguided.
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Imagine my surprise when I learned that QoS fetish actually has a counterpart all along…
Lucid dream expert here
decided to try to go on a date with Penance last night
lmao I forgot to do dream research beforehand, so like her "hometown" is based on Sicily, but when my brain rendered it, it created this mouldy, rainy variant of something that looked like Belgium or something

The date itself was uneventful. My mind's dialogue-render of her seemed to just have her love-dump on me the stuff from IS event
She got super duper intoxicated and stumbled a lot walking back home, which my brain rendered as being just like 4 blocks through the rain while I held the umbrella. I think I saw her stumble and collapse on the stairs through the window on her townhouse as I left, but can't remember for sure.
I don't force myself on drunk people without them okaying it first
I could go back and "reload the save" on this to continue. I'm quite shocked she wasn't head-over-heels for me like 90% of females are, my alter-go is a 10/10 tall Italian gigachad they normally can't resist
Make his skill create a dodge field around the lowest health ally in range and I'm game
Not real
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Can we just skip Ray and get onto Shu already?
Lone Trail debate
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Luv me bunny
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I can make her worse
AI chuds cant match even a fraction of this power
Yeah but she's the most real, not real operator.
You just reminded me of this
A flower in Vendela’s exhausted, creampied gaping anus
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Tomimi doll be upon ye.
Indigobro... first Whisperain, now Vendela?
Well well well. Looks like somebody posted a visible areola...
tomimi mating press
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One doesn’t exclude the other
When Harold shanks you with his cane, is that physical or arts damage? I’ve seen people saying both.
No fuck off
Indigo left me
No. That will mean less time to save rolls up for Shu.
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Suzuran full nelson
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What in the fucking goddamn?
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Non stop anal pounding
Oh you've seen nothing yet...
She's a horny hag (yeah)
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Look, I get it. My first instinct when it comes to dolls is that they are creepy.

But the longer you look at them, the cuter they become. Give it a try friendo, pozywozy doll is cute.
This reads like an elaborate shitpost but I just know in the back of my head that you're dead serious and this happened
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Old men with massive single hit physical damage instances? More common than you think. Memes aside, it's physical. It his melee hit was Arts damage, you would have seen a lot of people bring Matterhorn/Czerny/Asbestos to tank him, don't you think?
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Tomimi cosplay for balance
This is canon
That's a rubber suit by the way
That's super cute
>no Gavial in the picture
No it's not. Unless she's the one holding the camera
I will not pick up another fetidh thank you
Not even that bad
Introducing SKIN SUIT!
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Would ravish until my life force is drained
Brosky, this is really fucking creepy. Not all dolls are creepy, but pic related sure is
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Friend, not everything have to be sexual.

Ah bad lighting. Here have Gladoo and Pozywozy.
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Sex with Pozy doll
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Well yeah, human couldn't really had a tail like that.
That is not.
He's posted about him lucid dream fucking operators before and he even gave people tips. This dude is the real (somewhat unhinged) deal.
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Sad there's no Rita femdom where she's going White Wolf mode.
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How are these for support units that are useful? Should I take out Click for a 5*?
ZZZ is not even out yet, but /akg/ is dead once again
>Lvl60 pot 0
Don't even bother
Oldfags won't touch anything bellow 90 level
sure doesn't seem to be getting any cuter. If anything that Tomimi doll was less creepy than those others (and bonus points for the croc with the lollipop).
I dunno, it feels like staring at these things is gonna put me in a watchlist or something. Actual uncanny shit.
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Who is dead now Manfred!!!
Is it me, Manfred? Is it me?
No Manfred, it is not. It is not me who is dead.
It is YOU Manfred. It is YOU WHO IS DEAD NOW!!!!!!!!
You better be a newcutie.
I just realized they translated Tremble to Frighten. Why?
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Still you
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wtf mandy
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I don't get it, every time I play IS4 I feel like I am getting straight dookie. Tons of support and defender recruitments, barely any great items that make my squad stronger... it's weird as I am using my foldartals
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I wish that Arknights fighting game was a real thing so I could physically beat up Mandy
战栗 literally means Shaking out of fear/cold. Tremble was just the fan translation because it being a fear effect and not a "stun" one is weird.
Mandy wouldn't even make the roster.
I am, started in May, only now I'm getting to build these units so that's why I ask.
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thanks i hate it
actually this is kinda hot wtf
She can be the training room dummy
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Um Mandy supremacy. That is all.
I would never put on non-maxed support units. Just makes me feel like an amateur.
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you're on a slippery slope now
next stop: soul jelly
Waai Fu has a frankly surprising amount of possession and skinsuit fanarts.
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Manfred is a good boy. He didn't do nothing.
>didn't kill Paprika
>didn't kill Hoe
>Nadine liked him
>Usula respected him
>Still try to settle thing peacefully with Asky.
You people don't know what a good man he is.
weird coomfic title of the day
>"The Doctor's been tired lately, I know! Let's turn him into Durin and attach Pazeonka to him!"
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That tag is an instant skip bro.
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I remember, the very first "skin suit" tag I ever saw, it was actually great. But I found out later that it was mistagged and not actually a skin suit. It was a tentacle monster raping a girl until she became corrupted and then went around raping others using her body, but with it's tentacles. The girl was still in control, just corrupted.
I was pretty sad when I found out what the tag was actually used for
>didn't kill Paprika
>didn't kill Hoe
>Still try to settle thing peacefully with Asky.
Most of the stuff ends with him having to try and kill them in chapter 14. Just enjoy your little foot dragging Manboy's survival and recruitment into Babel being spoiled by Wis'adel's profile.
>Nadine liked him
>Usula respected him
Super stooges
Cool. The 5* or below slot doesn't really matter. Just put one of your favorites in there. For the 6* slots you can put useful top tier ops for people to borrow, or just use it to showcase your raised favorite ops. Or both.
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Killing all of my operators and arranging their skinsuits inside of my base, like a wardrobe. I keep the robots and have them clean the suits daily so they do not rot.
When I get a new operator, I'm so excited. I introduce them to their new home. They think it's empty at first, to their big surprise, but then I tell them that they're not actually alone, and that is when I take them to the wardrobe room to meet their new... "coworkers" and my old employees.

The elevator rooms are patrolled by my servants, a Victorian squad of soldiers I captured that demanded where several Victorian operators were, after their friends and family did not receive contact from them upon joining Rhodes Island. Once captured, I exposed them to critical amounts of originium, as an experiment to see what effect it would have on their sanity.
I will live forever.
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If Hoya doesn't get a two-piece bikini skin that shows her tummy we riot
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the skin part itself is gross but the whole disguise thing has some potential. just imagine mostima disguising herself as fia - the usually uptight and angry fia suddenly acting very chill and friendly, maybe intimate towards doc or really anyone else for that matter. and nobody would have any idea it was actually mostima's doing. from their point of view it's all fia. her image and reputation would basically be at the total mercy of mostima. she could do whatever she wanted and fia would get all the blame. it's strangely dominant and humiliating in a way. not to mention all the roleplay potential. imagine the confusion in embarrassment on fia's face as people keep asking her when did she get so close to doc because mostima keeps going around disguised as her, impersonating her in public and doing PDA's with doc
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No enter... pls..
nigga what the fuck
That's a nice hat you have there, it would be a shame if it were to be stolen.
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Goodnight... Soldiers of Dublinn
t.clownkek mad he will steal your wife when released.
Cool, I just read a similar scenario in the excorcist JK high school anthology. A monster took over the body of a well liked club president. No one could bring themselves to kill their beloved buchou while the monster could kill the others willy nilly. Very refreshing dose of despair.
>"the skinsuit part of the skinsuit fetish is gross but..."
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Job's done
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things like these are why God doesn't fucking talk to us anymore
Niggas will read this and call it a falseflag
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>next stop: soul jelly
>Me when I read this cool and nice Penance doujin
>Hypnosis rape
>Next page she proceeds to shit out her soul as a jelly
Sometimes I wish I could kill people
You must take it further beyond, imagine the blackmail potential, directly telling them and knowing no one would believe them
...what if Doctor was a serial killing psychopath? Would the Terra police catch him?
okay if it's real who's to blame? fiafags? mostimafags?
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>After the version update at 16:00 on July 9, [Secret Sanctuary] will be closed. Please pay attention to use the contract bounty in time. The contract bounty will be automatically converted into crystal contract bounty (1 contract bounty can be converted into 1 crystal contract bounty, and crystal contract bounty can be used to redeem rewards in [Crystal Sanctuary])
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I'm sorry bros, the omnibus isn't out yet and other generals call... I'm gonna close the thread for now, please understand, there's only so much monitor space to go around...
It was the first thing that came to mind when I read that
>Soul jelly
>Skin suits
Average Arknights doujin will have at least 1 if those tags
Is CC dead dead?
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>there's only so much monitor space to go around...
Been jacking it exclusively to doujins for at least a decade and today is my first time hearing about "soul jelly". I feel like I am being gaslight, this can't be a real fetish.
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just use a tab dumbass
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Don't leave me too...
Dr. D?
I have the threads open at the bottom autoscrolling at all times. I'm not a tab hoarder.
If I can't give you the attention you deserve, then you're getting no attention at all, half-assed or not.
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Sup fags.
That shit [heh heh, pun intended] is the reason you see bright coloring in otherwise monochrome works. My personal favorite is when the jelly is modified and stuffed back as a buttplug or dildo to change her personality into an obedien slave.
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Meteorttent when...
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that's not a nice thing to say, C
you're getting the hose

i don't know who taught you those words but you're next
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I have no idea who this is
Ooops yeah I meant to say I had maxxed sanity all day without at least using it. I'm trying to catch up to you guys as a free player who started this year so can't be wasting it like this!
Cowe with the second best milk
Just use THAT like Dr. J
Wind Chimes
Sideroca's milking partner
You either put guidefag classics (ling, mlynar, gg, thorns, etc) in your supports or your personal favorites. Most old stinkies dont use supports unless its a limited they dont have or someone they skipped
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Right after Leiztent
Wind Chimes, she's a 5* Crusher which means she's only good for sex
Mountain is a good guidefag support since I don't want to build a furry.
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Yeah. It's like I've discovered this massive secret hidden from most humans, which sounds utterly insane to those who have never experienced lucid and semi-lucid dreaming. The idea of controlling your brain to create possibly-sentient beings, render worlds like a graphics-card would. Being able to go on dates and do romance for the first time in my life is a godsend saving me from being a truecel

Since I'm also into the fetish of being weaker than my partner (hard when you're 6'3" and strong irl) I realized AK has tons of operators who my brain will render as strong and hopefully dominant, like nearl or blaze. I collect the fanart of them picking up or femdomming the doctor
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I will do one A15 run then start on EX-8, I just beat this leakless with this team so I'm feeling lucky.
I've been hesitating to lvl90 him because I don't want him on my operator front page
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Nearlbro... enjoy happiness.
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*slaps Blemithing out of reflex*
Didi love
What's the secret? How long does it take to get lucid dream pilled?
Dr. M...
he means Dr. L, notorious OP sanity refill spammer
don't do that as a free 2 play player
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100% guaranteed to be into that.
Actually the whole girl is 100% free slap area.
Readlet it says right there. Wind chimes
Someone else can have Schwarz, I want to fuck Ceylon
I guess they pictures she took last time are gonna spread if I don't agree to a new session with her and Schwarz....
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Goodnight everyone
Goodnight, Texan.
dokutah, new thread dokutah...
Die in your sleep coomer.
The reaction to Nymph proves that people are trired of sarkaz. Time to move on to better arcs (literally any of them) (yes even that one)
>yes even that one
As long as it isn't like whatever Hortus was supposed to be
>(yes even that one)
no we dont want horse arcs either
I don't see the Amy image
Hmmmm, nyes we do.
Pallas best milk because you get drunk?
Nah. Let's die with this thread and not make any other. What will the shitposters do when their favorite dump is gone?
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>Skadi and Surtr's VAs in the same scene in Ni**e
What a time to be alive
Hmm nyo we don't
I don't want to go back to main story sarkaz slop. It's legitimately ruining the race which I didn't think was possible.
Nymph is way better already, and all the sarkaz in the PV are better than any main story bullshit
Siderocas best milk for the nutrients
All thread makers died...
This is it...
The end of our general...
Sanjay please
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It takes months, and the key is to train your brain to dream-check every 10 minutes or so on instinct, for me I try telekinesis but other people say other things work (which didn't for me)
Another thing is that there is no set way that works for everyone, hence why you should watch the lucid dreaming guides on youtube, accept that it takes at least a week (usually more) before a technique will start to work, and that trying more things (not just one) increases chances your brain can be brainwashed

Lucid dreaming itself is limited to "creative mode" where like a director you can change everything and materialize what you want, but knowing its a dream you can't feel danger or a sense you're with a sentient being. So you let yourself "relax" and guide into a semi-lucid state for a while and "resurface" every 10 minutes to re-adjust the narrative, scene rendering, remove mistakes and such then hit "play" again so to speak

Doing what I do and use an alter-ego is the hardest. I don't like my IRL self, age, nationality, body etc. so I made an alter-ego who's my ideal and it took months to force my mind to reject my IRL self and insert into my alter-ego
...do you dream of giving Nearl cunnilingus?
But Ermengarde was in the main story though??
4 hours utill /akg/ dies off completely
it will be fun to watch
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It's genuinely a case of too many events being world building slop (not bad just not the angle to take for shilling the character) right now where they obviously don't give a shit if you care about the banner character. People will probably love the even since it features everyone's favorite Sarkaz NPCs though.
>I don't like my nationality
>So I chose to be Italian
I will spam Mumu to counter your narrative!
...let's get a mumuthread goin, for old time sake.
>this time for real bro, trust me
For like, 3 seconds
>boss is easy bro
>just have 8 e2 limited operators
Okay baking reed thread
let's Reed it up!
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make this OP pic
let us join the void together amiya
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True; Took me another hour to get his bursts timed with the heaters... brainlet fellas...
Second event I fully cleared though, not counting reruns.
This isn't a topic worth saving for next thread, but I agree; However, Terran nations are full of faggotry that makes playing politics fucking awful like the event we have right now.
You said Reed thread not Mandy thread

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