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Godwyn, whatever happened there.
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does anyone bother to kill the wicker fire giants past the first one
they're such a fucking slog even with pots

fujos were winning with mohg and miquella, this dlc tanked that ship for a retard ship
>the way you enter Metyr's arena
are you for fucking real, just a fade out to black and then you are just magically there? $40
decent knockback and spawns right under the enemy... hard to see shit when others use it, though
>Strongest spell in the DLC
>It's faith
I had to kill them for the mix tears which I never use
canadian subway fingercreeper?
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cute miquella...cute wings...cute dress...cute hair...cute hands...! miquella is cute!!!
Everyone shut the FUCK UP


That is all.
posting from other thread
Generally from bosses you would want clean movement which helps you learn there movements. So when a boss just snaps to a different direction like that mid combo or in the middle of an attack it's not good design.

I ran around that dumb fucking cat for 12 whole seconds waiting for him to drop his attack. I have the video proof of it. It's annoying to fucking wait 12 seconds for something to happen, only for me to get tired of waiting go in for an attack and get punished because it instantly changed direction.
FROM fucked up on those golems, should have been a single boss fight. DLC feels like it was barely play tested because of the balance issues with new ashes of war and shit like furnace golems being so annoying
>get summoned for radahn
>host is spamming that shitty fucking thorn spell
>can't see shit because my screen is nothing but thorns while I'm in melee with him
jesus fucking christ its rot breath spammers all over again
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metyr, rellana, romina and midra are from a cut dlc so their areas aren't full complete
please understand
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Did you feel satisfied after beating him?
I sure didn't
Elden Ring has noticeably more cut corners and general lazy design. It's one of the worst entries in the series for those reasons and others and it's baffling people don't see that. From bit off more than they could chew with this game and the whole experience suffers for it.
i've been glad it's over so far
I wish she wasn't so weak
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Posting webm related on /v/ always gets you
>Heh, if that was me I would have done things differently and won, gankers kneel to me
>lol red deserved it fuck off from my world i just want to have heckin jolly cooperation
>I can't see shit, do Fromsloppers really play this?
And it's fucking hilarious
>Miyazaki baited miqfags with a fake ending
I don't know. I approached him how I approached every fight and he died to me and Taylew on the 4th attempt.
Throw some hefty pots in there head and kill in seconds.
Or just sit on there feet and jump when they go for a stomp.
They definitely are trash enemies, but people seem to be making them out to be harder than they really are, especially when the pot one is so easy and quick to do.
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wow that's so lame

int builds really got shafted didn't they
glad i went with my dex/fth rather than int character

he is literally me

nah the rolling sparks are fine, it's a good way to tap out and just nuke a shitty boss if you want to move past it
and i don't trust current fromsoft to design actually fun or engaging boss fights
Can someone help me out with some ideas how to stat a build that focuses on the Carian spells and using INT scaling weapons?
I never use spells in these games, I always unga bunga full STR
I did
But I didn't cheese him so that's probably the difference
soon as i got all his moves down, i had fun finding parry openings... will take some more time to fight him with rolling though, i think
I saw her as a summon. How do you get that? I only found her weapon and her heart after defeating Bayle.
If you're summoned for coop in the dlc do you get the host's scadu level applied? Feels like sometimes I take more damage than other times
i cant help sry
stop going to /v/
the Radahn fight is fucking cancer
what are your top dex weapons in the dlc? all of the ones i am trying seem to kind of suck.
>backhand blades = clear winner, excellent weapon
>milady: used quality scaling, poise damage is ass, impaling thrust is overall just better than the cool unique wing stance
>pata: seems okay so far, seems better as a single weapon with shield rather than paired weapon which kind of defeats the point
>messmers spear is flashy and cool but its neutral game sucks and the AR scaling is bad, mostly a gimmick (albeit a fun one)
>smithscript weapons largely seem bad
>great katana seems good but isnt really an explicitly dex weapon
>weapons on my radar to try: sword of night, claws of night, rakshasa katana, falx
it's arc with a fth tax
Please stop posting this cringe fucking shit.
Whoever this streamer is, he's a fucking moron. He spends his entire invulnerability in a menu instead of doing R1 spamming or just running away. I guarantee you if he just R1 spammed while he was invulnerable he would've killed at least one of them making it way fucking easier.
Fuck this is embarrassing.
Even if they buff her damage she's still going to die quickly. She needs a damage increase. A significant one to be worthwhile.

Otherwise she gives you nothing you don't get by just off handing her staff. And even still due to her using dragon claw, and dragon claw being impossibly shit, she's still in trouble.
Which one
Anyone else unbelievably disappointed that there are zero new death sorceries? I was really hoping for more stuff.
just do your normal strength build but rather than dumping points into strength, dump them into int and take some points from endurance to put into mind as well, though carian slicer is very fp efficient so it's not super necessary
you could also work out which talismans are most effective, depending on whether you want to do general carian spells including glintblades, or just the melee ones like carian slicer or adula's blade. you could use the carian sword catalyst if you hate yourself, or just use a normal one. you could also hold the carian sorcery staff in your off hand to boost damage for a better scaling staff in the main hand, if you don't plan on using a shield
smithscript weapons are for casters it seems
Miyazaki himself admitted it was a learning experience and sold way more than expected, seems like he knew it was flawed. Problems are easily fixable though, mostly just quality of life stuff to improve replay value
the dlc one, the old one I can barely manage
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I always thought this thing dealt bleeding damage. Did I imagine that?
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damn the DLC has some cool fucking weather

also is Ansbach's incant bugged? I cannot proc Bleed at all on the sewer omens.
Yeah it's pretty awful.
there are 3, you just can't use them and only catacomb skellys can

yes, you did
If From Soft is going to keep going in the direction of Elden Ring with their future games, I think I’m just going to stop buying them. These bosses suck and the open world is empty and boring. And it’s not like I don’t like Souls games anymore, I love Nioh 2 and Lies of P. I think From has just become a flanderized version of themselves, where they were falsely given the reputation of making super hard games but actually didn’t, only to now seem to be doing exactly that. This entire DLC, particularly Radahn, felt like it was hard for the sake of being hard. That’s not fun, that’s not why I play these games.
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I haven't seen a single player use the new death sorceries.
are there hefty pots which can kill it instantly when its staggered, or thrown from above? it seems to take 2-3 hefty messmer pots to kill for me.
death sorceries?
There are new death sorceries?
yes, it deals near-zero bleed buildup
his shield does bleed
Fuck farming the little hornsent knight helmet I'm modding this in.
It's actual cancer that the necromancers have new ones they use against you but you can't get
You have to get the poison guy to make a poison that makes her fall asleep.

One of the first NPCs you meet makes a thing for them and then they make a thing you give to her at night.

Then after you defeat Bayle you can tell her you drugged her and she'll join you.

It's why I call her Roofiechan.
m'lady has been fun to use with the qilleng(?) firey giant's hunt ash of war
the lightweight spear is pretty good for applying statuses bc it has lots of fast jabs

the hefty furnace pots allegedly do tons of damage but i haven't bothered fighting them bc the rewards are just shit tears and materials to make more of the furnace pots
both puke spells are mid
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>Bitch there is no back and forth boss fights here
>This is Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
>You're not attacking
btw if you're struggling with dragon priestess quest you need to use the FP blessing she gives you and ask for a new one otherwise it doesn't trigger
glorious FROMSOFT coding
There are 2 new ones but somehow I never found them.
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>get rain of fire spell
>go test it on a friend
>it hits for basically nothing
What the fuck is wrong with this incant?
It scales off arcane is has red magical effect on its ash of war, usually those are clear indicators of a bleed weapon, this one is just an exception
Mohg x Miquella was always shit.
it's bugged clearly
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this is a hot take but summoning Ansbach and Thollier for Radahn fight actually make the fight harder because of the HP bloat and boy oh boy most of the time Radahn will have the aggro on you and the NPCs are doing basically jack shit
Additionally you're locked out of the heart when you do this. So if you already have the heart then it's too late for you.

She's a neat summon but she's not the best imo. I still love her regardless.
Has anyone managed to make a build with her item?
I think it's kinda shitt o make her mace scale with arc while all dragon cult incants require faith and the seal scales with faith as well.
The pot is not an instant kill and doesn't stop them from launching their homing fireballs, if you can even get on top of them to begin with
Also it's less about it being hard and more just it being an incredibly fucking tedious fight
But doesn't rain of stars also do fuck all damage? This is just the same spell reskinned.
I have been feeling this way about pretty much every sorcery above int 50. I just feel like besides Comet Azur which I think is 45 actually, they're just not worth it. And that's with my staff and int score maxed out. I might be wrong though it's been a while.
it's for poisebreaking, idiot
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Not a hot take, it's the truth. You'd think with one doing bleed damage and the other doing poison, they would make up for it but they don't. Thiollier never even makes it to 2nd phase. But it is kino.
I don't count the Putrescance stuff, doesn't feel like a real Death spell. I guess the Ghostflame Breath counts but idk.
Thollier can get caught on the door and not make it into the arena.
Also the only summon with voicelines. They only gave her two though but beggars can't be choosers.
summoners suffer lol
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>Aspects of the Crucible: Wings is only an AOW
>Blinkbolt is only a weapon skill
>Needle Piercer is only a weapon skill
And no Morgott light weapon incantations
I doubt it's useful in pvp due to extra damage taken but Rakshasa's katana was very fun in pve
How much int am I meant to have as a wizard for casting? Some anon said 60, a different one said 80.
honestly after beating it the only thing they need to fix is tuning down the height or brightness of the light attacks so you can read him easier. Everything else is just a slightly harder version of 1st stage, actually easier to punish due to the grab attack
kys radahn
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Placing my mouth on Miquella's tummy and going
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Does anyone else think it's weird when you compare the hornsent and omen/misbegotten? The hornsent are an ancient culture who directly worshipped the crucible and viewed horns as sacred, which most of their population possessed. The omen and misbegotten are supposed to be touched by the crucible buy they're animalistic freaks compared to the hornsent. If the crucible was dying, shouldn't those born and affected by the crucible have less pronounced "blessings" then the ancient group who actively sought such things.
Comet Azur is like 60 or something
Most of the showstopper spells are dogwater because Fromsoft is terrified of letting mages have fun instead of spamming blue bolts or a sword spell
Accurate. I only managed to beat him after I gave up on summoning Ansbach.
35 Vigor is 126 health
You are two shot from multiple attacks and outright one shot by a single attack in nearly every single boss in the DLC.
>want to beat fortnite sax dragon
>can't summon people for help
>spirit ashes die in a matter of seconds because they can't dodge all the bullshit aoe in the arena
>dragon takes lol no damage and jumps all over the place
>every attack takes 40% of my hp
first the duo gargoyles and now this bullshit
Depends on the level you plan to stop leveling.
150 and 138 can easily 80.
Hybrids/Int weapons want 50
this nigga is living in DS3 lmao
>suppress thing
>it spazzes out
It tracks
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yes you basically fighting 2 and a third Radahn
omens are blessed (Mohg and Morgott are the best demigods outside of a literal fucking Goddess in Malenia) but Marika has Hornsent PTSD and so banished them all to the sewers
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She's been a decent help to me. She's not super strong but she does what I need her to do which is just distract enough so I can stagger and buff my defense.

I do feel really bad seeing her get grabbed and choke slammed though.
>can't summon people for help
Yes you can. There's a post outside the arena, then you run in with them and touch Fia

Why not? Anything less is wasted numbers. You should only ever heal when the next hit will kill you, anything less is chip damage.
80's the softcap, if you are going to be a guy primarily focused on casting spells go for that, if you are going to be beating people with physical swords that have some blue to them you might want to get less.
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>drawstring grease
>halberd offstoc
nah you're the nigger here
>finger ruins of dio
Friend said MLGS got nerfed pretty badly. What's a good alternative greatsword to put that new Carian Grandeur on?
i guess it depends here on whether or not you intend to use ranni's moon, which costs 70 int
His waist is so tiny. One of his larger half brothers could could encircle it with one hand...
Having a threesome with Ranni and Marika
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>MPfags spend hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of hours doing this
It's still great, just lost some of the poise damage on its beam.
Pick any greatsword for Grandeur, iirc they get some hyperarmor or something with it
Whats so hard about "don't get hit"?
He's lying to you
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>God, I fucking hope this moment won't just be waved away in the DLC and Melina won't even show up. That would suck dick, right?
Not with my head in the way going PPPPFFFFFFTHHHHHBBBBBBBBBLBLBLBLBLBL on his stomach.
>fag is mad that two fags running the sweatiest metafag build are playing like sweaty metafag
Yea, no shit. Colosseum is fucking awful.
Alright lads, I need some fucking help. I've been stuck on Radahn for so long. I got him 2-3 hits within death multiple times, but this heavy claymore build is absolutely TRASH against Radahn. Even with the stance break physick I can barely get him to break his stance. I have NEVER broken his stance in phase two yes, despite having been in phase two at least 50-100 times. Are there any good alternatives to the claymore that will be better against Radahn? Not some extremely OP weapon that will trivialize the fight, just something that's good enough.
>almost bleed Gaydahn to death
>he vanishes
>clearly meteor attack
>don't see him
>get nuked
elden ring 2 for sure, trust the plan
Total strumpet love
That mick bastard Matthewmatosis was right.
But he has shit taste in videogames besides Souls.
It's insane really. This kind of punishment for summoning NPCs or co-op, but zero downside to Mimic Tear which can actually do damage and never dies?
What's her summon's item description?
>More bing bing rollslop for the years to come
Worst time line
summon me foul tarnished
I'd rather fuck Ranni & Melina. Hyetta & Millicent can cum too. Selena, Leda, Raya & the other waifus deserve a mention. Marika has space aids & has been passed around the Lands Between she's basically a town bike
Every time I try to fight one I can’t see past its shins and It grabs me and throws me in its basket and incinerates me. Shits whack can’t even see when to dodge I just get scooped up and killed.
thank fuck i hope you're right, will try
Don't worry. Even if you saw it the damage would hit through your shield, holy resists, opaline tear and oneshot you.
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>first try with light roll after 6 hours of mid roll grinding
Man, I always forget how OP light rolling is.
The sheer ampunt of bugged or broken weapons, ashes, and spells in the DLC makes me think there's something seriously wrong with From's organization or internal culture.
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Miquella bros, our response?
started ng+ and mohg is completly raping me
i broke his stance often enough with my usual frost flamberge with piercing fang, but in the end i had to resort to parrying him to conserve stamina for his anime moves
>Do seamless Co-Op mod invasion
>host and friend can't scum me through my iframes anymore because EAC isn't shitting up the connection.
Console doesn't have an EACesque watch dog running right? Damnit From for fucking PC again.
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Just get your mimic to beat the boss for you
Is the zweihander any good? Better than this claymore at least?
it's better to never admit to her that you made her sleep and then just kill her for her heart and weapon
sharing is caring anon. Post some of the goods
About what?
I'm surprised they haven't removed this from the game after doing nothing with it in the DLC, feels like a fucking troll at this point
FemRadahn is stupid, but Miquella with good lipstick is genius.
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Don't laugh at my +9

Don't do it.
Why is he brown? Leaning into the "blacked sissy" shit?
>just don't get hit 4Head
But you were talking about wasted estus, retardbro?
this scene happens after you burn everything down, the dlc clearly takes place before that.
if you kept in mind that miyazaki said there'd be no base game additions and then put 2 and 2 together you wouldn't be as disappointed
Why are you vibrating like a $20 dildo?

If you have the space for a small shield with Carian Retaliation, 3 parries will get you a riposte. He likes looping into fast swing->delayed double blade swing which is the freest shit to parry in the world.
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Can anyone name the armors circled in green pls
It's a fantastic setpiece raid boss, people barely ever summon for it though since they are so overlevelled by the time they find it.
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>Timeskip to an era where everything looksthe exact same with tons of reused shit with a different color palette and the events of the first game happened many many many years ago
Are you ready?
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Overuse of magic and getting your soul brought back turns you black
>pic rel
black knife armor is the bottom but i dont remember the names of the rest
Summons are bugged. Some do not deal damage and/or die way too quickly.
Oh it's not FemRadahn in the whole picture
Miazaki isn't as big of a hack as the Zelda crew, at most he'd have some DS3 style ruins for nostalgia
You're welcome
I am really bad with shields / switching items. All I can focus on during this mess of a fight is rolling, walking, jumping and hitting.
>Miquella with golden lips is pure sex
Now i want to see more of it
Mausoleum mook, sanquine noble, lusat, bandit, black knoife.
The secret is that the same animators who do boss movesets also handle player animations. There aren't separate teams, just a whole bunch of animators working largely independently under a lead animator who does the heavy lifting solo. Most japanese studios are like this, the art-adjacent roles have a lot of autonomy and very little organization.

So when crunch time happens, finishing and polishing pve content takes priority and player-actions are sidelined for post-release patching. Because after all, as long as the longsword R1s work players can still play the game. The rest is luxury.
Mausoleum Knight Set
Sanguine Noble Set
Azur's Glintstone Set
Highwayman Set (?)
Black Knife Set
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I just really, really want more of that setting. I hope that Elden Ring + DLC isn't a one-off for it.
single weapon no status is the worst way to play the game
pick up a shield or get to dual wielding big swords
its fiine, i can fix her
Why is Miquella such a slut?
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No. She's great. Shut up you hussy.
Still justified. Fuck the greater will.
Because Miyazaki is a pedo.
Mega based
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How much Vigor do I need for the DLC?
Golden lipstick...imagine a haligtree womb tattoo...
Somewhere between 99 and 150
It’s okay because I love used goods
What the fuck just happened?
I'm disappointed that we're not closer to the truth of Melina than we were when she was first revealed
dlc is unfinished, stuff like this isn't uncommon
They didn't do anything with St Velka in DS1 despite mentioning her plenty of times and even making her a mechanic
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Genuinely, as someone who knows jack shit about this lore.

What is wrong with the greater will? If feels like the worst thing it did was put a bunch of giants and weird monsters in line.
>phase 2 with the entire hp bar
Oh dear god
2 options which are both slightly different but incredibly solid:
>fingerprint greatshield with any poky weapon (i used sword lance). do not actually use the shielded poke. pump up your END and use the twin turtle talisman as well as the guard boost talisman. you NEED to dodge roll the last attack of his combos or he will push you backwards out of melee range. just block, poke, manage your stamina and play safe. if youre confident enough, use the deflect tear and you can be way more aggressive.
>option 1: barricade shield + blue dew talisman. just re-up barricade shield often and you can block basically everything, including a bunch of his mega nuke attacks. if you angle yourself correctly you can block his big holy aoe attack, but the comet flashbang bullshit is still iffy
>option 2: dont run an ash on the shield, put bloodhound step on your weapon instead. use BHS to dodge any attacks you are having trouble with. it goes through all of his aoe's very easily and makes dodging all of his most dangerous attacks very safe. just dont spam it.
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>miquella will never leave golden kiss marks on you
I understand why Leda snapped. I want to kill someone, possibly myself.
la creatura
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He got shoved into an omen's body.
daddy issues
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Improve your gameplay. 90% of issues solve themselves.
Greater Will is basically completely uninvolved in the events of the game, I'm not even entirely convinced it's a real entity and not purely metaphorical
Relaying the game since I didn't have a save ready for the DLC.

I'm going for a magic knight build with a higher emphasis on Int over STR. What's a better mid game weapon for me to use the carian troll knight sword or the royal carian blade? I have the academy rod already from thops.
Radahn took a single look at the host's face, fell on his knees and pooped his pants, forcing mickey to intervene early.
Anyone got the Miquella hypnosis app meme?
i can improve to not get baited by radahn or gaius' iframes but that won't make me less mad
It made life.
And from that, everything went wrong.

May chaos take the world.
issues like the game crashing when I'm getting summoned for coop
Why did Thiollier wanna fuck her so badly?
I think I'm missing only one shiggydiggyshadowtree fragment, shoot me now
whelp, a mouth's still a mouth
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Forgotten just like that
Nobody really specifies. Ranni mentions that being an "empyrean" meant it was somehow controlling her and that by abandoning her body the way she did she cut the connection.
did you get the parkour one from the final dungeon, the 3 potbros, or the hidden one in abyssal woods?:
>would you still love me if i was a worm
She's SO sleepy. :3
Yes, yes, maybe, what do you mean by hidden
>Improve your gameplay.
alright, i will use the lighting perfume bottle and rolling sparks
>hey wouldn't it be cool if we could do [thing]
>repeat 80 times
I think it's a great design philosophy.
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I think the ER DLC broke me. I just don't care anymore about learning yet another boss with yet another combo string except that this one has a 1 second delay between the third and fourth hit and their gap closer leaves them vulnerable for less.
Everyone has the same fucking moves but with a different flavor of color. Maybe I need a long break
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Fuck me sideways, I wasted that vile he gave. Just died and nothing happened, did I fuck up?
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>demi-human queen marigga
Hidden as in the one that's not the two in the church and in the ass-end woods
Greater Will is legit a scam. The Golden Order, the Two Fingers, they all claim to heed the word of the Greater Will but the Greater Will hasn't been in contact since e the dawn of civilization. It moved on already.

That's why the two fingers in the roundtable hold have no answers for how to get past the erdtree barrier.

The "greater Will" that people claim they talk to is just the two fingers and the Elden Beast acting on their own accord
no, you can buy more from him for 30k runes
He sensed your power levels and decided that, "Miquella, forgive me. I must go all out, just this once"
Not really, the only thing it was useful for was bricking the rewards of a quest.
Alright, so you have HP & your estus heals you equal upto x amount. When you reach around 35 vigor you will heal less than your full health, but not by much. Let's put it in simple numbers so it's an easy concept to understand.

You have let's say 10 estus charges. Each charge heals 100 damage. You have 120 HP. This means you can lose a total of 10120HP before death. Now let's say you have a high vigor. This high stat gives you 240 HP! Holy moley that's TWICE AS MUVH HP RIGHT? No it isn't. You still only have 10 charges of estus meaning you have 1240 HP. You've spent 25 stat points on what is effectively a single Estus charge. The only thing high vigor will possibly save you from is punishing combos & mega hits. So just learn to avoid those particular hits & you'll be fine
When I first entered the red grass area and found the dragon priestess near the corpse of a giant dragon, I thought that that was Bayle and that people used pieces of his massive carved out heart for communion, like some sort of a nightmarish blunt rotation. But if that's not Bayle, then who is that?
The Royal Greatsword is more of an endgame weapon unless you really rushed the Ranni quest, but it is the better option for higher int over strength.
Troll has those cool pokes though.
I want to try the fight without shields. I haven't come this far to use one anyway kek.
Mickey's nuke stutters my game so badly that I am physically incapable of escaping the blast radius.
I randomly got spoiled on that boss' name and I thought that this meant the DLC was going to be a Ringed City-esque thing where you end up going back in time to fight Marika when she was a demi-human pre-her ascension to godhood which turned her into a human. Marigga was actually Marika's former name before she sanitized herself, ala Frigga/Freyja. Anyway none of it was right and it turned out to be just some random field boss
it's obviously a very gay artist
Lipstick marks are an unfathomably based fetish
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gameplay maximized
what is the elden beast, is it intelligent? it's called a beast and it just seems like a dumb fish type animal

there's still value in being able to take 2 hits before needing to heal rather than 1, even if your total health pool is effectively the same
oh good, so I guess I won't even bother rebuying it
with "her item" I meant the priestess heart
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I'll be gifting these to people who manage to beat Bayle
Velka is the pygmy
i dont know
ER definitely takes this boss design philosophy to the extreme, especially in this DLC. I dont think radahn or rellana are good fights at all. It will be interesting to see where fromsoft goes from here, because if they continue to make insane flashy bosses but not give the player tools to combat them that dont feel "lame" (summons, etc), the next installment is gonna be a bad time.
Going back to, say, DaS1, the difference in bosses is insane, and not just because its an older game and older engine. The further you go back in the timeline, the more methodical everything is. In ER, bosses are a shitstorm of visual clutter and, as anon says, 18 part mixup delay combos. Its the genre evolving, but its maybe going a bit overboard.
No, you can buy more from Moore, assuming he hasn't fucked off yet.

Either way, it's only use is in a branching questline. And the ashes + spell you get for using the potion are more shit than the weapon + transformation you get for not using the potion.
i'm glad i'm not the only one. I have a decent rig and I go down to like 15fps
I mean..If it wasn't fucking roll slop.
Here's something for you RP fags. Post your Tarnished's backstory/headcannon and then try to make them into another boss battle for other players to take on. Bonus points if you design the fight around your specific build.

>Silas Blackflame, Lord of Blades
>born lowly Carian commoner, but had innate martial skills that netted him a squire status, eventually worked his way into becoming a full fledged Carian Knight
>became skilled with any weapon he got his hands on, went on to catch the eye of Queen Marika herself
>was given title Lord of Blades, became one of Marika's top enforcers, helped Maleketh take down the GEQ, was the one who claimed her Godslayer Greatsword, which earned him the Blackflame moniker
>boss battle takes place in his personal training area, filled to the brim with swords, daggers, spears, etc.
>attacks by summoning various weapons from around the room with big, acrobatic moves, throws in some Carian glintblades and lightning incantations for good measure
>second phase has him on the ropes when ball of black fire ignites next to him, reaches in and pulls out the Godslayer GS
>now fighting as SILAS OF THE BLACK FLAME, unleashes Maleketh-esque moves as he dashes around the arena throwing god slaying blackflame everywhere
DMGS or a cold claymore
it's useful to get an electric miracle spell but you have to never admit that you gave her the potion
>manage to beat Bayle
it's not that hard
Sewing is still the most pointless mechanic in the game.
Fight me.
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>find Count Ymir
>combat restricted area
>bloodstains everywhere
yeah probably

remember the base game perfumes?
I mean while summoning me, in co-op. With all the scadlets success rate is like 1/10
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>Haemish McTaggert
>addicted to heroin
>has run out of heroin
>willing to kill the whole kingdom and multiple gods for his next fix
>will do you too
then try slapping bloodhound step on your weapon, adding status effects to your build for more damage, and light rolling. those should bump your damage and make your dodges safer. if you are adamant on dodging only, at least do it right - youre going to die in 2 hits anyways.
I didn't ask to be born lookin ass
It is except when you actually have to budget time and work flow and your animators are each all working on random anime moves the player will never use and won't have time to tweak and adjust while Messmer's turning animation is still unfinished.
Boss design peaked at DS3 and I honestly kind of doubt the same people made both games
Gael has a powerful long combo with good tracking. How do we make sure the player is aware of this?
Let's give him an audible yell before doing it, then have the boss slump over and be winded for a moment so the reward for dodging it perfectly is a free hit or two. We can expand on this too - in phase three when he's about to explode, why not have another audio cue?

Genius! We'll make it whimpering so it feels like him losing control which matches well with the visuals and themes of the fight.

All of Malenia's most deadly moves that are the hardest to dodge have barely any downtime and half of her moves are incredibly slow, super easy to dodge, and you can punish all of them easily. The player should not go on the offensive and feel happy when she gives them a free attack
>ER SotE
Above but the boss also flashbangs you and has random iframes
>no boss as cool as this guy in the entire dlc
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wad do u mean thats not quen marigga :DD
Some value yes. If you are a melee build, for sure. But casters don't need it unless they're bad. I like to fight using DMGS at midrange, using its wave in lew of comets/pebbles & i just bait & jump/roll & never get hit. If I was just pewpewing I wouldn't even be in danger of getting hit
>make a perfumer run
>get a whip
>have to spend the first 45 minutes of that playthrough grabbing perfume bottles
>which paled in comparison to the literal 10 hours I spent before that playthrough was over, constantly re grinding the materials

Fuck me that sucked.
I'm kinda salty Shadow Keep proper was so small gameplay wise and we get stuck in discount Research Hall for most of it
count ywmbaw
>milady: used quality scaling
That means it's not a dex weapon then
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You cringe, you lose, I lost at the third point
So isn't that a problem with the Two Fingers instead of the actual will?

And if that's true then what is guiding you to become Elden Lord then from the graces?
How is the new holy damage situation?
There are a few nice weapons, the Inquisitor's spear seems nice, since it has the Silura's tree moveset, which is always nice, but what about the weapon skill? Shadow sunflower has according to the wiki really good faith scaling for a colossal weapon.
Leda's sword is also cool but way late into the DLC.
Are the new Holy damage incantations any good? The crucible incants?
What about the holy ashes of war?
Extremely flawed logic. You get more HP so you can take more hits before death and you have more chances to heal or survive in general. Mistakes happen and you -will- get hit, even Ongbal isn't perfect in PVE, and everyone gets hit in PVP. Also
>You have let's say 10 estus charges. Each charge heals 100 damage. You have 120 HP. This means you can lose a total of 10120HP before death.
Probably a typo.

Yep, about what I expected from that crowd
The only original character I was able to come with was frenzied flame hobo but now we have Midra who is basically the same.
It's a damn shame that we got nothing new about Astels in the DLC [outside of a random Fallingstar Beast].

On my second playthrough and I'm not bothering with any of them. The rewards aren't worth hacking away at their ankles for 5+ minutes each.
>get summoned
>don't recognize boss area
>it's open world
>host summons some STRboy too
>starts running
>leads us to fire golem with armored legs
>starts attacking golem
>tries to hit it with fire attack
>gets one-shot by fire stomp
>can't view it without a xitter account
It is the Embodiment of Order, the Elden Ring, and the Vassal Beast of the Greater Will.
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He's just depressed, lonely and wants love.
So commander gaius's ai is so fucking broken that if you ram your house into him from his left side the retard just stays still.
I was not aware opium poppies grow in The Lands Between
It's genuinely bizarre you can't comprehend how valuable it is to take more hits before being obliterated, and your best answer is "just don't get hit bruh" while also arguing for estus efficiency when you do get hit
Besides, what are you even going to do with those stats, you should have everything else by that point lol
Slutty McSluttmuffin
>she's gonna put the erdtree in her pussy
Where is the evidence in game that
>Miquella made Mogh take him from the haligtree via charm
>Miquella charmed Radahn
I'm seeing this everywhere online, but I never found evidence of either in my play through.
Yes, the godhood plan needed another body to bring Radahn back, but that in no way proves Miquella targeted Mogh from the beginning. Ansbach describes that Mogh's corpse was basically stolen away afterwards so it instead seems opportunistic. Either way, Miquella's planning had no direct kill switch on Mogh.
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>nanaya jr.
>loves frenzied flame
>loves stabbing other tarnished in the skull
>will throw 5 hefty rot pots at you and shoot you with a jar cannon if you do not engage him and try to hide in a corner
>invades with the sole purpose of terrifying you
switching from my solo policy to using ashes and NPCs when fighting dragons because I fucking hate dragons
10/10 best dlc ever made babyee, that'll be $40 please, gaijin.
To be fair, getting hit with a whole house to the head probably gives you a concussion.
It was a typo, sorry

& yeah there is some value in being able to survive attacks dealing more than "120" HP but there really isn't that many attacks & casters should be far away from the a tion to begin with. Just avoid the haymakers & combo flurries & you're golden
there are lots of ai loops in the dlc
I've had a Death Knight freeze on me, Radahn stomp 10 times in a row, and Gaius just stop moving
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This but Elden Ring
Yea, any NSFW marked accounts require an account.
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>tears shit up with claws
>she gets naked and you fucking die
>Miquella made Mogh take him from the haligtree via charm
Ansbach's dialogue right before you fight Radahn.
>Miquella charmed Radahn
No evidence aside from the fact that Malenia's crusade on Caelid makes zero sense otherwise.
Ansbach says that Miquella charmed Mohg
Miquella didnt charm Radahn and nowhere is it implied
Grace is from Marika and the Erdtree.

The Fingers themselves are broken and either making shit up as they go along or working on repeat from the first orders they were given.
Yeah Messmer is ds2 hitbox bad he's just fast and flashy so most people miss it. I got stabbed by his spear thrust while standing behind him.
Radahn as a summon sucks.
Guy is so much easier to deal with when he is focused on you alone.
Like a lot of stuff it's just a hold over from the older games
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>top Miquella
B-But retards told me MESSmer was the best boss in the DLC??? You mean Fromtrannies LIED to me about how broken his snake hit boxes are????
would have been cooler if he wasnt a dragon. I've killed upward of 50 dragons in fromsoft games already I really dont give a shit. I dont even know what dragons DO in souls games. They're just sitting around waiting for me to fight them.
But bro you lose a fraction of your health when summoning mimic. It's balanced.
Came for gold lipstick Miquella, stayed for soft Thiollier.
Then came to the gold lipstick again.
who beat igon's ass? was he already broken when he made it to the land of shadow? is he a resident?
The Dryleaf Dragon

>An occultist looking for ascension & power within Dragon Communion, when he felt the first tugs of madness falling to the rage of the drakes inside him, he turned to meditation & self reflection. He has mastered himself & learned the way of dryleaf martial arts.
idk what did you feed your mimic tear, but mine didn't survive 10 seconds in 2nd phase of any bossfight I used it on (Messmer, Radahn and Rellana)
At least he wasn't ganking but this is so pointless
how is claws doing in the dlc...
Huh, if only he screamed their name constantly
Miquella chose Radahn to steal Ranni's brother as payback for Godwyn
i dont mind bayle because at least he was different enough

but those open world dragons makes me die inside and the overly hype orchestra music does not help at all
Obviously Bayle in a previous encounter.
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>top Miquella
>who beat igon's ass
CURSE YOU BAYLE wasn't clear enough for you?
I get wanting to post Miquella's stomach, but that's too much bulge for a blue board.
>hmm which body should I use for my promised consort
>what about that guy with a horn in his eye
Not seeing any on the map other than those three
how the fuck would he have gotten to where you found him if bayle beat his ass? did he really crawl his broken body from the peak?
It wants order. Or maybe not so much wants, but rather is order. It's more of a thing than an individual. It's a way for the Ring to protect itself or move on to the next god.
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This is by far one of the most entertaining invasion locations in the entire series.
Grace ultimately comes form the Elden Ring so we can only assume Marika or Elden Beast is the one giving the guidance if the Greater Will has never been present since Metyr broke.
Leda in the DLC makes it clear that the one guiding you is the "Erdtree", whatever that means. And that both Miquella and the Erdtree want you guys to duke it out to see who is gonna be the winner.
Bayle was a shitty fight and a worse design.
A wyvern first of all, and nit ass imposing as Midir or even Khalameet.

And his name is stupid as fuck.
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Stone Coffin Fissure is my favorite Legacy Dungeon of the DLC.
this guys' streams are so damn funny man, and he likes flails, just like me
oh sorry i will delete it then
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Sometimes the japs are truly too cultured for us.
Shhh just don't mention it the jannies don't need to know.
Enjoy hell, homos
>hey guys lets all just start saying 'legacy dungeon' in june 2024
Knock it off.
>let there be healing, therefore praise the message!

Or some variation every fucking corridor before a room with mooks
She has the same problem all the support summons (except the 2 good ones) have. They have low hp low damage and you have to go out of your way to actually use their buffs and heals. Theoretically pure melee characters could make better use out of them but they just don't do enough
Why did he give up on the DLC, he was so excited about it.
Does he remind you of your daddy
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>Marika has space aids & has been passed around the Lands Between she's basically a town bike
why does this turn me on
messages this dlc was especially horrendous and normalfags was a mistake. "i want to go home and edge" at least 5 times a dungeon.
beat mohg but his 2nd phase is absolute bullshit
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I didn't think about my guy's lore before I was a little mindbroken by repeated attempts at fighting Rellana.
As a Prisoner, he was (lightly) versed in the magical arts before the penal mask was forced upon him. After his return to The Lands Between, he yearned to reclaim what was taken from him and make up for the time lost not studying. At any cost. He took the garments of Carian knight and wore them as his own. However, he could not wear the helmet since it was too damaged during the fight, and chose the next best thing. Uncomfortable headgear was nothing alien to him (this is the thickest part of the larp since I actually just really liked the Marionette Soldier Birdhelm).
Bayle might not have just stayed in his crater for all eternity you know?
he did? i just started watching, i hope he didn't get bored of it
my dad is dead and no he doesn't remind me of him
>artist is one of those fags that posts a bunch of random bullshit
I hate when they do that.
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Are you seriously telling me that the Dark Souls 2 director also directed Shadows of the Erdtree?
No wonder every fucking enemy just has SHOCKWAVES and animation snapping, why is that fuck still allowed anywhere near the game industry?

it's been unbelievably shit, i've wanted to turn off online but i can't bring myself to do it bc every now and then there is a helpful message and it feels nice to find it
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went in with "talons" which was pure dex raptor talons. wanted to try beast claws but i already did everything else in the dlc by the time i found them. claws of night are cool but they wouldn't work too well on the original pure arc version of clawsâ„¢
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desperately looking for a fun weapon but unable to find one
>wanted to try beast claws but i already did everything else in the dlc by the time i found them
dude what
they're literally right by the first grace in the dlc

antspur rapier with the poison bloom ash of war is fun
Claymore is still good over a decade later.
Have to play DaS3 or Bloodborne
rellana's twinblades or any light greatsword really, so much fun
i also enjoy ansbach's scythe but only the l2
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He's old, man. He was getting exhausted years ago because of health issues on ordinary streams. But his Elden Ring stream is legendary, probably one of his best, so many funny moments.
Claymore is still the poor man's UGS a decade later.
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Having finished replaying DS3 yesterday I can honestly say the second half of DS3(Including DLCs) has better boss fights than Elden ring
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>becomes actually powerful
>has sex with a woman

>can't even fight, a footnote in his own boss battle
>continues being a useless fetish object sissy fucktoy cocksleeve
>Improve your gameplay
Rolling sparks, a fingerprint greatshield, and the antspur it is :)
I wish the Claymore used the Banished Knight moveset. I'm so tired of greatswords that look like normal weapons moving like they're Eiffel Tower sized slabs of steel. Claymores are barely 2.5kg for fuck's sake
can i parry maliketh with backhand blades?
do I miss the timing or is it just impossible
Plagiarizers can never match up to the artistic work they are plagiarizing, hence why they plagiarize.
>just rollslop
no one asked NIGGER
My character's sbackstory was that he was a sort of ruthless paladin working for the Golden Order and being resurrected with grace. Then wanting to kill everyone in charge of anything once he was how shit the Lands Between had gotten.

Probably wouldn't be a boss but more like an invader attacking you somewhere in Leyndell or near a Church of Marika.

Unfortunately he uses Greater Stars and From patched in another invader who also does that.
Griffith only managed to fuck a woman after he essentially groomed her or had to rape her after she's been mentally traumatized after watching her adopted family get brutally slaughtered.
>continues being a useless fetish object sissy fucktoy cocksleeve
As if this doesn't also apply to Griffith
He can also snap onto the player.
I always default back to claymore once I have tried the meme weapons. Backhand blades without the overtuned aow was fun too.
Elden ring characters are hollow, barely even characters. Miyazaki doesnt even try to tell a coherent story
wasn't st Trina the faggot inside miquella?
then what was he doing with radahn?
he didn't need radahn if he wasn't a fag anymore
>mage shitter
For me, it’s the thought of becoming the brakes to her bicycle
>Black Steel Twinblade
anyone tried these? thougths?
Male equivalent of stupid women who think they can fix convicts and drug addicts.
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>i hope he didn't get bored of it
Nah he said he just didn't have the energy, he no longer streams regularly. He said he may resume it later but I really don't want to see him put himself through the Radahn fight.
St. Trina was his female split side. Like Marika/Radagon. After throwing her away Miquella is just a full-fledged faggot.
I was commenting on a mage with more mage focus than I have retard. I swing my magic sword, that dude casts spells. Don't be a little faggot because you got schooled
Actually Miquella won. Unlike Griffith, Miquella got what he wanted: his big brother to crater her shithole.
Griffith will never get Guts to crater his shithole. Griffith will never get what he wants no matter how much godhood he achieves. His dreams died that day on the eclipse and he doesn't even realize it; he still thinks he has a chance.
This is comedy gold. Every single fucking invasion here is like an IQ check. I don't even have to interfere sometimes.
euporia's gimmick only shines against large groups of enemies
black steel twinblade has a special guard counter like the hammer iirc
yeah the OST being very samey throughout the dlc kinda sucked and i just ran past the generic dragons

I dont think I even killed the ghostflame ones
Griffith isn't gay, dog.
he is literally me
Miquella is like if Griffith ascended and started slobbing on Wyald's cock, or went back to getting fucked by that one old noble.
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How the fuck has nobody done a close up video on this thing, it's probably one of the more important lore pieces in the DLC.
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Where is it at?
Euporia is surprisingly really strong against Radahn. Melts phase 1
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Boss of this area is my absolute favorite
Build up throughout the mansion, great OST, honest moveset while also being challenging and entertaining
Love this guy
>t. speedreader/fujoshi
What's the strongest ARC builds/weaps now? I've gone both ARC/DEX using scavangers/eleanoras/rivers and ARC/STR using the chicken wing/marais. Is there anything else? I'm kinda bored of both of these, the chicken wing is a little too slow for my liking. Obviously around RL 150
>He just took it up the ass and is obsessed with another guy he totally isn't a homo bro
> flame skewer has the kino follow-up that NPCs use
> I didn't even try it cause it didn't fit my build
how unfortunate. Does it work better with fire or flame art?
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Put yourself in Rellana's shoes, for a moment. Your fort has been invaded by what seems to be a single person. When he finally reaches you, all you see is a mockery of one of your knights, wearing bloodier robes and a crude helmet from a damn puppet. And yet somehow, he wields the heirloom of your family - the Dark Moon Greatsword. You feel a mixture of fury and disgust, but you can't see through that birdhelm's mangles slits is that all he feels is hunger from looking at your helmet.
>Black Steel Twinblade
the new king of flame art
I loved all the "gimmick" areas in the DLC. They felt almost DeS esque in nature.
i don't know if it's strong but i like it
I know a lot of people were wondering in the Fingercreepers were agents of Rykard originally, but now we know they are children of the Motherfinger. Why the hell are they crawling around Giant Mountain, Rykard's summer house, & the carians manor?
>Reading comprehension of an 8 year old
Griffith is manipulative and a control freak. He couldn't handle Guts leaving because of how crucial Guts was to his plans to become king. That, and he also considered him a friend despite never admitting it.

The count shit was for a totally different reason, if you actually read the story you'd know how much Griffith hated doing that and how much he despised that guy.
Again, fucked Casca
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i'm nobody
Messmers arena.
It's the only statue in the entire DLC that still has a head, and is apparently holding a baby
Occult Fangs with Endure
Hilariously strong and under the radar somehow
saw a message that said
>mist, or beast
made me chuckle ngl
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I still love this weapon, but I have a feeling I'm going to have to respec for the DLC and use something else
>fort, night
>fort, morning
>fort, day
>fort, evening
>Carian Manor
Two possible reasons.
1. They were there to vibe check Ranni
2. Ymir was a tutor there so he might have birthed some even then.

No clue why they're at the volcano.
Tons of BDSM jokes in the dungeons too porn has really rotted humanity's brains
I don't think the Greater Will is metaphorical given the clear intent and design behind entities like the Elden Ring/Beast and Metyr. Plus Metyr's lore is explicite about her having contact with it at some point which makes no sense if it wasn't an entity of some sort. The Greater Will is essentially a Platonic (not gnostic) demiurge.
Rotted Miyazaki's brain too.
>17 arc tax
I can't use it without the gay frog helmet
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I wonder...
It's probably messmer then
>Rennala loves Radagon deeply, gifts him a family heirloom
>he corrupts it, then ditches it, then ditches Rennala, which, combined with the fates of her kids, utterly mindbreaks her
>Rellana loves Messmer so much she ditches her Carian legacy entirely and gets good at combat enough to become his Blade
>Messmer never answers her feelings because he's a fucking moron ignoring a big titty tomboy spellsword
>Ranni prepares herself for a path of solitude
>suddenly a complete stranger just enters her life, he's a complete adventuresexual who got into her cabin purely because he loved exploring
>she still tries to play hard to get, but leaves clues how to proceed because she's still a god damn Carian princess and thus a hopeless romantic
>Tarnished becomes her Eternal
This is by far the most amusing family we ever had in Souls games.
I had to message an artist who accidentally tagged her art as "Messemer" with an extra e because it meant none of her art was showing up in the search page when trying to find art of him
I wonder how many people are accidentally adding an e
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Griffith is mega fucking gay bro
Griffith raped Casca out of what was essentially spite to hurt Guts.
tfw no carian gf
Your headcanon isn't real, fujo.
nah, that spell does ok damage but just gets wrecked by flat defenses, on my ng+7 it'll do like 2500 damage total or something while rain of fire does like 350 total
Oyakodon when?
I'm sure Messmer answers her feelings now and then. But being an emo boy with mommy issues he needs a lot of time to mope around for himself.
80 for casting
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Vattivodya said she was holding a rune arch or something, but now that you post that pic, it looks like there's a baby there and she is taking some of their golden hair.
Can you really blame Messmer he probably didn't want her to be persecuted
Well, it was spite and dominance. He thought Guts had stolen Casca and the Hawks from him after he got his stupid ass locked up and tortured after throwing a tantrum so he took back what was "his".
My headcanon is closer to reality than you think.

Grace is directed by Marika as she seems a Lord to kill the Elden Beast and take the reigns of the Golden Order for humanity. Or she wants humanity to enter an eternal era of strife. There's theories.

But when you fight Godfrey you'll notice that both his guidance of grace and yours point to each other. This being a command from Marika that the path forward requires one of your defeats
I think so as well but the baby looks absolutely fucked up like it's got a fucking flipper for an arm, bulging eyes, difficult to make out but it's clearly fucked up.
>Lion´s claw
bros.. our verdict?
The good for nothing Berserk schizos are at it again, go the fuck back to r*ddit you obnoxious fags.
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Miura died, canon isnt up to him anymore
Griffith forgives Guts and then they get married as Guts becomes his Royal bodyguard/attack dog
shut up gay hoe
You can occult the Great Katana, Beast Claws etc. The latter might actually be its best infusion.
There's also the new arc Colossal Sword, but I was fucking around invading with it yesterday and discovered its WA doesn't work well in pvp so it's just a fancy beatstick.

I've also tried bleed-infused throwing daggers and it was both weak and strong at the same time. Worth fucking around with.
>Lion's Claw
Yeah. You did* it. Absolutely. You beat* the game. All* by* yourself***
I only used it in phase one because I couldn't be bothered to go through that shit. I didn't use summons, am level 150 and didn't use any buffs, spells etc. I'd say that makes up for it.
Definitely did it, with honest build
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I was right
Meteoric Ore Greatsword with offhand beastclaws is really fun.
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Oh my god bros...
I can make it work
I only used it to get through phase 1 as quickly as possible. Haven't used it in phase 2 once. I was just so fucking done with phase 1. Waiting for him to do the fucking meteor attack every single time when I almost break his stance. Jesus Christ I hated that so much.
Is going 40/60 with dex/int a good spread? What is the ideal spread for dex/[spell stat] builds?
Only point of content is having to use a Great Rune.
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Our thoughts on the beast claws?
I'm gonna go into deep end retard speculation here.

What if Messmer is not actually Marika's child, but just raised believing it to be true? What if Messmer is the child of the GEQ, or one of the other Empyreans during the age of the crucible that Marika murdered to gather the runes to form the golden order?

This would make Melina also not a child of Marika, but of the GEQ?
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And yes I did purposefully say Griffith forgives Guts, not the other way around, imo Griffith was more wronged than Guts
The rim of the opening is solid flesh with no breaks or gore. It's not a wound. It's either an eye or... god knows what else. But whatever the creature she's stealing gold from, it's a natural opening she's taking it from.
thiolier set also give like 5 arcane (hat and torso piece) , maybe that could help you
And honestly that might be spreading it too thin if you want 60 vigor.
>goldmask's mask looks like scooby doo tree avatar face
what did he mean by this?
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Marika IS Radagon, right?

Why is she guiding people to kick her ass? What purpose would she have of dropping it if she's eternal? Is she just tired?
that mouth is at the right height it seems
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Glintblade Trio is not terribly damaging, but it makes hosts panic and conceals me with the wall of glowing bullshit, which is super useful.
Honestly, the additions to INT aren't bad at all. They just need to buff a few of them.
I've been looking for this art, thank you. What artist is this?
Cry about it, Miyazaki apes Berserk more than anything else.
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This is the statue without the lighting another anon did to the other picture, shits almost impossible to make out until someone pulls the asset and does a close up.

It's the only statue in the DLC of Marika with her head still attached, clearly holding a child, and somehow none of these loretuber faggots have even mentioned it?
What? That is the icon from Miquella's grab. I didn't use a great rune for this whole character kek. I hate those things. Just puts more pressure on you to perform because they are limited.
They shit on poiselets thanks to the oppressive chasedown but they are completely and utterly walled by poise because their individual animation commitments are long and their poise damage weak. Someone with a greatsword can just reaction R1 any button you press and out-trade you

Part of what makes the hand to hand moveset so unexpectedly usable is that the running/jumping R2s have absolutely nutty poise damage and good speed, so it's not zoned/bullied by bullgoats. Beastclaws are screwed here by comparison.
You beat the game anon. Time to rest now.
What's your build homie I always wanted to make an hybrid but I feel like I'm lacking on shit
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So... does a new loli girl upper body start sprouting once the old one falls off?
Thanks anons. I'm glad it is finally over. But also kinda sad? Last cutscene made me even more sad.
No, it's best to think of Radagon as a split personality. I think the DLC goes deeper into it.

Basically, after Godwin died, Marika became so pissed off with the Golden Order she decided to break the Elden Ring into fragments. This spurred her children into war for the power vacuum.

For her crimes, Radagon seized control and imprisoned her and him in the tree while he tried in vain to fix it.
Okay, so you can keep Florissax alive and get the group buff instead of her priestess heart? What's the point of that? Is the spell any good?
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I'm leaning more and more towards the direction of that being a babies head and that's swaddling cloth around it, which could very well be the godskin swaddling cloth.
>Why is she guiding people to kick her ass?
So they can become Lord and brandish the Elden Ring to undo what Marika did when she shattered it in desperation. Radagon doesn't want a new order so he has sealed up the Erdtree against intrusion and tried to repair the ring just as it was, but it failed. Elden Beast itself is probably just the Elden Ring's defense mechanism so you need to go through him to brandish the ring in this situation (the god being sealed by the Elden Beast).
>iron claw spammer str monkey's brain shuts down when he sees magic
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>make like 80% of the weapons in the game FTH so you're naturally inclined to increase it for variety
>secretly make the very coolest 2% of weapons all INT
Why is From like this
Worse than Vow in every way.
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Sneed mentioned?!?
Oh rl 200, I didn't really want to go that high but maybe I should
Thanks friend
holy based. well done, anon.
No new great rune, thanks fromshit
Found it, Temple Town Ruins
It's funny that they didn't event try to fix or improve that terrible mechanic.
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This thing is profoundly retarded during invasions. I love it.
You should make builds for every major invasion range. Otherwise it gets really stale.
Marika was the one who shattered the elden ring and orchestrated the whole shitshow. She wants to die--she wants a champion to come along and kill her. Radagon remains loyal to the Elden Beast, so the two sides of the God are in conflict.

She's probably been plotting this for a long time, and there's a good chance that Godfrey and the original tarnished were 'divested of grace' specifically so they would thrive outside of her reach and return strong and uncontrollable. The Fingers setting up a phoney roundtable hold and giving you missions are basically just trying to redirect this roving force of nature barreling down on the lands between. They don't really know what the fuck is going on--which is why Gideon takes charge.
It's shit and so is the ash.
My Tarnished loves his blue wife very much and is worried every time she brings up the idea to have her mother and aunt join in.
It's exactly 1,5 years ago that I first started Elden Ring. I've played DS3 a few times and DS2 twice. Lies of P I finished too. What do I move onto now? (I'm on PC).
Okay, so am I missing something? Why are there a ton of random messages at dungeon walls taht say "no horse"
Does that mean something or is it just reddit
Does that mean Malenia and Miquella are rape babies...
You are completely off. See >>484545327
Nioh 1 and 2.
You didn't play the original Dark Souls? You're missing out on peak. Theo thers will seem derivative after
Radagon is a fragment of Marika just like Trina is a fragment of Miquella, something they shed to become a full god. The lore you get throughout the base game also points towards Marika giving Ranni the means to get the fragment of death to give to the black knife assassins to kill Godwyn.

There's a very real chance that Marika gave up the ability to give a shit about her children other than using them as a means to an end, just as Miquella gave up his love, etc.
Sorry I meant to say DS1 instead of DS2. I loved DS1, especially the atmosphere, sound design and map.
>What if Messmer is the child of the GEQ,
Before DLC came out I pointed out that he had godskin features, yellow snake like eyes, slender, pale skin, the fire, there's not enough stuff about GEQ to go on about but there are similarities we can point out and Marika has a history to using people to do her bidding, so that's that.
>This would make Melina also not a child of Marika, but of the GEQ?
She's definitely Marika's daughter, but a secret one, maybe born under Radagon and Renalla, my believe is she shared body with Ranni and when Ranni used the rune of death of her their were split, 2 ghosts without a body, from there they work together to bring the age of the starts, the details are milky but that's what I think.
Looks like a baby to me, maybe Miquella himself when he was just born?
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>Seeing the finger ruins from the distance for the first time
>Seeing them on the map and realizing the fingerprint shape
>Actually reaching them and seeing them up close
>Seeing them filled with fingercreepers and leach people
>Finding the finger mimic mushrooms and nailstones
>Finding fingernail sorceries that the leach people use
>Reading that the leach people are closer to fingers than humans
>Finding that hollow finger bell in the center
>Seeing another finger ruin on the newly found map piece, 2 in total
>Teleporting to Ymir's church only to see him missing and finding a secret finger ruin under his throne
>Hearing that the two fingers have a "mother"
>Actually seeing the mother
Every of these events made me feel various degrees of pic related. THIS is how you fucking do cosmic horror. I'm most likely feel this again when kill the mother and read her items' descriptions.
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>hits you for 90% of your health
>can't lock on legs
>AOE spam
>massive health pool
I'm tired of it
Finally a fellow connoisseur
>200 invader
holy shit someone without terminal brain damage
>see fingers
>think damn thats cool
>run around
>its fucking empty
>keep running for another 10 minutes
>its so fucking empty
>find cerulean coast
>hoy shit what a beautiful zone
>its fucking empty
Stop trying to fight it in melee range. You have ranged options starting with the bullshit homing shortbow, use them.
>Berserk this and that
You are stupid faggot and dumb poser.
Ain't nothing scary about fingers, pansy.
Swaddling cloth is wrapped tightly around a baby to, well, swaddle them. That's not what a swaddled baby looks like.
If that's supposed to be a baby then the opening would be a giant dead vagina/cloaca, but I somehow doubt that's what they were going for because we don't see the rest of the structure that would be the creature's body. The curved white is probably just the eyeball.
>Finding fingernail sorceries that the leach people use
What? The place has fuck all for loot. You buy them from Ymir after blowing the first horn.
Eh, the Finger lore was all admittedly cool and Metyr is a cool boss but everything about it, from the exploration to the items and boss fight, ended up being undercooked.
The Radagon you fight is not the actual Radagon, it's the Elden Beast puppeting his body. Marika shattered the Elden Ring because she realized the Golden Order was corrupt, but also knew the moment she did the Elden Beast would come out to fight. She couldn't defeat it on her own, so she needed a beatstick enforcer to do it for her. Enter the Tarnished, who she created before the Shattering so that they could grow powerful outside the oversight of the Lands Between, and eventually be resurrected and guided by her Grace to return, get strong, kill all of her children to get even stronger. The long-term plan is that the winner will kill the Elden Beast and she will be restored to power (or replaced by someone acceptable) by the Tarnished who kills the Elden Beast.
Marika’s big toe in my mourh
No, you just want me to be wrong.
>Griffith loses control when guts leaves
>has a melty
>when he has control again during the eclipse he rapes casca and forces guts to watch
Come on, anon. That post does nothing but reinforce what I'm saying anyway.
nah bro metyr is kino
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Shame I couldn't do it in my usual outfit. Still, it could've been worse I guess.
best quest in the game
You have to manually hit her cloaca, preferably with thrusts until she staggers.
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>RP Fags

>Mfw I have been meticulous crafting a headcanon between all of the souls game about a guy named Irii Dragonlayer.
>It seems like just a play on words (HAHA DRAGONLAYER NOT DRAGONSLAYER HOW RIDICULOUS) but it's actually a title given to him as a slight and an insult for defending the dragons supposedly being obsessed with them, their intelligence and their fire.
>In DAS1 he kept the fire going because he feels his sacrifice will give others a chance to rise and become stronger before the age of man is over and primarily used fire magic.
>DAS2 is descendant (Or was it ancestor) accepted the crown in the same vein, afraid of the curse over taking him before he can help fix everything. Primarily using Sorcery
>In DAS3 he rejected the restoration of the flame feeling that if he was strong enough to take on the lords, then men was strong enough to survive the age of Dark. Going AGAINST his ancestors. Primarily using Lightning.
>In Bloodbourne ... I haven't played Bloodbourne yet.
>In Elden Ring, the latest of them retook the reigns becoming lord. Not because he felt he was necessarily the best choice but so he could exist as a beacon to someone more fitting. Kind of like a star in the sky lighting the way for the lost. He ironically kind of just uses whatever.
>All four of them hail dragons, not as flawless creatures but beings with great power that can protect instead of destroy.

This has been my autism tedtalk
Its retarded chinks
"No horse ahead" sounds similar to "no mother ahead" aka "motherless behavior" aka "liar ahead"
chinks are retards
Metyr is improved asstel
Her boss fight would've been massively improved if she summoned actual Two Fingers to fight you instead of creepers, and if she weren't so linear in terms of moveset, which makes her very easy to beat. Maybe if she had more resistance to poise break and more HP or defenses along with some more creative moves, she could've stood with the best of the best in BB.
bone bow
rot pots
No you dumb mongrel. Griffith didn't think Guts "stole" anything from him, you retard. Read the fucking manga.
Thanks for trying to help me understand guys
Are there parts of the map locked behind Shadow Keep? Im trying to do everything before exploring shadow keep
I already triggered the great rune shattering, I cant figure out how to get to the top right part, the green stuff in the top left, or like that huanted forest people keep talking about
That is dumb!
i fought her with no skibidis and deflect and it was pretty fun
I hate any rp shit that tries to justify a shared universe between the different From titles.
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>just going through the dungeon
>this happens
This is the second time ever across however many playthroughs and however many hours spent grinding the caelid tower monk that I've seen this fucking weapon.
>hidden wall requires "O, Mother" gesture
Fromsoft is in on it
All you Marika simps rush in to claim puppetry but can never post proof
And you would be correct to. This shit doesn't connect at all. But again. Autism.
>cowboy just got invaded by a guy named Nate Higgers
He's seething
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There's more than one way to wrap up a baby, bud.

I mean something along these lines but the blanket is obscuring more of the baby because miyazaki is a faggot and would prefer you to have to speculate on fucking everything.
You're a fucking mongoloid. There's a specific panel I could even point your stupid ass to where Griffith is watching guts and casca from the cuck wagon while he's got his stupid helmet on that paints it perfectly. Consider taking your own advice.
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Swag or not swag?
Learn to take a screenshot
very swag
>Are there parts of the map locked behind Shadow Keep?
Final part with Romina, Gaius, scatman avatar and marika's village area
Basically everything at the same level or higher as shadow keep is accessed by shadow keep
btw church district has a whole separate entrance and part of storage area is only accessed from there
All of that is accessed through different parts of the keep.
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>photo of screen
>cannot into rotations in 2024
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>look at the map
>look the fingers
>these can't possibly be fingers but there area sure looks like it was nuked by something
>reach the area
>"My god, this is the fabled land of the protoctologists"
fuck dex. required str/dex for weapons you want to use and pump int. your aow will be better and theres plenty of int weapons with good scaling. this way you can also use all the good spells. radagons icon for cast speed. 60 vig, 80 int. rest into mind and end.
attack moveset too similar to other humanoids

scorpion skull head guy was actually cool
legitimately kill yourself nigga
swag because no legs look good with that set
>Inbred interpreted this scene as Griffith being "jealous"
Griffith loves being in control and at that point in his life he had literally zero control over anyone or anything. Seeing his two most useful subordinates treating him like a third wheel ate him up inside. It wasn't because Griffith secretly had a crush on fucking Guts/Casca or some other gay shit like you're on about.
Reaching too hard. It doesn't plausibly look like a swaddled baby no matter how you squint at it.
just not feeling it dawg
kek this
>you have to put your mouth on the finger butt hole
oh i was thinking midra

yeah the finger mommy was based too
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What the fuck was actually happening with the Count and being a mother or whatever. Troon propaganda? Now that I think about it, there were a lot of female bosses in this DLC...
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The fact this thing causes hard knockdowns even against poiseblobs is just a cherry on top.
>Seeing his two most useful subordinates treating him like a third wheel ate him up inside.
Literally textbook jealousy.
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what do i do
It is surprisingly one note. I have to swap between dane's footwork and dry leaf art for better variety
Unironically the biggest problem with the fight is how tall he is and how his cape/mike's hair obscure his moves. Otherwise (aside from performance being ass), I think it's a pretty great fight.
Yeah I've never seen anyone use this spell normally, it's always by either casting it at someone's face or at the floor.
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Oh, I was probably thinking of the cookbook and what the ghost in the Finger-Weaver's Hovel said. Also, I just read the description of pic related for the first time. That's another small dread moment for the books.
he wanted to control fate or some shit
Find the albinauric woman
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St. Trina is my wife and I'm her promised consort!
Don’t tell me what to do retard, I’m on a steam deck and I’m not going on 4chins with it
Thank you!!!!!
Are those things any useful or the health drain is too much?
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>the "Radagon" you fight has the innards of the Elden Ring and his left arm is made from the same inky shadow as the Elden Beast
>"Radagon" never uses any of his own incantations or sorceries we know he has
>he doesn't even use his own weapon, instead he uses Marika's Hammer
>the JP title for him is not "Radagon of the Golden Order" it's "The Golden Order, Radagon"
>meaning he's the Golden Order (i.e, the Elden Beast) using his body
I've posted all of the above multiple times, it's not my fault you never read any of it.
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Bayle flies so fucking much once he reaches <10% HP, with barely any chances to punish him. So many co-op fights are lost thanks to this
>twin axes
>uses regular moveset
cmon couldnt they have ported ds3 moveset at the very least
Prepping an int faith build for the DLC, any must haves? Current setup is dual sonaf, mini onion ring as a ranged utility with golden order seal.
I was spoiled by Nioh 2 fists honestly. Dryleaf does nothing for me.
Light greatsword is amazing, hovewer.
They're really cool movesets for sure, but you definitely want to swap between the two. I have Footwork with bleed and Dryleaf with Palm Blast and Lightning on mine. It's just too useful to be able to infinitely poise and vig check someone.
While the boss themes continue to be forgettable, I really liked the ambience music for the open world and dungeons in the DLC
Ambience music in the base game was awful, repetitive and actually subtracted from the atmosphere for the most part
don't forget a silver buttplug up your ass ;^)
>While the boss themes continue to be forgettable
You thought so? I loved the Bayle, Miquella, Romina and Messmer OSTs. Sacred Bud or whatever was also good. The music that plays during the NPC showdown was also great.
sonaf is fucking ass post nerfm just get the rellana swords and pod staff
did they datamine any good cut content yet?
just got oneshot by a regular mob
I think the best parts of Elden Ring are when you defeat someone or get somewhere important and then the game shuts up and let's you take in the silence.
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I’m on steam deck and a phone I can’t help if the retarded technology rotates my photo it’s not rotated when I take it.
Anyone else feel like these bosses have shrunken hit boxes? Like I swear I see the animation of the weapon go INTO the boss and it still misses. Feel like you can't hit them unless you're inside them sometimes.
>you were in the palm of their hand all along
They really needed a legacy dungeon in that area. I wanted more fucked up finger weirdness. Not a big empty area that you walk in, finger, but hole then leave.
fascinating, now post the Shaniqua twerking outline
>Ambience music in the base game was awful, repetitive and actually subtracted from the atmosphere for the most part
I agree. The music in Limgrave, particularly at daytime gave me mood whiplash. DLC did much better in that regard.
nioh 2 fists was some next level shit
Its still kinda busted for the main game or maybe my perspective is skewed after playing through the DLC. I was looking for tools to bring into the DLC, already know I'm gonna beeline rellana and metyr first for their gear.
hard agree. easily top 10 souls ost.
this dlc is cooking with boss themes
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Son of a bitch...
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>tfw you're a carianhead but don't have an IRL girlfriend to make Ranni sounds while she drains your dick as you beat the game
The bittersweet moment after defeating Radahn + Miquella and you're standing in an empty arena full of corpses, in front of the gate. I still haven't picked the end game cutscene, so the choice is all mine.
which sword is this?
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>playing elden ring on steam deck
This is like saying if you were a teacher and saw your two students talking to each other instead of paying attention to you, then you're jealous of them. That is not jealousy, retard.
So I must not talk to Jerren (after Radahn) before I get Sellen's Primal Glintstone right? And for that I have to find Comet Azur first? In my previous run I remember I can progress her quest before finding both Azur and Lusat things so I thought I don't have to find Comet Azur first
it's just worse than almost any other unique L2 spam stick, the fire is slow as fuck and the magic got gutted damage
great katana
Repeating thrusts is pretty strong in PvE for an ash you get right at the start of the game.
Great katana. I started with the dragon slayer great katana tho because of the silver and gold sheathe, but it’s shit.
showing comet azur to sellen is what start's sellen's quest
I have a 180 day ban because of some mod, and it was a WHILE ago, surely more than 180 days. Is there any way to check how long this ban has remaining? I'm pretty sure I deleted all the mod files, so it shouldn't be refreshing the ban constantly or something. It's fucking annoying.
it's significantly weaker than spamming impaling thrust which is also right at the start of the game
found it pretty hard to use in some boss fights in the DLC
If those two students literally adored you and now they only spend time with each other? Yes that's jealousy.
Look up what jealousy actually means. For some reason, I know a lot of English speakers don't know the difference between jealousy and envy.
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>I have to break my no summons rule to finish Igon's questline
why do they do this
Trina model dissected
There are no other int faith specific weapons afaik, I am forced to use sonaf. I mean dual broadsword (one magic one flame art) with square off is no doubt better but it's not a unique int faith setup.
Strongest heal you want, Golden Vow. Other than that it'd just be whatever flavor of damage you want. I ended up doing sort of a jack of all trades flavor build with only one of each kind of spell myself. It's not optimal, but I do find it fun to be able to swap damage types so easily.
ER is DS2 2 warts and all, and always has been, deal with it
>too stupid to switch to desktop and post from deck
I just looked at a clip, the end of my Miquella fight synced up perfectly with the music. Radahns comet + the death itself. Absolute KINO.
this one time its actually worth it
They aren't even bad, just not memorable at all, especially compared to previous games
After checking the credits I realized Yuta Kitamura is back for some non-boss themes and that's probably a reason why I liked the music more this time
DS3 and BB OST will be forever stuck in my brain
How many months is 180 days anon
>i am forced
what kind of retard logic is this
oh damn youre right
i never really looked at it before
yuka kitamura is and was shit
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I particularly enjoyed defeating Romina and having some time to take it in before burning it all and knowing I'm just a step away from the end.
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Doing Bayle without Igon is just doing it wrong
Griffith literally sees himself as above both Casca and Guts. He isn't jealous, you don't even know what that word means, clearly. Please go back and finish highschool and pass your fucking Comp class, for God's sake.
You are actually fucking autistic.
How many days are in a year, anon
>waaah my autistic dumbfuck rule waaah
no one cares
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Yeah Yuta killed it in Old Hunters especially.

>why does St. Trina ask you to kill miquella
are you retarded?
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this is actually insane
Step 1: draw a circle
Step 2: draw the Rest of the Dread Dragon
The point of my playthrough is to use unique int faith gear as much as possible, using generic stuff or stuff available to pure int or pure faith builds would defeat the purpose.
Thanks, I'll pick up the buffs and heals, I can make an exception for support spells.
How many weeks are in a year
Finally beat Radahn and his twink
Had to use mimic since the fight was so bullshit
Gigadrilled with greatsword and bleed on him

The ending cinematic was a huge disappointment, was that it? Is this gonna be the "end" of elden ring? No conclusion beyond the basegame ending? Ranni ending was good and all but i expected Ranni to tag along with me vs Miquella and help me out in the fight and that id get some conclusive ending to the whole game
>You cannot be jealous if you're an arrogant prick
What bizarro world do you live in? Jealousy is the fear of losing someone's affection. That's exactly what Griffith is feeling.
what the fuck are "ranni sounds" supposed to be
Igon is kino he also doesn't do much
I know. I feel sure it's been at least that long though, it's been awhile since I last played ER.
wet porcelain
As a leitmotif appreciator I can't help but like DS3's OST and how it all ties together with the intro, final boss, Gael's and credits theme.
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>Putrescent Knight with no shield and short weapons

God why do I do this to myself, the amount of times my blades missed him by an inch is more than the stars in the sky
The ending is you, standing in front of the gates, on a massive pile of corpses. All that's left is silence and a short, sad memory from Miquella. It reminded me of the DS3 ending (but that didn't even have a single cutscene).
Explain to me how you do not find the Dancing Lion theme memorable. For me it's literally the only good theme the DLC has because it translates well to gameplay much like the Ludwig theme.
It's probably in the top 10 best themes FromSoft has ever done for me.
zero fucking taste
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>midra, basically nothing to the plot of the game, cool fight though
>romina, literal who with zero impact on the plot of the game, barely even mentioned in the dlc, actually kind of a boring fight, is somehow guarding the shadow spot because ???
>gaius, .01% plot related, basically another literal who in the grand scheme of things

I really hated this about the DLC.
If you cheat in crafting mats does your online get fucked up? I wanna help Radhan but I can't be asked to farm Jar Shards.
No. Anything you can trade with is fine.
>this image
Nope you can cheat in whatever items you want as long as they're not glitch items. Weapons, smithing stones, crafting materials etc are all fine.
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>Moonveil is still the best pvp option for INT sisters
the speed, there's just nothing like it
Why would there be double-scored horizontal switches of varying size and thickness along a folded seam?
I'm sorry sis but you don't seem to know anything about babies OR sewing.
animal carian, can't even say her name
I kind of like that. It gets a bit tiresome if everything has to revolve around the Shardbearer Battle Royale.
Metyr has a good theme I thought…. Shits creepy.
Yes, this is what fromsoft decided the final memory of elden ring should be, a whimper of an ending with no impact.

It's so bad it actually managed to sour me on the whole experience. I don't know how you actively decide to drop the ball this hard.
Dual magic cross naginatas or clayman harpoons (note I haven't tried them after the PSS nerf)
Ok I don't think Impenetrable thorns is bugged, it just behave exactly like the Scadu Avatar's version, so there's severanl hitboxes. If you cast it in the right terrain, the hitboxes clump the fuck up and the think does WILD burst damage. That's all it is.

It doesn't need a nerf or a bug fix, it's just DEADLY in close quarters.
Not everything has to be directly related to plot stuff. Sometimes you just run into a literal who.
Anything in any quantity is fair game as long as you could get it or make it normally.
Does cold infusion do any damage on an INT-less quality build?
>It reminded me of the DS3 ending (but that didn't even have a single cutscene).
But Nobuyoshi Suzuki is the one who made this theme? For Old Hunters Kitamura only made the Maria theme.
DLC ending. You know what I mean. After Gael.
Do you think there's anything to that theory that says that they made the base game good on purpose to sell the DLC?
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>Are you retarded?


also I don't know who St. Trina is. So. Yes? Probably?
Feeble King made a video calling the DLC out for what it is and the tourists are seething. Synthetic man is right too. Go back to DS3 and see how fair the bosses are especially in regards to tracking.
Here's how it works:
There are 3 lines of thorns that extend out in a fan pattern. Each line has a hitbox as it advances. When they reach an obstacle or their max range, they burst upwards and deal their main damage.
At close range, the 3 lines can overlap and all detonate on the same target, but depending on spacing and framerate a target can get hit both by the advancing lines and the explosions. The line deals less damage but the same status buildup, so you can just make the spell shotgun for 6 instances of buildup sometimes and it's almost entirely random.
i was still losing my mind with greatsword until i accepted the only way i was going to reliably hit him was with running attacks or when he was already on top of me.
>romina with the scorpion/centipede theme
feel like she was supposed to be the OG rot god but they couldn't fit in the DLC to live up to the hype with a dedicated area so they just made her a literal who and stuffed her in front of the place needed to burn the thorns

between the death knights, romina, frenzy area, and putrescent knight originally being related to GEQ I think the DLC started off much more ambitious in terms of answering questions but they just ran out of time
St. Trina is Miquella's discarded love.
didnt need a cutscene thoughever, you did give gaels blood to the painter right
At least DS3 had the conversation with that painter girl giving a nice air of finality to the whole franchise, in Elden Ring you have fucking Hornsent Gradam going to sleep after 2 lines.
cold affinity is the best affinity for all builds regardless of stats until midgame because of its large base damage and the lack of early enemies that resist frost
But isn't Miquella forever a child?
I gotta be honest, the entire Metyr questline is stuff I'm going to remember for a while. It's creepy and unnerving in a good way and doesn't try too hard. It's got a good boss, and a good final payoff.
by far the worst thing in the DLC is how bosses will evade attacks after dodging their 20 straight seconds of attacking you get nothing because they wont stop spazzing out

romina flying away or being just a weird hitbox with lockon is infuriating and she's not even the worst
Lion theme is good but after finishing the boss and waiting 30 seconds it was completely gone from my brain, it's so bombastic and chaotic that it ended just blurring up together into an unrecognizable sound blob
This is how most ER boss themes go for me
But is it any good past midgame?
Are there 2 levers in the upper Specimen Storage? Could have SWORN I saw another shortly after the one that turns the statues.
what kind of inane post is this? do you think they made the game good on purpose so that people would buy it? yes retard, that's how making a work of art works
Oh I'm retarded. I had assumed he did Old Hunters as well. Carry on.
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I swear to god this is fucking harder than it was solo. I managed to actually help only 1 person today.
Also why the hell is every host female?
DS3 is also extremely fucking easy if you go back to it. You can't expect everything to stay the same. I went from Elden Ring to DS3 and breezed through the game. Completed it again on NG+ and NG+2 without leveling up further. I don't think I needed more than 5 tries on any boss other than Friede. If you go back to DS3, you'll probably experience the same thing.
The Empyreans are women who serve as a vessel for the Elden Ring. As in an actual vessel. Marika is just a jar. Marika broke her side open to shatter the Elden Ring. The GW & the GO are not evil. Hell, the GO is adaptable. It can make peace with the Carians, it doesn't need to conquer.

Radagan uses GO spells so idk what the fuck you're talking about there, & Radagon doesn't have his GOGS, he left that outside the Erdtree, he didn't have a lot of time to plan shit out, he could only protect the Elden Ring, like an Elden Lord is supposed to do.

Again, no proof of puppetry
>scaling on metyr staff is complete dog ass
fuck you too miyahacki
if you have its preferred stats which are int and dex
>been having a melty for literal hours now
>elden ring is art
lol... nigga...
I don't know anon, but i feel like you move the blanket up over the babies head on this statue
And it could possibly fit the trailer pretty easily.
sloppy and wet gargling and fancy wording variants of "I love you"
yeah desu but he does have some bs
holy fuck consecrated snowfield is ass, fuck pages, fuck wolf riding albinaurics
The kind of people who make female characters is the same kind of people willing to abandon their pride and get online help.
Idk Im bored sorry
It's very likely she was a cut main game boss intended for the Grand Cloister and repurposed for the DLC. A janky, unfinished version of her glaive WA has been in the game files forever, as well as some leftover AI data for a boss in that area.
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Is the golden color from a lipstick or it's his natural color?
Assuming it's natural, imagine how hard it would be to not laugh at Malenia (who just left her brother's room) trying to keep her serious facade after getting praised by her brother. Unaware of the fact that he gave her a huge kiss in the cheek, since, in Miquella's eyes, she's still his fragile little sister.
Which doesn't make any sense that they just ran outta time.

Eldenrings development got fucked up due to covid and they still managed to stuff an absolute metric shit ton of stuff into the game but they get two years to work on the DLC which is clearly using a bunch of cut content from the main game but we end up with this shit?

AND it ends with what equates to a weak wet fart in the players face?

>The Empyreans are women who serve as a vessel for the Elden Ring.
What about Miquella
>No power bottom Miquella and service top Radahn
I'll really have to commission some fujo to draw it for me?
try the dancer's paired curved swords
feels like sellsword twinblades again
That is true. I don't think one is much better than the other though. The painter girl was a nice way to close the franchise. But the ending in SotE works well too, especially if you haven't picked an ending yet.
Because the baby there is obviously supposed to represent Messmer
That's what I mean though, I did and I had fun. The bosses didn't feel like an exercise in memorization. It also makes the constant rolling style of gameplay look so silly in ER when you can actually just position yourself out of an attack in DS3
I just listen to something else while playing.
Absolute dogshit OST.
>Marika is just a jar
okay faggots, if you don't want Radahn as the final boss, who would you have chosen instead?
god tier players
especially based to have had a consistent rp across games
I really wish that they added something unique in the DLC depending on your ending

>Frenzied flame, extra lines from Midra and summon a weaker version of him for Radahn
>Ranni, summon her ass, couple lines about Empyreans and/or her bro Radahn

and so on, the fact that both DLC and base game are completely self contained feels lazy as fuck
space beast
messmer was clearly intended to be a final boss until a rewrite and should have stayed so
bros... I'm thinking baldurs gate 3 was the better game
Based schizo murderwife, would keep permanently pregnant so she cannot be murder effective, will fashion her mirror jewellery so she can believe she can't be seen by the Greater Will or any Outer Gods.
>vyke fucked this
Godwyn of course. He could have even been a faceless armor man. Still would have been more kino
Maybe it's just personal preference? I love repeating boss fights many times to learn them. Every ER playthrough I feel like I've learned so much and I feel like I'm getting better.
The one you get from her rememberance or the one you get from Ymir? At 60/60 it's... okay. About 20-30 less than you'd get from the other Faith/Int stats. It's not a horrible difference. But I've always been a huge fan of the catalysts that let you cast multiple types of spells so I probably just have stockholm syndrome.
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>Seeing the finger ruins from the distance for the first time
>Seeing them on the map and realizing the fingerprint shape
>Actually reaching them and seeing them up close
>Seeing them filled with half recycled enemies and a new enemy that isn't really impressive at all in an open world area
>Finding more worthless crafting materials that I will never truly see use unless I dupe them
>Finding fingernail sorceries that are mediocre compared to the base game sorceries
>Finding that hollow finger bell in the center and expecting a boss fight just so nothing happens because I didn't speak to some fag NPC and now I have to backtrack
>Seeing another finger ruin on the newly found map piece, 2 in total, literally a copy pasted area where nothing interesting happens but somehow this is le kino for the average moron
>Teleporting to Ymir's church only to see him missing and finding a secret finger ruin under his throne which would have been cool if I hadn't wasted so much time going back and forth because this quest is fucking dogshit
>Getting a somewhat decent boss fight that I should have gotten way earlier but didn't because of all the worthless padding the open world and the bad quest design adds to the game
Fromsoft COOKED so hard with this DLC sisters it's literal perfection this is how you do questlines and boss encounters xisters
What a madlad.
We're talking about a physical manifestation of Miquella's love not some literal physical part of himself that he's discarded. He does discard physical parts of himself but you can find those spread around the world. Interact with the crosses you find it will tell you what he's thrown away there.
It's lipstick, but it's a cute thought that he has naturally golden lipsticky lips.
Do it, right now
Baldur's Gate 3 was trash.

...it's about even. At least BG3 had tits, but I couldn't even finish it.
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>Nobuyoshi Suzuki didn't come back for the DLC
no wonder the soundtrack is so fucking bland
>Elden Ring didn't have runs back to bosses
Based or cringe?
>he wouldn't
what are you, gay?
what it should have been from the very start:
ill watch it and do a tldr
There's a bunch of different ways we could've gone with it by my preference would have been for the ganksquad to be the 'real' final boss and Miquella afterwards to be a True Allant kind of boss where it's just pathetic and helpless and the 'fight' is used as a narrative tool rather than the action quota. Like giving up everything to become a god made miquella something less than human and we can just plunge our sword in him and be done with it, or walk away and leave him to conduct his grim work of remaking the world.

The ganksquad, with all the effort they put into framing it narratively and giving all of the characters banter and dialogue, would've been so much more dramatic if they truly were the last line of defense guarding their god at its most vulnerable and not throwing their lives away meaninglessly to serve as the opening act for THE STRONGEST DEMIGOD
>autist is incapable of properly interpreting human emotions
like pottery
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Fun speculation, but Radagon is basically "wearing" what's left of marika, he inhabits her husk after she achieves godhood. It's a fragment attempting to become whole.

Radagon wants to repair the ring because the golden order is what Marika wanted to achieve before she became a god. He is literally a piece of what Marika was, filled with her old ambitions.
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The only (most) people expected/wanted.
>having face of the DLC marketing be the final boss
babbies first FROM game I see, if you thought Messmer was the final boss you are a retard
a very ''main stream'' choice, they know their audience.
based. that shit was tedious
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My character looked like a young squire, but at the end of the game I needed better armor for the tougher fights, so I finally became a worthy knight. Other than that, I have nothing.
running past enemies is not gameplay
There are 3 new death sorceries, what are you on about? Or are you not counting the putrescence ones?
Promised Consort MOHG
Get this, Miquella wearing Godwyn's corpse. While his soul is dead dead his body isn't, which is the whole problem really. By having Miquella using it and then you kill them, it'll free them both together and fuck Fia
>Colossal weapon
Unga bunga niggershit. You didn't beat the game
Stylish and golden. You beat the game.
Good change, I just started replaying Bloodborne and I didnt remember how bad it was here
He literally does. If you think Griffith just values Guts' strength and doesn't want Guts' world to revolve around himself then you're a speedreader.
Miqy is unique & is an androgynous hermaphrodite femboy twink
It did not need to be Godwyn, but Miquella basically bending reality to bring Godwyn back it backfires in the worst possible fucking way basically bringing an eldritch death cosmic abomination of undoing a destined death should would have been cool.
Godwyn or a rando, my biggest fear was a second Malenia because of le epic hard memes, thankfully we avoid that

Yeah just like Artorias
Fucking retard
anon it's ok, not everyone is good at video games.
this is a cool idea. There really is no "mist noble" moment in elden ring.
>face of the DLC marketing
that's Leda
Only if your offhand was the Scorpion's Stinger.
>Unrecognizable sound blob
Yeah, I respect your opinion but I can't agree with it. During the entire fight I was trying to pay attention to each instrument since the composer let them "breath" and you can focus on each one while listening to it if you have a nice headphone.
The violins of that theme live rent free on my head much like the violins from the scraped Demon Prince theme from DS3.
The base game soundtrack sucks...
>most aesthetic armor is a starting armor
Confessor... I kneel
I'd say Putrescence are a new type of spell. I don't think they get boosted by Prince of Death either. The other one is the 8 spell that seems... kind of weak. Low damage, low build up. If you want Death Sorceries I think Ancient Death Rancor is still better.
Leda, Godywn, Messmer, transormed Miquella
The fight is harder with Igon, Bayle has more HP and Igon does jackshit, won't even draw aggro, i think they legitimately made his AI super retarded on purpose, I have seen him several times using his short range dragon incantations when Bayle is like 50 meters away
What the fuck is "mist or beast"
behold. the man with no taste
it really should have been phase 1 prime godwyn, phase 2 prince of death godwyn
it would be like radagon and elden beast, with phase 1 being a normal big guy fight, and then phase 2 in shallow water with the giant mermaid form swimming around like elden beast.
good but it should be less sites of grace overall, dungeons have it the best
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Godwyn with a very spoopy theme
like this but better
Godwyn (Forma Draconica)
a 20 minute ankle fight
I have my friend 4 million dollars to be a tranny
based and true. lionsclaw abusers will disagree
for a game with hundreds of armors its remarkably ugly designs
>media literacy check: failed
its either night's cavalry armor or some paper rags
why is there no good looking black heavy armor to pair with the shadow militia helmet
God, the Elden Ring tracks feel so generic compared to some DS1 stuff.
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>But the ending in SotE works well too, especially if you haven't picked an ending yet.
I don't think I can agree with that, I only finished the game once back in 2022 because I lost all the will to play the game after Leyndell on all the other attempts, finally finished it a second time with my DLC character, I didn't really feel like I did something or accomplished anything, just another week of the tarnished's weird adventures and I also didn't really get anything after finishing the game once more despite 2 years since the last time.
The DLC's last 5% was so miserable that it kind of ruined the whole thing, what came before and what was about to be. Though after giving it some thought lately I do want to replay DS3 more than I did before.
As a professional masturbator I agree
The OST is legitimately better than the base game.
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>lets you bounce around like a retard instead of being blue flames related
Biggest let down.
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>Enter final boss area
>Leda killed Miquella while he was trying to ascend to godhood
>She was an empyrean all along and her plan was to usurp his ascension and usher in the Age of Just Fucking Murder Everyone
>Murdercutie Leda, Internal Fluid Extractor
I think the armor design is fine, I just hate how every armor piece is designed so closely to their set it's hard to mix armors and make something that's uniquely (you). Either that or it's cosplay armor. Outside of the starting armor there's nothing really unique that only the tarnished can wear.
>"I never read the manga. Now let me tell you why you are wrong."
ultimate twist, she was Godskin Apostle related.
Is it even a legacy dungeon? I feel like the only two in the DLC are Belurat/Enir Ilim and Shadowkeep.
because armor design didn't account for cringy underage shitlords
go use your black knight and armor of night eternally
>best armor in the game is Gloo- Armor of Night.
>which is from Demon's Souls
Really gets the noggin joggin'.
dry leaf feels like piece shit
just fucking give godwyn a la >>484553694
euporia/twinblade of abundance as remembrance instead of shitty reskinned radhan swords
literally anything instead of a reused boss from the main game
lazy fucking hacks had two years and somehow the game is still unfinished because Miyazaki wanted to make it le big and subvert le expectations
I can see why people disliked the Radahn fight. It it incredibly hard. But for me it also makes sense, because it's supposed to be our final battle of this whole game. And they probably won't make an Elden Ring 2? I was okay with struggling in this fight and taking it slowly, over the course of multiple days, as it felt like this had to be my magnum opus. I do agree that some attacks (like his double sword slash / meteor pull in phase 2) are absolute nonsense and should've been different.
You don't get flasks from killing groups of enemies so yeah? Not a good one but it is one
esl leave
>enter boss arena
>Leda rips the skin off miquella and puts it on as a bloodied cape
I would coom.
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you don't understand griffith at all
If your shit is that dry you need to drink more water asap
>You cross the gates of divinity and enter the crucible, a maelstrom of creation swirls around you as you stand in immaterium
>Miquella has already become one with the crucible. Aldia-style spellcasting boss. It pops up and casts some shit and you run over and whack it, teleports away and repeat
>intentionally easy, gimmick boss, small hp bar.
>phase 2 has the lights go off, you fall through the floor to the pitch black depths of the crucible
>a single golden light creeps up from the dark, takes a human silhouette slowly rising to its feet
>fights similar to Radagon with lightning instead of holy
>unarmed but conjures a golden Treespear, Dagger or Giant Crusher with each attack, like Morgott
>at 50% health he AoEs and the lights come back on in the Crucible. His gold silhouette is partially filled in with various animal flesh parts like a Misbegotten, with more covering the gold as he attacks
>now instead of the 3 golden weapons, he transforms his limbs into animal parts with each attack, both using all the crucible aspect variations, as well as several unique ones--land octopus tentacle, magma wyrm scalesword, prawn claw, etc.
I agree that some things could have been handled better, but I still really enjoyed this questline. Also, I don't understand what were you going "back and forth" for. I don't recall having to do that.
Godwyn, since everything in the base game points towards him being Miquella's promised Lord.
The statue showing Godwyn embracing Miquella and Malenia
Miquella calling Godwyn "Lord Brother" in the Golden Epitaph item description: Infused with the humble prayer of a young boy; "O brother, lord brother, please die a true death."
Ranni, the only contending empyrean, specifically choosing to kill Godwyn's soul during the Night of the Black Knives.
I believe that Miyazaki got mad that people predicted that the exactly how the Godwyn/Miquella fight would go and changed it to Radahn instead.
would be infinitely better than a delusional faggot bringing his unwilling gay lover with main character superpowers by shoving him into abomination meatsuit
>dissing my boy Yort like that
Gloom Set is miles better than Armor of Night come on now
>because it's supposed to be our final battle of this whole game
Not only that, but it's against PRIME Radahn additionally boosted by Miquella. This fight has all the excuses to be a complete bullshit.
No, Miyazaki just wanted to include more fetish shit
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Radahn was always a bottom and always failed to live up to Godfrey's hype.
The manga spells it out for you in black on white. Griffith flat out admits that he obsessed over Guts' more than his dream.
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>Reaches 50% HP
>Black flames erupt from her body
>Her eyes darken
>The needles on her sword extend and bend from the heat as it takes a spiral shape.
>Leda, Gloam-eyed Queen
I never felt so good beating a boss. It took so long, but it was honestly worth it. I'm really glad I pushed through. I was close to trying some other shit like leveling up more or trying better weapons. Glad I didn't.
Oh lmao I just realized they avoid having Miquella use Radahn's name because it let them just recycle all the "Lord Brother" lines they had already recorded for Godwyn holy fuck
What fetishes were added by replacing Godwyn with Radahn?
>Interactive map
this one only has 42 fragments, I'm pretty sure they were 50 right?
>I believe that Miyazaki got mad that people predicted that the exactly how the Godwyn/Miquella fight would go and changed it to Radahn instead.
I really wish creators would stop doing this if that's the reason.
Elden Beast Duo
>beat Radahn at last
>oh boy a memory let's see
>it's just a cutscene of Miquella fawning over Radahn because that wasn't hammered enough in my skull yet
>whatever, time for the real ending
>can only stare at them from below

Genuine DS2 moment right there, it really felt like I couldn't go to Drangleic castle because of some knee high rubble in the way again
mindcontrolling twink sex
Shizo theory. There are several lines Miquella voices that would not work with Godwyn. For example, addressing the Tarnished as Champion of the Festival.
Everyone who says miquella wanted godwyn is coping, it's GRRM's lore, it was always radahn, from just did a shit job in the base game
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I'm not wiling to engage with fights where the bosses have more fun than I do. I tried that before and it lead to the same result than not engaging with the fight did. A feeling of glad it's over time to move on.
I doubt grrm wrote that shit, it's pure japanese fujobait memehackzacki
I finally beat MESSmer fuck that nigger.
I followed that one for my last few skibidis and I'm fairly certain it has all of them. A lot of the pick ups got merged into one spot on the map, like the 5 around the crucible.
>no helmet
bosses do not have fun they are AI you are supposed to beat in any way possible
Griffith is literally incapable of human emotions, he's a sociopath. Guts is the closest thing Griffith ever had to a friend, yes, but he didn't view him as a normal person would view a friend. Or did you just forget about the whole Eclipse scene and why Griffith did it?

He obsessed over Guts because he couldn't comprehend why he left. Griffith hates losing control, and the fact that Guts, who Griffith was convinced was his most loyal soldier, just up and left drove him insane. When Griffith told Guts he belonged to him, he meant it literally. He viewed Guts as his possession. How can you retards not get this?
Nobody cares about your faggot retard manga go back to /a/
aah thanks, not really a fan of elden ring youtubers
>He obsessed over Guts because he couldn't comprehend why he left. Griffith hates losing control, and the fact that Guts, who Griffith was convinced was his most loyal soldier, just up and left drove him insane. When Griffith told Guts he belonged to him, he meant it literally. He viewed Guts as his possession.
Yeah, Griffith is an asshole, your point? He went insane because he took Guts' affection for granted.
>Nobody cares about your faggot retard manga
incorrect, miyazaki has created 6 games inspired by it
>prime radahn
>before radahn conquered the stars
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>Griffith is literally incapable of human emotions, he's a sociopath. Guts is the closest thing Griffith ever had to a friend, yes, but he didn't view him as a normal person would view a friend. Or did you just forget about the whole Eclipse scene and why Griffith did it?
he did the eclipse because he lost absolutely everything including his ability to walk or speak
that's the whole point you retard, it's not a sacrifice if you don't care. The godhand literally tells you this in the first arc, there's no point in sacrificing something that isn't worth anything to you. The whole story is meaningless if griffith never actually cared about guts, because then there's no tragedy, no sacrifice, and griffith is just really stupid for letting his nonexistent emotions get in the way of his dream. And then when griffith is reborn his nonexistent emotions that affect him when seeing guts and zodd fight. And all the examples of griffith super un-subtly trying to tell guts how much he cares about him, because guts is literally the only person who doesn't worship griffith like a god or want to kill him. If you unironically think griffith never cared about guts then you must have read berserk with your eyes closed.
It literally implies that he wielded powers he couldn't after sealing the stars.
I cheat engine in arrows for my bow build on the regular because even though your consumables get refreshed after an arena fight your fucking arrows do not and St. Trina arrows are limited and you can't craft them.
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>sociopaths and narcissists don't crave love and affection
You're an idiot.
why are argentines like this?
I did, and it was miserable, then I tried again while using every cheap trick in the book and it was also miserable. It wasn't fun and I didn't get any fucking "sense of pride and accomplishment". And that's how they thought to end their biggest DLC for their biggest game of a scale they don't plan to repeat any time soon. With a "glad it's over" waste of time fight where I dodge and dodge and dodge and dodge some more, with it's only real impact is reminding me of better games. It failed from a gameplay standpoint and it failed from an emotional or artistical standpoint unless the theme we are going for is frustration, disappointment and boredom.
just play sekiro elden dog is bad
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"he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer"
Even beat all the gauntlets of strength.
Basic knowledge isn't your strong suit, huh?

When did I say Griffith never cared about Guts, moron? Griffith did care, but not in the way that Guts cared about him or the rest of the Hawks. In that exact scene before he sacrifices the Hawks, he LITERALLY thinks back to how Guts almost made him forget his dream, and how he hated Guts for that, which is what pushed him to sacrifice. Griffith cared about the Hawks in his own way, which is why he felt turmoil over all those men dying for him, but then rationalized it by thinking how those men willingly chose to die for him, so they shouldn't mind being sacrificed for his sake and glory. That doesn't sound like the thinking of a rational human being to me, now does it?
how do you kill ghost dragons with a mage? what holy spell can we use?
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>blatantly rollcaught
git gud faggot
What the fuck, imagine having eyes on the inside of your mouth.
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This. Its about ass, not skill.
also they can't do character creation for shit
Radahn sissies, how do we respond? Consort Radahn can't beat Melania in NG+

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