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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484528398
catboys won
What's the best Dynamis server?
Just some context for those of you that are joining from the twitter thread. The ACTUAL players DO like Wuk Lamat. We have a lot of falseflagging grummz fanboys and /vpol/ vermin raiding us trying to astroturf their bogus narrative when they've never touched the game.
So basically we can never be full again because 2 of the shards got removed because Ascian's KWAB'd them?
rape, nakadashi, forced marriage
WoL killed billions
Raping this pit slut!
>Lvl 100 GNB
>Retainer is Lvl 90 PLD
>Don't plan on levelling another combat job for now after finishing MSQ, focusing on crafters/gathers
>Want to change retainer from PLD to GNB so she can level to 100 in the background
Is it possible to change her from 90 PLD to 90 GNB without losing progress? If so, how?
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It is over for FFXIV
This is the beginning of our downfall
I have Wookie Lemutt fatigue
To farm trillions (of tomestones).
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catboys won
the funny thing is its impossible to tell the hugbox redditors defending DT apart from the falseflagging shitposters
its honestly quite impressive, great example of poe's law in action
Connor should have won.
can we blame the tranny voice actor on black mage changes?
if sphene exposing her pits was in the script, i am fine with the writing
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Today, I will craft 100 rarefied rainbow ribbons.
no normal person finds Sphene attractive btw, you're a sick person if you do
reddit seems to hate wuk too, the EN version too
What happened to the thread fiddies?
how do I get my media literacy up? I want to be able to appreciate dawntrail.
Everyone already found their new favourite ERP spot right? There's a comfy hotspring zone in one of the areas, though it has 3 naked hrothmen in it...
t. ugly person
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I am a normal person and find Sphene incredibly attractive.
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catboy whistle thread
jesus fucking christ i fucking give up trying to use portraits, why are these so fucking annoying to use
I am unironically unsubbing because there's no way in fuck I'm giving Square Enix $60 to try and salvage the shit story in 4 months with a short 2 hour MSQ addition after suffering like 60 hours with Wuk Lamat's hroth snout up my ass the entire time.
I'll do it again.
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I got the entire tome set before I got a single dungeon accessory
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Craft one for me.
This. We in the FFXIV movement (yes, this is a movement) must stick it to Blizzard. Remember Shadowlands? Torghast? Breast milk in the fridge? Opposing Wuk Lamat is equal to opposing our movement in the fight against Blizzard. And if you’re not with us, you’re against us. Do you really want to go back to retail? Didn’t think so. Wuk Lamat and Dawntrail are far better than any slop from Blizzard. /pol/ trannies just want to torture us with Torghast and ruin gaming again, but the FFXIV movement won’t let them.
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>What's the best Dynamis server?
Responding to this with a poll from a few days ago: Which of the Dynamis data center worlds do you play on?
read moby dick
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Not fond of how much I enjoy the job.
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do we like sunnies?
watch david lynch stuff.
She's a minor you sick fuck
>It IS shit, Austin.
she is sex, but her nose from the side not so much
>Dawntrail filtering tourists and chuds
A golden age of Final Fantasy XIV Online is upon us
you're now known as the stevemre bunboy for me.
So Zenos would utterly mog Zoraal Ja in a fight, right?
post a pic without glasses
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sex with hhetsarro men
can someone make my pictomancer queues faster?
May I plap?
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Nyo, get your own scrips.

Here you go.
WoW tourists will bitch about it but stay on the game because the alternative is playing an expansion that contains an orc looking nigger
fuck no
Stop critical thinking
Stop questioning things
Stop seeing patterns
Consume product
Then get excited for next product
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i have such a weakspot for moogles
Who are you?
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Yes, VERY easily.
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>we must understand ever-
shut the fuck up
I did not understand any garlaen when I spilt their blood in the The Ghimlyt Dark
Zenos solos Tural pretty handily.
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A nobody. I’m horny for catgirls
>zenos always itching for a fight
>never fought gulool ja ja despite his heroic feats being known across the land
Zenos is a fraud confirmed
WoL mogged everyone in this expansion so it's reasonable to assume Zenos would have done the same
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double bigger moment
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Yes. Absolutely. Zoraal Ja is such a little bitch, he didn't dare to even try challenging the WoL in singular combat even once. He couldn't even beat his own old half dead father without cheating when WoL solo'd him at like level 92.
>duhh them being trans has nothing to do with it
it does
one of the hardest things to do as a VA is maintain a foreign accent while displaying strong emotions
now imagine sounding like a woman is already something you have to strain to do
then imagine doing that while also layering an accent onto it and then trying to layer emotion onto that
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>Azem seal appeared on the Relic Key
>Sphene is revealed to be their world's equivalent of Ardbert/WoL
>Her plea and recognition of our power now recontextualized
>We were the pretty white girl all along

Fellas, I think it's happening. Real kino arrives next patch.
how would sphene fare against a hitachi magic wand
So true sis. I mean, did you SEE retail lately? It has a Black woman! We hate that, don't we fellas? Therefore, we like Dawntrail. We must support everything about DT including Wuk Lamat because otherwise we'll be supporting Blizzard.
>instance is full
>despite the number of players in the instance repeatedly increasing
very cool square
It isn't.
Wuk Lamat's LB does more damage than WoL's.
Wuk Lamat is canonically stronger than WoL.
All the Dawntrail defenders fled to r/shitpostxiv to try and make unfunny memes depicting Dawntrail critics as basedjaks or whatever. The defenders have become too fragile for even r/ffxiv.
Switching to Japanese dub track helps significantly
Maccher's art hoe arc

So it's a skill issue?
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face 2 catgirls
I'm going to mod her to have balloon tits
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Good taste, but you can't plap.
Who the fuck is this?
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This is what latinx voice acting looks like.........
I will craft your asshole being wide open after my sunnie is done with you
do you think one reflection's shard of azem is just some loser virgin neet
She can also LB 10 times more often than a party of 8 WoLs.
My son.
Gulool Ja, Zoraal Ja’s kid
you wish zenos tranny.
yes you
zoraal ja (forma de immaculate conception)
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One of the best parts about Act 2 if I'm being quite honest famalam.
man ______ femra
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I just learned that Urianger's voice actor looks like this
I am glad I played in JP
i hate
It's a SE could have cast someone more suitable for the role and avoided all of this ongoing headache but didn't for some reason issue.
Wtf but who did he have a child with...? Not Sphene right?! I do not want her to be defiled this way...
>blonde hair blue eyes face3
wow that was original my Limsa friend
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Best catgirls desu (no bias)
Twink Ja
she's literally a rock

a 500 year old rock
Even without Wuk Lamat, the character writing in Dawntrail is fucking horrifying. The scions are basically a hivemind, more so than ever.
I suddenly need malezen sex
Ew a white man. I think I'm gonna be sick.
my wife's son
Potency increases for viper when
may I plap?
That's Urianger's original VA from ARR.
She's got that Whoville nose.
>they could've just hired a qt latina actress
>instead they hired some white guy pretending to be a woman
fucking why
you can't impregnate a hologram anon
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my catgirl looks and acts like this
the REAL Urianger
I disagree, this is the first expansion where we got so many good side characters. Wuk just sucked up all the screentime that should've been given to the scions and that's why they feel so bad.
You love miera.
Zoraal is the 2nd strongest antag we've seen next to Zenos, I think. But it's still a huge gap between Zenos and Zoraal.
They have like 10 lines of dialogue each at best, not much to do anything even if they wanted.
Also once again lead writer is to blame, because the few things they say are all basically "wow wuk le meme is so good and so powerful and such a great ruler"
i am sad the scions are still hanging around, i don't mind 1 or 2 but i rather have wuk and black bunboy then thancred who really have nothing to do in this game since shb
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>when the character who makes themselves known to be a dumb gadfly gets ego checked and starts talking logically and matter of factly
You failed the vibe check, sis
does she like sunnie+?

A conflict of virtue signaling. Sure a latina would make sense and is an acceptable minority but a trans person gives your more points on twitter.
yeah bro... may i kiss his woober..?
imagine if they just hired some latina toonami mommy to scream into the mic
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I just like the flowers in this area
Just let yourself be happy bro.
What i find funny is all the people going "noooo, they can actually do emotional and loud voice acting!" when all the examples they show is the tranny doing male voices going apeshit. Which i agree, from what little context i have of whatever anime or games it is from, it sounds good. but every attempt at a female voice they do i see sounds flat and boring.
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Yeah, male as friends, female as sleeves
>wanderers on balmeme
is world travel back...?
You know well why. Never collaborate with modern Americans.
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i see cutscene land still has disgusting lighting
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Why was the credits music just black church gospel music?
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Show cock already.
anya taylor joy eyes
stop shitting on dawntrail yoshi-p is going to cry on stream again :(
Good voice acting is finding range through a series of gates. Each layer limits your potential range, which makes the job harder and requires you to be an even better voice actor. In the case of Wuk Lamat's voice you have:
-Male voice limited by trying to reach a higher octave to sound female
-American accent limited by trying to put on a hispanic accent
-Trying to put on strong emotion while limited by those previous two gates

Its just too much to put on a good performance. I have no doubt they can probably do well when voicing a male character, but trying to put on all of these at once is clearly holding them back.
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Pet a FemHroth!
Scratch a FemHroth under the chin!
Touch a FemHroth's jelly beans!
Boop a FemHroth!
Gently pat a FemHroth's belly!
Get a full body tongue bath from a FemHroth!
>but didn't for some reason
the reason will be money
much cheaper to hire some nobody to do 600 lines than an experienced voice actor
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what negative traits does wuk lamat have that aren't just her being average when compared to genetic anomalies or are meant to be endearing/played for laughs? i feel like i'm missing something, maybe i'm speedreading or something
They were pretty but the area was weird
>This area embodies exploration!
>It's just a standard botanical garden with a history museum
Fucking round square in the Gold Saucer does a better job of capturing adventure.
gayboy status?
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Oh, I didn't know it had multiple choice there. I got something different.
Why didn't Erenville have an American accent when everyone else from his village did?
Why don't we just take one of those head piece things that resurrect you to ourselves?
Why the fuck is this dude just shirtless...?
I want a femhroth eb so bad
May I plap?
'The Restless aren't alive'
>Acknowledge and remember you
>Build memories
>Have awareness
>Have feelings and emotions, even regret and love.
The methods to keep them alive were wrong but we could've found an alternative to using souls. There's a lot of aether and energy sources out there for them to remain, Hell if we could get a Dynamis generator going the happiness that place gave would've been like a fusion reactor. We went in there and pulled the plug on all of them without letting them even say a final goodbye outside of 3 people. I can only hope the crown at the end was a backup of all those lives we can use somewhere else. Didn't feel right doing that.
So apparently white male that larps as a woman is more DEI points than a latina?
The worst part is the trainer will use this role as a stepping stone for more stuff while SE takes the brunt of reviews on poor performance.
Shit is like poochie.
>the 4chan vg board is now the premier expert on voice acting
Damn when did that happen?
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do good things and good things will come to you anon remember that.
You will be judged.
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I don't plap or get plapped by people who aren't real sorry
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I've been rewarded for my Ksteisois Hyperborean Tundra grind
I thought Seraph was the most popular server? Why does Hali have such a high concentration of xivg players?
she's dumb
that's it, that's her only negative trait, and it's never really a problem or negatively affects her so she is 100% just a mary sue
Let's EB on balmung if it ever opens
it's just another "haha gerolt from another reflection" joke
She's incredibly naïve and can be full of herself

Like his name he also adopted the accent of foreign bunnies.
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>there is a literal quiz
I'm beginning to actually hate the man in charge of this msq.
Yes but Garleans are below even beastmen, so that's not a good comparison.
Because we already have one, the window that pops up asking if you want to return to your home aetheryte.
>Some nobody
>In California
Mexicans are everywhere!!!
>the msq was bad
you only need to do it once who gives a fuck
watch this >>484538220
and then tell me that i need to be an expert on voice acting to tell you it's shit
I cried when Krile met her parents
my fiddie is
Based quest for filtering illiterate skippers desu.
you will never be canadian
She's retarded enough to think she knows what her people are like while spending 99% of her life within the 1% of the populace who abandoned said cultures to integrate into the melting pot. Probably not the message they were going for but still.
The quiz would have been kino but it was far too easy.
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I'm going to swap to femhroth and transfer to Seraph!
How do I speed level Crafters
I think it's rng
They need to fill 50+ hours of 'content' so it looks like good value for $55.
So they write more lines than ever for a single character, and find someone who will voice that character for cheap.
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Im actually kinda enjoying the MSQ so far
The way some of you went on about it I figured itd be miserable
Deal, and who is this
You did when you rescued them in Garlemald, though.
I haven't been skipping until literally the very end because this shit has extinguished my patience. And you know what? The answers were easy to google.
Light the Brazier of Eternal Summer and Brazier of Calculations.
Correct answer: Four
Live picture of you during that scene.
buy my levekits :3
How far in are you
In the next expansion, Erenville joins the Scions and picks up a combat job so that he can fight alongside them.

What job do you think he would pick up?
>complaining the voice actress
She did decently and FFXIV is still the greatest MMORPG ever created, Naoki Yoshida is a genius. We even have mod-support now, we as FFXIV players love plapping and we love gooning.
can i see her
If you’re not a vocal coach that does it for a living I don’t give a shit about your opinion on voice acting. I’ll leave it to the experts
Not far, but from what I gathered the first part is what everyone seemed to hate
I cried when Bakool Ja Ja said he shouldn't have been born

he could probably easily have cut at least a third of the lines in the MSQ and it would have been better for it. Game needs an editor.
You know what’s refreshing? Seeing actual game discussion instead of posting Discord drama and naked modbeast gooners.
cute pictos!
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That's zoro though.
my property
>free fanta quest involves a lalaboy fantaing to a chadlander
If starting from nothing? Get to 20 then do Ishgard Restoration to 80 then leves and collectibles to 100.
Clone or abducted Mamool Ja maiden.
It should have been the emotional climax of DT, but instead it was ruined by Wuk forcing herself into the situation instead of letting the trio get to know each other by just, you know, talking and getting over their awkwardness. It was actually awful. The fact that they broke it up by sending us on a fetch quest was the rotten cherry on top. I hate the direction surrounding Wuk. I hope she stays in Tural after this is over.
I cried when I got raped by a malera who spiked my drink
It heavily depends on how strongly you feel about Wuk Lamat and whether or not you're able to overlook how heavily involved in the plot she is.
archer with pets fighting along on the side
its basically already set up
she's not even that dumb, though
when compared to faggots who went to the equivalent to an ivy league, sure, but it's not like she's a full-on crayon chewer

does it ever come up as anything more than a joke, or end up having any kind of meaningful consequence?
i feel like with lyse there was some self-awareness from the game that she was being a short-sighted moron, and that it put her in hot water sometimes, but so far i'm not seeing that with wuk lamat
No because she doesn't exist yet, but the plan is for a white tiger face 2 or 3 with long fangs and a fat tail!
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my moonie
>Cahciua is light skinned
>Erenville is darker
Canonically, Cahciua got BLACKED
He's our first Thief with FFXI tie in. Yoshida didn't want thieves in game, but he clearly stopped caring.
it literally just sounds like someone having a normal conversation, nobody needs to be an expert to tell you they hardly tried, and if that's "trying" for them, they're dogshit at voiceacting
builded for mouth plapping
i hope i get to see her one day
I WILL greed the cast and get punished for it
>the VA is bad because... because I fucking said so, okay!?

Using digital tools isn't real art!
so they finally made fantasias canon in lore?

Now "trans" characters have no right to exist. You can be whatever gender you want to lorewise
Wuk is basically a playerbase litmus test on how much you can tolerate her being in the story.
>VA sounds like ass
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So you’re not an expert, gotcha
my wife
I quite liked the start and the split-zones, but by the end of that wuk lamat started to get annoying. This worsens all the way to lvl95, at which point the plot mercifully steers in a new direction and let's you be happy for 1 zone, thinking mediocrity is behind and kino is ahead. And yes, the later stuff has some cool moments, but it all gets undermined when waka malaka forcibly tags along.
bro just swiftcast
Or it could be set to various races, like they did for dialogue back in Elpis when NPCs comment on your characteristics.
>Gets crushed by a giant fucking metal hand
>character clearly straining under the weight of it, pushing it up
>Sounds exactly how they talk at all times, without a hint of struggle or any effort exerted
It's shit.
>femhroth viper
>femhrot pct
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Score predictions? Will Wuktrail be yet another 8/10 AAA sloppa or will it finally get the score it deserves?

It isn't really though, you're just being an idiot.
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There is no discussion, it's just people being contrarians to bait replies.
cute femra
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oops im dum >>484539757
I will downvote it just to spite the xiv devs
>nooo i fucking said it's bad so it must be!!!
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>get nier tower in roulette
i didnt remember anything from it and died a million times
No, she just gets over it because barring the one beast-tribe sorts who put up any kind of resistance to the idea of peace, she ends up already basking in her father's achievements or the others around her provide all the information she would ever need to understand the lesson of each tribe. Which kind of is the goal, but it's like telling a child morals and then expecting them to integrate them into their daily life with no fail. There's just not even time to see if she could fail in an interesting way, because by then it's onto the next one.

We just ignore that tribe outside of a thrown 'I'll make sure to do my best to bring them into the fold!' line somewhere in there too.
He will knock you all down
Wuk's EN VA is bad but I still like the character, what does that make me?
>ignores my actual post critiquing it
Every time, neck yourself.
i like those jokes though
70 critics, 50 users
it's even worse when you compare it to the work the jp actress put in
fuck this casting decision
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Chocolate femra won the graphics update...
Look at what happened with Lyse and Hien from Stormblood, Ryne from Shadiwbringers, and Vritra and Zero from Endwalker. That's what will probably happen with Lamaty'i and Koana.
The downside is, we'll probably have a new "OC main character your WoL simps for" per expansion from here on out.
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There is only one real answer
It'll be 10/10 (all other votes will be auto deleted for transphobic review bombing)
It needs someone higher up who understands game writing better.
Somene is dictating a certain number of lines and a certain way of pacing the content which makes the writing worse.
Yes, it'd be better if they cut at least 30% of Wuk's lines, and if they made the MSQ shorter, but someone is putting a quota on writers to write X amount to unnecessarily pad the MSQ.

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>uhmm honey unless you're a mechanical engineer working on train engineering you're not qualified to say that two trains crashing right into each other and exploding seems pretty bad so simmer down sweaty and let's wait for the experts to chime in
Is this really the propaganda angel the troon defense force is going with now...........?
On your knees.....
trans or woke or something
daily reminder to wish cancer and death to all wowbucks
hand and thumb looks really damn weird
why are you black?
Lahti, you fanta'd to bungirl? Is your fat cat wife still a catgirl?
How big is her cock?
Bros.. what do you think the westaboo japs are feeling after hearing WUks VA?
beastmaster, obviously
Am i wowbuck if i started playing in 2015
Isn't playing WoW a curse enough
There was a professional VA shitting on her yesterday so not even that lmao.
80% critics, 30% user reviews because it will get reviewed bombed
I will literally not take anyone who thinks the English VA did a good job after watching this seriously. Nobody in their right fucking mind can say that the english dub is fine when even just this shows how much more the JP va was putting into it
>this b8
pics or it didnt happen
there was very likely some sort of nepotism, cronyism, or third party DEI "consulting" company involved in the EN casting decisions.
oh you're not somebody thats an expert on this shit? your opinion doesnt and will never matter
you have a festering pimple in the center of your face
85 Critic, 40 User due to reviewbombs.
If you didn’t play at least one FF game, you are a wowbuck.
my ugly and dumb wife
>you HAVE to take my inexperienced, worthless critique seriously!!!
Mod yourself
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I seriously regret not doing more high end content in SHB. We're never getting kino like that again and I let it all pass me by.
Now we're in the BFA of xiv expansions and it's only going to get worse from here. I was too late. It's just all too late...

Who the fuck cares about these things. If you're honestly playing it who the fuck cares when you started playing?

t.1.0 alpha player whose dad works at SE
i'm right here
I played 8, 9 and 10
No need for consulting when we have dangerhair inhouse!
if you've played WoW before playing FFXIV you are a wowbuck, and majority of people here are wowbucks
I don't recognize that name at all.
My smart and pretty husbandwife...
go back and kill yourself, you don't belong, you will never fit in.
just make Nojima write the next FF expansion and tell him to ham it up like it's FF Origins
Those are the best ones anyways
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reminder that woke latrans tried to perform his own axe wound surgery on his shenis but only managed to rip the skin and her father (a chud) scolded her for it, what a bigot transphobe
Maybe Fandaniel and Meteon were right.
Then you are not a wowbuck
Shut the hell up fag the one thing even the shitposters agree on is the battle content is the best it's ever been.
i can't tell if it's trannies defending another tranny because that's what they always do, or people baiting responses by defending an obviously poor performance
depends on if grummz remembers it exists long enough to beg his followers to boycott and review bomb it
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My miera
I chose Hali because of the ancient city. Can't speak for anyone else.
i've not played wow tho...
The character really isn't that bad. There's been many much worse characters in the game.
Orange cat dumb is pretty endearing. For me, she just has far too much screen time and lines.
i have no respect for the chinkoid-loving niggers that are shitting up the thread so there's no reason to engage them at all
my moonie on the left the slut at the quicksands you chose on the right btw
With that breakdown early dawntrail is 9/10 from paid reviewers - 6.5/10 community *only because not much to do yet but good combat*. Later when content gets added it goes 7.5/10 critic - 9/10 community because the critics didn't play the game and it's too hard because healing strike boomeranged causing them to use their kits.
Someone with an MMO mouse help me and tell me how you set up your buttons. I need inspiration
EW launch was BFA, EW patches was SL, DT is shittier DF. its over
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>didn't do high end content in ShB
lmao newfag
Then you are not a wowbuck
most fun healer in dawntrail?
Soken had to have been on a Dance with the Dead binge when he did Vanguard's theme. I fucking love it.
fuck you for making me remeber that name
fucking retard ass autistic shitcunt
It's really not that bad. There was one zone I hated, but outside of it, I've enjoyed the story.

Urianger having less than two-hundred words of dialogue is inexcusable though.
It sucks what the graphics "upgrade" did to poopnose lalas.
It's literally one click of spray tool on 80% now. Completely unnatural looking compared to how it was..
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Nice, could use a bigger sack and more girth, but overall, not bad.
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thats where cornyism comes in, to a degree. They have that shit in house already, but theyll still hire the consulting company that will re-affirm their ideas and then also pay them. Really just stealing our sub money to so they can cut a check for their friends company that does nothing at all for the development of the game.
>generic anime voice #17

lets leave the voice casting in the hands of professionals and not people who basedface at everything japanese
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>guys this is le BFA of XIV.....
God just shut the fuck up, just be quiet please.
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anyone on aether wanna do roulettes?
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>krile shuts down the zombie-memory versions of the parents she never met in life, and had 1 awkward conversation with
>whole team making sure she's alright
>erenville just spent the day on an emotional rollercoaster, worried sick about the fate of his home town, losing the mother he actually knew while she was alive, thinking she was back in the form of a tv remote controlled bot, and then finding out she was dead all over again after a town full of people he used to know all gaslit him and acted like she had never existed, and now he has to follow this zombie memory of her around through a place full of dead people and pretend to be fine
>nobody's even put a hand on his shoulder
bro after this i would not be surprised if erenville never spoke to any of us again
i'd ask him if he's alright, but the game won't let me
okay boomer

no u

damn you're right... I wish you didn't point that out, it's the pinky that looks weird though

you have stupid on your face

it looks good
the only "bad" part for me is in Zone 5 where the action gets broken up out of nowhere and it just made me zone out for a bit. Besides that I've loved the MSQ it's really good
Why does he trigger you so much?
howm any buttons? If I had more than 6 I'd use them for shift keys desu.
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>"ARR wasn't that bad"
>"SB wasn't that bad"
big eyeroll
Ok cool I'm not the only one who thought of that at "ripped the skin" and "Papa scolded me".
make some content of him getting plapped by malera..
Hard kek'd, my immediate thoughts as well.
you're right, they're incorrect. it's really the Shadowlands. even all about annoying women self inserts and souls!
that's kind of frustrating
i know this is supposed to be a 'lighthearted' expansion, but the idea that the main character doesn't experience much of any internal conflict in favor of feelgood moments and shit happening around her is weird
Speaking of the graphics upgarde, I don't think it worked on my game.
I hate wuk lamat so much sisters

Kids these days have no respect.
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since anamnesis is dead, what's the alternative? I don't use it for coomer shit, i just used it to test out minor changes like eye color or even races to see how they looked in my glamours. is there a good option for this?
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Being racist against the Japanese doesn't make you cool, keep trying being a contrarian though, someday someone will think you're cool.
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What did she mean by this?

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Thats too much ice cream you don't need to eat all that!!!
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>Those fucking names though lmao
Silence, Jew
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I like villains that are hot and make me want to eat them out.
wheres the free fantasia?
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why is there pollen around
help im allergic
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Logitech G600(please, god make a new version, I had to pay premium for a replacement after my last one kicked it after about 5 years).
I've got mine numbered as such, considering you're looking at the buttons head on
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 0 - =
Bottom bar is base, top bar is CTRL which is bound to the 3rd click button on the far right of mouse, so ring finger makes CTRL, and then shift for the bar on the right.
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Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

kyoopi is in his 40s
easily fixable when mods are back
talking about that, there is absolutely NO WAY we dont fuck like animals when dalamud and all the stuff is live again
Tbf, after he introduced me to Wuk Lamat, I also would rather not speak to him much more than strictly necessary.

I'll still give him a "rough deal buddy" for the fact Wuk Lamat, his supposed lifelong friend, just ignored him.
A Realm Reborn
Your Dawntrail role quests.
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Why is it crooked?
near ul'dah mb
sphene is just a fiera with the ears cut off
blue quest at uldah marketboard
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>expansion that talks about tradition, culture, mutual understanding, working and living togeter and culture again in every single cutscene
>hire american tranny that can't even do a proper latin accent to voice a south american woman
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>no you dont understand! you NEED to have experience in eating shit to know what it looks like!
"People" were "spoiling" things that take 30+ hours to get to within 24 hours of release.
"People" were "spoiling" things that take 45+ hours of play to get to within 72 hours.
What's more likely, that they speedread while playing 18 hours a day, or that they cutscene skipped or don't even play and were blindly doomposting?
It's the best .0 MSQ there's been up to the halfway point for me so far.
I heavily dislike how much Wuk is involved, and it's still a good story considering that.
I'm 27
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just look at this shit
bro is not okay
i bet they're gonna make me wait until he has to turn off his mom before finally doing something about this horrible fucking day for this man
it's wild to me how even though they both knew erenville's mom growing up, she's kind of just left him to grieve alone through all this. i'm hoping it'll resolve better in the upcoming quests.
The worst part about this expax is that All of the anons here are most likely done with it and I won't see you guys out in the wild anymore. unironically my favorite part of each release
lalafell look so dumb lol
I wish you were 41.
not too sure about this one, wife
thanks gamer
i just want a shetona male to whisper dirty words in my ear
>immediately starts talking about eating shit
americoid detected
opinion discarded
Gaius did nothing wrong, the Ascians are justified
fuck dragons
fair enough
You mean Zenos?

To be fair it would have been all about her grief anyway.
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Lets ask kypoopi and sowo what they think since they have experience
Can we reboot the simulation with Sphene gone? Just for a little while
nuh uh
I need brio back to make cool stuff again, sorry...
>show any emotion at all
>"it's a generic anime voice!!!!"
that's just what japanese people sound like
im playing jp dub tho
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>eyepatch goggle clips into the hat
But why?
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>no argument
concession accepted
Im pretty sure Emet would heem Zenos.
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Nice cock sis *slaps it*
I just want Sphene to whisper me all the dirty things she'd let me do to her if I became a citizen of Alexandria
>Not an award winning author
you dont get to talk about the writing quality
>Not a vocal coach
you dont get to talk about the voice acting
it's as simple as that, thank you for coming to my ted talk
I don't
Gun to your head
You need to have her or Wuk in your game
Who are you picking
jp dub is irrelevant it never has any accents for obvious reasons
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I'm just gonna preface that I like to dress up, but I don't do animations. I will be typing.
And this doesn't even tell you that you need to stand in the circle ALWAYS to take your stacks off.

I hate that fucking wall of text.
It’s “3D,” thanks excel.
I’ll make a good one later.
male midlanders...
if you held a gun to my head and asked me which one was galool jaja and which one was bakool jaja I'd tell you to tell my family I love them because I wouldn't be able to answer it
this zone is beautiful thoughever
i want to walk sphene around solution nine with like five vibrators strapped to her and randomly crank them up as she's trying to talk to her subjects
This, so true sis. Any opinion with legitimate criticisms of Dawntrail comes from a WoW player, because who else would complain about FFXIV? We all have the same opinion here and we all like the story and Wuk Lamat.
There are slavetaking beast tribes in ARR, and you kill evil dragons in half of Heavensward.
Thankfully I am both, and I say both are shit.
>that first user review
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!
>say i don't like wuk lamat
>find her poorly presented and annoying
>called a misogynist and a transphobe
>removed from discord and fc

So it's true what Han Solo said... let the wuk-ie win.
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Behold, the one who will save the expansion in the post patch
I'm a furry so i'm picking the crippled nigger because well, i love monkeys!
put some clothes on

Such fantastic features. I now understand why people have to pay a fortune for the privilege of using it
I got through the final zone by realizing the original person never actually experienced the changeover to an endless state and their consciousness just ended naturally
one has a gay little curtain on one of the faces and the other one doesn't
You sure do post like some faggot from /wowg/.
it's better tho
>I like to dress up, but I don't do animations. I will be typing.
pic related then
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Wuk Lamat is for anal-only sex while calling her gay and faggot while pumping her sore butthole.
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deep dungeon bros we are so back
[my femlala starts panting] w-what about them.....
it's not what japanese people sound like. you have a vision of the japanese language distorted by pornography
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Take more clothes off
>she lets you do it because she knows she can just erase the memories of that unwholesome activity from her subjects minds
>self inserter
how are they so predictable
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What if the escalators are just copying you to the other side, and not actually transporting your true self
That's the FFXI raid teaser
i can't wait for the in game model sphene porn
I started playing FFXIV in 2016 and never played WoW before then. I started playing Final Fantasy in the 90s when I got FF7 on PlayStation for Christmas. And yet, I get called a “wowbuck” for saying that DT’s writing isn’t up to par with previous expansions.
>Yeah, we're taking a whole lot of care to make this cultural showing authentic, respectful and to make sure it's not just about white people saviours.
>But it says here the main character is voiced by a white woman from California? Downright chalk pale too.
>She's trans.
>Oh nevermind forget I said anything.
I also believe Galool is like twice his size.

The B in Bakool stands for bully.
He was the person to make me realise i cant handle actual, real retards
make something cute instead sis...
Yeah I know, I mean identifying which one is which. They're names are too similar
anywhere dark seemed to have some pretty bad lighting, the last cutscenes of the MSQ especially

you wouldnt unironically rape a modless fiddie

the greatest scientists in the land are working on that as we speak.
Does she like Viera studs coming to dig her out and dick her down?
It's odd, there are plenty of moments where actual conflict could be had, whether it be her viewpoint of what the cultures represent in the capital, or how they should change. Beyond just literal physical ones, but those moments are either doled out to other characters. (Koana for the most part) Or just pretty much ignored for comedic beats. If they swapped every 'taco/boat/llama/airballon' sickness conversation, she could still have the same amount of dialogue and be far better fleshed out.
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So you got to Steiner - I mean, Otis in Yesterlad, yeah?
this is actually how dc travel works
if you eat food before you travel, it'll have a green font timer (indicating that it's your own buff) but when you travel over to theother world, the timer will be a white font (implying that it's a buff applied by somebody else). you're copied over and the real you dies.
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oh god we really let them keep the soul-battery system in place, despite it being an utter abomination to life and the cycle of rebirth?
Why does Wuk Lamat show her stomach? Is she a whore?
Big ass lips could suck the number off an 8ball
I thought it stood for bitch ass.
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>amdapor keep
>healer literally sprints out of the circle at the start
>starts pulling EVERYTHING
>wants to w2w and speed run but can hardly keep me alive even with mits
>have to use invuln on fucking trash at one point
healer wasnt a sprout either, had every class at 90 so he should've known how to handle massive w2w's
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What happened to Occlusion Culling setting is it forced ON now???
Sir yes sir! I love Wuk Lamat, sir! I will never criticize our game despite being a paying customer, sir! Our sub is a donation to charity, sir!
Thanks bro
It pains me to say that, but glubs are dead
They lost, everything....

It's sad but the FFXIV community hasn't been this deep in denial since before the 1.0 release.
Yeah. Everyone there is just a really convincing chatbot. The originals died and didn't experience waking up there.
i would and i would not regret a single second of it
G is for GOOD
B is for BAD
>riviera dress textures aren't updated
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>Saves your expansion
if your identity is being an xiv-only player, you're something much worse
i hate agreeing with chuds (sort of) but wuk's VA is actually really not good and it has a pretty significant impact on the story considering almost all of it revolves around her. she literally does not have the range for the genki silly character she's playing. such a shame because every other main character in this game has had great voice acting

Did you die though?

Not saying the healer should have been pulling, but did you?
>died protecting someone who's for all intents and purposes immortal

such a waste
>have to use invuln on trash
that's where you should be using invuln
you should be starting pretty much every dungeon by pulling everything and then popping invuln so that it gets put on CD fast enough that you can use it 2 or 3 times during the dungeon
Him and Gulool Ja breaking up Solution 9 sucked so much ass god the worst part of the MSQ
gg! cute snek. you should take good care of him
okay dont come and complain when you get assaulted by male characters that cant keep their hands to themselves
It's just one guy spamming don't worry about it
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>Actually Otis I'm completely incorporeal and it doesn't matter if this attack kills the robot puppet I'm currently inhabiting.
>You should back off and save yourself so you can be more useful later.
Sure is a lot of reddit groupthink going on
>invuln on trash
yeah, and? that's efficient
/vg/ should have thread ideas
>>have to use invuln on trash
That's what you're supposed to use your invuln on though. Stop saving it for an "emergency."
go back
>Criticize a VA performance without mentioning anything about the VA themself
>get called a transphobic chud in return
honestly, now I am a transphobic chud, I hope transgender people start offing themselves more than they already do because they can't act like normal people
If you had to describe Dawntrail's main story quest (MSQ) with one word, what would it be?
I'm making a word cloud, and I will disregard any words related to trans/woke topics.
She has a cute face
I cried when we [spoiled]laid all those memories to rest, and the memories of Otis and those children happily playing got deleto'd[/spoiler]

I mean at least letting him die like that meant she got him removed from the control of Zoreel Ja, so maybe it wasn't the worst thing.
Z is for ?
>using invuln on trash
Why would you not press your “I literally cannot die” button? That’s what it’s there for it’s free mitigation press it
We should had been able to kill sphene the first time we met her. At the very least kidnap her.
He was very important to the baby lizard
fiddies are far too powerful to be raped. you wouldn't stand a chance even if you tried, nerds.
>every other main character in this game has had great voice acting
This is how I know this post is not real.
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why won't he speak to me anymore ;_;
>Kidnap her and eat her out whenever I want

That's a good idea...
i think you may have already been transphobic anon you dont need to attack someone's literal identity just because they did a bad job at something lol
at least now the normies are starting to experience the tranny squad's number one defense against any criticism of their personas whatsoever, maybe this will open a few eyes.
thanks DEI. she's bestgirl in this expansion too
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Final area spoilers in the attached image.

Yeah he was fucking based. I actually like most of the side/minor characters in this expansion.

No he wasn't now that Wuk Lamat was here to be his real family!
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it would have been funny if they let the motifs be affected by sps but the job already appears to be busted so it's alright
raping this fiddie in the background while wuk is too busy fighting bakool ja ja to do anything
are lala eyes a little further apart in 7.0?
something looks off with every one I see now
Imagine trapping Sphene in a faraday cage so she can't escape by transmitting to another host body and then fucking her stupid
He's angry because I fucked his mother,
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It's unironic. I'd bet money that Sphene is the WoL of that reflection like Ardbert.
it's just a very 'safe' expansion where i don't think they took enough risks, which to me makes it incredibly boring
i know why they did the things they did, and i'm sure it works for a lot of people, but it just doesn't work for me
i'm not sure
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they really wanted to drag the last chapter out as long as possible
I played one(1) single role quest and I can already confirm that they should have let the role quest writers do the MSQ instead.
Have a better opinion, I guess?
It's objectively not worse. The pacing is better. The writing flows better. There's more actual plot and less filler. It's less contrived.
You like these stories where for some reason your WoL is forced to act retarded all the time and never understand anything? What makes the writing in those other stories better, that there is a giant nihilist at the end threatening to end the entire world every time? That's not better writing.
it deserves a 5/10. 2 for the 20% of the story actually being good, and the 30% that are dungeon design although fuck valley. that place is three ex trials in a trenchcoat
>Kidnap her and slurp her pits whenever I want

That's a good idea...
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It's kino every time
for the past several weeks i haven't attacked their identity at all. i said they did a shit job voice acting, and every response i got made it about the VA being trans immediately
i'm tired of it.
Zaddy issues
guildship hunts are so fun
i wish i could do them a lot every day instead of once and then have to resort to other bs
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pls bros... give a good review... do it for yoshi p....
Some of the yellow quests are much better written than the MSQ as well.
why? that device isn't even from alexandria
All the dungeons are designed to use invuln on trash, not bosses.
twice, once cause he seemed to go afk for a bit after the first w2w. he was running ahead so much i just kept on going and when i got to the big courtyard i didnt realize he wasnt there til i died. second was like after the second boss, he just couldnt keep up with heals and when i tried to invuln it didnt go off in time

im not used to having to use it on trash, its rare i get healers that cant keep up. didnt help that my hp was fluctuating so much i couldnt tell if it i should use it or not cause the healer kept swinging between doing his job and sticking his head up his ass just often enough to keep me from taking a good read of the situation
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why is every gerolt clone better than the original
Maybe today I will pet a femlala
clear party hector strats
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i'm honestly so sick of the scions
Imagine fucking Sphene in public and she's desperately trying to make sure she’s erasing the memories of her subjects in real time so no one will know she's an exhibitionist whore
My soft faggy meena is a pictomancer :3
You retards know these posts are being sarcastic right? Its called trolling
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im leaking all the code
fanta. now.
>getting this you’d on the official forums
That’s fucking hilarious
Mad max dieselpunk meetup when? Alexandrian futuristic meetup when?
(same as every expac as of Stormblood)

>he phone posted for THIS
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painting seems fun
that's 7 words
i can see your camel toe
He is the best character in this expansion.
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mfw you're right. thanks, anon! this makes sense now
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>discord scans your vc output now
how will I (a malera) rp with my discord kitten (femlala) now....
>oh no! she's activated the sequence for dimensional merge! we have to act quickly!
>umm actually first we need to know about the C U L T U R E of these people before we genocide them, ok?
its peak
Oh that's why they added that gear, isn't it?
They think of Mad Max when they think of America, so that's one of the post expac contents we're getting.
Wait until you find out your phone is listening to you at all times
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i read a makima doujin like that once
which one's Sadu? because I want to do that one
>Kong banned for 20 days
>Elk banned for 30 days
>Izumi banned for a week
This might be the best expansion yet.
I just did, I was a femra
I got here like 3 hours ago or some shit
and I was thrilled to be here
it's actually amazing how they've sucked up my enthusiasm with this shit
sis your hardware mic switch?
Bros I'm scared and shaking right now... The bench is dead and I don't know where to afk at now....please bros where are we at in Dawntrail...
It's called dawntrail because you are trailing azem


(I googled this)
Discord also uses PhotoDNA to scan images for illegal content they have a database of hashes
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Looks normal to me
Solution Nine
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im sorry for my indecency
makima the chainsaw man?
what did they do
is that shrugu? did he lose that hard?
these new faces are such a mistake
really hope they update them again like they did during benchmarking
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kneeling to forum catgirls
Are they deleting user reviews?
Malera Mwednesday
Keep posting more Rori
Kyaa. Shrugu sama.
another lalaboy L whats new
it looks better doe
My lalaboy is a non-hostile NPC who wields a unique cane that can only be obtained by killing him, so any time another player sees you using it they'll know you're a murderer and will Black Crystal you.
I'm sorry but
I unironically NEED graha fawning over my character for an entire expansion
Ishikawa must come back, and now
>They upgraded the animiations (even old ones)
>They put in new tells
>They finally put minibosses in dungeons
if this shit game by some miracle for another 10 years it might be a good MMO finally at this pace
>sends you a naked piccy of my femlala
>discord's advanced image AI tracking system thinks you're viewing toddlers
>you get arrested :O :O
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>dungeons and trials are actually killing people
>Expert dungeons are actually Expert difficulty
Yeah that's the good shit, keep that shit up Yoshi my man and I can forgive any story issues.
Cooked his shit Jesus
how cromulent
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why exactly are npcs calling it heritage found and not yyasulani
my catboy is koana-owned
Link the post so we can all updoot sister!
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hmm well this isn't entirely untru-
We need mods back. I'd rather have goonable modbeasts than the fucking grifter spam we've been getting since release
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I live for this shit.
>im not used to having to use it on trash, its rare i get healers that cant keep up
>cant keep up
That you phrase it this way makes me inclined to call you a retard, no offense.
It was taken from the Source by Lalafels into their reflection, and the Milala's there couldn't use it again and even after centuries of study.

Oblivion took the relic, gave it back to the Source for safe keeping, which Zoraal Ja gave back to Sphene, who proceeded to finally activate it. Merging our worlds proper.

She also takes it out and shines the symbol only after we take out our crystal and start summoning.
godammit you piece of shit revist fucking pop fucking pop my cordial is on cooldown
Im actually very positivly suprised with graphic update and battle content

if they now overhaul the shit ass eqipmentsystem and items we are so back
does this mean ill get banned if i say "nigger" too often in vc?
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I barely know this retarded cat, she's cute and all but not THAT inspiring Jesus Christ.
dude you're actually obsessed. go touch grass or something, this cant be healthy for you.
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I might just play this expansion on my laptop in bed instead of on my PC since it's apparently such a snoozefest. At least I can relax that way.
Actually a good way to remember it

Thanks anon
That's not me, I'm stuck in msq hell atm
but I hope they keep posting because it's the only fun i'm having while getting through this final chapter SLOG of bullshit pacing
She has to be a self insert theres no way they'd suck someone off this hard if they weren't.
she could have killed the endsinger singlehandedly
shes so strong bros... the WoL is nothing compared to her...
the boss isn't that hard even if people constantly mess up
but he is right that the hitboxes are really fucky in the crowd mechanic compared to the visuals
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>If you’re not a vocal coach that does it for a living
He might not be, but I (unironically) am.

Wuk's EN VA sucks ass.
I pegged this femlalaboy last night
I'm gonna be honest. I have no idea what is going on in the story because I fucking hate Wuk Lamat so I just skip everything
its so fucking over holy shit...

Is there anywhere she's not?
Truly we were the Final Fantasy 14 Ougon No Legacy
Wuk Lam-ACK
My worry is that they will either nerf them or everything will start to become negligible once it's outgeared.
I'm glad a lot of the mechanics seem to either disable you or flat out fucking kill you though.

Wow I am glad I didn't notice that or I would have been even more annoyed than I was.
Let's get a vocaroo of your best "SFEEEEEN" then.
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>black/black street jacket
thats kinda slutty
post catboxed woobers
>finish stormblood
>Wondrous Tails still only has lvl 50 and 60 content for stickers
what gives
Teleport got updated LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOOo
may i apply for joint-ownership
>everything will start to become negligible once it's outgeared.
Thats the purpose of gear
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>he thinks because this is the first time they've informed him that this is the first time they've done it
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When are we going to start using Solution 9 to mine for bitcoin
oldfags was the hate on Wuk Lamat more or less than the hate for Lyse?
I do ADR and dialogue editing, and >>484544670
is right, Wuk's EN VA is dogshit, I'm sorry to break it to you sister.
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Is this good?
Way more.
The story's pretty fun. It just needed less Wuk Lamat
Lala stocks literally crumbling.
did you finish before or after picking up? it should change when you grab a new one
I'd plap.
its over
Why aren't you farming the extremes with your EB, /xivg/?
Why would I do that?
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Ocean Boat in 15 minutes. During the boat use Patience 2 and reel literally everything in. To further maximize your gains use food along with Squadron Survival Manuals. To go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND, pop a Revised Survival Manual before you refresh your Patience 2 casts for an extra 50% exp. They get burned fast at this level.

With this method you can level to 100 fishing in 5 boats or less. Prioritize going for Spectral Currents. Don't worry about score.
Good to be sold into sexual slavery


Yea, just grabbed it after finishing SB last week (I had the same thought)
I would stretch out but not EB
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Me on top (no wiener)
Make the hair 1 shade darker and I'll rape
>the clipping
do futrannies really
Sniffing an afk femroe's feet.
A lot more. Lyse is very relevant in SB but she doesn’t get sucked off as much as Wuk Lamat. Plus she’s a cute fuckable bimbo so she's shielded against outright hate.
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im not done with the MSQ yet
also i dont have an EB because nobody likes femhroths
X.0 experts where always a bit rough, weren't they? Once you start getting upgraded tomestone and/or savage gear the dungeons that drop with the next content patch are usually a joke.
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Wish I could brain these fags.
I'd pay 5 dollars to boost a class to level 50
Not nearly as much. At the end of the day people still wanted to fuck her brains out, even if it was hate fucking.
I’m not done with MSQ yet
It's the funniest comparison of 'You would not care if she were a blonde haired middie' or 'I wonder what the reaction would be if she were X' because Lyse with more screentime acting as a doppelganger until she gave up that shroud still got her fair share. It was more of an ember into a fire over time of picking her apart, Wuk is like an explosion right out the gate. That's probably due to the culture shift since Stormblood though.
Lyse is way better than Wuk.
significantly more
Lyse was just forgettable
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less since there was an entire half of the expansion where we didnt have to deal with her
When will someone make animation mods like this?
my malelala scouring below on all fours collecting her seed as it spurts out....
I'm getting filtered trying type this in.
Why are you posting Second Life screenshots in a Final Fantasy XIV thread? I don't get it.
Eh, it's about the same, posters here have gotten more vitriolic since SB so it seems worse.
As an "oldfag" the hate for Lyse is by far out matched by the hate for Wuk Lamat, however the hate for Wuk Lamat has next to no merit, whereas the hate for Lyse was and is entirely deserved. Dawntrail is very much Wuk Lamat's story, whereas Stormblood was your story with some dumbshit put at the forefront. There was literally no reason to put Lyse into the position she was put into, if anything, putting her in that position instead of Raubahn was one of if not the worst decisions YoshiP and the writers have made.
The final zone is indefensible.

Way more. Lyse sucked but mostly people just mocked her for taking the focus in the weird anthem cut scene.
do not do that I will scream

Pay me.
are you taking off your woober sometimes?
sorry i mean that the hate for lyse was less than for wuk lmao.
Lyse followed us to Doma and was just as retarded there what are you on?
In a good way... I hope...?
Here's my hot take:
As bad as Wuk Lamat's voice was, ARR Minfillia's voice was 14 times worse.
I don't got one.
pick a different, non-troon race
Nah. You're a vocal coach. You're used to being broke.
post sexy femhroths
Rich Piana
femxaela tailjob...
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Man I love Viper

Its so over for me
Th-thanks anon
Thanks anon
No it fucking sucks. It starts out neat and rapidly gets worse as it drags the fuck on.
We had "known" Lyse for a while, she was proactive in achieving her goals, even if she had the wrong approach. She actually grew and learned from her betters, and didn't try to hog everyone else's spotlights. We had Yotsuyu, we had Hien, etc. All got room to be developed and explored. Lyse didn't get a mary sue insane power up solo duty, nor did she dimension warp into Shinryu's arena to completely cuck his moveset.

Weak LeMutt was passive as fuck, only whined without really trying to stop sucking, any growth or "learning" happened within a single campfire scene, was never humble, went from boastful retard to knowitall, didn't let other characters grow or breathe, etc.

Stormblood/Lyse divided people, Doomtrail united everyone in their hate for this self-insert.
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i dont think you'd be able to take me... I'm very big
you like sniffing balls? I got more where that came from
>Metacritic is already at 87
What the fuck? I thought DT wasn’t bussin?
yea but she wasn't the centerpiece in those parts of the story, she was just in the background. honestly i forgot she was even there, but i'm pretty sure she did step out of the story's focus when we weren't in ala mhigo.
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anons what do i do with my life
>I don't got one.
>the shutdown in the final zone is actually permanent
Chuds lost bigly
Uh, I've worked with professional singers, opera singers, theatre actors, and Hollywood celebrities. Who the fuck are you?
the dimensional merge warped the area and put it in a time bubble for 30 years where it renamed.
You know how they call the 5th zone "Heritage Found", they should call the 6th zone... "ATTENTION LOST" LOL fuck man what a terrible zone.
>however the hate for Wuk Lamat has next to no merit, whereas the hate for Lyse was and is entirely deserved
do you like femhroths
just found a stable source of gil, we're so back
"Lol" is not an argument.
>i dont think you'd be able to take me... I'm very big
size difference is based though
Apyaahi sex
The last zone was great I don't know what you're smoking.
what happened to the healerstrike
Just went through a day without melting, we're so back
You think that's bad the next is even worse.
Here's my post-patch prediction, was obviously gonna be more focused on Krile but there will be a hasty rewrite starting with 7.2 that shelves Wuk.
>the hate for Lyse was and is entirely deserved
Except it wasn't.
Will we get to go to the past in post 7.0 and get to meet the real Sphene, charred lightning filled body and all...? Cause I'd eat that out too lol.
Hey, I do agree with you.
>Dragon's Dogma 2 was shit
>Elden Ring DLC was shit
>Dawntrail was shit
I hate this year so much
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yes i huff balls for a living im a huffer by trade
People hate Wuk because they came into the story already predisposed and made 0 attempt to understand her, people hate Lyse because there really was just nothing there to understand. I think there are justifiable reasons to dislike Wuk still but so many of the criticisms of her character I see reveal they never really got on board to try and understand her to begin with.
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man's been getting emotionally yo-yo'd all fucking day. truly this is the erenville suffering arc
Zoraal Ja?
All three are widely considered to be some of the best games this year and among the best in their genre. And all of them have near-unanimous critical praise.
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YAAAAAAS QUEEN Wuk Lamat's plans are so perfect, everyone in the MSQ says she's so great and epic
goku vs wol, who wins?
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People actually hate Living Memory?
zoraal "why didnt daddy love me" ja does not count as a proper villain
I like Lyse.

I don't like Wuk Lamat.
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holy fuck finally
did asmongold see the grummz tweet yet so we can all pog out?
>seraphism forces a glam onto you like enshroud
if i spend 90% of my time in game making glams to put on my character you'd think I'D WANT TO FUCKING SEE THEM, ON MY CHARACTER
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Picto on a dopey mount.
I absolutely hate what the second dye channel on this shirt is
Wuk Lamat is a hroth. That is more than enough reason to dislike her. Her character being terribly written and the VA being a tranny is just the cherry on the cake.
He's the Gaius of Tural. He did nothing wrong.

That's a lot of words but no reason to like Wuk
Is NoClippy updated yet? I need it so bad bros...
cover up your navel you slut
>Elden Ring DLC shit
lol that shit was basically an entirely new game for 40 bucks. There’s so much to do in it
WoL might win against Kid Goku
or that one Goku from the live-action movie
I found it pretty funny it's called living memory and we end up turning it pretty lifeless. It was a generic disney park in the beginning but damn is it an ugly gray block of nothing after everything is done.
>And all of them have near-unanimous critical praise.
Grim Batol.
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I think this expansion suffered from a late development rewrite
I have no other explanation for hiding Heritage Found in the las vegas fanfest, and then just straight up showing it and solution nine in london fanfest
really only the sixth zone ended up being a secret but even that fell flat
You need to post it on his subreddit for him to see sis
sniff mine and stroke me at the same time
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Whos this fuckass elf in the middle of my cowboy flick?
That ratio holy.

Is it the hitbox, or the shit netcode? Like on Aloalo, the bubbles, the netcode and lag fucks you there outside of JP.
I'd rather criticize the netcode, than say it's too hard.

What's there to like about an memorial to the dead which requires a constant sacrifice of lives? Shut it down
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lol ez
Imagine if you were watching a film, and right before the climactic battle everything paused and you had to spend an additional 3 hours watching the MC run around town doing errands.
i'll be his new daddy
Why did his icon change
I'm pretty bored with it ngl
may your malera rape me
this lvl 2 eu alt i met before maintenance was a good fuck
Aint no way his gamegate goon audience didnt already did
that was me
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only sniffing

Damn those cranes are nice.
Honestly crazy how 0 dawntrail predictions came true because absolutely no one expected the furry to have 99% creen time
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FINALLY something happened after 44 MSQ quests, FINALLY the plot started moving.
And I LOVE Wuk Lamat, but this was a MISERABLE experience so far.
I can only imagine how it is for the ones that hate her, this is actual, literal torture.
I understand worldbuilding is necessary, and I enjoyed what I learned so far, but god damn the way these quests are presented is a fucking slog
Hopefully now that it picked up a bit of speed and spice, it stays like that..
I meant narratively.
holy... is that really you
pretty sure the game would go belly up in a day since that's 90% of the players
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imagine if instead of following wuk lamat around the MSQ was about bringing lyse to tural and finding new spots to have raw sex with her and slipping the strongest aphrodisiacs you can find into her food daily
my brother, right as it picks up, the bitch comes back and it slows right the fuck down
I am sooooooooooooooo ready for this shit to end. I have like 3 quests to go and then I am donezo, fuck dawntrail msq. this shit got good for like 2 levels and then went straight back into the shitter due to the presentation and the pacing and the ENDLESS FUCKING FETCH QUESTS bogging down otherwise interesting and unique concepts.
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Remember this is HER story. youre just here to move the plot forward
I am a moonie
that has been picking cotton all day
lategame zones are really comfy because only high skill players are in them
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juano fantasia....
They got the Yakuza game writers to write DT the way the main characters explain the plot every other cutscene
this new season has brought in some pretty insufferable avatarfags, hopefully the writers will switch it up soon
And that's fine, if it wasn't so badly written.
The juniors took a safe bet instead of risking things.
Man opinions really vary.
You have people that hate everything.
People who like the story, but hate Wuk being shoehorned in so much.
Then you have people who hate the story and yet like Wuk.
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Bros it's fucking with me so hard that all the smarty pants people of Solution 9 wear pieces of Midan gear. I can't tell if this is just a "It looks techy so slap it on them." or "This is foreshadowing." First the doctor, now this person, couple that with the fact that these people are called Alexandrians, I feel like I'm having a schizo moment.
I didn't use either of my free fantasias.
can I get a ranking of all the new ones?
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Indeed, I am enjoying the difficulty of normal content. However you must remember the advent of item level will diminish some of this challenge.
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Big agree, this shit sucks.

Kind of hate that fucking pure slop like this activates some dark part of my brain
Demon Might Sniffle
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floating plant
this one at the very bottom >>484547386

Narratively we've already explored this concept at least twice
I don't see the issue here. I'm just here for adventures and fights.
how would you go about it?
Forbidden fourth opinion:
I enjoyed both the story and Wuk
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what, you want me to be a middie?
One of the dungeons is called Alexandria
ari is the most beautiful femlala
which one was the fuck?
that black and white haired miqo is pure sex
I think it was the cup reacting to our presence once we pulled out the Crystal. The Milalalala were able to activate it to escape the South Seas Islands and Sphene says it was modified with electrope. Point being that you don't need to be Azem to use the artifact, but it clearly is a device of Azem's design. Furthermore. Sphene isn't real. She's a computer program that inhabits otherwise innate bodies. She has no soul therefore there is nothing "there" for the cup to react to.
They could reveal that their reflection's version of Alexander was used to power all the electric shit and the city, which had the side effect of speeding its flow of time, and that's why that shard in particular was so technologically advanced, as well as why time flowed faster within the dome.
But sadly I'm afraid your schizo-ness is too good for these writers.
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What is the issue exactly? It's FF9 schlock.
Ok let's sidetrack for a moment.

Why rubber bullets?
>feet updated
>expansion isnt about going around Tural and violating girls feet
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I was here last expansion with bigger tits and still behind on MSQs. I will leave again when I get angry enough to stop paying for a sub, or when crafting/gathering becomes unfun.
Leftists were concerned if FFXIV would be racist to south americans
maybe they should had been concerned if it would be garbage instead
Still thinking about how my party wiped 3 times on the first boss of the level 99 dungeon because a black mage and myself the whm had trouble with going left - right - left - right I was lagging my balls off but that’s not an excuse and then the Aether Viper player couldn’t figure out safe spots for the last boss I figured it out after taking two big hits of the bleed. Fun dungeon to heal though the normal content is good so far
real bullets kill people
begone, chud
Because having actual bullets would be gun violence with lethal damage and that's a no no.
I enjoy Wuk Lamat a lot, and I like the story overall, I like the theme and setting. My problem is exclusively with the pacing. I was excited, hyped for it, and I found myself doing maybe 3 MSQs a day since Friday because it was such a fucking slog
Most of these fluff quests could've cut off or condensed
Do we really need an entire cutscene whenever we track something on the map? No we don't. We can track like we did in previous expansions, just stand in thing, kill mob, talk with NPC, move on.
No need to slow it down with a cutscene, it could've been a dialogue box
Those type of concerns are my main problem with the pacing thus far.
We can't have heckin violence and killing in our gamearino, it could have a negative impact on our target audience of impressionable kids. Remember, protect trans kids!
because they cant go around killing each other in duels. real bullets are for real conflict
Speak to Wuk Lamat. Now.
we already got him zoraal ja is literally just ku ja
Ive been trying to put a finger on it and finally realised,
Wuk's VA's performance reminds me of Tommy Wiseau
it has those same schizophrenic intonations
i think i'm very average..
You sound a lot like me. My problem was also the pacing. Well let me tell you, it gets a hell of a lot worse.
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so where do I find the people here to play this and the MSQ together with or im doomed to be do it alone
Not yet.
umm you can't kill people sweaty thats bad
Why do you like me least anon? How can I make it up to you?
>feet updated
they're still pretty bad
Femhroth... vagina...
One bitch, Two bitch
Two bitches
Because MGSV was right with non lethal loadouts.
It's funnier to me that instead of being addicted to alcohol he's addicted to energy drinks
honestly the atrocities with the two dye system is way worse than the msq but we'll get there eventually lol
and has different types of drinks
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Also the fact that he has hair in every shard except the source is one of the best running gags.
stop posting perhaps
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need to rape badly
oh my god
hell yeah
What do you guys suggest for rings with this kind of glam?
I like my big hat shut up im just starting
I wonder how long it'll be before we get a usable item for that gay rainbow effect?
Because killing people is an evil white eorzean thing.
The superior brownoid culture solves things through friendship instead with no need to kill
Because we needed characters to sho-
Oh, you meant xiv. I guess because there's no difference in the duel outcome, just less injury instead
based hobo dragon mage, id join you but my life schedule is all sorts of fucked
he just like me fr
>They put effort into a cool UI for the pelu scam trade bit
>They are unable to give us the experience of tracking bounties for rewards
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I haven't played since the 25th because my new computer hasn't arrived, so I'm trying to avoid spoilers but also want to know how much I should rush installing everything to play DT or wait a bit, since I haven't even purchased it yet.

All I want to know is:
1. Is his launch expansion better than the others? worse?
2. How is the 2-channel dyes thing going?
3. Did they stick to the promises of the trailers and live letters like adding more objects?
4. Do I buy now or wait until it's discounted in like a year? I'm still in SB and therefore have plenty to do.
yak tural is full of whites
I like your hat.
It's so fucking funny how you can hear him struggling to contain the masculinity in his voice whenever he tries to put even a little bit of effort in to emote properly, I suppose that's why he doesn't even bother most of the time.
its incredibly low effort
wait until 7.3
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You won't do shit, these miqo'te, they are ferocious you see.
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what the hell
1. worse story, better dungeons/trials
2. it's good
3. hell no lol
4. wait for a sale desu
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Pray for plugins to be fixed and I'll be gone again. I'm only here because I'm bored.
It's nice not avatarfagging for once
The schizo replies were getting to me
I hope the negative reviews escalate
SE needs to be corrected from this course, hiring really bad VA talent and letting their writers go unchecked like this should be a wakeup call that they can't just phone it in and make a new amaurot at the end and call it a day
FUCK dawntrail
Wow sis... It's 2024, you CAN'T BE RACIST against the JAPANESE PEOPLE. baka can't believe you're turning into a CHUD!
Thats like the third gemstone mount. You can just buy it from another player for like 50m if you want and let them do all the grinding.
>500 tickets
The fucking 100 ticket mount is like 80m.
meowster can we have some old feeties imagery of yours (prefferably unposted)
if duels are extremely common it's smart to not have people die in every one of them
for me, it's mm
fates give twice as many gems now
>you can only fly through zone 6 after it stops being pretty
is 2x the same as 5x?
Duels were outlawed for a reason
Apparently you can just activate NG+ to fix that. Although I'm sure the patch storyline will pull some bs to fix it permanently.
It’s still 85% on Metacritic. Most of the positive reviewers aren’t saying anything so it’s probably a raid, but that’s how the FFXIV community operates. It doesn’t matter what your arguments are, Dawntrail will get good scores, the status quo will continue and it’s all downhill for actual players from here. Welcome to the WoW zone.
1: It's fine, better than EW's launch
2: Tons of gear doesn't have it yet but it's neat overall, very shit and half-assed on some things though
3: Nope
4: No reason to get it yet if you're not even done with SB yet, just wait for a sale
>They are unable to give us the experience of tracking bounties for rewards
The hunt exists
>beginning of the xpac
>10x as many people doing fates
>rewards are doubled
idk you tell me is 20x smaller than 5x
I'm up to 95 MSQ and think the pacing is great, except for the kidnapping part. The best of any other early MSQ.
ShB had its good early moments with Vaulthry, but otherwise I think all the expacs were typically bad the first n4 levels, and that this one was by far the best of them.

I can't help but people forget how bad the pacing early on always is, and that it seems like a problem of the direction and formula and the writers did the best job they probably could with it.
It's still 500 tickets at 100 gems a piece. Even if you got 36 gems per fate that's still nearly 1400 fates.
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need more examples of these
You mean like right now? Maybe. But after a month all the previous mounts just stuck at like 50m forever.
Damn, that's terrible. I guess the rumours people are shitting on it were true. Alright, I guess no hurry then since I have a month before demolitions. I'll exit the thread now, thanks.
>chud realizes his opinion is unpopular
Can you use vendor gear for the new timed nodes?
I don't want to join autistic discords to punch oversized world monsters.
Grief is the legacy of love, anon.
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>did this at the beginning of ShB and EW as well
Your move.
supply and demand
high school economics
study it
>You mean like right now?
Anon, at the end of EW the 100 ticket mount was still between 80-90m.
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I'm tired of trying to tap dance around it. Wuk's EN VA is dogshit and completely detracts from the MSQ experience to such a degree that it ruins pivotal emotional moments. The character isn't even bad but the voice is actually a net negative. Some of the worst voice work since ARR. Utterly inexcusable, I've heard more emotion from amateur 90s dub OVAs. It's pathetic. Whoever was in charge of the hiring process really got whipped by the higher ups and it shows. Bakool Ja Ja's VA runs fucking circles around Wuk's VA and it's not even a contest.
I'm nyot that organized and anything that I may've nyot posted is because it's unsafe for a blue board.
I felt like you at 95 too. I thought "yeah, the early pacing was bad, but the payoff was worth it." Then something happened around a time I won't elaborate on to prevent spoiling, but it dampened the shit out of my willingness to continue. It was like every time they hooked me with something interesting, they'd shove 20 fetch quests in front of it. Like they were trying to burn my enthusiasm out. Finally, by level 99, they succeeded and I actually stopped giving a fuck at the end of the story somehow.
I won't bore you with a wall of text, ARR does that job for us. Don't skip MSQs, even if they're a slog, especially ARR since it builds the entire game from the ground up, and gives your character a purposeful narrative.

Don't rush the MSQ or else you'll basically burn yourself out, and you'll miss out on personal enjoyment of the game.

Explore what the game has to offer, look towards unlocking features and finding what you like about the game.

Also, don't go on this thread because people are going to spoil the entire expansion for you, and leave you with a bad taste before you even get to it yourself.
You don't even know what the conversation is about.
There is no supply in demand from NPC vendors.
Be silent.
I don't like the first EX.
One demented person can guarantee a wipe at any point because a death snowballs into stacks being impossible.
Is the second one any better?
It's not the only part of the MSQ with strangely dogshit VA work. Every time some background NPC cheers, or the ice cream eating scene, they sound worse than ARR as well.
NA dub watchers deserve wuk for defending their trash VA's all these years
>at the end of the expansion when nobody was doing the content the price was higher

I accept your concession
the one with black and white hair. the one with scars is my own avatar
Literally every single post on the price history of the Wivre is roughly 50m except for the single newest which is 90m, an outlier.
>I accept your concession
The last cry of someone owned epic style.
can't take a screenshot rn but martial artist vest has the same problem
I like it, I went into it for the first time and cleared in about 30 mins
the UK theater VAs brutally mog the JP ones and it's not even close
Not an argument.
what made her good at fucking, good details, or just a nice vibe between the two or you
t.never erpd but extremely curious
this takes five times the work
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It truly is a self-own along with "Not an argument".
>the jp va actually grunting as she lifts the hand
.the en va delivering the same lines like it's a casual conversation
how can anyone defend this
Yeah, this! You get what you fucking deser-
>but her story is trash too
>and the script
>and the plot
>and everything that every happens while Wuk is on the screen
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My very true thoughts landed me in the hospital, it started here.
let me have a go with your big tits when mods come back...
Trans post. Wuk lovers lost.
The Wivre is the 500 voucher mount. You lost stop arguing with me.
yeah this >>484549393

why did SE go back to using American VA's for dawntrail?
the BLACK malezen gets the femezen
I thought the pacing was indeed bad (this is an issue that's prevalent through most of the MSQ unfortunately) but the setting and characters carried it HARD early so it didn't feel as bad as it should have.
actual fucking retard
If Hiroi was in charge of the MSQ back in shadowbingers Alisaie would've saved Tesleen from becoming a monster by talking about some stupid ass memory like the day they ate sand together
where do you get the vouchers
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>Literally every single post on the price history of the Wivre is roughly 50m except for the single newest which is 90m, an outlier.
On Dynamis*
Because Dawntrail is set in the America of FFXIV?
bros, i just saw the hottest cat in the game, but fucking anamnesis isn't updated so i couldn't steal her data
Concession Counter: 6
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MM feet
Just do B ranks then
Couple options come to mind:
>Just like with icelandic viera, they wanted authentic mutt VAs for mutt characters
>The britbong VA scene is too small, and they had already reused all their actors to the point everyone was noticing they were voicing 2-3 characters each, so they had no option but to hire mystery meat to fill the ranks
if you dont dc travel to save 70m thats on you, the lowest price across all servers within the region is the real price on big ticket items
My lalaboy let a hrothgal top him.
its not a good rape if they dont fight back
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I play on Balmung, the only server that matters.
so anyway Koana is hot and I would fuck him
posting on xivg and being incapable of admitting to being wrong

is there a more iconic combo?
It's always Dynapiss players who can't fucking read.
Because it's an American based expansion and they were probably forced to hire from there for authenticity
As someone who does this for a living I will tell you a few things:
>The Resolve and Mighty Ja Jas were the best voice performances in the game namely because of their very natural sounding dialects
>Otis was the standout of Alexandria but not for being the better actor so much as for being exactly what he needed to be
>Wuk Lamat did a decent job for a lot of the expansion but there are moments of just blatant awkward that are no doubt due to limitations on the range and poor directing in tandem
>Shaaloani shows the domestic American actors fucking suck at sounding like proper cowboys with any consistency
I'm going to go on a limb here and say that there's a real chance the directors scuttled the session along for various parts in the interest of time. Another egregiously out of place voice was the sailor in the intro of the expansion who sounded like a salty cliche pirate but looked too youthful and handsome for the voice. It was not a bad voice but it did not fit the character on screen. I can say that the biggest problem with Wuk Lamat is an inability to go 100% in scenes that called for ferocity and growling like an animal because when you go there it is easy to lose the voice you're pretending to have. That's why the JP sounds better screaming.
dressing black ravaboys in women's clothes and turning them to my wives!
you and being a huge faggot
life finds a way....
death, too, finds a way...
are you guys stupid
it is good that people sound american in AMERICA
My lalaMAN is the evil chancelor to the hrothgal empress of all.
what if instead we got to help zoraal ja stop being autistic about the "miracle" and wuk lamat was a side character and also he was voiced by ben starr
Do you like well endowed miera?
>isolating to single server prices for any item worth 10M+
are you retarded?
Okay retards the point is 500 vouchers is too many.
Nobody cares about penny-pinching gilpoors, it's the grind to get them on the mb that's retarded.
Don't reply to this post I know you're just going to have some huffy retard shit to say.
Posting on xivg and handing out concessions to be accepted like the CIA handed out crack in the 80's
Good American VAs
>Gulool Ja Ja
>Bakool Ja Ja
>Zoraal Ja
>Wuk Evu
>Bakool Ja Ja's dad
But did he let her plap?
Light bf..
>are you retarded?
its a crystalloid what do you think
ok but can you make his tits bigger then
I bought all my vouchers early on last expac and got for a little under 50m ;)
>It was not a bad voice but it did not fit the character on screen
This was also a really common issue with ARR, back when they used a US company. I'm starting to think the US VA industry just doesn't give a fuck about proper casting.
As the other anon said, when it comes to big ticket items the lowest price is the real price. Of course you should shop around.
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>”Dont make me grind for stuff in an MMO!”
XIVtrannies during EW
XIVtrannies during DT
Cope on a rope.
Gonna reply anyway. Imagine playing a MMO and saying "Noooo it shouldnt have any long term grinds for cosmetic achievements!" You should be grateful you even have the option to just buy it.
niggas call me the plaptomancer
Everyone will get their share, when I'm not busy.
coincidentally, those are all voiced by actual latino men and not a white man trying to sound hispanic like Wuk
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Good. Now can you introduce me to them? I'm gay btw.
>this grind is too grind for an mmo
go play fortnite the battlepass is more your speed
Can I plap?
The JP ones mog all those. Any time the game casts someone who is 'ethnic' it comes out horribly in English.
You got owned before you hit post, sorry. Twice since you self-owned by admitting you can't stop yourself from reply.
Really makes you think huh?
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You know what matters more than server? Sell dates. If it takes you four months to sell a fucking 90m mount then that shit is worthless.
yeah you don't have to grind, but here is a grind
idk what the confusion is here
Face us in duels first.
Have you considered very few people in this game have that kind of gil in actuality? You guys are often out of touch with the normal player who probably only has like 2-3m at any time. And those who have more simply bought it during the first month.
>I'm starting to think the US VA industry just doesn't give a fuck about proper casting.
It took you this long to figure that out? The NA games VA industry doesn't give a fuck if you're actually the right fit for the role. All that matters is having the right connections and more importantly, if the character isn't white or straight, sharing the same race/ancestry/sexuality as the character you're trying to voice. Anything else is an afterthough and it's been like that for a couple years now.
I accept your concession
>As someone who does this for a living
Prove it.
>I'm starting to think the US VA industry just doesn't give a fuck about proper casting.
You are correct. The biggest issue I have seen in the industry here is that it is a very closed circle and you are often at the mercy of time restrictions and how much your director gives a fuck. I remember when I had my first anime role my director was always a cut above at being very specific about what she wanted out of me. Then when she was not there for one of the sessions the other director clearly didn't give as much love and attention, just mostly was concerned about lip timing over the actual substance of my reads. Mind you that's for an anime dub paying peanuts that isn't based in LA or NY.

That doesn't have much to do with the closed circle comment, however. By that I mean you aren't getting the best of the best talent due to saturation of actors desperate to do the work. Directors only cast the people whose work they know, get referred to, or otherwise have a reel to compare with and take guesses if they'd fit. There's a weird aversion to bringing in new blood in general.
>And those who have more simply bought it during the first month.
I have 150m. I have never bought gil in my life. I do not in any way whatsoever make any attempt to farm gil or accumulate it en masse. I don't run maps. I mass craft or gather. Are you claiming that I am not a normal player because I don't throw away my money on trivial shit left right and center?
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No retard I'm not going to sabotage my career. This entire industry is reputation based and I already have enough risks to mitigate as is.
>I mass craft or gather.
I don't mass craft or gather.*
Come to Neon Stein. It's nice here.
Is the story good or shit? I haven't played since 6.0 and was thinking about coming back to experience the whole 6.X + 7.0 story.
The 6.x patches were pretty shit, 7.0 is a little better. I'm hopeful for the patches.
thank you so much <3
>All downhill for actual players
Speak for yourself, with the mechanics they're cramming into msq and expert dungeons this expansion, I'm excited to see what Savage is gonna be like
You're lying then. Case closed.

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