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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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dawn of the final day edition.

Last: >>484539468

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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You guys aren't ready.
first for cunny
Why should I play ZZZ when there are real games out there like Elden Ring, RDR2, Witcher 3, and so on
I NEED Caesar

What's it like to hold the hand of a animal you love?


Do they teach you how to feel paw to paw?


Do you long for having your heart interknotted.


Do you dream about being interknotted.

Have they left a place for you where you can dream?


What's it like to hold your fursona in your arms?


What's it like to play with your dog?


Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing?


Do you like to connect to things?


What happens when that linkage is broken?


Have they let you feel heartbreak?


Did you buy a present for the animal you love?

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Why don't you say that three times?

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Within ZZZ interknotted.
if I liked Dragalia Lost will I like this?
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>cumming hares
What did they mean by this?
Which character will be meta for PvP?
because you already completed these games and you want more good games to play
im going with KAYLVS
>on one hand ellentards shitpost any character that isn't ellen
>on the other the troons and lesbians project their mental illness on her
What a garbage character
the games are nothing alike besides the gacha mechanic
flip a coin
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Will ZZZ be a based pro-horizontal investment game like Genshin or cringe pro-vertical investment like HSR?
something about bunnies and cold
You honestly shouldn't if those are what you're looking for. ZZZ has more of a gameplay focus than your typical Gacha, but character collecting is still the core of the experience.
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>rated T for Teen
Defend this shit. It's unironically over before it even began.
Because everyone and their moms have completed RDR2 and Witcher years ago
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give me a (You) when the servers are up. thanks
just be urself
>Cunny hairs
JC/JK faction
You haven't been them yet? All those games are more than 2 years old
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I picked Stella in Star Rail so I might so go with the dude this time. They both get equal dialogue and shared screen time, right? So I don't really care much for this game.
my back hurts
I’d honestly be happy with any of the standard 5* except for the Neko cat…
Why do people keep saying cunning? I don't understand the reference.
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Those are all slop though
>check other gacha generals
>everyone shitting their pants to the existence of zzz
>cygames generals like usual are extra insecure

is this how it feels to be winning??
>Real games

Fuck off Koult
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Nobody in the game right now probably.
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Should I drop HSR or Genshin for ZZZ?
If I get Ellen in ten pulls I will post it (you know what)
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sorry (not sorry) but I don't listen to blacks
Vertical. Although you'll need at least two teams of three in the end.
in Chinese and Japanese the Proxies' literal translation is something like "rope craftsmen". Likely referencing the "escape rope" items of early RPGs used to instantly leave dungeons, like how we help agents escape hollows.

they probably localized it into "Proxy" because they thought we are too immature for "Roper" or "Rope Layer"

I thought it was pretty insulting but unfortunately it seems the Chinese are right about us
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>nah I'm good
>fucking Lucy and Billy
worst taste of all time
I'll wait for the sacrificial anons to tell me who's better
all that only for this game to suck..
what do
How many times have you cum to ZZZ girls today?
Seriously? I hate that. I like collecting characters
only twice, I can't take too many breaks at work today since we're busy before the 4th of july
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I've seen this game dominate the discussion of even non-gacha generals
nowhere is safe
whichever you like less if you're worried about it, ZZZ dailies should be as easy as HSR though
5 hours or so right?
Why is she so sweaty?
until official launch, but the servers will be up likely an hour or so before then
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Beta testers, how much word slop is there in ZZZ?
b-but wwhat about our horsecock physics????
it'll be up when the thread says it's up
I don't get it.
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>rerolled in Genshin for Diluc+Venti
>rerolled in Star Rail for Bronya+Seele
Any other veteran rerollers feel like just going with whatever the game gives you this time around? I think I won't even bother rerolling for a god account and I'll just play with the cards I'm dealt.
there's a skip button so it doesnt matter
is this even a selfinsertfag game? is there (you) pandering?
the skip button exists so you choose
main story feels fine but I used the skip button for some side stories
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I'm saving up for launch.
Pick Akira. He is cool.
why don't they release more characters like this? it'd be so easy to defend, just call them a pedo back because that's the first thing that came to their minds when they look at this, they'd short circuit
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Caelus = Akira = Rover >>> Aether
Loom = Rin = Rover >>> Stelle
Official /hoyo/ MC ranking
As long as I dont get the furshit character, yea
>5 hours left
>it's midnight already
My autism prevents me from skipping
but the thread has said it's up
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Eh /akg/ is pretty calm even though ZZZ is eating into their furry market.

Guess they are just waiting for Endfield.
A lot, but you can advance the text as quickly as you want (no waiting for animations) and there is a skip button
I spent 2 days rerolling in Genshin and HSR, but all the starter characters look like they have some kind of use this time around so I don't mind chilling with what I get
I actually enjoy the autism of rerolling until I get exactly what I want
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Wasn't the general /zzzg/ before?
Why is it now /zzz/?
Also how many hours before we can play the game?
WuWa did one thing right by letting players pick the standard 5* they want to play with
They shouldve made Belle look like Wise, he literally has woman eyes. just put some fat knockers on him and it would been hot short haired hag
This game has a combat focus. If you just want to collect girls and mash there are options to turn down the difficulty and turn on some input assistance. So it's not like it's required, especially for story. But Shinyu Defense will reward vertical investment and learning individual character mechanics.
rerolling must be the stupidest shit if you plan to play a game for longer than 2 weeks

you get all the shit you need eventually by just playing
>actually you get to play the early game with a tier 0 unit
it literally does not matter
I'm glad to see that Japan still makes the best mobage with the cutest girls.
I rerolled until I got Rina and Ellen, don't care if they get powercreeped in the future.
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for me its picrel
>lost a 5 digit Genshin UID to get a useless keking
rerolling isn't worth it
Was going for the guy
>Walks faster
>Can self insert with the social links
>Sister talks to you during missions
What furry market? the last time they released a furry was almost 4 years ago.
Who are the JP VA for the MC?
I pick Stelle on HSR because she's voiced by Yuu Ishikawa and Lumine on Genshin because she's voiced by Y. Aoi
maybe 10 years ago. china is the gacha lord now
Lot of text but little meaningless terminology dumping.
Perlica, my dearest...
is there an achievement for looking up Ellen's skirt?
Vertical but you only need 3 characters on a team rather than 4. Horizontal will be for different elements
I can't sleep bros.. I'm too excited I feel like a kid on Christmas

What are the chances it releases early?
>story-focused game
>wanting to skip
why are you guys like this
The thought of someone skipping the anton creepy tv show kino is saddening
yes it's called pervert!
*2 years ago, was Lee. And he just got his second skin two weeks ago in the sanrio collab. but yeah, for the so called furry game, ak leaves a lot to be desired. hasnt been another furry woman since waai fu. a year one character
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imagine playing furryslop over this
this game is so stylish compared to nearly everything else in non-indie gaming landscape, of course people are talking about it
You achieve a glimpse of heaven
don't use my wife to shitpost
Lee is a scalie, dude.
a lot
The meta is to skip the VN segments and watch the comic segments
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Why are you not playing the objectively better game?
Depends on how long it takes and who I get.
Back during Genshin launch I just wanted somebody I liked and got Mona on Venti's banner.
Didn't bother with rerolling in HSR as I got Welt.
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5 hours
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Foul /gig/gers....
In search of the Zenless flop Zero....
I command thee KNEEL!
>Who are the JP VA for the MC?
PS5bros... I don't think we can get a 5 digit uid unless we buy the $10 preorder bullshit so we can download it fast enough...
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How much longer bros...I want to goon
The story is going to be shit, like every video game ever
let's see the gameplay
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imagine playing hagslop over this
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>Billy and Lucy in bottom tier



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Yep its called the black void
too much clothing
>zzz remembers account information on login
>login to hsr
>zzz forgets login information
>login to zzz manually
>hsr forgets login information
wtf, how do I fix this?
>first role is a yuri stacy
Belle it is
>nahidaposter is here
fuck god
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for me it's horrible stress simulator
skill issue
delete HSR
>playing another botw clone
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>iOS app is 19GB
It's over, I can't download the game. When will Hoyo add a feature that lets us delete HSR resources we don't need.
>Just watched Lycaon demo
wtf why is it so good ? they really know what they are doing
isn't it obvious? She saw the cringe in this thread and she's shocked and appalled : (
Wait, Wise is voiced by my nigga Touma?? Easy pick for me then.
Werks on my machine bwo
>skip button
big if true
bro... your luck
Monster Hunter
bros rerolling for ellen might be the dumbest thing ever...
he is really cool and looks like a fun character, sad that people just cannot overlook le funny furry meme
>first anime in the belle vid is yuri
lmao based I will follow through in picking her
how the fuck is HSR over 30GB on iOS but Genshin is 20GB...makes no god damn sense
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Don't forget to change the vo language to the correct one before launch. If you don't want to listen to ear rape that is.
furGODS are that powerful
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doing another comfy MDH clear before limbus hits maintenance
you will never be japanese
should launch like 1h early like other mihomo games
I'm a Genshin expy
reminder that limbus is a dog shit fucking game made for retards
Are these jp obsessive fags the most annoying people in zzz? Worse than bbc, smear frames, uid, no jumping and all the other posters? I think so.
I've heard some of the EN dub voices and I doubt it could be nearly as bad as when I started HSR with the wrong language and got jumpscared by en kafka and silver wolf
>get the character I want in less than 10 rolls
>get to save EVERYTHING ELSE for upcoming characters and only roll the standard banner until then
just get it on pc
to be honest endfield looks like ass
the shitty gameplay reminds me of dragalia
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Is it okay to delete these VO from the StreamingAssets folder?
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its not available on Mac
how many hours of work do you put into it though
ZZZ is out tommorow on 10:00 righ ?
I don't have one
thanks for saving me
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Seems like a stretch, to be honest, heh.
wtf is a zenless
5 more hours.
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every time I see changli again I want to drop wuwa more; she's the definition of hagfag pandering, really bad omen.
If you care so much about what other people are saying, here are the rest of your zzz truths. You need to follow these rules like 2+2=4 or water=wet
- Ellen is trans
- Nicole fucks old men for money
- Piper fucks pigs
but how do you have an iphone then?
it's when you have no zen
how many hours for reroll?
out in ~5 hours
shut the fuck up nahidafag
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Sayaka Senbongi married her Kabaneri costar in real life.
sure, it's always 10:00 somewhere in the world so why not
the state of mind I'm in right now not being able to play.
not enough lolis
I mean the entire post launch roster should have made you aware of their future launch plans for body types. Or you could just look at PGR where out of 40+ females barely any are your type.
devoid of zen
newfag here, how much coom material does this game has? I heard the boobs bouncing got cut down a lot, but im trying to be positive

is the gacha better than genshit?

I miss the time when mihoyo can go full coom…
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All these games become farming simulators after a month, why not do that, but with hot women that want to fuck (You)?
come home white man...
>730MB download after switching voice language and trying to login again
thank you anon that extra bit of time might have screwed me out of a low UID.
no zennies
it means you're broke
Not everyone uses Windows
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I'll give your game a try but if I get the furry dog dude from gacha, I'm instantly uninstalling
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Knowing hoyo games there's a limit to how much you can actually do day 1. Regardless, I'll take a couple of hours rerolling over wasting possibly over a hundred rolls just to get the one char I want

Just like with Genshin, left over accounts where I lost the 50/50 I'll sell. Depending on how comfy it is to reroll I might just do it all day and have a couple of double S rank starter accounts
There are people in this very thread who are contrarian and willingly skipping Ellen Joe
I don't want to see any anons using Ellen/Lycaon/Soukaku
but I've been playing generations ultimate all day
i have plenty of zennies
because I can look up porn without doing dailies in it?
can't you dual boot?
We call those "people" rinatards
I do not find the shark tail attractive.
Because a brawler or a combat game will have actual combat gameplay.
>double homo in 1.2
Is this a cunnychad game?
youngest character in zzz?
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>woke up too early
it's so over
Why is Billy Kid always bottom tier to mid?
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Explain this shit without sounding like a pedo.
Go on, I'll wait.
my favorite is marie swift was that her name?
Kek you can't be serious
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I'm not skipping any puffy nipples if I can help it. If you skip that then you are indirectly telling MHY to stop making such pandering art.
women have nipples, even at a young age
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Chat is this real?
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What? No we don't. They're literally on the same team and Rina is a standard. If anything, Ellen enjoyers are getting Rina also.
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aiiiiiiieeeeeeee i'm beginning to feel sleepy
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To the degree that a Mihoyo game can be, yes.
teenagers have nipples. sorry not sorry
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>Play Azur Lane
>Play Blue Archive
>Play GI
>Play PGR
>Play WW
>Will play ZZZ
There's nothing you can do about it.
Get out of here libtard we don’t what you in our cunny general
I wish snowbreak leaned more into gun autism rather than sci-fi.
multi-stage reloads, reload counts accounting for what's being lost in the magazine and if anything is in the chamber, more recoil and sway.
I'm happy for snowggers though, they got their waifu game.
more like ellen joe mama
>didn't get any downloads
fuck, I'll change it back to english just in case
I mean, if it had been chink gacha warframe I'd play it but that assumes a decent movement system which is probably a no-no on phone.
she looks like a 30 year old disgusting rotting hag, how is it pedo?
there are no lolis
Girls have nipples. Some girls have puffy nipples, Ellen is one of them
>t. sister had puffies and never wore a bra at home until 14/15
Why does her smile look like that of a gerbil
why are you hyper-focusing on her breasts bro? Maybe your the ones the pedo hmm?
Snowbreak probably has the most alpha gacha mc.
That guy fucks.
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There's a reason why they shill the game with previews and never with the game itself.
kino doesn't have to explain itself
I really want soldier 11, but I also need a low UID. What the fuck do I do when the game scares me with the lion furry instead of my wife?
There is something wrong with her boob. Are they making the boob have the same physics as the clothes or something?
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Yes, on a scale of 1-10 my cunnyboner is giving me a reading of 8. Every single girl is made hot whether loli or hag and the ratio is ideal.
it is a hagchad game, there are no lolis in this game
Um, your girls frontline? Your Nikke?
is this game soulful
she's schrödinger's legality aka 18
deal with it
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>55GB for the 1.0 version of a roguelike
they really gave this game their worst devs, huh?
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Attackers are the most common type in the game. So he's a starter team character that doesn't really enable any other teams like Anby and Nicole do. He's also a bit overshadowed even in his own faction by Nekomiya, also a physical attacker. But you can definitely successfully build around him if you like him.
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All normal people do
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Finally the added the feature on changing the Voice Over on the start up menu!
Fuck, the EN Voice Over are really bad.
What the fuck is that, I'm genuinely shocked
nip'ple suckers like you deserve to get shit uids
just swipe for the 300 guarantee
if mihoyo make a short girl with fat tits it would save their company
Waterkuma instantly makes the game soulful, he's going to give the players everything they want.
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retard, people like looking at beautifull things, repeating the psyop that the only acceptable space for cute/hot women is porn
ZZZ seems like a pump and dump. They told on themselves when they said they took a lot of inspiration from fighting games (which historically have short legs and frugal playerbase)
Visible JK nips erotic
Which language am I supposed to download?
/snowg/ is a Frito thread
Who will be the firefly of ZZZ
Bothers me how they have some of the most indepth aiming controls customization I've ever seen in any game, but also has fucking that.
he's mostly white
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I just came to an Ubel cosplayer, now I'm ready for release.
the average fighting game lasts 6-7 years, what the fuck are you talking about
But Waterkuma isn't working on it any more. They got him to design the shit for the beginning when they need to hook people. Everything after is sovless. Just look at the designs.
Hope next patch they give you the option to delete the EN, CN and KR dubs, waste of mb.
Reminder, if you get yourself a low UID number, depending on the digits you can sell that shit for 300-500 to autists obsessed by it
you won't convince me to "play" a game with gameplay like this >>484554404 >>484554845
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Can you read the dialogue somewhere later? If I accidently press the skip button, is there a log?
this is the lewdest thing ive ever seen
I haven't even checked but it's not on the ps4, is it?
checked and based
Playing with friends then meet up later to play Zzz
>EN voices are le bad!
No, they are not. You are just more aware of how cheesy the characters are when it's delivered in language you are familiar with.
Sure, you wanna break down sales for those games and how many ultimate and arcade editions were re-releases of those titles?
>all the furries are drawing him now
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But it says he's still working for MHY
you can straight up redo a lot of missions at least, there's a pretty good functionality for replaying specific segments
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>tfw titmogged by a 17 year old
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I could look at beautiful things and not have garbage gameplay.
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I can't believe her girlfriend gets to suck on that every day...
Post em
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Time for a blunt
Why is it that half the posts that screech about english voices are typed out in the most abhorrent, brown person english that barely registers as even kindergartner speaking ability?
can't wait for the porn
dont play it, who gives a shit? im just saying character design matters and looking at a cute character and thinking their only place is porn is brainrot behaviour
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Are jap or china voices canon?
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Any ZZZs for this feel?
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Testing the first descendant >>484552661
Wuwa have no sovl
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Where does this even come from? Ive only ever seen people posting it with zero evidence
why did this post get so many replies?
don't worry sis, the HRT needs a couple years to really kick in
that's a boob
you're the one who came in here trying to shill your ""game""
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You sound like a woman, maybe stop being a woman.
>try to download the game
>download failed error
wtf? I literally play HSR and Genshin on this what's the problem?
>SEAnigger having a meltdown over people not wanting to masturbate 24/7
>Explain this
she's a big girl
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Cool! Thank you
I dont see anyone who reaches the same level of bland and boring yet, no way hoyo can top slopfly as the worst character in the hoyoverse
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>only women are allowed to hate brown people
Chink voices and text will always be the canon in hoyo games
You mean mostly Arab.
Chinase of course. Everything else is a dub. I don't know whether they're the minority or majority, but among /zzz/ the most vocal segment of posters are going to be using the JP dub.
Wait I don't have to listen to disgusting prologue and can start the game with JP voices straight away?
Finally some actually useful QoL!
yes she has roblox face
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>furry artists appreciate an S-tier furry design
Woah, colour me shocked.
it's a westaboo game so english
you need more space
Anyone else here a fatchad? I’m 426 pounds. Going to slam down like 3 oreo pouches while playing tonight.
hey ryufag, go back to your xitter
how do i get a low UID
>brown pedospic troon

It's always JP.
Chinkonese will never be the official language of any anime game, regardless if it was made in west taiwan.
i can't play chinese because it triggers my chinese food addiction (former chinese food addict, used to spend 10+ hours in local restaurants listening to the chefs speak and eating there, got banned from a few)
>tfw cant get my mid lane
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No I hate niggers you fucking woman but I say it openly instead of using strawman arguments and boogeymen. Stop being a fucking woman, woman.

The irony is you're also always the kind of commie that won't see people as individuals while preaching against racism.
Just start when the servers open.
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>Retards think this is the pinnacle of character design
now let's test it with a foot
Have fun with the release bros. I'll be going to bed now and play after getting up
Please be inverted, please be inverted...
go to your local UID dealer
>No I hate niggers
self loathing isn't healthy
based Leisa
JP>EN cope all you want but all that matters is how they sound to my ears. Tell the failed actors and streamers they get to do the voices to up their game.
i'm a 105lb skeleton
Turn off antivirus and don't change install location. If that still not does it google "zenless zone zero direct download". Someone on Reddit uploaded all parts, I used them as well since I had problems myself
Ellen is built for vore
good night bro <333
i didnt shill anything, theres more than one person in this thread
i dont masturbate or watch porn, i just like anime and gachas
I have 150GB free?
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>i didnt shill anything
We all should just military time really.
times zones would still be a thing but you wouldnt need to bother with brain dead letters in your clock
Hello women, will you make me a sandwich?
I will now spend money on your game
>the most amateur false flag of all time
>theres more than one person in this thread
for now.
holy shit anon you can't post nsfw on blue boards
no en voices for anime games are almost always bad
there are good en voice actors but they dont work on gacha shit
Change the spear to garden shears and yeah, it's on point.
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TikTok hours predictions?
>Venti - 183
>Seele - 177
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Yeah, I think I will go with this. Watched couple comparisons on youtube and eng voices are just as good. Besides, there's some clear MGR inspirations in this game.
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post yfw this dude oversleeps and gets a shitty uid
yeah I think it's time for me to go. Too bad since the gameplay is pretty good by gacha standards
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This game coming out today is the only thing I've looked forward to for weeks. Please let me get Rina hoyogods
You are correct. Doesn't matter though. You aren't going to convince anyone that has an opinion on this topic.
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JP as God intended
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just got the luckiest run ever in IS3 arknights on the final boss.
atk buffs that target a random op on archetto, fatal bolts, camouflage for ranged units.
504, easy
is this really worth the 3 day ban...
hawk tuah?
if you have to say that you're already far, far too gone. seek actual therapy
How many of you have gambling addictions?
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>This post is extremely low-quality.
her pupils should be hearts
Would. Unironically.
of course the furfag is the tallest by far
Who is a good EN VA in your mind?
they need to get the guys who do the EN dub in the Fromsoft games for everything
the dick looks ai:d but I'm honestly not sure about the whole thing
make a braindead vergil comparison post next.
whitebros how can we compete?? we will never be able to pleasure nicole with our peckers...
She's 17...
I just started Honkai Impact and it is fun so far although I don't know how the battles really work.
Also playing 5 other gachas aside from that and ZZZ soon, loading into Genshin now
Euroneet here going to take 4 hour nappy now. Going dark. Over.
>Rina and Zhu Yuan are both shorter than me
I can no longer be dommed by them
manlets win again
I can’t recover from this
man i love sluts (2D)
Wait, Nicole is BBC-coded?
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He won.
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god I love this general
I hope the gameplay is good
I went and deleted all my credit/debit cards from all my devices and that helped tremendously, unfortunately I still pay money for prostitutes' to cosplay as generic succubus#12424 until I find a girlfriend into that
enjoy your high UID loser
>all songs are in english
>all text displayed in-universe is english
Yeah, I'm thinking english is canon
>there are good en voice actors but they dont work on gacha shit
They do though. I enjoy HSR and ZZZ in English a lot. You just don't like English. I think JP sounds like forgettable shit but I don't have to say it every time the subject is brought up.
This is a wacky comic book styled game your supposed to play in English because Japanese has trouble conveying sarcasm
what character is this? when does she release? i want her.
he colored it, the original is a big white cock
How many NEETs here? one of the few good things about neeting is release time/date of a game don't matter
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Please don't forget to do your wuwa daillies
Did you guys shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair in order to make yourselves more presentable for your first 5 star character?
Can someone edit the text to something lewd
Welcome to 2 years ago.
Is this the most soulful hoyoverse game?
ah that makes sense
>has to fake it
Need twittertroons to kill themselves
Everyone here is black.
i'm poor so i can't afford to have a gambling addiction
Piper. She's a release 4*. Not free.
rest well bro
it's a waterkuma game, everyone is BBC coded
big ben cock yes
How did this guy even get popular?
this guy is actually using drug addict language when it comes to his natural sex drive.
how appropriate, i would love to pipe 'er
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see you tomorrow my fellow eubro
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Will ZZZ ever top the kino levels of the Stellaron Hunters?
Jacked off, shaved, jacked off, went to shower and ended up jacking off there again. I'm ready
So is every character bi or will they preferences with Wise and Belle
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Get excited for the launch, gweilo
Remember to buy the passu and not engage in unorthodox tactics such as rerolling your account
>whitebros how can we compete??
By being White? The worst thing about BBC is it's attached to blacks.
even Ben?
jannies must be too busy fapping
I think so.
None of them are for (you)
I hate Koleda and I wish I was fatter, balder and older to greet her
fuck her for ruining my account
they're all straight anon
How hard is the endgame?
What even is the endgame?
ben is the bbc
Some controversy with the Arknights fanbase, they kicked him out of the community so he moved onto Mihoyo stuff.
can someone DM me when the servers are up?
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i will thank you da wei sama
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Who will be the Raiden Bosenmori Mei of ZZZ?
In their other games the characters want you regardless of the MC you pick unless you're playing genshit where they don't fucking care about you at all
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>tsch... japanese is the only acceptable option
>Lycaon? I don't want a furfag in my roster!
>how fucking DARE they censor the loli's upskirt!!
>Already get HI3rd's monthly and sometimes BP
>Get HSR's monthly and BP
I'm approaching the point where I'm buying a new AAA on release each month if I add ZZZ. Thankfully I live in China where this shit is cheaper.
He's a massive faggot
whaled in genshin then leeched off of asmonbald
oh the sex I will have with her
the lolikeks aren't gonna like this post bwo
>How hard is the endgame?
on higher levels obviously yes
>What even is the endgame?
Hollow Zero (like HSR SU, but with missions you need to clear to get rewards)
Shuyu Defense (genshins abyss, aka defeat all enemies in 4 minutes for full clear rewards)
this but unironically
We know Ben..
Dude you can't go that hard on them.
This but unironically. Based AMERIGOD
>how fucking DARE they censor the loli's upskirt!!
Wait, what? The blondes and Koeleda don't even have a skirt.
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>game is not even out
>people have 0 total hours of playtimes
>retards are already thinking about the endgame
>actual ching chonger
is the duck shit tea over there actually good or is it a meme
if it's anything like all the other mihomo games, they're all gay
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Do you think the servers will be shitting themselves for the first few hours just like they always do with any other big game?
How did it go with Star Rail when it released?
pepe for reference
>live in cn
how the fuck you have access to this site?
Who needs upstarts when you can just remove the skirt with mods
Bwos, are you picking Wise or Belle?
how will they ever recover from this?
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My knees are moving on their own
It's not bad, but I wouldn't go out of my way to order it again. It's 100% a meme.
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i watched that video and it's him watching another video of a guy making a 20 minute video of him rambling about a guy sending him death threats, literally nothing about ZZZ or its community.
why do people watch this?
why do you keep buying the BP? at some point you just don't need the resources anymore
I'm a transgirl so I will be picking belle
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What the fuck he's literally me
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minmax chads are always one step ahead
AFAIK no bad track record from oyohim
Does this game have any meaningful co-op or nah?
Wise because the one you don't pick will talk the most
shit game
Bros are you going to pick male or female???
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Who keeps posting these photos of me!?
What should I have for dinner. I could make paneer masala, Nashville hot sausages or spaghetti and meatballs
seek help bwo
I'm a tranny so I pick belle

hmm now that i look at wise he looks kinda cute so idk
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I'm very curious (sorry if I missed any)
why does this victorian maid look like a cheap prostutitue
delete this she's 17 years and 364 days old
>How hard is the endgame?
It isn't. At all.
Unfortunately they saw how easy everyone was sweeping the endgame while being super under-leveled and cranked up the level difference penalties in successive betas. Right now it quickly becomes impossible to brute-force the harder stages with too big a level difference.
>What even is the endgame?
Do fights to get/buy buffs to get to an end boss fight.
Kill all enemies mode.
You do not understand lolicons LMAO
I've already phased out the HI3rd BP at this point, I have one left which I guess I'll use. For HSR it just makes playing the game way more comfy. I may skip one in the future but it's not breaking the bank or anything.
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Started bunch of drama in other gacha games covering games got his fans off that then he moved onto hoyo stuff and drama farming them wich gave him a massive boost that he later used to leech of asmon and joined his org or and became his freind so also got boost of that.
He is a massive faggot grifter
Which ZZZs are built for Dr Disrespect?
Is the 24 hour livestream all new content or is it replayed stuff/stuff that is viewable elsewhere?
wise looks like an actual fag here (and not in a meme way like people call aether) but I'm still picking him because being an autogynephile is worse
Have a slice of Rina's "pie" 'v')b
She is cute
Oh god if I get hard in the next 24 hours I'm a pedo.. please Ellen...
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You have your typical abyss shit, a roguelike dungeon, and a survival mode that ranks you on how much you die.
None of it was terribly difficult in the beta. The roguelike mode would occasionally offer some bullshit challenges, but you can simply ignore them and still clear.
>posts tan guy fucking
>talks about blacks
waterkuma, you’re supposed to be working buddy
at least leak the kit of the next 5* loli
it's just demos from the youtube channel on repeat
You sick fucks keep laughing about ellen being 17 but what if she is 16?
the very beginning where he bitches about loli and says his viewership will be the sane bastion of the zzz fanbase is fucking hilarious. I have no clue why anyone would watch it through
i self insert as the guy fucking nicole
Guess I'm spending money for her
Damn those tits are fat
He's so fucking shit as part of Asmon's org. I'm surprised he's still there, he's just always spouting shit takes which no one else agrees with.
Female because I'm not gay
she would be even hotter
>not in a meme way like people call aether
then i'll self insert as nicole
I'd pull out my wallet
so does it come out today? july 3rd or july 4th...
stop anon I can only get so erect
15-17 all look the same.
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>failed actors and streamers:

>failed actors and streamers, japan:
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4 hours 15 minutes
4.5 hours
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holy based
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Can we play with other people or is this like star rail, just having other people's characters sometimes
Why the FUCK are we talking about tectone when our game is about to be born
excuse me but where is /uma/?
Thank you
Embarrassing, why would you admit you are an itoddler in public?
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I also play card games.
cute and bratty
Replayed stuff. Just go to the official YouTube channel to watch them.
I haven’t seen blacked posting this regularly since Dragalia Lost and I’ve been active on Princess Connect and Star Rail here. I don’t know what general you’re from but you guys need to GO. I’ve never seen this before in a Mihoyo or Cygames thread so I know it’s not us.
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done and done
no matter how much you seethe about him, aether doesn't look like a yaoi protagonist, but wise definitely does in that pic
This game DOA?
Where's all the art?
Thank you based Hoyo employee! I play all your company's games!
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>tried to take a nap
>woke up 1 hour later
>even more tired now
EUbros...i'm ngmi, please don't laugh at my UID when we coop...
The only co-op in cbt3 was weekly bosses, they might have added more, we dunno
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hsr is the ultimate side gacha
it's better on paper but I can't tell the difference regardless
Im fucking baffled why asmon let him joined over litterly anyone else, im half convinced he got let in simply because he gacha drama framer and that vibed with asmon for some reason. i dont really get it consderiing asmon has loli lovers on his org too.
which zenless gives the best blowjobs
>unironically posting jaks
maybe reddit is more your speed
Some JP VAs are more famous than JP stage actors. Especially globally. Only EN VAs are "failed actors" because nobody in the US dreams to be a seiyuu.
Fuck rerolling. If I get a furry, instant uninstall.
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There's no way +21 of you are here
not wrong, watching streams and movies with my language makes me cringe so hard compared to jap/gook ones
but i don't play gachashit to cringe
BASED thanks anon I will use this as rerolling motivation
I kneel WuWaCHAD!
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>/hsrg/ and /bag/ are top 2
Congrats anons you'll finally play something that isn't an autobattler!
there's no BBC in that post...you had one job...
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Their names are shit
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this one
Corin Wickes
>Still up
Great this general is already abandoned by jannies.
Bright future ahead.
if i dont get a furry, instant uninstall
I don't gaf what fictional age you give her because she's a fictional character. If she's hot she's hot.
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>Literally just making up numbers for the thumbnail
4/10 I had to check
>attack all sides with one post to gather all the (you)'s
cheap and low effort.
>No hidden spade
The fuck are you even doing nigga?
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To the previous anon. People will probably make a better version, but i tried.
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FUCK I knew I missed one (I was going to add community submissions but knew it'd turn into a shitpost that way)
jannies are based BNWO believers
now im really horny
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WHERE IS /mjg/
How much longer until the game goes up again
Ben is free
>the shorthand for the game is your exact reaction to the game
damn how they do that
>Still no pre-load on PS5
>game open one hour early
>Angel names
Bro, your shark/oni ice team...
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Do retards unironically believe Ellen is a loli?
She's 160cm (5'3) for fuck sake. For comparison HSR hebes are 140cm tall
is this an eva reference
Are those motherfucker archangels?
Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel
lickable tummy
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Nah give me the wolf send all your wolves to me. Seed my account with the wolf. I need multiple copies
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>here’s your self insert bro
90% of blacked posting is bait bro
There are some, but many of them are guys who played shit like MGS and wanted to be the next Snake.
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My angels...
Going to be absolutely insane when hoyo maintains top3 due to their perfectly staggered patch schedule and HSR being the default casual/side game for most people. Dawei is a fucking genius.
>failed actors and streamers, japan
Japanese Seiyuu is the equivalent to hollywood actors you dumb Ameritroon.
All of them have angel names.
Ellen is literally 12
she skipped a couple grades since she’s very smart
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>ingame mechanic called decibel which is basically collecting "energy" to use ults
>ethereals have small black holes on them, hollows are bigger black holes
>there's a theory that high enough levels of decibel can make a black hole because decibels have watts = energy = mass, enough mass makes black hole
What am I supposed to do with this information mihoyo
is it true ZZZ copys HSR and has super-lewd nude art for their e6? do you know which websites has them all so I can uuuuuh reference them?
where halo?
I love kick movesets
I don't like furries

What should I do
They're named after archangels
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it's ok fellow eubro i don't care about that stuff we can still be fwends
But bro, the mythical CN poll that said all CN players are on PC!
Miyabi robohandjob
>aether doesn't look like a yaoi protagonist
Well you're right about him not looking like the protagonist...
Star Rail is my main game desu
ZZZ will be one of my more prominent side games however
Looking forward to the crossover event
is ben furry though? he's literally just a bear
>Play some dogshit Ulala or whatever game with barely any viewers
>Start Arknights
>Steal CN strats (who cares) and get really mad and defensive
>Turns into drama and everyone eventually just has enough
>Start [Popular Gacha] and shit on [Old Gacha]
>Stir up non-existent drama on purpose
>Put out clickbait videos about it
>Get a billion views
>Eventually fans get annoyed again
>Eventually you cultivate an audience where the drama comes to you
It's the tried and tested Twitch Streamer strat, it's worked for pretty much everyone that's tried it, even nobodies like Mitch Jones
I think they finally realized that most male players use the fem mc, and fujos go with the male mc
So they made Akira/Wise look like a shoujo manga love interest
You just know it'll be giga nerfed
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4 hours 8 minutes
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feel free to reply (on here or in poll conversation) to request other generals I missed, I'll make another one closer to launch hour
Post the streamer faction onegai. I'm convincing my friend to play this game.
I'm a metafag so I am rolling for the support maid.
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I love 2D angels. When can I roll for them?
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The beta was so shit it already killed /zzz/ once. That's why the current threads are so full of normalfaggots, clueless fomo retards, EN dub users and other undesireables. In a few hours they will be melting down and turning the thread into an even bigger radioactive wastepile.
How is there even enough to do in HSR to make it a main game?
japan is so over
It usually goes live one hour earlier, right?
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judge for yourself
this anime was so good
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They really brought out the B-team VAs this time, how disappointing.
Victoria Housing
>Final Girl
Section 6
>Shrine maiden with katana
>Ninja/japanese archer

I get the groups got some theming going on, section 6 being japan wank and victoria being horror tropes, but what about bellabog and cunning hares?
What's the schtick?
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Alright give me three different characters you like from this game and which part of them you'd lick. The part you choose MUST be something you haven't used before. I'll start.
>Piper anus
>Koleda armpit
>Corin feet
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I don't mind being spooked by Lycaon since he's top tier.
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Well it doesn't help that waterkuma is a character designer for this game
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based friend if that's what'll convince him
>another general that calls the male MC gay
Maybe if he was black things would be different
>the game is shit
What then?
kill yourself BAtroon, you will never be japanese or a woman
hi it's /asg/
you stole our Tiny One and Sinsa. Could you steal Zeta as well. She's the cute one.
It's not like that has mattered for any other gacha before.
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>Star Rail is my main game
>Star Rail
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Had to uninstall HSR for ZZZ. This game better be worth it
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Then we wait for Azur Promilia.
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They are mega cute
Excellent post anon
>Ellen pits
>Piper anus
>Grace feet
Someone at MHY is a fuckin genius, Angelical names make them feel twice as breedable.
kill your local BA player (pedo)
>Piper armpits
>Ellen tail
>Nicole sweat from underboob
I'm going to sleep bros, I hope tier lists are up when I wake up
>Final Girl
Frankenstein's monster

Belabog is a construction company. Their stuff is all construction tool themed. The Hares are a grab bag since they're glorified Fiverr.
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>koleda foot
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Yes it was.
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look at her go
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Nice. A fellow Piperanus enjoyer. You have good tastes.
>Final Girl
I don't know who the ghost is and I don't know what "final girl" means in context of horror or which one of them that'd be.
They're just construction workers using construction tools to fight.
they're getting cancelled twice just from this
on god skibidi gyatt rizz im feelin this title fr
They need to make an older male MC
Or just make him a yankee/delinquent and it'll be all right
Wise looks like a otoge character
Sorry to hear that sis
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Someone make the opposite of this because I'm trying to roll for him.
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Is this thing even worth the effort?
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>first two banners are hags
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So the 1.0 banner is a skip?
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best girl
He's managed by the same people behind mrbeast(100 gorillion subs) and a bunch of other streamers
this but unironically ong
what the fuck is this thread right now holy shit
I'll cancel out the cancellation with my seed in their wombs
tvslop will mindbreak /zzz/
Ellen Joe is a JK
tvKINO will ELEVATE /zzz/
Depends, do you like Shark girls?
literally built for passionate babymaking sex
can we get one for koleda I like cunny but her being tied to the bear is pretty bad
I just did it once with two accounts and forgot about it
I am not rerolling and will be playing with EN voices, just like HSR, where EN dub is canon, EN Silver Wolf and Kafka are canon, and my account started with Yanqing and I still kept it. I don't care if I get the bear or dog in ZZZ, what separates me from rerollers is that I actually play the game.
We skip until cunny
picked up
Anon I think you are gay
this is theft…
Was 500lbs at the start of the year. Got down to 410 last month but slipped a bit and somewhere around 430 now. Restarting my diet in a few days and hopefully I'll be in the 200's by the end of the year.
Don't waste your life being an obeast, it's the worst self torture anyone can do to themselves. My entire life was stolen by food, I hate this self made prison I can't leave.
I remember it was pretty bad in cbt1, but they reduced it in cbt2 and 3
Makes sense, though feels like it misses out on the neat hidden theming with the other two.
Alexandrina Sebastiane is the 'ghost' of the group. She floats and has some poltergeist vibes. Check her character demo again if you wanna.
>Final Girl
It refers to the last living chick in a slasher/horror film. Corin seemed to fit that bill, at least imo.
they removed most of it
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ellen will be meta for at least 2 patches
It's Joever..
she got the moves
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>I am not rerolling and will be playing with EN voices, just like HSR, where EN dub is canon, EN Silver Wolf and Kafka are canon, and my account started with Yanqing and I still kept it. I don't care if I get the bear or dog in ZZZ, what separates me from rerollers is that I actually play the game.
Otherwise known as a hag.
Not gonna reroll. If I don't get Nekomata or Ellen I will just throw the game in the bin and go play something else.
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No Miyabi anytime soon btw
honestly I don't know what is mihoyo's plan, are they going all out against twitter this time or what
their previous games were kind of tame and in genshin's case even circumcised themselves
also im playing ps5
Sweet, I get to save up plenty of rolls then.
Why does the ps version cost money? In what way is it superior?
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Ellen Joe Mama
they need to find new players otherwise zzz will cannabalize hsr and genshin
what's wrong with angel lolis?
>are they going all out against twitter this time or what
if they were, they wouldn't have censored all the characters
Please put in furry ladies
Steve jobs
good one right?
I’m excited for the release, but not particularly excited for the game itself. None of the designs seem especially good or interesting to me besides the blue oni loli, I know the gameplay is going to be competent but pretty mid overall since it’s mihoyo, but really I’m excited to finally experience a gacha from day 1 and shitpost with my bros about it.
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Didn't see you claiming theft when you took them from Arknights.
those aren't twitter problem those are china problem
I would not be surprised if mihoyo strings people along and makes her the last character of 1.x or the first character of 2.x
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Mihoyo Shooting Gacha when
Mihoyo Fighting game Gacha when
Forgot to say I'm trans btw, if that matters.
I spent all day shitposting instead of sleeping fuck
killing myself if I get a bricked uid
im a heterosexual white male tho
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Begone, Von
This but Rina
>Makes sense, though feels like it misses out on the neat hidden theming with the other two.
FWIW Billy and Anby both have mysterious pasts that are probably connected to other factions. Anby and her weapon being a dead ringer for Soldier-11 and the military faction for example.
they have the normie foothold and anyone who isn't a total twittard will be fine with the cunny
after their mecha gacha
yeah im thinking f2p is the way to go
The fact they're doing things like reaching out to fighting game community shows they want to bring in fresh blood to the player base
true especially if you are poor
One of those people saying Begone Von is getting Lycaon and I'm getting jealous
>She floats
Oh yeah. I forgot. I had her too.
Ehhhhh... I remember characters like Corrin being one of the last few to die, but never the last survivor. Horror directors always had them stay alive for a long while to act as the AC and make sure nothing was too calm even when the killer/monster wasn't actively doing shit, but they'd always end up biting it so the more resourceful character could make it a solo-survival stretch or (when actiony) a 1 vs 1 scheme to beat them.

But shit. I guess I haven't seen a horror movie in like ten years. Maybe the scared of everything characters are the usual survivors now.
based funposter
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You get some pre-order pack but it's not worth it. Some anons said they pulled a similar thing for HSR but they made the pre-download available for free a few hours before release. I was expecting to be able to start the download by now though.
welkin is always worth it. BP is worth it for the first few months when you need resources. everything else is a scam
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sup nerds. If I can't get the shark lady with the visible nipples or the puppeteer lady with the big tits without really trying I'm tapping out.
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>Corin seemed to fit that bill, at least imo.
Corin is an innocent, but she has stitching scars, bolts, and manacles and chains. She's definitely a Frankenstein reference.
How many hours until release?
The players and money still go to Mihomo. What’s the alternative wuwa lol?
cool robot faction billy came from when
spending on any gacha is cringe and it's scientifically proven that spenders quit sooner than F2P (true) players, good job.
I am not rerolling and will be playing with JP voices, just like HSR, where EN dub is trash, Silver Wolf and Kafka are my canon mother and sister wives, and my account started with Bailu and I came buckets. I would hate it if I get the bear or dog in ZZZ, that shit is gay as fuck and I’ll probably drop the game if they are my first rolls. I’m picking Belle btw because theres no way I’m staring at man ass when I play a gacha.
true i spent 60 bucks on bp for weapon i don't even use anymore in genshin and i kinda regret it
if Koleda doesn’t suck my dick when I got her an assassination attempt will be made
I will only reroll if I roll the furry with the first guaranteed.
A little less than 4 if they don't release early
Wuwa is actually good though, I don't know why you're loling.
ok fuck it... I actually need von for my team, but I also want all the semen demons.
Isn't she the ONLY character with this shit?
She was my favorite, but knowing that she'll be tied to a furry is pretty sad
gives you 3 mascot pulls and a decent 4* weapon, it's nice but it won't brick your account if you don't do it
She is but the buff is minor
you are so beneath me it's frankly embarrassing.
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this is the way
welkin is practically stealing and costs next to nothing, get a few BPs for a resource boost at the beginning, and that's it. that's all you need.
It's always f2p until the game proves itself to be worth the long haul.
you should be able to guarantee shark pretty easily since she's the first limited banner
if i get him im just not gonna use him im too lazy to reroll
>if they don't release early
which they will, usually 70-80 minutes early
Dropped genshin for wuwa, so now it's HSR/WuWa for me
They want new players more than existing genshin or hsr players since everybody has a fixed amount of money to use on gacha. So existing hoyo players will just switch spending to ZZZ instead which wouldn't help them as opposed to fresh meat
>Koleda + Ben
I'm sorry Koleda bros.. at least you'll be soul
>hag game
she can only do it if Ben joins in bwo
you don’t want that
you don't make more games just for the same and shrinking playerbase you need to EXPAND
wrong, spending even a single cent is cringe and no you're not "F2P" because you "j-just bough the BP", you're marked as a cringe spender as soon as the payment goes through.
F2Ps are worse than vegans.
Uh oh poorpag melty
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If MHY maintains this cunny ratio and puts out an S rank loli soon then I will be putting at least $5k into this game minimum.
is ben big?
who the FUCK said I wanted to be f2p? I'm not a poor fucking brownoid living in a shack.
What cancerous religion do you call this
I’ll buy welkin
I’ll buy top ups right before resets
I’ll call myself f2p
nobody will ever know
I just hope they never do it again
But I fear that they're retarded enough to tie characters in the future since koleda made it to live
I guarantee I'm the richest fucking person in this general and I will NEVER ever spend on Gacha.
She'll work great as a stun character for fire teams on her own. She just gets to be a sort of stunner/DPS hybrid if Ben is on the team. For example Soldier-11/Koleda/Lucy should be a strong team. But Koleda/Ben/Lucy will probably also work.
i'll suck this anon's dick in his sleep
nobody will ever know
Proof? You a trust funder?
Yup. Worse than vegans.

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