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Prev.: >>484531178
Happy birthday to Popukar!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[7/4-7/18][Standard]6* Guard Zuo Le, 6* Specialist Dorothy (Shop), 5* Guard Akafuyu, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Proviso (Shop)
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika
[7/9-7/16]A Kazdelian Rescue - Catapult skin
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Blaze love!
thats hot
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I wish Arknights would collab with SEED FREEDOM instead of Dunmeshit
My soulmate...
To the slaughterhouse with ye
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Get fucked
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Is Muelsyse for (You)?
Who are the most /m/ operators? Mayer?
Zumama, Blemishine, GG
Why is no one stopping the Dukes from stirring more shit even with Victoria fucked sideways?
Retardbro... Popukar's birthday has already ended
I'm still waiting for that 6* robot operator (not humanoid shit)
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They're that strong
Is Lancet for (you)?
Kick Blemishine in the cunt as hard as possible
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Is Moose for (You)?
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I fucking love my stoat

Yes, 100%.
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Post a birthday calendar that's working
Lancet is our stereotypical slutty nurse
She is for everyone
Post operators 100% not for you.
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Stop this slander
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I saw an Angiebro that betrayed us...
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I can't find Arknights art anymore, my feed is full of ZZZ and BA...
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I Don't care how much you shill it i'm not playing a weapon gacha
Penance, she loves Vigil's dad
Get it off my timeline! I only follow/like Arknights artists so why am I seeing this shark girl?
I think you misunderstand their relationship anon...
Everyone knows that
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Is Yuji a women?
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It looks like she has someone in mind already.
From love to hate there is a thin line
Arturia is factually for everyone
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>merely existing in out of control
Nymph is cute.
Who drew the new Tactician dude
Will he powercreep Vigil
Will he powercreep Mumu
>Under the influence of alcohol, Penance spoke of the late Bellone don in the presence of the Doctor. She spoke of how she seemed to understand him so well, yet not at all; how he gave her hope, yet never trusted her even unto the end. All she can do is bear witness to the hope he left behind, and devote the rest of her life to realizing it, but there will never come a day when they watch the dream come true together.
'I hate him so much, but the more I hate him, the more I...' Those were Penance's final words before she passed out and was carried back to her quarters by the Doctor.
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it's over for Arknights
Mindfucking W
Paid shills. If they're even going to fucking pay the resident schizo who shills his videos here to shill the game on his channel and he's an utter fucking nobody, imagine what they're paying elsewhere.
i must of missed something
are we getting swimsuits?
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hijabs, you are not allowed to have fun
fun is reserved for BA/NIKKE/ZZZ
>a literal Nearl-Blemishine copycat
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I've read Il Siracuano and her Profile anon...

>"I hate him so much, but the more I hate him, the more I..."
the more she understands anon
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This thread will be worse.
chat is this real?
Wuh intercourse
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She's only for the worms. I'd post the art of that one guy who loves to post dead Theresas but I can't be bothered to find it right now
>my dick when I saw the current Nikke OP
She cant even spell the word
I will SEED this REED and make her a MOTHER.
Imagine that skin with a fat baby belly.
Handing Wuh the sex contract telling her to sign it (she thinks it’s an employment contract)
>Vendela can't understand the heart of a robot but said her relationship would work out so Zumama wouldn't worry
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what the fuck
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Nikkers are so lucky...
Also her insistence on being a step mom figure to Vigil. Poor woman.
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>copy the broken statstick and have 2 of them deployed
they ain't powercreeping muelsyse as a tactician
Elfy is safe from any powercreep she'll never be Typhon.
What kind of margaret nearl is that?
Hag game.
She acts as his sister
Vigil is the only one that sees her as a mother figure
Would grill with
>>copy the broken statstick and have 2 of them deployed
>they ain't powercreeping muelsyse as a tactician
What if the next 6* tactician just has strong summon that doesn't need to copy and has true damage
female thorns spotted
Euro hours always are
But im literally right?
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He's 5* Beanstalk, so he actually has potential to be very very good, maybe better than both Vigil and Muelsyse.
>gay (fat) uggo
glad I'm not a nikker, our gays are good looking
Sisters dont nag kids to eat their veggies, thats what parents do
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This banner literally only exists because CN fans are known to dislike younger characters like Nymph. Remember how they raised a big stink about Typhon last year because they mistakenly thought she would be a hot hag?
>3 of them look like young women
Nice "hags"
Yeah it is.
Never said she doesnt act like his mom.
Im saying Vigil is the only one out of the two that sees her as his surrogate mom.
Exia, Thorns, Savage and Nearl
wtf... I love the CCP and my Chinese brothers more now
Which one doesn't look like a young woman, anon?
so nearl is the protagonist
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>/akg/ will say this looks bad because bikini doesn't cover 90% of her body
Duh, this is a hagchad game. Devs know. Chinks know. If you have a problem with it you can get the fuck out of here.
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Operator Reed has been given a new skin.
State your next wish.
This banner is for posers and newpipis, true hag chads roll for them in their respective banners.
This but unironically. Their minigames are next level.
My wife almost pushed off the banner on the left...
I remember seeing one where she was lying on her back. Do you have that one?
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They should give Thorns a long lost sister, guaranteed to be mega popular just by association
>Never said she doesnt act like his mom.
So you agree. I said she is acting as a step-mom figure to Vigil.
I wish for whoever makes wishes in the past, present, and future to be my wife.
shitposter spamming other game time now?
how much for this skin?
Apparently not good enough to keep you playing it and instead less enjoyable than shitposting here
I'm John /akg/ and I say that AK needs more of that. But why play a braindead shooting gallery when I can just watch its porn?
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Why are you playing IS right now?
I'm so glad Arknights doesn't have to stoop this low
She acts like his mom yes
Its not something she herself insists on or even a particularly conscious decision on her part
Its just something she does
This isn't a whore, this... is a SKANK.
this nigga good in gameplay? or only just to fill reception room slots?
worst fishperator poster
Bruh bikini schizo is gonna be spamming Nikke for a day or two and ZZZ shills are gonna be at it for a fuckin month. Buckle up.
Arknights would be the perfect gacha if it just got skins like this
are you afraid of women in the bikini?
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How do we save Arknights?
nta but please shut up already
he's a healer man he heals. what else do you need
Isn't she a used goods?
every... single female operator needs a swimsuit skin, yes every single one, especially Suzuran.
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By the way to the anons insisting Penance had some sort of romantic inclination towards Vigils father, her opinion of him is directly outlined in IS-10 after.
She saw Vigils dad exactly how Vigil Sees her currently.
So please bring receipts next time you wish to call anyone a skipfag.
I genuinely, completely, 100% do not believe that Nikke would shoot itself in the foot like that considering their target demographic.
You are retarded, or coping. Probably both.
Good swimsuit skins, mind you.
It's a good thing no one actually has Specter as their wife, so it's not cheating.
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Clownbro... she likes it that way.
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So does this mean Penance is for me?
Penancefag this is embarrassing
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Realse the Endfield
It means she isnt for Vigils dad.
I don't see the monkey paw aspect, so I now wish my wife got a skin
>having a god run at a15
>job to Instinct Contamination (non-emergency)
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But that means she's for me right?
so penance is for vigil?
For my wife to get a skin like Reed's
All operators are for me. No exceptions.
>but the guys-
No exceptions.
where my bnuy......
i hate kots.
lmao thats a fast way to shut that arguement down i guess
every single swimsuit in hijabiknights are mid af
except maybe myrtle's
Yes, Arknights doesn't shy away from incestkino
>/akg/ talks about cuckshit yet again
that's not helping your case
Vigil is for Demetri
When is ZZZ
3 hours
shipping is not cuckshit retard
What did you expect from THE used goods gacha.
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Now, good night /akg/.
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Shamare... Suzuran... Durnar...
No, it just means she didnt have romantic feelings towards Vigils dad.
Much like how Vigil doesnt have romantic feelings towards her.
Its a weird sorta sibling/parent relationship in both cases.
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Shu will make me like rice over spaghetti.
literally the writers all admitted they want the genshit audience
>"guys ni**e is so good maybe arknights should be more like it because it has BIG BOOBS OOGA WOOGA I JUST BUSTED IN MY PANTS guys i smell like semen 24/7 because i'm permanently gooning to this game maybe other games should follow suit
this is how you clowns sound
Typhon should have gotten v neck if it had to be a one piece
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Surely then she is for me?
Hehe Sidepoca
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Demetri got cucked though
why are penancefags so insufferable?
Can you visualize a red, rotating apple?
Mating press
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You are gay
what is wrong with them?
Reserved for Ho'ol's swimsuit skin.
He's trying to cuckpost hardcore but anons won't let him
Vigil will come around...
Just wait for demetris application to be a rhodes operator gets approved...
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pic is how you clown look like right now
Anon, what in the world are you talking about?
Rosa Roca fusion?
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Why is she so cool?
There is no downside to Arknights getting good skins like those. Angering prudes like you is a bonus.
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You're... calling me a loser? An annoying faggot loser... with no friends nor redeeming qualities whatsoever?!
>Tries to push Penance with vigils dad
>Anon posts direct proof from the story that she wasnt romantically interested in him but saw him as a dad/brother
Geeze i wonder
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Calm down, Doctor.
There are no operators for (you).
Only me. Your true wife.

Come home, Doctor.
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She just is
If we get a Higashi event im gonna be pissed if her and Akafuyu arent in it
canon wife!
maybe this is why BA/Nikke generals are more active and their games are popular and succesful?
If you're me wife, why do you keep fucking my RS-8 auto?
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Maybe you should fuck off to these generals then tourist nigger.
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Bernardo is for young(?) idols, get it right
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I concur
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maybe you should stop being racist
>MY general has more hikikomori porn addicts posting goon pictures than your stupid game has. win for me!
What if we fused Arknights and Azur Lane together?
don't chase off the last people we have in the thread, most of us play both games anyway
Just stop replying to the baiter
I just think it's hilarious he started bitching about Typhon not getting a two piece, everyone being like nah it's fine, and he just loses it.
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>If you're me wife, why do you keep fucking my RS-8 auto?
Skill issue.
Never failed to me.
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this is not attractive
stinky old wolf
Brother, akg is nothing but gooning to ooc fanart nowadays.
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Closure spotted
devils cool
>Just stop replying to the baiter
If you think that it stops the shitposters then you are too naive, they'll be samefagging.
>is a vampire
>does nothing a vampire does
Explain, Arkeks.
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Yet you saved that picture. Curious.
growing old with Lappland Saluzzo...
Looks trashy, the sakura and viper ones are much better.
Do you think she'd charge extra to do her lawyer things in the new swimsuit?
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She drains me(of money)
I feel like she wouldnt represent you in court while in a swimsuit...
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I just plain don't understand people who like sarkaztent. The entire story is essentially crying about them being victims while the vast majority of them spend most of their time trying to rape and pillage and murder.
I get that we're fighting to stop Kazdel or the bandits when they do that, if anything RI has a massive sarkaz bodycount. But I don't care about the bully crying that everyone hates him and that he gets punched back all the time.
The story should focus on actually getting leadership that wants to sue for peace and how Kazdel gets out of the mentality of wanting revenge and being entitled to rule the world (which I get that it's happening, but they're pushing the victim narrative before that happens).
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All the free hugs i can get?!
Post my wife please. You know who she is.
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chest NOT canon
They hated him because he told them the truth
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When will they add some short annotations at least? I have no idea who's adding me.
Not that I have any extra slots anyway, nobody is dead on the friend list.
Now post the other picture in that same page
Interested in this upcomming omnibus
wonder how big a role the sarkaz lady from IS4 is gonna play
erotic lapp
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dork lung
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I like AK and if I wanted to play those other popukar and successful games I would. You dumb bitch.
Hmm... weirdo detected...
Making Love to Ch'en(from Arknights).
>stays inside all the time
>disintegrates if she touches the sun
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Literally Goomas swimsuit.
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>yfw the only cool update to the game is changing friends list from 50 to 100
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We don't need no incels in our game
When are we having next trans and gay operators btw?
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Ama-10 story will save the arkeks.
This just makes me want to buy it more. Like the kashino skin from AL
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worth it? is4
My wife does not act this way, please stop.
THIS was a step in the right direction. Remember how /akg/ collectively salivated at it?
Canon for (you) operators.
And Myrtle
>boss killer
>eliminates drones on cancer maps
Obviously. She's just useless without s3.
>We don't need no incels in our game
>When are we having next trans and gay operators btw?
Nobody said anything about this. Stop getting mad at stuff you make up in your head
>for (you)
and Reed
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>she/her, with feminine | ex astris, arknights | FUB free | radfem views | work requests - DM or Shokal.aaaaa@gmail.com

I have found that twitter account and it's some mind broken russian feminist.

I hope you realize that you are quoting some literal freak.
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Nope, while important to real world sex I'm not really into oral on either side for some reason, so I leave it out. It's not necessary really as you can just materialize people's anatomy to be a bit better

A poll in Europe found women found Italian men the most attractive in almost all nations. Also my alter ego is a descendant of Ceaser since I spent months planning out a world domination arc in the late 21st century (hard to do) so the surname fit. And being born in Rome feels..... sexy and symbolic.
for me it's WAmiya
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And also this one.
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Smooch dorks.
anon knows what he said
>these are the type of p*ople in /akg/
I know, grim
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anon is really trying to bait right now...
kinda sad
This twisted general needs to be reset.
I hope that the Typhon and Reed skins mean we're getting lewder skins, even if a little.
I feel sorry for him I'll give a him a (You) >>484569195
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Maybe you should do like the romans and Cease posting.
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That's literally anons account
Ok bros how do i kill this fag before he starts running
Post RI's worst rapist
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reminder that reed artwork is going to explode in popularity
we are looking at total
I just hope catapult gets more art...
>That's literally anons account
A stupid bitch like her that uses "she/her" garbage and calls herself radfem would never come to this place lmao.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you'd be wrong.
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It's all going to be sexual
She'll get maybe a dozen
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>women taller than 160cm
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I'll take it.
Better than nothing.
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Is this what we want?
The outfit was already shown and she's getting some but nothing crazy, so it doesn't seem like it explode
Still both the 6* skins are getting more attention than the actual 6*, she's even posted about rarely here compared to other releases
im gonna smack it
It's what we need.
Is this the best relic against cresson?
This skin is convincing me to pull for reedalt on her rerun
>reedalterlets in this general
dark times
Reed has a lot of pure and innocent art. She's waited a year only to be sent back to Victoria, had to save a bunch of retards from killing themselves, and then Doctor beat her to the punch of resolving the conflict.
Reed's done waiting for anything, she's taking Doctor for herself.
This art shows that.
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reed counts is up 18% in the last 10 minutes
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The power of sex appeal
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Soon, but I'll have to wait more than a month for it...
I'm going to request that Hornwood draws Reed in his next Mizuki set when he next takes requests since you guys seem to like her a lot
Yeah we get it you want to "own" the "incels"
All me.
Why would you need to request it, he'll probably draw it anyway
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Reed is too aggressive lately...
Eblana soon.
Imagine needing to prove yourself to incels
Is this like stocks or something? Did I have to invest? Shit.
No need for excuses be a cuck if you want to be one
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You were supposed to invest earlier, pic related
Genuine question here
But about how much time do you spend baiting threads a day?
Do you do it evey day whenever you get time or are there target hours you aim for?
Pretty curious about this.
I don't have either Reed, miss me with that gay shit
Nice thread, Arkeks.
>admitting to being a Horncuck
Embarrassing, can't believe you would do that in public.
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Is he the only non-dipshit member of the royal council? No, Logo's mom is a retard too.
Cuck you have a big dick, you can please your wife and she loves you.
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Been holding onto Toddicoins for so long. Gonna hold them till end of times. This ain't some pump and dump.
Interested in any funny lines he may throw out in this omnibus
reed coin is skyrocketing
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>stopped generating all the way through tentacle Reisen porn to gen a shitty kitty for shitty kitty thread
sHiTtY KiTtY
>Is he the only non-dipshit member of the royal council?
Remember when he had the thing he was looking for all along?
I will never run out of module blocks again
Ask someone to tie his shoelaces
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Momknights when?
The thing is that those who were the shitheads went to victoria and those with half a brain just left and did not answer to regents summons
Calling Stainless then
I'd say the cyclops, djall, and gargoyle members of the court are smart for staying out of victoria
Love that little shitter
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Provisio is popular?
So Mean. I am only hoping this amazing hidden secret can help any curious anon here date and fuck their wives in fully immersive realism..... especially us old 35+ who have nothing else
1 piece of art down. 11 more to go.
Sure buddy
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What do you think he's doing in Kazdel? Is he acting as a Maylander glowie or is he there on his own terms?
Congratulations on being the least sane poster in this general.
Maylander is having a hand in the floating city rhinelabs is building so probably something to set that up
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She is cute. When can I have her?
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The beauty and glamour of Siracusa and Higashi, condensed in foxes
Big ugly my boy is on the list!
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You wont cheat on AK with ZZZ will you doctor?
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Good post.
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Sorry Amiya...
In Lone Trail he mentions not being back since Theresa and Theresis got Kazdel a landship, so probably checking that out after 300 years.
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How did you get access to Doctors terminal operator Ari?
Only because juggling 2 gacha/generals is a pain. I'll only do it for Endfield.
I dont even know what zzz is...
"they" won't be sharing the general with "Us"
I dont event know what the fuck that is, going to sleep? Yeah if so I go to sleep every night
No, but the general will slow down considerably for a while. There's no point denying that.
This is Doctor, not Ari.
That what clue-2 is for.
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The meek shall inherit the Doc
Who was in the wrong here?
It looks like all style no substance. A character action game built for mobiles is inherently basic. The weird animation they do for the game (or at least some characters like the Dante knockoff) looks fucking awful despite them trying so hard. I think it's probably going to be the Mihoyo game with the hardest fall off.
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I'll be honest. I'm only interested in Nicole porn, the same way I'm only interested in Asuna and Karin porn.
Better than no style and no substance like arknights
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A mob of pipis pushing Doc down and claiming their prize
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Amiya, the cruel CEO of the black company Rhodes Island.
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OOC, going by reviews in the event
why are you here again?
>more DEF than HP
What Survivor Contract + IS3 determination does to a mf
Look at the block. That aint even determination
Is Viviana ok?
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All according to plan
I'm going to shit in one of Blaze's shoes.
Priestess save your husband
Does this mean I should buy whatever I can in the old cc shop?
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I mean, there's no mental illness involved in upgrading ones dreams. I didn't want to die a virgin so looked online for solutions and found one. Learning this is especially so for those of you with fetishes that are hard or impossible to do IRL, you can force your mind to do them, like vore or giantess or whatever you bigger freaks are into.

It's better than being completely alone and sexless or being stuck with 2D images on screen

I mentioned I did reverse-rape with Blaze and Blazebro after catching up on the lore and Anime and seeing how strong she was, (dr. G) got mad and told me his wife isn't a rapist and I felt bad for mentioning it.
Theresa sav- sorry
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Oh fuck I didn't even look at it, just thought it was due to Izumik fight. 2 block is Hesitation then. What the fuck?
Smooching the pipis.
Nigga shut the fuck up already
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She'll be aiight
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Doc dont do it
you are gonna alert the horde
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it took me 40 mins but i killed it
Thanks bros
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I had this one dream run with determination and all the defender relics + 3 cursed relics with the item that gives defensive stats from them, but game crashed on Highmore. And twice my defenders got -50% stats when it looked promising.
This was one of the runs where I got pretty good relics like determination.
W, Harmonie, Orchid, Reed, Exusiai.
I can take them.
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I doubt it.
Not that you particularly have a choice.
>Maria looks on with a blank yet disapproving stare at a man who perverts the art of sleep
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Whatever happened to Endfield anyway? There hasn't been any news since forever
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Defenderchadpipi is gonna have his way with doc and there is nothing you can do about it
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You are dangerously unmedicated and no matter how many wet dreams you schizo your way into, you will remain a virgin.
Not everyone is retarded and needs to level everyone only to find out they don't use the ones they level but don't care about.
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they had to redo the story after the previous one flopped with the chinese for because prequels stories suck
Cancelled after Ex Astris was revealed to be the real passion project
It wasn't a prequel it was a sequel
That is like 1 6* operator. Did I touch some exposed nerve ending or something
There's most likely gonna be news next week during Bilibili World.
Also HG should be announcing a new game soon.
Touching rookie operators and abusing my power with zero consequences
>weakest reserve defender in RI
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>zero consequences
oh no no no
You're just too short-sighted to see the consequences
The consequences is you get 3* stink on you
weak doctor
you're meant to keep touching them. then they'll evolve into 6*s on their 2nd alt
Touching veteran operators and abusing my powers with the consequence of becoming the abused.
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At least you know what's coming, even if I have to question the sanity of your decisionmaking
Best not to go too crazy with showing off stuff when stuff is still being worked on, it was like a full year after the real before we even got to know what the gameplay was. They've also dodged having the news cycle conflict with any other big players, there's only really Azur Prom left this year. I don't think it's actually releasing this year honestly, but they could surprise me. Popucom I do expect before the end of the year though.
That image is pure retribution
Why is he so fucking strong anyways. Must be because he came with IS3 and endured so many rejections and being mob bait
Nobody will ever believe him...
Poor doctor, I wish I could take his place and relieve his suffering.
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Was it worth it?
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Goat tail WILL be touched.
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Good job bwo, proud of you.
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Congrats bro
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In my defense Ellen is really really REALLY hot. I wish we had operators that fucking sexy
She's only 17 bro, that's disgusting. Please don't sexualize children.
Don't project
You are just a delusional coomer. Be it 2D images or your imagination, you are just fapping to fictional female bodies, it's the same thing. People don't like you because you are just making up retarded OOC coomer fantasies about their wives like a creepy mongrel and rambling on about your weird fap sessions. Nobody here actually wants to JO with you. And yes, you are still a virgin. Unironically, go ERP on /d/ or /trash/ or something.
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but /akg/ sexualizes suzu, shamare and sussuro all the time
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Good job doc.
They're not real though
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She's only 17 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 milliseconds old you sick fuck!
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S.sorry I wont speak again
Not anymore! Let's rape her boys
>*rs*s runes
opinion discarded
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>top operator
mostima or saria?
i heard saria may have competition with shu soon and mostima apparantly have a big slow effect
are later stages in arknights stall heavy or more crowd controlly via slows and stuns?
I can't believe people on /akg/ are so sterile that they don't want girls to wear swimsuits.
>still trying to bait with random swimsuit comments
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A bit old. But we'll make it work
It's gays and women.
mostima needs pots to get maximum value out of her whereas saria is good to go right away
if you want an operator who helps with crowd control just roll for assclown later
My best friend is gay and he can still appreciate a girl's ass looking good in a swimsuit
Yeah but he's not terminally online
You should have over 40 maxed out modules by now, more than enough to have your entire meta maxed out along with a couple of fun teams.
Mostima. Her slow is only unique if you have the full 99% from her pot
>Reed is wearing damn near nothing
Post the Arturia fumo pictures they're cute
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Imagine being Nearls little spoon
And? It does not change that 12 is not that much. What you say makes it less impressive amount.
No thanks
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Yes thanks
Do you have that one that gets thrown at a pillow or something?
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Only the strong get to make choices doc.
Have animated/+voicelines (21/24) skins ruined "basic" (15/18) skins for you? Have you ever thought "ehh, might just wait for their 21/24 skin later" when a new basic skin is released?
I just buy all the skins for my favorites. Why not have them all?
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I love that one
no L2D can't inherently fix boring art/designs/vfx
Texas' red suit skin is light years better than her alt's skin
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I never change my wife from my assistant spot so no. I skipped Mlynar's skin and I skipped Goldenglow's Christmas skin and L2D skin but WILL buy the Hello Kitty skin.
Doctor is the best
New shitpost pack just dropped?
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No, but just because most of them are quite frankly ass to the point of disappointment.
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Our new Exu artist blessed us with some cute emotes. They will only be associated with quality posts!
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i ended up going for saria
looking more into mostima, i will die of old age before i get enough dupes of her since it requires pot4
Oh considering we are getting mudrock in the omnibus i wonder if we are gonna see enforcer and cecilia in the middle of their plan to pose as a slave trader and her merchandise.
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Someone post the normal version of this one, I don't have it saved
Raped by big Nearl.
>Going for the op getting replaced instead of the op that will take time to reach her peak
I guess it was a rock and a less hard rock...
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gods i fucking hope so
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I'll be skipping Lin's upcoming skin in hopes of a better one.
You don't really need pot4 for mostima, I don't recall a single instance where having 99% slow was critical for any stage.
Anyway, enjoy your Saria, she's amazing.
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rat fucker
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I just buy skins I like, even if I don't own the operators
No? I guess GG because her swimsuit is superior, but then her Hello Kitty collab skin is even better so I don't think so
Yeah, I remember not buying Warfarin's and Nightingale's skins because I didn't have them back then and that bit me in the ass with how much they delayed the rerun for no reason.
its a shame i really like the fx of the skin but the design and chibi animations are such a downgrade
I like her skin a lot, still don't understand how it's a downgrade at all. Just a sidegrade.
I'll buy any skin they put out for her though. As long as the chibi isn't fucking shit like Texas2
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Bodied and bagged straight to a graveyard without going through autopsy
No. I get enough originium prime to get everything that I want and more. Sometimes it is good to change the skins. i don't think there is any skin that is so superior that it beats the change once in a while.
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Handsome women love!
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Finally, thank you. Now I can post with both
wher tail
probably behind the massive fucking thighs
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hug, fuck, kill, marry
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>ZZZ comes out
>/akg/ slows to a crawl
Why are you cheating on AK with ZZZ? It's not even the same genre
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This woman gives me mixed feelings, and I don't know what my true feelings are
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With what? Nerve gas probably would work for 1.5 of them.
It's not out yet anon
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Understandable, I just think she's cute
It is actually
look man i gotta kill someone thats just how it works
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I saved three new pictures of my wife today.
It's not supposed to be out until 10AM for Chinaman, which is in 50 minutes
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I only got one...
Well it's out right now.
Post your game
I got lucky today I guess
Fuck off back to your board
I will do one more just for you. Give me an operator
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Deepcolor from Arkchingus
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6 fingers
Just a minor error with the necromancy.
Maybe next week
This shit is basically auto photoshop at this point
AI basically puts your wife through five trillion years of human evolution in a single instant
I see.
I can't believe the entirety of /akg/ is cheating on their wives
The only AI image of my wife i've seen is her being cornered by doc
Im loyal
She's just a meat toilet you use at this point
Very nice.
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You are rubbing your penis right now
Imagine your dick
inside Gavial
dreads make me soft, can't
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That time again?
Imagine dying
I hope she gets some spotlight in IS5.
Maybe if you post more scantily clad operators
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fat croc
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Would Gavial go to hell or heaven
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Your canon croc gf
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Lovely devil wife.
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Gavialbros confirmed to be the only bros faithful to Arknights and their wife.
Mvmv, which vs short fvr mvvlsvse
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Stop projecting, I'm not playing your new gacha game.
No one actually wifes Gavial bro. At least I don't think they do. It's like Eunectes. Or Schwarz.
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What if Arknights lore power level was actually based off rarity?
I will not... fall for... dirty crocodiles...
I like what this artist is cooking...
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Crocs aren't dirty.
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Post cute
I am pretty sure I had to spend credits on you.
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Yeah thanks I'll have an omelette thank you Lapipi
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Croc o'clock
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Maidpipi service with a lapp...
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that doctor is strong
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Kiss your gf
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Cheers for now.
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okay I lied
Predict Wet Chen's module.
I think she'll buff ammo consumption to force global to pull for Walter
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Look at this dude
He got succ'd by an elf...
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They don't stop sucking, but so do the mosquitoes.
Is there a faction buffer for Rhodes Island ops?
Comprehensive list of operators who keep sucking after you nut AKA best girls?
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Worth it.
Sarkaz, Columbians, Aegir, Victorians operators
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cringe spotted
Your sworn ally
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Bro didn't know LSC5
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Leto and her Milf

Have you seen those watermelon-crushing-with-thighs videos? Because those legs go with that 100%.......

I know I shouldn't reply as I was making anons angry/grossed out or something and promised to cease posting but I'll spoiler it: I am severely mentally ill yes, but heavily medicated (and these illnesses are not dangerous, I pose no threat to anyone), I take auvelity, xanax, oxycodone, morphine, ondanasterone, seroquel and many nootropics. Schzophrenia only effects people in their waking hours, and is involuntary. My autism has no medication approved for it
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hate pink dog
Fia my love...
Nearl doesn't wear panties under her armor?
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Congrats on your Podenco
You two are speaking from experience, I assume. No one here has had sex no matter how much you pretend
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presumable, F2Pchads shouldn't do any rolls other than save up for walter
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Correct. Exceptions for Shu and Ela if you want, but otherwise you save save save
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Nothing failed on this romantic date, this was intentional
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Dorothy, please plug me in to the happy VR machine.
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Sona feet
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It's quiet.
Too quiet.
Just something about some of the AK dogs that make them seem stupid dumbasses
Wonder where all the Specter bros went...
I fucked blemishine and came bleminside...
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Be careful! It's a trap!
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Anvilpipi stopped playing
I roll to disarm the trap.
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Stopped playing what?
The hit game Arknights or as the chinese call it Teez nuts lmao gottem
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Goodnight, homies.
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Really nice of them to give Harold invincibility so I can't nuke his stupid ass
You can nuke him during his artillery move
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Asky Wasky paizuri...
Asky Wasky irrumatio...
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>deploy Typhon
>deploy GG
>deploy 2 healers
I'm actually upset shocked this was so complicated for people
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Good evening, Didi love
Asky wasky smooching...
Asky wasky cuddle fucking...
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I mean... do you?
operators for prone bone?
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EX stages should let you do the CM 1st and get rewards for both versions like what the main story does with Adverse mode
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Plume spotted
I'm pretty sure they can't figure out a way to do that without rewriting the entire game, or doing it manually for every single stage for every event.
They could do it just for new events, like they did it only for new chapters. Maybe it's difficult to do it retroactively, but going forward shouldn't have any issue if they can already do it for chapters.
I assume it's some kind of spaghetti code in how normal stages work.
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Why is Degen so fucking cool? I wish she were my friend irl...

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