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Previous: >>484528243

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
It's over for Honkai: Star Rail

Asmongold himself says he quit for Wuwa
18 days for Sex>>484563889
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>Asmongolem that got filtered by elden ring
who even is asmongol ?
Fr no cap? He said he loved hsr. Plus it takes like a few minutes to "play"
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Changli my beloved!
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Invest in spectro rover
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Time for Zzz
Currently UL level 41, should I save my solvents until i'm lvl 50?
spectro rover does no damage to the aix you either used havoc in tower or s6 yinlin
Nice yinlin showcase xister
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How do i get this stupid fucking bell?
I fucking hate you zoomers. You cant even be bothered to think for yourselves and need some retard on the internet who never leaves his house to think for you
havoc rover left, spectro rover right side
You sound jealous of him living the life
wheres your encore bro??
Your triple jump tech anon??
>What color is your bugatti?
So you're saying Yinlin is great, Gotcha.
does the resistance shred stack multiple times? Please say that it does, I'll make Spectrover my main if it does
Yes, and UL 40-50 are ideally spent farming credits if you intend to be efficient.
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my wife's girlfriend is so beautiful
That's no ankor

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I found it you faggots.
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We need an Illya in Wuwa. Imagine a punch Illya! Illya love!
Bros I'm starting to think "CN players" and Pr*dwen were meming when they said Calchud is good
What's the deal with the name Ma Xiaofang? Any knowers?
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>I'm starting to think
Bro you did look at his kit multipliers, right? Are you doing your Death Messengers?
He's hard to play well and even if you do he's only A tier at best.
Chixia's real name, storyskipperbro
Chixia tells you her true name after the secret sex scene
>Imagine they release a black shores hag instead of a friendly for (you) hag.

I'd lose my astrite load so fast
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hmmmmm nyo
No I meant why is she so insecure about that name?
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>not even out yet
>already utterly mogged
>people will reply
Wrong thread, faggot. Or is it botted over there as well?
It's just a not very cool sounding name in chinese. So she wants her "jinzhou speedster" persona to have a cooler name like chixia
zzz is the perfect name
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>go to wuwa
>Zzz spam
>Go to Zzz
>Wuwa spam
There are a few schizo anons that spend their whole day doing this
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you guys have sexy underage cats, right? surely it's not all hags in burqas....
Male Rover is the closest thing we have to a neko. Instead of a cute anime girl, he's a cultivator anime guy tho.

Idk if Female Rover has the cat motif
I sleep
Real shit
kirara is the only thing I miss about genshin and then you don't even really get to play as her anyway because she's not a dps
nta but have I missed something, I've been mostly exploring and done the story very slowly, and so I was playing recently and mc mentions wanting to be saved by "jinzshou speedster" during part I act IV, but I only now understood what it meant because that was the first time I had seen it, I had no idea what was meant by that name and it was jarring. or does the "jinzhou speedster" thing come up before and I just missed it?
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But is it really Illya if she doesn't have a hulking retard bodyguard?
>right looks like shit
I heard it in act 1 yeah. She mentioned it
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>hags in burqas
Looks like you should go back to /gig/ to find what you're looking for
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the secret companion quest is fire
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>he didn't play nilou car bomb
>he skipped nilou and bricked his account and his life so hard he started playing wuwa
oh okay, there was a lot of world salad at the start especially so I prolly just missed it
Me on the right (off camera)
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How can hoyokeks even play a game that doesnt have Changli in it? I dont get it bros...
everyone in the black shores is for (You) bro
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But it does though
I think she mentions it in sidequests too
Jinhsi or Changli? Pick one.
How many times have we had this exact poll?
I actually got nilou, one of the few characters the gacha ever gave me. I didn't have any other characters to go with it, though
unfortunately the game wasn't fun so I stopped playing it
Bro stop making this shit poll. I'm picking both and no one can stop me
is left a new skin for the pinktits chick or a new character?
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My wife.
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any wuwabwos gonna try the new furslop game tonight?
Why are step-elves such whores?
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This has to be bait.
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i done made my first wuwa mod, it's a very simple one
Not interested, I'll be playing the new BDO class for a bit instead.
You should also make them 5cm bigger
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I approve.
link to full image man
I would if it wasn't 110 gb. just not worth it when I know I probably won't like it
You should make them 5cm smaller
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Just woke up, what did I miss?
18 days until I divorce Yinlin.
You should make the left one 5cm larger and the right one 5cm smaller.
It's over
Have fun anon feel free to post your thoughts on the appropriate thread, I'm not interested in playing it, but I'm curious as to what you think
forgive me!
wu won
EoS in exactly 604800 seconds
no any small interest I had was instantly by killed by the incessant mihomo shilling
I would've but sadly wuwa is dropping a FIRE update to their rougelike end game dungeon, no time.
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>non EN keks will never hear this
not tonight since I value my sleep but yeah i'll try it. not expecting much tho
what did she do this time?
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Is Marcato good for Yuanwu? I already have it leveled
>did not do the camera quest
>do yinlin's character quest
>game gave me a camera because i did not have one so i could take pictures when it asked me to
>do the camera quest
>i now have a second one
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why is she always yawning
Amnity accord is better but marcato is fine.

Unless you want to do the recent tech with giving him the healing gauntlets and a healing set
Asmon quit HSR because Tectone soured on the game and he was the only reason Asmon was playing it in the first place.
eating cum makes you sleepy
Gonna try it but gonna stick with Wuwa as the main game that I whale on and play. The character designs on ZZZ arent anywhere near good enough for me to swipe on
she is tired
The lazy retard degenerate who smears blood and boogers on his walls likes Wuwa? This is great optics, WuWon
She's ji yan's cum dumpster
imagine getting hacked and getting all your echos deleted, how would you be able to recover from that
wow, wuwa really fell off huh
like literally? you could farm 1 cost echoes just from the stats you get from leveling and use those to farm 3 cost etc
emotionally? you couldn't
Just don't get hacked rumao
almost as bad as buying 800 milk
odds, I throw 20 pulls at Jinhsi and her weapon too

evens, I HOLD
gambling to decide to gamble. based degen.
What did Tectard do this time?
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I'll take my cute and canon Jinhsi the 4chan
over your inferior gweilo va any day
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I actually have Amnity Accord. Should I run Moonlit on him them?
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Do 7 pulls. I've done the divination and that's your lucky number
odds i s6 jinhsi
evens i s6 jinhsi
i already have her s6
>anime meme language
>over the most powerful and popular language on earth
what's it like to back a loser?
FUcking die
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hmm. I win, I lose because I have Verdant

I lose, I win because 1.2 will probably have 5* gauntlets with crit rate/damage
born into a world of strife
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Can't hear you over my superior taste and upbringing.
Gomen gaijin~
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Twinsie Jinhsis with anon!
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He tried the new endgame mode, failed at it because he's unable to grasp basic concepts such as SP managment, and then had a big rant about how the game is too hard for f2p and casuals and that they need to make it easier. He's now the people he would complain about back in Genshin and all it took was him not having a max whaled account: https://streamable.com/ak92ia
It's amazing this guy runs a podcast about these games with people who do theorycrafting and everything when he's so ignorant about mechanics.
its super cute thougheverly?
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>en VA
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eos delayed by a week thank you for your service
>he said, in english
>the only language people actually speak
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he unironically looks like a self-insert
i'm conflicted. i didn't get free 20 limited banner pulls, but i got verina jinhsi. i didn't get enough free pulls to do the limitted 5 star selector banner. i have the free selector still.

should i just run it f2p? i got mortify yuanyun
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i see why asmon likes him so much
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EN would be fine if they just let it be a bongdub instead of a badly faked muttdub
1.2, trust the plan
i use chinese because i can't understand any of it, but i like feeling like a lost stranger in a weird land with people speaking a weird language.
we already got some added britbong voices for the NPCs in 1.1
>getting filtered by fucking turn based combat of all things
Gacha gamers truly are the smooth brains that can't finish a game unless putting money into the game
Imagine if he played Sekiro or Dark Souls
I use gook because it sounds hot.
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Wau? Uaw?
Until they do a full bong dub like Xenoblade I'll still play in Jp
Eunie in brit was the highlight of 3
>like jinhsi's design and its what got me to download the game
>realize I need 80 rolls and her banner will only last 18 more days
do I even have a chance?
I know what kind of むち nini i'm dealing with.
Of course i'm going to stoop to their level.
Just like you communicate with a donkey with a stick instead of actual words ;)
Isn't it 失礼 (shitsurei) though?
How is he wrong exactly? You are fighting to hold off what is essentially the apocalypse. I wouldn't call any amount of sacrifice unessesary when the alternative is the end of the world.
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I need a full bongdub and I need it NOW
british culture is truly something else
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where tf is this chest i cant find it
Probably if you no-life the game for some time, buying pass will help.
Time to make some emails (or salt one email with periods) and reroll for a few hours
eh I will just wait on a rerun banner and play with the chars I do have for the time being I think
just reroll bwo, it takes 10minutes or so each rerun since there's a skip button.
There is no right and wrong in war, only failure and success. He failed, simple as. [Until it is revealed in future updates that he is still keeping up the good fight in some other dimension]
How does Camellya likely not being in 1.2 change your current rolling plans, if at all?
It takes like 30 minutes even with the skip button lol
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7 weapon pulls gave only 3* weapons
7 limited pulls gave one Danjin and 6 3* weapons

technically a loss because I lost 14 chances to luckshit Phrolova, her weapon, or a better 4* character (I can't dodge or counter), but effectively irrelevant since I built pity.
He succeeded, it's just that some janny took the credit after he carried that shit on his back.
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How do I open this bwos?
at least post location
t-this game will be alive until a rerun banner of jinhsi comes up right?
delusional, she getting signora'd
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What are you on about? There are gachage out there surviving on 1/1000th of this game's profit
so iced to be playable 3-4 years later with a redesign?
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How much better is Jinshi’s signature over the standard 5* broadblade?
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yeah but their budget is about 1/1000th of this game what with just being PNG collectors with autobattle gameplay
funded by tencent, this game isnt dying anytime soon as it is a better competitor to genshit than tof is.
HOLY dead game
up to 40% depending how long you want to crit fish your tower runs
wait the company that made this is owned by tencent?
okay I have nothing to worry about then, carry on
I can safely wait for jinhsi rerun banner when it comes a year from now
the way I see it, anyone that isnt a kid, or house wife, dropped genshin a long time ago, and if they didnt, trying Wuwa would show them what a real game is like, making them switch.
ayo i'm going to be 1000% honest. i have skipped every single cutscene. haven't read ajny skill discriptions. havent looked at any builds. i'm tryying to do the tower of diversity or whatever and it's telling me i have insufficient points
tf is this about im tryna 1 v the world with jinshi
With these games the cost is frontloaded.
If they made the investment back adding in new shit is really not that expensive.
Some studios pretend it is but that's just how they gouge you with DLC, you can stop shaking now.
does everyone have two of these? legitimately curious about the games logic and if i got a second because of the way i was doing shit.
DEVS LISTENED (and fixed)

holy FUCK this place is not just dead, it's a barren wasteland.
Wuless Wane Wero
Love Changli, hate threadshitters, simple as.
Not a storyfag but this whole sequence was tumescence inducing kino
ER and liberation dmg could never match that 48% skill dmg I guess. Here’s hoping we all get lucky with that 10 pull we’re getting later today (tomorrow utc+?)
Aye, this whole scene looks like something out of a dream.
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wuwa !
honestly how any future wuwa girl can even compete?
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How did jinhsi learn all that sword surfing stuff? It can't be changli since she seems more practical in terms of combat, and jué shouldn't know that much about human sword fighting.
new trailer is UP! go watch it!
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Morning sisters
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You're Camellya?
You're Pohrslava?
Sanhua would never smile like this. She has the Saya no Utau vision going on.
not owned but being funded by.
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bros... i'm sorry the hype is just too much...
ZZZ bros should name their thread something like /sleepy/, I think it'd be cute and fit the zZz cartoon depiction of sleep?
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>please play our game
i need to play more games that live in genshin's shadow
camellya sure can
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Morning Cutie
eh pretty much the same thing
tencent wouldnt fund a game they don't see big dollar signs in anyway
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fucking rip nearly maxed crit dmg stat
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Corpses cast no shadows
They do a great job of stinking up otherwise comfy places, though.
meant for
i can't decide which reroll account to keep :[
calcharo jianxin verina soft pity jinshi banner
encore verina (both selector still available, lost 50/50 on jinhsi)
or jinshi verina (both selector still available, but need 80 on oulls on banner while other needs 30)
last account was lingyang verina both selectors available and on 50/50 jinhsi
idk which one most cost effective. just swipe jinhsi sword and play that account? please advise
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>All my crit rate roll are 6.3%
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Roll until you're out of tuners and XP, then burn your stamina boxes on tacet fields and continue rolling for the double crit dream
Verina and Jinhsi i can't live without
My s4 Chixia does way more damage than ankor but i could just be using the gremlin wrong.
Calchudo is absolute ass i m o
Just my take- 28/30 doritos f2p+
Calchud is a disappointment for me strength wise but he's fun. No real advice aside from that, follow your dreams.
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>wuwa is already giving the farewell gifts for the incoming EoS
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I'm already out of EXP, after that brick I did like 6 more and all were significantly worse. Then I tried some 3 costs and those also went to shit
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Muhahaha more fund for Phrolova
more funds for changlis boobs
>10 free rolls on ZZZ's release date
This reeks of desperation
Except the game made more money than Genshin last month. I think it will be good for a while
Did ZZZ really kill us? We were already reeling from Firefly...
>shilling in other generals
This reeks of desperation
Nah just fotm new shiny game. Plus we wont have any content until tomorrow
A lot of people will come back after realizing zzz is not for them
>shilling Z in /wuwa/
reeks of desperation
im already bored of zzz bwo
Pretty much. ZZZ is Wuwa but with better combat, less busywork, better characters, better story, and Hoyos polish instead of Kuros jank.
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Fascinating. Can the characters jump?
there are no combat sequences so combat has way less depth, how is it better
Does'nt count
Your days are numberedd
No lmao, i'm not even bothering to check their thread. Just glad we get comfier here
no but the characters and combats areare actually good and polished unlike wuwa
post one hot character in zzz
we just died, I repeat, we JUST DIED
Yes this. So much this. ZZZ features the trademark Hoyoverse polish in design, mechanics, and general features. Moreover, users on the internet have observed a level of similarity between Kuro Games products and that of Hoyoverse. This suggests that Kuro Games is incapable of innovating products themselves, and are only imitating the market leader. All in all, Hoyoverse games represent the baseline of quality for a gacha game, and Zenless Zone Zero represents a new frontier for the company.
>wuwa dies during Jinhsi banner
thematically fitting, we'll also revive and become cooler/stronger than ever before
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>"p-p-please bite my bait"
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>>>Mogs you'r entire roaster
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>ESL and chatGPT posts
My fucking sides. This is so sad to watch.
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We are so back
There's more soul in that 1 furry than in all of Wuwas roster that looks like they were made to hit every tired xianxia trope checklist. Kinda sad desu
Ok this time they didn't bother hiring actualy people... right?
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0.01% crit chance and I'll fuck you up furboy
There are no ChatGPT posts in this thread, and using ChatGPT to imitate that of a human poster could be considered unethical. However, what is happening is a natural reaction and realisation that Hoyoverse has released a new product, Zenless Zone Zero, which is creating significant hype amongst the community. Many users have been saying they plan to abandon games such as Wuthering Waves in favor of trying the new Hoyoverse title, which indicates there may be trouble for the future of other products.
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Shut the fuck up bitch normaloide if you don't like it that means your gay and are oald
I'm inclined to agree.
I think it's too late to have the not-China cast suddenly switch from american to british accents. But hopefully the New Federation (or whatever country is 2.0) goes full bong. It'd feel pretty natural since it's a different country anyway.
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This. Mihoyo is just so much better at making polished games.
HSRsisters, ZZZtards will top the revenue chart and laugh at us...
Wtf Changli the phoenix of jinzhou only procreates with balding old men??
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>Hoyos polish
Cuts so much corners only to fund a nuclear power plant lol
>genkeks dont know what free gibs are
roru roru rumao
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HRTroons, Genshitters, ZZZombies... they're all the same worthless Mohoyo KEKS who hate male banners.
>combat sequences
What's that mean?
it feels fun as fuck. Controls are extremely tight compared to genshin and wuwa
>stream of other game shilling
>checks clock
Literally clockwork
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Alive game
Alive general
like basic attack X 4 then do X then Y does Z
I swear every time I finally get crit rate it’s the lowest two rolls possible
Bros, the combat in ZZZ is too smooth, I might drop wuwa, Idk. I can't keep playing hsr, zzz and wuwa, one of them has to go.
Jinhsi breast envy
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True! We live!
Bwo i haven't even SEEN more than 6.9 CR outside wuwa screenshots i'm literally cursed
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>you can do that streetfighter parry in ZZZ
>actual good combat
>booba physicis
yeah, it is time to say wudbye.
The game has barely been out and these "totally not shills" are already saying combat is way better lol. Maybe easier = better for the youngins
holy shit ZZZ mogs the piss out of this game
Post Changli artworks please, bros. I'm growing my collection.
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This is fucking atrocious AND UGLY
back to wuwa and HSR
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Idk about all that but my dick feels more alive now IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
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I'm really not a fan of the UI in this game.
To actually answer, this question, just play the game at your own pace. Focus on completing main/green quests and exploring the map. Combined with the various freebies they gave you, you should be able to roll 80 times. The real difficulty is succeeding the 50/50 after rolling.
Why aren't you playing the furry game?
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aight changli spam it is
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why are hoyo's male ocs always so boring like i feel bad for people who like to play as male characters bc yall always just get Bland McGee
it's definitely not looking good for wuwa. Wuwa already went all out with Jinhsi and Changli and it barely surpassed genshin with their filler banner
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"forgive me!"
>kills u with dragon barf
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best i can do is a pink cow
>zzz up
>they are still here
dark souls 1 barely has a functional jump and that game is better than wuwa though
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wait wtf is the combat really better?
Play zzz for 10 minutes, yeah not my style if game, feels like honkai impact 3, back to wuwa.
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Zenless Zone Zero is number one on the App Store!
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is everyone doing okay over here?
all WuWa has to do pump bosses out at a good rate
1 shitty (weekly) boss from 1.1 is awful
didn't even get a regular boss
it's over for us...
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Time to reroll limited characters and sell accounts so i can fund Wuwa heehee
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goodbye forever /wuwa/
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Her ingame model is literally a work of art so it still counts
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ok im fucking out of this zzz trash
Your full Crownless Hologram clears bwo?
Production quality feels crazy good. Combat is fun. Characters seem interesting so far and the dialogue isnt too wordy.

Think I might keep going and drop wuwa.
>cool male character turned into comic relief in EIGHT seconds
Wuwa would never
It's almost as if the SEApags who constantly shit up the thread don't have good enough phones to play the game, so they just resort to mihomo tribalism
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the fuck.
Can you even sell accounts rerolled using salted mail? Don't you need to also give away the email ID when selling?
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Does this even drop crit rate? I gave up after getting 4 crit dmg echoes.
Just create a bunch of new email with hotmail, not that hard
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Zenless Zone Zero is out NOW

It's available on PlayStation 5, Android, iOS, and PC

Welcome to New Eridu everyone!
I guess they don't ask for phone number verification then?
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I know this is a joke, but if anyone here is honestly considering rerolling to sell accounts for money, don't do it.
It's a waste of your time, just do fraud or something instead like a normal person.
I can't beat the level 120 red monsters in the new zone help
Imagine how warm Changli's pussy must be
Imagine being genuinely confused by a company that is actually grateful to its fans.
girl on the poster look hot.. NGL..
youtube recommendations for the next week:

top 10 mistakes you should NOT make in zenless zone zero! DO NOT DO THIS in zenless zone zero! your account will be RUINED if you do this in zenless zone zero! if you don't watch this video you will DESTROY YOUR ACCOUNT in zenless z
Instead of trying to get off full damage rotations just dodge and get the parries off that's most of the damage you would do anyway
Co-op with an anon
The kuro ripoff is always better than the original though. First with PGR, then with wuwa.
Nice try, ZZZ shills. I'm sticking with WuWa.
Should I be swap cancelling the Jué echo?
>better combat
>just press 1 button
they don't but when you create too many eventually all your accounts et locked and you need a phone number to unlock
happened to me when I made like 100 reroll accounts, but you just need to unlock the ones for the good accounts
How to fraud? I have nothing to do at my shitjob sometimes and could use the extra cash.
Good to know, thanks anon
Are there any 3 cost echoes you guys find fun and useful to use?

I'm thinking of using the scale sword thing actually for some stuff. Special attack parry is kinda nice.
Its hilarious they were talking shit about Wuwa combat saying its just left click spam but that game is even more limited in combat options lol
the echo is literally instant cast with no animation lock
Coop saved me fellow encorebro
At least try the fucking game. Sheep.
Is Wuwaring Waves the kind of game where the story doesn't matter, and you're supposed to skip the story (similar to Monster Hunter)? There's a massive SKIP button on the top left, it's like they really want you to click it.
>it takes 50-60mins to reroll on ZZZ compared to wuwa's 20-30
Did /wwg/ win? I might get filtered by this shit
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comfy thread soon
Anon your desperation is showing
liv in wuwa when?
I like using geohide saurian cause it counts as countering enemys special skills, works great on stuff like heron or aix where they fly far away from you for a long distance attack
You're supposed to have ONE (1) account anyway
Liv Love!
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>mihomodrone called someone a sheep
mihomodrone called someone a sheep
>mihomodrone called someone a sheep
This. I don't get why someone would just declare that they're sticking with WuWa. I mean, ZZZ is out now... and it's like, the NEW game from the masters of anime gacha games, Hoyoverse. Hoyoverse are the flag bearers for true innovation, quality, and expert design in gachas. So why wouldn't you try it? Why be such a brainless sheep, enslaved to trends and false hype by sticking with Wuwa and declaring you're so closed minded you don't want to try something innovating, new, and amazing? >>484582402
I did.
Its trash. Looks like trash. Zoomer animation. shitty gameplay. Next!
Nilou is the only character remaining that I want in Genshin. I'll pull her and maybe never play it again.
So far the combat is just left click simulator
Not looking good ZZZkeks....
Empyrea ruined her
Flat A Liv is where it's at

They're not leaving, you think these shills actually play either games?
P good. Honestly sometimes that sort of safety and vibration break might be worth it more than some extra damage on a sub dps or support sometimes.
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get the hide UI mod bwo
Flautist is my nigga
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>this is really coming from the people that were sucking the game off in the prelaunch threads before even playing it
hoyo cultists are a special breed
its a 60 gigabyte game. I'd rather just play through strangers of paradise again or something. I just don't have the interest and it hasn't sold me on its aesthetic, character models, character design, its UI which I think looks terrible, and its gameplay design.

I think that its pretty ok/normal tier. Has potential. Its roughest in the second and third act but gets alright.
ZZZ brings that dope urban fantasy vibe with fast-paced combat and fly characters, backed by mihoyo's solid rep. It's got that style, soundtrack, and action that just hit different, making it a top pick over wuwa for sure.
How the fuck do we not know 1.2 banners yet?
Are we at least going to find out before Changli's banner is over?
You should really be buying an account instead of wasting your time like that. 12 bucks got me a Yinlin+sig account that got both in the first 10 rolls. I got a Seele+LC for 11 during Star Rails launch too. I'm guessing ZZZ will be similar.
Beta invites were sent out yesterday apparently, so should be soon
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I didn't like zzs gameplay and character design
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Empyrea ruind PGR combat in general, I'm not hating on it but we got too many cut scene simulator now

But last thread was pretty though
Heron is my nigga for those spammy boss attacks i'm too dumb to counter
I now have flautism after I built my Yinlin
I hope we get some more delay attacks and basic string changes like Spectro Rover!

Changli's aerial stuff is good enough to tide me over for now.
Tectone is a good example of an american stereotype. Refuses to read and learn then blames the game when he fails. Chat has to spoonfeed him info because he's too lazy to read anything himself.
Not 3 star but I like using clank bang in overworld, it makes my cock hard
After the 1.1 quest Jinhsi soloes Genshin, right?
That because Kiro crashed the account market with their generosity, the price tanked like crazy
ZZZ won’t be like that since u know, mihoyo, and the 100 rolls is false advertisement KEK
I believe all ecelebs should be sent to work camps
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The entire community tomorrow...
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I hope you show gratitude to Changli these 3 days wuwa bros
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What happens when a parcel gets "lost"? It gets refunded or they send you another one. That's the basic bitch tiktok kid method that people have been abusing recently, but if I was still working a shitty job then I'd be doing it all day.
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Her release even got the remnants of Ai Kayano stripped away from global... Truly the beginning of the end
The game wasn't even out, they were occupied in their shill campaign and couldn't spare time for us. Things will calm down on their end soon enough, they'll be back...
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How's ZZZ? I know you fags are playing it
I did try it and its ass lol
plus if i gave devs feedback on how to improve it they wouldnt care anyways
*presents prostate*
With its fast-paced action and fly characters, ZZZ delivers that awesome urban fantasy atmosphere, supported by Mihoyo's great reputation. Its unique look, audio, and action make it a superior choice over Wuwa without a doubt.
have a reddit gold nice stranger
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they're quite different games tho
It's not out yet.
The combat in this game is garbage, why don't the enemies fight back? I cannot stand the forced swapping gimmick either, it slows down the combat since it's basically a QTE.
I'll let you know when it stops crashing on the first gameplay tutorial
after years of genshit i will never play another hoyoshit game.
honkai impact is prob dead when this game is out now
I have zero interest in it to be honest with you, current HI3 unironically looks more fun
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This game is gorgeous bwos...
feels great so far, people bitching about the left click thing are fags
Style 10/10
Combat left click/10
Not feeling it so far but let’s see
No 1.2 drip marketing and the 1.2 beta hasn't started yet. I'm beginning to think there's no 1.2 drip because they're no name characters and they don't want to deal with people bitching for a month about them instead of having Scar, Camellya etc
I'm honestly not liking it. I unironically think that it wont be even in the top 10 gacha revenue games after a couple of months.
>newly released game with thousands of people downloading it all at once is number one on app store
imagine my shock.......
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You underestimate how little Hoyo cultists are satisfied with
A very good action game, has swap combos kind of like a fightan game, its fun
they're riding ZZZ out
Kuro and Hoyo are clearly playing their releases around each other
makes no sense to drop while ZZZ is hot
Very cool niggers, how about you talk about it in your thread?
i played zzz, idk about story and characters but the combat is kinda shit
Jesus christ how poor are you? I live in SEA but I manage to earn $600 monthly. That provides me some extra money for my gacha hobby.
Play the furry game. Now.
>swap combo
>giant ass notify to let you know
>pause the whole combat for 1 year to let you choose swap
This shit doesn’t feel rewarding at all
I'm convinced anyone that says that zzz is like "a fighting game" has never played a fighting game ever
I don't know if it'll drop out of top 10 but I'll be surprised if it matches HSR or Genshin for long, especially with how dry the combat is.
Maybe it'll get better later on, but it's unbelievably dull right now.
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Now hope they add this to their other shitty games.
>playing homoverse shit
Lol, lmao even, fuck off to your general retard.
The combat feels way smoother than wuwa. Hit confirms are also satisfying.
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That's like 3000-3600 bucks where I live
Literally poverty tier unless you have your own house
>ZZZ release
>Thread is still active
It's either you retards have shit phone or just can't leave this awesome game for good? You have a dedicated general for your game. Are you posting there while posting here on cooldown? Lmao
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>Only 640 gems to roll
The up to 100 free rolls is if you 100% everything. It's misleading. All gacha games do this shit.
Did you really downloaded a game made for adhd zoomers and by the most homoshitter company in the market, cringe.
There are retards unironically comparing wuwa combat to a left click spam bs, my god hoyo shills are truly braindead.
Why would I install that dogshit on any device I own?
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how come people hate ZZZ combat but love DMC5 where it's also mindless mashing through the same sandbag enemies the whole game
Out of all open world gachas, this game reminds me of Skyrim the most. I'm not letting it go like I'm not letting Skyrim go.
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Everyone left...
>you can't play two games at once
if anything, it's the gatekeeping elitist kuroshills that's pushing away the new fanbase from this general lol
dmc is not made by bugmen chinks
do the characters even have combos?
Yep, Hoyoverse knows how to make their fans eat good. They listen to the community, create chara designs that appealing are to everybodies and make all players feel represented, AND give out 100 free pulls just for releasing a new game. And look at Wuwa. All it gives you is shitty 30 pulls, and they're not even the same premium pull, they're all for differenced shit kek!
The later DMC games offer a wide variety of specialized tools, none overlapping over each other too much. Familiarizing yourself with the movelist to navigate a fight gracefully and stylishly is rewarding.
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Worst baits I have ever seen
Having a lot of elitists is the sign of a sane fandom, I wish less normalniggers like you played this game, sales means shit if the game is trash because retards like you are playing it.
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>animations are crisp af
>char swapping is kino and practically has no cooldown
>dodging is responsive
>pic related
Wuwa actually lost...
Just buy a jinhsi+her 5* weapon reroll account from some third worldler for 10 bucks. Its the most efficient way.
I'd rather play DMC4 or 5 any day of the week before subjecting myself to hoyoslop again.
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>if anything, it's the gatekeeping elitist kuroshills that's pushing away the new fanbase from this general
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>elitists is the sign of a sane fandom
based, total normalfag destruction
>pic related
A maid almost wearing a burka?
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Because in DMC you can jump
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Enjoy your game, zzzbros. That game will be popular no matter what because everyone loves Hoyo. But please post on your own thread
Say that to HI3 part 2 kek
post her ingame model
you got some weird ass burkas where you live
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wuwa could never
DMC3 and 4 are notoriously difficult so I don't know what you mean here. The enemies fight back and the bosses in general are hard, you have to play well and learn the mechanics to get max style points. Clearing the towers in those games is pretty hard, too.
You can play DMC just by mashing, but you can do all the autistic animation cancels to improve your damage, make cooler combos and get higher style points.
In ZZZ all you can do is mash, there's no choice.
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I still have no Idea how the fuck Chalchuro works. I'm building him right now as my 3rd DPS for Tower but how do you properly use him, I'm Heavy attack spamming but he fucking sucks even compared to my Havoc Rover and Encore, I thought he is the best standard 5* DPS
>try to shitstir with graphics
>try to stirshit with censorship
>try to stirshit with the jingliu lookalike from wuwa
>game drops
>try to stirshit with gameplay before they could physically log in
>try to stirshit with puzzles
>try to falseflag with ships
When will wuwapags learn?
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even the npcs mog us...
They're all pretty much equal but calchud is a lot harder.

Do the fucking CHARACTER TUTORIAL if you don't understand a character.
You guys said Wuwa combat is better. ZZZ is so much more satisfying and responsive. Sorry bwos, it's a much better game and package.
Spamming Heavy attack is his downtime, his high-damage output phase is during his ult where you just spam lmb.
>I thought he is the best standard 5* DPS
That's actually Encore.
They have basic attack and a skill that is influence by either a gauge or a certain part of a combo. Surprised there wasn't a heavy attack so you can do different combos.
>There are retards unironically comparing wuwa combat to a left click spam bs

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>hoyoshills are STILL here even though their yearly slop is out
Not a good look mihomos...
holy kekarino this dude beat the tutorial boss by left clicking and uninstalled
Ok now go to zzz general, or kindly kys.
So is changli liberation dmg good if I get her S3? Getting a lot of rolls for it and was planning to whale maxx her.
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fuck off
nyoooooooo stop making fun of my game....
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I said almost.
>80% increase
I'm gonna go with yes. No one knows though. We need the mathfags once she releases
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that burka is really accentuating her tits, right down to the nipple
i mean like doing basic attack x times and holding does something for this character, right now im just mashing and cant tell
Anyone have the Changli pre-farm pic? Thank you in advance
>They are still here
>have to spend stamina to get the last bit of Union EXP to level to 50
Go on without me optimalbros....
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Wushit could never!
>the general actually died when zzz launched
What the hell happened, is EVERYONE playing that game??
Is WuWa in any danger with the recent release of ZZZ?
At least Kuro had enough decency to change their furfag character design. Hoyo goes all the way, even centering their entire game around knotting references.
>interknot is literally center screen
Looks like fucking Koikatsu slop, what the actual hell.
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Im not usually one to waste time shitposting but i've been doing it all day because those fuckers deserve it after a month of daily Hoyoshilling during SEANig hours
Genshin set the Bar so low for them that pic rel made me kek out loud
Yes, EoS by tomorrow, that's why they haven't announced the 1.2 characters yet. There are none, there is no 1.2.
Dude our dialogue choices aren't voiced either. Even if the Rover speaks after you click on a dialogue option, it's a follow-up line to the dialogue choice.
made for knotting with >>484584665
atleast rover has inner monologue.
Downloading, can't wait to roll and try the characters in BD2
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i now feel better about my wuwa investment
VN looking ahh
No in some of the main quest you do have voice lines. But still plenty of gachas already have been doing voiced dialogue options for years
Is it chatgpt or r/hoyoslurping copypastas?
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>Have to wait for 2 more day to get the rest of free roll
Yeah, I'm playing Nikke rn
Why isn't our game 120 fps....
6 days ackchually. The standard rolls are on the 10th
No but I'm still in there threads because I want to see the reactions.

Seems like a mixed bag. some people love it some hate it
Zhezhi leaks doko. There is no way Zhezhi is a male right?
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Based Brown Dust 2 poster.
Last time I got the weapon from Yinlin with the free 10 roll for premium weapons they gave for free, I hope I can get the weapon for Jinshi with this free rolls too.
I'm playing ZZZ and the combat has way more depth than this game's shitty button mash fest.
Yeah I'm playing Snowbreak rn
i'm too busy malding holo6 bro
If its a dude I can pull Changli in peace
The enemies literally don't fight back kek
I'm watching anime while checking the BD2 and wuwa generals, not touching hoyoshit even with a stick.
>small boobs big butt
wuwa could never!
i hope it is so i can fucking save for once, yinlin into changli into camellya will make sure im completely sucked dry and i want phrohlova too
Female Rover player here.
Should I choose male or female for ZZZ
what depth bro
Why would you play a 100$ wallpaper engine?
Whoever you pick, prepare to be inter-knotted with a furrygaywolf
Its a great game. Been playing it for 2 weeks now and got Roxys Costume
I would have missed out if some Anon didnt post about the collab in here
Yes, I'm not disputing that. What I mean is this.

(Choice 1): Loong meat buns
(Choice 2): Loong'an fruit salad
>you pick choice 1
Rover: I wouldn't mind some protein right now.

What's voiced is "I wouldn't mind some protein right now." The words in Choice 1, "Loong meat buns", aren't voiced. I'm assuming the ZZZ nigger is talking about the actual choice itself.
I want to save a bit too, the game is not generous enough for sex after sex characters, got Yinlin at 60, then lost 50/50 to a Verina dupe in the roll 70 and had to go to 70 again for Jinshi, I hope we get some homos or ugly bitches.
Why don't you go ask that in /zzz/?
It has a neat game with a good story included. Best wallpaper engine I've seen
Our Paimon is better simply because it fucks off for 80% of the quest.
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game feels nice but i don't understand what takes up 50gigs
Bitcoin miner
Yeah, and the fact that devs are self-aware about it by adding the line like "I'd prefer it to NOT stay awake all the time" means that they won't ever go paimon route
probably the overexaggerated animations.
why its she using a nokia lumia??
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We need a thread Camellya.
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very nice
Why don't you go to your general to post this shit retard?
Gayfurry and mesugaki porn
What the fuck is this model?
wtf is this
i want to play the game and talk to my bros, other general already shit on that place
Oh know know know know shitposter who doesn't play the game exposed.
ngl belle getting knotted is what I'm looking forwards too.
Whoa what's with the mihomorat infestation.
Shouldn't they be playing their new slop?
SEApag detected
I zzz...
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Here's some sloppa camellya, ON THE HOUSE!
Easiest (you)s of my life.
Yup, I'm glad I didn't skip WuWa for ZZZ LMAO
It's literally DoA and I don't see the gameplay getting better
bro thats the new IR
Mihomopag that can't afford to play wuwa detected
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yeah i think the new shit on the roguelite pretty fun bros
>he really thought shitters will play this instead of just shitlinging
this is what zzz does to your brain
why are encorebros like this?
Too boring, shitposting is more fun.
Still deciding whether I should free 100gb space on my SSD for ZZZ or not
not going to lie the combat feels new and cool for the first 5 minutes but it's so boring after that. i dont know how they can make it more engaging
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You are LOSING to all 3 hoyo games when nothing is even happening in GI and HSR after your big 1.1 update.

You are not beating SHIT
When wuwa released I left /gig/. When zzz released… I stayed at /wuwa/ because it looks shit
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Are you done samefagging? Nobody gives a shit about your contrarianism.
shareholderbro, why am i supposed to care
zzz is shit. wuwon
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real question is would you rather play THIS?
Imagine playing hoyoslop couldn't be me
NTA but sure with the spic dub
Yes but with Spanish dub
Unironically yes
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zzz is shit, I think I'll drop another Benjamin on wuwa.
spic hivemind
based, I'm dropping $400 when Changli drops
Mugen will mog this furryslop so fucking hard it's not even funny
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Gameplay is as boring as everyone predicted
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Not playing zzz since it's not my thing, but I bet someone from kuro is and they'll port whatever happens to be a good idea and build upon it (like illusive realm from the simulated universe).
I hope sparking zero has a built in spanish dub, wuwa could use one too.
um... are we gonna have sex...?
nah, she went to get some milk after this, go find your mom instead.
>falling for the bait
lol lmao
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>look it up
>see this
you're playing THIS?!
the milk from my titties...?
there's multiple of these lol
ever played an anime arena battler? you played one you played them all even ZZZ, it doesnt do anything unique or different when it comes to gameplay other than the """"""""""""parries"""""""""""
Funny enough, tof at some point added portugese or spic as well. It was fire lmao
I'm playing this too
>I was only pretending to be retarded
nah, Rover's stinks
just give us some boss mode like Arknights CC with debuffs and all
uncompressed audio/textures
i remember bbcf being 50 gigs originally
and then when they compressed the audio it went down to 16 gb
if you delete the story audio past that you can get it to 5 gb
so yeah uncompressed audio and textures take up stupidly large amounts of space for no real gain
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
How come WuWa's art style and character animations/designs seem so much more attractive to me compared to Genshin? Is it because it's a new game or because it's objectively better?
Fuck no, I don't want to have to use niche units that I will never build just because they decided to gimp the best units in the game, fuck CC.
Bro zzz just released...
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It was so bad even my niece who's been following since 23 dropped it in record time and said she was tired.
Then immediately went back to HSR.
im a sensitive girl...
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censored status?
It's boring too...
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nice game wukeks
hope you don't eos too soon
Cute and hot.
Why is spanish the meme language in gaming?
>horrendous models
>censored shit
Coming from someone who plays both on the reg: The latter
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it's not up though????
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just play GF2 bros
Is it a good time passer though? Like waiting in the bus or toilet break time passer?
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I don't know.
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This is so much better than ZZZ
Is this game still cucking? I'm torn between this and enfield for my 3rd and final gacha that I'm currently playing
Rover's puffy cunt cured my social anxiety
Jesus how is your attention span so fucked that you need spastic entertainment while taking a shit or waiting for the bus?? Zoomers are so fucked lmao.
Some languages just inherently do sound funny, no way around it. And thus it ruins serious dialogues.
>zensharts pagposting while waiting 40 hours for a 110 gig download
lmao. rumao even
puffy bitch
Okay which one of you faggot did this?

oh shit global released?
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thanks you Wuwa bros for taking the aggro, feel good having big event without the usual shitposter.
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just play any fucking anime arena battler at that point, i recommend Action Taimanin.
hes a seanig
>waiting for the bus
The fuck are you supposed to then? Space out like a retard?
More anon! Do some tummy, sideboob and pits. All in one or separate doesnt matter we just need more Camellya
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yeah, cuckgods are winning so hard right now (I can't read any of the dialogue)
no lol, it's never releasing
>A taimanin game with no porn
What's the point?
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No worries bwo, I got Sakura in 3 tenners
Is this the Jinhsi impregnation guy?
to get you horny and then jerk off to taimanin porn.
tfw will never be able to threesome with FRover and Yinlin while they passionately lust over each other
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wros do we let the ZZZ refugees in once they realize how shit the game is or are they not allowed?
>Is this game still cucking?
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>still have 800 pity ticket to MLB Rosana
feels good man, once again thanks you Wuwa for being our tank
Where's Thunder?
Where's Thunder's game???????
Fucking nigger yuzhong
i don't know, would you finally stop being a dead brain ankoposter once they come back? then yes
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take note of each UID in the friendlist who hasnt logged in since today they are in the betrayers list
not allowed! they have to kiss encore's feet if they want to be accepted
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literally who???
Test them with some in-game wuwa questions only those who played it can answer. If they can't - they can fuck off.
Tried out ZZZ and got bored after an hour. I was hoping to come back to Illusive Realm. I thought it was up? :(
Bro he is a scenery gazer
they will be treated like 2nd class citizens.
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Art style can be an objective topic but I do agree that we have better animation and model quality over Jenshin

but it heavily costs our poorfag market because not everyone can afford a mid-end and above phone to run wuwa
get better taste lmao
I like braindead ankoposters.
But no.
How is Wuwa any different?
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wow wuwa sure fell off huh?
>install zzz out of curiosity
>braindead arena combat + roguelite mechanics
so this is the game that hoyoshills told us would kill wuwa
sure did
you can leave now
>look i screencapped my post
it already did though
>make up scenario
>screencap it to bait engagement
Who the fuck is jingshi?
when the FUCK are we getting a new stream with more chibis dancing?
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But i'm europoor and my budget phone can run it just fine Yapyap
It's not an arena battler for starters.
Do your research before showing up at my house.
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MAN wuwa sure fell off huh?
blue archive 2 will be better, im just waiting for that
Kill yourself hoyotranny
>check their general to see what kind of degenerate play it
>the aetherpag from genshin already in there
i choose the indog itt over genshin pagpag, those pagpag are real schizo just you wait they will start posting gore and blacked shit on that general
Bwo...I am sorry I downloaded ZZZ
Can I come back?
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So whats the best way to use and build Jianxin anyway? She is best as support right? But she hogs quite a significant amount of time trying to build meter and charge her shield, the damage boosting effects of support sets given to the next character in the rotation almost feel like useless since you're dealing shit damage during her field time. Would it be better to just give her an aero set if you're nor using her as a quick swap suction bot?
>how is game that isnt an arena battle not an arena battler
mihoyo doesnt send their best
Wow bros WuWa is rent free in their heads
Was it because Genshin lost?
They are constantly posting in this thread instead of playing their new game lol
What's your honest opinion on female Rover's appearance? Do you honestly find it attractive, or are you just repeating what everyone else is saying?
I just built her as DPS
what's your UID bro
How much bestiality do I need to have on my PC before I qualify to play?
I've already played it, I'd rather reinstall XCOM 2 with anime mods.
no go back
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Salute the rphololova for starters then kiss and ankoposter's feet.
I think I had a weird wuwa dream, they said they were buffing the healing of that bug echo.
Who won? Which is better? ZZZ or WuWa? Do they have a shitty echo system too?
sideboobs, if something is attractive it's attractive, no point in changing your opinion just because it's the same as other people.
i just built an obscene amount of ER and accepted that i'll deal no damage
I also need to know this,
They have a knotting system.
Holy shit, I got hit 5-6 times at UL50, and I almost died. It's getting real again (until it stops being real a few days later).
post your UID, we promised we wont jump you
When does Elusive Realms open bwos....
>everyone else is saying?
You seem too focused on that, work on your self-worth.
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please dont ask questions about the story
i cant answer any of those
>(until it stops being real a few days later).
You're not going to lv 80 your character within a month lil bro
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How bricked would one were if they were to skip her?
>she wasn't prefarming
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What was Jinhsi's name before becoming /our/ magistrate?
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Echo unbricked
I want the chibis ingame
at s0? not bricked at all if you have jiyan who is slightly stronger. s1 is a different story though
Gotou Hitori Hsi
Show me an NPC like this in ZZZ and I might try your game.
You'd be so bricked that you should just get yourself knotted over at /zzz/
Hsi, the magistrate has to take the Jin from Jinzhou on their name it's explained in one of the trailers iirc
>how bricked would one be if they were to skip klee
Idk, not very?
She's definitely attractive but will inevitably get mogged by limited females.
I'm playing Code Name Bakery Girl instead.
unironically it was Xi, then it became Jinxi. Xi is the pinyin version of Hsi
This is what i see most of the time, DEFs and HPs tend to appear on the 1st and 5th slot for some reason.
ZZZ is just a hi3rd reskin, we're safe for now
That's what grub is though?????
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But we get ass cracks??!
Lol bricked
ATK instead of ele
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Wuwa has nothing to worry about. ZZZ is shit and proving to be really stingy. You barely get any free pulls for completing the tutorial.
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You'll only be bricked if you skip limited verina, even if jinhsi has the highest current ceiling for dps, selfish dps aren't on high demand right now.
It's not, for Jinhsi Ele + ATK is preferable, if you have her sig that is, if not then Ele + Ele as usual
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Ok but Granblue at least has actual good music unlike Mihomo games, and more fucking mechanics and buttons than Star Rail slop.
I am enjoying Jefuty Rezero kino and Mendo autism.
>Jinhsi scales better off ATK% if you have her sig wep
Lol, no.
Madam Magistrate...I can see it...
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Damn, the Magistrate looks like THAT?!
>Moderate gaming benefits the brain
Kek no. Gaming is a degenerative hobby like watching TV. Addiction to gaming may harm the body, but even moderate gaming does a moderate amount of harm. The way to benefit the brain is to do something else like reading.
Jinhsi doing whatever she can for her people as their magistrate.
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you cant post that
I was already playing wuwa a bit before but ever since I saw the first trailers for ZZZ years ago I wanted to try it
I stayed up all night to play and holy shit the gameplay is so braindead
Ironically if I didn't hear about ZZZ releasing today I wouldnt have played wuwa because I have been out of the gacha scene since I quit genshin which was around a bit before natlan released
Only heard of wuwa from some of you guys spamming changli in the zzz general
God, female rover mogs the whole zzz cast
>Only heard of wuwa from some of you guys spamming changli in the zzz general
Not our fucking problem you guys decided to humor the falseflagger.
Zhu Yuan from ZZZ looks better than most chinks in Wuwa, such as Chixia.
I'm not touching the zzz general, is the game as boring and adhd poisoned as predicted?
>He went on the Inter-knot
not sure what else you expected retard bro
The only good thing about her is her pussy seam in her pants.

But I think that Cameylla is pretty on par in some ways with how tight her shorts are.

God I need fucking Camellya. Camellya h art when?!
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>just play gf2 bros
release a global server first
Now post Changli version.
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Anon i think hes grateful for the spam showing him the true path. Lets relax
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>changli made some zzzfag come to our game
Saggy stacy does it again
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Who snitched madam magistrate?
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The Magistrate's body shall be for her people
Wuwafags why did you lie to me, the combat in this game is almost the exact same shit as ZZZ.
>t. hasn't fought a single hologram
You know how HI3 is just a bootleg DMC?
ZZZ is basically a braindead version of HI3, just boot up DMC 3 and do bloody palace runs, you'll have way more fun
Why do you guys call Changli a hag? Why are you so mean?
show your wuwa account
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yeah bro, if you just remove a couple of core aspects of the base gameplay it's exactly the same. how are the furries again?
What the FUCK did they do with the music on Mt. Firmament? It's so much worse than mainland Huanglong. The lofi music was amazing.
happened to me after an hour of playing
never uninstalled a game faster in my life
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Madam magistrate.... please go easy on the Jinzhou skewers.
Beat hologram Memphis or Crownless and then come back
Bruh you can't even jump in ZZZ
How's that knot treating you? It lodged in nicely?
Why are you /gig/ and /wwg/ fags so obsessed about jumping?
I love hags thoughever.
You can't jump in WuWa either, what's your point?
natlan still isn't even out bro
when do you ever jump during combat tho
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Never ever!!!
Verticality. New English word for you pag?
to dodge over the ground AOE attacks

oh wait those still hit you if you jump, oops
changli will have jump combos
Wuwa has jump cancels but even then it's more about the cancel than the jumping.
If you play something like sanhua or encore somewhat competently literally ALL the fucking time
>arena battler
>can't jump or even do combos
Try playing DMC without doing aerial combos retard
>Another redditpag that doesn't even play the game
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It's never about jump desu, it's more about not having air combat. Also
>enemy doesn't fight back

at least do some research it's just embarrassing at this point
What does me being filipino have to do about jumping? Not every game needs you to bing bing wahoo.
Aerial combos aren't really a thing in Wuthering Waves, either. You plunge like in Genshin, or you do a couple of basic attacks if you're gun/rectalfier.
Verina, double plunge with yapyap / monkey is fun too.
Seethe more paggot
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based snowjank
The reason Crownless got nerfed is because there are "people" out there who think ZZZ's combat is too hard.
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Your Jinhsi?? She literally walks and attacks on air, she can even use her ultimate
this can't be real
The chinks should just invade and genocide your useless illiterate asses for the good of the world honestly. You've done nothing but waste oxygen and shit up threads.
Never touched a gun in my life is that how it really works? huh.....
Weirdly enough I like jinhsi more than changli but I noticed from webms that were spammed that the gameplay and character designs in wuwa were really nice
>Aerial combos aren't really a thing in Wuthering Waves, either.
Lol. The magistrate and her adviser would like a word with you.
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I'm not playing but what does the game has? Genshin has reaction + normal/heavy, skill burst (occasionally plunge) + swap/jump/dodge. Wuwa has all that minus reactions but added easy plunge (high jump), echo skill, per character charging mechanic (forte), swap combos, intro/outro and counter/parry. What mechanics does ZZZ have?
>he doesn't know.
Anon in WuWa there are attack that only hit the ground and you can easy evade them with a jump or G hook.
It's a special thing built into her kit, rather than being a core function of most characters. Besides, you're not juggling shit, you're basically doing the same thing as a grounded character, but your feet aren't touching the ground.
So zzziggers are the new obnoxious general now? Why can't they play their game in peace if it's so good?
Yeah Hsi, you should have more buns, how about some jinzhou stew too?
Oh wait then what i'm thinking of is sumeru nvm lmao
I forgot the names of the regions for a sec
Who started that shit meme.... I love it so much vepley a cute!.
damn ZZZ's getting shit on in its own general. no wonder.
>It doesn't count because...
vepley started it
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Let me in!
But seriously shouldn't the rogue event start today?
>Aerial combos aren't really a thing in Wuthering Waves, either.
someone post the Jiyan + Alto juggling.
alternatively, look at the magistrate
It's, uh, kind of not good.
>he hasn't seen the crownless juggle
vepley's the original animated one
but the true original one is some chink woman
Girls are cute but the game is decade behind on tech
Left click simulator
Can’t even use skills without left click to build gauge
No aerial combat
Random swap forcing player to swap
Can’t cancel your attacks
Enemies act like toddlers
I was planning to make it a side game until AP or Mugen but fuck me
its that true?? man they killed my waifu 45 for me.. But ill play for vepley... I don't even like "lolis". But she its way to cute.
no lol, the other anon was right, it's some chinese woman who started it, gf2 just cashed in on it
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theres an anime arena battler you could be interested in for a side game.
Even in games that do have aerial combat and jumping, a lot of the time jumping is still kind of a shit option because you'd rather be using some kind of uppercut attack to get in the air rather than doing a slow, zero dps manual jump.
I haven't seen ZZZ gameplay but I see no reason why they couldn't bake a jump into an attack even without a dedicated jump button. HI3 did it.
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>Aerial combos aren't really a thing in Wuthering Waves, either.
Jinhsi can even dodge mid air. Changli also has special aerial combos with air dash.
ump9 is cute though, too bad you missed her rerun! So did I though....
>without porn
You'd seriously have to have brain damage to play ZZZ over Wuwa. The combat is absolute joke and the game feels so low budget with the small cramped areas and no animations for the cutscenes, just "stylistic comic panels" and visual novel dialog boxes.
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Familiniggers get the rope.
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>enough tuners to max 8 echos
>but only 60k exp to get one to +20
*gets on the knees*
*opens wide*
t-thanks kuro
It honestly feels like a Compile Heart game in terms of budget.
New bread when
You'd have to be brain damaged to play Wuwu over any actual action game.
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they might redesign 45. 9 was redesigned which was weird because she already had a 3d model
Yeah its pretty shit. I will only keep it installed in hopes i can mod the game later and take fun screenshots
>can play any action game and wuwa
>can't play any action game, wuwa, and zzz
Relaunch your game bwo?
>Aerial combos arent a thing
Bro your Aalto setups?
Or poor
It doesn't feel low budget, since the actual scenes are over-animated and it's very flashy. If anything it's just lazy, but it copies its presentation almost 1:1 from HI3 so it's most likely the developers just like doing things like this. It probably costs more money to draw these 800 CGs for every cutscene than it would to just animate things or do it like Genshin/HSR do which is cheap as fuck.
I do think that the villages and towns in Wuwa are surprisingly robust. this patch was big in terms of stuff from a world perspective for a 1.1

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