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Previous Thread: >>484596832

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 7/10 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 7/3 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/6 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 7/17 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 7/9 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 7/8 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 7/15 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards - 7/19 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Shizuko is a cat, not Mari. Twatter confirmed.
Good morning /bag/ how many years old is Eimi?
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This is a Neru thread, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Shizuko is my prostitute
Wanna buy?
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>he sleeps
That's 8 hours of your valuable life you've wasted.
Don't be wasteful.
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Happy birthday shizuko!
Kissing Mika. Hugging Mika. Sleeping with Mika.
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>Atsuko took zero damage for an entire match
Friendship ended with Marina.
Atsuko is now my best friend.
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doing it in front of everyone...
Out of 10
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My precious desert rose.
It's time to lewd Hifumi.
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Why are you a few years late?
more like discount pecorine
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weebs translate
elden ring
Rio will never be a good mother with how she treats kids
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The pleasure of being cummed inside
it's best if you stopped playing elden ring in the middle of (making) a manuscript
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Tea Party chads are next level
>I don't have the worst torment score in my server anymore
The guy below me borrowed a 4* Meru and used 7 teams
Does she count as a tomboy?
Femdom SMG Sukeban-chan...
My wife follows me wherever I go
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Just boy
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rest is important
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anyone know good twitter media downloader? i want to download all BA porn form those artist
But that's Maki
No way, fag.
There's this handy site I use
It's very useful and easy to get the hang of
It's called Google
Here's a link: www.google.com
Post her tummy
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Bros. What do we do. Sensex is in all time high...
I use WFDownloader.
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There's nothing you can do.
We go higher
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More. Now.
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Stop holding cocks
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Where did my students learn how to act like sluts around me?
>reset during night hours
Kivotos confirmed to be in Yurop
It came to them in a dream
Why not just drug sensei and rape him while he's asleep?
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Now that the Elden Ring DLC is out Fromsoft can make the real shit again. Armored Core 7
Blue Archive
No need to
My body is ready
I want to ride Rio
The /m/chads are getting ready for Breakers 4 next month, get with the times slowpoke.
what are the chance my account get banned if musk notice it?
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Pantyhose is hot
Hifumi is erotic
>all the shit in the dlc and gael is still better than all of it
What were they even doing
*cums on butt*
To be fair, Gael and Midir, and maybe the dark Katana was the only good parts of Singed City.
Fuck the goddamn swamp and fuck those goddamn archers.
DLC is the utmost of Fromslop. Honesty even as a From dick sucker I couldn't tolerate the insane copy paste not just from previous souls games, not just from base ER but even things introduced in the DLC got copy pasted
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>Shizuko birthday tweet removed
>no Nagisa birthday tweet
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Gimme a hug man
>reading fan manga
>Reach a point where the chapters seem to be hidden on pixiv, can't read any further
>"Unhide R-18G content to see further"
I don't want this
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Need gf EXACTLY like this
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Understood, hop to it!
Gundam is alright but I personally prefer the darker and more militaristic gritty tone of Armored Core. Backstabbing, PMC alliegences, transhumanism, fighting over the remains of long lost civilisation and endless sand dunes like in AC4. Fucking kino.
Post it pussy and I'll tell you how bad it gets.
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Hifumi is not for lewd!
damn, look at all that fats
They should make sekiro 2 instead
Izuna's musky panties...
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>porn addict
>mastrubate addict
>only use onahole instead of my hand
it's fucking over, go on without me /bag/ i'll keep mastrubate until i can't cum anymore
Is Yuuka or Atsuko better for PVP?
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even without pantyhose, she's still erotic
I'd assume none, though I've been locked out of my account a few times since my batch list is pretty large, and twitter tends to raise an eyebrow if it sees you downloading a shitton of images in a short time. It'll throw you an arkose test (basically a captcha) to solve though, so it tends to resolve itself.
sena is the nurse though
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ah i see, guess i'll use another account instead
Go outside
Nah, it was probably just mislabeled
Wasn't really that bad
As far as guro goes it didn't go that far. But I'm really not interested in unhiding guro content these days.

Good riddance
I hope your cock erodes away completely
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Look at Hanako's huge sexy melons. Lewd this erotic body instead of a boring plank like Hifumi.
>check it
>female sensei
miss me on this shit.
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Love Noa
Pantyhose a shit. Noa is actually erotic without it.
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That would be cool too. Really anything than the standard Dark Souls/Bloodborne formula. Feels very played out at this point.
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>that femsei artist
Oh, its bad by default.
I'd love a Doujin where a male Sensei NTRs female Sensei ends up assimilated into his harem
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fags go to hell
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WTF Shiroko you're supposed to be licking me
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hifumi sex
Actually the guy who created this simulation told me we're all going to a special kind of hell regardless of our actions, just because he thinks it's funny
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I love Tsurugi so much
Nonomi respects and I have all sorts of proofs to back it up
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I'm so bricked at maths
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become noa
The autists who do all these calculations for a dumb PNG game need help
Middle school math
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who can i swap tsukuyo in the insane clear with kayoko,mika,tsukuyo,kokona,ako and himari in 2 teams insane? or im fucked without the big rabbit?
you could try using eimi
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What's the appeal of this?
She literally stalked you because she knows your schedule in her first momotalk
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This unironically could be true
If I torment NPCs in a sandbox game for the lulz, then the possibility of a higher being doing the same to us isn't unlikely
I miss the one webm soundpost that had a tic tac toe happening for all the deko archives students
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only the finest of minds can comprehend

It's being translated
sensei is Yume's sister, sensei protected Yume growing up In their rape home so Yume wasn't raped, the family was broken up in life sensei stayed with the abusive father. Sensei came to Kivitos to find out what happened to Yume.
Sensei gets shot in the head due to Hoshino not protecting sensei properly, which fucks with their memories further. Sensei is a half breed without a halo, an abberarion who is ultimately human but had one halo parent and one non halo parent. Ibuki is sensei's rape baby, who she was forced to give up.

Entire thing is pretty psycho
Male sensei stories are always nice stories more or less, they're mostly innocent
Female sensei stories are always extreme drama and psychosis, female sensei stories are always fucked up somehow
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> Somehow
Probably a woman writer, only they could conjure up something so demonic.
The fuck
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Yeah, I'm thinking IT'S TIME.
If you didn't save it, it means you never cared for it
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damn who could have expected them to be shit
Because we want to be happy
Women want to be unhappy
It's that shrimple
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Despite elves being the rarest race in Kivotos, they take a quarter of GSC positions. Why is that?
And it seems they infiltrate the important positions within other academies.
Is Mine an elf
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Not enough Nerutoes
your what?
No matter what happens it seems I will always be able to identify women by the stories they write.
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The actual fuck?
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wtf man?
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Good Evening, this is ya boy, NotSensei445
And about like 30 to 45 minutes ago, I beat THE FUCK outta my dick so goddamn hard that uh, I can't even feel my left leg
My left leg has went totally numb
AND my dick has also went totally numb, to the point where it feels weird when I go and take a piss
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Mine wife
My girlfriend also writes fucked up edgy shit similar to that
I love how unhinged some women are, I should probably ask her what's going on in her head
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It's thrombosis.
Get it checked.
Bros... The JP stream is going to save the game right...? We aren't going to EOS right.....?
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How do you resist the urge to stab someone, /bag/
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>Ibuki is sensei's rape baby, who she was forced to give up
I'm calling the police in you
god imagine how rough the sex must be...
You sleep it off.
Or grab a snickers, you're not yourself when you're hungry.
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Why are Trinity higher-ups so evil?
You're not touching my balls, Serina
>in you
y-you too
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It's cute
Why is Shizuko the OP? It’s Nagisa’s birthday.
Do women think about rape ALL the time?
Please touch my balls, Serina
Yes, prepare your anus, psycho
just most
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The best is that no matter how rough the aftercare must be great.
My girlfriend is actually super nice and sweet but she's a totally different person in her fantasy world
stop trying to fuck your students raw on their dangerous day
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Kivotos girls think about raping (You) all the time.
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>My girlfriend is
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Students don't get pregnant
Students spawn off the map of Kivotos
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>My girlfriend
Makes sense, most women that are into weeb shit are mentally ill
Your hand doesn't count as your girlfriend
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Wife acquired
Almost forgot Saori nuking trinity
Izuna..! My hips won't stop...!
Actually she's my fiancee but wanted to sound humble
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Oi fuck you """she""" is close to my heart and cook for me everyday.
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>Students don't get pregnant
>he can't do the impossible
You need more miracles my friend.
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I trusted you anon
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/bag/ can't even do a handstand
Of course the artist would do that.
I think I understand why Games of Throne was so popular with women now.
is little girl pregnancy real hot or is it just me?
Nexon had a moment of brilliance >>484615116
/bag/ is memeing it
Not just you bwo
Sex with Alice and having her switch to Key moments before she cums
Slice of life and moe stories resonate mostly with men

Women crave drama
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/bag/ doesn't even know how to vacuum the house
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Dead Seia = best Seia
Damn... Time moves way too fast I can't believe it's already the 7th of July.
Anyways happy birthday Shizuko.
Did you know that your mother is a woman?
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yeah my ex wrote shit like this all the time
women are fucking deranged when it comes to storytelling
youre kinda fucking retarded for reading it also
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we know beatrice
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Do you even know how to do laundry?
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I want whatever this author is smoking
I-Is it that hard to figure out?
I don't need to do laundry when I don't wear clothes
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Congrats Tsurugi bro
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Are you doing your momos, anons?
/bag/ doesn't mop their own home
dear lord I didn't even think of that imagine how much nursing handjob and breastfeeding and wing caressing will be involved, god help me.... I think Mine just shot up like 10 places on my fav ranking
it's hard to do a handstand when you're 400lb manlet
>male sensei: mostly wholesome stuff
>female sensei: some of the most deranged shit imaginable
I don't understand
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Plain girl won
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>all these (You)s for some generic mild edgy shit all because it has the word female sensei
nemugaki vagina...
bitches be crazy
>mint chip'd
Not again...
haha... you're joking right? ...right?
hey /bag/
you are now manually breathing.
A plain girl doesn't throw giant fucking choco mint ice cream cones at people
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jealousy is an ugly thing
reminded me of the anon seething at the (you)s the cum cactus story got
Wakacraft or Hovermo
Why would I be jealous at something so low grade? I'm just shaking my head at the losers that freak out about anything mentioning "woman"
What's the go to emulator for BA?
I used my water resistant phone in a sea like an idiot, now it's either dead or alive.
You say that while making such low effort post yourself. Curious.
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dead or alive is a different game
Koharu's daily yurisex.
Is Seia a plain girl?
MEmu /s
id let aoi infiltrate my ass
nom nom
They're obviously holding her down for Sensex
not even remotely
I want comically large weapons for my students
Hand them over, Wakamo
For me it's Skibidi Toilet
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she's plain sexy
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Juri? I love Juri!
>Advertised as water resistant
>Dies in water
These companies will just keep getting away with it won't they
If anything I'm omitting a lot
Why do I need to tighten up when the standards already stooped low?
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Airi is not even plain
Airi is plain
Hifumi is self proclaimed plain
Its called being the change you want to see in the world faggot.
if airi isn't plain, then who is? aris?
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Imagine the fanfics that Kaya writes
If seia is alarak who's artanis?
Airi is special chocominto princess heroine
Hifumi is plain
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Oh yeah? You love Juri? What's your favorite dish of hers?
Chise is a dumb dumb
Fried bull testicles
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kaya will write herself as protagonist in the most deplorable shit with sensei
Plain girl love
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what's your favourite food, /bag/
i love rocky mountain oysters
Deep-fried butter
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No other students has cute earrings like Juri.
Hifumi's omanko
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Junko is meta again!
Almost the exact same teams as I used last Wakaboat except I used a CHare team for P2.
I almost forgot how annoying P1 was after Wakamo runs away, took me a lot of resets to get it right on the mock and then I got it on the first try in my real run...

Why does this scene look like something out of a K-Drama series?
seia marriage
Because her momotalk for the l2d is based on a kdrama movie
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mg mg
In order to communicate with cavemen, you've got to act like a caveman
But it's alright, evolution takes time
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wouldnt costco find it sus if you just went to costco just to buy one hotdog?
mint choc chip is a plain flavor
Pretend to be retarded long enough and it inevitably becomes unironic.
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No? And why do you even need 2 hotdogs a meal?
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I would marry Kei in a heartbeat.
Anon I'm 99% sure the cashiers couldn't give less of a fuck. They don't get paid enough to care.
No one celebrates 4th of July in Kivotos
They're all too busy fucking Sensei.
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uhhh bro?
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Why would they when everyday is 10 times louder than July 4th?
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Taking Neru to see the fireworks for freedom day!
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your food to celebrate burger day?
stop having internet fights and enjoy fireworks with your students
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what do you even do on the 4th of july
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Celebrating Independence from?
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ya stop being a dog cunt and get a foken VB LONG NECK at 20 to 8 in da foken mornen
get that up ya
i want to eat out seia
i bet her sweat and love juice tastes heavenly
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Dunno if this is from here or not but it exists.
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appreciating my studentwife's beautiful legs
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What the fuck is a "long neck vb" and why do you want me to "get that up in me"?
>Do wakaboat raid
>Immediately invite Wakamo to my cafe afterwards to give her headpats

She knows it's not personal, but obviously I still need to thank her for the raid coins.
Ultimate intellect and the solitude it brings...

I'm the one... Who'll teach you about love!
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there are not real pussies and real pussies?
drink large beer in the morning
A frozen pizza
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Would you drink goon with Wakamo though?
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My Serinalust has been out of control lately. I want her to lay me down, comfort me until I fall asleep and then drain my dick with her throat so I wake up feeling completely dry.
What porn is Wakamo into?
Vanilla impregnation
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sweaty seia...
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Pussies aren't real. I've never seen one.
Meow :3
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what the fuck
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Here is a pussy
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you've never looked in the mirror?
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It's an excuse to check in with the relatives and eat a lot of food.
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Now, what the fuck is THAT supposed to be, young man?
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fake zoossy
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Hey that's not a bad idea, I should set her L2D to celebrate tomorrow.
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that's a fox
That's not very ᓀ‸ᓂ of you
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delete this
Mari is a dog
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Is that...
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delet this
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Happy burger day to all burgers
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I'm here for the screencap.
Is sensei ok with child labor?
Do you think Wakamo has a comically large cock too? Asking for a friend. Haha.
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>posts onahole
>doesn't post himself using it
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>young man
its funny because supposedly the zoosfag that posted it got caught by his mom on delivery
i imagine thats also what she said
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I'm gonna post myself using your ass
> See link
"What level of desk fuckery are we having this time?" I thought to myself.
> It's just an onahole
You are getting soft, /bag/.
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I think Hifumi poster should be sent to conversion therapy
I think /bag/ should take a nap.
I think Hifumi poster should suck my cock (no homo)
I'm cumming
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>oh my god it's an onahole!!!!
...i thought everyone on /bag/ has an onahole why is everyone acting surprised?
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i think this drawfag should finish his bazoos wip already
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I hope her next alt embraces the comically large looney tunes tier weapons into her kit.
Do we need trans students? Trans characters were an anime staple for a long time (like Bridget in Guilty Gear). It seems BA still has the space to explore and to add something like that. It also can draw a lot of new customers interested in these kind of things.
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Remember when a /bag/got posted rat fucking
Good times
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Suzumi alt when
We think everything here is ironic until we see otherwise and then we get shocked things were never ironic
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I have an anal onahole and pussy juice.
This year for sure.
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I still remember the time /bag/got fucked his dog
shut up roomba onahole
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So, all this cunnyposting was...
I'm gonna bite your bait because it's cute
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coom in doom
He didnt "fuck" his dog, he just cummed on a cactus which his dog ended up licking, its not the same thing.
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my lovely studentWife Noa
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I think /bag/ has gotten more tame over the years.
Is that Akirafag that fucked his cat still here?
Stop thinking about it.
i think your mother has gotten more tame over the years
Das right
Bellyblasting baby
i cannot see "oh my god" without hearing the sechi momoi meme
Nagi throwing tea in my face for celebrating Independence Day which is also her birthday.
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I still remember the Haruna anon that molested a child on the bus
You're supposed to celebrate her birthday first
Ayane would never
Serika would never
Shiroko would never
I can't tell if this post is ironic or not now that the possibilities are brought to my attention again...
God I wish.
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That's terrorism.
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>Mfw my birthday was a few days ago and I just now realized that I forgot to listen to my students wishing me a happy birthday because I slept literally all day long
FUUUUUCK I DIDN'T GET TO HEAR SHUN AND SHUNNY SING FOR ME. I only realized it after tapping Nagisa for her birthday. I missed the birthday lines last year too because I didn't know you had to enter the main menu rather than just tapping the students like with their birthdays, now I'm upset.
does /bag/ like childs or?
Out of 10
I'm more into JKs
we fuck 18 year olds here sir
Abydos students owe me sex
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Happy belated birthday.
A yeah in Kivotos is actually 7 years on Earth
I'm a local resident
I'm a dog
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>funny gets posted
>people react to the funny
>edge nigger comes in
>"ACKHTUALLY this is so cringe i thought you were all jaded 30+ year old what the fuck is wrong with you weaklings i jerk off to gore im so fukken cool and dark and brooding"
why are you like this
i wont even mention the grifting toki tranny from xiv general
We are not degenerates. BA is a hebe game.
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How can people listen to that cringe pajeet Mutahar and not feel sick? He's one of the most legitimately annoying people I have ever seen, even his voice is painful.
Blue Archive.
You have next year, bwo!
tranny obsessed momoi nigger trying to stir shit again when everyone is at peace
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I am a jaded 30+ year old man
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I did this btw
If he's the most annoying jeet you've seen then consider yourself fortunate.
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>Momoi image
>Godawful post
Not big surprise
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i thought bag is ibuki general?
Stop being jaded.
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seems i was right on the money
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>trusting an elf
>especially now that she's the president
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Make that 2 of us
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
Ibuki's like... three or four.
Thank you Koyuki-anon...
I just set an alarm for my birthday next year to remind myself to do it.
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Everything belongs to Ibuki
Stop being 30+
Ibuki can only take it three or four inches deep
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Set a reminder for next year.
Stop being less than 30
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Add me as a friend bro. I'm 38
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Give me 7 more years, and I'll be 40+
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Your copium Sensei. Have a good one.
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why are you jaded? stop being jaded
i thought the holes are meant to be stretched
*becomes jaded*
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being unhappy makes me happy
You gotta take it slow or it'll tear
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Teach me the new rizz gyatt language
Blue Archive
>can take bullets
>can't take a dick
to be fair, male senseis on the other hand write about hooking up and forming families with underage students

that's is own kind of fuck up too
rip and tear their pussies
they're tiny, that means their holes are tiny
rip and tear
What was she thinking with the cakeroll art exhibition?
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Sensei is too weak to do that.
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what's wrong with forming families with underaged students?
>Fire her cannon 1(one) time
>instantly began lazing off
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Hmm, nyo
chat is this real
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>can't break into top 10 for a week now because people on the border keep switching defenses and I keep losing coinflips
I hate those niggers so fucking much
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how can you get out of this situation?
it's not that hard to ram into a hole
I'm a cheerful and happy 30+ year old man
Student for me?
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Say it after me; Skibidi, sigma, rizz, mogged, maxxing, edging, grindset, gyatt, sussy, w, gooner, bussin, Ohio, Kai Cenat
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>that's fucking cringe momoi fr
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How can you be 30+ years old and still have any sort of happiness left in you?
kiss her and ask for sex
you get out if she rejects
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>happy 30+ year old man
Do you believe in the happy ending?
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A girlfriend
As the kids would put it
Skill issue
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To femcels the worst thing imaginable is a happy end for Sensei and his students.
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working out
having a pet
did you miss the underaged part???
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We will be transported to some isekai in the end, right?
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>get out
It's good to remind the world how good life is
I don't I have ever been in a bracket where the top 10 changed their defenses unless it was the end of the season. Even the triple or quad tank chinks I come across don't bother.
sex with the duck voiced girls
Well my top ten fucking loves to shuffle iori top or bot and now they're trying sumire meta.
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>sumire meta
Financial stability
If you have no wife then it a huge plus
I just don't enjoy being depressed.
Honestly that's it, I'm too lazy to think much about things so I just keep my mind busy with whatever and only play and do things I enjoy.
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Rinny Jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
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Skibidi, sigma, rizz, mogged, maxxing, edging, grindset, gyatt, sussy, w, gooner, bussin, Ohio, Kai Cenat.
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Hina after a full day of intensive jannywork. She's a good janny and feels accomplished after her long janny hours. She won't trade her important janny business even if it mean she'll be never meeting sensei. She's a good janny and that what's important.
It was a tough day, but the next one will be better.
Meanwhile Hoshino spend haft her day sleeping and half getting dicked by Sensei
I only dick Hoshino WHILE she's sleeping
I'm a considerate and responsible sensei. I only have anal sex with my students so they don't have to worry about becoming teen pregnant.
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Why don't you just wear a condom.
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Condoms feel weird
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Thank you anon, next year I'll be able to listen to them and my other favorite students in-game and make it feel real...
how many more days of no new content do we have to endure bros...
There's no condom in Kivotos
just ask rat to make anti pregnancy potion
it's that easy
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>the handle of a knife/axe
thats right bitch nigger
shouldve added the "spend"
I do not trust the rat
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JP? Keep enjoying summer with the cops. Global? Keep enjoying camping with the gamers.
rrat would force me to test it on herself and in the end the potion will turn out to be orange juice
Never trust rats
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Trust in your student's halo
Yeah I got into BA because I want to see myself as sensei and be happy with ny students (especially since the game really supports the students telling sensei/you that you're the best). Vanilla is unbeatable.
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but I WANT to get my students pregnant
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What if she doesn't like anal?
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i trust the rrat poster
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Heels Archive
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if you no longer count the current JP event as content then ~2 weeks
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that is a surprisingly good explanation given that sperm has the same issue irl
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Why does Wakamo have 20 million HP when she's without her boat but when she's on my team she only has 46k max???????
rrat will have the potion work by turning the cum inside the pussy into warm milk
she has 20 million HP when she is fighting to get you, but if she took more than 46k damage whilst fighting for you she might get angry and destroy cities, so you air evac her out of there.
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Mina's got a tight butt beneath those tight pants, she'd be great for anal.
What if my dick is allergic to latex?
No I will not use sheepskin condoms
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If Sensei would release an ASMR CD over Kivotos, do you think it would raise enough money to help repay Abydos debt completely?
I do not want the rrat poster to bless Saya's anti pregnancy potion. His ritualposts make it sound like he'll turn it into a pregnancy potion.
...Sperms don't carry halo pattern, right?...
Imagine if sperms have halos...
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Any Sensei related product would fly off the shelves in Kivotos
You don't have halo sensei, that's why Saori freaking shot you
>Willingly ingesting warpstone
Why is only your dick allergic to latex.
You just train her until she does
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Maybe you're right.
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I'm a writer and have done some commission work and small time script writing.

This is one of the stupidest fucking summaries I've ever seen come out of BA for a story that actually had someone give enough of a fuck to stick with it for so long and make a whole fucking comic.

Jesus this is why writer and artist are two very different skillsets. Just cause somebody can draw decently doesn't mean they could write their way out of a paper bag.
What about Sensei brand condoms?
I feel this product wouldn't make any revenue in Kivotos...
Animal ear student only do creampie
Winged student only anal
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Your weak genes only play a small part in the cloning process.
post your isekai
>being used
> Buy Condom
> Poke a hole
> Profit
Repeat for all > 200 students.
And Beatrice.
Poke multiple holes when using it with Beatrice.
> What if a student got a child already?
And what's the problem, exactly? Just impregnate her again.
I always knew Ichika liked anal.
You're not sneaky Beatrice. Get your ass back to the meat grinder where you belong.
What the point of buying condom then
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I'm not doxing myself that easily, you damn glowie.
Does sensei even teach sex ed in Kivotos?
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Placebo so that Sensei would be tricked into not pulling out.
> What if Sensei figure it out?
He will not. The power of Status Quo meaning Sensei will forget about it after every pregnancy.
I'm a genius, Kaiser should hire me.
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He teaches it and demonstrates it
He gives hands on demonstrations.
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He was going to for Atsuko.
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I do. Or should I say, I'm forced to.
>discussing sensex again
Student please log out, this is a safe space for senseis only
I only have sex with my wife who is currently outside of Kivotos. I only see students as precious children in need of guidance.
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After Sensei gets his 7th rape of the day, he can get cheered up by making some balloon animals out of the inflated condoms.
that's a nice plan you got there. however, crimes would be at an all-time high, warzones everywhere, your role as teacher would become more of a joke as it already was, you would be seen as nothing more than a sex toy and have to hide in your office all day. and we know that even in your office you're not safe from sudden attacks. last but not least: you will be made responsible for all of it. it will be your fault
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Sensei would sex all students but the losers.
It's always my fault...
>you would be seen as nothing more than a sex toy and have to hide in your office all day. and we know that even in your office you're not safe from sudden attacks.
But... it's just ASMR
No sex until graduation. Period.
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You sound pretty cheeky for someone who hasn't changed his locks in a week. Don't bother getting up, at least 7 different students are already in.
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Do your curry dailies.
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Goddamn, BA players are grooming a Yuuka
That the students will use as masturbation material. Your fault.
>Jacking off to a guro/mind break artist
>She seems to prefer short haired stylish girls
>Though that if she knew about BA she would like Marina
>Scroll down
>Marina pic
Uh oh... Yume is alive?!
nice try, Kotama ...or Akira
>and we know that even in your office you're not safe from sudden attacks
one day Rinny will replace that blown up door just you wait...
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I'm actually kind of surprised how often NYJunko just outright deletes Atsuko.
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it's fine. I'll come in Nagisa instead.
Choose students - sex candy or husband chocolate
Why do you have a nice gyatt if you didn't want to be raped?
> Be Sensei
> Have a wife and a child from outside of Kivotos
> Video call to famiry every night after work
> Crotch area is always out of frame
> Suspicious noises in the video
> Wife can see Sensei crying from the video call
> Wife asks what's wrong
> Sensei breath heavily while being raped by his students
> Doing video call with tears in his eyes
> "Everything is fine, just a little tired", he said, still being raped
> Wife doesn't suspect a thing, saying good night after the call
> The rape then continue till 3am, the intensity increases after every second
> This happens every night
> Your dignity is in the shitter, confessing it to your wife would destroy everything that you built
> The card doesn't do anything, only invite more students to rape you each night.
You will not escape, this is your life.
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>do cosplay for game
>wtf people like it
>dont hit on me silly boys
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>No sex
Ah so you've made your choice then? How unfortunate but it can't be helped.
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Only real Gs will know the answer to this one
Nearly every one of them will fall for it too.
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>The card doesn't do anything
The card doesn't do anything because I would never use it on my students.
i would like it if she wasn't wearing just a tight bodysuit that covers all of her body
It's not betrayal, I am simply making her accept the consequences of her actions. It is helping her in the long run. The true betrayal would be to let her escape without atoning for her crimes.
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thats probably the first tsurugi artwork i found to be dogshit
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ITT: Post students who canonically don't have any friends
scam game
i would simply tell my students to respect my rights
>23% chance to hit
Hmmm explode
sena... forgotten...
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Imagine Tsurugi trying and failing miserably at this.
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Stop laughing, getting raped in Kivotos is a serious problem.
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Your words have no power here.
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Would you come?
...did they really need to add an erect nipple?
Ichika? More like Echhika
Reisa is a superstar.
>tranny state
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that's just Key
>roughly 30% chance to hit
Junny cheated
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Jumby deflation
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hello i quit ba during jp event where they introduced shuro, but then i noticed they dropped peak anime and new volume with shupogaki, what happened, is it peak, no eos soon??
leisa would not do this
not a burger
Not a loser.
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she had bad influences
>dropped peak anime
it really wasn't
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Not yet anyway.
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eos is imminent
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just swim there
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It keeps happening.
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But Hina has Ako.
Well damn, now I want domme Tsurugi to peg me and split me in half...
I can't stop thinking about child pussy
Reisa likes sonic tho
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Nice try, fartzusa. If anyone is not getting sensex, it's going to be you.
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What's wrong with Sonic aside from the obvious shitty games?
I don't want to be near LA.
she would not knock me over or think these things
Is she really blind?
Silence weakling.
Yume balls
Do you play the game?
Hmmm double explode
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what? what's up with all these sensei being raped?
no way i'm being raped by my students
You think I'd willingly go to LA during the fucking summer no less? Its already bad enough living in this shithole state.
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I love JK!
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Plapna hour
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My life...is a hard one...
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I'm sending a student to your location right now.
she will find me too hideous to do anything anyway
wtf man
go keep your student
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Wrong, too many students call you cute.
>he doesn't like sensei respecters in the first place
You chose to hang out with those student THEN complain about getting assaulted?
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You are selling yourself short! If this man can be raped very night, so can you!
Never not giving up!
Nagisa did nothing wrong.
Nagusa did everything wrong.
once a cheater, always a cheater
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>Tonight. You.
I love Shuro
P68 manga vol 3 now on sale
Also limited time acrylic stands up on the yostar store. Ordered summer fubuki and bunny neru
Captcha HAG0J
well, i don't blame you
can't resist pryoxene
Where is your chisex?
what is in the atwork that is so bad?
Nagosa did everything right
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Meanwhile on Asia.
Don't tell the EUbros but Insane clears start at #5202.
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Aris SEX
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I want to see Mutsuki interacting with Hina
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Wouldn't she just arrest her?
I really hope she stops being so annoying in future content
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Why yes, I am a fan of poor genital hygiene. How did you know?
I'm surprised no one has tried to shill ZZZ here yet since mihomofags like to do it
Ayame wouldn't be as annoying in future content
Where Aris stands in the family exactly?
Its their cousin, their mom, aunt? their ancestor?
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Would they call me papa?
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Making Aris my daughter, but marrying entire Kivotos, but her.
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Kayoko's bond gear should give her guaranteed procs
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i want key to call me papa as i fuck her silly

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