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Previous: >>484607859
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How do we recover from this?
"science" is gay and sci fi is gay space isn't fucking real and you are all gentile slaves
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>your reward for clearing the final area?
>everything turns into nierslop grey and dead
Hello lovelies on Aether Data Center!
We will be queuing for Casual Crystalline Conflict at 3:30 Eorzea Time!
I like how they just threw Estinien, Yshtola and Alphi in through the back way or something cause they forgot to add enough NPC's to trust the Zoraal fight. Also the theme in this room sounds like "We have Mick Gordon at home." Now to see how long this queue is at 4:30am.
Did you show fealty to your liege?
they kinda beat it over your head that you have to let go of the past
I'll tell you once I recover from Living Memory.
I fear it's terminal.
My femhroth looks and acts like this
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Is it normal people from here to ask to eb you when they know nothing about you and only want to eb you because your character is cute? I've had like three xivggers ask to eb me when they don't even know me.
My femlala looks like this and says this...
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can i get a mod that autovoids any males?
Do you think the writers and Yoshida were completely confident that Wuk Lamat would be a breakout hit and become a Final Fantasy icon or something?
Do you think if they release another crossover game like Dissida Wuk Lamat will be a character?
Yeah and it usually works out as well as you would expect.
But I had no image
You owe me smooches
I refuse 2 let it die
BEWARE poisonous gatto!!!
I have been asked many a time and no one here even knows my name
>Your reward?
>No reward.
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>Uhmm sweaty the POINT is that it's supposed to be grey, dead and miserable :)
I think it's a weird awkward xivg way of saying "I am interested in getting to know you." Someone I MARRY ME posted at in the thread a few years ago is one of my best bros now.
shit looks like a defunctland video is needed
man you get really boring when there's game shit to do
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Still 91, doing fuck all. Should I just skip the whole MSQ?
Damn bro they never said they liked it
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Why would you do that?
You should post marry me to my femlala and get to know me.
my retarded racist commie wife
post your femlala and I will consider it
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Probably the only way I could do stuff here without crying.
There'll probably be a way to restore it later, I wager.
But, then again, they did do the unique weather effect in the first and later got rid of it for normal cycles, so, probably not.
have you tried just being a person people want to get to know?
Duskwightbros, how are we looking after the graphics update?
Best on the post credits cutscene she's gonna return and the zone will probably be restored. It had too much effort put into it to be lost forever
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So why does he leave his shoes hanging there in such a way that rainwater could fall in and pool inside at any moment?
>love seeing beautiful things decay because there is beauty in the passing of time
>Living Memory still is beautiful in a somber way now
I'm happy.
It's like a /pol/ chatbot preprogrammed with shit they believe ironically showed up
It's a reflection of your life so it's very fitting
based and japanese pilled
You're right, I was thinking about the leadup to the Seat of Sacrifice when it gets weaponized, but the reveal itself is much earlier, sorry!
Eh well you're right and I don't feel like being an asshole anymore
What happens is that the Echo is a leftover of the innate soul powers of the Ancients, and it can manifest in response to a traumatic event, the most common way is to witness a shower of falling stars because our souls are still scarred by the intense fear of the Final Days, when the whole sky was riddled with them
So witnessing a starshower makes us relive soul trauma and awakens an innate power of the souls which can manifest a bit differently for everyone; it's not clear which event would have awakened it in (You), or Krile
We used to think it was a blessing from Hydaelyn because the first thing a soul awakened to the Echo hears is her "Hear... Feel... Think..." message, but in reality she was just broadcasting that constantly and newly awakened Echo souls gained the ability to hear it
Personally I think it's all very fucking stupid
have you tried just being an AMERICAN?
Yeah. It works.

they're backups for if his shoes ever wear out while he's out researching.
I only know this because of Death Stranding.
Also Erenville's a retard for not carrying two pairs.
all it takes is a sad song with a clarinet (zone 6) to make me cry nowadays
Living Memory is not beautiful
It is ghastly
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King Chud has spoken, the left will be forced to defend Wuk Lmao now.
he has me there to drink it out before he puts it on
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this is my femlala in dawntrail
the females won hard
I have never seen a male Duskwight
This is the one single good piece of storytelling this shit expansion has and retards hate it because it's not muh theme park.
If Gulool Ja Ja was such a great guy, why did he raise his son to feel inadequate and unworthy of being alive, and then turn a blind eye when his son was obviously having a break down and about to go sicko mode?
DT is fundamentally a story about the consequences of poor parenting.
Femlalas lost super hard...
Shut up Kyoppi
i can't say i like fwalalas anymore
I dont mind not being the main character. Thats pretty much how it is for every xpac.
They just chose to give so much focus to an unlikable character.
Built to be involved in a comedic love story where the tranny falls in love with a malera tranny chaser played by jim carrey
>disconnected parts of the network still exist in Living Memory's system
That's neat.
Do not ask questions
Just eat the sloptrail mix
yet you have not come to claim them
what would you prefer I do
lgbt and furries or people who LOVE failgirls (neets?) already support her and they make the majoirty of the left.
I don't think I'd have a problem with wuk lamat as a character and focus of this expansion if she'd been part of the scions or our companions at least through endwalker and shadowbringers.
The problem is that she's newly introduced and forced on you to a ridiculous degree. Her alone is making me walk back my criticisms of storm blood.
French dub by the way so it's not the voice that I dislike.
That's about what I thought it was but put into words much better than I could've. Thank you for the clear and succinct explanation, anon. I've been away from the game for a couple years and I genuinely appreciate the refresher.
don't forget to /stretch before going out on your nighttime adventures
Once they add it to NG+ you can just start a previous chapter and the entire thing will be restored.
well, it's confirmed going to be a success now, because things always go the opposite of how this tard wants
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EB me, Val
i am
intentionally crashing materia markets
by selling at a loss
because in no world is paying 20000 for one meld reasonable
I dunno why does he have a heavy accent when his mom sounds like a black american?
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>felt like a hero
I feel like I'm letting the little people have a turn and can fuck them up whenever I feel like it
This is kino. And the second version of the theme is kino.
Eeeeeeeh I wanted to be le epic 4chan asshole a bit longer but I'm glad I could be of help instead
Isn't Echo just the power to see others memories? Strange that some people are born with this power while others have to have a PTSD attack to get it.
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Me? I'm doing fine, society is the issue......
Give me a switch to at least turn on the lights then......
Every time with these jrpgs they just "have" to have dead and desolate levels because of their insistence on quasi-buddhist japanese storytelling narratives..............
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Funny, because thats how I feel about wuk whenever xhe exists.
why does the chibi creature need an ass
We've never talked and it'd be weird if I did.
prove it
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late night fantasying on 4th of july
know your strengths
go back to being a gooner instead of this vapid "i am playing the game" slop
hunt trains take too long so everyone is dying to the tons of instakill mechanics there is now. doesn't help they made all the A ranks spawn across the map from all the TPs. it makes farlemald look small
can someone spoonfeed me the new cc series rewards
>fourchanman was a bad parent and his kids went to hangnout with a hobo
>midgardsormr was a bad parent and half his kids died
>Varis was a bad parent which turned Zenos into a psycho
>Vauthry's parents turned their son into a Discord moderator
>Venat's "master plan"
Holy shit you're right.
Except when you stood there like a dumb little bitch and let GJJ get merked. The WoL absolutely shouldn't have even been there.
My male Duskwight looks better than the female.
what top is this?
Why can't he do both?
Another round of Aether Casual Crystalline Conflict at 7:15 Eorzea Time!
No, no, no. Thanc you!
new blacksmith scrip gear
trans binder, val is boymode
They might have to cancel preproduction on an unannounced Wuk Lamat standalone game trilogy, if they had one.
We are so back.
he's not
his posts are just the same sad looking gray haired catgirl blogposting about some mundane game activity
He kept acting like he was hot shit, had it coming.
Why is Garlemald all that Alphinaud and Alisaie talk about these days?
Don't worry, I'll endeavor to ruin us again.
But my hair clips into my arms when I /stretch and it isn't night time
isn't val biofem?
the WoL is a Chad and understands that the old man would want him to let him go out with honor in the 1v1
>take too long
It's only because it's the start of the expansion give it a year from now and it'll be way faster since ilvl will be higher
yeah i sucked her dick
Did an AI generate his tweet. "I really love how you felt like the hero" I think he's bullshitting. I feel like if you had 340+ hours in FFXIV, and you were making a critique you would have more to say than "I really love how you felt like the hero." Like uh. That's rather non-specific, and maybe a huge understatement? Where exactly is he in the game after 340 hours? How do you play the game for 340 hours, say you enjoy the MSQ but apparently not be up to date? It seems weird doesn't it?
They're trust fund kiddies with a saviour complex
Plugins? And no, beta doesn't count.
You can turn it back on with NG+ but I still would prefer a more easier option too
No one here is a biofem except Roast Beefers Okada
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cry and seethe you pozpig troon
because i am sick of seeing ugly males
He doesn't play the game, he's just grifting
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I thought Wuk Lamat's voice acting was bad, but then I heard the voice actor is trans and now she's the best actor in the whole game!
how was it?
What the fuck does this bitch mean, Wuk Lamat won't shut the fuck up.
don't forget that one catgirl who's schizo for miera
Low Res lizer
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huge asf
true, a lot of these mechanics are still gonna one shot though.. you got to the queen bug one late? sorry she just instakilled sniped you lmao
Does anyone have that pic of Nanamo and her impersonator/decoy telling that WoL that they have to guess which one is the real Nanamo or they'll never fuck them again?
Now that the dust has been settled, are you happy with the graphic changes?
>huge asf
odds we get tuliyollal housing?
odds we get solution 9 housing?
odds we get lost memory housing?
pet pet
give me back penumbra first
what if we kissed under the bridge anon..
I haven't done hunt trains yet... I'm still doing MSQ
pees on your face
I want Texas housing
I have been lied to! This was supposed to be a list of zivgee biofems...

White Glint
Mika Zahard
Effy Kibou
We'll Do'it'live'
Char Deikun
Doll Chan
Ophan Lemuria
Iri mira
Ooki Himaa
Ai Kotoba
Lumy Moonlight
Val Morabella
Dhalia Dazkar
Clarinet Foulkes
Ai Yuzuka
Seishun Complex
Lavvy Cebe
I just did the sequence where Solution9 is attacked and I'm wondering why nobody seems to give a shit that Erenville has been missing for like three hours of MSQ. There was just a big attack, is nobody worried about him? I thought he was Wuk Lamat's friend?
>looking through old pics
good times....
>Krile gets her one big moment in the MSQ
>Nope, hand it over to the fucking child Krile and go back to be a noncharacter
I fucking hate this MSQ
I'm standing at the circle arena in Shaaloani because I flew over to it and there are a lot of people here, but I don't know if the thing is going to spawn soon or if everyone's just idling...
You accidentally slipped 3 femoids into that
post her!
i think if you don't have a combat retainer this expac you're fucked
Tikaasi isn't a irl viera girl?
>muh ancients again
It's all so tiresome.
Even people who are "born" with it or whose reasons for having it are unclear can be handwaved as having it awakened by a traumatic event instead very early in their life, can you confidently say you saw or never saw a falling star when you were two months old?
Idk... I told you, I think it's fucking dumb
My male character doesn't look like this but does act like this
3? where?
Finally back to the game, do I drink the frothy coffee?
Happy 4th of july,
Remember to come home with all your fingers, may your fireworks boxes be empty today.

Also... highlanders..
i eated a moony
>my combat retainer is ast
>I don't want to level up ast
I should have rerolled to tank or something during the EW content draught
Iri, Ooki, Ai
Was really hoping for gay porn
One thing that makes me laugh is the dataminers predicted Wuk Lamat would be with us the entire MSQ and everyone was shitposting about how awful DT would be because of this, and we did end up with a good story ruined by Wuk lamat being forced into every step of it. Very solid prediction.
this but gays and furries.
fujo shoo shoo
Yuri sex with this highlander mommy with the mods off
big doubt
what does athavars toolbox do
they overlap.
Imperator has a pretty cool animation.
Effy might not be a woman but i will treat him like one.
I feel sympathy for you. You, just there now, gay pornless. Fucked up.
my moonster is a fraudster
Just look at the handsome ones then.
that's me irl except im not a nigger
that's also my femlala except she's not a nigger either
my femra needs to be milked..
So why did (You) create an interdimensional traveling key and how come this was never brought up before?
I'm not sure it matters for quick ventures, which is all I'm having my SCH retainer do
At least my guy will level to 100 since I plan on leveling SMN
I'm going on ahead!
give me 10 min with each and I'll make them feel like women
show her cock
dunno boob nigga that's kind of the question the ending cutscene is raising with the implication that it'll be relevant in the patch quests
any answer you may gather is pure speculation
Sis I don't think I have the strength to remain as a highlander anymore...
I'm just glad that I don't have to be in melee range for it anymore.
it really is just Stormblood again but instead of developing side character and the villains Lyse took all the screentime
extra macro commands like /read /wait12 /repeat to loop /read emote or you can use it to change glamourer sets and penumbra profiles
That means you have to be nice to me. Sorry buddy
how? do tell...
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I've had the Alexandria / Interphos music stuck in my head for hours.

Who said i wouldn't be my sweet?
>how come this was never brought up before?
Why would it be brought up? It's been trapped in another shard for centuries if not millennia and in the treasure vault of a king on another continent for the past twenty years. We have no reason to find out about it, unless you think that Emet-Selch should have just dumped a pile of spoilers on our lap when he bit the dust.
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Is there a reason you can't dye these?
I am a femlala
who is going to unlock flying in the DT zones
and see if an EX1 party shows up before she goes to bed
while watching SGDQ
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Hunts die too fast for the start of an expansion
get better
w/e pedo
Can you start the niceness by gathering me a bunch of shit? My feeble hands break and turn to dust if I have to mine or harvest for longer than a couple minutes
i would dye you if you know what i mean
A Trail Unending, if you have orchestrion
Watcha need, fifi?
small indie company, please understand
Highlanders just got GIGA buffed ..
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I dunno, I'm getting some weird phasing with plants that I'm not sure is a bug or just some setting set incorrectly.
>Can you start the niceness by gathering me a bunch of shit?
That means you have to be nice to me.
some of you niggas flirt like the game and watch guy
I'm not on your server sorry himcess
>be the childhood friend of a cute girl in a JRPG
>aka a free pass to breed
>get cucked by her brother
Being Erenville is suffering
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I get full credit they still die too fast
I like being red thank you.
Yet the re-used troian sets can be dyed.. i'm a bit annoyed.
I need a breeding partner for my miera!
I didn't mind Lyse. At the end of Stormblood she laments that some people didn't leave to see the freedom they'd won.
Wuk Lamat never mentioned the 50+ dead in the Tuliyollal attack ever again, just her father.
I've got my way with words and hands
yeah its a LOD issue they need to fix
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>revisit doesn't proc
English malera here, i voted for nigel.
Who else throws games when they get someone they hate on their team?
tell me what you'll do, anon....or just do it
The expert dungeons were really good. Like actually engaging.
ai kotoba literally rages on here and says "i am a grown man with cock and balls" when he gets called out for gooning
There is development for side characters and the villains though, it's just that Wuk Lamat is always on the screen at the same time.
>Bakool Ja Ja
>Zarool Ja
They're all explored and developed to some degree, it's just that we've got to deal with Wuk Lamat being there to add some silly genki girl commentary at the same time. Just like we had to deal with Lyse going "I will learn from this" throughout Stormblood only to never learn from anything.
Chudbrosisters I've been a male cat aaaaaaaaall my life but I'm tired, I'm tired of looking like an earless freak whenever I wear a hat
Do I turn into a male (normal), a male(ra) or a male(lf)
Not sure what to pick here
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it's just that easy
Middielanders have the most similar energy to a catboy. Au ra or elf would be too tall and brooding for you I think.
>revisit procs
>still had half gp
Did you make that post so you could respond to it with this image? Cringe.
I am.. a Cloudtest01 femlala...
Failed psychological operation
I was just creeping your lodestone.
>100 viper
conga rats.
Lyse didn't even have that much screentime in stormblood, I have no idea where people get that from
She was a very relevant story character sure but she wasn't EVERYWHERE talking all the time, you just followed her around for a good bit because she... y'know, is a native
90% of the ala migho bits were working with the nation-states and the resistance, not just her
It's fucking over
I'm usually nice I think. I've got you
A little bit of every basic material, I only just started crafting a bit ago
god, I miss Cloudtest01
DQ rerun when? I want the slime hat.
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I'm a bigger fan of falcon myself, but that still gave me a small kek.
Failed male
no I meant do you have LOD on, because I just went and checked that spot and didn't have that happen
Try again next thread
I've actually begun blacklisting people who have stupid glams.
I learned that dragoons breaking their fall using their spears is a real thing shepards do with their cane
Any dark skinned character (alien skin could work) that wants to get fucked by my slightly tanned s+?
>tfw so boring and invisible that i don't get schizo replies no matter how much i post my toon
Ai Yuzuka, not Kotoba
same sis ;-;
I miss pit wife
Thanks dad. I would have 100 WAR too but I stopped doing side quests so I could finish the MSQ.
Okay just message me what you need specifically
I main Pichu.
Ah, that seems to have been it. I had noticed
the LOD checkboxes below there that were only for shadows, and somehow overlooked main LOD option above was still turned on. Though I still remain amused by that close a range being considered "distant".
didnt even see there were two Ai's on there
I finally finished MSQ.
It was much better than I thought it would be :)
post c@
Or what?
>Machinist AF and Tomestone weapons both look really good
Please please please I beg you Yoshi make the Relic look good too.
I don't mind her either, I kinda like her even if she is kinda bland, but at least Stormblood had a great supporting cast and villains, Dawntrail does not because none get the time dedicated to them to be great, the closest is Bajook Ja Ja, meanwhile Zarool Ja is horrendously underdeveloped and Dawntrail never once gets a character as great as Gosetsu, because again, so much screentime is eaten by Wuk and you never once get a single break from her.
>They're all explored and developed to some degree,
yes but not nearly enough, especially compared to previous expansions, and Krile is frankly the most done dirty character I've seen in this game, her role could've been fullfilled by some old artifact they had lying around
>Lyse didn't even have that much screentime in stormblood, I have no idea where people get that from
it's because she is the protagonist of Stormblood so she does get a lot of important cutscenes and a bit more screentime than other, but yes like you said Stormblood was wise enough to also let us take a breather from her and let us just get to know other characters, again Gosetsu's scenes were done amazingly because they got to breath with just him and WoL.
only if she's got a horse dong. femezen btw
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Wuk Lamat will be remembered negatively forever like Lyse is.
you should've queued 2 hours ago it was popping
Revival said not to queue MSQ.
Anon there are no mods available anyways aside from shaders at the moment
>Still can't get rid of the sci-fi lunch box
>Cowboy guns look odd because it
So with the Endless dead are the Alexandrians able to just recycle the souls they already have?
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I can't play viper for the simple fact that the weapon drawn sprint animation is the most horrendously retarded fucking thing I have ever seen, it's fucking embarrassing. Like a ninja with down syndrome.
no because Wuk will be liked because her VA is trans
Wuk will be remembered fondly like Lyse, both whom I wish to plap right in their smelly pussies.
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Would you ride this chocobo?
gunbreaker's is worse
I am
a femra
that undercooked a piece of chicken and I think I just ate a pink part...
do I do anything or do I hope that my stomach makes it out okay
>no one posting their characters
the fuck do i goon to now
her JP VA is not trans though
Neat I guess.
my favourite twitter gposer
If your chicken had salmonella you're fucked. If it didn't, you're fine. It's a dice roll
Yeah, I'd fuck the shit out of it.
nobody has ever gotten sick from slightly undercooked chicken it's just a thing they have to put on the packaging like how most eggs are pasteurized and 100% safe but you're still not "supposed" to eat them raw
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It's crazy how lyse it's even remembered as being a scion
But she is. She's been a Scion before WoL does.
*My comically large hand wraps around you, with one gentle squeeze your insides fly out of your asshole* fini
>Thanks dad. I would have 100 WAR too but I stopped doing side quests so I could finish the MSQ.
Hope you liked, I fucking loved it.
Why is frontline giving so much fucking xp?
you think the eng side of the playerbase that likes Wuk gives a fuck about the JP voices?
Well yeah, they character assassinated Yda with Lyse.
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>modbeasting disabled until plogons update
>avatarposting stops
Romantic sex with Effy
Good. Maybe the slant eyed zipperheads will finally learn that obnoxious genki XD retards screeching about peace and happiness aren't good characters.
Bro he's categorized as a Scion on her TT card.
??? Why do you think the world revolves around English players? The trajectory of XIV is entirely based on how the JP players feel.
Black ravaboys? Built for white maliddies. It's our responsibility as civilized men.
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>Dear Customer,

>We are writing to inform you that on 4 July 2024 we have closed the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail because you breached the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement.

>Prohibited Activities in Final Fantasy XIV

Enjoy Dawntrail I guess guys. I'm outta here, enjoy finding out I was never your schizo or whatever.
i miss my fluffy modbeast hair, tails
they really are nothing without their addons, huh
how much time do I have...
based, I will shit the salmonella out...
the whole conversation is specifically about Wuk's eng va
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I'm not sure if this is a good msq glam or not.
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>not liking the gunbreaker sprint that looks like it's about to lightning shot something
You what
Get off this job.
>pay you to dom me
>report you for harassment
you the person who gets cucked a lot?
You'll find out in a day
>4chan filename
funny but fake
see ya
chat is this real?
>how much time do I have...
not long sis
better go suck that guys dick you have been crushing on
More than the average person, sure
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be honest what would you do in this situation
impressive feat of retardation, congratulations
How shitty do you have to be to actually get perma'd in this game?
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the game just came out, we are playing, and I got shit to level.
Oh that noise you're hearing? It's just my laughter. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
DB got Kong banned??????????????
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Now fall.
this but then blackmailing them to bully me
who were you
good riddance
how much of an unhinged sperg are you that you actually managed this
idk i haven't even spoken to anyone in dawntrail other than saying "i hate wuk lamat" in shout chat
happy for you :)
totally real email btw
>people actually falling for this obvious bait by k*ng
It goes something like this:
The Endless system requires living aether in the form of souls in order to be maintained.
Alexandria also requires souls for soul cells, which are used to save Alexandrians from untimely deaths unrelated to illness, and for power-ups in the heat of combat.
Whenever anyone well and truly dies, their memory is saved by their regulator and uploaded to the Endless system where they become Endless.
Meanwhile, their soul ends up as fuel for the Endless system, or for the soul cell system of Alexandria.
Simultaneously, any memory of that person is edited out of the minds of everyone still alive by their regulators, because mourning the dead makes people feel sad and Sphene wants everyone to live their best life.

It's a hideously inefficient system but that's because Sphene is a sweetheart who wants to do the best thing for absolutely everyone under her rule.
Why would King Pin bait people?
xivg is more fun when we play pretend too
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Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino.
>implying I'm not falling for bait on purpose while waiting for DPS queues
It looks fine on lala but it looks horrid on everyone else, it's trying to do the dumb FF8 intro thing but instead of leading into a strike you're just sprinting. it's somehow the chuuni tryhard-iest animations even compared to shit like DRK. Would've been a better job if they'd made any attempt to make it something other than The Squall Job
How soon until Expert/Normal dungeon nerfs I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
Wuk Lamat was a badly written character with poor EN voicework btw.
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The mods are gone, so they can't post their characters because they look awful without their second life mods.a
whens the first meet up. so I can see whos black listed alts belong to who
>was hoping graphics update would make facial hair look like it has more volume especially on catboys
>majority of it still looks painted on
>just like the last zone, /xivg/ is fake too
bravo yoshida
where do i buy the cyberslop bike at? I need to get my mogsmountscheevos
I liked wuk lamat
she felt like a better version of lyse and I enjoyed her more than I thought I would just because she had flaws and worked on them
it feels like every scion has just been the exact same for 3 expansions straight
apex funny if real

if he was seething about a 20 day yesterday then he might actually be banned
Miera husband... for my femra... p-please...
I can be your Cloudtest01 femlala tonight if you wanted...
Ninjas of /xivg/
how do you feel about hyoton?
that character looks like a kid, anon...
It was me. See you at the party richter.
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>yawntrail finished and hated it
>eldenslop finished and hated it
What the h*ck do I do now..........
It's the reason I play it, because it IS the Squall job
but yeah I can imagine that if it's on a taller race and the sword doesn't drag, it doesn't give the same vibe.

It's entirely based on the Squall Seifer duel from the opening cutscene, from what I can tell

I also like the job because before I learned about xivalex/noclippy, trying to get the no mercy window perfect on OCE > NA ping was a goal of mine
So, what did you do to get zapped?
>Endwalker General
bend over
Careful buddy. I got chompers and I'm not afraid to use em
good morning mokari mosu
She didn't have any meaningful flaws and didn't ever really need to work on them. Lyse's idealism got worked on more than Wuk Lamat's... what, bad personality?
Just finished PLOWING Gar Galon

Unsure why Eiki Shiki is unable to satisfy her
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Based the only people(they barely deserve to even be called people) who think outer space is real are cocksucking nigger lovers.
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i think it's supposed to be a reference to ff8 when squall gives seifer his scar
She, like middies, aren't even real anon...
>perma for harassment
do they really perma ban without a warning? wtf
i'm very sleepy, sorry
Solution 9
>without warning
nigga already had prior infractions on his account
The ice wall is real, we live in a dome
So you are a bit spicy then? I dont mind the pain caused by bitting. In fact, depending on where it's done, it's good even
What is your favorite new dungeon?
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[22:21]You earn the achievement “Happy Trails”!
now I wait 3 hours to get the last 2 ARR logs I need and I am done with sightseeing log for 2-3 years
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Seraph okay?
I'd suggest rereading the Terms Of Service yousigned for your answer, anon, but the short of it is: they can terminate your license at any time, with or without warning, for any or no reason
Go fuck a dog like I told you to yesterday.
Do you like native-coded ravas?
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Maybe realize the animation is based on how Mamool Ja run.
penumbra update fucking when?
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How long does it take until the "strikes" from your accounts are gone?
I've been banned a few times for a week or so, but I think that eventually the old strikes disappear with time?
Very based Shoro
Give a cool looking example of dual wield swordsman running with both swords unsheathed and in hand. You can't.
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Its funny how enraged they get when you dismiss their demonic religion
Kill yourself. Meteion was right you know.
I don't know but I'm starting to go through withdrawals with no anamenemsis or ktisis
Yeah I replied with that as well
God I fucking adore that opening, I also used plugins to change boss music during prog to Force Your Way because it's a banger of a version
like a year per strike
Friday is when they hope
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I LOVE ffxiv, even if this expansion is mid!
Wuk is overall fine, she gets much better in the second half, issue is she in pratically every cutscene in the first half and say the same things over and over again making it really fucking tedious
I wouldn't call her a better Lyse because Wuk kinda barely evolves for most of the game, meanwhile Lyse at least learns from the people around her.
Both are ultimately not the best character but forced to take the main character role
sorry buddy, posing tools are still down so its kind of awkward to take new pics.
I had my first warning for language a couple of years ago
Got a 7 day earlier this year instead of another warning
Then a 20 day
too big
Just go hang out with your boyfriend instead LMAO OH WAIT
You're not supposed to be down for bites. The fangs are supposed to scare you off....... But probably hands or the neck, flip a coin
Yup, so think before you criticize Wuk Lamat. The player base is about to get a lot smaller...
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Can you die.........?
It's so hard being a god gamer these days............
Or nothing retard it's your thread vendetta
chat is this real?
Pedophile tranny
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>Moderators won't do shit!
the number often thrown about in the xiv community is 7 years since a strike was given
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You WILL like my self-insert!
You WILL listen to her shitty EN VA!
You WILL spend most of your time listening to her!
What chest
>Akemi is basically a drug addict
I can fix you

Y-yeah... that sounds nice...
>without warning, for any or no reason
i really that companies can do this
its total bullshit
Yeah I can respect enjoying the gameplay, I just hate that it's the one job that's based on one singular character from one game with zero alterations or creativity, even viper is only superficially similar to zidane and does its own thing.
>on a taller race and the sword doesn't drag
this is exactly the thing that bothers me most, anyone taller than a lala leans down really REALLY awkwardly in a way that looks fucking horrible and it ruins it for me.
Yotsuyu sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
So you got a 7 day ban and then closely within that time a 20 day ban?
Seems normal
My culture involves all potential mates being subjected to three days and three nights of getting mating pressed, are you still sure?
At least getting my alts thru DT MSQ will be easy since there's so many scenes that I won't give a second thought about skipping.
Iirc it’s several years per strike.
you watch cutscenes at all?
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>puts a leash on your collar
good girl
It sure get muddled when them banning you in fact prohibits you from using software you purchased from them... But that's the way of things with online services
Bottom of the line is, you are not purchasing anything permanent, you own nothing, your character is SE's property and they cna take it away from you. And we all signed on this, so behave
>your f+ uber dom rava EB the second you go offline
3 for it to start dissolving, 7 for it to be fully gone
More dango, now.
any non-white skinned characters want to get plapped by my white male midlander?
What tank should I level to 100 first, they’re all at 90 right now.
Fourchanalt wasn't even a bad parent, it's obvious that he offered his children the best education and upbringing possible, that he loved them with all his heart and that he made time for them even with an incredibly busy job. The reason the twins fucked off to go hang out with the Hobo of Light/Azure Hobo/Crystal Hobo/Master Hoboya/etc was influence of grandpa, and even then though 4chanault didn't approve and was worried for them he still allowed it.

And I don't know enough about how dragon parenting goes to know if Midgardsomr was that bad of a parent, I mean, only one that seems to have come out wrong is Nidhogg...
hot, share more
Will Yoshida cry on stream and apologize for Wuk Lamat?
>Yup, so think before you criticize Wuk Lamat
I honestly never talk about my issues with this game in-game. Because I just know some fucking psycho cultist is going to intentionally misunderstand what Im saying and report me over some shit they made up in their head.
What were you even saying to get gotted like that?
I think I know that twitteroid ra!
I need to get plapped by a femra+
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Does this actually get new people to play the game
So ragebaiting and shitposting aside, what's actually wrong with Wuk Lamat? She seemed a little childish/naive in the story and the voice seems a little off, but why do people hate her?
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Kill yourselves niggers this isn’t funny.
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Erenville you can start calling me Daddy because I'm gonna fuck your mom.
I have party->show none enabled but I can still see my summoner's fuckhuge titan covering up the boss' tells what the HECK
this but opposite please
its a bug
Ah yeah I was right, @ is FatalSteppy, they might be an unironical Light player
Doubt they are a xivggers
If it's what I have to do for love... yes, I am sure. Femra are surprisingly durable, I can take that.
then why are we laughing
First one was telling DB to fuck off

Second one came like 1.5 months later and I genuinely do not know what that one was for

Yeah I getcha. I really wish we got more of the limit break animations somehow integrated into the kit, but I still enjoy it. I don't think I could play it on a medium race, but maybe something like MaleRa where all the other animations except the sprint would look fantastic, kind of like the Troll frontflip in WoW when using a 2h on warrior, playing for animations is SOUL
I said banworthy stuff in a 24 man alliance chat after some guy complained that I was taking aggro from him when he wanted to tank the boss, but no one had the balls to report me. Also called a guy a faggot in leveling roulette once and didn't get reported.
/petsize all small
if you havent done that already, anyway
Do you like femlalas?
If I were Sphene I would've just deleted all of the Lalafell from the database to reduce the energy load.
No, it's just neat. Sometimes. The Cyberpunk 2077 drink was good.
Don't come to someone's meetup and disturb the peace then, cunt
I didn't like her because she relearned the same lesson like 5 times
I don't really care about the character as much as I think the scenario is half baked and pretty dumb to be sending her into. The final parts seem taped together as well. Enjoy the trials and dungeons though.
How is there no Solar Bahamut porn?
same sis
i am not them, just found their twitter
you didnt have an army of 4chan trannies hunting you
I saw that one, I think he made the johnny silverhand drink
>beat story
>too late to join fresh EX
>have to start the worst part of FFXIV (gathering and crafting)
Funs over already...
What race and job should I play to get colonized by a white male midlander?
>what's actually wrong with Wuk Lamat?
theres genuinely too much of her in the MSQ which means basically no other character gets room to grow or have moments, ontop of this Wuk doesn't actually change all that much beyond "wow I should respect all the cultures in Tural, which I already did, but now I do it better" which makes the first half of the MSQ feel really slow and boring if not downright annoying how no cutscene is allowed to happen unless she is in it, it's basically Poochie.
>unlock zanshin
>use ikkishoten to gain 50gauge
>use zanshin to spend 50gauge, that you just gained from ikishoten
why have 2 buttons just to deal damage once
He's preparing a damage control script as we speak.
... how is it too late to start a fresh EX?
You can stop posting now
where's that anon who was showing his femboy cock? I want more
>too late to join fresh EX
How so?
brown miqote dancer
Too bad you could never be Sphene
Fat Cat Fact #216

Fat Cats are consulted in the creation of the fishing log as they know exactly how many different kinds of fish are in each location
>Don't come to someone's meetup and disturb the peace then, cunt

what happened to tetra "melty once a week" yato
>You're not supposed to be down for bites.
I always liked the mix of pain and pleasure
hnngg. Ears too?
Little Erenville has two fathers now.
I'm going to be starting it fresh after freedom day here
Is there a way to see your penalty points?
not gonna lie, I kinda see the appeal of armpits now
Check out @onsenny and @kyo_filet
Last one is an eclusively f- goonra
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I want to do cybercrimes with my hacker wife in DT patches! I love her so much!
i plapped erenvilles mom so hard she died
So for the teapot boss what's the tell for the rotating cup mechanic? I lose track easily.
I've been playing since 2014 and haven't gotten any warnings yet.
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We apologise for Wuk Lamat being such a shit character. In 8.0 Wuk Lamat will be benched like Lyse was. Please continue to subscribe to Final Fantasy XIV
gotcha if you need help and on aether lemme know im doing cleanup -> clear today on EX1

unfortunately not you can just take a guess but it's not reliable
I like watching that channel when its late and im stuck awake and bored. I dont even drink and its a fun little show he does. I like the ones with him making the super old drinks.

They just overused her. We could've used another zone where she was off doing whatever. It also seems kinda unfair to Koana that he just gets shoved into the closet the moment he also gets coronated.
I don't hate her, I just think we got way more of her than was necessary. Many other characters are much better written than her, like Ysayle, but don't get nearly as much emphasis in their stories. I wanted to see more Krile, more Erenville.
One of the big draws of Dawntrail was a new adventure with a new cast. But we didn't really get a new cast, we got this same character through the entire thing and I just got tired of her. Koana goes through pretty much the same arc as her but is just better in every way (writing, voice, etc) but is written out of the story halfway through. Why?
>Femra are surprisingly durable
We shall put that to the test then...
Simply lock your eyes with a single cup and follow it, first one's a single cup, second one is two cups next to eachother and the last one is two opposite cups. In all of these you still only have to follow one.
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First he got wrongfully banned from appalcord for voicing his refusal to associate with a known pedophile in game, far detached from the discord
Now he's permabanned because the GMs believe liars who will cry wolf over the most minor inconvenience
How much longer are we gonna let this stand?
bros is the story any good?
hoping someone else knows where to go
Sniffing smelly catgirl feet.
In all seriousness I'm sorry that you got permabanned but you must have realized you shouldn't be a dick to people in a game known for strongly enforcing bad word and bad vibes rules and enabling fragile snowflakes right?
>He thinks they won't double down and give her more focus because the only people that dislike her are a very loud minority
they repost some good shit at least

Female hrothgar bard.
Everyone watched guides by now, especially with the bug cheese. I'll make a PF saying it's blind later today but it's too early to try that currently.
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>helping clean up some gravestones for an aether current
I...kind of like it
There's no points, usually they progress from warning - 3 days - 20 days - perma (maybe I forgot if they also do 7 days bans) but they can review your cases, skip some, and do whatever they want; and they will never tell you a strike against you has been forgiven because the goal is to keep you on your best behavior at all times
Which I agree with, you should not have a "can shout nigger in Limsa" cooldown, just don't say that shit
no, but Sphene is the most breedable character in the game
just made 5 mil in 10 minutes
i feel kinda bad
I'm doing 96 quests in Shaaloani. My god this is some excruciating pacing, does it ever pick up any steam? I'm almost dropping this shit entirely and skipping
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This makes me laugh everytime its posted.
how does it compare?

Is it shit like stormblood or better than shadowbringers?

and is emet slech back?
>especially with the bug cheese
it got batched, and you're trying to do it blind? If you're on Aether there's still tons of blind PF's up atelast tonight there was
its a 4/10
Some of the same problems with Lyse are present with Wuk. If you despised Lyse, you may not like Wuk either.
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show hd male lala buttcrack
Actually it's the majority of people who dislike her (hence the Steam "Mixed" reviews) and a loud minority that approves of her.
There are worse ways of spending $1000 of marketing budget. Shit like this mostly targeted at people who stopped playing and don't follow gaming news to make them go "oh cool new expansion is out I should try it out!"
post more
Seriously how are you guys getting warned let alone banned? What kinda stuff are you spamming in shout chat?
I'd toss his salad
>emet MCUfag
never mind you'll hate it
wipe your ass
>Last one is an eclusively f- goonra
holt fdkcing shit thats so fucking sexy
in todays day and age in this fucking game, finding vagina having characters makes me go completely feral yhoily shit
when is based nero showing up again
What would your father say if he saw this post?
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It's unironically impossible to get banned. I said this in the middle of Ul'dah Balmung to people
>group of trannies hates me for rejecting one
well you see...
catgirls don't get smelly feet
>There's no points
I WILL erp with you soon
only saying she's voiced by a tranny is the easy way out, I'm mostly mad about how she outright just betrayed one of the more interesting dynamics between the three sons
>First promise got GJJ's might
>Second promise got his wisdom
>Third promise got his love for peace and his people
Yet she just gets a power up out of nowhere when battling mister sunday morning cartoon villain over there, despite the fact that a few MSQs ago she couldn't even leave a dent in his guard at full strength. Her getting the role felt unearned because she only got culturally enriched through the trip and nothing else yet somehow unlocks a power rivaling First promise. I really liked the whole alpaca catching arc because it showed just how much of a jobber she was and got me invested how the fuck we'd put such a hopeless case on the throne. In the end it was only muh friendship and muh cultural values without a single hint of anything else and I hated it. Most number of lines in this expansion btw
Zoraal is literally me.
Is there a Regulator headgear item?
More consistent than SB or EW, but kinda flat storywise.

11/10 in every aspect that's not story though.
my favorite xiv villain is the blue dude that you fight on top of a tower, seeks power, hurts his son and wants to surpass both his father and sibling
are you going to jerk off now, anon? can I help?
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>Wake up WoL, time for your surfing lesson. Yes we turali love our surfing.
Sure, sure, ears are fine. I permit it
he doesn't read english he is an immigrant
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>can see the log excerpt
How, I can only see this
Nigger tranny samefag
Teach my femlala...
Someone decide for me, I can’t choose between levelling WAR or DRK for this tier. I love both but my smooth brain just wants to focus on one. Which is more fun in the dungeons and trials for DT so far?
Best MSQ dungeon in Dawntrail (answer fast!)
I have almost a foot fetish but I find it disgusting if people worship my sunnie feet, but will go insane in a moonie puts them on my face
am I retarded
The 300 year old immortal queen I met 2 hours ago would NEVER do that!
It was from 2014
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rofl owned
lvl 99 dungeon (I'm not done with the MSQ yet)
>Genuine character development (from insecure and ignorant sheltered princess who overcompensates for her weaknesses to confident and informed leader who accepts her weaknesses)
>Strong core personality (she starts as someone who loves her people and will do anything to protect their peace and prosperity and she stands by those convictions all the way through)
>Voice acting (personally found it tolerable though a little bit samey but some people find it frustrating and some people hate her on principle because the VA is trans and/or not native american)
>Overused (the only time when she isn't featured is during the wild west lull between the two acts, otherwise she's on the screen almost as much as your WoL)
>Dumb gimmick for cheap laughs (the fact that she gets travel sickness wasn't funny the first time and it wasn't funny the fifth time either it was a waste of everyone's time)
eiki shiki stop messaging me about 'tasting your breeding sow'. I don't want to plap gar.
the expert one with the serpent
don't talk about fathers like that, Korkana goons to that shit
How easy is it to do the extremes blind?
There's a few of us but you can find us
Effy's big tits mooncat is exclusively f- that I can see, Appal on his main too, Miau, Big Tonka has at least one f- alt...
Well okay I think the list stops here for xivggers
skydeep cenote is kino
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it'd be funny if they got zir next
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Only nigger here is you
I said MSQ dungeon you fucking retard, delete your post and try again.
Vanguard is cinema.
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>are you going to jerk off now, anon? can I help?
possibly...~ how could you help tho
wtf i love sweaty femras now?
nah I already committed to my answer, blow me and maybe
You'll get slapped all over the place until you learn the mechanics. Its still puggable though.
I stand corrected, sorry anon
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I've only done this dungeon once so far, but circle-strafing to keep track of the relevant cups in peripheral vision seemed to work great. Although too late I realized that simply rotating the camera should work just as well without causing the boss to spin.
Vanguard BTFOing all pictofags was bold, but wonderful
how would you like me to help?
skydeep cenote
Nope and you just made me mad, I'm psychically having your soul sent to the torture dimension. Recommend you apologize and quickly.
Oh, I will pass any test you're giving me...
Any way to mute Wuk Lamat specifically?
>gaol permed
merely socio economic factors.
The 100 ones are all tied for me
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kill yourself
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Nah, this is extremely funny if true, but you're the kind of attention-starved faggot to keep making "oh no i'm banned, guys!" posts for (You)s.
nta but look at this!
>they kinda beat it over your head that you have to let go of the past
Ah, the wow shadowlands playbook. It’s supposed to be miserable!
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would get pumped by
Some of the femlala are exclusively f-, but they're femlala

Follow only one, and anything past the first one is basically they'll be opposite eachother, so gamble the safespot
is this real
She gets stronger as people believe in her and she believes in herself because dynamis. Just before fighting Bakool she took part in defeating Valigarmanda which was a huge ego boost for her, someone whose biggest struggle was seasickness and alpacas. Bakool was also losing his composure because he was getting desperate. I'm not saying it's good writing, but it does make sense. She didn't get the power boost out of nowhere.
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I'm sure one of you dorks will make a plugin for it.
Asking in complete honesty: How can a leveling queue, at any point of the day, on a congested server, be a 30-40 min endeavour during launch week? Not even LFR in WoW during drought season goes that far. Is the code really that bad?
nah unless you can make the snake spawn on Jenova rq
I just skip her dialog in voiced cutscenes and read it in my chat log. In her solo duty I switch to JP.
This shit was infuriating. Sphene takes responsibility for the attack on the capital, reiterates multiple times that she'll kill everyone for the sake of her own people, then also turns into a death god to kill them even better and Wuk Lamat still goes "I need to talk to her."
there's 100 dps to every tank/healer
healers organized a strike
she's cool
>Yet she just gets a power up out of nowhere when battling mister sunday morning cartoon villain over there, despite the fact that a few MSQs ago she couldn't even leave a dent in his guard at full strength.
That's because we get her to believe in herself over the course of the journey with her. She learns that her love for her people is as important and empowering as Koana's intellect and Zarool Ja's strength and considering that dynamis is a thing, a person's emotional drive really is as important and valuable as conventional physical might.
>Criticize Wuk Lamat in Shout chat in any big city
>Chat becomes the most active I've seen in multiple years
Why is that?
so where's my statutory femlala?

hello? where is it? i need it to live and plapp
thanks you
nobody wants to tank or heal because they're boring roles
>Effy's big tits mooncat is exclusively f-
one of my thread crush unironically, the dude is always sweet as fuck
catboy exclusive, probably malera too if hes horny enough

*sigh* I guess I could find some in the wild but I'm quite sure the normies we meet outside are not as degen and horny as I am
>nta but look at this!
pic related
I'm hard af, it's over
right now, my femlala pct is rin tezuka coded
but maybe she should be brooding artsy goth coded instead
thousands of dps and only so many people willing to engage with the dogshit healing system and the people awaiting them inside and the pressure of knowing that if they die to an unknown mechanic they will singlehandedly (likely) tank the run for everyone and maybe have strangers getting upset with them even though this content's literally a week old
if you're having trouble, make a pf here maybe
Post a screenshot or fuck off.
wide kong was never me btw
Just because they made muh power of friendship canon doesn’t mean it’a no longer retarded
It's just a loud minority bro, the immensely polar response to the character isn't real.
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>she didn't get a powerboost out of nowhere
>muh dynamis
>fiddie crush confessed to me
>get a week off to play the game
>kong gets perma'd
DT's looking pretty kino, bros.
How does your femlala wipe if she's deaf?
>have 4 biofem friends
>they all love wuk lamat and the dawntrail story
tranny bull wuk wins again
>can't cosplay pontiff sulyvahn because the swords are the same model
vipers keep losing
What did you do and how did this person confess to you? Like 'I like you very much bro'?
t. EBless cute sunnie that is starting to feel the veil of loneliness swarming my pool
People are legit arguing "Wuk Lamat learned to believe in herself" was some powerful character development arc.
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>Kill EX2
>No slaying acc
Cock ass
>expansion released 2 new DPS
>one is literally Kirito the job
>the other is OP
yeah I wonder why
I wish this game didn't have male characters
Only females and futas
They should rewrite the lore to be like that, it's a very good idea
Yeah, I don't understand it either, but all my biofem friends like her, too. I don't really care about her but they all talk about her like a little sister and how cute she is.
reminds me of that one list of most popular names by gender/race and catboys #1 was kirito
the male characters are the only good ones though
True, but it's foolish to not expect it from that point on
Dynamis was established in 2021 ;), but the point of it is primarily that Wuk is becoming far more confident in herself and not outwardly faking it like you see in 6.58 and the 90-92 quests.
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>i did nothing wrong
She went from jobbing like shit against my boy bakool jaja and literally having her axe broken from a single clash against him to 1v1ing him all in the span of 10 quests, when it was stated that nigga won a tournament before and she's the least martially gifted.
In short, THE HEART
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Gettin there!

>ex1 parties
Fuck off cunts, why are you scared of fun?
the futas should all be black or have horsecocks
male characters male characters male characters


yeah it wasn't out of nowhere it was out of dynamis
getting powerups from your own willpower and from the emotional support of others is an internally consistent part of the setting
she even gets multiple limit breaks which are literally and canonically tied to dynamis as of endwalker
you're allowed to not like it but it wasn't an asspull
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What are you better with, hands,mouth, something else maybe?
>gross out porn
>can't cosplay radahn because scouting doesn't have real armor or a cool helmet
It's so over it never began.
>Kong flames as a joke in party chat
>I report him.
Later bitch, you did nothing to me but I'm a sociopath and want to watch someone suffer.
Dude I love leveling crafters (NO I DON'T) (THIS ISN'T FUN) (MAKE IT STOP) (I JUST WANNA MAKE MONEY)
I dont mind futas but this pic is a bit gross, either it's the veins or the picture mainly focusing on the gock, making the picture ultra gay*
Doing what
I saw this emoji already...
I think you play an EU catgirl+, wanted to meet my viera, and I asked you to show char and DC and you never did?
Wanna change that?
No offense, but asking it without a shred of sarcasm, how new are you on this thread to know who Effy is but not Appal? They were EBd and had some GAM drama very recently
someone hasnt been using fate gems for mats and selling those
>EBless cute sunnie
how cute?
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something else? what do you have in mind, anon? maybe I'm good at it...
What about the EW PvP Series armor
there's no way she can make a fist with those giant ass claws of hers
gock isn't gay tho
Make me a full gearset thanks.
That development didn't feel earned.
>institute policies and watchdog mobs of busybodies to socially punish those speaking truth to power
>fewer people speaking up because they don't want to be targeted with complaints and fired
>"see, look how few people are daring to complain! such a tiny minority they are"
There should be a race that allows you to create females like Sphene. It should be a monkey race like Zidane, and you could make them Meracydian natives if need be
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Tips for doing this while broke?
You have to headpat my femlala at least twice and say something nice and MEAN IT
I'll wait for someone else then.
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I rode a gondola and didn't throw up. I feel like I deserve a trophy.
>queue up as healer for a level 100 dungeon that I have never done
>the other party members have all been here, but they play like it's their first time so they must not know how things work yet either
>work hard to keep everyone alive but i'm also doing this while going in blind and some of this shit is a little obtuse
>party members constantly eating shit and getting ressed, no problem but it happens a lot and i just pick them up and we keep going
>i make one (1) mistake and die
>everyone else dies too and we wipe
cool cool
i can see why healer is always in need for this roulette now
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I delivered you out of the wilderness of Kong into a panopticon of my making /xivg/. Remember, behave.
anon, cat can retract their claws
you're allowed to not like it senpai but it was a part of her character development
let's not pretend that she doesn't spend 90-93 hiding her insecurity at first and then bitching and moaning about how inferior she is to the other contestants and that the rest of the cast doesn't have to go to great lengths to teach her to believe in herself and have some self-confidence
Gather and craft levequest items
Cry some more, it's funny.
One question that went unanswered in the story, I want to know
Who did Zoraal Ja knock up?
That was you? Kek, I saw that. Was it the little bitch who blocked you cause of that?
Whoever says "me" is lying and a grown ass man btw.
get to gathering
*ahem* i said

i need a femlala on my lap, this instant

*closes her eyes shut*
It is completely useless to try and blind prog in PF after the first few days or maybe the first week, because majority of parties are like what you posted, and in others there's always a nigger who willingly joins a blind prog and starts explaining mechs after two fails. Or merely "hinting" at knowing how to solve them.
If you are a blind enjoyer, you'd better get together 7 other trusted players so you're all on the same page and prog point.
Progging Voidcast Dais and Abyssal Fracture blind was seriously the most fun I ever had in this game.
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I think I want to suck appal's cock...
I wish it had been me.
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>Remember, behave.
I will bro
Sphene. She took his big mamool ja cock the second they made a 'bargain'.
That was explained, albeit briefly. Sphene.
None of those are good. The moonward scouting might work if it gets a second dye channel.
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Yeah I figured
make me a lvl 100 hq chastity cage, thanks
I have something to announce,
Blue Mage was shadow nerfed.
Mortal Flame now dispels when the target leaves combat (phase changes or invun charging attack). No longer can Blue Mage kill a boss while it's off screen.
That's not you, just someone skinwalking. I miss you sometimes but you're gone and it's for the best.
I wish i plapped more
She is WOL property, not scalycock
so bros is the game worth getting if i want to playt the story?

or is the story ass?

how does it compare to expansions?
>a framed pic of his catgirl
that is unhinged levels of narcissism
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The people I would love to do that with are on a different DC
I might wake up earlier my local time to see if I can catch blind parties though
It's full on gay but it's not the topic here, some pics feel gayer than others, the sight of dicks disgust me but when blended in a sexy picture I think it's alright
Sphene is Wuk Lamat property.
Then where's your half-middie child, anon?
not really
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whos asking
She wasn't real/physical and was dead for years, so how?
They do. Its called Midlander.
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How so? Are you not allowed to like your character?
suncatboys or mooncatboys
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I cant belive this cat is dead.
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putting aside that dynamis is literally "I got a power boost from the power of friendship" lorified, it doesn't even make that much sense in lore considering only the good guys get it when dynamis responds to every strong emotion. Also people aren't turning into monsters anymore even when they're getting slaughtered by the space marines, so I doubt dynamis even has that strong of an influence anymore.
Still, it's just an excuse for lazy writing in the end considering you can use it to fill any plot hole. Would it have been that hard to do some kind of training arc with the giants to showcase how much her lack of self confidence and self deprecation influences her raw strength? Mind you I fucking HATE training arcs but anything is better than invisible friendship power up that should have been annihilated with Meteion. I feel like it's such a lost opportunity for her character to develop beyond just respecting culture and would have clashed well with Sphene's own dilemma. Instead we had this garbage kidnapping or some bullshit.
Gock is absolutely queer. If you ERP as a woman with a dick there's something AGP in you. If you self insert as a woman taking gock you're a repressed fag and should try sucking on a real dick irl, just as a joke.
to me it's the fact that the walls are fucking empty besides that, looks hilarious
where can I gather Timeworn Loboskin maps (Miner)?
Why couldn't they have gotten an actual qt native girl to voice Wuk Lamat bros...
snifff.Oough god. wolf pussy.
Shadowbringers > Endwalker > Heavensward > Stormblood > Dawntrail > A Realm Reborn
All are the same story though except for Dawntrail which takes place after the conclusion.
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His catgirl is his transition goals
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I'm awake, and...

I'm just going to run Duty Support until 60, I can't stand these long ass dps queue times. It's fucking hot today.
I am a racist suncat so only suncats allowed
dudes looking better than most females is something my brain cannot comprehend
Hey buddy can you swap Endwalker and Heavensward's places for me?
Destroy the femlala Pictomancer
So she can NEVER paint death again…
What, are you supposed to just tack your fanart to the wall? Or tape it up?
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Work faster anon, every fiddie I see is taken.
nevermind, found it
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I saw some weird things anon
Sure, I now think Heavensward > Endwalker
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I didn't even know I was sick!
Just make groups on PF. Will get you a group in a fraction of the time needed
>Also people aren't turning into monsters anymore even when they're getting slaughtered by the space marines
That was Meteion's song of despair, empowered by her harbouring the negative energy of countless dead civilisations across the universe, it's not a default feature of dynamis.
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any male lala discords out there?
Bro doesn't save photos of himself
Bro doesn't have family who loves him
Bro won't have anyone to hold his photos to look on when he's dead and gone
Bro's gonna be forgotten like last week's shits
Don't worry, if you got close to him, your brain would comprehend; not rationally, but subtle stubble, shoulders, voice, a hint of an Adam's apple, size and shape of the hips...
You would never think a femboy looks better than an actual woman irl
That's just bad interior design. He should've sprung for another longer wall shelf or a whole floor shelf storage unit and moved the animal pen to somewhere else, then hung up a painting or poster above the shelving unit.
What armor is this?
>this motherfucker doesn't understand how expensive physical drawn pictures are
>and hasn't ever gotten art of any character they've made or liked
My GUY you are literally an NPC
Framing means NOTHING when they're like 2 dollars for a cheap frame

Motherfucker I frame Puzzles I complete because they take me fucking ages and remind me that I accomplished something
They literally said he shouldn't have been able to, but since he's the miracle and also something about dynamis, so he did anyway. Yshtola talks about it for like 2 minutes.
>played for the Jets
No thanks.

If this cat isnt dead then why do i not remember them...

is it that bad the story?

So the story is worse than stormblood?

unironically gay
100 Blacksmith scrip gear
Thank you anon
kill yourself, tranny
>You would never think a femboy looks better than an actual woman irl
>SB better than dawntrail
hell no
I've been close to femboys before and the only thing that happened was my cock getting sucked
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I did it bros... just in time for dawntrail
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Missed you too, anon.
Glad you're okay.
She was just a cute fiddie who liked her gold star ice cream and now she's gone
I thought Meteion only directed a fuckton of dynamis onto Eorzea myself, which made all those changes happen due to how overwhelmingly present it was. My b
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objectively true
The base game story has its moments, but the good stuff is in the later expansions (they can be viewed as chapters in the same story).
you can only make takes like this because you haven't ever seen an actual woman irl lmao, ugly women exist bro and they are the majority. the pornstars you see online are the minority.
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You got a problem with that bitch? It’s mandatory for everyone in the ‘bin ‘cord to have one in their home. We also force people to hang up pictures of Heiko and Val because they’re also part of the ‘bin super elite. Why do you even have a problem with us doing this in the first place, what’s your fucking problem??? Mind your own business, what we do at OUR bench and OUR ‘cord is none of your damn business. You just seem jealous that you’re not popular enough to be in there with us.
My midlander is the Loras Tyrell of /xivg/
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Nobodies listening
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>crafter only
end me
my fiddie is the my fiddie of /xivg/
Femboy personalities turn me off, they're either insufferable cunts, or insufferable cunts AND nazis
ye but is DT story fucken ass or better than stormblood?
none of these even hang with or like Val/Heiko, nice try
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Good MCH glam?
>eu catgirl+
It's probably me yeah, but the only viera I recall talking too is the one wanting to breastfeed miqos, is that you?
>How new are you
I'm quite new actually, I started the game few months ago, shortly after the valentines day emote (not having it pisses me off sometimes). As for the dramas etc I genuinely dont fucking care what happens between players here, I read between the lines most of the time, I never miss a catbox link tho
>Show your character
I will when I'm out of the cage if you insist, but she looks good judging by the amount of tells I receive daily
Fiera wife for my femezen
I like Val and Heiko
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qrd on Heiko and Val?
Bwo I know women can't be ugly, that is not out of the question, but a femboy can't look "better than a woman" because he can't look like a woman period.
any reason why this game still doesn't let you mount in endgame cities after rhalgr's reach?
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Godspeed raised a demon
cute gato
Jo Amon
>only the good guys get it when dynamis responds to every strong emotion
You literally have to stop Tsukuyomi from outright killing you with misery.
I think SB's story is worse overall but I still enjoyed SB more than DT because of Wuk Lamat (who is essentially the main character of DT) bringing the whole experience down. Your enjoyment of DT's story hinges ENTIRELY on whether you like Wuk Lamat or not.
Nobody does.
my first album :')
nobody knows who any of these people are
why has no one knotted or horsed my femra yet
>If this cat isnt dead then why do i not remember them...
Found the person who has been drinking my paint.
my sunnie is so snowbunny coded
you can mount my femlala in them
Thats an oxymoron bro, fem is literally in the name femboy, they are feminine boys they look female.
I owned Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight, but downloaded everything else
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>but the only viera I recall talking too is the one wanting to breastfeed miqos, is that you?
You also asked me this, I think, and the reply is lol no
>I will when I'm out of the cage if you insist
We can even meet in game for a chat (and nothing more), I am always up for meeting more xivggers, against my better judgment; if you want to, pick a world, a spot and a time (in GMT) for tonight
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>but subtle stubble, shoulders, voice, a hint of an Adam's apple, size and shape of the hips
>shoulders, voice, a hint of an Adam's apple, size and shape of the hips
keep going?
Why are you RvB posting me, cat?
are you on crystal
That was not Dynamis on account of Dynamis not existing as a concept back then
People still believe Dynamis was foreshadowed as early as them using their first Limit Break when the writers themselves admitted to making shit up as they go
i got too silly
what online evopsych course did you learn that from?
Never had a chance to meet one irl yet, I matched a few on Tinder but I had no balls to meet them, from what I heard on the internets, the biggest turnoff is the pheromones and the smells apparently. My sense of smell is so fucking developped that I dont want to try it, poor hygiene and smells is the biggest ick for me
Understandable, I do not know you.
screwing with your pictomancer parse...
does the story have anything dark?

or is it all Disney boring shit like ARR?
is there a new plugin that lets me find people's alts already? I need it to check up on my EB
ah yes, back when dynamis was still being blocked by zodiark
nice one lorebab, better luck next time
>the reply is lol no
Did you ever posted your viera here? I see viera my brain automatically thinks about the breastfeeding one, the motherfucker broke me
>meet in game
I'm down, let's say around 7-8pm GMT? I'm from Lich but I can travel to Chaos and Materia I believe
>against my better judgement
How so?
It's relatively tame and light-hearted overall but gets a little fucked up in the later parts, though it's still nothing too insane or worse than you'd see in ShB or EW.
She is sort of physical. Shes basically like Joi from blade runner. A hologram projected over another body. He fucked a robot. Clang clang clang.
/xivg/ do i fanta into a fiera or fiddie
thank you
Fiera won bigly in DT and are always a safe bet for cute glams or serious-looking ones.
fiera- and eb me
yeah... looks like this struck a nerve
Yeah, looks like my malid is fucking your ass.
I've posted my viera in here, yes; 8 GMT sounds fine, if I have not killed myself because of how garbage this fucking shit writing in the new expansion is - all that's left is for you to pick an EU world and a spot
>Wuk Lamat comes to Sharlayan to seek our help to win the contest because we are the literal hero of the entire planet and galaxy
>Contest involves crazy challenges such as:
>Make a parade float
>Put a harness on an alpaca
>Make tacos
who the fuck wrote this?
Shes just that inept.
But in the end she was proven right by a lot of crazy shit happening, like Valigarmanda getting freed; also there was plenty of combat we came in handy for
4th slow as fuck trailing mission of the expansion where the npc gets spooked halfway through and starts running this is so fun and not completely rote
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my wife
The thread is over, and I'm nobody's wife...
EB like this?
Why did the role quests kick off with an evil league of villains and then have nothing to do with that
>I'm nobody's wife...
>queue trial roulette expecting dawntrail trials 247
>relic reborn chimera
>leviathan EXTREME
>titan normal
>relic reborn chimera

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