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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484626208
sex with kemakka
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You really want to know who reported Kong and Zir and got them banned?
Post Mablu
Im level 100
What do I do now?
>Kongmarine cwls disbanded
It really is over…
Hold on, Zir got banned?
>Stays away from anything xivg related ingame
>Doesn't get reported
>Doesn't get banned
Y'all called me crazy.
Fuck bitches
craft riches
give EX trials stitches
Get other things to level 100
What I want to know is where is the caveman?
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What was your favorite zone in Dawntrail?
playin a moonie right now lads
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My femra says things like "you can't do this!" and "but it's my first time!"
Will Exitlag get me banned?
Nobody did that
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EXs for gear or mounts
Shared FATEs
Since you are the accuser, the burden of proof is on you.
Level crafters if you want to
Start getting gear from the Expert dungeon and EX trials
>or is it all Disney boring shit like ARR?
Niggu, ARR is full of people getting slaughtered and raped, Livia kicks a sylph to death in front of Minfilia's eyes and you kill everyone who dares to face you except Nero and Gaius
big knotted cocks
Built for Ala Mhigan men
why do you ask?
No it's not
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I enjoyed watching Scream with aether a few years ago. Dewey bros...
Finally playing highlander pays off.
Calling ARR Disney is hilarious considering the first dungeon in the entire game is saving sex trafficking victims.
american post
thanks Val
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Character and song?
Yeah. Any third party tools are prohibited, even VPNs.
Dawntrail's biggest problem is that Wuk Lamat, who is not a very good character, is in it too much. Her EN voice acting is also very bad.
By all rights storywise it's Texas, because it's the one zone you get a brief respite from Wookie Lmao, but visually I like other zones better and I feel that's the real point of the question.

...but maybe I should still shift my vote to Texas just in the extremely unlikely case that Square could see the poll and think any vote not for Texas is a vote of liking Wuk Lamat. Yeah I'm gonna do that. I'd rather sacrifice my opinion than accidentally say I like her.
No, ignore the other anon they're talking out their ass
>only the good guys get dynamis
well yeah the final message of endwalker was that hope always beats despair
and the villains almost never have positive emotions that could serve as adequate fuel for dynamis
bakool ja ja is driven by desperation and the expectations of his father and his culture
zarool ja is driven by bitterness towards his father and the crushing weight of his legacy
sphene is wracked with guilt and uncertainty until she decides to literally delete her personality (and any dynamis that she might possess) in order to get rid of her doubts
none of them have any reason to harbour dynamis on the same level as wuk lamat
I'll be honest, Stormblood's MSQ is better than Dawntrail.
Dawntrail's latter half gets good, but Stormblood has overall the better character writing with far more interesting characters that carried the weaker parts of SB's MSQ, meanwhile DT just has too much Wuk focus meaning all other characters get way less room to breath.

Dawntrail also have some really wonky voice acting overall, SB was much stronger in this aspect too

HW, ShB and EW easily clears DT for all these reasons and more
Why are you white
I didn't know that, you're telling me now for the first time
My Femezen
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They should've known something was off when the WoL said more then 3 words at a time.
who is the better ERP partner, Appal or Val?
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My moonie is online
is my wife
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literally who
Stop trying to get him banned. Third party tools are explicitly against the rules.
Who is the cutest glub?
very coolnie
have you fucked anybody in DT, anon?
>ah yes, back when dynamis was still being blocked by zodiark
Someone missed the part that first of all, the complete Zodiark wasn't able to fully shield them, they never executed the final sacrifice to improve his shield, second that there are demonstrable evidence that Dynamis still existed on Etheirys.
>The alchemists observed and named it
>The Elpis flower still reacted while Zodiark was alive
In conclusion, you're a retard. You know what this "it wasn't established before so it couldn't be that back then" is called? Being a little bitch that doesn't understand continuous storytelling. It doesn't matter if back then they only had a concept, so long as they keep it consistent it's the same in retrospect.
I'm desperate, but it's way too early in the morning to do that right now and have it be successful.
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>tural gets hyurs, hroths, viera, miqo'te
>alexandria gets hyurs, elezen, lalafells
why are roes and au ra excluded???
Funny blacked findom cat.... When I came back to 'mung after a several year break she INSTANTLY tried to hit me up despite not speaking to me for years... Femlala btw...
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Where to get the best dank in Tural?
>mfw the part with vrtra
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Yeah okay I need to do all these quests now

VPNs are fine, per the many times it has been asked to Square.
dunesfolk femlalas belong to plainsfolk lalaboys
>Y'shtola: The speculation must wait. He's here.
>uses aero to clear the fog
This was cooler than anything Wuk Lamut has ever done. Even with her fucked up vocal quality.
He won
My moonie is going to bed
Roes are ugly and aura are too stupid to survive on their own
the fucking chin are killing me
But what about the plainsfolk femlalas?
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She is so pretty bros
goodnight moon(ie)
Because Au Ra were already prominent in SB and EW. And nobody gives a shit about Roes so whatever.
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>Roes are ugly
fuck you
Proof of an official statement from Square? You won't provide one because you're talking out of your ass.
They absorb them for extra muscle like SSJ3
sisters, I need some nice material to goon, nobody posts lewds here anymore..
holy based that just makes me love her more
Miera are all femra owned
I'm sorry

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>people getting a vpn just for ziv
I’d understand if it was an actual technical problem, netcode sucks. But xivalex is a thing for years and there’s noclippy as well. Why not add it officially to the game?
Call me a fussy lil bun bun again and I will subject you to 24/7 Eureka Pagos
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Well, where are they?


Community representative post. You wanna keep being obstinate or you gonna back down?
All of my lewds are in two separate catbox albums and there's not that many in either of them
>Y'shtola doing that.
>Thancred sneak attacking Bakool.
>Estinien just no way fagging the whole plot and hunting some monsters.

Literally the only cool moments the Scions have gotten in the entire expansion fucking hell.
Ok fussy lil bun bun.
Fussy little bun bun
>Stormblood has overall the better character writing with far more interesting characters

Bro, Lyse character writing doesn't even make fucking sense. She woke up one day and went HEY GUYS LETS FREE ALAMHIGO and forced us to follow her. The fact she was disguised as Yda never made any fucking sense since she's just the daughter of a resistance leader, she had 0 character growth throughout the expansion and despite being a 25 year old working under the scions for years she decided to invite tempered snakes to a fucking meeting which put everyones life at risk.

And this was just Lyse. Conrad tries so hard to make us feel bad when he's in his deathbed its hilarious, meffrid showed us the town and gets one tapped by fordola, fordola is a mary sue who somehow survives the resonant treatment first try and goes off to become a superhuman, zenos powers up out of the ass just by using a kojin sword (mind you pure blooded garleans cannot use aether), omega delivered shinryu to the alamhigan palace garden somefucking how, magnai spends half of the azim steppe questline being annoying af just to prove how great he is, hien is fucking useless and is just male lyse. For some reason they put hien to be the lyse royal tutor to teach her how to lead her people even though both are fucking failures.

And the list goes on, DT might be bad because Wuk ruins it but never ever ever say that SB has good character writing because that's outright false.
can I see?
Furry tranny MC. Blackrock investment in Square Enix doing work. The same Blackrock that profits off genocide in Gaza.
This poster is into diaper stuff
That's not an explicit statement that VPNs are allowed, are you illiterate? He even says "3rd party software is used at your own risk" in his post.
The second and the third are about people getting slaughtered because they were trying to match your deeds
actually the character is cis in the lore, the VA isn't the character moron
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We are already Azimborean
>the MSQ have you destroy moderncore NPCs
I just finished the SB MSQ and I feel like what I've heard of xivg's opinions on Lyse was overblown
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Can't you keep your gay RP shit to the /erp/ thread on /trash/ where it belongs, or have you given up on being a "pillar of the community" again?
I liked Dawntail
>never ever ever say that SB has good character writing
He didn't, he just said it was better than DT's which I'm inclined to agree with, because the bar is so low it's literally in hell.
Keep your projections to yourself
>Wuk Lamat comes to Sharlayan to seek our help to win the contest because we are the literal hero of the entire planet and galaxy
>Contest involves crazy challenges such as:
>Make a parade float
>Put a harness on an alpaca
>Make tacos
who the fuck wrote this??
getting a lala pigwife was the best decision i ever made
Sure https://catbox.moe/c/x5ik3c
>The same Blackrock that profits off genocide in Gaza.
ong i love dawntrail now
will paypigging in cash shop lead to further muslim genocide??? how much do I gotta spend for nukes?
>The type of software you are describing in this thread doesn't appear to directly control anything for the FFXIV client, and as such isn't breaking any of the rules.

>And as such isn't breaking any of the rules

You're arguing for the sake of arguing now, anon. That's confirmation right there that it's not against the rules. The warning after is added to cover their ass in the event someone is burned by the third party software provider and gives the rep/square an out saying "We didn't endorse it, you do what you want, but it's not against our rules".
>tfw no rava fiera to call me her fussy little bun bun as she pins me down before unbuttoning my pants and putting me inside
Can you see Wuk succeeding at any actual challenge? Bitch can barely locate her ass without help
thanks anon
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Untrue, i've yet to be owned by a single femra. The other way around, however..
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You do realise that VPNs are dangerous to use right? You know who else uses VPNs? Cheaters/scammers/bots/etc. You can get banned for being on the same IP as one.
goodbye shaaloani i will remember the handful of quests without wuk lamat fondly
B-but it's just a fun vacation for the WoL, Anon! That means it's supposed to be a boring slog where you follow around your new favorite character the whole time and do menial chores so you can help her become the next leader of a continent despite her being completely outclassed in every way by her peers! Because it's a fun vacation!
let's plap
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catbox sharing stopped?
Enjoy buddy
I cannot say yes to a stranger
>or have you given up on being a "pillar of the community" again?
what on earth did he mean by this
I would get findom'd by them if they weren't into blacked or a pedo.
I really like your pics, how could we meet?
The one that bounces on my cock
nice ignoring Gosetsu, Yotsuyu, Zenos, Hien, Grynewaht, Sadu, Magnai, Cirina, Yugiri and more that actually got good to great character moments because Lyse unlike Wuk doesn't hog all the MSQ cutscenes.
Dawntrail has like Bajook Ja Ja and Erenville getting any real moments of characterzation, everyone else gets shoved to the side.
To be fair she didn't know what the challenge was specifically and was worried about her brother who was very martially successful and wanted to make everyone understand peace via murder.
Even so, DT character writing is miles ahead of SB.
DT characters have actual backstory, friends, family, clear motives, and for some characters growth. In comparison SB character writing is nothing but one liners.

Look at conrad. He's the resistance leader, he's instantly replaced by raubahn and dies with soppy "please cry" music in the background.
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You're moving the goalposts.
Your point was that you cannot use them, not that they don't have risks associated with the use.

>Third party tools are explicitly against the rules.
Was your stance, in case you've already forgotten.
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>ruined some perfectly good pizza
go back
>graha tia teleports us to another dimension to save it from world ending cataclysm
>saving the world involves crazy challenges such as:
>playing with fairies
>playing with creatures that act like dogs
>finding a painter's brush
>going to nearby market to buy fruits
>fixing a trolley
who the fuck wrote this??
Okay you got me there.
It still is my stance. The community rep (not official SE employee btw) literally warns against using any third party tools, probably for the reason I outlined in my last reply.
A retard that's who
I like Wuk Lamat, but I was really looking forward to an entire arc goofing around in the American southwest with Erenville and Estinien and they took that away from me.
hey wanna do expert roulette
>Even so, DT character writing is miles ahead of SB.
what are you even smoking, most characters barely got any writing beyond spouting their backstory and what Wuk has to do for the challenge, there's barely any strong personalities than like Wuk Evu and he's mainly a gag character
Made for loving and healthy lifelong marriages with biggers
gn gamers
Show me him...
why were there so many dark/grey elezen in the final area......
all gone......
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>No beach episode where you apply suntan oil on Y'shtola while Y'mhitra is in the bushes wringing her hands in anticipation of you finally taking her as a wife.
Where do I get the wack Solution 9 outfit?
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paints u
I'm just hanging around on Balmung
Sure thing. Send me an invite
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the blowjob pelupelu had more development than conrad
Y'mhitra can you stop this please you're just hurting yourself
atma it's 7am......
The funniest thing when you scream and kvetch and pearl clutch saying that QoS and BBC in this game is racist and oppressive to black people and you haven't realized that a lot of the white fiddies, veena and elezen that do it are actually black people who make their ideal snow Bunny wives.
>"What about moonies"
Most niggers hate moonies as their lore reminds them of American nigger culture.
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game is unplayable without no clippy
when is dalamud being updated
It's funny because she didn't hit me up TO findom me, but rather because I used to do findom on balmung, as a femlala, back in SHB. But without the weird blacked/pedo shit.
Why do all teh wechameqwuigjkzsdf delivery quests ask me to go fetch a NPC somewhere else if we all end up back at the stall anyway?
This is padding of the lowest caliber, in any other expansion, the screen would have faded to black while the second NPC was called and the cutscene would simply have gone on
I'm a plainsfolk trying to astroturf sis don't blow my cover
bakool ja ja REDEEMED
i'm sorry for saying "well, well, well if it isn't the blowjob brothers" whenever you showed up
QoS and bbc are hot, not racist.
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I don't get it
Alex been working for 3 days now
>enhanced some perfectly good pizza
stay here
The video of your moonie moving her hips got me going, but I was expecting some bitting stuff since you mentionned it to me earlier...
Thoughts on men who play female characters?
I honestly love his arc. That's my fuckin' boy right there.
It's over for us...
lads outside of the kidnapping which was probably the most retarded thing i've ever seen i havent been having any issues with the story so far
i'm just after the hxh exam arc cooking phase
wuk lamat hasnt pissed me off yet


havent used noclippy but currently even on eu servers from an eu to eu connection the game feels unbelievably laggy lol
>but first we have to get to know the villagers :)
>don't forget to attend a play :)
>have some ice cream :)
who wrote this?
and she had less development than like 3 SB characters, the fact you cant even remember their name is very telling
born to warm my bed
post plate?
>nice ignoring Gosetsu, Yotsuyu, Zenos, Hien, Grynewaht, Sadu, Magnai, Cirina, Yugiri
I addressed zenos, hien and magnai on my postm plus 4chan only has a 1.5k character limit, also

actually fine though him surviving was total bullshit

>yotsuyu and grynewaht
generic evil woman with dumb henchman

>sadu and cirina
same as gosetsu, they were both fine

thanks for reminding me that she exists because she was character assassinated after the zenos fight in doma, I don't even understand why they didn't just have zenos kill her there since she was completely fucking useless afterwards not even able to keep an eye on a amnesiac girl
Its 2024, everyone knows that a lot of people use VPNs. That you can use VPNs at all in FF14 and wrent blacklisted is proof enough that SE doesnt give a shit.
Stay strong, keep the faith...
What about men who play female characters that are actually just men who look female
>no garuda
>not even the boombox hroth
dawntoddlers have no respect
It is NOT your stance, if this was your stance, you worded it incorrectly initially and my point still stands. It is not against the rules to use a VPN to play XIV.

>warns against using third party tools
Also incorrect. They warn you to exercise caution when using them, there is nothing in that sentence that says not to, at all.

>Community reps aren't of SE
I don't know about that one, they do hire for the community team, so I would assume that they would be part of the SE employee status of some kind, but I'd have to log into the forums to confirm anything.


This seemingly works to some degree with the official SE teams, so I wouldn't be surprised if those marked as Reps on the forums were part of this team as well.
>gosetsu & yotsuyu
both forced oh so sad characters, gosetsu is cartoonishly "good alignement" and yotsuyu was cartoonishly "bad alignement", literally 0 good writing surrounding them unless you think like a toddler
impossibly cringe le big bad hitler guy in SB, bullshit after bullshit what completely invalidate everything about garleans established before
zero evolution, he stays the same "muh honor" samurai guy throughout the entire expansion, as stated by another anon he's the male lyse albeit slightly less annoying
cartoon villain, how am I supposed to say he's a good character when all he does is come out of nowhere then pretend to be funny whenever he's getting his shit kicked in?
>sadu & magnai
couldn't care less for both of those horribly written characters, one is haughty and the other arrogant, wow so great, can't believe sadu is an annoying screeching cunt and magnai is a bothersome smug bastard!
token tataru-like character
she's realistically done nothing for the story beside "let's be stupid and go ambush zenos" so that the game can have a dumb excuse to make the villagers go from hostile to friendly

there was no good moments with any of those characters, they all felt incredibly forced and happened out of the blue
I'm a femlala losing hope..
You're honestly just being very reductive towards SB's (admittedly still pretty awful) cast and come off as very disingenuous and biased.
You people say erp trannies are not mentally ill, but they're whining about racial discrimination in a fantasy universe where noone has any idea what race the other person is anyway.
>people are already masturbating to sphene's pits meanwhile i just queued for valigarmanda

I don't get how you guys do the MSQ so stupid fast without skipping.
I skipped a bunch of dialogues and cutscenes when Wuk Lamat was being insufferable and that was a lot and I've only been to the first two zones.
Why are regions like this?
I want to see more people.
Holy fuck JP dawntrail is 1000% better.
I'm praying the patches focus on bakool, they wont though.
Hien is a really cool character because he does literally nothing at any point in Stormblood and yet everyone talks about how he's a great and wise leader
The dude shows up in the Endwalker role quests and nearly gets himself killed by being a retard
>the thematic message definitely has lore implications bro I swear
Wife for my femezen
if your queue time is rough, post a pf and i/we can help you bro
i no lifed'd this shit specifically cause i wanted to help others like this
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I did it in about 4 days without skipping anything
I've posted my viera in here, yes; 8 GMT sounds fine, if I have not killed myself because of how garbage this fucking shit writing in the new expansion is - all that's left is for you to pick an EU world and a spot
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transbian catgirls?
Zones have a hard player cap
Also each instance gets its own A and S rank spawns, which means DT zone hunt trains are extremely powerful
I know of people getting banned after using a VPN.

>It is NOT your stance
It's been my stance the whole time, can you read??

>Also incorrect. They warn you to exercise caution when using them
They warn you to exercise caution BECAUSE you can get banned for using them.

> I would assume that they would be part of the SE employee status of some kind,
They are unpaid volunteer janitors.
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Now let me say im the biggest hater
I replayed SB roughly 2 months ago, I'm not being reductive, that's exactly what you get.
>all this dooming
>steam on mixed
>ugly cat as main character
I think I’ll skip this xpac
goodbye xivgee
>Wuk Lamat: You think Papa left you nothing?
>Wuk Lamat: You godsdamned fool! You have the one thing he couldn't leave anyone else! You and Gulool Ja!

What was she referring to here?
>transbian catgirls?
Does that mean females with penises with males with vaginas
I'm the later if you have any interest
He's not a dawntoddler that's U.N. who's been playing for like a decade and is also completely insane
He's been spamming this thread with nonsense for like two weeks
>queue trial roulette
>Leviathan Extreme
Its sprout season?
ngl bro ive been taking it extremely slow nd playing bloons too much (lol)
how long have you been playing daily?
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you have to let everyone die bro it's their culture bro you're racist if you don't let wuk lamat do everything
You do realize your sister is trying to find a way to cross between shards just to get some hrothdick right?
he left behind a living legacy(biologically)
lmfao this brainlet doesn't realise that the sole purpose of outsiders joining the trials is that Wuk replicates Gulool jaja's journey
>zero good writing
nice armpits NERD
Enormous schlong
Blood lineage
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'hats not gonna happen Y'mimmo, I got on another gondola.
That you were wide open...TO an assassination attempt.
I can't help but feel replicating someone elses journey isn't a good way of measuring ability to rule. Her dad did all that shit unscripted, shes following a guide.
>ymhitra is so desperate to get her sister pregnant with the wol's seed that she's using graha tias worldmagic to peek into the real world
>her obsession with being an auntie made her connect her tomestone to this general in order to try and get horny anons to make their wols knock up her sister

Truly a powerful summoner.
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two headed Mamool ja can't normally have kids, so Zerool Ja being alive is a gift from his father no one else could've ever gotten, same with Gulool Ja
I'll do them, but I hate these skibiddi spammers in shouts from last year.
Anons I love Tural and all its peoples!
Oh cool, another very obvious point you missed. The sole purpose is to shape her into the role, not to measure it. HE LITERALLY SAID SHE ISN'T FIT TO RULE WHEN YOU TELL HIM THAT.
Holy shit you speedreaders/cutscene skippers are so fucking retarded on god
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>introduced during the ruby sea arc as a kojin treasure
>given to zenos by yotsuyu
>buffs zenos somehow despite his inability to use aether
>never explained why
>clearly an object made to be a plot device later on but never revisited (likely for the cancelled garlean expansion)
>discarded years later in a "I don't need you anymore" moment where zenos steps on it and breaks it
RIP ame no habakiri
>same with Gulool Ja
We don't really know that, because he's the first of his kind. We'd have to let Zoraal Ja go on a breeding spree to find out for sure.
It's partially replicating his journey and partially finding out why he did the things he did in the first place because he wants an actual successor with the same ability to do the things he did and weld together disparate and unrelated cultures
Tural is not unified ideologically except by Gulool Ja Ja's will and without him the whole thing is fucked
Don't worry, they're doing the exact same jokes in shout...
>gosetsu is cartoonishly "good alignement" and yotsuyu was cartoonishly "bad alignement"
heres your pitty (you) for the shoddy bait
>tfw extreme trial anxiety
>can you read
Yes, your stance was "Third party tools are explicitly against the rules."
"Third party tools are recommended not to be used because you might get banned".

Your stance was a closed stance. There is no wiggle room in that at all.

>because you can get banned for using them
I will now ask for proof, the same as you did for me, that anyone in an official capacity has said this. The link I posted does not say that at all.

>unpaid volunteer janitors

Here, have that particular reps LinkedIn, go look at the Square Enix section.
Y'mhitra posting and the azimboreans are threadkino
Shut the fuck up about MSQ
We got a new summon on SMN and it's just another Bahamut
the chief criticism against Lyse is that the Lyse-Yda reveal was stupid and unnecessary. Lyse, despite being a vetted Scion and partner to Papalymo, acts like a complete and utter retard during her time in the spotlight.
Unfortunately, DT's Wuk Lamat has shown us that once again; it can always be worse.
Wuk's problems far outweigh even Lyses.
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the 'deck' on this mount is too small for an actual person to stand on
should've been a massive size like the whales
so after a few quests in the living memory
memories are stored in the terminals but bringing them to "life" costs aether, thats why that one dude says currently only 1/10 of memories "live"
does that mean storing memory is free or at least not as aether costly as bringing them to "life"?
why not just have the gigantic storage and have a small rotation of people "alive"??
||I mean Gulool Ja wouldn't have been born if it wasnt for Gulool Ja Ja giving his son life||
You're just plainly wrong bro. I've already explained how anyone can get banned for using a VPN. Keep at it with your strawman arguments and personal attacks though, can't win an argument without them I guess.
Next we shall move on to the debate on whether Microsoft Windows is a third-party tool.
Lyse was a good character because at least she was hot. Wuk Lamat is both retarded and ugly and voiced by a tranny.
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ngl this shot got me to tear up a bit
go back
no one cares about the fisher price job
BLM deserve what they got, suffer.
Wuk problem is that she has too much screentime and comes off as annoying af, if her presence was cut in half and if she stayed out of the 2nd half she would've been perfectly fine.
>Zenos spends half the expansion whining about combat being boring
>Ame-no-Habakiri appears mysteriously after Susano fight
>Picked up by Yotsuyu and co.
>Immense foreshadowing
>Will definitely become relevant later
>Ffw to final battle
>Zenos grabs it and starts swinging at the WoL
>It's just a normal sword
>Completely normal fight mechanics
>Zenos gets beaten like a typical dungeon boss
>Zenos looks at WoL
>Hears a click from behind the WoL's back
>Realizes the WoL is an elderly Doman man
>He pulls out his Makai Hand Mortar and presses it against Zenos' skull
>Forces him at gunpoint to beat him in MAHJONG or his confederate goons will banish Zenos to the lands of the Yi (their term for WAR mains) for eternity
the chad of the expansion and it aint even close
otis was a real nigga
too bad all the scenes had wuk in them which mostly ruined them
>does that mean storing memory is free or at least not as aether costly as bringing them to "life"?
storing memories seems to be free, but it costs aether to bring them back, one dude talks about how he had to wait a long time for his beloved to be revived because of aether shortages
i smiled
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>strawman and personal attacks
Have a good day, anon. I did neither, and anyone who reads that chain knows that.
>and voiced by a tranny.
dubfaggots have no credibility and their opinions do not matter
>acts like a complete and utter retard during her time in the spotlight.
Examples being?
Because you just cannot, chud. Barely sentient goblins from ARR are worthy of life but not this advanced civilization that surpassed death, because uhhhh… souls or some shit.
Guy died defending a fucking hologram that already got killed 3 times 15 minutes earlier and nothing happened to her
What a chad
And then you realize that bitch could have simply jumped to a different body so Otis wouldn't have had to die
To be fair one of the most rampant "virtue" shitposters against QoS stuff only hates it because a femra that nearly ruined their online reputation was a big QoS and BLACKED enthusiast so they take their anger out on the fetish with virtue signaling.
>Don't address anything I said about how people can get banned for using a VPN.
Just admit you have nothing.
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>talking with otis alone
>having a heart to heart moment with another hero who loves his people
That's literally whats going on. They revive people slower and half of their attractions is powered down
did kong actually get banned? guess ill have one more slot on my friendlist now
BLM is fun tho
I asked you for proof, the burden is on you. You didn't address that request at all. Come back to me when you have something for me
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if you don't play the game why are you surprised that others who play the game made it farther ahead?...
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A lot. This teared me up a lot.
>scions casually mogging Lamat in every voiced scene they share

why would they hire someone so inexperienced lmao
How the hell are mods still not up (not beta)?
Shut up au ra idiot
This is the better lizard expansion
To be fair, those are tertiary goals
>save the first
>collect friends to save the first
>do the chores to collect friends
whereas those trials are primary or secondary goals
>Help Wuk Lamat become ruler
>do the trial to help Wuk Lamat become ruler
and that's being generous
I bet you think ai gf in your phone is sentient
Oh yeah just let me prove that gravity is real, it's common sense that bad actors use VPNs and the risk of sharing an IP address with one is high when using a VPN software.
thats what i mean, sphene said it was fine running of aether of the departed for a long time but more and more memories need to be brought back and the dude even says he was brought back 3 times in living memory so turning 1 off doesnt seem to do anyhting
why not just keep the amount of people currently alive and projected low enought so you can sustain yourself without needing to genocide other worlds?
They can't express any emotion or otherwise the voice will break.
>buffs zenos somehow despite his inability to use aether
Special katana steep in power when kept in their sheaths. Ame-no-Habakiri is one such katana. Zenos's spinning scabbard is actually charging up the swords with aether so he can unleash their powers. It's why Zenos admires the Samurai art, it's a transcendental form of combat that doesn't require magical powers because the power is in the sword and one's ki.
His other swords, Swell and Storm, are mentioned as being iconic magical relics as well.
It's a shame that most of the relevant "magical artifacts" in this game are just MacGuffins to open gates to other dimensions or w/e and not cool magic items a character could use. The Nullstone in Shadow of Mhach was pretty neat, for example.
I've been getting sprouts pulling me into lv50 and 60 rouls and low level dungeons pretty often
in fact I also got levi hard yesterday
>Solo zadnor instance
>Get to melt mobs at my own pace and have a nice little read in between fates
> But without the weird blacked/pedo shit.
but you are lala? you are playing a kid, you are the weird one
I would let sphene genocide the entirety of notMesoamerica if she sucked my dick a few times a week, killing her off is a waste
which yakuman did you nuke zenos with bros?
>fordola is a mary sue who somehow survives the resonant treatment first try
Well yeah, if you don't survive the first try you're not alive for a second attempt

>zenos powers up out of the ass just by using a kojin sword (mind you pure blooded garleans cannot use aether)
They can't use Aether normally, but they can insert Aether infused crystals into parts of their body which allow some manipulation of Aether, which is a process that Zenos did undergo

>omega delivered shinryu to the alamhigan palace garden somefucking how
Omega put Shinryu in the big pokeball somewhere and the Garleans moved him there later. They even say at the start of Stormblood that they're still on the lookout for Shinryu and Omega, why the fuck would they be looking for them if Omega delivered Shinryu to the Palace roof?
>doing the moneylender and blue blob questlines' final quest
>Kayamene says "please sir, I don't want to lose my life!"
>imagine her being threatened by execution as she begs for her life
why am I like this
I was expecting sexy content, fuck off with this bullshit and post big futa cocks splitting femras in half
>Spene wasn't even in any danger since her body was fake
>She immediately teleports away after he dies anyway
He died for nothing man
that mount is pretty obviously shrunk down from its real size, kinda like the blackjack
How do you not find this sexy? Imagine a cute girl spewing brainrot out of her gasping mouth while you fuck her crazy
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No. I'm done, anon.
Once again, have a good day. You had no dog in this race, I'm arguing against a ghost.
>died for no reason because she could just have jumped to a new body
Am I suppose to feel emotional for this? It was just so cheap.
>can interact with each other and outsiders
>can change and act on stimuli, not some instantiated copy
there’s literally nothing that makes them any different other than muh soul cope
i really don’t get this plot point
If you put your phone in battery saving mode it will still run out of power eventually.
And people irl won't stop dying naturally any time soon either.
What's the point in afterlife if you are kept in cold storage forever?
we know he died for nothing but i think he didnt know that and did the one thing he lived for, protect his queen and that is based, but since we know better it fuckign blows
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>gosetsu is cartoonishly "good alignement"
>le big bad hitler guy
>"muh honor"
yeah, I know where it's from, I just wish it was bigger
He died doing what he was unable to do in the past.
Saving his Princess.
you do know there's other very real people there who are in similar danger, right
>Using logical fallacies to "win" an argument
There will always be more dead people than there will ever be alive, eventually you would run out of aether. They're also not real, just AIs or memories, hence the zone name.
>register for the boat as soon as it's available
>still forced to wait in 15 minute queue
Did you blacklist anyone out of existence yet?
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>yfw this procs
Didn't they took it off his corpse and burned it for fuel in EW? Im pretty sure it was one of the relics they brought
What...? What arc?
He shows up, is a complete asshole and monologues about unironic mamool ja supremacy, then quarter of the way through the MSQ he suddenly starts crying about dead babies from his dogshit tribe.
I could completely understand if there was a hint of remorse or rebellion from him instead of unironic lizard racism but no he's trumped up like the biggest villain possible with ZERO redeeming qualities only to then pretend those faults were actually justified or never even existed.
That's not an arc, that's a chimera borne of two different character arcs stitched together
Which logical fallacy, anon? If I used one I'd genuinely like to know because if I'm debating incorrectly, I'd like to get better. Elaborate.
There's more and more people added to the pool of Endless, so if you limit yourself to having only a certain number active at the same time, the time period between activations grows bigger and bigger. Eventually you'll effectively have people never becoming alive again because it takes way too long for their turn.
typical girl failure luck, keep up the good work
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sounds like you missed the boat sis

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Whats the best way to farm Zandor? I want the 2h drk sword from there, looks like the moonlight greatsword.

Also, my enjoyment of this expac has jumped like 3 points from swapping to japanese and moving on to the second half. How much left would you say I have to the end from where i took this image
Trying to get me in a "gotcha", you're literally being a debate pervert over an obvious fact that using a VPN can get you banned.
Are bears not alive because they hibernate?
Just hook them up to one of the myriad infinite power things we have lying around like the crystal tower or the unused moon-sized reactor loporrits have
sis you posted a cock....
Yeah and funnily enough they got permabanned from the game.
that the thing, if i have a small generator and 500 phones that are turned off and 10 that are on,i can sustain their battery and switch which ones are on without much trouble
yea if you 10/x with x-> infinity it becomes 0
but technically all memories are still there
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Can anyone tell me what is this outfit? A sidequest made me wear it and I think it's quite cool looking.
>Gulool Ja Jr is adopted by Lamatranny'i
Oh great, he's going to be groomed.
what did they do
damn dawntrail dawnflopped
I have proved two of my points and you've proven none of yours. I will remain ahead in this debate until you can refute it with evidence. You asked for evidence and I provided, multiple times, with further information to support my position.

I am asking you to do the same. Is it really that hard to meet me on a similar level, or are you just stirring me now because you can?
post yours too?
Otis and Bakool ja ja
The kings of DT
if you hate her so much why are you using the affective nickname for her
Why is Otis the best character of the expansion?
You can prove 2 points in a debate about the world being flat, doesn't mean you're not arguing against a fact.
Nice cock, don't like the cuck shit though.
The compass detects a current approximately 288 yalms to the northeast.
You discover a new location!
You gain 54,190 gladiator experience points.
Unable to execute command while jumping.
Attuning with the aether current allows you to better understand the area's movement of the winds!
They are alive until they starve

What are you fueling your generator with?
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Here you go
Getting a convincing biting effect that I like has been kinda hard. I'll mess around with it again when posing tools are back
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>impossibly cringe le big bad hitler guy in SB
So this is the power of HRT
i dont have one
Elezen females getting all up in your guts
>you do know x right?
Any time I see this it's always a retarded post
Any discord spies have updates on plugins?
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better luck next time
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I like the Cornservant more than I like Otis.
expansion should've focused on bakool ja ja because a jackass turning into a good character is far better than the cringe shit we got with wuk lamat
i don't get it..... don't all girls have one?
maybe for the media illiterate
The crystal tower was made to draw power from dalamud...
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Malera stocks in shambles.
I'd rather just straight up fuck Y'mihtra directly instead.
about the last 5% of the expansion left for you.
people grind Zadnor on the third area of the map, the fates are in a pretty generous loop and you can pause on the middle of the map so they spawn pretty weak and the rotation has minimum downtime, but if you want the relic weapon you're gonna have to do stuff on all zones or spam fates if I recall.
for me, it's /bgm off during cutscenes
should have installed the game on your ssd
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>The memory of the heroic and stalwart captain knight of Alexandria in paradise freezes up during his own play because he's confronted with the tragic reality that he couldn't uphold his duty and he failed to protect his Queen
>A moment that wordlessly emphasizes how much more important his last moments being his refusal to leave Solution 9 Sphene's side until his body gave out

>Wuk immediately spots a six second gap of no one speaking to start giving a haphazard awkward speech
the aether of the departed as sphene did before, the highly advanced civilisation shouldnt have charge loss and the phone analogy isnt fitting as we said earlier just storing them costs no aether
inappropriate touching
My elezen female needs an f+ in her guts.
this shit gets my ntr kink going since i imagined myself as magnai in this scenario
I hope we get to see him in the 7.x quests and doesn't get relegated to something like custom deliveries like M'naago.
>tips fedora
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You really didn't have to post this Anon. Posting mental illnesses should never have been destigmatized.
me too but i really like it when easter rolls around in limsa its pretty good
I am about to get to that part of the MSQ and I am not looking forward to having all these great moments ruined by Wuk Lamat behaving like an RPer trying to force herself into the spotlight every scene.
You know what's suspicious?
>get on gondola with g'raha
>1 on 1 conversation with fujo bait that everyone without a vagina hates
>wuk nowhere to be seen to interrupt
Fujokawa strikes again
Because he is a strong, masculine and protective man. Just the type you guys are into.
So you have nothing? Absolutely nothing concrete to refute my points, as someone would provide in a flat-earth debate, nor to support your own position?

I will continue to ask for proof, because your arguments are an example of the slippery slope argument and I don't believe them to be accurate nor verifiable at this point.

I don't discount that what you're saying is a possibility. What I'm asking for is proof for the following:
- Being banned for using a VPN or tunneling service
- Being banned because you shared an IP address with someone who got banned while using a VPN or tunneling service
- Official statement saying that they do not recommend using a vpn or tunneling service because of the explicit risks associated, per your argument.

This is what I want from you, anon. I don't expect I'll receive it based on these interactions, but I do hold out hope you'll at least try.
>dalamud is still down
whatever, my ssd with the mods folder expired anyway so i have to rebuild from scratch.
>female midlander players
Let's dress him up.
Don't be antisemitic and bigoted.
>1 on 1 conversation with fujo bait that everyone without a vagina hates
fuck off it was kino
Are you wildwood or are you duskie?
it's true, I'm a fiddie with a great need
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Now I have to go watch the original Spiderman scene.
Still way better VA delivery than Wuk.
I don't care, I hate how they turned g'raha into fujo bait.
Please have caution
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>>1 on 1 conversation with fujo bait that everyone without a vagina hates

bad take because that was actually kino, ishikawa isn't even working on 14 anymore is she?
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>Don't be normal
What reason would SE go with IP and/or range bans when they're the ones holding the account and can simply do an account ban if necessary?
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Got a new look, please do not be fooled, it IS for devious intentions.
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It's unreal how much I hate Wuk Lamat. I don't think I've hated a fictional character this much since Sylvanas
That gondola ride was the best moment he's had since the blasphemy attack on Radz-at-han in EW. G'raha in general was very good this MSQ since he spent much less time fanboying and more time being philosophical. God I fucking miss Ishikawa, even if she had her own flaws she could definitely write something better than this.
The irony of this story is that it's all about legacies and Zoraal Ja will have left a much, much better legacy than Wuk Lamat from the perspective of the player base.
In her first SB outfit with the hotpants, yes.
Wuk has a ridiculous amount of screen time and nearly zero development. The only real development she has is 'learn to rely on friends' which is unironically addressed and resolved less than 30 quests (it's level 92 quests) into the DT story, everything beyond that is her fumbling around doing a whole lot of nothing, talking about how much she loves her people and their cultures while the WoL does everything and getting zero story to themselves. This entire Expansion would have been better served story-wise as a series of fucking roleplay quests.
I was being hyperbolic with the retard comment. She's a character that doesn't really do much of anything aside from talk about how much she loves her people and clenches her fist when someone says something she doesn't like.
She's also hilariously accepting of the most absolutely insane shit I've ever seen in fiction

>hundreds of miscarriage babies and dead infants
>I love and respect your culture
>You want to genocide my nation and the entirety of the world and harvest the souls of those people to support a system for a few more years at best before you legitimately run out of souls?
>Sphene! I understand you! We're the same!
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I am a catgirl who grinded 60 fates in Arizona purely for the americana kino music scroll.
my femlala just ate 20 chicken wings
They wouldn't
She's the senior writer so she was overseeing the project. She probably reminded hiroi to add a scene with g'raha twice per hour.
That's as many as two tens.

And that's terrible.
Those poor chickens
I hope they recover
>get a character all trannies wanna be that everyone universally hates but gets good porn(Sylvanas)
>get a character that's a literal tranny that is universally hated and won't get good porn(Wuk Lamat)

funny how that works
I'd agree with you if I didn't think G'raha got better after 6.55 from his fujo sickness he was suffering
His earnest and confident conversations he has with you feels more like the Exarch and not "falling out of his chair from embarrassment when you call him on the linkpearl" shit we dealt with in Endwalker
i ordered McD's brekky
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how do i fix reshade?
boy those farts of hers are gonna be smelly
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>Going MSQ roulette
>Gaius waffling on again
>Start reaching behind my head to scratch back of my head
>Accidentally bump the volume thingy at the back of one of the headphones
>For a second think Gaius is just mad I'm not paying attention and getting louder
Would have been a great feature.
Howdy part-
>slips and slides down the water slide
You're sounding like a conspiracy theorist right now, demanding evidence of what is obviously a fact.

And again you bring up logical fallacies, ok Vaush, it's time to grow up.
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you are a crazy kritty krat
miera x femra
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For me, it's since Handler.
Holy shit I didn't think it was even possible, but by Hydaelyn she did it. She beat Handler for me. What a fucking feat.
>bumbling retard
>bumbling retard that cant do shit but loves "her" people
>admits being a bumbling retard
>instantly becomes capable of everything
yuuup, i had a thought that this is a heavily cut and trimmed version on top of being shit
yeah i got the mchicken griddle
before or after getting blacked by that rava?
idc what people will say, but I think Zoral jaa was great, SPOILERS, The cutscene midway of his trial is amazing, at least for me, I love how he can't cut down his son until he resolves himself, becoming a monster.
same, and some hasbrowns
you need to take a cold shower
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I liked the ride with G'raha because the annoying furshit was out of the picture even for brief moment. But he is fujo bait and it's annoying we don't get any such moments with the female characters, who thanks to the fujo writer are mostly written out of the story anyway. So yeah, I don't want her back.
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Yeah I'll take that as you conceding. You didn't even consider looking anything up. Thanks for the debate, anon. It was nice, temporarily, to be able to ensure I still knew how to back up my arguments properly, even if it ultimately meant nothing.

God I love a debate
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I wish for a lalawife like this, gender doesn't matter
you're literally in the blacked eorzea discord, answer the question
Will marry this hag, but will fuck other better women.
post more
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>mfw turning off the lights in Hydro Terminal

the rest of this zone is gonna be depressing ain't it bros
holy moly i wish that was my EB getting plapped by a stud+
I'm fairly certain they just stuck her name on the credits or someone else called the shots. There's no way she would have allowed this in her own writing.
This but subfaggots for being braindead weebs
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>female with vagina
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I need a wife! Male or female, it matters not!
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we peaked with her and it's been all downhill since
I am a femlala who has achieved a one in the hundreds position in all my crafters...
its a watered down and shittier ultima thule, get a grip.
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>Tiny cock
Self insert detected
I for the love of me can't force myself to level crafters/gatherers again. Best I can do is lvl btn/min and then maybe ALC
whoa whoa whoa
hold on you
you mean to say
wait hold on you
you did...
60 FATES?!?!?!?
whoa are you okay? that's such a heavy grind, maybe the heaviest grind in MMO history
stop whining you fucking faggot
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This is me every day
just finished ex1 and it was pretty easy is ex2 any harder?
Do read the aether current quest in Hydro, it fucking stings
sorry anon i'll try to be stoic and not enjoy things
It's all sadness up there
Let's undress him, more like.
*lowers the volume a little bit*
you're so fucking mad right now
Will I get banned if my macro has
/echo [racial slur]
Sorry to burst your bubble but I have been talking out of my ass the entire time, I never genuinely believed VPNs are bannable - in fact I use them myself. Personally I would recommend using Mudfish over Exitlag, it's a lot cheaper and from experience I have managed to achieve better ping. There was no debate to be won, I have been wasting your time.
le haters are all illiterate xDD
I just do GC turn-ins, custom deliveries, and the role quests to level the jobs (and leves too for gathering jobs). And GC turn-ins I only do when they are in bonus territory. As long as you aren't in some huge hurry, it's not too bad leveling them.
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The bar really is low these days isn't it?
I kinda hate that the red cant be dyed.

Wonder how long its going to be till ivcs works again. Let alone all the animations.
When do I get AF armor in this travesty of an expansion?
does it seem like pictomancer is really strong? or is this not necessarily the case
I'm a simple man
>the MSQ have Wuk's VA acting like she's a bad actor
it's like they knew and just wanted to make fun of her VA
I want to suck your cock irl
who is this cat.
What about her other three VAs in that scene, though?
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>all these catbox links
>it's never lewd guys
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>gets the most character development of any scion
>is also canonically the second most powerful after us

>Posting a femra as a reaction image
It's as low as your taste.
giwtwm in the second one
Anon that was my first fuck after getting banned from ffxiv. I had deleted all my mods and shit, so I returned with nothing after my suspension.

The natural response is to be dissatisfied that you're receiving a sub-par story that taints the legacy of the things you enjoyed before.
This dips more into my own opinion but I find that people who aren't bothered by this kind of low-effort repackaging of a story were never all that engaged with the plot to begin with.
uh oh lala melty
male characters can't pose and if they can it will be gay shit
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Sorry Anon, you can't go to Tural because of certain choices you made in Endwalker.
I know you wanted to help Wuk Lamat in the rite of succession so badly, but you'll have to finish this questline instead.
You'll get to unlock the dungeons through an alternative MSQ route later.
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this one?
pretty sad, man
>first time you meet Wuk Lamat a giant parrot makes fun of "her" voice
That shit cracked me up. They had to know.
do you still have to do mechanics in p8s or can you just brute force it down now
picto is pretty strong but in a good way, rather than just press your shit on cooldown you actually do have procs and shit you can save to adapt to what you're doing and only your burst itself is more rigid on execution.
>is a retard that fucks up a basic summon as a writer joke
she is the most powerful but not because of her aether. she sucks dick like no other and takes advantage of it.
DRG feels so fucking bad to play after the changes
the baby handholding is real, there's no feeling of gratification it's just button mash
they've gutted it
Holy fuck I completely forgot she existed. Right with the Scions disbanded, where the fuck even is she anymore?
>Final Boss fight
>Super cool and fun
>Wuk comes out of literally nowhere to give us one last morality grandstanding mid fight
At least you aren't a femra
probably still have to do a good amount of phase 2, I presume you can kill during fourfold fires in phase 1
Please pipe my catgirl
>he thought the tranny robot was a fun fight
it somehow managed to be even more boring than the fucking bird they overhyped
you'd still have to do dog+snake and possible a 3rd. you couldn't skip either primal on e12s before even with p12s gear
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Sunnies and moonies, how do you make your characters face not look kinda chubby at certain angles?
I'm not sure if it's just me but I swear it's a thing and it bothers me.
Speak to Wuk Lamat. Now.
I really hope they dial back on using this shitty character in the post-patch.
ummmmmm transphobic much? Wuk LITERALLY saved the source and graciously allowed you to watch.
I'm greatly disturbed by the fact that nobody else has recognized that it was a repackaging of Thancred jumping in during the Hades fight.
All of DT has been repackaged moments from earlier expansions.
WHY would you tempt me to fantasize about skipping the DT MSQ because I knocked Y'shtola up.

Now I'll have to live with the pain of knowing that's not what happened.
I usually skip aether current quest dialogue but I gave these one a shot after Wuk's mama said that they're remnant desires that have trouble passing on.
They're all pretty good and they really hurt, that double coin toss almost had me tear up
the chubbiness is cute
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DT status?
Would be better if you had more melanin.
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That wasn't during the Hades fight, it was after the Hades fight in a cutscene.
in shambles, were just coasting to 8.0 now
cute cat stroking her shit
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According to steam's purchase history I've been playing this game for about 3 months and I've grinded the fuck out of the MSQ for hundreds of hours because I wanted to play Dawntrail on release (which I did)
Well it's a week later, and I've barely been playing this at all. I've made it to the third zone where we need to do a cooking contest and I honestly just don't even wanna finish this.
I had more fun with and was more invested in ARR, as well as the other 4 expansions. Dawntrail has been boring as hell and the scions feel like non-characters. Alphinaud barely does anything even though he was basically the main character for all of ARR and Heavensward.
I should've just bought the Elden Ring dlc instead of Dawntrail. This sucks.
I have a dark skinned version of the same miqote

Sure…. we can arrange something when mods are back
The MSQ has reached a point where, if Y'shtola wants to talk to the Warrior of Light, she has to contact Wuk Lamat via linkpearl just to relay the message. Scions literally have to go through Wuk Lamat to talk to you now.
>gameplay is pretty dynamic
>music is really intense and fitting
>woke lamat breaks through
>all mechanics become boiled down bullshit
>music gets the biggest downgrade ever
Ah, my bad. The story beat is the same whether it happens in the post-fight cutscene or during the fight, it's still repackaged.
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carried by hrothgals
homosexual bros, isnt that too big?
>lalafell: vibing
>no one
>literally no one
>femra getting rightfully shat on in the thread: *foams at the mouth* "ITS THOSE HECKING LALAFELL"
>lalafell: "ay yo chill I'm just vibing lol"

A tale as old as time
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She fucks up her carbuncle because she doesn't create a carbuncle. She just skips to creating true life like an ancient
which healer is most fun in DT so far
...So it's just how all Miqos look?
That sucks but I guess I'll have to deal with it. Every female race is inferior for one reason or another
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I did recognize it, but I didn't want it pointed out because someone might try to pull some "UHHHHHM WELL IF YOU HATE WUK LAMAT THEN YOU ALSO HAVE TO HATE THANCRED OR YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE" bullshit and I love my brother Thancred and think the scene of the Scions trying to defeat Emet-Selch before he kills you was excellent.
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E8N, except a lot shittier.
Well a post-fight cutscene you only have to see once. A mid-fight run-in you see every single time you rerun the trial.
yea I get it, seriously. at least arr had more fun characters and everything didn't feel like a fucking school treasure hunt. just skip shit you think is boring. fuck it
please breed my eb
homosexual here, yeah it looks fucking retarded
as expected of people who've had their brain so melted by porn they make futas
poor souls
Cats have fat faces
If your cat has a skinny face they are starving
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You WILL remember this cat.

I have like a hundred of those but they are with my EB with I'd never share with anyone but her. I'm not a whore.
Nigga have you seen tataru and the likes, people who play lalas as kids are retarded.
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Nice cock. *slaps it, making it emit a door stopper noise*
please pipe my lalaboy
I figured as much, doesn't mean I didn't get some kind of satisfaction out of the act, no matter the outcome.

It's kind of like fucking without finishing, it's still fun while in the act. Call it cope, call it whatever, anyone who knows me knows that I genuinely enjoyed this debate, genuine from you or not.
please fuck my fiddie after you've defeated her in combat
Yeah I was going to watch all of the dialogue since the final zone tends to usually have the most heart wrenching dialogue each xpac, and I'm a sucker for that even if it's corny lol
for me its guild sweetheart and
lotta samefagging going on
ffxiv is pigfeed tho
It's always catgirls. I never had a grudge for a single race but you're trying hard with your porn addled brains.
My roe is too recognizeable
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WHM, too bad it's going to be trash again because yoship has a personal vendetta against the job. Another 2 years of worst healing, worst mitigation and worst dps.
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>all /xivg/ posters are Endless
I give this a pass because it's Ryne and Gaia's story, having her jump in to save Ryne is thematically consistent with the plot of Eden.
Also fair. Euhg.
I feel there's a pretty big difference between the two, but more than anything it's that there was no fucking reason for it to happen. At least with dragon-zenos in EW (despite how much i hate that entire bit) has flair to and style to it.
123 145 123 145 OGCDOGCDOGCDOGCD
y u no rike?
like...the grim adventures?
nta but would you even try or just lose purpose?
Nobody is saying the fights or dungeons are bad, they're quite good infact. It's just the story that's a letdown.
When is Yoshida going to apologize for Wuk Lamat ruining Dawntrail?
It's completely different though

In ShB, Thancred and the gang show up after we had beat Hades and even then all they do is make sure we can actually kill him for good using the White Auracite, it's still us that deals the finishing blow.

In EW, the Scions prayers empower us giving us the strength to actually beat the Endsinger, again it's us that finish Endsinger off.

In DT, Wuk shows up and its her that finishes the boss off.

You're right that a lot of moments in DT are just rehashes of stuff from old expansion, except DawnTrail does them all much much worse.
>544 posts
>111 posters
WOW bro you some kind of genius or something
going to need to see that version
DT stands for Domineering Tranny
FFXIV is a transgender game
Its gooner core fanbase is prime grooming grounds for troons to reproduce
Nobody plays the game for its content, hence why everything is slop and tailored for actual retards
They know who's paying the most and they will provide support for them
You WILL like the tranny cat and you WILL suck its EN VA's dick
I want to goon to some anon's cock, please indulge me...
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thoughts on femras with tan lines?
I am an Endless Femilalla who somehow still exists...
hand over the aether current, the nperish
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Whoever hurt you must've done a pretty decent job.
Ive seen a lot of people hating on Alexandria because it follows the same formula as EW and ShB final dungeons, but idk, I still love it WAY more than those, the music is beautifull, and I don't think sphene struggle it's the same as them
I give it a pass because it was done well.
Wuk Lamat in the final trial wasn't done well. I legit can't imagine what was going thru CBU3's collective heads.
You better not alter 'too much' your appearance when mods are back. You are so fucking cute now
i want a cute tranny to goon inside my brain until she grooms(ejaculate's) my brain and turns me into a cute tranny too!
Shut up nazi.
My fiddie is a strong and capable monk who can beat sexpests up.
You know.. I've always had an unfulfilled desire...
I can maybe part with the Aether Current if you help me!
why is that a problem? futas aren't real either
I'm a porn addled catgirl!!!
I'm going lower.
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Might be in my blood who knows
our characters cocks or the gundam pilots cock?
quite not the same anon
I'm up for both
I hate all femra because they ape on so much about being lizards but they act like mid humans. I hate xaela most of all because they have tons of lore but they default to acting like Raen (no lore but just quasi irl modern cucked Asian)
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Why do we care what this guy says?
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>when a futaslut whispers you
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>except DawnTrail does them all much much worse.
Correct, this has always been my point.
Side note, please don't abuse your enter key like that, it has feelings too.
I really feel for you anon, you fell in love with parts of a shit expansion. if it's any consolation, i also like the music. Not nearly as much as Amaurot or the Death Ends, but I do like it.
The stars are tacky.
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This awful MSQ is finally over
go on...but no organ harvesting
>Hey guys, can you clarify this for me
>"Read the text"
>">he doesn't know"

>Hey guys, so this is the way this works and that's a FACT and if you disagree you're a fucking idiot
>"Ummm ackshually" *wall of text explaining in detail exactly what I wanted to know*
Why do you make me treat you like this? Why can't you just be nice in the first place?
gundam pilot
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Trust the process
there's this concept called taste
assuming that bigger is always better is about as far away from good taste as you can get
Okay! I always wanted to do karaoke with a friend, can you help me?
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wanna get stuffed and filled up by another one?
Meet me somewhere in Balmung
Congrats, you've unlocked one of the cheat codes to using this site.
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They shouldn't have them because they should be a dark void
>even the Balance hates Wuk Lamat
first time on 4chinz?
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Oh my fucking god every time I think something cool is gonna happen this furfag opens her mouth and says some stupid shit.
Bigotry Detected.
Social Credit Deducted.
Talk To 3 VIllagers About Your Love For Wuk Lamat Or Game Time Will Be Expended From Your Account.
Please Look Forward To It.
instant loss, got it
post tag and help every anon that adds you
yes please, hasten the end
hasten EOS
>puts my straw in the milkshake and starts sucking
Ngl bros Pictomancer feels kinda broken in Frontlines. So much free damage...
Make it hard and it's yours but you will have to deal with the consequences
I am a femra who feels really bad right now and needs a cute sunnie to cuddle with
>I have a dark skinned version of the same miqote
it's mostly a weaker smn
damage isn't necessarily good if it isn't useful damage
endwalker garlemald stuff is terrible so far
the hostage section was actually pissing me off how fucking stupid everyone was
I'll probably switch between the usual modbeast look and the unmodded look. I wanna take pictures of them together, they could be sisters
>instant loss
No it's not like that at all I don't do that no nnooo
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whats wrong with her anon
I sometimes... watch porn and play the Miqo'te racein the hit MMORPG FFXIV which includes a FREE trial up to level 70! Play through the critically acclaimed HEAVENSWARD expansion as well as some other expansion I think.
it gets worse and doesn't get better
what tag?
>need to charge up their attack which i random
>other than that they have 1 attack with 2 charges on a long CD
>their LB is nearly usless
>my first fuck
e-sex isn't real homo
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Catboys only sorry not sorry
>he doesnt know
yuuup, thats a woober
unironically my femra (she's not white though)
got my first crafter to 100!
go me!
I hate Wuk Lamat so much its unreal. I just finished the final trial and her unceremonious butting in just killed all the fucking hype:

I dunno, when we're talking about porn, there isn't much of a high ground to stand on. Plus a monster dick is sometimes not the main focus but merely a part of some other fetish anons have, like stomach bulging, cumflation, etc...
stupid smelly sexy dumb black ravas.......
comical waist/thighs
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I will now
Good night sers
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good evening sirs whats happening in this thread
Good work, anon!
jesus christ this is atrocious
please tell me you paid for those clears, surely ultimate clearers have more self respect than that
Now do the other 7, i'll be so proud of you anon~
I hate facesculpts so fucking much, would still cum deep inside but the post nut clarity will hit hard with this one
Go darker
I have reached peak Dawntrail
Despite me knowing where to go, and another NPC directing me to speak with this dude, and Wuk Lamat being right next to me, he's like no
You cannot just talk to me, have her follow you and go to the next cutscene
You have to talk with Wuk Lamat first
I made a bunny cat girl to start playing this game but I was dumb and bought the game and dlc so i hope I like it
...kind of based thoughbeit
what consequences? o.o
thanks, i hate it
i thought you guys said endwalker was good??>>484642213
tag usually means discord
you and me will recreate this
My catgirl is exactly like this
Wuk Lamitt saved FFXIV.
>paid for those clears
Nope, I’m a real legend.
>only choices is flat acting or over the top japanese screaming
Yeah, she looks like my wife.
PD getting baited by anons again
It's a good game, ignore the coomers on the thread though.
>what consequences?
Try me~
how can i get plapped by, holyyy
The writing is and will forever be recognized as shit no matter how much you cope and mald.
She has united everyone in hate
Never speak to me again.
This could've been my favorite expansion for MSQ but they had to contaminate it with a really bad, out of place character.
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These are some straight up coomer proportions
The Japanese monologue there was hardly over-the-top screaming.
>Wuk Lamitt
I just felt a great disturbance in the Lifestream.
As if millions of femlalas suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
I mean I can be

Im looking forward to it! I hope it is really fun I took 4 days off to start it
MM posts
>I mean I can be
Uhm... EU?
this cat is built for anal sex
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On the bright side, if the devs write Wuk Lamat out of the story going forward, the community will be happy and feel listened to, so they can turn this low point into a high future point.
MM hasn't been catboy only for a long time though.
>99% of interspecies impregnations end in offspring of the mothers race the other 1% become mutts
>9 out of 10 cats are female
Stop Hyur genocide, think before you /plap
If this looks small to you then you need your eyes checked. That thing would hurt.
>Im looking forward to it! I hope it is really fun I took 4 days off to start it
You unironically will have to power through some stuff for quite a while
It's a good game, engage the coomers on the thread though.
I was actually just thinking aloud to myself that I haven't seen /xivg/ so united on a topic like thisQ in such a long time.
I have no doubt shitposters will pick it up eventually and use it to bait for (You)s but for now it's nice.
oh anon im eu but I joined na cause I work night shift. Did I make a bad decision?
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30 dollars for a mount is still crazy to me but I love this one in particular, plus IT'S ALWAYS PLAYING THIS
>can't make or move any characters to crystal
are you for real
>MM hasn't been catboy only for a long time though.
what?What did he plap before the catboyonly era
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What if two girls make a baby?
Femlalas have tried for years after being rejected by all the males.
i use my sunnie womb as a means of genocide :3
Start's a touch slow but that's the case for any mmo while you still build up abilities, don't expect the super bigtime story shit happening all that early either, there's like several hundred hours of cutscenes.
Ah I understand, I live during nightime myself but play on EU regardless, I used to be on NA though.
Chances are we'll be able to meet annyway with cross region travel soon enough, so if you don't mind high ping or using third party to negate it you should be fine there
we're full go kick rocks kid
Powering through is just what bottoms do!
Coomers make the world go round
u gotta squish the body down more so u can really nail the imvu bratz fashion proportions
what country so i can imagine your accent?
I guess it eventually worked out ala Jurassic Park
I actually did scale it down a bit, these are really old pics lol
its hot right!
>EN voiced by a troon
>Makes every single situation about xim and must be the center of attention
Was there some fucking cosmic force behind the writing and voice casting?
He's an actually fag so obviously he hates futa
>Not genyacide
Step ya game up
>Was there some fucking cosmic force behind the writing and voice casting?
yes, kate.
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It's an American-based expansion so it makes sense to get a bunch of Americans and insert American values into the game.
>literal sex tourist discovers the thread
>replies to everything individually
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since we're posting woobers
psyop to make you hate troons
like just stop oil is made for you to hate environmental activism
Look forward to sitting on you!
p-poland? Anon your not gonna jerk off thinking about my bunny girl talking to you are you? Your not gonna moan and stroke thinking about a pretty bunny girl degrading you are you? Cause that would be gross
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Renowned sharlayan scholar here.
Don't listen to this anon.
So what's the new meetup spot in the DT zones? The hotspring at the minijew zone? The bar in Sol-9?
lmao, he truly is a flamboyant gay hahah
i'm going to keep arguing that sena was probably really really cheap and square enix didn't want to spend more than the bare minimum on their 600-line character in any language other than jp
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I can finally begin act 2.
why is everyone in expert roulettes a bunch of adhd monkeys? god forbid something takes an extra 2 seconds to finish up. Every role rushes ahead, some overpull, then die and waste more time than if they just kept it in their pants.
Wuk Lamat is the Poochie/Scrappy-Doo of ffxiv
Do you like sunnies without woobers
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>weird fuckoff giant underwater cave you have to fly off the map to get to
>there's N O T H I N G in it

why tho
do you like sunnies with tiny caged woobers?
how many fates altogether to finish 1 area
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hmmm.......... do I know you from somewhere?
i wasn't going to do that, but now...i still won't because you politely asked me not to
Ceadeus spawns there if you wait long enough
catbox it
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Yall niggas need to read a book

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Why not create a fresh new Dynamis character? It's free real estate.
Good boy!
which data center?
do you fuck with bunboys
could put post-dt mats in there
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me omw to fuck your dad
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what am i in for xivgee
My PF top clear with xenosys
I thought the giants were gonna be cool and epic and mysterious a bit but these fucks are just ugly retards
Dynamis, seraph. Im hoping the ping isnt crippling hehe. Bun boys are good for resting feet on!
what's with so many pfs requiring guides for ex1? there's nothing complex in it at all that any group of morons can't figure out after 1 wipe to it
you're back to a hrothgar now?
a fun dungeon :3
64. You need 4 then 20 then 40.
It's not everyone being too fast it's you being too slow. You are holding everyone else back because your brain can't process information as quickly as others.
I wanna play with my frens
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O-Of course not, I just came here from the Studium, I've never been to Tural before!
How? mods are not up yet
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So why is it that WAR is the only tank with a dash potency?
Tanking as another job in dungeons feels off without your dashes causing aggro.
Even having them at 1 potency would be enough.
yes! i was gonna go back to hroth after i finished the msq
in my head they're two different characters. one i have for fucking around/raids/etc and the other i have for story stuff...
have you been look for a Miqote lass named Y'shotla? i need to impregnate her
She's been bunned and hroth'd multiple times.
I couldn't work out that the fire mech is moving as a stack until someone mentioned it
I didn't know the ice explosion in the beginning of ice phase was literally get it the fuck away or everyone dies
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yes, I'm aware of the liberation of ala mhigo :I
we should meet and plap
paladin still does
>waiting for snake FATE boss to spawn to see if the Twist of Fate buff works with them
>been hours now
He's buried in Arlington, have fun getting past security.
If I have to listen to another safe moral grandstanding speech by Wuk im going to vomit.
>what's with so many pfs requiring guides for ex1?
Less and less good people who actually plays the game are left without clear.
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This is me every time I see Erenville
understandable, the catboy was cute and plappable
i mean the hrothgar is too but
only being able to plap one at a time is a shame
We should meet and hold hands!
Hmm ye you know calling you a loser, a creep, or a weirdo
haha what if you called me that again?
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>took an hour nap
>missed it
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if you dont already have pics you are a commie
not my problem
>mess up the mechanics as DPS
>get vuln 1
>die to next mechanic
>mess up mechanics as healer
>shield+heal self
ahh it feels good
cute tail
annite whetstone annite whetstone annite whetstone annite whetstone annite whetstone
>hold hands

you're already so corrupt...
>psyop to make you hate troons
I don't need any encouragement on that front.
>like just stop oil is made for you to hate environmental activism
""""Activists"""" have never accomplished anything, ever. They do it because they want attention.
Just play a warrior and you get that but you dont have to babysit people and you can press more than 1 button.
My mistake, but I'd still wish for the 1 potency change.
it's lore related if i remember correctly
but too bad AST/SCH are strictly better if you wanna play the strongest
my FC had a melty when I said I try things blind when i go in for the first time
i....I just like the way it feels ok! It's not just cause Its you anon, definitely not!
what would you be doing that for? it's not like you'd bait me into doing anything creepy or weird
>mess up mechanics
>blame lag and shitty snapshots
>if teammates agree with me: accept revive, keep failing mechanics, get carried
>if teammates disagree with me: don't accept revive, throw a shitfit in chat defending my argument to the death, get carried
I love americans
I will pay the price to migrate my cute sunnie there one day
It's because minmax fags were burning them as ogcds and gnb and drk already had to weave way too many ogcds. This was the only way to force them to stop.

Warrior only has one ogcd other than the dash so it doesn't matter if they keep theirs.
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YE- I, I mean, I don't know any catgirls named Y'shtola, who's that, haha? BUT, I uhm, have definitely seen this reaaally attractive miqo'te lady walk into the Tuliyollal inn, said she was going to take a nap. In her sexiest swimsuit. But that she was definitely waiting for her dear companion's visit, and would totally just fake being surprised if he just waltzed in and kissed her and did this and that with her because she's actually expecting it. She also had archon tattoos so I assume she's veeery smart and talented and probably would give great offspring to any valiant warriors of li- I mean, of uh, adventurers, that were looking to form a nice and loving family.
Do it. My moonie will show you the world
you're so gross, the general changed you, but we can fix that
where r u from?
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my fiddie monk beats up your nasty sexpest freak
All my shader presets broke with DT they turn my screen super dark
How am I supposed to fix?
Using reshade
Ive been here less than a day anon. Maybe its just who I am. Now give me your hand or im taking it by force!!!
66*, first rank is 6 FATEs
>pre 7.0 pictures
not a good look sis
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Tell you what. You can plap both, as a treat.
>Warrior only has one ogcd
inner chaos exists
warriors keep on winning... this isn't fair
i kind of obsessively follow a bunch of you who are in the game all the time
and i thought 7.0's inactivity kicker would confirm to me that a lot of you just spend all day (literally) afk but logged in
but no
a whole lot of you really were, and still are, online in this game 15+ hours a day
Mhiggers shave off their eyebrows to look more intimidating. Except not every highlander comes from there so those have no lore reason not to have any eyebrows.
stop using shaders lol
what if that was my goal the entire time? silly bungirl
Good night. Wuk Lamat ruined Dawntrail.
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>Except not every highlander comes from there so those have no lore reason not to have any eyebrows
Not only that but shaving off their eyebrows was supposedly a thing on the dedicated warriors did.

The warriors that Garlemald hasn't permitted to exist for 25 years.
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the 7.0 fucking sucks
I....don't call me a silly bungirl
based..... thank you so much, king.....
why do you like americans?
at least you can still make korkana seethe
What ilvl is crafted gear going to be
It isn't cute. The world is a dark and scary place....... But Euros that play on NA are always very pleasant
I will meteodrive this fiddie to stop her killing my team
She will not die but hopefully it saves somebody
>died, controller disconnected, and dropped my enochian twice in clear run
Woke Latroon*
at least you looked pretty while failing
silly silly silly

enjoy the 900 quests btw, outside of really low lows it can be a great story

play a tank
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Good music taste desu
idk they seem more chill overall, more sociable, way more degen and horny too, which I am ujnfortunately
Problem will be the ping but I dont do content anyway
but (You) are cute, I know the world isnt
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man i dont care about that i just want my old face back ;-;
A duskie who got distracted.
damn smug elezen
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Have no clue when this Dead Lands duty is ever going to pop, but while I'm chillin here. A warm hello from the end of Endwalker.
But do (You) even know who I am? Nishishi.......
To be fair it's not like Garlemald were capable of tying their own shoelaces without choking themselves.
Stupid lizard.
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>Got tired and decided to burn 6M buying mats
>crafted and sold 2 Houses
>28M total
>still have enough mats to craft 1 or 2 more houses depending on size

huh???? why the fuck I was wasting hours of my time gathering??? Legit took me less than 30min to craft the whole thing compared to hours gathering every ore and log
You know, you're right! I need that kind of positivity!
True that I guess. Wouldn't put it past Solus or Zenos to let them keep shaving their eyebrows to keep their warrior spirit alive.
huh they added enochan back?
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free tayk
glamour in this game is so stupid and overcomplicated lmao why doesnt it just work like ti does in wow since they both have the same shitty limitations anyway wow just has less steps
dw i am also a nice american boy and when you cross over i'll adopt your cat
that's the spirit! now fix that controller and go at it again but this time look pretty while succeeding
both of them suck imo
america day is here and my neighbors are already shooting fireworks.
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Gathering bots lessen the value of materials. Some crafts that aren't higher tier can still be sold for higher amount due to scarcity or what have you.
even though you've gotten older, you're still very beautiful
No one cares wigger
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Gatherers = Frauds
You aren't blue or grey are you?
Crafting has always been much better value for time investment than gathering. Gathering (and some time intensive crafting like tinctures and food) is dominated by bots.
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for the robot lady in my head
so what happened with you and tyrone myste
Comment filter:
I'm grey...
Someone's son created this character.
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you and me...
Having that won't fix your stupid nippon ears and your giraffe proportions.
>when you cross over i'll adopt your cat
adorable, can you guys DC travel between the US ones? if no I should go to Crystal right? as I said I dont plan to play the game
I do not, yet. Who are you?
>nippon ears
thats a new one
I've give this femezen a /pet
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I didnt know it was like that, I leved my crafters/gathers from 0 to 90 two weeks before Dawntrail.
Im still having fun but this just opened my eyes

Gathering all night just to sell 1 house compared to buying and crafting is so diff, total game change
you can move between all the NA data centers but you should come to crystal anyway since that's where all the erp is and you're for that
hey i remember that
It WILL happen again
Every world on crystal is locked atm lmao.
Endwalker's post MSQ is boring and long. Who the fuck thought 'hey you know really needs to be an important character? Zenos' reaper avatar. I'm almost certain this bitch exists for the sole purpose of putting a fork in Zenos and confirming that mfer is dead.
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i had to solo the second boss but we made it through without wiping
I'm a patient person
wait fuck i meant the first one, also i got to level 100 from this one which was cool
Just a very active moonie. You can go to any world & the DC travel restrictions will probably be lifted in a week or two
It's just an extremely dumb way of letting her have an instant "in" with the group, instead of being her own person who we could meet and befriend on her own merits
It's all fun until you're trying to sell gear and some fag keeps undercutting you. Neither of you are managing to sell anything so you're constantly trying to undersell.
Trying to pawn off raid gear on savage release is the worst. You list it up, check the MB and you're already undercut within that time
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I actually would have preferred if she were just a random voidsent locked in that dungeon. she didn't have to be super special.
who made this anon...
post moonie
Why do people make shit like this on 140 FOV
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this is so badly done
my fiddie
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god what an ugly model
You weren't lying
alone in the cold, what a shitty fucking quest and bit of lore
>photoshopped beyond belief

Man. I fucking hate those people who photoshop their pictures to make them look "realistic". I like when the game itself shines through. Not a shopped mess.
you guys deserve getting made fun of on the other boards
I've got my little corner and I'm sticking to it.
Amazing, cant wait to discover the american life with you
>would not bang
It's a headhacked blender scene
yeah this thread is terrible
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glogones? beta key? help
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in from the cold*
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Please don't make fun of my anonymous... I couldn't take having my social standing tanked... PLEASE
shut up stupid
maybe if any of those others boards were actually any good but its all just different flavors of shit
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Sirs the new thread
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Im selling my stuff using the PF, not gonna waste my time with undercut wars.
where are they making fun of us?
I've posted her enough for the morning, but she's up above in this thread
It will be fun. NA players are very social
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peeping tom is back
what else matters?
you can now measure your social cred again
you LOVE this
That's hot
you deserve it when they do
glofgongs PLEASE
>who made this anon...
i hate gooners so much its unreal
Ah yes, it all makes sense. Kill all coomers.
THE DUALITY OF MAN in that pic
>Playing a WHM since 2.0
>Have been wondering why DPS don't use their fucking movement CD to handle mechanics. So classes that don't have movement CDs don't have to waddle across the room
>Have had to constantly slide cast across the room for mechanics because the DPS in my groups refuse to move
>Finally get a movement CD of my own
>Use it to get across the room so classes without movement can sit still
>Still wondering why DPS players refused to do this for 8 years.

No guys, it's fine. Lets have the WHM run across the room for Tenstrike, rather than having the Ninja Shukuchi across the room.
>It will be fun. NA players are very social
Will create an alt in Malboro or whatever when the restrictions are lifted, to test the waters and see how it goes
yeah the first guy was some mierda who died first and the second guy was a g'raha cosplayer who gave me dance partner before he died to the line TB
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what in the fuck, why are they all ugly

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