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Previous: >>484644397

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
Why is the top ZZZ streamer playing Snake instead of ZZZ?
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Unironically uninstalled ZZZ becuase of Wise. I picked Belle but this trash game forced me to listen to the faggot more than my MC. What were the devs thinking
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we won
we fucking won
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>got Ellen
>do a 10 on the weapon banner for fun
>get her weapon
snakechads... we won
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Any chance they revert this?
Here are your tutorials, do them. You get rewards.
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>got lycaon
>have to wait until miyabi to roll on limited banner
fucking hate this shit
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boring ahh filler story
youre funny
>3ish hours into the game and I still can't consume stamina
Why milfs are evil in every myhoyo game
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Devs should remove ALL male characters from their games.
Wuwachads are mogging us.
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Who will be the Ruan Mei/Nahida of this game that will make Anomaly Mastery good?
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wise wtf?
no dog and that is worthless
This kind of infuriated me as well, even though it's kind minor really
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shiet you were right anon
>30% hp on all team
Even with all that money he still suck.
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And prayers to my Billybwos
I didn't believed that he is a T3, but then i invested into him and he is a total joke, probably balanced around Starlight Engine Replica max limit break 100% uptime
Physbwos, it's not fucking fair...
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>normies think the game is just mediocre

uhh ZZZbros our response?
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Why can't we angle the camera during conversations, I want to look at BELLE and who she's talking to but there's a RETARD in the way.
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The biggest crime in this game is how mediocre the soundtrack was despite great presentation they had when marketing this game.
Yeah lets just forget how much you faggots shilled and your game flopped on launch day. Every general is laughing at you
100% never.
I don't even know what anomaly actually does but I'm ripping through the game with grace and piper (waiting for Lucy...)
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who is keka of zzz
I want to play her
it took me like 5 hours to get there, only real downside of the game desu
the beginning is a very slow start
Does this game have mods yet?
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Bros i hecking love how many milfs and OL NPCs there are. HagCHADs are gonna be feasting soon.
I pulled the wolf dude, literally the only character I didn't want. Is it worth rerolling or should I just quit and not waste my time on a shitty gacha
love how she's showing her armpit pussy even in the icon
I mean the characters probably aren't even built at all
Why won't the wuwa cuck fuck off back to his general? Oh right, because nobody gives a shit about his game
>characters hp bar
Why is it so low when the boss doesn't attack?
Surely this isn't a clip from a phase when the boss was stunned.
And the reason boss hp bar isn't displayed.
>Does everything just accumulate elemental weakness?
Your attacks build up the elemental gauge on the enemy depending on the element of the character you're using is. The enemy gauge is that tiny as fuck little circle you can't really see to the right of their health bars.
>I don't see a weakness shown for enemies anywhere?
The game lets you look up enemy types to include their weaknesses in the beastariary at the workbench.
>What is the point of Physical / Fire?
To do damage. Some enemies are immune to types of status / resistant/ weak to its damage. You can't go all ice all the time. It's just we're so early on that it doesn't matter yet.
>Should I just focus on my team's roles instead of elements?
Eh. Kinda? Ideally you use three characters from the same element, but there's only 3 dazed units in the game so options are limited.
Should I use something else instead?
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remember Ayaka's raw panties from CBT in genshin? yeah, never gonna happen
>mihoyo got rid of anby's thong because they didn't want men ogling a gay girl boss
Honestly so freaking based
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I don't know what I'm doing or how to play. I just mash buttons.
Everytime you roll for your waifu theres a 15% chance you will get the Wolf Dude no matter what.

I also quit for this very reason.
i like zzz because it reminds me of dohna dohna (which is objectively better than zzz)
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Uh /zzz/cucks?
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what should i spend my resin on?
Xi is unironically based
word is they're already requesting hoyo tone down the furry shit
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Reminder ZZZ is a game for ATHLETES
If you're an effeminate weeb who wants to play a game with a bunch of fairy homos /gig/ and /wuwa/ are right there faggot
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Hoyo got exposed when they tried to make something too original. They should of stuck with the BOTW clones.
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the npcs are pure sex
>/wuwa/ is celebrating how bad ZZZ is
Are we done? Is it over?
Does CN hate Nekomata and Billy? Why'd they put "twitchy retard" over them and only them? And other red text only over certain others?
the random pedestrians are most attractive than all the main and side characters
How easy is it to reroll? I want to get the wolf as soon as possible so I'm wondering if it's better to just power through to the 300 (in the worst case) or if starting over would be quicker.
anby more like tranby
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Standard characters don't really matter
Get your scratch off get your coffee get your ramen take cat photos go to the mines nice gameplay loop
wait for miyabi
got Soldier 11 and Grace in back to back 10-pulls on the standard banner

based fucking me
Come back to hsr already retarfs your shit furry game flopped no reason to wait
>Ideally you use three characters from the same element
You use characters with different element from same company to trigger the distortion effect from applying 2 element debuffs.
I hate the shitty dubstep music. It also simultaneously sounds like shitty esports transition/waiting til next game music.
Could be worse.
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literally the first fucking 10 roll
are you serious lol
I dont know shit about this game but an I wrong to assume the construction girl synergizes a shit ton with the maid? I got the latter so I wonder if I should get the former too for a full electric team
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>Anton seeded account
>Koleda needs Ben
fucking hell
that fucking eye roll, man I NEED TO SAVE
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Is genshin really a botw ripoff? I never played either.
/zzz/ who are the best 4stars?
Well, this was a total let down.
Gonna wait for Azur Promilia and Endfield to see which other gacha i spend my time on.

I really don't understand how Mihoyo fumbled this bag so hard.
Why don't you go back?
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im ngl, i'm thinking of dropping hsr.
wuwa and zzz are too fun lol
Koleda is pretty fun to use.
Why do people post like you can only ever play one gacha game at a time on this website? Is this a zoomer habit
how do I try out characters?
also do we really get no limited banner pulls?
how do I reroll then
i would uninstall desu senpai
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why are wuwaggers like this? then they will say its revenge because we shilled zzz everywhere when they did the same thing in a more annoying fashion?
their oppression olympics rivals that of bipoclgbtqia++
too old, unless you mean the one in the back, yes
Yeah I though hoyo music was good? Wtf happened? Genshin is leagues ahead of this
hoyogames are for women and children
Not beyond some really superficial similarities and the very first area of the game.
First time in a gacha general on release
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>all those CN bellekeks seething, while wise players are fine playing the gacha.
But pic related is the zzz main problem
>+3500 replies
Holy kek, the wolf is scaring potential whales/dolphins
Theres only so many gachas you can play at once.
And the gameplay on this one isn't better than any of the other options.
>shark girl and her friends visit my video store
MC cant stop winning
I am unironically going to use my 300 pull on the homo furry
Nyo, seethe
Same bro, let's go back to WuWa together!
this is your 3rd time playing genshin. you should know how thigns go by now
Bwo if HSR didn't take only like 5 minutes a day to do dailies I would have dropped it by now (jgenshin I've just given up on doing dailies and wuwa I dropped entirely because dailies are a fucking PITA)
I've unironically lost the will to play the game with how long it takes to unlock daily chores and any way to spend stamina. I must have spent like five hours playing so far and it's still unavailable.
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>can only ever play one gacha game
Said who?
Daily doesn't even take 15 minutes.
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We need a playable character with those proportions HOLY
I was thinking more HSR. The better game.
nicole because she's the only aoe crowd control
ben because if you're good enough technically you can never die and you can kill everything
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cute and canon. trannyhomos btfo by heterofurrychads.
>gets excited over lesbians making out in his store
anyone else surprised the game actually sucks? im a huge hoyo shill and i was hyped as fuck for this but desu the combat sucks and its even shallower than genshin, forget wuwa even dynasty warriors is more involved than this
i honestly cant believe mihoyo made this game after genshin and HSR
How do I know which w-engine is a character's special one? Do I have to read the lore?
How are people getting a ten roll for the limited banner. I did a few rerolls last night and the most I could get was 7 singles. Are you playing past the point where you can roll? Please help.
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Popularity poll in China
>Pick Wise as MC
>Belle constantly calls you onii-chan and gets jealous of an AI calling you Master
No wonder people who picked Belle are seething lmao.
is there any moment that even comes close to wildfire?
We warned you bro
You were supposed to pick Wise if you like Belle
How many limited pulls do we get in 1.0. Can I garantee ellen even if I lose 50/50?
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Heteroshitters can't stop taking L's.
Am I the only one enjoying the story? Yea I get it there's no high stakes whatever bullshit that is ending the world like Genshin/HSR but I find that refreshing. The cast is allowed to be as wild and eccentric as possible, the player characters actually have personality and dialogue, and the whole episodic nature of it makes it feel like I'm watching a Saturday morning cartoon. Literally reminds me of watching Digimon as a kid.
bro, you are saver. the name was evading me for many years
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Sup guys I'm here to review your game

first of all the characters are cute I like them
I like the story as well
the censorship sucks btw

good, now let's move on to the gameplay

this game was designed for people with the mental capacity of a goldfish
but even then that's insulting to the goldfish because a goldfish can jump
the in game mail?
>Is genshin really a botw ripoff?
it was a 1:1 cheap copy until Inazuma. The game was a quick cashgrab at first but the money gave them an identity
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>Consensus is that China hates all of the characters except maybe Hellen

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How can I play this game with a raging boner 24/7? All the female characters in this game are sex.
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Genuine question, what do you dislike about the game? What went wrong?
For me honestly I just find the aesthethics too jarring. The menu and font looks weird. The Hollow exploration is awful. AND THE NOSES ARE TOO POINTY. I'm adding zzz to the list of games that I don't play but fap to their character's art
seems like we can expect no more knots from here on out
Do Belle players get Wise/Fairy catfights?
How good is Solider 11? I just pulled her…
Of course I claimed it or I would have 0 rolls instead of 7. It doesn't get you to 10 though that's for sure.
The distortion effect is dogshit, especially compared to continuously ramping the same element on an enemy, and removes the status that was previously on them which is even worse when characters have a bonus for attacking enemies with certain status.
It's bad.
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Why didn't they give a 4* W-Engine selector like how WuWa gave a free 4* weapon selector? I can't even use my Ben or Lycanon because I have no 4* weapon for them, and leveling a 3* is beyond brickening.
>cn hates zzz
>dawei needs to kneel to westoids
good timeline
They hate evryone?
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Yep I'm thinking wuwaniggers won
>hoyo shill
Good evening wuwa pajeet
Yes? I have a cute imouto, I'm a taken man. So why wouldn't I want to have my store filled with schoolgirls making out?
>Am I the only one
Anon literally multiple posts last thread were talking about how much they like the story and characters.
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I'm a boomer and this game was clearly created for zoomers
Fucking furfag shit is the one thing I really dislike about this game so far. Haven't been spooked yet, but you just know it's going to happen statistically. It's worse than being KINGed.
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average mihoyo player
You need to be 18 to post here.
Took me like 10 seconds.
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It was actually really easy.
It's not that kinda story. If you wanna make an analogy HSR is like JJK and ZZZ is like K-On. It's more about cute and fun character interactions and dialogue than "epic fights" and world ending danger
Hello, is this the Miyabi waiting room?
>Black void undercarriage
Too accurate
yeah, i'm just starting ch1 and it's been a lot of fun, kinda like a more light-hearted cyberpunk with the whole "netrunners" being "proxies"
This website is a lot more entertaining once you realise more of the ills come from random Indian guys that can barely speak English
Holy fuck
Won what? Wuwa has no players
Nta but it's hard to see those while wading through all the shitposting
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gacha tribalism is retarded, I just play the games I find fun
where is this from? any polls for Genshit and WuWa?
I was shocked and baffled when the first trailer dropped. what were they thinking making another game when HI3rd is pretty much their action game
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>posts a character that CANONICALLY likes the traveller
Anon Yanfei CANON likes the Traveler, be it Loom or Pag.
I like the stoy, so I'm playing the game instead of posting all the time. Discussing the gameplay is pointless right now too, because its early game.
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What is the difference between mastery and proficiency stats in this game?
I got soldier 11 from the standard. Am I bricked or is this a good thing?
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stuff like this right here is a big part of the game and if you don't like it you probably won't enjoy ZZZ in the long term
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So far the only thing I hate is the music you hear when rolling. It's like TTGL OST but more cringe. Game seems alright otherwise, though I've only played until the point of unlocking arcade.
Paimon, your game companion
March, pretty much the second MC
Anby...who is just a chick

It should've been Nicole
i supose theres fun and lovable character then, right?
Yeah. It's crazy how much people spend their energy on hating a thing they don't like. Its like watching monkeys throw shit
>what do you dislike about the game?
Too many male characters.
>bugs like children more than buff furry men
not surprised, chinks were never known for being intelligent or having good tastes
I hope I get Wolfgang pressure to go with me Ellen
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>30 standard and 10 limited pulls deep
>4 A rank engines

At this point if my starter 5 star isn't Grace or Rina I am instantly uninstalling.
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vonbros, benbros, thank you for filtering out the trash.
Everyone is just having fun shitposting, no way they take this shit seriously, so if you're too serious about fun you already lost
>List of games that i dont play but fap to
Thats like 99% of gacha for me
Nah plenty of people like it, it explicitly appeals to the older crowd. Zoomers with ADD that need subway surfer gameplay on the side hate it though
i'm a boomer and this game feels like it was created for me
that'll last you at least 2 lifetimes in my 4th world country
>stuff like this right here is a big part of the game
>scroll through some posts for a minute or 2
>exit and progress
>big part
Some of the posts were funny enough for me to read through.
I pulled the non-maid titty monster, how is she?
Gacha tribalism is the only PvP in gachas. Please understand.
Kek, i fucking knew picking Wise was the right play
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I'm having fun. This is a fun game.
I though it's gonna be like hsr and genshin where the not picked mc just gone forever.
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good morning bwos
time for another fun day of zzz!
I haven't done any research or seen any tier list but from trying out the characters, I like the green ones the most while yellow are okay. I'm fine just picking whomever I want in the green right?
rerollbros, where we at?
I'm currently at reroll #10 and only a single S so far (soldier 11) and my will is starting to crack
I want ellen or at least to get the 50/50 out of the way
>pander to furries and pedos
>they flop
What was the master plan here?
>100 million to develop
>cheap cashgrab
I really think the biggest thing missing is a variety of enemies and bosses with iconic mechanics/movesets/appearance. What are the chances of hoyo improving this?
How are Belle pickers coping with their character being a brocon obsessed with Wise cock?
how did you get 2 S chars in 25 pulls?
based reddit meshi poster
Serious question, is it illegal in the ZZZ for the furries like Ben to be naked? What about Officer Mew Mew?
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i hate that huge ugly ass skin cancer on her titty
>March, pretty much the second MC
She's barely relevant bud
Music and story structure are simply too bad. Unplayable, and greatly lessened my esteem of mhy
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Give me one good reason why I should play multiple gacha instead of play a real game or watch anime
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>the 1 dollar selector doesn't even let you pick a V-Engine outside of the free character ones
it's a good thing i played wuwa before this so i can have a reference. zzz mogs wuwa, objectively, in the sovlkino department. it be bussin, on god, for real, no cap.
mods will reverse it and go further beyond
I think it's hot!
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Honestly? Yeah.
nah its not fun shitposting, I just ignore it though, I dont care to engage with it, if its a good game people will play it but some people just like to seethe at the popular thing, go into any dead general im sure you'll see the difference, hoyo is the biggest so it attracts them all
The entire pulling sequence of this game is too cringy. And I'm using this word unironically. So much clutter and forced hype to see W-ENGINE RANK B in all caps on your screen 9 times. Even worse when you pull a 5 star and the weird as fuck EN vocals show up. Glad to see I'm not alone in this
I don't even mind the aesthetics. I like it a lot even. It's sort of a fresh look.
What I fucking hate is how one dimensional the combat is. Nothing has been a challenge so far and the "Challenge mode" is literally just "I want to fight sponges!" mode. And even if the point of the game is to be easy, the combat just doesn't feel satisfying enough even if they want this to be that kind of power fantasy game. Like the combat just feels flaccid.
Is the red haired 5-star good? She reminds me of an anime character I forgot
Same here and they aren't even usable wtf am I supposed to do with all these anomaly engines when I don't even have an anomaly character? Fuck off
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Remember newbros. Abyss content is a scam. If you roll to compete it or spend money, it will take 10 years of your you doing a full clear every rotation before you recover the cost of a single banner.
fun? is that what tvs are?
Holy based.
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oh yeah it's rape time
Why the tribalism though if you don't like a game there's no need to constantly seethe at it
>and leveling a 3* is beyond brickening
Why would it be, plenty of 3* options in Genshin and HSR are good or even meta, and if the economy is anything like those games weapon upgrade materials aren't exactly scarce.
How do i restart account or change MC? I want a cute little sister, not become little sister.
It's always fun making fun of hoyofags
Stop lying retard
I’m not seething about it I’m playing it
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All girls are straight and for (You). Hoyo left the shadow of Hi3's dyke pandering with Firefly, now its the time of straights
Anby's thighs and miniskirt make me rock hard BUT WHY AREN'T THERE ANY SCENES/ART OF HER BAREFOOT AAAHHHHHHHHHH
Paizuri with this bitch!
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Nicole is CUTE
yeah its pretty fun
even more fun than the combat desu
I won't play this slop but I will keep jerking to Nicole
>"Challenge mode" is literally just "I want to fight sponges!
This tells me all I need to know because if you actually use the mechanics the "sponges" die in seconds.
I hate how there's not one straight girl on the cast
these people have been seething at genshin for 4 years, they're literal subhumans
But I'm not.
hoyoshill doing damage control here
I rolled ellen and that got me playing longer.

I was wrong the game gets harder if you progress the first levels from 1-10 are easy modo because that's just how it is in most gachas
point proven lmao
Too late, get a new account or live with your awful decisions just like you have to live through having taken puberty blokers in grade school, tranny.
But if I'm a girl how can the girls be straight and for me?
in an alternate timeline this is the game mihoyo makes instead of genshin to follow HI3. There's no males, no censorship, the battle system is much more complex, and waterkuma is completely unrestrained.
Nicole is supposed to be Himeko and Yelan.
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>even gachagaming is saying the gameplay is shit and those people are S class Hoyodrones that gargle Genshin semen and shat on Wuwa for an entire week

welp that wasnt on my bingo card lol
When will she be playable, bros?
So what's the meta?
One attacker and then?
I wasn't talking about you specifically anon it's more the other people in the thread, sorry if I wasn't clear
I don't like the furshit and the stinginess with pulls, but that's standard hoyo. I pretty much expect at least one limited 5* from any gacha these days.
I hate how transbians still aren't imprisoned in mental hospitals
This launch shitpost still more tame compare to Star Rail launch, Anti-hoyo falseflagging was on full force back then it even leak into internet.
I once saw a 10 years old brat screaming genshin could never in real life.
go back
r/gachagaming is raiding us
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Also based!
>I don't engage with it
>meanwhile you're engaging with a wuwafag like me
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The profile customization in this game so bland compared to HSR and Genshin...
>There's no males, no censorship, the battle system is much more complex, and waterkuma is completely unrestrained
What is this fantasy game you are describing, because it certainly isn't ZZZ.
When do we get Miyabi
Nah that's a salty shitposter. It's good. They purposefully reply to as many people as they can saying the game and everything related to it sucks.
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doomkeks...you got BTFO again...
>ignores nicole
>ignores anby
>ignores ellen
>ignores grace
Straightoid cope
I haven't pulled yet. I'm still using the default characters. They aren't bad.
What's wrong with the story? I'm not that far in it yet, but it seems fine to me.
Belle picker here, some filthy hussy claiming to be our "No.1 fan" I getting close to him, and the AI slut too. This is not ok.
The transformation change is the most annoying. The original is pretty horrifying while the new one you can't even tell what's happening.
save save save save
>with Firefly,
But Firefly is a lesbian for FemMC?
All female hoyo fans I know say hoyo games made them lesbian.
>still makes 30+ million
Chinks do nothing but seething from their cucksheds are oyohim come and forces them to pay.
wuwa is making fun of our combat again.....
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Alright, see you all in a month or two when the shitposters get bored
canon nicole...
>all those 1 star votes
this game has some western influence
and we all know that means
>less creative
>less appealing
>homogenization cuz muh cultural marxism
I wanted to use a character as my pfp...
i can't get over how bad those look
There's action combat in Dohna Dohna? Damn, I thought it was just a VN or some stupid weeb shit. I might check it out if it's more than just textboxes and CG scenes of fucking like those boring weebs always enjoy.
There was no chinkwank.
Nah it's pretty good, hoenstly as far as early stories go this one is one of the better ones.
After downloading 100+GB of this shit and another update cockblock: do I choose male or female, or can I change it after
/fng/ homeless tranny detected
How are you doing lil bwo? Castration when? :3
he's right...
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Is there a difference in rewards between casual and challenge mode? Answer the alcoholic cat.
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The camera mode is bad bros, I can't even take a photo of characters
Uh oh Wisepag melty
Besides the fact shittercurls have more variety, genshin also has open world exploration with puzzles
Yeah, 6 months from now, not in the super early game
whats /fng/?
>character who laughs off Anby's clinginess
>who happens to have classmates who are female
I don't even remember any Grace teasing.
I'm not saying otherwise but what do people expect when they play a gacha? It's a game that has to be playable on phone, of course it's going to be limited in many ways

Your point?
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>wuwa making fun of anything
Puzzles is a very strong word anon
you can't change it
but you can play as the other
Genuine question, how much does the combat evolve at endgame for anyone who has reached it or played CBT3?
so what's exactly their problem?
Pos 1: Attack
Pos 2 and 3: Not Attack
>china wankers taking US UIDs from US
that's pretty petty
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We need to have a serious discussion regarding the state of WUWA
How do i reset my mc pick? I don't want to make another account. Am i bricked forever for picking Belle?
No, challenge is only if you like fighting HP sponges.
the blue girl + whatever
>no controller support
How many event limited rolls am I suppose to get?
They kinda were. "Crecent Pike Xiangling" or whatever that weapon was was only a thing because people didn't understand how critical the element system was and it was easier and effect to mash left click. Then they complained about how boring it was.
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This is final boss gameplay

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Canon MC is Belle so make sure you pick her.
It's more than than what the navigation minigame has
The cutscenes are so overanimated. It looks so jarring. Is this what they call "forced" animation?
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Those people only cared about ZZZ just because they wanted some epic war between ZZZ and Wuwa, nothing else.
furry pandering
it's 400gb anon, you downloaded the lite version
Zenless Zone Zero?
I love this slut
friday night at greddies
NFTbros... finally we are represented...
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Wisepags be seething because Belle is more popular and gets more fanart.
This is neither the wuwa genral or genshin general, I wish you people would fuck off
Enable on settings
>troonxbian doesn't get to hear "onii-chan"
I have rerolled for nekomata 8 times now and no luck. Do people do account trading anywhere? I am losing my patience
I love the environments in this game. I feel like a fucking shill for saying this, especially about a chink gacha game, but they're very soulful.
He's has been a menace in the Fortnite general for a year now. He likes to spam Genshin images and bitch about himself even though he doesn't the game at all.
The harder enemies will come with updates, but as long as your characters are actually built it still probably wont be too hard lol
keep your delusions to yourself
>All japanese schoolgirls are le same.
Yeah, I had the same impression, especially with the cringe robot dude.
Does the 400gb version gib bigger nicole
like the horror game?
they basically work as one unit so if any part of the swarm gets angy the entire hive never relents
did i fuck up by picking the girl MC
This game was made for EN GODS. Stinky chinkcels should know their place.
Is this game for straight heterosexual males such as myself?
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ZZZ Bros explain this, why do the characters have NO butt
Anon you can't fight something that is already dead like wuwa
The combat is boring
If you enjoy listening to your brother voice as paimon in TV mode, then sure.
Yes specially if you like cunny
If you are a male (true) rather than a male (pag), then yes.
reminder that this game was made by leafs. quebecois leafs at that.

tells you all you need to know really
>puts so little effort into your shitpost that you can't even crop out the very apparent c6r5
we pander to chinkcels here chud
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I think people unironically would complain a lot less if you had your E Skill ready right at the start for everyone.
Only if you dislike your onii-chan who will now talk to you constantly
I think the worst part about the gacha wars is that I feel compelled to read this shit instead of actually playing any games
90% chance other fanbases are spamming the 1 rating for trolling. Either yostar games or snowbreak.
No every freaking girl here already has a girlfriend man it sucks
It didn't take me long to notice that there's more nuance to the gameplay, like in Ellen's trial where you have to use her sprint or whatever. Doomies are 50/50 braindead retards and anti-hoyofags.
at the end of CBT3 even the final stages still had no mechanical complexity to them, enemies were just HP sponges that hit much harder.
They only increase HP. And probably damage dealt to you. I couldn't even tell if the latter happens because of how easy the game is.
No different enemy behaviors/no increased aggression/attack frequency.
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I can't believe hoyo tricked me into playing this with a mouse for several hours
I should have applied the HI3 controls right away
what does pag mean
NAME 1 (ONE) gacha game on the market better than ZZZ
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So the persona style times of day schedule was completely fucking pointless then? I just blasted through 5+ sidequests in one evening without advancing time at all
>ctrl+f "wuwa"
>365 results

Sisters...I think we are little obsessed...
She gets wet thinking about her Wise penis...
Yes, now you get listen to the male MC for the rest of the game. Might as well start taking hormones.
Im horny or every npc is hot lol
but they're max on everything
literally the most built char you can have
nothing, thay made a game just for me
but I wish I could get de camera away a little more
People will shit on ZZZ gameplay and then defend HSR
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>they show up after all the beginning stuff
Who the fuck made the call that combat in the first ~5 hours of the game should be as shallow as possible? It’s beyond retarded. I’m glad I’ve started picking stuff up by myself since I’d totally be doomposting too otherwise
>not C6R5
>its the same exact fight but it takes longer

braindead retard
yes but it's only available with the battle pass
>bdsm butler wolf furry man is the best stun character in the game at launch, not koleda
>will realistically never get dropped from any ice team until they finally make another ice-stun character
>even then he has synergy with ellen because they share a faction on top of the element, so you can't even drop him from victoria faction teams until they make another better character in that lineup too
Who allowed this to happen, did someone from furknights get hired by mihoyo?
Homosexual and brown
Y-you do though?
Are you confusing E skills with EX enhanced special skills that need gauge?
Bros playing Wuwa and this back to back I actually think my left mouse button is dying.
wuwa just flew over my house
>hating turn based
t. zoomer
will we get free rolls on the limited banner like wuwa on day 2 and day 3?
rerolling is so painful in this game
Funny that it lives rent free in your head instead.
cant get into the game anymore on android
everything becomes unresponsive after the game logs you in
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>every freaking girl here already has a girlfriend
Common male L
>want Ellen
>refuse to use a furry
should I just skip and save for the loli next banner? who does she work with?
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This is what I got now. How important is it that I get Ellen's ball weapon thing?
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Game is pretty simple, just abuse daze to get a 2X or higher damage window and use all your ults and EX skills on the enemy during that window.

The Anomaly mechanic feels similar to DoT or Break Effect from HSR.
Made me look and it's only 25
I like turn based gameplay.
/zzz/ - Wuthering Waves General
>people say the game is easy
>nobody has made it to this game's abyss mode yet
Please don't lump in belle with these trannys
The game has been out for less than a day
If you maxed refreshed and bought out the shop you still wont have enough
I've already uninstalled and went back to wuwa
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i dont get selfinsert fags
is this truly what they think? why dont you just self insert as a chad? what's the point
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she is a slut she's bi
she likes both nicole and billy so she's bi
ellen wonders what von's red rocket looks like while she kisses her girlfriends so she's bi
koleda is ben's hole, she licks the spunk off her leaking pussy while she also gets railed by ben, so she's bi
meterless skills are garbage though
Because HSR is a numbers go up game. The satisfaction is in seeing the numbers go up. ZZZ is meant to be an action hack and slasher game. The satisfaction SHOULD be in the combat. But its combat is kinda the opposite of satisfying.
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I never manage to swap when the golden sparkle happens to trigger the thing, is this normal?
>The Anomaly mechanic feels similar to DoT or Break Effect from HSR.
Then when do we get Kafka, Ruan Mei and Black Swan to mage a hag dream team?
The game never said you were going to get Limited Banner pulls
how did you get so many so soon?
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When is the Chasing Red Fang Gangster banner coming out?
t. ranny
Anyone feel like answering an idiot?
Is Anby autistic?
Aren't you as delusional saying all the girls in the game are gay?
EoS if true, global will f2p this game into the ground.
This game is alright but you can’t compare it to masterpieces such as Final Fantasy 16 (sixteen)
I'm not self inserting, i just dont want to listen to male voice 24/7 when I'm in doing TV mode which is 90% of this game gameplay.
Is Inter-Knot Premium worth it? Am I literally stealing from Da Wei?
What do you mean so many? I just played until level 17 and then used all the rolls I had. That's 80 on the normal and 20 on the limited.
All male players are gay and nigs? That's very embarrassing.
Gameplay is basically HI3 right? I only played a bit, but it feels like the same thing.
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I don't understand?

>it used to cost $21.98 but we're charging you $23.99

shouldnt it be opposite lol
Ok retard.
but thinking about wuwa makes me laugh
I think you have to read. Someone will probably compile it on reddit or something eventually.
He's a popular character and the main draw for furfag players. They needed to make him good.
ZAAAAMN is a better hag game than wuwa? hagGODS we won again
FInal Fantasy 15 (Fifteen) is better
Just got her, is she good?
Why do anons dislike the soundtrack? It's not the best, but it's not that bad.
I'll just save for the chink cop.
chinks cant into math
Two gay queens beat the shit out of a white man
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chat is this real?
>b-but genshin

i didn't expect to struck a nerve so hard lmao
It's called support for the company that gives you high quality entertainment for free.
The discount means you are discounting on your jewness and donating more.
>didnt get anything at the start
should I reroll?
rerolling is a pain jesus
>/zzz/ - Wuthering Waves Seething General
I wish we had Wuwa's three buttons combat along with echoes and shit would have been perfect in this fucking game instead of a one button mashy slop
Some American states passed a law that online purchases has to display tax or something.
people who self insert are insecure and pathetic thus any resistance to their fantasy triggers them
I just did and everything went haywired and mapped to wrong buttons kek
it does suck though if you want actual gameplay. gacha turn based is terrible.
>uses guns and grenades
Grace is Kafka and Rina is her Ruan Mei/Black Swan.
you sound upset
If I get an S-rank before the 50 rolls are up, do I get two?
Try harder.
I hate Wuwa so much
I think it's just bland and forgettable, definitely the worst MHY has put out so far.
Transbian moment
fuck off and die already
It's mostly fine, but a chinese person's interpretation of what cool English rap is causes me pain.
What characters did you guys get?
Looks like my account is cunny seeded, Piper is even C1
why are you terrified of men, tranny?
why is everyone talking about wuwa? is it just shitposters?
Straight men always plays girls characters only because they're hotter.
you will be forced to play a male with her
no she's gay
Reaching level 8 gives you another 20 rolls to get to 50 pity see what you get and then reroll
unless you only care about shark maid then reroll
I can't remember any song in the game. Not a single instance of music has made me go "damn this sounds nice i want to listen to it on youtube"
ok xis
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>no jumping
wuwa is a dead game so their posters come here
But I play as a man, I don't want to play as a woman and used a man as my companion.
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We got a chill general over on sturdy's /v/ if anyone is interested
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>short skirt
>black pantyhose
My only S rank is also Koleda. Luckily I got the bear and the other belobog dude, they seem like good supports for her.
by bricking my account with the m@le
is shark meido permanently locked to the gay bondage furry?
It's the tripfag that hate hoyo and is here 16 hours a day
>Two gay queens beat the shit out of a white man
I wish two misandrist lesbians would beat the shit out of me too.
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Post fuckable NPCs
I'm level 9, and I don't know how you got all those rolls. I don't want to spend the currency on some bs. So far I rolled the 2x10 Stable Channel thing on sale.
Lol no. Straight men play as cool dudes
Fuck man Piper and Lucy look so fucking bad. I don't know how this even happens in a billion dollar gacha. Did they look at BA and think "nah, people prefer potatoes actually"?
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This seems strong. Has there been a BP tier list yet for W-engines?
>man that says his headcanon gay faction is more canon that in-game canon
>calling other people delusional
>Wuwa 1.1
>2 hour main quest
>Tacet farming takes 2 mins a day
>People so bored of echo farming they would rather camp out here
If you want actual gameplay you don't play gacha.
Most of them right now are generic and don't "belong" to a specific character. The ones that do are obvious because they have motifs of the character in the design (like Ellen's is just literally a shark) and they have effects that are very specific and catered to that character (like Ellen's boosting crit rate with ice damage)
So I either play ZZZ who has amazing style, animations, cool looking world but the worst gameplay possible, or I play WuWa who has amazing combat but the most generic ugly bland world
Why can't there be a good gacha game
>How important is it that I get Ellen's ball weapon thing?
Big baddie is really tanky for my team but the fight is cool, I need to learn his new patterns with the four arms and try again when I have more time.
Reply to me, /fng/tranny. How is it going? Still homeless? (:
Give us the tea, we gotta know!
>average buttonmashing poster
Every girl gets fucked by bears here?
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ZZZ is eclipsing their game in the west, aka the only gacha market that still had interest in WhoWa.
for now, yes. all current alternatives are cope.
Where my furry bros at why i see nearly nobody posting da good shit
it's tencent paid shills, not even the lowest subhuman would do this for free
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Please...I need to know
No they canonically hate men and dick
I found the ellen video,
literally a 10 minute video going into the complexity of Ellen's kit, pretty interesting and some of you clearly need it if you think combat is just left click.
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Isn't it just the Cunning Hares that have special engines? I don't think other factions get them.
every male too
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>TV is too long
>it's 2 mins at best
I kneel to low attention span zoomies
buy an ad faggot
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I kinda like nekomata but.... why is she black???
>too old
for you faggots.
>elf ears
What's the deal?
That's not a short skirt you absolute retard.
How much can I spend while still being considered f2p?
I'm surprised because they had 8 years of experience creating character kits for HI3.
How did they go from making Thelema and Lantern to this?
>youtuber pads video length
>anon is completely sincere about all of this
Shitposters yes
wuwa melty
how's the controller experience?
WASD is not gameplay
Nekomata looks fake real cats don't behave like that
Billy is just a shitty wannabe deadpool and plays like Chixia except with no damage output, and also he's also a snitch
>they canonically hate men and dick
Literally me.
fngtroon, pls reply :33333
Still mad cus you got BTFO'd about genshin male popularity by an actual woman? You know, the thing you want to be? :D
>he says in a mihoyodrone general
why not imagine her dark chest
Can I not use characters in the hub area? Only in missions?
tv is kind of comfy, maybe fights should be longer and load screens smoothed out
Anon you should delete this because people will come to try and troll
Now that the dust has settled, is ZZZ a good game?
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i look forward to the tv part whenever i play (no sarcasm)
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so which of the 3* weapons are the harbinger of dawn/meshing cogs of ZZZ??
Bro, used your mouse.
no one is spending on this slop lmao
they nerfed it several times over the cbts and halved it for release
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Come back home
It's a good yuri game, I'm afraid to say
I'm enjoying it yeah.
she has pink nips
Why don't you go to your tencent general, nobody will accuse you of being a shil lthere.
dude the channel is in the webm people have been posting, you think I'm motivated enough to make a whole ass youtube channel and advertise here?
Nnngggghhh brown cunny...
wuwa is the boogeyman

>dont like the game?
its a wuwa poster
>think the gameplay is shit
wuwa has worse gameplay
>dont like story or characters
wuwa has shittier characters

any criticism of this game can only ever come from a salty wuwa poster
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it's literally the grid map things from other normal gachaslop like GFL/azurlane, I don't see why people are making a big deal of it in this game specifically.
Alexandrina - Weeping Cradle
Nekomata - Steel Cushion
Koleda - Hellfire Gears
BDSM Furry - The Restrained
Grace - Fusion Compiler

No idea what Soldier 11 has to do with The Brimstone thematically but it has to be hers.
mihoyo mindbroke your indian ass
Way better than touchscreen. My finger kept sliding off the virtual analog stick getting lost and I kept pressing the wrong buttons. The only perfect thing was if Left and Right Bumper swapped to different characters instead of the same character, but I guess phone players would complain.
black people exist chud
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Hello, serious question:

Was it this bad during HSR's release? Why are there so many people crapping on ZZZ? It's like its getting brigaded or something.
>literally a 10 minute video going into the complexity of Ellen's kit
The kit portion is only 5 minutes and he includes basic stuff like what is a dodge and parry.
Nice try.
HSR has auto, it was never meant to be some grand gameplay focused experience
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Should I delete genshin or hsr?
The TV is fun and more creative than anything else Hoyo has done, there I said it. I'd rather move around the TV collecting shit for 5 mins than run around a vast empty map for half an hour to do a fetch quest. The obsession that zoomers have with open world shit is unironically killing gaming, not everything has to be open world exploration, learn to sit the fuck down and just play a simple dungeon crawler you ADD raddled brain rotted fucks.
>it's tencent paid shills
so... any Mihomo general?
probably any energy regen as usual
its just like real life
I've just seen this slop in too many gacha games
thank god you can speed up the slow ass animations
That wasn't my question. I'm asking if CN hates them specifically. It's not a gameplay thing because they already put her up in T1.
Who the fuck is that? I don't see anybody in the character list with that name.
>ZZZ gets a choco girl at launch
>Meanwhile in HSR we still only have Arlan
Its not fair...
its the only gacha ZZZ is actually threatning
I literally just farm traces for 2 mins a day and that already gives me all my dailies I need something else to do.
>stylized fly eyes
devs know the target audience, it just a humiliation ritual kek
r/gachagaming raid
they raided /wuwa/ too
now they are falseflagging to make us hate each other.
She's not black
She's just dark skinned (asian)
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But overworld traversal in star rail is also just WASD
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epi threads are kino!
HSR since it's an auto battler and the next few patches are china wanking.
Me and my gf
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Got these with 60 standard pulls and 10 limited pulls.
Tencent doesn't have a stake at Mihoyo
No. People thought HSR was the cool retro Final Fantasy.
I legitimately don't mind TV gameplay
New low for kuroshills this day.
Is leveling basic attack, dodge, ult on support characters a trap like Genshin normal attacks for characters that take no field time?
>game is bad? nah it MUST be getting raided by someone

or you know, the game could actually just be shit and theres more people being honest about it than Hoyodrones defending it
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HSR is unfortunately better...
You think people are joking when they accuse anons of being tencent shills or paid bots?
Seething /hsrg/ posters that their game is fucking dead right now, no content, next character is a useless gigabrick and grim prospects since they are going back to Space China
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what they really need is some area to demo characters so you can learn to play them better
Definitely HSR
What? Haven't you seen the guy spamming wuwa pics in previous thread?
this but unironically
I didn't know people above 50+ yo. like you played MHY games
This has to be the first gacha where I'm not excited to get any character in particular. Even all the leaked characters do nothing for me. I guess this is a good thing if I good playing, since that means I won't be paypigging.
that is a hebe
black is black, not into poo-poo sorry
people forget asians are brown because they overload on filters and skin whitening cream these days when they make their alien cosplay videos and images
Idk but I'm locking all of them until I have 2 maxed out copies of each. I ate like 8 meshing cogs in star rail and was kicking myself because it refused to drop after that.
you will suck the big loong cock and you will like it
>All girls are straight
>in gacha game
same at first i thought it was gonna suck but i kinda like it now
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why are there so many rudeposters?
/wuwa/ launch threads were way worse lol. You have the paid hoyodrones on your side this time.
If I listened to anonymous people on the internet about which games I should/shouldn't play, I wouldn't be playing any games at all [
Thanks broski
true zzzigger seeded
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ESLGODS run the gaming industry
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? Mad, tranny?
Chinese game, Chinese morals. Basado.
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>post uninstall screencap from google
>say I am leaving
>keep playing
>a single anon posts wuwa pics to bait (you)s

i don't know if you are legitimately just braindead or just seriously believe it
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Aright this wasn't even fun for a day good luck next game bros
So true sis
>everyone always moans and complains about muh brown girls
>gib us brown girls
>game gives them cutest brown girl possible
>they don't even take the time to defend her or waifu post about her
yeah, I'm thinkin maybe they're right about just not making any brown characters... you guys don't deserve them.
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if you can't tell that the majority of criticism right now is bait and shitposting you're genuinely retarded
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>haha stupid mihoyodrones!
>your games suck ass
>here come the Genshin/HSR/ZZZ killers!!

You fuckers never learn huh?
>iM jUsT bEiNg HoNeSt
spamming isn't criticism sweety
You got him free from main quest, everyone accounts are bricked.
As long as it does not have ATK% as a substat, it's worth keeping.
Worse. People said the game was a scam rug pull
will I be able to clear the abyss of this game with 4* characters? it feels so bad building 4* attacker knowing I will be wasting all the materials because I couldn't roll any 5* dps
Japanese women avoid the sun like it's a plague because they know they'll turn into this if they step outside unprotected for 3 minutes
Sunk cost. People put a lot of money into their favorite gacha games and any newcomers are a threat to their existence.
play genshin?
combat is okay and the world is huge and beautiful(because its a botw clone)
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It's been a week since I logged in lol
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Good to know, I'll keep it casual since the combat is shit.
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I got c1 Lucy AND her weapon
Love her so much
>Chinese game, Chinese morals. Basado.
Yeah and Mihoyo loves yuri. Chinese morals, gweilo.
I'll always be amazed that a Naruto game is that high
kys vtumor
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You seamonkeys are still coping?

he is quite frequent in fortnite general, this tranny usually whines about himself being a man and how he wants to be female instead, all that with random genshin pics attached, usually lumine.
Oh, man. Why couldn't it be the redheaded loli instead? Glad that I'll get more free characters though.
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Gameplay(both combat and everything surrounding it) and UI are irredeemable.
Mihoyo LITERALLY make games for children it seems.
chixia is forgettable a character from wuwa that no one knows except people who play wuwa. thus I will conclude that you are speaking to a wuwa shitter who has nothing to do and wants to make you miserable because they are starting to lose faith in their own game.
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All me btw
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>b-but the gameplay is boring
>plays HSR
Yeah it's nice, I wish Wise would shut up though
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this is the least awful I've seen a gacha general on launch by a notable margin, just talk over the shitposts and you'll be fine bro
agagagaga the cope is unreal
Why didn't you reply to the other anon, fngtranny?
Pretty sure there's a training mode somewhere
Super fucking gay how even on casual everything dies before I can even use one ult
I really like the free A-rank from the pre-registration rewards
Who else goes well with her?
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Quest in this town literally Yakuza tier.
MiHoYo did it again.
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I have no idea how to play this game, why do they always make it so confusing.
>t. wuwafag
you are not true han you canto yue prick
southern untermensch
reap what you sow
HSR release was good, the shitstorm happened when people hit the first interlude
Every "major" gacha game gets shitted on when released, HSR was shit on hard for days too. Gacha games on release are usually very bare bones and simplistic, if you went back and played Genshin or HSR 1.0 you'd see hoe vastly different and worse the gameplay and story is.

The other issue though with ZZZ is it is explicitly not meant to appeal to everyone, it isn't mainstream normie shit like genshin or HSR. It's meant to be more anime-like and by that I mean its meant to appeal to anime subculture. Hence all the cunny, fanservice, "Onii-chan" shit and normies HATE THAT. So any of the normiefag streamers who only play shit like Genshin or WuWa or HSR will be seething over how degen and "anime" this game is and try to discredit it as much as possible.
Wuthering Waves is slop
ZZZ is slop
Neither of your games' action "combat" is good, now stop fighting
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HSR actually gave out limited rolls and explained the game mechanics
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I literally have the worst pulls in the entire game. 7 useless weapons, Lycon, Bear, and multiple copies of the 4* faggot on the premium banner.

I'm having fun but I want to quit based on this alone.
I played half casual - half challenge
The only thing I noticed is that they attack more often
It takes almost the same time to kill anemies in both
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I got the white furry. I wanted S tier cnuuy. I was told the game gifted you "100" pulls but I don't know if they are limited of standard. I don't know if I'll be able to get to 90. I got the A tier fire cnuuy but it's not the same. The combat is just right/left click spam.
It's funny because China is known to be the least moral and most common lying and cheating culture on earth. Somehow people don't know this. Morals, lmao.
I never left. HSR is the perfect gacha game for me. Least amount of chores and satisfying content. The content drought isn't even an issue because I play real games too.
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Nekomota is much stronger than Shark maid
She requires correction and discipline.
>they don't even take the time to defend her or waifu post about her
Because the blue girl is hotter....sorry
>enemies are too hard to defeat and have too much HP
>the young girl characters wear too little clothes
>my PC is too weak and the file size is too large
Yeah, this is a seaBULL game, trannies will have to settle for HSR.
no, HSR clearly had legs because it was the first turn-based/autobattle gacha that played like a real JRPG. People also loved belobog
wuwa launch was like this, maybe worse
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So with ZZZ being a flop and HI3 being dead in the water can we finally agree MiHoYo doesn't know how to make good combat
You know bait is bad when there are posts here saying that lucy and piper look bad.
When do I get to use my stamina...? It's been like 6 hours...
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which chars are you guys saving up for, I don't feel too interested in the characters that are revealed so far. was interested in Ceasar then her redesign happened.
they could've atleast kept her hair..
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who is Wise JP VA? he sounds familiar.
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yeah the game is fucking miserable at explaining things. Once you unlock rolling you can do previews for all the standard S-ranks and that got me on the path towards understanding combat better, so I recommend that
genshin is a chore
ZZZ is a left click simulator
HSR is juuust right
mentally ill people on 4chan
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I'm actually enjoying Furkai Impact, oh my God.
>dodge bullet time
Alright, I'm sold.
>my general got spammed with this dogshit game all weeklong and now that its finally out, i played it. Surprise! the game is boring as shit, if i try to give my opinion i'm somehow a brigader and shitposting now.

Go fuck yourself whoever was spamming links to this shit in other generals, you fucking faggot
Now that the dust has settled… why did WUWA flop?
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aand he >>484652621 is here
That's literally why they need a social credit system, because of all the bad behavior.
shut the fuck up nigger
ROUGH luck on the 4* fag but Lycaon and the bear are honestly based.
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What the fuck? Nobody would go out and do that. Right?
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after playing long enough I can say that the combat only shines during boss fights, without an expanded kit to have fun toying with low level goons the game feels incomplete.
it's simply the better game
I love Wuthering Waves. It's my favorite gacha.
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Got the bear loli as my standard freebie, is she any good?
gonna cry?
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>Still no dialogue skip button

And I'm out.
It'll get better, and when you figure something out it's pretty satisfying
HSR is a press auto simulator
>HSR has auto for boring daily and farming shit
>end game is engaging enough
>Genshin and ZZZ has neither
All the biker units and idol units.
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Fofoposters in zzz...
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>NPC seen sleeping at night.
Common wisepag L.
Damn, Rin-chan really wants that BBC (BigBrotherCock)
Where is Honkai impact 3rd that had a big update called part 2 released in February?
Hmm curious.
One of the biggest worries I had about the game was that TV or overall combat would take too long, but I'm clearing combat missions under a minute.
I've no idea who blew this out of proportions, but it's not an issue at all.
it's a falseflagger trying to shir shit up between threads, sorry you're caught in the crossfire bwo
Wait, all the free rolls are just standard rolls? I don't get any free limited rolls for finishing tutorial?
In terms of sovl
> Genshin > ZZZ >>> HSR >>>>>>>>> Wuwa
uhhh where are the free pulls
Which is amusingly enough WuWa's thing too, boss battles are way more fun than mook fights. Even superlevelled mooks in the Endgame mode, way less fun to fight than a boss.
>make typical female anime design
>say it's male
>guys irl so out of touch with reality they think they can look like that
bros you messed up, put the hormones down
So... harder enemies?
>its meant to appeal to anime subculture. Hence all the cunny, fanservice, "Onii-chan" shit and normies HATE THAT.
This, go watch any of the content creators ranting about this game on Youtube and they will all universally say that the biggest issue is how "problematic" it is to have fanservice and lolis.
I played Wuwa for 3 days and the parry system actively rewarded me for mashing, so I have no idea where this "Wuwa combat is better!" sentiment comes from
i download the 1 tb one, what is wrong with me?
There's nothing to figure out lmao just mash left click
Is green hair maid a fofo expy?
i played genshin at release. i still play sometimes. it's leagues better than this game's combat.
>that Miyabi cutscene in the Hollow Zero
she's gonna sell so fucking much
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fellow unzzzipcels...
>Chinese game, Chinese morals.
Chinese boys whore themselves out in female lingerie for add money by the tens of thousands bro. They have no morals.
In terms of sovl
> wuwa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any mihomoslop
I am genuinely surprised by the quality of the art and music. I'm enjoyng the team swapping more as I get used to the game. They should have bound F as the second basic attack button by default. I spam F and rarely left click. My new sister is hot. Seems fine and dailies don't take too long. The monster hunter cook is nice, the coffee is nice. I enjoy the voice acting. The arcade is really cool. I might keep up with dailies on this one and pull a meta dps in a few banners.
>ZZZ has neither
ZZZ you can literally complete dailies in one training session just like HSR.
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>mogged by nikke on release day

Stupid complaint
Controlling her responses is more important
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Belle looks like she's pulling out his guts, that dick is way too high up
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>first 12 hours were absolute dogshit, constant paggie raiding
>actual /wuwa/ poster ambassadors appear telling us the shitters are indian falseflaggers
>the indian falseflaggers post fake rankings in a last ditch attempt to prove how "THE GAME US FLOPPING BRO!!"
>get instantly btfo as people post the +10 tiktok hours, the top 2 ranking in CN and the ever-approaching top 1 in JP as jappies start getting home to play
>shitpost decreases by 800%, thread becomes mildly useable
Has there ever been a bigger gank on shitposters in /vg/? Even /bag/gots came here to shit all over them (ironic, considering they're indian)
I like the cop girl a lot
that is why its good
and still manages to be satisfying to watch
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Nicole owes me SEX
>parry system actively rewarded me for mashing
bullshit, you can't parry if you're mashing unless you're lucky, and even then you wont get it of half the time or more
Also want to add that I don't like how there's no healing or constant shielding. I don't like being on a timer but nothing is really killing me either so idk we'll see
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I pulled the cat out of the standard banner. Do I go for more copies with the free 5* pull?
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What kind of person makes ntr of a game on day 1?
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I forgot to use my fofo (zzz edition)...

I kneel!!!
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So is the shark girl good or is she the type that gets powercrept 2 patch later?
Which hi3 toon has similar kit as her?
>but even then that's insulting to the goldfish because a goldfish can jump
This is pretty lowkey funny.
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Tiktok hour stats?
Traps are dead. Nobody cares about them anymore.
what is there to understand? parry on the yellow flash and do the swap when the meter fills. left click a lot.
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I'm having fun with both games. Just wish W-Engines weren't so specialized and scarce.
>posts for two days with the same replies nonstop
>having a literal aneurism
>out of touch with real world
yeah bro, I'm sure you're just posting your opinion on the game and heading out to play your other game and not terminally assblassted and now a permanent troll because you can't let it go.
>inb4 weapon for shitter
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Don't worry /vt/ friend! they're going to leave in a week, they always do.
Depends on what character you are using, some of them get so many hits in that you just need to spam attack.
How tf do I get enough rolls for the SHARK GIRL. It’s too slow!!!!
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>can't autoplay/swipe resin spending domains, have to manually fight the mobs in them every time
What do the songs mean? they give me anxiety
kek wuthering waves and tower of fantasy content creator


considering dropping the game since you can only use your characters during missions. lame as fuck I gotta go around everywhere in the hub as the MC
yeah fighting goons in wuwa feels really fucking bland; I'm convinced all the people going on and on about "wuwa better" don't even play wuwa and are just trying to stir shit between threads, since both games have very similar issues in how they present their combat
>people are PAGS for disagreeing with my yuri fanfics
>both games are just press the button when the shiny light happens
gayest melty of all time
Does it have auto though?
In 2 weeks when my returnee bonus returns
You're not special, fag. HSR threads were flooded with shitposter during release.
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I want a pubsex team so I'm saving for zhu yuan
How do I parry is it left click like in wuwa?
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So when did the mechanics 'click' for you? 3 hours in and I finally got the rhythm and tells down. Went from taking 3 minutes to kill a boss to 50 seconds.

>hot new release took time to hit number one

getting real tired of the yap fest hand holding during the TV bullshit
>is the shark girl good
Very. Somewhat complex to play correctly, but the damage output is ridiculous.
>is she the type that gets powercrept 2 patch later?
Every character gets powercrept eventually
Literally only Jiyan
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The boss mats are probably the closest thing I had to a fun fight so far.
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it would be good if they were more aggressive for sure but the problem is that the fun part of the system so far is chaining multiple parries together to increase the stun bar quickly, that's the only skill ceiling the game has atm. Low level goons don't engage in this mechanic so their fights don't reach the heights of the tougher enemies.
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>you can't parry if you're mashing
>he's not a Danjin chad
What is tiktok hours?
Wuwa is 50% ToF-tier-slop and 50% actually pretty good shit.

Mihoyo is 0% slop there are no parts in their games that look like nobody put any effort into them, BUT as probably everybody knows effort doesn't make something automatically good and it can't fix bad concepts.
>Just spam attack
>Enemies sit there and don't attack
>Every boss fight is just a DPS check
>Elemental reactions do nothing 99% of the time and can be ignored for everything but the most difficult 0.01% of the game
Fuck off retard. ZZZ's combat is simplistic but Genshin's is so braindead you can find 3 year olds play it.
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Shark girl good.
But i'm an anti-yuri schizo nigga
A lot of yuriturders are paga, that's a fact
And not all yurishitters are indian but all indians are yurishitters
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>Auto atk spam while watching stuff on the side screen
We fighting frfr
This game is just a budget dollar store DMC. I think it’s ok for a mobile game desu.
This level of cope reminds me of Cyberpunk and Fallout 76 release.
Corpo cocksuckers never change.
>plays on easy mode
>complains it's easy
Nah It's a brothel simulator + turn based rpg
I only played it because the art looks nice and half of the h-scenes are NTR and rape
Try playing the game
>We modelled the feet for her trailer, so I'm reusing that model even if it kills us
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
Other character are less consistent with it, but it still happens.
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kek sorry
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I went to bed because thread was awful and coming back to it THIS usable was like a fucking miracle, glad the people new to gacha here didn't have to experience the worst of the schizos
These threads have only served to remind me how fucking retarded the vast majority of you are.
Like, shitposting aside, you dumbasses don't even know how to play the game, it's crazy. You doompost like your lives depend on it.
>More invested in this thread than playing any game, gacha or not
What's this brand of autism called
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>1 hour into the story
>already putting a mysterious villain that can play with us how they want
I fucking hate tropes like this so much it's unreal, I was enjoying the story you fuckers
Nikke deserves the success. Summer event is very fun so far
Indians are known chart/graphposters, remember to call them out for their thirdieness
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I play Wuwa and HSR and I like ZZZ
>nooo you need to play with one hand
Retarded wuwakek
Bro please, don't summon Shazam...
are japanese players really playing this? I'm surprised. thought they would forget it because of the action combat.
2024 brainrot
I wouldn't worry too much though, everyone is like this now
yeah bro fighting hilichurls and slimes in 1.0 is all genshin is
Aprox 10 tiktok by now, bwo
Are you retarded or something?
auto battler spoiled us
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>Mihoyo is 0% slop
how can HSR have better game play
isnt it just a turn based rpg?
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(most gacha niggas play few different gachas cus only one is not enough content)
More people that post on 4chan should commit suicide. There clearly is no hope for a lot of posters here.
shift up coulde make smaller indie sidegames and sell them
their vampire survivors clone was fun
for me it was around 2-3 hours, doing the S-rank demos gave me a better feel for the potential depth of combat and from there I ended up sorting things out just slightly and the game started to feel a LOT better
>every boss is a DPS check
>elemental reactions do nothing
how to say youre a filtered retard without saying it. zzz was made for you
This made me appreciate how good Nikke's minigames are
The game isn't anything like devil may cry, it's more like a musou with better presentation and no panties.
People just say that because you can auto and leaving it running
What Engine should I buy? I only have the Anby one.
ZZZ is a waiting room for me for the MMO Honkai OPEN WORLD gacha RPG grindfest!
of course someone had to bring up genshin
that's literally zenless zone zlop except there is no reactions to add the additional complexity
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at least Anby can use it
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Anby shall wipe out my sperm in her womb
atsushi abe, known for kamijou touma
>Elemental reactions do nothing 99% of the time and can be ignored for everything but the most difficult 0.01% of the game
jesus christ you are braindead
I tried mashing on Danjin against Memphis and it never works. When he is about to do a parriable move I always pull back and parry with the first hit of her skill since it seems to have the highest amount of active frames.
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that Hollow Zero game mode can give us multiple standard pulls per week
Keep playing retard
they could easily do GFL2 with NIKKE twist and steal the audience.
Everyone plays on easy mode. I'm a waifu only roller so I see it all the fucking time. While I'm struggling with end game content everyone just runs cookie cutter meta teams.
the constant unnecessary guidance/explanation kills the fucking pace, hoping it gets lighter when things open up after 5 hours or so
she is lesbian like any other girl in this game though
ZZZ is a waiting room because I need character action games no matter what form they take
>budget dollar store DMC
I wish it actually played like DMC.
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>Roll for shark
>Get balls
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People saying this game is too easy are so funny. The parry system is limited for a reason. If you don't manage to daze or stun enemies frequently, you're going to get fucked because you run into enemies that eat up all your parries quickly and have undodgable attacks.

Late game you'll need to manage offense and defense like a carefully balanced knife, dazing and stunning enemies in time to allow your parries to refresh. Lest you get fucked trying to mash dodge and parry.
>isnt it just a turn based rpg?
HSR turn based combat is shit but the genre itself can be more fun than action if it was done right
Girls Frontline Line 2?
smoothest brain in the thread lmaooo
fuck yeah im into dat shit
Is this another one of those games where you only see your non dps characters for 2 seconds at a time because all they're good for is swap in buff swap out?
>anby is a lesbian
>for caring about her sister (found family)
Are yurishitters retarded? At least the shark girl is more believable with her best friend
They should go full coombait in the game. No point in keeping it SFW.
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Anything with the honkai name has stupid as fuck powercreep
trips of truth!
you kinda on the dull side aintcha
wtf I kinda want that
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good lord those tits
>Try looking up 1300000000
>000~099 doesn't even exist
I'm convinced the people bitching about mashing/left click are actual brainlets, the game could do a lot better to guide you towards higher level combat but it's not that hard to pick up on
>sister (found family)
Retarded headcanon
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post the higher level combat. we're waiting.
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Anyone knows what are these?
Everyone complaining stop playing with characters at level 20
>big titty secretary samurai
we saving?
>everyone says wuwa combat is just spam LMB
>n-no you!
it's honestly pathetic

not to mention the core of ZZZ's gameplay is the stagger bar and chain attacks which wuwa just doesn't have, it's combat is completely empty by comparison
dont worry
youll allways be your mothers special boy
>game refuses to teach you the mechanics
>locks the real tutorials away behind 4 hours of story
>hurr why do you not know how the game works
>2 characters dps compared to 1 character dps
Quite the opposite
Most DPSes spend like 2 seconds on field because you want to quickswap them to use all their stacks in 2 seconds dealing 19 zenzillion damage and then disappear as the supports hog fieldtime getting the enemies into either daze or anomaly
like how the extended tutorial that is the first 5 hours of zzz is all zzz is exactly
ew, faggot
HSR is done right and is fun though, for a gacha.
does this game have elemental reactions?
I'm 10 hours in and the TV is still full of dialogue
I'd really love to have more fun with the game, why don't you enlighten me?
>Unlimited FPS right off the bat
miHoYo you fucking niggers
type this without crying this time
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if there is an option to play in JP, do it. EN is cringe 100% of the time when it comes to gachas.
Now that ZZZ is a confirmed flop sub 1 year EoS which gacha are you looking forward?
you get them from commissions and sidequests
>S Rang Agent in 20 Pulls garanted
>30 Pulls no S Rankg Agent

The fuck???
Wrong, your support mostly must stay on the field until next rotation to buff your DPS next attack.
Yeah but Grace and Piper are currently the only units really specialized for it.
None of it is believable, you can tell troons never had any friends.
They want to be women but have no idea how women friendships work.
At the end of the day they're just porn addicted men anyway.
Where do I go to claim the 100 pulls?
I've tried all the codes, but I can't find any overview over how to get 100 pulls, the advertisement said I would be able to claim the gift in-game but I don't know how.
dude, it's so easy to tell which anons are legit and which are just stirring up shit. look at these for example,
all good posts from people who don't like the game, and you can read them and tell immediately they're legitimate. someone spamming the same shallow bullshit 200 times sticks out easily.
it tells you how many are left
ZZZ 2.0 :3c
>furry males
>rolling for WEAPONS
>Persona ripoff instead off BOTW ripoff

sticking to my cunny game, cy never zzz
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Endmini's game far on the horizon
if anything it's the opposite, at least in the early game, I'm spending most of my time on my stunner and my DPS only attacks when the enemy is stunned
that was a fucking lie, unironically. the 100 pulls are nowhere to be found. reroll with 6 limited and 23 normal or make kyoani look like a fucking joke
There's been a real drought of good turn based rpgs anyways, so it doesn't have much competition even amongst real games.
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It's rape time
you disingenuous niggers will never stop moving the goal posts
The fact that HI3 is still around despite making less money than HSR and Genshin. What makes you think they will pull the plug on this one?
>Are yurishitters retarded?
Why ask pointless questions?
Next you will ask if homosexual are the largest HIV spreaders or if certain race has the lowest average IQ.
what a garbage fucking ult
what the heck did she even do?
your greentext, sir?
Not really a surprise considering it's 2020s and younger generation dislike TBS RPGs.
Hopefully with how successful HSR is, more devs are willing to make new TBS RPGs.
Stuff like P5 and FE aren't enough honestly, and are too mainstream'd.
>turn based
>no pvp
>powercrept all the fun characters, new gamemodes basically read "roll the new limited to complete"
SMT VV is goated though
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what the fuck is that s-rank rap
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best post of the thread
>>no pvp
That's a good thing though?

>powercrept all the fun characters,
Such as?
Everyone will eventually get powercreeped anyway, and there have been no true direct powercreep so far, unless you're going to count standard 5*s.
>new gamemodes basically read "roll the new limited to complete"
New characters make them easier, people can still clear them with older characters, with more investment.

Oh yeah, I forgot about it, but it's still a drop in the sea.
There's still very few TBS RPG to be honest.
>Left and Right Bumper swapped to different characters
They do, at least with PS5. You can even remap the keys for forward/back swap.
bros, i think, i think i like this game
got my first a rank, its over bros.
1.0 genshin has more depth than this, this is such cope. ZZZ doesn't have an equivalent to elemental reactions. There isn't some major mechanic people are ignoring in ZZZ, it really is just that shallow.
>haha i boil water
sex with nicole
half of genshins reactions go ignored because they're underdeveloped and just suck
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>50 Pulls
>got all the 4 Stars Characters
>Got the CatGirl

Status for my Account?

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