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Previous: >>484661060

Miquella's succulent pits edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Marika's ass on my face
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Not my vid but a similar build to what I used and thought you guys might get a laugh out of it.
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So did it get much fun stuff in the DLC?
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Skinny waist very grabbable.
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there is 8 of me in the DLC

also you cant just ignore me and enjoy exploring and looting in peace

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>All DLC weapons are hot garbage except a few broken ones.
>Nerf even those to ruin everyone's fun
I hope you like fighting Super Radahn for the 100th time faggot. Unless of course you use the spirit ashes we so lovingly put in for you.
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Why isn’t there a single track in this game nearly as good as this throwaway track for a goober pushover boss in DS3?

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post 'em.
it just gets old when you play enough of these games

ive had the music slider set to low after bloodborne
mmm feety
sniff sniff licky licky
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Why is he so perfect?
I'm learning Commander Gaius and was doing fine using the deflect tear, but now I'm trying to dodge the charge attack without it. Holy shit what were they thinking with this attack? It's straight up broken
i'm loving the perfumes and i'm keeping the appmanifest protected for them, but they do kind of prevent me from trying out any other builds since nothing feels viable compared to them.

because i says so.

because he charmed you.
I just learned the value of weaving dodging and blocking. I feel like I've ascended to another plane of existence.
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>Saying this shit when the best DS3 score didn't even make it to the final game
Why the hell was the last boss Radahn instead of Godwyn?
Wasn’t Miquella trying to revive Godwyn already? And he needs a body as a vessel… why not use the body thats already just fucking sitting under the erdtree?
It is so fucking obvious they swapped it at the last second. Why the fuck did they do this? Honestly the most baffling and irritating choice I have ever seen FromSoft make on purpose.
i dont know
DLC 2 or a sequel dealing with outer gods?
because you gotta subvert the expectations, also why didn't they show how marika created the erdtree as the final memory?
>mogs ER music
Can I ask a question and please can I get a real answer?
Why do people do that little studderstep thing in duels?
I just beat a guy doing that, did some studdersteps on his grave, he called me a bad player and then blocked me?
But why do they do that? Is it not like a t-bag?
Miquella was never going to fuck Godwyn.
i couldnt tell you
Now that everything else is fixed

what's the best setup to exploit Nanaya's Torch still being the most overpowered thing in PvP?
what 1 hand weapon can best capitalize on the free madness proc stun time to OHKO someone?

can't use greatsword of judgment and swap hands to WA because even if you're fast enough, can't command grab people during a madness animation.
so eh, what does the most possible damage to someone when stunned, without taking too long (~2 seconds)
Because Radahn fit the thematics of the DLC.
Miquella is doing what Marika did, so he is going to get a lord that is just like Godfrey. The Hornsent worship a divine lion with horns, and Radahn is a lion with horns.
Godwyn might as well be sequel bait, because he is by far the biggest threat to the world with every ending outside of Frenzy Flame.
Malenia, blade of Miquella, should've been the final boss.
I've been using Solitude GS. Like the skill, seems a good mix of damage, speed and poise break.

Am I fucking myself over with it? Anything comparable, especially with the option of a distance attack.
He conquered the fucking stars, bro. Show some damn respect.
Most spirit ashes aren't that useful against Radahn. Funnily enough, it follows that same pattern of "All summons are hot garbage except a few broken ones." Except those are never subjected to nerfs.
Why does Miquella hate his sister?
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Miqqy's tummy! Oh, to blow raspberries just above his navel.
>I'm going to waste a thread bragging about how obsessed with BBC I am to own the chuds
didn't ask
No one likes tall women
>He conquered the fucking stars
What does that even mean, though. The "stars" seemed to be doing just fine
>close game
>launch without EAC
>open cheat engine table
>turn 1hko on
>smack once
>restart game as normal
i also do this for ghostflame dragons.
He forced them to stop their movements
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>Why the hell was the last boss Radahn instead of Godwyn?
Godwyn's narrative purpose has been fulfilled in the base game
>Wasn’t Miquella trying to revive Godwyn already?
That was the eclipse ritual that failed. Narratively showcasing Miquella's plans failing leading him to get more desperate.
>And he needs a body as a vessel… why not use the body thats already just fucking sitting under the erdtree?
Deathblight and the eclipse ritual failed to cure it
>It is so fucking obvious they swapped it at the last second. Why the fuck did they do this? Honestly the most baffling and irritating choice I have ever seen FromSoft make on purpose.
lorelets suffer
He doesn't hate her, she just lacks a cock
Kike or tranny or pajeet or chink?

Which are you?
I like tall women...
Just jump to the side.
>Godwyn's narrative purpose has been fulfilled in the base game
It's a completely open thread. His deathblight is spreading everywhere and there's no way to stop it. How is the game gonna tell you you're "elden lore" when you have super magic cancer spreading throughout the entire land.
The only ending that solves that is Frenzy Flame.
This dumb retard thinks anybody on 4chan in 2024 is mentally affected by gore.

He got banned a month ago and is still mad over it. Not sure why you're surprised he's retarded.
frenzied flame doesn't solve anything since frenzied flame is fallible and was the reason for the existence of life itself
if you pick frenzied flame all it's gonna happen is history will repeat itself
I feel most of the deathblight could get under control if the entire land wasn't 90% insane zombies.

It's no different from Dark Souls where there's a constant behind the scenes war against the abyss which is usually successful for a number of centuries until someone fucks it up and things get reset.
>His deathblight is spreading everywhere and there's no way to stop it.
Fia's ending makes it okay. They don't have to be your enemy, you accept them as your friend.
flood the catalog if you want them to notice
>if you pick frenzied flame all it's gonna happen is history will repeat itself
The circumstances for Deathblight to appear and spread seem very specific.
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>kill one of these faggots
>wake up the other thinking it might be some cool interaction
>no it's just another one you have to spend 8 minutes jumping up and down while smacking it's legs
I actually hate these things they're unfun as fuck. It's not even like they're remotely hard they're just so tedious and boring.
frenzied flame is supposed to the infinity and eternity, the alpha and the omega, the thing that starts all life and ends all life alike
which is why incels love it so much
therefore, no circumstance is too specific for it to not be possible to happen under the rule of the frenzied flame
Okay that's Radahn kill 6 done
Fight is still ass and the AI is as bad and easily exploitable as ever.
I feel like Deathblight was left like that on purpose because it's the easiest way to justify ER2.
Boy you're going to love Radahn
I'd be willing to bet your skin is brown.
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is leda a virgin
There is no rule of frenzied flame. You burn everything to the ground and that's it.
Honestly, good. The lands between is teeming with fucked up shit, and Ymir says the fucking root of everything was fucked to begin with
Buddy, those Basilisks and Wormfaces are probably the least of the horrible mutant abominations that are going to start popping up with deathblight spreading everywhere.
There is also the cancer infecting wildlife and plant life, death energy? also building up that leads to mariners and death birds flocking to it and leading to chaos, not to mention the amount of death magic that is going to explode in use use now that the GO isn't going to stop it.
they get your message and then what? do you think they're mad that you're mad? also, go back to porn, I can't fap to gore
>anon is utterly mindbroken by a boss actually requiring you to use those elemental resistance talismans you've been getting all game but never equipping

No one actually wants deathblight to be more of a thing because it's an instant win if you build it up enough and they aren't immune. Frenzy, as shitty as it is, at least "only" freezes a player in place for a few seconds, they can still potentially live
There's a lot of plot threads left that could feed into a sequel.

You could easily do a DS2 where you're in an different world that's gone to shit and you discover that Ranni in a different form has fucked it up in her fight against the greater will and the demi-gods that actually died in ER1 had their souls transfer to the new world.
But Ranni was totally justified though ; )
I think he means in the lore
He means lorewise anon, not mechanically.
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Why is Miqqer wearing a girl's swimsuit?
Why the fuck are you spamming the ER thread you brown skinned animal? Spam the fucking catalogue if you want their attention.
>You could easily do a DS2 where you're in an different world that's gone to shit
Wasn't the whole point of DS2 that it's the same world and people have been doing this shit over and over to try and preserve it while new kingdoms are built on the ruins of old ones? A plotline they just straight up repeated in DS3 by saying "yeah we can't do this much longer"
It's the old SMT law ending vs Chaos.

Shitty death filled world where you've complete freedom in Chaos
Peaceful dictatorship rulled by immortals who'd fuck your shit up the second you didn't do what they wanted.
She will get her just deserts after her 1000 year journey is over. The world will get revenge on the evil doll.
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Okay, this is cool. Worth fighting two of these shitty golems.
It's the usual From writing that makes it a bit vague.

Only thing you know is that the souls from DS1 are in DS2 and there's an endless cycle of being born from flame and it fading.
Best endings are Frenzied flame and Goldmask

Fight me
D's questline running alongside Fia's is an example of an intolerant fanatic. You aren't supposed to empathisze with him, he is the bad guy "othering" the undead because they aren't in the Golden Order.
nta but wasn't the point of the Ranni ending that shit is fucked up because of outside forces and she wants to create a bubble to keep them out?
Personally it's why I prefer the Golden Order ending. Goldmask correctly surmised that the reason shit is fucked is because the world has rules, but said rules don't apply to the Gods and thus like the Greek pantheon of old, they can just do whatever the fuck they want even as doing so ruins the world. The current system is broken because the lack of fated Death for demigods created an endless power struggle where every power player is some holier-than-you powertripping faggot with a grand quest to "fix" the world. Look at Malenia, Radahn, Rykard or Morgott,... Both those who rebelled against the Erdtree to seek a path that would suit their agenda or those who fought to protect the Golden Order ended up losing their way and turning on each other.

Goldmask wants to fix that by binding the gods to the same rules as everyone else.
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>another incantation
Why are there 2 threads
I mean... He's not fucking wrong though? Like what the fuck? Are you just supposed the let all that shit happen because Fia is like "just leave us alone : ("
The dead should be dead. They don't belong on the planet anymore.
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because they were made
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Frostbite or Bleed build next? I think I want to use spells too. I beat the game 100% legit so now I'm allowed to replay with the fun crutches.
Yes. The wormfaces are now part of the team, like how the dragons were enemies until they were invited in.
use the thorns thing, it's better than all the incantations
But the undead are not the problem if they are not the brain eating variety. Goldmask himself thinks the fanaticism the GO fundies are going through is bad.
But Godwyn is literally leaking the world of the dead onto the living one with all the death magic and blight spreading.
This is the lore thread. The other one is the gameplay thread.
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What the fuck happened to this thread?
>keep looking for cool weapon
>realize the reason I'm not having fun is because no matter the weapon all you're doing is roll and r1/r2 then roll ten times again
nioh and lies of p... I'm sorry and I miss you
Someone brownoid threw a fit because the jannies deleted his thread or something
Worshipper of the formless mother busted in.
Actually the best ending is the one where my dick gets serviced by Marika
I don't understand Ranni's storyline. She wants to keep out the Astels whose influence negatively affect the world...but in order to progress her storyline you have to kil Radahn, the one dude who stopped them from being able to come to the planet.
i dont get it either but i like her voice
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Radahn's AI is so predictable it's kind of sad. Definition of an artificially difficult fight that crumbles the moment players start poking at and understand how the moveset works
You can do this super consistently too by building up stance damage during P1 and keeping it going after you trigger the nuke
Miquella is a cutie.
It's nice that Radahn stopped the stars and preserved free will in some way but he's maintaining a world that's stagnant in all the worst ways.
I'm spending everything on smithing stones and upgrading random weapons to +24
Go get the greasemonger bell bearing and spend them all on resin for greases!
harvest moon dlc is on its way, hold on
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Flame Sling, Catch Flame, O, Flame!, Whirl, O Flame!, Surge, O Flame!, Fire's Deadly Sin, Flame of the Fell God, Flame, Fall Upon Them, Giantsflame Take Thee, Burn, O Flame!, Frenzied Burst, Inescapeable Frenzy, The Flame of Frenzy, Unendurable Frenzy, Midra's Flame of Frenzy, Scouring Back Flame

Black Flame Ritual, Black Flame, Fire Serpent, Messmer's Orb, Rain of Fire, Placidusax's Ruin, Bloodboon, Bloodflame Talons, Dragonfire, Rolling Magma, Magma Shot, Gelmfir's Fury, Rykards Rancor, Magma Breath, Agheel's Flame, Theodorix's Magma, Bayle's Flame Lightning, Bayle's Tyranny, Aspect of the Crucible: Breath

We got a lot of fire
It’s a lot of burning and a bit concerning
We got a lot of fire
Your char could be flaming if we get to dueling
>no impenetrable thorns nerf
Go higher

I'm not sure she KNEW you were going to kill Radahn.
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If this were any other Souls games I'd say buy a billion of every consumable and start using them more, but now all the fun ones are locked behind crafting.
Started my first new game in a long time today. Struggling to get myself to play because I know I'll have to fight godskin duo again.
At least you can buy throwing knives.
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>Roofie a millennia old dragon
>She pledges herself to you
It's that shrimple
She saw that you were strong enough to kill Bayle and jumped ship immediately...
She's kind of a whore.
>She wants to keep out the Astels whose influence negatively affect the world
She wants the Finger Slayer blade so she can kill her Two Fingers and sever her "link to the Greater Will" so she can be free of her fate. Once she's gone she doesn't care what happens to the Lands Between.
>kil Radahn, the one dude who stopped them from being able to come to the planet.
He's insane from rot and being put out of his misery, and his stopping the stars was only a temporary solution.
You can summon NPC to the fight and also mimiccu-chan!
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What could have been...
Was never going to happen
Would you taste Miquella's baby batter?
If the stars stopped moving because of Radahn then why does the Radahn festival not start until "the stars are aligned"?
unfinished game because miyazaki was too ambitious
the remembrance weapons are duplicates
troll knight's sword and butchering knife have duplicates
people are going to ignore all the empty areas and eat it up because it looks good and From is going to become complacent
lick it all off his tummy
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I can't have any. We're growing a second haligtree with it.
This would've been based if only for the endless zanzibart memes
heh pedophilia
He ages himself up at the end
>all this talk of sequels
I really really hope they don't. One Open world gimmick was fine but it was enough. ER is quite possibly the worst choice for a sequel they have. Just do another expansion if you want more ER stuff, a full new game is not a good idea.
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that's the best part
Nice cope
>Rannifags are Miquellasimps
She had a grown woman's body and conciously chose a loli for her new one. Think about it.
age play with little ranni-chan...
I still have no idea why Mohg (or at least a projection of him) is there to defend the entrance to the 3 fingers place, nor why are we able to summon Dung Eater to the fight
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Is there an issue?
Jerren being ironic, just an idiom in this case
Three Fingers will fuck over everything and Mohg's ultimate goal is the restoration of his kingdom. Everything being consumed by the frenzied flame kinda complicates that.
My wives
I do not believe Radahn had the power to stop all the stars in the entire universe. I simply do not believe it.
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MY wives
I think they just mean he put a gravitational barrier around the planet that kept them from reaching us.
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From really went nuts with the "there's some shithead enemy right around this corner" thing, huh?
In that case why didn't every other faction have a guardian there as well? Like a pantheon of bosses guarding the entrance?
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I want to bring Ranni to the consort fight and throw her at Miquella in phase 2. Then Radahn and I can finish things one-on-one while Ranni pulls Miquella's hair.
Is that the fucking FGO gag manga artist?
The merchants were crusaded against like the hornsent and the undead. It's driven the to madness (Frenzy Flame) The group you discover under Leyndell are not being protected by the omen, they are buried there lower than them because they're though of as even lower than the cursed omen. The Three Fingers is there because it's where there are so many suffering so greatly in the same spot.
Most probable to me is that it's a metaphysical spell ward that stopped the stars from changing the fates of the Carians, and that most of the stars (all of the stars?) simply didn't give enough of a shit to challenge it hence why Ranni has to send you to deal with it
I honestly hate it
It kind of makes sense in catacombs but am I really to fucking believe that these man-flies spend all of their time waiting for a Tarnished to round the corner?
>This is the body Marika is based off of
We fucking won Marikabros.
Most of the demigods either went fucking insane or turned against the Erdtree and didn't care what happened to it. Mohg is evil but I never thought he had lost his mind, he just wants his empire back.
>child doll ranni
coomfags have no respect for continuity
The merchants were ALWAYS frenzyniggers, even going by cut content I don't believe for a moment the gypsy faggot claiming they dindu nuffin but now they will
Was it any worse than in DS3? Especially with those fucking thralls on every ledge and wall waiting to drop on you.
Marika bros.... We got too cocky.

We can't let our queen to be defiled like that.

Yes it's much worse. There is an ambush around almost every single corner and often there is a second ambush behind the first obvious ambush.
I'd solo her, if you know what I mean
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Did they add this in a patch or something? I don't recall seeing it before.
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Nah, we didn't lose anything.
I like the gimmick but when it's used so frequently it's no longer a surprise it's a "there's a ledge right here so that means that's a 90% chance that there's an enemy waiting in a random hole in the wall to push me off it" which becomes annoying and boring. If I'm expecting it around every ledge and corner because there's been an enemy around every ledge and corner it's not really a surprise, is it?
Yea, it's way worse. Are you forgetting about the gargoyles that litter every single dungeon, too? They hang off the walls constantly.
It's kind of stupid how they're scripted to match sprint timing, so if you just walk they lunge at nothing 5 meters in front of you
Ranni calling Miquella ye olde homophobic slurs.
fire knights greatsword my beloved
It was always there I'm pretty sure
That's her brother and brother in law...
Because we all know siblings never call each other names.
The gimmick is fine but it has to make at least passable sense
The shitter in an aclove by the stairs in Messmer's castle doesn't make any sense, there's no door there, there's nothing there, does he just stand there all day long waiting for me to pass by?
No you wouldn't.
>That's her brother and brother in law...
Yeah you're right, she'd demand to be double-teamed
Radahn with lightrolls and a fast weapon v.s. Radahn with midrolls and a slower weapon is legitimately the biggest difference in bossfight quality ive ever seen in this series in regards to how much your setup matters.
This general suuuuuucks holy shit now that the initial flood of people is gone it's only brown coomers spamming their filth and fellating each other
Would you still do it?
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I must have grown desensitized to Kojima's antics.
Enemies that don't have spirit ashes:

Giant crab
Giant lobster
Caelid dog
Caelid crow
Giant bats
Land octopus
Giant golems
Alabaster lords
Rune bears
Flame chariots
Dominula celebrants
Wraith callers
Abductor virgins
Erdtree guardians
Fire prelates
Knights of Zamor
Lion guardians

There are so many enemies that didn't get spirit ashes. It's fucking crazy.
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How the fuck do I even get up here?
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Posted my scooby 11 Moonveil kill earlier today and now I managed to do it without a shield (even if it was just a medium shield for the holy explosion). These claws are pretty good for this fight. You can just about squeeze in a weapon art consistently and you can do both hits on some of the bigger windows. It also only bled twice during the fight so it doesn't feel too cheesy.
Of course I fucking would, what do you take me for?
There's a ladder further ahead if this is darklight catacombs
it's kind of difficult to make a sea monster boss in a game with no swimming mechanics.
you have to go back up 2 ladders, don't remember anymore what then. But go back up 2 ladders.
But yes, at this point I pretty much preddict 9/10 ambushes playing these games. They need to come up with a new formula.
There was just an elevator that went down, is there another ladder that comes back up?
Ah, probably some dark hole in the wall I missed or something.
Is anyone still getting that inappropiate activity message?
Haven't been able to play online today.
did bayle show mercy to igon the first time they fought?
what the fuck
Need an Aging Untouchable spirit ash.
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He doesn't need to swim, he could just move around with his arms like the Ulcerated Tree Spirit or Dragonkin Soldier
You know, Kojima, the creator of Monster Hunter.
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>Impenetrable horns dodged the nerf
Whats the best stat setup to use this thing, just high arcane? I want to be pulling my weight in coop boss fights.
idk if I could DP Marika with someone from /erg/ desu
It doesn't need a nerf. Just never face it close up enough or in a tight enough space that you're gonna get hit by every hitbox.

At long range it's fucking weak. It works as intended and if you whine too much, it will stop being good at all and we'll be back to Thorn magic being ENTIRELY kind of shit. As it stands it's a close range powerhouse and amazing in tight terrain or for boss slaying. Let it be.
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Explain the plot of ER in 20 words or less
What's the most coomerpilled Spirit Ash? Tiche? Dragon gf?
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Elden Beast swims through the arena, just do that for a sea monster.

I didnt say it needed one, I just expected it to get whacked.
Are we ready to admit Radahn is actually a work of genius or are the shitters crying too loudly still?
dead world you janitor
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>it was a ledge
Go figure
The gods are dicks and can't stop fighting or going insane, the world suffers as a result.
Nephili or Dragon gf. You literally roofied them and turned them into a puppet for your own use.
It's all shit. Everything is SHIT. Kill everyone and make it unshit. Or make it more shit, I don't care.
rule34.xxx doesn't filter out ai generated art so there's niggers flooding it with poorly generated art all the time
just add -ai_generated any time you search
So do we all agree if you didn't beat a boss before it got nerfed you didn't really beat the game?
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i am positive that this is supposed to be the tower of babel but the hornsent succeeded in creating it
(((outer gods))) need to fuck off
The DLC was an alright 7/10
Jolan too, to a lesser extent.
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What is the total game count of these fucking things now, like 20?
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ive been parrying everything with the buckler and stabbing them with misericorde, but now im in raya lucaria and weak as fuck what do
>I just expected it to get whacked.
Yes but stage 1 of getting sdhit nerfed is

This leads gormless retards who got their toys nerfed to switch to it. Next is:
This makes more people switch to it. Now we're approaching ciritical mass. Then the final phase is
And since the normies getting soreseal vigchecked are the most numerous, this is when it's too late and the nerf will happen because there's thousands of whiners.
Level vig

If youre just going to reply with stupid shit unrelated to my question just save us both the time and stop
Why do I see so many twin Backhand Blade users when I get called for summons?
See this is what I'm talking about. Every fucking room has a stupid ambush so it's not like I wasn't expecting this stupid shit. God the death knight armor though so that's cool.
>if you summon hornsent for messmer he won't assist leda against you
>instead he'll invade you earlier
How do you dodge Malekith's aoe attacks when he sticks his sword into the ground? I can dodge just about everything but those attacks keep messing me up.
It's not unrelated. You're participating in the cycle of buffs and nerfs. I'd avoid pushing the needle if I were you.

Just use the fucking thorn staff and alberich set and stack ARC yes.
Unless you visit the Church of the Bud before the Messmer fight. Then he'll never invade and assist Leda against you still.
I don't get the Thrusting Shield hype, I really don't.
With pure dex and lightning greased it does stupid amounts of damage. It's also not bad when frost imbued either.
I wish to be a bear. No more, no less
You finally wrote a useful sentence, there you go. Work on your anger issues.
>jumping attack into ground explosion (sword in ground)
dodge and jumo
>jumping attack into regular explosion (jumping on sword)
dodge and dodge away
It really does take the edge off the ambush and make you check every corner before you enter a room
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I need bleed for my Vampire guy. Which will give me the best results?
>Keen with Seppuku ash
>Bleed infusion
>Keen with Bloodflame enchantment
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It's not anger issues shithead, it's common sense. You're just acting like a careless retard.

Is the first step in getting X nerfed. Don't fucking participate unless you want it nerfed.
I guess you want your build to get nerfed?

You're the dumbfuck who couldn't imagine how to build for thorns when it's a fucking cookie cutter build. Wear all the boosting items. Fucking dogshit easy.
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I'm unable to enjoy the DLC for some reason
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>smaller cannon directly in front of the big one when you drop down
Oh fuck OFF
Miyazaki has a wicked sense of humour
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>doing Radahn summons
>the other guy is named "let me tank her"
>host gets one tapped by the light beam at the beginning of phase 2
Can't get to the game right now, can someone actually explain what they did to the Fire Knight Greatsword's scaling? The patch notes say they fixed the scaling, which I assumed meant they fixed it scaling better on Sacred than on Fire/Flame Art, which seems like it could only be a good thing. But then everyone is saying it's been nerfed into the ground, and not just because the truecombo is gone. What did they actually do?
wtf i had no idea you could press Roll while charing R2 to do a backflip attack. Wonder how many weapons have this feature...
A lot of the new ones do
Those tankfags are fucking retards. They only make hosts drop their guard so they can get smushed by Radahn when he suddenly turns around.
Only curved swords. Thrusting swords to a retreating backstep slash.
This but with the Chicken Leg
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If this happened to me, I'd fold like a sack of shit and mumble into the grass.
Why? I enjoyed like 80% of it, there's only two or three shit bosses and the DLC area in general is fun
very cool, thanks
The Greater Will made life then left it up to it's own decisions and it's been at conflict with itself ever since.
I know the pump vigor meme and Im not a retard that wants to get caught lacking with no hp, but generally should I be prioritising vigor as I level up? Or balancing it between that and my chosen damage stat
It's a weapon for contrarians who want to be snowflakes.
Same, i'm just playing it to completion because of the sunk cost fallacy.
It has some fun items and nice scenery but that's about it for me.
That's 22 words but I'll allow it
These guys are seriously fucked. I knew from the instant I saw them in the trailer, they wouldn't be fun at all but seriously why does it need to take 3 stance breaks to get them down and why do you need to do this twice.
I think it's probably good for spellcasters
>man cleans up problems created by women, PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP
I'm wondering if using summons even makes it easier. Radahn is tanky as fuck without the extra HP and it seems like people run out of flasks about halfway through the second phase most of the time
Just came to Marika femdom
>1 hour to play per day
>boot up
>die against boss
>go to bed
piece of shit life
And they are all annoying bastards and Miyazaki knows they are
>grace, storehouse, back section
>go up a flight of stairs past one haggard ghost codger
>grace, storehouse, loft
but why
They definitely make it harder. Being a summon is tough as hell for multiple reasons.
>he gets a fuckton of health
>becomes highly unpredictable
>more screen clutter
>lag is common
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best boss in the DLC and almost the whole game tbqh.

Love this nigga's whole design. Wish the abyssal woods had more to it but the build up was pretty cool and I like the frenzied flame stuff a lot.
>seems like people run out of flasks about halfway through the second phase most of the time

This is why the Crimson Seed Talisman +1 is the most based and underrated talisman
>get discouraged
>go back to Ranni's tower and talk to my wife to hear her soothing voice
Simple as.
The earlier the better. In Limgrave I almost exclusively level vigor.
Just level it up whenever you feel like enemies are doing too much damage. There's not a magic number to go for, you'll probably be at 50-60 at endgame
I never put my sign down for Radahn nor have I ever used a player summon. The game gives you infinite NPC summons for a fucking reason

You forgot one
>no horse
So why did Marika break the ring?
Woman moment
The impact of vigor is extremely high in the early and mid game.
Damage stats are for later, since you need to upgrade your weapon to get good scaling anyway. Just meet the requirements and focus on weapon upgrades, buffs or imbuements.
If you're INT you can just be a knuckledragging ape who pumps everything into INT and uses the Meteorite Staff until the endgame.
She was tired of the golden order and being a god
>no horse
you can summon a horse in that fight, or is this just a chinese joke?
also another I forgot is him being nearly immune to stagger at 3 players and melee only getting cucked when he decides to fly after a mage.
>marika as ragadon setup Messmer with Rellana
>he fucks it up due to being a brooding homo
he deserves death, Marika demands breeding
>1 hour to play per day
Kids and a wife or something?
What is the ring anyway? The laws of physics thing doesn't really hold water.
>Carian Sorcery Sword in the off hand casts spells with L2
Metaphysical construct that governs the rules of the lands between.
It's godly magic, ain't got to explain shit.
It's like the first flame. The state of the Elden Ring determines the status of the lands between. Adding or taking runes from it changes how things work. For example: when Marika took the death rune out people no longer died in spirit, their bodies died but their spirits pooled in the Erdtree.

I'm under the impression the Elden Ring was sent to the Lands Between by the greater will in the form of the Elden Beast (which is like a guardian spirit/physical manifestation of the ring). The Elden Ring allowed The Greater Will to establish its order over the land, changing the laws of nature to its liking.
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This thing has carried me through all of the base game + DLC. How is it that there is no better weapon in the entire DLC? Every new weapon I get just feels like shit compared to this slab of stone.
Did they stealth nerf mimic tear's AI at some point? He just stands there and circles. Doesn't cast spells or engage the enemy when I'm not using a bonk build.
How many Skibidis did you guys kill Radahn with?
Did an AI make this post?
18 post-skadoodle adjustment
is this an advanced way to call attention to your own post?
it reads fine. retake your english certificate
Did you go back with the stone shafted sword?
>you can summon a horse in that fight, or is this just a chinese joke?
No I mean you can't use Torrent, which is kind of a big deal when you start so fucking far away from him.
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Why does Ranni wear a comically oversized hat? It looks stupid.
Pedo game
Wanted a direwolf summon rip
All of them since I was in ng+3
>try to fight Gaius using clean rolls and openings
>it's impossible
>pull out greathammer+greatshield
>play like a hyper aggressive retard with no regard for my own safely
>stagger crit stagger crit stagger crit VICTORY
>only used 2 flasks
Turning my brain off actually improved my performance.

Greathammers feel like cheating. The enemy can't do shit. Worked on that Putrid knight guy too. I don't even need to learn any of their moves I just attacked.
Because its L2 increases with damage purely from weapon level so as long as you can use the sword at all, you don't need investment otherwise.
I already had one. Not like it matters, you get a fucking faith weapon.
So are we all doing 150 for the meta? 175? 200?
anything past like 11 or 12 is YDBTG territory
my meta is 45
I stopped caring about 150 once I realized I don't pvp anyway so I usually shoot for 200.
Where's that famous death dancing lion? It's the only thing I'm missing.
never done any pvp in any fromsoft game and I never will
I stopped at 110 because im a ds1 boomer and I think stat blobbing is lame as fuck
it's like each game has tacked on 10 extra levels for no reason
>YDBTG territory
>You Did Beat The Game
yes I know, but thank you
Did you see the stacks of tablets in her Bedchamber? The bitch became a goddess for power & prestige but after a while she hated it & wanted out. So she tried to break everything on the way out.
It's a way of saying your post lacks any substance.
A pedo faggot game even
Marika sucks off beastmen behind the Erdtree.
>for no reason
Because they keep increasing the soft caps with each game.
I finally beat her without summons. Can I handle the DLC?
>zero proof
She also fucked everyone in Godfrey's army
the DLC is geared towards summons, so no
she's unironically a DS1 boss compared to the finale of the DLC so I wouldn't say yes or no either way
Marika is a fucking jar
Miquella and Radahn are really good brothers.

Can you give one of the DLC irises to Hyetta?
Blood infusion with seppuku will give the most.
>Spent a Larval Tear to carry viglets through Radahn
>Switch name to "Lemme Tank Them"
>Suicidal hosts ignore basic instructions and try to out-trade DPS with a boss

The majority of my successful runs have just been when I solo the damn fight. Only a few hosts have been smart enough to support with casting or healing.
Most just get one-tapped by the meteor right before the finish line.
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Yes anon, thank you. Except... that wasn't one of the options I listed, was it?
The DLC cancer makes Malenia feel like joke.
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how the hell do I get down there
... no.
try jumping
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Theoretically, could I use Rennala's great rune to turn Miquella into a girl, so I could pound demigod holes without being gay?
Indeed. Still, I appreciate your contribution.
which weapon?
>Liar ahead
>there are no messages or npcs ahead
do people not realize their message might not be attached to some other random message?
It's still gay.
>makes shitters seethe
>proceeds to be such an icon of seethe that also makes the entire DLC extremely tough in the exact ways that make shitter cry

queen of /erg/
>Demi-Human Queen Marigga
Are they just taking the piss at this point or what?
Is fucking St Trina gay?
yea, probably.
no idea
ruh roh raggy
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justice for trina
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If it makes your dick hard it's a woman and therefore not gay
Demi-Human Manigga?
>yas Queen slaaaay!
You're just a pedo
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Is there a text guide/checklist for missables/quests in the DLC? Can only find bad articles and videos.

Just looking for something that summarizes that you need to do X before Y or else you're screwed out of that item/quest for the playthrough.
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Trina is for Miquella
Golden Vow pisses me off. It's too good and free to use. There's literally zero downside to carrying a dagger with AoW Golden Vow. It's essentially mandatory.
Is there any downside to just running a dagger with it so you dont need to invest the faith?

t. was lazy as fuck when ER came out and dont understand build specific stuff like that
From's balancing is terrible
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just pound trina
This should have been real. Fromsoft fucked up.
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>get summoned
>dragon gets stuck at the rock
>wiggles a bit
i love when stuff like this happens
is sleep still useless in PvE?
It works against the bear.
Dark souls 3 was better. And with that I leave you
>useless in PvE?
not when you can sleep bears and godskins and the grab n succ vampire zombies with it
You need the Haligtree medallion.
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how the mighty have fallen
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Well that's ominous
>Tarnished and Radahn having and epic one on one showdown.
>Meanwhile, Ranni and Miquella are having a slapfight in the background.
Who wins in a fight Miquella or Ranni?
>Miquella: "My consort can beat up your consort!"
>Ranni: "Your consort didn't even want you, Bill Cosby lmao."
>fth vs int
Who's Messmer and Melina's dad
Hope someone commissions this
Ranni pre-ascension or post? Post-ascension Ranni could probably just delete Miquella.
If Radahn could speak during the final fight, what would he say?
what level are people going for the DLC? 175?
the non-player messages in the abyssal woods made me scared
[21040000] I am Radahn.
[21040100] Born of red-maned Radagon, and Rennala of the Full Moon.
[21040200] A lion bred for battle.
Probably "Kill me..."
Sex with bratty twink god
my ass hurts
The abyssal woods were my favorite zone, legit unnerving the whole time.
>we wuz queens n shiet
how does miyazaki get away with it?
Creepy place. Had some madness thing pop out of the fog and fuck my mouth. Is there any good loot here or can I just run through it as fast as I can?
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Marika's bedchamber.
Yeah, too bad the playermade ones ruined it.
>try parrying
And there goes the tension. Now it's an empty fucking forest.
>no bodily fluids on the sheet
>I'm on my honeymoon, fuck off
parrying radahn makes him so fucking fun man ngl
>just a sheet draped over stone
Marika was either the wildest fuck or the worst. No in between.
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>last year a kind anon traded me an item I missed out on
>he also gave me the deathbed panties
>check now
>it says [ERROR]
guys am i fucked? should i delete them?
There's a skibidi fragment in the north part of the zone but other than that you can head straight top the manse after you loot the frenzyflame perfume bottle from the church
bannable offense item you WILL get rev'd if you go online with it get rid of it
drop them for me
don't wash them
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Why is GRRM obsessed with incest and royals fucking each other? in GoT you had Cersei fucking her brother and the Targs inbreeding for centuries
a jar
youre fucked
hamfisted way of making things mature and gritty, same ol 'medieval' tropes that always get trotted out
God-Queen has a woman moment after her daughter has a Redditor atheist apotheosis and fucks up everything.
Hapsburgs existed dude.

Also another theological monarchy the Egyptians did the same & got fucked up
I beat the entire DLC and still don't know wtf the jar thing is about. Marika had the Hornsent stuffed into jars because...?
what chest piece is that
messmer was fucking rough for me man DAMN
is the final boss really that much harder
Which is easier?
Can someone QRD me on what made the Smithcript weapons OP and how they aren't OP anymore?
The hornsent stuffed marikas village inside the jars for religious reasons, years later in response she genocides them
They dealt actually decent amounts of damage for being so easy to spam
Now they've useless
they had broken scaling when flame art and sacred infused on fth builds but they reversed that
they also I guess patched the tumblebuff bug that transfered deathblight and rkr onto the thrown weapons
Imagine mesmer but he hits harder and faster and every attack is an aoe that gets faster as it progresses
i think you still need a backhand blade with swift slash for invasions just so you have some way to put some fucking distance between you and 2 retards spamming duelist shield running r1s on you
sounds utterly revolting, im excited
It's not even fun difficulty.
Thats because its like a 6/10.
*kicks Marika in the pussy*
>want ansbach's bow
>would have to go to ng+ to get it
que sera sera
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Because they wanted to give people Radahn fan service, only they failed because most of the fight is Miquella's bullshit aoes and Radahn doesn't even have his bow and doesn't engage in mounted combat.
P1 Radahn is actually amazing imo. Just needed some extra moves when he chimps out instead of the annoying ass echo damage shite and it'd be cool.
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Very based. Any more pictures?
cheating? no thanks
Miyazaki's fetish
I agree, I enjoyed phase 1, I just wish phase 2 was him pulling out all the stops instead of just phase 1 with light beams. I can understand if they don't want him to summon Leonard (as spirit ashes?), but not having any bow combat just feels like he doesn't have his full kit.
Both are gods, though.
>only complaining about the actually difficult and skill-based phase
i wonder what quality of players could be lurking behind these posts... hmmm......
not everyone ITT is an obese discord mod that gets joy out of cheating thanks
Don't care man, I wanted Radahn at his best, with all his tools, and we didn't get that.

>t. didn't like Miquella to begin with
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>not everyone ITT is an obese discord mod that gets joy out of cheating thanks
>Finish the DLC, return to the main game, absolutely dumpster Malenia with Wing Stance

Holy fuck that feels good. She isn't such hot shit when you can hard-counter her bullshit anime move.
every time this happens the list gets posted and you faggots crawl back into the gutter, let's not have it happen again
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>We'll never get this level of hype-man ever again
One day I will become the true drake warrior Igon believed I was
With the DLC out, what are your favourite tracks from Elden ring?
I still hold a soft spot for base Radahn, but promised consort is fucking heavenly too.
The Divine Beast Dancing Lion theme slaps
Love the Malenia phase 2 theme and how it kicks in during the cutscene.
The first time I saw the mother fucker leap in the air to summon lightning while the chants started getting more and more intense got me both scared shitless and fucking hyped AS FUCK it's so good.
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Is this weapon still good?
>is the best weapon in the game still good?
Gee I dunno anon
I think the Scadutree Avatar is a reworked concept for a corpse-Godwyn fight.
Probably Radagon's theme still, but the NPC fight music in the dlc is amazing. I hope they improve the music next game. Less choirs drowning out the rest of the music.
Very basic, but probably this, Messmer, and Romina
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time for miquella to sit on my face
why is the ui like that
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so now that the dust has settled. marika did nothing wrong. justice for shaman village.

Fucking kino. The second the theme started and the characters started speaking I was already sold on the fight. I don't care what shazzam trannies and shitters have to say, the end of the DLC is among the very best of all of FROM's climaxes
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you DO realize that the nipponese always append a vowel to their nouns, right?

so: scad~u is scad, given their god awful localizations most likely means scat.

you guys are literally eating crusty scat flakes...
ultrawide screen with centered ui
Retard, it is obviously mean to be skibidi to attract the zoomers.
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just woke up
what did the patch do exactly?
talking about the music btw, Metyr's theme is severly underrated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yacry9jD6sU Unironically what I expected of most of Bloodborne's eldritch abominations music to sound like in the first place.
It's also such a departure from what we're used to: it starts big then, then goes into silent, ambient, eerie music. Really pushed the whole uncomprehensible higher being-vibe.
What was the deal with Eochaid and the bell bearing hunters?
Fucking hate how this story trailer raises a million questions and the DLC answered none of them.
What's with the gore and corpses at the divine gate? What the fuck was that thing that Marika pulled the golden threads from? What, exactly, was her great betrayal of the hornsent?
Hell, we don't even get told who Torrent's former master was despite him and Miquella being on the initial DLC tease artwork.
Igon just roaring in triumph at the end of the fight is one of the most hype moments I can remember in recent gaming.
It's (headcanon). Silly goose!
The "betrayal" was Marika using the Divine Gate in the eyes of the Hornsent and the subsequent crusade against them.
idk what the divine gate even is or what being a god even means or how it connects to enir-ilim at all lol
You're a dense one aren't you? The gate of divinity is much more red and wet compared to the one we find in the game: she betrayed the hornsent to become a godess herself. The mountain of corpses show that a great, great deal of sacrfiice was necessary to ascend. She pulled the golden threads from what was supposedly going to become a god instead. Some people pointed out it kinda looked like a snake? Could explain why her first born was cursed by the abyssal serpent.
Elmer is a killer from Eochaid. He likes collecting bell bearings. They call him the Bell Bearing Hunter.
>The mountain of corpses show that a great, great deal of sacrfiice was necessary to ascend
So why does Miquella do it without any corpses at all?
Nerfed/fixed some objectively broken stuff mainly
Miquella got rid of his golden lineage birthright. He couldn't become a god of his own if his very flesh come from the meddling of Marika's/the fingers lineage
I don't see how that explains away the need for all the corpses that were required when Marika used the gate.
btw, i believe the mountain of corpses was necessary to CREATE the gate of divinity, not for the process to become a god itself.
fixed perfume and fire knight greatsword. for some obscure reason did not fix death blight torch bug nor touch swift slash. fromsoft things.
I'd like to add also, There's a reason why Marika is only "true" god we know of currently """"alive"""" in the lands betweens, aside of the ones she hunted and killed like the fell god and gloam eyed queen. It's said in game the hornsent aimed to build a tower that would reach the heavens, and they did, but the moment they did Marika fucked them over, became a godess and sealed the place in shadow.
Midra's from the DLC, Godrick's from the base game.
I want to fuck and impregnate Marika. I want to cum in Marika: I want to inseminate Marika. I want to fertilize Marika. I want to creampie Marika. I want to make babies with Marika. I want to create offspring with Marika. I want to put a baby in Marika. I want to knock Marika up. I want to make Marika pregnant. I want Marika to bear my children. I want Marika to give birth to my progeny.
Lorefags will be yapping about Godwyn for eternity now. I hope that Godwyn is revealed to be the worst of the worst in dlc 2 even if it breaks the lore just to spite his fanboys.
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>dlc 2
what is this shit
i thought this was something cool for singleplayer chads
not some fucking online wank room
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>dlc 2
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>dlc 2
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>Want to alter my armor since this blue cape doesn't make sense with my new hammer
>I lose 2 poise and end up going below 50
Literally why
lmfao weebs are retards

Give me inappropriate activity loops until I verified my game files. Buffed Carian Spells sword. Super nerfed smithscripts.
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I'm gunna do an old knight Istvan cosplay run how shit is the dismounter?
i heard they nerfed Great Stars is that true?
Still can't change the ash of war on the carian sorcery sword which is pretty shit, some spells like glint lade phalanx are better as an aow.
Not shit at all, it's good
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bros, did you summon on your first playthrough vs radahn?
what level are you guys?
no, i wanted to beat the boss
>First hit on scat avatar took out half its healthbar
the whole overleveled shit is a meme perpetuated by brainless pvptrannies
the extra handful of levels doesn't mean shit if you can't use half the items anyways
yes, got really tired of the stupid after swing explosions hitting me in phase 2. killed him on like the third try with mimic tear, fucking garbage japsect boss design
>talk about his level
>suddenly trannies mention
Realistically what the fuck do summons even do against him? Anything that's not completely broken, invincible bullshit like Mimic Tear doesn't stand a chance.
That's it, if the game won't give me prime Godwyn I'll just become him. What would a Godwyn build look like? Long blonde hair, gold armor, STR/FAITH with all the dragon cult stuff?
You didn't beat him
I have like 7million runes and I need to get rid of them. I was thinking of an heroing over a cliff, but is there something I could buy with them instead? I have like 999 of upgrade items already.
I killed a faggot and got ~220k runes, what level was he?
Chadahn is the best boss in the series for mindbreaking all the newfag tourists.
They will screech at the walls and be ignored by From until they get tired and leave.
Such was the way with malenia.
Nature is healing.
one guy in our fcs used to swap to death sorceries, eclipse shotel and land octopus head once he died, but i guess it only works in arenas
>put down summon sign at consort
>host buffs 4x with different spells
>goes thru fogwall
>insta dies to first attack
I one-shot his first phase with Blasphemous Blade
I have one character at 200 and another at 170
We don't know how he fought, what weapons he used, if he worse heavy armor, or was an agility fag, we don't know if he was pure martial warrior before he learned lightning shit, or he also knew primitive Erdtree incantations before becoming a dragon fucker.
All we know is he had blonde hair, and knew dragon cult stuff.
no, I beat him the first time with Siluria's tree and the golden greatshield
Then with perfume bottles
Then with DMGS + Int spells
Then with Moore's greatshield + a cold/bleed spear stick
Then with duo colossals
Then with dual bleed twinblades
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In the end I couldn't beat Radahn with dryleaf arts and had to respec to beat him.
>pov you're bayle

post how many hours you have in elden ring
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Was booting to a white screen after update.
Verifying game files fixed it.
>another buckbroken tourist for the pile
Chadahn strikes again.
is trina sword good? is sleep maxing build good? i can't see sleep ever being useful on anything. are any bosses weak to sleep? bleed is just too good as a status build up man
based and playing the game as the devs intended pilled
>fight midra for the first time
>get insta gibbed by his wave of frenzy bolts
>realize I have to kill cripple midra each attempt
ehhhh maybe later
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Malenia filtered people who hide behind greatshields or summon spirit ashes by getting tons of healing off those. Radahn doesn't, he just does big wombo combos. He filters people's graphics cards.
Malenia's a much better designed boss.
Sleep is useful for Godksin duo and rune bears.
Oh nice I've never used curved greatswords
jesus thats bad, why did they ever thought this was a good thing to have in game?
Unlock and sprint left behind him at the start, his turn radius is slow enough that you can get a charged heavy attack off as he does the first two fire spurts.
bringing these game to PC fags was a mistake
If Furnace Golem were a DeS/DS1 boss, it'd just be Tower Knight/Ceaseless Discharge.
These things were made with the full intention of just being annoying.
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Anyone have these in their colours? I want it to add it to the overall collection. Id do it myself but I dont have the knowhow frankly
I think that's enough to go off of. I guess if I want to be really really faithful I could just wear robe pants since that's all we've seen him wear, but I'm pretty sure he was caught with his pants down in that cutscene
That's pretty funny, I can give that a go too but the shotel was pretty ass iirc
message appraised
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I used rolling sparks to beat 3 rememberence bosses and most wicker men. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
lions claw spam still btfos every boss except the last one where you can just use a greatshield
Use a sword, any sword
138, 150, 166
You have a "Didn't Beat Radahn" score of 3. Yikes.
>yet ANOTHER Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Is this dev team just full of "Yes"men?
2,5 years not enough for dlc small indie company please understand
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play the game as intended
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Wtf was his name
>come from the old thread
>see several of the same posts made in this one too
God you guys are fucking pathetic, UNIRONICALLY "farming" (You)s, jesus fuckin christ
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>aim at one of the legs
>shoot while close to the other leg
>spiral hits both legs

armored ones are le ebin gimmick
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Do not post naked pictures of my beautiful wife.
the great stars is the best pve weapon

>does bleed
>scales with with strength
>heals on hit
>smashes through armor
What more does a man want?
on model
Godwyn might not have been the golden knight in shining armor that people think he was, at least in combat. His elite Death Knights use axes, the weapons of barbarians, don't wear heavy armor, and are adorned with a really old symbol of the Erdtree.
Godwyn probably took after his father, and was probably in the company of his dad's barbarian army for most of his life, which these Death Knights might have came from.
I traded mine away two years ago for another GUTS sword for powerstancing. I don't regret that decision.
start a new game because you didn't really beat them
it's elden ring dude there are no shortage of good builds the game is designed like shit
You can't go 5 minutes without making a build and having someone say it's cheating
We've only ever seen Godwyn depicted bare-chested. The dude was probably fighting off dragons with his bare hands.
>Your breath stinks
How do you even come back from this?
>Great Stars
worse than chicken wings and twinblades
these guys exist solely to annoy players that refuse to experiment and find a way to cheese enemies. oh you don't have some sorcery to deal with it? you don't have an incantation for it? you're not carrying an AOW that decimates large enemies? ok have fun jumping for 3 minutes dumbass.
bro it takes like three minutes just to get through phase 1 just to die to some shit i haven't seen in phase 2
Zansibart... Forgive me...
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Wait this is the Smithscript nerf Reddit is crying about? The Magic affinity was nuked from orbit and it still falls into the same damage bracket as Dark Moon GS, while still poise breaking like a GH should.
that's how it is, for better or for worse
the first few hours is literally just you learning some frustrating shit that the boss does
What's some of your favorite invasion spots been in the DLC boys? So far for me it's been
>Abyssal Woods
>Shadow Keep Storehouse
Huh. My video game says I beat them. Weird?
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>everyone talking about Bayle like it's a super hard fight
>like people getting summoned just sever immediately if blessing level below 15
>having a lot of trouble with the lightning dragon before him
>barely manage to beat it at blessing level 13
>make it to Bayle
>expect it to be nigh impossible
>kill him on my first try


Fight was epic though. Igon rules.
if it takes 3 minutes for p1 you're not playing aggressive enough
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why did he do it
did they ever fix waterfowl so you could dodge it without light roll? shes dumpster tier until then
Ranni, when you speak to her miniature form, says that she was chosen as an Empyrean to succeed Marika (as well as Malenia and Miquella) in 'the coming age'.

What is the coming age?
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>Carian Sorcery Sword
>Carian Slicer
This thing fucks retreating invaders real hard
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QRD on what was good that is now dogshit as a result of the patch? I heard perfume is now irrelevant again
Malenia phase 1 is really fun even with a shield. Phase 2 is alright.
Waterfowl is still ass, but without it she wouldn't be memorable.
How the fuck am I supposed to beat the final boss again now that the only viable builds will do no damage?
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Perfume is shit now but at least we still have the memories
Speaking of Igon, does he show up anywhere else? I met him lying on the ground somewhere screaming about Bayle pretty early into the DLC and haven't seen him anywhere since.
Try a DEX/INT build with Milady. It's fun.
Get engaged to his underage brother?
After you beat the two drakes at the foot of the mountains he shows up screaming about how much of a badass you are.
He shows up on Jagged Peak if you kill the two drakes before the ancient dragon.
So why IS it always dung?
You mean the fight was easy when you summoned the spirit that doesn't increase the boss' health, splits aggro, and does a billion stance damage? Crazy stuff.
There are a ton of builds that will tear him to shreds
>Nooo you must fight the dogshit enemy so Miyazaki can stroke his little Jap dick at your frustration at blatant offense towards all game design
85, co-op is dead as fuck send help
How the hell do I dodge Radahn's quick left right crossed slash attack?
Stance break
Running away like a pussy and firing glintblades over and over
Making yourself nearly invincible with incantations
They took the Smithscript weapons out back and unloaded a 12 gauge into the back of their skulls.
Ugh, I've been ignoring every drake/dragon I've encountered so far because I can't be assed to deal with them...
almost everyone is over 150 now wtf are you doing
Eternal battle lust. Elden Ring is shounenshit.
Roll left, but it's inconsistent. I prefer, if you have a shield or are two-handing a decent sized weapon, to just block the first slash and then roll the next two.
But he won't be fight much after Miquella gets out of the Shadow Lands and takes the ER. An age of compassion means no more war.
>use anti dragon sword against dragon
>deals less damage than my other non anti dragon weapons
>Wasn’t Miquella trying to revive Godwyn already
At some point Fromsoft forgot that players like being rewarded for exploration.
Bleed, frost and rot.
You don't. It's a frame perfect dodge, you're getting hit 90% of the time. Deflect, block or eat one of them and dodge the cross slash.
>phantoms full moon kills me in 1 hit
surprised me a bit
radahn has no openings unless you're using a little fairy weapon
you don't. the only times i've "dodged" it are when hes on one of the little sand piles and i low profile it by coincidence.
>throw poison pot
>get poisoned

is the tarnished fucking retarded? when he winds up to throw does he just douses his fucking face with shit and let it spill everywhere like a clumsy retard?
You don't
Essentially to dodge it you've got to do the following
>have an elevation difference that makes the second hit whiff while you roll left
>Use Crucible talisman to backstep into roll it
>Constantly hug and always be strafing his left side so if he ever pulls it out you immediately roll and you've got just barely enough time to survive.
If you're just facing him head on like a normal person in a normal range it's more or less impossible to dodge consistently with current strats.. I'd suggest rolling left and praying, or using a shield.
sekiro tear. use any weapon you want. imagine rolling this boss and his 5 fps circus show.
Am I missing something, or can you not get to the 3rd/4th floor of the Specimen Storehouse from the 1st floor, unless you come from the church district area? I've been all over and don't see a way up.
I only level if I have 10 levels worth of runes, usually lose them before I can use them
would you a pot flesh person?
Grim stuff.
You can climb up one of the specimen statues from the first floor to reach the fourth floor grace.
Nephili cuddling and sex update when
>Still no porn of the two
>But there's enough cute ship art
I think i'm gonna be okay for the time being
4th floor is accessed the first time by walking over the hanging statue thing. Once you pull the lever that shifts everything then no, you can't back to 4th floor from 1st I don't think
if you run a high damage weapon you can just unga bunga trade into him P1 even with a weapon as slow as jumping colossals, then walk back and heal during the P2 transition to bait out Miquella's light, then attack him through it with more jump attacks and stance break him the moment he lands. Then heal again. That gets at least 50% of his health done.

If you just play super defensively and only go for 100% safe punishes on Radahn you're going to die to pillar chip and cross slash hits before you manage to kill him.
Post your tarnished
the sweet succulent fumes my boy
depends on the smell. i already have a fleshlight
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so do I help leda or hornsent
yeah, just got it and was excited thinking a dragon communion dragon hunter run with it would be cool then it turns out its no better if not worse then just a normal weapon. Hell you could pick a regular non-slash weapon and dragonwound grease it up.
it smells like whatever flesh you threw in + weird tree smell
Ah yeah, that would make sense. Kind of annoying, but I guess they just expect you to warp to graces instead of walking.
there's plenty of openings in phase 1, but phase two I just had to trade lions claws into his less damaging swings
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People would accept more the shipfaggotry if it was Godwyn
bro your thollier?
>Waterfowl is still ass, but without it she wouldn't be memorable.
"Infamous", you mean. With her health steal, damage, and two distinct phases, she still would've been the ultimate boss of Elden Ring.
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>Dragon Communion Katana
>No Arcane Scaling
Is this Miyazaki's true vision?
>If you just play super defensively and only go for 100% safe punishes on Radahn you're going to die to pillar chip and cross slash hits before you manage to kill him.
oh i forgot i wasn't playing a souls game silly me i guess ill just summon pee pee ghosts and ghost friends and spam some retarded high poise jump attacks or broken ash of wars then tell other people that they didn't beat radahn
This is how Miyazaki beat him.
>help leda
You get his gear and Hornsent won't invade you or assist Leda in the finale.
>assist hornsent
You get a rune and strong ash of war, but hornsent will later invade or fight against you.
carian slicer is what makes that thing a nightmare to roll from. Two completely different timings and you won't know which one it is until it's already out.
the trick is to kill Freya before anyone else can spawn in
Miquella would still be considered a bad guy who is brainwashing his half brother to become his consort, but at least we get to fight someone we didn't already kill in the base game.
We talking about adult god(dess) Miquella anon. Mesuoniisan, you understand?
i didn't even know he was a thing until 50 hours in
his quest is fucked for me
>its a quality weapon instead of being DEX/ARC like it should be
fucking magma wyrm cgs all over again
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keen with bfb doesn't sacrifice any damage and you can change ashes and buffs to fit different enemies
This image but cookbooks. It's all fucking cookbooks. FUCK cookbooks.
very based
Her health steel would have already made her memorable.
The "problem" is that the majority of her moveset is actually very honest with a few backwards unrollables that reward offensive rolling and hyper armor on some attacks to force you to respect her offense.

So you're going through a well designed bossfight that sporadically turns bullshit once every 45 seconds with an attack that, if you were already attacking into, you just ate shit.
Even on refights I feel myself slipping into this retarded autopilot state where I use limited offense until WFD is out and then playing it like a real boss fight.
Just go and overdose on Trina's love juices.
He will join your party after he stops being a whiny little baby after an ass beating.
Honestly what the fuck those from wants me to use in a Dragon Communion build? Bleed faggotry?
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Fromsoft works in mysterious ways.
Yeah unfortunately that's just how the fight is. Playing it like a Souls boss makes it a hundred times harder than anything else. Using a shield, deflect tear, big damage aggression, all of these are a lot more effective than using R1s with your slow twohanded claymore during downtime. The boss is specifically built to punish that style of play, adding an additional layer to every single roll with the light pillars, long combo chains, relatively few periods of complete safe punishes, random iframes to avoid punishes, the almost undodgeable...

The boss fight is very very hard if you play it like a Dark Souls boss but very easy if you play it like an Elden Ring boss
>only used the heavy iron greatsword for the entire DLC
I lack imagination... but at least I tried out different ashs of war before going back to impaling thrust.
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Pretty sure it was too late for him once he used Messmer's kindling.
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>still haven't found anything that beats good old knight's greatsword/banished knight's
I want to like Milady, but it lacks a certain... oomph. I'm heavily Strength specced.
>played an unhealthy amount of Elden Ring over the past 2 weeks
One last DLC playthrough them I'm taking a year-long break from vidya

Bayle is one of my least favorite bosses in this DLC and I don't think that I will fight him on my next and final playthrough.
Put piercing fang or giant hunt on it, the stance ash unfortunately kinda sucks.
>The boss fight is very very hard if you play it like a Dark Souls boss but very easy if you play it like an Elden Ring boss

But there are no other bosses like this, so is Radahn 2.0 the only true Elden Ring boss?
and it does like piss all damage too
I respecced my build to be like both softcaps for STR/DEX or min STR and max DEX and still had shit AR on the dragon slaying katana, and it says "charge the weapon art" but it only has 1 part
I was expecting you to spin around in the air with multiple beams if charged like maliketh does
>unhealthy amount
Care to put a number on that?
When can I expect the patch that finishes the DLC? A month post-launch, right?
He should have had more of Mohg's blood moves and doubled down on them in phase 2
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Never. Stop playing, uninstall and never post here again.
i recently refought her with frost pots so waterfowl was turned off. She's weak without it even with the lifesteal. Waterfowl forces you to respect her a bit in P1 and honestly I think waterfowl + lifesteal is pretty good design if they wanted a boss that staggers easy but doesn't instantly roll over to retard summons or mimic. I also fought her again co-op and if everyone knows what they're doing it's impossible for her to fight back.
Those united in common cause, Mohg, Apostle. Metyr and Midra are great, tol
Around 40 hours
So now that we know how living jars are made, is it morally acceptable to poach them?
never played int, am I just better off casting a slow spell during poise breaks instead of swapping to a high crit damage weapon?
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>Turns Radahn into a bitch
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>that empty feeling after beating the DLC and knowing you won't experience new Fromsoft ludokino for years...
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Not a bad idea. I'm getting annoyed carrying skadoolets through bosses so maybe logging off until things get mixed up would be the right move.
try shard spiral
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finally. back to being a wizard.
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Post only your silliest webms
Imagine that playing over this
It's a bittersweet feel. It also means I'm free, I've wasted so many hours playing the DLC, discussing the DLC, reading wikis about the DLC, and watching videos about the DLC. Now to do something else.
Shard Spiral goes through shit and hits them the whole time it's there. It's slow enough that you can have a few out at once if you're spamming.
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What the-
Thopps would mog buckdahn.
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My only cope is knowing Lies of P DLC is this year
will there be enough time to cast a shard spiral + a fully charged Carian Sovereignty as they get up to prep the next poise break?
Is this your video?
hornsent is a bad person and gives worse rewards
Carian Phalanx or Greatblade Phalanx?
Which one is better?
you got some stuff on your face
>now Mogh's dead and I'm dancing on his corpse
Waste of FP and cast time either way you go.
I usually misericorde because I like the stabby animations and I use the blue dagger to get more fp
They nerfed the ash of war for pvp unfortunately. Used to be a bloodhound step except you'd do hit for half the host's health when you used it.
Ganking for the lion knights is the most fun invasions I've ever had in this shitty game
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Do you miss the days when the bleed doge had the single most damaging attack in the game?
That's a good reward, exalted flesh is great.
That new glintblade trio is probably better than either and still not great
>Red lightning pot: The ancient dragons who betrayed their lord to side with a tyrant were known for wielding branching red lightning.
Does this mean all the ancient dragons who joined up with Godwyn were Bayle fanboys?
ER never should have had resource gathering and crafting at all. I hate it so much. It's so fucking tedious.
You know the reason they don't let us buy items like turtle meat is because they want us to farm for it
the ash of war
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you actually can buy turtle meat though
They aren't that bad. Now when the stupid boat men summon more than one giant skeleton while teleporting all over the place, that's fucking annoying as shit.
Defending deathrite birds while complaining about tibia mariners
holy mother of contrarianism
your golden order greatsword?
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Tibia's can summon revenants in the dlc, exterminate them quickly or just fucking lose
I prefer when my enemy stays in one place. The birds don't teleport all over the place, thus they are much less annoying in my eyes.
so everything about this game is worse than dark souls except the art and lore? gameplay sucks and is either broken and unfair or broken and cheesy, pvp still is ass, no one likes riding torrent across the whole lands between, crafting is a boring meme
>can't poise break any enemy in the dlc unless I use a greatsword
fine I'll just use bigger weapons
One of my least favorite enemies along with the gargoyles
Gameplay is leagues ahead of Dark Souls.
>is either broken and unfair or broken and cheesy
This is every Souls game btw
Radahn made me realize this game seriously needs a fucking posture bar
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its a good hair, i like it
>burn the dead in ghostflame
>have to deal with wandering angry spirits all over the place because they're pissed their afterlives are being stolen to feed the death rite bird god
I don't get it. Were the hornsent stupid?
ER is quite literally brought down by the fact that From bought into the open world/crafting meme, yes. Souls was better when it was just one long dungeon crawler and not a large, mostly empty map with tiny dungeons scattered around with one somewhat large dungeon by comparison in each land mass. Gameplay and pvp wise it really is just more of the same. If you didn't think the pvp was flawed in every game you're blind.
I can't do jack shit in this game unless I follow a guide. Everywhere is instant death.
pve you can do whatever you want. nothing is stopping you from using a claymore and boss rushing. i have chalice dungeon brainrot so I like the exploring. pvp will always be ass in these games but invasions are fun.
>new scythe that doesnt look like butthole cool
>this weapon cannot be infused
Happy 4th myazaki 2 bombs wasnt enough. Any euros reading suck my cock we are the greatest nation on earth.
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Is your character a woman or a man?
i said pvp is STILL ass not that it became ass
the new scythe is mid, even on a dex build
I really hope their next game isn't open world and has no fucking crafting.
cute girl
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This game handles similarly to Dark Souls 3, but with some QoL stuff like triangle+d-pad for four items and a few new mechanics like jumping, crouching, and guard counters. Compared to DaS3 the combot is more interesting since light attacks don't outclass all your other options in melee and casting is a little more fun with the ability to charge spells. ALso the game doesn't have DaS3's linearity and grey-brown problems as far as world design and the legacy dungeons it has also tend to outclass DaS3's. No level in DaS3 is half as good as Stormveil.

This game is Dark Souls 3 if it was good, but then cut into pieces and sprinkled around an open world.
Git gud
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Despite it's flaws i honestly think that Elden Ring is still the best souls game. Honorable mentions to BB and Sekiro.
Don't you mean Body Type A or Body Type B?
sekiro isn't a souls game
BB + Sekiro both better
You can't make fun of this anymore because BGIII let you take their tops off and give anyone a dick, and you could even see the penis.
>worse than dark souls
the only thing thats "worse" is that its an open world game instead of being closed off and fairly linear compared to 1/2/3 so build making takes longer if you do it legit instead of cheating in the items(esp if you want to PVP) also pvp is a downgrade in most respects at least the removal of solo invasions by default and no 6 player worlds has honestly cucked the longterm viability of PVP outside of meta slop in the arenas
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my character is a male
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Okay this looks fucking retarded. I love it.
i like to self insert in my rpgs so a man.
The lore is bad now too
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>make this jump
>theres a invisible wall surrounding it
why would you put all this climbable shit around it just to then put a fucking invisible wall?
open world games are detrimental to exploring because it turns exploration into a tedious chore where you have to rake through a giant empty sandbox rather than a finely curated experience
>get summoned as a blueberry
>hosts are both wearing the dancing lion head and are aggressive as fuck in chasing the invader down
>immediately put head on and hold sprint at the invader with them
I feel bad for the guy he was getting fucking mogged
If you won with something that got nerfed, you didn't beat the game

You exploited an accident, an unintended mechanic
How come I don't see more people talking about how cute Florissax is?
Did that meltdown anon who had a janny clean up after him finally leave?
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You're looking in the wrong areas.
i love how radahn has only two openings where you can actually safely heal one of them being incredibly rare and you also can't just not heal and wait for the opening because he has undodgable moves that do 40%, or 90% if you're unlucky and they wombo combo. sometimes you blow through phase 1 in 20 seconds and other times you're just trying to heal for five minutes
What did Placidusax need all that sleep for?
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How did he bypass the name filter?
really like this axe, too bad i suck at pvp
>Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together.

What the FUCK did Rellana's twin blades mean by this Snafbros?
God bless Marika, do they have any form of booze in the lands between? I know that goldmask fucker probably outlawd it in his ending
>i suck at pvp
>webm shows u destroying a redtard
just did a cannon playthrough build
god that was kino
I think they legitimately think that garbage is like an actual reward
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Romina feels like... a dark souls 1 boss
what a refreshing fucking twist honestly
I was expecting 8 combo bullshit, but it never happened
Why do these dlc catacomb niggers get to cast their spells infinitely without line of sight?
its just a random lore added in so people can make their ocs and headcanons
that doesn't show the many times i get gang banged by a red and a group of enemies or just get swift slash'd to death or whatever
are shields good for noobs?
if you notice those spells fucking ricochet too
both types do the spam ones and the floor ones
I liked that boss a lot.. still a bit annoyed the halberd isn't very good or fun
great swords are good for noobs
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>Reds are automatically good at PvP
>Beating a red by extension means I'm good at the game
So you made a faith (prophet) build that went through Rani's quest, then went for Frenzied Flame so that Melina would leave you because you foresaw (as a prophet) that she would die if you let her stay - then went on to the save Milicent at the Haligtree for the needle and banished the Frenzied Flame in Farum Azula, only to finally select Goldmask's ending for mending the Elden Ring?
whole lotta assumptions lmao, when the hell did i ever say any of that
insecure as fuck bro
Unfortunately I'm gonna have to get her ashes on NG+. Do I need to kill Placidusax again to get her dialogue about him?
He's waiting for his wife(elden beast) to come back with the milk, but she's too busy sleeping inside of a Radhagan/Merika.
Elden Ring will always be the worst From game and no amount of you zoomers coping will change that.
> DLC is largely empty and full of copypaste slop from the basegame
I thought the DLC was always the best part of the games, Frombabs????
uh huh
And you mostly rake through it because you don't want to miss anything good and incidentily ER has a ton of very easily missable shit. Exploring isn't rewarded well in ER and you can suffer if you don't explore enough and miss out on an entire NPC quest. The game requires a guide if you don't want to piss your time away looking for shit and none of that would be needed if they just stuck to the linear format.
Nothing From ever does will be worse than DaS2
go back to /v/ with your shitty bait
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>light greatswords not fixed
ds2 exists
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I think he means he did a Jar Cannon only playthrough.
okay post again but without the buzzwords and shit opinions
am I the only one here who likes the open world of ER and don't fight it a direct downgrade from their previous level design?
what's wrong with them
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>patch says they nerfed the thrusting shield
>feels exactly the same
what's wrong with them?
what are some fun AOWs for a sword and shield build? I'm bored of giant hunt
what is wrong with them?
bad poise/stance damage
I've been using them for most of my time in the dlc and just switched to the big black rock sword, turns out those fire knights can be staggered just not with lgs
I can confirm (new to Souls games starting from Elden Ring), shield and poke has been a big part of my play style (specially equipping barricede shield AoW against some hard hitters like Sentinels, Bears and big bosses). What really fucked me over and made me adjust to dual was Malenia since there's little point using a shield there.
Open World is fun the first time, maybe the 2nd if you went blind the first playthrough.
But it just makes future attempts tedious.
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I wish Stone Coffin Fissure was even a quarter as good as Shulva was.

Much higher stamina consumption on blocks, like 45%.
No, I kinda like the big empty fields of nothing, they have this sorta relaxing thing which is nice to have as downtime vs catacombs and legacy dungeons.
That said, I think base game and SotE both have a lot of "fucking nothing" that makes them feel bad
No, a lot of people feel that way. It's sold vastly more than any of their older games
I like the open world in some areas, very pretty vistas that gave me some Shadow of the Colossus vibes in certain places, especially in the DLC.

However there is also just a lot of mostly empty grassy fields, and a lot of the settlements feel so much smaller and less grandiose that a similar area would feel in a linear souls game. Like the Albinauric village does not feel nearly as meaty and significant as something like the Ds3 Undead Village
You could fucking brainlessly trade with colossals
40 hours in 2 weeks isn't unhealthy by any means lol
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I can still do that now though.
elden ring is just open world ds2
When I found Dane's clothes before the frenzy zone I thought he was going to be a lord of frenzy.
theyre really cool but having absolutely no stun/poise damage SUCKS
It means Rellana gave up her position as a magic Disney princess to simp for some guy who didn't even like her.
>get up to the birds that shoot the infinity signs at you
>a snowstorm appears like the lightning storm for that one guy
>take a step outside some hut I found a scadutree fragment in
>a frost version of that lightning guy does a hoarafrost stomp off the edge and dies
For some reason I thought the Putrescent Knight was going to be Radahn's remains in the death realm when I saw it in the trailer

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