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Visual Novel General #6507

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>484619427
Is that...
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Say his name
Vermillion Monsieur
Hombre Rojo
>That Zako ASMR
Huh. Neat.
I want to die
Sounds like the VN where
"In the future, the world has been engulfed in the bitter cold of an ice age. And yet, Tokyo is surviving with its use of geothermal heat pipes to keep the city habitable.

The protagonists, Kibanohara Ethica and Nagaoka Souun, are young "Private Special Living Dead Stalkers", contract killers who spend their working days executing necromancers and their undead minions. By practicing a special kind of martial art called "Close Quarter Armed Martial Arts", both of them have achieved great heights in their career.
Out on a mission one day, Souun becomes involved in a fierce battle and meets a mysterious young girl who had been kidnapped for unknown reasons. Remembering nothing but her name, "Hougyou Ilia", she has become the target of a mysterious group of necromancers.

The ice-cold and snow-covered wasteland Tokyo of gunpowder smoke, living dead, crime and cybernetics. But in this frozen hellscape people have survived, protected by the guns and cybernetics enhancements of the Living Dead Stalkers. Now begins the battle of the living dead stalkers and the heroine with their lives at stake."
happens is the VN for you
me after reading moege
is tokyo necro depressing? I might read it then
reminder that asuka is a the worst girl in aokana
No, it has a shitty forced happy ending
You're the worst girl
who do I believe
Just look at the VNDB tags if you're that curious
If you can't tell from the synopsis alone people die and shit gets violent
And in the true end the best character gets utterly fucked over
Sekai panel in 40 minutes. What are we expecting?
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I don't read a lot of VNs.
The only VN I like is Tsukihime (the old one)
Should I buy this? Is the *story* good or is it just the lolis you get to pound?
it's called turkeyhandle
Do you like trains?
At least you won't get sex with others like in Tsukihime. If you want more NTRge, try Gatenkei.
I don't understand why you're mad, that just makes her the perfect girl for the asshole that is Haruki
scott lang
because this point haruki wants to come clean and do what is best for both of them
setsuna doesn't have any of that intention at all here.
haruki, even if he has strayed, has never stopped wanting something he (mostly mistakenly) believes is good for her
I'm an autist, but not a train autist. I mean they're cool, I guess. I like transport tycoon. Actually, I looked up the plot synopsis on Wikipedia and it sounds autistic enough for me to like it. Sort of like Girls und Panzer.

Thank you, anon. I'll read that NTRge someday if I'm extremely horny.
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fuck you mitcher
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You guys weren't lying about kokukino. Most vns take forever to get to an h scene that is only a fraction as good as these
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I watched Godzilla Minus One and thought "so THIS is how you write a good pathetic protagonist".
More VNs need to employ survivor's guilt for their protagonist.
Fate (Fate Route) is genuinely a great exploration of survivor's guilt
I love Koku whites
Hey, anon, sorry to pester you but what the fuck? In order get the 18+ patch I need to buy it from Fakku, but they don't want to sell it to people who aren't active on their webforums or something. I don't understand. Did I just waste money? Where do I get the patch?
Mana's fat milky tits...
Post her inverters.
>pp grabber
You can't see/buy loli content on fakku unless your account is 2 weeks old
>Also: company to release vinyl soundtrack for Nie no Hakoniwa
I see. Could I just buy the JAST version instead? I noticed it costs a full $12, presumably because it includes the 18+ stuff?
Talking about this: https://jastusa.com/games/skpr030/maitetsu
Is this what you're reading?
JAST version is the way to go always. They are the most trusted localizers around these parts.
Just don't fucking buy VNs dude.
You've already been fucked over once purchasing a VN and your goal is to purchase it again?
Has nobody told you that the people who worked on Maitetsu hated it and deliberately released it unfinished and only bothered to finish it because fakku threatened to sue?
Kill yourself.
No, it's this
Is yuzusoft the fromsoft of vns?
I buy my VNs here.
It's only depressing when you finish it and realize you could've spent that time reading literally anything else.
It's by far their worst VN and not worth reading at all unless you're extremely nostalgic for bad ps1 fmvs with terrible fight choreography.
>bad ps1 fmvs
I see we're in the
>I'll blog about whatever random shit is going on in my life and throw in "in vns" to the end to try to avoid getting banned
hours again, because none of you fucks actually read visual novels
This but exclusively from JAST
ToKINO Necro*
... is what they say on my home planet, Planet Retard.
We support the creators and follow the law around here
What does this post have to do with English-translated Japanese visual novels?
Corpse Factory is better than every single Japanese VN and it's only a mid tier EVN.
see >>484736665
This but Mass Effect
Is there a visual novel with an author protagonist and the story revolving around his work/career and goals?
Kinda looking for something similar to Saekano and A Sister's All You Need
Oh boy, I can't wait to see what VNs sekai plans to announce then leave at 0% translated for three years then delete any trace they ever announced off their site and pretend they just never announced it!
The first one yes
EVNs will never reach this level of kino again
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is it out yet
I mean Steam just lets me refund whatever the fuck, so.
Into the cart it goes, thanks anon
holy fucking slop art
In celebration of the 4th of July, I'll be re-reading THAT scene in Unravel Trigger.
meant for >>484733205
it do be like that
Wait three more weeks buddy.
This is why you don't read partials.
>he doesn't educate himself with japanese culture to further understand his VNs
I fucking love trials
>have bad day
>reread tsukihime
>it's now a good day
We will live to see the dawn of fully user-driver AI vn makers
You will be able to put in a prompt for a story outline, art, and characters, and build on it as you go. Characters will dynamically react to whatever you say in the middle of the story.
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I normally don't, but in this case I really had no frame of reference on if it was gonna be worth a look. It says Madosoft on the tin, but all but one of the credited staff had never worked for them before. I'm glad I read the trial -- it was excellent and I'm cautiously optimistic for the rest of the game.
And they'll cuck you out of nowhere as a part of the mandatory Cuckification Program run by the government. Plotge heaven.
nobody cares buddy
What was that one Asa VN where people lost their shit at "NTR" because the bro characters actually had side girlfriends
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What if we took old games and implemented AI interaction in them
Kamige Renai
Between Oblige and Criminal Border (and the other new purplesoft games) it's strange to see so many old VN companies make new VNs with entirely new staff. They're basically turning into publishers.
>read Oblige as "Obli ge"
My dumb white wife...
Koibana Ren'ai.
Pretty good Asapro game, lots of fun comedy, does suffer a bit from one girl clearly being the true heroine and having a route twice as long as the others. Most of the controversy was pre-release, it seemed to get a pretty positive reaction on release.
Mitsuo hard carried the entire VN on his back.
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>side girlfriends
I'm pretty sure they were full on girlfriends. They were denied the status of side heroines, if that's what you're thinking
We need more VNs with the bros getting their own girls.
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I also read a bit of this trial, but it didn't really impress me. Too soon after the new SMEE game I guess.
She's very smart, actually.
I missed a word and meant to say "side character girlfriends"
I'm actually interested in reading this one just because the bro characters are usually super likable but they never end up in relationships
We need more VNs where the MC rejects all the heroines and goes on an adventure with his bro.
>Too soon after the new SMEE game I guess.
Wow, I hope it's better than THAT.
I didn't realize the new Asaproge had already released an FD
No, that's a different trapge. But thank you for the effort regardless.
It's a mini-FD, and it shows, holy fuck is it short.
After all that buildup about letting you play as the bros and see h-scenes with their girlfriends from their perspectives, all three bro routes combined are probably an hour.
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It wasn't BAD, but, y'know, SMEE is basically reskinned Hooksoft. It's more a "I crave variety and I already gorged myself on that fare" sort of reaction.
I wish more scenes had this energy.
Fair enough. Without the really wacky comedy there's not much to set smee games apart from other moege, and lovepoppy was lacking that.

Just to be clear I liked it quite a lot, I just thought it was safer than I'd like smee to be.
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Erabe, /vn/.
Sharkschizo was the ultimate /vn/ poster
no, that was me.
Which of them have dick?
>your wife will never great you like this and ask you to impregnate her
why even live
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did this get announced as getting translated at a con today or something
what's with the recent ramp up in posting.
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*サメ time stops*
Yes and no.
That doesn't answer my question, if it was announced officially you have to tell me.
Wildest thing was figuring out the sharkge was actually a plotge
10/10 if she have a dick.
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So you can pursue an idealistic search for utopian beauty and love in an imperfect world.
he's secretly translating the VN and is planning to announce it soon and wants to remind people it exists and build a bit of interest
I remember when s mind broke this general
>MC marries and impregnates five girls
>all I can think about is how you're supposed to afford five kids in this economy
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Just be rich. It's easy.
You gotta cross... the Criminal Border.
Why couldn't I have been born rich with a big house lots of girls want to stay in for free...
Anon, that does not actually work out very well financially.
There's a pretty good movie about this where a wolfman impregnates a girl with twins and dies on the hunt, leaving her to care for two perversions of nature on her own.
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sexo with pinko
>the bro characters actually had side girlfriends
Harder to self insert when there are three men taking women instead of one
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That explains this scene
I'm translating a VN where a character says his favorite manga is a weekly shonen chump manga about a big-titted yankee girl fighting ghosts and monsters and supernatural demons.
Is this a reference to a real WSJ manga I'm forgetting?
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It's been weeks and she's still the strongest.
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After reading Aoi Tori, I followed an anon's advice to read The Blue Bird play. It's a pretty good read so far. Probably has more depth than Aoi Tori itself despite it being a shorter work to consume
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marry your retard
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>a big-titted yankee girl fighting ghosts and monsters and supernatural demons.
>Is this a reference to a real WSJ manga I'm forgetting?
eh, I don't remember a manga MC like that. Maybe a reference to a side character from Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs
the perfect girl
no, really, why bring back sharposting now?
just a greatest hits type of thing?
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Vn where American is the main heroine
subtle pantyshots > regular pantyshots
less is more. Boobs are the same
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Tis' a shark thread
Sharks shall be posted
Need more ge plapping fat American ass
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>Formally bowing while asking for sex
I like this practice.
It's a shame that Yuzusoft made Yoshino just a little too unlikable
Just landed on planet retard. What should I read first?
VNs where the heroine bows asking for sex, but you reject her and fuck her sister that night instead?
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her game
I liked her.
Anon's (my) Life
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Trap Shrine
Renai x Royale
you could have liked her more if they focused more on the dere instead of the tsun
opposite of this
maybe it's Shana with inverted chest?
Doesn't count, they're the same person.
How many sex scenes does each Tenshi Souzou have?
not enough
Answer the question.
I want to fuck my wife so badly but she's stuck behind a screen.
I want her to hug me and tell me I'm gonna be okay while she pegs me
Should I read Aoi Tori, Kunado Kokuki, or Amatsutsumi.
Read them in release order, you can read all three, they're not long.
Should I read Senren Banka, Cafe Stella, or Dracu Riot?
Amatsutsumi --> Aoi Tori --> Kunado
Should I stop reading vns altogether?
but you already stopped and just use this place as your chatbox
Sekai Project fucking won!
Anyone streaming the Denpasoft panel?
why bother? None of the vns will release, sekai just announces things and then doesn't do anything. Who gives a shit if they add a few more vns to their pile of FIFTY+ vns they've announced with no progress?
Nekonyan will save us
They are releasing a new moege in less than 2 weeks.
maybe they'll announce a release date for tenshi re-boot
A new JOP yuzuge will be out by the time reboot releases
The next yuzuge will probably be out by the end of the year or early next year, so unlikely. They wouldn't delay TSR a whole year, would they?
Fake white woman
She's definitely a white woman.
Unless you mean she's a fake woman who happens to be white, which is true but cruel.
Post her butt.
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Delayed until next year.
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>They wouldn't delay TSR a whole year, would they?
New moege reviews from /ourgirl/
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have sekkusu with your childhood friend
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stop posting this girl's reviews
it hurts my feelings because you like her reviews more than mine
Post your blog, jopbro
This is the third time in this VN where MC has gotten caught in a sudden downpour with a heroine and they've sought shelter and started a fire then taken off their clothes and huddled together to warm up then had sex.
Three times in one VN.
>literally who eceleb whore
>moege reviews longer than 10 lines
>JOPshit has poor writing
Who could have possibly guessed this?
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ge where this happens (to me)?
That setup is kino every time tho
Eating her homemade pączki...
Excellent taste as always, will backlog her recommendations
It's actually great.
Didn't say it was bad, just thought it was funny.
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glad to see sekai joining shiravune in the trend of localizing hour long flash games and charging $20 for them
I meant the one where wore sexy underwear but this is fine too.
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Aged like a fine wine
My jobber wife who can only win fights against mooks and can't beat a single named character is cute. Cute!
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No talent heroines are moe
and hard work heroines who beat talent in one of the most kino fight scenes I've ever read are double moe.
Long distance heroines who stress so much over seeing you again that they get zits on their face
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I want to commit a crime
That's a child
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Or we can talk about the better anime(VN).
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Reminder that Majiamigos run this general
Hentai Prison
which one of you faggots was the one who told me musicus doesnt have kino songs
>havent picked up anything from this season yet
It's looking grim and I'm not falling for the cute russian but I'll watch the russian clips
I have the need to make her a fallen angel.
The best vn, it has my wife in it.
i don't understand how people become so fat, if i eat too much i feel like shit
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If only you knew how hungry it gets.
I unironically get slightly chubby when I work since I pass the time by eating snacks and sweets. I dropped to 50kg despite eating junk food when I'm unemployed. It's weird.
imagine if you did japanese reps instead of shoving food in your face
eat more high protein snacks instead of sugary trash
Pic or it won't happen
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>I unironically get slightly chubby
>I dropped to 50kg
VNs where the heroine can control her physical age?
VNs where the heroine can control her pussy tightness?
I did...
In this economy?
I was pretty chubby before puberty striked me and slimmed me down. I was practically unrecognizable.
Would you guys be willing to completely give up the porn aspect of the medium in exchange for better stories/plot, higher budgets, and more frequent and big releases?
No. VNs are only interesting because they exist at the border of literature and pornography
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.
If I wanted good writing and high budgets I wouldn't be in this medium
seeing the romances in these games consummated is a big appeal to me, and even iff all VNs were all ages i don't think there will ever be consistent mass appeal
No, I only read moege.
Where would you be?
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Any moege that lets me have TWO girlfriends? OR some sort of dating sim game where you can min max stats so hard you can have whole harem but it's hard to maintain it.
Reading books, playing actual games instead.
Any VN with twins
>Short (6h46m from 12 votes)
I usually don't read these short moege but that's because they're usually single heroine this at least has a twist and no common route. I wish more moege were like making lovers where each girl is a separate story with none of this time wasting common route nonsense.
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I hate twin routes so much because they MUST include this god awful trope where one of the twins gets jealous, pretends to be the other twin only to guilt trip you into not recognizing her.
And it keeps happening, a twin route that doesn't have this garbage is more rare than plotge without cuckshit.
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>s*rb heroine
I want new Ashe's VN already.>>484762801
clearly its profitable
I need more suffering white women ge
Brocon imoutos are the best!
>both worse for storytelling

No because the porn - despite all its flaws - is a part of the "better stories/plot" to begin with.
Little lolis are the best!
i read a doujin that was translated in heavy zoomer lingo. i wonder how long until it happens to all vns. there's no way translators will opt for written english
shut up baby I know it
Do I need to read all the 6507 /vn/ threads before posting here?
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Miuna monday >>>
Kagarisisters not like this..........
I can't believe I was 9+ hours of my life on this shit
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My ass and pussy are so flat
Is there a VN about zoomers like the Jellyfish anime
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Yup, it's VNing time
Akane supremacy!
I'm actually worried so many people enjoyed Lucia's route that much. It just proves the amount of shit taste out there.
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It’s already begun happening, and the trannylators that do it absolutely love when people get mad or complain about it and feed off it like it’s sustenance. If you can’t stomach these memelations the time to start learning Japanese or MTLchad is here.
>r07 retards
its ok, anyone who's bothered reading rewrite is retarded
>Any moege that lets me have TWO girlfriends
common in nukige
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Why is there such a discrepancy between Lucia's character and route popularity?
Her route was written by Ryukishi.
konosora is a good one, for the loli twins there are two routes, one where you date one and the other you date both but with a bigger focus on the other twin (you have to do the single route first to unlock the other though)
Most people hate violent tsundere, but her makes up for her flaws and delves into the depths of Guardian you otherwise rarely see in Rewrite. It's kino.
*her route
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Chihaya is great, she just suffers from being the most "normal" girl in a cast of godtier heroines.
I'd personally place her before Shizuru though.
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I love traps the most !
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I love NTR the most!
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I love traps the most!
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I love NTR the most!
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Good morning mr. Manager
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kino digits
Juicy was something else man
>lives alone with her for months
>doesn’t make a single move on her
>only fucks her after she touches his dick when she thought he was sleeping
Any other MC would have ravished her the first night because they “can’t hold back”. It’s actually good they made him a non-virgin
>not Ms. Manager
Owari da...
I'm glad the shirokami girl in Aokana was a non-character or I would probably swap to her like with Kazuki.
Actually... Nah, Misaki's way too good.
I love Karen
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>or I would probably swap to her like with Kazuki.
Kek, the same thing happened to me.
GODnager won
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>posting the edit
How does one read visual novels without alt tabbing every 5 minutes?
Read something good
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vn like this?
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two monitors
get better at japanese so you don't have to alt tab to look at jisho every 5 minutes
IDBLT (it do be like that)
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adding to that
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Nee-san, my love.
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JOPs mentioned
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What new Visua- fumos do you think /ourguys/ will announce on their panel today?
I’m not an ADHD addled zoomer so it’s not difficult.
recognize that shirokami the jopper likes to post
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I thought this bitch was used goods
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Are there any good VNs out there with lots of fanservice but no actual sex? I've been enjoying Bunny Garden for that lately, but the only other series I can think of are those shitty Winged Cloud VNs. I just want to look at panties and tiddies and maybe exchange some teasing with a simple story.
She had sex with the MC (who is also her brother) in her hag form before the story started
Is Kazuki the ultimate Shirokami next to Kanna and Neen?
Picked up.
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post people who frequent /vn/
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imouto routes be like
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That's a man and I would
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looks like adult Yuuji crossdressing as Kazuki
that's my second favourite in the game, most of the songs are pretty good
the post-release albums that aren't in the actual game are great too
Some NTR kusoge probably.
There's barely any resemblence
smart kid
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I think that recently translated Konosuba VN might be pretty fanservice-y.
Det looks like this..?
the thing is, there's not a single not shit girl in Konosuba
what about wiz?
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>I can tell which one is a jop
me in the front left-middle throwing up a peace sign
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bigger turnout than I'd have expected.
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JOP here wazzuuuup EOPissssss
When in Europe?
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She cute
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a lot "girls"
anon was right
Any news besides RGD english release?
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Who is he and what's his plan?
meant for >>484780265
my boi antonio aka the I love oppai lolis ritualposter, looks good
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You should kill yourself NOW
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Bro... they just introduced her.
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Still no phase 2 announcement.
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for >>484781928
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I need some eye bleach
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As I grow older I become more excited by smaller chests
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>Kou, it's been years. How have you been doing? Please don't tell me you're not a mercenary like your father. You said becoming a mercenary was the last thing you'd do.
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cute coffee machine
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>yuzunegro meltdown
I have now imagined Nanoha behind the register in a one piece swmisuit but you can squeeze her nipples for some reason. Maybe a milk machine I dunno
He looks better on the right. Good for him
Law of Inverse Attraction
>mercenary MC
Kino every time.
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pic unrelated
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What's this archetype called? Can I find any in non-yuzuge?
pic very related
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He can't keep getting away with it..!
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mommy gf
Shit girls?
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She is gonna need a breast modification.
Thankfully Baldr Sky got her covered.
same-age surrogate mothers? dunno
moebuta's type
no, I want to pull on them as they are. All-natural, if she's not giving milk she'll get plapped behind the counter until she does
vndb needs to allow us to rate heroines
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imagine kanna wife
I've found myself stuck in a state of perpetual kneeling ever since I've finished ToKINO NECRO on the last weekend, but after a week of blissful reverence it is time to stand back up and move onward.
Does anyone have a good, /calm/ recommendation to counter the pure chuunikino I've been put through for the past three months? No moeshit please.
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imagine ikuko wife
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She is a child.
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Which chuuni did you read?
Tokyo Necro, didn't I mention that?
Was Tokyo Negro the only chuuni VN you read?
No, but your reply shows your garbage taste, so no need to recommend me anything.
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We love our slutty princess here!
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>don't call my meme vnrino of negroooo
>it's racist
Good riddance.
I will not recommend VNs to faggots like yourself.
Ethika is quite literally me
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Why indeed?
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How much would you pay to have your way with a royal JK?
kill yourself
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Good riddance, just say that you can't contribute to the conversation in an unironic fashion and spam some more Karen edits.
You are an autistic, bloodthirsty nymphomaniac with massive daddy issues?
fuck off with your forced meme
holy cringe
and so a new schizo was born
tokyo negro schizo is mid
because is just a reharse of muramasaschizo, but tokyo negro isn't that good and has no memorable quotes
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Did I set off the schizo?
Because it's erotic.
Imagine a bweh wife.
Holy fucking based. Read Dies Irae next if you love of good chuuni.
You forgot the memearrows, newGOD
>a good, /calm/ recommendation
>no moeshit
Yume Miru Kusuri, H2O, Sharin no Kuni, A Profile, Ef a tale of the two, Hirahira Hihiru, Teninai, kara no shoujo
idk what you've already read you dumb faggot
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>I share a planet with these faggots
Hentai Prison or Tenshi Souzou
zako zako
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Thanks, I'll consider these. (Except for Hirahira Hihiru because the art looks chinese)
>idk what you've already read you dumb faggot
Who cares, I want new, fresh novels. Knowing of my reading history would cause preconceptions about my taste and therefore alter your judgement and recommendations as a result.
>no memorable quotes
Every single Milgram line is memorable and quote-worthy.
Spamming screenshots over and over doesn't make a VN better, however. It just exposes you as a spamming retard.
>but that is based
>cuts the rest of the line
at least come up with proper quotes and you don't need screenshots for memorable quotes
>(Except for Hirahira Hihiru because the art looks chinese)
>Knowing of my reading history would cause preconceptions about my taste and therefore alter your judgement and recommendations as a result.
yeah I'll just filter your posts in the future. dunno why I bothered, unironically the dumbest mofo in the thread. This is what happens when people pretend they're retarded, actual imbeciles show up
Setoguchi won.
malding hirahira shill
>Knowing of my reading history would cause preconceptions about my taste and therefore alter your judgement and recommendations as a result
Everyone can tell that you're a massive retard. You have nothing to lose
tokyo necro didn't have enough cuckolding, which is why muramasa is the goat
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Who's the worst imouto of all time and why is it Chinami? NBR need not apply.
every brocon imouto equally
kill yourself
brocon imoutos take all the thrill out of the forbidden love aspect
>replying twice to the same post
Who peed into your cheerios?
too on the nose, det
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>heroine suck male penis and is raped by a futa
>main heroine is penetrated by Milgram
>meanwhile all muramasa heroines are virgins
yeah no
Post your reddit taste already. It's a bunch of EVNs and non-VNs like danganronpa anyway
you suck male penis too so what's wrong
Kirino is a brocon but she's great because she tries hard to hide it. There's definitely a strong feel of forbidden love in Oreimo.
your mommy might have a big clit like Sumika's, but isn't a penis
>muramasa main heroine is penetrated by sorimachi
>kageaki's main love interest is raped by swarthy bandits
>countless side character NTR whereas TN had none of that
I'm thinking Shimokura won.
Youu didn't neither, diaperfag.
Youur shitposts are not that funny, you should stick to crossdressing
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What's her fucking problem?
>whereas TN had none of that
Kagekuchi being killed and used to murder or mindbreak the big-booby CEO in two routes comes close enough.
He didn't deserve this.
My favorite part of Tokyo Necro is when the main heroine got kidnapped in the main route, got raped and traumatized, and it just never gets brought up again.
That doesn't happen, thoughever.
He is malding because he couldn't show up his bern cosplay to his personal god, Ryukishi.
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VN with nipples poking through clothes?
>Muramasaschizo have to make up NTR headcanon to combat tokyo necro posters
How low he's fallen...
And you didn't read Tokyo Necro, det.
That happens in Fate/Stay Night, not Tokyo Kino.
why is the uminegro trying to put nitrochads against each other
why is muramasatard so angry that people like tokyo kino more?
She's having her period, please be patient.
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If you are gonna to shitpost, at least read the VN.
Milgram is quite literally me
He had a huge meltdown when the last two muramasa blogposters didn't like the VN, this is retaliation against his imaginary enemies.
retard can't let people talk about VNs if his shit taste disagrees with theirs.
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Why does female big orgasm child have such a good theme
Are you me?
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>Milgram didn't fuck her
What the fuck was his problem?
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most of the nukitashi themes are really good, except mizuhiki's and rei's (it's not a bad song, but her seiyuu is too good at singing and because of that it doesn't sound like Rei any more.)
Milgram is chuunisexual.
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uminegro alliance is getting desperate
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greens are good for you
The second I heard this song, I knew this series was going to have an incredibly important place in my heart. So many good things have happened to me because of this series and I've met some of the most incredible people, including my girlfriend, because of it.
Anon's Life
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Why can't our traps and futas look like this?
the living-dead Subaru in the gacha was kino.
oreimo had a shit ending but the OP was really good
She was used goods.
Seen the thread a few minutes ago too. Is the new cg worth seeing?
Why are plotfags so stupid lmao
Dunno. I'm thinking about starting it since the main girl is hot
*proceeds to read moeslop #112854*
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who's that hot shirokami?
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female tokyo negro gacha protagonist
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I'll never forget the moment I met my wife when she reached out after noticing me reading Nukitashi at the bar
bweh spotted
Marriage is kino though
gachasisters won again
they didn't get married though
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it's been seven months...
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We did
>good face wasted on shit body
Holy fucking SEX
literally >>484779395
>the skin on the second one
Tokyo NEGRObros? Our response?
After that Namaniku quote and the game scenes, I think Mitsumin was made for NTRbait
That scene in the gacha is a robot btw
Third one too. MC is letting another man touch the heroine.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
Are these the people making fun of butas?
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That's Battler's personal god, the Cuckchad.
What did I miss?
Parental love
Teenage romance
JC heroines taller than the MC doko
This, but JD.
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The inner rice paddy [T16]
So what panels are today?
solar panels
Why are there two Con Sus?
Swarthy Rokuhara bandits look like this?!
Too little presence, even in her own route. Same thing as Shizuru. They did our girls dirty.
ConSu sado and maso personalities were split between two bodies
I just noticed most of the characters vns want you to lust over are teenagers. What the fuck?!
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they're 18
hello newfriend, welcome to /vn/!
I've got to play this gacha, Con Su was done way too dirty with her measly two h-scenes.
What are 18 years olds doing in highschool?
Studying? retar
>two fat men with a heroine
Uhhh tokyonegros????
It's plotge

They should be studying in college instead or looking for a job
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there is an offline version with a torrent on sukebei
where you can read the story and h-scenes
rokuhara bandits looks like this, shitposter.
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Based Mary, I hope you save the industry from high school garbage.
Most people turn 18 in their last year of high school
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Ikemen bandits
meanwhile, ushiromiya bandits look like this
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Literally me
>the writer's barely-disguised fetish
stop imoutos from masturbating to onii-chan
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>rokuhara bandits looks like this
uhh... reread the VN but slowly this time.
Tokyo Necro bros????
This plus namanikuATK's comments about NTR make me never want to read Mememasa.
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>Narahara forcing his fetish into feudal japan
Black ConSu is not the same as shiro ConSu from the main game
Kageaki and every male character also become dark in the h-scenes for the contrast.
Is this your first eroge?
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>turns into a negro for the ero content
literally >>484804387
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>he can't change his skin tone at will
the evenicle artist is so dogshit
I don't think it's even correct to call Con Su a heroine. She has a route but she's not the love interest in it or even really that important until the end of it.
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only heroines get to do that
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our response...
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what the loli icon do
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I wish I had tentacles
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I filtered the letter s a year ago
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Visual novel protagonists like this?
Can't believe I was almost meme'd into reading Tokyo Necro
KINOko Necro
Knowing of my reading history would cause preconceptions about my taste but I fucking love ToKINO Negroid
The Necromancer in Tokyo is so much better than Ef.
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>actually made it past the filters
>no good places to blogpost VNs or talk about them besides here
>this thread is dead as fuck
just post anyways
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I'm here just to post funny faces.
Blogpost a VN and start a discussion then
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that's not funny though
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Im kinda tired of talking to the same 3 faggots though. Its too enclosed
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oh yeah?
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>this thread
that's kinda funny I guess
only 3 faggots read visual novels so the only other option is becoming a translator and spreading them outside
Wait 8 hours
shitcords are active and full of people but suck absolute ass for blogposting

what for
None of those are real people.
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they're hardly difffrent from the filth that plagues this place nowadays
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what a mid thing to say lil bro
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no cap
Why all the jop screenshots
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I discuss myself.
we joppin
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what jops?
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JOPs are the only people who read VNs here, so they have things to post other than the same 5 characters photoshopped over and over again.
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Who is he referring to?
Post pissers.
This guy below me
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What would happen if Shinji summoned Milgram to the Holy Grail War?
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Cross dressing lgbt panel looking good kek
Why are you like this?
Shark bastard.............................................................................................................
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Me taking the photo with my drone
That's not JAST panel dough? That was dead as fuck lmao.
JAST a fumo company
Can't wait for my Yuuhi daki to arrive bros...
Mordred is so much better and more attractive than her father it's unreal.
There's the one Ciconia fan
do not imagine the odor
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At Least is not full of troons crossdressing for their god, cuckish07
>At Least is not full of troons-ACK!
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I agree
He have a name, detekt0r
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Akira's fat imouto ass...
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Is this how a serious living dead stalker should dress in her freetime?
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>flowersfag crossdressing as his favorite 3x3 girls
I appreciate his commitment
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Is that R07? Man, time really does come for us all
Nah that's just generic normalfag taste
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Nah, it's him
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Is there a single cosplayer who can keep a tidy room
for >>484812350
Meguruman is literally me
that's one big uminegress
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But is your setup as good?
The guy modeling the Meguru jacket will always be funny to me since he looks genuinely uncomfortable. Why didn't they just get a girl to do it?
He looks cool
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he got irl meguru pussy
Probably because women aren't the target audience
I'll never know who is that African man and why he's in so many edits
average JOP
Manager's forced meme
why does plotge love ntr
Cuckschizo's avatar
how yasashii are you /vn/
cuckschizo hivemind
You can't have one without the other
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Meme adopted by a certain YouTuber and stolen by manager.

In 2012, there was a rebellion in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by ethnic Tutsi. This is the M23 or March 23 group. Backed by Rwanda and Uganda, they swept over Eastern Congo with ease. Their force was so dominating, that the DRC troops fled without even seeing the enemy. One base, Rumangabo Military Training College, lay just 30 km North of the major city of Goma and was supposedly staffed with 2,500 men. 2498 fled.

So when an Al Jazeera crew rolled up to the base to see firsthand what was going on, they discovered these two guys, Lieutenant Kongolo and Captain Komayombi Kaposho (left to right). They had no support, no supply, no heavy weapons, and it was doubtful anybody knew they were there. But they stayed, maintaining their post. Goma fell to the rebels in November 2012, four months after this picture was taken. The base was overrun; no news was heard of this duo.
hey hey people
their names are so funny
VNs set in an African war?
Guys, what can you tell me about Shiravune?
I think they hate honorifics
It'd either have to be an H-less plotge or a whitewashed eroge, or the Africans localized as Egyptian goddesses
/ourguys/ that bring us kamige
>they escaped and found the uminegro alliance
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Post your battle station.
>pizza rolls
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It's uh minimalistic
men live like this and don't see any issue
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I'm asking because I might work for them if I pass their test.
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Wait, are you using a mac mini?
looks like 3-4k cwawowies
they hire temporary translator companies tho
>can't take pictures without food
I'm not that guy but I use a mac air, streaming games from steam on a PC
cba. posted my room too many times by now
They probably pay better than other publishers so good luck
top kek I just noticed
If I posted my battle station it'd be used in cringe compilations or reposted for years to come so no thanks
Do you guys not snack while reading???
I order some McDoubles multiple times a day and eat them while reading.
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I hope you didn't eat a dozen donuts by yourself.
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Count of Monte Cristo was pretty good. revenge good
Where can I get a used one?
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Is Yukikaze a gyaru?
sana and amane?
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Chihiro's chapter feels too atmospheric and magical to read during the day.
I was about to work for MangaGamer at some point, but then they told me the maximum they could pay was 0.015/0.02$ per character. As long as Shiravune pays more...
>listening to the zako asmr
>it's full blown sex asmr
Yikes. I wanted to sleep while Amane dig my ears while calling me a zako siscon. Not this perverted stuff.
>wife shares you with her imouto
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The one with chisaki is a bit more tame but it's still mostly sex.
Negromasa representative
>fucking noises
I've never understood the appeal of asmr to begin with
dogshit tl
It's hotter than actual h-scenes.
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ryuukishi heteropaternal twin
>his next 3 lines are entirely fucked too
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that's why you're a zako
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Is Blindness Effect Mode recommended for H2O?
I'm not blind, for the record.
Turn your monitor off for the ultimate experience
How come an asian manages to look exactly like a basedjak? This is fascinating
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>loli voice
must this game torture me so
too much tofu and sõy products
also his friendly fedora doesn't help
>supposed zakoge
>MC doesn't have a zako
False advertising
Deserves to be forgotten
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kinda retarded he'd even allow this rather than wake her up earlier. Embarrassing on the writer's part, so dumb.
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here's your average mc, bro
who this cum dumpster?
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at least he had the common sense to make a middle schooler the MC for this. Easier to explain/rationalize a kiddo not thinking things through and not realizing the effects of not seeing her for a day or two
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>not recognizing /vn/'s pure wife
she looks whiter in the plushie
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>ywn put cute stuffed animals on cute girls
discontinue this existence
Sensei is packing HEAT
Honestly, I'm surprised Eroge VAs don't do ASMR since it's easy money. Kazuki's VA not doing it is sad. Even Kanna's VA only did 1.
It helps if your ears are sensitive.
Dammit, I was tricked...
Yukikaze skin is white. Here is her without a tan, not AI.
Maybe it's just me but asmr's better when sex stuff is included, I've listened to sawasawa one but she's just your train attendant or something? The voice was nice when she got drunk and fell asleep on your shoulder but overall it was kinda boring. I need more sawasex.
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I played without it. I guess it can improve things somewhat but its not really necessary, depends how much the dimmed colors annoy you
is there a game where she's only whitekaze?
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I didn't expect eskimo brothers to be used in context of a visual novel haha
I use ASMR as a sleep aid. I don't mind sex stuff but I need to sleep lmao
I never listen to SawSawa's but Konomi Kohara's are good. Imai Asami is also decent.
Official character ASMR is a hit or miss imo. That Prisma Illya ASMR was bad.
The Amagami ones is still elusive. I cannot find it anywhere.
>I use ASMR as a sleep aid.
How does that work exactly? It would have an opposite effect for me, do you wear earphones or have speakers near your bed or something?
it's a gacha version
Bro... you're suppose to wear earphones while listening. Don't tell me you use speakers? Are you sane?
>earphones while sleeping
I use over ear headphones but I imagine sleeping with those would be supremely uncomfortable that's why I'm asking.
Oh, man. I forget to mention the Official Aokana ASMR. Misaki's ASMR is below average and disappointing. Asuka is the best one then Mashiro. Rika didn't get any lmao
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that seems like a really nice hug
Uh... Sleep on your back?
Axis panel in 10 minutes.
What otomege announcements will we get this time?
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When's the last time anon made an actual memory?
When did anon give up on leaving his circle and how much grass does anon have left?

An unpleasant story.
I suppose the game's theme of standing still/moving on was what's been bothering me the last few days, but I didn't quite catch on. An utsuge in disguise considering the people engaging with this medium.
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Now i know why it won the moege award, it's because nips are bunch of homosexuals
moebutas were gay all along?
How is pegging gay?
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When can we expect new announcements? Isn't AX underway?
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more gay that yaoi/trap/yuri enthusiasts
Demonbane II
Jast will save the day
sumaga balls
As usual it's all up to JAST
>new announcements?
Who cares? Remember last nekonyan panel? They made a bunch of announcements. What about releases?
We already got a bunch of annonucements from Sekai.
Aksys Games announcements are happening right now.
Fakku, Spike Chunsoft, Homogamer and DLsite announcement are in the coming days.
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I hate when that happens for the third time in a day...
Is being blind the secret recipe to getting women?
I thought that it might remove BGs and CGs from the game (which would be amazing), but didn't notice much of a difference after checking it out.
Anything not shit or anything they'll release within the year?
making them feel safe is the secret
blind = non-threatening
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fat lizard tail
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>it's fucking nothing
Any word about all the fucking feng stuff they got a year or two back?
more shovelware
I hope Shiravune buys license for next yuzusoft title.
at least they have a better shot to release it on steam
they better do hd version of one yuzuge with you as the teacher
At this point, I'll take any fucking TL group that'll release games.
Licensed only to be forgotten and buried like they did with Madosoft
Isn't the Wagahigh FD in the pipeline, unironically?
I won't believe it until I see it released
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Considering the themes its not the kinda game I should be reading, but now that I've begun I'll have to stare down the abyss. Chap4's gonna be rough too... What an unpleasant game.
it dims colors, dummy. Turns the game black n white. Are you sure you're not blind if you didn't realioze this?
post girls you want to sit on your face
Mana's fat ass
dont really know why its so used here, only thing i can think of is

>sseth adops the meme
>sseth makes a few vids talking about vns
>/vn/ adops the meme
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her face is flat as the frying pan
That's a man.
goddess sex ge doko
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Grunt A and Grunt 13*... what menacing and original characters. Countryside bullies are something else.
Wish they'd be voiced too, but so far only the girls have received the gift of speech.

*apparently that's a B, but I don't buy it.
Oh, silly me! I tried it out in the prologue where it naturally wouldn't have an effect.
Man, I played Kamidori YEARS before sseth knew it existed
shes asian
i mean, me too, but i cant think of any other reasons for /vn/ to use this meme
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Yeah but I'd still want her to sit on my face
i still haven't played it it's been sitting on my HDD for years
don't forget to play evenicle too
evenicle is fucking garbage lol
sseth liked it doe?
it's been years since I've watched a sseth video but I remember he commissioned porn of a character in one of the games he reviewed so I like him for that
Licking armpits is unhygienic
I agree, it's the only time I wished game had story mode so I didn't have to engage in that garbage combat system maybe then I'd enjoy it more
he is just like kuonanon...
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sex in general is pretty gross
Sex and natto are great.
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you'll have to accept his B eventually.
>only the girls have received the gift of speech
VNs with reluctant cuckquean heroines in a FFM route?
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I wonder if this was intended to be an unfolding jab at hikikomori
And yet I still want to do it.
She is cute
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>MC is as beautiful as the heroine
Moege hit different back then, that smile is to die for.
Hamaji a cute. I like the dynamic that everyone in class is a piece of shit and goes along with Hayami's bullying. A very unusual setup.
I'm already trembling in anticipation of Takuma's eventual meltdown and the slaughter of Yui piggu and her goons.
its pretty much the same setup all bullying stories have.
>Yui piggu
underestimate her at your own peril

That better be part of the FD route for him and his friend, gonna read it someday
Need tomboy heroines similar to that mc
heroines who threaten to shave
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>manly milk
She'll have to drink a lot more if she wants that pathetic rack of hers to grow.

Unusual as in, out of the ordinary. Usually if there's a bully victim heroine among the cast, you'd have heroines in different classes or grades who're out of the loop and wouldn't approve of the bullying, but in this case, Hamaji, Hinata-chan and Yui are all part of the group.
Japan is not ready yet...
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Busy CG. Wonder how much would this cost compared to a regular CG, like half an average moege gallery?
is this the scene where the guy cooks like a whole meal in the span of a five minute conversation
If you want to see bussy CGs just read trapge
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>unaware heroines
hmm. I guess. Haven't played enough bullyge to tell.
I don't think manly milk's going to help her rack much, you know.
I haven't seen JOPs shill any of these, so I assume they must be good.
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yep. It's even described in detail. Sorta possible to do in 5-10 minutes.
If you can't read Last Run, the base game is quite mid. 7-8, Last Run is a 10/10.
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I... need it...

Is that from the Panic Button? I wonder if this website is still up in case I want to write fanmail about H2O eventually.
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I meant address... late night brainrot is killing me.
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I question whether the location described existed in the first place. I think you'd be better off talking to sca-ji on twitter if you wanted something

and yes it s the panic button.
I'm going to post a JOP thread!
Is it over?
I'm a loli.
Royal white edition
Maybe the real /vn/ - Visual Novel General was the shitposts we made along the way.

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