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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previously on /xivg/: >>484728915
this is wuk lamat's game
accept it
I was legitimately shocked at how few solo duties and minigame gimmicks there were in this expansion, but at least they locked in and made sure the cutscenes were polished.
my fiddie is
made for
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*saves the expansion*
my fiddie
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Good night, I hate lalafell so fucking much. Praying that all of you subhuman rats known as the lalafell get gunned down in the middle of Tuliyollal
moonie feats
who/what is that
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they should've added FFIX's tetra master as a mandatory minigame
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Oh no...
zoraal (human)
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I still think MSQ deserves mocap cutscenes.
my fiddie is
my fiddie is
The woober bitch witch herself...
>he didn’t play ff9
Still the best MMO. Still better than WoW. You can complain all you want about your "lack of gameplay", but at least you don't have M+, Torghast and breast milk in the fridge being stolen. Be grateful. If you hate FFXIV so much, go back. Because we don't need you, and Yoshi-P will be fine without you. The rest of us support him.
I am
A male elezen GNB
I like him better as his normal mamool ja form
Ice cream for me, Akemi annnnnnnd Tikaasi.
should I level mch or dnc?
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which one of you did this
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Highlander Judges
Necron should've appeared at the end and killed Wuk Lamat
You don't have to steal my moonie's breastmilk. You can drink it from the source.
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Hot damn, is the DT SS Hephaistos P2?
I am
a femezen
middie owned
they do use mocap
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>Hit level 96
>Check marketboard to see what the new gear for this level is
Well. Okay then.
Sunnie tooties on my moonies snootie!
My Femhroth loves females
I dont remember this scene wtf
*trips you*
I really hope wuk lamat isn't the focus of the patch msq I just want some fun with the scions :c
>No, I unironically like her because I'm a HMOFA fag.
I dont know what the fuck that even is so I'm just going to assume its some form of brain damage.
Anyone feeling down and wanna get sexpested? Post character in the replies. Female characters only.
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We should rename earth to planet Wuk Lamat
You’re transphobic if you disagree
Rape! Sex! Cum! Built for breeding! Bratty tootpig braphog! PLAP!
it was a 1.0 scene where the elementals snap a child out of reality because he lit a tree on fire
They do, mocap has been getting more and more common in EW and DT
1.0 cutscene. They mocapped EVERYTHING.
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The first extreme is pretty fun
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What am I in for? I played a bit as a kid but can't remember any of it. If it matters my top FF games are
The only ones I have left to play is 13 and 9
Take two, I'm not eating with you
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Every fiddie owes me sex
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Making a submarine/ERP alt.
Which male race?
it would be possible to kill mods forever right now, just by being a dick and writing mean things to the developers.

imagine going to the penumbra dev and telling him he's lazy and he should stop procrastinating.
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>Warrior of Light, have you ever visited the golden cities of the New World? Or the religious sites of the South Seas Isles? You see my good friend Azem left behind an interdimensional transport device for the Lalafells of Aloalo. They used it to escape the Fifth Umbral Era to the Twelfth reflection which had already been rejoined thousands of years before, where they quickly invented Disney World. Remembird Cleyra? Remembird the Iifa Tree? They've got it all there. Anyway as it turns out my good friend Azem's interdimensional transport crystal can not only be used to travel between worlds without killing yourself, but can also be used to initiate rejoinings without centuries of meticulous planning or mass death. All of this could have solved every major problem we Ascians had, but it slipped my mind, sadly. Azem was a good friend. Remembird us. Remembird FFIX.
Good story
It's nothing like 3 and it's nothing like 5. It's kinda more like if FF1 was an oldschool Disney movie.
glow up or glow down?
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Shut up fattie we know you cant stop eating junk food and malera cum
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I don't really get how people thought/expected otherwise. Wuk Lamat's journey was just an excuse for the WoL (me) to go travelling, which is fine. And I act as the muscle along the way to stifle big threats along the way. It's not unlike ARR and us going around slaying Primals as a dayjob, if anything.
This scene alone has more soul than any scene with Woke Latroon
Hard glow up
>Still no eb for malezen
Maybe next expansion
Wow, is that a world-classic 'bin? I'm so starstruck! Can I have your autograph your highness?
you picked the better one out of the two, playing fft means you'll get the skilling system right away. Same concept. Story is pretty interesting/unconventional, and it gets really dark in places.
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God, he looks like such a fucking faggot.
I bet he loves sucking cock
glow up tbqh
>that guy that hardly ever says anything but just sits in the voice chat all day to block people from talking about the msq because he's level 93
spoilerfags are niggers
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>remembird us
fucking lol FUCK YOU for making me laugh at this stupid ass copypasta
I can't believe Akemi would just absolutely murder that poor male au ra like that. She'll never find an EB at this rate...
jungle femra pussy for my conquistador femezen
get some mods to replace Tetra Master with Triple Triad and reduce the agonizingly long loading times for battles that make random encounters take centuries
after that grab moguri to upscale the ancient backgrounds and enjoy the pinnacle of PS1 aesthetics
Lamat hasn't been this sad since she had to boil plastic bags for her estrogen.
Im eating this lizard.
And not in a sexual way.
I mean in the way that involves absorbing its nutrients in my digestive track after I consume its meat via my mouth.
tell him to hop off voice unironically
it's what i did for a good few days while i ran through the MSQ
>add two dps jobs
>queues are worse than ever for dps
its not fucking fair
they should have added a tank
was gonna compare it to 4 with less twists, but yeah FF1 in 2000 standards is a pretty good comparison
Theo said no. Sorry buddy
whats stopping you from talking about it?
slamrape plapfucking with this stupid bitch
why am i not allowed to criticize wuk lamat on reddit
doesnt have any of the job-systems from the games you like but FFIX is pretty soulful
Ser, this is an Applebees. You can't post that here.
Is this GTA SA?
I never hold myself back for these niggers. If you dont want to get spoiled, dont interact with other people. You should expect the minimum of self-control from these fags, its not reasonable for everyone else to self-police because of them.
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Just get it on PS1 bro
I can't eat this alone! I can't suffer anymore today, a remembird flew away with my flavorless popcorn!!!
My fiddie voted for Reform UK
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>someone in my fc just fantad
I wonder who inspired this.
spoil his dumbass then
not your fault he's not taking the necessary precautions to avoid it
take a wild guess
YOu stupid ass nigger, you arent even elezen you are a fucking femra shill WEARING THE SKIN OF MY FUCKING RACE BECAUSE YOU WANT SOMEONE TO TALK TO YOUR WALLFLOWER ASS, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.
What does it mean, sending UK back to the EU?
Pictures taken moments before transition
why is he so secretive bros
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It's odd watching these tranny memes when I play in Japanese, and Lamat is just a childish but cute and well-meaning tomboy, though short a few braincells early on perhaps.
I'll EB her if she wants. But I wont do any cringy shit like the other guy.
what a ravishing shetona maiden!
Nigga it's like 7am for you. Go to bed or go back to bed.
EX1 was a fun fight but I think I'm too stupid for EX2. I hate these rotating / shifting aoe things.
I love this little nigga it's unreal
Rather have your big tiddie areolas though
This skinwalking femra should report to Ishgard Barracks for immediate correction
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unironically passes for an average white woman in her 30s
How am I supposed to deliver without a picture?
Can't wait to pose my character plowing Krile's mom in front of her.
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I wear two pairs of glasses so I can read extra good
i made the mistake of switching to ENG for the cowboy section then getting with the bad lamat and bad accents.
While I didn't care much about her as a character the story was really sad tbqh
I guess she was cool, cooler than her son at least
Ok enough about the story. What the fuck was being smoked when the music was made for this expac?
holyyyy fucking ugly
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>except kuja remix when fighting zoraal
>it's some techno ass song with braps as the main instrument
Fuck off Soken (post-5.3)
I liked it
if you're who i think you are then you're correct
I want to fall asleep with you in my arms.
Hashish from the Swamplands.
i'm the big spoon, dude
Haha four-eyes
There is nothing wrong with the OST though?
Im going to work :(
I hope i can figure em out once mods come back
{Pit of Dread}
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why does god hate me
>cooler than her son at least
that dude was just emo the entire final 2 zones it was such a fucking drag
kuja is not daddy issues the character so i don't see the similarity to zoraal
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mb here he is
that's a man
She looks like an average white woman
and sounds like one, I don't see the problem
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*pukes in mouth*
he's not the only one
The black gospel song during the train montage was so out of the place
>Face 4 moonie
I can think of a few reasons
The final zone fucking sucks.
Six eyes stupid. You buffoon.
Music was good though
Fucking spider headass
why did he make me a man ;_;
Gods I need to plap your moonie
They look jewish.
i am still
a viper moony
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I only liked the 93 trial, 97 dungeon, 100 dungeon, final trial P1, and cowboy field theme. Everything else has been rather disappointing.
thanks anons, through years of bard ive somehow obtained melanin and a normal eye color (though the other has cataracts)
You actually can. There are multiple threads on the main subreddit, with thousands of upboats each, complaining about her specifically. But if you do that on here, someone will call you a "jeet" and make up some inane nonsense as to why you can't criticize her. Funny how that works.
i literally do not remember anything before shaloaani. story should have started with cowboys vs robots and escalated from there.
>christian rock in EW
>now gospel
I think Soken turned into a born again christian
oi slag fancy a shag
this time for sure
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That's what I mean
he was just being a crybaby as her living memory tried to cheer up the party after leading a rebel group from death for 30 year
maybe her words will actually make him cool like her now that he finished the quest she gave to him
Made to be violently raped by roes and hroths
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Small indie dev
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Whatever it is I want more of it and I want it ASAP
Heritage Found's piano shredding is godly, Solution Nine's theme is perfect for sitting there and autism-crafting for ages, and Shaaloani's day theme is so rad even its name is rad "Ceruleum Smoke at High Noon"
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>EX1 gives the weapon while EX2 gives the accessories
unprotected sex with kemakka
Wasteland 3 bros> he sound very familiar...
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I beat the bird extreme, it's pretty cool
innocence weapons would have been so good
Wuk Lamat won and everybody loves her
Chuds lost
>Im going to work :(
ooof, good luck.
I have self control, I just don't use it often
You eat with him then!
I'm not good for your health, I've been told I'm toxic and "like a drug"
You mentioned another, you're not alone. I know you've got plenty of hoes
A cuter voice doesn't fix the writing.
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You just KNOW sphenes pussy is hairless and cute.
Everyone shits on Wuk but I think Sphene was also a disappointment
I'm not cultured enough to throw back any lad flavored slang
>Solution Nine's theme is perfect for sitting there and autism-crafting for ages
i wish i didn't hate low-fi hiphop
I know why they hired the tranny
they knew DT would be a weak expac so they hired them so they would take all of the heat. hes basically playing tank.
which one did you smooch (it can't be both)
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Why are they already changing viper? It just came out, what the fuck.
If people dont like how it plays I suggest something more for their speed. White Mage, might be for them.
>Wise-cracking sassy black woman
She took me out of the story every time there was voice acting.
This always crack me up
Akemi why did you turn me down for the valentione's day event
I am a femlala
who likes being called cute
and will give you nothing in return
Hot, steamy sex with this hrothmaiden after a long day of hammer rocks and stones.
So how exactly did Zoraal Ja make a child with Sphene if she's a robot?
>Chapter I: This unnatural weather continued with seemingly no end, and one by one the Milalla fell until the death toll was beyond counting.
I don't really get the hate for her. She was pretty annoying in her childish phase (90-93 ish MSQ), but she wizened up quite quickly. I didn't actively dislike her the whole way through like I did Lyse back in SB
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What am I missing here? Why would you ever press the 2nd button?
What are the hardest mounts and minions to get? As in, people would be shocked to see you with them. I love having those status symbols as goals when I play these sorts of games
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This would’ve been the perfect expansion for some spooky tribal baron samedi type nigga as an antagonist with a crazy mask and voodoo magic instead we got daddy issues lizard and SFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN
i dont even need to study phrenology to know that's a man
Licking smelly moonie feet
I'll clarify what this PF means:
it says "blind" because the players are blind
Wuks even a warrior, this checks out. Sasuga, yoshi-p, I kneel.
in this thread the EB chocobo
in the actual game probably the mentor roulette mount
When more are back up
The second one is AoE dingus.
That's the question isnt it. And they cant just clone him otherwise they would have infinite souls and the entire plot would be moot.
Which one? Did you not meet one of the requirements?
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sir this isnt second life general
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ur fault
whastd i do
that idk
>If people dont like how it plays I suggest something more for their speed
It feels like the devs genuinely believe every job has to appeal to everyone
*beats your ass* Fuck U!
Nah a lot of anons I know have been nutting to her, excellent rapebait
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Would you do it? For her?
The 2000 Mentor Roulette mount

Ah I see. Usually there is a "radius" in the tooltip, but not here. Thanks
the non-grebuloff one
Remember: the 4chan movement stands opposed to the evil forces of Reddit. And Reddit has sided AGAINST Wuk Lamat. Therefore, we must side with her. For 4chan and for Wuk Lamat! All hail Anonymous!
Wind-up Aidoneus/Wind-up Philos are both prestigious and expensive
Conditional Virtue and Copycat Bulb are pretty rare too
a tranny
Do moonies like males? Asking for a friend
Wuk Lamat.
>You mentioned another, you're not alone. I know you've got plenty of hoes
That rabbit doesn't even know I am. ;( Notice how I named you first. I mean fuck, originally th spare was going to go to the pink lala.
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Saying fresh prog would be more accurate
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is it kino
I fulfilled every requirement, you are mean.
Well, maybe except being rich.
>hating lyse
only jealous trannies, colored women, and flat white women hate lyse.
If you don't play WAR then it's understandable that you don't recognize the icons, but the first one is Maim which is a single target ability and the second one is Decimate which is the AoE ability.
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>only black VA in the game is the best VA
just noticing.
face 3 femra, please?
She is all that matters.
this bitch really activates the domestic abuser within me.
>whastd i do
be gay and retarded on the internet
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Where do I unlock the two dungeons for expert roulette?
>character whose one defining trait is a singular value they won't stop harping on and on about throughout the MSQ
This isn't a new problem to XIV's characters/writing. If anything, Wuk is just more of the same
Depends on if I have any motivation or ideas for poses, probably
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A game for everyone is a game for no one.
You may have the mettle, but have you the puissance to claim the mantle of hero?
What exactly is the problem with each job having a unique identity, one being better than another?
2 lockouts blind, got 99 on the coffer. Really fun fight.
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>Ul'dah has a free fantasia quest
right here
God I want ulti PF's to start back up so I can maybe get my UWU clear
I bet Gulool Ja Ja would be a super cool grandpa. Mine was, at least the little I remember of him. He died when I was 4 but he took me on his motorcycle to eat fried chicken. Mom tells me he would say
>he eats all of the chicken unlike all of you
to her and my aunts.
Well you can go ahead and give it to your little lala friend now
Sooo you didn't fulfil them all but I'm the one mean?!
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It's an issue that I noticed with WoW a back, but it seems that the concept of jobs being for different kind of people is now "has been" for dev companies and they want everyone to play everything.
Then again this shit is brought to us by the same team of incompetent idiots that rework AST, MNK & DRG every two patches.
no anon that looks like nyanja not kino
this moonie does at least
Maybe I can recommend you some poses when modding up and running like I said.
Only for her Japanese counterpart
I thought the same thing holy fuck
hi sphene
>ur fault
t-thank you anyways! ;(
This lizard is stuck as a Virgin With Rage.
B-but I have 2 million gil. It's a lot of money! Arbitrary standards.
>and they want everyone to play everything.
Of course they do, otherwise it's wasted resources and dev time. This is why the EW relics were a tomestone vending machine, they proudly toted how many people completed those relics vs past expansions.
I had the craziest fucking dream...
>laying in bed
>hear the most beautiful voice call out to me
>turn around and my miqo is laying in my bed with nothing but lingerie on
>she asks me to sleep with her while holding up the blanket for me
>look around wondering if it's real
>decide to touch her and the lingerie and stomach feel completely real
>snuggle up to her and rest my head on her belly
>she holds my head and I fall into the most comfortable sleep I've ever had
>wake up and realize it was a dream
Looking good broe
I love the new MCH af set and the Full Metal Machinist skill, makes me want to actually level up MCH this time
do you like moonies of the moon on a full moon?
Did I type that wrong? Both of you think I was being sarcastic.
I need to be smothered to death by sweaty, musky hrothgal pussy.
>they proudly toted how many people completed those relics vs past expansions.
Please brother tell me you're joking.
I'm jealous, I usually just dream about getting shot.
I wish this game had an ingredients pouch, I'm so fucking tired of my inventory becoming a mess every time I start crafting and gathering
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Chest is the tomestone aiming piece actually but yeah the full MCH AF set is great.
why lie? You are a Tarutaru.
still cute
Fiera are the apex of feminine sexuality.
Catgirls are sluts, full stop.
Femra are cute, but they can never be "hot".
Thighlanders, Middies, Femezens operate on a case by case basis of attractiveness.
Femroes are for when you want a muscle girl, obviously. They can never be cute or pretty, but hot? Definitely.
Femhroths are just femroes with more hair and lion faces. If you're into that, good for you.
Say "no" to femlalas.
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fair enough
no problamo
I need to know which side is retarded

>Well you can go ahead and give it to your little lala friend now
You and I have history though. Positive history.
Actually she took care of all the big threats for you
I was agreeing with you. Basically saying that jobs that appeal to everyone will appeal to no one.
Try Zesho Meppo
so are plugins back up yet?
Highlander male
should I plap Effy?
>Fiera are the apex of feminine sexuality
Too tall. Have you seen their muscley legs? Not very feminine
Second anon here, i understand what you meant, i just wanted to answer with a question
What's the song that sounds like it's from Animal Crossing
Yeah if you are in the beta
Yes VPR is busy, no it isn't insanely complex, as long as you double weave, maintain your buffs / debuffs and time your Reawakenings within said debuff, you're good
>no problamo
You're not going to apologize for farting by me?
Self inserter femra astroturf post
try better next time, ive been hunting femra posters for 9 years. I can smell your stink the moment you type on the keyboard.
EB on Siren?
Yes he's a sweetheart that deserves a good dicking
It was on a live letter IIRC. I believe their priority is player engagement>vocal reception.
>enter final zone
>le epic happy couples forever!!!
fuck this fucking faggot game
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Biohole Femra post.
marrying this lala
only some of them if you are using beta version of dalamud
Final zone is skip central.
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Shoes Vs No Shoes
Which race is best suited for that play?
how do I tell my husband not to squat on our new table?
Its safe to level Bard right?
no one is playing it and its not a super contested job in PF, right?
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Tell me or i'll cut it off
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high quality work, well done dev team, surely modders cannot take 3 minutes and do better
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why would i do that its a natural thing
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best at sounding illiterate perhaps
We'll see. Message me some time and I can write down the ideas at least
When they're at their most powerful? Creatures of unimaginable destruction? Love them
Peg him so he can't sit
>Gets husband
>The "Kill yourself tranny" disappear overnight
Glad to see you got better.
You deserved better growing up.
I hope I can revive mine once mods are back.
Purposely hiding those dogshit boots on the new AF huh?
one blue quest in each city
"It Belongs in a Museum" and "Something Stray in the Neighborhood"
>ikishoten turns into zanshin
>but iaijutsu doesn't turn into tsubame
Why the fuck?
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how about new bard is the rotation still the same?
I remember clipping paeon at 30 seconds to line up PP or whatever its called for your burst. It'd be fucking retarded to continue doing that though without any real fixes.
the only thing I deserve is a fucking gun in my mouth
one in each city
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>match ended before i can land the killing strike
i fucking hate lalaboys
Reminder that a white bio male that looks like a jewish woman stole a job that could have been done by a born and raised qt latina that would have blown his performance out of the water because she would just have to talk naturally instead of talking through 3 filters.
Tonight's the night to go out with a bang
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it's sad that this place will be completely deserted in a week as everyone is forced to move back to limsa/uldah
lmfao, right. You look like a bee. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Race and job to maximize in game epussy that can be converted to irl pussy?
>that hair
I'll take the lalaboy over you.
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what?... they look prefectly fine to me, i like them
Yoshi Piss is a fucking coward for not making mahjong exclusive items
>Revisionist history
Shan't be convincing me Woke Lamutt was the norm, tranny.
there is, the orchestrion roll and adventure plate
You're welcome to try
{Thank you}
not looking good for ex prog tonight bros
bunny male or cat male tank.
male viera warrior
New players would probably waste their tsubame on the DoT/AoE if they saw it swap ever
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Thank You.
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>oppression by white males still exists and takes many forms
>nowadays its them pretending to be women
how do you get the motorcycle mount?
>local biofem decided she doesn't like me
Ok i'm pretty much excluded from the friend group. How do I find a new one?
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its supposed to match the sun flower...but i guess that works
Biodick* Malera*
highlander or hroth
vendor in s9 for 7.5m gil
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I've seen 20% now, I think we were gonna hit enrage but I saw 20%
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One the better fights they've made and the tank buster feels amazing/fair.
I can understand where they're coming from with hitting positionals but most of the time True north is up so I don't understand the issue with that.
male lala a lot of them are into that sort of thing
As a male highlander, I get more dms from men.
They look really bad to me. They have that general purpose metallic gold dye look that looks really bad to me and it's hard to find some new boots that work with the pants
i want a smoothie now
>trick gets an aoe upgrade
>mug gets a visual and potency upgrade but not aoe
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please give this place more consideration before you force everyone to sharlayan/enclave/your house
you don't want me to try? :(
Why are the expert dungeon bosses so hard this time around jayzus
VPR malera x NIN femra
I miss Yugiri so much...
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post /ptime anon no cheating
Unironically because of JP feedback. The viper thread on their DPS forums is nothing but people complaining that its too hard to focus on the fight and the rotation or that they have to stare at their hotbar too much.
maybe you have a gay looking highlander
face 4 attracts fujos
Total Play Time: 573 days, 9 hours, 11 minutes
>phys ranged
Don't give up hope bro
My friend group went through this and they actually expelled the f*m*le and stuck together
>2 million gil
So you can barely afford an apartment with no furniture in it?..
I can assure you we do not
>80% of my playtime is tabbed out
no thank you
fujos hate male highlanders what the fuck are you talking about
>looking for erenville's friend with blue hair
>there's an MSQ marker above her head
it could've been fun to look for her based on erenville's description
Fanta to femra or fiera?
what's a reasonable price to offer for the cyber bike, and DON'T say 7.5mil
>get to futureland
>immediately introduced to The Resistance™ with a quirky lolsorandum robot and a bunch of people with dyed hair

and i had high hopes for this place.

also, how does the soul transfer system work? wouldn't they run out of souls? even in a normal situation, populations expand exponentially. how would you ever have enough extra souls around? shouldn't the rate at which they use souls be much higher than the rate at which they gain souls? since they claim they only get new soul charges when someone dies of old age. what little we see, that hunter girl uses several each time she goes out to fight some random monsters. Maybe they explain it better later.
not really because the place is soulless
I have nerve issues and I cant press buttons as fast as I used to anymore. I cant play healer because I am on controller and then tanking is always contested and congested.
>that they have to stare at their hotbar too much.
God forbid they have to glance at it once every 10 seconds and use the job gauge to determine the positionals instead.
are you going back to sucking cock if we hang out there?
Does anyone know where Freyja went
Not happening. She's been there A LOT longer than me and has been friends with most of them from before I even met them.
Total Play Time: 767 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes
i thought this was 4chan. why isn't anybody deadnaming erenville?
I hate chinks so much
My moonie has a defense system in place . . . but nah, go for it
youre a retard
congrats you've now picked up on what the rest of the plot will be about
You weren't supposed to clip paeon last expansion dummy you were supposed to clip mage's. But now mage's is stronger so you can keep clipping paeon.
Incredible how everything you asked is explained later
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The Arcade in S9, there's a vendor in the center stall facing the cars and bikes on display that you buy it from.
I'm face 2
>leveling roulette
>given aurum vale
I of course got zero comms
is that the heiko face
But I already have a (poorly) furnished apartment and an unfurnished FC room. This isnt fair!
I'm think about shb bard, idk what i'm looking for out of this class anymore other then the bowmage
She went to the Shadow Keep. Have to talk with Ansbach to progress her quest.
Wuk Lamat is a REAL WOMAN you CHUDS
>7.5m gil
can anyone give me 7.3m gil? On Aether
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Holy shit, [Ruthenium Greatsword] fucks

The blade is dyeable and so is the grip
I am a femlala with so much anxiety I can't queue for experts...
you can have -7.3m gil.
>I have nerve issues and I cant press buttons as fast as I used to anymore.
>wants to play Bard
Yeah okay
I can queue with you if you're EU
What are they changing?
Slamraping the traitor queen, Sphene
Are you cute
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Never in my life have I seen people this much to dungeon content, my god.
>quirky lolsorandum robot
That's Erenville's mom and she's one of the best characters of the entire expac
I am a traitor queen, femlala.
They hate to see a happy miqo'te family thrive
and not your various other shitholes that are even more empty and have looping ching-chong music?
What was his name? Ellen shloppa or someshit.
All the shitty VA said it differently so I just phased it out, same with lamachi, shit beaner gibberish.
>it took 6 expansions until they finally made a no-frills greatsword
Better late than never.
the 100 dungeons are fun (if you're not melee)
it makes me happy when people die
hello femlala
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Force yourself, like I'm forcing myself into PFs
You must unfortunately perish so my people may live...
Unironic skill issue.
I derive great pleasure from annihilating the souls of viperfags in pvp, they are pure shit, its the easiest dopamine of my life
holy moly Cahciua is hot
My manlet catboy @wuk lamat

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Would anyone on Crystal like to farm FATEs together? I'm currently doing Urqopacha
Do you guys think in a post-patch they'll implement a feature to restore the way Living Memory looks? Maybe as like a beast tribe thing but more likely as just some MSQ or side story thing?
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I tried making my character cute but she looks autistic most of the time
There's a ton of them in ARR and Heavensward...
Sure put up a pf
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anon what the fuck are you talking about
No. You killed them all.
no, it's face 4.
that happens to be the one heiko uses, along with many others.
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>go watch my friend at work, she fucking sucks and dies all the time
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Most people are new and its the (2) day of the expansion anon.
Que and do you're best.
Without fail everyime I've done Deadwalk we wipe to the first boss, cause his hitboxes are straight ass
i hate shbabs so god damn much
wifezen for my femezen
I play healer though so every time I die everyone groans and gets upset.
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are we there yet
Maybe as weird dynamis constructs like in Ultima Thule.
The giant RAM sticks running the simulations of everyone's memories lost the data when powered down, as RAM does.
She only exists on that throne because of me. Uppity ass hroth thinks she can give ME a pep talk.
>glamming low level trash
Cut autistic elezen. An archetype I didn't know I wanted.
Now that that MSQ is over. Can I actually enjoy my island adventure now?
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they're gonna hurt themselves up there
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Hey, there are a couple no frills greatswords, they just aren't dyeable or don't dye well. There's one that drops from a low level dungeon that I can't remember the name of right now, but it was added in a later patch. I think it's this one
hasn't been a viera anchor in a while...
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My malidsterlander is raping everyone in Tural
>low level shit
It's trash.
>You could have had the futa beverage job
ahead of its time
Because it's what people wanted.
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I'm new to this game, and I kind of want to raid. Coming from WoW we needed food and potions, are they expensive in here? Is it worth it to level alchemy and cheff to make it myself?
It's fucking glamour, who cares what level it is?
The Ruthenium weapons in general are such a breath of fresh air. Just clean, regular-ass no-nonsense weapons.
There are a lot of claymores and zweihanders from ARR to HW
The only issue with the ARR claymores is that they're like babbie's first blender project
Seriously my first ever model I made in Blender when I was still learning the controls is on par with that abomination
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Oh hey it's that roe who commisions the appalling art
A faggot mint chocolate catboy and the tranny YUK LAMEt shoved in your in face the entire fucking story. Yup, flush this shit.
There's an adventure for you waiting in my pants if you get what I'm saying
>haukke manor is still in the game
I forgot how different these ancient dungeons are
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I really liked that Towers TB mechanic with the cleave safespot behind the tank.
It's a good thing
>Coming from WoW we needed food and potions, are they expensive in here?
If you are poor, they are expensive. It will probably be like 500k for a stack (99)
>Is it worth it to level alchemy and cheff to make it myself?
Botters and the general population of the game have created an environment where the ingredients are sometimes more expensive than the item itself.
gil is worthless in thsi game unless you're an autistic AGP who needs to buy pink walls for player housing, you can easily buy consumables. also nobody in PF will ever use consumables so you will waste your time using them yourself as some keyboard turning lalafell says "sorry guys i won't fuck up next time" for the 9th time in a row on the same mechanic

you are not allowed to kick the lalafailure or the GMs will punish you
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Femlala EB for my Malera
food is always required, but it's decently cheap and gil is plentiful

potions are required for world prog or if you're pushing to kill the boss, but not before then. they are also fairly cheap and not required for every pull
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i deliver
The point is letting go. Adding a way to add it back would shit on that completely
They're only really needed on the highest level content, or if you care about logs.
And it's more worthwhile to just join an FC that raids and has one or two crafters that supply.
Where are the double katanas for VPR
in eureka 3.0
please look forward to it
>you are not allowed to kick the lalafailure or the GMs will punish you
this is only true if you're a tactless retard
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barely escaped from the first boss with my life dear lord
thank you for the info guys. Appreciate it
I wanna make autistic tard babies with this elezen.
fucking hell, did EVERYONE take a picture during this quest ?
I wish all female hrothgars on primal a very pleasant night.
you could reasonably clear anything in this game with just gear and good materia, won't be peak optimal DPS but if you have friends it's whatever
So much of the story could have been fixed if they had just given us a fun beach vacation as the first zone and then went into helping Wuk in the second and third.

We didn't need birds and goblins back with retarded and pointless stories.
buy my fucking smoothies on crystal
I wish all female Hrothgars on all worlds and data centers a very pleasant night.
went to look em up and the kite shield is based beyond belief, this'll be my new shield glamour when I get paladin high enough
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Time to get that sweet Nier glam.
Should've just had giants, mamool ja and cowboys.
Can't believe there were no takers for free compliments
Giant mamool ja cowboys...
How can I see a list of the collectables without being at the shop?
You are a plebeian in every sense of the word
>We didn't need birds and goblins back with retarded and pointless stories.
Fuck you nigger yes we did
I'm sick of every expac being about the latest ebin crisis, I want the MSQ to actually build upon the world we have instead of stripping away mystery and complexity
that's stupid. you're stupid.
i'll run with you, put up a PF
QRD on the new black mage changes?
Yea it's called ng+
And giant mamool ja cowboys
Its over.
cast the fucking Blizzard 4
Is what it is.
Dang sorry your classic literature level mmorpg's story musta slipped by my feeble brain
I saw you turn off your tank stance before you entered the critical engagement
Too bad Dawntrail is half boring exposition and half watching Woke LaMutt forgive the latest ""sympathetic" villain causing a new ebin crisis
>woah it's the races we know but they have a heckin different culture isnt that crazy

it was shit and pointless. It also gave us the retarded parade float asspull
What has a point to you?
>the retarded parade float asspull
Just put hats on bakool ja ja.
thats a top 5 dungeon for me.
go take a shower stinky
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>the pitch increasing with every generation
this job was fucking MADE for me dear lord
Your sexpesting services are not unappreciated
um when my poggers ancients show up and quip like my favorite marvel superheroes duhhhh
Would you a Sphene?
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I already took a shower this week.
Already did, friend.
I still lurk in the shadows. Sexpesting those that really need it.
Uh, don’t we hate your kind? You’re the one who hates Dawntrail because you want action instead of story, right? And you’re brown since you hate Wuk Lamat? You’re also responsible for modbeasting, except we like that but we just don’t like where it came from.

You have to understand that FFXIV is the best MMO ever made and yours is garbage. Your company raped women and is also Disney DEI ESG approved. Lastly FFXIV has 10x more players than your game because of how superior we are. So just accept that you’ll always be below us. You will assimilate and you will like Dawntrail, or we will reject you.
Wuk Lamat
Take a Femlala
I want to lick Hrothgal tummy
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>Bakool Ja Ja releases an ancient evil that would have killed everyone on the continent, threatens to kill hostages, assaults other claimants.
>Doesn't get disqualified, and even gets a position on the Landsguard despite Wuk Lamat stressing that he has to face consequences for his actions
>mom found the piss drawer
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Yeah, it was refreshing that the first half of the MSQ we didn't have the whole at stake. I enjoyed taking it slow and exploring the new zones and meeting new cultures.
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Anyone on Crystal want to do Tender Valley?
No thanks, I'm full.
I'm really sad that people don't like Dawntrail, I thought it was okay/10
EX1 kinda kino
what the FUCK
What the fuck brand of schizo shitpost is this?
Get in the bath, Anjin!
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I am no longer grinding levels in FL thanks exclusively to enduring hours of DRK pull fuckery. If you play DRK I hate you more than black mages.
I'm gonna let you off with a warning only because I've read your carrd and I think you're pretty alright
>You have to understand that FFXIV is the best MMO ever made and yours is garbage. Your company raped women and is also Disney DEI ESG approved.
Holy FRICK Blizzbabies and Wowtards DELETED
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why would he be desqualify?... he didn nothing against the rules.
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i need more cute skirts
I prefer it unprovoked, so it's a valiant thing you're doing. An unsung hero
sorry but if you think recolored races are "building upon the world" then that is really bad
XIV is so entirely low effort and they get by because "woah this tribe on [shard] is just like the one on the source, but slightly different!" in this case it was "wow this tribe is on a different continent but they're very similar!!"
come the FUCK on this is pathetic there should have been at least one new, never before seen race here that is NOT just another reskin
why are they allowed to reskin tribes like this over and over? why do we let them do this shit?
*kneels out of respect*
*pisses a little out of fear*
Why don't you fix it, anon?
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why the FUCK does ouroboros take a full 5 seconds before the damage applies in pvp?
>some guy tells me his entire depressing life story
>my wol just nods
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Proccing Revisit is extremely satisfying.
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Here's your new opener
>collect shit for me
fuck you nigga
>why do we let them do this shit?
it appears that most of the players are busy "plapping" and "gooning"
>come the FUCK on this is pathetic there should have been at least one new, never before seen race here that is NOT just another reskin
the Pelu?
the Yok Huy?
the Mamool Ja who we've had basically zero lore about up until DT?
the entire other planet with alien moral values?
good luck handsome middie
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I like that the WoL waves at the blind chick in Heritage Found after finding out that she's blind
so tanks are
>No assaulting electors
>But releasing a monster that would have killed every elector if the godslayer wasn't in the area at the time is okay.
I didn't see it in the rules.
by what criteria
>playing caster for the first time
>keep dying because i cant move when one billion aoes happen
i usually play a tank so im not used to dying
how do i fix this
It's more like GNB >>>> PLD > WAR
DRKs aren't even on the list
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>return to the game
>after years finally swap back from miqote to au ra a week before DT
>they now look worse after the graphics update
There is no measurable depth to my current despair. No matter what I do my character still looks off compared to before.
You're right but cultists hate you for that.
Thank you I will strive to increase my sexpesting skills to better serve the community.
Why does all PCT abilities come out 5 seconds later? The world will never know.
i'm sure glad i saved 374 alien onions from endwalker
Yeah but he's just a funny guy so its ok.

in totally subjective terms of personal fun
by how useful they are in actual content (savage, ultimate)
just blacklist everyone who plays it
they spent the entire game budget on paying wuk lamat's trans voice actor instead of adding unique things to the game lmfao
we really just went around the entire brand new world, one that was full of hope, full of adventure and unexplored things
and what was there?
what a DOGSHIT EXPASION this was holy shit I hate it
reskinned races
same story conclusion formula 3 expansion in a row
and some really cringe main character that actively makes the story worse the longer it goes on
it is actually over
we are entering the dark ages
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I just got to Zangarmarsh (aka Pandora)

Does the story finally pick up now?
Yeah I'm kinda sick of the whole "this guy is a dickhead but sad backstory"
It did not work with Emet
It did not work with Elidibus
It did not work with Bakool
Anyone who can be swayed so easily is gullible.
you just want more skimpy skirts
You sound really frustrated.
Pandaria isn't in Outland
Why is it so high?
t. out of the loop
main female character cast voiced by a male tranny
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>they spent the entire game budget on paying wuk lamat's trans voice actor
lol @ this nigga thinking voice actors get paid for shit
especially when they have actually accomplished VAs on the team who also don't get paid for shit
you now remember that emet-selch's VA did washing machine ads after shb and fourchenault's is doing gacha game dubs
With practice. You learn to slide cast and delay some skills when you know damage is coming.
Or play summoner lmao
>does the story pick up
but not for a few more levels
Its WAR>GNB>>>>PLD>>>>>>>>>>DRK
GNB has the highest damage.
yeah it's fun but god damn get an editor.
>highest damage
>+20% health on their 40% cd
>heart of corundum being an amazing cd
You just sound like a regular dickhead.
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We went to Peru and we didn't do any cool Peru things. They just said "here are some ponchos, here's an alpaca, that's it". Peru is way cooler than that. We could have had a Blueberry/Renegade sequence.
If you haven't enjoyed it so far, you won't enjoy it.
my fiddie is unapologetically black owned
I am, it's how I can call them out so well.
i wish femlalas looked like this
this fucking sucks, can we go back to comfy adventures with wuk now
tired of everything being a fucking catastrophe
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so is my moonie
Sounds Sirius.
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>can we go back to comfy adventures with wuk now
Oh I'm sorry is the ENTIRE FUCKING EXPANSION not enough for you? You know what, I might kill you tonight.
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Stop making fun of DRKs...
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Might unironically pay for some ERP later on with all the crafting profits I've made. Any good places for it?
drk is fun
Pretty sunnie
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thank you...
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so is my femraen...
That's gay as fuck. Why would you do that?
Oh come on this is perfectly succinct.
>yet this catastrophe is part of the expansion and it fucking sucks
yes i would prefer if it was the ENTIRE FUCKING EXPANSION thanks
Hasn't been true since Stormblood.
yuri with femra (against their will)
How do I level squadrons
Why not?
no, I exclude you from my PFs
We don't want you

These sluts on the other hand...
how much are you willing to pay?
Run dungeons with them.
this with serrit
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bad game
send them on missions or do dungeons with them
based as hell but only if you're not an elezen
do NOT commend tanks
tanking takes NO skill
pressing your stance and mitigation ability is NOT skill
do NOT commend tanks
Yeah, pay me for it
Get fucked dunked on nerd.
Cat v2.00
Depends on quality. I'd easily be willing to do 50m for a good writer.
I'd say it's based, you deserve it
i only commend bards
Nothing in this game takes skill so I commend nobody.
If you don't commend me i'm going to solo the boss for the next 10 minutes
YOU tank it then
I only commend people with default portraits. Everyone else is a tryhard loser looking to become a burger king.
Nothing in this game requires skill, just fast reflexes.
>tanking takes NO skill
true, thats why i do it
and can you believe some people are actually scared to? unbelievable
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Why is everyone so casually racist to hroths?
Swiftscaled is literally just old NIN Huton. They got rid of that from NIN and and just made it a passive ability. Wtf was the point of making is a mechanic for VPR?
smooching this big meower
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But doctor, I AM the tank
if you use lightning hair you owe my maliddie sex
how do i get this
Jack off before you post bwo
DO commend tanks if they kill the boss even after the healer dies
u rike?
>Wuk Lamat: Hey, Erenville?
>Wuk Lamat: As much as I want to grant your mother her wish, I also want to respect yours.
>Wuk Lamat: When all's said and done, I want you to be happy. I hope you know this.
God she's so good at making everything about herself.
Emet and Elidibus faced consequences for their actions

Bakool didn't
>They got rid of that from NIN
so what happens if you press 3 2 1 mudras now
they know the playerbase of them consists of subhumans
I just came out of the final trial with 6 commendations as a healer. It was my first time…
Jack me off before I post.
This stuns
why not, did femezen get banned or something
Aoe suiton
my moonie is perfectly willing to work with a femraen to milk black cocks
how long would it be? also race/gender?
>4chan hates the story
>Reddit hates the story
>XIV forums hate the story
>Japan hates the story
>My friends hate the story
How is YoshiP actually going to recover from this?
*beats you up*
He doesn't care, he's busy working on the XVI PC port and DLC
i just dont like them
i like the story
>You gain nothing.
when are plogons coming back
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The One Piece... THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!
>t. buttblasted healer that recieved zero comms
Sorry to hear that anon, I'm sure your Au Ra looks good and it's just self-doubt.
>yuritroon hates femezen
good, stay away
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gn sirs
that's the against their will part
my femraen is free use for other females so it wouldn't be noncon
you'll pay for it away
what if hrothgals had paws like that
I'd commend this bun.
You can't say that here, we're supposed to hate the story and every NPC.
Like this anon said its just aoe version of 1,2 3 >>484745042
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>My friend hates the story
Actually finished
EX1 is such a fun fight holy
did you do it in AF gear? might try it out tomorrow afternoon
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The Mamool Ja are cool, do people actually dislike them?
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>How is YoshiP actually going to recover from this?
*roundhouse kicks u* gn bro
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Can you still power level blue mage like people used to? Where do people do it?
but pagliacci, we are the yuri race
i suppose it is so i should say it's hot if it's not an elezen
cute poopie sis
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not him but it's pretty forgiving with the enrage timer, if you're 690 and don't die too much you'll be fine
>plenty of moments to use the ff9 battle theme for peak nostalgia
>relegate the theme to a paid mount

I am disappointed
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my fiera acts like this
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>new expansion releases
>there are people just doing deep dungeon over and over instead of doing anything new
cringe or based?
myla detected deploying meat beams
My moonie has trained her entire life to subdue femra for yuri
back off that's MY raid carry
why did you choose to be ugly?
Go to The Tempest and kite leeches into clionids.
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Well I spent 50 hours on that story. It only got good at the 5th zone and 4th dungeon. lol. That shit should've been the entire expac what the fuck. What a letdown.

VPR is fun as hell and the most refreshing melee DPS I've played and its already getting nerfed for casuals.

I'm sad bros. I think I'm going to play another game for a while, I'm not even motivated to do the Extremes.
is that my pigwife slamhole
final fantasy korean basket weaving forum tropes are now law?
Based, mostly because they have found their niche and they know what they like.
Open your eyes, and purge the sanctuary of this taint!
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>Wuk 1st half
>Krile and Erenville 2nd half
This was such an easy formula. How did they screw it up?
>I can assure you we do not
Do I look somewhat familiar? I'll give you a hint!
Guys I dont think DT has much to do with FF9.
i just got to solution 9 and i'm eating MREs...
How would you implement steal into a ffxiv rotation for a thief
sorry i have already tucked her away in my slop pocket dimension
my sloppet dimension, one migh tsay
yes, and now we scissor
That fending set on the cat! I'm so happy to see new non-artifact gear I like.
The Extremes and Experts genuinely save the expansion and I am dead serious.
why did you choose to be trans?
>you think they'll want more wuk after 30 hours?
>they fucking better im not rewriting this shit again
by not making the rite of succession take the whole expansion, since that's the good part
Removes the pants from female enemies or party members. Then it removes their underwear.
Watch, next Liveletter he's going to come on and said, "We received feedback about Dawntrail, and a lot of it was good, so we're going to try to keep doing well going forward."
They are NEVER going to acknowledge the disaster that Wuk Lamat was.
moonie 4 my sunnie
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>only a brief one-off mention of the whalaqee
it's over...
The plot thickens.
i'm not, my penis is intact and i like having it. thanks for your concern about it, but why did you choose to be ugly?
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thx sis
Do you have your requisition form filled out? Post your sunnie
based because it pays their bills
Erenville mentions them during the Shaaloni storyline too but yeah still disappointing
honestly my biggest problem with the expansion is them getting completely forgotten
just give us a fucking sidequest in cowboy zone if anything god dammit
play the game slut
because a handful of mexicans chimping out on 4chan does not a bad expac make
the 90-100 BLU story will be kino in 4 years, trust the plan
Yes. That's it.
There MIGHT be something in the crafter or role quests. I haven't done those yet.
>this loser isnt a fisher
They don't live in the cowboy zone, they're further west on the continent
They're fairly prominent in the FSH quest
did you start lying to yourself first or others?
(You) btw
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You should be worried, that handful has hacked into steam's mainframe and given the game "Mixed" reviews, and also hacked into the accounts of a shit-load of Japanese players and made them criticize the game on social media.
The hacker known as anonymous may be whiter than you think, Muhammad.
well normally i dont talk about my penis to random strangers but it seems you're very interested in it, but i havent lied about it
im answering all your weird questions about my genitals so why cant you answer my question? why did you choose to be ugly?
never, so just kill yourself already tranny
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wtf I got your ass in a msq dungeon the other day
>and also hacked into the accounts of a shit-load of Japanese players and made them criticize the game on social media.
My WoL plapped Wuk Lamat on the Dawnthrone the night after they got back from the final fight.
PVP is not playing the game. ANyone who wastes time on the battle pass when we have six months to do it is a lazy shitter afraid of PVE.
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level FSH NOW
Ah yes! Shadow the hedgehog.
>Do I look somewhat familiar?
>Shadowbringers MSQ
Whose alt is this?
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I JUST STARTED PVP i just want the mount
my alt my mains in HW
Painting this pictogal white. Well whiter.
Did he tank well?
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>I blind progged EX1 today for a clear
>I play CC in the NA downtime
I don't see the correlation
>avatarfagging straight off the bat
Let me guess, you're on balmung too?
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why do the vanguard weapons look like cheap fisher price toys when we just got a brand new update that allows them to make really retailed materials
it's so based that fisher is the only job that still gets its own job quests
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xbox players get over a week and everyone else gets nothing. thanks $E for caring more about microsoft than us
he was alright ig
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Anyone on Crystal want to do Strayborough Deadwalk?
>spent 39 dollars on the mogstation today
I never used to spend money in games. Why do I spoil my miqo so much?
It's You're Dreaming. ;( I'm your husband. How could you forget me??
They're probably cute, and cute people get spoiled.
did you not read your own screencap
thats xbox and microsoft caring more about their players than sony. if anything, blame sony for being cheapskates
Now I will.
what is this for? did i miss something?
What is this about?
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This came out really delicious. This will 100% become a regular meal for me.
2 eggs and the rest is mozzarella.
I've known of the dish for many years, but this finally gave me the push to make it. I want to try it made all sorts of different ways now.
You blew it anon, I was hoping to hear a little bit of shit talk.
>only a brief one-off mention of the whalaqee
There are multiple mentions of them. For example, the side quest that has you deliver a letter to Latool Ja's mom.

pf is up pw 8888
nice, shakshouka tastes great.
Because you never have nor will be my husband
There was some bug where people couldnt go through loading screens or some shit
Didn't you get rejected by Claire or something like that?
I ran in to that roe a couple years ago
im on primal but also im just doing what i did on b
sorry i actually haven't even unlocked it
He gives me the same vibes as that other Nyu creep. Might even be the same guy.
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A stinky puzzle
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gonna lb this nerd hehe
Holy fuck let me plap
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Crystal/Zalera Doign the Endwalker trials
Queueing up
did you actually think
that the "stop the world from ending to the 10-years-in-the-making big bad evil guy" grand finale xpac
WASN'T going to be the end of worthwhile story content?
You're you, I don't need to say any more than that.
*forgets to put tank stance on*
ooo nyoooo
Dia my wife

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