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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>484783687

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
Natasha looks cursed
Why did ZZZ kill us so badly? I thought turn-based niggas don't like action games?
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Firefly love
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A fucking knockoff
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5 more days until I can roll....
And wait another 21 days for content afterwards
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Firefly love!
Its called Tulpa
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hey, the schedule says she's *my* girlfriend on fridays.
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Hotaru Rabu!
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Trotter love.
/hsrg/ is dead. Long live /hvg/ should be /hyv/ or /mhy/ lol

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isnt that ash's mom
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Fun fact: Aventurine's eyes actually do shine in the dark, but there's very few places in the game that are dark enough where it's noticeable.
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I'm reporting Hoyoverse to NAACP. Racism has no place in gacha industry and this lack of diversity should not go unanswered.

I urge everyone to do the same.

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Oh boy
don't care, go shill your shit somewhere else
Nurse Joy. Himeko is Ash's mom.
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I will stay on /hsrg/ even if it's dead
super break shilling...will be over soon....just gotta get through this event...*cough*
did you at least enjoy the times you've had here? Now that it's over, do you really miss it? Is there something in your life you're taking for granted right now anon?
My roomie leaving, me turning in my bachelor thesis and /hsrg/ fucking dying in the same week. Fucking wild.
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This is fake news, Firefly barely sleeps and doesn't dream.
>turning in my bachelor thesis
>in July

I rolled for Firefly E1S1
I will roll for Jade E0S1
Before this I rolled for Boothill E0S1
Before that I rolled for Aventurine E0S1
Can anyone guess who my next two (not stated) rolls will be?
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If you are reading this post, (You) are /hsrg/core!
y-you too
>gigger gigger, stupid nigger!
>back to >>>/vg/gig cause hsr babes are your trigger!
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>POV: Your head is in Yukong's lap as the 5th sex scene in the "Immersia" you brought for movie night starts playing
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Let me sleep March
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I guess every country and/or university does it differently? This is the actual date I'm supposed to turn it in. The presentation/defense is next week, and I can start my masters in October. School year starts on September 15th, and university year starts in late September or early October, so the end of each school year is in June or July right before summer break.
Thanks bwo
love you too bro
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Mi amor Luciérnaga
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I don't know what that means!
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this one
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I should draw more /hsrg/
Pure luciérnaga love!
Wait the bear’s name is actually Ben Bigger?
No, it's Plains Bear Cub
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Actually it's Ben Nigger
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stop me if you heard this one before
Greetings, Hotaru: Star Rail General
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aaaa please send me your energy anons
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dorkness doot (I don't have the image)
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3 Crit rate
2 Crit dmg
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have a rabu toot
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This never gets (You)s but I always post it in response to this anyways

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reminder acheron is technically a undead hollow
shes probably cold as death and likely doesnt even have a pulse
you wouldnt lewd a corpse would you?
>a flat stat
Its ogre.
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Don't forget me
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Well that’s not very nice.
dr ratio is so cool..
what does that even mean?
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the next heroine will be tingyun
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Why is he so buff
tingYUCK faggots BTFO
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never should have gone past +12 lol
To kill genius society. Behead genius society. Roundhouse kick a genius into the concrete. Slam dunk a genius baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy genius society. Defecate in a genius' food. Launch genius society into the sun. Stir fry genius society in a wok. Toss genius society into active volcanoes. Urinate into a genius' gas tank. Judo throw genius society into a wood chipper. Twist geniuses' heads off. Report genius society to the Special Security Operations Team. Karate chop geniuses in half. Curb stomp pregnant geniuses. Trap geniuses in quicksand. Crush genius society in the trash compactor. Liquefy genius society in a vat of acid. Eat genius society. Dissect geniuses. Exterminate genius society in the gas chamber. Stomp genius skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate geniuses in the oven. Lobotomize genius society. Mandatory abortions for genius society. Grind genius fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown genius society in mung bean soda. Vaporize geniuses with a ray gun. Kick old geniuses down the stairs. Feed genius society to alligators. Slice genius society with a katana.
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adult woman fetish...
I don't have a single 5 roll relic of any kind, especially a crit roll one. if you have a relic with 5 rolls in crit kindly DIE
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Misha and Gallagher...
Bros... Hoyoverse general got wiped by jannies...
i enjoy the thread having normal posting speed.
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When do we usually get the developer radio updates?
Kafka is like your mother figure, Firefly. don't have sex with her wtf that's WRONG.
do you run xueyi with hmc now, or rm + robin with critxueyi is good? ( + sub break effect stats ofcors)
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Yeah i think i will drop Star Rail for Zenless Zone Zero

The Reasons:
-Gachastation 5 Players; under 1 Year Playtime Attachment (Already Bricked for not getting the F2P Lightcone and enough F2P Gems)
- Aventurines 3 hour unavoidable Story Slop
- Firefly Superbreak MOGGS my Jingliu and Acheron Team Superhard (i`m glad i didnt "invested" more on those Characters)
- Much more yapping than in Genshin
- Nothing really else to do (except getting the last Star in all Endgame Modes)

I think i will just stop to buy the monthly pass first.
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hope we get new outfits in next paths
hopefully we will get stelle in a nip outfit
maybe miko?
I would totally put a ring on her finger
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>sudden surge of posts
I'm noticing...
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Remember to....zzzzz
wespond pwease
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Isn't Corin's ultimate scaling batshit crazy? Why is she rated so poorly
Superbreak would be easier to build
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I forgot to skip
Prydwenpedo have skill issue
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because people are retarded. I expect in endgame she will be fine against physical weak enemies, but she's bursty not hard hitting. And all her damage comes during stun phase
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how better is the new follow up ornament set compared to sigonia on Herta/Himeko?
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zzzigers out
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Cat outfit
Last one was April 22nd which was about a month before 2.3
His children will be pure freaks of nature
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Will a Free Limited 5* ever happen in Star Rail again? Their reason was winning the games award, but I think it's obvious they had planned it months ahead and were going to do it no matter what.
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So we could potentially get one next week?
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Honestly I don't think that Stelle will get any outfits. Mostly because it feels like its the same brain dead retards who decided not to give the blonde twink and Loom any outfits that are calling the shots.
I tend to be wrong about things like this so I'm hoping that that's the case here as well.
all in effect res
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stexxe (stelle + sex)
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FUCK man I've been literally skipping trace farming and everything just for this to be my best piece
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>FUCK man I've been literally skipping trace farming and everything just for this to be my best piece
I know that feel. I've been farming for Firefly non stop and have only got her traces to 7/7/7 and I still haven't got a full set yet cause I've not gotten a single ATK chest or Orb with either BE or SPD on it. Not even just one of them.
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Stelle is pretty hot but she's held back by an outfit that goes out of its way to hide that fact.
dumb question is there any reason to use def ropes over err on fu xuan if she has sig?
That's good desu, I'd be happy with it for now.
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I dunno, brain damage? I guess maybe I could see someone do it in a specific fight with a huge AoE like in G&Gs.
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>stelletrons took over AX
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Its her game, deal with it.
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If you have absolutely dogshit relics and can't even hit close to 1,5k DEF otherwise.
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Took me months to get these planars for Argenti.
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Sex with halovians
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Halovian borger
Imagine if Aventurine and Robin had a child. Pure eldritch abomination with those wings, halos and crazy eyes. Also
>he fucked them both
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I've been exclusively farming for yunli relics since the patch dropped and that's better than anything I've gotten including helmets and gloves. This is my only double crit piece so far.
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His eyes are like Ena, Sunday would love them.
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Evil sunday be like
"Its monday!"
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Day 438 of waiting for a character I like enough to use these on.
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>Everyday should be Monday
He'd make for an excellent SH (Stoneheart)
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How long until /hsrg/ dies before bump limit? Will Jade's banner save us, unironically? She is coming back with Argenti. They are both Jack-of-all master of none Eruditions that are great for 90% of content without huge investment. What I mean to say is...

Will anyone roll for Argenti's rerun?
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We are dead until 3.0 and a new planet.
Doting uncle...
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Add sex with every female characters will save the game. Bailu and Hook also included.
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This is the best blue set I got just from farming the break set, and I probably won't be pulling for Yunli
We are dead until 3.0. Jade's slow ass banner will undeniably kill the game
Doesn't that set suck on clara? I thought her enhanced counters don't count as ult dmg.
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I just put the set on Clara to showcase all the relics
You can see which posters are faggots and who isn't by the spam when it's slow. Many posters migrate away when they have nothing of value to stay. Some stay and spam for unknown reasons. I can't understand the retard, only identify him and laugh.
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Guys... I'm sorry for flopping and killing the game...
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Add sex but only with Fofo, Fofo will be the public urinal even below Numby, free sex
Are they born with the halos? How does that even work?
Shut up Firefly
It's okay Robin.
>pag humor
Jade's slow ass banner killed the game
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Maybe they hatch from eggs, giving birth to a kid with a pointy halo sounds too agonizing.
>japanese artist
Don't sweat it, Boothill
Boothill no... We like you
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The slow and comfy pace won't last, after a while all the shitposter in /zzzg/ will return.
Why would they return when there's no content?
another dumb question, is there any use for elemental or atk broken keel orbs? i cant think of any support besides maybe aventurine that wants them and theyre just taking up space
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Easy on the oatcakes....
We're dead until 2.4, almost no one is rolling for Jade and there isn't anything new happening in her part of the patch either.
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2.4 is space china and it's events suck we're dead until 2.5 at least
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ass too small
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I am simply asking for quality posts. We've done it before
Since when do shitposters need content? They only say the same few things anyway.
Awormurine and wormhill caused irreparable damage to Honkai: Star Rail.
honestly with the plugsuit being canon on her. She wears the one piece better than her in game outfit.
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We need skins to save this game
Most of gi's skins are uncreative dogshit thoughbeit

Praying for Kafka
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What happened to March's princess outfit?
Just don't let Genshin's team make them because most of them are awful.
The only good skin in pic is Klee. Maybe Amy because I like her.
>How long until /hsrg/ dies before bump limit?
There are deader generals in /vg/ who are still surviving to this day.
>genshin has at least 4 blonde girls
>we still only have lynx and serval
It's not fair
The chink females wearing a chink dress is pretty lame but Ayaka, Fishcl, Kaeya and XG look pretty good
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And how many of those skins have you bought?
Free ones do not count
NTA but I bought Klee's.
If they make good costume/skin for my favorites in HSR, I'd buy them.
I have been saving the premium jades for that reason.
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If I could buy them for like 10$ okay. But having limited skins is pretty cancerous imo
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Should I put any stock in that "leak" that says Bronya and Seele are getting summer skins? I'm tempted to go back to Genshin for Nilou feet but I'd just be right back here if HSR gives Seele an exposed tummy outfit.
No. We've been getting teases everywhere, don't even trust model leaks. We still have no idea where the fuck did March's random outfit had gone.
XQ is literally wearing the same but with more buttons
>summer skins
Is the Seele skin the one where she shows less skin than her default design lol
Yes? What does that have to do with anything?
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I hope you're not waifuing Nilou anon...
If our skins are gonna be as bad as that shit I hope they don't even waste the dev time.
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It's not skins like you're thinking. Probably temporary skins for the quest if it's true at all.

>Relic skin for wearing 4pc when?
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And longer shorts. Criminal.
Just make the system the same as Genshin's; being able to buy them with the premium jades we get from monthly.

>Should I put any stock in that "leak" that says Bronya and Seele are getting summer skins?
>if HSR gives Seele an exposed tummy outfit.
This will never happen.
They hate tummies.

Why do they keep doing this? LMAO
No wonder Wanderer is randomly there, someone in the dev team really love him.
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>Summer skins
>On an ice planet
He went from Chinese to European ie an actual style change instead of another Chinese outfit and that’s a good thing
Hoyoverse really has a thing for blue dresses, eh.
>Scaradouche king
>Traveler camera
Truly cuck game wtf.
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It could happen in a better timeline maybe
The whole point was that their planet is starting to thaw
Not that that means anything because it couldn't be more obviously fake
It's a retexture with a similar color coding as his normal outfit.
Reeks of zero effort really.
>the emojis
My side
what does it mean
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BLOOMING BOUNTIFUL CORES! Nilou, you're going to RUB your PUSSY against Wanderers FLAT pelvic AREA!? And you're saying that a KEN DOLL still has a bigger one than ME!? And you're going to put me back in a SAMSARA LOOP over and over AGAIN for eternity, just to REMIND me every SECOND of my life that a DICKLESS DOLL is still more PLEASURABLE and BIGGER than me???
And YOU'RE going to FORCE me to FILM every second of it!?
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If Self-inserts stopped self-inserting they wouldn't need to become cameras and would just laugh at pagther instead
I only like Barbara's and Keqing's
My sides
Stelle with pigtails would be kinda cute and dorky...
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What's a good stat goal for S1 Firefly? Like ATK and Break effect -wise. I don't get why people say building her is "easy" when you effectively only have 2 useful stats unless you are going for 165 SPD.
I miss this schizo and her fat tits so much
ATK doesn't matter since it's just to convert it to BE. Just try and get 250% BE and I think around 150 SPD.
4 1/2 days until the game is even more dead than it is currently
She's easy to build because you just grab 4pc cav + 2 pc pagpag and try to improve your BE rolls over time. No crit ratios to maintain or EHR requirements.
At S1 just look at every 1% ATK = 0.8% BE
If break shilling ends the game will be saved
HSR OST for this feel?
you can't make this shit up
Even if you don't self-insert, you'd usually want the MC to be central to the story instead of the fucking camera lmao
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that banner went really fast huh? Now that our time together is coming to an end.... post your firefly!
I'm a newfag and I'm gonna get bullied...
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This is the anti-bullying line. No bullying huohuo below this line!
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Honestly got pretty lucky on her banner, some day I will farm to perfect her relics.
>zzz releases
>No more 'I shit myself' ritual poster
Really makes you think
250% BE
2500 ATK
based nooticer
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bro wtf, Argenti has so much HP in the 6th wave
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I was so excited for her before the 2.3 beta
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This is my Firefly, there are many like her but this one is mine. All of these pieces came in super quick, but the luck's run out on crafting gloves that even have BE showing up in the statline.
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Still on the relic grind since I don't really have anyone else to work on anyway, but I'm really happy with her.
>Firefly using a kalishnikov
Absolute horse shit
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He only does it once a day give him a break
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I have this, working pretty well right now
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wait a minute

I get the feeling I'm about to know his sword
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Good afternoon/evening hsrg
I am a little hungover today and trying to give zzz a shot but I still love my cyborg cowboy husband the most!!
Stelles husbando is so cool
He has to shit only once a day and always chooses to shit himself,
that's me I'm stelle in this particular case
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Saving since 2.0 to get E2 S1 was totally worth it, her build is pretty good but i would prefer a better orb and chest.
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>Friday Night
>Still cant find work
>No friends, new city
>Grinding DU
>Still enough money for beer
I just wanted to say I love you guys. You are my friends. I never left /hsrg/ and never will.
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>Ratio has left
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It's been more than 14 months since HSR launched, how's your experience with the game?
easy perfect clear with trial Firefly
HTB (break rope)
naked Asta E6
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Good luck anon, i hope things will get better for you.
what do you think of billy sis?
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Things will get better bwo
would Lumine be interested?
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I just discovered this thing here in zzz has the same VA as Firefly, and the show's villain have SAM's VA, though it's the english ones.
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Yunli looks stupid
Yes but not so much
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footjob from madam herta...
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Things will get better bwo
>dick gets pinched by her doll joints with every move
That art looks stupid.
Still need 3 more copies of her LC but I'm all out of jades. Hopefully I can luckshit one or two more before the banner ends.
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>People unironically go E6S5 for literally anything
jesus christ
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>revert back DoT to E2
>give back his healing from the old leak
But of course they won't do it cause then everyone will just run sustainless team.
Not just Acheron team, but almost much every team.
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For any luckletbros who had to overwrite to get boundary equations, remember every path has 3 SSR, 5 SR and 8 common blessings.
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A Sparkle footjob would fix me
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Pain is the catalyst of change, do not give up!
cunny juice
I'd roll for this BASED knight if Yunli was not around the corner
The last time they were as bold designing a character was with Acheron.
What would it take to revive this general?
>traveler - camera
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I care
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An announcement for a new live-stream, a reveal that the TB is getting costumes.
It's been comfy lately aside from the usual sales fag and view count analyst.
Beat them in Tiktok hours and the 4chan hours will follow
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Thanks gro...
I kneel
Tourists are not a good thing. Case in point: Japan
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i dont think she can make it to top 3 of all time...
Sex scene with Sparkle(forma de Firefly) while FF watches
They gimped Jade and her banner for this.
She /might/ beat Kafka because usually for the last days the sales go up a bit but not even close to Acheron kek
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Nah she'll make it, she's almost there
Kafka was one of the worst banners though?
Not in japan
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do not reupload
sir??? SIIIIIIIIIR!!!!
>3 patches of story shilling
>non-stop break shilling
>ruan mei rerun
Is this the biggest underperformance of all time?
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She's the best selling banner that wasn't the release banner or had top up reset, I'd say she did good.
Firefly if she is a Nikker
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Ghost Busters 2 when?
Nah that’s ZZZ >>484860318
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Late to this one, but what are some secret achievements you've found?
The hidden mandela catalogue storyline in Belobog
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you called?
Made less than Nikke's Firefly too in Japan >>484861520
Fucking kek
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>odds - a final 10 pull for Firefly
>evens - nope
Our FF, the best written character in gacha history, lost to Nikke's FF? Post it. There was probably some error.
Keep seething about ZZZ. You became what genshin was when HSR was out.
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>Want to max out the relevant traces of my favorite units and get better relics for Firefly
>Cant cause I need to build ny PF units, and since I'm f2p I cant give up on those extra jades
Fuck...I dont have all these crit pieces lying around for fuck same. Free me from this hell
you forgot the deepthroat a steel pipe option
She didn't lol
Some teams already go sustainless on some situations.
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Funny enough, pre-Boothill leaks I thought he'd be my husband, and he is really good but I just like Boothill more. Billy kinda lacks the "aniki" vibe for me I guess? But I still like Billy a lot, and think fanart of Billy or Anton with Boothill is pretty good (and Ellen too)
>Fake out death
>Pity bait
>Her own Theme Song
Not hoyo budget marketing but he was shilled hard by Nikke standard
Nikke never fell out of the top 5 during her entire banner which lasted for 2 weeks
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I just finished the fight against Sunday, did they just pull the chink fleet out of their ass and into the dream world just to have some chynawank at the very end?
Keep playing, it's not over yet.
>Our FF, the best written character in gacha history
is this bait to make me say Modernia is better written and her shilling wasn't forced?
Based skipfag
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But it's past 3am and I'm sleepy
>Modernia is better written and her shilling wasn't forced
lmao even
Only read this once you're a bit further into the story but
I'm genuinly surprised anyone fell for the fake ending. I envy your immersion.
lmao, now that's some good content
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Just checked, the website doesn't save Nikke's individual banners so we can only go by month but seems like Firefly did more. Modernia came out in January 2024 vs Firefly's June.
Overwhelming levels of SOVL
With sound
Sparkle is still a clingy friendless pathetic loser.
Bros..Yunli when? I need her to start going through the Penacony slog, I am stuck with the ghost buster shitty quests...
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You're still trapped in a dream by Sunday and have yet to wake up and face the real Sunday boss with multiple phases.
We still need to get through Jade's long ass banner bro...
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I just want to roll for Feixiao and Lingsha already...
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>her shilling wasn't forced?
Nikker here and they never shilled a character as much as her to this day.
The first half of the story (14 chapters) was dedicated to her
(You) love her the most
Could be (You)r mysterious childhood friend
Could be the antagonist
That was her rerun. Her banner was in January 2023
>rolling for chinkshit
It has sound already...
Damn who did we have on january that flopped so hard?
Its a chink game
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It was Ratio, who was literally free.
Even so it did better than November (1.5 flop)
What site is this?
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You forgot everyone agrees that she is the main heroine now not Rapi, the face of the game
Second half of the story so far is (You) trying to bring her back
Oh, I don't have that 4chanx thing installed
Gaycio's rerun will super kill the gayme
S-Tier: March Bird
A-Tier: Silbird Wolf
B-Tier: Trailbirder, Robird
F-Tier: Birefly
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I fucking did it, I'm done with sidequest slop
jesus christ, so much slop
alright bwos i have a problem, every jingliu planar i roll is cursed and never seems to go above 3 rolls and even then never 3 rolls on double crit pieces, im on hardcore copium here. do i blow 10000 relic remains spawning 100 ice set boots in to try to improve her? you decide ive been in the rutilant mines for months
You’re free bro. Remember to check Fate’s Atlas for anymore hidden side quests
I have a 100% win rate (2 games played, both first place) as Birdfly.
Silbird Wolf and Robird are useless, they're definitely below Birefly. Trailbirder should be at the top.
Trailbirder is T0 meta though
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Okay it's pretty obvious what's up after a bit more dialogue.
Funny thing is I fell for the exact same shit with Code Geass R2.
and how many jades did you get?
Svarog as a standalone character when, mihoyo?
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Modernia first banner was in 2023. Nikke never fell off the top 5 during her banner in Japan
It's not worth investing that much more time into a has-been DPS tbqh. Farm for future characters. 80~% crit rate is enough
Trailbirder is in broken tier. It's broken. That means a monkey can beat you unless you tell me you can get over 450 points regularly.
Sorry Firefly, I have to play ZZZ first
side quests are consistently good, you just have no desire to enagage with the game beyond rolling, and even then only for "meta"
I'll gladly roll for Argenti to be my Phys DPS if Hoyo create either a female Knight of Beauty, or a faction of nothing but sexy cute women the same way Knight of Beauty is otherwise nothing but sexy gentle cute men.
Just to show there are no DEI money involved.
its not for crit rate its for crit damage, that relic set is built around fu xuan
Marketing Department performed multiple cross sectional analysis of population markets and determined that the “anime girl” would sell more than “robot”. Accordingly, all future “robot” characters have been cancelled and current in progress “robot” characters have been retrofitted with “anime girl” as the main selling point
trailbirder is entirely rng-dependent, march rewards skill
Birefly is the best one after Trailbirder in my experience, Silbird Wolf is the worst one.
>5 SR
dumbass nigga can't even count right
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based and true list
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You know I just realized, we didn't get the Jade bird even though that one NPC played with it in the story.
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is misha meta? if so call me a meta whore
The devs really don’t give two shits about Jade. Just look at her godawful kit that barely changed during the entire beta test while firefly got entire paragraphs of changes.
Correct, but certain game modes favor Trailbirder (the ones with blocks that produce your fruit), from there it's just a numbers game because they get more charges from a better rate
That's great, I will gladly accept him for free then, the model and rigging is obviously done already, no hard work needed.
I still wouldn't, unless you truly feel like you can't clear with what you have. You have Bronya/Sparkle right?
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>The AE(minus Himeko) plus Jing yuan(an emanator) could barely beat Phantylia, and she gave no fucks about it
>The AE plus Robin(regular pathstrider) manage to actually beat an emanator
Welt bros....is Himeko stronger than our guy?
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What was her ability?
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still not taking the bait I enjoy the general being slow and comfy
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Himeslut is Akivili
She had none. That’s why she’s not playable.
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cute bwo
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yeah i have sparkle e0 and ruan mei e1s1 and its still not enough to bruteforce this moc, ice lady requires so much investment to be good its not even funny. i just have sunken cost fallacy and honestly her sig is awful for vertical investment, i just want to see her crit damage hit at least 240-250% in stats
We're all hoyoshills, so everyone is playing hoyo's next big thing, zzz. There's no coming back until zzz runs out of time gated content.
It's funny how in 2.1, Jade didn't seem to care if Aventurine died at all. But in 2.3, they make a point to show that she's glad he's alive. It's funny how they have to make sure nobody hates a playable character for even the slightest things
Not bait at all, she's the most shilled character in Nikke by far. Doesn't mean I don't like her tho.
Argenti canonically solos your favourite Honkai Star Rail.
This is surprisingly great. I didnt expect this from Ratio
I love you too anon
check your dms
I tried JL on the first half too but she's too fucking slow. I understand your sunkcost Jingliu bro. Atleast she's useful in AC this rotaition...
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It's okay, it's not like it got leaked super early, I unironically believe most of /hsrg/ would not have realised SAM was firefly until much later were it not for the leak since we ain't the brightest around here...
>Jingliu hypercarry
>Strongest team
Lmao you lying bitch you have DOT team for sure if you already have Ruan Mei and HuoHuo.
I want to fuck Clara
Hands off my daughter, friend.
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I miss my wife
>he thinks she’s your daughter
Boy do I have news for you.
I don't get what's fun about super break, I tried it in the event today and even with with e1 ruan mei it felt clunky and unsatisfying.
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rate my team mishabro
Goddamn, 14 chapters? That's like 3x Firefly
jades...jades doko....
It’s not clunky and unsatisfying when every content shills it with +300% BE, full energy recharge and +5SP on break :))
>strongest character
Kafka or Black Swan, I guess Kafka since she can be played as hypercarry
>favorite character
>favorite story/quest
>strongest team
Kafka E1S1, Swan E1S1, Ruan Mei, Fofo E1S1
Kafka E1S1, Swan E1S1, Acheron E0S1, Fofo E1S1
>favorite strategy
>favorite boss/enemy
>favorite planet
>favorite music
Halfway House
big noomber
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When it first released my e3 tb and e6 xueyi 3 cycled the Cocolia MoC12. Right now with Firefly bis team everything melts and htb hits for like 230k in superbreak. It's nice
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ZZZ kinda sucks bros...
wdym just play with the fofo expy and don't think too hard about it
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>I don't get what's fun about super break
>alternating Huohuo posts on /hsrg/ and Corin posts on /zzz/
I’m nooticing
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try again
I like the character animations and the comic-book style presentation. There's only a few times where you're just sitting there talking to someone with a text box in actual story missions, I like everyone bouncing around like cartoon characters. The combat is boring and I can't stand the music, but the story is alright and I want to fuck my sister.
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She will be back bwo, trust the plan
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>Huohuo and Argenti E1
1.5 brickGOD, I kneel.
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theres more than one fofoposter bwo
Will ZZZ ever get better or should I just drop it? I liked character designs and polish but nothing else.
I genuflect Argenti BRICKCHAD
>i don't like this game's gameplay, will it get better?
what the fuck do you think
Sex with this green thing.
Obviously. Don’t you remember how braindead HSR 1.0 was?
I love Dorkness posting but pleas write more fanficc=s
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idk what robin and sparkle do
idk what 75% of the characters do for that matter
so far I've only been using misha as a flex in my topaz aventurine ratio team

I hope your team is good / 10
Congrats, you just found out why Honkai 3rd never got as popular as genshin despite having good graphics for the time it released long ago.
The tiny numbers before that don't bother you?
Are you Indonesian or something
why are you playing a game you don't like?
meant for >>484867086
Do you ejaculate as soon as you touch it, or as a huge satisfying pay off?
I'm not really feeling the gameplay desu, it really is just spam clicking.
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for me, it's
I spent all my rolls and uninstalled. I couldnt even bring myself to do dailies. I lost hope on my first S roll when the music was just mumblecore rap and thats it.
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Office lady Stelle after 1 beer
Tingyun will return. Screencap this.
I don’t even know what HSR’s roll music is. It’s basically just a drum roll until the train arrives and then the music cut outs
Are people really not binding basic attack to F? You can remind everything guys... At this point I don't even think it's a bait. They should have made it default like that people are so dumb
I starve myself all day and buy a 10% beer at night. An asian could probably get that hlow if they did the same. Not unrealistic
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>These are the twisted thoughts going through her mind as she digs through trashcans
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Love this
Yeah, except it's not nigger rap or chink nigger rap
Not the point lol, it's just not really fun. An action game needs more buttons imo.
I forgot about phantylia music. That shit really is fire
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everytime i see that fox girl she reminds me of a certain yugioh card.
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>She's just begging for someone to take advantage of her.
It reminds me of dynasty warriors I like it. The game should be easy and mostly about the story. Apparently there is a shitload of story content that's time gated. I mean people forget if u full clear star rail it takes like 400 hours without achievo hunting
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so why do all mihoyo games need admin permissions to run?
You are all out of your minds. HSS has the best OST in the game.
What story? They dont explain anything abd even if they did. Its just another
>Demons have invaded our city
Kernel level anti cheat
Funny answer: LE CCP SPYWARE
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Isn't Japan infamous for it's work culture encouraging alcoholism?
Who's that? Black Swan? Robin?
best post i've seen in a month holy fucking shit
they don't, where did you download yours?
The first chapter is about taking down their IPC before they get too big instead of buddying up with them but okay.
They dont tluch how much my countey drinks per capita. Its our second national pasttime.
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Well that's nice I guess, but where's my attack body with 20+break effect?
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What movie should I watch /hsrg/
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We love the IPC here
frankly that's an outstanding gallagher piece. Explode
Waterloo. Then Master and Commander
It will get better but not significantly and might not be in the way you want.
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corin is ugly tho
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Do you believe in magic in a young halovian's heart, /hsrg/
Here's Robin sining "Slave to the rhythm"
>using AI
Yes so did Mihomo
If you're here you like scifi so I'd go with Alien or Interstellar
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>the evil fofoposter...
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>/ournig/ is shitting on ZZZ

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Literally me CHAD
Zoomers these days get filtered by Mystery Dungeon games. They see a repeating floor texture and they lose their mind. PMD explorers of Sky was peak gaming.
I've told you before don't advertise your channel here nigger I know its u
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take your meds
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Penacony will be hard to top for me desu
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Me on the right
>carrying wings

How do I become as delusional as Argenti?
Blade kino.....
Lingsha will fix his hands, +hp buffer
Huaiyan will reignite his love for the craft, self immolation for big damage
Hsr Illidan, our... Illidan
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>Ack carrying March and April
It’s all downhill from here…
this from the anime expo that happened recently?
>An action game needs more buttons imo.
Dark Souls has 2 buttons also
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I don't remember writing this post
Not sure https://x.com/Kae_0402/status/1809143266094559254
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Are you from Germany, Scotland, or Ireland?
Cyka blyat broski…
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>beta tester said that was the worst part of the game
>mihomo double down the tv shit section
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Some people seems to like it, but I bet that shit will get repetitive fast.
Same with the slow motion shit in every battle.
Meanwhile at the Astral Express
Wtf Dan
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>Some people seems to like it
yeah, to cure their insomnia
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They didn’t though. They removed it from combat trials and shrunk it down across the board, only really used from Exploration and Story quests which is a one time thing.
Is that supposed to be a man on the right?
Top 5 most useless Penacony characters
1. Welt
2. Topig
3. Ratio
4. Argenti / Dan Heng
5. Boothill
Argenti saved my sigga and a bunch of other people though
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no you meant this >>484872418
It's unplayable due to the music desu, you have to be a rap listener to tolerate it.
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Getto daze
She's cute but god damn do I ever hate seeing her on the opponents board
Hmmm ok maybe just Dan Heng
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The Emanator of Beauty forgives you and thinks you're beautiful still.
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I thought of you when I saw this
don't say it
Topig is proof that a character will never be truly relevant again after their debut patch and will only exist to usher in new related characters
>guys, look, they're going at a slow and comfortable pace, how terrible, they might actually have time to talk about the game!
I'm happier this way honestly
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Good morning bros.
The free level on DU make me lazy to grind unused unit so spent all my stamina on break relic. they all has shit roll btw
Did you... yourself?
>due to the music
But the music is good?
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Yeah yeah YEAH?? Let's see how active you FAGGOTS are in 3 months of anyone can still stomach your game by then
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>you have to be a rap listener to tolerate it
Like I said my melinated friend.
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Kafka is still relevant though, as is Ruan Mei. Topaz is just in a weird position in that she's a single target FUA support, in a game that likes to throw mobs at people.
Wait combat trials had the TVs too? holy shit lmao
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>THAT post
I don't mind the tv, I just hate the talking during on it.
Like any part of HSR where you walk while walking.
I'm not a rap listener and I like it. That song isn't just rap, you know.
>pag humor
>new event came out
>general still dead
I can’t take it anymore. Where is everyone?
Gone, Firefly killed the game
That's japanese
Your fellow threadshitters are in /zzz/ if I were to guess
>oh cool, it's break focused, I can just take my Boothill and do funny things with him
>it's break focused, BUT it's also AoE and everyone is Fire weakness, haha
why did they even release Boothill if this is how they were going to treat him
>New game
We're back to 1.4 speed take it or leave it. They will come back for the banner. people came back for fofo's banner even
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0 pity, 50/50, 10 pulls and a dream
If we get any of the music from ZZZ in this game it is unironically over desu, it is potentially the cancer that kills MHY. A very bad sign, we can only hope that they have managed to find akshual composers for the more artistic projects rather than dime-a-dozen EDM freelancers.
Boothill has a trial in the event too, you can literally see which character it is by the logos.
you only need 3 tickets
There are shill days for different characters including boothill, relax
Bro, your baseline weakness implant?
Is this... sovl?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itjmKlYjUak hmm
Good luck
More than the pokemon parody, yeah.

I thought you BHfags said he has no problem with AoE?
Is this Genshin? Fuck off.
Even with Natlan leak, it can't make me return to that shit hole.
>invalid redemption code
>invalid redemption code
>invalid redemption code
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>All these E2 fireflies
Hoyo won huh
Oh they are ZZZ codes
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>i believed
Is FF supposed to be 140 or 150 spd? I sacrifice BE if I get her to 150+ (she only has about 200 with Aeon)
he's really passed his prime. His HoF Kiana and fu hua ones were so much better.
You could have a godly 260% BE firefly if you just rolled her cone anon. If you have pulls at least try before it's gone
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you know what you have to do anon
140 with RM
150 without
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same as >>484870905 , I loved Penacony
Yeah? Just like huohuo
isn't the 0 cycle speed with RM 155 minimum?
Lol no, I don't like her like that
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>Make waifu banner
>Gave player time to save by releasing, gay - slut - male banner to save
>Still make revenue btw
They should hire me as marketing planner
It's 154 on character screen, the actual speed needed for the extra action at 0 cycle it's 164.4
Firefly base speed is 104 which means Ruan Mei 10% SPD bonus is 10.4, so 154+10.4 = 164.4

Yes, this is clearly intentional.
ZZZ saved us from spammers and shitposters. At last, these threads are no longer /vg/'s dumpster.
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Is there any way to future proof him? His eidolons only start getting good when you reach E4, and I feel like his sig will end up being better on Feixiao anyway
Use him until his last breath sis
E2S1 is usually enough to futureproof a 5*
and what if you had e1 fofo?
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He's futureproof as long as you love him.
Active speed, mean you already waste some action value before first unit doing action at turn 0.
Meanwhile Ruan Mei is passive speed Instantly applied
>Using the green rat on Firefly
I sincerely hope you have E1+ Firefly
Anyway, RM+E1 Huohuo+Kalpagni set = 163 speed
You need to have exactly one speed substat in your relics.
>moc has 2 sides
>only 1 ruanmei
wtf when is rm 2.0 coming out
>2 button game laughing at 1 button game
I am rolling for the cute smol big sword waifu. I don't believe in all that yanqkek talk, it's all FUD.
atleast 3.x because Lingsha is not break efficiency
Yeah there is a way, E6ing him and the followup team.
Yeah but his first eidolon is clunky as fuck and not built for the FuA team, and his E2 doesnt sound THAT good since it will get diluted by Robin's buffs
I do....but I really wanted for him to be irrelevant once Feixiao and maybe Opal come out
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Do what you want bro, but don't complain later
zam that's a lot of speed
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>shilling wasn't forced?
>Goddamn, 14 chapters? That's like 3x Firefly
Two parts post
Part 1
Chapter 0: (You) open your eyes and she is the first thing (you) see (First Girl). (You) both feel like you know each other but don't really remember
Chapter 1: She is always by your side protecting you and lashed out at the two Nikkers that doubted your story (The main Heroine (lol) and the side kick).
Things happen and (You) have to execute her. (You) struggle but shoot her in the head in the end She is dead but thanks to her (You) are now a Nikke sexual
Chapter 6 :A cool mecha appears and beat the shit out of you. Inside it was "A Mysterious White Haired Nikke wearing a visor) (You) feel like you know her
Chapter 7: Surprise, the evil girl was Marian the girl (You) lov- er met in Chapter 0 Someone called her my queen << Foreshadowing to a major plot point no one noticed until a year and a half later
Now you know she is alive but evil you want her back. 5 chapters to learn how
Chapter 13: Big fight you win and (you) point the gun at her head. "lol what you're gonna do? Shoot me again? I know you canno-" (you) actually shoot her and she goes insane and stab (you)
Now that contact happened, the screen goes white and a flashback scene plays. (You)'re a little kid and "A mysterious loli that coincidently happened to have the same VA as her in both JP and ENG" is in front of (you) blablabla me wish to be a Nikke and want (you) be my commander when we grow up. "we're gonna reclaim the surface together"
back to the present, your blood is all over her blablabla she is back to Marian the girl you lov- you know,
>Yeah but his first eidolon is clunky as fuck and not built for the FuA team,
What? It's just more CR and CD.
It's on the weaker side but not bad.
>and his E2 doesnt sound THAT good since it will get diluted by Robin's buffs
It's still more damage, it adds up naturally.

Just go E4 him if you think that's not enough, because there's no other way to futureproof him.
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Part 2
Chapter 14 Everyone is against (you) now and wants to take her from (you). First time humans managed to capture a heretic so every powerful person is after (you) but (you) tell everyone to fuck off and ran away from the ark with her
Things get hopeless so (you)r only option is to leave her with a jobber a drunktard and a pervert nun. a tearjerking moment happens (pitybait) when she clings to (you) and begs (you) not to leave her
Chapter 15: back to the ark bla bla bla punishment bla bla bla (you) meet the most powerful person in the ark and she asks (you) why you went against humans and (you) get to pick one of these three options >>484863582
Chapter 25: (You) made huge achievements in the previous chapters and get asked why (you)'re working this hard? (you)r reply is that (your) main goal is bringing Marian, the girl (you) lov- like back home.
Side story with Marian is her waiting for (you) and the people looking after her want you two to meet sooner rather than later because they're fearing the worst. "The huge foreshadowing in chapter 6 that she might be the antagonist of the story"
Another Side Story: (you)re dreaming that you finally reclaimed the surface but jobless. After looking for a job all day (you) go back home tired. Marian your wif- friend welcomes (you) with a smile and tells you that dinner is ready

She is a "minor character" btw and totally not the main heroine. The main heroine in Nikke is Rapi
so maybe Firefly is shilled more
post a link to your blog next time
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So how are we holding up over here?
>ZZZ flopped
>reddit is having a nuclear meltdown over skin tones
We're pretty comfy right now, right?
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His first eidolon isn't clunky, it just gives him 10% Crit Rate and 20% Crit damage.
E2 only really works if you have SW for him, he barely gets 3 debuffs with the RRAT team.
Jesus Christ that's like x10 more than firefly ever got
I kneel Nikkebros I wasn't familiar with your game
i hate women so i beat them because it feels good
Rato e1s1 wotj e1s1 topaz is insane he hits for like 500k
>It's just more CR and CD.
It needs more than 6 debuffs for it to start to make a difference, you aint getting that in a FuA team and in a Ratio hypercarry it would require like, 2 super fast debuffers
>It's still more damage
But because of her dmg buffs it will barely be perceived, even more so if you also get her sig
>Just go E4 him if you think that's not enough, because there's no other way to futureproof him.
>E2 only really works if you have SW for him, he barely gets 3 debuffs with the RRAT team.
God I hope we get a FuA debuffer that is as good as a harmony unit in the future. Ratio would truly become future proof if that were to happen
>More than 6
...do you know how Ratio works? He gets cumulative buffs each time he attacks and they're permanent, you need to attack an enemy with 3 debuffs 2 times to trigger all 6 stacks for the rest of the battle.
Like, the enemy doesn't need 6 active debuffs, the buffs are permanent and stack up to the limit.
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>t. Stelle
I wonder how many people here will get both references.
>It needs more than 6 debuffs for it to start to make a difference, you aint getting that in a FuA team and in a Ratio hypercarry it would require like, 2 super fast debuffers
Retardbro . . .
Summation is a permanent buff that Ratio gain every time he attack an enemy with debuff(s).
You don't need 6 debuff on every attack for it to work.
Have you never used him or what?

>But because of her dmg buffs it will barely be perceived, even more so if you also get her sig
So? What matters is he does more damage.
If all you want to see is he himself doing a lot of damage then don't use Robin and E6 him instead.
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>What? It's just more CR and CD.
That's 10% Crit rate and 20% crit damage for free. That's 7 crit substats for free. It gives him a total of 25% crit and 50% crit dmg for free after u get it. It's insane
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How can I improve here? My only DoT units are Gui, Scampo, and Serval. Most of their traces are underleveled, Serval is E0 and feels like dead weight, and I have only one set of DoT relics.
Beta testers said the combat and TV were garbage and no one believed them
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>ZZZ flopped
No idea, I'm assuming it only got like 5 minutes of Tiktok hours
Genshin finally showcased it's Latinoamérica based region, the characters previewed were all white, this caused twitter trannies to have a meltdown because they're not African blacks.
They just look like lightskinned Latinos to me.
Soukaku to me feels so clunky to play. The fly the flag animation takes so long and I keep getting interrupted with attacks when I try to build vortex stacks. Any tips on using her effectively? I got her to C4
Follow the reply chain, retardbro.
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oops sorry wrong general lol
have a firefly
How about swapping the team? How would it go?
Anime characters are all asian, of course they're not dark-skinned. Yes, even the blonde ones.
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>play game with heavy urban aesthetic
>shocked it has an urban soundtrack
What were you expecting, Superman by Goldfinger?
>>reddit is having a nuclear meltdown over skin tones
It's just Sumeru 2.0, who cares? MHY certainly doesn't.
I bet the latinos doesn't give a shit anyway.
They're bound to release a nigger like Cyno too, eventually.
Please stop hurting my wife.
>Jade could have nice addition to huntbricks. She starts as a buffslut. When the boss summons ads, she could step in and clear them. After she clears them, she steps back and returns to being a buffslut for the Huntbrick
>instead she’s just a PF slave and a complete brick outside of it.
love her
Cope, tan-skinned anime characters have always been "exotic tropical". The only "white" characters in anime are the ones that speak with a heavy accent or are made to clearly be a white person stereotype.
cope reddit
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The latinos don't care, correct.
Most of them are just salivating over the waifus (and the women over the guy they showed), the only people seething are twitter retards that actually believe there's not a single lightskinned person in latam.
T. Mexican
I think Stellar Blade OST was amazing but this one here is the one I didn't like
I don't get why it is the most popular
>tan-skinned anime characters have always been "exotic tropical"
yeah you're a retard, now fuck off
Is she white?
okinawa is exotic tropical
>projecting this hard
she's basically space british
twitter then?
only retards from these 2 sites cry about muh nigger skin color
Hello I’ve lost my way. I’m looking for /hsrg/. Is this /hsrg/ or /gig/?
actually brain damaged holy just slit your wrists no one will miss you
I really though summation worked like his talent, as in number of debuffs=how much of the buff for that specific enemy
seethe reddit
I think you're looking for zzz general.
It's this way.
subhuman ironic weeb fuck you
cope shitskin
No, he gets permanent crit buffs each time he attacks an enemy with debuffs.
The one that checks dynamically for enemy debuffs is the Deduction trace.
They showcased two girls and one guy, what do you want me to do.
>a city must be a nigger city
Thank you nigger-man. It's quite the opposite in any of the few still-civilized places on Earth.
Why would a shitskin argue that everyone being fair-skinned makes sense?
>Himeko's satellite canon did nothing to Aven Henshin forma
She carried hard by Harmony MC
OK, flyover anon
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Will we ever get kino like this again?
Ruan Banjomori Mei
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Ryona is the only think that Herta doll in her office is good for now.
the fucking duke in the corner kills me every time
>he gets permanent crit buffs each time he attacks an enemy with debuffs
Well now his E1 sounds a bit more interesting, I admit. If Feixiao's kit end up beibg way more BE focused then I might go for his eidolons instead
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it doesn't matter
i still like herta
>8 hour thread
This is not funny anymore, where is everyone?
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I am here wdym
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havin' a snooze
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WAKE UP!!!!!!!
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am still here though
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I got Ellen and I used up my Trailblaze Power.
I was busy sleeping
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everyone is playing zzz
but I am here, still admiring my husband
zzz is fun, but it doesn't have my husband and billy doesn't really compare
Why are they even this hyped?
I bet none of them ever touched HI3.
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Sorry bro but Dave the Diver minigame is very fun. Might buy the real game because of it
yunli isn't here yet.....
I'm here, but I've been busy leveling in ffxiv.
The King of KINO
Performance is slightly worse because E1 FF has trouble clearing the 2nd phase since nothing's fire weak and she can only reliably kill 1 enemy at a time. Also FX struggles to sustain against the DoT enemy on the first one and Clara struggles to kill it because it doesn't trigger her counter.
I take it my best bet would be investing as much as I can into Gui and Scampo and trying to run Gui+Scampo+Pela+sustain on the 2nd one?
Not me.
I'm playing Snowbreak.
I am also playing Snowbreak desu, great game and I am excited for the wedding.
what do you mean? its literally kino
2nd phase is impossible to clear without Kafka/BS or E2 Acheron and the likes.
Just give up, it's only 60/120 jades anyway.
t. only got 50k
Leave my nigga Pom-Pom alone
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PEAKnacony or PenaKINO?
Of course the Boothill poster has great taste
Nah not really.
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>Archeron stage
>But what if I just use Firefly
>It worked
Thank you Asta
>log in
>farm relics
>get nothing
>log out
Feixiao leaks doko...
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sustain on side 2 doesn't feel necessary to me
Where's your Gallagher?
yeah same it was far easier lmao
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>40k with that team
How? Insane relics?
The only fire weak enemies in this stage are the mirror guys and they have negative toughness, using Asta for Speed and DDD usage better, though its probably rng heavy, if any of them get sniped too many times they'll just die.
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>my yunli is going to have a 100/400 crit ratio
>relic's aren't even that good
super crit when?
also why are there a million CDMG buffs and almost no CR buffs I had to use salsotto because it's so imbalanced
holy shit she's going to SLAP
Hoyogames have always been made up of hoyoshills. Notice how no one compares the new game to genshin, it's always about wuwa. They can't besmirch their own product. If you want to know where everyone is, just head to the pooh mandated hoyo shilling game.
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nothing too special i think?
i guess one distinct difference from regular builds would be 4pc thief on gallagher
A lot of people are playing Daybreak desu
My Dot team is so ass without Troon Mei, what the actual fuck
I've blown so many loads to Sparkle feet
not as ass as break teams without her :^) but for real every single team I use wants RM it feels so bad
bro, your birdwife?
Use Robin, she's a pretty good alternative.
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Shouldnt have skipped...
I skipped................
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>he skipped
I should have...I figured we would be getting a more dedicated DoT support soonish....
bro your fox npc
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Well, JQ is a new DOT.
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im digging through these until i find jingliu a new pair
Oof never craft boots or chest
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For me? E1s1 of course
i thought his dot was shit and he was a ACK bot? Does he outperform RM?
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Even if it's sarcasm you're so right anon
At the very least all the shitposters are over in zzz I'm sure
But shit posting in zzz still doesn't compare to posting my husband here even if the thread is dead as fuck
No but it's not bad.
He's a 5* Gui.
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you are weak willed
I kinda wanna try to get her to E2S1 just so hr ult is always up
Lost interest in the game since the last patch before Penaconny. I just hang out here occasionally to get some coomer material.
1 week threads when
and what, keep saving fragments until eos?
>4/5 flat stats
Crafting one specific slot is fine. it's main stat resin that you should use wisely
Craft Orbs and Ropes
>PGR went the kiss the toaster route
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alright ive finished testing since i couldve sworn fast carry with fast sparkle caused desync, seems fine. please send me your energy anons
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Good morning bros I love /hsrg/ I don't want it to die...
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Fairufrai Foh
In pojishon
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don't worry xueyi anon, we are still here
>fast carry with fast sparkle caused desync
they'd have to be faster than sparkle to "desync"
having ~135 spd on your dps when you're spamming ~160 spd sparkle skill on them is just pointless, run atk boots
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It's gonna be a kino martial arts tournament with March and Yunli trust the plan bwo. We'll even get a sneak (snek?) peek at Feixiao and Lingsha models and VAs.
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Comfy position with my wife glowwormchan
I'm legit skipping every line of text that doesn't have Jingliu and saving all my rolls until I'm free of space china. Mihomo needs to learn no one wants to go back there.
Entire tournament is guaranteed to be boring
Only chance to saving the grace is Luocha x Jingloo crash entire show
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Firefly is a total flop.
Genshin and WuWa won.
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It will be boring chink wordsloppa where all of the contenders are never unprofessional in their rivalries and give each other proper respect and gweilo March is taught to respect proper xianzhou culture and just to keep things """interesting""" it'll be crashed by the borisin where everyone puts aside the tournament to band together and drive them off and learn that the true victory is friendship and only an enlightened chinese culture (and not duplicitous westerners like IPC or The Family) will be able to lead the universe forward
>Made Boothill do literally nothing
>worst selling banner in history, despite being DPS
Why'd they do him so dirty?
Retard here, I don't really watch the livestreams, I remember reading that Divergent Universe had a speedrun function where you only fight bosses, is that a thing or am I remembering wrongly?
This but with Jade
Might as well just put a second rerun banner and saved her character for a later, better time, but no, they had to make their quota of 2 new 5*s every patch
Have an "Ice Day"
Man's a 4* sent out to die in the 5* war, same with Jiao
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>remember reading that Divergent Universe had a speedrun function where you only fight bosses
Yeah, to farm planars.
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Wasn't huohuo the worst selling banner?

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