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Previous: >>484822460

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed) (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

post them supports
kill yourself
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Nasu loves Elden Ring btw. Fate game made by Fromsoft when?
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Kama Love!
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For a second I thought it's his pants...
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do everyone a favor and become an hero
Reminder Miyazaki said he would be interested in doing a second smaller DLC for ER that might expand on things.

What do you mean? You can be Gudako in ER right now and use only spirit summons to beat the game.
Goghie is so funny.
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let her cook
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Best support.
>soulless support .jpg
Heian ladies erotic
I don't want to wait another 2 years though
Sorry, my friend list is full so no soulport for you
Thank you Kama...
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Koyan is so lucky.
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let her eat
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Summer Beni + Koyan when?
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How the fuck does having sex with Mecha Liz work?
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>Type Moon Fromsoft game
>monkey paw where it's /m/ FGO characters in a sequel for pic related teaming up with Mazingers, Getter Robos and Gundams
It's all Liz particles. I ain't gonna explain shit.
Just read THAT doujin
I don't know shit about from soft, but I would play that game with a smile
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You can ask him about the speed up in-person if you're at AX
where's the uppity jetkek he needs to get in on this
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Less than a day to go. Are you
- Rolling for Arc?
- Rolling for any other rate ups?
- Doing GSSR? If so, which?
- Excited for the mechanics changes?
- If we (realistically) got something early, what would you want it to be?
He sees you as nothing but worthless gaijin cattle
yes archer 1
animation updates would be the most realistic
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You know what to do /alter/
what gift is he going to give? a pin?
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Olympus chapter was basically Great Mazinger so that would be kino for them to be in a game
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They put Saber in ER. Collab soon.
- Nope
- Nope
- Melu
- Yeah
- Nothing realistic comes to mind
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Post tummy
all me btw. i got banned in the next thread with a shitpost because of that
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I was there! He handed out FGO/lasengle folders to the crowd personally.
Jesus was playing master of ceremonies
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she is also a shota
>Is that a blonde lady with a sword?
It must be heckin Saber!!!
Why are soulsbronies like this?
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>That Kama (male) cosplay
Were you able to speak to him at all?
Is he tall?
He looks pretty tall in the studio.
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Who's the Kakashi of FGO?
>No Merlin
>- Rolling for Arc?
single 10-roll, so not really. mainly hoping for instant xu fu.
>- Rolling for any other rate ups?
>- Doing GSSR? If so, which?
big ushi, although the godds are awful
>- Excited for the mechanics changes?
yeah, gonna help my clae solos
>- If we (realistically) got something early, what would you want it to be?
lb7, i'm going into hibernation after that
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>that kama
LMAO kamakeks?
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I'll roll for Arc a little to get an immediate Xu Fu, but admittedly Tsukihime is making me want her a lot. I shouldn't put too much in case I want Skadi and I REALLY want Rikyu.
No, which is a shame, I'd like Void Shiki.
Archer 1. After 5 years I'll have my first 5 star Archer.
Yes, Mighty chains are gonna be awesome
The Build-A-GSSR would be nice.
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I have a micro penis (6.5"), which servant would be ideal for me?
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The tamamo cosplayer usagi was on stage a lot.
I just told him he's the best part of every stream.
He's like 5'7 I wanna say. I'm 5'9" and he was just a little below me, but it could have just been all the bowing.
>>484849005 I've got a pic of him up on stage during the cosplay presentation. Will post.
Holy mental illness
-Summer Abby(If i don't get her in her in the GSSR)
-extra 5? i think
-hell yea, quick is finally usable
>anon had an opportunity to voice /alter/'s complaints
>compliments him
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Most weren't facing me. I got front row but was off to the left side a bit :/
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Lip love!
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>I'm 5'9"
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I guess it's just a matter of perspective and the hosts being even bigger manlets, then.
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>I just told him he's the best part of every stream.
>Didn't ask for a speedup
/alter/ deserves everything they get
My cute psychopathic wife and future murderer
Hey what if you weren't an obsessed weirdo though
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I thought FGO fans were aryans, why are there so many swarthoids?
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this is a man? certainly looks like a man with that face
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shes cute and I do like her but I already got her on JP and dont feel like wasting the anniversary SQ when she isnt useful at np1. She doesnt have any future rateups but at the same time all the GSSR choices with her in the future are solid
waiting for summer for proto-merlin & summer skadi
50/50 between getting a np upgrade for melu/new lancer and a 5/6 chance of a new servant I like and dont want to waste more than 90SQ trying to get in extra 6 pool
new changes are super good, quick+mighty brave chain aside getting more tickets from daily quests means you can get 120ish of a specific material per month from dailys instead of 30
its locked behind ordeal call and 8th anniversary but it'd be kinda sweet if we got the tour lock extra missions since they gave you a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of rewards up front for all the servants you leveled/bonds/skilled etc & destiny order GSSR that JP got for 8th anniversary. Impossible to speed-up but also hoping when LB7 arrives on global its not bricked by being split in 2 with a month long wait
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I'll post my full dump after the convention. Maybe upload it to mega or something. Or just flood the thread. That works too.

For the onstage, only servants already in NA could participate. This amazing Draco was left behind in the crowd. (It's a man)
Anymore usagicos pics?
White people don't go to anime conventions
them supports
Those cosplays are spoilers...
Is that a Lahmu trying to stab her tummy/
>(It's a man)
We can tell anon
Your existence is a spoiler
>Shiki sees a white woman and instantly locks in so hard that he changes fonts
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>anime convention
>in LA
>the city that's only like 30% white now
This fucking image my sides.
It tastes like not caring instead of checking and searching for a random person's going ons because you can't stop thinking about them

You should try it sometime, living your own life instead of obsessing over others
>It's a man
Damn, and it's a really good cosplay, too.
What a shame.
All the Aryan FGO fans are on /fgoalter/.
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I'm a white people
>reddit spacing
Cute feminine hand. Are you in Okita cosplay?
You can't fool me that's a latex glove
Cute baby hands.
I have baby hands too
Is anni in 6 hours or in 30 hours?
36 hours
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Obese retard
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What if you showed up as Nemo Santa? Would you be allowed on stage?
>I thought FGO fans were aryans
There's literally no reason for you to believe this. If anything, I would say FGO fan meet ups pretty universally have more asians than average.
>almost everyone in this picture is some sort of SEA or something
also, why are they all so fat?
18 hours
Ani panel (maybe streamed) is tomorrow at 10:30 pacific.
Anni can be any time after that depending on how safe Albert feels
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Lasagna announced they are looking to hire some gaijin game devs!
29 hours if it happens on reset, 20 hours if it's happening directly after maintenance
Because they're anime fans and because they're anime fans
U S A ! ! ! U S A ! ! ! U S A ! ! !
Considering the male Kama was allowed, I guess so?
white people don't go to anime cons and they're american
>Gudako sisters are real
Bros ...our sekret club...
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>That's my balding blonde hair
Anon we were so close yet so far away...
>recruiting in CA where a starbucks cashier makes more than their highest paid positions
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>ends at 3pm est tomorrow
>it's 7:30pm est
So... Anni is in 24 hours... minus 4.5 hours... remainder 19.5 hours....
How many sisters posting their tits is it going to take for you to realize how many women like FGO
Nevermind fuck you
Thank you guys
I would just shave it or start doing something about it at that point bro
Here's the link. It's from the QR code
People really underestimate how annoying Enma was lol
Time to take Albert's job and make FGO great again.
The cosplay slut budget is not as high for NA as it is for JP.
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>Nevermind fuck you
heh... newbies, they never learn...
>white people don't go to anime cons
wait, so the bros in here talking about wanting to meet up at this anime con weren't... I'm gonna need a minute...
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Not a bad commute either. You'd be stupid to pass up on a position.
Until I can make a bingo of them.
>cosplayer puts her hand on shoulder for the pic
That's nice of her, unlike that other bitch
Yoo mean they couldn't afford to pay $500 plus tax?
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Enma was a good passionate person who I hope is doing well and would stop being such a stranger.
This illya always looks better when I see it as a thumbnail in my folder. It looks like she's a tard, but when I open the image she's more concerned. Continual disappointment.
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They brought out the VA for gudao and dantez.
When a dantez cosplayer came on stage, the VA did the dantez laugh. Shit was so kino.
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Much more. Maybe even new ones daily. Someone will have to start right in this thread to convince me.
/alter/ is majority spics
sorry hermano
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But that was also his charming point. I miss him...
I wish, you guys wouldn't be so weird if you were all hermanos
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>the VA did the dantez laugh
Please leave
"Passionate" is accurate at least
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Did you KNEEL or CLAP irl?
Please, stay.
I implore (you).
Anyway anon, feel free to say hi if you see my balding ass at the fate cosplay meetup in 20 mins.
Please don't murder me.
Seems odd, wouldn't you need to be fluent in japanese and also whatever required skills they wanted for the position plus dealing with whatever headache getting to move there would be for crap pay?
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You've got to be more specific, you know how many balding guys there are at anime cons?
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Boutta pants this nigga and put a pie on his bald ass head
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The actual link for the job is entirely in Japanese, so I'm guessing that's only there for some extreme long shot reasons
NTA, I hope this could end in The ramen shop 2.0 experience.
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>sad I never get namedropped
>check the archive
>got name dropped like three times in the past week
Say hi to Usagicos for me and thank her for coming!
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ˡiᶻ ˡᵒᵛᵉ
People call you by your other name
You didn't have to admit to being balding, Animous.
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>sad I never get namedropped
>check the archive
>got name dropped by someone calling me a stupid nigger because of my event supports
>actually going to an anime convention
>in California of all places
lol, lmao
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But they can call me any time!
I wish I could make a floppy disk with Liz Love.
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Keep on loving lil lizzler!
He's Californian so the location isn't an issue for him.
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>He's Californian
Oh no... He's retarded...
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Anni/Arcueid tomorrow?
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>wake up
>check archives to see if anyone namedropped me while asleep
>browse /alter/ all day when not masturbating or eating nuggies
>go to sleep
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Nobu is great.
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Yes, either right after the panel (20 hours from now) or next reset afterwards (28 hours from now)
Wow, based
Do you people not read the in game news? They already announced the maintenance time.
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>Bought a new phone
>Tell everyone they can call me any time
>No one on my contacts
>No one calls me
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>That american sized saber in the back
Too many burgers...
I wish I could punch him to remind him he'll never be anything more than a twink
You didn't even give your phone number
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Did you do the UBW experience thing?
How cringe was it?
Soon bros. I'll finally have a 5* Archer. Finally.
Fat people thinking it’s okay for them to cosplay cute skinny characters is abhorrent
Based and hopepilled. Doomkeks on suicide watch.
Uhhh bro...? Your Gilgameshu?
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>no gil
If they don’t announce they’re catching up with JP, I’m probably going to quit and just read the JP story.
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I bless you with the certainty of Ishtar!
Wonder what Ishtar smells like
I wish I had charlemagne...
lion, old gardener, shepherd's boy, horse, little bird and young boy cum
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I got him while rolling for Kriem and haven't used him a single time
I would've gone if I knew Usagicos was gonna be there...
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One mascot will get leave the circle after the other two fall.
>somehow have 2 more gold fous in one category than the other
>Fat people thinking it’s okay is abhorrent
>Orion and Arjuna show up
It also happened to me in the past. I just got 2 from the Rare Shop and fixed.
Flowers and springtime and happiness and strawberries
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Alice a cute
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I investigated it today but you have to show up at 9:00 to get a ticket with an appointment.
I'll be there first thing tomorrow to try to get a slot. I really wanna try it.
Fresh pic. New cosplay meet about to start.
I keep seeing a stray kitten around my house, bros.
She knows you have pizza
>New cosplay meet about to start.
Post Usagi-chan!
Based luffy.
>granny skirt
So THIS is the Arc everyone wanted?
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See if they come in
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
When the fuck is the Arcueid banner? In 4 hours? 14? I don't understand this timezone nonsense.
19 hours if it's going up right when maintenance ends
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You should feed it antifreeze.
The jig is up
>let stray cat in my house
>comes in
>shits behind my couch
>runs out
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Take her in and give her a home.
I am far too autistic to ever let this happen to me. Never missed anything since the launch of the game.
If she's big she may come with her kittens.
I only for roland.....
congrats on the free protein
Still mad i got 2 Moriartys when i wanted just a single Don
There was a jig? I can't believe I missed my jiggers...
If you respect Nasu even the tiniest bit you will NOT attend the UBW Gil fight. Gil would never job to random weebs, he would Ea GG.
That's why Gil was so afraid to fight Archer head-on, right?
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too much pizza huh
Shirou is literally a random weeb and Gil jobbed to him, several times in fact
At least you have self control and knows where to stop.
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Hi hi. Thank you sincerely for joining in our tour to experience Avalon's wind.
Gil isn't afraid of ANYTHING. He's the strongest Servant and being the strongest means there's nobody he's afraid of.
>Hi hi
*honk honk
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More like Avalon's bend
Because she will get bent over
Because sex
My SQ just ended
her tits aren't that big
The real fear is accidentally burning one from having too many and holding onto them because the servant you want to max fou next isn't out yet
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Who asked you again, flattie?
I can't believe there is no doujin with both Merlins fucking each other
Also does anything happen if they meet? Can they even do so?
Why does the ogre ERP with proto Merlin?
So like Purlin then?
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You should be wary...
All i see is 3 predators
So how much are we actually getting after maint tomorrow? All the quartz, lores, cum cubes, and one of the two anni CEs I assume. Are we also getting all the rank-ups or do we need to wait for those?
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>Shirou is literally a random weeb
I didn't know Japanese people could be weeaboos.
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I want to have cosplay sex
>So how much are we actually getting after maint tomorrow?
Depends on how many non-welfare servants you have at max ascension.
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Can I finally post MeluGuda..? Is it over..?
cosplay sex feels like it's the kind of sex that gives you the worst post nut clarity possible
Go to a con and don't be an introvert. People don't have any sense of standards at cons, especially when drunk in the hotel.
Yui a cute, Milly a cute.
You were always able to, ya silly goose
If it's a fucking hog that you wouldn't touch otherwise yeah. If she's hot then it's fine
>Go to a con and be chad
Solid advice
>People don't have any sense of standards at cons, especially when drunk in the hotel.
To be drunk at the hotel you have to be charismatic enough to get invited to the parties, at that point you are already fucking several of ther girls there.
Dress up as an anime girl and stick things in your butt then
bring condoms, trust me
Yeah I know, I'm just making sure that we're actually getting the quartz, I don't want Albert to pull some "durrr you have to wait 5 days acktually" out of his ass.
Me too.
You have to wait until summer week 3 because albert wants to make sure all you zero self control nerds actually have SQ left to roll skadi.
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>very interesting script, anon. but was the part where the main heroine grew a penis really necessary?
Said the guy who wrote a book about fucking dogs
Otherwise how would people understand how much her love interests really loves her?
>Drunk at the hotel

That's not at a con. Also I don't drink
Fucking dogs is based though??
Freud would be proud.
When do we anni?
>That's not at a con.
Most con goers stay at near by hotels and as such go back to hang out there
>Also I don't drink
And that's why you don't get laid
tomorrow after Albert /alter/ only members secret KKK metting.
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16 hours
anni are you ok
thank you kama
Your presence here will draw the attention of the cuckposter.
If you're the fgog melukek, stay there so we can be free of shitposting.
What, did you expect to have sex inside the exhibits?
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Oh great, another cuckposter.
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Soo the maintenance from yesterday was so we can get all the annie stuff on day reset or we still need to go trough another round tomorrow?
the maintenance was bugfixes because this game is held up by duct tape and strings
anni maintenance starts tomorrow morning and ends when the panel ends
This post doesn't work since there's no possible situation in which you'd be better off showing a script to literal who nip writer instead of the Bard himself.
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>gets worked up over standard vg lingo
Oh no no no no
Fingers crossed, they're going to fuck up the succs again.
advance quest in 3+ hours
More /alter/bros grailed her than flopspeare
Please help me decide
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that was pre-maintenance maintenance
after maintenance tomorrow we will have post-maintenance maintenance at night
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>the maintenance was bugfixes
My FGO still doesn't flip.
See picrel, that's how it should be.
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When are we getting this damn anniversary thing?
The countdown is over and nothing's happening!
>starbucks really does have a certain something!
Yeah, it's called sugar Kama...
Decent Tamamo. I like it.
How long until Arcueid drops?
bro the japanese don't call use pay piggies gajin anymore, now they refer to us as "kaigainiki"
they only call poor people gaijins,
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why are we dead
For what it’s worth. Enma welcomed a latelet like me during LB6. Then I quit for half a year due to real life issues and came back to find that I haven’t been removed. Thanks for not abandoning me.
post FC
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I'd only there was also a Beni-Enma cosplayer...
I am drunk
Everything has a tear.
You're supposed to get drunk during the stream tomorrow.
too hot
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E-sama has always been based.
He was a good bro. But very misunderstood...
No I will be sleeping then
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>question that can easily be answered by looking at the OP or the in game news
For what is worth she was pinning for a convict.
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Bros! You almost left behind in the last thread!
/alter/ deserves 3 lucksuckers
saving our energy for tomorrow...
>all sisters get jealous because of the princess Enma is getting simps
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>still doing the Ooku interlude
fuck this shitty waste of time
It’s 107 where I am. Peaked at 109 earlier. Sucks, I can’t drive my RZR side by side when it’s this hot.
And this isn’t even the hottest month yet. It’s gonna be like demon kama’s flaming butthole in a few weeks here.
Don't let the door hit you
I thought Enma Ai was a legitimately good poster. In current /alter/ they'd be phenomenal.
where are you at?
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Any /alter/bros get the #1 spot from home?
Enma was on good terms with all the sisters though
Arizona. North of Phoenix.
Stop lying
lol lmao
he was funny when drunk, though, not on purpose, of course.
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I don't even talk like that dumb loser. If you still didn't figure it out after 6 years you're dumber than I thought.
I don't even like you anyway. The Sardine moment was funny and that's it. Don't be jealous because I'm not in love with you or something.
I just dont understand how i can be that far off since i usually clear the stuff.
I thought i normally buy everything important too but i fucked up.
I saw someone with 5.9 yesterday.
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ah fuck man, you're living in literal hell
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It's gonna be nice to get all the free stuff tomorrow, but the greatest of all the free stuff is not a quartz, it would be my wife being the JP anni Servant...
Is this the 90 team point limit one?
For someone who doesn't like him very much, you sure do like to stalk him daily.
Enma was one of my favorite posters, and I would've unironically added them on discord if they used it.
Bro, he was a literal nazi
8 hours left broskis
I really don't. I'd rather stalk L but... yeah no
Cute male tsundere moment
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>my shitty comp would've placed #6
Wow, when people say that /alter/ is the elite of the FGO esports community, they aren't joking...
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The circus is in town
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No kidding.
In a month it’s gonna be 123 fucking degrees here.
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She just needed a little correction
chirp chirp
She was a brown woman.
the cock suck
The heat index was 107 over on the East coast today. I am going to die.
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left till what?
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It's all my fault
I drove Enma away. She was a true /alter/bro...I just couldn't see it.
My wife is so sexy
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till we tear down the pylons
Still trying to break 6M.
Just stack buffs with plugsuit
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Shrek as in the movie or an actual poster/master? Is he the Morgan or Kamafag?
I would've won.
Being mentally ill is a requirement to play gacha
I didn't go. The highest I got was 3.5m and I was sure that wouldn't be enough.
They had a rule you could only use up to 90 party cost.

What strat did #1 use?
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they were probably bound to 2-turning or something right?
Can someone who's read KnK answer me a question?
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>enma this
>enma that
Ok, let's all remember Enma Ai's sour grapes moments!
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Holy newfag
He was a paypig desu
I don't want to spend more AP on this but it's possible to squeeze a bit more damage if I get good card RNG on the last wave and the Da Vinci CC shows up.
Even 2 turning you can do much better than 500k
>check their support
>their BG is level 80 meaning he'll finally be able to MLB it with anniversary
the end of an era...
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I was hibernating, sorry...
If you're gonna post bad takes and melties you might as well jump to burning Jane which was the funniest one of all
Guessing the bar for con goers is embarrassingly low
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and Lancelot
Step aside, I'll show them how real big damage numbers look like.
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Thanks bro, would have never thought of that.
Don't worry about it
Incredible numbers... what is your secret sis??
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I want to hold her and tell her it's going to be alright...
Enma if you're reading this, I'm in my mid 20s and recently bought a house. You can move in and be my one and only if you want.
I'm white, too. If that matters to you. Please respond, I can fix your lostbelt.
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do wh*tes really
>34 turns
How do you manage to not just kill them while stalling that much?
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>morgan spam hours
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How are your numbers so much bigger than mine?
why would you post this?
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Plugsuit buff stacking, it's not something a dumb male master would understand.
They barely stay alive tbqh.
built for bBc
Look at the turncount dipshits
He used plugsuit twice to triple stack the buffs
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My wife works so hard to help those with disabilities... she is so selfless...
>/alter/ on every anni in the past 6 years
hyped and ready to go, newfags gallore and happy gamers
>/alter/ on anni this year
obsessing over dead ecelebs

Just... let the doggy die.
Enma-sama, please return.
I’m interested in how much of a house deposit you put down
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We're clearly being raided by discord
Difference between the anniversary servant being HUGE card type sellers like Skadi, Castoria, and Vitch vs mediocre looper who needs NP5 120 or she does 1 damage.
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Girls are so smart. Touko, for example, is extremely intelligent.
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He's the np1 Tomoefag
/alter/ has been on the decline for years
The aozaki sisters are very cute what the fuck
I still remember the skadi release
The thread was ELECTRIC
Split grailed too
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what no human contact does to a mf
still trying to figure out what that means
This is true
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it means he likes penis
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Unlike you tourists we've already discussed Arc and 7th Anni for 2 years now. There is nothing left to say. And we finished discussing how to clear the damage nodes within an hours.

It's not our fault that you're tourists who want to tread the same ground that we completed going over 2 years ago. YOU are the problem. YOU are the invader who wants US to adapt OUR culture to YOUR way, despite YOU being an invader.
black dog knots white master
You mock him, but this man is closer to getting an /alter/wife than any of you
Do you want to know or do you want to figure it out?
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Take your fucking pizza and get out of my house!
If only a certain someone did their job.
>he wants a mentally unstable fat woman
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But it's my house...
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It means he's an avid Kuroinu fan.
I can fix her.
>wanting used goods from /alter/
Questionable life choices.
Last year was really fun, I seriously hope LB7 can reinvigorate /alter/...
big if true
How would she react
>getting an /alter/wife
Some of us have standards.
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Genuinely based
In a thread full of irony poisoned cynical neets and losers this guy is still a dreamer
I'm rooting for you bro
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Forgot my hat
>not wanting a wife who shares your interests
It's like you guys want to be miserable.
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Pic rel?
Kills you
6 foot?
6 inches?
6 figures?
I'd that ahika
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The absolute SHNOZZER on that one holy shit
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Okay mister. How do I get a wife that shares my hobbies?
He is courting E, not L
Umm... Wife bad, haha! Society tells me I have to marry unhappily and become an idiot alcoholic to cope!
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I was pretty close too but unfortunately I seem to be incompatible.
Working on that
2.5/3, Pretty good, I'd say.
If you're actively courting the mentally ill, you yourself are a fuck up.
I mean yeah I agree. But its not THAT simple. Otherwise this board wouldn't exist and we would be on Eden by this point.
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>Working on that
Shut up, dickletposter.
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Are you the catbro who recently had their neighbour's roof collapse due to heavy rain?
That's it I'm going to the next Fate-related con I want to have sex with cute 5/10s with low self-esteem and the competition looks non-existant.
I hate e-celeb worship hours
stfu bobkek
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Stinky Morgan
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What if she has her glasses on
It's really not that simple and easy. Especially when that person's logic is so backward and makes no sense while trying to put the blame on you... Just really strange.
Cute Rani
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No, I'm the one who draws funny cats
Look at those hands...
Bro he is courting some /alter/-whore that may or may not have a penis. Just holding down a job and not being obese p uts you in the top 1% around here.
Don't worry, flatties should be pretty safe from any courting attempts.
Good luck with this one
honk honk
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she's a real goblina
shame there's no hag (true) servants for her to dress as cause she's got the witch schnoz for it.
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In current year it's impossible, they are in a relationship already.
we were too slow
is 6 inches all it takes???
One Kuroha please.
You're not fucking the hands, weirdo.
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Cool, I like your doodle.
I was asking because I don't think we've heard of that guy since that day...
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Sorry mongrel, auo is sleeping with all of them.
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She's really on my wavelength with this one.
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Have you heard of minimum viable product? It's the starting line for consideration
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>5th Anniversary introduced Castoria
>6th Anniversary introduced Vitch
>7th Anniversary will introduce Brickcade Brickstead
>litterally only for /tmg/ and turkeyhandle boomers
>in the middle of Road to Filler 7
>next two years is Filler Call: One Chapter per Year
>bros why is there no HYPE???
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>it's current year
Relationships are at an all time low and the average male is growing more and more pathetic. Get out there king.
is... is she coming on to me?
Just having defined abs means this guy could beat up most of /alter/ without even trying
It was over before it even began
Time to fill those nostrils you needy slut
I'm extremely pathetic myself, already gave up really
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as you wish
I mog this twink and judging by the last picture he's a manlet shorter than Akiha too.
What if.. what if. Ordeal Stall was made so that NA could speed up and catch up before the grand finale happens simultaneously for everyone. It’s why NA is currently hiring for the increased workload.
>beat up
/alter/ is a /k/olony in disguise though
>already gave up
nigga you are not even halfway through your life, just fucking try
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Thanks bro. I didn't see that post but hopefully he's ok. ER dlc has absorbed most of my posting time.
>cosplay spammer is back
Oh boy this thread is about to get even worse
It’s hard today to have hope. Doom and gloom is all around
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holy mother of copium
Based sweaty kurohas poster
Don't feel like it
Would rather just shitpost and masturbate
How are you liking it bro? Where are you?
Exactly my point. The standard is so low nowadays.
He is in twink mode bro, not that strong
>the only times shrek receives a compliment on /alter/ is when he replies to his own posts
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paisen if she was real
the real reason is that they had to fire one of their coders for fucking up too much and they need a replacement
Why would Gudako do this?
On the contrary to what they would want to make you believe. Just be presentable and a minimal of social skills and just engage someone you like and I bet you the girl will help you out if she's interested too. It's really not that hard honestly.
It gets hard when the bitch is indecisive and plays hot and cold, other than that usually real girls who are interested and looking for boys will help you out at least to a minimum level.
Aren't the "cosplay spammer" and one of the AI spammers and the pit spammer and the cropped porn spammer all one person? One person who is in /alter/ pretty much 24/7?
Is Shrek the one that spent $500 on that ugly bitch's OF?
The standard is higher than ever, women keep getting fucked by top tier men so they expect only that.
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I feel like my brain has broken because i genuinely can't see real people as attractive anymore
I would rather masturbate to a doujin than have sex
Why isn't she at AX bros?
Plus tip
You have officially ascended beyond mere mortals.
yeah those are all shrek
Yeah, and the one spams her pics here daily. At this point he's advertising for free.
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No, but someone really wants to push the meme he was.
if you wanna fuck a model sure, but there are just as many stinky fujos 7/10s that are easy pickings, you just need to lower your standards and minimal effort
Shrek really is a professional simp lmao
That escalated quickly
This post was only made to throw off his FBI agent.
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I want to roll.
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i hate this thread
Woman post.
Do you think you'll have sex one day?
Or will you die while continuing to post this cringe shit
Unironically go outside. If you have a halfway decent personality and job a girl roughly around your league will take you. Bonus points don't be fat, better job, be fit, etc., but that's all extra.
when are they dropping the buttfuckload of saint quartz for anni
when IS anni
>stinky fujos 7/10s
Those are fucking the top tier guys, be it high body mass chads or super cute twinks no regular men.
What if I have a wide jaw, and pretty decent bulild?
I post on /alter/ so FAILED
>Don't be fat

What now huh?
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>incel hours
Can we just go back to talking about animal dicks instead of this sad shit
I go out every week, go to social places and they just tell me they are with someone.
It just seems impossible at this point really.
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Just to make things clear here, I'm not him, I just replace him when he's absent, if you're reading this kurohanon, share her fantia suff plz
Keep crying on an anonymous chinese cartoon forum and your life is guaranteed to improve.
There's no point in trying to get a girlfriend since futa aren't real.
If you really believe the one thing stopping you from getting girls is being a "high body mass chad" then why not go be one? Lift for a couple years it can't hurt you anyway.
But I like leeching other people's tax moneys though
This guy gets me
Bro cosplays as another poster for free lmao
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nah, fuck my FBI agent
the last time i had an erection was when playing Roblox with my 13yo cousin and she sat on my lap
Fate Grand Order
I'm short.
No, you know how this works. The animal dicks get every tues/wed/thurs, the sad shit is fri/sat/sun and then we all get monday off.
If you don't like it then you shouldn't have agreed to it in the divorce settlement.
There's always the okitabros
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Don't worry, Liz will save it!
trannies exist just for you bro
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>Touko when she opens /alter/ to ask when is the anni going to be and sees (you)r post
>and they just tell me they are with someone
Doesn't mean they are happy at all or anything like that. Never fucking give up just because the slut says she's not single. For all you know she could even be lying to test you out. Or she could be with a real loser or shit like that you know. Don't let that stop you.
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There's no cock like horsecock
One of my coworkers is a 5'4 fat mexican and he's married to a woman taller than him.
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I like to upset these niggers
that has been answered at least 20 times this thread
Fate/I'm just about to enter the big spooky black castle. It may not seem like much but I tend to wander around and I've completed most of the stuff they allow you to do beforehand. Most of it has been pretty solid fun but the lighting on the map seems overly dim and Sennesax was pretty annoying to fight as a lightning user. That said I'm loving the new lightning spear incantation. Grand Order.
bro....... im so sorry...
my friend is 5'3 literal midget tier and he found a cute wife so maybe don't give up...
Trannies are disgusting. Never ever compare them to futa ever again.
Are there streams for the Expo?
I'm also not american. And to be honest i have an awful personality. Last girls with my same interests I talked to ghosted me 2 months ago
yes you dumb faggot
It's the same thing though
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>the lighting on the map seems overly dim
Yeah I had to crank up all my lighting settings and I still spam my lantern for more visibility, definitely the most annoying thing about the game for me
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We just need to convince the government to fund genetic editing research to create true hermaphrodites in the womb.
The con cosplay posts will be triggering lonelyanons for the whole weekend.
>And to be honest i have an awful personality
And we're finally getting to the crux of the problem. Girls just don't want you because you're an awful person.
I promise you I get have more sex then you buddy
>people shorter than you get into relationships
>people uglier than you get into relationships
>people fatter than you get into relationships
>trannies get into relationships
>niggers get into relationships
>midgets get into relationships
>literal retards get into relationships
admit it, you just don't wanna try
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kill yourself
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Are you ready for another interview that goes:
>Interviewer: Redgarden?
>Nasu: Yes.
And then wait another year?
based. breaking your 3d senses of aesthetics is the first step for entering the 2d realm
You're wrong and you know it.
That's right. So I just give up.
captain footjob.....
>midgets get into relationships
Midget hit-rate is actually crazy fucking high though.
I want a strong statured mature Touko wife
I wish people wouldn't interview Nasu, literally nothing good has ever come out of them
>MMmmm yep I love girls with dicks!
Sweaty there is one thing you should know about dumb sluts. Most of them don't know what they want. They do know what they don't want but they have no idea what they want. Just be a little more convincing and stuff and you'll manage easily, don't pressure the bitch too much and it'll be easy af
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It's time
Those people are fun to be around, I'm not.
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I come here to escape reality, stop bringing up girlfriend and depressing shit!
>Eternal Sex Life
The dream...
I'm not interested in 3D.
Not wrong, I fear rejection and the idea of opening up to someone and having them possibly betraying me is scary
I wish you wouldn't use Kuroha to shitpost...
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Date older women, their standards are lower and they have more money.
trannies are men with fake tits
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Just get from here already bro, there's plenty of them in /alter/
I don't want to cuck another person.
Married women are the best.
for real though when's anni I can't tell from the news feed
Ya'll cowards always order pizza but never show pictures of it...
Doesn’t her interlude say she never even knew her husband or something
>tfw no Melty gf
why live...
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Or they have kids but no money
I bought some frozen pizza from Costco. When I make it I'll take a pic and post it here.
They're women with penises
There's no functional difference
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I love this dog
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bros, are you all okay?
they spent little time together but that was the norm during the time i guess
All of that is correct.
However, autism is the greatest pussy repellent of all.
Stop ruining his fantasies with realism.
I’m not okay
I have posted my pizza here multiple times
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You can't impregnate them. That's the whole appeal of futa. You can both impregnate them and be impregnated by them
yes futanari can impregnate men
What the dog doin
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nah I like her and like make these bitches angry
Holy based
You're not cucking anyone. That's just how girls work. Sometimes they just stay with boys for convenience or shit like that but don't think they are madly in love or anyhting like that. A girl's love is nothing like a boy's love, they'll jump around as soon as they think the other candidate can bring them what they want IF they are not pleased with their current boy. It's how the game is played and DESIGNED and it's always been that way. Don't feel bad, they think exactly like that after all.
Men rarely have the choice but women do and are courted everyday...
I would eclipse everyone here for one.
>not training the kids into farming your account when you are busy with the mom
ngmi senpai
KYS Shrek
I'm not okay, my AC is broken and it's 100 degrees fahrenheit here.
Friday night home alone is hitting a little harder than usual it seems...
With artificial insemination and egg donors you can replicate this with your transwife though. You can even take hormones to simulate pregnancy while being a male.
Getting ready to knot her master
But I need a girlfriend (female) with no penis
That's both fucking disgusting and an affront to nature itself.
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I love you too
Who needs single moms when automata exists?
If you liked her you wouldn't use her for shitposts and make her the target of so much ire like this. Imagine if she read these comments that you cause. Use another cosplayer if you must shitpost!
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>it actually is Shrek spamming that 3d whore
Oh no no no
Hey man it's your fetish not mine
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I am actually depressed and drunk
shrek loves it when i fuck his mother in front of him while he watches with a tissue and lotion
That is a fate worse than death
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>mfw the kid zabaniyas my account
You don't know bro? There's at least 20% of sluts in here. And I mean real girls...
Haven't seen this one before, cute.
But automata is cheating and cheating on /alter/ is inmoral and bad.
we need more Illya in this thread
Prove you're really drunk by posting a picture of your penis RIGHT NOW.
She looks like she doesn't wear panties.
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that. So much of the beauty of the new map feels lost because it's too dark to make out any detail for most of the day cycle. It feels like in the albinauric village in Liurnia. Also I love that they made perfumer bottles a weapon. I've wanted to cosplay that since I first encountered one.
Someone call Melt to silence this bitch
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Sex with boys.
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>only video game discussion is about the wrong game
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that was me
fortunately the neighbor only had a concussion but I sure as hell checked out and cleaned my roof after that
With so much rage I want to grab God, Jesus and the Holy Saint, shit on them, then use them as weapon against Satan, and then fuck everything up.
Reminder that this is one of the now deceased e****b of /alter/. Imagine what Shrek looks like.
>they made perfumer bottles a weapon.
Bro...they fucking nerfed that shit into the ground yesterday. Because it was way too good and now its super bad
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Too bad they just nerfed the perfume bottles into the ground
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Oops sorry, I forgot we were on a christian board.
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>by posting a picture of your penis RIGHT NOW.
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fireworks are still going off
I'm pretty sure some people in this general have pics of him
They only fixed a bug. The actual weapon itself is not great but it's definitely usable, not bad.
>Reminder Miyazaki said he would be interested in doing a second smaller DLC for ER that might expand on things.
Where? Latest interview he talked about it he said they were pretty much done.
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Shut the fuck up loser! I'm actually very handsome and I got to the gym and stuff! Fuck you I'm actually offended at your stupid comment you stupid cocksucker.
the bug was the rolling sparks ash of war that caused multiple explosions if you aimed at the ground
thhey nerfed it to shit and amke perfumes unusable once again
I don't get. he looks like a huge fag, and he self admittedly was. What's the big deal
There are 3 factions powered by 3 holy grails. I should get 3 grails for beating Traum right.
>stupid cocksucker
Is it a male tsundere speak for asking for a cock suck?
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>I'm actually very handsome and I got to the gym and stuff!
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>Reminder that this is one of the now deceased e****b of /alter/.
can i have a qrd?
i really like this artist
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After he posted THAT I'd rather not think about it...
No they nerfed it twice over, read the notes again
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Why am I cursed...
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Bro! I'm glad you survived.
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honk honk
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is Chrissy actually dead?
Yeah it used to be broken as fuck. Same as the bloodfiend arm and I wanted to use that but they kind of ruined the physical damage and bleed on that as well. Miyazaki only wants bleed katana shit to stay broken I guess, salty asshole.
Well the one I want the cocksuck from is being weird about it all so...
how are those estrogen pills doing for you?
Man women truly are beautiful
hopefully not, i don't want to waste my luck before tomorrow night.
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Shrek is a landwhale
Sam is a twink
They should have gay sex
Illya selfcest potential is insane
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Is Aoko referring to Pink Floyd here?
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the nerf to the bloody wing chicken was not THAT bad, it still does a lot of damage and bleed build up
the new thorns spell and the sovereingty ash remain untouched and those plain delete everything
You're out of your fucking mind sweaty. I'm manlier than you'll ever be loser!
This is what 0 pussy does to a mf
You guys are boring.
Post a picture of yourself right now
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Why are you so rude? I'm gonna cry
It does pathetic damage for a colossal now, the bleed is alright but its not broken anymore, its basically just a great stars variant now
yeah thorn is still broken as shit which is wacky since it was just as broken as the perfume bottles
I really need to have sex with Illya.
So you've explored the whole map? Everywhere is available to you by that point, just so you know. Everywhere. Well, one tiny area isn't. But everywhere you can have a map of. The quintuple lightning spear? That one fucks so hard. Golden Arc too, don't sleep on it.
No way. I'm neither showing you my dick nor my abs or my powerful thighs. Even if you beg, loser!
So leave? There is literally zero possible benefit to spending your time here.
so what was the maint for?
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he was here like yesterday or the day before you idiot
Everywhere is not available, anon. Shadow Keep keeps at least three areas locked away. Four if you want to be technical.
I genuinely think Kuroha is one of the cutest girls I've ever seen. Especially when she's natural and not cosplaying.
nice, 2 characters I enjoy that I don't usually see together
I don't keep track of who's posting everyday like you do
>Rolling for Arc?
Yes yes yes
>Rolling for any other rate ups
>Doing GSSR? If so, which?
>Excited for the mechanics changes?
>If we (realistically) got something early, what would you want it to be?
I literally have no idea what they are, stopped caring jp news a long time ago
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--Is it correct to understand that the story and world of "ELDEN RING" will end with this DLC? Or do you have any plans to create DLC or sequels in the future?

I think I said the same thing about "DARK SOULS III" in a previous interview, but basically I don't mean to say, "This is completely over." This is because I don't think there is any need to destroy the possibilities and good ideas that may arise in the future right now. However, at this point, there are no plans for additional DLC or "ELDEN RING 2." Even if it's not the complete end to the story, I think this DLC will be a big break.
>Alice Live Reaction
/alter/, /alter/, I've found the tourist rat!
I genuinely think you're beyond saving and should consider suicide.
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This would be a better board if we could see unique IPs
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Post that girl from Mahoyo. You know the one.
>I love futa!
>wtf that's an affront to nature and I hate it!
bro? Are you mentally well?
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You /pol/tards say this about every board.
You're entitled to your opinion. I don't post her here so your anger is wasted and I don't blame you for being upset since another anon is posting her maliciously.
you can easily chat with him if you want just saying
Where is her nose?
Okay Mr Bergstein
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Heh, she's just like me
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No takeru girlfriend it's over
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Why can't they just make the things I like pretty good. It's either broken and gets nerfed or comes out "decent" compared to other stuff..
what's her twitter
If you're not that one autist who spams her then my bad.
That's a boy.
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I read it as Messmer/forgot he just said shadowkeep since I took so long to respond. But you don't really have to do almost anything to access those paths anyways.
It was too flashy so it couldnt go under the radar
I wish smithscript stayed under the radar too
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I actively encourage him not to for this exact reason.
She has a very nice Fate/Grand Order
They're completely usable anon. There are much worse weapons.
That's really cool
I'll definitely try them anyway. Are all of them decent or a select few?
I think they're all pretty similar except one but I haven't played around with them a ton.
I love single mother so much bros
What's her ethnicity? Is she some sort of hapa or just had a nose job?

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