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Sigils edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

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Meowdy pardner
Mayhaps I post my male midlander this thread
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How to Disable Bloom QUICK FAGGOT TELL ME
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Pictured left: Max musculature highlander.
Pictured right: Max musculature midlander.

Miera husband for my femra
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>"We did everything right, everything that was asked of us, and still—still it came to this! You of all people should understand! We cannot—we will not falter. We brought our world to the brink of destruction, and now we must save it."
how many of you fuckers have done the extreme before plugins came back
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
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>Dalamud devs have a meltdown because someone leaked the private beta password
>reasoning being that the process is so delicate and they need only genuine feedback
>LITERALLY NOTHING CHANGED from post-alpha to private beta to public release
I called that shit during the EW launch too and all I got was smug fucking faggot replies. You retards have to realize that these devs only hold back their shit so they can pretend to be hard-working professionals, because they get off to the attention and admiration that brings.

Real previous thread: >>484857707
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>You gunna get raped.
i hate the second half of dawntrail. i wanted a low stakes adventure, not yet another threat to the world and ESPECIALLY not fucking pso2 invasion
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Why did they think "stealth" quests were a good idea?

And then after all the backlash, why did they think it was a good idea to add even more "stealth" quests?
i hate wuk lamat
My static is still waiting on #8 to get through MSQ
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Post your Hrothgars.
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>liberals when an FFXIV antagonist repents and going forward spends their life working for the good society, instead of being summarily executed for their past crimes by the player avatar
>28 minute avg wait time
"Remember. Remember us. Remember that we once lived."
- Sphene
I'd of just dived into pf at that point, better than waiting for the monkey
lmao tranny voice
plugin for easy stealth when? sheesh.
Penumbra update doko
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My genuine reaction to the first half of DT.
How did he repent?
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Is this the new single worst VA performance in all of XIV?
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Primal PF for high end content is worse than Crystal
You guys are just now realizing this? It's been that way for so many years.
*desperate for pussy voice* nice femra...
the weapons are pretty nice
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>12M investment for 65M return
>53M Profit

Thoughts about my business?
what separates a catman from a catboy?
Powerful, original, fresh.
I'm pretty sure you can find a better example in ARR
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"That, I can't deny" - Queen Sphene of Alexandria
what is the source for this
the texas catboys are worse and it's not close
Add Japanese and german language matchmaking for faster queue
catman is the old man face
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Easily. Though there were some pretty bad moments in EW too, especially during the patches. Maybe in ARR, but I don't remember most of it.
he didnt say that
It's pretty average.

Give me some

How the heck are they giving us so many cute shirts this expac already with just .0... this looks better than the Far Northern which was $18.
my cat pussy :3
I did 15 clears of trial 1 and and trial 2 today across several different groups and only wiped once. Primal is fine at least for another week. Then pf is gonna be full with brainlets.
I think you should be taxed, and said tax would go to me.
I think Wuk Lamat's voice is fine because she doesn't sound male but it's clearly a tranny voice and that's even hotter than a female sounding one

t. malera
I've seen this lala gobble up catboy cock
wish that was me
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>For this next scene I want you to have the most stereotypical accent possible, yeah like the true illegal border hopping spic that you are, thank you!
woah Kate calm down
nobody likes my ugly catgirl
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Ardbert mogs the fuck out of every SHITtrail character put together tenfold.
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>Blind party for ex1 doesnt fill
>PF is just Hector strats
It's over, I dropped the ball. I should've did this earlier in the week instead of grinding fates
But doctor...
that's cool, but what's the point of bothering with gil hoarding other than rmt
I think this will be the biggest drop off in subs 1 month into an expansion in this history of this game.
More very organic posting.
I genuinely don't mind, I've been leveling stuff while I wait
they're all really good, I hope the map glams aren't all gonna be futuristic stuff and we get some more things like this
I'm a changed person sorry
kate sexo
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ok how about this:

>Rate the first half of Dawntrail out of 10

>Rate the second half of Dawntrail out of 10
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Thanks for letting us bang your wife again, she sucked me off so hard I felt my soul leave my body
Chaos sisters...
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why so many aether currents in DT?
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Crystal bros, may I kindly ask that you queue the Interphos so I can finish the MSQ?

I want to rape this lala until it is a physical challenge to get her off my dick.
ive cleared the first one 37 times already and havent even looked at the second one yet
>dawntrail is a 7.9 on metacritic
>stormblood is a 9.0
oh no no
femra x malezen
based or finna cringe
These lizard faces are the reason I couldn't get into the DT story.
Everyone in Tural just looks like a retarded sperg or sounds like one.
I'd rather not see the final part of that trial again
incredibly boring
beast tribe quest filler tier

interesting and morally grey
>oh by the way, remember to put these masks with very long noses on the merchant race NPCs
what did she mean by this?
ARR has a lot of really bad ones.

It might be the worst main one though
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
When the fuck are they going to fix the lag in instances bro I gotta be a god damn psychic for all the times I drop connection
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>fair skies
why does every expansion have to have at least one dogshit ugly area like this
I need you.
Very based. I spent a while trying to find a malezen husband but the closest candidate for that left me to chase catgirls so I just admire them from afar now.
Let me know if it pops.
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>enjoying the new overworld and combat themes
>boss FATE still playing the exact same fucking song 10 years later
I did it all the time. There's only cactbot for ex1 anyway and no splatoon for either so eat shit
You only hate her because she's trans. It was average.
i've never found this meme funny
"I challenge you, Zoraal Ja. It ends this day. One way or another, it ends."
- Wuk Lamat
I did the opposite, my ring was still 90 raid so I ran ex2 till I was full right side
You are a shitter brother
I will NOT be joining queues for Interphos in 2 years like I did for Endsneeder, that's for sure.
who and where
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I refuse to believe that it takes that long to update plugins. I'll guarantee that many of them are literally less than one line of code and just require a change in version number.

Also where is the anon who promised to fuck my (Ryne's) little butt?
cute highlander
this is the normal amount of aether currents every expansion has had while active
endwalker was the first time they reduced the aether currents per zone, and they did it for non-current expansions
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I never had more than 20M before so I want to know what it feels like to have 1B
4/10 - 1/10 for that final trial screech.
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wasn't j'lor's real name "zoval"
why use mods to change the body type of a character if you claim to like that character
I just want someone who will pet my hair and be nice to me even when we wipe.
marvel slop tier dialogue
I spent a long time looking for a femra wife but settled for a fiddie instead. You'll find the malezen of your dreams someday.
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>there's weather control for every cutscene EXCEPT for the ones that are explicitly there to show off new areas or have characters remark on how beautiful the sky is
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Please tell me this world of darkness lightning strike zone isn't the zone people are praising as the best in the expansion. This shit is so generic it feels pulled straight out of Tera or some other Kshit mmo and that isn't a compliment.
hello wife
I'm just saying how it is brother, I did only ex2 today which has no plogon help.
Starcraft player/commentator, Artosis, melting down as he loses to a "bad" player.

Whenever someone criticizes anything I like I can immediately discredit anything they say by simply calling them a transphobe. It is a flawless trick that works every time.
My malera owns Sphene and Ryne btw
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i see
what do you plan on doing with the billion
anything past 100m your only real bulk spending options are ultimate carries and rmt
tfw no lizard wife for my sunnie
>settled for a fiddie
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The entire story is just Wuk Lamat and only her doing things. Almost everyone loves her. Everyone who doesn't is either misguided and stupid and comes around to loving her, or is absurdly evil to the point everyone agrees they have to die. She's in 99% of cutscenes, and if she isn't in a cutscene, all everyone talks about is her. People will argue she has "flaws", but they don't matter. Early on in the story it's established that she doesn't actually know anything that would make her a good leader. This is solved by just going to do a few fun activities worthy of a school trip. Early on she's supposedly not as strong as she pictures herself to be, but then she just "gains confidence" and suddenly she's doing shit that (You), the saviour of the universe, can't, and she just wins every fight by herself. Remember those times in the story at dramatic points where you'd get a buff that said "Breaking the limits like only a warrior of light can"? Well, you get that buff exclusively because she's nearby. She can do DPS limit breaks as a WAR, several LB3s at that. It's absurd. It's actually astounding. What a fucking garbage character. I can't believe this, how a single character could dynamite this big ass game this hard.

At least the zones and the graphics update are cool though.
>queue CC for 2 games as vpr
>both games have a PLD
>i still take the most damage anyways
i won both games but im still begging for an out, only a few more stamps
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my hrothgar owns this malera
you should know by now that ffxiv players at large have absolutely no taste
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is this because of too many players or too few players
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You're not touching Sphene bucko.
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"Shut the fuck up, Sphene" - Wuk Lamat
Same thing happens in Dawntrail when they introduced a boat the fog was so thick I couldn't see a damn thing.
u rike?
you didn't have to type so many words to say you play femra
my fiddie is
neither are you, she's Wuk Lamat owned
man i have not heard that name in a long time
what a trip
does that include the patches?
you mentioned cactbot and I assumed shitter, gomen If im wrong
way too few
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>The entire story is just Wuk Lamat and only her doing things
god i wish this was true
but no, it's yet another fucking calamity in ugly zones, everything is all at risk once again, no low stakes adventure i was promised instead we have to deal with fucking pso2 invading in ugly dreary zones, just like we've had over and over again since shadowbringers
fuck you nigger
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that tfw when i was too slow the first time, but i was prepared for the S9 part
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>still only 20 plates
That's not even enough for all combat jobs anymore. Glamaholic doesn't allow for gear set linking either. FUCK
? She's nice, cute, fun and we look good together. I didn't mean it in a disparaging way.
Just finished DT MSQ, Wuk Lamat might be the first character they've released in a while that actually has a personality.
I'm just saying how it is when it comes to glogons. Just because I know where they're at doesn't mean I use them (not that ex1 needs them anyway lmao, follow a danger dorito and you're golden)
ARR alisaie will never be beaten
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"Can I get a booty pic with your panties on and one without them on? can I also get three different picture of your booty is any position? also can I get just a normal pic of your pussy from the front and one where it’s spread a bit open? can I get a picture of you fingering yourself? can I get a pic of you doing a kissing face but also with your boobs in it? can I also get a pic of your pussy and ass from behind in one shot? Can I also get a pick your full front body in just a bra and panties? and can I get a pic of your arse or your panties are all up? and can I also get a pic of your boobs while you’re in the shower? can I also get another pussy pic while while you’re in the shower for the rest of the pics can you just send whatever all the sexy things you want? for the videos can I get a video of you twerking in just really short shorts and one of you fingering yourself and one of you actually cumming? Also can I get one of you play with your tits while not wearing a shirt?"
- Bakool Ja Ja
>first half
>second half

they are both disappointing for different reasons.
The first half could have been great, I like some of the characters. Bakuul was fun to hate and then I felt bad for the guy, maybe my favorite character alongside Galool Ja and Otis
I dislike the second half because Sphene is a shit character and lacking as a villain. If I were to rate just the bit after Zoraal's trial it'd be a 1/10 like the other anon said
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Posting my XIV character in an XIV thread.
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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What did they mean by this
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healing is gay
Hi hello :smooch:
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>Woke Lamat
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>I'm a changed person sorry
it's okay haha
it's never been more over
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I am a hungry hungry femlala
who needs to gather:
400 yyasulani garlic
200 white pepper
and 800 dark rye
for a most splendid and opulent of feasts...
Is there any practical reason as to why cities don't have training dummies in them?
report to the dawn throne
>delete either SCH or SMN plate; you only need one
I'm still trying to figure out the next solution. I think I'm going to delete my PLD plate also.
I a
A m e
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i want her to look at me like that
kill all lalafell
plogon back
if you were to lick her armpit would it feel like the real thing, or would you just be licking the metal armor of the soldier she was projected onto?
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What went wrong?
zekowa's annoyed me. he sounded like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8dIpNcyEY
the score is low because the second half blows absolute cock
/em rapes you
Shaaloani's S Rank should have been a normal-sized dude with a revolver.
>he wants to skip Otis
filtered by kino
I've already consolidated all tanks and all healers and I'm still struggling to find room. God beware I want to use more than one plate for my most played jobs.
based zone and music
It gets worse
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sis you can't eat all that at once...
Where is my daily greentext about a femra getting raped by erenville and koana? I can't sleep without it
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Good reason to do it
I wish I could just find you in game.
Otis the lalafell?
shut up transphobe
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/sleeves u with my catboi woober
Heh, asking for it, slut.
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No fucking way
This is what I get for taking my sweet time to start the Nier raids. I may as well just start EW and wait for 7.01-7.05 for other DCs to open again.
XIV twitch drops don't work bro wtf do i do
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So alchemist should be the crafting class i focus on right?
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i think its the soldier, they are made of electrode and sphene even says you can glamour it when us alchemy lightning aether ot wind and water?
i was hoping there would be a spare sphene body storage, but no...
>Skipping Otis
Nah keep going
use a different browser
Yeah sounds about right

There was a time to do old content and holy fuck you picked the exact wrong time to do it
same thing happened to me. erenville's like "there's my plan" and points and i just see empty fog.

i recall a similar thing happened in The First, the characters look up at the crystal tower and say something about how beautiful it is and the camera pans up and it's just low clouds and heavy rainfall so you cant even see the tower in the slightest.
one of my favorite zones desu
I have high hopes for you malera bro
I see you post here often, sometimes it feels like I'm looking in a mirror...you'll find your femlala EB once day, I'm sure of it
Don't you ever give up hope
it would have been the same during endwalker dynamis people usually came to aether for queues then
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>endless pantshitting over Wuk Lamat's VA
use the fucking japanese audio then you clueless favela dwelling dubNIGGERS
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Would do yuri with
I miss the glub
Bakool and Gulool carried the first half
fat fuck
She's still annoying because she's ALWAYS AROUND.
Otis is not that cool. All he ever did was take care of gulool ja for 5 minutes and serve us some shitty food. His “sacrifice” was laughable as we already knew that Sphene was evil at that point.
good, she's a good character
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What about me bro...?
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Here's my honest opinion as someone who started playing this game all the way back in ARR. This is only for the MSQ, mind you. Not the zones, or the dungeons, or the trials (apart from their actual story or character involvement, if there is any), just the MSQ.
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I'd like if they made more that tied the two regions together. But I want more stuff that's pure southern Tural most of all too.
I don't think that none of this doesn't necessarily fit the FFXIV aesthetic or anything, but the game does have a general problem of tying multiple glamour together with how slightly differently they die and things like that which sucks.

Only have the first half done. If I had to compare it to the other first half of .0 MSQs, aka grading on a curve, then sadly 10/10.
If I had to give a general comparison to other games and form of media's first half to a chapter of season then I guess like a 4.5/10? Hard to say. I'd generally give the first half of expacs MSQ a 2/10 or 3/10 compared to other media.

Only Fandaniel, Zenos, and Hermes do I really recall giving above average performances in EW.

Looks gorgeous, though. The blue and purple give a nice contrast to the clay colors.
Decisive Mamool Ja Victory
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I laughed my ass off that they didn't account for this
Report to the Iq Br'aaxi Breeding Bungalo immediately.
nigger she's dead in Dawntrail
By no metric is she a good character. A mediocre, sure... not deserve of that much hate but then again, she's always around and it gets tedious how much she gets wanked off.
this hrothgal owes me sex
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Bros I don't think they tested Seraphism with my face.
thank you
feel free to say hi if you see me
If I knock up a lalafell, does it make lalafell kids or like what? This is important anons pls answer
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>train building cutscene
>zone weather is locked to "Ominous Clouds" but it becomes clear and sunny for the RDR2 montage
>Looks gorgeous, though.
it looks like fucking shit. there's one of these gloomy shitholes in every expansion, i thought this would finally be the one with nice zones
I'll be gathering some of that stuff tomorrow, you're free to any extras
the playerbase and critics are wrong and you guys are racist transphobes
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What about me then bro?
>fresh to clear in a party
>everyone says they want to farm
>pl says nothing and disbands party
lmao come on bro, at least pass the lead
Put Endwalker one tier lower and I agree.
Nigga looks like he just slorped some titty milk.
Looking good Mr. Waters.
lalas that are refugees from the source brought ruin to alexandria's shard by introducing electrope
seems about right, I'd swap HW and EW but that's just personal preference
lowlanders are named after their low test
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>ninja gets a poison spitting skill
it really feels like whoever the ninja designer is on the team really really loves the job
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Why does nobody want to be mail buddies?
send the lala refugees to me. i know what to do with them.
>By no metric
by the metric that i like her more than most other story characters, she is
and that's the only metric that matters
Redpill me on crafting
i NEED to see this hroth's fluffy pussy
Fair enough, I might have forgotten about subjectivity.
probably helping someone else prog
i post this cat by unpopular demand
>someone who still remembers how fucking cool 3.3 was
anyone who ordered from the square enix store know how i get my code? i was playing on a pre register code but i don't have a second one they want now
I was betting on sprouts, people taking their sweet time with the game, and the roulette to help, but I made a shitty gamble. What's worse was that Copied Factory queued faster around the same time yesterday.
Who am I stuffing?
now unpost her
Because I'm on Dynamis, and I wasn't paying attention the last few times you posted this. Sorry.
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My femra looks and acts like this
oversaturated by bots and plugin users, high entry cost
low level/outdated crafting is fun
>stormblood patches on the same level as ARR patches
feel like people overrate ARR patches because they only remember the banquet scene and forget that almost everything leading up to that was a complete slog, even more so before they trimmed it down in ShB
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kpop catboys sex
do you have a photo?
>ysayle dies before i could get her pregnant
counfound it!!!!
face 2 (and 4 to a lesser extent)
check your spam and advertisement emails
Bros why are there so many Alpha Legends on crystal? I thought i was the only with it here....
i thought i was special...
a used up whore?
its in your email
they sent a second email that says "your order has been updated," or something.
it'll have both codes (only one of which is the official dawntrail code)
>someone saved my catboy picture
Wow, thanks I guess
i've always found this meme funny
because one of those letters will eventually be an EB bracelet instead of a map
post more, my demand is unpopular
Hrothgals have sandpaper tongues like real cats.

Imagine the blowjobs!
alisae is the most annoying person in this entire game. "raha" "lamaty'i" go fuck yourself
not really. they just copied that one bitch off of tekken, its not special.
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what does this huge frog means
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they paid for those clears/use plugins/got carried
dawntrailed or whatever the fuck
i really really really enjoyed the last bits of the story desu sphene's story is pretty good if you're not too retarded to immediately dismiss it
time to resume crafting and gathering. i hate bicolor gem farming
Ultimates are easy, everyone should have several weapons by now.
You're being a bit harsh on the dark throne and too generous on dawntrail.
thank you. excellent post SE
This isn't for all patches, I really do mean that specific patch. I've only included the ones that most people would agree are notable for their story. So yeah, I agree, everything before the banquet was boring as shit.
My fiera is like this
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not a good enough reason tho
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what game are you guys playing
sorry, it wouldn't be right to post that here
you should definitely go and ask directly to the lala though!
stealing the dyes on the femezen
with miera
Are you getting rubber banding last couple days during prime time? I was going crazy thinking i was the only one.
>Train segment wasn't part of the dungeon or an instanced fight
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>mounts like the Gabriel Premium version
>Large house (right now I only have one FC small house)
>clothes I always wanted but thought it was too expensive (I just bought the Rebel Coat and some other stuff more expensive)

Stuff like that I guess
Please elaborate for me!
Nigga is that THE Square Enix
please dont post things like that here
I hate her at this point, she's genuinely useless and contributes nothing to the MSQs at all
if she wasn't there it'd be all the same
shit personality, probably just there because fans like her for some reason and I bet half of them are just coomers
Explain why you're like this.
that's what i'm saying homie
a hrothgal licked my catboy's face before and it was hot
Ah, rise, Ultima
Witness Ultima
Darkness come, rend the shield of light
ah fair enough, I assumed you were just using it as a stand-in for all the patches. pretty good list then
>too much of a coward to say "Shtola"
are you a femra
unfathomably based.
if its not in your email, you can check the Square Enix store and get the code from there when you check your orders.
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They really need to let us mail our friends from different servers.

I promise I won't.

Trying to have someone mail maps to each other back and forth on Balmung.
just checked what email is connected on the store site and it's some ancient one for some reason... i might be fucked if they can't send it again
Walking through the EW story right now, what are you doing Anon?
They sucked off actual utlimate raiders for clears, gotta use what you're good at to your advantage
female black duskie
So... what will the Arcadion boss theme be?
will they be robots?
will they be humans doped up on beast souls?
will they be random monsters from across Etheirys?
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It's fun!
post results
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>can't stand EN dub
>switch to JP dub
>on a whim, switch the DE dub

Holy shit, we got fucking MOGGED. The German VA's have actual talent and direction. There's definitely huge script changes as well. It makes me wonder what the EN "cut" out.
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like what i just posted a picture dork you can too
getting through msq but it feels like a slog
They will be humans doped up on beast souls and the last bosses will be beast souls gone too far, you heard it here first. t. mava
Builded for lalaboys
I genuinely think the whole Zero arc and especially its finale is the absolute worst this game has ever been from a writing perspective. It's genuinely nonsensical, unsatisfying and annoying.
Dawntrail is filled with a lot of stupid moments and with the most forced character in the history of the game, but at least it has *some* cool moments and ideas that are kind of interesting, even though they're drowned out by the writer's pet.
know where to find more of her?
Every boss will have their own wrasslin entrance and unique theme song.
Soken was saving up for the raids.
I can't get past the ice/lightning phase in ex1 in pf is it unequivocally over for me?
im phoneposting from bed, maybe tomorrow if i remember, gomen...
Oh, I'm just leveling and in EW... So I don't really have any maps.
To be honest, part of it is not 100% understanding the language. When I hear the German version, it's very jarring as it's my mother language.
no her hair is just naturally gray and she's "experienced", not used
I am a femlala
who got all of her crafters to 90
in a single day
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I'm looking directly at (you) in this image
Its the materia that I'm hungry for... when I made 50 tacos I got about 22 materia out of it... so if I make TWO HUNDRED TACOS I should get somewhere around 80-90, which should be enough materia 12s to get my triple melds... then I start on purple scrips until I get pentamelded...
thanks I'll make sure to leave half of every node for you...
Why are people still miqote when hrothgirls are superior in every single way? Look at these specimens:

agp bimbo catgirls could literally never, EVER compare.
so are the fruit and aloe jello shots the best food rn? this is expensive. how come you guys aren't crafting more?
another unpopular demanded post
former crystal resident here, where do you see those alpha legends? i usually see them all on aether
you're welcome
Post brown rava girls please!
sex with the lala on the right
I have had the opposite experience: hated her with a passion when she became main cast because her entire thing with being an impulsive retard that needs to be bailed out, but now her character has developed to know restraint and some critical thinking skills. I will now permit her to be the surrogate little sister character for my elezen.
Go to sleep and you'll pass that point your first pull tomorrow.
Seriously, why is she here? Wuk Lamat is the precocious one who is quick to jump to action, and graha tia and erenville are both smarter. There are too many fucking scions man.
>It makes me wonder what the EN "cut" out.
Wuk's VA's genitals.
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It's not much better for femra, at least the outfit is pretty
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Pretty much nailed it. Just like I want to be nailed, god I've been so fucking horny these past few weeks.
>getting through msq but it feels like a slog
It does at parts yeah. You're gonna make it though Anon, keep your chin up!
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I love how the zone looks. The smoke coming out of chimneys looks amazing. There's so much foliage for a desert. It's nothing like how much of a let down Amh Araeng looks compared to its concept.

German VAs are cursed. I listen to a few of them every now and then. The french one is occasionally pretty good though.
there is one where she is with another femlala covering herself, i wish i could find it
does extrachat work now
ice lightning parties are just retards that have been in the instance one (1) time and made it there once after they finally stopped getting griefed by their tanks/healers
you're not even in the worst one lmfao
Gulool Ja is a very well-written child character, he saved Dawntrail
pale untouched and extremely fuckable thighs, anon. Alisae is the best.
Most people aren't zoophiles.
Looks like it
Yeah it actually looks quite nice (much better than Enshroud), which is why it shaving me bothers me so much..
Do you refuse to ERP without mods or something? I've been ERPing once a twice a day, except one or two days that I missed since launch.

How do I get this?
The german VAs have talent but the script itself is really fucking bad. They constantly have to read awful lines. Arguably still better than the butchered english """translation""", but I'm not sure.
White girls are.
fucking based opinion
I feel like an outlier when I say that post-endwalker void quests were just unsatisfying and poorly written. not to mention they basically wasted a lot of potential about the thirteenth, which is the biggest crime in my opinion
zero is a dogshit character and she was basically the progenitor to wuk lamat
the only good part about void was golbez, that's it
Square Enix hates your whole race bro. You know this.
subhuman take, drown in your lake troglodyte
thoughts on catboys?
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>wuk does a limit break in phase 2 of interphos keeping you from hearing the full phase 2 music unless the party holds dps
The last was ruined for me because the last zone feels like one huge fucking filler until you finally progress with Sphenes story, everything else just feels boring as fuck, Krile and her Parents can go fuck themselves especially.
Pretty sure all other languages translate off of the english script.
am i not able to register though, keep hitting the register button and nothing happens
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If they aren't caged femboys they're worthless
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where does the line get drawn? miqos are just hrothgars with less fur and slightly different faces
I don't want to ERP inside the game and I'm too lazy to set up F-List...
uh oh animal fucker melty
>How do I get this?
Play the diaper job.
>sphene's story is pretty good if you're not too retarded to immediately dismiss it
yeah but it's retroactively ruined after the final trial; turns out she was just having a woman moment lol, good thing she has her besty lamity to help her out!
Worse than hrothMEN in every way and my femhroth won't even give them the time of day, roll hyur if you're going to be basic, at least you're buffer then
need max height fiera for my max height malera
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>got really happy and excited while checking Universalis bc I saw some logs and ores for half the current ''normal'' price
>smiling and giggling while server hopping to the MB

Shit I think im obsessed
They look human you blind retard
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Light that kush up homies.
You don't seem to be trying at all, then. Good luck being horny.
hrothgirls are alright but they will never win against miqo, the strongest race
t. rava
You are where you belong.
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2 more tanks to go...
they look like cats
>How do I get this?
SCH's level 100 skill
It actually changes from expansion to expansion, it's weird.
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i guess i like all the healers aesthetics and they arent hard idk im just retarded
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That's fine as long as you can mail it back it should work.
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>last bossfight
>cutscene with unfitting tranny voice
>everyone in the group cringes
Honestly I don't know and don't care, I just post this shit so retards get triggered. But I guess literally having an animal face is close to the line.
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too bad penumbra still dead
What fucking game is this? And why are you posting it here?
it definitely suffers in terms of pacing but i didn't necessarily dislike all the stuff we saw, just the timing of it. if it had been before sphene's ultimatum it'd have been perfect
what do you mean a woman moment............. i didn't get that from the post trial cutscene at all. most of alexandria IS extremely white woman behavior granted but i dont think the post trial cutscene stood out in that regard
Builded for Meena BWC
>I'm looking directly at (you) in this image
thanks bae.. i'll buy you some pizza sometime
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This game's character design and music would absolutely destroy me if it wasn't a gacha
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based donnychad
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>dokumori not aoe
>kunai blast lost its positional
There's no love here anymore
The fuck? What does that mean?
You just jerk it in the thread
What the fuck dude

Are a bunch of you doing that?

Oh my god, those posts aren't ironic are they
Man I really fucking hated that Wuk Lamat intervention in the final trial.
On Balmung, right?
>woke lefraud
way funnier than it should be
I agree with you completely. Post EW was so atrocious that it boggles the mind that they actually pushed that drivel out the door.
It's really frustrating how it so slowly made you lose hope that the nonsense will have a satisfying resolution.
At least the trials were mostly pretty cool.
This is a faked screenshot.
Everybody loves Wwwww Lmao
I will never not laugh for a solid 40s when that shit gets posted
i am
a miera
with 327 units of hq ginseng lumber
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oh my fucking god. this is acary as fuck
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What a fucking mary sue.
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Where are the femra at?
Arrive in hanu area
Erenvigger says something about many coloured land whatever
Its just fog and rain, everything is grey
You keep replying to me like that and I'll have to put you through the machine (me) that turns dicks into sucked dicks.
not to shill or anything but it's barely a gacha, it's more like you pay a sub to be able to farm whatever IDs you're after
you can farm them as f2p too but it takes 3 times longer
Is glamourer or brio updated yet? I want to preview a potential fanta before spending it
yeah i don't like swimming in yak t'el
Fine bunny
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>you show up to the market board and someone bought it already (it was me)
its a two-way street...
Hrothgirls are much hotter than miqos
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I just really love to tease pent up anons and them telling me that they're jacking off to my lewdposting is hot as fuck, but I can't do it to full extent because otherwise I'll get banned.
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what evolved into femra in the old world, evolved into mamool ja in the new world
It's so deep and dark anything could be at the bottom. Even your repressed gay thoughts from your teens.
market analysts realized how much merch trannies were buying
hrothgal fangs on my balls NOW
>>484868470 is me btw
zepla said to put render scale to 99 but this doesn't look right
I'm thinking miera BBC
The mystery makes me want to hug this bun.
based and correct
you won't, pussy
Ugh, I'm about to do the final trial...
The one with Seishun and Yu Yun i didn't save it sorry.
>reused race
this expansion is just pure slop
zepla is a fucking retard, render scale 99 causes artificial sharpening
Crafting was more fun before mods came back up and botters tanked the price of everything to 1/100
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damn that's a lot of LCL
why arent they more popular then?
my type, you ask? BIG lady with a BIG bush
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>Where are the femra at?
they are tired but on light
>learns the entire culture AND how to fight in about 2-3 days while going on a school trip
Mary Sues are well known to have "weaknesses" that don't actually matter.
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Anon is right, the game is basically darkest dungeon that you have to pay $11 for every 5 months. I endlessly recommend it.

listen to me
Do you like suncats

Living Memory was the most boring fucking garbage i've ever experienced in the entire 10 years i've played this fucking game
nobody gives a SHIT about any of these godawful expansion characters for them to justify trying to throw out cheap shots for feels. Wuk Lamat had no fucking reason to even have a story bit there
Anyone wanna join for the lvl 93 dungeon on Crystal?
jacking off rn to this anon's hornyposting and goonbait screenshots
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Every time I see it proc, I can't unsee the icon as this fucker just flinging rocks
Why are you like this?
you are a pasty white autist irl why larp as black
I dont want to do the beta dalumud key, because every time I do that it removes all my extra githubs and then I have to put them all back in and it's annoying
same, i'm sick of seeing middies, cats, rabbits, etc. why isn't the new world completely filled with brand new races
cuddling this rava to sleep and making her breakfast in the morning
Krile's VA did a great job as Sphene.
It looks better tho
I too hate every scion except for Papalymo and Louisoix
I.L.R. (I love Ryoshu)
Shut up transphobe your gacha is gay
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm a Trancer now.
I posted the first thing you replied to and this
don't bring me into your funny american race wars thank you
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You can't fool me with this artstyle. A Grape flavored pussy's hands posted this
I see that Soul Eater Not! webm but that's pretty close too.
I've never had this happen to me before. Are you replacing the entire json or something?
no its not. BITCH.
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In not India
Yah bro shit sucks
in english? i didnt even notice it was the same person
For anyone starting the MSQ now, do yourself a favor and switch to japanese or any other langauge than english, wuk lamats voice acting is absolutely atrocious and unfitting for the character. And I'm not saying that because it's a troon voicing her, it's simply bad voice acting.
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What do I level next?
This would be so much easier in-game and I hate that you don't wanna do that. I double hate it because Ryne is in my strike zone.
I'm underwater in yak t'el, shit's spooky
>everyone online is white just like I am
this was my home :(
Name one where that happened. Describe the problem they faced and how they overcame it. If you want to use Y'sthola's blindness then yeah, that was shit writing too.
you level up being my wife
Yea Krile's English VA also did Sphene.
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Agreed. It was such a slog. Really felt like they designed the zone first and then had no fucking clue how to incorporate the story into it.
Miqo'te are made for /pets
Perhaps, but I'll take it over this shit EN dub.

I don't think so. I don't know German but there are definitely times they are saying way more than what is written to me.
how do I get hroth to stop hitting on me? it's the third time already today
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Blog post update: I am making friends and having fun.

That is all.
picto is fun
>Perhaps, but I'll take it over this shit EN dub.
Black men don't play ffxiv
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i'm begging yoshi p to design a campaign where you DON'T do tedious fetch quests the second you visit a new village
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i have fond memories of falling asleep for naps to that title screen
i'm waiting for them to get through all the sinners' cantos before i get back into it. i hate the dripfeed story shit
>Having fun
Fun is forbidden
i know one that does
healer or ranged dps so you can do your roles
pick whatever AF you think looks best

could also just level SCH/SMN and get both done at once
>And I'm not saying that because it's a troon voicing her
I am. It's fucking ridiculous to have to listen to a man give his best mediocre effort to sound like a Hispanic woman.
Do you have the one with the two other lalas?
What a fucking eyesore of a zone.
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So we can spend more time together!
>Be Stormbab
>Never got to experience this kino on release
I regret it.
fiddie like this for my malera khagan?
There is a black dude in my static so that is categorically false.
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wholesome sixeyes
How do I unlock this job and what's it's role?
Will go with it then
SCH does atleast look fun, SMN just looks a bit boring
Plugins are coming back, and you know what that means. Time to coom 'n goon. You can't wait to cum again. It's FFXIV, why would anyone else play this game?
Is there a glam in the game that can pass as cowprint

asking for a friend
Yeah we have to be from the same server and I'm on Balmung.
Coconut blacks don't count
Bro, same?
Like as much as I hate Wuk having too much screen time, the Scions are gnerally as bad and worse and having less of them has offset that and made it about the same for me.
They really need to make good new characters, and give us side characters more. Which Dawntrail did, but also gave us too much of this one middling character as well.

Idk another tank or healer?
I'm waiting for Foray before I level more than 3 or 4 jobs.

I just liked that there's only like a single Elezen. It's almost all Hroth, Miqo'te, and Hyur. I like that.
finally... we can actually play the game...
i wish i was making friends, but anons here treat me like complete shit
I genuinely miss being a simple-minded sprout during those simple days
now I'm a jaded HWboomer who fondly remembers wiping to Alexander and soulful job design
coeurl beach tanga
(and related bikini) dyed pure white
I'm honestly more interested in making porn again than I am the game right now. Wuk Lamet makes me want to fucking uninstall
fuck off retard
Shenza has a cool VA
I don't know how to make friends anymore. I am a damaged moonie
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She 'mirin.

Thank you.

I will be glamming this now. I ought to get a horn glam too.
>I am making friends and having fun.
Okay let me break this down for you since you're a fucking retard.
>I am making friends
No you aren't. You're making acquaintances you will stop speaking to in days. These people are not your friends and neither you nor they have any intention of becoming more than queue fillers.
>and having fun.
Again, no you aren't. Dawntrail is shit, so any fun you believe you're having is actually your brain coping and lying to you to rationalize continuing to play.
>how do we get over there?
>*magically steps on the button that gets you over there*
Fuck off man I'm tired of this shit. This isnt' even a Wuk problem this is a lazy/bad writing problem
i feel like im back in elementary school playing an edutainment game on the library computer
>have to stop sphene from eating souls to perpetuate simulacra of the dead
>we eat souls to get +5 str on our ARR relic weapon

what makes her evil and us good
please rape my femezen
I actually enjoy shutting my brain off and farming FATEs while Youtube plays in the background
It's a lot more fun than Bozja
>alisaie being weak then becoming a rdm and instantly becoming strong
>alphinaud becoming an expert in politics after being in ishgard for a week
>thancred instantly acclimating to not being able to control aether
>urianger being an expert on everthing ascian after moenbryda dies to nabriales
>lyse being an expert country leader after fucking around for the entirety of her appearance as a scion
You're joking right?
You know that sterotype of black dudes loving anime? Applies to this game too if they're gay enough, and a lot of black dudes are super gay
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eb like this
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Can't lie yea that's me. Good shit anon.
on crystal
take your pick
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I can't say I blame her.
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hehe not this time
Im hoarding! Then burning everything while crafting and hoarding again!
only psychopaths have done arr relics
*Rapes you
With positive reinforcement and wholesome physical contact like hugs and high fives
It's the exact same thing tranny
Ok Zeppe Monado.
I'm a black dude, and I play a female miqote
she’s a brown wildwood btw
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holy fug I'm so glad I listened to people and switched to ENG voices for the wild west
The sun rise over the ruined amaurot was cooler
I think if it was just the beast soul thing we wouldn't have cared as much.
>okay but what about that one arr relic that has you killing bandits for souls
Okay yeah we're fucked up too I got nothing
quoteworthy queen
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Why do you hate Final Fantasy XIV?
How did you know
I just wasted $20 on fanta because I can't decide on a look
If it makes you feel any better anon, I apologise if I ever anonymously treated you like shit. I hope you have a good rest of the evening and friends come your way
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what's the zodiark trance of dawntrail?
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i think right looks better personally
>shitty western artstyle
>guess its from the grape faggot
i cannot say i am suprized
once the pornsick retards start flooding back i'll be gone until next expansion, it was fun if only temporary
Only one person could be so diabolically racist as to call a black man a coconut.
You know, if you're so miserable you could always leave. Cancel your sub and go pound sand or something instead of lingering around like a schizo.
Are the hrothgals going to have good nude/body mods on launch or will it all have to be from scratch?
Fucking loved that hroth
i NEED to hide my peanitz in those huge honkers god damn!!
Based, I can't wait for new bodies and textures to come out that take advantage of the new graphical tools
Imagine the subsurface scattering on big boobas...
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it's so over
>Villain of the expansion is a white woman who just wants to save her people
>It's okay for the mexicans to genocide them because the europeans don't have souls
my fiddie is a lot like this
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Going to host a WLDEX(Worqor Lar Dor Extreme) learning party on Crystal July 13th next Saturday around 6pm PST. It'll be on Balmung Solution Nine ( 3.0 , 17.5 ). Come join don't be afraid of wiping since it'll be my first time as well, let's learn together!

-July 13th, 6PM PST l Balmung, Solution Nine ( 3.0 , 17.5 ) l Dawntrail Extreme 1 learning (Worqor Lar Dor)
It's true
fine, you win just because I absolutely love romance and cuteness, but what about the rape part?
Bibo already has a model. It's pretty hot.
Don't reply to me retard. I won't let you turn this game into a hugbox just because you cry when people tell you the truth.
You gonna make me, pussy? I didn't fucking think so.
>Villain of the expansion is a white woman
this is cause enough for genocide
I'm also a femezen so that's not possible.
When are the lowlander mods coming back?
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damn, dude..
>Tzera name changed
>the mexicans of this world are mostly lizards and a tranny
what did SE mean by this?
I hate your spam but the freckled butt does something to me
Going to be hard to pet them now....
Should have added to my friends list when I had the chance.
Just realized they could put the scions into the Arcadion
I saw something a while back about the author of the zodiark trance comic getting outed as a pedo (the real kind not the lolicon fetishists)
>coke prices used to be 200-300 gil each
>20 gil now
wtf happened...
Yukimi Kurokawa
wanna hold hands and trade passionate kisses?
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just did orbonne monastery for the first time in probably a year, or at least many months
didn't realize just how much P12S draws from it, the second phase theme is practically the same as the last boss's
will Square ever make another alliance raid as good as this one? holy fuck we got ROBBED in Endwalker
Shut up, nigger. This is my LARP. Get your own bait.
I've only ever met one person from El Salvador and he was a lizard man so I think it's an analog for them?
That schizo faggot still hasn't joined a statistic? Unfortunate.
Fuck I was wondering why I was having such a hard time stalking her
It's ok here's the new name >>484872960
>will Square ever make another alliance raid as good as this one?
Yeah it's coming soon.
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You are a pathetic transphobe. Get off my general.
People cried about it being hard so now you get neutered alliance raids.
Makes you think
buy the high sell the low
I Am a drunk femezen
>graphics update
>game still looks like shit
He'll always be stinky old (P)Oothier to me.
You will never have content as good as Stormblood, say "thank you Shadowbringers"
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They share models with femroe I believe, so they'll have em on launch.
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Yukimi Kurokawa
This is theft.
hey me too! probably gonna do some 5am drunk erp
I genuinely enjoyed the way the game was for the first week. going back to seeing uldah at player render limit everywhere in the city is disheartening.
I wish the p12sp2 music was better, it could've been so good
>will Square ever make another alliance raid as good as this one?
it's the same type of playerbase that cried and shat itself so hard that Orbonne got nerfed TWICE
based on that alone you'll know what to expect from the next 24man but there might be some hope given what we've seen in dungeon and ex
Ok, that was annoying as fuck. Just when I thought we could finally get a moment without this awful character.
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Yeah he’s taking my last name I’m going to make a proper wife of of that beautiful himcess
It went from being an early PS3 game to a mid/late PS3 game.
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>Yukimi Kurokawa
I feel personally attacked by this, somehow.
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>Trial is great
>Phase 2 starts
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I am playing Heavensward, I probably won't get to Dawntrail for like a month at least at this rate.

And you seem mad.
why'd he turn azn
No. Orbonne got nerfed at least 3 times because the playerbase is mostly double digit iq retards.
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FFXI raid soon, YoshiP wouldn't disrespect the OG, trust the plan
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Did people get different dialogues here?
It's okay, YS. You're still the real Yukimi.
There's literally no jungle bun girls I told you

My Veena
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>dalamud is back
>penumbra isn't
My makeup... Give it back....
Its someone desperately trying to mimic previous closing words and failing miserably.
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the yawntrail memes weren't just memes holy motherfuck
Nope I got the same text
why is his cock hanging out
A new chapter is beginning, and Dawntrail is just the beginning.
makeup is dishonest
Boring and shitty source material while Ivalice was always great and beloved.
This is not equivalent at all.
This will be worse than crystal tower.
Damn, I was hoping it would be race-specific...
>no bonus dialogue for Eureka completion
"The Krile expansion"
awww you're getting "dysphoria"? boohoohoo
I'd rather see your vamp middie's fat ass over their makeup.
Shut the fuck up incel
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Couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
Ironically YS is now also YK
You look better without it.
are fiddie players all just coomers?
>3 cones
Ah one for you one for your ex and one for his real gf. I'm so ready for this Cuckemi arc.
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who's the tranny
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They shall return too, one day.
My femra's pronouns are plumps/breedable
I wish, it would make it easier to find one for my duskie.
just to be clear i wasnt afk i was ignoring you
If he was from Tural, they'd call him Living Spicquid
do vampires fart
I am a brown jungle bungirl and I love meenas only
>Thoughts turn to adventure
>We're going on a trip
>Following the rising sun

I guess we're going east?

Also we're following the "Dawn Trail"
When the sun rises, people with a bold spirit set forth in search of a new adventure

it is just a wordy way of saying "To be continued"
just to be clear i wasn't trying to speak to you i was just jacking off
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braptastical brapper
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>it's real
when do the CC calls start again...?
yeah they do
I fucking love TEA's OST, it's the only ultimate where I unironically leave the BGM on 100
Yeah yeah whatever, I'm trying to enjoy the weekend and these cookies I'm downing is helping
when you post them
I love this poopmoonie so much
heh hell yeah they do brother
It's the only ultimate with a good OST to begin with.
Redirect or ReAction?
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Post your meena
What server are you on? I'm mostly nice!
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>dungeon gear is a recolor
>not even swapped set types
>you can't even dye it
my femezen's back view
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ucob has a better soundtrack, they peaked at answers in bahamut and how it synced up with mechanics
>Buenos dias, modbeast!
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>another fag whispered me saying I shouldnt be selling HQ Gear in the PF

why these people are so annoying, theres like 3 retards with 3 diff accounts posting the same coomer club in the PF but im the problem?
Am I bad healer if I don't heal much? I did 30% of the healing with 9% overheal while my co healer did 51% with 60% overheal
Very rapeable mouth
i disagree, DSR has a good ost as well, i just leave the BGM on 0 cause im tanking and the music is nerve racking enough, especially on phase 6/7
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Soon I'm sure
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You. Tzera! Mwah!
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i luv u 2
>>alisaie being weak then becoming a rdm and instantly becoming strong
You mean "instantly" as in "over the course of ARR, a raid series and an entire expansion"?
>>alphinaud becoming an expert in politics after being in ishgard for a week
Never happened. He was a diplomat from the start, he's barely involved in politics in Ishgard.
>>thancred instantly acclimating to not being able to control aether
Took him months, actually.
>>urianger being an expert on everthing ascian after moenbryda dies to nabriales
Quote a specific scene. He doesn't know much more than we do at any given point afterwards.
What about her?
>>lyse being an expert country leader after fucking around for the entirety of her appearance as a scion
True, which is why everyone hates that character too.
say something nice about me and my son
this expansion really takes the power of friendship and holding hands and talking problems out to a new grating level
Post her
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Crystal Expert roulette?
I do this to femlalas
Part of the market relies on psychological manipulation.
nu-tzera got me like
does your femezen want to work overtime tonight
I just ran some numbers on the final trial and I, a Monk, was doing less damage than a fucking CASTER... a FUCKING PICTOMANCER...

Bros... does Monk... SUCK now?!
says who?!
Sei what the fuck
I want to fuck lalafell unprotected
I'd fuck you in front of him and then take him to McDonald's.
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says me
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>done the first dungeon ~6-7 times now
>still no card drop
bros please give me some luck
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i am a shot gunning sunnie
PCT is a bit overtuned right now.
But yes MNK stinks.
forgot which poster i was going to bait
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The "WEAKNESS, SUFFER" segment really spoke to me because heavensfall happens right after
Everyone does less damage than a pictomancer.
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i am
a gay hrothgar
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Big snake popping soon on Zodiark (Light) apparently
>almost at end of bingers
I thought Fray was in this expac.
Also there's a real chance that I'll finish up post EW before DT goes on sale. Fuck
>Bros... does Monk... SUCK now?!
Notice that shiny new group heal you got? Looks like your dumbass is gonna start paying the utility tax, monkey! LOL!
I'm bookmarking your placeholder character's lodestone as well.
no, they just haven't bothered balancing anything yet because no raid

monk is genuinely fucked btw, you do more damage just by spamming your opo-opo moves because no buffs to upkeep anymore
please step on my face thanks :>
How did they know what order to put this in? It's the most unbelievable part
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why'd they make him so pretty
also, nice work on the ear textures, SE
>make a blood pact with a psychopathic maniac
This writing man
>all this rapid button pressing ADHD autism on viper just to deal less damage than dragoons and monks
Who designed this job?
DSR was the lazier than all the ones that came before it.
Ucob, uwu and tea were all scored to go along with the actual mechanics while dsr was just playing everybodys favorite tracks from hw to try to make them soiface
Damn that sucks, I'm a crystaloid
>play ast
>get no comms
Why do I bother with this role
Is BLM as hard to play as they say?
in the order of the pillars...?
much better
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reminds me when my friend would get really drunk and start hitting on me

ok but do I bring back the hime
I didn't know there was another YK, someone helped me come up with the last name, and Yukimi seemed like a good first name to go with it
funny enough, someone on my friendslist also has the last name for their ERP alt

all according to plan so far
are we getting new crafting gear in 7.05 or not until 7.1
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is for troons. CHAD MNKs don't give a fuck. also the changes are great
theres no ''hard'' job in this game.
Why the name change though?
Why is my portrait just randomly broken now? I don't even change gear while I'm leveling
I know nothing about FF11 but I hope so
FF12/T raid was dabess so it would make sense if FF11 raid was awesome too
The MSQ content was solid mechanics-wise, I have hope for the raids...
Like what, a different remix, an original song?
Mangleable penis
>just to deal less damage than dragoons and monks
You might suck at VPR, my man.
its all trash minus like 10 seconds of rise
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any uhh... late night lalas on..
Isn't Viper the best Melee right now?
Sure but I gotta say that the reawaken sound effects are fucking awesome and get me hyped whenever I play this job
How did you get even more rapeable
Shocking truth...
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not really the lvling sucks tho
your welcome
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I cannot BELIEVE the nerve of this cat...
Yes but don't worry they're buffing AOE damage and taking away every turn dragon kick.
shame, i used to be from zalera. i had transferred to aether a couple months ago.
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there is something sinister about this cat.
>Ucob, uwu and tea were all scored to go along with the actual mechanics
>he thinks dsr didn't do this
confirmed for not having cleared the fight or are just baiting
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nah sam for BIGG crits
>also the changes are great
I genuinely cannot fathom holding this opinion unless you are significantly brain damaged.
Monk is literally broken by design right now.
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Why are you like this?
He probably did scat erp again and is trying to kill another persona.
i stand by the fact that nobody bothered reading viper's tooltips and people just aren't doing positionals right
why are miera the most popular male erp race?
Nah optimally Monk Sam and Rpr poop put more damage
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Thank you for sharing your beautiful hrothgals.
Looking good king.
this moonie could spit on me and call me various racial slurs anyday
it flows well I don't have to stare at buff and debuff timers
>b-b-but the dps numbers
I do not give a fuck
mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwaaaaahhhhhh
grape chan please step on me too,..,
I don't get how viper is hard for folks, the red ones are rear and the green ones are flank, and if both buttons glow, it doesn't matter which one you pick cause they're the same... and if you maintain the flow, flank and rear basically alternate.
Monk absolutely doesn't lol
They appeal to straight* men, gay men, and straight women.
>the lvling sucks tho
Viper is second only to Samurai in adps.
You are legitimately shit at the game. SO shit at the game that you cannot even press glowing buttons in order.
>implying I care about positionals post-Shadowbringers
Did you extract materia?
Did you toggle your weapon visibility?
Your visor or helmet?
Did you hit select best equipment and it swapped your left and right rings?
Is Venus in retrograde?
They do you just have to outgear the Viper LOL
fully maxxing out the fates in Uroqopacha only got me from 90 to 92 levelling is SO fucking grim
Don't forget
>Did you swap jobs outside of sanctuaries, with a glamour plate linked to your gearset?
because that absolutely breaks it, even if you have THE SAME FUCKING GEAR
i think xivg should stop bullying face 4 femra
/xivg/ should be nicer to femlalas and give me a headpat
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Bros why are you talking about a job that no one plays?
yea but in another thread some dude didn't know that dreadbite or w/e the cooldown twinblade attack is had positional followups
What's the easiest crafter to get from 90-100? Need my materia machine.
Okay, where?
Heh, well in that case yeah maybe
does ocean fishing still give a shitload of purple scrips or did i dream that
I'm talking about the actual mechanics not just the phases themselves you dumb cunt. Either learn english or don't reply to me.
the face 4 femras should stop giving shitposters material then
Oh mother fucker, that's probably what's been doing it. What the fuck. My gear is still identical, my glam is still identical, I never thought that would break it
>Wuk's japanese VA is the same one that voiced Cinder Carla in AC6
Man, she's doing such a good job here too, I genuinely feel bad for her. I hope she knows that it's not her fault, hell it's not even the fault of Wuk Lamat herself, but rather how she's being pushed into every single fucking scene.
>100% shiny chance
yeah nice injection
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whatd i doo
well the rotation really it just changes and feels sucky till 60 i mean i like the quest line and first time going through it is fine its nothing hard just pressing buttons and keeping the dot up
>pushing 1-2-3 is skill
So how is the head of reason not rotting, how does that work?
face 4s run this town bitch
Wuk is awful and the only thing the trans English VA is doing is obfuscating just how terrible she is
What do you mean? All of them are normal and good poster
These are the types of people posting "The job literally plays itself!"
it does for the mechanics yeah, you already exposed yourself for talking out your ass. it's too late
I don't even think it's the fault of Wuk Lamat the character, I think the writing and the narrative are just trash. Even if Wuk Lamat was a better character, the story would still be bad.
It's a retarded system. Square could have prevented a shit load of problems by simply allowing you to use glamour plates everywhere, but I'll be damned if glamour will ever be a smooth system in this game.
It used to be very pathetic. Two levels is insane by comparison.
Who are you quoting retard?
Why are we doing these childish trials for Wuk Lamat again?
damn, imagine being this bitter
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orange man tweaking
those face 4's? my wifes
I think the MSQ would've been cooler if every female scion got hypnotized and vored by a giant tural snake
I want this moonies to sit on my face with 5 day old panties
Oh so it's straight up dead?

I assumed it was dead but then they were like "Nah it's just sleeping a bunch" and I could accept that because it's a magic twoheaded lizard
100% tournament legal :)
>catboy paladin
is there any worse feeling that seeing this in a roulette
Emet-selch told us to find the gold city, and Wuk got us past customs.
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idk it kinda looked nicer with the graphic update
still kinda waiting for glamourer to test looks and stuff
too bad I'm unrapeable
just like I'm unhypnotizable
just a side effect of being a badass VPRfiddie
no thanks
it's ok, I wasn't trying to hide it anyway
I still bark and awooooo ingame
it's literally one guy sperging out about them as far as i can tell lol
otis buckbroken
yeah he says as much and it's also painfully obvious from the start given we never see it talk even once
>Emet-selch told us to find the gold city
>Knowing we would bump into Wuk Lamat?
epic troll
Catgirl DRK
>I-it's one guy!
Face reality.
Anon... did you skip cutscenes? He explicitly says that the head of reason has been dead for like 3 years
I will no longer ask for Tzera hypnokino. I will now ask for Yukimi hypnokino.
>spend an hour in prog
>miss an entire thread
can you guys please stop talking
Why did my thread crush become a far east fiddie??
>expert dungeon deals with a lost district returning via a portal
>justification for dealing with it is that it puts the town at risk
>the dead and dilapidated town with nothing but mindless drone robots standing around and some wildlife
do you like catboys
What is even more hilarious is that it isn't even sagging or leaned down or anything.
It was such an obvious 'twist' but so lazily implemented
my bad, won't happen again
>been dead for like 3 years
Brother he says verbatim that its been a few months
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based and sasme
When, though? I haven't gotten past the final trial yet
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Surely NOW is the point that the MSQ gets good, right? After these several cutscenes play in sequence, the MSQ will get good, right?
>did you skip cutscenes?
nta but I cannot fathom how anybody can sit through a lot of these boring menial fillers and embarrassing dialogue wuk says
i can think of three off the top of my head that basically can't use the thread entirely because of their fault
>miss an entire thread
That would imply there was anything worth reading. You didn't "miss" anything but the same shitposting you've seen in every other iteration of this general.
>save baby yak for a sidequest
>head toward MSQ
>yak attacks me
>skin it and 5 others for fleece cause lol
damn i love the wild west
He literally says his brother left them 3 years ago you are mistaken.
>DSR was the lazier than all the ones that came before it.
>Dive From Grace mechanic resolution syncs with the verses, getting more triumphant as you go through the mechanic
>Trepidation upon enumeration towers
>Eye phase a somber ending
>Thordan 2's OST hits its peak upon DoTH
>Thordan comes back down on a somber tune, where you must spare him
Double dragons I'll admit didn't have much coordination outside of the climax of the song being at the enrage and transition into p7
>Doesn't get the hype of the trumpets during Gigafalre's edge or when they're synced with the final akh morn'd edge

I simp the fuck out of the rest of the arrangement but DSR wasn't lazy at all. TOP was absolutely lazy save for p6.
actually we could've completely skipped everything relating to Wuk's stuff and just gone to the portal with Krile from the beginning...
is what I would've said if it didn't require THE SIGILS to open the room to it
oh wait Gold Roger or whoever had AN EXACT COPY on him so we could've just taken them from him
my bad....
Wow... I fucking love peace bros. When I become leader of Tulihyollal I'm gonna make sure we keep being peaceful and don't start any wars. Peace is so great. After talking to these tribals and learning more about their culture I'm even more convinced of the virtues of peace, because if there was war then they would be killed and that would suck. I'm learning so much on this journey
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anon we can get silly or we can get real
do these unlock any content or are they a prerequisite to anything msq related
>When, though?
During Wuk's ceremony.
What's the new anamnesis mod thingy, I wanna test out stuff before I fanta instead of going blind
This nigga ain't even do DSR LMAO
When she pulled me out of my cabin to talk about how she suddenly wants peace even more I nearly lost it

Why is it so hard for modern writers to write a character arc?
Conflict is... le wrong????
GODshiP does it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only unlocks the ability to dye AF gear
but what if someone posted catboy porn again
They unlock dyeing your AF gear.
the music sync at the start of run sigma is possibly the best in the game
where do I see all the picto brushes?
not just the icons
the fucking assholians were right all along
Hasn't been updated yet, however fantas last an hour now so you can freely change appearance as many times as you want in that hour
Unlocks dyes and required for mentors.
You missed that cropped Koana pick that keeps being posted, that's it.
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we are so back
If you changed the actual items on your gear set and never applied your glamour plate to them, that would do it
>all these empty healer slots for the EXs
Is it actually the meme strike or are they just getting filtered?
It literally does.
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>Brand new Expansion /xivg/ still dead and nobody play the game together
they got filtered, there is no fucking strike going on lol
you actually need to heal
There's significantly less healer parses in general
I think people just went to PCT
That's not what's happening anon. Read: >>484875048
Nigger I can't believe you made me find the exact scene where he says 3 months but here you go bitch
t. grey parses EX2
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tfw no catboy to give head to while I wait for the snek fate
You went through the MSQ.
You saw how they performed in dungeons and normal trials.
Shit healers got fucking owned this expac.
gonna start chopping off suncat tails bros
We do, just not with you
have you ever tried healing bro, its lame as fuck
sorry I already have a husband
Wait really? I'm gonna level a healer...
What? You mean I can change my mind for an hour after changing? Ok cool
But what is the mod called?
The aetherbros are playing together, I've been joining pfs to help get people through msq
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It's me your healer. Let me in
the New World is so peaceful. It's nothing like the BARBARIC Old World with its warlords and warfare and conflict. We all get along great here. Moctezuma II was a good guy who did nothing wrong and the Aztecs never harmed or enslaved or sacrificed anybody.

what a sad way to end
A clear is a clear.
Healer has been the most in demand role, universally, since at least Shadowbringers
...Is that actually how Erenville sounds in english? People tolerate that shit?
ive been giving out free crafted sets to my primal bros man idk what your deal is lol
Its a long winded way to say 'we haven't decided where we are taking this story arc yet.'
I think if a healer gray parses then they didn't earn it
shieet im a malidsterlander and i gots to get my dick sucked namsayin?
i could be making new friends but any time i offer for anons to join i get shit on. Also doesnt help with DC travel being locked except for traveling to dynamis.
It's a feature from the game
I only play the game with my static. Every time I've done content with /xivg/ has been miserable. Even easy shit like Extremes.
>no thanks
stop lying
wait, erenville is a fucking spic???
I would rather play with a grey parsing healer than a gold one
Well okay I just mentioned it because it happened to me earlier. I hope you'll figure it out anon
>make a self-centered narcissistic character the lead
>cast a tranny as the VA
Yep, I'm thinking Sena was the right choice
>all the people who find the role too easy quit
>all you have left are shitter netflix healers
who woulda thunk
I'm already tired of the new writers.
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everything reminds me of him
I've been playing the game quite a lot with my friends. The rest of you i'll use as sleeves when i'm horny because that's all you're good for.
Nah they did. Earning an EX clear isn't hard.
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I should move to Aether, nobody plays the game on Crystal.
how many times do you people need to be told that viera are icelandic
stupid ying-yang still hasn't given me his flesh
that's hot
..what? No I want to know what mod people use to change models instead of anamnesis now that anamnesis doesn't get updated
More like all the people who thought they wanted to heal more found out they're shit when they can't spam Glare and quit.
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I don't think hypnosis is hot!
watching a lot of JAV
I'm not
it just makes me think of my exfriend being drunk and embarrassing
>rolls his r's like he'll be executed if he doesn't
>his mom just has a nigger accent
>I hope you'll figure it out anon
The other anon already solved it. You know, your initial reply to me? Someone already figured it out. Then you brought the conversation all the way back to the beginning without reading anything. You have conversations in reverse.
Niggas call my maliddie the Quicktongue Materia XII
But they aren't new?
There is non available right now, I meant the feature that you have 1 hour to change your mind and look around is a feature from the game.
Hair please, I need it back!
Yeah. If I switch jobs outside sanctuaries with the glamour plate already applied to the gear I'm wearing, I don't get that issue. I changed a ring and I couldn't glamour it and then I had the issue. Why is it wrong of me to bring that up to you?
bro are you fucking retarded? He says 3 years in the coronation cutscene

i cant believe you made me look this up
need what back, the other style?
Thank you bro!
Because I haven't changed gear (or glam) at all since Endwalker. That was in my very first post.
can't expect inbreds who've never left their hometown to know what accents actually sound like. it's a losing battle, anon
Healers cried and screamed about wanting to heal more so they gave that to them in the new EXs which in current gear filters
This exact same shit happened with Abyssos
Hever listen to healers, they're whiny babies and when they say "we want more involved healer gameplay" they actually mean "we want to be green DPS"
>I don't think hypnosis is hot!
Unironically like twice as hot coming from this new character.
Okay... glad you solved your problem, have a good one anon...
>I'm not
>it just makes me think of my exfriend being drunk and embarrassing
Why do you bully your friends like this?
You just know they hired black actress because their "consultants" told them to. It's fucking haurchefant all over again
it gets good for a little bit after this because you can finally catch a breather from Wuk Lamat for a while but then she's in your face all over again and pointlessly, thereafter

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