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Previous >>484818470

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/06
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Popful Mail Coming to Switch eShop Next Week
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
why is this highschool girl so erotic?
How weird is it to think that Agnes is hot?
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love renny, but anies cute too
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>be Rovert
>jobless 40 year old cripple living in Ireland (with his parents)
>no life always online poison that destroys everything around him
>tweets 200 times a day and has been banned from every wrestling forum on the web
>goes on a 30 hour meltdown about his furry pedo hero while calling all the anons here pedophiles
built for anal
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Why, Nate, you've enhanced yourself.
That's cool and all, but can I ask you something?
Why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person?
He's a schizo Anon, it's how he copes
Me on the left
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>banned from every wrestling forum on the web
fake news
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On the left is an adult NPC, on the right is a child NPC. Guess which one Falcom prioritizes modelling underwear for?
I'm kneeling
Daybreak 2 early 2025
Kai late 2025
I said this two threads before but anons made fun of me
based falcom. lolichads are winning hard!
>Daybreak in July
>Ys X in Oct
>Daybreak 2 (before March for Q1)


>Kai possibly in the fall of next year

They're still in doomer mode, dw about it
I said it 6 months ago, it was pretty obvious.
Umm the big game they were announcing was obviously Trails vs Ys PSP port bro, it was leaked on the Epic store!
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how over is it for us?
dont be a retard, it was so obvious they did daybreak 1 and 2 back to back.
its the nisa shills fault
idk who these two are, sky people?
[Sad news] Hatsuu won't be involved with Trails through Daybreak 2 localization
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Any super sniffers ITT?
[Excellent news]
YES no fatsuu
Haha, looks like they're dropping the dead weight...
>the woke editor repleced hatsuu
it's over
>same paragraph
>same typo
>same seethe
now I can't unsee.
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NISA are trying to erase the history of XSEED and earlier games, we CANNOT let this happen!
Formerly XCHUCK
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>turboschizo has unironically convinced himself that he's being stalked by a wrestlingfag
kek holy shit
Will Daybreak 2 get an M rating?
yes, it's discrimination against fictional minorities
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>with Agnes taking bwc scene
at this rate we will get the official translation for kai before the fan one
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bwos wat do I buy
>millium and altina
haha... can't go wrong with a pair of cumdolls. one will eat your ass while sucking your dick
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Thoughts on this?
>Zheng betrayed his people
oh no no...
Haha, no the best part is how it was NEVER fully human translated nor edited.
he ain't wrong, so many things need to go right for a fantl to be quick (ps4 jb, kurotools, a decent cle pc port release & release date, a decent translation to base it off of(lol))
I'm just saying, we could've had a perfectly working translation + overlay solution for Kai if patch anon didn't ruin it all for all of us.

>But overlay was hard and a bit janky!
Meh, it worked, now we don't have that option anymore.
Remember, NISA is the enemy
the shikishi are closed rng haha... nyooooo
If NISA releases Kai in Fall 2025 should we forgive them for killing zerofield?
Never, they gave a no legal backing threat
Remember, its ONLY ok if geofront did it
>fan trannylating a 10 year old game vs fan trannylating a not even 1 year old game with an official localization announced
I'll only forgive NISA if they stopped putting out shit translations so I'll never forgive NSIA.
It got killed because NISA was scared they'd lose money, and wrongfully claimed they had legal rights to the english translation of kiseki

problem is megacorpations don't pay when they make illegal threats when nobody did anything wrong. you can keep licking NISA's boot though, faggot
None of this matters. NISA won.
NISA lost
>got joshua, rean, renne
wat duh fuck give me tiooooo
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>most recent post was in december 2023
Yo where my new theories at?
total senfag death
complete global crosscuck annihilation
nisa dmca'd them
Full sorachad domination
kuro's EN dub is great i like ama lee as Agnes
I miss when Falcom catered for shoujo and not seinen. The art and stories for their games was just more wholesome.
i kneel...
I kinda hoped she'd make an eng cover for Kuro op.
where? we shounen
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It's so beyond Joever that I don't even know where to begin.
it's so fucking over... kiseki is dead...
what is the point of the real-time/turn-based split to combat
it feels so janky
are you supposed to attack a few times in real time then switch to turn-based or what
You farm in real time so you don't spend forever leveling
yes. or as I learned it, switch to agnes, equip her with the extra damage outside of turn based mode, and turn on turbo. evade spam attacks until they die to farm overworld mobs
This is legitimately depressing.
>it feels so janky
Not really, I would argue that falcom somehow managed to make the transition between action and turn-based modes almost perfectly seamless. Metaphor looks fucking janky in comparison.
its impressive that many people are still playing reverie desu
Hot take: Trails Through Daybreak isn't a very good name
Daybreak 2 will easily break 3k on steam.
Yeah, but Kuro no Kiseki is a very good game
Trails Through Buckbreak...
I think they figured that janky real combat is preferable over turboing a turn based seal clubbing
Yeah, I'm a sky boomer.
>turn based seal clubbing
Seal clubbing simulator when?
Kondo will not be pleased with this. Heads will roll. Tea tables will be flipped. Asses will be fucked.
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I tried to find redeeming things on amazon but instead found Y's from Xseed as the number 2 seller on switch while daybreak is #19
while I'm looking at amazon, it says that that daybreak is selling most on ps5. (1000 copies/preorders in the past month vs 500 on switch). There were 100 copies of ps4 preordered
I love Na-chan!
Nadia and Swin didn't really seem to care about anyone in Reverie outside Rufus and Lapis
On a scale of 1-10 how much of a tomboy is Agnes
0, she's bi for renne
why would they release daybreak 2 too soon. Do they just not care about the translation quality any longer? It seems like the release will be a mess desu. Not a very good decision
NISA has never cared about TL quality.
Is anyone else paying them?
No didn’t think so
I paid nadia to eat my ass
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Na-chan likes Renne
>terrible people like other terrible people
Not surprising.
they are lovely lady don't insult them like that
why does falcom never portray underage drinking in their games
most vidya ratings boards around the world would object to depicting kids drinking
ESRB allows it
Not portraying underage drinking is something Japan takes very seriously for some reason. Minors refusing to drink is an anime cliche.
Didn't Van say he drink alcohol on the school festival with Rene?
yeah but he's mr gray
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it's unreal how much better the NISA version looks than the CLE version. sorry about the weird resolution and top left being black, i messed something up
the PC port is all thanks to durante
NISA didnt do shit
they paid him and his team...
and i only have it on 4x MSAA because 8x is too much at max settings, I only can get 45fps with 8x at max
you seem upset cle employee
im on a 4080 and i need to drop to MSAA 2X to maintain 1440p 144FPS with everything else maxed
>got so owned he's playing sematics now
SGSSAA kinda blurs some of the objects but it looks so crispy clean especially in motion, it basically nullifies every jagged edges. What was the last game besides Daybreak that natively had SGSSAA implemented?
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I kneel...
durante is not associated with NISA in any capacity you fucking retard
use reshade to implement CAS shader at 0.3 intensity
NISA lost.
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llard hammings, desu
XSEED did NOT do Sky translations, Carpe Fulgur did.
3rd nuke when
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>look at the camera: difficulty <Nightmare>
NISA negotiated the contract to hire durante. He actually lost money porting reverie because he priced it as a copy/paste and instead got filtered by minigames and cutscenes
My heroes.
Gayer break: Period Blood SiN
okay so he did their job for them for less money than he deserved
and you're arguing NISA was in the moral right here

i wouldnt let NISA fuck my wife, let alone port a game
No one mentioned morals
This is why Kuro flopped.
it's not even that different
but I haven't finished CS4 yet...
/v/ is making fun of trails again...
It's the exact same as its always been if you just go to turn based right away lol
Low IQ confirmed
Don’t waste your time with him/her/they
I wanna see Yume's panties
>hoyoverse fag
of course it's retarded
Do we love or hate Kuro?
As a trailsfag I can't have an opinion of my own.
Everyone got it on GOG
>Elliot Gay
>Keegan Cunny
It's over
He's also retarded Alisafag, like really retarded.
No matter what that tranny says, my impression of Van after playing for an hour
>he is based
>he is a chad
Which is guaranteed to bring many fun anime hijinks. Refreshing after 2 doormat protagonists.
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Taste this shit should not be possible
i'm not nisa's biggest fan either (made videos shitting on them ffs), but taking one platform's active playerbase and using it to spread a narrative that sales are down is bad faith, especially when the PS version on amazon was in best sellers.
this is why people laugh at us, man
>(made videos shitting on them ffs
post vid
you guys are weird about youtube people. i'll pass
if you're kiseki nut i laugh at you
haha, nowhere near that popular.
i like him, though. he's passionate about the nerdy shit. him and choops are top-tier. the rest seem soulless by comparison
the final boss is voices by a guy named Bill Butts in English
[Hilarious News] Despite the spectacular failure regarding fulfilling the Reverie CE pre-orders last year and overhauling their entire website and store software in response, NISA still failed to ship out the Daybreak orders on launch day.
thanks for the money, lmao!
I just beat Azure, please congratulate me


it's their fault for buying directly from a company with a fuckin' abysmal record with these things.
and they preorder games in 2024.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>be able to download a DRM-free copy on GOG
>noooo I want muh discerino with a plusherino in a boxerino that will collect dust on a shelf
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Van can cut down mountains with his jaw hot damn sigh
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it's canon
>a GOG copy is superior to a disc in all aspects
>you are not a small girl to play with plushies
>a box is a waste of space as you use it/look at it only 2-3 times in your life
meant for
Oh, I bought a digital copy too. I'm keeping the CE sealed. I have sealed copies of all the NISA CEs.
>owning physical media is gay
>you will own nothing and like it
>npc behaviour
Agnes has a nice butt
>VPN user voting is not allowed.
Where are we going?
It's over.
Agnes is just young blonde Emma but the MC doesn’t lust for her
How is she similar to Emma? Besides both being INFJs
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but i thought we are pro-agnes here? It doesn't seem like that to me...
big titty babes who completely blend into the background
anies has a personality that consists of being jealous of other women, being the daughter of el presidente and "Ban-san..."
Wtf is this? I discovered a new world (and word) today:

I’m tired of Agnes and Elaine
Give me Shizuna and Judith
The guy who tried to kill himself over SC and his translation partner.
NISA is going to cause a suicide wow...!
>secretly a pervert
>sometimes jealous
>big heart girl
>big heart girl x2
>sister figure to fie and black fie
>they family is important and both are tied to the “mecha”/“grendel”
>same “laugh”
Luckily he and his partner aren't the sole translator and editors of the game like they were back when they worked on SC, so if he fucks up again it won't ruin things too much.
/fg/ is a Renne general
always gotta make it about them eh.
typical localisers
Video games should be faithfully translated to the point that TL notes are needed. Prove me wrong
>arts and crafts
It took me till now to notice
Van is so lucky...
Kuro would be better if Van and Agnes swapped sexes
lately falcom gets literal porn addicts for character design
I had to manually change my language to English in the options after the patch came through. It wasn't really difficult, but I guess I can see being put off by it if you're met with Japanese and don't understand enough of it to not be immediately intimidated by it.
>Disliking Anies
Completely homosexual behavior.
even /v/ agreed that daybreak is a good starting point.
Vans game is a huge hit in the west, it must make the oldfags seethe lol.

huge hit + nisa clearly going all out opposed to them barely trying with sen lol. GG!
couldn't care less what is and what isn't a hit with kiseki secondaries (people who got into the series after SC release in the west, or, god forbid, with cold shit)
To be honest, it pretty much is. At this point, any returning characters may as well be treated like the likes of Zin in Sky, where you can see and hear that these characters have gone through a lot, but the specifics about their backgrounds isn't really important for you to experience their presence.
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>when anons don't want to fuck you
As well it should be. Unfortunate having all that talent constantly be funneled into gachashit all the time.
it's funnier that everyone forgot nisa's fuckup with Ys 8
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>series has been in a constant nose dive after Ao
>hmm this 11th game is a good starting point
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Jolda sex
Nobody forgot Big Hole. Lol. Nobody forgot the absolute shambles of localization and PC port. They made better though? Not many companies do. They went back and re-done the localization (which was expected) but nobody expected them to re-do the entire PC port and then some? Commend them.

Instead of always looking at the negatives, try and see the positives in life my dear friend, maybe you won't be as bitter.
Crossbell, Cold Steel, and Kuro are all better than Sky.
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you're a big gay secondary who plays this series for the epic avengers showdowns
Literally only CS4 and Reverie meet this criteria, which isn't even half of the games when saying Crossbell, Cold Steel, and Kuro.
If you didn't wait the WHERE TITS moment in our history then you didn't play the games.
this desu
Sky is the worst arc because when you have both the worst pacing and the worst gameplay, there's not much to love. When Sky gets good, it is quite good, but it's ruined by everything linking those moments together. It's why 3rd is the best Sky game as it cuts down on the rotten connecting tissue.
You think? How so?
sky and xbell have miles better gameplay than all the games after
>NISA gets Geofront & the OG Zero translation squad into the official credits of the games
>Also gets the CF suicidal squad
don't worry, they are remaking sky. who knows if it'll be better though
they did it for millium and altina, too.
we know they're lolicons at falcom.
most of japanese media is.
and /fg/.
jesus, it's grim ain't it
its just gonna be uprezzed and maybe slightly changed kai versions and thats gonna be it
>Daybreak runs 1080p/60fps on my rog ally
thank you, durante, thank YOU!
Crossbell does have good gameplay, but with Sky because the game wasn't properly balanced you tend to end up leaning on the same rotation of turns most of the time, which gets old fast. There's only so many times you can cast the same arts over and over again before it gets boring. 3rd is also good because you can tell that they were trying to move away from that even if it resulted in things like Richard.
Earth Wall spam, Kuro
Earth Wall spam, Sora
idk how people play og sky1, it's so boring to play (note: to play, as in play)

it's a glorified visual novel, needs a remake or get the evo versions out on modern platforms

at least og sky3 feels like a game
I probably am a latefag but damn, that was quick.
did they use times new roman for the official release or something? wha the fuck

watch the transition around 5:45 ~ onwards

absolutely hype

this is the shit that would send hype waves if kiseki had a bigger audience, some mcu tier shit (literally)
I like the red eng logo.
I think Falcom themselves changed to a new font for Kuro.
>only list a half of them
guess which half is missing from what company... haha!
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kiseki started with cs3, chud.
cs3 cs4 zero ao hajimari gaybreak
haha that's our kiseki
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Today, I will remind them.
Agnes has the cutest butt
>Cold Steel schizos malding EOPs and normies finally got to play Kuro 1 and they liked it
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polygamous relationship with Agnes and Elaine
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>The probable 5 to 6 month wait between Ys X and Kuro 2 is 2 years
senbros, our response?
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Was wondering when the jess posts would start cropping up.
The only thing about Kuro so far is that it's really messing with my muscle memory for Kiseki with the menus.
WHAT THE FUCK I thought you assholes said there was no bonding event bullshit.
I got used it somewhat, but it's definitely something that falcom should've reworked a bit. Kai uses the same UI so we'll probably gonna wait for the next arc until they change it.
It's bonding events, but it doesn't culminate in Van choosing a girl. Though it's worse in some ways as even in NG+ there's no option to get max bonding points.
How's the translation, we got any comparisons yet? They trooned it?!
its shit, play the fantl
Sorry bro, no one here cares for a game we've already played two years ago and it's late localization. Go to r*ddit or X for comparisons.
Bonding events were great what are you talking about
Oh so more like the boys events in CS I'm assuming.
Chapter 2 gave me enough points to do all three when they first popped up, is that not the case in later chapters?
They don't use zoomed linguo and pop culture references often enough. Play fantl or it will be
>a bruh moment)))))))0
>NG+ there's no option to get max bonding points.
I thought you'll get enough stock time to finish all connect events in ng+, mb you didn't finish all side quests in chapter to get the last additional stock time?
I thought I remembered hearing back when it came out that you didn't, and that's why there needed to be a extra stock time mod included with the fan patch instead of just sharing a NG+ save.
>there's no option to get max bonding points
You missed some gifts. You can max everything in the first playtrough but you need to equalize cinema gifts and points perfectly.
>you post an image of Daybreak using NISA's translation
>I ignore your tourist ass
shrimple as
In kuro 2 a lot of connect events with girls are basically teasing them to be in Van's harem. Risette, Renne, Judith and Shizuna (well she personally is very interested in Van, but it's partially related to his powers).
You say this but you also just called the game Daybreak.
Is it simple enough to get the alignments high enough for later on or do you need to follow a guide to feasibly get them all above the threshold.
i am glad that we have finally accepted using the term daybreak instead of kuro
It is pretty simple if you do all the side quests, I got all route options in Oracion in my first playthrough.
chaos may be hard to get if you don't pick it often. I barely got by at oracion by doing one of the oracion 4spgs before the route split.
Chaos options are always the most fun to pick.
Do we have a connect event mod for the English release yet?
Why you retards are trying to use the fantranslation on the steam release? If you don't like nisa transaltion DON'T BUY THE FUCKING GAME. STOP GIVING THEM MONEY.
the jp one should work, same game
Georgie, actually
t. nathanie
But the extra stock mod was inside of english patch file, there is no separated file
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Yes. Use the translation? It's better than NISAs.
What the heck is in Calvard's food and waters that this is a 16 year old anyway?
Because /fg/ is a fucking joke lol.
It's why /fg/ never took down NISA when the momentum was there. There's a few chill people here, sure, but mainly spineless, porn-addicted bitches who talk a big game, but lost to fucking Ribose, Floofy and Hatsuu.
Shame, too. We could have got together and caused havoc, and made people take notice of NISA's antics, but /fg/ chose to laugh at anyone who tried.
And now NISA is improving a little, and /fg/ is laughed at as NISA gain more momentum than ever.
Consider it karma for trying to bully people into suicide and making fun of people's deaths.
Fucking great to see the cunts in here who wished death on myself and others (and mocked Scott's death) take such a massive L.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer group :)
luke you're not the leader of the revolution just because you made a youtube video you full of yourself cunt lol
yay, my daybreak copy arrived. I now have the complete english physical collection once again. If only SC and 3rd had fucking physical copies.
Just had a threesome with agnès and risette.
you cannot have sex with pixels no matter how much you try.
I do not like autistic blueblanc with tits.
there is no revolution. you lost. find a new literalwho to seethe over
If causing havoc online and trolling a bit is a revolution to you, I don't think 4chan's the website for you. Try Reddit. For them a revolution is a new porn subreddit or a new flavor Pringle
>brooooo daybreak is so mature not like those previous kiddie games van is an ADULT and does ADULTING ILLEGAL THINGS t. nisa and kondo
>3rd and 4th quest is to find a lost wallet and a monster extermination
wow... i definitely don't just feel like a braver...
OG bracers, cops larping as bracers, students larping as bracers, slightly sussy bracers.
We've always been bracers anon I don't know what to tell you.
Did NISA censore the Dark Light District hookers? Or do they still hit on Agnes and Feri?
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its what i expected but its funny how hard they tried to push the whole edgy illegal angle and its just not there
I got to kill gay almataniggers and that's all that matters
the chaos options are pretty much edgy. You would never see the previous mcs did any of those
Zin gives you those bracer quests. It's not like people wanted to contact a spriggan to deal with them in the first place.
Van even says he doesn't usually take jobs that the Bracers or Police should be doing instead, but Falcom makes sure to give a contrived reason as for why Van needs to chase around cats.
Besides sweets and child labor, what else does Van like?
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I only come here for hornyposts
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Dirty Elaine hands typed this post
I'm pretty sure most people bought the game when it was just jp only.
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cope more
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Ban-san only likes one person...
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>oh no he posted cropped lewds trying to prove his point!
van would never fuck a child. It's OOC
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anies lost...
I will still call her agnes fuck that anies shit
Who do you think across all games give the best blowjob?
Despite the bungled no preorders and not launching until the middle of the day yesterday Kuro 1 is at #5 on PSN currently ahead of SMTVV
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Aurelia and Musse
Renne by sheer experience
>Insinuation of child prostitution
It’s canon
Can someone remind me how you translate "hollow" as "holo" again?
>Mare appears as a hologram in the story, so why shouldn't it be holo?
that sounds pretty braindead reasoning
is that how they came up with retributive tower too?
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I love them so much
Good morning bros...gonna jerk off to Na-chan <3
It's so nice that this series is so inclusive and depicting LGBTQ Fathers and their adopted children
we need a trans rep
Uhhh Quatre bros?
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Is he aware of...?
Bros, nayuta crash on launch, anyone know what the problem might be?
Check drivers and run as admin?
I cummed really hard to her again.
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>they fixed it
shame about everything else they didn't fix
Halfway through Azure right now. Kind of upset at how much I enjoyed overall the music in Sky compared to Crossbell so far. There's a handful of tracks I have liked thus far in this arc, but I liked a larger percentage of the ones in Sky. I'm not sure if it's down to the fidelity differences.
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lloydo tapped that
Illya not otouto-kun
Come collect your retard he broke containment
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We don't want the freak either.
>deleting your own posts and reposting them because you fucked up
Listen I'm tired and forgot the third >
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I am going to play Gurumin today. That is all.
What are you pronouns?
Have fun.
Caochad did too.
Sure thing kys now
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was it really just two seconds?
two seconds...
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Lloyd Bannings, the venerable hero of Crossbell.
still incredible that not only did the game open with this but the cuckbell story was just repeated with very little change
this series, at its core, is a series about repetition and that's reflected in every aspect of it
Least funny meme in the history of /fg/
Nobody but you is laughing
The image was from a Jap on twitter
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t. the singular jobbings fan in existence
nips had to be absolutely furious that a "hero" got absolutely humiliated, unironically wtf was falcoom thinking? In game that was broadcast around zemuria wasn't it?
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Didn't Kondo say that Kai would put the series at 90% completion? Why is it back to 80%?
When I asked about Ragnard he remembered there was another game he could make
75-80% means 2 more games, which makes sense.
there'll be at least 3 games after Kai
Kondo takes his estimates out of his ass and it always changes
Feri looks so innocent
Cao will corrupt her
I hate feri they should have given some eastern ninja instead of FIE BUT BROWN AND RETARDED
fie isn't retarded? I thought all cold cuck old C7 ""people"" were retarded
fie can't go 3 seconds without talking about how much she loved high school anymore and feri didn't even go to school
Fie was retarded for the first half of Cold Steel, but Emma made her not retarded any more.
A 3-game closing arc is fair enough. I don't think there's enough in Trails for two more arcs.
Kondo said there will be 2 more arcs after Calvard.
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>I don't think there's enough in Trails for two more arcs.
You need to think like a businessman. One arc for the final sept-terrion set in not-China, and a 2-3 game arc to stretch out the conclusion to the series starring the fabled Ouroboros protagonist.
>Kondo said
yeah, haha...
that was before they started merging stuff with Kai
Can someone post the image of cao as kuro 2 c
Kondo is gonna make a chink Rean as the protagonist in the next arc...
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They're so woke... I can't believe they made Britain canon to Kiseki...
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why are zemurian fashion designers like this
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>cucked jobbings
>cucked lil ronnie
He keeps getting away with it...
didn't jobbings cuck rixia from him?
Thanks just want i needed
Nope. Rixia jumps when Cao tells her to as shown in Kuro 1.
Thanks for ruining my Kiseki thread on /v/ I can always count on you schizos to derail them every time
Just threaten roido or something and rixia will suck you off
Question: should I romance Rixia or Elie in Azure???
Elie. Rixia is for the vanbowl
Elie is probably the closest thing to a canon relationship Lloyd has, but it doesn't really matter. Reverie lets Lloyd get romantic with Elie, Noel, Rixia, and Tio.
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Remember to thank NISA today for bringing your favorite JRPG series to the west.
Thank you XSNEED
didn't some guy from xseed almost commit suicide because localizing sky was so hard?
That picture always cracked me up, because everything is so gaudy all in gold and then the food is like fast food like McDs
NISA hired him for Kuro. It's good how they redeemed him.
Elie is kind of boring...
No shit, so is lloyd
I need at least someone interesting or else I'm not invested.
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they fuck
daybreak is comfy as shit so far you niggers lied to me again
Where's Kai?
soon inshallah
Paid for by Blackrock and Vanguard
Why did Rufus dress her up in a similar style to Reverie Nadia?
so did floofy still not get the nisa job for daybreak?
What is it about Cao that makes Ronnie seethe so much?
What did they call it before?
wokfefag melty hour on /v/!
good, keep him there
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>falling for the misinfo campaign from our resident schizo instead of listening to the people that actually played the game
It wasn't because it was hard. It was because Carpe Fulgur used the wrong format in their translation which had to be completely redone by XSEED.
XSEED also didn't provide them with a bible full of terms meaning that Carpe Fulgur's translation was inconsistent with XSEED's and Carpe Fulgur only got through the main story before stopping because SC wasn't in sight.
They really memoryholed how XSEED almost drove a man to kill himself, didn't they?
>hired to do job
>do it inherently wrong from the start
>the people who hired you have to spend resources to rectify your mistakes from scratch
Yeah, this guy is probably trans since his immediate solution to failure was suicide.
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How is sean still not cancelled....
All of this it have been prevented if XSEED treated Carpe Fulgur properly, and if they weren't lazy asses. The formatting problem would have been nipped in the bud early if XSEED started work on transferring the text as Carpe Fulgur were translating it. If XSEED had bothered to create a series bible there wouldn't have been terminology mistakes. Ultimately, XSEED's incompetent management caused someone to attempt suicide, and they got off scott-free. It's disgusting.
The great samurai were trans all along...
Yeah, they even have the tranny hair.
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I'll be honest lads I'm so happy xseed is no longer working on kiseki and YS, nisa is so much better for the series
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Su-chan and Na-chan! Super cute and super canon!
eight instead of oct
It's ok if Xsneed does it
I know some people who fan translate visual novels, and a large amount of the work is actually formatting the text because the text doesn't wrap automatically and you have to manually break the text up to stay in the text box. It's actually insane that this is how some people code their games.
Unreal engine 1 had the ability to auto wrap text in boxes based off the individual glyphs
That was 1998 tech
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Licking the pocari sweat off na-chan
kys mondblut
Bros the game crashed on my Steam Deck and now it won't turn on wtf do I do
that hit me like a flashbang
Certainly something I learned in my first playthrough of the game. Probably gonna pick chaos wherever possible this time simply because law and gray come up way more often and probably won't be a concern if I pass them up sometimes.
i want to lick her cunny
giving yume a sibling
Paulette sexo
falcom fans trying to disprove the paedo allegations challenge, difficulty level: impossible
Whatever you want to believe
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Yeah, but Japan's incompetent.
I can kind of understand being a shitposter with nothing better to do and entering a thread to post worthless things like this when it comes to /v/, but entering a general specifically to do it? Your kind on /v/ clearly have nothing better to do, but you especially are a different breed. I have to wonder what your day to day is like because you genuinely seem like a potential case study for something. I cannot even begin to comprehend your mentality.
ummm hello??? based??
another chad mc.....
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I need more Kai footage of my cute wife...
>kiseki on the original unreal engine would've been an improvement
daybreak/ys x runs on a heavily modified source 2 engine which was originally offshot of the old quake engine.
you okay bud?
I am Pro-Agnès.
how to get short flat gf that wears tights
I am anti anies
Whatever you want to believe
The piano track that plays on loop during daytime in Edith is ear cancer. It's just the same basic melody repeated infinitely. Has to be some Singashit.
cumdoll, not a cute wife
Whatever you want to believe
Emma when???
Cute Middle Eastern hebe princess!
Na-chan is way too cute!
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Can we stop fighting? We ALL have someone we like. Let's respect theirs.
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>yep, that's her entire personality
>write it down
Edith is Koguchi.
Bros, is this the best OP image we've had in a while?
Whatever you want to believe
cute cumdoll wife
Haha, then they need to fire more than one person...
Good for you
Isn't Singa freelance anyway?
pretty sad how koguchi hasn't topped this yet
It's not exactly unjustified considering how she was a rape slave.
I'm not really sure I understand your issue with the Edith music. That piano melody kinda peters out after about 40 seconds before the song carries on, and the song itself doesn't even loop until after 2 minutes.
i actually like the the battle theme in daybreak, it grew on me
I don't really wanna boil your critique down to autism, but it might be autism anon. Most people don't respond to normal ass piano playing this way.
I miss the singa chickens in reverie
Hi discord losers. Singa owns you btw
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Sorry, chud. Your infinite loop will never be anything but trash.
it's been almost 4 years already and you're still seething about chickens
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Most complaints here always just come off as some avgn ripoff from 2008
>Sperging out because music loops in a video game
Genuine autism.
Sorry, chud. This is complete trash.
its pretty comfy
fuck my cle clear saves aren't compatible. i don't want to buy the dlc
It's so simple you can play it with one finger on a keyboard. Repeated for 2 minutes, then looped forever
You didn't have to post it, anon. I was already listening to it in the background while we were arguing.
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Kuro has a nice soundtrack
Reminder that the music schizo got rejected by Falcom after he applied to be one of their composers.
I also enjoy babby's first casio keyboard jam.
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Koguchi made kuro ost soulful, if not for him it would be genuinely bland even with Jindo's kino boss themes.
I was wondering why it was so peaceful here, wokefag seems to be too occupied with the /v/ thread
Bad for you
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>About to get BLACKED
I have been keeping him busy
Thank you for your service
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It's easy to get him to respond
kiseki osts are insanely overrated desu
For me, it's goonerkino...
My controversial opinion is that I really like this song.
do you think kai will let you bring your kuro 2 save over?
probably yes
not like it matters cause you always just get a bunch of irrelevant shit
It's still on the same engine so I hope so, but we'll probably only get bonus items and that's it.
true but i wish they did it like cold steel 1 and 2 and cs 3 and 4 where it lets you bring your level over. a shame kuro 2 only gave you shit for your clear save.
That's true, even an "lol" keeps the train going
thats what im thinking also
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Haha, SGSSAA will surely save Ys X's N64 graphics...
Durante will fix the water in ys as well
I don't see why it wouldn't.
Calvard arc is already over... Kai is more like Reverie not CS5
durante will find the original high resolution versions of the n64 textures falcom uses, properly implement DX12 and shit on CLEtards, completely overhaul the lighting, shadows and water rendering and implement DLSS, FSR3 and XESS with frame generation even though the game already runs 1000fps on a pc from 20 years ago trust the plan
nvm, bringing the save file just after starting a new game+ works
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>bloom: the game
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haha... keep coping can't wait for the game to still run on DX11 with no good performance options for anti aliasing and still look like shit except there's more ambient occlusion that just kills the art of the game and water that just looks darker and bloom turned up to 1000 so i can make fun of you durantefags
I don't really have an issue with the overall visuals of the game, but the weird glow on characters when they're up against certain backgrounds is weird to me.
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Just wait until the sequel, the bloom is somehow much, much higher there to like a hilarious degree, they probably tried to fake a improvement to the engine's visuals and lighting by doing that to hide that kuro 2 is a filler game but it just looks like shit
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Just finished Coldsteel II and dived straight into III.
Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm feeling the new cast, setting or premise.
Should I just move on to
It only gets worse since it devolves into a constant muh Rean circlejerk.
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wiki says otherwise
>Should I just move on to
Should I just move on to Reverie*?
Most people tend to come around to new class 7, but CS3 is a fuckin 100 hour game, so it's definitely a commitment.
Kai no Kiseki is the calvard arc finale. we get one more filler game after kai where every character ever shows up and there's a 300 member party with half the game just being a long side dungeon, and then the series finale after that in the next title stay tuned
New c7 is better, stick with it
We still haven't gotten our Leman game yet, Kondo.
Haha, more = better!
>New c7 is better
>juna is annoying
>musse is a whore
>kurt is a weak and pathetic bitch
>altina is USELESS can't even complete her role as a sword
>ash is an emo faggot

>Old Class 7
>only alisa sucks
fuck you altina is the best.
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Kai's marketing implies that Van and co. are still the main protagonists unlike with Hajimari that kinda threw GM into the cover for no reason, but I won't hold my breath considering that falcom likes to put shit ton of fanservice with the returning characters. It's also funny that we still don't know how Kai will be structured... will it have character routes like in Hajimari? Or sides like Kuro 2?
>only alisa sucks
>be Rufus
>get away with everything
>get doll cunny as reward
>doll cunny gets an upgrade
Absolute chad.
it implies but kondo is retarded and will barely do anything with them i bet.
>be machias
>hate nobles because you got raped by one
>find a good noble
>get raped again
>its ok this time
>apologize to the first noble that raped you
>become ultra gay
>join ouroboros as a new enforcer named gunlord
what did kondo mean by this?
This is bait for sure.
whoever designed this outfit should be fucking fired
van getting into a street race with this guy just cause he insulted his car is hilarious
i love this guy already
Kondo did say that Kai will answer all of the questions regarding Van's origins, Grimcats, Risette as well the love triangle with Agnes and Elaine, but it's probably gonna be rushed and unsatisfying conclusion. They already wasted time with Kuro 2 and now they added other routes that aren't Van and co. I just hope other routes are like side stories that don't take too long to finish.
What were the alternative designs?
same i really hope they are side stories like tokyo xanadu has
"office whore" is perfectly fine design thank you very much
Most of them are ass but the one in the bottom middle looks way better than what we got.
she was so much hotter in her cold steel 2 design, like i probably fapped to it 1000 times, and then this office whore outfit in cs3 is just absolutely disgusting, i hate her, worst girl in cs, i'd rather do anyone else
What's wrong with it?
>50mil players in 3 days for ZZZ
>2k players for Daybreak on Steam
owari da
can't compare to the waste of oxygen gachafags and mihoyo dick riders
Mihoyo gachaslop has surpassed a relatively niche series in player count, I can't believe this.
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Nobody likes NC7 just the cumdoll loli from CS2
CS3 is the worst Trails games according to Nips
if you're comparing it to something it should be to northern war
Altina is overrated
Fie >>>>>> Altina
she looks like a literal prostitute, not to mention it doesn't fit her job
>Literal prostitute dresses like a prostitute
Seems like a good design to me
>i-it's a niche series!
Meanwhile games that bleed and vomit anime are massively successful
emma is based
>not loli
>not main character
>not main heroine
>cucked by the cat
and yet... defeated the majority of the falcom characters
you mean shit
Emma's only good point is her huge tits
Everything about her sucks including her design.... ok not everything
Yui Hori is a great voice actress
Koreans really like her because characters with personality greatly offend them
Those are games that feature the good anime. Kiseki is the bad anime.
Rixia tits are bigger and yet she lost
Elie, Sara, Aurelia, Schera... they all have the same boobs size
Emma is just built different
falcom are a shit tier dev who make shovelware ps2 games of course they arent popular
only braindead weebs with absolutely no taste are buying falcom releases, the average person takes one look at falcoms shovelware games and laughs
That’s the Japanese poll
it got raided
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sorry for having refined taste that doesn't seek slop aimed to the lowest common denominator
holy shit the absolute state of woke kusokeks.
you cant even pretend you are secretly based either because western """""""fans""""""" of this franchise constantly mald over tita and agate.
i wish altera wasnt la-chan she was so sexy.
Or a loyal fanbase since she is always in the same position during Falcom polls
Altera will be back in some way or form mark my words.
the king cant fix kuso.
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>not loli
>not main character
>not main heroine
Literally every best girl in existence
am I the only one that wants to vomit every time I see some kind of acrylic slop passed off as a product?
i hope so. imagine a threesoe with altera and are if they ever got real bodies.
it is aimed at the lowest common denominator they just have the production values to actually attract anyone
sky is good for almost the entire game except for the end of SC.
>noooo the dialogue too much dialogue
retard go play final fantasy
high production values in and of itself is a vector catering to the lowest common denominator
nothing has changed in trails since sky to the point that this franchise is a joke
Final fantasy is a good jrpg
I am a kusoge hunter
I want to play slop not read slop
xsneed is too good for this franchise.
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Why do you all keep posting fake poll results?
What are huge Emma-type tits like to fondle?
oh, just add "anime" and "roguelite/like" into steam
how is the new entry?
any cute loliwife?
anies is my wife
Ishmelga tentacles
She's mine, though.
Why do they always sideline our boy?
Van calls Judith a kinkster multiple times.
shes mine back off
Rean Alter must have had a shit ton of experiences with it. Who knows what nooks and crannies did Ishmelga go to.
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Go Go Brazil
UR Gay will lose
or a very good game
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If he crushed all the walls, there would be no plot
He's also like 29 so he's already a fossil, rough
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for me it's Jolda
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I can't even remember the last time Dogi crushed a wall. Does he do it in X?
he bussin on them walls fr fr no cap
on god.
Who? You mean Anus?
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Would be great if Jolda's the one who knocks on Van's door in Kai.
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Kai no Kiseki leak.
>osborne and ishmelga gets resurrected by ouroboros
>the great twilight returns
>singa kingo plays
>erebonia attacks calvard during the space launch
>you play as rean in the prologue
meh, try harder next time
Kai no kiseki leak.
>Van is gay
>Aaron is gay
>Rean is gay
>Crow is gay
>the finale takes place on valentines day of 1210 where they all have hot steamy gay sex in the old town bath house
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Second in command? I thought she was the leader
>schizo leaks saturday
Cheeky girl
So Ys versus Sky was a hoax then, right?
No she's vice-commander.
she seems like she is a bit autistic
I loved her introduction scene in CS3 where we get a nice closeup of her lovely cleavage.
Did they ever specify who the leader is?
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daybreak kino...my favorite sweet addict old man
No, we know that Ka-fai was the former leader, but we still don't know the current one.
there's gonna be a big reveal that rean had sex with shizuna after she beat him and then later he bested her and became the leader of them
twice, first as Igi when he attacks you in the dungeon and then on the grieger fruit island
Please post some more screenshots of the girls' butts
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>ikaruga as a group and shizuna's backstory are largely still a mystery
>shizuna mentions bringing ban to meet her "grandmother"
>instead of dealing with any of this, shizuna will be an irrelevant joke character yet again whose fate is to be fed to reankek to make him look strong
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Good. He hadn't crushed a wall in so long.
fufu... van would totally help the enemy if they gave him the greatest and most rare sweets in zemuria
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Surely Kondo won't ditch the foreshadowing in Shizuna's connect event for the sake of another riin jerk off scene haha...
OK /fg/ so when I played Kuro no Kiseki 2 last september with the english patch, my favorite part of the game was playing through the marchen garten with my favorite characters and the music in the background randomized...what does this say about me?
my schizo headcanon is that she's Agnes' actual grandma
I know it won't happen but I hope rean loses to her again
He will hold back so that he could trick her unclouded eye, Shizuna's only weakness...
Renne has a big, plump booty.
When did you realize NISA saved the series?
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6 days....
>Shizuna makes Rean kneel
>She starts to gloat, but then Rean gets up and breaks her special odachi
>Kusoeaters pre-seething about Rean
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FFS I thought you were memeing about Kuro being woke
>Agnes casually accepts the idea of Van being a faggot
>"careful painting all women with a brush this large"
I really don't like where this is going bros
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McBurn vs Van/Grendel fully animated in Kai
After Lloyd beat McBurn by himself, is he really that much of a threat?
What if that's how she ambushed Rean in Hajimari? He didn't sense her, so maybe she held back until the last second.
They're both going to activate spirit unification and then ka fai will stop the fight and they'll both spend the rest of the game telling each other "Haha you were definitely holding back"
Lucrezia looking like Agnes mom here
McBurn can't even defeat Emma
Go back to your thread: >>>/v/681896909
>Lloyd beat McBurn by himself
God I hate the font they chose
That's actually something I really hope for, imagine Van going demon mode and fight with McBurn while Unmitigated Evil 2 plays in the background.
I can already tell I'm gonna be speeding through half the text when Rean, Ka-fai, and Shizuna meet up. That episode with all the swordfags in Hajimari was the most unbearable section of Kiseki for the same reason
NTA but >>>/tranny/
>ka-fai testing rean's resolve after giving him a "that will not be necessary!" moment which leads into shizuna and bean being humble about their power levels
Now that's quintessential Cold Steel haha
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Zemuria is going to end through the sheer force of all the sword autists being put inside a room and sucking each other off
The REAL Ouroboros
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>the real ouroboros was the cultist circlejerk all aoun
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News when?
That's our Bean and Shizuna! haha...
Simulacrums are as powerful as the real thing, and Lloyd was able to force Robo McBurn to his knees. If Robo McBurn was able to access his super special form it would have been different, but Reverie "2 Seconds" Lloyd has enough power to force McBurn to his knees and make him call upon his demon form.
I have news for you.
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What political message could a game where:
>Every single breakthrough in science and economy was done by immigrants
>Terrorism is something that white people do, and they're called white people despite never having been called that in previous arc (just "western zemurians" which were clearly white)
>All martial arts are created by immigrants
>What was before a very questionable revolution is now the holiest act ever done in the Trails setting
>Immigration is now loved by 100% of people except literal terrorists
>A sub-plot exists where it's stated that race-bending historical figures in movies is actually a good thing etc etc etc
> The villain is literally the last descendant of an explicitly white supremacist monarchy
Really, I have no idea.
Pic unrelated
none because it's just a fucking game and the inspirations are all over the place
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Hope this helps any newcomers!
the political message is ur a faget
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This is better
>Its 2024
>I'm still randomly rewatching Cold Steel the musical while drinking on a Saturday night
It's honestly so peak. Imagine if we'd had other arcs given this treatment. What scene from Sky/Crossbell/etc. would you like to have seen in this format?
We need an updated version with daybreak
Shit live action
Shit character live action
I bet the actress died of cringe after interpret Alisa
>incoherent nonsense seethe
why does this exist it's like some ESL took the one in >>484978686 and cropped it and made it worse and like the fucking idiot they are they left out the names of the games
going through old /fg/ threads in the archive is so fucking funny
literal treasure trove I tell ya
>Goes in screeching pol tier nonsense
>is surprised when people give him nonsense responses in kind
>I bet the actress died of cringe after interpret Alisa
Is CS the musical hated by ESL's?
I wish we got more. I just can't hate weird musicals.
Correctly analysing themes in media is not /pol/ no matter how much it makes you ass hurt when people do so, it is absolutely normal to read into the messages of media.
this chink bracer in langport has a massive ass
dude i did enough analysis in uni why would i want to waste more time when i could just enjoy the game
if you have a girlfriend she's probably cheating on you DESU
This is literally the media literacy you resetera tourists claim right wingers don't have
>If you disagree with me you are a HECKIN RESETERA TOURIST
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Next week.
>Why do you actually pay attention when you can just CONSOOOOOOOOOOOM
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pic related - literally you.
Thread was good while it lasted, Wokefag is back seething on cooldown and samefagging to boot.
I've seen resetera threads linked on /fg/ multiple times. You also cry /pol/ at everyone just like they do. It's clear.
Have you considered PS2 graphics and CS horse?
Haha... nisa would've probably just died and went bankrupt if it took them until 2025 just to release hajimari in english
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It'd be nice if Gayorg did his job.
It's funny to be playing Daybreak and enjoying it then coming back to this thread and seeing all the unhinged mental illness. Can't believe I almost let you faggots demoralize me onto thinking I didn't like the series.
Clear as in you are a schizo and see restera everywhere?
shit taste
I have cracked the mystery of the Trails series.

The Grandmaster is..... wait for it......
Lillia Claudel, the adopted daughter of Professor Epstein.
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It's pretty cool to see how loved Daybreak really is
>he just made a new thread on /v/
I'm talking about the games, even if it makes you seethe and cry for the jannies, just like a resetera tourist
Someone needs to give her a spanking
Daybreak more like Gaybreak
It's insane the level of schizophrenia that this series induces in people. They're just dumb fun anime RPGs but it's like some people made it their sole mission in life to seethe over them. Very odd behavioir.
The actresses in the musical are all so pretty
>be van
>get fine ass bitches and free sweets for just existing
god i wish i was him bros...
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daybreak? this isnt a terraria thread
Chad Nayuta mogs WokeShit
Now that he finally dropped his edgy self loathing, he should start pounding his bitches in kai.
>Van goes around hitting on every women including Agnes a little
>Ronnie keeps calling Judith a whore
>The grimcatz outfit
>Kondo keeps teasing at Van x Agnes
Pretty much every thread on this site has people like this for some reason
what should I ask him? I'm so nervous...
Since when moral degeneration and wokes are adversaries?
>Straight man being straight is now "woke"
>Calling women especially actresses whores and sluts are now "woke"
It's because they don't get banned for being obnoxious retards unless they happen to find their way into a janny/mod's pet thread.
First off, a piece of media can push a woke line and not others, it doesn't have to do ALL OF THEM.
Secondly, people were told that kinkster is a correct translation of what Van calls her, you can't take it back now.
You also can't take back that you call Straight man being Straight moral degeneration
shes perfect. imagine that fat ass sitting on your dick.
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Nobody did that, absolutely nobody.
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I wish Renne was real I would fuck her and she would love me
There were multiple flaming gay dudes in Crossbell and none of you cared then
link the mod
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>Including Agnes
I thought hitting on a minor was morally wrong.
anime minors = okay
real minors = not okay
16 is the aoc in Zemuria
>He thinks Woke don't only think it's morally wrong when a Straight man does it
>gayestbreak <--- Rean is in it
I am asking you all to be responsible with your posts. Are you trying to kill Falcom? Do you hate their games? Or are you trying to gatekeep? Stop being faggots.
>Are you trying to kill Falcom?
>Do you hate their games?
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holy shit he fucking killed her
oh hey it's agate 4.0
Fucking based.
ash was pretty based. one of the main reasons why new 7 was good
his english VA did an amazing fucking job, he clearly had a ton of fun voicing him
It's a well-known mentally ill schizo making these
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i wish i were that bear
marquis bear is so lucky...
I love Ash. Definitely one of the deeper, more layered characters in Kiseki
Muh Curse
We're not talking about Rean though.
ESL-kun is dumb
ash was literally made to refute "muh curse" brainrot excuses
his daydream spells it out
I'm an edgylord who likes to act like a teenager bitter about life
Look how complex I am
The NTR guy from Kiseki content made in Koikatsu...
Retcon character victim of a retcon curse event, who somehow managed to walk kilometers and escape from Hamel thanks to the curse, who was used by the curse for Ishmelga to start the war and who in the end was forgiven for everything because... muh curse
Ash only exists to introduce the curse and say that it has always existed
is no one gonna make a new thread?
is this where /fg/ dies?
>muh sword
>muh music
>muh wind
>muh nobles
>muh sharon/mother
>my cat made me redundant
Somehow old Shart VII is worse than retcon characters kek
I'm already bored of the combat one third into chapter 1 of Gaybreak. When does it get good? You just slap the monsters in dungeons with your 3 hit combo until they die and then enter turn-based combat when a strong enemy gets stunned for shard damage, then you leave and repeat it. This isn't fun. The first boss fight of the game ended in 1 cast of Shadow Spikes or whatever the fuck because the gargoyles weren't immune to deathblow, then you got thrown into a fight where you were immortal and slapped around the mafia using 3 boring attacks over and over again.
never happened
>playing kiseki for the combat without difficulty mods
lmao @ ur life
Why aren't there any pro immigrant terrorist groups? MORE SHIZUKUS AND FERIS!
give me a sec
In what way does Ash's story contradicts anything from prior games? Can you give at least 1 example?
>for the combat
Nigger, it's part of the game.
>uhh yeah it's bad but lol just mod it or just don't play it for the combat! okay you have to play the combat but just don't play it FOR the combat! hurr!
vanilla kiseki might as well be a visual novel
Yeah, and it's not which means the bad gameplay is unacceptable.
what an odd response
Retcon and plothole are two different things
Ash and the curse bring a new interpretation about Hamel events
god this entire trailer just looks like the whole party is a bunch of badass showoffs haha
I love this track
can you fuck the trap?
/fg/ has died so hard so quick the day after daybreak dropped falcom games are dead daybreak flopped nisa lost its so over RIP Falcom fans we lost kai is gonna be stuck in japan forever
New thread retard-kun learn how to use 4chan lmao if you read even a few posts above you'd know
>she isn't IMAGINE sized
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