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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484876869
my fiddie is
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>npcs calling you just "champion" now
>you're just there to watch someone else's story
>your character doesn't even show up in cutscenes sometimes
>playerbase mostly playing for the gameplay while trying to ignore the story
In the end we're not so different, you and I.
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hrothGOD owned
that's my boyfbun
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cliques are not real
lalacord is not real
get a grip
so it's safe to say the "big graphics update" was a total failure right?
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>when Wuk shows up to save the day it's bad
>when Gaia does it it's good
What do the Japanese think about Wuk Lamat?
uhhhhhh miqo'te
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
Cute hebe lesbians duh
but i hated both of these
Hroth owned
Both M & F
Based report to the Bozja front
Lalacord is real though. That one was proven a while ago.
and I have gripgel, I don't need any more.
What the fuck no one told me they added sex into the game.

Revisit is incredible
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 5:15 ET
i am a moonie
seeking a crafter femra wife
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hi herbert
we can talk about chen yes
>day 1257 on my search for a straight hrothgar
>my mouth is dry
>knees weak
>arms heavy
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bun lole
>Fight back against doomers
why? i already won just by enjoying what i paid for, unlike them
Is Erenville a tranny or something? Why did he get all bitchy about being deadnamed by the king?
last one for now probably find me on crystal if you can
I'm gonna relieve myself to some anon, soon I'll be back for some roulettes.
gaia grew more as a character in a chain of sidequests than wuk did in 40 hours of cutscenes
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>save the universe from a diety that is trying to sap the world of all aether for righteous reasons and end suffering
>be promised a new lower stakes story
>look inside
>save the universe from a rogue AI that is trying to sap the world of aether for righteous reasons and end suffering
BLM sisters....How are you coping?
tender loving intimate finger-locked sex witth (You)r favorite femlala...
femra will grow larger
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Reminder that Kate has a big say in who gets hired.
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catboys huff femlala shoes
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And Zenos too
>xivg told me to fanta to miera if i want to attract biofems
>only attracted biomales into femboys instead
You lied to me
I'll keep an eye out for you...
this sounds like any other VA casting
>pretending this msq is good
If we ignore the context and story on both of them:

On Gaia's we are trapped in ice and cannot do anything about it.

On Wuk's, we suddenly go down on our knee out of nowhere, we are not trapped, we are not in peril, we are just fighting the boss and suddenly goes to Phase 2.
>warrior of light now has the magical artifact that allows you to enter other shards
>encounter a gigantic stone arch on one of your adventures
>artifact starts reacting, a green portal appears
>you enter
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I am a femra mining Daeyalt Essence whilst waiting for S Ranks to pop.

Cute picture.
Can I get in trouble if I use the Meteordive pose to make lewd portraits?
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why is this kid crying over some guy whose first interaction with him holding him by the neck and using him as a human(lizard) shield

>the graphics update added like a dozen new lip bones
once brio is back im going to make so many images of my lalaboy giving stretchy lip blowjobs ingame
moonie pits
moonie pits
Zenos doesn't finish or kill the endsinger, he sits there and waits for us to kil it
I gave in and picked up the brush
It's over
I'm too stupid to figure out what the problem is

I do miss having two paradoxes, though. Also being totally unable to cast thunder outside of a proc is really awkward
hate this one, too
Zenos was the only one who pulled this trope off
Miera hypnotists in your area
sadly I'm not on NA but I will remember this lalaboy when cross-region DC opens
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Madot Suki
I never understand people like you who put together decent glams and then take the shittiest imaginable pictures of them. https://photographylife.com/photography-basics Please for the love of god at least learn a little framing.
feet are a pretty weird fetish, sis
i'll pass
im the lala you replied to
i would let you give me stretchy lip blowjobs mainly cus i love being both top and bottom and i do love a good hole for my femboy lala hung cock
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I'm learning how to play the class on high end content sis
ardbert pulled this off and so did emet selch
So this is FFXIV's battle for azeroth huh? or dare i say... shadowlands?
nah. femlalas are entranced by catboy bootsmell
I just finished the MSQ on an alt, and took me a total of 7 hours skipping everything. There should is a lot of yapping this time around.
i am no longer
a moonie
what's this lore
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Holy shit Jonesy Fortnite?
soft warm femlala hands touching each other
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New to the game, thoughts on my male bun
Remember when you got your artifact gear, hopped on the Ragnarok, and sped off to the edge of the universe to save the world from the sad bird?

I do
>cute lesbian chicks (female) (vagina-havers)
>or furry trannies
Yep, thinking I'm going with the furry tranny just to spite reddit and the Steam reviews. We like Wuk!
I'm just an MSQ casualfag, but I don't think I can bring myself to play through this. At 93 but its just so unbearably boring. Wuk, the twins, and Krile are a match made in dry hell. Why can't I just be with Koana, Thancred, and Urianger...fuuuuuck this
Gotta keep them at least partially exposed. The people need them
anyone else actually giga depressed now
fuck dude I would rather go back to the gooning and plapping posts than talk more about the MSQ because all the dooming is getting to me
This is FFXIV's Cata
Idk what everyone seems to be bitching about i like how blm plays now
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Femlala EB for my Malera
It's XIV's WoW's ESO's GW2's BD's FFXI's GW1's WoW's BfA
I can hook you up, if you'd like. But there is a price.
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I have 0 INT.
Femlala to sit in my maliddies lap
my catboy
>R11S is just e11s and p11s again
>it has koana and urianger though

how would you feel about this?
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but trailglazers told me the reviews would jump to positive after the official launch and this was just review bombing by skippers
guilty as charged
sorry, im not into consent
do you need a friend anon? depression like that runs way deeper than dooming about a videogame.
wanna hold hands while I craft... its okay if not...
I have literally been playing this story nonstop for a week every moment of free time I have. I played all weekend long last weekend (though I had to do some fates for a few hours to get picto up) then played all 3 nights I had to work this week for like 4 hours a night, then I played all day yesterday and today and I am just now finishing this msq not having skipped anything. It is fucking egregiously long.
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>for 10 years game exists normally
>mid expansions are talked about normally
>wow goes to shit
>suddenly all discussions turn into TRANNIES WOKE TRANNIES WOMEN WOKE TRANNIES
I wish wow never went to shit. I want these subhumans out of my comfy jap game.
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"noob is the original sin"
Everything else is real schizo posting
Hell no. This game needs a solid round of dooming and player count dropping for Yoshi P to actually listen to the community again.
Based. We in the 4chan movement oppose anything that Reddit and the other popular sites do. And since Dawntrail isn't popular, it's our job to make it popular. That's right, Dawntrail is the 4channiest expansion of all time. We love the MSQ and Wuk Lamat and we're all here for our trans cat wife. We need to get 4channy and start memeing Dawntrail as the best expac of all time.
i am
a 29 bmi femlala
who cant stop eating pizza
I like this tome healer gear
Very true
I am one the people and I need them
if you think that's bad remember the fact that the development pipeline is delayed by 2-3 patches so right now everything up to 7.3 is already writtena nd recorded by VAs, had it's initial art pass, and is being inished up as we speak.
So there is litearlly 0 chance anything is changed based on feedback for another year and a half!
>was bitchy
>stayed bitchy
Your search will be a long one
take this for your journey
>yfw EX3 will have a "hype Wuk up for the final kill" phase. Healers will have to healer her and tanks will have to protect her like on Vali. She will do 3x the DPS of a SAM the whole time and use DPS LB4.
I feel this
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I never let my sub lapse during Endwalker. Even during the content droughts

I'm at the level 95 MSQ quests and I'm already considering not resubbing at the end of the month. Doesn't help my static disintegrated just before Endwalker launched

I'm incredibly demoralized. I'm not used to things I actually like rotting like this
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what a WHORE
took me I think 5 days here compared to the 3 I did EW, credit with EW I was so engaged that I just lost a lot of sleep.
eb me
The femlalas are laughing at me behind my back...
post your favorite femlala (which is me, of course)
Don't think like an adult. The boy is a child he doesn't have the emotional maturity to comprehend that. In situations like that submit to authority, they think they did something wrong.
can you sit on my face
>Healers will have to healer her

holy fuck an actual healing mechanic 10/10. how come healers don't have to heal "things" in savages like in WoW raids?
it could have been if it wasnt for the second half
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Yeah, I'd rather this expansion just didn't happen at all. It fucking sucks and we're stuck with this shit. Even if the next expansion is god tier, it's 2.5 years away and 4 whole months until the next major patch.
They're here to stay and there is nothing we can do about it except make a new xivg, a comfier and nicer xivg..
it didn't seem that long to me
it took me a full day longer to finish ShB and EW than DT, and I no-lifed those way harder than this
All the Hellsguard+ are named Deep
Agreed. Retail is by far the worst game ever made. Remember Shadowlands and Torghast? Breast milk in the fridge? Garrison? Yikes. And they fucked up so bad in WoD and BfA too. Such a terrible game.

So anyway, that's why all critics of FFXIV are WoW players. Because they just can't accept that FFXIV is the best MMO and one of the best games of all time with over 30 million players and 8/10 on Metacritic.
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As someone who really dislikes the MSQ story, I'm very hopeful for the content that's on the roadmap and am pretty excited for that.
hahah thats cute, sorry i was just saying whats on my mind, not asking you to do anything cus i wouldnt anyways
im too shy to do lewd shit, most i would do with anyone is send them lewd pics for them to goon to
take your clothes off
that's it I'm taking this lalahog to swim laps, don't worry you're naturally buoyant with all that blubber on you anyway
guys how do i get a hroth eb for my catboy
MY catboy
What's the price? I'll pay it. I'll pay double.
why didn't they give the AF before the two 99 duties...
Just wait for Penumbra/Mare to be back up and it will be a goon fiesta again.
I'd be upset because mechanically that does sound incredibly fun and unique. But wasted on Wuk's character.
It's like a mix of BfA and DF
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What did they mean by this?
my male middie?
resting his head on a femra lap
maybe it's been the goon breaks I've been taking but it seems like I took ages to finish it. Maybe it's just because this is the first time I've been working fulltime and didn't have a week off for launch.
all things considered the msq sucking isn't the worst, if raids are fine it'll be gucci.

I thought ex1 was more fun than zodiark or hyde ex so there's that. if the gameplay was fine to you in EW it'll probably be fine for you now, with the only problem being that it's getting old. viper is fun to me in pve, and it's ok in pvp. we don't get updated kits for pvp until 7.1 and supposedly we now have a team assigned specifically for pvp so things could be looking up in that department.
were you under the impression that only wow players hate trannies?
I am
A male elezen
whatever retard
yeah idk this seems pretty standard
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I need a 2b slut glam wearing wife.

Have you brought this up with the IRC? We're only supposed to have one general per game, but obviously our entire thread is being raided by WoW shills. The entire internet has been dealing with this, there's just so many and they're on Reddit/Steam reviews/Metacritic/the forums/Twitter/Youtube/Twitch/etc. Rumor has it that they're Indian? We need an all-out defensive strategy against this scourge. 4chan must allow us to make a non-WoW FFXIV general.
>if the raids are fine it will be gucci
and for the people who aren't savage and ultimate raiders?
You have to tell me what you want this straight hroth for. He's a good friend of mine and I'm not about to let him get tricked.
leveling mechanist rn, somehow this is more tiring than leveling crafters/gatherers
there's a lalacord?
brownies in western (angloid) mythology are kind of like what most people think of as goblins, but not quite as fiend-like and more so household nuisances
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you good bro?
Honestly, this is very similar to Stormblood.

If SE can actually deliver a battle content pipeline on pace with what they did in Stormblood, this expansion will be fine.

If they fucking phone it in again like they did in Endwalker with massive content droughts the player count is going to fucking plummet.
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what did he mean by this?..
Your well being is at the forefront of my mind
The MSQ was shaky, but the content has been very good so far. Don't let it get to you, the actual gameplay will make up for any shortcomings
Low IQ and recently active wow sub are in direct correlation.

For example I know for a fact you have battle.net client installed.
Fiddie to sit in my maliddies lap
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MSQ was actually very good, maybe better than Endwalker or Heavensward
Reminder the chances of a new eureka for this expansion are 89%
wuk isnt a tranny, cutscene skipper
*gently grips your hand*
>normal community with normal discussion of even bad content
>mass exodus of subhuman wow players
>all discussion becomes a clusterfuck of falseflags and /pol/shit
I want to make out with him in a back alley and let him finger me, then stab him in the kidney and take his wallet. But if you could not tell him those last two parts, that would be super cool of you.
he was going to shoot you
now what exactly he was going to shoot you with, that's up to your fantasies to decide
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>All the negative Steam reviews talk about the game
>All the positive Steam reviews talk about the negative reviews
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i like zenos though
*gently squeezes back while staring at you warmly*
What can I do with my purple crafters' scrips? I don't think the master recipes are available yet
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>sail to far away mystical place excited for adventure with political intrigue
>it's south america
>it's just fucking south america
>not even loosely inspired by, it's literally just south america
>they don't even come up with a cool Tuyiolal fantasy name for any of it, it's just tacos and alpacas
i play these games to escape from the real world. Why can nobody worldbuild anymore? MAKE A FUCKING NEW PLACE, STOP USING REAL PLACES. FUCK.
Oh no my well being requires smooching moonie pits haha
Zenos did exactly opposite of that you niggetranny
I don't know what people who only play for the msq do once they finish. I guess leveling jobs up to 100? they'd unsub regardless I would think.
varsity glasses added to facewear when?
there is but it's cringe

ok extra last pic i swear, i'm gonna get back in the lab now
reviewbombing is a meme, most review manipulation is done by dedicated fans upset other people aren't liking product as much as them
it is known
>it's just the wowfugees guys trust me
Actually delusional
We'll do our best or die trying
my lalaboy got addicted to cock
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 10:20 ET
Sidequest vs MSQ.

Being a platform vs soloing the boss.
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Is he ever gonna address how he gave birth during the fight to children
it really did all go to shit right around the time of that mass exodus from wow, the community sucks shit now
I have chosen not to introduce him to you. He's a very rare breed and I don't want to lose my friend to a kidney stabber.

Also he's very poor and needs his wallet.
>FFXIV confirmed to be the best MMO and one of the best games of all time with over 30 million players
>WoW shills still keep raiding the entire internet because they skipped all the cutscenes and their game is failing
Is Dawntrail truly the best expansion in FFXIV history for filtering all the Blizzdrones?
you already posted that one now you have to post another
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*singlehandedly saves Dawntrail in a year from now*
mines addicted to drugs. cocks are secondary, only a means to obtain them or money for them
wrong link please don't hurt me it wasn't intentional
Only because you REALLY need it will I permit it
>The worse the story the better the content

I hope Wuk Lamatt stays for the entire arc
>eureka clone
>in a year and a half
it's mid.....
Do you really dislike Wuk or only its tranny voice ?
She's got nice seiyuu in japanese and french and the character is based
My sunnie cat girl makes out with femlalas with tongue and heavy petting
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>a year from now
see now you were about to trick me, i said in the last thread that i don't fuck poors. who's running game on who here?

i rephrase: i need a straight hrothgar who is not poor.
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I was leveling up viper. I'm level 90. Alpaca zone. It's actually nice here, but I get to know what awaits me. I cannot believe they've fucked up so much that I dread playing an expansion. Where I want to do something other than boot up the game. Honestly even with hearing the trials and dungeons are good I may just let nature takes its course and if I don't finish the MSQ and sub lapses then the sub lapses and I'll come back to it later.

I want Yoshi to do some real kowtowing and apologism in the live letter. Even if it's hollow, pleasu understand, at least show that you've received the bad reception and give hope of change. If there's no hope of change then I will probably just unsub and resub when I am bored and in need of plapping (or just do f-list for that) or wanting to gpose.

Defenders of the MSQ and wuk never actually offer any defense. It's just ad hominin attacks on people. It all feels like star wars sequels all over again where in a few years nobody will defend it when 1-3 years ago those same people defended it.

While the starting cities are too bland, I'd rather they do syncretic stuff that's novel like that. Like what if it'd been cyberpunk mesoamericans. Or big-industrialist native americans. Or we go to Meracydia and it's Mesopotamia crossed with I dunno, fucking Valayrians from Game of Thrones.
wtf fat femboy titties?
Opinion on Hroth men?
the pelupelu are a jewish stereotype
>but they trade to make people happy!
some of them were hoping for zoraal ja to win so they could make more money in war
It was almost the best of Stormblood, and ARR put together for me.
I like the moral greyness a lot. I like that it didn't have to do with Ascians and Allagans a lot.
It was just a little too long and too much Wuk.
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Turning dawntrail into a 4/10 score failure of an expansion is the only way for SE to get their heads out of their asses and start working on improving the game for real instead of employing half-measure every patch and making yoshi say "please understand"
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You shut your fucking mouth about my one true friend, faggot. He was the platform I dodged planets on.
Dog bless you, dear moonie
i've already read this forum post
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>go to faraway mystical place excited for adventure
>it's Japan
>it's just fucking Japan
>not even loosely inspired by, it's literally just Japan
>they don't even come up with a cool Hingashi fantasy name for any of it, it's just katanas and samurai
Dislike how the expansion makes her the poochie the dog character but JP VA is good
I'm not that easy, and there's nothing special under them anyways
zenos literally just made us the fight arena you mustard monkey
Pathetic falseflagging Wowfags get out
>hasn't finished msq
>barely started it
>wall of text defending people who hate it
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Every time I look at npcs in solution 9 I wonder if their hair colours are even possible to have without mods.

I'm not crazy am I?
read it again.
>SE fucks up the MSQ
>SE fucks up alliance raids by making them a big "member this" of ff11 references most players don't understand the story for
>SE makes a eureka clone for ff11 oldfags
genuinely who greenlit this? They are going to hemmorage subscribers if they actually do this shit and cater only to hardcore players and ff11 fags.
One of my Fiddie friends fucks multiple straight/bi hrothgar every week.
You're not trying hard enough, and/or looking in the wrong place.
i can see something sis...
Probably should have made it clearer that I was bringing up an actually good version of this sort of thing

Wuk should have just nearly killed herself breaking some boss bullshit, not actually fucking finish her off

But hey, this is Wuktrial, isn't it?
I love gay lalaboys so much it's not even funny
Wow healers really suck at ex1
But what about the femlala ERP 'cord?
why are you doing this to me
got my ex1 clear bros
I wish we had a dozen Stormbloods
all the content you could ever wish for, and none of these casuals that just want their heckin epic storybook
also real, you have to ask Ragi the catman to get in though
I almost replied to bait posted in the first 150 posts.
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thing bad
thing (japan) good
stupid drunk lalaboy getting himself banned because he's too horny to think straight.... I WILL find you and I WILL teach you to erp. Post your initials and it will happen sooner
honestly living as a femlala would be amazing. everyone wants to protect and support you. all the food is served in massive portions (or you only have to pay very little for a good meal). you are part of an elite ethnic caste that will afford you good guild opportunities in most major cities. it is easier for you to secure a loan, purchase property, and own your own business. lalafell don't even have to pay income tax in Ul'dah. what's not to love?
miss me with that heterochromia
you're doing it to yourself.
What about the Remuscord
>lol no causals just us epic raiders only
yeah lets take a look at other MMOs and see how that goes when you alienate everyone but high end raiders from the community
Oh and I suggest that Wuk crap only because we all fucking know her not being part of the final fight is just unacceptable
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>SE makes a eureka clone for ff11 oldfags
wowfugees love nerfed to shit modern eureka and think it's the best content in XIV.
i am a bpdemon c@girl
i recognize this lala now
7.1 will fix the game
They aren't. Once upon a time there was an exploit you could do to access full RGB scale for hairs but they patched it. The fact that they're now adding a bunch of NPCs with previously "unavailable" hair colors makes me wonder if they're gonna eventually expand the color palette.
I only wear 2b playing dnc cause it's job appropriate.
Hopefully Poochie gets bogged down in bureaucratic shit and we can fuck off with Estinien for some real adventure. I swear that smug fucking dragoon was laughing at me every time he jumped off left me with the cat.
>Defenders of the MSQ and wuk never actually offer any defense
what is there to defend? i liked wuk so she's good. you dont like wuk so she's bad.
you can make all kinds of coping statements about what makes her bad, just like i can make all kinds of coping statments about what i liked about her. you'll never accept it, and i'll never accept yours
what's the point?
The duality of man
I'm basically holding out a thin thread of hope that Arcadia is just going to be cozy fightniggertry in a cyberpunk arena with weirdo soulcell abuse, but chances are it's going to somehow become a multiversal threat and also somehow rip off ShB or EW like everything else in DT.
drinking usually makes me feel better
i am
a femezen
thinking about
face 3 femra
I really feel like people are blowing the tranny va thing out of proportion. The mexican accents are far more egregious. If you told me it was a normal woman faking a mexican accent for stupid ass wookie I would believe you. They all sound fucking stupid and amateurish
That's just lalacord
That one's real but I haven't bothered trying to get in
*gives you a gentle smile*
only 162 more tacos de carne asada to go... make sure to stay until the end, okay?
>gomphotherium set
this shit is gay as fuck.
i am
a femlala
yearning after
another femlala
ill take your word, some of the most unhinged people on /xivg/ are femlalas from what ive seen
nah, im already married to being the greatest lalabard
Nice try, Schlomo, but Sphene and her soul-eating people are the real jews.
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>get to S9
>can't stop thinking of that fucking "IT'S DA CYBERSLOP EXPANSION" meme
>constantly hear some dumb voice in my head shouting DA CYBERSLOP EXPANSION every time I look at some neon towers or something
fuck whoever made that shitpost seriously
It's also fine to wear under casting dresses.
WoW is already about to be at 11.0 and you guys are still stuck on 7? Lol, xivtroons are 4 numbers behind
it's 1000% going to be a repeat of Omega with "hey meber this guy from final fantasy ____?"
Didn't touch the MSQ part of it, eh?
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>do slightly old content
>wait patiently in duty finder
>get in
>party starts yapping
>"wow haven't done this in forEVER"
>"are people queuing for this?"
>"i don't even remember this one"
okay fuck you
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this game's highlight, one that it held better than any other game out there, was it's story
i'm sorry to say this, but as someone who has done many savage raids, ultimate raids, got many ex trial mounts, criterion savage, etc, the gameplay is not really what I come to the game for
I play because the world is special, it's a world that's grown and changed along side me, like a friend
unfortunately it would seem that friend is being pressured knowingly or otherwise, to make really poor decisions and is following a path I don't approve of

ultimately, I believe it comes to yoship and i'm being 100% sincere when I say that he has been neglecting the game
he has already been assigned 2 other projects and is trying to ease a lot of the work off of his main team to help with those new projects while we get the "B team", which is not following the same pillars and foundation that yoship set down to begin with when he took over in ARR
I'm a female Rava Viera.
There really isn't anything else to say about it.
I honestly thought it would happen with DT release since they added RGB values for no fucking reason in EW.
this lala is in dire need of sex with male biggers (me)
be silent Shadowbab
Stormblood had tons of midcore content as well
this but viena
>do Tender Valley
>vibing hard with the bosses, locales, music, and general presentation
>get to the last leg
The Garleans should've carpetbombed Tural and replaced it with a beach resort.
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His name is Madot Suki @ Balmung
of course... i won't leave you...
i just say it's cringe because they hog all the HOT ASS FUCKING LALA MODS FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!!
and i'm too stubborn to ask for access
Free use football.
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>It's all a ploy to promote an announcement for FFXI-Classic launch at the end of Dawntrail.
no because the second half of the msq is fucking dogshit but you're not up to it yet
Grynetroeg you here?
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it should be illegal for video games to depict kids in distress without letting you do anything about it
i want to help this poor baby
It wasn't even a tural thing, they don't know where it came from either. It's some weird interdimensional snake that they were afraid of so they built it a temple.
sis I already said like 12 threads ago that saying 'MARRY ME' is autistic xivnerd jargon for expressing I think you're neat and want to get to know you. You really gotta brush up on your thread lore.
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I can't believe he approved this script. He must not have bothered reading it

Hopefully there's enough of a backlash for him to realize at bare minimum that he has not left the game in good hands
it's kinda crazy that there will only be 8 more raid bosses and zero explorable zones released between now and the next expansion in 2 years
would punt
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niggas walking around in their full 669 sets
nice fanfic nigger, too bad your MMO is dogshit and dead
AmaurotKINO is the best part of DT thoughbeit
I'd even be okay with that if the presentation was decent enough and they didn't have some gay narrative like the lalafell announcer is secretly an Ascian harvesting souls to make a new Zodiark or some gay shit.
nvm, i had the wrong lala
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 1:45 ET
spinster post
i've never met a mexican so i have no idea
i just think it's a really flat and emotionless performance
she can't shout to save her life
so what justification is there for Tural and Ronka being so similar? They're almost exactly alike
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Gaia has emotion and actually had an interesting backstory
Wuk is a Mary sue troon self-insert with no range on their voice.
Gaia also didnt pull agro from the tanks, top DPS, and give everyone an "inspired" buff.
>FFXI Offline
>it's just the exact same game but tuned for singleplayer
everyone thinks not having a personal mit isn't an issue until they're at the mercy of DF/PF healers
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It do be like that sometimes
Do you think this is a healthy thing to post
>Try to remain calm, everyone
lmao what
it's slop, just rehashing the same shit again and again
It still shouldn't exist outside of the First and only exists for memberberries shit.
uhhh.. are you even trying?
I still can't fucking believe this

I mean DT still hasn't set in yet. I'll probably be easily able to believe this in a week or so
agreed, but that's a shared problem with all the lizardpeople. the voice actors can't keep the accent straight in a stressed tone because they're being directed to put it on. it's basically digital tacoface.
>Stormblood was peak!
>meanwhile during stormblood:
>shitting on Omega because story was bad (apparently it's considered good now)
>shitting on Omega because raids became Trials
>shitting on MH collab because it was different
>shitting on Trials because there was too much downtime and muh parses were bad
>shitting on Eureka because it was objectively shit pre-nerfs
I can go on forever but it's funny how nostalgia and good amount of nerfs change the perception over time.
yeah, feels good when you post about how you want to see my favorite MMO get turned into yours
feels good to remind you there's a reason yours is definitively dead and you're posting in my general not yours
The fact that it's just as poorly understood on the source as it was in the first is at least a consistent point
post lewd catbox please
anyone wanna do m+?
this is the level of cope wuk haters sink to LOL
you cant make this shit up
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This poor baby is going to be a dying old man in one week of Eorzea time since the dome is apparently the hyperbolic time chamber.
>shitting on Omega because raids became Trials
These people were so fucking wrong it's not even funny, though.
Some people hate change even when it's an obvious improvement.
You realize I can look up this log and get you banned from the game for critizing my dps right
the datamine has 4 original boss names
bro really went full yappingway
I'll concede that they could've done worse, but that doesn't make me any less annoyed that the DT was apparently so lacking in confidence at their own worldbuilding ability that they have to constantly crib from the previous expansions.
>Eureka because it was objectively shit pre-nerfs

No, it was objectively shit pre-pyros. Nerfs did not make Pagos and Anemos better.
Then just say that. Instead it's
>Mhmm maybe you just didn't like being the hero sweetie :^)
>Sounds like someone's sexist!
>I bet you're just transphobic

Because they want to try and shame people into silence. As if the reception for Dawntrail is just usual kissing Yoshi ass toxic positivity then nothing changes. If there is a widespread notion that something is wrong then maybe, maybe there's a change.

>Just shut up and don't talk about stuff you dislike only talk about stuff you like
Is said by those who expect their position to be dominant. Because they know if the status quo stays the same they're fine.

You'll get banned for suggesting you should have more DPS than Wuk Lamat.
Why did they hire a white man to voice a South American woman character? He's literally stealing a voice acting job from a marginalized group
Call it whatever you want.
It doesnt change the fact that the devs intentionally made this happen.
Wuk is a Mary Sue.
Not my log so youll just be banning some random person.
im in dire need of kicking someone's ass (You)
imagine using mods lol
i lurk and disappear for awhile, im a rare find most of the time lol. though i appreciate your affection
And yet it's still better than Dragonflight, Blizzdrone.
You retards are so obsessed with trannies you can't even decide why you dislike the character. Unreal
jesus that hairline
that's a woman chud
Because he took the goypill and is now "one of the good ones", there are you happy now
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How are you guys liking VPR/PCT in PVP by the way?
I don't really want to go to Dynamis to join in because I'm doing other stuff right now.

Personally I think they're both fine but have a few annoying pain points that could be smoothed out (even if it comes at the cost of nerfs).
>Sena breyer is a half german, half south american trans woman
uh oh, is her calling other people nazis just projection?
why is her family german and in south america?
kind of having fun with PLD
am i a fag
dude begging for 99 cent game
>DT was apparently so lacking in confidence at their own worldbuilding ability that they have to constantly crib from the previous expansions
>XIV was apparently so lacking in confidence at their own worldbuilding ability that they have to constantly crib from the previous games
fixed that for u saar
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that useless bitch and her paintbrush and easel saying that made me bust out laughing
no way that wasnt intentional
>If there is a widespread notion that something is wrong
Seeing as the lesson JP players got from this expansion is "maybe the Garleans were right about savages", I have to hope they got the message.
My femra is so ugly, I don't know if I should do the fanta quest or hold on for now.
Why are the Queues on Dynamis anyways?
This is the truth. They got some weird gross mentally ill white man instead of an actual latina. This should be illegal.
He looks like a Cyraxx who didn't pop out early.
>do first FL rollo since DT dropped
>play war
>take the most damage and heal the most out of everyone else
How do I out-heal the healer jobs what the fuck
>Then just say that
i just did
and i didnt say all this other gay shit you said
My maliddie attracts women of all races
kind of since some animations are ugly but thats ok
because dynamis players are forbiden from DC travel and no one else is
Bro, it probably exists on all shards.
Dawntrail is the most critically-acclaimed FFXIV expansion of all time. Nearly everyone from every country other than India and the Philippines likes it. Take that, WoW. Take that, Rajesh and Ndja.
thank you...
I've been playing this game since PS3 ARR keep seething troons maybe your nighclub friends will cheer you up later saying this expansion is alright
more like maldie
because everyone can go to dynamis but nobody can go to crystal
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>Hop in random thread to beg for 0.99c
>half south american
>still whiter than 90% of /xivg/ posters that screech about blacks
>poojeets hate wuk lamat
Not surprised
sent ;)
>the weakest points of XIV are when they just lazily staple previous games to it
>the best parts are when they actually take the time to synthesize new and old and make it fit the world of XIV
>DT has a reached a new level of low, no longer cannibalizing previous FF installments but instead cannibalizing previous XIV expansions
thnk u 4 agreeing with me saars
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Cyrax is black
We stan Sektor in this house
*Flamethrowers you*
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They could've done better, could've done worse. I was also hoping for some expanded lore on old turali history, but I'll at least accept that there's apparently a race of weird dimension traveling magic snakes that nobody can figure out if they at some point at least use them outside of a comedy point
>Wuk is a Mary Sue
a certain fat fuck femlala said the wind-up is a bit retarded but i haven't pvped at all since 7.0 dropped so i'll take her word for it
Anyone else having fucking AWFUL FPS in Tuliyollal? I had a becnhmark score of 19K and BOOM I walk into Tuliyollal and it's 40-55FPS.
my lalaboy...did not consent! why are you doing this?! please stop!
my catman
Uncap your FPS
Because she's shown to be incompetent in the first 10 minutes of meeting her, doesn't have a real plan for Tuliyollal besides "guys please stop fighting", gets stepped on by random NPCs/her brothers/her handler Erenville, and most importantly at all

she somehow manages to get the most powerful warrior on the fucking planet (ME) to support her bid for succession, and i don't even have a choice to say no
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Msq was eh, some people like it some people don't.
Content p good so far. Don't let it get to you man.
this retard thinks they listen to eu or na subhumans crying about the story being bad LMAO
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picto is fun if you're fighting people who refuse to attack you, otherwise it's miserable because you lose a ton of damage if you're forced to move
having to disengage and paint shit for 3s feels really bad but it also has really consistent aoe burst on pretty short cooldowns, it's like blm in the sense that it can perform if left alone but afaict blm just does it better because its lb is up more often and provides way more damage to threaten kills

that was me I said that
my miqo
My slutwife Molly Boobs
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U losted my good sir
cool bun does she like girls
What does upcaping have to do with it? Uncap should run smoother.
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Tell me when Poochie actually had to overcome anything in this expansion? The story indulges her. Her growth is superficial at best. She's still an emotion only driven character which is what was supposed to disqualify her as an heir. That gets completely dropped and she just tosses the rational side to her brother who is a glorified statesman for the rest of the story to give Poochie the excuse to run off and do everything. It's totally unearned. I'm more interested in Krile than anything to do with Wuk Lamat and even Krile gets smothered out of her own moments by this obnoxious character.
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>40ms pre-DT
>80ms post-DT
Seriously, when is this going away? I'm not used to this lag.
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A sunnie sent a /dote my way today
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what does this even mean
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 5:15 ET
i've only played PCT, but i like it a lot. the aoe burst is kind of insane, but then you're a limp noodle until it's ready again. feels like the aoe version of RDM in a way
you're welcome...
1.2 billion people can't be wrong.
What the fuck do you mean "And?" Its a shit character.
Mary Sues are shit characters and are usually self-insert and characters like those should never be the primary focus because they ruin the plot because everything has to be about them.
Dawntrail is a perfect example.
>she skipped the cutscene where Wuk talks about xir bottom surgery
oH NO NO NO xisters not like this
they do, the housing lottery idea came directly from the NA housing subforum and was put in directly into the game after feedback
Just noticing my materia X is better than the same materia XI. How come? Is there something I'm overlooking?
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Behold: a Latina!
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
When you stop to think about what happened to her between getting kidnapped and beating Bakool Ja Ja and his retinue, it'll actually give you a migraine
>i just say it's cringe because they hog all the HOT ASS FUCKING LALA MODS FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!!
>and i'm too stubborn to ask for access
Could always ask a twitter lala. That usually works.
Majority of the time I just ask Otis
why doesnt wuk just go back to the mobin and request another stone, she has an extra one doesn't she
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highlanders look like THAT????
XI can be overmelded.
i literally love femlalas so much that i actually read and post in this thread... makes me sick
What if instead of Galool Ja Ja it was Gaylool Ja Ja and he had sex with men lmfao
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I wanted to share a Rroneek with Erenville th-there's only one right... hold me tight bro...
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i'll cover you when you're on my team or be on your ass all game if you're on the enemy team jsyk
Post femra
>he skipped the cutscene where her birth father talks about her being born a girl and mentions how uncommon that is in their tribe
kill yourself
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a blank posting cat since we're just throwing nonsense out there
wuk isn't just a mary sue, she's a balck hole sue

a mary sue that sucks up all the screen time and makes every other character serve her purposes and character growth
jesus fucking christ. He could've had it all
Yeah I guess. I was just really annoyed that coming off the end of that abomination of an MSQ they had the gall to drag one of my favorite beast tribe chains through the mud next.

On a more positive note, Deadborough was fun.
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im still casting the biggest baddest spells..
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I play a moonie
that happened to me once
how the FUCK do I play level 100 monk bros
source of that pic?
What if the strong side bullies the nerd side by cumming on his weird chameleon eyes?
Does each head get one hemipenis?
Japanese spaghetti code. Just try it.
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suddenly I'm thinking about moonies
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>Mary Sues are shit characters and are usually self-insert and characters like those should never be the primary focus because they ruin the plot because everything has to be about them.
But its ok when its the WOL for 10 years?
I see. Thank you :)
"and" i dont care, characters with zero thoughts and only good vibes are better than ones who have to "work for things" or "have serious moments"
>xhe missed the cutscene where xir birth father explains that by being born female he meant AMAB but clearly trans
Did you miss the whole meaning behing xibruq pibil? You cook a gross, unappetizing banana and get a beautiful taco out of it.
>Uncap should run smoother.
Cached google image on an old voice actors website. Search Sena Bryer and it pops up
blm plays pretty much the exact same and manafont feels really awesome to use now
the only issue is that a dps with a raid buff is dealing more personal dps than a dps that provides no party utility, but if you're dropping blm because of parse numbers you're not a real blmGOD
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even numbered materia goes in the first two slots. odd numbered materia is for overmelding.
>But its ok when its the WOL for 10 years?
I know you're a subhuman obese man who does nothing for 16 hours a day and is on the verge of killing himself (a.k.a a chronic shitposter) but I'll pretend you're not. Google mary sue.
That's just fucking heartbreaking.
Good glub
sphene listen to me
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Now that the dust has settled:
Do we like femhroths?
Which femhroth face is the best?
Fangs or no fangs?
Natural or crazy colors?
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what if galool jaja was a gay retard
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How do I leave novice network and are there any good global chat channels
what world
GayLOL jajajaja
i was wondering about that actually, cause i couldn't for the life of me reconcile gulool ja ja (ulises cuadra, sometimes ulysses cuadra)'s performance with ANYONE else's
and i looked him up and i'm thinking he's the only one of them who actually speaks primarily spanish (you can REALLY hear gulool ja ja when he tries to say the names of american actors in his movie trailer voiceover demo reel)
vs. e.g. zoraal ja (spender ortega)
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i wish they were real
how come spleen didn't listen to her
>wuk haters have to make shit up to justify it
show me the ingame screenshot of this explanation and i'll kneel even if you just make a convincing photoshop
kween sfeen
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>the WOL isn't a mary sue
>Wuk Lamat is a mary sue.
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i love you....
He doesn't want to be a filthy, smelly savage anymore. He's one of the good ones, much like ala mhiggers who reject their heritage and strive for more civilized living.
>gunbreaker and warrior are top tanks
>viper and reaper are top melee
>picto is top caster

Who are the best range and healers?
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Is that the DNC artifact armor?
that is the whitest man i've ever seen god damn his real name is probably like johnathan david or mark scott
and he's supposed to be "south american"???????? WHAT?!?!?!
I am losing my mind
if there was a white guy who just wanted to voice latino characters he would be crucified on the spot but since he trooned out he gets away with it
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uhhhhh you're chinese?
Cool, then shut the fuck up.
how delusional are trannies that they've convinced themselves they're women when they're just uncanny fucks
Is that actually fucking Wuk Lamat? He's good looking. He didn't need to do what he did.
im a hrothgirl alone on a friday night...
I didn't really like moogles but I did this cutscene and realized I actually do like them now
I feel like they're just a better version of loporrits but I can't explain why
how do you avoid eating shit as sge
asking for me, i'm lucky if i finish a game at 1m when i'm focused all the time
>But its ok when its the WOL for 10 years?
Give them fat tits and cellulite ass and I'd plap, nice faces
All of existence bent to my will!
One of his hemis was for Ketenramm and the other for Galuf
wow anon not a single thought in this post, based
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Oh jeez
I'm glad I have no idea what I'm doing on scholar
holy moly i love fuzzy femezen
I'm starting to miss the zodiark trancers now, we have nothign as good this expansion, just people yelling about transphobia
She's cute. May I smooch?
Have this
It's the top at least. The bottoms are shit, so they're using the level 80 AF panties it looks like
Lalaboy ass
it wasn't meant to be...
jokes on you no one loves me
i think its fine the mp issue at lower level is being looked into that was my main complaint aside from the weird change to thunder i liked being able to just cast it and then teleport to the tank during pulls in dungeons
Looks like my 60 yo coworker
don't worry, you'll be pregnant come saturday morning
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Genuine question why won't he brush his hair and wear makeup like all women?
Best post itt
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any requests for a lalaboy with black and red hair? i don't know what people like

i really like sloppy kissing and sloppy oral, i had sex with a girl irl and all i could think about was dick, am i gay?
It's really nice either way.
yes dude google image search the VAs name and that old picture comes up on an old casting website. it's tragic
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ok I'm too tired to keep going but thank you for staying... please take care...
there are people crying saying that turning off the AI in living memory is genocide
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Nice hairline
Very feminine.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but even numbered materia can be overmelded once.
I'm just shitposting for a giggle m8 and too lazy, it's the only way I can enjoy the MSQ
If you queue BLM in level synced content you fucked up from the start.
Genuinely dont get why all trannies have really fucked up/greasy hair. Is it something in the estrogen that makes their hair fucked?

Legit wondering the same thing
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Won't lie bros I don't like how fun PCT is.

RPR is still more fun but it's the most fun caster.
You might be right. I'll take this trade as long as she stays out of my instances and I don't have to level her in trusts
>takes finasteride once
>It's Friday
What the fuck, where did the time go? I thought it was Wednesday all day today.
Smooching this hrothgal so she feels less lonely.
femlalas have hair DOWN THERE ???
No but I like you
>graha and yshtola are here
i was hoping they just put him in the trailer to bait fujos into buying it
i'm so sick of this faggot
Turn that frown upside down
Pray you have a good team that engages as you jump in. and always be ready to jump out as soon as shit starts to hit the fan.
Fun fact, if you're getting fucked up in your LB dropping it right on top of you again will make you invul while it takes a few seconds for the enemy to be able to hit you again
>women spend decades trying to break gender stereotypes so they don't have to do things like wear makeup
>trannies need to fit into gender stereotypes to keep themselves from killing themselves
sir guild wars 2 general is two blocks down
>Do we like femhroths?
They're all furrytrannies thanks to Wuk Lamat.
blm is fun at any level above 59
>2b leggings on my fiera
Literally how am i supposed to play this game now without having a perpetual boner
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i guess im no one then
Does Origenics drop any gear besides accessories?
Estrogen actually improves your hair. These mentally ill/ challenged freaks don't take proper care of themselves.
you're gay
>You cannot join the party as your current class/job.
BLM sisters.... the prejudicism is beginning...
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 9:30 ET
We're on the borderline (Ooh)
Caught between the tides of pain and rapture
Then I saw the time
Watched it speedin' by like a train
Like a train
Who is playing?
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2 and 3
med fangs
natural colors
I love lalaboys
Having known like 8 dudes who decided to be girls most of them are very lonely mentally ill chronically online losers so they probably just don't take care of themselves
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this is the one
Nice cock, golbster!
My wuk lamat looks like this.
this, most of these people don't actually bother taking care of themselves, especially when they can't look like their fetishized online avatars anyway
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alphinaud is so cute when you randomly defer to him out of nowhere to explain something. it's insane how good his character is when he literally has like 5 lines this entire expansion.
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awaken my meowsters please
>tfw haven't touched trial and lvl roulette as blm for 3 years
Fuck that shit
maybe you dont like playing it but its fine for me as long as i have fire 4
Swap to more clothes or be forever cursed to mess up your combos and drift ogcds.
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Filler on the level of lopporits
I would never bar you from playing black mage in my groups sis but if you ask for a melee spot or demand we adjust for you I will blacklist you immediately you are a RANGED dps in my groups or you will get the fuck out
do these two lalas give footjobs....?
hes barely in the msq, same with yshtola, chill.
Yes. An inappropriate portrait can get you banned.
Why no mount allowed in Solution 9 ? this place is so huge
Also, we can't flex our mounts anymore since stormblood
Do Tender Valley
you too... rest well...
I remember this lala
Is that... a miera? EWWWW
me :)
Shut up you brat. . .
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Momodi doesn't look like that
because everyone got sick of people getting on giant/noisy mounts.
Yeah, can I request this lala to sit on my cock
t. male middie
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you sound like a jealous chud, anon!
Just did Strayborough Deadwalk for the first time
Kino dungeon
probably, both her and I found out that pussy doesn't turn me on at all, so she resorted to wanted to rim me and peg me

Who is your father and what does he do?
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big sis

awaken my midsters
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me too
i really hope they start thinking about skill progression when they start doing those reworks they promised
at this point i don't care about the balance anymore, i'd rather have my full skills when scaling down than get into fucking sastasha as pct have literally only 1 damaging button
>if you ask for a melee spot
I'd never! I don't even get why I see so many ranged people upfront in melee positions, sometimes forcing the melees to go far out and sucking it up. I always try to get the furthest position or corner in a trial
will he suck my miera off if he firmly tells him to
I hope my sunnie gets to suck cock this weekend.
Tbh that's really not bad for 37
+ warning
>outside of the First
The serpent of ronka was a being that existed pre-sundering and thus exist as an entity on all shards with similar cultures surrounding it
>if anything I'd be in the kitchen myself
Shut the fuck up you pickme retard
That's right
lalafell are the perfect little slampigs
fate of most fulalas
>37 and still looks like this
>looks 57
Rest well, /pet
good night bro
i'm watching a movie my man what's good
turbo gay
made for dick
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When you first saw Yyupye's Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?
Starting to believe there is no fate and everyone just lied
I am
A thighlander
who has trailed my dawn till I endwalked

so I got a question
when Wuk Lamat was kicked into the cenote by a mamool ja, how did she live? Everything said around that situation implied that she died. When I reached Living Memory and the guide immediately addressed Wuk Lamat as an Endless, I thought I finally got my answer, but they just call everybody there an Endless and the answers still elude me.
Post parse
Made for fat femra
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i only have one catbox ive saved
ah, i didn't know that tip about the lb
truthfully i don't play healers often but sge was my favorite before 6.1 and i've never quite gotten the hang of it since
appreciate it
>Genuinely dont get why all trannies have really fucked up/greasy hair. Is it something in the estrogen that makes their hair fucked?
Yes, but his hair is actually dry. Testosterone stimulates production of sebum (oil) in the skin/hair. Hair needs a certain amount of this natural oil to retain it's shine. This is why when men grow their hair out, it's naturally beautiful enough to make women jealous, because their skin produces more oil to support the hair than women's skin does. (fun fact, this is also the mechanism of action by which steroids causes acne). When males tank their testosterone levels by turning into trannies, their hair falls apart, and they lack the cultivated learned female knowledge of how to care for delicate female hair. So, their hair falls apart and looks like shit.

for any janitors reading: this post is about the final fantasy 14 voice actor for a character named Wuk Lamat and is therefore on topic, but to keep it even more on topic i will complain about how our character in game (the most powerful warrior on the planet) is just supposed to support this fucking retard Wuk Lamat in her bid for succession despite having met her 5 minutes ago
>conspicuously arena-shaped rock
Must be nothing......
I did not say that...
I still need to fuck a fulala once with my male bigger
I know a guy who looks like that and just turned 20
play the better job, get your paint sis
I am a malera
who got 699 ilvl
and will do EX1 soon
i mean dick does turn me on a lot, but sadly muscular male bodies is a turn-off for me

if it were up to me i'd get pounded by a trap or a girl with a strap-on or a twink
GNB still sucks in CC. holy shit
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>The chad non pedo sex havers
>The virgin pedo lalas
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All femhroths are queens and also my wife. Waiting for glamourer to come back up. Truth be told I don't know which face is which. Fangs, always fangs/ I like more natural tones but I haven't seen a hrothgal I haven't liked.
Yeah, he looks like he's in his early to mid 20s instead of pushing 40.
my lalafell is not a slampig

got mine within a day when snake was up by listening to pings
Are you having issues with it anon?
who is this and dylm
Holy kin-
>pussy-haver dickgirl
The face is kino though
single pulling miera tank for your Strayborough Deadwalk tonight
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imagine how much better this game would to play feel if your character's position was actually locked to where the model is
That's because you're a prison gay faggot failmale.
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>How do I leave novice network
Click the sprout icon by the chatbox.
>are there any good global chat channels
No, not really. Especially not /xivg/ adjacent linkshells.
you forgot to add a catbox
She didn't die, she was just injured. Her biological Father told everyone she was dead and gave her to the Dawnservant to keep her safe.
It is very poorly explained and you have to extrapolate this.
says you
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I wasted like 7 hours of my night waiting for this stupid snake to spawn.
i mean i've probably had more sex than you, i just force myself to get it up if i'm not into it lmao, cute girls/boys are just hot to me and so is dick, pussy is kinda gross
giwtwm (my femra)
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What race does HE play?
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koana i appreciate the gift but im gonna keep it a buck i am NOT wearing this
I've been standing at this fate spot because someone said it'll be soon and I've been here an hour. there's other people waiting here too so I'm assuming they know something I don't and I need to stay or my waiting would be for nothing.
Is Materia more active than Dynamis
I will now go to your sex club
I miss Zero
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But it DID spawn, right..?

I am living proof that it is Male Viera.
Miera. You know exactly which one too.
>Do we like femhroths?
>Which femhroth face is the best?
2 and 4 for me, but the other two can work. I wish they had more hair options
>Fangs or no fangs?
Fangs, yes
>Natural or crazy colors?
Natural is usually better, but bright crazy colors can work with the right complementary pallette
it's not poorly explained, the scene just trusts the viewer to not be retarded enough to need it to be explicitly stated
miera reaper or femlala drk
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>have to wait a whole 30 minutes in queue before I can continue with my single player content
Why don't we have NPCs for trials again
did jobs after SB just not get primal weps? that's sad
Thought not, thanks
Miera but it's not Judussy
Male Midlander
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bro, we do?
My queue pops the nanosecond I queue.
It is poorly explained when quite literally every single other instance of something being 'hinted' at in this game is verbatim told to the player in the next line of dialogue.
need me a primal femlala hermanos
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i dont got my license for this boaat
>Viper in every CC match
Go away
please understand
it's fucked up how many times I have seen proof that that image is accurate
miera but jeudy is so cool i forget he's a male viera sometimes
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>But it DID spawn, right..?
SAM and RDM got primal weps from ARR and HW, but after that, GNB and DNC only got primal weps from shinryu, and then new jobs never saw old primal weapons again
Where'd that big titty Veena poster go?
You don't get Triplescat until 66.
dont say it, do it
I am
viper main and it's gonna be even easier
>tank kills me with tb by not voking after dying
>get coffer
sacrifices must needs be made... and on the next run i got ANOTHER coffer and a feather
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Ayaka Shimoyamada is not white nor a man
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 2:00 ET
Yeah they got super lazy in that department after SB. SAM and RDM even got unique weapons for UCOB and UWU.
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then step away?
Mae's back?
Who taped a fake label over the Dumb Fuck Juice again? The cat is going to be cooked if this keeps up.
they've been lazy about everything since Stormblood
truly it was the last good expansion we had
its implied she almost drowned and possibly lost her memory, she was rescued and given to gulool ja ja to keep her safe from people that wanted to kill her so she couldn't grow up to become leader of her village.
shut the fuck up molly
my male midlander requires this
dont worry koana, i'll correct this one at home
watch a lala post nudes and get 25 replies
Darkest redpill is that in the end women just prefer guys for their personality and not looks.
>had to run Vanguard from 97 all the way to 100 because scouting gear refused to just drop already
Does no one animate their lewds? Where's the webms.
Fucking adorable middie
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Someone come collect this fiddie please
I got every piece except the stupid chest and I only got it from the pity end of dungeon guaranteed drop
i really have to stop clicking catboxes
feds gonna be on my ass soon by this rate
just being charming and funny has gotten me laid so much it's Unreal
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The sacrifices will continue
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I know that feel viper weps still didn't drop
don't click the links it's kinderporn
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Can Ninja cheat through "follow this NPC unnoticed" quests with sneak?
really this could be anyone
but as a catboy player and fat retard irl, i'm biased
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What's your method of getting your jobs to 100 now the MSQ is done? Challenge logs and rouls?
why do they look familiar to me
Go on
Keep buying my lar ingots
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holy moly
Same place as all other xiv porn, twitter
nice pic
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yes, now be a good little bitch and make more for me
bozja anything not lvl90
clog, roulettes, bozja after all those are done
this movie was technically cringekino
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this will be the expansion to play red mage in expert roulette
>no comms
nevermind, gunbreaker again
didn't work in endwalker, i doubt it works now

i just pvp and do roulettes on the roles in need (which means my dps jobs are often the last to hit cap, but it depends)
God I wish.
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coconut doggy

holy cow
i came 10x to all the feet pics
roleplaying? IN MY VIDEOGAMES?!
that'll be 5k gil a piece daddy
Japan hates Wuk too if you haven't noticed, it's 100% a character/writing issue, Just more exacerbated in the west because the VA is also awful.
What'd she do wrong?
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I will put a dog on the fucking crystal if it makes them fight for it, I swear
Westerns are awesome no matter how bad
that's the best song on that album and i'll die on that hill
He's Ken-sama, but if he had to return to America and be called Kenneth.
Nah it's The Master's Call and I'm not even a Christcuck.
molly's hot. does molly have a dick or a mental condition i should be weary of?
This is when i took nude photos of everyone at the beach. Enjoy
Please keep hating on miera it's fueling my victim complex
Assuming the artist im working with doesnt leave me on read for the month. I should have one more finished soon.
master's call and they're hanging me tonight
I ran the 93 dungeon all the way till 98 because the chest piece wouldn't drop
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didnt feel so good..
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uh oh, someone called Caelynn's cliquecord "cringe"
I hate that I would have to spend a fanta to make the cuter version of my femhroth
master's call is my #2 but i have a soft spot for El Paso's:
I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle
I feel the bullet go deep in my chest
Can you guys stop crafting in a bombed out city where it's still smoking and a bunch of people are scared and dying?
>FF naked
That feels wrong to see
my femlala
your femlala
it just works
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My femlala yearns for male midlanders...
no youll TAKE these RUINS and youll RIKE IT
I love The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.
hi I'm femlala
do either of these like miera
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 6:00 ET
im starting to get tired...

Sure, if you play a tank
It's the best condition to craft under.
as a femlala, i can confirm. it really just does.
my fiddie yearns for male midlanders...
dont be silly anon, nobody likes mierda
my posts are doing well... hehehe...
You will look at the hag naked
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Sucks to suck.
I just don't know if she's actually consenting to that though
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Today I will remind them
animal ears = consent
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>xiv gameplay loop
>visit a new village
>cutscene with villagers
>villagers have some problem blocking you from progressing
>have to do tedious fetch quests, go to marked location, activate sparkling thing, go to another marked location, activate more sparkling things, repeat 3x
>finally resolve villager's problem, now story actually progresses
>queue long cutscene
>have to go to another village now
i'm getting tired of this
They're all owned by hrothgals, go back to your dogs
unexpectedly great movie
The only downside is when you're so fat your dick is hidden in layers of fat
it was really sad seeing gulool ja cry and not being able to hug him.
viper is a lot of fun, feels kinda weird but liberating that you have to awaken on cd instead of save it where applicable
She has a hat on
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any uhhh disgusting grown ass men(playing femlala) want to engage in muskplay uwu
O.N. you should know that femras are literally free for femezen. Step up your game.
Report to jenova immediately
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bro play the game a bit before trying to prey on children
>femras are literally free for femezen
not for no fucking weirdo alter like her
Bro looks like a Selkath before you open the thumbnail
>not locked in
This was 10 years ago.
i would for you...
i am
a gay hrothgar
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>imaginary bush
You better have an amazon rainforest down there
name and dc?
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I am a femhroth
DYING in primal CC ques
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i did none of that and instead just left and waited to be told it had spawned
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elemental gelade is older
does she like femra-
i am now hearing selkath voice lines in my head
i agree with this chink
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 8:45 ET
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No one fucking asked.
[The creature stares at you]
does she like fiddie-
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You have my attention...
That's a skill issue, hence the "Step up your game." Don't know her much so can't comment on the weirdness.
I should watch it again.
That part you linked is actually my favorite part of the movie because I love Willie Watson.
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i do it has a fully self sufficient ecosystem too
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i asked
Just found out the pure femlala I've been crushing on isn't pure...
how hard is ex2 compared to ex1
i'm spreading femlala + femlala propoganda so my femlala crush likes me
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was it me
Seishun Complex on the right shes from Sarg not sure about the left one
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oh hey they plugged in the fan and rgb cables
hey big honkers moonie
actual footage of the remuscord sleepover [we just played halo 3 and ate pizza instead of sleeping]
Two is twice as much as one.
>pumpkin lala lewds
I am now interested
Shared FATE while it's popular > Collect every dungeon gear + level trusts > bozja i guess since I still don't have 10/10/10 suns.
It's a little bit harder, mainly because of how hectic it can get compared to the first EX.
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Solution 9 might destroy the world building but they got mad drip
I would shoot you if that were my saloon.
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Is it possible for me to get a good log without a DNC and AST gassing me up
capy mount get, suck it nerds

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