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"Sometimes I think you 'on-model' faggots are just gay retards or femcels who have no assets and seethe endlessly at depictions of beautiful women" edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Marika sex
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throw axes at people
Marika should be barefoot
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>starting a new thread
>on page fucking one
>bait op
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How do I get the item from the big bigmouth imp from the Darklight catacombs?
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>completely overlooked Flowerstone Gavel
>at 80/80STR/ARC it's like 800 pure physical AR
>PURE PIERCE DAMAGE with hammer's hyperarmor and speed
>incredible WA both for pve and pvp
STR/ARC is eating so good in this DLC
gonna cry?
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Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
This isn't even game related. Just posting off model tranny porn so I'm going to use this thread as my toilet.

I been blocking people nonstop lately any anons care to explain the sudden rise of cancer players
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try making a new character
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Where the FUCK is the on ramp for the central plateau in Abyssal Woods?! How shit I hate this empty shit zone
Actually its str scaling is basically nil. It's more or less a pure arc weapon, which is even more amazing. This is one of the strongest new weapons added with the DLC.
Somebody just make another one. You don’t need to use this guy’s tranny threads.
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what a twist!!!
Why was she so underutilized?
OH god. Of course he's a foot faggot. Explains literally everything.
forgot how much fire giant just fucking rolls.

spend more time chasing this fucking target dummy then interacting with him.
Ruh oh, he posted it again.
Jesus this sounds amazing. And it's a fast offhand too. Literally a casting stick that's still good in melee.
speaking of underutilized, why the fuck did we not get Ranni riding on our back during the Radahn fight?
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"We kind of forgot about Melina"
He's mocking your gameplay
she's not barefoot, so miyazaki doesn't care
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Why are you malding?
man I didn't think posting the reason the final boss is ass would mindbreak him so much
So the goofball tarnished wasn't the one who got the knife print for him in the manga?
Just report them
>ermmm this post technically counts as announcing a report and a call to action
Fuck off jannies, do your job there first
Non offtopic thread
>She's not barefoot
Then make her barefoot
I can shut down Radahn phase 1 with deflection tear + dueling shield + guard counters, but the AOEs he leaves behind in phase 2 trip me up. Can I still guard counter without getting caught in them?
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It's a gravewort.
Melina bursting out of her clothes and shoes when?
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This one
Freya is pretty uggo, probably the ugliest female in ER that isn't a old woman.
fuck off
enjoy the vacation
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how are lightning builds in this game?

also listening to the main theme again i feel like each instrument corresponds to marika, radagon and elden beast
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Why is he seething at Marika OPs?
but how? he is so large and muscular...
Bayle is easy, just don't get hit
he's gae, and prolly got stuck on Chadahn
where can I read more of this?
>why is a tranny seething at sexy women
Have you lived under a rock for the past decade?
If ER ever gets a followup, what are some locations/lore you'd want to explore?
what is the fastest way to get a greatshield?
farm the dudes in front of the limgrave gate or pick one up somewhere else?
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>serves cunt even harder than malenia
>easiest rememberance boss of the dlc by a mile, feels like a mid-game base game boss
How disappointing.
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you can pick up the wooden greatshield in stormveil pretty fast
You're right about Radahn and you can goon to Marika all you want but you don't need to make the threads so early it just splits them, bake at page 10
Of course.
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What's he wearin
take me to the moon
take me to sherwood where everyone uses arrows
an undergound wizard lab where they're doing spooky shit
and a battle arena where npcs fight each other
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The moon, where we'd fight Seath the Moon Dragon.
Bro just play a healer buffer build and support Igon
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you can probably find it in higher quality somewhere else
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>three threads
>oldest one is on page 6
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That anon isnt me, I will always post a pic of Marika unless I'm busy bullying someone for having brown eyes or something else
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Glintstone Moon Palace would be one hell of a final dungeon.

>Seath the Moon Dragon.
It'd be a nice callback.
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But why did Queen Marika hope that we continue to struggle unto eternity?
>Keen Backhand Blades with Messmerfire Grease vs Malenia
The Bankhand Blades fucking rape her
visions of tummy
so to speak try licking
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LGTV behavior
To keep the schizoposts rolling
Don't know for sure, my headcanon is that like she wanted to people to be free from the subjugation of Outer Gods or the Greater Will and so like the closest she could get was an infinite war where no one can win and propose are free to pursue whatever path they want to in the war
Milady with Wing Stance obliterates her too. She doesn't really like when other people are allowed to go full anime as well.
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Another boring OP, yawn
I think it's because becoming elden lord means restoring power to the greater will, and marika shattered the elden ring to prevent that
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Is Rabbath's Cannon worth using over the base game's Jar Cannon? Gonna make a build specifically for DLC cannon invasions.
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take your meds
Why is everyone drawing Rellana with short hair, she has a huge fucking braid
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The HELM has a huge fucking braid, that is stated, per the helm, to be a gift from Rennala
Jar Cannon has a significantly higher max range. Rabbath's is amazing at lock-on range. The correct answer is to use both.
Marika is USED GOODS. Imagine wanting Godfrey's sloppy seconds. Now Romina, that's a good waifu, 100% pure and virginal.
Will Marika forgive me for doing in her family? It was her plan and her power that allowed it...
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What? No she doesn't, we just see her helmet, right?
>Streamers starting to hop on sleep arrow train

Thank the lord hopefully it will show up in patch notes
Item description says Renalla (I doubt myself every time I say their fucking names now) gave her a gift of lustrous black hair, which could be ambiguously interpreted as either rebirth shenanigans or she literally cut off a braid and stuck it on Rellana's helmet
tattoos with that placement will never not be pure sexo
lightning is great
girls will look at this and unironically think hell yeah
Everything in the Lands Between, and the Shadowlands, is used goods by the hands of Marika!
>Imagine wanting Godfrey's sloppy seconds.
It's not just Godfrey anon, she has fucked millions in the lands between.
the item description of the helmet says that the braid is part of it, gifted to her by her sister
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Normal-bodied Messmer is boring, I need more art with his natural freakish (sexy) proportions
Absolutely disgusting. Marika cumslurpers should be put to death.
This is the issue where some helmets have diegetic hair and some like Malenia's are for cosplay
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New Sekiro in the land of reeds, fantasy japan in a brutal civil war being manipulated by the formless mother to harvest blood. Could be kino

God these edits are so KINO
Except for the tarnished lmao
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Marika and Rennala hatesex, then Marika turns into Radagon and plaps Rennala, then Radagon turns back into Marika and they cuddle until they fall asleep.
I feel empty inside after beating Radahn. I want to play more but going to NG+ feels pointless and making a new character is too much. I made a save backup before starting the DLC so perhaps I should just replay the DLC with a new build or something.
Need bifauxnen gf
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I have easily over 2000 hours in souls games from has made and in those 2000 hours I have guarded maybe 1 hour total.
Until now.
This game is unplayable without the Sekiro tear now.
I will be so mad if this shit doesn't come back as a standard part of the moveset.
so is gideon ofnir supposed to be a reference to blood raven/brendan rivers?
If a non-somber weapon can't be farmed, it should be able to be purchased.
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Anyone know how to get through this door off the top of their head? Im on my second playthrough of the DLC now and just remembered I didnt manage to figure it out on my first one either.

Location is Church District of course, second level of the big building you drop into via the hole in the roof.
That type of loose top is so good
I dp too but its harder to find that arent also like just redraws of ingame scrnes.
I like the demigods as weird unnerving semi-humans, plus also I think his legs and shoulders are hot
Get one
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r8 muh dex build
probably not. GRRM's influence on elden ring is overstated
>get one
They're all trannies now
>want to play a fth based build based around weapon buffs
>use approriate buff depending on enemies weakness
yay or nay? feel like you barely gain ar with weappn buffs over regular affinity and sometimes you struggle to recast during boss fights
maybe with lords talisman hmmm
...What did she mean by this?
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Sounds insanely kino. Fuck I miss Sekiro bros...
Pretty sure you just find the key somewhere. I had found it already when I got there.
I dont think that's true
weapon buffs are exclusively a damage increase, unlike affinities which reduce physical damage and add elemental

>sometimes you struggle to recast during boss fights
yeah this is a problem, try using radagon icon, perhaps with a dex/fth build
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Let me guess, I can ride Torrent in Abyssal Woods after I defeat Midra
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How is it overstated when people constantly claim he did fuck all even though you can see his DNA all over the game, and there was enough in whatever lore document he wrote for them to still be pulling from it for the DLC
There are multiple boss helmets that also come with the character's hair attached, and I've never seen anyone argue that Malenia and Messmer actually wear wigs
As for the item description, I'm frankly not sure what's the correct way to interpret it, but in any case that braid seems to come from below the helmet, which is really weird for something that's supposed to just be some ornamentation, if that was the case you'd expect it to be attached in some fancy way like the plume on the godrick's knights for example
Bowlcut drops is after you beat him a 2nd time I'm pretty sure. Prayer Room Key or something like that.
A key huh, Ill keep that in mind. Thanks anon
>find myself questioning how the petrified corpses at the bottom of the enir-ilim spires are floating
>realise the entire thing is floating and I'm a retard
You could ride Torrent through Marika's gaping asshole.
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"just dodge it"
I think the short hair is pretty, so I prefer that interpretation of it that it's part of the helmet
D's armor almost looks cool. If only it didn't have a head sprouting out of it's chest.
Pure maidens/waifu material:
>Sellen (new body)
>Sellen (old body)
Nasty used up slut hags with blackened meatflaps:
>Miquella (asshole looks like nikocado avocado)
because some people claim he did anything of note that actually made it into the game. I refuse to believe he did anything more than come up with the names of the important players and maybe the general concept of marika and the elden ring

the """story""" of ER is just typical fromsoft bullshit, if GRRM hadn't worked on it, it would be exactly the same
How did the filthy, savage, built for genocide Hornsent manage to build something like that?
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Radahn has been hyped up as the hardest FROM boss of all time but considering you can easily great-shield rot poke/mimic cheese him besto bosso Isshin is still unsurpassed
Restoring Marika to her rightful place (a constantly pregnant breeding machine)
it's quite dodgeable, you just need half decent timing. the damage is overtuned tho
>all that END
>still only 89 poise
>miliscent's prosthesis
>Sellen (old body)
Why is she questionable?
>Freyja in questionable
Brother, I think you need to raise your standards
She might've been raped while imprisoned, we don't really know what happened.
why do they keep doing it?
I hate how fucking cool isshin is
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Dryleaf/Dane's doesn't do anything for me after Nioh 2 unfortunately
At least Milady and Great Katanas are amazing moveset wise
This shit is nothing to sleep bow spam with shotgun/ansbach right now.
>SOTE sold 5 million within the first week
What's the expected number of total sales by the end of this year?
Elden Ring is around 25 million IIRC
Wouldnt it be more likely that Seluvis molested her new body than the Academy or Jerren doing anything to her original body?
I wonder what cool shit I will find in shaman village
from fucking shit
so rot god is a scorpion, so does that mean malenia's transformation wasnt fully complete?
Nah Seluvis is a good dude, he wouldn't do that.
I still gotta give it to Demon of Hatred for hardest Souls boss but Isshin is a close 2nd. He's THE pinnacle boss though, no doubting that, I just remember getting stuck on Hatred for a solid couple days.
futari no...!
What do you need more than 89 poise for?
yeah i think dex looks stronger for this type of playstyle
will look into it but it feels like its barely worth it...
>not enjoying having a shit tonne of stamina
>not enjoying having a varied loadout
you mean nanaya's torch true combo into 2 hit greatsword
Why would Messmer make you swallow burning coals?
I can see it...
thats a bit too much nipple bro... think of the advertisers
>gets hyped up all game
>actually lives up to the hype
I fucking love the isshin fight so fucking much

Even his death is great, he just accepts it with honor

> He's THE pinnacle boss though
he's the best example of how to do a great boss fight. Nothing he does is really cheap and the fight is deigned as a skill check to see if you learned all the mechanics
Messmer & Melina siblingposting is honestly adorable and one of the best things to come out of the burning trashfire that is the DLC’s story additions.
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>Flame Art Milady with Flame Spear and FGMS
>Sword lance
its like a thrusting sword but they removed the nice moveset
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are those.......
Deflecting Hardtear is beyond broken. On a Regular Greatsword this is broken I can't imagine how good it is with a shield.
>Flies around so hard you can't stare at her tits
v disappointing boss
Uhhh what?
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hesitation is defeat
sekiro 2 when
Does anyone know if the exploit to get 2 Serpent-Hunter spears is still a thing? I have one at +10 and apparently to do the exploit you need to scrap any one in your inventory and invade someone or use co-op to enter someone else's world to grab the one there, then return to your world and grab the one in your world. Something like that. Did they patch it? I just thought it'd be cool to have two for no real reason.
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He didn't write the story, he wrote the lore leading up to the shattering. He was never marketed as writing the story, he's credited with doing the worldbuilding, if you've read ASOAIF you can see him all over it. If anything his influence is understated because you retards watch the in game cutscenes and think "This isn't like game of thrones, George barely contributed anything!"

All major demigods and their characterization have GRRM written all over them, him and Miyazaki have a bit in common like their love for lovecraft and dragons so you can't say for sure but I'd bet a lot of that was him too, since we've been told the worlds history and foundations is what he's responsible for and religions formed around creepy cosmic magic shit (all the outer gods not just the GW) is something he likes to write. I'd guess a good chunk of what he wrote has been dramatically altered or re-imagined, but a TON of what he wrote obviously made it into the game.

Seriously you faggots spread this everywhere and it's obviously not true, one retard will say something and a million other retards will be like "yeah that sounds right I'm gonna repeat it everytime the subject is brought up"
clear as day...
Key after you kill Renalla or Rellana I forgot. Exit her boss room and see Leda, then head to the left side and see a big destroyed church looking building. You get invaded by some guy and he drops the key.
I'm trying to think of a reasoning or scenario or like wgemeral aesthetic/thing where he would force yoy to swallow burning coals for a thing Im thinking about, I'm kind of thinking out loud but in forum form
you should do it because it's fun and you want to, not because it's good or OP

>he wrote the lore leading up to the shattering.
so the part of the lore that doesn't matter in the slightest?
And needing help witb the idea fleshing out
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>the damage is overtuned tho
sure feels like it
I’m pissed off too, but given the kind of horseshit Miyazaki served up when he remembered to give Miquella and Radahn “their due”, I’m happy to allow Melina to stay an abandoned study arc.
By far my favorite Sekiro boss is True Monk, but Isshin is top tier high quality stuff
Why Smithscript daggers and not just the Claws of Night?
Why carry several weapons on at once and not just swap to them? Like shit man do you really need 5 weapons on at once?
Also consider using Ansbach's Bow. His ash on that bow is pretty fucking nice.
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>wanting the easiest game again
i will only accept this if Kuro's Charm and Demon Bell is literally the DEFAULT option and you can never turn them off.
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>"Further holy imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power"
>Flame Art imbue is stronger on it
Hope somebody was fired for that blunder, also post your characters I guess
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Well, /erg/? What did you tell him?
True Monk, really? Out of all that kino? To each his own
>doesn't show scooby snacks
Eveything will melt that guy if you fight him with 20 of those things.
It's good against huge bosses L2 is worse than R1 for radahn, messmer, rellana though
Flame Art is holy magic though, just not holy damage
Miquella’s character is utterly ruined in this shitty dlc
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time to keep plugging away at mohg so i can farm dlc fashion and arms to leave as gifts for xbros who i help in stormveil
Man you really need to put limits on yourself in order to make this game actually difficult. I think going above 10 skibidi is over kill. Honestly I want to try a new playthrough of doing 0 skibidies
Smithscripts for range on all attacks, jumping R1s and R2s are great. I'm shit at hardswapping. Locked myself out of Ansbach Bow bc I fucked his quest.
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>Climbs out of the underworld in his prime form through his grandsons fatal wound to honor his final wish and cut you down to save the kingdom he built, kills you 100 times until you learn to fight without hesitation

I think the Isshin fight is my favorite moment in any video game, gameplay story and spectacle
They are talking about using buffs on a physical version
What's Marika's fetish?
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Can't stop killing reds.
And hosts.
Seeing how people often complain about the accrued tendency to just spam L2 in Elden Ring, do you think it would have been better if ashes of war had a cooldown instead of FP cost?
She's a nympho that's why
>Smithscripts for range on all attacks,

>in response to claws of night being suggested

who's gonna tell him
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>kills you 100 times
Isshin being hard is a meme. At the point that you fight him, the game has hammered into you that you press L1 when an enemy swings at you. Should really be done in 5 tries or less
Even DSP beat him first try.
Somebody answer me reeeeeee
>dancing lion
1 try
5 tries
2 tries
2 tries
>finger thing
1 try
2 tries
>all the catacomb shit
1 try

so when does this dlc get difficult? relanna only took 5 because i saw a webm of something parrying her and wanted to try that out since i never done that before. prob could have 2 tried her if i did my regular strat
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Play Nine Sols. The final boss was clearly inspired by Isshin, but even more bullshit.
>MC's theme starts playing in the third phase
Man I would love that helmet if they just removed the stupid additional fucking snakes. The main one in the middle that forms the top of the helm is fine, but as usual with Fromsoft armor design they just shit out a bunch all over so YOU GET THE DEEPEST LORE IMPLICATIONS or some shit. Sorry for sperging out, your guy looks cool anon.
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I dunno how but I think i'm overlevelling lads.

I'm already level 84 and I'm just at Dragonbarrow in Caelid, haven't done it yet but i'm kinda wrecking shit and I haven't been to Altus Mountains yet either.

Should I just go there first? You level so fucking fast
Ashes of War need to be nerfed, they do way too much damage and are way too anime compared to the rest of the game.
I'm really not loving Fromsoft's new design philosophy of huge open areas that look pretty but have nothing going on and don't reward exploration. And when you do finally find something hidden away in a nook somewhere it's like a smithing stone 3.
What if we stopped using the N-word and replaced it with "Hornsent" instead? They wouldn't know what it meant... but we'd know. Follow me for more loophole tips.
ranni miquella threesome
Isshin took me two tries. The deal with Isshin is that he's the quintessential final exam boss. There's nothing really new, just a refinement and mastering of what you should have already learned. Almost all of his moves are recycled from Ashina enemies, though the aggression and grandeur is turned up. This made him pretty manageable if you'd done your homework properly. Demon of Hatred actually took more time for me to beat.
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>never heard of it
>look it up
>furry protag
>last boss is a furry grandma
yeah i'm good man.
I have 822 AR with a CLAW weapon that power stances, and that's with 0 buffs 0 skibi in the base game world, just sword ritual + rakshashas set

and since its a power stanced claw it hits for 94+94% damage R1 which is 1545 damage per R1

everything melts to claws of night, its not a matter of scoobies
So how do YOU say Scadutree? Not the official way, how do you read it in your head?
Do you actually read it Shadow
I say "Skah-doo"
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What build/weapon are you invading with at what RL?

How's it going?
Your loss lmao
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lol why did this random albinauric chick have Gaius's Pants?
It was made for a furry audience but it's not that upfront about it, there's only a couple feet/paw fanservice scenes
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What weapon art is this?

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
This. Marty and Miyahacki were both interviewed and made it very clear; Rape Rape wrote the origin story. Marika’s rise to power, the early days of prosperity as she consolidated her empire and had her family/ies, the faction intrigue of the adult demigod children, Ranni’s chimpout, the early campaigns of the War, literally everything before the Tarnished comes back to TLB was at least outlined by Georgie-boy. Mike liberally edited details as he saw fit to “corrupt” the surviving demigods and make them suitable monsters to defeat in the present day of the game, but the broad strokes were preserved well enough to still use Martin’s notes as a guide.
What I want to know is if the surprise queer marriage between Radahn and Mickey was George or Zach (almost certainly Zach honestly, Miquella had cut content in the base game and none of this faggotry was even hinted at, which then begs the question of when and how Miyazaki became so brain damaged).
She's his wife. You murdered Gaius' wife.
double slash
100 is an exaggeration but it definitely took me more than 5, Genichiro is the hardest boss despite actually being the biggest jobber because he's where you overcome the learning curve

I have it installed but left it until after SOTE, next game I'm gonna play
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How big are Leda's breasts?
>double slash
But there's a triple attack in it as well.
well i mean not trying to go for something OP here but also dont want do gimp myself
try listen, but hole
honest rivers.
Miniscule. Absolutely flat. Big puffy nipples though.
>fallingstar beast
hated this shit in base game hate it even more in DLC
i hear honest rivers knows how to make a good, simple burrito
I like to think he was balls deep in this slut just going to town on that cooch before you rudely interrupted him. that's why he's comes off screen at full speed ready to get this over with quick so he can go back to being balls deep in his bitch. basically we denied the man to coom.
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I'm not entirely sure how you could nerf them, but they definitely need a nerf. Cooldown might work, but then you're gonna get people who run in press L2 then wait for cooldown rinse repeat until the end of every. This only affects bosses desu.

I've been co-oping recently and I would just equip the Blessed Blue Dew Talisman and Ancestral Horn talisman and that'd be enough FP regen for me to clear and entire dungeon with Mohgs Spear and just pressing L2. It's really fucked how strong L2's are.
Also if you're extra desperate for FP you can craft and unlimited supply of lulling branches stupidly easily.

I think increasing the FP cost of ALL ashes. To seperate Ashes from Spells. Considering how easy it is to get your FP back, especially in the DLC this should hopefully alleviate some of the nonstop L2 spam and if people are really desperate to get it back then they can easily go and grab the shit they need to be able to do that constantly, or put substantial levels into MIND.
No, they don't. I killed Radahnquella with Claws of Night with 11 scooby snacks and I was doing like 1k damage per weapon art to him. The Lion Dancer also gets particularly countered by it because it has a big body.
Just like Miquella.
you forgot
>knows his grandson is a retard and his final wish is imposable to grant because nothing can stop the island from falling
>doesn't give a fuck because he still loves his retard grandson and will keep fighting for his dream.
He was truly that nigga
The madness forest was spooky but no horse really exhausted me.
They should've just kept the no horse zone to the area around the eyeball lantern guys
I'd rather they just nerf L2s directly rather than making them more scarce desu. I like having a larger moveset at my disposal
they fucked
its obvious
Scooby doo.
And the things we collect are the Scoobydo Treats.
Why would you weapon art for radahn you do more dps with r1s in the same windows
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How you been liking Enir Ilim for invasions? Buddy recommended it to me after I noticed Storagehouse became full of taunter's tongue fags.
Absolutely massive. She can barely breathe with that armour on. That's why she's so fucking paranoid.
>Even DSP beat him first try.
3rd. He ended up breaking Isshin's ai by face fucking him too hard. Basically he played so shit that the ai just died
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pretty neat that the frenzy flame is star collapsing into a super nova while the golden order is just a regular sun. The giants flame represents the sun turning into a red super giant
the range on their normal attacks is either dogshit or bugged
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Literally just ape Wo Long's spirit system and balance ash of war damage accordingly
Allow us to attune ashes in attunement slots
Ranni on my right, Miquella on my left
I really just invade near/far and let fate decide. I have gotten exactly 1 enir-ilim invasion in the past 100 and it was a bonfire duelist. Most people up here at level 200 seem to be much earlier in the dlc. I get webm related, the ruins, a lot. Probably the most invasions there than anywhere else
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My cross eyed knight.
She’s a slightly brain-damaged ex-prizefighter who got her nose infected with syphilis and chewed off, no shit she’s a butterface. I honestly don’t mind it for a few reasons:
1. Her personality isn’t insufferable
2. She doesn’t flaunt her fucked-up face
3. Gwynevere excepted, FROM titles don’t exactly have much of a track record for fanservice
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Isshin is the best final boss they've ever done because it feels like a pop quiz on everything you've learned up until that point, which is exactly what a final boss should be.
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somewhere around this size
Impenetrable Thornbros, are you casting with Staff of the Guilty or just using it offhand with another catalyst?
That's vegeta's technique!
>(almost certainly Zach honestly, Miquella had cut content in the base game and none of this faggotry was even hinted at, which then begs the question of when and how Miyazaki became so brain damaged).
I agree and I think it's a response to Radahns popularity. Which feels like they kind of missed the point of why he was so popular
>doing your waifus quest
>find out you have to free the stars
>discover they were frozen in place by a great warrior wizard demigod who's brain has been eaten away by alien superaids
>kill him in an epic festival with all your bros you've met on your adventure so far
>stars all resume motion and start crashing into the earth
It's the best spectacle and story moment in the game, him coming back as the final boss feels like an asspull without all that buildup and spectacle. I enjoy that fight a lot mechanically though despite all the backlash it's getting
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>dodge as soon as radahn so much as wiggles
>get rollcaught by delayed fakeout
>wait to doge anticipating a fakeout
>eat a lightspeed sucker punch
Elden Ring was a mistake.
>are you casting it with dogshit staff that has zero scaling
nta but monk is fun to fight against. he feels.. "stable" with his moveset. like no random bullshit
i think that true monk could've been a good learning boss before genichiro
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Why, yes, I do use greatsword with bloodhound step and deflecting hardtear. How could you tell?
>Kindly Miquella is a lord of abundance
Massive, she lost to us because they're so big
read >>484947421
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>or beast!
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Considering who she pays homage too, they should be massive.
I have changed my mind, him making you swallow coals isn't hot
>Miquella gives Leda his personal variation of Grace to cover her “faded eyes”
>Leda’s Rune never dwelled in her eyes
Wow, ungrateful/disobedient much? If any other person did that and Leda heard about it, you know damn well she would kill them for “spurning Kind Miquella’s generosity”, the little hypocrite. Also, does that item description imply Leda was going blind, or was just another tarnished that lost perception of Grace?
She has c-cup banana breasts.
I love that they went goofy for the manga.
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"No" would suffice!
madman. running the risk of chasing people down in the fuck huge open world just ain't worth it to me but more power to you.
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>Don't give up, Skeleton!
Oh there's so many good bosses it's hard to choose a second, but I'm completely in love with True Monk. The sounds, the setting, the moveset, it's just all so amazing for me. I think after that is Isshin, then Headless Ape (I'm so fucking dogshit at the ape when it's just an ape so I just cheese it by making it throw doodies and hit it a few times til I can HP kill it).
Genichiro forces you to get good. True Monk, I enjoyed but you can still fight her like a dark souls boss if you're shit. Nothing is better than having achieved such perfection in bodying Genichiro during the first part of the Isshin fight that you kill him like he's a common foot soldier in ten seconds.
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Is this the boss? He seems so tiny and old
Nah he's just a regular enemy, dies in a few hits
"No" won't make you think for yourself and not ask stupid questions with obvious answers
kill him and you will see
The depths of your foolishness...
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no horse ahead
Yeah man he's the boss.
From really dropped the ball on this one.
Guy just dashes all around the place and he's so small he's hard to hit.
weak foe ahead therefore strong foe head
What the fuck does this mean why is it everywhere
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>doing RL1 run
>killed most of the base game bosses so far
>really want to go and kill malenia because I genuinely enjoy this fight and have killed her flawless with no ashes/summons/status multiple times already with different weapons for fun
>dread having to face one boss though
Why does commander niell strike so much fear into me.
This guy genuinely gives me the most trouble of all the base game bosses.
>or was just another tarnished that lost perception of Grace?
Basically. She probably thought Miquella's rune was too precious to waste on her own eyes or something.
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Since people have largely come around or at least grown to humorously tolerate RyanReos' Blender-porn model for Marika, would it be alright to use his new Lancer Artorias model as a stand-in for Leda?
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You should calm down, you seem really angry.
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It was gross, it was scary, and then I fucking died. I thought I was going to fight a nimble old man
I dunno what that is, but it's probably spam since I filtered it.
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shuddupa ya face.
Have you tried parrying him?
I did the dlc after lighting Melina up like a Christmas tree in January but does she really never pop up at grace sites in the shadow realm?
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Yeah, someone just has to rip Leda's armor for blender, make some tweaks to that Saber (remover the accessories), and we'd be set.
frail and pliant according to datamined the game files
Did any of you play Archthrones?
It's chink. Horse sounds like mother in their language so they're calling you motherless.
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This Ash of War got me movin' like an invasive species
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
I'm a dog, between me and the lord of beasts I'm the animal
We smokin' Mimic Tears
Smokin' that St. Trina, Nokstellan, Crimsonspill deluxe, Numen Rune scratcher, Aspect of the Skunk herba
We smokin' teardrop scarab
This shit will give Godwyn a true death
Which ending is your personal favorite and why?
Not asking for "which one is best for the world" or anything like that - which one do you personally like the most?
>i've got to fight the old man again
What the fuck
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question
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Guys I've made a gamebreaking new discovery
This will revolutionize the way this game is played

as it turns out, weapon arts are actually very strong!
glad you could be here on this momentous day
I like the perfect order ending because gold is my favorite color.
I don't know why some jeet has taken upon himself to spam the thread with smut, I really don't
Just desperate for the attention I suppose
it's either dollpussy or the order ending, because im the one who got the shit done
Yeah. Shit got nerfed after I played through it, it was incredibly tedious fighting HP sponges with a +3 weapon and like 5 +2 estus flasks
Literally all of the bosses are reskinned DS1/Sekiro/Elden Ring/Bloodborne bosses but with AoE explosions.
ended up at level 209 after doing everything in the base game and dlc
that's way too high to do any kind of pvp right? I didn't summon anyone or invaded or anything during my playthrough
might make a new character though
Leda strikes me as the kind of girl who's either a virgin or a hyperslut who's slept with every single of her "companions" so voraciously that all of them have rejected her out of exhaustion, noting in-between.
what is their fucking problem
>Messmer - born to purge the Hornsent
>Melina - born to eventually burn the Erdtree
>Morgott - born to ???
>Mohg - born to ???
>Godwyn - born to die?
>Malenia - born to ???
>Miquella - born to ???
I thought I had a good headcanon going about how Marika only has children to use them for some purpose, but I honestly can't figure out what the point of most of them could be. Sad
I get open world invasions very seldom. If it's a gank, and it usually is, I just sever and block, and then I can never invade them again. It is thus that I have cut down to pool of gankers I can invade massively, because it's usually the same few guys
Yes, coincidentally Radahn reminded me of that trash lmao
Nope, Melina is nowhere to be seen in the DLC. I went in on a NG+ character I'd beelined Radahn and Mohg on, and zero appearances by our Honda representative.
Haha these chinks are crazy.
>stab knights with bewitching needle
>gank the already easy niall
Why do you hate being male?
It's their version of "liar ahead"
Any new lore revelations yet? Anyone cracked the code?
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What kind of person plays as a blue spirit in Elden Ring?
>reverse image search doesn't work
>no watermark
I get the age of fracture on subsequent playthroughs, cuz fuck all these other guys I'll fix it myself
Its just fun to swift slash red sweats and protect newfrens
Usually kind souls who don’t mind being yanked out of an intense battle to help some yellow bros out.
>give a player a poisoned handshake
>stomp the literal life out of their body with blooms twice
Pure bliss
Enir-Ilim is a pretty good invasion location. The elite hornsent are fucking beasts
Its BLACKED shit, dont look for it
Use saucenao, think I saw it on pixiv
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Are there any bosses you would think are cool to re-fight with Elden Ring's retarded spastic speed and attack delays?
I just leave it on constantly while I search invasions and I occasionally get pulled in. It's a nice change of pace. Usually I just fuck around unless the red is some sweaty menulord
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Frenzy because it has a cool cutscene and Melina gets a glow up.
>redshitter has to be carried by mobs
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So far, this has been the best boss in this shitty DLC.
I have bloodborne but I didn't play it yet, and I just finished elden ring dlc today and I'm craving more so I'm considering NG+
should I just play bloodborne instead?
you could be lying
thumbnail or full image, saucenao and yandex do nothing. I hate how inconsistent they are

does this answer your question?
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This shit took me like two days and I had to resort to L2 spam, but I finally fucking did it.
>divine lion but shitty and spamming rot
ok lol
The downside is that there's really only two invasion spots. Before the first Horned Warrior is solid but 90% of the spawns put you behind the host and there's basically no real enemies in the level before the big guy so you have to run the gauntlet.
The Spiral Rise is great because of the bird gank on the rooftops, followed by the ice guy, followed by the storm guy at the very end. But the storm guy doesn't respawn so you have to contend with invading into taunter ganks just sitting in his arena
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Why can't I ever get blues like you guys, it's always the worst players imaginable or they're too slow to even reach me before I kill the host. I miss the Darkmoons.
Death knight was that one teleporting grab, messmer second phase has that retarded spam with thrust delay, the divine beast is one crack and does non stop spam attacks.
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bros.... Had to add more vigor. Was at 135 for PVP but my vigor was too low, so put in 7 more points into it. Should I just go to 150 at this point?
I dont get it, the finger ruins is empty
nobody cares
damn, it is shit...
Still, why doesn't reverse image search ever work these days? I swear it used to be a lot more consistent
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I primarily invade, but I absolutely leave on my blue sign and then I help or hinder depending on the quality of the host or red.
webm related.
Host in limgrave with whitemask and rivers vs base prisoner.
I gave the prisoner 2 flasks so hopefully he has a chance at winning.
Age of Fracture cause I get to spend a couple centuries/millenia pounding Marika's pussy before peacing out and letting the Lands Between go to complete shit again like the deadbeat dad I am.
>B-but the rot
C'mon now.
I haven't seen a single taunter gank in that area. Can you pull them through Euphoria bing bing wahoo section?
What's the advantage of using a thrusting shield in the left hand as a shield?
She died so fast I barely remember any of her moves, and I'm not even running an optimized build on my main character
because it's AI slop
Google changed the philosophy from
>I want to find the source of this image
>identify this product
>under 50 vig
>under 50 vig for pvp
Unless you're doing some sort of meme gimmick build you're a fucking idiot.
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Beating the moon with the Commander's Standard equipped unlocks a special recolor for the Standard and a Carian astronaut suit. One small step for a Tarnished. One giant leap for Eldenkind.

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I am a schizoid so going away from everyone sounds pretty based, actually.
I've been under 50 vig since I reached 125 on game release. All of the builds on this character since the start have been ~30Vigor and I've done fine. Beat the base game at 30.
What were you running?
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I think her children are all Marikas karma in some way. Except Messmer I guess since he enacted the first of her sins
>Melina - born with the flame of the GEQ Marika destroyed and blasphemous visions of the erdtree burning
>Morgott and Mohg - Born omens, the formerly divine race she genocided and deemed blasphemous
>Godwyn - The golden child, killed by the power of destined death she sealed away after killing the GEQ
>Miquella - born with the power of "seduction" that he uses to try and dethrone her as a god (karma for the "seduction" before the betrayal of the hornsent)
>Rykard - turned to the blasphemous snake worship she sealed away in Messmer
>Ranni - Stole destined death to kill the empyrean body she inherited from Marika
>Radahn - fell to Miquellas seduction
I'm not sure about Malenia. Or maybe it's more likely they all represent Blasphemy against her order in some way which would take Messmer into account as well
>host has to be carried by 2 yellow and 1 blue shitters

It’s like poetry.
How do you dodge Radahn's big fuck you AoE followup to his pull?
This is the honest way to do it.
1. shields are helpful. blocking, gc, shieldpoking
2. I can jab people with it, and the l2 attack chain is wayyy faster than a greatspear's R1s so it'll stop people from trying to circlestrafe at close range. I always hated how enemies like Black Knights and the Dragonslayer Armor could attack with their shields, and now I can do it to
3. I can two hand it for guard point and chasedowns (I have a second one with an actual ash I swap to)
4. It looks great
5. They have pretty great stability even when elementally infused
But who are Dheo and Rhia?
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I'm sure this has been asked a zillion times. Does anyone have tips for going against Radahn solo with a bleed build? RL176, ARC is at 53. been using MSS 90% of the time up until now. i tried MSS, chicken wing and occult great katana and they take nothing off. im guessing its just a situation where he's hard as fuck no matter what you do.
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Marika encouraged her kids to surpass her though, she would approve of Miquella's ambition.

I have no idea honestly you just need to make sure you never get caught by that pull in phase 2, it was insta death for me everytime
run directly away then spam roll when it hits
Yeah and I can beat the game with a torch, who cares. If you need to ask advice maybe stop doing your meme low vig challenge run.
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>land a 2h Lighting Milady jump attack on some poor level 100 host
>850 damage because both hits connected
>more than UGS tier damage on an attack with zero commitment
>immediately rush and combo him to death with a crouch r1 into r1
I fucking hope they will never buff its poise damage because it's the only thing stopping this weapon from becoming the highest tier
She was just a breeding fetishist.
the new weapons are way too amazing
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Did Radahn ask for it?
Run away then dodge roll three times.
I like the decision making (narrator's note, this means power tripping). You get to make the judgement call; is this a new player who's getting clowned on by a career red? I'll jump in to help, sure. Is this a shitter ganker with [insert whatever setup you currently find distasteful]? You're on your own. If you want me gone to get someone more helpful, you'll have to take the time to sever me. good luck with that when there's a red on your ass.
Kek, what in tarnation
On my 2nd playthrough and I’m thinking of doing bellurat and enir illim at the same time after romina. Feels like it would be more rewarding. Would this fuck up any npc dialogue or questlines?
doubt it
Should I pump arcane if I want to use bleed infused twinblades even though they scale better with strength even when bleed?
Is there any hint to find Albus?
The masculine urge to roll through every pot you see.
What's with the rubbery dudes around the finger ruins? Are they aliens? Mutants? Guardian constructs?
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Why do even trash mobs have a gorrillion health in this DLC?
I have reached the Abyssal Woods and finished exploring them, spare the interior of the manse. Why did I see threads with its map outlines in red in the OP get posted on /v/ numerous times?
bleed doesn't need arcane, you can still do whatever you want.
only level for requirements. Do you like dragon spells and other spells that need arcane? do you want to primarily use weapons that have arcane requirements? then level arcane.

focus on pumping vigor to 60, endurance to 35, and mind to something that isn't too little
The pot is illuminated in a weird way and I think he talks when you get close but I don't remember.
elden ring has to be the worst game to play while having FPS drops

the entire timing of things gets fucked, you can't dodge anything

it's pretty much unplayable

i'll come back when they fix this
H-he's fast
Are you asking because you can’t find him? Did you clear the albinauric village? I found him organically on my first playthrough without even understanding anything about the haligtree questline
Messmer can't stand the look of his reflection ever since abandonment, still tries to take care of himself but clearly is having problems. Both like from the perspective of not being able to keep his hair right and looking more diaheveled, and obviously the fact that its bad and hurts that he cant stand to see himself.
You decide to help try and train him/get him out of it by like asking him for help with small things like having him help you style your hair in in the mornings, all in fromt of the mirror. Like having him braid it for you (Marika taught him how to) or helping you lace up a dress, or helping pick out an outfit. Small things which you know you really could do yourself, but having him there instead. Maybe he knows that you could do it yourself and just want him there, maybe he doesn't.
At first he tries to just glance off to the side or focus his eye somewhere intently like your back and avoiding looking at the mirror, but slowly over time he gets less tense and let's himself stare at your reflection first, then eventually more passively able to just look at the reflection of you two together.
Maybe he avoids looking at himself for now, but it's a long process, you'll get there eventually. For now, you're happy rhat he's comfortable with seeing the two of you together in it
Lesser fingers or humans who turned themselves into fingers
I don't know, I just do spam the same attack until they die, they are most of the time free loot piñatas.
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>Thought their would be a lot of condemnation towards the relationship.
>Woman and gays are eating it up like Candy
WTF is wrong with people?
>bleed doesn't need arcane
what the shit
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alright there wee laddie
heard some big cunt was given ya trouble down the gate of divinitay
come on less go an sort him oot
Alright, I’m out. Nice chatting with you guys.
Do you have the picture?
I found him near launch but I was just thinking that most hidden things have notes or dialogue hinting at them and was wondering if Albus had any hints like that.
Fujos love toxic yaoi.

Being for real for a moment though stick to Radahn as much as you can and roll into his attacks, he's gonna be hard no matter what build you have, especially for a solo run.
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Boss killed me once, I've tried my best for long enough
No, but it's just the Abyssal Woods outlined with red on the map.
George knows what storylines sell
the dlc has material both for fujos and yumejoshi
messmer is like every "i can fix him" trope thrown together and with a faceless carian girl in love with him to self insert as
what combination of abilities is allowing this?
The newfag tourist elden ringers mindset in a nutshell.
Guys I don't feel so good.
I mean, I think the hint order is:

>She tells you to fuck off
>search the albinauric village for clues
>there’s a big glowing pot at the top of the hill

Yeah it’s a bit obscure, but if you’re online there are tons of messages leading you to him.
>boss jumps away
>boss has ranged attacks
>boss has aoe attacks
>boss has grab attacks
>boss has combos
If it has any of these, it's summoning time
give up grandpa, game is no longer about grounded melee combat using normal attacks
it is now a magic spam/WA spam/summon spam/consumable spam advanced warfare combat.
you will never go back to demon's souls
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>spent a lot of time invading higher levels
>went back to my low level characters for a change
>it's actually harder than invading high levels because of the amount of overleveled babysitters
>barely even consider high levels a challenge at this point since there's a billion ways to wreck entire crowds
Maybe i should give hefty pots to my low level dudes
none its a mod
Ehats wrong with it?
>Taking the game seriously
If you think the other player is waiting too long then you are probably also waiting that long.
that's all so disgusting I'm gonna puke!!
I know the grounded combat the games were acclaimed for is gone now.
I am reminded of it every time I am summoned by a host who just spams an ash of war hoping the boss drops dead before he does.
This but unironically
Is Elden Ring a cunny coded game?

>all endings basically lead to different variants of Age of Fire without anything being resolved permanently (I.E turn off your brain and follow the Order as it was originally without distortion, or run away on a space rock letting nature take it's course and people find their own way without any tangible Order, ironically the haggery of Marika and Ranni is what created the most of the tragic events of the base game and you can only side with them to partially fix it or run away)
>only hope is the alchemical rebis child who has the intellect, faith and aptitude to get rid of Godwyn's death blight at the base of the Erdtree, and the Outer Gods entropic influences in the form of Scarlet Rot and Frenzied Flame in one generation
>they're a prodigious Golden Order talent and even succeed in growing a pseudo-Erdtree and creating Unalloyed Gold artifacts that are capable of resisting the influence of Outer Gods
>their efforts in the Land's Between fall apart as soon as they try to become an adult (god)
>follow rebis child (Miquella/Trina) to the Shadow Realm, and as the Tarnished explores they find out he's discarding parts of his humanity in a quest to become a god (adult)
>essentially SOTE is about a child messiah who forced themselves to grow up and became that which they swore to fix (pre-Radagon Era Golden Order Marika) complete with his own meat puppet kill bot similar to what Marika had with Godfrey
>Had he remained cute and funny with Trina he'd get a good ending with the Tarnished because he wouldn't be afraid of their ability to resist their charms, and would see beyond the raw strength and reliability of a meat puppet.

Basically the moral of the story of Elden Ring is don't let hags fuck up the world, don't let them raise kids and never grow up or allow innocence around you to defile itself for the sake of obtaining the illusory power of haggery.
Messmer/Rellana is a sad tragic one sided hetero love
I like frenzied flame because it's one of my favorite parts of that world. The way it feels like this mysterious force that is never even really mentioned by the majority of the characters but is working in the background, and you get glimpses of every now and then, is awesome. I'm also a sucker for tragic storylines of the hero choosing the wrong path.
I also like it because it's revenge for all those shitty ass enemies who beat my ass, fuck all of them they can burn forever now.
>Marika casts off an aspect of herself, which becomes Radagon
>Has kids with him who become her firstborns
>Messmer, Melina, Malenia, and Miquella are born of a single god
>Marika later tries to assimilate Radagon back into herself
>Miquella casts off his love and compassion in an attempt to imitate Marika, and this becomes St. Trina
So what was the aspect that Marika separated from herself that became Radagon?
I see a boss.
I summon.
Simple as.
I beat the game same as you.
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I beat Leda and Co. with Ansbach and Lhutel. i just couldn't do it with us two.
Really wish I didn't discover how strong deflect tear is. Shit makes everything trivial.
The Gloam Eyed Queen
Faith in Golden Order most likely. Faith in general.
I don't know why Fextralife tards think Wing Stance is bad.
Was his pot form always glowing? I may be mistaken but I seem to remember him not glowing.
Guys I can’t stop invading. I’ve only just gotten into the dlc, haven’t cleared any dungeons or bosses yet, but I just can’t stop invading. Every time I think it’s enough and I’m gonna clear the first dungeon, I just invade for a few more hours. What’s wrong with me?
Coded Sword and Cipher Pata should have a power stance moveset like the Wakizashi has with the katanas. Granted both have such fast attacks you can kinda fake combo them together.
why didn't renalla marry some guy who deserves it instead of that emo faggot who whines despite having everything (friends who care about him, achievements, pets, women)
I haven't seen that guy's art in a hot minute. Looks like he improved a lot.
based infinite warfare enjoyer
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this is what happens when you let girls play games
or read comics
or books
or listen to music
or watch tv shows

they pollute it with their toxic headcanons, rape fantasies and male-on-male buttsex
>caved and used a shield for phase 2
I fucking suck at games it's so fucking over.
Ranni, Marika oyakodan
isnt theollier's quest basically NTR?
isnt the dragon pristess's too?
is the tarnished a NTR novel antagonist?
How do you get her to talk to you?
mogh is a mexican
>another mindbroken for radahns pile
Will the torment never end?
Fujos fuck off, Messmer is /ourincel/
>If you think the other player is waiting too long then you are probably also waiting that long.

I wish they’d be patient enough for me to waste an hour of their time
>Leveled up vigor
You didn't beat the game
I'm starting to think I might not like Elden ring
I never once thought that souls games had "grounded" combat
These niggas swing swords around like they're swinging skyscrapers and all bosses are giant cunts
The souls combat needs more shit to do mid combat aside from just roll for 10 minutes til the boss decides its your turn to attack and more for you to do than press R1 and sometimes R2 and maybe sometimes you'll do jump R1 or god forbid just pressing L2
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I can fix him
The game combat just sucks desu.
>being strong and not having to roll away like a little bitch is... LE BAD
Ser Ansbach can give her an instruction on "how to stop being retarded"
Thiollier and Florissax are cultists of their chosen deity, not lovers/suitors.
don't you need one of those top 3 shields?
fingerprint, black knight or verdigris?
I don't use summons myself, but I don't begrudge others doing it. Their game experience isn't mine, what's fun for me isn't necessarily the same as for them.
I have chronic cluster headaches, I don't compare my level of pain with people who "merely" have migraines, we're both miserable and everyone's experience is subjective. It's the same principle.
Anyone on PlayStation able to give me a hand with the twin Valiant Gargoyles at the Siofra Aqueduct? I'm at the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs effigy.
going with the group password
thiollier wants trina all for himself tho
and attacks the tarnished cause theyre the only one trina speaks to
He's celibate. Not an incel. It's an entirely voluntary thing.
He has a big titty tomboy rooting for him. He has friends. He has subordinates. If he wanted to, he could plap an army of kids into Rellana instead of playing hard to get. Marika doesn't care, his soldiers and especially Fire Kniggas seem to like him.
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gm sirs
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>no mention of seamless coop
anyone here using it?
Sekiro tear should honest to god be a basic talisman. Talismans in general should dynamically affect your playstyle (at the cost of having to reset them at a bonfire/grace so you have to commit)
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Anyone remember back when From make fun, challenging and balanced boss designs?

Remember how queelaag would dive across the entire map with a massive AOE, then perform a 6 hit sequence that would kill you if even 2 hits connected and leave you only a 1 second gap before she resumes attacking?
Rate my shinobi

I'm actually really surprised there's no dedicated ninja set but 2 samurai sets
As a Miquella and Trinafag the leaks were a dark night of the soul for me too.

Don't let yourself be disheartened. That's what the people who sabotaged the game want.
why should there be a cost to an alternate playstyle that isnt constnat rolling
Very stealthy
Mentalcel is still incel, everyone could go and fuck some ugly granny but we don't want to. Same with Messmer. Incel also doesn't mean you don't have friends, everybody has friends.
you don't experience the game unless you summon desu because of the dialogue and quests
I spoke to him and the only thing he told me is how easy your mom was.
you forgot the image
He's not an intelligent, he has commitment issues because he's afraid of bring hurt snd like of hurting you. Also the amount of yaoi with him is relatively low
he clean w it
That's valid. Storylines actually matter more in the DLC.
So BUILDS actually exist?
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He's not an incel I meant, and I meant commitment and abandonment issues
>Remember when From made slow sluggish boss fights anyones grandma could beat that encourage you to summon by making you walk back from the nearest bonfire for 5 minutes through 10 gank squads for every attempt
I'll take the ER and Sekiro bosses
>tranny voice
Shan't be watching
buy an ad
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>Base weapon damage of Carian Sorcery Sword doesn't get added to melee spells like Carian slicer
>It can't apply buffs to itself
>It can't even have buffs applied to it
So many build ideas gone to time, like tears in the rain
I think there's a difference between subordinates and friends
builds would still exist? It would just be a better baseline combat experience.

Lies of P and Nioh mog this game so hard when it comes to combat
how do you deal with the EAC stutter?
I hate that they haven't even tried to replicate her Welsh accent, it's just a generic Received Pronunciation brit.
Very accurate shinobi I didn't even notice him at first

look closer
Nice delusion, pedo.
In Sekiro there is constant back and forth, you are not limited to rolling. Dont compare it to the garbage combat of Elden ring
>no mention of seamless coop
That's because most anons have no friends.
>he makes 200 dollars a month for this
>gays and troons now love a one dimensional warmonger because he's seemingly as depraved as they are
>you are not limited to rolling
You aren't in elden ring either, this is probably why you got filtered
4chan/you is my friends
can you not visceral golden hippo
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look carefully
You're an outsider and potentially a nonbeliever while Thiollier has been a devoted adherent the whole time. Yeah, I can see why he'd be a bit mad/jealous. It would be like Jesus showing up, giving the entire Vatican the cold shoulder, and directly addressing you instead.
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Get ye gone, shill

Why are so many hosts so underpowered? It's getting ridiculous with how many scadulets I get.
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Is the Sacred Relic Sword any good (besides visually)?
Justin Y commented!
how can i use the character planner spreadsheet without google account?
Because the people who are leveled correctly tend to like get past the boss in like a more regular time, so you're less likely to see those, you get the ones that backlog eho like are underdeveloped amd can't get thrrough
>carian retaliation lightning misericorde
nigga who are you trying to play, they already made better soulslike combat in Bloodbourne where it wasnt constant rolling
keep saying it
Download it
Have you seen her face? Worse than Dung Eater
ayo this be lv 5 gyatt rizz fr blud im flossin
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>toxic headcanons, rape fantasies

>meanwhile fanart probably made by a delusional woman, vs fanart made by a man
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I've restarted my DLC playthrough (made a backup save before going into the DLC) just so I don't use any scibibib fragments this time around. that shit is such a crutch even more so than over leveling.
because people dont like running around in an empty ass world looking for some scooby doo fragments
when has anybody ever made on model art?
it's always off model, it's always fake art.
Did I beat the game if I used the Milady?
why the fuck does the backstep NOT have any iframes without that talisman
why does from insist on removing basic parts of your kits and then adding them on these awkward to use things
So how are magic builds supposed to work at RL100? Despite stopping at 40 Vig and 60 Int/Fth, I still end up having fuckall stat points to put into Mind. Even less if I sacrifice points just to hit the minimum requirements to wield a unique weapon. And if I go any less Vigor then the endgame bosses basically just shit on you in a couple hits. 60 in Int/Fth already feels like a sacrifice since the highest scaling happens at 70-80, but going that high means a lot less HP and even less Mind. What the fuck are you supposed to do, just go all in on glass cannon or something? Seems fucking retarded with the way boss aggros and hitboxes work in this game.
Shabriri's words at the Mountaintop of the Giants play in my head whenever I see NuRadahn art or Mohg apologist posts.

An average visit to /erg/ or any social media platform for that matter makes for some great shadowwork.
you're supposed to go past 100
oh look its a ds2fag

idk but you had fun
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>even has a sponsor segment for some shit vpn
this is the internet without whites, turdies will chug out this slop for other turdies because $200 is a lot of pesos in buenos aires argentina
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its broken when i do that :/
dlc made me think less of elden ring as a whole bros
>builds would still exist?
You're saying that every character should be able to have a Sekiro tier block at any given time with zero commitment on the part of the character. That's retarded. It's Skyrim tier power wank.
>It would just be a better baseline combat experience.
I don't fundamentally disagree with you though, but the Souls formula works best with a minimalist skeleton framework you can expand upon. What matters is being able to imitate a fighting style proper rather than just adding a bunch of useless numbers to add to your character.
>women portray semi-equal, mutual respect relationship

>men and trannies portray violent rape, faceless male, ugly bastard, bestiality, sissification, penis cage, rape correction
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Is lord of the frenzied dogdick supposed to explode when you beat him? I was so happy I actually got the kill and didn't have to do it again again
White Youtubemans do plenty of sponsorship shilling, too, anon. Wasting the viewer's time is a pastime that transcends notions like race, creed, or nation.
>>women portray semi-equal, mutual respect relationship
Thinking femboys deserve respect is hilarious. Women are so silly. That's why they were beneath men for thousands of years.
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>people are bitching about the pvp
>i'm having AN ABSOLUTE BLAST for 2.5 weeks in a row invading niggas with different new cool shit
>pure caster
>a viable build type before 150
You're getting trolled. When redditors say pure casters are viable before that point, they really just mean spellblades. A PURE caster needs AT LEAST 40 VIG, 60 MND, and 80 INT/FTH.
I mean, I think they are delusional if they think femboy stuff is ever cute or wholesome. The fact that they someone could pretend mutual respect or humanization beyond being a sex object target of abuse was ever intended by the game even, is ridiculous
After this boss, its just 100% proof that the merchants were all part of frenzied flame and huge liars. Marika justifiably killed them.

Another likely story is that they just holocausted themselves as a sacrifice to their lord, and blamed it on Marika's people.
>all fights end in mere seconds
Hey guys does elden ring have good bosses yet?
does bloodborne have a PC port yet?
>both sexes portray their ideal relationship
Mild shock
Has had good bosses since it first released and has more now.
Just buy a PS4 off a mate like I did you broke cunt.
for good bosses please refer to dark souls 3
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post the webms then
vaati should do an april fools video about zanzibart
>good bosses

So fucking epic.
yes and 2 more weeks
Give me some good 1h caster weapons from DLC aside from Milady and Great Katana
You really don't need more than 30 to 35 vigor. Just dodge, jump, etc. You will survive hits just fine, you will use your estus flasks appropriately. When stupid niggers tell you that you need 50 vigor or more, they are just tardrolling and getting hit nonstop. another thing, once you go over 40 vigor, everything before the boss fight is trivial, you don't have to strategize or even use all your estus flasks, you just run around, get non-stomp ambushed, run into stuff, and then show up to the next grace with 3 or 4 flasks to spare.

Knowing all this, you're better off putting all those points into literally anything else. Vigor points = lazy points.
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So, you know how scadu is old English for shade/shadow, I wonder if the word scadoosh comes from that as you use that as a polite way to tell someone to fuck off.
talmbout elden ring?
>You will survive hits just fine
>30-35 vigor
Stop trolling.
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>check x account
>futa porn
>sexual shit to no end
>how-do-you-do-fellow-kids to no end
>also a tranny
>has a discord server
yeah, i will stay as far away as possible from this thing
okay I took a look at dark souls 3
Surprisingly backhand blade for dragon communion
Even post nerf swift slash is pretty nice since the stun lets you chain into Bayle's tyranny
Also Flowerstone Gavel is pretty good too
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Questions for lorefags
Why is my favorite teacher now a fucking ball after "winning" against the witch hunter?
Bed of chaos was peak boss design
>massive hp drain LE GOOD
shit cheaty status for shit cheaty bosses
Humiliation ritual
Women are delusional though, because it's never been anything but fetish rape shit with Miyazaki. There's nothing "cute" intended about it.
too much knowledge.
Actually Marika burned the mechants without provocation. Likewise the shamans in her village volunteered to become saints and she blamed the hornsent for it.
at 35 vigor, no consumables, and just normal armor (drake set), mesmer was consistently 2 to 3 shotting me. If you're making more than 3 mistakes in a row and can't find the time to flask in between that, you paying no attention to the fight and just spam clicking attacks hoping for the best.
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>both sexes portray their ideal relationship
not really
i mean i hope not
I beat the game at 20 vig actually
she gazed into le void and it le gazed back or something
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Backhand Blade is fucking nuts
>2 units weight, as little as misericorde
>fantastic damage no matter what infusion you use
>Saif styled mobility baked in
>Actually Marika burned the mechants without provocation
>"Uh and then for no reason at all, Marika just killed all the merchants isn't that insane?!?! Also the merchants that survived and are out and about in the Lands Between all have frenzied flame spells but lets just ignore that"
Recommend me a good perfume build
She used her teachers' bodies to perform the same kind of ritual she used to turn a bunch of students into those balls. This time it backfired on her.
She is evil, and evil gets what comes to them.
remindeer that over 60% of women have rape fantasies and over 80% love getting choked
That doesn't mean you can't MAKE it cute or like view the cute aspects of it, I think it's really sweet
It is, that's what men want, basically a mix between a sex doll and a punching bag
I'm not some nitwit that thinks you should Vigor gouge for all builds, but even beastmen in farum azula would be able to one-shot you with heavies if you aren't seriously stacking absorption with only 30 fucking vigor.
yea but not by you.
My fantasy is that Marika sits on my face and the tells me she loves me
Use the Talisman of Rolling Back One Patch, and equip the Rolling Sparks ash of war alongside it, very good synergy
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There should have been a Miquella ending, but have it be exclusively for type Bs.
god I wish I was a woman
I have a confession
In the Ruined Forge Starfall Past, I died by walking off the waterfall. There was a message that said there was a boss ahead, but I scoffed at it, knowing it was a lie. I still walked ahead and fell to my death.
You're just being a faggot now. 35 vigor is perfectly adequate to beat the game in. Why can't you just roll at the right time, or jump? Do you really fucking think the game should be about standing still and getting wailed on by a boss while someone you summoned beats him for you?

I don't even know what the fuck the mobs are called or what the "beastmen" look like since I beat the base game pretty early on. Maybe you just haven't played these sorts of games before, but I've played since DS, 35 vigor is a solid build stat for PVE. The only reason you would think otherwise, is you do not want to genuinely interact with the game and think before you go around corners, engage enemies or bosses.
I love Leda's asian woman VA, Miquella is so lucky.
and 100% will never pass
Did anyone else make a sacrifice to Metyr this week?
I hit every "hidden wall ahead" wall just in case
I also like to vote messages that successfully fool me as "Good"
Anon, I heard the term scadoosh/scadouche in the 80's when I was kid and is what you say to someone if you want them to piss off. It's like how bug is from the old English boogaboo which means little monster, hence those pushchairs for babies are called Bogaboo.

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Funnyjunk filename
Elden Ring difficulty = Knowledge check
Dark Souls 3 difficulty = Reflex check

I prefer reflex games.
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Be honest, do you like the "Forgive me, Literalwho..." meme or not? Imo, it adds nothing and is immersion-breaking. I don't care that your dog or your wife was called Nanaya and you promised her to never do what you're going to do.
reflex games are better known as turn based games
Lighting or madness perfume + golden vow + perfume talisman
Light roll
Just zone everything to shit until they go mad
I'll do a seamless playthrough with the boys eventually
I know you can invade randoms, can you also invade your friends specifically? I want to try a playthrough where three people progress while one person is constantly invading to hinder them. Seems like it would be fun
>I don't even know what the fuck the mobs are called or what the "beastmen" look like since I beat the base game pretty early on.
Okay so you are trolling.
You mean parkour and menus
They never will.
just jump r1 with lightning perfume +25, high dex/fai and lots of multipliers
it hits like a truck
Does the white mask actually look good with any chest pieces?
good face, very nice fashion
not Jesus but that's the plot of Oh, God!
great movie, also great book
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She pleases black men btw.
And that's a good thing
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>Bloodsucking cracked tear
>bloodboil aromatic
>uplifting aromatic
we be invadin n shit cuh
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Despite having a lot of jumping around, Elden Ring is menus
One of my neighbor's kids actually blew off a chunk off their hand on Thursday actually. Not sure what the exact details were but I had me a small cathartic chuckle at first because the fuckers pop fireworks in the neighborhood every year for hours and its annoying as hell. Then my conscience had to rear its faggot head and make me feel bad since it was a kid it happened to.
Thanks, dudes who helped.
Better than pleasing hornsent men I guess
Does Marika have a bush?
Glad to see someone else taking up the 35 vigor crusade
Stop forcing your town bike on me. I only want Nepheli and Roderika.
does 2handing a weapon give it more damage or do you only count as having more strength (and therefore more damage if it scales with str)?
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Good taste
At the very least she has the decency to not be on crack with endless combo strings.
I give up my greatshield run.
How do people play like this.
It's so boring.
>Does Marika have a bush?
She's already the God of Plenty, she can't be the God of Bush as well.
The latter. Two-handing increases your effective strength stat, which thereby increases things that scale with strength.
Probably not. She's a jar so she's smooth as porcelain
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Is pure strength martial arts viable?
She also did that btw. Explain Mogh and Morgott.
Anything can be viable.
Is it good?
Hell no, damage is pitiful and long animations.
things that are cheating:
>any buffs besides physick flask
>sekiro tear is cheating though
>any statuses
>spirit summons
>phantom summons
>backstep iframes
>light roll
>ashes of war
The power of AI.
she's the God of Feet
you like jump r2?
As much as I love the Sekiro tear, I have to admit it's overpowered as shit. I can't even deny it. It's literally more effective than bleed.
>didn't include magic
nerd spotted
medium shield + straight sword is where it's at
What the hell are perfumes? You guys larping as women?
>smithscript great hammer
>smithscript shield
I'm having fun.
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join the fc ergbros
I did one of these as a crusader playthrough but with the mace and it was fun.
Greatshield/heavy armour is just so fucking boring though.
To think this is how I played my first ever run of dark souls.
>leveling past 1
>upgrading a weapon
>using estus flask in combat
There is man's perfume as well. My mom gifted me a bottle of it on my 18th birthday. It was the only time I rejected a gift.
It's okay. Jump R2 and charge R2 are you bread and butter.
damn... its like every other weapon in the entire game...
she was trying to help you get laid, fucking autist.
She must wish she never birthed you.
Anon, she's trying to tell you that using a can of Axe body spray every day is not normal
that's so rude what the fuck
uuugh.... nanaya... forgive me
>There is man's perfume as well.
It's called cologne. So you're not mistaken as a GAY boy using GIRL perfume.
Why is lightning perfume considered the best one?
I'm not home
Why is it always the ones with titles for names
Beat the shit out of the Budbug lady with cold dryleaf arts. The moveset keeps you tucked in close where she won't hit
>game is more fun when you do most of these things
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Test webm. The DLC's performance issues have been giving OBS a lot of trouble but I think I've got it working now
I don't care as long as the gameplay after is fun.
Your parents aren’t obligated to give you gifts, especially at 18 you ungrateful fuck. You couldn’t just smile, thank her, and throw it in your dresser to forget?
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>being this insecure in your masculinity
>while playing a game for girls
True, viewing something as sexual usually means violence or death
Go back to Twitter for God's sake or post your HRT tits.
Homosexual longhoused cuckolds.
>2 handing a weapon for free extra stats
>Jump attacks
stance breaking
how did you forget the most obvious ones
>rejecting a gift
>from your mother
Go fucking apologize to her right now.
Seek help.
She should go back to making music
Taylor Swift is LITERALLY Marika
because it deals lightning damage
Fuck why are all STR builds the same shit but with a different weapon? Str/int is just radahn, Str/fth wouldn't fit my ending(ranni) and Str/dex isnt a thing afaik. I just want to play as a giga dude with a cool move set
Try growing up poor as shit and you’ll realize the value of a harmless gift given freely.
Pointing it out is "seek help" worthy but not the men who actually are the ones who want thay? Okay
Use them anyways. The R1 is fast enough to pepper it in between big attacks.
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No, Sydney Sweeney is more like Marika.
>Str/fth wouldn't fit my ending(ranni)
Faith is literally the perfect candidate for Ranni's ending given the track record of their family's crushes
>she was trying to help you get laid, fucking autist.
Maybe she should have started with something less advanced, like, I don't know, a bar of soap?

A bar of soap can do wonders on dating scene.
He's 18, it doesn't matter anymore he can get a job.
>if you don't remember the names of the mobs you're trolling

You're just a dumb nigger, holy shit.
I use deodorant, I just don't care for perfume in general. I don't like how it smells. Also, every day? You must be a very stinky individual to need so much.

It would have just gathered dust on my shelf forever. Since we still live together (not uncommon in my country, she herself moved out from her mother's house only when she had me), so it would have been obvious that I don't use it. I knew that she would eventually start asking why I'm not using it and if I didn't like it, so I just decided to rip off the bandaid for the sake of both of us.
I dont understand
>You must be a very stinky individual to need so much.
Where in my admonishing you that you shouldn't use too much body spray did you infer that I use too much body spray?
you'll die a virgin
There is something wholesome about watch the thread collectively shit on an ungrateful brat.
Her ending is saying fuck you to god though
Oh, I missed the "not" in your post. My apologies.
So is Giant Hunt just spending FP for a marginally stronger charged R2 with poise and low profile
It's also a lot faster than a charged R2.
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Sydney my Queen
I wanna play longsword, but I don't feel like using a shield in my other hand
but two-handing the longsword seems retarded so what do I do
To make sure I'm doing this correctly, to get all the endings in 1 playthrough you just quit out right after you beat the Elden Beast and backup your save? For the Frenzied Flame one would you just leave and activate the 3 fingers then come back, or would you have to backup a save before ever beating the final boss?
Yes? The poise and low profile are what makes it good. The extra damage is just icing.
Seal or staff. Or two longswords.
>lord of the frenzied flame
ok but im the lord of the frenzied flame
repeating / spread crossbow offhand?
You put the shield on for decoration numb nuts
Nobody actually uses shields
for frenzied flame you can keep miquella's needle and go to placidusax even after killing the elden beast to free yourself from the curse if you want to get the other endings
So? Faith is not powered up by actual powers of deities and incantations can be developed like sorceries. It's the power of your conviction.
What different things would a talking Marika barbie say when squeezed?
He's weak and a fake so you kill him
I like that
"It didn't happen and if it did happen, they deserved it."
My first character was unironically a red headed Int-Fth caster who married ranni. Halfway through the game iwas like, "aw shit I'm Radagon"
I prefer to call it a cologne build because I’m a MAN!
Then why are literally all of them related to gods and religions?
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Dancer's set changing to Marika's dress when modified is nice.
you know what, that's fair
all that matters is that you're thankful she took the time to choose the right one for you
Because it's an easier way of channeling your conviction. And yet, Miquella's followers created their own incantation before Miquella has even ascended to godhood.
>before Miquella has even ascended to godhood.
He was a demigod, its still drawing power from divine sources
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>hating the best level in the game
Sorry it's not a straight line. Perhaps Dark Souls 3 would be more to your tastes.
Why are you guys trying to get me to masturbate to Marika?
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Maidenless behavior
why wank it when you're gonna start smelling different afterwards
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>Non-attack zone
>Several bloodstains and white phantoms swinging weapons around
And how would you get the Marika doll to speak?
That's bullshit. There was never a case of demigod specific incantation school.
Because mommy wants cummies
oh man oh geez i wonder what's gonna happen later oh no
I know that she wanted the best for me, but she was wrong this time. I was still thankful, both internally and verbally, but didn't accept it, apologized, and explained why.
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Elden Line mod when?
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>a mage with Carian Thrusting Shield
Test 2
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Do you use it in the main hand or offhand?
Is there much lovecraft stuff in elden ring?
Main hand to have access to incredible running and jumping attacks without two handing. They all have guard frames regardless.
it's a weapon, it's meant to be used in the main hand
there are some gods beyond our comprehension, some tentacle stuff, but aside from that not really
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i only wish that the repeating crossbow actually rapid-fired when held with 1 hand in the offhand, rather than it using the ash and both hands to rapid fire it

just a minor thing. gaels crossbow was peak style. ER's is dope too though
>Against that thing
No wonder.
There are outer gods, but they aren't really the focus of the setting.
good lad

what you referring to?
pulley crossbow is pretty good
No other demigod was as worshipped as Miquella. Hell anon even the dragon incantations had Godwyns knights pretty much worshipping the dragons. Why do you think it scales with fucking faith?
>No other demigod was as worshipped as Miquella.
So? Incantations are not tied to a divine source regardless and can be developed by normal people.
>i want this already broken thing even more broken
Uhh yeah, how about no.
what armor is that
Formless mother, the rot, Metyr, the fingers, the greater will.
Flame Art or Holy imbuing for FTH builds? Is there an objectively better one?
Only good boss theme in the game coming right through
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>Duo fights suck!
How do you respond without sounding mad?
altered fire knight without the cape
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>flame art fire knight's sword on 80 FAI
>900AR before Flame Spear, fire flask and FGMS
>someone summons you
>theres no boss gate for them
>they let the cutscene play
>they dont skip it
Oh yeah, he's gonna die
this theme slaps
if I agree with somebody, I generally don't sound mad
Well she definitely goes through lovers as quickly as Marika.
They scale exactly the same unlike lightning which uses dex instead of str. Faith/Str builds get to choose between 3 flavours, pure physical in beast and certain crucible, fire in fire priest and frenzy incantations and holy for golden order stuff. Infusion wise, you basically get to pick what flavour is best for the situation, its usually fire but a lot of things in the dlc are weak to holy so sacred is no longer the worst option. The damage numbers are identical on all infusible weapons without inherent element damage so its purely up to you
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someone remind me real quick
to back up your save you just copy the elden ring folder in %appdata%, no?
I mean they do, they've been trying to recreate Ornstein and Smough without success for years now, the godskin duo was a particularly bad attempt if not the worst.
kicking this thread into bump limit
goodnight... old friend...
:3 just cleared it yesterday, fun place, now go to the front gate and enter that way
Her face is ingame tard
The game isn't canon
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