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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

I noticed the game performs significantly worse since the DLC released. Not even the DLC areas specifically. I used to be able to OBS record in the base game but now just having OBS on dunks my framerate and recordings come out as slideshows.
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Using the talisman and chest piece that improves jumping attacks I realized doesn't do much, since the main benefit of jumping attacks is the poise, not thw damage
I don't get how he stayed alive for that long after having a sword pierce his head.
Phineas gage
What is Trina’s sleep drug made out of?
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How playable are the souls games with kb+m? Elden Ring is the first one I've played on PC and it works fine with a gaming mouse.
In theory it should work for 1-3 too but I heard you need a controller anyway since they don't let you freely keybind shit and jump attacks are basically impossible
Kek how the fuck did fromsoft ever think Projectiles doing as much damage as melee hits without taking time to charge would be okay? Do they even have people who balance this joke of a game
>infinite range
>stupid damage
>absurd bleed buildup
Has anyone else messed with the deflecting hardtear flask? I slapped it on for my NG+3 run and it has made the game genuinely good. It feels like the bosses and enemies were specifically designed with this kind of gameplay in mind, but it was cut for some weird reason. I went from dreading replaying the game again to having a blast. The only draw back is that it isn't a talisman, which it should be. Its not bad in PVP either. I catch people off guard with it all the time.
Why would you do that to yourself?
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>Mogs 90% of all glintstone sorceries for 2 years and counting
Why is this allowed?
Is it even a drug? Tholliers is a drug, Trina just leaks plant fluid or some shit, when we drink from her the animation looks like we're sipping from her hand/fingers
Not exactly. It has more range than spells for sure but still slower than spamming comet or whatever
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"Like a polished crystal, a tranquil mind is colored by what is nearby, be it the perceiver, the object of concentration, or the very process of perception." - Yoga Sutra 1.41
>This is going to be nerfed to the point where the claws are just unusable.

Why can't Fromsoft ever achieve a balanced middle ground?
I play souls games but they aren't the only thing I play. I'm simply more used to kb+m and it feels more natural to me than going back to my old console and picking up the controller again.
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For Kind Miquella only.
They "nerfed" swift slash and it's still fucking ridiculous so I think you'll be safe.
Remember it took 6 consecutive nerfs for Corpse Piler to finally become bad.
Dark Souls Remastered and Dark Souls III are okay with KB+M but you might to remap some controls because jumping and rolling are bound on the same key and switching weapons can't be done through the mouse by default. With DS2 you'll have to re-map all your controls since the defaults are total dogshit and you'll also have to turn off double clicking each time you boot up the game (These Japs never test anything)
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Are these two the most powerful characters, lore wise? How do I get on their level? Why don't I get any cool crystal buffs when i use their magic?
>Fate stay cucked

Keep it
They're probably the most powerful baseline humans in the setting, but they paid for that by slowly turning to crystal
oil tear and flame grant me strength let's frenzy builds do decent damage. regular fire builds do nutty damage with it
>>infinite range
>>stupid damage
>>absurd bleed buildup

you forgot
>hits a gigantic arc bigger than fucking giant arc of light itself
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>Are these two the most powerful characters, lore wise?
Maybe? You can't exactly do anything to them. They're meditating too hard or something.
>Why don't I get any cool crystal buffs when i use their magic?
Marika would never allow the Player to shove a primal glintstone into their heart/soul anon.
Are they going to do any more DLC?
Like a Deadpool cameo or a Dead by Daylight creature?
Yes, a Fortnite and Funko Pop double collab has already been announced, ELDEN RING: TILTED TOWERS is coming in 8 or 9 months
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That is what im talkin bout, heh
pfft I can get fan knives from an item why would I use this
I did not care for this DLC
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Whats the difference between green glintstone and blue glinstone
i'm using this one, fuck the other coomer shit, always happens when it's prime mutt hours.
I want Ansbach’s armor and I’m finding conflicting information about getting it.
If I side with Leda and invade Ansbach, will it drop or no?
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>Release dragon form
>Release omen form
>Both forms are useless
>Had a loving Carian royal wife who's always down for unprotected mating press creampie sex
>Already had three kids with her
Wtf was Radagon's problem? Why did he do it?
you will get it, but you won't get his scythe and incantation, only his bow
Doing the DLC a second time with my INT character, and while I used normal sorceries, now I want to focus on Frost spells. Any recommended setups or advices?
>free 20% damage
Skill issue
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this was pretty easy but it was a cool fight
Some frost spells are basically glintstone spells but better
Glintstone Icecrag is pretty much comet with frost
Adula's is Carian Greatsword with frost and an extra slash
If you want to invade there's some decent AoE spells centered on yourself for fucking up gankers and keeping you from being stuck in a blender
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Carian glintstone is not proven to be cancerous like Raya Lucarian glinstone, and this is why it is superior
I didn't do any of Leda's invasion and Ansbach dropped his armor + schythe + spell after beating Radhan. You only miss out on the bow that way.
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Thanks, anon.
Are the scythe and incantation any good?
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>dupe rememberance at a mausoleum
>can't get another weapon with it
whats the fucking point?
i think the puterescent spells deal frost
Playing an int build and I just found the frost perfume bottle weapons. Are they any good? I haven't really done much with frost so far
Lorewise it's the same shit. Raya's issue is they did mad science experiments despite using the most "stable" spellcasting method in the setting.
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Summoning magic swords will never stop being cool
dragon form and arc seals make dragon incants hit pretty hard. rock heart buffs your damage again too when you reuse it
where was his incantation?
the scythe is fun but i don't know how strong it is since i'm not into meta stuff, the ash of war is very good too, a lot of people don't know how to deal with it when i do invasions.
the incantation is fun too but it sucks ass, for some reason it can't proc bleed even though it's a blood spell, and the damage is not good at all even when charging it
Will SOTE surpass DS3 in sales [~15 million]?
SOTE sold 5 million it is opening week, Elden Ring was sitting around 25 million total sales last time I checked
Perfumes are shit now sorry
Probably, but keep in mind the time frames, I havent looked up the numbers so to use yours,
>DS3 sold 15 mil in 8 years from 2016-2024
>ER sold 25 mil in 2 years from 2022-2024
DLC sales are always less than base game sales(obviously) but who knows how many copies ER will have sold in another 6 years
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>Lorewise it's the same shit.
I don't know. Lore wise I think red is cherry flavored.
you're late to the party
perfumes got gutted this patch
we got too cocky
Azur has a green crown and Lusat has a blue crown, Azurs pupils (Karolos) wear blue crowns and study comets, Lusats pupils (Olivinus) wear green crowns and study meteors.
Sellen was taught by Azur, wears green and Shard Spiral is available at the end of her questline, it says it was made as an attempt at creating a new type of "comet" spell.
A bit weird that AZURE wears green instead of blue, I wonder if this is some sort of mistake.
What happened?
>Glintstone Icecrag is pretty much comet with frost
Except weaker, slower and much less range.
The other frost spells are fine but this one is trash.
It was a specific bug with a specific ash of war that made it do insane damage if you aimed it right at the ground.
The weapons are otherwise unchanged. They aren’t great, but give them a shot anyway.
he is exagerating, it's just that there was an exploit that made them overpowered (like killing the final boss in 4 hits)
they are not totally shit now
They were too strong. It's as simple as that, with the right build people were killing Radahn in 3 hits without needing scadu blessings
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Uh oh Jeesissies you're being called out
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rolling sparks originally dealt a bit more damage than intended
Blue is related to meteors which is related to gravity which is related to the color purple. The eye-brain thing appears to be related to Astel in some way, and Astels, as Malformed Stars, are related to gravity, and have purple powers, and purple glinstone that empowers purple gravity magic is a thing.
I bet it was intentional to muddy the distinction for the sake of mystery. Turquoise and cyan are blue-green colors anyway anyway. They bleed into the other. The greener the less evil, I think, although I can't be sure. It'd be ironic if the Olivinus, who are against the Current, are using more sinister glinstone than the Karalos, who are for the Current.
do you get any armor or damage reduction in dragon form? anyone know?
The twinsage that uses Spiral Shard also is wearing a unique twinsage crown that's a combination of the Lazuli and Olivinus crowns.
>It'd be ironic if the Olivinus, who are against the Current, are using more sinister glinstone than the Karalos, who are for the Current.
That would be funny. Olivinus and Lazuli are faggot traitors to the academy.
Wow, well besides that I was mainly curious how they stack up against something like bastards stars. I'm already at end game stats but I really haven't touched frost as a mechanic. Do I need to change up my build or anything to get any use out if it?
For the rock heart you get 10% dr and 50 status resistance
damn, pair that with dragoncrest greatshield and u got 30% dr and ur lightrolling
I assume Karolos and Olivinus are both against the current, hence Lusat and Sellen being imprisoned.
I think Sellen implies that most at the academy just want to study safe magic without caring about the stars and cosmos.
(Was Azur exiled or did he just leave by his own choice?)
i only play kb+m master race, beat all the games with it
feels great if you remap controls to your liking. i use lctrl for R2 and r key for L2 (or whatever the default binding for ash of war is on controller)
Outside of reworking weapon skills and adding in bloodborne dashes idk how much more From can improve the combat.
What they need now is a gigantic improvement to NPCs, we're still at DeS level NPC complexity.
some lorefag did a writeup on this the other day
Spell casting combos
>Be Azur
>Lose tenure
>Have to go work at some demihuman community college
>The mad scientist meme is actually canon
Wtf I love Sellen (even more) now??
If Godfrey the biggest fuck up?
All of his kids were evil
upheld a dead and oppressive order
Bloodsucking evil pedophile
Dragonfucker fishman

Meanwhile Radagon's kids
Goodest most loving caring individual in all the lands
Courageous and loyal, never did anything wrong
Hero chad of the lands, no one disliked him
Smart cute witch that tried to save the world
N/A died and was taken over by a snake so we dont really know about him other than being a very smart strategist.
Why do the Astel have humanoid skulls and hands?
A lot of the native species seem to be more bestial, are all humanoids alien?
You already posted this bait.
Hello friends.

Can someone post what Rakshasa armor looks like with crucible knight armor?

I find the latter is almost impossible to texture match with any other metal armor in the game.
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Favorite ashes of war for pic related? Wing Stance feels clunky to use
Malenia when close to losing a battle will unleash her rot that devasted a chunk of the continent and is spreading.
>See NPC
>Walk over and talk to them
>"Hrrmm... a Tarnished, eh? Althoughbeitfully the mimsy broves outgrathe... heheheh..."
>Gives you an item
Bambieshart's Brocade
-Improves critical strikes shortly after rolling five times in quick succession with a ranged weapon in your right-hand armament slot
-Though Bambieshart left Zanzibart to the Glimmer Tugs, the promise to the Old Nanny was never removed from the High Gate
>Next time you visit the NPC is gone
>Can't find them anywhere
>10 hours of gameplay later as you're progressing through a legacy dungeon they show up again
>Collapsed against a wall, dying
>"Ahh... My thimby toves... Thou were... truly... Tarnivorous..."
>Dies, you pick up their items, it's dogshit
>he fucked up Lewis Carroll's questline
Should've checked the looking glass, faggot
I'm late but here's my Carian chad, nay, Carian God
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whos this
>using girl armor
Sword Dance if you don't like Wing Stance, it's always good and fits the weapon well.
Didn't expect giant, woman
great, i locked myself out of the last set of armor in the game in my quest to get all armors. stupid war surgeon set becuase when you kill mohg the npcs dissapear. time to play the ntire game all over again hahahhaha
It's over...
pls kind fashion chads, what metal armors go with crucible knight sets, pls
personally I really like the self-buffing ashes, especially if they come with a good move
sacred blade
lightning slash
flame spear
flame skewer
flame strike
frost mist
poison mist

Endure is also great on any build, the damage reduction and poise allows you to tank a hit and stay extremely aggressive.

Otherwise I'd use something that complements the moveset. Piercing fang works great on it.
You can run right to Liurnia and get teleported to Mohgs area as soon as you start NG+ retard
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absolutely none of them, it's hard enough to make anything match with the generic armors, pretty much impossible with the more unique ones
none, you better keep that crucible aesthetic pure and unsullied, unalloyed
Im going to say it
Fire Knights are not a fun enemy to fight
why would they make an entire talisman for buffing storms and only add like 1 storm thing in the whole dlc
0-4 greatsword+magic ranni simp
5-9 DEX/fth dragon cult marika simp
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You better make mommy proud
They're easy to stunlock, great spears can just spam lights and they never get retaliate
Sure let me pull out my carian knight great spear
What's wrong with using the regular lance? And if you're a Carian RP then greatblade phalanx into piercer should work, or some heavy poise ash.

Maybe I will just forego the damage buff to Aspect spells and skills entirely. I was thinking Militia chest, Twinned Helmet, and Crucible Greaves and Gauntlets but the poise was too low. Maybe if I just crank all my torso sliders to their lowest point, or simply stick to invasions so the metal mismatches aren't so over the top.

I cannot full cosplay as characters that are 3x bigger than the player character. Just makes me feel like that "DON'T TALK TO ME OR MY LITTLE BROTHER AGAIN" meme.
>rellana is rennala's hidden twin sister
>epic anime lightsaber powerup dual swordsman OC spellsword lady
If someone ITT said they wanted this exact boss to come in the DLC you'd all say it was low quality bait and/or tell them to kill themselves. This boss was cringe as fuck and you know it.
>a carian boss uses... swords?!?!
no way!
The lack of any kind of buildup or dialogue is cringe, the boss itself is fine. It's ER-level pontiff
how many swords did renalla use
All she needed was a cutscene and boss dialogue and maybe a proper legacy dungeon with more carian knights/squires
femboy or female?
like 9 different playthroughs and i have never used a faith build
After 2 weeks to ruminate on it I can still safely say that the Miquella/Radahn lore is godawful, ruins the characters of basically everyone involved and no amount of cope essays will change that
well get started already
Trapdom on Female is kino
sure, gonna start one today
i dont think anyone would disagree. Most discussion and argument comes from the actual gameplay itself. Very few people outside of some weird fetishistic homosexuals liked the boss' lore and story implications.
Is Elden Ring a cunny coded game?

>all endings basically lead to different variants of Age of Fire without anything being resolved permanently (I.E turn off your brain and follow the Order as it was originally without distortion, or run away on a space rock letting nature take it's course and people find their own way without any tangible Order, ironically the haggery of Marika and Ranni is what created the most of the tragic events of the base game and you can only side with them to partially fix it or run away)
>only hope is the alchemical rebis child who has the intellect, faith and aptitude to get rid of Godwyn's death blight at the base of the Erdtree, and the Outer Gods entropic influences in the form of Scarlet Rot and Frenzied Flame in one generation
>they're a prodigious Golden Order talent and even succeed in growing a pseudo-Erdtree and creating Unalloyed Gold artifacts that are capable of resisting the influence of Outer Gods
>their efforts in the Land's Between fall apart as soon as they try to become an adult (god)
>follow rebis child (Miquella/Trina) to the Shadow Realm, and as the Tarnished explores they find out he's discarding parts of his humanity in a quest to become a god (adult)
>essentially SOTE is about a child messiah who forced themselves to grow up and became that which they swore to fix (pre-Radagon Era Golden Order Marika) complete with his own meat puppet kill bot similar to what Marika had with Godfrey
>Had he remained cute and funny with Trina he'd get a good ending with the Tarnished because he wouldn't be afraid of their ability to resist their charms, and would see beyond the raw strength and reliability of a meat puppet.

Basically the moral of the story of Elden Ring is don't let hags fuck up the world, don't let them raise kids and never grow up or allow innocence around you to defile itself for the sake of obtaining the illusory power of haggery.
You can have one remembrance boss removed from the DLC, who do you pick? I can stand fucking Gaius and his merry charge with 3 hitboxes
>hold up shield
commander gay more like
Romina if it's replaced with a better boss
Rellana if not
Why are there two active threads?
Some schizo has been putting their Radahn dicksucking vendetta/spam in the OP for a few threads and insisting everyone who doesn't support him is tranny
Yeah looking online there's a lot more discussion surrounding Metyr and the implications she has on the story or Marika's backstory
I'm gonna steal this fashion. Are these base game pieces or modded? Also, what kind of build should I go for with it.
>muh old bloodhound step
God I hate MP subhumans.
why is str/iont so popular when cast speed scales with dex?
It's a netorare fanfiction from a doomer corporate executive who got paid under the table by saboteurs looking to demoralize an audience they can't reach.

Don't take it seriously.
radagon icon exists
you still need 40 dex for the cap
Long ago in a distant land, I, the Bleed Shitter, Lord of 9 - 5 office workers and gamer dads, unleashed an Rivers of Blood. But, a foolish strength "player" wielding a juvenile banlist stepped forth to oppose my Boss Speed Run Dex Build. Before the final R1 was through, I overcast Blood Slash, tearing open a Blood Blade, and flung him into Shadow of the Sneed Tree, where Bleedshitting is law. Now, the fool seeks to return this restriction and undo the magic that is Bleed.
cast speed it way less important than peopel think
it only affect a certain part of the animation of most but no all spells
and anyway the DLC has the new startdust talisman
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How can I make this PoS effective in PvP. Is it even possible? Thinking of putting it on a wing stance Milady.
>Lowering damage negation
Death sentence in a PvP where you can one shot people easily
you don't
>We used to laugh at over leveled shitters
>Now /erg/ is filled with them who autistically rage any anyone playing any meta or with any decent weapons
Have you seen the recent fight clubs? People are literally scared shitless of using any good weapons in fear of being ostracized by this "community". It's like playing with a bunch of battered housewives or some shit. I've never seen something so pathetic in my life. If you do one crouch poke people here shit their pants and cry.
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I hate this fucking place so much who thought it would be a good idea to make a platforming section where you slide off 90% of the ledges
Is it cheating if I kill Greyoll at the start of every playthru?
nah,as long as you don't abuse the death skip
Buffs are largely obsolete in ER.
Things I would like changed in the next Souls-Game after having played all of them
R8 H8 Deb8 Celebr8 my M8s

Part 1

-No Teleportation, at least for the majority of playtime
-Fewer/more thoughtfull Checkpoints, not always a checkpoint in boss-rooms
-More focus on wordl-building, less on combat
-No dedicated hub
-No waifu-NPC tied to leveling. Done too often
-Less detailed map
-No player-marker on the map. Learn to actually orient using landmarks
-More "Legacy" ideally no Ubisoft-Open world.
-Shorter game with fewer repetition in enemies, buildings, everything basically
-Fewer dependance on "gotcha" held animations for enemies/bosses.
I agree with this
Will my experience be diminished if I don't pay attention to npcs? I just want to charge in and wreck shit. I already killed hippo boss at shadow keep.
Part 2

-Less tracking for enemies
-Fewer AOEs. Especially when the enemy lands from a jump. There shouldn't be active damage that far around and especially not behind it.
-Shorter combos, less anime-esque, twirl around enemies.
-Less dependance on i-frames for Bosses. Ideally the Medium to heavy rolls would have no i-frames. This stuff should be reserved for dedicated ninja-characters. Just I-framing everything is bullshit both for the player and the developer. Make placement, distancing, patience more important.
-Less rolling. Different dodge animations for different weights, like Bloodborne's sidestep. Looks more believable for most characters. Fat-rolling should be viable.
-More wittle down from enemies when retrieing a boss. Yeah you read right. Getting to the boss in good condition should be part of the challenge for the majority of bosses. Only the super-tough final bosses should be balanced to fight the player at full capacity
-Slower leveling, but bigger increase in stats per level
-Less video-gamey enemy scaling. Enemies in the beginning could potentially do as much damage as endgame if senseable within the world. Makes no sense a dragon in the south does less damage than a wolf in the north
-Less enemy damage. Dying in two hits with 80 VIG and medium armor is BS.
-Tie input-reading to if the enemy actually has a visual on you. Same for projectiles
-Actually develop an AI for NPCs. Stop reusing the same one since fucking DeS. Having to make them damage-sponges with dmg-output unreachable by the player is BS
-Fewer heals. No Regaining Flasks
-No "no-aggression"-zones. I should be allowed to kill whoever if I so choose
-Easier to follow NPC-questlines, less "Fuckupable" stuff
-More transparent reasoning for NPC-motives to actually make informed decisions (e. g. about what ending to chose) on the first playthrough without having to watch lore-videos
-An actual ending cutscene longer than 20 seconds. Doesn't need to be expository but the artistic/minimalist endings you can't possibly understand on your first run are a meme now
-No swamp. Meme. Repeated too often.
-More thought out elevators, More thoughtfull placement/not just for player's convenience,no pressure-plates to step on and no complex opening mechanisms
-Fewer/more thought out, shorter ladders in places where they make sense. Ladders that are not perfectly vertical
-No respecking stats. A well optimized build should be an achievement for the few to put in the foresight
-More potent talisman/ring-effects. No +n versions
-No crafting
-Less trash-loot
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how do I get this item?
The bells hidden in pots you have to shoot is cool, I hope if fromsoft keeps making open worlds they lean a bit more into stuff like that
Play a different game made for low iq retards then, fromsoft games aren't for you
maybe stick to assassins creed or some other slop
>The bells hidden in pots
Kill yourself desu
>load up game after patch
>"inappropriate activity starting in offline mode"
>Hmmmm, wierd.
>Load up save
>Black screen for 15 seconds
>*Hundreds of prop breaking noises*
>The ground is gone and everything is floating.
*weapon buffs
*for pvp
in pve buffs are insane
pretty awful list unironically if not bait, if your ideas were put into place these games would be utter garbage
Hanging pots you shoot with arrows around the dlc, filled with bell barrings for crafting mats
get an enemy to shoot the tent, or quit and respawn next to it, the standing up animatino can break everything but it's finicky
>-Fewer heals. No Regaining Flasks
This point is strongly disagree with. Farming grass or blood vials are the least fun parts of Des and BB. I'm not opposed to a middle road like how Nioh does it with only a set number of flasks being replenished though.
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Fuck it, I'm clearing my saves. Starting fresh when I've got the time to get back into Elden Ring again. Feels good to detox.
Should have worded that better. You are right. Regaining flasks on rest is superior to farming. But making every enemy deal so much damage to then get a band-aid of four flasks sucks. Just have them deal less damage and remove the crutch.
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remember the elden ring mobile game that tencent was reportedly making? looks pretty tight so far, im pre ordering the deluxe edition right now!
Yeah you have to be mad to get to the bottom of that place, it's the entire point
Jump attacks prevent forward momentum when landing.
Use the binoculars when turning.
I picked it up after being stuck on Rellana for 2 days and there wasn't a single dlc boss that I've fought with it that wasn't either fun or easy.
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How the hell do I get up there? It's near Temple Town Ruins.
A significant portion of this problem is ER's design. They wanted you to be able to explore without needing to rest and reset everything constantly and that requires a more constant flow of heals even from smaller chip damage. You can see how much they worried about it because they still felt it necessary to add several refills to your Crimson tear flask.
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Get good
>death skip
Wachu mean
top3 faith/str swords? the bigger the better
Dumb. I just eye ball it and never have any issues.
theres a brap elevator nearby that will get you up on your horse
she takes a long time to die so if you rush to the grace asap atfer killign her, you get the souls but she doesn't actually die so you can repeat it.
So you can keep farming her to overlevel fast?
Ordovis' Greatsword is your best bet I believe
Blasphemous Blade is a given
Fire Knight is also pretty strong
Horned Warrior's Greatsword maybe if you count the faith tax

yes, 75k every couple minutes for as long as you don't fuck it up.
>read thru patch notes of updates since I wasn't playing ER for a while
>saw that they gave the Godslayer GS's L2 hyperarmor cuz "oh fugg, we forgot to"
>use it against duelists using DLC weapons with coldsteel-tier L2's
>Always two-hit them and never get knocked out of hyperarmor
I already mastered this sword when it was "bad" but I'm gonna be a WMD with this fucking thing now
Yep, you need to be on torrent to get to the grace fast enough though
The only people it upsets are fujo/shota gooners and people who didn't pay attention to the lore.
If someone came up with that as a theory before the dlc released they would be laughed at by everyone. There was literally no solid foreshadowing for this. Shit has to be a retcon or fromsoft fucked up setting it up properly
What the fuck is Miquella's Age of Compassion? Just mind control everyone into being nice and happy?
If that's the case, how does it actually cure Malenia, the very reason Miquella turned from fundamentalism and decided to do his own thing?
do I get locked out of anything by burning the turdtree after the fire giant?
Bayle got more hype and build up than Radahn did lol
Is it worth it trying to poison stuff with low arcane?
Radahn has the twintree on his cape.
There are multiple carian things at the haligtree, most notably a carian sword with haligtree amber that was never given a master

I actually did predict it but as a betrayal story, not a cuckqueen story
normal leyndell
it break goldmask's quest if he's not in mountaintop
it break any quests of npcs still in the roundtable
He doesn't cure malenia. Most realistically he'd have sealed away his haligtree and left her in there forever.
What things? All I can remember is Loretta
Will I get locked out of anything if I just bum-rush enir-ilim? I want dane's footwork asap desu
I don’t remember but very few things break when you light it on fire, it’s activating the Rune of Death that is the point of no return for most shit.
no iirc dane shows up no matter what
You’ll get locked out of the quests that are related to members of Leda’s band.
Other unrelated quests are not affected.
is elden ring reforged worth trying
>alt tab while on SOTE
they need to tone down the music
not really unless you really like playing rock paper scissors with game mechanics and overtuned bosses
Which leaves you with pretty much Ymir’s questline.
Dragon Priestess ties into Thiollier and Moore if you want the “good” ending.
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>Every host I invade whether solo or 3 premade gank is competent enough to dodge on cue or try to stay alive while help arrives
>Decide to help out randos via sign
>Every fucking hosts doesn't know how to block dodge or try to stay alive for 10 secs

Fucking hell I must be cursed with bad luck or something.
Some of these are kind of reasonable but overall this is an extremely short-sighted and overall profoundly retarded take, I bet you are genuinely on the spectrum for wanting even half of these things
what about convergence? idk if i want to play another straight vanilla character but the mods seem to be pretty lacking
are they in the 7th layer yet?
Is 99fth or 99int gonna get me closer to the 99arc bloodborne experience?
>heh this BOSS is the LORD of FRENZIED FLAME
>nyanya forgive me
from softwares story telling is so goddamn shit
yes, though the chapters are really slow in coming out
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Now this, THIS is a good thread, Marikas tits!
Kind of in the same boat here tbqh. It made the game so much better balancing wise that I can't see myself playing without it now. I didn't think it would be that big of an influence on my enjoyment of the game or how I play, but it has been massive.
I think it fixes the problem of bosses having stupidly long combos, being overly aggressive and holding their attacks to roll catch. The block is almost instant, and doesn't suffer from the activate on release mechanic roll does, while being more forgiving that a normal parry. No idea why the fuck it wasnt in the base game as a normal mechanic. The flow of combat and boss kits seem to be based around the player having this as a tool.
People who play these games for the story would be better off playing anything else.
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What did you say to him?
sweet. time to jump back in. as for the chapters, they've always been slow.
Another successful triple-A release!
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Let him die happy.
and the people playing it for gameplay would be better of with Nioh and Lies of P, so where does Elden ring excel?
"Marikas dicks, you must be hungry!"
I playedbit and it's pretty interesting , I prefer vanilla bit it's worth trying
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I'm starting to like this fight more and more.
None of that points towards miggler banging radahn, any time people brought that stuff up they were trying to connect it to ranni due to her association with sorcerery and the carian knights
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Picture because responses
If I wanted to make a magic knight type of character, what kind of a stat spread should I be looking at? I'm not really sure if I want to go heavy casting with melee supplemental or the other way around(I assume trying for balance makes you just overall suck), which feels better to play?
Best ending for breasts?
I was at the end of my rope, but now I'm a frayed knot
I wish a game let me play as Marika
good luck! they've only just gotten there for a chapter or two, but it's still something
anxiously waiting for the next one to come out

nanachi forgive me

i didn't bring arc over 17 and had a pretty easy time proccing scrot and poison

cool thanks
>enter rennala's boss fight
>skip cutscene
>THUD THUD THUD as a dozen school children suddenly slam against the floor at once
Why does this happen?
Some int and some dex and strength or dex or strength
Forgive me...Melina
I killed him in Liurnia since he didn’t have a proper quest at the time and I wanted his gear.
Because, retard-kun, they do innate bleed, go through shields, stagger like an actual melee hit would, and have just as much reach as fan daggers. Dagger’s only advantage is speed.
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miyahacki forgive me..
at being a eurocentric knight with sword game, I think.
I don't see anything wrong with this.
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lies of p has a great story too
... I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say.
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Messmer is a lot of fun
Int, dex, just enough STR to wield the kgs, just enough END to comfortably wear some solid knightly armor and weild kgs and a staff without fat rolling.
holy shit, any other valid trans women find it hard to keep their dilators in when laughing at posts like these? LOL!
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miquellea doesn't have 4 arms, what is this shit. he has 2 real arms (one is cut off for some reason) and two spectral ones. get it right
my invasion winrate is worse than biden's approval ratings right now. what the fuck do i do to beat these ganking pieces of shit?
>Forgive me, I must go all out... just this once
Edge kino. You wouldn't get it.
He also doesn't have breasts last I checked
Int + Str + Dex
Int + Str
Int + Dex
Reminder that the dude who tweeted that was the lead writer of Borderlands 3
does the GS block cover less area than a shield? I can't tell if i'm botching instant blocks or getting outright dead angled in pve
literally all kino
80 int with magic infusion, no reason to invest in str or dex scaling
im gonna yoom
Throw rocks at them
Chainsaw macro
This dude should've spoken English even in the Japanese dub. Makes no sense for him to scream his son's name like a massive weeb.
I still don't get this meme
reminder to not post any OC or lore ideas because people steal it for money
Does anyone have a screenshot of Ranni saying begone? Thank you.
Boy they really didn't want any Faith Builds to use katanas huh?
I get liking Blaidd. But what is it about Messmer that women like?
>Borderlands writer
What are the selling points of each?
Iirc they changed it so you can't anymore
I thought Godfrey was some squid looking motherfucker with a mermaid tail

whys he look like Thor?
what is that damage
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Pshhh... Nothen personnel... Kiddo.
he's messmerizing
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kek. dude was assblasted that Miyazaki blows out his attempts at writing lore with 3 words.
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People here who have experience with both fth and int builds. What spell or spell combo nukes the hardest? Talking pvp ofc
But ROBERTOOOOO is funny.
That's Godwyn. Godfrey is his dad.
Yes it's confusing.
>50 faith
There, you can use a sacred infused nagakiba, one of the best weapons in the game.
You're thinking of Godwyn.
God Miquella playing Nintendo 64 with his three arms.
Brooding in a way that m3ans there's a lot to get into and talk about/experience with him, and he can be passionate
what is he doing with his 4th?
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>make a game where you put all of the lore into item descriptions so if people don't give a fuck they don't have to give a fuck, and if people do give a fuck then they can read if their "desire to know more" intensifies.
>get memed on by retards who probably don't even play the games in the first place, and even if they do they probably summon 10 people to beat up every boss for them so they can write an article in kotaku about it.

sad. many such cases.
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Souls games should only have your starting weapons and boss weapons, each with completely unique move-sets.
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My experience has been the opposite
It's amateur hour at Enir Ilim and the buffet is all you can eat
He only has three arms. He threw one away.
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POV: you just walked into a duo fight
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go play castlevania
He's the textbook brooding "I can fix him" edgy mommy issues guy yumes seem to love. He even has the faceless self insert lady crushing on him.
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they think he's gay and they love yaoi shit.
Why are you against real gameplay diversity?
Care to point out which ones in particular are retarded?
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its a flood of new casual players how the fuck can you lose invasions if you have a clue what you're doing
you DO have a clue what you're doing, right?
because everyone else doesn't
I want Marika to fuck ME!
Marika gf with biggie milky and penis my god I need this I want this in my life so fucking bad I would kill for it I can imagine the feeling of her THRUSTING INSIDE ME AS I SUCKY MILKY!!!
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messmer's nuclear bomb for raw aoe
night comet with offhand night staff and 80 it for raw nuclear damage
some things will just one shot sometimes like ancient dragon lightning strike
if you hit stone of gurranq up close it will combo into catch flame for a billion damage
slicer>piercer does a billion damage
freeaimed gravitational missile does a billion damage
honestly there's a lot of stuff that does a billion damage
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I watched video on somewhat secret Ymir dialog, and what interested me the most was not the dialog itself, but that he is holding Yuri, the one from the graveyard nearby. I thought that the grave was an homage to someone from the dev team who died while the game was being made or something like that. I never saw Ymir hold Yuri in my playthrough, the gravestone was there when I first found the church.
First one
More options, plus slower to hit the soft cap of dex and str
Second one
Higher STR enables you to use larger weapons earlier which large weapons could compliment a casting playstyle by having a slow heavy thing as well as your faster spells.
Third one
Dex is the opposite, faster weapons could either compliment slower spells or like enable the more versatile quick swapping between casting and melee
Note that I'm not very good at the game, my advice is probably flawed
Also wouldn't the easier thing to do rather than giving a dartboard to chuck things at, say ehy you DONT like him and then like there could be answers about why those things don't matter or are positives
What causes Leda to move from the highroad cross? Ive done just about everything but beat Messmer and she still never gave me any type of quest or moved.
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I've seen more Yumes over Messmer than Fujos. Who would they even ship him with?
There's a cross, in Scadu Altus if I'm not mistaken, that states that he also allegedly abandoned his right arm:
>[1030051] Carved words coalesce. "I abandon here my arm dextral."
The sword is the only heroic weapon. If you used any other weapon, you didn't beat the game.
Forgive me Godfrey, I'm about to fuck your wife
Cannon of Haima or Cannon of Haima 2 (The new death version), with terra magicka and all relevant buffs

Giantsflame take thee hits hard as a faith alternative, but i find people generally dodge it much more often. Cannon of haima seems to catch people out alot of the time, presumably due to its longer and more static casting animation

Ofc that animation makes it abit less viable for direct combat (anyone with a brain will just rush you down the instant they see you cast it) - it serves more as a long range surprise attack tool
This was basically bloodborne's approach, the problem is that fewer weapons means the standards must be higher for each, and that in turn makes it harder to fill your quota. Hence BB only had a handful of weapons on launch and everyone complained about the lack of variety, and they nearly doubled the total with the DLC.
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...He seems like a good guy and I feel bad about his brother dying. Think I will just skip out on that one :(
Yeah, PvE game
Sekiro has one weapon and it's the best game they've made.
I don't need to be a hero.
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Has anyone here tried the executioner sword? Str/Arc sounds like an interesting combo but I wonder if its good
he could be the writer of depression quest and he'd still be right
The main hero of the game uses an Axe.
Gravestone is there before I got this scene. Pretty sure Ymir is just delusional and coping about the death of his child and is using a finger deeper as a replacement.
>real gameplay diversity?
define this
Sekiro is a rhythm game.
nobody has ever tried that before and it is super bad, it gets even worse with the multihit talismans etc. absolutely dogshit, never try it.
thats because they were building up to miquella and the gate of divinity instead but miquella doesn't do anything and the divine gate is just a solid grey mound that doesn't do anything
A male Tarnished, that's not that hard
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>no replayability
>no build variety
>best game
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I made a Sundowner build with two of them back around launch and remember having a good time.
halberds are far more heroic than swords
Was hoping to solve my issue of wether to do an int or a fth build. Guess there is no choice better than the other
Its a monster of a boss melting tool.
That doesn't look like a finger creeper. Whatever Yuri is seems to be of the same or at least similar body plan to Metyr.
zoom zoom
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did you guys give it to her?
Yeah I dunno, I'm thinking Radahn isn't fun or worth it at all. I really don't like this fight.
calling all xbros - an xbox user is in need
I accept your concession.
>used guts sword all game with a bunch of str
>lvl 120 now
>finally have stats to try new weapons
>all the movesets just feel wrong
I didn't even know that you could. I only found her heart and weapon after beating Bayle.
zoomer reply from a zoomer
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I'm really enjoying dual greatsword but even with the Great Jar Arsenal i'm struggling to avoid fat rolling since im barely RL 80
Whats a good point to stop when it comes to Endurance?
That is to say, at what point do I get diminishing returns on the stat?
If youre going for big dick damage, INT is generally the way to go
Twin Princes is a better duo fight than O&S. It relies on a natural ebb and flow created by smart game design instead of hoping an enemy gets stuck on a pillar.
i stopped at 56
Why didn't they just make Wing Stance the default skill for Milady? Or do they plan to release a second DLC with more Light Greatswords?
To elaborate I'm pretty much in full agreement with everybody. Dodge 10 times attack once is not fun. Cheese is not fun. I've only seen Miquella twice and those runs I called summons so I could actually deal damage.

Not a fun fight. Really not enjoying this. Really don't even want to win.
Truly both are REALLY good in this game
Frankly I prefer faith because it's more kinetic but the choice is yours
filtered. sorry you can't overlevel and make a le epic 1 shot spell slinger build for you to share on Discord
Why are people saying the DLC is hard? I'm killing most of the bosses first try just looking up the spell theyre weakest to and spamming it while my mimic tear and the summons tank them.
>beat the game
There was a reason Sekiro never got a dlc.
The whole DLC is fair except Radahn, who's overtuned and a big gay light show where you don't get to have any fun in phase 2.
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fuck it i did it. she's sleepy :3
any more cool webms?
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Just bleed and blitz his ass.
>why do people say getting laid is hard I'm fucking other men constantly on grindr
No. If the fight isnt' even remotely fun with my default kit, I'm not into it. I'm very versatile. My magic isn't fast enough even at max cast speed, my weapons don't hit hard enough or deal good posture damage. This fight is fucking dogshit.
This is my favorite
Are you doing a full mage build? Magic is really shit against Radahn.
>put whirlwind on footwork
>palm blast is gone now
Great game
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Any crossbow users here?
Guess I'll try it out then
No I'm a carian knight. The spells don't hit. My Renalla LGS isn't hitting very hard and generally I'm just literally not enjoying the gameplay at all. The boss isn't fun or satisfying to fight. I'm very very sour on him.

.t biggest soulsfag imaginable.
If From had the capability to make actually cool weapons, I'd use a kusarigami
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not the guys youre replying to but this happened last night and made me chuckle
crazy how you do twice as much damage as i did per jumping attack
this is why you can't discuss how hard this game is with some people. some people have builds like these or looked them up and then go around pretending like they are good at the game online
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i have to confess i find elden ring sorely lacking in the fanart department

pedo shit and ai bimbos are getting stale

There are raya lucarian muscle wizards right before loretta
He could have been writing sonicXshrek porn fanfics and it wouldn't make the jab any less accurate.
What about ashes of wars/weapon skills, anything super boom boom?
Do you consider the game canon?
No one does, it's a terrible fight
Yeah if you're doing a Carian build go get the Carian Knight's Shield, get it to +25, and grab the Sekiro Tear. Maybe also use Scholar's Shield.
:( poor jar
not having fun with any of the bosses lads
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>Carved words coalesce. "I abandon here my love."
Why did (s)he do it?
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>Swift Slash can be used as an offensive Bloodhound Step and the weapon weights as much as the misericorde typically used with bloodstep
Can't make this shit up
Even if they gut damage completely, it's still one of the best ashes. It's always going to be one of the best ashes. You can buff the weapon with rotten grease and rot an entire cooper brigade in seconds.
phase 1 just mash r1 after every opening and let him hit you. if you don't then hes going to hit you with the cross slash anyways. i couldn't get him to phase 2 at all until i stopped playing intelligently and just mashed. phase 2 you can actually play a lot safer. he uses cross slash a lot less and has bigger openings in a couple areas and the grab attack is also free damage.
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Is pure INT spellcaster viable?
Ugh. I already have the shield. You really think that's the move? Cringe. I'll try it.

I wouldn't mind swapping but this fight so fuckin' unfun.
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Nani? Canon to what exactly? The Dark Souls multiverse?
Because there’s an astonishing amount of retards who aren’t paying attention to Scadutree fragments.
It's because every jumping attack is boosted by the Raptor cloak, Varre's mask and Lord of Blood's Exultation with bonus Cragblade which is a shitload of extra modifiers.
Any tips how to avoid radahn double slash attack? Doing no hit runs and this is the only move I cannot dodge consistently.
I've been saying this a lot, but parrying Radahn (with carian retaliation for maximum RP) makes the fight much more bearable since it lets you interrupt a considerable chunk of the attacks with those eye-searing light beam followups
Elden Ring
I mean if my gf turned into a flower I dunno man I'd get myself anothre gf
Using magic is a death sentence against Radahn generally. As an aside -
You can dodge most of his combos but if he does the cross slash just go for the deflect. When he does the combo ending with the weapon slam into the ground and the pull-out, roll inwards.
If you're a mage, try to make distance. Miquella's Light and his tornado opener leave him open. If he does Miquella's light to close the distance, you can cast a spell or two (Like Spiral) and then block the light nuke instead of sprinting and trying to escape.
I agree that parries work but I still get filled with seething rage when I parry a boss and don't get a critical. IMO parries should be rewarded by ripostes in all cases and if you don't like that, don't make the attack parriable.

Elden Ring's "parry me thrice for one payoff" nonsense is nauseating.
You’re better off just blocking desu.
there's no evidence that needle knight leda doesn't have huge tits under her armor so i can save the fanart
>When he does the combo ending with the weapon slam into the ground and the pull-out, roll inwards.
i found that running behind him and avoid the aoe gave me a slightly bigger opening than rolling it. it also is relatively low damage so if you run a little bit behind him to avoid the hitbox of the sword itself but not aoe you might be able to poise through it and i could hit him with 3 r1s or an r2 this way
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Is there a weapon with as cool of a moveset as the Black Knight Sword?
>heavy sweep for crowd control
>devastating poke when 1-handed
>vertical slices for corridors when 2-handed
>stylish spin when you back hop and do a heavy
Was every man in the lands between castrated or something? Even Godfrey chieftain of the badlands most likely some Barbarian shit but they don't rape or pillage guys!

He gets Serosh on his back constantly cucking him from being Unga Bunga. Seems the only ones with guts to fight back against Marika were Ranni. SURPRISE ANOTHER WOMAN YASS QUEEN SLAYYY

Just fucking saying it pretty fucking weird if not woke
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>W-w-would you love me if I turned into a purple flower monster in the bottom of a deep ravine anon?
I'm having fun bullying all the DLC bosses on NG+ with bloated stats.
This is just 30fth too.
I used a larval tear to greatshield + antspur rapier
fuck that fight
the dps is dogshit compared to spamming compet and the posture dps doesn't compare to impaling thrust
feels like radahn is full of feints that aren't a real threat to you and serve only to put you into roll recovery disadvantage.
Carian Knight shield is the move. I'm gonna hafta Sekiro dat ass. Oh well. Should be fun now, I found it way less oppressive.
I say roll inwards because in P2 it vomits out a trillion AoE light pillars that do 50%+ each so it's good practice to roll in.
and I bonked him with tree branch
>Demi-Human Queen MARIGGA
Are you fucking kidding me?

Based on my experience so far, yes I would.
Carian Sovereignty is probably ? the hardest hitting ash of war in the game. Though landing it / getting the chance to cast it will be a challenge (it has surprising range though)

Ice Spear on a claymans harpoon hits like a truck and is relatively fast / cheap
did you guys know marika looks like marica which means faggot in spanish?
The smaller version is basically better in every way and it's mostly pure arc so it's more stat-efficient.
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>one try Bayle
aww I was hoping this would take a few tries... it was sloppy but still
Do it for a mediocre ash, or don't do it for a good weapon (arc only)
She's a saber clone so she might be a flatty
Congrats you beat the game fun haver
i wish i was a faggot
But tourists said that radahn was unbeatable, undodgable, never stopped attacking and that they NEEDED to use the cheesebuild because of how unfair he was.
This is clearly doctored footage since you could never get fully charged R2s with a colossal weapon in this frequently in reality.
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anyone else just completely forget about like 99% of the shit available to you, Its been 2 years and I only just learned perfumes exist.
>summon overpowered invincible NPC
>fight becomes incredibly easy
say it ain't so
Im pretty sure perfumes like only just got added in this dlc but yes
A large part of it is the fact rhat I just don't wanna be messing around with inventory all the time
Peepeepoopoo man or mimic tear?
Doing colossal weapons against Radahn is easier in every way compared to DEXshit.
I actually like it more that way, single-parry criticals kind of feel like a cheap trick, having to land multiple parries either makes you play normally for longer while you wait to fish out reliable parries or forces you to properly master timings on multiple attacks, which feels cooler
Then again, it still feels pretty stupid on Radahn since more often than not he just loops into the same right hand horizontal slash attack after each parry
yea, mostly. some DLC bosses are gonna push your shit in cause Miyazaki clearly thinks we're having fun wrong.
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Marika looking an awful lot like a Justice Friend right there.
I guess he isn't the only one forgetting perfumes then huh, because you forgot they're in the base game too.
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simple as
No it isn't because he never stops attacking and keeps doing infinite anime combos.
Cute cope but broken boss and unfair.
if you do more than 1200 damage per r1 against radahn you cheated
I stopped at 40 but I use the Erdtree's Favor +2 too
how come you guys' games look so good
yeah but for some guys it's slicer and only slicer
They are? Wow!
Summoning Igon is basically mandatory for the lore. Besides I haven't had trouble with any fight in the DLC so far i doubt I would have any solo either
I did not like a single boss in this DLC
half the sabers nowadays have tits
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youre allowed to have fun, but ONLY if its the yellow and red colored magics.

>yfw 90% of builds prebuffing 40 times like theyre Ainz Ooal Gown
I wanted to make a "wifebeater" or "madness" build if we lost te footie game tonight, but we actually won. Now I gotta think of something else.
What's wrong with the sunflower?
the funniest part is I'm pretty sure most of those buffs don't stuck so they're just doing a posing routine
>Ideally the Medium to heavy rolls would have no i-frames
they made a soulslike with no iframes and it was hated for that exact reason lmao.
Flowers are stupid
Midra is right there anon.
how do you take so little damage? I'm on NG and every boss deals half my hp even at 18 blessings.
a real sports fan would riot anyway
>team loses
>riot in protest
>team wins
>riot in celebration
I downloaded lies of p because you nerds praised it, this better be good
>France made it to the semifinals of Euro 2024 without scoring a single goal
How do footie fans cope?
Has anyone noticed a difference with Arcane's holy defense against Radahn?
By not being French.
I'm not a Turk? We behave ourselves no matter the outcome.
You're stupid. Fuck you. Die.
>Verification not required.
i hope their next game doesn't have any two phase fights. im so sick of it.
It's fucking fantastic. Kinda envious of you rn, ngl.
Don't ignore the vinyls!
I'm unable to enjoy myself in videogames anymore, It's so tiresome
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I instantly judge whoever has summoned me and if I find their build to be not of passing skill I will sit and watch as the foul tarnished has their foolish ambitions put to rest.
Why are you making up a person
You seem awfully triggered that people dislike a boss.
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>get your own pocket dragon waifu
stop being a minmaxing faggot and start doing stupid shit
Oath of Gold and Flame Grant Me Strength stack. If you try to crab after it'll overwrite FGMS, and if you try to use Uplifting Aromatic or the Rallying Standard, they'll overwrite Oath.
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based 'oopa the troonslayer
>STRfag gets an opening
>massive damage R2 that also stancebreaks

>DEXfag gets opening
>gets in maybe one or 2 weak R1's, has to rely on status as a crutch for damage
Why would he speak english and not portuguese or dutch?
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that build was
shadow blessing 20
60 vig
35 end
30 str
60 dex
30 int
32 fth
47 arc
Rellana's armor except for solitude chest
Dragoncrest greathsield and spelldrake +3
I used goldeb vow incant and flame
nothing defensive in my flask
see pic for final stats
reminder that this is NG+
hes not even actually triggered, hes just been spamming his same low effort obvious bait 24/7
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He has yaoi proportions.
Absolute God-tier art style and soundtrack. And a very based, unexpected Don Quixote reference.
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By rioting
>STRfag gets an opening
>Has to wait 20 seconds for another opening

>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing
It adds up
we need more graces desu
Great game. Enjoy
>mediocre ash
ive seen bleed build jump spamming dexfags do three times as much damage and get constant stance breaks. str or dex doesn't matter, both can be built to break the game
Fuck I wish I could labotimize my brain and replay Lies of P again. Fantastic game don't look shit up just go and have fun
what greatbow do the redmane knights use?
I really hate how close graces are to each other in the dlc.
>find new grace
>5 minutes later find another
>next to the second one is a shortcut leading directly to the first
It's slussy juice
godskin stitcher is still my nigga
The Greatbow
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Give me the very best holy weapons/arts/incantations, I want to smite like none have ever smited before
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dont make me tap the sign
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she was being annoying
>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing
>DEXfag dodges swing

And this is more difficult because they literally have to be aggressive as possible to get anywhere, and as a result they get fucked in the ass for being greedy. STR can hyperarmor trade hits and come out of it rewarded with a stance break.

And they're complete shit without the bleed or frost.
What kind of build gets someone sent to the BLAG 'OLE?
>Posting vile strumpet whore
Simp opinion discarded
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Did you try parrying? It made the fight fun for me.
>Elden Ring's "parry me thrice for one payoff" nonsense is nauseating.
That mechanic is necessary because otherwise parrying feels like you're cheesing the boss. In Ds3 parrying pontiff was considered cheesing him for example (in no small part thanks to the fact that ds3 fans are generally retarded, but still)
What Int weapons(actual int ones or just int-tax ones, either works) are actually fun to use?
Wish I could experience this game again for the first time. Luckily there will be a DLC later this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkXa_9bAlBc
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was that really it? mountain tops of giants all over again huh
>the only thing stopping us from using the divine gate ourselves is a jump thats slightly too high and we can't summon our horse
Sword of night should have had frost buildup instead of bleed
>Trading hits to do 1/20th of the boss's HP and receiving 2 estus' worth of damage in return
Level your INT
>mountain tops of giants all over again
It's one big, cool looking boss arena. The exact fucking opposite of mountain tops of the giants, you midwit.
>I get liking Blaidd
So you can comprehend furshit/borderline bestiality but not some lanklet with sharp cheekbones?
Discus of Light is probably the best holy incant so have fun leveling up enough int to fucking use it with your FTH build
Arguably Triple Discs is also great and also requires a ridiculous amount of INT
The Miquella disc in the DLC is good. So is Arcs of Light. I personally don't like Great Arc but a lot of people seem to.

For weapons, the Black Knight weapons in the DLC are great and have their own guard counter too.
Powerstancing Coded Swords or Coded Pata is goated though you'll want something else with fire for like the last 5 bosses in the game because from is legitimately retarded.
Convergence has a shitton of new content and reworked dungeons, it's basically a different game by now while keeping the original theme. It's like they actually expanded on everything the base game has to a point that it makes sense instead of castles being 2 rooms and a halway.
It strongly focuses on spells & hybrid build but even melee builds get cool stuff. You WILL get overpowered easily if you play smart or explore a lot so imo you better limit yourself voluntarily or rush your class path.
I recommend trying it, doing a couple of "any%" run of cool classes is really enjoyable as you get to see all the cool shit and try new stuff with minimal repeated content.
It's also way less linear.
Because Pontiff is basically the only boss in Dark Souls 3 whose gimmick is "I attack you with intricate combos" and parrying reduces the fight to "I attack you with one slow telegraphed attack and you stop me, over and over"
I don't blame anyone for parrying the DLC bosses because the combo vomit became absolutely excessive but with Pontiff it's just silly.
Any of you done a consumable run? How is it
>he missed the secret dungeon
Not me so idk
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>No choice but to kill Leda
>No choice but to kill Miquella
>Even if I support them both
Don't you just love forced choices? I don't feel sad Miyazaki, just annoyed.
Ordovis's greatsword is an absoloute monster. One of the best weapons in the game. The tree-spear is also great for a ranged holy ash of war

I havent tried the new crucible hammer yet, but hopefully it slaps like the other two do.
>Because Pontiff is basically the only boss in Dark Souls 3 whose gimmick is "I attack you with intricate combos"
literally 90% of ds3 bosses are like that though
what are my options for dealing non-magic damage in an int build? like what can I lean on if i run into something thats super resistant
Did you not play the game at all?
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Most fun weapon in the game
hey shut up
All the DLC lacks is some sort of black character you kill
Really a big missed opportunity Miyahacki
>Two God snakes
>one is abyssal darkness fire
>one is primeval fire (volcano)
Welcome back Frampt and Kaathe
I like blaidd's sword, whatever the fuck it's called
Jeremy pls go.

Frenzy lord
Does milady just do no poise damage or do these fire knights have way too fucking much poise?
I wish you could side with Malenia
is there a way to not take 2 billion damage from radahn in one swing, im still getting 2 shot with dragoncrest greatshield talisman and my heaviest armor
Simply don't fight them, and turn the game off
>I leave here all egoic attachment.


Perfect DLC ending:

>Arrive in the Land's Between with the revelation that shedding blood interferes with the relationship between mankind and the Greater Will. What order could persist in the indulgence of separation?
>Receive schizophrenic visions of Miquella and Trina, talking to them like Ayre in Armored Core.
>Go on a quest across the Land's Between using a combination of Unalloyed Gold and St. Trina's Sleep to both incapacitate the soldiers of the tainted demi-gods along with the demi-gods themselves and mercifully purify them of all ailments.
>Not even a random mob can die. They're put to sleep indefinitely, and later in the game can become allies to help aid in exploration and boss fights.
>Journey in the base game eventually culminates to finding Miquella and Trina in the Land of Shadow.
>Final boss is Godwyn, God of Death and the lead up is the Outer God of Frenzied Flame which is a fight that Trina and Miquella participate in.
>They then take out the Rune of Eternal Innocence, the anathema to the Frenzied Flame
>Our seed will look back and remember... THE ETERNITY OF CUNNY (MIQUELLA VOICE)
>stars with beasts are sent to TURN EVERYONE INTO KIDS in every LAND
Light "Great"swords do less poise damage than straight swords.
From the snake skin it seems like the god devouring serpent is just a really big abyssal serpent
milady is no poise damage
don't get hit by his R2
If I summon into your world and see you using status effect builds you are BANISHED
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>Get sent to Belurat, Stagefront, host hasn't hit the Grace yet
>Wait for them to come up and stand emoting so they hit it
>Hunter spawns in and joins Host and cooperator
>They run up and Hunter immediately jumps to attack
>Try to block and forgot I had Messmer's Flame up
>Host had run in too rather than hitting the Grace
>Hunter and Cooperator get tossed towards the Boss gate
>Host gets tossed over the edge and fucking dies
One day I'm going to just stop trying to be nice. Doesn't seem like it's worth it.
what if you're at a boss and its a madness build?
Look I think it's time people accept that you either build for stance damage, critical damage or status damage. This isn't Dark Souls. You're going to deal much less damage than normal if you insist on not making use of all of the multiplicative damage sources.
why were you being nice at all retard
you're a reddie, your job is to be a cunt or die by ganksquad
>Frenzy lord
not remotely black
bro your wing stance r2?
there are only a handful of enemies in the entire game that resist magic. use rocks.
>Doesn't seem like it's worth it.
it almost never is
>inavde with twinked out rape machine and get nothing but basic pver's
>inavde with honest doolist and get gangraped by endgame characters
Sacred Blacksteel greatammer with prayerful strike is a beast. Try it with alexander's shard, axe talisman and 2hand talisman, wearing heavy armor
>charge attack once or twice
>use prayerfull strike when you need to heal
Just tried smithscript cirque postpatch
The fucking weapon is phenomenal. Absolutely oppressive in duels with the ranged switch ups. It makes me want to do a curseblade character. What would be thematic to it?
>smithscript cirque
>curseblade cirque
>dryleaf arts
>throwing blades
Anything else?
Milady's only poise damage comes from wing stance heavy attack
I just think it's funny that when bosses like Radahn and Rellana copy Pontiff's moves, theyre always the most fair and well-telegraphed attacks in their arsenal.
Buying Elden Ring during steam sale. Should I buy the dlc with it or will the base game last me until that goes on sale as well?
the ghostflame ash is complete ass
i swear it must be bugged
your dex weapon, gravity rocks, frost
For the next big soulslike game, I want FROMSOFT to actually try to make a different type of story. One that is a bit more hopeful and not as grim. Lies of P did this perfectly. I enjoy the depressing FROMSOFT worlds, but if they do it again for the next series, it will just become boring. We need something different now.
i've been killed more by rock scoop more than waterfowl dance
messmer isn't cool at all
i dunno why fangirls were creaming all over him he looks like a creep
>Have just Romina and Radahn to finish the DLC
>Feel no desire to go fight them
I'm tired of boss fights, all I wanna do is co-op and RL1 invasions.
>DEX/fth dragon cult marika simp
Did Marika even like the dragons? Did she like anybody after Messmer?
The host only had one cooperator and was running the last part up to the Grace so I figured I'd at least let them tap it. I'm only invading in the first place since I got bored getting smashed by Radahn.
One of the best things about the DLC is that mohg is now active again and I can watch hosts get slapped by him.
Also I just love that boss.
whens the united combat 3v3 lobby brehs
Internet girls get all porked up over creepy fantasy men.
Rykard snuck into the shadow world to steal a baby abyssal snake and raise it on Mr gelmir into a god devouring serpent
Just take a break, do some invasions and return when you're ready. Nothing wrong with that.
For the next soulsgame I hope they improve the combat significantly, copying and modifying some mechanics from other games in the genre and not just their own shit.
I could not give a single flying shit about the lore or story, it could be nothing but colored cubes for all I care
If you don't care about the theme, you can't go wrong with a square off straigthsword or ironballs/starfists. Excellent damage for basically no stat requirements.
>Jori the inquisitor
I fricking love bosses that were clearly designed around spirit ashes
is there another poison-native aow infusable weapon besides venomous claw that i could use for my kamen rider build using poison bloom twice art of war?
No they do 5.5 poise damage on 1HR1 while straight swords do 5 in pve. Enemy flinch is controlled by damage level and LGS are the same as SS there too. Poise damage is only worse for LGS in pvp and is totally irrelevant for pve.
*teleports away*
i'm gonna say it
if a boss fight takes more than 2 minutes it's shit
I'm fine with the Elden Ring combat. I'm just a bit tired of the "everything sucks and everyone dies" approach. It was enjoyable and this DLC was great, but I think I'll get tired of it if they do it again next time.
he's not hard at all
git gud
>if a boss fight takes more than 2 minutes you're shit
I did it without spirit ashes first try

get good shitter
antspur rapier if rot is acceptable
mh bosses take longer than that and even the worst boss in there is miles better than the best from boss honestly
it's insane that from has not fixed their fucking camera yet
Same but it's still a shit fucking boss
i thought is was funny that the dlc ended with literally every single character dying, your allies and trina included. its almost like fromsoft is parodying itself. itd be cool if their next game took place in an era of rebuilding instead of decay and no one dies
anspur rapier is a shit weapon though
>he thinks from can write a living world
they nerfed death poker wa to shit a long time ago and this one is likely a copypaste of it
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hold on, so you're telling me that this ENTIRE area is hidden behind a secret wall in a tiny room on a side path in a dungeon that's miles north????
Why the fuck do they design the map like this
It probably won't last you until the dlc goes on sale but like there's enough content to last you for awhile, jus6 buy the dlc later
>co-oping through madness forest with a friend
>get invaded
>he doesn't seem aggressive, just emotes and tags along to watch us repeatedly fail to parry the invulnerable fuckers
>friend dies horribly, I press on
>get to next grace
>chug all my flasks, he chugs his
>we have a nice fight
That was pleasant.
it's not a problem in the base game but every boss has bloated HP in the DLC

the camera is laughable at this point and honestly only excused by drones who go "well that's dark souls baby"
its still one of the best games in the game
by that metric every boss fight is not shit as there's a possible "1shot" for all of them, and even RL1 can kill most boss under 2 minutes as long as then don't run away
nah, its significantly weaker
antspur I guess can work with it
otherwise no, the only weapon that seems actually good with poison flower blooms twice is venomous fang, which is actually really good on occult, or with poison for the unintended long deadly poison procs.
He doesn't you fuxcing retard
Well if they can't, they need to hire some professional writers to take over. Miyazaki can then change the story afterwards if he wants to, but you can't do the same thing over and over again. I enjoyed it up until now, but at some point you'll have to switch it up.
weapons i mean
yeah he does
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>they fixed the camera bug
Kinda sad. I know that theres a line in the code that can make the camera pan out and we're still fighting 50ft fuckers while trying to read their attacks by a view of their ankle!
i wonder whether flower deals more damage the longer the poison is or just for poison
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>forget to turn off blue circlet
These are the people bluecels simp over?
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I use stance damage plus a shadow clone, only boss to give me trouble was Radahn at the end
Buy both right now
Nothing related to ghostflame has been good in my experience
I wouldn't hold my breath, tragedy is all Miyazaki knows anymore
It's pretty annoying, but I think sound cues help me
His armor is ugly as fuck too
Who's stopping you
He's one of my favorite bosses in Elden Ring, only one that's 100% better imo is Bayle
Use pic related, DS2-tier "regular guy with heathbar and gank squad" fights become extremely funny
I think this depends on the person
never played ds1?
The bloat is insane, honestly I really felt it during that scarlet rot centipede chick's fight.
It was neat but just so boring.
>can’t help hornsent to turn the gank into a 4v4 instead of a 3v4
Lame, I don’t wanna summon a mimic
Bros how does one become as cool as Radagon?
>Brags about pvp
>Uses broken meta shit

Lmao tranny mad
>Marika bad because she destroyed the Hornsent
>...who were kidnapping people, torturing them, and stuffing them into jars
>None of which is debatable because the lore spells it out
I don't care what anyone says, wiping those evil fuckers out was a net positive for the world. I can't roll my eyes any harder at trying to paint that as a bad thing
Yeah, and like 3 areas with routes to 2 main bosses are accessed via a small cave tucked into the side of a mountain next to a more prominent map landmark (sealing tower). You really have to explore every nook and cranny of the map.
if you're not killing every boss in ER in under two minutes you've not built enough damage.
i was personally thinking about dane's footwork + stone shatter talisman + birdo legs but this is ng1 build i believe
Closeup of face?
5000 damage is like 1/8th of the usual SOTU boss
no, I don't think it scales with the poison duration or damage itself, like poison moth flight
it would be cool if it did though
Learning how broken stance is ruined this game for me. Every time I see a weapon with a flashy AoW, I just think how much better Impaling Thrust and Square Off is. I also can't really start a dex playthrough after my Str because it's just gonna devolve to spamming AoW to stance break, really just the same shit.
>Lies of P did this perfectly.
Opinion discarded. LoP's story fucking sucks, literally what if classical children literature... BUT LE GRIMDARK (and with none of the original charm)? And don't get me started on the setting, which is just a generic mishmash of different european aesthetics (characters that live in bri'ish looking city speak with the worst impression of an italian accent known to man and sing french songs in the streets)
Marika's only mistake was not finishing the job fully.
Even if he does look creepy, which he doesn't, it's a good type of creepy
Hands, shoulders, knees, all that are the most sexy parts of a man and his design has them purposefully exaggerated in a really appealing way
have sex
anyone else feel like Estus is kind of useless now
I never go through all of them in a fight. Most fights end with me barely sipping any.
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Just as yesterday, post your fashion
Apparently Light of Miquella is bugged and isn't buffed by stuff like the canvas talismans, and is instead really buffed by the dragon communion seal? Any confirm?
You may not like this, but I you gotta know the truth about Marika. What if I tell you that your precious queen pleases black men? How would you react to that?
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How do I get this?
You are extremely gay and likely American.
Hornsent genocide time?
Literally just walk a little closer to it
try up, then seek lever
Some ashes of war are better sure but don't discount the good old charged heavy.
I think I could've fixed and helped Marika
Try lever and then time to jump
try status instead
>try rosus axe on messmer
>they spawn in the fucking floor
marika didn't need fixing
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There you go. Tried to make her look unhinged and in love with fire.
No, and americans are exactly the kind of people to find that kind of tasteless gook slop appealing.
I'd agree with that.
Bayle has taken my top spot over Mohg, they have a lot of similarities.
Love how Mohgs fight feels like a dance, the well telegraphed and varied delays, plenty of openings and mid combo openings. Also the side ways edge walk he does especially in phase 2 looks cool as hell.
Arena/OST are all top tier too.
Such a kino fight.
>Miyazaki can then change the story afterwards if he wants to
so, ER?
Okay then I think I could've supported her
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Do you ever wonder what you could do if you could control the actions of your Tarnished outside of game mechanics? Like simply buying 99 rope from a merchant, tying them together, and using them to rappel down a cliff instead of taking some huge detour. Imagine if /yourguy/ wasn't a mute autist and you could respond to NPCs' dialogues in any way you wished. Outside of the obvious retarded "I'll respond to Roderika by reeeeing at her then asking for her pussy milk" shit, it would be really cool to talk to people like Gideon beyond loredumps. Entire fates might be changed. Given enough time and prep, could you convince Sellen you're essentially a time traveller(on NG+) and that if she continues down her path she's doomed to get BALLed? Build a little wooden shack in Limgrave. Craft thousands of perfumes, put them in hefty jars instead of dinky little bottles, and introduce the Lands Between to chemical warfare.
Isn't charged heavy inferior to Impaling Thrust/Square off/Giant Hunt?
in this thread alone you can see
kill bosses more than fast enough and neither are playing well
ER characters can look so different in different angles/lighting, it's honestly amazing
So my mother in law might be interested in playing this game. She's a 50 year old lady who's only experience is Nintendo games like Splatoon & Mario. What's a good build suggestion that won't confuse her? I plan on escorting her with my guy so she shouldn't be too threatened
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>Like simply buying 99 rope from a merchant, tying them together
and tying up ranni while she's sleeping
I don't know a single European who disliked Lies of P. It seems like it is set in a city that is a mixture of all European cultures. The story is also fine and honestly more interesting than the story in most FROMSOFT games.
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
monster hunter is just fundamentally different from souls. long bosses but you can heal pretty easily and for most quests even if you die you get to run back in without even resetting the boss's health. half of the reason that monster hunter also can be fun this way is the weapon movesets are more interesting. and some fights are still pretty hard despite this. i hate shadow of the erdtree's approach to difficulty where everything just does insane damage and doesn't let you heal, boss resets health and goes back to phase 1 so you can't learn phase 2, and every single animation is made intentionally not to tell you anything about what the move is going to do so its all trial and error.
i don't play strength builds
strength weapons look ugly
>What's a good build suggestion that won't confuse her?
Rivers of Blood, fingerprint shield and varre mask.
This is why STR always has been and always will be the easiest way to play. Turning off bosses by just stancebreaking them constantly is way too strong in this game, much more offensively OP than any mimic tear could hope to be
god I hate them so much
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>A bit weird that AZURE wears green instead of blue, I wonder if this is some sort of mistake.

Here's a list of 50+ azure colors. There are some that can be classed as a green azure, but the blue shades are the majority.
>see enemy start casting a spell
>lock into fully charged ash of war and run right into it
You need to absolutely pump the shit out of STR/FTH anon, maybe make her an INT caster. Only way I can see her hopping on your pickle.
god I love them so much
for raw damage? nah
>axe talisman
>charged attack tear
>2hand talisman
>synergy with 2handing on str build

meanwhile ashes only get shard of alexander
Reminder that the battle of Caelid was a larp and Radahn vowed to become Miquella's Elden Lord in exchange for him dying a warrior's death. Any other explanation makes no sense.
>stand there doing anime bullshit
>eat a face full of lead
For Impaling thrust/giant hunt it depends on the weapon but for the most part its comparable. For impaling thrust in particular its tracking isn't the best and it tends to miss unless you delay a bit before pressing the button after a roll. Square off heavy is just better on straight swords but its not like charged heavies are unusable.
>Tarnished fucks off into the woods for 200 years
>Nobody knows where he went
>Because of the stars being frozen or whatever nothing changes and the world stays the same
>200 years later we show up again holding some kind of metal pipe
Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my BOOMSTICK!
Speaking as a 50 year old who plays all kinds of builds, don't condescend to her. Give her honest advice, but don't assume she must go for the easiest, most braindead build.
>not having a ranged solution in PvE
Amateur hour here.
>Dooming an entire continent for this
It just gets more and more retarded as people try and justify shit.
so many cool ash of war wasted due to everyone having unlimited poise and attacking constantly
>It seems like it is set in a city that is a mixture of all European cultures.
yeah, a haphazard mixture that makes 0 sense and is silly even on a surface level
>wanna make a cool looking character
>obsessed with using malenia's torso armor for some reason
>which means i have to use her arm too
>which means i pretty much end up playing a malenia cosplay build
come on dude
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explore chads we win again
You're no fun. No fun at all.
I would rush to get the sword of eternal sleep and Bill Cosby all the women in the lands between.
>have to
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ive invaded for like 40 hours since the DLC came out and im having fun
I know zerolenny invites his mom who doesnt know much about games on the show sometimes and usually she has an easier time with ranged, though idk how it'd work with like the switching spells. Honestly though just ask her what she wants to do, something like melee or magic or whatever, she probably has a vague idea of like what she thinks will be cool
I fucked Lanya
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>these are the people constantly crying about the heckin difficulty
You literally could have just running attacked him and combo'd him to death instead of wasting to on your shitty weapon art lmao. Prime git gud moment.
The explanation is the dlc lore is halfbaked dogshit
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As opposed for getting knocked out of a long and drawn out twinblade attack, with zero payoff?
yes i have to anything else looks wrong with half a prosthetic on
Gives her access to straightforward sword movesets, a greatshield, and buffs (which are really useful), heals (Amazing for new players) and cool magic.
No, she literally needed fixing. She's a broken statue
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>Do you ever wonder what you could do if you could control the actions of your Tarnished outside of game mechanics?
>"""Entire fates might be changed."""
haha yeah imagine
I do dumb shit like this sometimes. And when I die like a retard like that, I will laugh at myself. Maybe even call myself a retard out loud. Then I will learn from my obvious mistake and continue. But instead, you cry like a little bitch and take the time to actually fucking POST THIS ONLINE and act like it is not your own fault. Fuck off man, you absolute fag.
I'm married tonher daughter, I don't need her.
Int caster seems fine. Nothing complicated about shooting pebbles all day.

That's late game gear dumbass
>the faggot with the ugly diaperface character who've been posting their vile mug every thread is also a fucking retard
I never could've guessed!
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Someone cover some Zyprexa in cheese or peanut butter or something and feed it to this bitch.
What's it like being that old?
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Well no, the game's combat is actually bad and outdated. That guy is a fucking moron though
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>I'm married tonher daughter, I don't need her
Beyond my power to help
AI GABAGOOL I'M THE GREAT INVENTOR VENICCI MAMMA MIA *starts singing le vie en rose in the middle of london while the crazed russian puppet does a delayed attack*
Not a fan, can't recommend.
Sites of grace are easy to miss the golden trails are hard to see
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Made it into the DLC with a new char, ARC this time
It sucks, it sucks so much, I fucking hate it. Why would I wait for bleedprocs and poison procs and rot procs, when I could've just grabbed a flame-art scaled weapon with FGMS and dealt the same damage in two regular swings???
How do I fix this, and if not, what do I respec into? Already done a pure FTH melee character
>bad and outdated
Then leave.
the armors in this dlc and in elden ring in general did not impress me
stone coffin fissure looks like its from nier automata
shut the fuck up faggot
Did you fight in ww2?
Bro you are so fucking weak, all you did was save one little jar. This entire town is dead & gone & all you saved was one little jar.

You did good. You gave everything for one little jar. Rest easy brother, your vigil is done.
>ARC in the DLC
Do you want to become king of ARC? Do you want to BLEEDMAX?
>It seems like it is set in a city that is a mixture of all European cultures
I dont mean this as a pseudpost but it's pretty clearly interwar Italy with steampunk slapped on top, which makes sense given the game is meant to be homage to Pinocchio
use occult weapons?
use arc scaling weapons that don't rely on bleed?
you can rush meteoric greatsword from the beginnining without fighting a boss you know
>want to refight a boss
>can respawn it in CE
>want to do the leda gank again
What do
Why aren't you using occult scaled bleed weapons?
you're supposed to be using occult on pure arc
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Bros, I wish i could live in these Rise towers spread around Elden Ring
they look so comfy and safe
I'd give nier automata a stone coffin fissure if you get what I mean
There are some really broken new helms in the DLC at people seem to be sleeping on.
>bird helm
+3str +4dex with good defense and poise. 7 free stats! What were they smoking? Also you look like a stargate LARPER.
>divine beast helms
+3 str/dex, higher defense than above but worse negative effects (-45 focus, enjoy being maddened)
>horned warrior/curseblade
+5str/+5dex respectively. Again, 5 free points. Decent armor too.
>Fire knight helm
Gives 2%hp, 5%stam, and 4% equip. This is just a combo of dad/mom/son mask. Everything you could ever want. I bet this will be super fucking common to use at 150+.
>Light circlet
1 weight for 5 poise, great defenses, and +1 int/faith/arc. Also it shows your pretty little face for the waifu nerds. Going to be very popular as well.

Hell the bird helm makes the silver tear mask obsolete as those 7 free stats can easily go into arcane and you won't get the -5% physical AR loss, and both make you look equally ridiculous.
fucking moron he was retired by ww2
Then stop playing the game? Seriously, what the fuck is this mental illness? You don't HAVE TO be "part of the conversation." You don't HAVE TO play this game. Go play whatever the fuck you like.
Wtf is wrong with you bro? You're disrespecting a Civil War veteran, not cool.
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Every weapon should have 3 Ash of War slots.
Pressing L2 will put you in "Ash of War" stance - visible or not depending on the equipped ashes.
R1, R2 are your mainhand ashes. L1 does the off hand's R1 ash.
Your final ash of war in your main weapon is in your counter. R1 does the current guard counter, and R2 does your "ash of war" counter. Ash of War counters would be like the Black Knight weapons in SotE, but stronger and using FP.
>Woooow just what we need more ash of war spam
Yes actually we need more ash of war spam. It is at least more interesting and entertaining than just R1 spam with occasional R2 and maybe a roll R1. Fuck you.
There are thousands of (fantasy) stories that are set in a world that is some combination of many different places. It is nothing new and you just seem boring for having a problem with it. Lies of P is as good as any Dark Souls game, the end.
This too.
get 2 curved sword
blood infuse them with sepukku
get the multi hit tear and talisman
get the jump attack talisman and chest
use sepukku on both
spam jump L1
wala you get both excellent AR and crazy bleed procs
the flower is good too
Lies of P is bad because I can't customize my character
when you hodl ranni's hand and go to the moon you live in a nice fancy rise up there
Yes. Things were so bad in '40, they were recruiting negative-33 year olds.
Nah the best helmet in the DLC is the leather helm because it looks sick and goes with lots of different get-ups.
Why would I want to medicate her when the paranoid schizophrenia is the best part of her? I'll cuddle with her in the sheets as she rambles on for hours about everyone we know, how each of them could be a potential traitor, and what the best ways to kill them off are.

I like them a lot because they're lightweight and don't require a lot of str/dex. Makes them a great sidearm if you're playing pure INT. The heavy attacks also have a wide horizontal reach so they're great for handling crowds compared to something like the Glintstone Kris. The frost buildup is good, too, especially since you can supplement it further with frost sorceries.
I haven't played Lies of P because it looked like animu bullshit to me but I'm going to since people praised it
You WILL play NG+
You WILL own no warp points and you will be happy
So Sekiro is shit too?
get yourself checked at the hospital because that's obviously a sign of massive brain problem
I feel like the dlc actually regressed for that, there's so many ashes where you just spam l2
Anyone with a brain would do it like this so the game could have larger and more fun movesets. Such a missed opportunity
Then she killls you
I need a non-cheese dexfag weapon to go slap radahn with since the dexfags are getting uppity again saying they're hard done by.
Suggestions? No explicit status builds
Lies of P is bad because theres no playable female character. It makes it harder for me to self insert.
there's so many ashes you cant use because the windows of attack are too small
i should have just cheesed radahn like i did with malenia. i feel no satisfaction after beating him without "cheese".
it's gookshit so it has the overly pretty lady with blue hair and a dumb outfit + prettyboy MC, different aesthetic
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>beat radahnquella with moonveil, claws of night, carian slicer, dual straight swords and dual thrusting swords
Recommend me some fun weapons to use bros. I'm getting addicted to this fight.
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I reminded myself that one Morgott and Mohg picture where they're both children and made myself sad
what could i pair with antspur then, it's not a good two-hander weapon?
sorry for dumb questions i just used moonveil before so idk jack about elden ring
isn't he twinkish enough?
they arent real
Theres nothing as satisfying as giving the overbuffed spazzing retards their comeuppance by using anything available in the game
That's the neat part, most human traits mentally, and emotionally, are universal in stories! Like Master Chief is a guy but yoy can still relate to him booking it when he's told to run
The " blue anime lady" has nothing to do with anime you retards. She takes the place of the fairy from the Pinocchio story. People in these threads are such fucking midwits, I swear to God.
Why are you getting addicted to an objectively badly designed fight?
I'm not trying to condescend. She's just new so I don't want to overwhelm her or start rambling about poise & ARs & shit. She plays games but always goes with the straightforward approach so I don't want to recommend a niche build
can someone explain why that crit did so much damage
he hangs dong so I cant self insert
Lies of P is bad because you are forced to play as some twink faggot.
Coddling your precious feelings isn't going to make the problem go away. The combat's bad, it doesn't work and this DLC is proof of that.
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Sadposting time?
just make sure she doesn't ignore vig, build micromanaging will prob be counterproductive.
it procd bleed
Maybe later. Sometimes when we're eating together or just chilling she randomly looks into my eyes with this blank stare and it goes on for a few seconds before she snaps out of it. If she goes too long she really starts approaching the edge of the cliff and begins sharpening her sword and asking me where her armor is(I hid it so I can look at her beautiful face and her curves aren't as hidden by her gambeson). Sometimes when I get home all the candles are snuffed out and she's sitting in the darkness with her sword on her lap and that's when I know things have gone too far and I need to screw her until enough of that crazy comes out and she can function again. It's not easy but we make it work. It helps that I have 80 STR.
Dry Leaf Kung fu the shit out of the game
>twink twink femboy shota twink femboy
You people all have fucking brainrot. Imagine not being able to play a game with a younger main character because your brain instantly has to think about fucking gay porn. Kill yourself you absolute disgusting degenerate.
It's a very fun fight once you "download" it.
you on pc anon? ive got spare pieces
On both hits?
>just be a bleedfag bro
ok, but apart from that, I dont want to spam jump attacks ad nauseam. Is there any cool ARC weapons that scale well and have varied utility. Thats what I miss about FTH, all the utility, instead of ONLY burst damage.
Any other arc scaling weps that dont rely on bleed you can reccomend? I'll give the Meteoric UGS a go obviously, but I'll need a backup too.
>just heard someone pronounce rellana "ray-ana"
>and tiche "titch"
way to ignore what i'm saying which is that each culture has its own preferred aesthetics and you can instantly tell them on sight if you know what to look for
If it's bad then leave.
Nobody cares about your incorrect opinion.
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having fire on your weapon makes fights so much easier when enemies constantly stagger from the flame
Neither is music nor art nor literature but it still evokes emotion
You're soulless and deadened and I pity you and will pray for you tonight
rivers of blood
no but seriously get an occult flamburger or something, or bloody helice is insanely fun
no, just first hit. look at the jumping attack damage, then consider all of the stacking buffs from the bleed proc, that's why the second crit hit did so much damage.
What is it about these threads that always attract some guy humble bragging about how good he is?
Occult Claymore
you pick arc to kill and NOTHING else
ARC is litearlly built for status so you're shit out of luck if you want to play status-less ARC.
It's like asking to play INT but not wanting any spells or AoW
Killing your enemies before they can attack maked fights so much easier when you don't have to worry about getting killed
that shit feel awful
>infuse raptor talons with occult
>equip rotten winged sword talisman, millicent's prosthesis, lord of blood's exultation and shard of alexander, put thorny cracked tear in your physick
>hit bosses with raptor talons until bleed procs
>switch to regalia of eochaid and BRRRRT
What's incorrect about it? Am I wrong that the movement is slow? Or that the bosses read your inputs? Is that not something we talk about every day?
No other character in the game looks like what you are describing, so it doesn't really make sense.
Yeah anon
But I haven't played in a long ass while and forgot how to summon specific people

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