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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484957248
my male midlander is
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
Femra run this shit
getting kinda tired of male midlanders bros
petting me as a slurp on his cock
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Please add this to the OP

• July 7th, 8:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Tuliyolall (Instance 1) x11, y6.6 | Kneel to Wuk Lamat meetup
Sex with Kemakka
sexo con los moonies
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I miss him
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/pet /pet /pet
How's it glubbing?
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Builded for hrothbarbs
Any linkshells I can join to get shitposts to read while I do the MSQ
my fiddie is
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my bad dude
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Post Roe
me when I see moonies
What, knowing what is actually funny and what isn't?
Pretending to be retarded has never been trolling.
Saying retarded shit for (You)s is the same as farming upvotes on Reddit.
If you're into that kind of thing, go the fuck back. Sick and tired of 2016-2020 election tourists and redditfugees shitting up every board with their newfaggotry.
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hmmmmm.. debatable....
I will be there no matter what
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hell yeah

also VA drama be damned wuk lamat is cute!!!!!!!!!!!
just deal with a little longer bro, we're trying to lower our stocks
need to plap this wolf
Holy fuck I kneel Hercules-domo....
I have forgotten to make sure collect is on every time I start fishing. I am too retarded to live?
my EB tributed my adventure plate...
>M*dlanders trying to steal even more rightful Elezen clay
my property
Sis why didn't you send a better screenshot?
You should send your EB my way instead.
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
Post Adventure Plate.
You missed a joke and you're damage controlling.
i spearfished like a retard for 15 minutes before i remembered it, you're not alone
momoji sex
wait a second electrope is basically asbestos
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the sad froth face is kind of growing on me
please don't start up miau miau with his asinine dawntrail rants this thread
just let him melt in peace
My wife Sheener the beaner leaner
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I would ask one last favor of you, Warrior of Light...
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i've been playing healer for a year in hopes that it'd help me get an eb but it hasn't done shit.
No, the joke just wasn't funny.
I know you lot have beaten the whole "woke lemat" "woke lemat is the main character" "woke lemat is le bad" shit into the ground. If you still find that funny, you are a redditor, because that is what those retards do, the same joke and over and over.
So please, go back to your people and stay there.
ffxiv more like legend of dragoon
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>We have a countermeasure
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Koana and Wukkie
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I'll EB you but only if you're a fiddie on Crystal
Based. I would steam review if I owned it on steam.
Be less verbose if you want me to read your word salad.
so when's the next meetup?
>can make the new crafter set with my old pentamelded gear
uhhhh nice
report to jenova immediately
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its over the chuds won
[4:37 p.m.]There are one or more blacklisted characters in your party.
They are listed as “Unknown.”
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>be less verbose
Ahh, so you're retarded and more than likely brown. Not my problem.
Concession accepted. You may go back now, I insist.
no thanks
if i ever leave a review for anything it sure as fuck wont be dishonest
I liked it in the moment but I felt like it played for too long and it was weird that the scene as a whole did a fade-to-black with that playing instead of a current expac theme.
>i really like dawntrail and it was good i have only one minor complaint that anyone could have about any game but really the whole thing was quite good great combat, great content, great maps, great voice acting, great writing, really complex deep plotlines and honestly tourists are just screeching "tranny tranny" before they move on to the next fotm game while the rest of us true believers in ffxiv know dawntrail is one of the best expansions we've had yet and only idiots who don't have the media literacy to understand sophisticated writing are complaining about it but i know daddy yoship won't cater to morons who can't read so good riddance dawntrail HATERS
I'll do it for you sis
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Quite a surreal looking place
I love bunnygirls!
Does this mean you'll stop replying? Thank god, it's like having a younger sibling you can't hit.
>0 results
i sleep
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bros i clicked on a catboy to look at his adventurer plate and he was targeting me
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do house cats even exist in Tural
so what exactly is the point of a blacklist? i don't blacklist shitty healers because i don't want to see their fucking adventure plates. i block them so they stay out of my parties.
>just astroturf
I will be reporting all new positive reviews as shilling/astroturfing
yeah, I just wanted to post that meme but that part felt like fanservice of the highest order and a "hey remember that expansion and how much you liked it? wasnt that cool!" which is really early to do and maybe a sign they knew dt sucked ass
do you like femra (on aether)
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consider that they are literally just black mages with a paint brush
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>Hey Anon, you know those Soul-Vampires that need to constantly harvest souls and don't mind killing to get said souls?
>Yeah, you should get to know them even though almost all of them don't give a single shit if Sphene will genocide an entire Planet for it
>Maybe you should enact a little play with them xD
good taste in outfit
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this made me laugh harder than it should've
thanks, based craftanon
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>"You just don't understand Dawntrial. If you understood it you would like it."
>wants to do EX1 farm as a melee DPS
>Every single party is capped on Melee DPS's
>Only healers and Phys range open
do I become a healer main for DT even if I never played healer
Yes (on aether)
not true
they have a hammer too
kinda wish we had Ragnarok jump into atmo and blast away the drone barges
squeenix flopped it bigly
I thought chuds liked genocide?
why did they stop making npc outfits for wols to wear?
You ever think about how that's what it would sound like if robots fucked
healing is really easy once you get over the mental block of thinking its shit
builded for malezen men
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Thanks for replying to my post, gamers. I wanted to get a good look at that new eyepatch in a screenshot and decided it sucks.

I'm sticking to my cool hat for now.
nobody buys them because they are undyable
It's not that.

It's an every growing crypto mining rig and they have run out of coal to power their powerplants.
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How do I make my pictomancer look like this
more like

This is what I feel too.
Actually not even feel, I'm almost certain that the only people attaching unto wuk lmao are just emotionally stunted adults which makes me disregard all of their opinions because I can see their behaviors right now.
They can't handle anything opinion that takes the thing they like and says it's bad. They act like the immature joke that wuk lamat is.

Also I tend to think these types of people are also pedophiles as well since they can emotionally attach heavily to such immature traits that are absolute turn offs for any normal functioning adult.
I have to rewatch the cutscenes maybe, but why is everyone saying that zoraal Ja betrayed Sphene?
He promised her a harvest of souls and then he set out to destroy Tuliyollal, killing shit as he promised
Perhapes he "betrayed" her by pausing the attack, but in the end he went about killing everything again, it's the Scions who thwarted their plans
Come to think of it, why did Sphene manifest to us? What was she trying to gain and why did she want to stop Zoraal Ja?
probably stormblood gear
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Do we really have to deal with 3 years of Miau Miau arguing with bored /v/ shitposters about a mediocre story but both sides pretend that it was either a masterpiece or the worst Final Fantasy story of all time
you wont use me for the faster queues, right....
Would you a Sphene?
What does blacklisting do if I can still end up in a party with these retards?
Is there something I can do to prevent ever being matched with them?
>I thought chuds liked genocide?
We just want them to go back where they came from and stay there.
nice bucket lmoa
Unfortunately yes
t. male midlander
why do we care if the msq even sucks (it 100% sucked) in the first place? we won't be talking about it a month from now, and then only for a few days for any msq patches afterwards.
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No problem, chief. For what it's worth, I've had a hard time making most eyepatches work even though they seem cool in theory.
you wait for mods
So you're saying to finally dust off my level 90 White Mage and give em a go while leveling
Does the average Endless have any idea what the cost is of keeping the place running?
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would I what?
i want to rape her till whatever doll body she's inhabiting breaks down and she's forced to use another and then i rape that one too
hell yeah man
eyepatches are unfortunately overused in xiv as a whole so it's really, really hard to pull them off
I would never...
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just got done hearing that sound for about an hour straight.
ive since moved onto the relaxing goldsmith sounds
kinda based. sadly the Mado Brush is BLM weapon
>zoraal Ja betrayed Sphene?
Her condition was that he never harms her own people. Then he started killing and harvesting her own people.
yes that troon has no life
healing is shit, and if you heal, you are a cuckold to others
how do i get someone back after they dumped me
Dawntrail is make Endwalker look like Heavensward and Stormblood look like Shadowbringers.
Anyone got the dancer weapon from the vanguard dungeon to show what they look like?
Emotional manipulation
fucked up lips/mouth mf
i want to taste her armpits
My moonie
>filled condom earrings
For what purpose?
Literally just do one two roulettes a day and youre capped next week for nothing, drop a khloe book, role quest etc
alternate reality where zenos job changed to pct instead of rpr
>Do we really have to
Who is hold a gun to your head and making you post here?
is my wife
limsa cat post
I redid ARR only a few months ago to see the changes they made and it still wasn't good but it didn't fill me with disgust and make it hard to log in
threaten to kill yourself
suicide rizz
Yes, that makes sense, you're right
What about her betraying him by helping the Scions? Wouldn't she have wanted them killed?
I think you underestimate how desperate the average ebin is for a hint of personality, we definitely need to argue for years
They seem to be aware that Souls are required and what Sphene is doing.
Yoshi P
It's disgusting and humiliating

which is hot

It's fucking hot and humiliating. Exactly what Sphene deserves.

I know this is AI slop but post full I fucking need to see that cunt getting put in her place.
>Who is hold a gun to your head
Fuck off ESL we're full
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good taste in weapon
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Who is Gulool Ja's mother?
People say Sphene but she isn't real and gulool ja shows no indication of a halfbreed
You women are full on our cum.
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why are suncats like this?
Is dawntrail better or worse than FF13? You guys have played other Final Fantasy games right?
probably theres the blue cat minion at the hunt vendor you can get
the chameleon looking mamool jas are honestly so cool I love them
Possibly he was cloned ala snake and liquid
i need more details
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Why do they need souls though? They're all digital wouldn't they just need regular power/aether?
i love these cattos
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Meanwhile on reddit
Look at it try to type like a real human.
woah momma
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patrolling living memory almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
it's back
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What job would iceheart be?
I'm not seein it
Love you too buddy /dote
To sustain the construct that they are (they are dead souls that have memories artificially imprinted on them), this setup can only be sustained if you constantly renew the soul because it appears to degrade after a while, regular Aether doesn't work.
I have played FFIV and nothing else
Lance Masamune is a faggot!!
She probably got the sense that he was willing to sacrifice her entire population after seeing the attack on tulliyolal
Idk I was really tired playing through the 2nd half of the story
Reminder that this is who hired the VA for Wuk Lamat and insists that le heckin' chuds are in the wrong for doing a shitty job.
They are vaguely aware, but I don't think fully to how severe the cost. Seeing as they also used animal souls, I could see most of them assuming they are persisted on animal souls versus humans unaware that animal souls can't sustain them.

The problem is, I'm not sure how much they were aware before, and how much they were aware now. It seemed like endless was sold as a sustainable solution to death that was okay - since souls were already a meaningless commodity. It's really hard to get a feel on how much they normalized the act, and how much they were ignorant of it.

Most when they discovered how much it took to sustain them, they have said they would rather die than continue living knowing the cost.
what are you looking for in a femra eb
You can literally open up Duty Support right now and find out, they added her to HW dungeons.

I think she's a PLD.
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I've been having a cozy time leveling
Everything thing else is steady and good, hope all is glub
Honestly, FF13 is a different kind of terrible
yeah thanks we almost forgot
i did not play that one ive seen people say it wasnt good though
His drip was immaculate.
its a mystery
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i love catboys so much it's unreal
Black Mage (ice only).
Yup and they can't fire her or they'll get bad publicity. But why would they want to, she's in line with their values.
When mods are back I'm going to get a womb tattoo.
That only makes sense if they leave and get bodies not if they're projections from a giant tomestone.
uhhh check, I'm in beta so i've had access to it all week
oh, i'll be making this catboy leak alright
more like blacked mage lol
Be sure to post about her at least 20 more times this thread so people don't miss your insight.
My wife and the mother of our children.
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All is well and glub for me. Been slowly doing the msq while waiting for someone to catch up.
don't reply to me or my posts again you fucking beta
check their discord dumbfuck
Just a crumb of miera... for my femra... p-please...
I am
A gay maleroe
You got me good you fucker.
I haven't seen a post from that loser in months. Fine tune your filters.
Sure thing br-
>for my femra
Oh.... never mind.....
md5 filtered.
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All of our miera are currently taken. Do you wish to try again later, or get put on hold until we find a suitable one?
Actually no, IIRC she wanted to show wuk lamat Everkeep and how great it was and then asked her to leave tural and become a citizen
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>XIVG shitposts wowg relentlessly about their game being full of troons on staff destroying the game
>wowg shitposts XIVG that their playerbase is full of troons that are destroying the community
>now both games are full of troons on staff and in game that are destroying both games and communities
so what now? where will we go when WoW and XIV eventually fail?
does anyone have the shit from the pelupelu who says something like "I love wuk lamat! Everyone will love wuk lamat!"
just realized ive only played 4 6 8 10 12 and 14 to completion
must be autism
No femra are a diamond dozen
She's a tank with a sword and shield made of ice in the MSQ
they are nothing but toys for the maliddies
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The customization options are garbage. All the hair options and race options you saw in the benchmark is what you get in the full game. You are not only limited by hat options, but also arm and sleeve options. This funnels you into an even more limited set of options when it comes to glams. The shoulders and warp unnaturally in most poses as if the arms weren't meant to be as large as they are.

It's low effort and you can tell they rushed female hrothgars as an afterthought. No QA went into double checking this race on all levels.
Slightly worse.
I like ERPing with troons so I'll stay here
You should settle for a male midlander instead.
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I'm sure you'll find yours some day
sena won
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god damn
>by helping the Scions
By helping Wuk Lamat*
The story was about Wuk Lamat. Stop skipping/speedreading.
same lol
Thank you, kind Miera. I shall treasure this.

Understandable. Could I have an estimate of when any of your miera become available?
el goblino
If I link coordinates in a zone in chat, and someone doesn't have that zone unlocked, can the see the name of the zone?
we forgive south korea and beg them to put out sloppa mmorpgs like they used to do
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I'll swap back to a darker glam eventually
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Tural is so cooked
Ah yes, the 40 year old faggot look is in vogue.
hey, did you know what happened to DN?
>almost all picto palettes have no paint on them
I hate this shit so much
my catboy's balls are full once more
Pray Daybreak isn't trooned out by the time EverQuest 3 is ready.
Can someone post the "inspired by Wuk Lamat's bravery" or whatever buff description
builded for femezen
I still have to do the final zone but damn I've really enjoyed this expansion. It hasn't reached the highs of ShB and EW but I wasn't really expecting that given what they said its purpose was. I love all the new locations and I think the new characters are great, especially Wuk Lamat. I know that's apparently a controversial opinion but I just think she's a really fun addition to the ensemble. I also really like the WoL in the role of mentor, we had many expansions of everyone sucking them off for being the best and most strongest ever so I think we can handle being slightly to the left of the center of attention. Excited to see how it concludes and what implications it has for future stories.
Postin' roe
@miam miau@gilgamesh
No sorry, who's DN?
a few of them do i think
They aren't actual projections but something in-between.
The Terminal stores their memories but to give form to those memories you require a soul that is eventually spent.
LF EB just to get the glam
Missed opportunity to do some Calorie Mate rip-off food item for Solution 9
So is there any reason to do the VPR job quests?
>No sorry, who's DN?
my eyepatch? no, i'm not blind or in need of protection. just like it, simple as.
the belts all over my arms? no, i'm not making a tourniquet. just like it, simple as.
the spikes everywhere on my clothes? no, i'm not fending off attackers. just like it, simple as.
my buttcape? no, i fucking hate it, but the goddamn developers keep putting them on EVERYTHING.
What giga copium are you supplied with where you have any faith at all in anything related to Everquest past 9/11 happening
eye patches suck imo but some face covering can work really well but its going to look real edgy
*cough* Catgirl...Eb....Where...?
it's okay bby i love you
my femhroth senses are tingling awooo
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here's some bro no need to thank me
Why the fuck do you play this game
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I'm playing with JP voices now
*cough* Femlala...Eb....Where...?
It's all they got.
They willingly eat up one dimensional shitty voice acting because they are some obscure minority weirdo. Question or say "Man the voice acting is shit" they call you a transphobe because they quietly acknowledge that because they are a trans, they can't VA and they can't do female voices well, but you can't say it out loud.
But it's not their fault clearly they suck at VAing so you can't complain about it, eat it up and applaud their bravery.
i accidentally memed myself into liking large dark gock (and i love it)
i would but can't dc travel.. crystal catboys, it's over
My femra EB is laying eggs again
didn't ask don't care just want more hrothgals
>retarded limsacat can't even match shades of black between top and bottom
there, there's your (You), you can stop desperately posting now
Same but catgirl instead
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femlala Epic Bacon
YEAH! Who won the lottery? I DID!
give me some I'm hungry
fresh prog hector
clear party hector
hector strat
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>Republican women don't want trans people to have healthcare because they're mad they aged two decades in their 20s while I'm 37 and still look like this

is there not a single HQ cobalt tungsten pickaxe on all of crystal what the FUCK you niggers i've been to like 6 worlds now
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finally got all gatherers to 100
i just be posting my character!!!
she's right
raping all limsa cats
mario kart mario kart bagel with cheese HECTORRRRRR hard mode
miera hypnotists have been deployed to your area
You should probably mention what server you are on.
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why are catboy like this
I have seen this tweet posted probably 30 times over the past two days
Amazing how some mediocre VA can assravage /v/ swarthoids so hard
to be fair, they do look like a 37 year old nerdy woman
Actually it's literally just me doing all the shitposting (on both sides). Also until they do something like reveal Y'shtola has been a troon all along, it isn't remotely the same.
HD mjau mjau looks good
EverQuest 2 in its current state is unironically fun, it's just incredibly rough around the edges and not up to the standard of a game like XIV.
He looks like an anemic man. I've seen christmas cake that would BTFO out of this twig boy.
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Dont pretend you are not hard rn mm
Is there any plogon for DT to track aether currents?
AC seems abandoned
my moonie is full of crafting mats and has a full inventory
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Bitch looks like if Dax Flame took HRT and had a porn addiction
talk about the game.
I miss Lyse so bad bros
At least she didnt jump in at the last second to steal valor in every single cutscene and fight
Still haven't unlocked any askers.
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Up at the crack of dawn, working the land, enjoying the true vacation, free of any stupid cats.
haha i read that as nuts like
not me!!!
Anyone on Crystal wanna farm tomes?
Same, server?
MSQ Rankings
Dawntrail = Heavensward
Stormblood = Endwalker
A Realm Reborn
Zoraal Ja was right
how should i dye this
also the sleeves are pixelated lol
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>No QA went into double checking this race on all levels.

I'm afraid that's not exclusive to the furfags.
what is your plaptina level at?
imagine being this mentally challenged
The ETA on available miera is to be announced. As of right now, the current miera pairings are holding very stable. We're very sorry for the discomfort this may cause.
It's crazy how you give a lonely tranny cat a shred of attention and they immediately turn into a spammer.
Imagine if while fighting Shinryu at the last 1/3 of the fight she jumped in a cutscene, floated infront of us in a platform and LB'd Zenos for the rest of his hp
Kek based
my moonie fades away
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Penumbra status?
>I have done the flooring of the second floor of my house during the maintenance
>now running duty support to level my jobs up
>wipe six times
yeah I'm too tired
god if miera looked this cool i might actually play one
I've been a bit slow progressing this time. I became a father since the launch of Endwalker, so my time has been eaten up a fair bit, understandably.
So seeing the dislike for Wuk, I thought she was just a boring Shonen protag from an piss poor series. I got slightly irked that I was entering cooking contests and throwing a party while babysitting her. But whatever.
Then I hit halfway through zone 3 tonight. And this is why I mentioned I became a new dad...
FUCK THIS CHARACTER. Absolutely fuck right off. Don't want anything more to do with this piece of shit.
being worked on but still not up
>The customization options are garbage. All the hair options and race options you saw in the benchmark is what you get in the full game. You are not only limited by hat options
Welcome to what viera have said for 5 years straight
is dalamud working again?
That'd been fucking kino.
*cough* Fiddie...Eb....Where...?
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nerf expert roulette NOW yoshida
Thin your paints
Femra eb for my femezen...
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I quit XIII as a kid because it was awful.
DT is an insult not only to XIV and the franchise itself but it is a grave insult to IX.
I want my suncat to marry a pale sea wolf twice her height who hits her (but not in a mean way)
bravely default > xiv
how have you still not found one O.N. @ Sargatanas
You sound like someone that has a lot of frustrations and poor emotional coping skills. I worry for your child.
The games customization options have always been garbage, that isn't going to change especially with the weird fur race
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Good to hear! Sounds nice to run through the story duo
Reporting this nigger to JustinRPG immediately for disrespecting Reshiram's name.
yeah you're right
it's been kind of staggering how many blunders snuck into Dawntrail, surely they didn't rush it... right?
Got those "Wham trying to kill Joseph" type sleeves.
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Better games (pic not related) and hope that toon faggotry this game gave me disappears over time

The MMO genre is dead until further notice, only FDVR will bring us deliverance
holy autism
I was surprised by the telegraphs in the expert dungeons.
I was in auto pilot mode until I realized the casual telegraphs are basically bullshit and .5 seconds. I( can imagine brainlets seething about the teacups though.
>it's tri-disaster
yup, my intelligence knows no bounds. also the ex is really easy but the bird is the strongest SMNchud, which is a joke with several layers
Is she asking to...? Cause I will.
Low effort social media posts are tranny bread and butter.
Any eb for elezen.
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>XIVG shitposts wowg relentlessly
Welp. We can be friends then if that's okay.
I am not O.N.@Sargatanas.
Does anyone have a condensed guide for Viper on hand?
I know it's simple in practice but the tooltips are kind of a word salad
You can more or less recreate that exact look in the game
Good job faggot.
I am
A sunnie
Doing nofap since Jan 2024 (she hasnt ejaculated this year)

Imagine the fucking FIRE she has inside her, she is feral
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What latinx race are these based on.....?
No sephiroth death?
the only other FF game I've played is FF7 remake
I don't have a screenshot of it offhand but my wife's Elezen's racial ear clasps would just float through hoods that hid her ears, so she had to turn them off lol.
I don't blame them that hard because I'm sure it was a ton of work but it is really funny to laugh at.
FF13's story is a complete and utter mess but it was the last FF game with decent combat
It is hilarious to me that this series still has diehard fans when all SE does is shit all over it
You posted before I could find the wedding pic.
We can...Wanna do fates?
my miera will look like this
I've never really used dps classes before as I've always tanked/healed.

Checking out Viper for the first time and I have no fucking idea what sort of rotation I should be doing with all the flashing buttons and buffs.

Is it easier than it looks?
all of them are lardasses from too much afternoon fiesta con snack-os
pretty sure SE has admitted that male viera and hrothgals both were worked on by interns on weekends, never had any effort put into them compared to real races
yes actually. how would you propose it?
Sure, but I'm about to afk to run some errands. Also looking out on PF for clear parties of Zoraal Ex.
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no i will first
hope god has to be the worst beast here. that transformation from blue moonie to that.
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I hate playing this game solo wish I had friends who weren't coomers and that's all they do
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Follow the glow.
If your third attack is green, be on the side.
If your third attack is red, be behind.
That's all. And they're removing that in the update anyway because even that's too hard for the retards in this game.
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only two more mats to farm and then I'll be able to start the craftening.
The Balance does. But the tldr is basically just follow the glowing buttons and always use 2 ouroboros combos inside 2 minute buffs.
We do a leetle racismo (ra-CEES-mo)

Was bored enough to look at other roles Wuk's VA did, Gloucester is him and he sounds fine.
my bad
>Koana abandons his claim because Wuk is just so wonderful
where is spineshatter dive...
What is the point in that? Hypnosis doesn't work on my femra...
Femhroth pussy
Nice (no pun intended)
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Well if you wanna kill some time before hand i have a pf open in urqo
Sorry but my femlala is not that easy.
where is this happening?
they're too effeminate in game and miera who post here are a shining example of that
read this as "picturd" first
if you know, you know
he was right to
He actually does sound more or less fine in other roles. With how shit some of the other voices sound I'm assuming it was just shitty VA direction
Catboys are made for femhroth onee-sans
can we bring more gays to xivg?
bruh why didnt they update eye textures that shit looks so crusty
So like
Min bust femezen
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is that to powerlevel with collectables?
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You guys need to stop. People have called me that that don't even come to these threads. It's scary
am i being gangstalked
this is the state of the average player in this game now
holy fuck we are never getting fun jobs again
hope you all like following the glowy buttons and not thinking about anythiglng else ever again
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yea it's pretty easy
I just hit a striking dummy for a little bit and I have a rotation down
I haven't read any tooltips, they looked too confusing
Yeah what about us?
Nah I'm gonna give shitty scores and report the blatantly false positive ones.
Fuck squeenix and this half assed expansion, stop eating up their shit.
…or because they are forcing a female voice and a fake accent. I mean you fucking try doing both at the same time
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I have a huge groups of friends that are normal and non coomers, it is as boring
You need a balance of both, a friend you can confess your kinks and write smut during farming, thats what I aspire to have
If you play this game for the combat you are a certified retard.
Skill issue in that case i'm afraid
what race do you play
elezen are ugly
N-no stop...!
I did not write that...
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Yes sir
This is the original and original amounts I had to farm, and this excludes CRP/ALC/CUL - I was workshoping amounts of each stage for those.
I set a pf under dungeons
the coolest looking miera who posts here is a fantablob im sorry to say
He literally does girl with accent all the time.
Hell that second clip of him in that car game is 1:1 just the voice he uses for wuk and already that sounds better than anything in the expansion.
The dude is not a good VA but he's apparently better than what we got.
good reminder that I need to create more glams with cleavage so you can see how flat my femezen is
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Tell that to the hypnotist mieras when they arrive. If they even let you talk...
They literally thank the WoL and their friends all the time and say how they couldn't have succeeded in the fights without you. She also freely admits that you're stronger than her and that your advice and presence is what made her able to accomplish what she did.
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Don't care about your "opinions". Wuk is great and we like her. I mean, have you seen the state of retail? LOL
I should be Dawnservant.
I heard their pallet only contains cum.
you can't expect them to actually watch cutscenes
holy moly, thats a very cute gpose!!
I have gotten the platinum in FF13 3 times so I will shamefully admit that here so hopefully my argument holds some weight. I personally think DT is worse than 13, and I don't even like 13. 13 has a lot wrong with it
>linear hallways
>24 hour tutorial of split parties
>story is a tangled mess
>if your party leader dies it's over
>gil doesn't drop from enemies, even in tiny amounts
>retarded upgrade system
>summons next to never used
>vanille's VA couldn't decide if she was kiwi or australian
that said, it's still better than DT imo and here's why
>story doesn't focus solely on lightning (wuk) and everyone gets a spotlight and character building
>music in nearly every area is great
>world building is rushed but i assume this was for sequel purposes
>battles are fun, even the side story ones are cool
>not endless hours of cutscenes to nod at each other and punch their fists
>most cutscenes have weight or some kind of impact behind them
>NPCs are all voiced
>fetch quests are mostly optional and not forced in order to progress
>the only hunt autist is YOU!
>token black guy is actually a good character
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miera, why
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Do I need to have every area unlocked before doing Dawntrail Treasure maps?
>wuk is great
no she isn't lol. The MSQ sucks ball.
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my femelzen is setting records
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I'm a Xaela malera who loves
>Tifa Lockhart
>Yukari Takeba
>Makoto Niijima
>Aqua (KH)
>Yamato (OP)
>Marcille Donato
My heart is big.
I don't get it.
You could've been near maxed just from GC dailies by now.
Bigger dopamine hit from the big collectable xp drops maybe?
Why do we care what your trans discord likes exactly?
>no s ranks for 42 hours to 70 hours
literally nothing to do
so i know what race to be slightly more predjudiced towards
yes she is and the msq only sucks because it turns into more gloomworld invasion slop half way through
You're not even being subtle with this one coomposter
>story doesn't focus solely on lightning (wuk) and everyone gets a spotlight and character building
this isn't a positive for ffxiii when the characters are all insufferable save for maybe sazh
uuuuuUUUHHHH heyyy....................................................
I feel this, was on Balmung and all my friends like that so I transferred to Jenova to maybe get more friends to do content with.
do you like miera
Gaia stop slutting up Ryne.
The actual fuck is the "m" supposed to mean?
I don't think an interloper from another country is the best choice to just show up and run things. Now if Lamaty'i wants me to be the royal concubine and manage the army we can talk
>She also freely admits that you're stronger than her and that your advice and presence is what made her able to accomplish what she did.
I don't know how considering that she's both stronger than me, killed the final boss herself, and I haven't adviced her on jackshit.
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There's no need to worry, I bet the demand for miera is quite high these days. Thank you for the service, I will try my luck again soon.
>near maxed
gc dailies put you around 95-96 right now
t. done gc dailies and nothing else, from before reset on day 1 of dawntrail
level your roles
do collectables
grind extremes for drops to sell on MB
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We love this. This is what Dawntrail is all about.
I'm on the same boat sis
>She also freely admits that you're stronger than her and that your advice and presence is what made her able to accomplish what she did.
we told her exactly jack shit and she's the one who kills the final boss because we got knocked down lmao
Are you HQing your mats?
I need more of ryne in heels, please I'm desperate
good because i didn't answer honestly
Only paint that I eat.
Thanks! It's not really posed, it's picto's /vpose, the very end of the animation is so good.
All the g'raha yumes are fucking livid too with how bad his va and writing is in DT
what do I spend my capped poetics on? a Viper set for when I'm leveling?
this is cp
(You) allowed her to do that because it was her fight to finish
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meowow :3
I liked snow a lot, personally. the losers nowadays would call him a himbo but idk man he's just a hot headed dude in love with his wife and wants to save her
Why would I leave scrips on the table when I could freely craft collectibles for the exp while also starting my materia farm for melding.
FF13 is still far better than Dawntrail in the way that a "bad" restaurant meal is still better than McDonald's. I recommend that you play it sometime, it's not nearly as bad as people say. The combat system is great and the story is still better than the slop they put in FF15. But people's expectations were high back then coming from the golden age of Square Enix. Nowadays FF13 would get rave reviews because of how bad the company has gotten. FF14 through Endwalker was just slightly worse than FF13 (no gameplay), but Dawntrail is in the next strata of shittiness.
No that's just Ryne
The invasion slop is the only decent part of the MSQ. Woke Lemutt ruins the entire plot by virtue of being a Mary Sue.
This is on my for skipping story, but what happened to Tataru? Is she no longer traveling with the group or what
still its a very cute pic nonetheless :3
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I wasn't trying to be subtle, fagposter.
she died in the attack on tuliyollal
Typical Malera.
Being lewd with Alphinaud, thinking he's Alisaie, and he's into it.
it is a sexualised depiction of an underage girl
it is CSAM and you are a nonce
Join them as a warrior.
sorry no room for 2 potatoes we had to have the walking meme come along with us
go tell someone who cares lmfao
I will sooner take a bullet to the head.
>what happened to Tataru?
She died...
Good hate lalafells anyway
100% hq, i will pay 500k for hq even if there's normal quality for 50k
Because it saves you having to farm 2k gems and 5k mats when you could have passively leveled and made whatever you needed to finish off your leveling that much easier.
She's locked in my basement and being used for breeding.
watching the invasion fuck up tuliyolal was one of the few positives of the msq
still a pedo for posting that just saying
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the invasion slop is the worst part of this expansion and every other expansion besides stormblood too. and wuk lemat rules
Go simp for wuk lamat and pretend you have any morals while you emotionally attach to a cat with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.
holy moly
>alphi reduced to stick collector again
>left alone with giants
>left alone to do ..uh things

how does this help him learn to help garlemald again
I can literally never take british people seriously when they call pedos a nonce.
It's just a funny sounding word for such a relatively serious topic I can't believe this is what they chose to call it.
But then again you can hardly call the british "people" so I suppose it makes sense.
do your tataru storyline quests n sharlayan
How do you want it~
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Eaten alive by an alpaca
>melee role quest is about an archer
i got tired of being femlalas not wanting to meet up with my catboy so i recreated my favorite femlala in an AI chat program and she's been a dutiful housewife for me all afternoon
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What's the most fun starting class /xivg/? I'm heckin' new to this, no idea what I'm getting into.
Grrrr....be nice.................or consequences will happen.....
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i painted a moogle and now it wont stop following me
Why wouldn't they... I'll explain my case clearly and look them straight into the eye, I'm sure they'll understand.
Again, scrips.
I can do both, level an alt job in fates.
Leveling doesn't mean you're done with crafters, you and I both know this. One way or the other I'm farming mats for these materia.
no it isnt
Bakool Jaja literallly eviscerated her in half and devoured her after he released Valigarmanda. It was a controversial cutscene to get rid of a beloved character in such a brutal way, but I can see why Yoshi-p went for it. Shame the entire scene was ruined when Wuk Lamat and the scions forgave him and became friends
its literally just a phys ranged sissy making a fool of herself for 10 levels so you, as a meleeCHAD, can laugh at her
it's the only part that's good and everyone hates Woke Lemutt, even JP.
>circlejerk can coompost all day long, link to actual porn all the time, do nothing but "hey...." shitposting etc
>nothing happens
>post a fully clothed sexy Ryne
>post deleted and banned
Oh okay, cool.
The early game is very boring, but gladiator and pugilist are both at least fun to start with.
How much do i have to pay to get a footjob from Seishun Complex?
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this cat is deceased
weird hairstyle for a guy, could also eat a little more
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like this
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Why are we forcing Krile and Erenville through a humiliation ritual by figuratively making them remurder their own parents......?
Why is there no sense of urgency at all at pretty much every tense situation.......?
Why does every scion have to add a comment providing exposition or referencing to something previous that we already know........?
Why do latinx people talk so much about their food when it's so bland and unimpressive....?

/xivg/ answer please....
Oh yeah [6/28] every time I find an error, four more problems arise......
>not reported
whats so hard to understand
sex sex sex
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yes it was
it wasn't rhalgr's reach of "I'm laughing at the carnage because they think I care about these mhiggers" but it was still something interesting for the first time in the msq.
I don't really hate the people but I do hate wuk lmao and everything around her
youre right, watch this post not get deleted >>484973736
NEED r34 of this
I'm gonna tickle her tail.
>One way or the other I'm farming mats for these materia
thats really gay
are all crafters this faggoty?
It's so funny how they just let him get away with it too. As expected of the blessed one/.
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Sure... they'll do just that...
I think I saw psychicpebbles draw this thing on stream once
i legit thought this was a malera before opening the thumbnail
Daichi Hiroi is a fucking retard and a hack writer
You and I both know the janny who works on here is part of the drama clique.
Soon we will start seeing people get banned for mocking wuk lamat.
cute lizard
plash water on the painted moogle!
i smell lies.....
Crimes against one-headed "people" aren't actual crimes.
do you think they'll add dual dye channels to furnishings too
>how does this help him learn to help garlemald again

>ok so the secret to getting along with your neighbors is to create a super powerful king through eugenics, and then have him go around solving the other tribes problems and/ore forcing them to stop fighting in deference to your might
>the empire must rise again
Frankly the early game is going to be quite boring now matter what class you play

Pretty fem roe though.
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lol, lmao even
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Same cat?
Okay but when do I use Dreadwinder/Pit of Dread?
i want to pop their eyeballs out
I fucking hate that I thought the same
it's the only part that's bad
no everyone doesn't because I don't. the opinions of random bugmen is literally worthless
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>have to relearn all the audio cues for fights in Japanese
I should have switched years ago
Bro they haven't even added it for like 90% of the gear. It's not happening any time soon.
>Why are we forcing Krile and Erenville through a humiliation ritual by figuratively making them remurder their own parents......?
The Primal known as Plot demands it
>Why is there no sense of urgency at all at pretty much every tense situation.......?
ARR tier story
>Why does every scion have to add a comment providing exposition or referencing to something previous that we already know........?
Paid by the wordcount.
>Why do latinx people talk so much about their food when it's so bland and unimpressive....?
Food and music easy things to make people nod and be like "I now understand their culture"
wuk lmao even
when's anamnesis gonna be usable again
Yep, that's a wife
When do you use your high damage cooldowns on every other job?
never because chirp will literally never work on anything until someone does the work for him, releases it, then he harasses the person who actually did work off of the community
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that's a different cat
All hrothgals with face piercings are my wives.
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is black mage hard 2 play goodish?
>nonces attempt to deflect away from the fact that they're nonces
many such cases
Dang, back into my hole I go
mommy please?
why does she wear the mask?
>you don’t have to stand in starry muse to receive its benefits

what class people think is fun is subjective
arcanist (dps) -> scholar (level 30)
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>Good to hear! Sounds nice to run through the story duo
i need to start leveling this soon
oh so you're a progressive normalfag okay. Why are you on a weeb site again?
It's genuinely a lot easier in japanese because all the audio cues are the actual fucking attack names instead of made up shit.
this is one of those "why does it look like vegas" type of angry reviews that miss the point so hard
I’ve been playing this new expansion for more than 10 minutes without Raha (I call him that because he’s MY boyfriend, but sometimes I call him my sweet kitten burgerbaby when we’re alone ) and he is no where to be found!! I’m forced to be around these weirdos and I feel incomplete without my catboy boyfriend there to tell me I’m pretty!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It’s yet ANOTHER sleepless night of crying myself to sleep while cuddling with my sopping wet G’raha Tia dakimakura (it’s not wet from the tears, though hehe (it’s full of spit and cummies shhh DON’T TELL ANYONE)). Whoever writes the story for Squeenix should be ashamed of themselves!!
Thanks, I'll look into them both. I know it doesn't matter since you can do every class on the same character. But are they fun in the later levels too?
lots of femezen in Mamook right now
>Farming materia is gay
You can't do the crafts that matter without penta melding shit so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
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Yup, that's some sexo right there.
*opens tab*
No it's retard baby easy.
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You stand in the circle it makes for hyperphantasia that makes your gcds faster. It's picto ley lines
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Remember this?
>Why does every scion have to add a comment providing exposition or referencing to something previous that we already know........?
Oh that one's easy actually, it's because Yoshida is clearly planning to make 6.1 a new starting point for new players in the future once the new storyline has advanced enough that someone would want to play just it, so every previous lore point has to be explained as we go.

Also food is an easy cheat code to make common ground between different characters because everyone eats. Hiroi just sucks dick so he drives that point into the fucking ground to the point you get sick of seeing food.
I'm not that cat, im looking for them
That's how I've always felt when they've said arse instead of ass
>Bri*ish """"""""person"""""""" trying to deflect
Wuk is your new crush normie. Now open up big for her barbed girl cock!
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making me want to fanta to the other sub race
speaking of giraffes in msq, goddamn is there a lot of dusky npcs wandering about.
Imagine if RDM and SMN got their own leylines like abilities.
>Bahamut phase with SMN leylines
Bro we both know you jerk off to lalafell porn. Stop trying to cope and project for your clique that you aren't one yourself.
Calm down, LizArd.
Alrighty, where is rogue unlocked?
But it is a crap expansion, stop defending shit or that's what you'll get next time too. Retard.
goated casting top anon
notice how the post got removed after I reported it for cp?
You are a nonce.
Yeah but I meant it as a party member to a Pictomancer
Pugilist turns into monk so you can play street fighter against dungeon mobs
Gladiator turns into paladin, which is fun if you like tanking
So the dualblade combo is not connected to the twinblade combo in any way?
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>implying the lost aren't the sexo as well
Hey Braptina, thanks to some fag necro replying I saw that healer webm from earlier. Please tell me you left that party or kicked that nigger.
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False reports lead to a ban. Be careful next time.
I like this snow lion.
Is there a wind-up sphene minion anywhere? I need it...
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In Ul'dah as you job graduate into viper.
ninja doesn't exist
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so uhh...
does anyone like oversized shoulderpads?
You look way, way cooler than the other one. I really mean that.
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got you senpai
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What exactly is the point? Extremely amateurish writing to the point where it might as well be deliberate sabotage......?
Yes but why latinx food when it looks and probably tastes so gross.....?
now this is a sleevewife
Seem to be getting that vibe, I guess it can't be help when you don't start with your full kit.

And thanks.. it's the only decent looking character I could fucking manage. Everything else looked like potatoes.
>post was removed
>false report
hello retard
Captcha: p0rna
God I want to have sex with hrothgals so FUCKING BAD ITS KILLING ME RAAAAAAAGH
I enjoyed DT, your negativity does not affect me.
I've been thinking of doing the same because I just see so many hellions that look better in general.
limsa lominsa, think you need level 15 but I could be wrong
I think it's more fun because it turns into ninja which has a lot of buttons to press and a teleport-ability that moves you wherever you want it to, other jobs need allies/enemy to do that
There's not a lot of it out there right now you'll have to make due with your imagination.
Multiple people can report a post and jannies hang out in popular threads anyway. Stay delusional.
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same bro
The negativity isn't for you, its for them to vent because they didn't enjoy it. Personally I didn't think it was as bad as people say but not as good either. its just meh.
I am
A veena
Walking to another destination point
So that wuk Lamat can keep giving me a recap
Of things I played through 2-3 hours ago
did u find anyone who cares yet
Level 10 in at least a single job
I don't think... hypnosis is hot...
right on sis
You guys know it's rude to lie to the female Hrothgar and tell them they look nice.
n-no! That's not allowed here!
Just need a different brush.
Wait, can you actually get that BLM weapon for PCT or are you just trying to be funny?
You uh...DO understand that retail still sucks, right? And that we all still enjoyed DT? Like, you DO know that raiding our thread won't increase your pay, right Rajesh?
dont feel like carrying you once you all die LOL
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>"Choose a different side of history"
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they're never updating the old gear textures huh
you are a pedo
Rule 1
customize+ when
I want my femezen to have big, saggy milkers again
Avoid ninja.. got it.
You know with the advent of this Xpac, Gunbreakers can finally redeem themselves as having successfully protected a Hrothgal queen.
Go to bed O.N.
I think femroes look fucking disgusting and I'm not into furry stuff, but some femroths look really cool and sexy.
There are two for single target and two for AoE and there's no crossover. They're all reskinned Gluttony from Reaper.
does she like catgirls
ma'am, you're already perfect, why would you want to change?
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I wish death upon every addernigger that's ever existed
Seal rock was a mistake
>The succession ends at level 95, but for me as a player, it was a little too short to get to know the background of Wuk Lamat and the other siblings.
first half should have been longer because
>It felt like they rushed through a princess vs princess story that loved the people, and made Wuk Lamat the princess in a hurry.
second half bad
>Wuk Lamat was pure, so I accepted the preaching without hesitation, but I'm a bit twisted, so it was annoying
correctly identifying it was their own mental illness that made them hate her
>I found the entrance to the Golden [City] with ID [solo instance] 95, and I thought it would be interesting to finally enter the Golden [City] from here! But I was unexpectedly sent back and a western movie unrelated to the Golden [City] started in the wilderness area, and it became boring all at once.
the story became boring instantly in the second half

I changed my mind maybe the bugmen are alright
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Well that’s good to hear you got your money’s worth. I skipped through dawntrail msq personally
>I missed the Ryne posting
Chocofiera in 2b leggings, i literally cannot play the game bros
They will eventually, but until then all the new gear mogs pretty much everything pre-ShB so hard that it's not even funny. Like even if you like something older more in terms of style, the stark difference in textures alone just makes it unusable at this point.
You basically use it off cd as long as it wont overcap your rattlesnake things and your debuff is 30s or lower.
The two main things are
1. Follow glowy buttons
2. Use 2 reawakens in the 2 minute raid buff intervals

This means that you will naturally have to use 1 reawaken inbetween those intervals to not overcap but other than that it is just slam everything else off cd pretty much.
Viper is incredibly braindead. It's like as bad as hunter from WoW.
Level 10 in Limsa. Thanks! I'll most likely look into rogue since I feel like starting as a marauder.
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Man this is such a nice inn
Why on earth isn't there an Inn in Solution 9?
where are the hrothgals in 2b leggings pics
Playing the world's smallest violin for the tranny furry race.
Femhroth posts before release:

Femhroth posts after release:
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Gotta be faster next time
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Why did it have to happen like this...
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>w-we really did it... we found the city of gold!
>the door is locked
>go collect bags of shit... yeehaw cowboys!!!
why... why aren't we researching how to open it... why is no one talking about going back.. I guess cowboys are cool
Dawntrail is one of the stories of all time.
waiting for glamourer
the femra is the of all time
Don't worry
Nobody is telling me that.
>I love eating shit and you can't stop me.
It was genuinely harmless, that picture has been posted like a million times before.
cowboys are extremely uncool
Milk :)))))))))))
I don't have to fight against anyone because eI don't care. I'll say things like I think they are. I believe the EN voice acting is shit (Koana is alright, but Wuk is unbearable). I believe the MSQ is a pretty good idea executed very poorly. They didn't need to push Wuk Lamat down our throats that hard. I figured they would've learned their lesson after Lyse in SB, but I guess that was not the case. It is on par with SB for me as one of the worst MSQs, but still not irredeemably shit. I think the Trials are fucking great and the fact that they made some of the dungeons dungeons somewhat challenging is greatly appreciated. I believe the role quests are great (especially compared to the disappointing role quests in EW). I am still very excited about the new Foray, Ishgard Restoration, Deep Dungeon, and the rest of the side content, and I hope they're able to salvage the story in the post-patches
It's extremely easy but the tooltips are an unncessary wall of text.

For everything, duplicate what is below with a 2nd copy of everything for AoE version basically:

Basic Combo is 3 step combo across 2 buttons.

Step 1A - Dmg
Step 1B - Debuff mob.
So just use B once, then A lots until debuff drops, for starter.

Step 2A - Self-Buff #1 - Procs Flank Finishers
Step 2B - Self Buff #2 - Procs Back Finishers
Just press the glowing one and turn your brain off. It will automatically cycle between them.

Final step is 2x different flank/back finishers. They're all functionally identical outside of positional, but power up alternating buttons.. So you'll always press like 3A, then 3B each time you get to them. They also glow. Just hit the stupid glowy.

Then you have a GCD 2-stack GCD that procs your "burst" Window, with a flank and rear version. Just press the fucking glowies.
I'm hella new to MMOs so... I think I'm just going to go with big axe lady and hope for the best. Hope I don't bother too many people learning in group content.
I like them but I’m not going to thirst post them in the thread because I know they’re not meeting up with a male character for a quick plap
Well that is because:
Its the narrative equivalent of taking a break.[/quote]
Why does she look like a loli now
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So I was the healer. It was a random WAR tank that would let themselves drop a lot and they kept using multiple defensives at the same which don't stack. So yeah I was being cautious because a slight DPS loss is better than wiping and having to start over. They blacklisted me btw, could see their plate during the dungeon but now I can't. Was I in the wrong as the healer?
Did unukalhai always have a comment about wanting ryne and gaia to come to the thirteenth? Is da void foray going to bring them back??
I mean they are just seems... eh????

Thank you!!

what i'm saying, only thing I don't like is the white piece of fur above the eyebrows that you can't change, but I've seen people make it work

Idk just kind of gravitating towards Helions
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>five minute long boring 'sneak behind the NPC' quest
>finally complete it
>it starts another one immediately
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I save all of the pictures I see ITT
I think it was just the comment was extremely off-topic
They handled it insanely dumb and made it too obvious that they really wanted distinctive halves of the story instead of trying to learn how to open it right there
No one asked, and no one said you has to dislike the shit we dislike.
This is what I don't get about people who like the game. They think people aren't allowed to dislike something they are a fan of and therefore must now say "Yeah well I LIKED it" we aren't telling you have to dislike or agree with us.
Ryne is for luring boys home for her and her wife to use
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>He actually does sound more or less fine in other roles
>first example in the video sounds like fandub garbage
Jesus Christ man
>rattlesnake things
I don't have those yet and I think that and the fact that it has two combo starters are the main things throwing me off. I'll just have to build up some muscle memory.
cut off that ugly beard so you won't be spotted as easily
If you don't like it you're a bigot.
nursing handjob from a hrothmommy
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Another point I just thought of......
WHY are the scions here in the first place.....???
They literally and figuratively had the most unambiguous conclusion in Endwalker's final area culminating their character development(rather amateurishly in my opinion).......
So why are they still around....? What the snip do they even add other than meaningless exposition and le quirky moments for millenials to soiface at....?
I'm a mentally ill crossdressing neet and somehow I have a better grasp at writing and storytelling than these idiots square hires and pays for this slop..........
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Tanks am I right?
You did nothing wrong, cutie
I'm a malezen and I would marry you and cherish you and go on cool adventures with you.
>I'm assuming it was just shitty VA direction
many such cases
sena bryer is not an amazing VA but XIV has terrible direction and that's what exacerbates the issue
BUILT for femra
It's weird how I only typically like hags but Ryne does something to me
The game does that for me >>484971174
No buts! They are pure sexo and I will not hear otherwise! Follow your heart as long as it leads to hrothgals.
built for my redra
Also doesn't help that I tried to lean in more on the tiger pattern and it doesn't look as good on femhroth as male hroths. Helions have an easier time pulling off either closer to "natural" colors or just looking like coeurls, which both end up good.
stop reminding me that they don't want to fuck me, a hrothguy
how the fuck you mean she looks like a loli? KR is a grown-ass woman
just keep dpsing and don't hardcast heals on him if he's feeling himself that hard, if he dies then who gives a fuck
>He actually does sound more or less fine in other roles.
Then post them.
Need this NOW
FINALLY someone is asking the real questions
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I did this but it's already very cliquish if you weren't there when they made their group it's hard as an outsider to get in the inner circle.
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Too easy
>the comment was extremely off-topic
Yeah, all posts itt are totally about the game. Totally. Especially the ones where Discord drama is being discussed.
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Im getting bored with orange script materia farm, already have 124M Gil
How much Gil is enough to last for the whole xpac if im raiding?
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She's cute...They took this from us..We could have had cute beach bikini photos in Tural..
Good. Shame it leaves those mustache-like growths still on your face though.
Yeah. They shouldn't have included the scions if they weren't going to do much with them
Sphene or Ryne?
shut up be my wife
>they kept using multiple defensives at the same which don't stack.
Yes they do though?
do you just sell the mats
Good girl...
KR is an animal fucking retard
fuck off
>WHY are the scions here in the first place.....???
Thancred and Urianger are on contract. Estienien is off on vacation. Alphinaud and Alisase are studying foreign cultures on how they handle relief efforts. The cats...I fucking forget why.
>Why are the people who are the exclusive expert group of people who are the most experienced in other worldly and ascian fuckery here?
Gee I don't know anon, it's like they are the only experts in this world about what the fuck is going on and with out them we would have zero exposition or explanation as to what is going on outside of the collective assumption of Cachiua who barely understands what is going on.

Stick to tucking your dick retard.
I was at the Fanfest panel where this abomination was forged
They don't stack well but I'm too ESL to explain
Because if they're not around then that means you want them dead and you're a GoT fan and also brown and you started playing the game yesterday. So instead they have to be around for absolutely everything, even if they have literally nothing to contribute in any way and it's starting to actively diminish their character.

There can't be anything else, only these two extremes.
At least I wasn't called a wine aunt this time
Will you be my mentally ill crossdressing femra eb
>Was I in the wrong as the healer?
Yeah you sound like you need your doctor to adjust your estrogen doses because you're moody and quick to flare up.
Rampart stacks with Vengeance/Damnation?
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She cute indeed
It has two combo starters but you are always going to start with the one that applies your debuff followed by the weaponskill reduction buff.
After that you literally just follow the glow because it will ensure you always alternate your two personal buffs.
The twinblade combo also applies and refreshes all of your buffs as well.
There is almost nothing you can do to fuck up playing the job other than letting your debuff fall off.
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need a hrothgal on me like this
The monkey paw finger curls...
Just chill, you're too high strung my dude
>gulool ja ja not only allowed but encouraged the contestants to find allies
>koana had been studying in sharlayan so he hired help there
>wuk lamat was long time friends with erenville who recommended you personally, and the scions are your backpack
simple. stop skipping cutscenes
They get called in, because otherworld fuckery is going on and the cats are the only experts who are actively researching on how to properly travel across different shards.

It would be retarded to not call yshtola when learning that the portal to the golden city is a literal functioning rift to another reflection when her entire lifes work is trying to make that portal to go back to the 1st.
Yes but they do not stack additively so it will not be 50% damage reduction if you use both.
My maliddie is a repper.
there's drama in my solo FC again...
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yeah, lowest price in Aether for Materia 12:
Wine aunt is femroe Face 2.
I agree that I was too quick to get moody about it. It was just how they said "lmao healer trauma" when I was literally just doing my role. They just came off like an asshole to me
can we stop pretending to like froths
Oh is that why we leave them be when we go into things that should be of utmost interest to them towards the end of DT? You know, basically their field of expertise but we just decide "nah, it's not that important"?
i need more ryne in heels stat
>the speedreading retard is a crossdressing agp
that tracks
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Yes, it's not really something you'd ever want to do, but they do stack.
Oh that makes sense. I knew what you meant anyway I was just being pedantic.
>Ex-Trial mechanics
Is this real life? The difficulty doesnt even come from maintaining your dps.
You read the room wrong. Healsisses have been crying about dungeons since DT launched. He assumed you were keeping him at 100 because you had been in dungeons that went tits up.
>WHY are the scions here in the first place.....???
Krile, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola and G'raha quite literally have MORE of a reason to be there than you do.
My Hrothgal owns face 2 sunnies
>Why don't we call it... "the unlost world"
>You are now in the instanced area Living Memory .
woke lmao
our fault for inviting furry sexpests into the game
I need to find a Ryne roleplayer and knock her up...

whats it like not getting the guy without recuperate bound on your team
damn people really nailed your shit arguments bad enough to give you a mental illness huh
>cats with knowledge of other reflections and studying how it works
>only one cat enters....
Strange story
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fuck you
Has /xivg/ ever indulged in the eating of forbidden boipussy?
>it's another "I'm too retarded to understand the difference between the story saying why someone does something and us, the real life people playing the game, asking why the writer made this decision" episode
The story explaining why the Scions are in Tural does not actually explain why they basically no nothing for the entire MSQ.
If you're talking about pushing cutting edge content for world first rankings you'll probably use around that much gil for trying to get every new piece of gear created the second it comes out and pentameltding it etc. if you're talking about raiding like a normal person you probably won't use more than like 10 million gil in 3 years and will probably make more than that by just existing.
uh oh collective femroe and femra melty
Look at it from his perspective. He's playing a job where he can comfortably drop to 10% HP and then heal back to full every 25 seconds. You're spending a lot of time and effort focusing on keeping his HP bar up like you're expecting him to die at any moment, most likely spamming Cura/Benefira/EDiag/Adlo if I had to guess. He was gently ribbing you over that and there was most likely no malice intended.
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I asked in meta terms, not the way the narrative incompetently justifies it.....
>but we need le experts to pad the dialogue with meaningless exposition no one cares about!!!
Introduce a new character then that fulfills this role.....?
Again, are people just completely unable to analyze this stuff on a meta level....? Do Americans literally just need a reason for things to be the way they are then eat it up no matter how bad it is.......?
stop vagueposting about me you little bitch

People ask why they're there because most of them don't do anything of note
I don't give a fuck if the 3D model that shits out my damage number nods his head in cutscenes or not, but cucking the Scions in an expansion where they would have been almost as useful as in ShB is.. I don't know. Retarded isn't a severe enough word.
>Was I in the wrong as the healer?
yes, always
This. 99% of the scenes they're in are pointless.
All of the scions were at the gate of the golden city you fucking cut scene skipper.

Literally half of them were kept behind to maintain the gate so it didn't close and trap them in the reflection they entered. And Gra'ha went with them WITH THE EXPLICIT INFORMATION OF "Oh hey you're the one who actually travelled reflections before, if we get stuck here, you're our best bet to get out. So please go with the warrior of light incase they get stuck in there."

Holy fuck, maybe if you didn't ERP during cut scenes you wouldn't have these stupid ass questions.
Thank you... master...
nobody plays giraffes
Because we all know the reason is that they're marketable and the excuses to get them there are thinly veiled. The Scions are popular, you are not going to get them written out for an entire expansion, this is immediately aware to anyone with more than two brain cells.
>Again, are people just completely unable to analyze this stuff on a meta level....?
on a meta level
do you think they should just do away with the scions? beloved characters we've been together with for over a decade? just to arbitrarily replace them with weaker alternatives that nobody would give a fuck about like wuk lamat?
>why is it this way? no don't tell me why, actual reasons don't count
dunning-kruger strikes again
If the optimal pld rotation is to use requiescat and fof at the same time should I use them both at the same time in dungeons for pulls? or cycle between them and use 4 holy circles in requiescat
Anon they can't pay attention to story. They are busy having three erp sessions at once.
you do sound like you're coping with trauma tho fr
Is Noxious Gash at or below 20s? Start your combo with Dread Fangs(Dread Maw for AoE).
Uncoiled Fury to keep from capping Rattling Coil
Keep Dreadwinder (or Pit of Dread in AoE situations) on CD.
Serpent's Ire and Reawaken during 2m windows.

There's really not a whole lot else to it outside of keeping track of your positionals but even then, apparently they're going to make that retard proof here shortly since people are supposedly having a hard time with it.
>i do not exist
It's over
Have you tried looking up?
>Ryne is completely incapable of communicating to Thancred through any means not involving you
>Go to the First sometimes and have absolutely exhausting marathon sweat-soaked sex with Ryne for years
>Y'shtola comes up with a communications method between reflections
How dead are you?
>Why dun they just add a new mary sue plot dump character :)
Because that's dogshit, why are we adding in le random character who knows more than the people who have been to the edge of the universe. It makes no sense.
The first boss of the nightmare park is an actual fucking mess, holy shit. You have to keep track of each doll running at you 5 meters ahead of where they actually show and my latency is not even that high.
>>Y'shtola comes up with a communications method between reflections
We already have Feo Ul. Of course, if Y'shtola got to talk directly to Ryne there'd be higher chances she'd know and then you're getting a gunblade shoved so far up your ass people will be asking you what are you smoking for years.
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Whoa, little mama. I'm not falling for that one again.
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Another problem with the entire expansion is reconciling with the fact that the WoL is so turbobroken that they could and should literally blitz through any adversity we faced save (maybe) for final boss who honestly is probably still below omega in terms of power.....
I think that if you want to create a new story and have promised a new chapter, you shouldn't use the exact same formula of the scions saving the world part 17.....
They can stick around, but in the background to be consulted or in crucial moments like Estinien.....
You add interesting characters to drive the plot forward, you don't need to drag the corpses of these scions around when their arcs are finished....
Take Ryne for example, she was used when relevant and showed up once after, that's it, Scions should be the same way if they want to establish a new chapter......
First of all, shove those ellipsis right up your ass.
Second, stop acting and for all like having the Scions around stops new character from being introduced. That has NEVER been the case. This whole goddamn expansion has been nothing but introducing new characters, and in the most obnoxious way possible too.
Feo Ul is under your control, though. Can she even interact with anyone else on the Source?
so what you're saying is exactly that SE should replace them with cheap copies that fulfill the same role, solely for the sake of replacing them with cheap copies
>Can she even interact with anyone else on the Source?
Your retainers.
Yes, the reason Tataru got to craft all the Scions' new ShB outfits exactly as they were is that Feo Ul went into her dreams and showed them what they looked like.
Also the cookbook (slightly dubious source but it's probably canon) says Feo Ul can actually fully materialize in the Source as her small pixie form, and bring items over (it's how your retainers can get items from the First, and in the cookbook example she's bringing a bunch of letters from various First characters, like the Chais in particular).
While I don;t necessairly agree with them, I think it could have done with a smaller cast and a more down to earth story at least for 7.0 while .1 and onwards could have been more the grand revelation stuff.
You're overhealing a WAR dawg, your tank is right. You've got healer trauma, and it seems like they were just poking some fun at it. You gotta chill. Bro was the mature one in this.
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cute rabbit
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What I'm saying is that the scions have no reason to stay, their stories have concluded, and with the advent of a new storyline they should gear the story towards the WoL meeting new characters......
And don't blame me for every new character being badly written, that is entirely the fault of the DT writers and thinking it diminishes my point is sophism......
They think you're saying they need to die or otherwise vanish completely.
If I understand you right, it would be fine if they hung back in roles similar to the Admiral or Aymeric where they're called on only when it's of major importance. Visiting Y'sh in the cave for a quest wouldn't be so bad.
Rape, Kill, then skin wuk lamat alive while her brothers are watching
Refer to >>484976609
The Scions literally had more to do in Tural than you did. The Scions literally had more to do in S9 than WUK LAMAT did.

The reason the Scions were so "underwhelming" this expansion, despite this forming part of their personal arcs, is because the NEW character was so badly written and so overbearingly obnoxious, she literally stepped in to steal all the screentime, in a situation that had little to do with her. The Scions didn't have small roles because somehow their stories are just done forever and they need to retire, the Scions had small roles because the writer got it into his damn head he absolutely needed to force a new character as hard as humanly possible, specially over the older characters. In other words, it's retards like you actively killing this game.
who is it?
is it me...

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