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Previous: >>484963008

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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>roll ellen
>instantly see miyabi part in the stroy
>regret roll
I want her to rim me
Just roll her too. She's not next, so it's not impossible.
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what exactly is appealing about miyabi? shes just Ayaka
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shark already... please...
they are both ice DPS
I just finished the belobog storyline, when do I get to the maid girls?
how do you break the armor of the rock dog faster?
Why are these characters underaged?
Chapter 3
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she's is beautiful and strong
Use Wolf Man
>the wwg schizo is making threads for zzz now
why can't that fucker fuck off for good
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What did she mean by this?
all the fat goes to her tail
He's been going schizo in /hsrg/ with his /srg/ shit since a year ago
And a lesbian
when are we getting the idol lolis?
>hit pity for sharkmaid 50/50
>griefed by a fucking cat
hammerhead shark
>all males are voiced by one guy
>try hard female voice actors
Downloading jp right now. It better be good.
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Only Belle matters.
stay banned, furfaggot
They put her yes on the side of her head like a chameleon. Chameleons are cool.
So what’s with the housekeeping maids and butler? Are they just a mercenary group with a gimmick or some rich guy’s private enforcers?
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It is a mystery.
How will you react if they release more furry 5 stars
get back to work, wise
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Belle is into that kind of thing huh
Is post-30 gameplay just spamming trust events? It doesn't seem like there's much in the way of actual missions.
You see how much she needs to move when fighting? She doesn't need more exercise as long as she's working at Victoria's
Sid looking ass.
So do we have to go on dates with Ellen or not?
btw why are we split in two threads?
>generic katana chick #8542
>eyes wide apart

lol ok
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Canonically incorrect
Nyo. You have to meet characters in the main story before you can
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>get to endgame
>suddenly the game is fun
Dodge DPS are retarded
>can't daze shit
>do no damage because of that
What kind of game design is that?
Please be a cute loli furry fox girl.
(unfinished) List of canonically lesbian characters
Zhu Yuan
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wincest bros... we might have a problem...
the other one was vandalized by the wuwa schizo
somebody is trying to force /zzzg/ instead of /zzz/ because of autism
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finally played enough of the story and now I have everyone I want, just waiting for the idols and qingyi now
The nipple slip made me kek
Because we do not appease schizo saboteurs.
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can't tell if Belle is the bigger brocon or Wise is the bigger siscon...
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>this is ugly according to /zzz/
you didn't have to call out neko like this anon
ZZZbros what are the cardinal sins of currency mismanagement?
I want to roll on shark but don't know if I should dump Polychromes on her.
Bellesisters... are we cucks?
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Fat Siamese cat
Real thread here
painfully generic
Show her in-game model.
he's right, /zzzg/ is better.
i didn't say anything i prefer lolis
He just said that to make her Jealous so she would suck his cock extra hard that night
Wise is the bigger siscon but also a simp
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my gorgeous jade like beauty wife miyabi
They're going to be good earlygame because you can't build two full teams for chain attacks to have maximum effectiveness. At least, that's how it was in the beta.
When does Shiyu Defense reset? There's no timer...
What's the Tectone drama? Did he finally call Mtashed out for being an annoying grifter?
I'm starting to think that Mihomo can't make a decent Yamete Nakadashi iaido girl be appealing
4 letter generals just don't sit right with me
level 27 here, the game is good
>Wise is a simp
That's why I pick female protagonists only.
just never spend polychromes on the standard banner rolls, they're meant for limited banners since you will lose 50/50s and gain standard characters over time anyways
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>ZZZ is flopi-ACK
Can't wait to see July revenue pvp. Especially with how poorly wuwa does in cn and japan.
Why is Wuwa obsessed with this game? Couldn’t beat Genshin even on their dead patches huh?
you're fine to use polychrome on her bwo
just don't use polychrome on standard banner (the one with 300 selector)
I won't give a shit because not giving a shit is free and I like free shit
Roll for who you like, end of
Can someone explain the logic of this game?
So ok, we are a PROXY, we don't personally engage with monsters we hire agents to do that and we are just a middle man communicator.

But why the fuck are we playing as characters aimed to kill shit when that isn't us.
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Would you?
Belle in JP dub says daisukidayo onii-chan

Also dunno where you've been but china has a collective hateboner for this game right now
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What's the viability of a team with only little girls? This is vital for me deciding if I will play this game.
shark is the best DPS in the game by a huge margin. she also has the best team mates in the game currently. if you like her, you can safely roll for her. pity carries over so if you don't get her you aren't wasting anything.
Every content cockroach is shitting on ZZZ
But normal people agree that it's the best or second best hoyo game
WuWa will have done better in global as the west is really hungry for a non genshin and ZZZ filters everyone for the first act
is floating maid gameplay just tag in and then immediately tag out again
after you clear it you unlock the next mode that resets in 6 days
>good earlygame
A lot of cope, every on-field DPSkek will leave next week as realization will hit them of the brick
Mmmm nyo
Who's her love interest?
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I HATE katanas
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why though ? I saw the KFC memes but why ?
is there any reason to save the boocoins for rolling, it's a permanent banner right
It's pretty viable. Keep playing, shounenGOD
6 kids.
shes a support gro
>unlock bangboo banner
>roll 10
>oh its its fking gold bros!

Why can't it be like this in the character banner...
They have high Anomaly application
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Roll for her
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damn the new zone that opens up at 30 is pretty big. also check it, you can customize materials farming to get whatever you need
>Especially after walking it off along the beach after dinner
Jesus Christ they are 100% fucking
every character you currently have will be benched within 2 months bro that's just how these games go
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What is she scrolling?
>t. autist
Would you prefer if it was an RTS and you just told your agents what to do?
either i wont roll or i will paint my walls white with cum
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How is the highest production quality game ive played in the past years on PC be a fucking gacha game?
I can only assume the games super short for now
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no female furries allowed, you'll only get generic anime girls with animal ears or tails
What bangboo do I get if my teams are Ellen/Oni/Wolf, Rina/Anby/That kino guy from Belobog?
they will be like elfs in HI3 and eventually be powercrept. you might want to hold onto enough to guarantee a new one when it releases. other than that get whatever one matches your main DPS.
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>model type b
>rush to get the first katana in the game
>max dex
>light roll
Yep it's gaming time
>I dont like that there isnt any jumping in this game
How is this is not a stupid statement
>people are starting to figure out piper is secret meta.
Took em long enough to figure out anomaly.
Yanagi, Miyabis autism makes her like pinks with big breasts
Piper + Lucy has a reasonable claim to being one of the best teams in the game right now, but for now you will have to team them up with Soldier 11 because there is no third little girl to set enemies on fire
If you're not gonna use
I'll just bump it and force you tards to recycle it later.
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Crystal cafe and lowcow dot farm.
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I love Anby so much
isn't her tail supposed to be lower:?
big onii-chan cock threads
Anyone else listening to the universal audio files form the Hollow Zero? Because I refuse to believe this isn't voiced by AI. Fucking cheapskates.
Rollable furry girl when?
it's a rogue like and can reuse content to save it's budget for cutscenes instead of hand crafting areas you only visit once
Fuck off retard
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Mihomo has a trillion dollars and has the pick of the litter for the most talented coders and game devs China and Asia has to offer
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Thank you for the spoonfeed, zenbros!
I actually already got a Lycaon too, assuming he's one of them. So I'll keep going for her.
>want to roll for her but don't have the furry
>by the time I get him with pity both of them will be power crept
it's over
fuck off already retard
That's an error in some art, it makes her have no ass
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We humble denizens of /zzz/ will fight back against your malicious behavior.
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this thread
hi anon
Is that from CBT or just some fanmade render?
I'm starting to think Miyabi will be 1.2 or 1.3 and Ellen is gonna get powercrept already, did I get baited in rolling for her?
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I played Genshin with standards+C6 Ganyu for 2 years
She was my only limited SSR, and i still cleared Abyss 12 full stars
the only problem so far with this game is the bear and the dog attracting raging homos. if they can minimize those designs in the future we’ll be in a good spot
Give it up wuwajeet, you couldn’t beat Genshin. You lost.
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>people still discussing metafagging on a game they also claim is too easy
Just play who you like bwo
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isn't only the one mode a roguelite? and there are some zones that are unique still
>C1 Grace from the interknot level 20 rolls
should i just fucking reroll? getting a duplicate s rank this early on feels so bad. i want more team comp options not bigger numbers on the most boring fucking s rank in the game
your thread is dead mole
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he should be S tier
Solo dps "teams" were unironically good because of how retarded the material costs become post-40. Unless they eased up the grind, you cannot build two fully functional teams before Shiyu Defense resets.
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>mtash hates the game
>Plays it for hours on end

Is he hate playing or something?
I unironically love this phenotype
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So it's like "tutorial" MoC? And the Hollow Zero is SU?
>>twitch rewards don't let you play the game while listening to a streamer play alongside you
>>you have to actually watch it
>What the fuck
What are you talking about?
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Bwos what team for Ellen. No I'm not gonna roll for the furry, I'm still rolling for Ellen's w engine.
only because it specifically goes against the prescribed mono meta

render she was wearing an actual thong in CBT
I don't remember this cutscene
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Just got the spooky hag maid as my second S chararacter on the standard banner.
She's the one I wanted the most.
Now I have to find her a good weapon ball though.
At least the robots went full robot.
literally me
Mihoyo is currently not just one of the highest worth video games but one of the highest worth companies of all time
Da Wei is literally top 10 world's richest people
The amount of money spent on development and marketing for this game eclipses many Western AAA titles because the West doesn't really view video games let alone mobile video games very seriously whereas mobile video games have been the hottest thing in Asia and especially China for the past decade.
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depends on how wild her pubes are
Are we rolling chat? I think I will
If that was the case her other hand would be somewhere else.
anby and oni
>every character you currently have will be benched within 2 months
if they go the HSR way where every DPS is based on gimmicks (DOT, hitting threshold to oneshot adds, sucking SP, buffing follow ups etc.)
Every single DPS released in 1.X Genshin is still viable and got major support (Hu Tao, Childe, Xiao, Ganyu, even Klee)
Based on the kits I see in ZZZ it's more likely to go Genshin's way unless they hyper inflate HP values
he's literally me..
>c6 ganyu
hell yeah bro i too like playing royal guard dante!
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Male characters in general shouldn't exist in gacha games at all.
Sounds good enough for me to give it a shot then. Thanks.
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I would say no, because (a) shark maid is cooler than fox girl with sword #39518, and (b) units are more than an element and a number, you can do some fun stuff with her dash since it slows down time
okay thanks
but it seems like the tail is coming out of her back
Furry helps but isn't 100% mandatory imo
His main purpose is to help quickly build Stun and his EX Special reduces target's Ice RES by 25% which definitely helps Ellen's DPS but ultimately she still shits out a lot of damage on her own if built properly and as long as she's keeping Ice stacks up
>highest production quality
I can't believe found a way to make me play furry shit.
he's literally me
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She's pretty cute
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which one if i want shark girl? or alternatively thats good for anby
thanks, I was waiting for an image like this
So this is what a female smellfag looks like
>units are more than an element and a number
Atatck units are not, especially in Shiyu.
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Why are there so many BA fags here? Don't they hate hoyo?
they reuse the tile set for each zone and everything else is TV's, while each overworld is super detailed but self contained and full of NPC interactions
it brings money and viewers in. samething with genshin at this point with most streamers
>So it's like "tutorial" MoC? And the Hollow Zero is SU?
anyone PLEASE
who is this?
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be honest with me.
is my nigga billy good? i got his engine
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Not beating the incest allegations
Looking to put together a B Team but dont have Lucy. How is Nicole, Neko and Piper?
Genshin was an outlier wrt powercreep in a gacha, and that's changed recently, and they're encouraging horizontal investment now, much to the consternation of shitters
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butler is good if you don't have it yet because it's universal, the others are for min maxing
>wuwanigger thinks he can do anything to our general
you lost already pajeet
When can I begin to ignore the main story? I just got to Soldier 11's character story but I just want to farm materials and drives.
Fuck off hig, No one likes your kind here.
/hig/ is the worst general in this board.
shark one is a no brainer for ellen, idk about rest of them
It's his job.
Of course he's going to keep doing it even though he hates it.
get shark for Ellen
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She's with PubSex
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is he still getting filtered or did he manage to mash through it?
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ok cool but who's the obligatory legslut twink of zzz?
based and enjoy the vacation
why do people never talk about her? Is she not an important character in the story?
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c1 Nicole nice
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nevermind I just got this girl
which one for her bros?

I don't see that one from the free selector thing from the 1$ bundle...
Shark or Butler for first team, both are good
Electromancer for second team
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Piper feels like a stronger 5 star than grace desu
Can you make the guy black please
Go Anby Neko Piper for a budget Shock + Assault Disorder team. Piper wants a Daze unit so she can spin freely.
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My game doesn't seem to have this tutorial
Can the guy who posted this screenshot or anyone else tell me where the fuck it can be seen?
are her legs amputated?
Am I only supposed to use skills when I have energy? I don't understand how it works please explain.
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Ok. I can play the game now.
hopefuly no boys in shorts this time
>This is the last shark sex I'll be able to make in a very long time
Where are you going bro?
This will be the brick effect/hyperbloom of snooze in a year.
Phaethon sounds like a made-up name you give someone because you lied about having a son and they ask you their name so you panic and think of "Phil" or "Nathan" but it just comes out as "Phaethon" when you blurt it out.
based but the guy should be black
bro your /hsrg/?
Wise should be jailed for abusing his sister.
>Got Neko and then I got her weapon 20 pulls on standard later
how do I play her properly just dodge tank or stun first and then spam her skill?
Shounen artstyle so no twinks.
You get ikemen and twunks at worst.
Appreciate it anon
how are you suppose to order your team dps in front or back?
Do you guys think Belle walks around in a t-shirt+panties in front of Wise after they close the shop for the night?
why are you like this
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are you rollan for Zhu? only other Ether in the game besides Nicole so she's goign to be very very valuable
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Thats kinda gay
Where the fuck did this come from? This is usual hsr/wuwa invasion. Are those BA fags here in this room with us?
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post chink/nip tierlist
I don't trust prydwen
The first gap in progress seems to be from 25~30? What do besides refresh energy for xp
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No clue but I NEED to stick my dick in there
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What's a good team for Koleda or Lucy in general? I know rina anton is good but i wanna use those two more
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I will save for this petite woman!
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1.1 beta leaks fucking when
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Tv is just the main quests puzzles, proxy being a cheerleader guider for others who seek help from them is kind of like Sensei, the modern urban fantasy setting, the furries, everyone being divided between clubs/factions of a handful of characters. But really these are all superficial, because most BAfags would never touch any other gacha seriously if it contained playable males.
>defaced OP
don't be a retard
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they come off so she can't run away
Koleda Lucy Piper
Australia. Not even kidding.
Its Python (the coding language) but spelled silly. Like your name being Georgia, but spelling it Jorja or similar.
Its all very silly anyway, you should stop treating the incest twins as anything but jokes when their account gets deleted because they plugged a USB with a script kiddie's code into their main system with zero protection
her tits got nerfed so now she only properly exists in fanart and AI sloppa
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I'm sorry anon, you're gonna have to use the BEAR.
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Nicole cosplayers are a blessing!
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Manifesting Lycaon on my next 10 pull
Best fire team atm is Soldier 11 Koleds Lucy
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waterkuma can draw twinks
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someone posted this a few threads ago
>Fail shinryu S rank
>switch support to lucy
>get S rank with 1 minute to spare
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>All these normalfags bashing on the game and repeating the same jokes 100 times when mocking it
Can't wait for them to do a complete 180 in a couple of months like with every Hoyo release
Phaethon sounds like a made-up name you give someone because you lied about having a son and they ask you their name so you panic and think of "Phil" or "Nathan" but it just comes out as "Phaethon" when you blurt it out.
dont have piper sadly
That's fine. Bear nigga is fun
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For me, it's this girl
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The void hunters remind me a little bit of something like the white whistles from made in abyss. Shame this game will never have someone as based as bondrewd
Can I play this game on a phone? I don't want furryshit on my pc.
the one you get from the web event is her best cope option iirc
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How's the pandering in this game compared to other homoslop?
I'm not going to follow a gacha game with mid combat without some ML.
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What even is Edge difficulty?

Do NOT go AFK on the H.D.D. screen

You have been warned!
Oh damn, have fun and stay safe bro. Don't let the roos get you
Yay Lucy art
how do i skip to evening if i can't rest?
This is stil the funniest thing about the game, the two most famous elite hackers got bodied by a retard.
Phaethon, in Greek mythology, the son of Helios, the sun god, and a woman or nymph variously identified as Clymene, Prote, or Rhode
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These are for Anby, Nicole, Corin and Billy, in that order. She can't use any of them because they aren't Anomaly.
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I'm sure once I get Ellen's wengine she'll start showing me the respect I deserve
isnt there still chapter 3
There are missions that only appear at certain times of day, also don't forget about the primer or hollow zero. You can make it to 30 without waiting for dailies, but you gotta clean up everything.
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>should i just fucking reroll?
You're one step closer to sex tho
oh okay, so demara is anby right? If so I'll get that, she's my fav of the team
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>just unlocked rally commissions
>have even more fun

why didn't they put this earlier in the game
I got Rina. Is she good?
>10 Reasons I don't care about CC 2,323 quitting ZZZ
most abyss stages are edge difficulty, there's a speedometer on the stage description all the way red. You can repeat them to farm this commission
She's an android.
going by the order of drip marketing for launch she'll be the first 1.1 banner, she will be the first banner I roll on
Spinning girl is t0
I will not elaborate
I like her legs but besides that nothing, I hate katanas and general weeb shit with a passion and it's the last thing I want in this game.
she will always look at you disappointed and you WILL enjoy it
No, I won the 50/50 on Ellen so I'm saving for Miyabi now, might 50/50 on Sparkle if Miyabi isn't 1.2.
If we are talking purely meta i think Zhu is a much smarter roll than Ellen, but this game is boring so I only dick pull.
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you already know the answer to this
If you're into incest and NPCs it's pretty alright on that front, nothing that big yet still. Like there's some playful line choices you can do with most characters but it doesn't really add much for pandering
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>Corin bottom tier
Life is so unfair. Thanks bros.
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Will I brick my account if I can't get to 30 before the weekly reset?
I'm pretty sure you get Anby's for free already in the tutorial, so I wouldn't do it. I'd get Nicole's instead as she's probably the best unit in the group.
>bear bigga can't even run
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What species is this guy

anyone else have hidden inputs??
Do a story hard mode for primogems
If you done all already you're fucked you have to clear a story need again eithout rewrads or spend stamina
I will now whale for your game
Oh I thought the post didn't go through, mb
Who will be good with the Chinese cop?
Rina Grace one tier up
Then it's accurate
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yes, I meant more 30-34 because there's another level gate before chapter 3 begins
I'm convinced they either wanted to filter people immensely hard or the designer in charge of earlygame pacing was retarded
This game has more content on launch than Genshin has currently
Jannies are fucking dead.
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Why does everyone love Ellen?
i see thanks
the robocunny cop coming out the patch right after hers of course
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Corin seems broken though
She's actually really good if you have Lycaon, her multipliers are insane, higher than Ellen's.
she nas puffy nipples
Did anyone else notice how when you're using kmb controls you can also swap characters (when the bar pops up) by pressing q or e? I sometimes use that instead of mouse button
yes, bricked account, permanent damagio
i love goth bitches and as that other anon said huge nipples n boobs
There goes the ad revenue
she's meta
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Alright so I've finished the Chapter 2 - Intermission and done Anby's Commision.
I'm sweet to just chill from now on and get to 34 casually?
Ah, here's the "this garbage character is actually 'le highest potential' slop that everyone was shilling about Dan Heng 4* in hsr. Classic coping retards.
genshin literally has hundreds of hours of stuff to do
The problem is I'm not willing to watch it to find out if it's satire or not.
she's perfectly usable
Yes as long as your phone isn't a toaster.
I like girls with a resting bitch face.
Assault is a strong status but Grace applies status better and has crazy goo range.
Name them
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so is the New Eridu Police department like a HK pre china reference? White UK person is the boss while the lackeys are native chinese.
who is a good third for grace / rina ?
i got lucky and have both of their weapons
That's a bit of an overstatement
im getting both
how important is ellens w engine
i would rather just roll for more ellens
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I don't like bitch mode default characters usually but I like her. I think it works with the shark girl maid thing. It's a fun design. She's also very fun to play and has a great ass.
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I'm having fun bros
honeymoon period over yet?
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Rate my team /zzzg/
Still need 80 rolls for Elen pity
Touch my tail?
Ah, from the stock up event you mean?
why does she have br*asts
first 5 star
Made the normie cucks get angry because she is underage with erotic nipples exposed.
I'm not saying she's the best DPS in the game but she's perfectly fine
not my type i prefer flat girls
>took all the way to 90 to get a 5*
>but won the coin flip and got shark maid to go with puppeteer maid and m3 chainsaw maid
brofam i already have aniki at c5 and got hits w-engine
what do
Ellen's M1 is a nice QoL upgrade. Ellen's W-Engine is a massive damage increase that can be used by ANY ice DPS. the choice should be obvious
Ok, no problems then.
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Don't fall for the 1.0 meme. This isn't the first rodeo with Mihoyo.
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>hurricane making its way to my state
Probably not gonna be on for a few days because the wind will fuck with my power bwos...
I'll be missing my dailies
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There will probably be more story stuff later on but for now yeah we're good to relax. Make sure you do Grace's agent story too.
Gonna take this opportunity to build up both teams for Shiyu. Ive been leaning very hard into making all 3 characters level 40 with level 40 W engines until now
She works on my machine, you just have to set her up with a stun unit and run Nicole to gather enemies for the buzzsaw.
mihoyo has so much money that they started funding hospitals and nuclear reactions
missed a spot janny
Funny because QQ turned out to be exactly that
yes as we all know how diffocult it is to find slut girls these days
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I want the loli cop to show me the meaning of police brutality~!
i'm collecting all the maids
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belle is so lucky...
Give me your account I will do your dailies for you bro
Kill yourself
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Rip. You might as well just drop the game at all if you're gonna miss its peak era. In a month this game will be unpopular and irrelevant.
Will ZZZ ever be successful?
>boss is a former hero and "grass roots" favourite who has been corrupted by the political game
>The police force are more interested in cracking down on mercs and proxies indiscriminately than actual crime even though proxies fill a need the police force cannot
>Public funding being used for promotion campaigns and pay offs rather than for the good of the city
Smells like China to me
what happens at 30?
she's the xiangling of this game and you will regret badmouthing our fofo in the future
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Why are you supposed to reach level 30 before monday? I just unlocked the thing during which you meet the Ayaka
Bro,shounen has twinks galore
to me it is i love it so far
wtf do i do with an e6 anton

I have him with Rina and Lycaon but I'm not sure if he's better than my e1 corin? Also have e1 piper but idk
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>luciana de montefio
>dressed in pickelhaube
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>Make sure you do Grace's agent story too
Yea I'll check that one out too thanks, but feeling a bit burnt out with it right now and don't really want to play if after grinding for 10+ hours or whatever.

Although feeling inspired to start a CK3 incest game and name all my sons Wise and daughters Belle
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waterkuma saved ZZZ
prove me wrong
>she's the xiangling of this game
I really hope so, or like Benny.
me on the left
I’m at 100 rolls on the permanent banner. How many 5* should I have?
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No dessert until you finish your broccoli, anon.
me on the left
>thicc cop calls Qingyi "senpai" and listens to her orders and praises her
>also treats her like a child and throws her around whenever she acts inappropriately
cute relationship. Its like the hard boiled detective who doesnt care about the rules and the newbie stickler but actually genderbent thoughtfully
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>juicy ass
>cannot workout or her legs explode, which means you will spend weeks or months convincing her so you can feel her thighs later

whats there not to like?
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Kiana, the protagonist and Herscher of Finality destined to decide the fate of the world
Paimon (Onahole Kiana), the faithful yet mysterious companion of the 4th descender, destined to decide the fate of the world
March (Pink Kiana), the cute yet mysterious companion of the trailblazer and the nameless, destined to play a key role in the war between the Aeons.
>wuwaggot spamming his shitted porn
bros mad his game is dead
She ran away from home
I don’t know but when do I get to roll on this cop lady
Mihoyo is based as fuck for pandering to yurifags!
>belobog arc with two giant construction robots fighting one another
...after you go through 5 layers of RNG and roll all of her eidolons and give her a 5* light cone and have two 5* supports buffing her.
uhh, advertisers?
This must be Kiana related somehow.
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he sure did
You put him on a team with Piper, he shocks the enemies, then she spins and triggers Assault+Disorder and they explode
i hope they change it to qingyi
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Explain this
Anby and Soldier 76 are both clones with mysterious pasts so who knows.
I do think the focus towards Anby especially early on was 100% as some sort of emergency lean away from Nicole because chink execs couldnt handle her tits
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the law
alright ill bite, what does this even mean you schizo, why do you keep posting this
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The one of the right looks like a Sparkle expy
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I love the writing
big daddybros, we won
Fuck the police
Seriously I'm gonna have no chance to save, I want everyone so far.
There goes my yunli funds
They weren’t supposed to be tied to Honkai but plans change
I still get the unity loading screen and the game won't start
never had a problem with genshin
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There was that one anime in japan that was all about maids showing you their panties while making a disgusted face
She's an expy
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men are zesty in this game
Why it wasn't Nicole is the greatest mystery in the universe
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The 3rd girl in the police faction seems to have the undercover cop vibes. If thats the case then we might have a Sleeping dog / HK police story with corruption and betrayal (doubt for a 12+ game) as a theme for the cop faction. Would be kino if it actually follows the story of The departed/ Internal Affairs
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explain THIS
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My husband is in my bedroom...
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Grace could be a stacy if she tried
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blacked-schizos think that a spade on the char means they're into bbc or some shit
>release flopped so they are announcing Elysia already
was it that bad?
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ok, this mechanic was really not interesting enough to use twice
the TV stuff is always fun and novel until they drive it into the ground to squeeze out every last bit of content they can get
You have new hollow zero stages/difficulties and Grace's character bust but they're staggered by like one rank each
>Won 50/50 on Ellen today off a single pull near pity
>Got 2 early 5* characters (Soldier at 20, Grace at 10 after that) and a 5* weapon (Rina's) early as well
>Still would rather have Koleda or the Knotter so I can complete one team
this sucks
I'm about to top up to hit 300 on standard bros
So when are they gonna add Kemono Lolis to the game and not just mimishit
The belobog arc was so fucking good. I didn't care much for the story until these retards showed up. I love them all.
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i pulled 40 coins or wathever and i only get 2 lolis (the blue one and the t1 blonde) and the fucking t2 maid
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Explain this
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both are hot but I don't want to risk missing the lolibaba
sounds as retarded as I expected it to be
Do you think mihoyo devs have lots of romance experience?
is this a good free 2 play game? Honestly I know nothing and havent downloaded it yet, but i was looking for a timewaster without investment.
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common dad W
wingman for his son
>cannot workout or her legs explode
I'm pretty sure the implication in that convo is that she's talking to Lycaon who probably has insane leg workouts
I love this autistic girl. I can't help but look at her zr when she is the leader of the party.
>maxing out trust with any of the men first
Homosexual confirmed. More Nicole and Neko for me atleast
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It's pretty miserable F2P, best case see if you get lucky with your first two ten pulls and save the rest.
It's taking me so much longer to get through Ch. 2.5 because of that sinful tummy
So how do you get character trust?
Do it or stay bricked forever
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Probably to get more weekly boss drops or whatever, assuming it's the same as HSR/GI. Or maybe it gives you better weekly rewards for Hollow.
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You're free to have all the garbage you want.
thats a hebe
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Reminder that your cute and sexy imouto should be the only one on your menu screen. If she is not you are advised to change it to her immediately.
Damn, Billy so bad that he even isn’t on the list
>literal blacked artist working on the game puts spades all over a character
>"n-no that totally doesn't mean what you think it means because... it just doesn't okay"
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I prefer the non angsty non shark version
i look like this and do this
I cant wait to unlock Nicole
damn, english koleda wasn't clicking for me but her little giggle is the cutest shit I've ever heard
where is the coop mode? i wanna play with my /zzz/iggas
Please bros help me. Sixth Street lags like a bitch. NOTHING ELSE lags, just Sixth Street. Do you think Hoyo will fix this in a later update? Or does anyone here know a solution? It's UNBEARABLE. Thanks.
Why is this thread garbage?
Did you play genshin? It is the exact same as genshin in terms of f2p generosity in that you get fuck all for rolls but can guarantee what you want (slowly).
Beat ch 2.5 and complete a specific commission for the persona social connection lite.
Don’t play this game if you’re f2p. It’s impossible.
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For some reason seeing those ducks in the boxes is funny.
Sorry but she's going off when I can get ellen on screen
How is Anton only T1?
He hits pretty damn hard with his ex attack
Based homophobe
1.5 with normal luck
Was Miyabi stronger than Ellen in the beta?
>the only events presently are social media shit and gibs
When are we actually getting something?
try either anby or corin, corin might fall behind since you have no stunner so I'd say anby is the better bet
i did ages ago yes
guess i should see what i get in a few 10 rolls like the other anon said.
I feel the same urge but its not worth spending money to get knotted bwo...let it happen naturally on its own, it'll feel so much better
The TV has some really fun stuff like the manual tower defence missions with the cannons, some of the puzzles require a little more thinking like the gold bangboos money duplication and the pipe arrangement.
But TV's core weakness is the UI and the game pausing itself. When you step onto a tile, the game shouldnt pause itself to explain itself or give options. Instead on the right it should have the explanation and the options. This one change would speed up system immensely. It is so poorly designed, why the fuck does the TV zoom in, force me to click to skip text, then click an option when its the same gear gate ive seen in every single fucking TV
>tier 0.5
what is this meme.
Sadly in this case it's true
Waterkuma is known for BBC loli porn
I don't even want to play the game until the idols are out. Is there even benefit to playing now?
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Just got the shark
Soukaku/Ellen/ who else (noAnby/Rina/Corin)
>literal blacked artist
>ellen gets to peg this with her tail
Let’s get this straight. There are only FOUR (4) males, and THREE (3) of them are animals/robots. The rest are all FEMALES. Defend this.
Beat ch 2.5.
Wait till Midnight and then Anby will text you
Star rail was like this too on release and we got a boss event after few days
>started on July 5
>level 8
>mtf I added in here already 30
do you guys have no jobs?
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Alas forklift-kun decided to go the /fit/ way instead of simping for her
makes sense, dude is all about legs
someone post the catbox links for this anon
>all the loli characters are black only
based ZZZ devs, im giving them all my money now
ignore that guy, he's obsessed
Tierlists always have an extreme bias against any characters that aren't the highest rarity, unless they're support.
>human cock
Sorry, I think I’ll pass. I’m not hungry
I don’t see what’s wrong with it
I think it refers to the time he took commission money to draw girls frontline girls getting fucked by niggers
Gacha is the waifu genre. The whole cast should be entirely female.
it's the weekend bro
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Faster! A maid shouldn't be so slow.
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Am I doing this right? I've been using Anby/Corin/Rina and they feel good, even Corin does a fuckton of damage being level 1, but I'm not sure if I should replace someone with another unit.
Also, any recommendations for a second team?
post a naked twerking video then
it's the weekend
why are YUO working on the weekend loser
Saving up a stash of tapes so you can have hundreds of rolls for the idols.
If you're not interested in the game AT ALL beyond the idols just hope they get porn and don't bother
To the end of chapter 2 which is around level 26, that's when you unlock the music shop and weekly challenges
HI 3 has Elysia. Genshin has Alice.
Do you guys think ZZZ will have an elf emergency button?

Also, should I save for Miyabi?
Mihoyo is finally allowed to make fun and interesting female characters that are also allowed to be sexually charged by design rather than by accident.
Genshin did a stalinesque photo forging campaign where the only woman with big tits had them nerfed 4 patches in a row.
In ZZZ the average npc woman is hotter than half the HSR and Genshin cast and you have actual bombshells like Rina, Grace or Nicole in the roster. While the hebes like Neko and Piper are allowed to show skin
I checked his tag on gelbooru and his pixiv and I dont see any blacked porn
>acts like she's in desperate need of getting pregnant so she can spend the rest of her life raising children
>is single
that right there broke my suspension of disbelief. grace is a tradwife, she could be a brick in bed and she still would have no trouble finding a man
>>literal blacked artist
>do a set of black porn commissions once
>now hes a "blacked artist" forever
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Is she incapable of acting on her own? All she does in the story is listen to her big brother about everything. I'm tired of being babied by a fucking male who never shuts up.
finally level 29
Anons I pose that when each new chapter comes out and we finish them we can return here and post out memory boards for each other to see how we remember the story we got to enjoy.
We could even make a collage with them for some OP thread starter images.
feels like a good idea.
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>There are only FOUR (4) males
That's 4 too many. The only male should be the MC.
They've already leaked an Elysia clone
It's seriously a problem. Where are all the animal/robot female characters?
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used my zzz money on fgo gssr only to get fucked
When is BlackRock hijacking Mihoyo then?
We told you to pick Wise if you wanted more Belle
That's gay
consider your kyodai privilege revoked
Sorry I'm heterosexual
Ellen is morbidly obese.
Just look at her tail!
Blackedfags are so desperate to expose anyone to their fetish they have to commission artists to draw it
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Veteran bros what i need to complete before the weekend?
They need to get rid of this sleeping mechanic. It is really fucking pointless outside of story moments.

Only reason I can think of why this was added is to copy Persona, without understanding that choosing how you spend your time mirrors real life with having a healthy relationship with your friends/family.
you kinda deserve it at this point if you're still throwing money at fgo
She fights with Wise over not being able to choose the movie selections for the store so she steals his keys and drives off
why are you still spending money on FGO in 2024?
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>when Nicole enters and gives me the fuckeye
I want that fat shark ass on my face
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>first hangout in the game
>with a zesty man
me on top
Is Koleda by herself a bettet stunner than Anby? Anby has been pretty good so far and I got Koleda from my roll
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>She's not next,
NTA but who's next then? I like Ellen but I'm not crazy about her, so I'm kinda just rolling for the hell of it.
july 4th (holiday), take 5th off (boss thinks i partied too hard and have a hangover or something), 6th weekend. it's that simple
>>do a set of black porn commissions once
>>now hes a "blacked artist" forever
yeah that's kinda how it works. nobody forced him to do the commissions
did it feel good getting fucked?
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>forgot image

why hate fun
vast majority of people do
the world doesn't shut down on weekends
Hoyo got too mainstream desu.
Hopefully this game does well but not too well where it attracts femcels who beg for more males like Genshin and they can focus on release only females
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Wish we'll have more belobog characters eventually, I like the "refurbished industrial gear" theme and aesthetic
money is its own force
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Holy fuck why do Asian girls tend to have better proportions than every other woman
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clear message. they will marry and reproduce.
the level after 25 takes forever to get holy shit, how am I even getting to 30 this is insane
i started liking tv gameplay after 10 hours in
is still stockhold syndrome or is it actually comfy
Didn't Genshin kill FGO?
You assholes, those Honkai expies are dead. That video takes place years ago. They’re not playable.
Hi arca.live admin here, can you not steal our image without credit?

Otherwise we will have to lock our thread to anyone without a korean ID to protect our images
I would be fine with them if they are cool or hot and female
>that face
what a fucking disgrace
everyone got the same picture
if you did not put that picture square in the middle then you are not straight btw
Nicole is made of sex
What Web-Event?
it's meant to take multiple days
>literally a worse Ellen in every way
Genshin designs are so unbelievably lame. You know the game is fucked when "omg she has tanlines and skin showing" is a selling point and not the character having big juicy tits or ass
Khors is missing so he is coming back for sure eventually.
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When do you even get to unlock more wallpapers?
Im getting tired of staring at my rapist sister
It was a common complaint in the beta, but the only thing they changed was no longer having shops/dailies locked to certain times of day (yes, that was a thing)
Post more Nicole cosplayers please.
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It's almost like...people do stuff...for money...wow....
Femcels do not play action games like this one. Women do not have the reaction time to play a twitch reaction based button masher game. They prefer games like the Sims, and Candy Crush and HSR.
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>Strap me to a missile and fire me at New Eridu, I am ready
said nobody ever
ZZZ isnt too bad. I had to pause for half a day from 29 to 30 but aside from that I was able to push through to 31 without really stopping. Theres a good amount of side quests you might be missing, and theres an unmarked sidequest too for the girl with pink hair on her phone all the time.
Im at 31 and a half and truly stuck now though, zero quests, all bangboos rescued
bro zzz has elysia
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based robotfucker
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why am I now playing as the depressed loser who also wants to fuck his sister?
I’ve tried this out now and it’s pretty effective, but it’s a lot more hassle to consistently do the whole anomaly into spin routine than it is to play the ice team
is this game good if I'm only in it for the horny?
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>going to max pity...again

should I reroll to get another account seed? this cant be right. its every banner, including the bangboo one
No gays allowed.
But it's a pig nose?
Bangboos are funny little fuckers.
is that the fire bangboo, how is it? I have the shock boo and I still dont know how it attacks, kinda miss my drill boo with all the hitlag
what's piper made of?
why were so many people 30+ yesterday? were they spending money on the stamina reups?
Doubt females would play this game. This game doesn’t seem to be aimed towards women at all.
if someone offered you money to fuck your wife, would you accept?
Short legs so if they fatten up they get pig fat asses
Damn, now I know why they didn't release this game a year earlier despite it looking pretty polished.

Honestly, I have a lot of hope for this game. While it's floundering rn, I am certain hoyo will listen to the community.
It's for you if your idea of horny is to be edged for a month straight just so you can flip a coin to see if you blow a massive load, or ruin it.
yeah probably wise to do it early
if they were black I would pay them
how much
Wtf I thought femcels were based. Why would they ask for more males if they hate men?
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>he didnt put the cat face emoji next to Neko
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Umm bros???
I learned my mistake from genshin
It does huge damage but seems to fire rarely. It helps to proc burn occasionally with just Colander and Lucy so that's nice at least.
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any EUbros still awake? my friendlist is empty, please add me so we can coop when we unlock it.
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What the fuck did I just listen to?
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You're in a club and this guy walks up and slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
Yes I don't have a wife
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She is the Raiden expy, Metal Gear Raiden that is. We will get an S rank Anby when she turns off her pain inhibitors.
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>drawing porn of video game characters is the same as someone fucking my wife
are bbcfags really this low iq??
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Wong general
A man should be allowed to be joyful and whimsical and not a cynical annoying ass
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Finally unlocked relics. Pic rel must be BiS for Anby, yes?
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Fat Emo JK Shark butt...
Belle's boyfriend is so lucky
this cracka kinda zestieee....
you should get used to it because this is just how mihomo games work. the non-pity rate is so low that there is only a 40% chance to get a 5* before 80 rolls.
Strong shark genes.
that's my exact team and it works well, in terms of the second one you don't really have any units that'd fit together super well yet that aren't being taken up by the main team
post her face
I had man boobs that big when I was 17.
i feel like it will find a niche, shitters will fuck off after a month or two and leave a dedicated playerbase the devs can feel free to cater to once they realize this game isn't going to be as mainstream as genshin or hsr

I love Anby, hopefully at C6 she can be more than just a stun hoe, though im pretty happy she can be on field all the time
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>all lesbians cept for paimon
So, do you ever get to roam with your unlocked Characters, or is it only for combat scenarios?
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which one is dailies bros? Errands?
I love women too much!
People are coping by saying 17 year old. She is actually 16.
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Are we rolling?
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ah shit forgot the no anby and rina part, I don't know other good comps with those chars
it's having taste
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Her facial expressions are autistic and weebs love samurai girls, why do you think anyone cares about Raiden (no personality in Genshin), Yucka and ACK so much?
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Where are her puffy nipples...
luck averages out, just wait and hope
どうもありがと Mr. Roboto
どうもありがと Mr. Roboto
どうもありがと Mr. Roboto
yeah soukaku is the actual bennett
Only combat as of now but they said they're gonna add ways to roam with your playable characters, didn't specify overworld though
im a simple man. I see Mei expy, I whale.
Skipping any and all honktumors
Physical Anomalies will be meta going forward.
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>He's not building Anomaly teams
kek sure
100% rolling the armored robodude
>male characters look more interesting than the females
this feels weird
>except Paimon
bro did you pick the noncanon mc?
its ok still legal in pakistan
A ten pull in the mail? Surely this level of desperation is a sign of the end times, EoS within the next 24 hours.
>Getting a character to max Constellation unlocks a CG with them naked
How dastardly, Mister Mihoyo.
>all lesbians
That's a good thing!
Makes me want to commit a crime.
Why is Fuofuo in this game as a maid
madrachods answer me
I can't seem to find "bangboo near the fence" and "lucky cat near the parking lot" on the Sixth Street. Any tips?
Watch them stuff an anime girl inside.
Added you bwo, I barely have friends either so if anyone wants to add me
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Is the kot really that bad?
Puberty starts quite early, if you are not a malnourished third worlder.
I'm going to try with Luci or Nico
if you need to beg to have a $3 game you shouldn't be playing games
get a job or kill yourself
when does she release, also ignore people with shit taste, shes goated
>Ether on side 1
>Ice on side 2
whoa I wonder who the first two banner characters are
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my beautiful wife
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>just rolled 3 copies of summer kiara in the last couple of days trying to get more illya
>NP6 now

They need to add a la casa mode. I want to put little vases and pyramids around my ZZZ Cafe, things like that.
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Ellen, Wolfy, and his weapon in 100 rolls total. I'm a disgusting meta player when I just wanted Grace
why does that feel weird
it used to be the norm so you could have proper role models
now everyone is a femboy and loves yuri
we all know why that is
yeah errands and battle pass are dailies
there are also like 5 different weeklies
I feel pretty lucky for landing both team Grace and team S11 (forma de mad max). Gotta try building my Piper better.
at what point it is too big?
Near the fence is in the little alcove at the back of the parking space across from the Bangboo shop in the afternoon.
Added, Us EUfags need to stick together
>I hate katanas and general weeb shit with a passion
Why are you playing this then?
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FUCK the police
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>get to the 2nd hub world
>its the same as the 1st with all the same shops just spread out more
This is fucking SOULLESS
Someone should make a friends spreadsheet like /gig/ has
I highly doubt many, if any of them, will be playable. While she's not my favorite from HI3 I think the Elysia expy looks good, I'd roll her.
I've been there in the afternoon many times though, and it's always empty. WTF?
and all stunners yeah
Goddess Paimon will be a lesbian if you picked Lumine.
I'm pretty sure they're bugged (12th and 13th on second bingo card) so enjoy having blanks on your bingo card until 1.1
You don't have to slurp every and all tropes, anon
Yes no no no yes no yes
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bwos, I cant stop cumming to Ellen Joe, I need help
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tfw no Lucy
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>at c4 vash
>no piper or lucy
is my account brick seeded bwos?
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>Have C6 Shoukaku
>Have shark bangboo
>still no Lycaon
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How do I link the attacks so that the bangboo does too? I've only chained the 4 units like 5 times.
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holy shit this bitch is on crack
You can click the time icon, and it'll tell you if there's a bangboo that needs help in the area.
is the loli a 4 star or 5?
I need her
For the Kiana expy, yes.
No, I love Hoyo
try to lock the fps or update your video driver
Unknown, probably 5* since she's not a 4* on the other cop's banner.
Not even gonna bother with abyss in this game, I already suffered in early genshin with this time gated shit.
>now everyone is a femboy and loves yuri
>we all know why that is
Because women are the better gender, duh!
Elysia, anything for Elysia!
Are there elemental reactions in this game or is there no reason to have different elements in this game?
>tfw 4 Lucy copies but 0 Soldier 11's
you'll never understand my pain
bros? please?
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Bros... she knows the wall is coming
Will Miyabi be part of NEPS?
Why does he wear the mask
She actually made fighting the big construction boss fun.
it's fromsoft status effects
I had the maid costumes, need skins soon
She wants a bang...
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Imagine not picking Lumine lol.
You can chain attack a number of times based on the enemy.
>normal: 1
>elite: 2
>boss: 3
You can only Bangboo on bosses in full teams, but duo teams can always bangboo even on normal enemies, which makes it pretty viable on maps which won't have a boss.
No idea but I’m going to assume he went full pitbull and mauled someone and now he repents by physical restraining himself to only kicking.
Shark banner is a trap

Sex friend status?
When is ZZZ getting its version of Venti? When that happens the game will shoot in popularity.
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>if you press Y to multiroll there's no "Are you sure?" prompt
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Haha they literally arent even trying to hide it.
>5 star
may have to skip because I like the fox lady more :(
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No, she's part of HANDS
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This game is so soulless, holy shit.
Miyabi and gang are part of the military. Not the cops.
imagine the smell
Belobog story was absolute cinema, I'm glad I pushed through without quitting
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H-huh? Belle is old enough to drive? She's not a JK?
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all signs point to 5*
anton better watch out his condoms aren't poked
If an enemy has a DOT on them and you apply a second one it applies all of the damage immediately. That’s the whole reason the Lucy team works
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>10 near pity
>lost 50/50 and got grace instead
>got an early s rank, but koleda
>another s rank, but it's the furry's best weapon...
is it time to reroll?
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what are these on grace? Its never explained..
It's impossible to wrap your arms around her, no wonder no one wants to GF her.
Worst puzzle exploration commission?
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Frieren face
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This game is so full of soul, holy shit.
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>everyone ignores the anime avatartranny
Congrats, you're smarter than wuwa
>H-huh? Belle is old enough to drive? She's not a JK?
The siblings were looked like young kids 10 years ago, so probably in their 20s
Belle wont be happy...
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What games do you like?
it suits her desu
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E6 should unlock these as alt costumes
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content douko?
reroll if you want but keep in mind since you lost 50/50 your next one is guaranteed
you can keep this and guarantee the cops
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Every faction only has 1 5* you retard.

Acftual good games that don't slap a weapon banner with your unit banner.
Games that don't have soulles hubworlds that all offer the same items as the first fucking hub.

This is all soulless.
I didn't realize it was 2vs2 and kept killing my own team mate....
all of them
I would roll for the knightbot piloted by a loli and the flame head guy. That's about it honestly. Pink hair slut maybe but only if her outfit is completely different.
>Every faction only has 1 5* you retard.
Maids has 3
you get 18-19 rolls per reroll now, if you just want ellen theres no reason not too. you just need to get to where you can use the summoning tab
I'm not trans
>little bit of Koleda sideboob
I like it
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You're surrounded with intelligent heavy machinery obeying her every whim
Your consent is optional
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>what are these on grace? Its never explained..
It's explained in her trial. They fill as you do normal attacks and empower your special, they're only consumed when maxed so never stop weaving you special anyway.
It’s her passive (Zap) which is explained in the skills menu
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I don't think that's a car
I hope they shamelessly rip off Nikke and do a vampire survivors minigame for the arcade.
I want to masturbate using that butt
stun/debuff with dog, buff shark with oni, attack. only use ex skill on shark if you have enough to do it twice, keep her stacks up.
Soukaku until attack buff>dog furry until break>shark attack, dash backwards while attacking for free ice imbue, repeat
Please help me I'm so confused.
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thanks, grace is a beast, my 4 stars... already crept...
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>Every faction only has 1 5* you retard.
Maids has 3
Belobog has 2

>gets asked what games he likes
>doesn't post any examples
You can go back to /v/ now retard
gee i wonder
You can use skills whenever, the EX versions are just much more powerful and give you i-frames during their animation. For the most part though you'll just be doing guard counters and building stun bars until you can chain attack.
Every character has a different skill that they use when they don’t have enough energy for the EX skill. Generally it’s just an attack that isn’t any better than their basic combo so there’s no harm in doing it but also no point
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bro what the fuck is this
Eous is so lucky…
>but also no point
it can be used to trigger combos when the enemy is stunned
>but also no point
Most special attacks still trigger chain attacks even without energy.
>Grace venting at least twenty years of sexual frustration by raping me while some mini-robots hold me down
My boner is painfully erect
>Finally pull Ellen on a single and win the 50/50
>Not enough mats to level her up
>Not enough stamina to get more
>Alt + F4 until tomorrow
Grace probably fucks a miniature piledriver on the regular
go to page 8
please stop referring to me as "a miniature piledriver"
>billions monthly
>16 characters
they should scrap the combat and just turn it into a vn hentai game at this point.

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