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Previous: >>484979941

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Comfy anniversary
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>no AIslop

I think the other anon ran out of sub but myself I was finishing the Eresh and Nero sets some anons asked yesterday
Arc is a cuck
NP2 is enough, and I'm not just saying that because I'm out of Saint Quartz and Money to roll for more copies.
Happy lil flower
Why is there no image this time?
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imagine being a poorfag lmao
How can I get that free kaleidoscope?
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np1 is too if you have a level 100 BG
>data update
on reset in 4 hours
>not even a billionaire
yikes, and let me guess your next words will be "o-oobviously i have other assets, i'm just not sh-showing them right now!"
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Kama Love!
>Altrouge mentioned in Arc's profile
Huh... that was unexpected
>refund all sq because of broken rates
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Need her to sit on my lap so I can fluff her hair and squish her thighs and poke her butt and hug her real tight fr
Based and truthpilled. High NP levels for Arc is a meme.
time to start gogh looping. what's the play here, summer BB + dual gogh and skullfuck everything with a never ending stream of crits?
If he takes a dollar raise he makes less money by being in the next tax bracket anon trust me my uncle told me all about how this works and why he turns down every raise
>even with the freebie CE I'll still have only 4 Kaleidos
>I'm a day 1 player
It hurts
what's with the blank OP?
Comfy free quartz gains
i want to hug and cuddle her but not anything sexual she is too pure
Da Vinci penis...
>picking kscope instead of bg
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threads getting kind of shit again bros...
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Lip love!
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>she is too pure
I already have two MLB BGs anon, in fact I already have MLB most general pool 5* CEs EXCEPT for Kaleido
Should I roll?
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doorsbro i...
who the fuck do i roll for on the gssr? i actually dont care about any of them this year.
Then why don't you open wide, urinale claeke
Anniversary tourists already got bored. It's over.
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>Why is there no image this time?
>what's with the blank OP?
mlb kscope is useless now that mana loading is a thing.
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pretty much, you can also swap summer BB for other quick foreigners or chaotic evil allies like douman too
>only 200sq
This anni sucks ngl
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Here's a webm as an example of how to goop. You'll be able to do it 6CE with Summer BB and a Waver you can plugsuit out.
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>have 3 kscope and 3 bg
>ticket won't help me mlb no matter what (still taking bg ofc)
>did my arc rolls, got like a 5th kayneth fried circuit
it be like that sometimes
>Data update
Do You do the REFUND trick?
I forgot how it was.
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Morgan/Poo God/Sashi then.
If you absolutely have to roll.
Should I spend real money on the gssr and destiny roll?
This new mooncancer hits like a fucking wet noodle
Damn it I still can’t pick between Izou and Cu Alter’s CEs…
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>literally everyone got Arc
feels good bros
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Why you gotta do my Italian bros like that saying noodles hit as weak as Arc?
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i dont even play the game anymore. get fucked
I haven't rolled for Arc or bought any GSSR. How to continue to hold strong
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>AI killed /alter/
oh right AI totally did kill a general plagued by discord niggers always bringing their infighting over countless thread or the russian asshole wich only porpusse in life is to see how much (You)'s he can get for their shit low effort outrage bait's, it was the AI fag fault that anon's kept sticking around just to get art of their niche servants.
Fuck you.
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Yep. I took my NP1 Arc for a test run and she cleared hands no problem.
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>not 7x super+great success
It's noodles as in chink made not pasta
>How to continue to hold strong
Leave this thread and come back in a week.
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/alter/ loves AI here!
I mean hell, Ai even translates to Love!
I got 440 in the mail left, which isn't that much either I guess
It kinda did, no use in me doing any oc when people will go to AI instead and I believe others feel the same way
>servant and CE slots expanded
Best part about anni desu.
How good is this CE. I don't want to use it because it has a cuck on it and Kadoc
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I think I used up all my luck for the rest of the lifetime of this game.
>no np gain
i liked AI, got some goodies out of it, i unironically jump ship everytime i see shrek starting shit or dogsucker spamming the thread wich he usually starts to do around this hour and tends to last all night.
Which servants have the best hitcounts to take advantage of mighty chains? I know Jack quick cards are up there.
how many SQ?
sq used?
Here is a quick guide to good CEs
>currency CE
>bond CE
>event damage CE
>black grail
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>Dropped game year ago
>Friend says Arc is on
>login suddenly 600 sq
>480 sq later
Damn, I think FGO and Albert really want me to go back playing it.
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Predictions for the new strengthens tonight:
4* Lancer: Summer Kiyohime
3* Assassin: Hassan of the Hundred Faces
Is Summer Ibuki a must-NP2?
841 + 7 tickets
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>failed to get Oberon multiple times, so I can't really Buster farm
>Morgan is only at NP1
>No Godjuna
>Sumshi can't loop that well
>I don't like Summer Ibuki; everything about her design (Raita, gyaru with long painted nails, black and hag) I hate
Bros... I have been using Spicshtar to farm for 4 years. I switch her ascension every year so I will at least look at a different dress each year, but now I have run out of outfits... Is it over?
wat CE for support Arc?
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Nah fuck you, faggot. I'm tired of seeing the same niggers asking for the same kinds of pictures in the same artists' style strewn about the thread. /alter/ is not a dumping ground for your masturbation material. Just because the discord raiders are bad doesn't mean trying to drown them out with low quality ecchi content is better. Fuck off back to the Rule 34 comments section you brain rotten porn addict.
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>save for a year
>1700+ sq on Arc
I feel like reality hasn't hit me yet and I'm gonna feel like total shit tomorrow.
where the fuck did my 5CE ticket go
You can't exchange it until tomorrow.
i took it, sorry bro i needed an extra mlb kaleido.
>>480 sq later
and here it took me 500sq to get a second copy after the first
boy i sure love other people being lucky and me never being lucky :)
Avenger Chloe ETA?
I have like 7 free slots? More frens?
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Go to sleep, bro
>spend $80 on big pack for Arc
>get literally nothing
anon, gssr pool buster 2 has both morgan and pooman in it
and the 3rd choice is still useable with your arts comp if you bond 15 spishtar (mine is bond 14)
why buster farm when my fga macro for spishtar arts farming is already set up and doesn't take any extra effort from me
i can see why.
Four slots after cleaning some 60+ day no log in accounts. Did everyone get what they wanted from the GSSR?
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>got him last year
>got him again
I was rolling for Morgana but I'll take it.
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I have already rolled in the GSSR for Oberon and all I got was goddamn Bunyan
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I don't know about best but I am excited for Shishou, her busters have a lot of hits.
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NO, also forgot to mention being grateful for getting Arc to NP 5 I rolled paid gacha.
Got Godjurna and sadly got fucked on sabers and instead of Charlie I got pokemon trainers but Saito, Barghest and Tsuna in the same roll made it worth anyway.
Do I need to purchase SQ first to access that selection list?
Bros I'm hungry
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Are you denying that Ai translates to Love?
Foreigner is Molay.
Sent Gorgon in all. Please re add
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>been playing this kusoge since 2019 as a F2P
>only 475SQ in the present box after max ascending everybody in my account
>drop them all on Arc's banner + 300SQ of my own
>get absolutely nothing but 4* CEs
>remember I haven't gotten a single SSR since last year's March
It has been a good run, bros.
I updated my message announcing my retirement.
Feel free to remove me from your friend list, I'm done with this game's bullshit.
Thanks for everything and good luck on your FGO journey.
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>post lolis
>get lolis
Your fault, innit

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Sent, Nemo in all
Goodbye bro, hope it was fun all this years! See you in FGO2!
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I have two slots open for anyone who's interested
i feel for you lad, that is an unfortunate outcome
i believe in you though, you don't need him and your spishtar is good enough
i have mine on random ascension, maybe try that out for a bit!
Luck comes and goes bro.
I got lucky with BB Summer when I started, then I spent hundreds of SQ with nothing for the next year or so, then I later did get stuff too.
just tell us who you are so i dont have to audit everyone on my list jeez
I gave in to the poo god...
Already bros!
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>charlemagne from destiny order
>XX trolling me twice with double gold rings into foreigner before koyan showed up the third time around
yea im pretty happy I got what I wanted
hello sir
>dusts off
Alright, it's time to 100 my Liz.
Sent, Spishtar in all
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just got arc on my first ticket while trying to fish for xu fu
>Gold Rider
Please be Da Vinci, she needs some love.
Bros... I didn't even pick Taira. Why is she here?
For my GSSR should I got for:
>Berserker 2 for Poo NP2, Morgan NP2 and NP1 Musashi
>Extra Class 3: New everything and NP2 Summer Kiara (Which would also be very good)
I have NP2 Space Ishtar, so Summer Kama would be for eye candy. I'm feeling like Berserker 2 since there is zero downfall to any unit.
>tfw I skipped brave liz
>tfw brave lizlet here
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>early destiny summon
Isn't this bad because we have a smaller pool to summon from?
These are 7th anni, so we already know them all, don't we?
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>775 quartz

Why is nobody suggesting reaching Pity?
He is literally 130 quartz away from Pity
He only needs to buy 1 big pack and will have enough left overs for the GSSR as well
presumably we’ll get it next year too
Sent, Nemo in all
Just do it again next year mobro
>Only fucker among my group of friends who has read Tsuki
>Like Arc but I want to priorize other things and im saving for my favourite this summer
>Like 4 people on my group of friends who have never ever played Melty blood or read Tsukihime suddendly use an entire pitty on Arc despite never talking about her before
So this is the power of fomo huh?
Re add? Why haven't you been logging in, bro?
Accepted fellow Nemobro
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You weren't supposed to point that out. Just spend money and roll.
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I'm sorry bro, they already revealed it's a 4*
It depends, if we don't get it again next anni then yes we got fucked over big time because the Servants everyone was gonna choose haven't been released yet (ie. Draco, Tezca, Teagirl, Kukulkan, etc)
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why would i suggest someone spend 80 fucking dollars on this dead ass game
Sent, Yang Gufei in all with journey CE (the fp bot seems to still be active)
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Best watch your crops closely with that one nearby.
She sniffed out a Genji and got summoned along by accident
I think Berserker 2 is probably the best pool if you have supports for Buster/Arts. Either you get a new looper, or your current looper gets stronger.
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I finally picked Cu Alter, sorry Izou, I’ll definitely pick your CE next year though
it happens, 2020 was a cash year for me but 2021 was dreadfull af, didn't recover until new year of 2022 and since then i hope i can't get back to the horrible year of 2021....well last year was a bit dry but recovered by the end.
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We're being milked early, yep.
On the plus side for me, the only one undebuted who I really care about snagging is kind of Durga.
I mean she is technically a Sakuraface.

Nerd Morgan is cute but probably unwieldy anyway.
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Here are all the SQs for the year (Dantes was moved up so there is nothing until january 1 with Enkidu + Gil's SF buffs)
Did you at least save a copy of the four files you need to access your account
Fuck my life. But hey I see a 5* Saber, that's gotta be Beni at least.
My friend group has read Tsuki and refuse to touch FGO, I'm the only one. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
>Like Arc but I want to priorize other things
If you read Tsukihime and haven't rolled for her I don't know what to tell you, disregarding a gameplay standpoint she's one of the best characters in the entire franchise, how can you not love her enough to roll for her after reading her route?
>already bricked myself by unlocking second append for arc instead of third at NP2
>So this is the power of fomo huh?
She's cute, that's the bigger power than fomo
No? We will just get it again next year too.
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It seems my Destiny Order™ is to be poor
if its a thing where we get to do it every anniversary not really, just a bit more costly in the amount of packs you need to buy for GSSRs
If he wants a good written character, he's probably saving for Aoko and Alice.
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> she's one of the best characters in the entire franchise,
Well look on the bright side, now you can NP with non-MLB scope wave 1 and then 100% charge wave 2.
Ushiwakamaru stronger
Dunno I read Tsuki and in the original she is pretty boring, the maid arcs are like the only actual interesting stuff from old tsuki for me
The remake made her better but it focused so much into Ciel that I kinda ended up not caring for Arc at the end
Do you bros want Bella on Castoria?
Bros, it's 113 degrees
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Should I still roll berserker 2? I don’t want Musashi
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I read Tsukihime and thought Arcuied was genuinely one of the worst characters Nasu has ever written.
were still gonna get the dantes interlude which is a rematch vs ibuki and cernnunos though
The best loop team for arc demands you to append her second skill tho
Double Oberon on her is way better than double koyan
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>one of the best characters in the entire franchise
Now that's some impressive coping or shit taste.
he's gonna roll for the summer servants instead like a gooner
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>113 degrees
I would fucking die. On the spot. I ain't built for that heat.
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do you live on the sun?
No. I didn't pick it for the same reason as well.
It's a perfect 74 here, considering moving
if you already got all the berserkers why not go for a different GSSR with new characters you dont have instead?
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I am actually saving for Alice yes, I really loved her in the VN despite Aoko having a bigger focus
Hey I do not go arround shitting on your tastes
And yes I like Gareth way more than I like Arcueid
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It's raining everyday here and it's getting colder.
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>GSSR go for Melusine NP4
>Get Ryouma NP2
im fine with this
>they also brought don quixote along with them
>go for some dupes
>get Merlin whom i didnt have
so far im doing great bros, how about you?
Wanna hug bro?
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this is american degrees right? pretty sure if it was celcius you'd both be dead
This is why I laugh when Eurofags brag
>Oh our houses aren't made of wood!
It's like dude, this is so shit doesn't crack from constantly small seismic activity on the west coast and adjacent to the mountains.
>Oh your walls are so thing
Yeah so heat disperses better.

It's hot as balls outside but long as my fan's on and my AC kicks in for a few minutes every hour or so, it's probably only a mild ~85-90 in here.
I'm not even sweating.
you have a 33% chance of getting fucked. if you have a hateboner for sashi and there's a pool with lower odds of grabbing something you don't want go for that. nothing in that pool is bad and sashi gets a crazy buff later for what its worth.
If you already have NP2 poo and don't want NP2 Musashi then just roll on another pool anon.
In my case all of them were NP1 so I rolled cause I was going to get an upgrade no matter what (got poo).
I went through some shit and dropped off around November of last year. I actually came back about a month ago but I'm back now. I'm a latelet so pretty much everyone removed me except Enma so I don't fault anyone for it.
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bros wtf
I've seen her in-game animations and she seems peak soulless besides the flowers.
Right on, assumed otherwise since 100% charge.
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i can't decide on my 2nd CE bros...
Yes, bro, it's Farenheit.
100C = 212F if I recall, boiling temp for water.

This is NA so you can typically expect things to be measured in backwards America Units.
>Arcueid is one of the best written characters in TM
This opinion exposes you as someone who has never read Tsukihime before, just so you know for future reference
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Post fc.
>VN screenshot
Mmmm, I wonder who's behind this post...
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all of them were new, but main 2 I didnt want were ivan/semiramis while i'd have been super happy getting charlemagne okuni or kintoki and I got charlemagne. Also got dark koyan from normal gssr who I couldnt get from new year
>np5 copy of morgan (120'd/gold fou'd ages ago) from destiny
>np1 gogh from extra 5 gssr
mine went pretty damn swell.
Can someone tell me how the field stacking works? Do I get double value from the "Original One" passive skill?
No please. I don't want any issues. Forget I said anything.
im behind this post :)
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>1st Grand Roma from GSSR with my 5th Lancer Canis
>1st Mountain Old Man from Destiny

Not the SSRs I wanted but also they're both new so it works.
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wait youre not a bro. youre a sis
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I picked Hokusai and Bakin CEs
ive shot cummies to your boobies ma'am
Faranheit is better than Celsius for weather temps just like inches/base 12 is better than base 10 metric for any kind of construction.
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>775 quartz
>Why is nobody suggesting reaching Pity?
because he said he's a F2P subhuman that thinks he's entitled to having nice things, just because he does the events and logs in every day?
only a fool would invest 4+ years of their pathetic life in a hobby that's clearly rigged against freeloaders.
you shouldn't play this game if you don't have more than $200 to spend on SQ packs monthly, simple as
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They fixed the lore missions. Now it only takes a few seconds.
Yeah, the smaller intervals makes precise measurements easier in some of those cases.
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Calling CPS for this Nemo
>already did them 1 by 1
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It just expires later iirc.
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I will murder a veteran and put you back on my list in their stead.
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They just couldn't possibly create a more worthless overcharge effect than this.
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One friend spot open
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Looks like 80 to me
>Summer mid July
small indie company
pls understand
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Thoughts? I'm conflicted on which Saber to go for, as I'm not sure if Nero Bride is still worth it.

Got Morgan NP2 and Dino NP2. Very nice imo
BB I can see your diaper...
0 to 100 is just a way handier scale for daily temps, most places I've lived have used basically the whole range. Being able to easily halve, third and quarter measurements is also insanely advantageous over the decimal clusterfuck metric gets to.
Isn't it great? Content!
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This feels a bit off-topic but last night I was reading a thread in the /x/ archives talking about how Satan always answers the first prayer made to him, so I made a prayer for the heck of it. Earlier I was grinding Traum free quests, got a phoenix feather drop in one and spontaneously decided to check the number of them I had and:
What do you bros think? Was this the sign or answer?
My king or her retarded son(female)
>burgers genuinely believe this
Post the pic, I want to see.
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>got who I wanted from the GSSR
>got NP3 Arc
>bought some icecream
LIZ LOVE!!! Happy Anniversary bros!!!
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where do i do the 5* CE exchange? i don't see it under events
I came out of tsukihime not wanting anything do do with arc or ciel. kohaku > hisui > akiha > arc > ciel from where I stand.
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Sorry bro...
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You should have placed your trust in Albert, bro.
>Faranheit is better than Celsius for weather temps just like inches/base 12 is better than base 10 metric for any kind of construction.
But I have NP2 Saber(blue) and Mordred...
shes ok for a plugsuit arts/quick support but you'd get more value from proto-merlin+summer skadi for that. Would be better getting someone you dont have and might really like instead like beni or summer okita alter
>just like inches/base 12 is better than base 10 metric for any kind of construction.
You are clearly not an engineer if you can say this with a straight face.
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...what time of year do you think summer is?
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I went with Barghest and Zenobia
>Baobhan's dress is a mess and completely covers her figure
>Reines is a cute but I dislike her dress, too
I'm also an unapologetic boober even though rolling a servant for her chest size never ever works out; only solution is to focus no other traits I like about her and keep my fingers crossed
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do it
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Bro???? Why are you making prayers to Satan?
Actually I am and that's why I say it. You don't get math if you don't realize how erotic base 12 is quite honestly.
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sent, kojiro in all
Maybe because 12 is an easier to divide value being divisible by 2 3 4 and 6?
Based jannu chadus maximus
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Any bros /here/?
Need to fill some slots, since a lot of people in my FL dropped the game.
Here's my UID: 208,382,417
And before you say anything. Yes, I'm getting that S.Kama to 120 next week
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It's not in the game yet, it'll be there soon, check the news tab
>can't even access the destiny order menu without having the 30 paid SQ beforehand
it's over
thanks fren
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so where's the content?
Beni would be cute. Also NotShiro is also tempting.
moot was right about you
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>another Kiara dupe
Guess I'll have to grail her now.
Maybe you just somehow forgot that pretty much all engineering is done using tenths of a foot instead of inches pretty much everywhere in the US where it's required to use imperial measurements, effectively just making it metric with extra steps.
new years
Can someone explain the Arc hype?
Other than Tsukihime clapshit, I have no idea why anyone would want to roll for her since she's garbage
>You don't get math if you don't realize how erotic base 12 is quite honestly.
That's why my favorite number is 4, mostly since I chose something small as a kid. But you give me numbers like 4, 12, 16, 32, 64, 72, 128, 144, 256 and it's like "Yeah, this is the shit work can be done with!"
>12 is an easier to divide value being divisible by 2 3 4 and 6?
base 10 uses different measurements, so you can divide it by almost anything
You get more freedom and presicion with real measurement units.
She's really good in that one lotto.
By list do you mean friend list or black list
You wouldn't get it since you're a tertiary and a tourist.
Works with np1?
for me? i only wanted one cuz she's pretty and she's for (you)
old men yuri...
You got that mixed up bro, imperial is easier for mind calculations but doing something precise is a pain in the ass because the conversion between units isn't constant, like the confusion when using something like 5.5ft where people think it's 5 feet 5 inches instead of 5 feet 6 inches.
>NP2 Godjuna
>NP1 Dark Koyan
>NP1 Kriemhild
Pretty good. Kriemhild was a nice surprise as I really like her design, a shame she isn't for (You) though.
no you need np5 (unironically) lol
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>pretty much all engineering is done using tenths of a foot instead of inches pretty much everywhere in the US
>tenths of a foot
It's too bad Western Europe is so intent on killing each other and warring themselves back to the stone age every few centuries because this shit should have never risen to power.
>has to change the entire decimal place
Meanwhile in inches, we just go 2, 3, 4, 6...
You could reduce things to lower decimal values too with fractions of inches, it's not any different.
Cope Base 10 chud.
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Thinking of pulling the trigger on Lancer 2
>Guess I'll have to grail her now.
No you don't
Only like 2 guys here use the blacklist, he means friend list
uh that's rough
sent, kojiro in all
Here I go bros
I read Tsukihime and I liked her even if she's not my favorite heroine, I like vampire girls in general.
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Wassup bros! Long time no post! Didja all get who you were rolling for? I got np5 arc but at the cost of basically everything so, I'm kinda fucked for Summer. But what about all of you?
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This is probably the most quartz I've ever had or will ever have again
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>You could reduce things to lower decimal values too with fractions of inches
And you could do the same with fractions of meters too, when you. And no you don't change a decimal place you just use another measurement unit that exists for a reason. Or do you complain when you have to use inches instead of feet? Yards instead of miles?
fuck off satan
Already friends
You're getting Himiko.
i got literally everything i didnt want and an arc in 720
im seething
I can't believe draco posts in /alter/
not him but do it anon
Managed making working door and hand farming team with full CEs, new servants and Arc being in spot light. Feels good. Whatever it takes not to have to look at Habby.
He's the second best arts st zerker.
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Nobody actually gives a fuck about her.
Most people rolling are just FOMOtards/returnees that'll drop her like a brick the moment they realize they can't use her in 90++ nodes without lvl120 NP5 2000/2000.
Anybody with a working brain should be saving their resources for Summer Skadi and NP3+ Ibuki.
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A glorious Caturday!
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Its looking like I'm gonna have to pity Arc
>And no you don't change a decimal place you just use another measurement unit that exists for a reason.
>he does not perceive these as the same thing

I mean in a fashion, probably when it comes to myself and numbers.
Best of luck bro. Post results.
Wtf Satan?
Am I retarded where do I get the SSR CE, I already have the ticket
Not all of it, but it is frustratingly common. At my current job I don't deal with that shit and all the contractors I work with are using true imperial measurements for the tradesmen to follow too.
t. soulless insectoid
I masturbated to one pic of her and my monkey brain got the better of me
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Kamfy Caturday
Can ibuki actually do 90++ with less investment than arc?
>Saving for QUICK blah blah blah
I'm not falling for that shit again
Easily. lol
Friend's list you dummy.
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Draw more Ere-chan. Fix Ere-chan's eyes on this one? How? Idk you're the artist, fix them!
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I ain't pulling your raitabortion shit either.
try a single now bro
trust me
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The wings of wisdom severed by blunder
The glittering winds die for love
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Needs a kaleido but I can use Hokusai, Xu Fu and the new MC so it's pretty nice
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>BG Arc can't use Oberon
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Okay. I’ll trust in the good will of alter. But if you’re the person who wants to add me to the blacklist for saying one nice thing about another person, so be it.
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Damb, sorry to hear it yo, aside from Arc, I didn't get anyone I wanted from either GSSR's, not the same level of pain obv, but I understand it.
What's wrong with her eyes bro, I kinda like how they turned out?
>Soulless tertiary faggot is also a gameplayfag
Its makes all the sense I guess.
>level 1
I like it.
>Super fucking jacked up Berserker with nice multiplier vs memecancer with shit skills and niche
Gee I wonder
That's it. I'm going to filter stupid quick retards.
How is she supposed to loop then? double koyan+atlas like release date Morgan?
I don't know, something's off fix it!!
I have never had so much SQ, I need the summer event right now before I waste everything on Arc (already rolled 150 SQ)
Hey there, BRO! I just did GSSR, which I was satisfied with. Your drawings are always nice to see.
the worst part out of SEVEN choices, i wanted ANY OF THE OTHER SIX, and i got the singular one i didnt want
BG is beter still
Arcs skills are extremely good tho. The only thing holding her back is her class and how her NP level modifier works.
Nice job
do 3 singles now bro
trust me
Should I roll Oberon on gssr?
>1 Arcueid
>15 Xu FU
I think it looks nice bro, did you also draw those other Arc pics? I like them too.
rate and place bets
I like the morgan apex 1 coming with tam lin lottery since its a 10% buster np overcharge 50% np gauge CE, really good for aesc/summer morgan too
She can with double Oberon + Koyan
You could convince sumanai for a threesome.
maybe theyre like bryn and sigurd and actively seek one with master.
There's literally nothing soulful about fgo Arc.
I got cute uncle Moriarty! CUTE OLD MAN! Now I can put him on my support of cute old men and use his bartender outfit!
Based MolayChad. I hope you get her.
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>1 arc
>3 xu fu
>needed to roll np3 arc to get maxed xu fu
Holy shit, brutal.
Extremely boring lineup. Only Molay is worth a damn.
It isn't any different for complex calculations or precise work. But I will say if you're doing extreme precision of less than 1/32" you are probably better off using metric.
Post supports add me sisters
Why can't I just pick one for Destiny Summon and guarantee what I want? Why do I have to gamble?
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Loses points for Musashit.
You'll be getting Ilya though.
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What happened to him bros? He didn't used to be like this. He was the best of us.
>10 tickets
>No xu fu
I hate having to wait a week to grail her
if you accept my request I will nakadashi your brains out
It looks like a year 1 gameplaykek lineup
>Tells others to roll x instead of y because its better
>thinks he has any say in what is or is not soulful
Its almost cute.
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>Lancer 2
>NP1 Ryoma Lancer + NP7 Meltguino
>Destiny Summon
>NP1->NP2 Kama
Pretty good even if the SSRs weren't my jackpots.
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Who's the biggest brick between NP1 Koyan (of Dark) and NP1 Funny Vamp?
I'm looking for a new dead week Buster farming team, since my Castoria just hit B14 today...
He posted earlier today. FGO runs terribly on his device, so he stopped playing.
he lost interest because his phone stopped being able to run the game
Need to put someone in the saber destiny slot, deciding between Charles, Musashi, Bride, Muramasa.
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How can I fix what I don't know is broke tho...
Damn, I was trying for Hassan, he's the only SSR I truly wanted, so ofc that meant I got double Cleopatra on the assassin banner and Muramasa on the Destiney. Oh well, better luck next time!
Yessir Yes Sir. She has been stuck in my head for a hot minute, so the only way to cope was to keep drawing her in hopes that she leaves me alone
CUTE MEN (featuring cute dog)!
>Servant no set
What does this mean? Quick rundown?
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>all these fags pretending to like Arc
>when they never played Tsukihime or watched the anime or read the manga or read all the shit related to it
someone else who had a relatively big account and been playing a long time quit and gave it up to /alter/ with its password cause it had np1 arc and 20SQ left and the message was they were saving for proto-merlin
Feels to me like Dark Vitch both has the consistent 30% party NP charge but she can also debuff rape the hell out of some enemies.
>Meltcuck poster calling anyone shit
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Time to roll my sexy drunk wife
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Got rid of some people that haven't logged in for a few days
ummm bro? don't you get it? bikini Servant #34 deals 8.3% more damage than Arc, you HAVE to roll for her because she's BETTER, you just HAVE to.
Bros...I just choose her for the costume...
>NP7 Meltguino
>we get daily tickets x3 a month earlier than JP
We won...
it's hype hour which will die down by tomorrow or the day after once the remorse settles in.
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I looked and no one on my list has gone past a day so I can't actually murder a veteran for you, I thought I still had one. I will add you back when I get a slot.
Sorry I should've clarified I had her NP6 already.
Looks like the right banner to me, cultbro.
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if you dont mind waiting a few weeks and getting summer skadi theres a couple quick servants you can 6CE farm with triple skadi like summer okita or charlemagne
>Be one of the few that do not roll for Arc
>Sudendly find myself at 2k SQ
Holy shit
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What anime?
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I bought the anime a few days ago at a half price books store.
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did you drag this image through sewer water?
>already blew all of the anni quartz for np1 Arc
I don't need Summer.
Carnival Phantasm.
are fgo players really this retarded?
Congrats on your new onahole.
>NP3+ Ibuki.
Retard statement, this shows you don't know what you're talking about
I have coasted on np1 summer ibuki on jp for years at this point, essentially never struggles whatsoever
The idea that you need np THREE is the dumbest fucking shit I've heard
2x Oberon and Vitch.
Wasn't me. Cancer Arc is just soulless.
damn it albert
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How many copies do I need to have enough coins to max Xu Fu? With and without bond?
send vegana first
I've been playing FGO on an Emulator since 2017. He should have just done the same.

It means they didn't put a Servant on their support slot. It's left empty.
You're a cupbro now and have been put on the watchlist. They have your IP address now, my condolences.
wheres your post?
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Funny you say that because this is my gssr. I'm waiting for Voyager rate up now.
Who's the Saber between Skadi and Orion?
ESL here
wtha wrong?
I'm not your sister, pal
Final Ascension Saito
What about Rikyu? Can she?
NP 44 bond 0
NP 32 bond 15
Good luck lol
Thank you
thank god i have a working brain then.
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I thought Arcade was for me...
NTA, but do emulators have FGA support?
That's literally what's stopping me from migrating from my poor chinkphone that barely runs the game at 30fps to my gaming rig.
>inb4 just manual lottos, bro
No, fuck off.
ESL here, you just have to fucking read.
But I'm a Miyulet... I'm gonna dress chiyome like her. Hope nobody finds out.
>data update
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How you didnt get banned from rayshit?
>Have to claim extra missions one at a time
This is awful
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My current picks. I'm also thinking of these:
saber: beni, artoria np2
archer: gil
lancer: ryouma, vritra
caster: merlin np2, nero
berserker: morgan np3
extra: bazett (HAlet btw)
Any reasoning why I might want the alternatives versus pic related?
log out and log back in
I never tried to run FGA on an emulator. What I did was use the file transfer trick to have Fgo both on my phone and on amy PC. When there's a lotto, I just turn on FGA on my phone and leave it to charge and farm.
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with triple skadi? pretty sure she can though for 90++ events its alot rarer to have nodes shes reliable to use like round 2 illyafest lotto or 90++ tea gudaguda
Of course they do. They emulate a phone environment, if you can install FGO then you can install FGA. It works the same way. I switch to PC when lottos are happening.
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>throw last ticket
>rainbow orbs
>leave it to charge
Is your battery pregnant?
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this nigga playing on the gameboy
I do the same but use FAG on puter
dont want to burn out my phone like THAT anon
remember FAG is a pajeet powered app
Beni is cuter
Gil is based
Ryouma is soulful and Oreo is cute
Rider is ok
Caster is ok
Berserker is ok
Extra should be Bazett but you haven't read HA so you don't have the right to pick her so your choices are ok.
Anyway to unsend a friend request?
I really wouldnt waste the destiny gssr on saber artoria cause we get a free np copy with the FSN campaign 2-kun announced at the anniversary, otherwise though all the other choices seems fine to me
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Which ascension are we using Arcbros?
I blacklisted someone for sending an FC without replying to me with who they are today.
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Komahime can 6CE with Xu-Xu and double Skadi. At least on this node. Triple Berserker might require triple Skadi/Oberon/stock 50% charger.
>NP2 Arc
>NP1 Penth
>NP upgrade Luvia
>NP upgrade Valks
>NP1 Traum old man Caster

>plus GSSR
>NP upgrade Melusine (is she actually usable at NP2 because she sure as fuck struggled at NP1)
>NP1 THE DON (wanted him since Traum)

Okay, I'm going to call it there. A good haul, and I still have enough to guarantee pity for Purin and Skadi too in case I burned all my luck. An extra NP level on Arc so I can unlock an append skill would be nice, but I don't want to be greedy, that's how I've been burned before.

Also what is this destiny summon, I thought that wasn't until next year? We can't save it either, can we?
It's over.
>you will never impregnate your phone after reading a considerable amount of hentai
Finished the CUTE MEN support. Moriarty is very cute and his VA seems like he has a lot of fun doing the lines.
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She's for everyone! ...so long as you're lucky enough of course. That's the real kicker unfortunately. I've been trying for Hassan for years now and he just won't show up
kawaii ><
Yes. And it needs electricity to satisfy those pregnancy cravings.
got arc
time to save for Summer Wu Zeitan
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Unbelievably based, post code and I'll add and lock you.
Where's your stock market ruler?
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It's fun.
np2's a really good upgrade for melu, helps out her damage quite a bit
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Ay Layla way Layla
Grown ass man...
unless they only have one good ascension and the rest are just dogshit, always random.
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>zoomer crypto cuck
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Congrats bro
Is everyone going to pick black grail for their free CE?
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Idk she looks pretty happy with Shiki there, I can't compete with that...
what app?
He said cute men not autismo boys.
One of those men are german...
2 for the legs.
holy based
probably not cause i already have an mlb one
likely just kaleido but we'll see
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>She's for everyone!
>people didnt MLB black grail after 7 fucking years
kys coomer
Quick will rise again
>I can't compete with that...
Why not?
Shiki is a rapist and also fucks cats
I already have MLB BG, and while working towards a 2nd for using it on my support would be great, I'm 1 copy away from MLB Kaleido which would also look good, although not that useful these days.
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I got Romulus
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Funny Vamp EX
Been playing since 2020 and only got like 350 lol
Phone, running the game at 320x180 and going into some system settings to limit the phone colours to greyscale.
so where's the content
seethe gatekeeping faggot
>Ac in 9 tickets
I was just going for Xu Xu but alright
I actually got my last Black Grail from random story pulls like a year ago. So now I'm not sure what to get since I have 2 MLB kalescopes as well.
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I don't know what to choose...
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I had to hit pity after getting an Enkidu spook but I guess this makes it worth it.
Jeanne d'arc status?
Fuck Tsukihime?
Where's the Canaan Collab?
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I don't know about the remake, but I DID read the original Tsukihime, and it was easily one of the worst VNs I've read in my early 20's. And let's not talk about the H-scenes either...
The only thing that saved that dumpster fire of a game were the maids, the hotel sequence and the battles.
Still rolling for the funny vamp, though.
Do a 10 roll RIGHT NOW
Fost it right now or you will not get what you want.
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Every /alter/sis in the thread is drooling at this post.
I really liked TF2. Thank you for the funny image.
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So, now that we got Arc... Ciel surely isn't far behind right? Along with a Kohaku/Hisui Alter Ego? A Tsukihime event HAS to be around the corner if Mahoyo already got one
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Don't you dare.
Is Xu Fu good?
Is that good or bad luck then?
if you mean "good for raw rough ryona sex"
yes, she is good
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I helped with the manga. If you read the Tsuki mango scans, you've read something I worked on. I'd NP5 anything from Tsukihime, simple as
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Heh, the curse is in place. It's over for you Illyabro.
/alter/ sis is just a psyop
I meant in meta.
See you next year /alter/
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Good! More coins to unlock her other appends now.
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For sex
Whelp, that's it then. Not a single copy of Arc. Not even a single 5* either.
>Jeanne d'Arc can buff Arc
totally janny victory
>3 star alter ego
what do you think?
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Can we get Summer Ereshkigal this year? please
>Tsukihime event
Nasu's autism won't allow it (he needs to finish Red Garden first before considering a collab with FGO for it to be "complete")
This has been a claptastic year so far, so attendre et espérer
Holy based OG.
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Such is life...
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kill yourself
I love to drink clarified butter.
Budget Castoria

It will still only be my fourth BG. So no MLB for me since Day One. Meanwhile I have ONE fucking Kaleidoscope. And I already have four Copescopes.
I don't disagree with this image's sentiment but its pretty outdated even on our shit server.
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So when are new interludes and rank up quests being added next? I need two of each to complete the extra quests.
I guess I haven't posted it in a while so might as well, 306,620,875. Got a few spots left if anyone else wants to.
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I hope is LB7 themed
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congrats then
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I can't decide between weeb Moriarty, Arcueid pretending to be Okita, and thunder thighs for my last portrait
just roll for new servants
dont be a retard sis
>Jeanne Alter has voice lines for Arc
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All the /alter/sisters are busy preparing for 120 Sono-G though
either double koyan atlas BG or double oberon koyan BG
>Meanwhile in inches, we just go 2, 3, 4, 6...
t. doesn't work in construction.
In my country we use metric for most things, but but we also use inches for a couple of things and you always end up needing to use some retarded fractions for inches. 5/16ths of an inch is not an intuitive or useful measurement, but I see it all the time. Same with 3/8ths, and so on. Metric is much better.
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There are at least 2 real ones.
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Sent, goho in all
I need to get ready my neovagina
it makes sense that the heroine of FGO talks with the heroine of tsukihime
Are these /alter/sisters in the room with us right now?
We're in a room?
/alter/sister this /alter/sister that what about the /alter/ misters?
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Jeanne Alter is the heroine...
I'm inside you
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They are in the walls...
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post grailed Altera
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Bros, I hope all of you are enjoying your anniversary weekend and its quartz dump. If you got lucky enough to summon Arc today congrats, on getting her. If you haven't rolled yet, good luck on what ever you're planning on summoning, even if its' just hording till summer. Now let's do our best to make this a daishouri thread.

If you're not bullshitting, thanks bro.
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>competing for another's person love
You lost that battle the moment you decided this was the correct course of action.
People who do this are setting themselves up for failure (and subservience, in some cases).
You must be chosen willingly by your partner if you want your relationship to last.
Otherwise, you'll end up like this loser in the long run.
>Sono meme
Hard pass
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>another brogh
Immeasurably based.
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Very based.
Still redeeming lores, btw
Sent. Mo in All.
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what about them?
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Grailed Altera
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i'm so glad i quit this kusoge otherwise i would have spent antoher 500 dollars or so
i hope all you /alter/bros get arc
Should've been fixed you stupid liar
>reddit the cringe
NP2 Melu is minimum for MLB Black Grail fun times.

Here is my Berserker 2 GSSR I forgot to post earlier. NP2 Morgan and NP2 Dino
Molay's 1st Ascension animations are pretty cool
>Altera on support
>Arc not on support
I spoke too fucking soon. Scrounge up whatever quartz I had left and had zero faith in getting her. Desire sensor is real.
Accepted and locked.
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VeteranCHADS, remember to do your one advanced quest in the next 3 hours or you'll be cucked out of the anni CE
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Artoria archer has absolutely never let me down when it comes to saber bosses. I really think NP2 would make her amazing, plus I like my kings. Gil just doesn't seem as useful, even if based. Ryouma is pretty soul, I think I'll pick him.
More NPs the better I think. I can't see myself using any saber picks on this besides Mordred and her so I'm otherwise just picking a cute NP0.
>Scrounge up whatever quartz I had left
>336 fruity pebbles left
I have mlb scope plus 3 more
Only 3 copies of bg
You don't have Jeanne Archer.
>3 Arc
>27 Xu Fu
>Bunch of 4* dupes
I'll save getting the rest of Xu Xu's coins for FP summons and keep the 400sq on hand
1110 sq for NP1 Arc, bros
>Scrounge up quartz
>Over 300
>horse Mo
That's the summer fund I've been saving that I vow to not touch under any circumstances.
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does it really work that way?
Understandable have a nice day
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>3 hours
and nine days.
I think
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Yeah, this image is 4 years old now and not much have changed.
>Gil just doesn't seem as useful, even if based.
He's one of the best AoE archer loopers in the game. With Koyanskaya he can loop. His damage bonus against the vast majority of servants makes him ultra reliable.

But I may be biased because my Gil carried me through Camelot when I was new. I couldn't even afford to max ascend him back then and he still whooped Gawain's ass for me.
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Well it is summer now. You held firm
Don't forget to drink rat poison
>not much have changed.
All Extra-related Sakurafaces getting an extra rankup all together is not something I'd class as "not much has changed"
>I couldn't even afford to max ascend him back then
latelets will never understand the struggle
VoidStance NP level sister?
NTA. If I am only going to have NP1 Beach Seiba, is that still enough to be effective?
>I only need 1 more to mlb my prisma cosmos
I can't wait.
Imagine if they announced an Avenger strengthening and then gave it to Space Ishtar, one of the strongest loopers in the game still. People would be livid.
Should I roll GSSR??
It's a actually a pretty useful CE, good luck
dont do it
I am a latelet, though I was still way before most of the quality of life updates for new players. It was hell trying to enhance my servants in my first year of the game.
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Roll on my daughters.
no you should roll destiny summon
He hit like a wet noodle before his first interlude
Berserker 2 you can literally do no wrong unless you have all three of them NP5. It is the only GSSR ever to have a 100% victory pull.
Most of the Rinfaces are jacked as far as Servants go. 50% charges, Spacerin was the best Arts looper in the game for years, and so on. They were less in need of buffs, anybody who says otherwise never played with non-buffed Saber or MHX.
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Doesn't matter Sakurafaces and Artoriafaces are getting all the good shit while Rin only got a dress that turned Eresh into gyaru.
As a Rinfag I'm neglected as I was all those years ago.
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>Will never get fixed
It hurts but at least she's pretty
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Just got home, did we get anything early other than make-your-own-gssr?
>Spacerin was the best Arts looper
You mean she now isn't?
They gave musashi an NP buff that makes her hit twice as hard and nearly invalidates all Archers, I don't think Space Ishtar getting a skill upgrade that maker her hit slightly harder will upset much people.
swisuit snek
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>arc can't loop with black grail+oberon
>meme class
>ibuki comes out in 2 weeks
who the fuck designed this servant
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>Le fixing
What did you even like about her in the first place?
Improved 4* rates too supposedly.
the FSN campaign that gives you the free FSN servant depending on which CE you pick (which is basically free saber) is 2 years early
>SSR is 54m per skill
>6 skills total
It's been so long that I've been short on QP that I forgot how fucking cancer this shit is.
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>non-buffed Saber
3.5 wasn't nearly as bad as people pretend. She had an NP interlude when the game released. People where way too caught up in meme list back then, which over favored ST because of the era.
She was horrendous
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No, they do not deserve it. Save yourself the money for inevitable disappointment and just be a F2P chad.
Is it still worth it at NP1 when I have summer Jannu? Archer Artoria has done a lot of carrying for me and being able to more freely use her heal would be great.
If you have Castoria then absolutely, but her heal becomes annoying to use since your capped at 100% NP gauge and it uses 10%.
Short shorts on women are a gift from god
Gyaru Eresh love!
Estoy tan enamorado de la negra Tohsaka
Que cuando se va de casa triste me pongooooooooo
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She was cool. Have her totally maxed and 120. Just wish she was actually good.
Tamamo's Fan Club CE art makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy.
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I thought he was a gaycore servant.
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GoghChads, should I used double Gogh with Voyager? I want to make him a party without Skadi.
your supposed to loop her with double koyan+atlas mystic code if your using BG bro
Don't do it... he would be too powerful...
It works very well.
Do I need Arc at NP2+? Or one copy of Arc is enough?
Yeah it'll work with him. You run Gogh x2 + Voy + xufu or any other 30% charger. You need the 30% charger to get voy up to 100% to NP wave 1 and then crit the rest down.
you can use anyone with double gogh thats a foreigner or AoE quick, double gogh+voyager works great or douman/molay too
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BASED, don't need to wait a year to roll for Summer Wu!

Is there easier way to collect these extra missions other than 1 at a time?
If I remember it was 3% for a 4* right?
Is it 5% now?
no 3% stayed the same but they lowered the spook chance.
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How would you say did the celebrations make you feel?
but the whole point is to stack black grail with oberon...
No we will get Caren and Eresh will be snubbed again.
You can use double Oberon + BG but you need lvl 1 append 2
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>destiny order a year early
>free saber when FSN thing comes out
>usual 7th anniversary stuff that gives you a fuckton of SQ
>got arc+xu fu and who I wanted off gssr
10/10 for sure
Just bought Kuroinu
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one slut 223,801,966
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What CEs should I use? This Gogh team is new to me.
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>open game
>get like 500 sq
>do my dallies
>log out
feeling pretty humber
Gogh is unironically a better support for quick fouhnas than >sk*di
Something with 40% or 50% on Goho and stargen
kawasumi makes me hard every fucking time
Summer Ibuki is about to ruin her entire world in NA.
i'll note you down as nage then
>no np charge
>NP1 Arc and NP2 Xu fu with 180 SQ
>NP2 Morgan
>Destiny Order: Moriarty
I'm VERY satisfied this year. Annis usually fuck me over hard, like evil fake fox and sakdi made me pay $380 in total. ($300 Skadi and $80 for evil fake fox that I got on the first 11 summon big pack roll).
Anyone have GSSR template?
It's a 6CE team, so you don't need to bring anything. Gogh especially does not need any CE, she can reach 100% with just a 2nd gogh existing next to her.
Oh, then I guess I got lucky.
When I was rolling every other 10-roll had 4* in it.
We love skadoo here you can fuck off
all the content is gone after i rolled and beat it
OHHH, right. Well I have NP2 Space Ishtar so I'm good.
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So let me get this straight
To loop with BG Oberon on Arcueid you need the double Oberon comp
Wich requires the second append skill
If I want lvl 120 + append before bond 14 I NEED np4
What the fuck
kek better luck than time
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Friendship ended with Skadi. Now Gogh is my best friend.
I had great 4* luck too. 6 in 330sq.
Ati, calm down...
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Niggas call me the Sippy Cup
Where is the guy who spams "Summer Skadi in X days before quick is saved again"?
NP5 120 2k/2k was not a meme bro...
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>approx 330 sq
>Diarmuid x1 (NP5)
>Cas Gil x1 (NP4)
>Faker x1 (NP2)
>Nito x1 (NP7)
>Beowulf x1 (NP3)
>HP kaleido x1
>NP1 Arc (I'm planning to use BG anyway so it's daijobu)
Pretty good haul, I'm satisfied. Now to wait for summer to roll.
i'm here
But I like Moriarty and he has cool canon interlewds, that's why I chose him for Destiney Order. Morgan NP2 is nice since it makes her NP damage good. I also have NP1 Poo Alter, so it is a side grade but still.
You just need ways to charge 3 NPs in the first turn.
So you can have, for example
>Gogh1 (with mana loading) and Gogh2 use their skill 2 to curse enemies (2x3 stacks of curse)
>Gogh1 absorbs curses and charges NP (+90%), Gogh2 does the same
>Your DPS gets to 100 either with 50% CE, plug or whatever
>Chain all 3 NPs
Good dps are Douman (80% charge + insane chaotic evil buffs + curses), summer BB (card lock + star gen) and Molay (quick, star gen, party NP battery)
ati's probably gone to sleep, changed it from 41 days to 'approximately 21 days' instead
Nice, I got 8 in 600sq.
The vamp was in fact not funny at all
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Should I do it bros?
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I know it's a longshot but have any anons chosen the Arash portrait? It's the last one I need for my CEdex.
nice fgo picture
You'll get Bunyan
Show your Skadi stash.
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Do it, you'll get Oberon.
Ati is a seachad so she's working right now.
it's too large to fit into the 4MB 4chan limit
Level your fucking skills we just got 30 lores.
Bunyan Curse!
I curse this SSR
good luck retard
>t. Oberon
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hey bro, be kind to him some veterans didn't get many lores
I honestly cant decide who to pick with my 2nd ticket so if you need help dex collecting i'll happily pick it and put it on arash all slot for ya bro
What's the best Order for the overcharge effects? Also, does this team works only to 3-3-x teams or any other team?
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Yes. Become a Molaybro.
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JKama Beautiful!
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>2 BG
>4 scopes
Should I get the 5th scope or get a 3rd BG to get closer to 5?
Bros, I'm debating between Caren and Summer BB for Extra in Destiny Order. Both would be new. I'm also looking at BB because of her card lock memes, I have NP3 Arc so I don't need her for actual farming or AoE or anything.

Of the others in that selection, I don't want Moriarty or Kama, have Taira, have Himiko, do NOT want Kiara, have Space Ishtar (NP3), have Bunnytoria, do not want Jinako, have QSH, don't want Holmes, have Horta, have Dantes.

Any suggestions for me on which of the two I should go with?
He's a veteran, he probably only got like 3 or 4 lores cause he hasn't ascended many servants.
Bunyan or molay inc
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Um... ehe...!
impulse rolled for NP5 Summer Illya since i already had her at NP3
took me 150SQ but i guess it was worth it?? maybe?
grailed her to 100 to celebrate
Don't let Alaya see this.
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>using edison as an arc support
didn't see that coming
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He's gonna jack your roll and there's nothing you can do about it
BG always. You can raise the base level to 60 which is not a bad power up from the added ATK.
Not him but i dont wanna im too much of an autist hoarder to do this and waste lores on useless skills.
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your not really guaranteed to get them from destiny order but if you had to pick from the two i'd say BB, especially if you got gogh since you already got dante for quick farming
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Another Anniversary, another GSSR where I don't get any of the servants I want.
i need to see it in motion. post a webm
The only order possible is with the DPS last since otherwise the Goghs' NPs won't go off.
It technically works on any composition but you'll want a wave 1 that is not too hard for the DPS to kill with their NP. You might get fucked with a 1 servant only hand and not be able to kill multiple enemies in waves 2 and 3, so the "ideal" enemy team would be 3/1/1.
You are now ready for the next step
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did you check?
putting benni aside, we have the same supp
sent, meluko in all
I’ve already MLB’d all the available CEs. So I I’m picking up another copy of Prisma Cosmos since I can then have two of my own supports with passive NP regen. Already have another three copies of Kscope.
3rd from the left, top row
I made the same face when Tomoe got me a Nintendo Switch
I might, but I already have a level 100 MLB black grail, 2 MLB kaleidos. I only have one spare BG, so another spare won't add much.
yep. I actually MLB'd kscope recently, but even if I hadn't, I would have taken BG.
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>pretender and foreigner spook
Alright now that I rolled arc, I can take it easy as there are only 3 servants I want to roll.
Grigori, Alter Nito and Loli Nero.
Reines is so beautiful
>Verification not required.
I honestly consider every other heroine more interesting than Arc including her cat
The day we get Len is the day i actually save up for an NP5 for the first time
>not even new servant
I'd appreciate it bro. FC is 812,593,954. I could use a new friend.
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I'm finally finish receiving all those lores
Shit that took a long time
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we've had things backwards the entire time. Girls should wear shorts and boys should wear skirts. Considering how our genitalia are configured this should have been obvious from the start.
Is Xu Fu limited?
Was browsing the wiki for her skillset and didn't see the limited servant disclaimer at the top you'd usually see.
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Okay, there's some weird shit going on right now.

I got the exchange ticket out of my present box, right? But every time I did a node of a rank up quest, the ticket shows back up in the box. No matter how many times I claim it, it reappears.

Anyone else noticing this?
I just need S. Skadi and then I'll be at ease for a while. Rolling for more than you but they're spread out and I'm looking for only NP1.
Ummm where is the CE exchange?
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No, She gets put in the fp summon
Daily quest rewards got buffed, now we can get up to 3 mat tickets per day.
Thanks brogh, this team sounds fun.
She's permanent.
Arc sucks
I wish Reines is good
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there's some interludes i haven't done
should i get to them right away, already loss some rewards or just take time with it (I'm not rolling until draco anyway)?
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she's good at certain things
she needs more doujins
now you've gotta spend them!
Whelp, now I feel dumb dumping 400SQ into this rate up.
At least I got 1 Arc before pity so I'll cope by telling myself I was really pulling for her.
sent, arash in all slot like I said
I stumbled upon this ai that is supposed to play a girl in The quality is very good, although there is a lot to work on
Cute archer never ever
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I just hit the accept all button and it showed the lore animation once but I got them all
When is Mash going to stabilise?
I am going to kidnap this stupid brat
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bro your saika?
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If you plan to invest coins into her you'll need a bunch of copies anyways, so not a total waste
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here, an update for the autist
Thanks. I vaguely recall reading something like that.
That's Paimon.
>use 10 tickets for NP2 Arc
>zero Arc dupe
It is so owari da bros...
>MLB'd the SSR CE before NP5 Xu Fu
Pretty Loric rn
>lolikek #7487397
Sure, once I got out this QP hell

What? Why do I have to do this twenty-ish more time?
Thanks anon. I decided to go with Caren mainly because I'm rolling for summer Skadi. Turns out it didn't matter. I got a Red Nero, Ishtar (I put her in the Archer slot not expecting it), my first Paisen, and THREE CAREN CEs, Illusory Confessional this bitch is fucking MOCKING me.

Also on a whim I went and rolled on the Arc banner once more. I only got one Xu Fu last time. This time? FOUR of her. I choose to believe the game checked whether I had Yu and then maxed Xu Fu's NP level for me. Or the stars simply aligned.
Similar thing happened to me. NP3 took me almost 800 quartz after the second copy.
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ok but answer the question first
also i didn't watch the stream so fill me in in anything new
i know about tailormade gssr already
Meh. 90++ nodes are overrated. People caring about that more than rolling for their favorites are already dead inside
She's a Pillar? Didn't know that. Spoiler that shit next time.
Give it to me straight: Is Arjuna Alter still good or has he been power crept to oblivion like Dantes? I got him off the GSSR and remember he used to be ludicrously broken a year or two ago.
wtf I had to do it a bunch of times too
My favorites all happen to be meta
Simple as
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I was confused the entire day when people were complaining about it, that green 'receive all' button worked for me and it was over in 10 seconds
where does np5 sitonai rank among other st arts?
buster-looping is still good, main issue he has is 30% NP gauge which means you have to MLB event CEs that give 50% NP gauge if you want to 6CE farm
When I catch her I'm going to pin her down. She won't escape.
Nice grapes
>NP2 to NP5 Arc is only a 25% damage increase
Why the fuck would anyone keep rolling after NP2
Look at the extra chaotic damage retardo
Already friends, I just wanted you to level your skills bro.
Someone make a new thread!
I'm thinking Archer 1 for Seiba/Fujino.
Is a 4* guaranteed as well?
this is the final /alter/ thread
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Because her supereffective damage also scales with level, and moon cancer is a meme class hitting for neutral damage so it needs all of the help it can get.
Reines is really good. She only needs some sort of party heal to become truly great.
Accepted and collected. Thank you for the help!
If I could fix one thing FGO did wrong on purpose; allow a single account to be on multiple devices at once, without any bullshit. You know their reasons for not allowing that were retarded. Lets say you can have one account on three devices. You can't play it on different devices at the same time, but it can be active on different devices at the same time.
Way less fear of people losing their accounts by just this one thing.
Receive all didn't work for me.
How do I get a refund for my gssr?
Burn the servant you got
you aren't wrong but there is a trick that will allow that, if you are on android.
only if it's rooted, the old trick doesn't work any mre
There was a data update some hours ago, apparently it was for that because I used receive all and only got 1, as all the people that logged in just after the servers went back up.
still works for me. You just put the right files in the right folder.
I found they removed access to the root directory of android, which is where all the app config files sit
I think this anni SUCKS
I think you suck.
It's not backwards, skirts' easier access makes timid girls more slutty, shorts are hard to take off, making slutty men less horny so they don't rape
Still better than Anni 8
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Haha imagine if Caenis was your GF
>tfw my butt hole clenched
Did quick get buffed?
MLB Kaleidos are useless nowadays unless you really want that extra attack.
I am also a F2P from day one, but I stopped playing for a year and a half and got 432 SQ (+70 more from the non P2W gated crumbles) so your 475 SQ is normal.
Now, why the hell did you spend on Arc without even having 900SQ when you are F2P and complain about bad luck? Are you actually retarded?
Give me your SQ and I will answer you.
Also, when are you planning to redeem your Star 5 Servant Special Summon?
there is no excuse for any ssr to not be 10/10/10, even if they're useless, get with the times lad
maybe for sr's and below at most you stop at 9 on skills not needing to be 10 to function

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