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working at the gas station
prev. >>484921264

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hdg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






July 4th patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199434585562?l

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Im prone to getting launched
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What's your idea for the name of the /vg/ platoon?
Post the lobby, pussy
the hyperbolic whine chamber
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bzzt copper-nickel and bronze turn into wild flowers bzzt bzzt
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I posted this before realizing that we were at +800 post count. But that other anon LOL'd me so it is my duty upon my ancestor's honor to now post a lobby.
pls dont join I'm blind drunk and responding to primarily audio cues
>1 hour left on Aesir Pass.
The noose tightens. Time to ACK.
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Chud Divers
>[MO planet] has fallen
>billions must dive
>its never been more over
Bug Chasers was a good one from last thread. Copedivers might be good too, for the inevitable day we get merged with /coopg/.
>lady of flowers
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EATs are so good and so fun and they can be shared too, you know?
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Halo Divers
Okay, I don't know what the fuck this is but it kinda slaps
hey nice song
Honestly copedivers is probably the best because it's inclusive to the copeg
Fucking retard kick me when I was just finishing the radar. Teamwork my ass three people was with you and then you bitch about people leaving you in game. I save your ass when you keep spawning shit at the detector tower.
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How did you like Joel's meal? We lost Aesir pass and vega bay but we kept Meissa.
What if we just capture Aesir Pass back once it goes down with the defense?
Good luck with the users divided on vega and pointless bugs.
30k being unable to defend two planets is insane
>and pointless bugs
Pointless trying to win a rigged game
Doesn't matter. Just like what happened to the SEAF recruitment/training camps on Aesir Pass/Fori Prime a month or two ago. This is a situation of listen to the alert or get fucked.
>Stop saying it's le rigged and go waste your time reee
3/4 come
bugdivers having fun, botdivers seething. we just keep winning bugdiveer bros
i like doing both, but shooting bugs is a little more fun EDF EDF
Is Eagle Cluster good vs hordes of devastators?
Enjoy your loss, faggot.
God I love my wife, Shinobu HeartUnderBlade
if enough bomblets hit close enough to the devastator. they're each basically a grenade launcher grenade, minus 50 damage
Our wife.
She's MY wife anon, what the hell?
>aesir pass lost
I'm almost happy
I think it's the closest the enemies came from Super Earth
Can't wait for the following bot MO Telling us to recover Aesir pass
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>people have known for 5 months now that war is rigged and swedes are retarded
>people still getting mad that the war is rigged and swedes are retarded
Mine and mine alone
are we back or is it over?
16k people can't liberate a planet
14k people don't realize they're wasting their time
And I will continue to get mad until either the campaign is won or lost or the game dies.
Nah I'd wife
Kind of funny to watch the acceleration of the required rate for liberation.
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If Steiner holds Aesir Pass, X-45 will be alright.
If the other guy is closer to the finish line you need to go faster to win
What about just The Klan?
It true that HD1 had a free war table, like where player input mattered and enemy factions would get wiped out?
It's pretty easy to see why. It's like when your footballs team loses. Even the if they've been losing for 10 years you'll still get mad at that
Meant for >>485013752
HD1's galactic war was entirely automated and stratagem releases weren't tied to events
the problem is they keep getting more blatant, incompetent, wishy-washy and flip-floppy about it in the most retarded ways possibel

for fuck's sake, if we reach a point of being too successful then make BARRIER OR EVENTUALLY CONTAINMENT PLANETS that we can't crack to keep the faction open even when they're knocked out, if plot demands it FORCE INVADE LIKE WHEN THE BOTS CAME BACK, or open MORE SECTORS, anything but this faggot bullshit of making every other all hands on deck bullshit defense have the absolute minimum timer simultaneous to one or two or three more, having secret hidden liberation -% that can't be seen without external tools, enough is enough

the GM keeping the broad details and definite ends of the plot on rails is one thing; but the way Arrowhead runs the war is more like an insufferable faggot GM who actively fights their players on everything they do, rules lawyers them, obviously fakes his dice rolls behind the screen without even looking at them, and if all that doesn't work outright cheats or shuts them down by fiat. It's not any fun and makes suspending disbelief for the obvious playable prologue and mass test of the final systems for the actual war impossible.

original Helldivers only ever had one sector per faction being pushed at a time, biomes/planets were tied to a given difficulty level in a sector and all pushed the same overall sector liberation. Was much more streamlined than what we have, even if it had lesser potential. Ran largely without intervention. And yes, you could destroy factions completely.

This inevitably led to bugs being defeated and locked first, at which point faggot bugdivers would quit until the next war, and if faction fatigue set in hard enough with too long of a march to win then the last man Illuminate or Cyborgs could simply end up winning by default as too many players fuck off and refuse to finish the fight.
Our Leader Is Guaranteed To Be A NEET Poopsock, And We Will Devolve Into A Clique And Eventually Die Out Entirely

that probably won't fit so just "Every /vg/ guild ever" will do
Aren't platoons too small for a name?
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>16k on vega and still no progress
I can handle some railroading but that's pretty BS.
>no progress
Actually, we're losing ground on it
>6 months ago this game had 400k active people, now it's down to 40k
How are they not firing ANYONE? Does no one at the top think "who fucked up this much?"
So does extra padding that has 150 armor give you the speed of 100 but 150 armor? Or is the base 150 and it just gove you extra armor that isn't really in the description ?
why are numbesfags so fucking retarded?
Can't fire SNOY
>Blaming Sony for this dumpster fire
>16,000 soldiers with access to almost on demand high tech weaponry a US naval destroyer could inly dream about plus air cover
>doing things like gunning down hundreds of enemies and launching ICBMs at even greater concentrations
>all of this happening simultaneously across the planet
>16,000 divers nearly 1.6x what HD1 had as a playerbase on just one planet alone
>somehow this isnt enough
I hate you Joel. I really really really hate you.
They made this game expecting 15k players at most. Losing all those players did them a favour.
game was supposed to launch with PSN registration required, you really think they WANTED their GaaS cash cow to kill over after losing CoD? If anything I see them investing in more coop shit since this and the ghost of tsushima MP were well received. Just means they're gonna be more anal about linking at launch for PC.
It's supposed to be a story, for a game, anon. Did you yell at the TV when you saw Darth Vader cut Luke's hand off too?
>Did you yell at the TV when you saw Darth Vader cut Luke's hand off too?
Everyone here is annoyed that Joel tweaks some numbers in an excel spreadsheet to eliminate any semblance of player input. It'd be more like if the rebels were genuinely going to win at Hoth and then suddenly the amount of imperial troops on the ground magically quadrupled in size.
You don't yell at the TV when you see your team losing, specially when the ref is doing whatever he wants, right anon? No one is THAT invested in something they find fun, right???
>quickplay into a game
>drop into mission
>immediately get kicked

make your session private then you fucking retards
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>thousands of game related examples he could've used
Not even gonna get into part where joel is a shitty DM
when are failed defenses going to inherit the full built up liberation value instead of dumping to a perfect even 50% even while being a cunthair from completion before the arbitrary timer's up, what is this faggotry?
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damn you're giving me flashbacks to the luck fag in /sfg/ from way back when
>Aesir Pass has fallen
>X-45 must be held, no matter the cost
Uhhhhh no thanks bro, bye
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>Vega Bay has 17K people
>Progress is still negative
But the Story(tm), anon, the Story(tm)! The Story(tm) of Helldivers 2(tm - product of Arrowhead Games(tm), published by Sony Entertainment, Ltd. ((tm)). The Story(tm) as devised by Joel! That Story(tm)! Don't you want to see where the plot will go in this thrilling harrowing adventure?!
How the fuck was holding Aesir Pass meant to link up with the Ymir sector when the Andromeda system + 2 planets are still in the way?
>the strategic viability of establishing a connection to our forces in the Ymir Sector has been significantly reduced.
The fuck is he talking about? It wouldn't have mattered at all even if he allowed us to defend Aesir Pass then magically conquered Marfark and Matar Bay in record time, this isn't HoI4 and supply lines don't supply shit
Is this why he's incapable of coming up with decent objectives? He doesn't even know how the fuck does this work?
>Joel: "Ah shit."
>hastily redraws supply maps, acts like it was always that way to begin with
>Aesir pass
So does Joel think that we need a contiguous set of supply lines back to Super Earth or something? I don't think we even had that in the first place.
>Now there's people complaining because they didn't listen to the alert/were too stupid to read a notification.
Serf force as useful as ever.
gunship patrols need to be nerfed
>The Automatons have launched a surprise attack on Aesir Pass. If it falls, it will jeopardize efforts to rescue our position in the Ymir Sector.
The only way this jeopardized the Ymir Sector is making a bunch of retards go defend a useless planet instead of concentrating on making a buffer zone between the Automatons and X-45
>X-45 must be held whatever the cost
So how long until Joel launches an unwinnable attack against X-45? Sixty minutes? 90?
>So does Joel think that we need a contiguous set of supply lines back to Super Earth or something?
It makes zero sense, the entire Ymir sector is a super earth enclave.
If we need a direct line to SE space to get to a planet, then X-45 is already lost and has been since way before the MO
I'm not even opposed to the idea, but that would entail the same to the other factions so we could hold 3 entire sectors just by capturing all the border planets
>Select Helldive
>Connects me to a level 9 in a dif1 mission
Whatever, here I go
>Full force of Terminid and bot meet the full might of the helldiver
>Get their back broken
>A third of the bot force meet the full might of the Serf
>The serf don't even last 15 minute
I'm sure if Joel didn't jump the gun and launch defenses that could not all be completed in a reasonable amount of time even if everyone wordlessly perfectly coordinated AND the bugdivers got off their asses, that it would've resulted in the SEAF doing something useful for once by messing with botfront base liberation %, or punching through to the next planet(s) on their own, maybe there would've been a followon MO to do these things, something

but we didn't, because Joel overfucked us because he was mad that we actually coordinated and got Meissa as a buffer with time to spare, so he short circuited everything out of spite in a pure Alexusism as applied to galactic map GMing instead of weapon balance
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Can't be that important of a planet if command hasn't allocated us additional resources in defense of it.
Well, this has been a shitshow of an MO
If y'all excuse me, I'll be farming SC in Crimisica for the White Wolf armor
do you guys really think that joel nigger really got mad we played the game and formed a buffer around X-45? i think this is just pure ineptitude. like raw, unadulterated mental retardation. it doesnt make sense. i dont think hes throwing a chud tantrum i just think hes retarded (probably a nonwhite)
Can anyone else confirm this?
When I'm looking at my map rader, I can see enemies (for example like Troopers) moving at very high speed towards my location (when waiting for extraction for example). When they come closer and into my line of sight, they slow down to normal speed (on the map). It's very consistent for me and the speed of the dots depend on distance towards the player. I'm also playing solo.
you're all overthinking this. joel is profoundly retarded, yes, but he's not throwing a chud tantrum or an alex-autismo attack. He's, again, far too incompetent for that. This is ALL pre-scripted with very very few exceptions (Mort comes to mind).
Welcome to Helldivers 2, the game where everything is made up and the liberation rates don't matter.
Post lobby, I need Super Shekels
how fast are we talking about? commissars and sword raiders can run really fast
very fast, even "skipping" minor obstacles. Also it's the whole patrol group that does it and it includes normal troopers.
Give me a second
What order to buy the new ship modules? I already got the 10% reload one
I have noticed but not tested this too. They're probably moving as abstractions across the map in the direction of their patrol route to save a bit of your computer's processing power and only actually spawn in when you look at them.
I have no idea how to post lobby
Here's mine, let's make some money: steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242423391737/76561198029796764
That guy's son is a tranny now
Now that the dust has settled, is it pay to win? Are there any paid DLCs or microtransactions (I don't see any at the Steam page)?
Is there any other jungle biome planet on the bot side or x-45 is the only one ? In which case it was poor positioning on Joel part for a planet that meant to be play for a long time.
5% cooldown is probably the best one overall, followed by 10% reload or no support weapon call-in. Combining 5% cooldown with 10% Eagle reload or supply weapon call-in is probably the most impactful first two together. Being able to knock 15% off eagle rearm is nothing to scoff at and anything that reduces call-in time is also a cooldown reduction since stratagems don't start reloading/recharging until they're done and shaving off call-in time will remove several seconds from effective cooldown.
I'm really digging the servo assisted heavy armor against bots lately.

Orbital walking barrage fires 380mm shells, right?
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Poopsock Commander and His Jolly Platoon of Copedivers from Plebbit.
Are we not from ebaumsworld anymore?
This is what you get for being uppity and trying to going against Joel's railroad. Lower your tone next time, be humble, and let Joel cook the way he wants.
Why does the SEAF even exist if the bots can just go "lol, lmao" on faceroll a huge staging ground.

Don't question Joel's narrative vision. Let him cook.
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One of these days I'm going to hit 1k
Man I missed bugs
>Let him cook.
It's raw and I'm busy shitting my brains out with the force Taco Bell can only dream of.
Yeah, I've seen it before
That walking tank looks so fucking cool, of course they had to pick the lamest option instead
Damn those rustbuckets look way cooler than the shit we got
>Infinite loading
Have SERFs ever done anything? They keep going on about them, but their planets always die due to the nature of the galactic war and planets getting rapidly traded between super earth and enemy. Do they even offer any bonus? It would be good if this fucking shit was in game as information
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He's stuck bros :(
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those spidertanks would have justified shit being able to walk up sheer cliffs
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>step on a wrecked devastor torso at extract
>launched into the stratosphere with the samples
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If I could reach him, I could talk to him apparently. See the interact diamond?
these absolute goddamn swiggerbeasts, WHEN?
Did you disconnect?
I really appreciate that image, thank you.
SEAF is fucking worthless and always has been. They couldn't defend a cake from a fat ass.
Anyway, here's a farm lobby
>throw seaf HYE to jamming tower
>it survives
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I thought you left after my brap biome comment. Oh well, it was good working for less than minimum wage with you!
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any time i try to share the good memes with my fellow diver nigs

>picrel to current MO
Holy shit, this is literally me!
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I think this is the one
>walk onto dead shredder tank
>instantly die

why is this shit still in the game
I disconnected and couldn't fin you guys
You still going?
No, I'm about to crash out.
Is there a better griefer stratagem than the TT?
laser rover
eagle cluster. If you throw it on someone it's impossible to get away in time.
Maximum homosexual
Anyone can by camping extraction and slaying waves before hopping on the aircraft for the whole 40 mins
you can unlock everything in the game for free (except the preorder stuff, i think its like 20 bucks upgrade, not worth it)
it just takes a while to do it for free

all the paid stuff uses a somewhat rare currency called super credits that you can find in game to unlock packs called warbonds that have some armors and weapons
you can buy the credits with real money also
the armors are mostly aesthetic and you can get stuff that does the same things for free most of the time
the guns are the most game changing thing, but you could play fine without them
you could reasonably do maybe 2 or 3 warbonds just by farming super credits but it'd take a significant amount of time and beyond that you'll likely be too burnt out to do it any longer
but its only 10 bucks per warbond which isn't that bad, it's certainly cheaper to pay for it for with less than an hours worth of pay because it'll take a lot longer to farm the amount of credits you'd need in game

i'd say maybe 2 of the warbonds have some somewhat gamechanging gear in it that you should grind for free to get, then if you want anything else you can pay for later
Memearrow: generate finely hilarious green meme arrow post
Memearrow2: our system thinks your ist le hecking spam
Memearrow3: surprisepikachuface.ogg
Memearrow4: fart itt with this shitpost instead
which is the best galactic war overview site?
>Vega Bay will probably have a flat 2% decay rate for the rest of the MO until Joel cooks up a big fat shit defense that will swarm X-45 up to the last hour on the MO timer
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>more on bugs than bots
>Apu Apujasta
I guess that meme about /pol/ being brown wasn't a meme
Newfag or three layers of irony?
Bots suck
They're objectively a harder enemy than bugs in every way (even melee when there's no stalkers around) and give the same rewards
No one in their right mind would prefer bots
DiversHub is good if you want a mobile app.
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>schedule finally syncs up with an old friend of mine
>Ask him what difficulty he wants to play?
>"six, maybe seven"
>it was too much for him and he wanted to just run away from every fight
>quits after two missions
I'm a bit sad now. It was like watching that bile titan clip of the devs playing. I don't know how many clips of AC ammo that he wasted on the front of the turbolaser turret. He was angry about how they're such "bullet sponges."
>be ignorant
Understandable. The game is poorly designed.
I was farming rares on dif 4 missions and the game never stopped throwing enemies at me
Also managed to not kill a BT with 4 500kgs, I don't blame casuals for getting fed up
Rovers are so forgiving nowadays, I remember when these shits used to either insta-headshot or cut half your health away no matter the armor level you had.
What is it about factory striders that makes everyone just shit the fucking bed? They're not even scary god damn. They're practically defenseless if you just shoot off their fucking chin guns. I literally can't remember the last time that I saw a teammate make an effort to defang the things. They die in ~1 magazine of support weapon fire if you get in close and fuckup their belly, and a bit more if you poke out their eye from a bit further away. But good luck getting into position to just kill it with one mag since everyone and their mother seems to be intent on wasting a good 25 minutes worth of stratagem strike cooldowns on it. God help them if a second, third, or fourth one shows up and you can't throw a dozen strats at them all.
>What is it about factory striders that makes everyone just shit the fucking bed?
They look cool
while they were active, SERF training facilites buffed liberation progress. unfortunately those bonuses no longer exist as they were tore down, like yesterday or something.
Go ahead and kill it yourself then
I do. When the 2nd and 3rd ones show up and all of their shit is on cooldown. I've lost count of the amount of times I've just ended one 2 seconds after it dropped on our heads only to get splattered by 3 airstrikes.
>fuck up the factory strider with my HMG to the belly
>die to clusterbombs from my "allies" because bugdivers love throwing that shit at everything
Getting close is literally suicide with the braindead stratagem spam the rest of the squad does
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>try this
>go from 40-60 fps to solid 120 on max settings
you don't even have to bother with chin-guns, just chuck OPS and EA on it and it dies to that. or just single EA if you aim it well from the side.
but good luck finding someone that can do that
You should at least take out the chin gun. You can do it in a few sec with many support weapons. Then , you can worry about how to finish it off
might as well seeing as all of the previous work also amounted to fuck all
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Might have something to do with Joel shitting on everyones efforts. The plebs are waking up. They're learning that MOs are on rails and Joel is a vengeful shit tier DM that punishes the players for not doing exactly what he wants them to.
So why should bugdivers force themselves to play bots? Community effort is irrelevant, Joel alone decides whether we fail or succeed the MO. Just play whatever faction you want, on whatever planet you want. Joel won't let us push past certain sectors anyway.
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I'll knock out the guns and let the rocket sentry handle the rest, you wanna walk under it be my guest.
This maybe would have been true if we didn't already have 30% of the playerbase actively ignoring bot MO from day 1.
still doesn't change the fact joel has this shit on rails. Lets not forget joel had to make a mini MO because he couldn't get spergs off of the creek and the planet has been damn near locked since.
>1 eagle airstrike to the belly oneshots it
Why would I want to get close?
Bug chasers and bot-toms. What should we call the 17 people who play illuminates when they come out?
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Here's the attack. Free commandos at least.
ur mom lmao
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>defense is 24 hours
>order still has two days
homo is gonna force a loss and make us re liberate it or crank the decay so high that we can't and go "oohhh so close"
>50k hp defense
gg mo lost
Host if it keeps happening.
Every single non PVP/MMO game loses this many players over time.
This is fine. Unironically.
I have nothing to justify what I'm about to say except schizo belief but I truly feel they could've kept ~20 - 25% if they knew how to tell a story and had a quality content pipeline, because right now new stuff is thrown out without rhyme or reason. The only thing on a schedule were the warbonds which they've now slowed down so they can give us hellpod skins.
>community is actually coordinating and doing a goob job on the MO?
>let's make it a forced loss lmao
Nuke Sweden
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>This is fine. Unironically.
no matter how many times I try to fill the hour glass back up, the wind simply blows the sand out of my hand
Those people still bought the game numbnuts, the microtransactions ain't shit in this game so the falloff unironically benefits them as long as the players enjoyed the 100 hours they put in.

Now fucking fix the dcs and crashes faggots
So, vega bay or x45?
>The same guy giving us orders is the same guy coordinating the enemies

I hope we get platoon leaders voting on what to focus on or something anything but this holy fuck
Maybe these companion app should feature how many helldiver would it take for a planet.
I'm retarded, we should just call them Gayys.
Joel up Vega bay decay rate so we can't pull a gambit in time.
Early thoughts on Commando:

4 missiles with a 90 sec cooldown.
Pretty good against devastators.
Missiles fly too slow to kill gunships.

(EAT/2) / 10. Probably not worth using.
>44% of players on one planet
>still losing
fuck you joel
why even bother with the whole MO bullshit, just give the bots the entire sector
I never thought I'd see it but the autocannon sentry is now the worst sentry of the bunch
You're not supposed to look at the raw data!
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and some of you really invest paying attention to this shit
I haven't been taking sentries much recently, why do you think that?
How are we liking the Commando so far?
x-45 was 100% liberal earlier today
How is it 0%?
it's a defence you dummy
The republicans cheated
Because it's a defense
>wastes 3 shots every time it targets something
>slow as fuck
>no target prioritization, it sees a trooper/scavenger bug it will focus fire several volleys of its tiny ammo supply into it while a heavy approaches and rapes it
>high teamkill potential
It's dogslop, basically in the place of the old machine gun sentry in that there's no reason to take it when a straight upgrade version of it exists
The literal one thing it can do better than the rocket sentry is occasionally kill a gunship or two
My early thoughts are "too long a cooldown"
I finished off a strider through the face though it was pretty damaged by my AMR and two airstrikes that failed to kill it beforehand (tree bullshit)
>My early thoughts are "too long a cooldown"
it's basically 2 EAT drops tied in one package. If anything the cooldown isn't long enough
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Rocks fall, everyone dies

>t. Joel
pair it with eats and you get to start any fight with at least 6 rockets. You can also disable the laser-guided part of it unlike the fucking Airburst launcher lmao. My limited experience with the commando against bots is that it's fantastic against tanks and turrets while allowing you to start any engagements with 4 rockets on whatever you hate the most then another 4 rockets 4s later when your commando drop for that specific fight lands.
>fire commando
>flip a coin whether the laser guide will actually make the rocket follow
>rocket travels so quick its not worth doing anything tricky with it anyway
>Every time I join a game, within 2 mins someone else disconnects and I ruin their game because the matchmaker cant handle my internet
I forced 2 people to disconnect last game apparently.
I have yet to have a single game today where I don't lose half the players, disconnect myself, return to ship, or crash.

Gg AH, G fucking G. 100% unplayable fucking mess.
>supply pack
>PP armor
Let me guess, you *need* more?
>gunships on x-45
All the trees give you plenty of cover at least
>flip a coin whether the laser guide will actually make the rocket follow
at least you can disable it if you want.
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HOLD THE FUCK UP NIGGAS, THEY RELEASED THE COMMANDO??? I'm wage slaving right now, someone confirm
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We're going to lose x45.
What is PP armor
It's a free strat on x-45 right now. Bretty good.
>huge attack coming from Vega Bay which we only just recently lost in defense
None of this shit makes sense and I am beyond caring now.
Peak Physique
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Nice, can't wait to go home to try it out
Yeah the resource the bot have doesn't make any damn sense.
Half the playerbase on one planet and it doesn't fucking matter
Take the funpill and just play on whatever planet you want against whatever faction you want. Your actions don't matter next to the will of Joel.
I *need* access to unsafe weaponry which I hope we'll get after we secure more purple stuff from the spaghetti dimension
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Commando shots to kill (% of ammunition consumed from a single drop):
Tank: 2 to the turret (50% of a drop)
Hulk: 1 to the eye (25%)
Factory Strider: 2 to the eye (50%)
Gunship: 1 to the engine (25%)
Dropship: 2 to the engine (50%)
Charger: 2 to the head (50%)
Behemoth: 2 to the head (50%)
Bile Titan: 2 to the head (50%)

EAT shots to kill, allowing maximum efficiency with stripping armour and finishing off with a primary:
Tank: 1 to the turret + primary (50% of a drop)
Hulk: 1 to the eye (50%)
Factory Strider: 2 to the eye (100%)
Gunship: 1 to the engine (50%)
Dropship: 1 to the engine (50%)
Charger: 1 to the head (50%)
Behemoth: 1 to the leg + primary (50%)
Bile Titan: 2 to the head (100%)

The commando is more efficient and has the benefit of being laser guided and having all of its shot in a single package meaning you'll never be scrambling to pick up the second tube. It is strictly better than the EAT.

It can also (currently) destroy fabricators from any angle.
So we lose X-45 in 22 hours and we then have another 24-30 hours to capture it back, presumably if Joel doesn't take a gargantuan shit on the decay rate at that point.
Wait, it's laser guide???
How do you guide it???
Lmao, the fab is definitely not intentional. That's insane
I wonder how AH will nerf it considering the community is feeling very nerf-averse. Can't have the players feeling powerful.
Hold right mouse button/ADS and drag the mouse around.
You can also disable the laser guiding for dumbfire mode but I don't see why you would
Interdependence is not the same as cooperation. Forcing people together discourages working together. Cooperation has to be voluntary by definition. Individuality is ontologically good. Anyone without schizoid personality disorder can see this. Fire the balance team. Restaff AH.
Goddamit now you guys remind me of the hypocrite asshole who kicked me even though I was doing everything right.
I find running off by yourself is fine. Just know when to disengage.
Define "doing everything right". Playing according to AHs fuckass uninformed balance decisions is a mistake. Being forced to move in a blob of 4 at all times isn't fun and therefore not right either.
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>but I don't see why you would
So I can dive into cover while launching a volley of rockets. Or off a large rock/building while firing off rockets.
I move alone all the time
simply attune to bullet hell gameplay and kill 500-1000 mobs per mission
not handholding nor babysitting anyone
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>WHAT?! The botdivers are WINNING?! Not on MY watch!!!
The level design (or lack thereof) combined with the fact that the premium currency is scattered accross the completely open map actively discourage cooperation. Mind bogglingly bad game design
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I would only really use it for airship
every time I run off to die as a distraction I don't and it's very underwhelming
Why are the SEAF so worthless? Have they ever won a single battle without Helldivers holding their hands?
>another AT stratagem instead of making the non-AT ones more versatile
bad call
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Been a while since I played. I heard there were some weapon adjustments done. Does penetrator actually work now?
The libpen was completly ignored and is now the worst AR in the game by a mile
Anti-content faggot seething once again
where do I shoot the walking factory dogs? I don't see exposed glowing bits.
magdump the belly with your laser cannon, heavy machine gun or autocannon. You can also disable the two front turrets and shoot the glowing eye
>you refuse to glaze the swedish incompetents for bad content? y-yuo faggot!
You will get ragdolled and have a headache of a time because niggers will want to RP as Arnold instead of bringing weapons that can clear chaff and air patrols.
>waah waah waah i am literally incapable of liking anything
just kill yourself
AMR also works

>medium penetrating weapon (HMG, autocannon, laser)
Shoot out the chin guns and then shoot into the belly for kill.

>heavy pen (spear, recoilless, eat).
Shoot out the big gun on the back to stop it from shooting back. Then you can just blast it whereever until it dies. Will probably take all your ammo though.
there's just nothing to like about yet another rocket launcher, it's a superfluous addition with no benefit other than coolness factor, and I'm not 14 so I can't fully appreciate that, sorry if it hurts your fee-fees
At this rate we'll lose the planet and you won't get to try it out.
Just did the defense mission on the new planet and was dropping to 20fps
So we should never get anything because someone could make a bad build? I don't get it.
>won't update their upscaling options
>won't improve their AA options which DLSS or a newer version of FSR (they currently use FSR fucking 1) would cover
>won't optimize their game
>actively make it worse with every update, might be related to the anticheat
>even opening the options will halve your fps until the game is restarted
it's impressive how two swedish companies were convinced to use this dogshit engine and refuse to move on from it
kek it just now fucking crashed for me
if we weren't a player base dominated by cuckolds and held AH to some standards instead, we would demand stratagems that extend and modify the gameplay loop
jammer sentry, stratagem launcher, teleporter, LAVs, infantry NPCs, or even just the damn break action shotgun
and before you start running your textbook copes, the only reason why we don't have these is because AH is too incompetent to design them
Has anyone else had the bug where the host starts the mission while everyone is not ready on their screen and then the game does to a black screen?
Yeah it's good and I will use until they nerf it into the ground
How do we demand these strategems? Do we go on reddit and make a petition?
Oh so that what happen to my last game. Yes.
Is there any reason to run EAT with the Commando available? Does the EAT hit any breakspots that the Commando doesn't?
From what I can tell, EAT is only better against normal chargers - but that doesn't really matter with the behemoth spam, and both EAT and Commando two shot those.
Shooting down drop ship a little more consistently maybe.
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>It can also (currently) destroy fabricators from any angle.
Is the instant weapon dropdown upgrade working as advertised? Can I chuck a beacon at a charger and kill him in one second?
it reduces it to about three seconds since it just spawns the hellpod in the air immediately
Why would you want to shoot down dropships tho?
Oh it looks like Joel took his foot of X-45's throat for a few hours, we might win this at this rate.
Hulk get stuck on air sometime if you do that. And to block the bot from.marching forward while your mortar finish them off.
it's cool
Imagine if it actually did something, like increasing the time until the bots can call in more reinforcements because they need to get a new dropship first
But see whatvam excellent GM he is? Now that X-45 has been attacked we all feel "Tense" and "Nervous" over whether the Automaton Menace will seize the planet back. What riveting storytelling. Truly, NOBODY anticipated that X-45 would be attacked again by our wise and clever GM! I was so persinally overcome with emotion that I immediately went to the super credit store and purchased $100 worth of SCs just to show my support for Arrowhead!
either that or it flat out killing everything below it from both the drop and explosion would be very welcome and make the average bot game much cooler. Imagine seeing people actually take out dropships and the resulting explosions from a distance.
As it stands now it's at least worth shooting them down if they're next to a jammer/detector/fabricator since they'll likely take them down along with them.
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swamp biome on bots is just about unplayable kek
just 1 mission rotated like 10 people crashing out
fucking swedes
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>heavy devastator clips into a tree
>game turns into a stuttering mess until it dies
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>Do we go on reddit and make a petition?
>play any faction on diff 5-8
>crazy amounts of enemies everywhere, every fucking mission now feels like one second in the other direction and the entire mission will be lost because if enemy snowballing, way harder than any 9 I have played preciously
>play diff 9
>its the same normal diff 9 spawns and thanks to the other difficulties being borked it feels like a diff 4 now
>diff 9s now are the easiest thing ever, routinely max out on almost all samples
Haven't played in awhile, and I've got just enough credits for a warbond. Which of the last three is probably best to grab?
I'm glad you feel the same Anon. I was so impressed by this gambit that I turned my review from negative and positive!
EAT is a secondary support weapon meant to work in tandem with non-AT supports. For example, you can get away with using the grenade launcher or any of the MGs on bug d9s if you also bring EAT so you have something to contribute to unfucking armor spam situations. There are people that run EAT as their sole support weapon, but that's not the brightest idea since any of the long-cooldown AT weapons would serve you better, and in case of Spear and RR all you have to sacrifice is the semi-useless backpack slot.
Democratic Detonation for the grenade pistol - essential piece of kit if your loadout lacks explosives to get rid of bug holes and fabs - and Adjudicator, which is decent now as far as ARs go.
Plus if you're religiously spamming EATs on the map then your squadmates and you always have a rocket ready to launch (if your commando is not ready at the moment or whatever)
That too, feels great to double tap a surprise titan with your mate.
Viper Commando if you hate aim drag and want to predatormaxx. The weapons are meh.
Democratic Detonation for three good weapons, the Adjudicator has good AP and works well for both bots and bugs, The Eruptor primary has high damage and terrible firerate but is quite ammo efficient because of it and it can blow up fabs/holes + shit on scout striders. But you need to run an MG or HMG with it to not be a griefing useless prick. There's also a Grenade Pistol which also blows up holes and fabricators. This is probably the warbond you should get.
Polar Patriots is alright, but I wouldn't get it if you can only get one. The Verdict pistol is good and so is the Tenderizer AR. The plasma purifier is terrible.
Democratic detonation simply for the grenade pistol if nothing else. You will fall in love with it.
Do you mean that 9 is now basically as easy as 4 to 8 or that 9 is easier than 4 to 8
Because I play solo on 6/7 and I need to farm samples
>Comando launchers have a map icon and can still be picked up even when they're out of ammo
>they also can bug out and show that they have a rocket left, both in the model and the "mag" indicator and don't discard automatically
I wonder how long it will be before they fix this
Steel vet = cutting edge = democratic detonation > polar = viper
Steel vet has the most strong and straight forward weapons
Cutting edge and democratic detonation have good weapons and utility, these 2 compliment each other. Weapons in these 2 are more utility centric with very good CC. Imo, get cutting edge first for the stun grenade. These 2 will make bot significantly more manageable once you figure out how to use their kits/weapons
Polar has some solid weapons while viper has good armor and booster
Commando fucks tanks
i used it and it blows up bot fabricators too
Been running ops for the past few days on both factions, all mission types. There is something about 5-8 diff now that the enemies keep coming and just dont stop coming, and thats BEFORE all the crazy new patrol spawns that didn't exist before that all "conveniently" meander their way across the map extremely close to where your current position is. Diff 9 feels to me like its stayed the same, whereas the new 5-8s have rocketed past it in difficulty. I have always run 9s before but now I might do so exclusively. The other levels are simply too ridiculous.
You can run LC or HMG with eruptor on bot and flamethrower, MG, or Arc with eruptor on bug. You can run Arc + eruptor on bot too but it is noticably not as strong. You should run laser drone backpack with eruptor on bug (except with flamethrower where you need shield) and it's an extremely strong combo. You can honestly run eruptor with AT if you wear the drone laser backpack because the drone covers eruptor's weakness on bug well enough
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bots d9 on x-45. time to try out the commando.
Democratic Detonation: Grenade Pistol is top tier and worth the warbond for that weapon alone, but Adjudicator, Eruptor and Exploding Crossbow aren't bad.

Polar Patriots: I hear good things about the Tenderizer and Pummeler, but ultimately only the Incendiary Impact Grenade and Verdict are worth it.

Viper Commandos: Experimental Infusion is one of the top tier boosters right now, and Bushwhacker can be situational depending on your loadout. The rest of the warbond is kind of shit though.

As usual release order is generally how you want to purchase them. Since you already have Steeled Veterans and Cutting Edge the rest don't matter all that much.
>ping a hellbomb close by to us
>foggy as fuck so team mates hoses that area in gunfire and takes us all out with the crashed hellbomb
Custom call outs when? Everything you ping is just "bot fabricator" or "over here"
They just need to splice one of the existing Hellbomb lines, and use that for when pinging one, along with a specific red marker.

They also need to make the calldown marker for Smoke Strike and Eagle Smoke blue instead of red, so that teammates know at a glance that it's not a damage-dealing stratagem.
Since I haven't played upper difficulties for a while I didn't have a point of comparison but I did notice everything you're saying, specially the infuriating infinite patrols
I sometimes play 4 to farm rares and bbe quicker and I do thought it was as hard as a 6
>"Oh, a new weapon, let's try..."
>open stratagem menu
Nope, still not going to play this piece of trash game
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They are going to nerf the commando won't they?
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>look for diff. 9 on X-45
>puts me into diff 1 game
Also the commando seems really good for dropships, does it oneshot the engines?
Maybe just fix them destroying fabs from any angle.
When the game isn't crashing, swamp biome is not a terrible place to fight automatons. It's quite easy to control LoS with all the trees and shit.
Super spire is a pain in the dickhole to spot though holy shit. Does it spawn on the edges or something?
Why are rocket defense missions such retard magnets?
I just had one where everyone else brought a mortar. Two of them brought the EM mortar, too. And one genius also brought tesla tower and antipersonnel mines.

Two factory striders showed up and we lost since I got ragdolled out of cover before I could take out the chin guns.
I appreciate how the rocket dev salvo cooldown is almost exactly the length of time it takes to get knocked over, ragdoll around on the floor for a few seconds and then stand back up.
Because this mission is just dumbfounded fun. You have to actually try to lose since its so braindead easy
It is fun until the mortar morons show up and you spend half the mission getting ragdolled around.
Without fail those same retards fail to bring anything that can kill striders and tanks.
those are meta picks for bugs
you've been bugboozled, my friend
You had to ask?
I had that yesterday. The mortars killed me and then the mission decended into chaos. Luckily we made it extract.
I personally love that rockets salvos can come from a rocket dev from any direction, and an animation cancel (like them walking over rough terrain) makes them instantly fire instead off canceling the salvo

very fair and balanced
>not having fun with the side objective: destroy sentires without being detected [0/3]
Just destroy them, it's what I do when they hit me
steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242514764260/76561198335877145 Diving on X45
are EATs better?
Than what?
>crouch on vaguely uneven terrain
>diver starts involuntarily teabagging
>call down SSSD on an objective
>begin to fight some bots
>turn around
>some nigger took it to a base 200m away and dies in front of a detector tower
>TWO factory striders are now sitting on it
I'm starting to reach my breaking point, I want to see everyone on this fucking planet to die in a fucking white phosphorous bombardment and see their skin burn as they die an agonizing death, you have NOTHING TO DO AND YET YOU STILL FUCKING UP FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
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>Same % of players
>3x the liberation rate
What the fuck is going on
Fucking with decay rates wasn't enough for Joel so he decided it's finally time to rig every variable in the system
while not as nearly as bad, i called in a commando earlier and momentarily dropped my AC for it and one of the jackasses on my team decided to steal my AC and run off with it. it wasn't even fully loaded
What's a meta strategy for it? Since I ply Solo I avoid it like the plague due to feeling there's not enough strategems to use
Friendship ended with EAT, commando is now my best friend
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Commando blows up fabricators without aiming at the weakspot and fucking up tanks from the front? Not on my watch, expect a fix in an hour. I don't care if it's the week-end or my vacation, I will fix this RIGHT NOW!
How the fuck did they even manage to make the commando blow up fabricator from any hit, assuming it's a mistake?????
Small indie company
Pls understand
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we did wait a bit for you.
GG :)
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>we totally fixed the infinite loading screen guys
the swedenoid lies as easily as he breathes.
The projectile has a demolition value of 40, basically the same as an airstrike, so it destroys on contact. There's no way it's not intentional but because no one seems to be testing shit it looks like no one raised the issue
It doesn't even kill devs with a bodyshot, idk what kind of whack damage formula it follows.
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I like the commando
I wish the sample icon and ambient noise were perceptible from a bit further away. I'm a retard who can't remember where the sample spawns are for each of the varieties of base, so I always have to spend extra time combing the bigger ones after clearing them out to actually find anything.
>Bots focus all their effort on one planet
>Their number remains unchanged on other planet or even becomes worse
>Bug number decrease for no fucking reason
Demo value has nothing to do with damage, it's used for clutter/structures. It's the reason why bullets can't destroy cache doors, AC rounds can't destroy rogue stations and EATs can't destroy jammers. The Spear also has a demo value of 40 btw
An automated system would had to account for enemy force distribution unlike joel who can conjure enemies out of the ether
They just need to hold themselves to an internal rule like each faction having 20% total forces to distribute as needed across all fronts. 5 planets? Each has 4%/hour forces. Bots want to focus 8% on a single planet? Fine, but other planets drop to 2%/hour.
Has anyone had the bug where you get stuck in the barbed wire damage state if you ragdoll through barbed wire and then you become a dead man walking because you can only stay alive for as long as you can replenish your stims.
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>bot MO
RIP slugger.
No clue.
I run AC, EAS, EAT, autocannon sentry
WTF, I didn't know it was possible to survive a bot mine with just heavy armor, no fortified. Last game I dived out the front of a bunker and landed directly on a mine like a true tard, but it left me with like 3-5% HP somehow.
I think it's a bug. I've survived a bot mine in light armour.
>hold themselves to an internal rule
But then they wouldn't be able to asspull shit like now, why limit themselves?
>this gets posted all the time
>and yet they say its not bugdivers, its actually botdivers that whine
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no wonder we're loosing
>>this gets post-
Don't care + you got animation cancelled and ragdolled out of this discussion
>V *sound* TAB *no stim*
i find it crazy that not even a new support weapon brings them over
they'll nerf its structure-killing power before they fix a bug like that lol
>getting ragdolled
Skill issue. Now go run another marathon away from bugs. Don't think you hit your daily 100km yet.
I mean why bother? You liberate a planet and then the devs just hit the delete button on everything you did because they're butthurt about you doing it too well.
Why bother engaging with such a blatantly rigged system?
>Guys come on try the new suicide rocket launcher
>Guys come on try the new potato gun mech
I'll let the beta testers try it out first
That's the problem with a forever war as they promised in HD2. Nothing is ever taken or lost. Joel will make sure of that. You could wave a magic wand and suddenly have every single Helldiver as of the initial release of the game (400,000 players) work singlemindedly towards taking Cyberstan and it'll never work because the bots will magically have a regen rate of 99.99999999% per hour because Joel demands it.
Funny that stratagem unlock MOs are always bot side and always end up being better for bugs
Basically. I mostly just use MOs as a guide to take a break from one faction, and try the other for variety.

The liberation rates are made up and we're just railroaded as Joel waffles around to maintain the status quo.
>stab stim into neck
>something grazes my helldiver for an attosecond
I don't think the bugs are keeping weapons in their nests tbf
I could see chemical weapons based on bug bile being a thing
Something something genecrafting to buff the helldiver. Now melee finisher is available.
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>still no APCs or warthogs because no one bothered to check if the bugs had the plans
Wouldn't be dumber than how it is in any other game.
>kill demon
>ammo and armor comes out

Any RPG:
>kill wolf
>dont get pelt
>get 3 gold coins and a rusty zweihander
>guard dog
am i shit? i usually top out on kills but it feels like cheating with the guard dog and that i could be more useful while padding my kills less
Super Earth R&D track record
>Bug spray that doesn't kill bugs and instead makes them stronger
>Stolen weird fluid that doesn't turn planets into microscopic black holes and instead makes them gigantic portals
>Stolen weird fluid
But enough about leandivers.
The weapons here were buried SE weapons from our own lab.
The bugs have WMD's
how do i do what this loadout already does better? what do i sub? eruptor for walkers and massed regular bots, HMG for everything else (including hulk headshots), guard dog to keep me safe. what's suboptimal about my loadout, bros? what should i replace, and with what?
>close eyes
>see scout striders emerging from fog
Time for a break.
seems pretty alright. You could replace guard dog for supply pack if you wanna give ammo or feel ammo starved or want to abuse grenades. But not really necessary.
JAR-5 is straight up better
Grenade pistol can be more useful but it doesn't matter
Not sure why you aren't using the supply pack with the HMG
They are coming up with new fire weapons so just make a weapon that's fueled on element 710. A stronger but more dangerous fuel source compared to regular flamethrower. Using the bug juice to burn bugs must feel cathartic.
Kills are worthless unless they are in service of protecting teammates or completing objectives.
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Kek this thing is getting nerfed into the ground.
I imagine if you're using the Gun Dog you're hogging resupply pods anyway, so why bother with a backpack
Is there anything the Commando CAN'T kill? I'm guessing airship fabs?
>EAT but it's also the spear with as many shots and rapid fire
Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking.
>guard dog
imagine if you had an eagle airstrike
Doesn't the commando rockets do very little damage compared to an eat invididually?
finally power creeping I think, the 10% reload speed on the RR and AC is nuts. Diff 10 soon.
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>finally a new stratagem that's strong and fun to use
>it's going to get giga nerfed
I think it's a 3 or 4-shot to the face of a hulk, might be really good for BT's
Why are people panicking about a nerf then
Does it actually matter when half the time the hitbox RNG eats your damage anyways? 4 are much better than 2
it has a really good call-in time and it's hard to miss with it. It's also really good for rapid fire and smaller targets like Dev's
>patrol approaching from the east
>that's fine, I'll just go north for a bit to avoid it
>patrol also approaching from north
>that's fine, I'll loop back west and avoid both
>patrol also approaching from west
>that's fine, I'll go south and wait for them to pass
>patrol also approaching from south
>toss a strategem at one of the patrols
>timer starts at 3 seconds
>by the time it hits 2 seconds, there's already a flare in the air
>99 billion bots drop in

Haha. Fun.
We five starred that mission but it was one of the least fun ones I've ever had in this game. Chuck strat at base, run to next one, repeat.
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>D10 with new bosses
Which 1 would you prefer first?
They nerfed the EATs by making them do that shitty cap animation, they're definitely making this garbage next patch
bugs are undeniably the tutorial faction though, if you don't have twice as many bot kills in your stats I'll assume you're low IQ and possibly nonwhite as well
>playing match with friend
>rando joins at the end
>spend 10min finishing everything in the map with him, plays normally
>come extraction he waits until we get in to TK us
>lose the samples because they're beneath the ship and there's no time left to pick them anyway
Always set matches to "Friend Only"
D10 with new bosses
>the bot diver will even whine about being called a whiner
Because it's AH
The only thing I think should be nerfed is building destruction because as is it's just a better spear that is instead cooldown reliant instead of ammo.

Assuming >>485074584 is accurate (at work myself) it invalidates the existence of two other support weapons.
And this is why I will swear by the radar range booster. You can spot them on the map before they even enter visual range, and can plan accordingly.
>bugs are undeniably the tutorial faction though
Nta, but that's a big problem
Bots are harder than bugs in everyway basically. So instead if having two different factions that are equally hard in different ways you have an easier and a harder faction, which shouldn't be happening
It's much worse than an easier and a harder faction
You have a melee faction where if you have situational awareness you'll always succeed and a ranged faction that'll make you die to endless rocket barrages whether you're behind cover or not
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>queuing into D7's instead of D9's on the assumption that, despite there being less total samples, I can extract with more since there's less fighting
>every single D7 shitter group extracts as soon as objectives are done with 20+ minutes to spare, only getting 7-12 rares in that time
>keep asking on voice why we're extracting already without even looting the map
>no one ever replies, just silently stands there on extraction
I'm playing with bots, I have to be. This isn't real.
And the ranged faction actually has much tougher melee than the allegedly melee one
It's a design issue. They cannot equalize difficulties between the two because bugs are more melee focused, so you will never get gibbed from across the map by something you couldn't see, and a lack of military infrastructure due to them being actual bugs means they have very little aerial presence.
But there are always to equalize them
The bots are also much deadlier than the bugs on melee (barring stalkers) and seem to spam even more units than them
The average unit also tends to be better armored
Simply put, the bugs have no advantages over the bots
Play D6 or go back to D9 instead, you're bothering normal people that don't fall for the grind meme
I'm here to play the game, if you want to pick flowers you can do that in your spare time.
usually i get plenty of samples by picking everything on my way why do you need so much time?
i would extract just to spite you, type like a normal person or get a group of friends to go on coms.
Okay how will they gut the commando and make it even worse than the airburst launcher. Let's hear it.
I for one am going to enjoy RPing as Arnie Squashanigga in the jungle whilst it's still busted.
detector towers
>keep asking on voice
Everyone stands there quietly because they correctly have all microphones on mute. There is nothing more disgusting than hearing shitty mic audio taking you out of the game.
>m-muh coordination
I routinely play and beat d9s with randoms in full squads and there has never been a single time I have thought "if only we had done voice chat."
>dogs barking, kids screaming, angry wife, smoke detector alarm chewing vaping, potato chip bag rustling
How about no. Also, you're playing on d7, which is where all the shitters still flock to despite d6 opening up for super rares. They can't hang and are barely hanging on, so they extract immediately.
Muted. Write or be silent.
No demo, it's ackshually just a gunship killer
You really drew the autists out of the woodworks, didn't you?
Keep your potato chip rustling and coughing and sneezing to yourself.
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The demo value is definitely getting lowered to 30, right now it'd one shot spore spewers and shrieker nests from render distance, and even then it's going to be twice as better as the EATs
I bet you're a console player that has never even conceived of push to talk.
I assume the commando is killing the fabricator attached to the strat jammer here and not just straight up killing the jammer with direct fire?
Have you?
Do you think I would bring it up if I didn't? Are you really this stupid?
>host d9
>walk out with 30+ commons, 30+ rares, and the supers every single time
that sounds rough, buddy
No, (You) outed yourself as a "that retard everyone mutes"
I bet you felt smart typing this lmao
>Do you think I would bring it up if I didn't?
>8 replies in a few minutes
I didn't think people would be this afraid of voice chat.

You're retarded, I'm sorry but it's terminal.
It's not even that they're harder, just requires a different approach. It's the fact that they are so fucking annoying to play against that it loses the fun. And I play games for fun
It was funny, I laughed at least
How is that? Explain your thought process. Also, are you able to visualize an apple in your mind's eye?
Anything less than D9 is NPC territory and you only have yourself to blame for thinking otherwise.
I mean are the rockets the same damage as EATs or are they weaker? If it takes me more than 2 of them to kill a behemoth then it's not wroth my time
flex with me.
Well, first you said
>I bet you're a console player that has never even conceived of push to talk.
Then he replied
>Have you?
Implying you didn't shut up, and I found that pretty funny
And yes I can visualize an apple in my mind
That's not what I meant, though. I was just clapping back.
Almost enough samples for a tier 6 upgrade
>90 sec cooldown
That's ludicrous.
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>Doing defense, things going well.
>The big near-end bot push happens, they finally get us to fall back from the first courtyard.
>"ehh, no big deal, we've still got another set of walls.
>Strider is so tall it shoots it's main cannon directly over us and destroys the generator without even bothering to breach the last gate.
I'm a funnier person than you then
>Repeats your joke louder and makes everyone laugh
What do you mean, though?
I bring the spear just to break those cannons on the top of those striders so that BS can't happen.
>spending 15 extra minutes running around collecting a few samples
Not fun
>finishing the mission, extracting and hopping in another one with slightly less samples but probably a higher rate at the end of the day
More fun

Sorry you're autistic and have to check every diamond on the map. The rest of us have fun to do
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Enjoy it while it lasts. Absolutely cannot fathom how they test (or don't test) new equipment before releasing it. It would be great if EATs had the same function.

It's like AH do not have a test environment where they can line up all the enemies and entities to check if shit actually works properly. Or the testers don't actually know what the intention actually is. Is some guy just playing with numbers on a spreadsheet somewhere after the a dev shoved it a patch? Is version control more like version out-of-control?
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man I just wanted my 15 hunter kills, not witness the mentally handicapped
>9 deaths
Yeah, you were dead weight
I bet it was something like this
>Hey I want the new weapon to have less damage per shots, but still be able to destroy fabricators and bug holes
>Can't get the rocket to reliably hit the insides, end up just making it destroy on contact
>Meanwhile I've been deleting jammers and bot bases singlehandedly with the spear since it got fixed.
Surely this thing will distract hard enough to get nerfed before spear does, right.
>he thinks I was hosting
I'm far right with 3 deaths bucko
We got any lobbies going?
>Absolutely cannot fathom how they test (or don't test) new equipment before releasing it.
>they can't just hire one more person to just test things and go "hey this shits fucked, fix it"
>It's like AH do not have a test environment where they can line up all the enemies and entities to check if shit actually works properly. Or the testers don't actually know what the intention actually is. Is some guy just playing with numbers on a spreadsheet somewhere after the a dev shoved it a patch? Is version control more like version out-of-control?
They don't. I bet they test it once in dev environment and then just roll it out. I wish the EAT was as good as that thing
I want underground nuke stratagem with 300 sec cooldown that just destroys nests and makes a fuck ton of bugs emerge
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Can someone explain some of the stats here using this as an example because I've never been able to make sense of some of them.

Times reinforcing at 1 each doesn't make sense with the numbers of deaths. Even if each one of you called in 3 reinforcements that would only equate to 12 possible call ins. There are 25 deaths, so there had to have been multiple squad wipes with auto reinforcements without a full 4 man? I feel like that number is always super low based on the number of high casualty missions and people calling reinforcements all the time.

Do accidentals count friendly fire kills or yeeting yourself? If the former, shouldn't friendly fire damage be interlinked? I would assume if you caused an accidental, you would have caused or received FF damage. Or does an accidental simply not tally shit like stratagem damage if it results in an outright kill?
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>>they can't just hire one more person to just test things and go "hey this shits fucked, fix it"
reinforces, accidentals, FF damage and reinforces don't track properly
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seriously how do they think "yeah this is fire" and choose to dress like that
i've never had one of these mongoloids ever rationalize how it looks good other than "it matches and it looks good"
As corpses, right? Right?
i lack the 60k requisitions
Of course you are with your cringey horny model, what are you 12?
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lmfao I don't know why I expected things to be any different.
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>close game by quitting in the main menu
>game crashes and brings the crash report window
>close game with alt+F4
>freezes the entire computer
As a massive horde. You'd need the whole team calling gas strikes and napalm while dealing with the BTs. It would be an actually fun side/secondary objective
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>X-45 mission helldive
>going great
>mostly competent team, one idiot but everyone else is compensating
>very good sample progress 24/26/6
>Moving to extract
>the retard dies somehow
>He had all the samples save for 7/7 I had
>oh no
>The area where he died SUDDENLY starts getting absolutely fucking swarmed by patrols
>Like an unironic conga line of endless patrols
>Start pushing through to the samples
>After 15 minutes we managed to cross a 10m field and are by the wall of the small compound he died at
>realize he must have stepped on a mine, trolling idiot
>The enemies keep fucking coming, patrol after patrol
>All from the areas of the map we cleared 100% ofc )))))))
>Eventually give up as we ran out of time
>The retard does not extract, he ran for the samples during the emergency auto-leave shuttle
The "super citizen" title sounds like a red flag for "super retard" more and more honestly
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Bro I'm a space marine bro don't you get it bro?
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pretending to be "the mature gamer" isn't gonna do you any favors
Why do enemies have regular call ins on top of the regular automatic call ins for the defend and eradicate missions?
Farm Super Shekels, that's how I always end up with max Requisition Shits.
>The "super citizen" title sounds like a red flag for "super retard" more and more honestly
Wouldn't it make sense? A rich guy from Super Earth being dumb enough to go beyond the frontlines and acting like just another super destroyer stratagem?
you WILL learn enemy management
Super Citizenship is bought, not earned.
he gets paid to break things not fix them
>standing there staring at the incoming orbital like a tard instead of legging it
>heavy dev seed
Cool I didn't want to be in line of sight to anything for more than half a second.
If I have a competent team, average samples I get would be 15+ commons, 15+ rares and 4 supers on D7. That's roughly more than 14+ games to get 1 of the new upgrades since commons and rares are what gates you from upgrading often. I don't even care about supers anymore. They're still fun and worth taking but I would rather risk getting into a mob that guards the rares than the supers.
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Why is the anti-aliasing so trash? It looks blurry as shit, even 10 year older games have better AA.
I can just feel him reaching for the hug emote button instead of the dive button.
It uses TAA. Just turn off AA and put your sharpness down to 0 and it's a lot better, in addition to improving performance.
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I'm not playing bots until they add stagger resist to heavy armor. I'm done with being flinched, staggered, and ragdolled everywhere. This just isn't fun.
they are, why would someone with a higher form of citizenship enlist as a helldiver? the smart ones become democracy officers.
I tried to use Reshade's FXAA + SMAA and couldn't get a decent AA, I think it needs to be really aggressive for some reason
Just use ballistic shield no bullet will flinch you so long you face your enemies
>Die immediatly on ragdoll due to fucked physics
That was the most schizo decision in recent times, literally breaking things that weren't broken for no reason at all
I miss my ballistic shield so much
Always going 300+ kills/0 deaths on D9 bots makes me question how the sub 100 kills/8+deaths players are having any fun against this faction. They're practically just beelining objectives and avoiding all conflicts unless they are an unavoidable one - like gunships - and when it is an unavoidable fight they just chain feed the bots.
From my personal experience with 9+ death players, it generally starts with 3 bad players together that are so used to being carried that they're unable to handle enemies when faced with equally bad players. I notice they always end up with more deaths when I run off to do an objective, they lack situational awareness, direction and the ability to kill half the enemies and enemy types using airstrikes.
They often build up so many enemies and ignore so many turrets/tanks/striders that even I end up dying.
my feels
They don't delete the groups they pull and instead run, but not just run, they run into more. Multiply that by the number of players in that area you end up with problems that expand the time window from just dealing with one bot drop to two bot drops. This is almost understandable next to Detection towers, but that's because those towers eliminate the cooldown, and the problem is they have no idea that they should have avoided and avoid standing in the beam.
I definitely feel like the bots now punish you more for not actually standing your ground and fighting them to some level. At least enough to clean out all the shitters that can call in a bot drop. But if you've got stratagems that can soak an area in damage then bots are already pretty trivialized, which is always why I find the players that end up dying the most are the ones that don't bring enough AoE against bots.
they really broke this fucking game with the line of sight bullshif and patrols especially on this new planet. im literally getting wallhacked and aimbotted as soon as i leave cover. and its immediate it feels like i get hit with 30 bullets all at once. ill try to relocate around the enviornment and i can see the fucking robots watching me through the cover. and as soon as i pop my head out im either rocket spammed or im immediately dead due to heavy devestator miniguns. even with the extra padding heavy armor. what the fucks going on this game didnt feel like this 2 weeks ago
Also doesn't help that shitters don't know their 500kgs can blow up certain bot sub-objectives. I've had to use mic multiple times to tell people to throw down a 500kg/orbital precision strike on a detector tower to destroy it because these guys have no clue that's a thing.
What, you don't enjoy getting one-shot by a strider magically hitting all headshots on a 200 armor helldiver?
the eagle just hits the trees on the endor planet
>Junp into X to check out the new commando
>it isn't anything to write home to grandma about
>teammates are pants-on-head retarded and don't even grab samples within a 10 foot proximity
>they get fixated on every bot patrol and just fight infinite bot drop loops
>carry idiots to victory with trusty AC as they die left and right
>back to bugs for a better Sunday gaming experience
This is the state of diff 9 bots lol? And they whine about bugdivers ?
Join the cult of orbital gatling. Delete all the trees you come across with it and make it so eagle strikes don't even getting stuffed by the trees.
>And then I woke up
send more eagles, you can clear out most of the smaller trees with two to three stratagems.
Can she actually crash into the trees and die?
No, but the bombs can be far away and high up (effectively useless) from their intended target
Use more eagles until there are no more trees.
>airstrike and gatling are in every single of my loadouts
I just wonder when they will nerf them out of existence
What if that upsets the Lorax
Tell him to go talk to the nice big bot with dual chainsaws for arms.
did they make the striders guns explosive all of a sudden, or up the power? the real kick in the balls is when a patrol spawns behind me, proceeds to absolutely shred me with the bullet landing sound hitting me 20 times in one second then the patrol despawning so i dont even know where i got shot from. this new planet really brings out the fundamental issues with the patrol spawns and what counts as cover for the bots line of sight. i actually rage quit my first mission today after 350 hours in game. somethings not right
chicken walkers have always hit hard
is a river in Egypt :)
Ewok stratagem when
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Seconding this.
A lot of them learned from watching garbage streamers/youtubers and their "SOLO FULL CLEAR" 'strategies.' They've taken to heart "lessons" like
>"we don't need to fight here", *proceeds to just run like fuck from enemy reinforcements and avoid POIs like the plague since they might call in reinforcements.
>use stratagem strikes to destroy outposts. This is fine on its own but the problem is they default back to "we don't need to fight here" and then immediately run the fuck off to the next objective instead of looting the base.
They've honestly fallen for the meme that it's best to avoid combat at all costs. I fucking watched some of their youtube garbage one day to try to get in their heads and I shit you not some nigger with a lot of upboats was fighting outside some bot medium outpost with his squad. His teammates were fighting the enemies and the reinforcements. The nigger used the spear to destroy one fabricator and then the clip was him running the fuck away to find a hole to reload his spear. Then he blew up the second fabricator, made a comment along the lines "that's nice I love the spear. Easy clap on that base" and then started running off to the next base. A few seconds later he turns around to look at his teammates who are still mopping up the defenders and advancing towards the bases' loot and made a comment like "the fuck are you guys doing? I've already destroyed the base."

That's basically it. They don't know how to fight. They actively avoid getting experience in fights. They don't realize that 90% of the samples that they need for their upgrades are inside of the bases and POIs that they avoid like the plague. But they LOVE the fucking super samples since those are "valuable", undefended, and there are ~40 vulgar nicknames for the super rock that tickle their plebbit sense of humor.
>Getting completely BTFO at extraction
>Niggers wasted all reinforcements for shitty samples instead of jumping to the fucking Pelican and taking what we could
Should have abandoned them all, ffs
>fuck off to Lesath for chance of scenery
>bots instantly become 3x more fun when you can see the horizon clearly
I'm staying here.
>Try to take strider chinguns out
>Mf blasts me towards them and they shred me
Extracting only makes sense for samples
The duality of /hdg/, lol.
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>Lose everything instead of getting out with half the samples
You were the mic retard yelling to get those 4 common samples while the game was full heavy spam, fuck you
How do MGchads deal with gunships? HMG emplacement? Rocket sentry?
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Something is definitely fucky with the ems sentry targeting
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9 bots, 3/4
>player count is like 250
>nobody joins
>all alone
Do it yourselves
And I'll join. You didn't really think there'd be a link, did you? :^)
>cool new thing releases
>expensive upgrade, requires hours of currency
>it doesn't actually work
you should know better by now.
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I'll join later. The mood died, I'm just gonna eat a late lunch and lurk.
its funny because the pinging actually does work, but now mortars sometimes refuse to shoot in regular situations regardless if I ping or not
You weren't lying, this thing is a deathtrap.
So this is the person who spends all day in the thread and never actually plays the game
Post Steam name so I can block you for being indecisive.
This is why I'm getting the mortar thing last. Unlocked 2 tier 5 modules otherwise.
Actually I rarely get on /hdg/ since I work too much OT in the hospital. I want my NEET life back but living is difficult.
This. Slow walk it so that it maybe gets fixed in the meantime.
Umm, bugs only of course
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You can guess it by now, but a damn shame since I only played with you guys only once.
>but living is difficult
>>Lose everything instead of getting out with half the samples
Loser mindset
Sometimes you just have to step into the Pelican and let everyone else scramble to reach it.
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>How do MGchads deal with gunships?
They get carried by their teammates and then spiral off into a rant about how it's ok for them to have crippling Achilles heels in their builds because it's a team game.
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I just want to stun you...
>this is what stun grenade users demand respect for
>tried D8 bots

Wow that was awful
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At last, the REAL Helldivers 2 mods.
Sounds perfect, let me solo dive in peace.
gib download link
>please stun
>*eyes well up*
>*begins to sniffle*
>y-you're supposed to be stunned, please! PLEASE!
>*audible crying*
>*screaming, audible heavy heaves of tears*
I say this as the occasional stun grenade user myself.
i used to use EMS strike, once upon a time

then this kind of shit became pretty commonplace
>rng stun chance
Based Alexus
I can't hear you around the swedish cock in your mouth
No, that's just what natural swedish sounds like.
EMS literally cannot stun Behemoths and BTs btw.
The two things in a faction you want stunned the most cannot be stunned by it.
once more the best form of crowd control remains swift and effective murder
>omg, x-45 has first galactic war weapons...
>it was the commando!
>except the magazine is missing, and there's no support pack for it, and it doesn't top attack like it used to, and it's laser guided now...
>it's the commando from the first galactic war tho!!!
what did they mean by this
Its over...
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Do not think about [product], only consume and get excited for next [product].
How did I end up in /wowg/
I don't really want to play on X-45 since that biome and extremely limited lines of sight against bots is cancer, but at the same time I don't want to be a hinderance and accomplish nothing on some other planet.
An interesting game. The only winning move is not to play.
Remember that once you could stun BTs until they made them stun immune because go fuck yourself
They should have just left the ability of the game to spawn in 20 BTs+, so stunning them was reasonable.
Nu-Soup earth couldn't figure out such advanced tech so they made disposable knockoffs
Nothing you do matters anyway in this game. Joel decides if a planet gets taken or not. Just play maps you like.
I think that they did so while the BT gigaspawns were still up.
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bots 9
To be fair I understand why they nerf things into being shit, because stun nades were honestly too good, just like the Commando is right now.
And they can't even buff enemy spawns because otherwise the engine would shit itself and plebbit would cry.
If it was for me I'd just buff the enemies until what you are fighting genuinely feels like Hell in D9, so the weapon are allowed to be great.
As things are, they are way too easy, bots in particular.
I don't see a way out, corpo greed ruined everything.
Don't worry, as soon as the MO is finished, the Commando will be nerfed. Wouldn't want you to be able to snipe fabricators on top of a hill with a clear line of sight now would we?
>We are now in full production of Commando units
>...but we forgot how to make them as good as we used to, whoops!
>No, this is not because of DEI
>in the middle of a fire fight
>a new contender approaches
>throw stun at hulk
>hulk literally disappears into thin air when the stun goes off
>spend the next 10 seconds contemplating where he might have gone
>spin around to deal with a couple of troopers sneaking up behind me
>immediately turn back around to find the hulk has reappeared and get shot pointblank with rockets
when enemies get 'stuck' on something they default to melee attacking to destroy the obstacle. Sometimes when they are stunned they believe they are stuck, or they get stunned while stuck on an object and the anti-stuck melee logic takes priority over everything else.
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>defense mission is done
>shuttle is stuck under the ground
Because just disabling the AI when stunned was too much of a job for swedes.
>If it was for me I'd just buff the enemies until what you are fighting genuinely feels like Hell in D9
making enemies fat bullet sponges is the shittiest way imaginable to create difficulty. See: bile spewers, behemoths
oh, and if you catch a charger in an orbital EMS field and then throw a stun grenade at it the charger will get unstuck from the EMS field as soon as the stun grenades stun duration is over, because they are the same debuff and applying a second instance of a debuff resets the timer to the new instances duration.
Not to mention that biome cuts your fps in half
You people need to understand this and the game will become so much more stress free and fun
This is why I just use stun + eagle airstrike/orbital gatling on these cunts. I'm not threading the fucking needle when these niggers are bobbing their weakspot all over the place.
Fully upgraded OPS is fucking tasty, I love it. You can use it for everything, armor, chaff clear, structures. Does it all, and you can just go ham and throw it on cooldown most of the time.
How do I stop being addicted to the supply pack, having unlimted stuns and stims while not having to give a shit about where the mouthbreather pubbies call down the resupply is just too good
I even caught myself bringing it while lasermaxxing
1 more still ?
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>POI density on thicc jungle planets
No, you are just shit
That just means higher sample density
Bots going for a paddle.
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>points of interest
>there's nothing interesting there past d4
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perfect time for an HMG emplacement
You do take the stepladder stratagem for rescue missions right?
The next course of Joel's meal has been served. Now you must defend Wasat
>Got all the ammo, stims and samples
>Left you an Arc Thrower tho ;) - D

Oh silly me. I forgot Joel served a side dish of defending Vernan wells too. Are you enjoying enjoying Joel's cooking this MO?
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>can run rdr2 at maxed out graphics at 100 fps
>this game fucking chugs at medium settings
good job anon your pc can run a 5 year old game
For me, it's hearing the 5-rocket salvo.
You can't read.
Buffing enemies doesn't mean making them bullet sponges.
>at medium settings
It chugs at low and high settings the same, there must be some seriously retarded shit under there
Support weapons on pois is just bizarre. Support weapons are a huge part of your build, probably the centerpiece, you wouldn't just pick up a random one
meanwhile on my GTX 970:
>can barely run RDR2 even at low settings
>this game runs at a silky smooth 40 FPS at low settings
>bile spewers
Use your grenade pistol, stop this meme
You ARE using a grenade pistol and not le completely useless revolver, aren't you?
I blame the anti cheat
yeah, i'm just surprised by how low it is

what the fuck did he mean by this
The idea seems to be centered around new players so you can try before you buy sort of thing. Also I guess if you're feeling ballsy you can go for four green/red strats and gamble on finding something decent OSP.
We'd be better off capturing Vega Bay, not that the blob will do that.
You don't need guard dog for bot using eruptor. Run supply backpack instead. Enemy volume is too much in higher diff for HMG without guard dog.
Guard dog (laser) only really help in bug
Last time we did that Joel sharted and pissed himself and gave us three defenses at one.
the fucking crazy part anon
I will admit that RDR2 thankfully has dlss
but I had a 980ti before I upgraded to my 4070 super
RDR2 went from 20 fps at lowest settings to 100 at max
Helldivers went from 50 fps to lowest settings to 50 fps at medium
And my gpu is almost always at 40% usage in that game, its like they're mining my computer or something
I set the anti cheat to only two cores on my cpu and it barely takes even 0.5% usage, and I still get bad frames, back to lossless scaling I guess
I do this. A backpack and 3 greens.
>Also I guess if you're feeling ballsy you can go for four green/red strats and gamble on finding something decent OSP.
Please tell me you're doing this shit in D4
>Use your grenade pistol
Damn you know I just never thought of using a weapon with extremely limited ammunition and terrible resupply efficiency to deal with an enemy type that constantly appears in significant numbers at all times.
Don't forget the additional X-45 invasion to keep the players on their toes!
>And my gpu is almost always at 40% usage in that game, its like they're mining my computer or something
Helldivers is way more CPU intensive than it is GPU intensive. If you ahev a good GPU but still have bad performance it's likely a CPU bottleneck.
Start thinking then, you'll figure it out
anon... your reading comprehension....
I feel like my 5600x isn't that bad to merit this, as I can play literally any other game, including super cpu intensive ones just fine
granted its usage is 80% I refuse to throw more hardware at this swede jank
adjudicator rapes both spewers with headshots
nursings take like 5 bullets, biles take like around 10
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It's posts like these that make me believe that most people here don't actually play the game.
Don't bring it to gunship patrol. HMG emplacement can deal with gunship from fab
Why the fuck aren't you running HMG instead for bot anyway
I like using the verdict because I like the way it sounds fuck your meme pistol
Listen Chuds, if you somehow manage to take vega bay and cut off the X-45 and wasat attacks and create a buffer again, then Joel is going to have to punish you. You need to chew the steak slower just like how Edmund McMillen said about Isaac and enjoy the curated game experience.
People here do play the game (on difficulty 3 where bile spewers only have 2 armor and where they're getting carried by their teammates)
Grenade Pistol twoshots this.
Imagine being the clown that unironically groups bots fodder up in diff4 to make a HMG emplacement webm.
>Be lvl 150.
>Bring MG turret with my D9 SMG build on bugs since MG turret favours mobility with its shorter CD.
>Lower level player backseat advices me to bring gatling turret instead.
>I still end up having over 200+ more kills than them because every time I throw down an MG turret is essentially a free 30+ kills every minute and half.
I don't get it. You think I tell these retards to not bring the clussy launcher to the mission? Let me fucking cook, faggot.
Both enemies are fine
Bile spewer die to most horde clear support like GL,AC, AMR, HMG, MG, and arcthrower.
Eruptor, dominator are solid against them for primary weapon standard. I think scorcher, adjucator, and plasma punish can do okay as well.
>But I'm not as good vs another enemy in specific build
Then you just stick with another teammate who can cover you if you aren't good enough to deal with them.
Shut the fuck up retard, I'd outfarm you on bugs with Incendiary Breaker and not support weapon.
>Imagine being the clown that unironically groups bots fodder up
imagine being a fucking idiot that doesn't even play the game to know that raiders have the strange tendency to gather in massive groups in the center of the map regardless of difficulty
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>incel breaker
>MG turret a support weapon
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I already know that, that's how I know that GP 2shots them you fucking negroid :))))
I'm calling you out for playing on diff 4 with HMG emplacement to make a webm, dumb niggeroid.
You will defend ze piss planet
Anon, I also love the grenade pistol but there's a million of those spewer shits sometimes and a grenade to their head sometimes doesn't always equal a kill.
>shoot the eyes of the walker
that tiny glowing spot on the front of its head? i lit that up with a commando and nothing happened
>that one guy who brings the 380 to an exterminate mission
based, is what he is.
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>commando and EATs on high value evac mission
So many explosions. Like a orgasm symphony.
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what the fuck happened to CPU usage

t. on fedora linux
>not having everyone on the team bring all possible bombardments and throw them down
If democracy wants you to live, you will live.
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Let me ride the hive lord.
>spear or rr
>rocket sentry
>eruptor or crosbow
>grenade pistol
yeah its explosives time
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can't let you take two mechs btw because they're "so expensive" processing wise. Here's 200 commandos and eats all over the map though.
are you retarded? the raiders ai is jammed up so the ones in patrols dont respawn and will continue to march towards the dead center of the map every game. do you play this game, the one whos general thread youre posting in?
but the explosion radius is nowhere near big enough for that
What a fun fucking idiot you must be to play with. I bet you're the type that shrieks if you see someone not using an autocannon in your team. Please stop playing this game, you have the boring type of autism.
>ITT, anons that don't play the game falseflagging as anon that play the game, telling anons that do play the game that they don't play the game
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>join random match
>0 reinforcements left
>~2 minutes left
>0 objectives completed
Imagine being so much of a "git gud" faggot you can't, for a single second, enjoy an amusing webm without digging shit out of your ass about how it's not optimal or claim it is some kind of contrived set up scenario to prove some kind of fucking point that wasn't even being made. Imagine.
Here's 5 dropships per second, all with factory striders and/or hulks. We also filled the map to the brim with rocket devastators. Don't worry, you'll just crash on exit later (anticheat detected a dust particle out of bounds)
>amusing webm
It's not amusing.
What's amusing is you being this pathetic over being called out.
You can play whatever the fuck you want, just don't shill your reddit shit here if you are going to cry over me pointing out that you are a faggot, nigger.
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My condolences to you and your family. Life after whatever head trauma you must have sustained can't be easy.
Who pissed on your cereal anon? You are acting like a faggot and also an incorrect faggot by implying two GP shots alone would clear the entire fucking area.
No, you can post the video, but I'll call you out. The fact that you keep crying like a fag over it tells me more about your family and how disappointed they were with your grades in highschool.
They'd do it, or at the very least 90% clear them. Try it out next time you see them.
Haven't touched the game since we got to first play on the jungle biome
Is the two month sweed holiday drought real?
New bug discovered
>Can't choose stratagems, I click and it's like I'm pressing R
I get that all the time. Use the arrow keys and spacebar.
so hows the new rocket launcher
It's pretty cool
I wouldn't take it over the AC if it wasn't free, but as it is, it's makes the Spear and the EAT obsolete
Wait for the nerfs
>Joels i making us lose all the enclave planets
Knew it.
My guess is that he'll redraw the supply lines and makes it as so you can't invade planets with no direct connection to Super Earth space
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called out? called out for what? for a made up scenario you invented?
One anon posts a screencap of a huge group of raiders. Another anon replies with a webm of a similar scenario, using an HMG emplacement to clear them out in a 'haha big gun go brrr' moment, because it's fun. Then you come along with your superiority complex and start shit about how "umm actually you fucking retard you should have just used X because X is way better and also you're a shitter for playing on difficulty 4" even though you have absolutely no context or clue as to why they might have been on difficulty 4. While also claiming the HMG emplacement anon would go so far as to "group them up" as if that was even a fucking thing that could happen by a players own actions, apparently all in effort to try and show the HMG emplacement is actually totally OP and the best stratagem ever? And then when YOU get called out for appearing to not know raiders group themselves up, by your claim that the webm anon was the one to group the raiders up, you double down on your retarded faggotry.

And to prove you're full of shit making up scenarios to big yourself up, I can prove that that webm wasn't made in response to that original screenshot, but was made 2 fucking days ago. Because it has nothing to do with this fantasy you've concocted but was simply coincidentally related to something being shared for the threads amusement.
>enclave planets
Hi, any lobby?
It's both sad and funny that destroying the supercolony Miridia had zero impact on the bug war
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>unlock the ship module that allows instant support weapon delivery
>X-45 closes
it's fun, two tapping tanks and towers is great
It's a better EAT in every way.
Yeah, the one you are making
>It's a better EAT in every way.
Significantly worse cooldown, it's hard to keep it as your main support weapon.
Anon you aren't reading, you are projecting, you are the one that made up a random strawman and rolled with it.

Keep crying like a sperg, it won't change my approach. I'll keep making fun of people who play in anything below D9 and pointing it out.

You'll keep crying, because you are bitchmade.
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>get instagibbed out of nowhere
>annihilator tank got bot dropped (or maybe he simply drove up there) up a big ass tree
At times like that, state of the game as it is, you have to laugh out loud. I know I would have.
It's literally twice the firepower for less than double the cooldown, all in one packet instead of two and with a laser-guide gimmick
It makes the EAT completly obsolete
>shitters shitting on the HMG emplacement because they are too retarded to place them properly and wipe out an entire army of bots effortlessly
Jesus, I hope they aren't the retards I recently had the displeasure of playing with
>reddit spacing
Not only did he win but you're a faggot to boot
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I don't know how long I'll play. I don't want to post a lobby. But I will!
So the same firepower?
Do it

Can the EAT destroy fabs from any direction?
Come join sissies. I don't know how long I'll play.

They moved the console but they couldn't bother fixing the near clip plane on the floor
>reinforcement bug
>guy who kept trying to reinforce me crashed
>I crashed immediately after
nice game
>literally twice the firepower
>2 shots to down a dropship
just stop, EAT deals double the damage with a much faster cooldown time
>b-but muh laser gimmick
learn to aim, shitter
>same firepower
>more convient
>can blow up fabricators
It will be nerfed to shot the second it releases for good
>Muh fabs
Not like it matters that much
there is no way the commando is going to destroy fabricators from any angle in the final release
the crossbow leaks were also like this and it got removed
>game randomly decides the area I wanted to throw the hmg emplacement down is a no go zone and bounces it a few meters away
I accept your concession
>you are the one that made up a random strawman and rolled with it.
>Imagine being the clown that unironically groups bots fodder up in diff4 to make a HMG emplacement webm.
who's doing what?

What exactly is wrong with making webm's of the HMG emplacement? Why is this worthy of being "called out" for? Do you even know why I was playing on difficulty 4 when I recorded that webm? Why I was 20 minutes into a difficulty 4 mission, solo, with only 1 sub-objective completed and zero samples collected?
>two Emancipators on D9
But Commando lets you shoot 4 times in a pinch, whereas EAT makes you call a new one every time
>Can the EAT destroy fabs from any direction?
what the fuck? THAT'S your selling point? That is clearly an oversight on the devs part and will be patched out as soon as the "final" version drops
Just bring both you fucking retards
thats danish
Why would I? With the commando I can have decent AT on 1 slot without needing a backpack or having to deal with charge-up and cooldown bullshit
>>literally twice the firepower
>>2 shots to down a dropship
How many dropships can you shoot down with a single EAT drop? 2. How many dropships can you shoot down with a single comamndo drop? also 2.
Last I checked 2 isn't double of 2.
In fact, a single Commander drop has more total damage than a single EAT drop, with each commando rocket doing 450 damage compared to the EAT's 650, but with twice the number of rockets it comes out to 1800 total damage for the commando and only 1300 damage for the EATs. And that's not even factoring in the 150 explosive AoE damage each rocket, Commando and EAT, have, which puts the commando even higher.
Then you need to consider the commando is not only more efficient with its damage, you get all of the shots in a single launcher meaning you never have to risk not being able to get to the second EAT tube.
Why would I? With the expendable anti-tank I can have decent AT on 1 slot without needing a backpack or having to deal with charge-up and cooldown bullshit
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>unable to join lobby
Because commandos gotta EAT too.
>Can run with Commando and scavenge other support weapons off allies or PoIs like you can with EATs.
Comfy and welcome addition to the arsenal.
whats the commando's cooldown? i thought it was going to be more than twice the cooldown of EAT to balance out it's convenience and better handling of certain breakpoints. but you guys are acting as if it's the same
im quitting soon, you'll have my spot/
>no more commando
>not in stores yet
Its like 30s more or something
with all the CD reduction I have no idea what the base CD is, but after upgrades its about 95s to EATs 70s
i see, yeah thats a bit small of a difference for the benefits it gives you
No one will ever touch EATs now because of it, its simply better. That being said EATs + Commando lets you obliterate a lot of armor without worrying about dying and losing your gear.
If i could i would just equip 4 eats. This is close enough
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That 10% faster reload made it finally feel usable imo. Being able to down three dropships and kill everything before it lands is nice.
unless they finally unfuck teamloading, and allow anyone to speed load without the backpack, this thing is never gonna get used again.
needs HE ammo to deal with groups, gets outclassed by too many other things
try now
Lobby open.
if I play high tier bugs and there isn't already an autocannon man or nobody is bothering with any AT at all, I run RR with EATs for max emergency AT capacity. now it'll just be RR with Commando for the same thing but better with a less frequent, more densely packed call-in that fits the role perfectly and is more likely for somebody to take for themselves and use effectively in a pinch
ok gimme a sec
>Being able to down three dropships and kill everything before it lands is nice.
>and kill everything
if only....
It does
>and allow anyone to speed load without the backpack
Whats so funny about this is that the programming is already there for this to work so it wouldn't take long to get it up and running. Its weird as fuck they haven't just gone ahead and made it work.
They haven't made destroyed dropships kill their cargo yet, anon.
See >>485121408
Unfortunately for RR fans, the Spear is good now, and the Queso has infinite ammo
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>wait a minute for a team mate to come over and open a bunker
>its requisition slips and 2 arc throwers
I came recently from bots, and I did not see stuff like that happening. Do you have a recording?
Streamlined Launch Process has changed my life. How did I live before this?
it kills the chaff bots and glitches out most everything else, effectively crowd controlling it. Still probably not worth the rocket when you could just air strike them as they land.
You guys picked up the arcs and zapped everything right?
Then play the game more
>it kills the chaff bots and glitches out most everything else, effectively crowd controlling it
Wow, I get to use my post twice today, neat >>485109154
It really needs some kind of buff to compete now. Even the extra 3 shells isn't enough since you can't one shot a behemoth dome. Breaks my heart because I used it through like 100 level ups. But sadly the spear is too necessary now
>bunker doors have a FURTHER bunker door inside
>we'll never get to open THAT door
>he didn't scope peek
never waste your time on another shitty bunker again once you learn that trick
>infinite ammo
You should regard your own post because clearly you have no idea.
I have 300 hours now, anon, and spent many of those hours originally downing dropships. If you're gonna make the claim, then you need to provide the proof.
>I've already destroyed the base
I'd have said
>Didn't grab the samples tho nigger
Then clearly you're retarded and nothing anything says or show you will change your mind
I still bring it
>carrying 5 EATs behind your back and 1 in the chamber
>can be refilled with ground ammo boxes
>OP as hell now with 10% faster reload time ship upgrade
>more control over the rocket, can aim anywhere you want
Still the best choice for both factions
I kick or teamkill everyone that shoots down dropships because every single time, it traps mobs inside that shoot out at is while bouncing our shots off the downed ship. Play the fucking game, larper.
Post proof or fuck off nigger
>I have a misunderstanding on how the game works and power trip my disbelief on others
bro teach me your ways
The single biggest complaint about bring heavy AT to bot missions is that shooting down dropships with it doesn't always kill the cargo and instead creates an unassailable bunker out of the wreckage for them to shoot out of that you can't shoot into. It's been complained about since fucking release.
Literally show me a dropship falling and killing its crew, and not just one random chaff. Why is this so hard for you to do, if its so easy to recreate? All I ask is for you to back up your own claim and you immediately jump to insults.
>Trying to double down on something you could quite easily test yourself
Destroying a drop ship drops it on the enemies below and will kill most of them. Im sorry this fact hurts your ego but maybe just play the game next time.
>How do I stop
You don't
With heavy med armor I find myself just running past large groups of enemies all the time, stimming and just carrying on like they don't exist to get to things like jammers.
I always end up with like 30 stim uses per game because I can play so aggressive and fight past the flinch.
So is the dropship debate our "there are no helicopters in Terraria" meme, or what? I feel like I'm being gaslit hard right now, I've never seen a downed dropship kill its crew.
I require horribly inefficient and unsafe overcharge modes for my energy weapons
And again, I've downed a million dropships across all my hours of play and yet that little kill counter sure doesnt go up. Why does getting asked to back up your own claim make you so upset?
You can just google and youtube it and find plenty of people who have tested it and posted videos of them downing drop ships and seeing their kill counters increase when it blows up, as well as see the enemies die.

It doesn't matter though, you're bias and trying to save face so nothing anything says will make you happy.
EAT, RR, and quasar should be buffed to 750 damage (with the damage dropoff bug fixed).

Yes, this makes them a 1-shot on bile titans.
I see it consistently wipe trash mobs it's carrying if you hit it while it's moving while medium mobs get stuck in the carry animation until something shoots them. If it's hovering and dropping units when you hit it though it seems to do nothing.
The issue is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Dropships do deal damage when they explode on the ground, but because Helldivers is janky people have different experiences. It is still worth it if you can take the shot because its far more likely to down all the chaff and walkers while making the larger units get stuck.
you stop by running to all of the PoIs and grabbing supplies from there while going full guerilla mode

Im sorry that you are so insecure you need to try and save face on something so easily disprovable.
It was fine when there were less entities, but then people cried about heavies, they started increasing smaller add spawns by 3 fold to compensate and thus every single new small one now needs it's own AI.
EAT and Quasar no, Recoilless yes. Tht's the downside for being a quick disposable throw-away launcher or having infinite ammo. Recoilless needs something to make it a viable pick over the other two, especially now that the commando is here and shits on EATs
At least we're not ratclick
If you spammed the spot button you'd have seen the arc throwers even without a scope.
>posting videos from 4 months ago
>a gajillion patches and changes that change everything thanks to the game's shitty spaghetti code
>even redditors are currently complaining dropships dont kill their crew
>got off of playing bots for nearly a week, no dropships were killing their crew
Ok, anon. I don't see a little skull counter go up when the dropship blows up and neither do at least two other anons that you've somehow amalgamated into me as well, but ok.

As I said here >>485123508 nothing anyone says will make you stop trying to save face. But at least we can all laugh at you now.
/gatcha/ board when, need to contain this brainrot
Flamethrower and two red bile titan killers is usually enough since they fucked with the spawns.
I hate to break it to you, but /vg/ iis the containment.
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set FoV to max, mash your gun into the door and ADS
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>laser cannon and shield gen pack
First combo I liked since the first month, its been so long and it didn't disappoint.
it's inconsistent, sometimes it'll take out the chaff and sometimes it won't. It will usually never kill anything larger like a berserker, hulk or tank as far as I know. Most people don't destroy them so you never really notice it, and when they do the larger units survive so you end up thinking "alright that did literally nothing"
be honest, did you drop a sos beacon to get that 3 stack of SC?
Terraria has helicopters?
Is there no way for someone to look in an editor to see what EXACTLY happens when a dropship crashes damage wise? Does the falling dropship carcass objectively pass any numerical damage onwards to a medium to heavy unit?

Here is some definitive proof so we can end this dumb argument caused by one retard once and for all. Killing drop ships kills most of whats below it. Sometimes it will show you the kill count (0.53) sometimes it wont (1.33).
It's a reference to a couple guys gaslighting some lonely autist into thinking they're playing Terraria with Apaches and machine guns while he gets progressively more upset.

Going by the last good advice I've heard on that situation, quickly type "look what you did :[" and TK them.
observe my sick commando rocket shot
as it stands, shooting down dropships is more of a flex or roleplay thing to do, and will remain so until they make the dropship spawn a proper explosion underneath on wreck impact and will fix the terrain soaking up the damage
it's a diceroll on whether it damages the troops, but the dice has sixteen sides and 1-15 is no damage at all
>it creates an unpenetrable memebunker for teh devs
argument is greatly overstated as well, they mostly just walk out
the SAM site impacts wipe the payload 100% of the time btw
Cool, but you can just shoot the sides of the fab without your fancy hollywood bullet curving.
anon...the commando kills fabs from any angle on any surface...good job
>as it stands, shooting down dropships is more of a flex
>shows a video of a dropship wiping out 8 enemies in one rocket
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If the Commano destroys fabricators like it does, imagine how it's going to do against shrieker nests and spore spewers.
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ah good grief and alas
yeah, and that happens only ever so often
I went through all the recordings in my trash bin and out of all the dropships I shot down like 8 or 9, that was the only one that resulted in the kill counter popping up
>only one that resulted in the kill counter popping up
Kill counter being bugged =/= no kills being made
now that's just cope
shooting down a dropships has consistently credited me the kills properly granted they happened
it just rarely ever kills payloads heavier than the ~150 hp grunts
no but I fucking should have, damn it
Watch >>485125053
Anyone notice that the "hellbong armed, clear the area!" soundbite isn't working anymore?
>split between wasat and vega bay
>we loose both because dumb liberation system and bug divers
oh I'm laughin
>queso cannon
>eagle poppers
Yeah... I'm thinking its time to go visit the ol' Super Taco Bell.... Democracy Officer watchu want with your fries?
I'm not watching the entire thing, but it's diff 1, and two of the drops shot down were nothing but the basic bitch 150 hp troops - which the dropship wreckage exploding will wipe, as I've said
most of drops on higher difficulties will be hulks, devs, berserkers and tanks - the full light goon drops are relatively rare, and you won't wipe them with a dropship shotdown most of the time
>difficulty 1 where the dropship cargo is 100% raiders
it was never the argument that killing dropships didn't kill ANY of its cargo, it was that it never killed ALL of its cargo. It's always been acknowledged RAIDERS die in dropship crashes. The problem is anything bigger than a raider doesn't die.
>it was never the argument that killing dropships didn't kill ANY of its cargo
Yes it was. Nice attempt at backtracking.
please keep making posts like this so that each person here gets slightly more disgusted by the idea of running the GP with every post you make. The lobbies must heal.
He's going to move the goalposts and pretend that he meant that it only killed troopers the whole time, when troopers are basically a non-issue on D7+.
>and two of the drops shot down
first two*
>Im not educating myself I just want to live in my own bubble
You do you anon. There is plenty of proof that dropships damage everything and can potentially kill anything. Your ignorance is no one elses issue.
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>tfw you're the 67
>If you kill a dropship im going to KICK you
>If you DONT kill a dropship im going to KICK YOU
This is pathetic
>That had better be stims in that bong, soldier!
This is the optimum way to handle samples, people should combine their containers and run them to the extract like a football the whole time.
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I still have 1 more misson left on X-45, join if you want to use the Commando

>Stimbong for AoE stimming
Fund it.
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I've had some goofy shit happen to me but the camera disconnecting from the player character is something new
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Something like this?
join the fahking lobby

1 more slot to play the Commando, be quick niggas
You missed it
It was cool
Is there a new warbond coming? Dont they usually release the details a week before?
Somebody post that Snoop Dogg game clip of "Imma be blunt with you" lol. Same vibes.
Dropping down from orbit in a bullet shaped metal box may cause mild brain damage
new t.
That seems to be like the most useful of the new upgrades
Too bad I haven't even gotten all of the old ones
>set FoV to max,
That seems more time consuming than just wanting for another player
yeah that happens to me a lot, i sent it to the devs
something to do with getting ragdolled while you're are transitioning to first person
as long as the guy with the samples instantly dives into the pelican when it arrives, yes
Probably because stray bullets are going past other bot patrols you can't see then they get aggroed and immediately know where you are. It's worse when you have shitters who love to start fights by flinging stratas at bases then run away because you'll end up getting shot from 3 sides.
The dumbfuck swedes apparently have realistic simulated hydraulics on the mechs and even shit like the gas cans on the back have their own health and count as as a body part.

The selective milsim autism is actually severely hurting the game down to its base code.
simulated hydraulics? What?
I heard it from an anon on a different thread but apparently, yes, the mechs have simulated hydraulics and the mech has many tens of small pieces counted as a body part with its own HP.
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i dunno about simulated hydraulics but they have way too fucking many hitzones at least
they're all cosmetic parts designed to just show damage on the mech (non-existant HP, 0% transfer to main HP), except i've never seen any parts on a mech actually break
The gas cans apparently break. Anyways i didn't even know mechs had a windshield
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>get tired of running anti armor against bugs
>pick either flamethrower or lmgs
>spend 90% of the mission being chased by bile titans while my teams sit there fisting their own asses
I hope we getting beefier mechs in the future the ones we have now seem like they're made for like suppressing a dissenting population or killing the lil bugs the farms were use to before galactic war 2 kicled off. 3 armor is nothing
>simulated hydraulics
it's a meme you dip
Are any of the mechs worth paying 25k reqs for?
this nigga actually fucking fell for that shit
no wonder you people are so retarded

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