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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 7th, 8:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Tuliyolall (Instance 1) x11, y6.6 | Kneel to Wuk Lamat meetup >>484959469

Previous Thread >>485020120
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logging in
Post whatever
God I love Hrothgirls.
post salacious catboxes
my fiddie is
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laid bare
yeah i suck at sexting grown men in a video game.
>WOL: "Alisaie, make sure you're still young and beautiful when I return from this adventure"

what the fuck? that came out of no where.
I am a free trial lalafell with all my crafters at 70
i love the yok huy those niggas look retarded as hell but they're the coolest beast niggas.
What the fuck when did chat 2 add emotes?
>Grabbing the last Aether Currents I need
>Find a whole field of Pepsimen
This truly is the jazz expansion.
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Why are catboys like this..?
Anyone here play femlala/femezen? Do you get a lot of tells? I just want as much attention as possible, just looking for input before I go a generic sunny.
Dawntrail sucks balls
sext me irl then
catboy supremacy
if you're not baiting just play a basic bitch sunnie catgirl and you'll swim in tells
sfeen leesetn to mi
what does your viper glam look like, xivg
dont call me dawntrail
this was my second option, strawberry blonde pastel glam sunnie
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and i huff them
i got one (1) tell at the beginning of EW saying i looked pretty in my gatherer attire
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>bantering with someone in thread
>they post their avatar in one of the replies
>realize I've been talking to J*zzda the whole time
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On my 4th moscow mule gonna start petting every Hrothgirl I see.
I don't know how you can immerse yourself in regular RP at all if all you think about is grown men. I hope you're not a midlander.
I must become Ganondorf, the King of Evil of FFXIV
i wear AF
i look cool
simple as
what if I was a cute fiddie and my gimmick was that I sexpested male middies would you like that?
>Be me
>Get script for Dawntrail
>Lmao, this shit sucks ass
>Get an idea
>Hire troon as main character
>Morons will defend their performance, no matter how shitty because its a troon
>Discourse surrounding Dawntrail will never not be a shitshow
>We can tell retarded shareholders the bad reviews are just transphobes review bombing
it happens more often than i like to admit
absolutely worst takes from that guy, about everything
what happened?
>Because a Viera’s male or female characteristics are not present at birth, parents typically opt to bestow their children with names that are considered appropriate for any sex and gender. Nevertheless, in line with the cultural tradition of adopting a new name to suit one’s newfound environment or identity, many Viera choose to change their names upon reaching adulthood. Though in many cases male Viera will choose a traditionally “masculine” name, or female Viera a traditionally “feminine” one, there are myriad examples of Viera who eschew these patterns by keeping or choosing names that are culturally recognized as non-binary or associated with a different gender. For this reason, it is nearly impossible to determine whether a Viera is male or female by forename alone.
>07-22-2019 02:15 PM
how are you still on this man, get a fucking life
finally got my af gear yippee
sorry man, that sucks
need a slampig biohole femra to moan for me over vc while i control her lovense
me when i see femlalas
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Why do all the Solution 9 robots use fiddie skeletons
can't believe tozer got gaol'ed for slaying too much puss
link me the full now
i want to get ruined
>>Morons will defend their performance, no matter how shitty because its a troon
I present, exhibit A
Please thoroughly clean my musk with your mouth
Its sour from the days work of shitposting and preventing EX clears
i show the people i erp with my irl nudes and blur the line of fantasy until all pretext of our characters fucking is gone and we just sext directly to each other
Yeah, every bosses either spam ranged attack or dive you right away, I gotta either drink the flask to make me take one hit or dodge and roll to the other side of the room to summon
sounds like a fun gimmick yeah, if you sexpest my male mid i'll just steer you towards my bros though
lick and suck them while you're down there
For all the people praising the voices in Shaaloani, I present to you a simple measure of what actually decent voice work in a cowboy western should sound like.
Yes we would
Are you proud of how you're spending your saturday night?
I'm just sick of hearing about it, you're still here and playing the game so they won
you know why
Performing oral sex on sweaty hrothgirls
eli star
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Femlala EB for my Malera
i also suck at that....
Anyone here play miera? Do you get a lot of tells? I just want as much attention as possible, just looking for input before I go a generic rava.
Because fiddies already stand like robots.
saran miyake
I called someone a retard back in the day and they got offended cause their kid had an extra chromosome
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replace yoshit piss
>get new extreme mount
>got nowhere to show it off
this is BULLSHIT, Solution 9 is fucking massive, let us mount.
A strong contender for the absolute stupidest piece of lore written into this game.
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>le "you can't criticize it or you'll be called a transphobe" narrative
Never happens outside the handpicked ragebait tweets that right-wing grifters feed you because you're a retard who reacts to stimuli like a dog........
Good, oral knotting is hot.
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>second half of Dawntrail
>quits RDM because it stinks
>goes BLM
>turns out it also stinks
Stop cursing the jobs.
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is it scripted to end at 1 or am i just a shitter
Does anyone have the collection of Ilberds
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This is my favorite latina in the Final Fantasy Fourteen Dawntrail expansion
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found a cool spot in tuliyollal
ive gotten the most on massive bara hrothchad
I love a man who loves his friends, and I bet your bros appreciate you!
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why is this happening, bros
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>two more years of this
I LOVE Dawntrail.
If you want a ton of attention play a catgirl, femra, or femroe
Male characters get ignored, especially miera
You Holmgang'd my heart with your beauty.
Just look through toumator18's gallery and you'll find it.
I got one of the thread's most notorious and annoying ebins permabanned in-game.
Made especially sure to wait for a new expac before putting the plan in motion, but it all paid off perfectly.
let me do the sucking
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thoughts on cumming in your mommy?
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for all your hard work i suppose its fair
but for you idkk
Some lady who uses XIV to shill her OF added me and then sent me suggestive pics of herself. I simply respondes "ma'am with all due respect I am not here for that."

It was so weird. I was grossed out.
If we were sexting it might have been different. Either way you reminded me of it.
it is scripted to end at one, I literally hit my last picto hammer right as it ran out and I thought I failed it
Scripted as fuck
it was lower on day 1 of EA
i've got bad news for you bro
prefer to do it in my sister
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Unironically had this.
Not anymore, though. I lucked into it the last time so I don't know how to make it happen again...
Being too shy to ask this cat on a date.
nobody fucking cares about your cringe trophy
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how about i slap ur tits
The WoL, being a viera, struggle to relates to less long lived races. It was her way of saying to Alisaie to not die.
posting fiddie for fiddie fsunday
Shut the fuck up.
We all know why you dont like people talking about Woke Latroon.
>need to rank up my GC which requires doing the mook junk
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bad story and they're basically following a formula while refusing to innovate. It's deserved.
hot, do that with me
I'd cotank with you
kino alert?
just get lucky and ERP with a biohole and they'll become total whores for you both IC and OOC if you're charming and good enough at RP
New WoW expansion in a month
because it's been nonstop the same shit over and over in a circle for a week?
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you wouldnt
impressive that you think it'll ever stop
these people are too deep in le culture war they insist on waging
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prefer if she came in me
amogus stuck in a tree materia
amogus stuck in a tree
That's exactly how it happened, funnily enough. Maybe it's actually a proven science.
>femroes so obsolete with the release of hrothgals that the team didn't even bother to rework their lighting
Does anyone else get so violently angry about the people ERPing in this thread that they start praying to any deity that will listen for every single one of those "people" to kill themselves or am i just mentally ill
venat is like our stepmom so impregnating her is okay
Nearly passed with flying colors, but you needed to be a Thighlander or Roegadyn
who was it? asking for a friend
>"Ohio Gonzales, Yoshi-piss- Erm, I mean P!"
>"I heard Square Enix took a little bruising, some 140 million dollar bruising!"
>"Whats that? Your budget is a little tighter than usual for your next Final Fantasy 14 expansion?"
>"Well Yoshi, allow me to introduce you to a good friend of mine.... Sweet Baby Inc.
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i miss him please don't bring him back
im a five foot five femboy switch with an oral fixation and a six inch cock. are you sure?
Fuck off, transphobe. We like Wuk's VA. It's not a big deal. Stop whining about it. Just fucking deal with it man, at least it's not retail WoW.
>base ENTIRE story on one annoying retard
>in a game that is based entirely on the story
it's funny because stormblood was basically a mirror - good actual PvE content but shit story, and most people were so soured by the retarded blonde marysue bimbo that they forgot eurekakino/alphascapekino/trialkino
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i drew this
>It's another CT episode
Guess you fuckers are stuck with me.
shut up lmao
I've realized the female hroth meta
Face 2 lost and face 3 helions look better than any other combination
Why do people bother with settling for a + or not on their female?
Why not do both?
I don't mean full package but changing depending on the need
this is unironically how I met my wife
but it started with just innocent RP
thanks, very gross
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sounds great, of course I'm sure
A woman high on omegaverse wrote this
Why would you want me to have a penis, anon?
Almost like Wuk was a major part of Dawntrails story and we dont like it
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This motherfucker is straight up racist
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>full package
Everything more than a normal women is instant trash and belongs exterminated.
My malewife Granblue farmpig
I know ERP isn't new, and it's been around for decades, but I feel like it's way more common and open now.
There's threads on fucking /v/ where people will erp/joi or whatever
So annoying
i should pest this catboy sometime
Because fiddies are absolute perfection, the peak of creation, the most beautiful angels to ever walk this land
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>"The Coil Tightens" during random fucking nothing moments instead of epic exposition dumps
>"Everywhere and Nowhere" during random fucking nothing moment about a previous battle that I didn't even know about until 5 seconds ago

>the lizard murders his right hand man
>no music at all
Whoever's job it was to choose the songs for cutscenes in Dawntrail needs to be fired.
I am
a male midlander
who just cleared EX2
>They think its about trans people
Nice projection, fucking idiots.
Seems reasonable to me, I wouldn't want my daughter marrying a lesser creature either.
Is it weird that I just can't really get into ERP.
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it's so fucking over, bro's... all femroes collectively kneel to our hrothgal queens...
That's the first and only point you mentioned in your post so it's clear it's some retarded obsession of yours.
If they’re going to poz the game then it might as well be retail at this point.
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hi guy
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good morning all my beautiful femhroths!
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>Decide not to get all the shit I'd need to play DT
>Have completely stopped playing ffxiv
>My fucking dream starts trying to gaslight me into thinking it'd be a great idea
Do they have rehab for this kinda thing?
for the record I do hate trannies though, but the writing in dawntrail is so bad. It's so bad.
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corona lockdown unironically fucked people brains up in regards to having relationships with people online. this was an inevitability ever since then
wtf did they do to my wife......
great, look forward to a picture of my cock from below with the caption "pov: you look so pretty between my thighs" in your inbox
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not really
I dunno, I think face 2 helions are neat too.
chat is this real
>Hire troon as main character
>Morons will defend their performance, no matter how shitty because its a troon
Your words retard
most reasonable female players do this already
Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; do not have relations with her.
Do not have sexual relations with your father’s wife; that would dishonor your father.
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This miera begs to be hated
Femroth are the weirdest motherfuckers in this community aren’t they?
When do I need to start advanced melding
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no erp sucks
I am
A male elezen
This moonie's on a roll today
grummz lost
you are on the wrong side of history
to fuck the shit out of my femra????
/pet thanks bros
hat too big, but a cute
Well the last map has a zone full of cunny so if that doesn't gets you interested not sure what will
That’s what Yoshi-P wants. He can deflect all criticism that way.
didn't god fuck his mom or something thoever
she is getting taken to the dick enlargenator
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i could shoot the biggest flarestar at you
You got this far without it, what would really change if you could?
What's the new fountain to hang around at
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Not a dyke, sorry.
If you say anything bad about XIV then you’re a chuddie transphobic racist cis white male bigot. End of discussion.
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what the fuck was her problem
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i love the new graphical update bros
most horrid sentence structured together that i've seen today, please never use farmpig ever again
erm, by pesting, you mean dragging me along to roulettes or content, right..?
i feel like femra lips are really huge compared to before, but i think every race's lips are kinda big now, or at least more noticeable, i haven't noticed any other changes to femras though
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"i'm thirty years old!"
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Yeah and the game punishes you for playing it by draining all the color from that place
it just means you are low iq, its not a big deal
Why does WHM gets stun with Holy but the other healers get nothing?
Can NG+ to restore it
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god i hate futafags so much
>Shares gear with RPR which I main
>Kino additions
>Much more enjoyable playstyle imo
>Sole down is the AoE part and it's about to get reworked to fit the new kit
WhM villain right?
No clue she probably needed khagan steppe correction
I didn’t lose though and I don’t give a fuck about Twitter.
When Soloing SHB A ranks should I play as DPS to kill it as fast as possible or Tank so nobody can go in and start resetting it
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Good morning
Is Val a female irl?
This is a logical question to ask, but SGE doesn't even need for the tank to press his mitigation buttons, and AST gets pretty much all of their buttons for every single wall pull.
>Discourse all about the trannies
All according to SE's Master Plan.
they never told her what a bath was, and nobody wanted to be friends with a stinky femra
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it's fine i'll just kill myself no big deal it's whatever really i dont even care it's not a problem at all
Does anyone have a mod that changes Wuk's voice lines to her french VA but keeps everyone else english? I am not joking this is not a meme I really want this. Trannies get the rope
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I hate you.
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unfair game design
Because WHM is for retards who can't fathom using a pet/drawing cards/eukrasia
This picture makes it look like Wuk Lamat is the one with the DSR axe
My male sunnie, is gay.
but I do want that, why don't actually send it?
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i am

a miera

making rroneek steak now
I love middies
Could you post some?
do you like catboys
Yoshi-P trying really hard to outpoz Dragonflight. Please understand
>Simply enjoys a normal sized dick on females while they do other females
>Forced to be rounded up with this brainrotten bullshit
Hyperfags are not people
my wife
that blows lmao, just bad luck really
So WHM can make all the mobs in the pull immune to CC so my reactionary targeted low blows are ineffective and I eat random damage FUCK WHITE MAGES.
Keep spamming holy it's optimal for the pack and I'm probably going to comm you at the end of the dungeon anyways.
>Mы вac пoхopoним!
im a grown man anon
Val is a grown ass dude in his 30s
why are so many tiger ladies musky?
Begone foul beast
Nobody's telling me to kill myself and it's making me upset.
No, catMEN (hrothguys) only.

Nice knowing you.
I thought you had to wait for a patch or two to do that?
>hiring a single tranny to voice one version of a character is worse than being forced to take quests about helping trans ghosts be seen as real men or gays making gifts for their crippled husbands
lol no
Val is a balding goonmaster in his 40s
>Wuk Lamat is the one with the DSR axe
We'll be getting her that in 7.2 with the "Passing the torch" update.
need.......DoL materia........
This is even too much for me.
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One before bed, good night.
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I only have good takes.
anon you are brainrotten too
stop being so whiny
to do the story yes, but you can put in the NG+ of idk, stormblood and still teleport to the map in its restored state because you are "not in Dawntrail"
It is if you're a tranny obsessed chud who can't stop thinking about tranny dick
>you mean dragging me along to roulettes or content, right..?
i have had half a mind to ask you to come along for extreme parties, yeah
and also the other kind of pesting
Val is a dead mexican in his 50s
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>playing a game about a summer vacation in the middle of summer during a heatwave
By far the best moonie poster we've had in a while
Just wait until 7.1
The Twitter circles love this shit and that’s what Square will see when gauging their western audience.
>likes Hyur
Based alert!
Live long and prosper, fren. You are loved.
>hiring a single tranny to voice one version of a character
Anon... you don't know........ Wuk Lamat's voice actor is a tranny...
Atleast that's a better pic
*my femlala let's out a fart so foul the flora around her withers and dies and a few birds fall dead from the sky*
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HUGE femlalas
i call myself a grown man but really i am just a boy in an adults body
7.1 needs to be 100% a beach vacation filler episode. Bikinis for all! Even the dudes!
in one version of the game, ESLkun
Oh and what a good sleep I'll have as well, now that I've gotten the pleasure to look upon you! I love your golden hair and oh so green eyes. /dote a thousand times over!
Live out of spite then, works for me.
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only because you asked so nicely
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>thread was in uproar over blacklist changes uncovering all the alts
>zero discussion of it a week after launch
was it all a dream? did I delete my alts for nothing?
Val is a quadriplegic grandfather in his 60s
I want to know what that hag smells like.
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>completely brainrotted to the point where I don't even like playing as a futa, I play as female
>still erp on my male character
So is this the new extreme series of mounts? "Wings of [thing]?"
buy my materia on famfrit, primal
swapping every femlala's drink out with a boob potion
Which one of you little shites typed this
Yeah pretty much
I call myself a grown man, but I'm really just a girl in a woman's body.
You'll never know who this is.
You've completed the loop.
Y'know, simply refraining from playing them and letting them sit there was also a viable option.
i haven't touched the extremes at all since i've been more focused on gathering and crafting, but since i got viper to lv 100, i wouldn't mind coming along anyways, so long as you're fine with me being blind and refusing to watch guides because guides are fucking boring, i'll come along, even to dynamis if you happen to not be on primal
what did you mean by this...
staring into this middie's single eye intently from across the gondola!
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Reminds me of when Mario Sunshine released in NA and it was mid-summer. Fond memories... I was 11 years old then.
olive u
bullshit, you just want attention from pretending you're biofem
>he doesn't know what ESL means
Post your 3rd glamour plate
Looks cool
You're the one who brought it up. To the point you came into the thread and randomly made a post whining about some tranny VA. Who gives a fuck
I call myself tranny adjacent because it sounds funny
I am a femlala that has just played rabbit and steel for the first time
I am returning to play ffxiv once more
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I want this bitch to absolutely ruin me.
>but she's a dy-
Don't care.
sheer alt charisma obliterated their hateful ways
Scary to think that there are actual women among us
is there any MMO out there free of Blackrock funding?
When, approximately, is the alliance raid series coming out?
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>see person defending w*k lamat's shitty MSQ experience
>check adventure plate
yea I am thinking femhroths are just all terrible people
Does Claire still play / post in the thread?
Ashes of Creation but it's still in development
>immediately brings up dick out of nowhere
>incapable of basic reading comprehension
>calling others brazilians
It's quite the opposite, actually. I play male characters and pretend to be male so everyone will ignore me in game.
The furries ruined WoW and Guild Wars too.
This happened to me too. Lasted for 2 years before she went with someone else.
Oh very nice...How is your crafting going? Good, I assume, since your gloves are gold I imagine you've gotten your hands on quite a lot!
You are obsessed with trannies
Nah, they got bored of their gimmick and went into hiding. Probably finally had sex or something irl.
I hope this post is ironic, otherwise it's kind of cringe and sad to dislike someone because they enjoyed the msq
I want to racemix with this ravishing shetona maiden.
Yeah I've been larping as a man online for years, you see the trick is, you just never correct someone on your gender, because in all honesty it doesn't matter 99% of the time anyway. I wish VC wasn't as prevalent as it was so I could bro out with dudes more often.
First time playing an ffxiv expansion? That'll come in like 3 months, and that'll be the ONLY pve content that releases then. Also we only get 12 raid bosses for an entire expansion. Enjoy your stay
for the love of god
i need FEET
it's been DAYS
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Yeah really happy with these, way better than the retarded lynxes from EW
This game is fujo territory moid
MNK is in the cuckshed yet again
Show me this pussy's pussy.
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bros... please.. ;_;
biofems owe me sph
Scary to think that there are actual women.

among us
if english was my second language why would i listen to the english voice acting instead of setting my language to whatever the primary language would be you fucking tard?
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I liked that episode.
bro you're AC?
No you see it's actually insanely based to continue supporting and playing the game you hate
name of that top? (the bandages not the middie)
>Main character voiced by a man doing a shitty womans voice
>Said character is forced into every scenario and never shuts up
I literally want nothing to do with them
i hope your unwashed stinky fujo cunt develops black mold
>and that'll be the ONLY pve content that releases then
your extreme sir?
wait a bit for mnk, I find it fun but do DRG since its less of a chore for gear
I pretend my mic is broken and everyone just goes with it. Meanwhile a dude pretending to be a chick tried it in my FC Discord a while back and got called out in under a minute.
Maybe when mods return
>keep thinking to myself that Dawntrail could have been a Blueberry/Renegade knockoff
>finally get to "Texas"
Why didn't they just turn Dawntrail into Renegade
god the enemy design really went to shit didn't it
if english is your primary language why are you incapable of reading it? Checkmate
it takes ages to solo them, not worth it even to grief
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I love ERPing footjobs, and I'm looking forward to providing them with my Sunnie.
BCC aka Big Cornservant Cob
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quite nicely i would say! i went with the gold gloves to match my resplendent Blacksmith's hammer..when im crafting ingots it looks quite nice.
im working on leveling fisher i swear
>name of that top?
Forgerise Chestwrap BSM orange scrip gear
locked to BSM
>make a beautiful environment
>no mender mb or bell
just use an ai voice changer
they actually work really well now
Good night guys.
you never stop talking about them, it's been a week since the expansion dropped and you chuds just randomly walk into the thread and scream GRAAAAH I HATE TRANNIES into the void over and over
No they fucking don't
You look like ZL. Are you ZL?

If so, fuck you.
i drooled a little
I want to hatefuck Wuk Lamat
It’s almost like they added a horrible tranny character that follows you around all expansion
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yeah this definitely looks like the kind of person who is genuine about their passion for the game and not just arguing for the sake of it
it was actually bad, and I say this as a cock licking faggot for the series since 2.0.
Which class got the best looking neo kingdom set?
i am
a blind progger
on primal
so that works out very nicely, i wasn't sure if you had a static or anything to do them with. just gotta be brave enough to actually reach out lol
{Don't worry about it.}
unlock your door so i can rape you in your sleep

Yes, and my b
Good job, schizo
it is you are are based being into hrothgals

Have one more
yes they do lol
have you tried them in the last 6 months?
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when's our turn?
It's my first time caring
What about the foray?
My WoL had sweaty, feral sex with her on the dawnthrone the first night of the festival after defeating Sphene.
Play in a different language then? Or stop playing? Finish the msq and stop being a latelet retard? Perhaps stop giving a shit about things that don't affect you?
Long distance /blowkiss from a once-alter
My hrothgal giving this hrothgal a tongue bath.
here friend
my hrothboy getting headlocked by this hrothgal
Considering all we knew before was there was a mamool ja empire, some various foods like popotos and paprika from there, and fantasy native americans, I honestly expected more wild west. I don't know what it is, but EVERYONE seems to be wanting that atzec/mayan/inca aesthetic for their fictional worlds.
why is almost every dungeon post stormblood:
3 mobs
3 mobs
3 mobs
3 mobs
I bought that and drop it on top of people when I kill them in warmode. So many rage whispers
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>chuds post on /xivg/ like this
>while trannies post on /xivg/ like THIS
i will find you on my catboy
and i will kneel in front of you
just not tonight i'm fucking dying
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i did botany in heritage found for 30 minutes and now my femlala reeks like garlic
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if i get one more retarded cc team i'm logging off for the night
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Yeah, definitely then.

god i need penumbra to come back up
we did not farm
Can I smell you
so handsome...
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Anyone else in their 30s?
I'm 35
>if you don’t like the tranny cat STOP PLAYING RIGHT NOW CHUDDIE
i don't have a static and honestly, i'm not really motivated to get a static, so if you see me on, feel free to send me a tell and i'll more than likely agree to come along, worse that'll happen is that i'm stuck crafting or happen to be in an instance leveling something
only if youre cute
Do Hrothgals go into heat?
>but EVERYONE seems to be wanting that atzec/mayan/inca aesthetic for their fictional worlds.
What do you mean "EVERYONE"? What else recently is like this? I've traveled around South America so I understand why people might want the aesthetic, but Dawntrail's vibe is totally wrong for it.
Yes? If it is really bothering you this bad just quit?
You're the first person I've seen use that hair, and it looks really good on you! A rugged and handsome look but super sharp as well, all thanks to the glasses? How do you like the Gunbreaker changes in Dawntrail?
Wife is 37.
We both play hroth.
using my male mid to recreate several high tail hall scenes with this hrothgal
my b
Making a male shetona alt.
I've tried pitching my voice down before and my natural intonation just makes me sound like a raging homosexual, so I'd have to train myself to have a more androgynous inflection. I'm not sure it's worth the effort, I'd much rather just not talk.
I would like to VC and hang out with you haha
>Perhaps stop giving a shit about things that don't affect you?
yeah that works for the "they just want to live their lives" shit that you subhumans always say but when i have a tranny in my fucking ear doing the worst voice acting known to man for 20+ hours straight it does actually affect me
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Rank em
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i'm 30
I mean everyone as in the people who make video games, card games, etc. Like nobody cared about this before. Then I start seeing it crop up here and there and there. Like WoW with Battle for Azeroth had it, Magic the Gathering with 3 of its card game sets had it, among other stuff.
A certain purple-coded cat turned bun, hope you have been enjoying DT!
that scene where wuk butts into your room and forces you to go outside after she has an autism moment after you killed a mythological bird couldve been better with one simple dialogue option
>"Can this wait until morning? I'm exhausted"
Wuk goes "Okay, see you in the morning at x"
scene of your wol going to bed
and waking up
and going from there
do you like catboys
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say her name
wait is this the fat ass i'm thinking of?
I actually did stop playing Dawntrail because of this. What now
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30. Still a spring chicken
Nigronius Rex
it's cool
I'm 22 going on 23 and feel old
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im 19 if ur 30+ please stop posting
It's stormblood set to max
Wuk has over 2x the lines lyse had in stormblood lmao. The scions just exist in dawntrail for dungeon/trial trusts. They did absolutely nothing otherwise.
So play in a different language? Maybe the Japanese one would be better suited? Or just skip the story, if you don't like it I would definitely do that, seems stupid to waste 30 hours of your life mad about something like that.
Watching a femhroth piss.
in terms of what, pure function or how it fits into the tank's kit?
because i think pure functionality, excog-like effects are the strongest, but giving a thrill of battle effect to gnb is disgusting
>Stopped playing because he didn't set voice language to japanese
Out of 10.
It would've been better if they fucked.
play something else and forget about xivg porobably
huffing the pheromones from the puddle on the floor
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because the devs are creatively bankrupt and all equally as cucked as the faggots still paying for the game
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If I were you I would stop posting here as well, seems kinda dumb to post in a thread for a game you don't play about how much you hate the game you don't play and how mad you are about trannies.
the ai voice changer doesn't give a shit
it just werks
Too old
I mean fair enough
Play in a different language if it's bothering you that much. Don't be a baby
Ah, well I stopped playing WoW in WotLK and I stopped playing Magic during CawBlade's reign, so this is my first encounter with this "aesthetic" in a video game outside of, like, Illusion of Gaia. I didn't know this was a "thing" now.
balls deep in this fag catboy
What if she pees on you and says you belong to her now.
All partialism niggers are apes.
cataclysmically bed breaking sex with this catman
kill yourself feds
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That scene was really funny to me because I wanted to go to bed in real life after wrapping that quest up but Wuk barged in and kept my WoL and I awake for a bit longer.
>it’s okay when Japan does it with Erenville though. Black Lives Matter!
that femra needs to sleeve my femlala ASAP
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>Playing Frontlines
>Dude infront of me
>Click tab
>Targets his team mate 20feet away
>Click tab again
>Targets his other team mate 25feet away
Why does tab target never target the closest person?
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what does that mean... i meant like 30 years old

God bless whoever added the wolf paws costume
Have yet to meet someone who had it that wouldn't get paw steppies
So did they make the Dawntrail credits track to appeal to those our age that are Disney adults or what?
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Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
Off topic erp trash, delete your post......
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They fucked up my character so bad I'm crying
Ah okay that explains a lot, I can only guess that everyone got bored of the medieval aesthetic.
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why are maliddies like this
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So we can all agree that part when Wuk Lamat said "Free Palestine!" was a little over the top right?
Then I can die happy.
Check your settings bro
sphenes 400000 year old unwashed sweaty panties
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first half was better than the second desu
is glamourer working yet
i wanna try some stuff before fanta
you're not the only one. fucking Destiny 2 somehow has more players.
i just turned 27, what's your 30s like?
is that the fucking sugar glider
>out of the loop on most modern games
>this is apparently anduin lothar's only living relative ingame
holy shit how is wow always doing even worse than I thought
One I rpd with says their cycle is like months apart
best selling expansion ever
i would imagine hrothgals had tits more like a goat
it goes left to right
make a keybind for targeting the nearest enemy
Better for actually mitigating big hits because of mit+shield stacking

Also decent for taking hits but not as good as mitigating the damage, but better for bleeds

more self healing for war that's totally unnoticeable

Excog yourself only situational useful (GNB has that on a 25s cooldown though lol!) but I guess that pop can help you out of your own Living Dead if you're that desperate.
your brain hasn't even fully formed, get off the internet
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>Want to farm EX1 on VPR
>Melee spots are always full
>Everyone just put (only one job) option even though you can already kill the boss a whole ass minute before enrage (or even shorter) and you don't need LB at all
>Healers spot on PF always open
Man...I've made a mistake.
Gil not worth very much I fear.
destiny 2 has a canonical trans character though
If you've been taking care of yourself, it's exactly the same as any other age, except everyone your age is married and/or has kids now.
NTA but so far it's the same as my 20s, only real difference is more of my friends are in worse health because they haven't taken care of themselves.
You should do things with loli characters when mods come back goyim
Why are there no Ex1 farms on Crystal
It's all prog
I must FARM
it's because Twitter is bitching until they get their way.
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Xboxer here. It's time to fight the fat.
You should kill yourself nigger
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bles resbond
we're bound to get a shadowbringers tier expansion since DT is stormblood 2 right?
Hmm Iunno, does it top when she goes into a retirement home and takes out a bunch of peoples life support?
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because it's gambit day
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you say you want df extreme farms but no you actually dont
>Keep spamming holy it's optimal for the pack and I'm probably going to comm you at the end of the dungeon anyways.
C-comm or c-coom?
For real, he left too soon.
>sheer number of retards at an all time high
>"healer strike" has good healers switch off healer
>the previously mentioned retards will switch to healer to get spots if (You) don't
>fights are seemingly more difficulty on average so far
This is definitely the expansion to play healer if you want to do shit in PF.
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it's very simple really
here's a trick to get a guaranteed spot 100% of the time every time:
make your own PF group
does anyone here remember maye
and the most forced gay couple in the history of gay couples
love that dungeon the janny yelling from above
Please goyim? Pretty please?
Commend. I'm too autistic and socially anxious to RP. Erotic or otherwise.
the only maye i know is the niggerfaggot from /wowg/
it's a bit fucked up that a couple of prominent streamers are egging on a schizo for content and they get congratulated for it. taking legal action and informing the authorities is fine but shining a spotlight on him to make a villain of a mentally ill man for their viewers is a bit much.
Dumping this chicken in the fryer for some crunchy tendies
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if only i had known sooner
i swear im not a fed
its to late for that
Bro, don't let me started with the numbers of retard playing VPR too.
How the fuck are you messing up such an easy job?
I remember learning that and only being able to think about how osiris was saint's father figure before they retconned it so they basically made him into a grooming victim
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thread enemy...
Strongly disagree.
Metacritic score status?
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do i need to have multiple filters like this or does "lgbtq" get included in "lgbtq+"
he literally came here chasing tina dude it was fucking hilarious
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you sound like a wowfag after I bully them a little too hard
what xivgers do you miss?

I miss that cute goth bunboy faggot cumslut cute faggy whore
That's what I was thinking honestly.
It's a bit too late now since it's almost 3AM but I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
why are they saying what dps they are instead of doing 5min of marker dancing? god europoors are so giga retarded bwos....
>another month and a half of wow shills until the nigger within comes out
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That's every expansion in every mmo
People need healers, then tanks, then nothing, and then dps players.
that's fucking pathetic holy shit
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>that cute goth bunboy faggot cumslut cute faggy whore
which one
>got DC'd from the server and the entire credits scene, starting from SPEEN!!! is rolling again
hate this
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wow the last zone's art is beautiful
too bad you never see it unless you're a pluginer or perma afk here
i miss all the bully femras we had
Well someone's gotta be D3 D4.
male midlanders
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I actually hate people who make these useless comments like you're making now. You're not actually saying anything productive, and you're completely ignoring actual real in-game current circumstances, you know that right?
chloeser alt
fuck me then my health is already going downhill
Alright cut that shit out before your neighborhood has a crack epidemic
weird comment
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Fucking hell you guys can't help but bitch all day and night ingame. I don't really care much about this expansion but having to listen to it every day is just too much. This extrachat shit is staying off until you guys can find something else to talk about.
I miss scarletworg
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Low 70s and still dropping.
Don't do this to me. I'm too young to fry
oh! hope you two are enjoying it too! once DC travel opens ill go say hello
-shakes fist in anger-
>cute goth bunboy faggot cumslut cute faggy whore
bro u just described like literally all of them, except that one faggot on shiva
the REALLY gay one with black hair
he was pale and think he had a scar or something
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They say cat eat fish
>>"healer strike" has good healers switch off healer
honestly man most of the good healers don't need a big performative strike to want to get off the role it's been more or less the same for 3 expansions and not only does it suck ass but everyone makes fun of you for being a 1 button fisher price baby job
Tommy Wiseau looking ass
you forgot ftm, mtf
It's sorta dumb how that plugin isn't just part of the game
Unless you have an actual disease/disability most stuff can be turned around very quickly with some hard work. Start by drinking more water.
the way npcs just vanish into nothing when you're done with a dialogue will never not be funny to me
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Never too late to start eating healthy, stop drinking alcohol, and start exercising, even if it's only a little bit.
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just witnessed this shit in real time
The ingame current circumstances are that everyone is playing the new classes due to the new toy syndrome. The healer strike is not a thing.
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this is the kind of people the devs listen to.. (twitter complainers)
the worst part? they dont even play games
Heck yeah, we're having a good time! I'm eager for visit restrictions to go away so we can freely visit as well!
Kinda miss the cute gposing bunnyboy that had some modbeast alt. His images looked nice.
the quickest gatherer in the west..
powerful and brave comment
xiv devs do not listen to western twitter users lmao
its for spiritbond speed sis, check the prices on materia
why is wuk lamat a tranny then?
Can't wait to pose this guy piping my moonie
fortunately i'm now getting medicated for the adhd i didn't realize i had
my prescription will cause me to lose weight and hopefully i'll be able to maintain an exercise habit
>The ingame current circumstances are
They are exactly what I said. You said "every MMO is always like this". You offer nothing to conversations that you go out of your way to participate in.
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Grape-Flavored cat checking in! Nya~~
I know about spiritbond stuff but I was referring to the fact he failed the meld 58 times in a row
everything in this post applies to grummz and his fags
So he's the only one here now...
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ancient boobs
fanta to femhroth
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>black church choir starts singing
Because it is. Every mmo is like this. WoW has struggled with healers and tanks participation for ages, and it's even worse there,
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are you artificially flavored?
Ok akemi enough they didn't mean reply 5 times
>she doesn't know
I liked Nayr's posts.
i fucking love hypno
>prescription medication
>prescription medication... "for weight loss"
You're not doing it right, bro, but you do you.
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Good night video game
god i keep forgetting she's fucking old
step away from the child, you degenerate villainess
I tried to explain exactly this to the pro-healerstrike people but they didn't want to hear it. As this happened before, literally with stormblood.
Does anyone else miss shitposting in wowg during Endwalker?
this had me wonder what loading screen they censored on the liveletter streams, because I don't think I've come across it yet
xiv devs listen to kate
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First time?
do it no balls
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dude he literally made a server on malboro until he realized tina was on zalera then made a character there
shit was an INSANE arc in xivg
nta but i started adhd meds as a grown ass man and lost 40 kilos
go for it bwo
yes it is not ideal but habits are difficult to form and i eat impulsively without it, the weight loss is a side effect (loss of appetite)
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When are you going to introduce me to your sister?
>yet another post that says nothing
Color me surprised.
>okay I know we're supposed to shut off the terminal but hear me out
the voice director has bad taste
Don't let ZT see the new loli characters. Especially the ones at the fairgrounds in the new area in DT that you have to talk to as part of the MSQ
What are you taking? I'm both fat and shit at focusing, I could use whatever you're on.
Just have your lips and tongue at the right place when the time comes.

catboys are sexo - she'd love to make one scream. she also thinks catboy cocks are especially pretty
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good night
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I’ll pass, but one of my retainers became a femhroth if that’s any consolation.
The flavoring is natural, I just enhance it via a grape bath every few weeks
going feral for this POV
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Love the ficking theme.
Kek he does remind me of a janny.
plapping you
Throw my Highlander to the lions
And he will come back a father
First thing I thought of when I got there was all the resident /xivg/ pedos.
I'm 24.
Is it over?
>tfw no helphand moblin gf
why life
Night, BITCH
click keybinds
click targeting
find "target nearest enemy"
This dude gets it. Give me a nice normal feminine penis or nothing at all.
But I like having reasons to post things I don't share much!
I didn't know you were trying to make an appointment
thank god you can join fate farm parties while new game+
It hasn't even begun.
She's not *that* old. I was born in August 1980 as well.
do you think the helphand would you know... if you asked?
Warrior FL tips. Now.
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how long until he transitions?
That looks very uncomfortable.
idk, maybe I could be your helphand and we could see...
adderall xr
reduces my impulsive thoughts (i don't eat randomly or snack if any food is in front of me)
makes it easier to do tasks i don't want to do (i'll now be able to regularly exercise)
it reduces your appetite (i don't get hungry often)
and fixes how dopamine effects you (i can now eat one meal and feel full)
obviously losing weight in this manor requires supervision from your doctor, it's like saying you're losing weight by being on chemo or taking hard drugs
Dude was a legend. Probably the best poster here.
dont care retard
this is the best expansion as far as im concerned because it brought my wives home (all hrothgirls)
>haha pedophilia and child abuse are so funny
you people are sick
This is all I really have lately.
>I will never have a strong, beautiful hrothgirl wife
my life was fucking over the moment it begun
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VPR is honestly super fun.
I really fucking wish I could play it for my raid team.
When you're tired you'll sleep anywhere anyhow
you made this post ironically but i do agree unironically, kill all pedo posters
Please ignore our resident schizos
show left of the image
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so how where you created if the grape is all natural or is it like you marinate in grapes/natural grape juice for so long you just taste like grape
im trying to study sir
why is 1/3 of the art you have ungodly hot? please commission this specific artist more so I can jerk off to your fake character you faggot
next liveletter he'll announce it to mitigate the dawntrail hate
I watched the whole thing transpire but still have no idea who any of them are. Whenever I hear "wowg ebin" I just turn my brain off and scroll to the next big tit viera/femra post.
i wanna sleep on your fat tits
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Miss me?
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my femra acts like this
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Circle of life ahh song
Desperately, yes. Rid us of the pink menace.
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Lyse is the best Scion and I will die on this hill
When can I start harvesting this fucking garlic? Is it seriously level 96?
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Too late.
nta but the long term use of adderall is a bit unsustainable. Side effects get stronger over time.
I use welbutrin which is mostly fine but I cant get on ketotifen while I'm on it, which is sad.
Really considering doing PF savage on healer, even though I wanted to play Viper just like that anon.
I can't wait for the patch content that restores living memory and I get to frolic and play with all the children.
You will never see the elezen girl with the freckles
i find catgirls extremely boring... hrothgirls on the other hand, are puro sexo
Akemi must have crazy lewds in her private collection. Look at the kind of mods she uses.
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>yawn trail
cause I'm always napping on the floor...
It's uohver
dude penis joke xD
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thank you anon that sounds like just what i need considering i also have issues with my impulses
my doctor had mentioned when i get into my 40s and 50s i may have to slowly get off the drug, the long term effects of the elevated heart rate and blood pressure start to outweigh the benefits
does anyone have that en vs jp wuk for sphene trial webm handy?
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what this one?
tina was basically wowg's effy in that she never made real posts of any substance but still had simps/orbiters, the most prominent and obsessive is/was maye
tina left wow to come play xiv for a little while and brought maye by proxy over here
maye basically sat in the cuck chair while tina rode the cock carousel and then maye plapped some free use catgirl, let it get to his head and he left back to wowg to follow tina
What do you play for your raid team?
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Bit of column A bit of column B, started off as a generic thing that I eventually leaned into by marinating in some grape baths
Already on it, my next comm is a bunnysuit/leotard thing from that artist. Feel free to pump your wimpy dick all you want dork~~
god she's so fucking hot
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RPR sadly.
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thanks babe /dote, my friend finally got to it so i wanted to show them lol
highly suggest bringing it up to your doctor and getting an evaluation if you feel like it's having a negative impact on your life
there's a large number of treatments for adhd and the drug, dosage, etc. each with it's own benefits and down sides, so what you get is highly tailored to the individual, you may get adderall you may not
Are you saying that because she put that collar on you, Dragonfucker?
My cat girl archer made it to level 9

And I finished my archer quest

But , when does this game start to feel more like an MMO ?

I want to party and go on adventures

And make friends
Is this the most famous ebin of all time besides DB and Appal? Holy shit he's like mega-famous!
why do the tongues look so oddly cursed?
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I'm looking forward to when all the kids get updated to the new graphics.
I want to get my pictomeowncer to 90 but I have exhausted traditionyal methods and I do nyot see any fate parties up
it's a final fantasy game with an mmorpg attached

first dungeon is at 15
its like im at the grammys!
>adventure with a party
>make friends
Play a FFXI private server
a few hundred hours in
first dungeons at 15, unfortunately you got a lot of shit to get through before you'll really feel like the zones are alive since most people are going to be in the lastest expansion
Retard Wuk Lamat defender kys flat whore you will never have big breasts
alright I'm bored of this expac. when are mods coming back?
He would still be around if Sphene had simply swapped bodies
>Pictomancer and healer die
>Me and tank kill the boss together
>Tank calls me the goat
>I even got a minion at the end
It was a good dungeon.
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She did what?
Also no, I just like her writing and how she looks. And I find the gap between her and her father's appearances very funny.
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uooohhhhhh evil goth femroe mommy
more stories like this?
there's something about failed relationships like these in xivg that are always funny to me
sometimes i see two people hang out a lot and then suddenly stop talking and i always wonder what happened
i'm glad someone else was also annoyed at that. what's stopping her from just dipping out of that bot like she did the other ones when Joraal sliced them?
ffxiv isnt a mmo game, its a chatroom
Any big strong middie tanks need a meek but but supportive fiddie healer?
I'm kind of glad I never got a femroe gf. It would be hard to deal with how much sexier femhroths are.
what race were they in wowg? were they some of the furfags or the belfs? i never really see any other regulars over there
appal and effy were like the xivg power couple, their 2 EB ceremonies were even meetups posted in the OP if you want proof
anyway they broke up like right before dawntrail and appal quit posting in xivg and now effy posts an insane amount bc he's desperate for the attention appal used to give him
I regret getting eb'd before DT cause my current eb doesn't like froth...
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interesting do you also only eat grape products so literally every part of you taste like grapes or does it stop a marinating
Post fiddle she sounds cute
Big strong fiddie tanks could use fiddie support too.
>remember i also fit this description
oh god nevermind
DT may be disappointing for me in a lot of ways but it's the first time since ARR where I've thought the zones actually look good.
real talk
whm level 100 capstone is epic sauce
I really like it a whole lot, it feels like such an insanely powerful button attached to an already really impactful cooldown
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Why is DT story so hated?
It was KINO
more like frotgar
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>play a min height middie
Because wuk lamat sucked a lot of fun out of it
Why break up?
report to jenova immediately
yeah but good night
>De doing FATES
>Dancel keeps trying to AOE pull dinos
>Me, Single Target enjoyer
>Dancel comes back, dies again
>This happens 2 more times
>Me, Single Target enjoyer, finishes the fate
>Dancel gets no credit
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>latinx jungleslop
>armadillo from rdr but with even more desert
>dead grey thunder dome
>colorful zone you turn into nier-slop by the end of the msq
Writing is fanfic tier bad......
…on planet Trannoid.
nta but maye posted his wow futa porn here
he was a human
I think tina was too
I wanna breed this little chud's faghole until he stops making latinx posts
Your femra is fanfic tier ugly
>Same VO as Wuk
>Playing Males
>Actually showing emotion in the voice work
What could this possibly mean...?
The zones aren't what disappointed me. If anything I hope they give us more reasons to go back to them, especially texas.
amazing fucking trailer
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me, a WoL? More like WiP! haha ha ha ha...
>Fighting the last boss
>Woke Lemutt comes flying out of the sky with her shitty beaner accent to save the day
>Finish final boss
>End credits play
>It's some Disney tier off key song
What the fuck I actually want to murder someone
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The greatness of a man is not measured from his feet to his head, but from his head to the sky.
brownbro, i...
>He uses eng audio
That's why you hate DT
of course you do, unhinged bigot
Used a fantasia to change my malidster's eyes to blue. No other changes.
How to ruin a kino moment 101
I was actually pissed they couldnt help but force Wuk into the fight and give us one last dogshit speech about "MUH PEECE AND FRENSHIP"
speen lissen to me
>What could this possibly mean...?
it means the VA was given bad direction on wuk lamat's forcibly cheery character
i was correct in my assumption that you are cute what DC do you happen to play on?
A trailer from almost two years ago.
Wow. The voice acting in these clips becomes progressively worse, and yet all of it is still better than Wuk Lamat's performance.
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-> >>485032229
was kino in the original language

however, endsinger was WAAAAAY fucking cooler
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being poor SUCKS
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Why does lion king music come out of no where in MSQ?
based retard
I play on Chaos
Because she's a lion and she's a king.
used my free fanta to change my malidster's eyes from small iris' to large iris'
because female hrothgar
shut up lalafshit player you deserve to be poor
What do you mean? When I see trains, I always think of Lion King
Hrothgals look so much worse than their modbeast renditions from before their reveal it's not even funny
>How to ruin a kino moment 101
>I was actually pissed they couldnt help but force Wuk into the fight and give us one last dogshit speech about "MUH PEECE AND FRENSHIP"
The first time I did the fight I was vibing so hard until WUK LAMAT showed up. I was so fucking pissed off and it ruined the entire thing for me lol.
Ritalin / Methylphenidate
That's roughly where I'm at. They gave us a free fantasia, but I already like how my character looks. Guess I'll just keep it stashed.
dont speak about my wives like that.
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POV: wuk noticed you're in the middle of fighting the final boss
Yup, that's wife
Even better is how she does a melee limit break that does so much damage you can’t hear the full phase 2 music unless your whole party holds dps
Another free fantasia. Don't you still have the one from level 50 stashed away?
He cared more about passing than delivering good voice work and failed in both regards
At least I don't have the stupid issue where the teeth stick through the lips for no reason like the mod version did.
thought about changing my giraffe from 0 -> 100 height with mine, but people would probably be intimidated
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I used mine to change my character's jaw. Then I decided I liked it better before so I changed it back.
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I haven't had any issues with the story until just now. Literally just experienced THIS SHIT, how can anyone fucking tell me this cutscene wasn't bullshit??? Look at this line from Alisae after it happened. It just HAS to have a double-meaning from somebody who knew this was bullshit.
what the heck
But yeah, Wuk is 100% someone's pet
I think I already used it to darken my skin tone a little bit. But now I'm happy with where I'm at.
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The sneakers are horrendous with the suit but this was an old one I haven't updated.
>But yeah, Wuk is 100% someone's pet
Yeah, mine.
My middie is perfect so I didn’t even get the quest.
I lapped that scene up for wuk's tears alone and the devastation to the city afterwards
What's wrong with the scene?
yeah i dont know what the 'good guys' in this story literally never wanted to step in to help each other and had to uplive 'muh honor'
this nigga is killing all of your whole people. gang fuck this retard why are you 1v1ing
same thing with wuk lamat's fight with the blessed sibling guy
bro literally comes back to life through some bullshit magic y'all never seen before but no gotta stay out of it for muh honor duel.
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I'm not going to lie about shit bro, they fumbled them so hard
Why are their faces so punched in? They look like pugs
What the fuck are you wearing
erm...what the scallop
I guess, it doesn't matter even to me even if that is the case, because Wuk Lamat is a fine character if she doesn't have the ENG voice.
You only had one job
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Because Alisae stops Wuk Lamat from attacking Zoraal Ja after he kills Gulool Ja Ja (and by extention stops WoL from attacking or chasing him) and it was bullshit. We didn't have to let him go, there was no reason given why.
But isn't Alisaie talking about the healing?
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floppy or normal ears
Yeah she is. It just seems ironic considering she's the one who stopped Wuk and WoL from fighting Zoraal Ja.
>What the fuck are you wearing
Level 97 dungeon caster gear. It's the same set where the fending and maiming sets turn you into a robot.
Did you miss that Gulool Ja Ja basically killed Zarool but he just got up like it was nothing and speedhacked until he won the fight? Alisaie stopped her because there was no way Wuk wasn't getting instantly ganked by his speedhacked brainmodded ass
Uh yeah, but WoL is there????
my moonie is waiting
Because Dawntrail is the fidde expansion.

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