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Previous: >>485019380

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

What 5* CE i should choose?
I eat good food too. Just saying the assumption eating good food means you get good ingredients for 20 dollars is just absurd. It just some weird justification of "I'm more responsible paying 20 dollars for this compared to people paying something similar to something having longer enjoyment" but you're probably paying 15 dollars more than it is worth. Plus it is gone in a short amount of time.
Don't ridicule others for doing bad choices despite you doing it too. That's all I'm saying. Waste your money the way you want to. It's just petty to do it on here when you're wasting your time, according to someone else, on this site to begin with.
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That's what I'm trying, but I suck ass at this game
sex with lesbian lolis
cope poorfag with shit tastebuds
Yuyu love!
>revive with guts 100,000 HP + 99% damage resistance + np damage resistance
>instant death two out of three servants
Miyu doesn't know that i don't need true love to impregnate her
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Nuke it with my lv.120 Saber
Currently at 55 rolls, I can MLB the 4*CE, and almost MLB the 5*CE. Got a couple Xu Fus already.
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>in all the excitement of the GSSR and Destiny Summon and Arc I forgot they also announced the FSN Anniversary event
>finally going to NP4 and then 120 my Saber
Holy fuck.
Between kaleidoscope and black grail, pick the one you have less of
Wait for Ba Ren Tine for the Dino Wife!!!
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I think most of us here aren't poor. We have a lot of engineers and such.
amazing answer anon
tell me about the incredible things you tasted with 20 bucks
>it's only 24 buckaroos
The concept applies to the countless retards who have blown 4-5 figures on this game. Is that "just thousands of dollars" too? The dollar amount isn't the point, stop falling for micro-tx tactics.
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Approximately 20 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
bros...my Arc looks a little weird...
Did Shiki rape her?
t. paid 300 bucks for civet poop
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This one my fellow Rinchad
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I want to breed Ranmaru so fucking bad bros
shes lookin a bit plump to me bro sorry you got bricked
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Thanks Shiki! You can keep her.
I thought this at least meant 2 month speed up
i'm a chemist that now works as a elementary school teacher's assistant, i don't earn a lot
I found that fight trivial. Just had Skadoo use her NP to dodge Scat's NP and death effect and titty monk one-shotted her every time.
I use all of my GSSRs tho, Kama grew to be one of my favorites and Illya deals pretty good damage at NP2
Astolfo Saber is honestly way too niche for me to use and the problem with Sakamoto is just that it's the one i liked the least between those, still a cool couple tho
>have a full support page of portrait CE's now
>bricked the viability+future development of current melty blood game by turning it into a fgo avengers assemble fighting cross-over game
You ever see people rolling for a JPG for the sake of rolling for a JPG? Going out to eat and thinking about my choices versus buying the ingredients and cooking myself is conscious choice, of course both of these things can be irresponsible but my own decision on what to spend on is based on how I've maybe hated a restaurant and called it a rip-off a week at most while gachas get much worse than that. No one has to follow my reasoning.

This. Cheap packs and the like are intentionally done to get their foot in the door because spending even a single cent makes you more likely to spend the next time.
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Okay, some of us... I hope you think your work is fun. That's all the worth you need in a job as long as you earn enough to live a good life.
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>gold orbs

Be sure to do it during the correct ranmarium cycle or it won't work.
You are missing the point. The dollar amount is irrelevant. One guy is selling you a consumable product with a 15% profit margin, the other is selling you a chance at a worthless jpg in a game that's on terminal life support(but only for a limited time!!)
I can't even be mad, honestly. It's been a while since I've been spooked this hard.
you ever huff chemicals in the store room?
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Should I 10/10/10 her? Got her from a ticket and she seems like an Asclepius sidegrade
>elementary school teacher's assistant
that sounds dangerous
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It's better to whale than to buy food.
nah we were talking about the gssr in specific
paying 30 bucks annually for a game (something you don't need anyway) is really not a big deal unless you're poor
>Skadoo is tired and wants to go home because it's hot at the beach
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Thanks! It's got the perfect boosts for my Summer Tamamo, AND has Tamamo on it, so I needed it. That's simply all there was to it.
It was required.
I agree with you. All I'm saying is we all spend irresponsibly.
You shouldn't be allowed to stand near kids.
why are Rin's tits so fcking big here?
"Part 2 Chapter 7" just means LB7 chapter release, not referring to the 2nd part of LB7. Why would they mention a second part of LB7 when we haven't got the first part?

There is only a rerun that year bros. Christmas has always been an afterthought.
Nice Quick lady soon...
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Just max level and max skill level them. For Saber Shiki I would take something for either NP Gen up or NP gen per turn, Saber with something for star regen and Arc... Maybe Heaven's Feel?
But this party will suffer a bit against high HP white damage enemies.
she's strictly better than assclap.
she's caster artoria lite.
And you should've just gotten a literal fuckton of free lore's so yes, you should probably 10/10/10 her.
And the food is gone within a day unless you're constipated.
Yes you can use her in castoria's place to save bond points.
The design brief for those CEs was 'What if F/SN cast but older?' if I recall correctly.
20? you said like 40+ a few days ago
skadi mogs wu so badly there
my beautiful wife...
She's one of the greatest budget arts loop options around, she doesn't step on Asclepius niche as a healer if that's what you are worried about
>You ever see people rolling for a JPG for the sake of rolling for a JPG?
yes and i do see a lot of people eating for the sake of eating
do you think food ads don't exist?
Those are big skadoodles...
>she's caster artoria lite.
I'd say she is more like Nero Bride lite because you will use her for the 30% charge and the np gain primarily.
i love my current job, i think taking care of kids has always been my calling

the only store room with huffable chemicals would be the janitor's closet, if you get me the raw materials and a recipe i could probably make you something more devious in two or three attempts

i have exactly 3 kscopes and 3 black grails. which one do i choose then
>a game that's on terminal life support
Doomkeks are delusional.
>just noticed double Koyan Arc used a face card on the last hand.
Summer is confirmed to happen this month instead of july, so worst case scenario it happens on the last week of july, then about 1 week later, skadi drops
i do agree one is better than the other
but both can be irresponsible and ultimately unnecessary
Sex. Sex with Kuro.
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Catalyst worked pretty well, got her in 66 rolls. I wonder if I should stop here, or keep going.
>repeats "not a big deal because it's X dollars" arguement
I'm going to rape this little goblin hag
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>i love my current job, i think taking care of kids has always been my calling
I'm happy for you.
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lol just use welfare Shuten and Yuyu, chud

>it's the 3rd case now on /alter/
top kek

A shame nobody will make a collage for Arc rolls
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You're joking right? Did they mention that in AX it's happening this month?
nero bride gives a real fat +% atk and power mod vs sky.
and xu fu gives +% arts in addition to part-wide NP gen and the 30% battery.
They're not exactly dissimilar but she's closer to caster artoria due to the arts buff(which improves NP gen further).
lets end ourselves
well that killed last dash of hope I had
We really are just going to go through the dead months without any buffer aren't we, other than speeding up cashgrab destiny order
Yeah but last year they shortened marthasmas down to 9 days just so we could play the beta version of tunguska.
Of course the lipper supports a pedo being around children
>this month instead of july
How's it going past bro?
I'm going to kidnap THAT SPECIFIC brat while you aren't looking
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Which SSR servant did players want to get the most according to 8th Anniversary JP poll:

>1- Swimsuit Skadi
>2- Tezcatlipoca
>3- Beast VI - Mother Harlot/Whore of Babylon Nero
>4- Oberon
>5- Arcueid Brunestud
>6- Morgan
>7- Ashiya Dōman
>8- Durga / Kali
>9- Mélusine
>10- Senji Muramasa
well yes a fixed amount is not a big deal
learn to read
Is there any specific term you use for searching 90++ comps in youtube? I want to fact check some of the claims a JP player made last thread and all the comps that I can find are made by eclebs.
It's morally correct to fuck Ranmaru's bussy and pussy an equal amount of times
True. I've always seen her as the nero bride replacement, but castoria replacement might be better.
Everything is finite and has a limited time, dumbass.
The only thing to do with money is use it for your own enjoyment. Your enjoyment will always be finite. Get the fuck over yourself.
I guess Achilles is cool too...Don't know why the screenshot got cropped.
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Should i pick the 5* Buster or Art? I only need either one to LMB them
Yeah, some loopers can loop with just her and a support Castoria.

Absolutely. Like, my friend who's only just started college shocked me because he suddenly did the Destiny Order when he's been F2P for every other gacha and he didn't even get what he wanted most and meanwhile $30 is nothing to me but my GSSR got me Gogh and I just made some pretty irresponsible food purchases. After thinking it through I just don't care enough for my choices for it to be 'worth' $30 but the sticking factor was the likelihood that I might leave after Summer 8 but someone else might and that's okay as long as they're not doing it for the sake of doing it and knowing they have a fairly big chance of getting fucked.

Yes, and you're still supposed to spend responsibly even then.
real life kids are disgusting
they shit and piss everywhere and won't shut up
>Miku juice
Shame on you lipbro.
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just a falseflag
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>he can't afford $30
Poorfags really need to get their lives together. I bought the destiny gssr and np5'd Arc and I don't even notice a difference in my accounts.
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>he didn't rolled berserker 2
Yes, specifically "mid July" and then they showed Lady Avalon and Gareth.
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So badass and sexy.
Yes, they said mid july.
anon they had one of the best chances to speed up last year and they didn't take it
forget about that
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y'all need to read the news sometimes

just use laplace to test the damage
How about the shared team tab in Chaldea Battle Simulator?
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Would you like Miyu to look at you like this?
They're 3 beaters so they won't be doing any farming anytime soon, but there is some minor synergy between Arc and Shiki(living human) and Arc can do a bit of support while her castle is on the field, so in a boss fight where the castle can hang around they could probably do some things.

regular Artoria contributes fuckall, but if you're willing to bend the rules a bit Castoria mixes very well with Shiki.

with her buff she's unironically a pretty decent support, and she can solo pretty much anything that lacks invuln pierce.
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I just use the Japanese name of the quest itself, and then go over the videos to only look for 6CE stuff mainly and for non-RNG stuff ideally.
Chinese for BiliBili.

Yes right at the end, they showed the male swimsuit costume for Asclepius, Douman and Yan Qing and said that we'll get the event in mid-July.
>Only 1211.89
King of the poorfags over here
she's asking for it
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Come on, I'm just happy he has a job he is happy to be in...
Guys I feel weird. I'm going to roll on Arc's banner and see what happens.
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I am done with all the content. I am going to play DbD now.
>has only 1k
>still waste $30
>still dare to lecture other poorfags
>there are zoomers in this thread
The limited time part refers to the nefarious tactics used to sell fairy dust to illiterate retards like yourself, not the transitory nature of the items.
Bros there's nothing to do
I'm going fucking insane
wow bro, where's my invite?
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Bro, this isn't as much of a flex as you think it is on here...
>That... is physiologically impossible for me to do, so would it be okay if I asked you not to come within a 5 meter radius of me?

Looks to me like the opposite.
Furthermore, don't you guys think they brought this over early because they know a lot more people are going to quit after LB7?
you don't really need to take "chances" to speed up though.
Other servers like KR or TW just speed up and are just blazing through with no dead weeks while NA is just going along ramming into dead months
Still plenty of room ahead with how barren OC is
I too, just sent Ted Bundy a holiday greetings card encouraging him to pursue his passion
I just use stuff like youtube.com/@suzuyafgo, you probably got your youtube algorithm fucked by watching myst chimping out on his fgo rolls and thus have the actual videos you want to look for hidden
Black Grail
finally a break
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Yea, i'm fine with them not farming, I just really wanna get the OG Trio going. Artoria is def the hardest to work with, and Castoria COULD work sure, but I want that classic Saber.
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Also these might help.

3 turn = 3 ターン
6 CE = 6 積み
NP loop = 週回
>anon can't separate fiction from reality
Anon, you must still be a child. I don't think a child has any right to lecture an adult as to what his job should be. Go play with your imaginary friends and pretend to be a knight or robber or something.
how about you put on that artoria cosplay and give me something to do?
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Holy fuck, the mighty chain upgrade is nuts. I can't believe we had to wait two years for this.
Post your steam and maybe I will consider it.
Trying to summon Caren and Sallieri hops on for a ride...
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Here comes the True Ancestor
limit broken Kscope is redundant thanks to the append skills. Go with grail.
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>beg for speedups for years
>the 1(one) singular speedup they grant us is a blatant cash grab as the game fades further and further into irrelevancy
>half AP dailies
>triple succ chance
What's even more nuts is the 20 fucking percent crit when picking quick first.
i really hope this is bait cause that's not a bank account you flex with
I don't need any of those
> you must still be a child.
Eww the pedo is projecting his lust again
I think the Arts would be more useful, but you should get Black Grail, Kaleidoscope, Prisma Cosmos or Volumen Hydrargyrum ideally.
That's exactly my point, if you do this Destiny Order or plan to think hard about whether you even have a horse left in this race.
The average person has no savings and I'm still sitting on $1k+ after buying a full pack for the gssr. Imagine freaking out about $30.
has other servers sped up?
not him, but all my servants are at max level and I don't plan to grail anyone
My Arc is NP3, this damage sure is something.
She regularly fails to clear the final hand, too.
right but what makes you think they're gonna do it right now?
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this scares the anti
Let's. Fucking. Go.
I regret rollling for Arcueid Brunestud
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Can NP1 Arc clear hands?
Korea started a year after us and they're now like 6 months ahead of us.
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>134k dmg
Nah, she is begging to be raped and corrected
oh cool i can go younger
>from logic and facts
Huh. Most people enjoy kinky shit, but I guess you get off on boring knowledge? Guess there's all kinds out there.
Holy destitute batman

>The average person has no savings
Maybe if your point of reference are people living in your poorfag neighborhood. Though that does explain why you don't see the embarrassment of showing your 1k account. Bloody hell I had more money than that even when I was in college just working part time.
i chose black grail. now i just have to hope and cope i don't get 2 more black grails before i get another copy of kscope
At least we got the destiny order right bros?
Stop posting this ugly 2000s monster
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if you got level 100 BG yea
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Why are you triggered, pedokek. Did someone hit a nerve?
With right supports
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Do we have a female servant smugger than this little shit?
Grail maybe, baby.
Is 1 mlb Kscope better than 5 non-mlb Kscope?
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>he rolled Arc not because she is just neat and one of the main heroines of Nasuverse
>but for le meta
>and now confused why she is so shit at NP1-5

This is our Fate Grand Order.
She's a Rider because she can't stop riding Zeus' cock
I already have LMB Black Grail, Kalei and Prisma, only 2 copies of Volumen Hydrargyrum so not enough to LMB it
god damn
so only thing they sped up is the cash grabs?
I guess the game population will fall after LB7 so they want to milk it before that but the amount of dead week has to be worse than pots LB7 drop off?
anon the fact most people are retards doesn't mean you have to be one too
If they have kept all Sakura 5 alive for longer, Foxtail wouldn't be so boring.
no, since appends exist
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Today is the first day I wake up as a certified Seihaver

It feels so good
with plugsuit, probably.
plugless atlas arc is a meme
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I rolled for Arc because I wanted to collect all the Moon Cancers.
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>The average person has no savings
What did anon mean by this
Results: 2 more Jofukus and 1 Arc. I'm happier about the Jofukus desu. But what's done is done.
Funny looking Arc you got there bro
So this is the mentality of someone who is the richest in the ghetto, huh? No wonder people like those never get ahead in life, they seriously think they've already made it big because their point of references are other broke ass niggas
holy cope
Lol you're so stupid. If I'm poor then why can't poorfags can't afford the destiny order summon when it's $30? I wouldn't even notice $30 missing from my account.

Jealous and sour grapes are the only people complaining about destiny summon.
$15 or whatever isn't much but I just don't want to give Albert money since they only do the bare minimum. If we were speeding up I'd spend money on anniversaries.
He meant "look at this juicy bait, give it a good bite".
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Sei is great!
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>I rolled for Arc because I wanted to collect all the ... Cancers.

Wow... rude...
The Ember Success rate up is a god damn lie, this shit is a scam. I should've had 120 by now god dammit
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You just made me realise I've got the full set now too, alongside my Foreigner set.

Feels great, I love Extra class servants.
Is the Destiny Order gonna be a bi-annual like GSSR?
bro...I'm a poorfag doing gig work (door dash, uber) while I'm trying to find a real job and I have $2k in savings, that isn't a flex if you live in the USA...
>only has 1k
>I wouldn't even notice $30 missing from my account.
Again, this really isn't the flex you think it is.
anon you're poor too and probably shouldn't be spending on that
the fact other people are bitches doesn't change that
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>next month is a dead month
Thank you Fate Grand Order North America
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a follow up to my previous post, for comparisons sake >>485029586
here's NP5 arc, 6CE but with plugsuit
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I have all the Foreigners too. Foreigners are my favorite class.
Gotta catch them all five!
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Sei makes me so happy I want to kill myself
i still don't have Summer BB even though i rolled on her GSSR...
>The average person has no savings
This really baffles me. I have over 7 grand in my bank account. I don't do anything special, I just simply don't have a car or girlfriend. Guess those things really bleed a man dry.
I'm the opposite and don't want to speed up, the problem is that the story sucks after this.
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I love mentally unstable evil women that will melt my brains (literally).
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Underrated outfit, pretty sexy
I have neither of those and I'm still broke as shit
You keep posting this and yet you're still here.
You can minturn it with NP1 Bazett. The only issue is that Scathach still gains resistance stack even during the guard drop phase
Money is meant to be spent and I'm still way ahead. That's why I don't understand why people are complaining over a measly $30. It's all poorfags and sour grapes.
You do have both Tamamos right?
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You're doing well, bro. I have about 15 grand in short term saving and 10 grand on long term saving and about 2 grands on my on hand money. Life has really been kind to me the last couple of years.
Sei wouldn't want that bro, you'll find your zoomer hag gf one day.
fut the wut did we know destiny summons was coming in advance or did they just spring it on us
>hurr it's just 30$
That sort of logic is why you're perpetually poor. Inherited wealth/trust fun kiddies types aside, there's a reason why those geezers who made their wealth tend to be thrifty; they know it's not JUST $30. More specifically, they understand that just because you can afford to spend $30 bucks doesn't mean you should.

This is what you don't seem to understand: "Can Afford" does not mean you "Have To Spend".
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>2 year behind server
>aka waiting 730 days for 1 single jpeg

>"don't want to speed up"

Do we deserve our Fate, /alter/keks?
I have kinda noticed people don't talk about LB7 with the same reverence as they do LB6...it can't be that bad right?
I love her first ascension too much
You have good taste.
Abi is so fucking Hot
>I have kinda noticed people don't talk about LB7 with the same reverence as they do LB6
It hasn't been translated. That's all there is.
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>bragging about being poor + carless AND having no gf in one single post
Post bank account
it's good, 2nd best LB.
Just not lb6 peak
Some people think dinosaurs are too goofy for TM
Honestly, it's not that it's bad so much as what shit comes after it.
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They're my favorite too. It's like they all have a unique playstyle alien to the rest of the roster. They're just so fun, especially if you have Gogh.
Or maybe he's full of shit or he's used to being around people of lower socioeconomic background. Your sense of normality is skewed by what you personally experience. People often say the mega rich are out of touch since they only hang out with other mega rich, but the reverse is true.
Can I at least see NP5 120 2000/2000 Arc on a Chaotic node?
>update sorting criteria
>still can't sort by alignment
why is this?
I'd have a lot more too if my brother weren't leeching off of me. It's gotten so bad he's stopped paying his half of the rent. He owes me so much it's ridiculous.
oh yeah anyone complaining about spending $15-$45 is silly. The only people I can think of who would are people with no income at all, as 15-45 dollars is just an hour or two of work even at minimum wage in most states.
My space ishtar is np2 with level 2 skills and she clears hands with the mage association mystic code.
Poorfag cope at its finest, $30 is less than I make in an hour and I'm spending it once. You can kvetch literally all you want but the cost is so unimpactful to my daily life and hopefully most people.
Imagine thinking $30 is going to make the difference, you are the one with poor person mentality bro. Buy the destiny summon or shut up and stop being a poor bitch.
I hope that none of the guys complaining about spending $30 on gacha smoke or drink.
just pimp him out for cash
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Would you do this?
Why even let players add 100+ friends if the support list shows 10 of them at most?
>the cost is so unimpactful to my daily life
but not for the guy that posted his bank account
Abby needs my cum inside her.
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if you have more than 5k in checkings after rent/monthly expenses, just move the surplus into a savings account. no reason not to if you're not actively investing and the APY at some banks right now can reach 5%
Behead those who ruin perfectly good food.
fuck you
It was in response to the "terminal life support" you miserable incompetent.
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BB is still there and maybe they can still save Melt's body from Kazura.
yes I would pour maple syrup on her pancakes
$30 when he has $1k saving needs to have poorfag mentality. Problem is that he doesn't
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Can't waste protein.
New Mystic code any good?
50% buster and 10% charge seems okayish but not really special.
They pick those who has been online within the last 12 hours I think and pick 10 randomly out of those.
Bro your summer funds?
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I spend on gatcha and drink energy drinks every day
poorfag btw
>Imagine thinking $30 is going to make the difference
It actually does, I can point to this financial concept of investments to you.
But you wouldn't know it since you have zero capacity to think long term anyway.
if you have that bank account then yes it does make a difference
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If you fuckers think spending $30 is nothing then why don't you give me some?
Anyone give me 20 buck i life in SEA shithole
just means more hags for us brother
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What is APY?
Energy drinks are the worse addiction here.
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Extra is pretty clearly the best class in the game.
Actually yeah, I'm complaining about the $30 gacha for the express reason that it was brought over earlier, we know that people are going to quit after LB7 and nothing further was done to improve the game and I also neither smoke nor drink. There's spending you do for fun and then there's spending that inevitably puts you into a worse position than if you didn't spend.
>spending it once
But what if there's another Destiny Summon next year?
I'm gonna need you to earn that money bby
just go collect some bottles or steal some grandmas purse after you spend the 30 euro on gacha and its basically free
post the okita cosplay on /soc/
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We should not mock or deride for their expenditure. If anything we should encourage more /alter/ bros to spend more on gacha to tell Nasu/Type Moon that gaijin fans matter.
I'm genuinely curious how do people even start smoking nowadays? I can kinda understand drinking from peer pressure/parties getting you hooked on it, but I can't rationalize how someone could start and get hooked on smoking.
bro just catfish old white men for their life savings
Peer pressure.
post ITT with unique evidence of not having done the destiny summon yet + a Paypal address and I will send you 30 bucks.
fgo only matters if we speed up
Supposedly, imagine if someone who earns the equivalent of $270 per month in an online job wants to start off and play the game. Should he continue?
annual percentage yield. in 1 year you can expect an interest of x%. you have to take into account banks can change the the interest rate and that the actually interest is calculated monthly (so 12 times a year), not daily. your interest in a month is the APY (at that time) divided by 12
Hello everyone last year I came and was told my support was too empty. This year I added a bit more so feel free to add me I plan to hyper the arc before morgfest so all of you can use her
I'm not complaining about people spending $30
I'm complaining about people equating gacha jpegs to sustenance such as food that you need to eat to fucking stay alive
I could get Arcueid. I choose not to.
vaping is pretty damn widespread, IDK why you think smoking is rare
social media is a thing
I only binge drink a handle or two per month. It's nothing bro
He may be family, but I'm seriously considering just moving out into a place on my own and leaving him to his fate.
That's a good idea. I'm lazy and retarded though, but I'll try to file that thought away. I should actually have some time coming up that I can use to actually step back and take a look at my life, if I use it properly.
All the more reason we should spend more like this destiny order thing, signal to them that if they bring these stuff early, they get more money earlier.
why are Jannu posters always boot lickers
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Their loss, after all.
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I'd personally recommend an ISA/Roth IRA or regional equivalent invested in index ETFs. Savings accounts might be more easily accessible but investing in indexes will likely grow faster than any savings account and the difference is worth the minor inconvenience of needing to give some basic ID docs.
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Watching you poorfags squirm and wretch is incredibly amusing. If you haven't broken well into 6 figure net worth by your late 20s unironically give up and consider suicide, you lost a long time ago.
Bonds and cut the middleman retard, that's what the Scamming accounts are doing with your deposits. Not that it matters with your McDonalds deposit.
>need to eat
Ok so you eat 100% optimally and never buy anything you dont need?
So, what are YOU doing with your new Arc?

I'm having her punch doors.
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is smoking a thing to peer pressure nowadays? I thought it's public image was destroyed from all the cancer stuff.
Plus, JPGs tend to cost MORE than fucking $30 to begin with.
>I'm complaining about people equating gacha jpegs to sustenance such as food that you need to eat to fucking stay alive
But the original argument was people spending more money they need on food, but then someone got defensive and said it's not the same, despite it being a waste of money when you can get the same meal at home for about 2-5 dollars.
Then someone made the comparison larger than life to defend them paying 30 dollars for food.
I mean, for that guy with a paltry 1,000 in his account, that might as well be sustenance value.
$30 can last me for a month.
I buy a lot of food I don't need to eat to survive, but simply because it's tasty.
Like this pack of oreos at my desk right now..
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>wasting 3 CE slots
That oreo pack could have been 5 Arcs...
I'm genuinely appalled a guy with $1k in bank is spending if $30 is nothing. Nevermind that it's a jpeg, it would apply to any recreational activities when you are down to $1k
I thought it was just a meme but anon seems pretty serious about it.
they spat in our faces
>xdddd your clairvoyance won't matter
>the only thing we get is a gimped version of destiny summon (less servants available since early) to paypig
and fans were glad about it
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so anyway...
i think i'm gonna buy the rog ally x
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I don't know, but I guess that's why. Just like how my coworkers try to get me to drink coffee despite me not wanting to.
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>/alter/ is more lively than ever
>anons are just arguing
It can't be helped.
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This is the real question
>Bro it's only $30 you make that in like 2 hours of work
>You wouldn't even notice just give me some
>What are you poor? I bet your bank account is 3 digits poorfag.
>Come on give it to me

You don't spend money just because you can, or to brag on the internet about how middle class you are. You spend it because the thing you are purchasing is worth that money. So ask yourself, is the service being given to you worthy of your money? Is the chance of maybe something kinda ok that you'll level eventually when you remember in the second archive worth $30? I say no. I'll spend that $30 on something more worthwhile, or maybe I won't spend it at all and save it for something bigger.

Of course you low impulse control cucks will eagerly piss it away, and you'll use "disposable income" as a weak excuse for your incredible lack of self discipline and easily addicted mind.
Hey, sometimes who you're grinding bond on is more important than max efficency.
How do I optimally spend my spare $30?
I need Illya sex.
i own I bonds as well uminekotard. it's just easier for anyone to access a HYSA because minimum deposits are $0 for most of the big banks
i need to look into roth ira sometime this summer
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6CE only matters during lottos and you will never convince me otherwise
Goes to show that threads like this are populated by the rich who doesn't care about how they spend or what they say because they're rich and will receive no consequence.
you don't need to spend 30 bucks on a meal to stay alive
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>Using apples to grind embers
If you had told me i would be doing this 2 years ago i would have laughed at your face.
become a hot chocolate chad like me
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All on red
Sex with Mash
Use bond CEs then and just farm manually.
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>only 2 120 servants
>they are both 4*
>5* are all 114/116/118
Coin system is a dog shit.
People just smoke other stuff, like weed.
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ive been farming embers all night...
>You spend it because the thing you are purchasing is worth that money.
>Of course you low impulse control cucks will eagerly piss it away
Conflicting message here. You say as long as it is worth the money (which is subjective) is fine, then you say you shouldn't do it.
This is why discussion of value is stupid.
Too bad my paypal has my real name
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Y'all fr? Nobody smokes anymore, vaping is the current thing that bussin you boomers
/alter/ has no value
only 1 year away until the Savior of NA comes....
how's it like living with a squatter
Cooking my own food has also given me enjoyment that eating at a restaurant doesn't necessarily give me, both are fine but I'm willing to shell out more for quality ingredients. In contrast spending above GSSR levels of funds has tended to lead me to regret doing it at all you would think it wouldn't when my total spending on a game before was more than $4,000 but the sentiment is the same no matter how much or how little it is: If you realize you were dancing to the whims of the devs even a single cent would be too much.
bro or death
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I try to avoid sugar like stuff too. In general I don't eat breakfast nor lunch and only eat dinner due to hobbies and work.
Long term investment is unironically a meme. You're better off just finding a well-paying job and not being a retard with your income.
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>let me tell you how to spend (You)r money
Fellow SEA resident and I hate gacha, I don't wanna touch it with a ten-foot pole and don't wanna spend my savings, what little I have, on shit like this
>only 2 120 servants
>because they are the only ones that make me experience true emotions in this game
you're joking but that's true
people spend hours here and this is actually worthless most of the time
Isn't vaping just as bad?
Fair enough. I should do the same so I can actually lose weight.
It's bad because it's lamer.
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Just have a well paying job, long term saving/investment and short term saving?
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Do you like Ankoman's Paris doujins?
wtf, do you snack alot? Or are you Auschwitz moding?
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Since I started working I have less ability to play games, so I buy less games. As a result, my luxury spending goes on FGO and I buy a big pack once every two - three months to be able to do daily summons and GSSRs.

I still save a ton and put it into an ISA.

>my sister never smoked
>now vapes a fuckton
>comes and visits me and my mother
>room full of fucking vape smoke
Is $250 a month a good salary?
if anon's bank account is at $1k, he definitely shouldn't be spending any money on non-necessities honestly.
That anon's argument was that it's fine because average american lives paycheck to paycheck and rationalizes that it's fine but he's just setting up for real bad time later down line and just digging hole for himself
>threads like this are populated by the rich who doesn't care about how they spend
My passive income alone nets me $2500+/month right now and I'm not touching this retard magnet gssr.
Love on the left, a boner on the right?
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>The only thing that changes - you can choose servants yourself instead of premade rateups
It's not about whether you have money for it or not, it's about whether it's worth it.
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his boys are cute
Kagekiyo in all
Mine is punching hands helping me to finish grailing Astraea
No, I just eat dinner when I get back home. In general I just drink water and I've been doing this for like a year.
My passive passive income nets me 6k a day and i rolled both gssr and destiny :^)
I vape
imagine needing to farm embers.
my second 120 is currently coinlocked because I didn't get her off a lucky bag
but even if she weren't I probably wouldn't even need to touch the 955 stack to get her there
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The REAL trick is to not spend your own money at all. I just ERPed with a weird pervert on the internet for a $50 Google Play gift card. As far as I'm concerned this GSSR was free.
no unless you live in a country were you can get everything you need like that
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bro have you tried not being poor lmao it's that easy
how much time did you spend ERPing?
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Too bad you're larping and I'm not :^)
What now Arcfags?
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To be fair, that's what I did but I was really lucky.
i remember a guy on /tv/ that said that was his job
No, it's too goddamn hard
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>he pleases old men for money

In concept I do, but I wish it'd be Paris exclusively while he always seems to involve other boys as well which doesn't interest me so much.
Love on the left, me on the right.
>Used to buy games during Steam sales just because it was on discount
>Felt retarded realizing I had no time for it
>Finally got what I actually wanted and play it
It's money you use for entertainment either way and the difference is just whether you're fully cognizant of your purchases or you fell for limited-time memes and emotional baiting.

This is important because unless you legitimately have a favorite in every category almost equally your chances of getting fucked are pretty high. I didn't even get as far as Rider before running out of 'Worth the 1/9 $30 chance' options, lol.
FGO is unironically the only gacha worth spending money on.
>what is reinvestment of principal
>seapoor posts his yearly wage
This reminds me, that one pink bitch from Zenless Zone Zero is making me want to get back into ERPing as absolute fucking cocksluts.
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>my second 120 is currently coinlocked
Coins suck.
damn that's great
>selling your soul
How the fuck do you earn that much and what is your job?
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Those aren't contradicting at all. Plenty of people will spend money on something they know isn't worth the money because of other reason(gablers being the prime example). Many people here will spend all year bitching about how horrible the game is being run, how bad the new units are, how trash the selection on the GSSR is, and then turn around and buy it because the 5 second high they get from seeing little gold orbs spin has them hooked.

If you legitimatly think it's worth the money, have the money to spare, and aren't making those decisions due to impulsive reasons, then fine. But the only real argument I see towards it is an odds based argument saying that the quartz to 5star ratio is higher than a raw $30 quartz purchase. Basically the same reason people buy things they don't need because it was 30% off. The percieved value of the purchase supersedes the actual need of said item.
A little over an hour, 75 minutes or so. But it was really weird and niche fetishes. So it was a form of labor I suppose.
I bought bitcoin
That's barely 1/4 of the embers needed for 100-120
This is exactly why I'm saying discussion of value is stupid since it will differ from person to person.
i.. i don't know anon
Then I'll have earned enough to pay for over 10950 destiny summons.
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Got it, CEO-tier family
Just start a business bros
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Xu Fu!
I don't have a smug enough Stheno for this.
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I love images like this. They make me feel better about my own conduct.
>Still beats 120 arc
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if i asked Saber what "glwedig" means or implies, what would she say?
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>Start up FGO
>All these rainbow rocks
I can't wait to burn through them all on Summer Servants!
This dumb chink bitch evaded 33 summons but sent me Wu and the Chinaman from Traum.
Rich anons, can you show me how you earn that much money?
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That's... something.
Of course I get the worst choice of my Destiny Order Summon. Still a new SSR but goddamn am I unlucky this anniversary.
You don't get 120 Arc for the raw numbers, you get her because she works in any situation on any lineup except for farming Rulers (which doesn't fucking happen).
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
Here you go bro
>be smart
>start up a small company
>grow it
>sell it for millions
its that easy bro
discussion of anything besides math will differ from person to person. You can't just opt out of all discussion because people might think differently. People can and will change their minds about things if given a good enough reason.
Need more lovey-dovey pregnant servants.
>worth the money, have the money to spare, and aren't making those decisions due to impulsive reasons, then fine
This. I respect the anons who plan ahead and aren’t being impulsive with paid rolls. There was an alter anon who gigawhaled for their favorite but planned for it years in advanced. That is a real commitment.
Easy for you to say. Did your grandfather do all that for you decades ago?
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Holy shit New Year's GSSRs are diluted as fuck, there's none here that scream amazing.
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Bros I got him fron the destiny summon, is he outdated or can he still do damage?
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>and then turn around and buy it because the 5 second high they get from seeing little gold orbs spin has them hooked.
Yes and grandmother bought land which we rent to the city. Just get lucky bro
He's mid.
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GSSR: Salieri?
>People can and will change their minds about things if given a good enough reason.
are we in the same website?
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He always wins (jobs)
Have rich parents
Don't make dumb decisions like develop a drug addictions or bankrupt your businesses too many times
he is sadly only the best aoe buster archer, not much use nowadays
nicotine isn't the worst thing about cigarettes
it's the burning cancer alkaloids
Arc's skills are kind of boring, she's pretty much just the 100% NP charge
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He's not "outdated" because he's gotten so many strengthenings over time. Gilgamesh is still, by far, the strongest Archer class servant against Weak To Enuma Elish servants. He's good all around.
Tesla is almost as good and arguably a little better against the handful of servants that are not Weak To Enuma Elish, but this is so niche as to be pointless.
berserkers and lancers look good to me
going for that second to last
I'm pretty sure that guy has an actual problem as he plays 11-12 gachas full time/whales on all of them, and I think he was literally fired from his job last week.
From what I've seen, it's just constantly taking risks until one day it pays off, or you end up homeless under a bridge.
AOE berserker is pretty fucking stacked. Otherwise yeah there isn't much.
That was me once. Sure, it was only $80 and I got my target + the paid SQ funded my next two GSSRs but what made me feel like shit was knowing that I did it out of sheer anger at missing one of my favorites and getting an SSR spook.

I'm thinking about the one with Voyager and Summer Skadi and skipping rolling Summer Skadi since my Voyager is only NP1 right now and I have OG Skadi. If that doesn't pan out Summer Skadi still has a re-run next year.
>I'm pretty sure that guy has an actual problem
>and I think he was literally fired from his job last week.
twice this year i think

is it bad that I spend a large amount of time making AI images of pregnant servants...
guaranteed salieri symphony (real)
I don't have a single one and they are all great. This one for me.
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avoid women, beer, cigarettes and monthly streaming services. And always take advantage of deals when you order pizza.
All of them is good, even Arthur and Void
All good even Sei
Not familiar with Brio, but the rest is okay to amazing
All amazing, even MHX
All amazing too, with Kin 50% np charge and Pickleman combo with Gong
All good with Oberon being top
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chat should i drink tonight?
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>Have to re-write 7 years of muscle memory and stop starting chains with a Buster card for damage or Arts card for NP Generation
This will take time...
yeah bro...
drinking alone?
no don't do that.
No, better spend that money on the destiny gacha.
>he plays 11-12 gachas full time/whales on all of them
Like, some events or story chapters require full attention from the players unless they're trust-fund kids. Even something like 3~4 gacha would spell the death of free time for other stuffs.
>Verification not required.
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Went the same way for me, got the least desired result out of the options. Same for the GSSR.
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CS but don't do it if you're a mathlet and not going to apply yourself, we have enough jeetcoders and AI now. If you have drive to be great and not just snipe a paycheck and can also be great at math then go for it and you will be in high demand even in current year. Also flipped some houses because I did construction part time during school but it overall wasn't worth it time-wise compared to just working more.
Voyager and S.Skadi in case of not getting them this July.
Should I do it bros
Imagine whaling and not even being a famous ecleb lmao.
ive had a bottle of honey jack that was given to me unopened for 3 years
>You can't just opt out of all discussion
Of course I can, just like I will do now.
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should I sell my body on grindr to buy destiny summon?
It is okay anon. 2025 will be better
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>already have Astolfo, Okita, Beni
>already have Arthur, Charlie, Muramasa
>don't have any
>already have Ishtar, Gilgamesh, Sei
>already have Melusine
>already have Ereshkigal and Melusine
>already have Reines
>already have Iskandar, Bakin and Da Vinci
>already have Castoria, Skadi, Crane
>already have Murasaki
>already have MHX
>already have Semiramis and Koyanskaya
>don't have any
>already have Musashi, Morgan (planning to roll for Rikyu)
>already have Jalter, Melt, Abby, Yang
>already have Bazett, Gogh
>already have Molay, Voyager (planning to roll for Summer Skadi)
>already have Kiara, Summer Kiara, Hokusai
>already have Summer BB, Summer Abby, Koyanskaya 2 and Oberon
>already have Rulertoria, Maou and Arc
So it's either ST Archer or ST Berserker for me. Alternatively I could consider support Riders or ST Lancers since I wouldn't be upset about NP2 of Melusine or Reines at all.
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>some events or story chapters require full attention
$30 should have let you pick the SSR instead of it being random from 9
I'm unemployed and almost living in the streets
I hope so...
Don't be greedy now.
do you think jpg is worth only $30? stop being greedy
my np1 arc will sit at level 3 for the foreseeable future. i got bigger fish to level.
Any /alter/sis' want to take me in?
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I hope your life turns around, bro...
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I want to know where the silent majority stands on arc
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Not even zoomers have that many split screens, how is his attention span not fucked?
I can name FGO and BA, the rest look exactly the same to me.
To be honest, I've enjoyed playing this game for the past 7 years. I should be able to spend my money on things I enjoy without whiny poorfags trying to shame me.
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oh boy it's kinda expensive to do both the destiny and guaranteed ssr roll...
I want to download and start playing the game.
I want to pull and do the destiny roll even if I'm only at $250 a month.
Should I continue or just not bother?
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Nobunaga was my...Destiny.
That's pathetic. How couldn't you do anything with your degree?
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it can't be helped
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have u tried getting a JOB?
Yes, there's only two times a year when you should reasonably spend money on FGO so might as well go all out on the anniversary and recover in the next few months
I got like 2 Kscope in one 30 quartz summon. Is there a rate up?
Do you have cancer?
are you cute? do you g4p?
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I have a job because I am a jobber.
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Unironically going from NEET to having a stable job made me understand gacha spending.

>have 100s of hours in a game
>want a thing
>can afford it comfortably
>there isn't other things like PC or console games I want because I don't have time for them beyond the ones I'm already playing
So what the fuck else would I spend money on besides the gacha I play every day

>just save it then
I am, I'm saving several times more. But I want SOME luxuries.
I feel like you should be doing something to resolve that rather than shitposting about anime girls at 4 AM
Are you thinking of the oberonsis who dropped over 2k in one go? I wouldn’t call that normal, they’re pretty extreme.
Chemistry and Biology majors are akin to Economics and Business majors in that they both attract lost burnouts that have no idea what to do with their life or have any idea how the real world works or how to contribute to it.
I have 1 Kscope and 1 black grail that is 1 copy away from MLB
but i never use black grail
which shoudl i get bwos

chemistry and bio degrees are useless without the right focus
and all degrees are useless if you dont network in college, which is the main useful function in college.
at least in america where the only meta is nepotism and fratbro networking
It's here

he activated his hunter mode and only reacts to movement, such as the stamina counter ticking up
4 monthly tickets a day actually makes the fucking things useful, ngl.
would you suck a bros dick if he bought you the destiny roll?
So how's that lack of speed-up, knowing we're going into a filler arc after LB7 and meme localization treating you, still enjoy it then?
If you whore'd yourself out, how much could you earn in a night?
Broooo Why can't I get to 120 ?! She's np5 for fuck sakes
only if he's a girl
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Well, you see, you don't have enough grails!
How many appends?
>Not Bond 15
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based retard who didn't calculate coins in OP
now get fucked by your own mistake ;)
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You need to have her up to a certain bond level for the coins...especially if you've been buying the appends first.
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>getting np5 without reaching max bond first
Extreme anti-soul. I seriously hope y'all don't do this.
Got NP1 arc in 40 tickets. Good enough.
That doesn't sound like a good advice, especially since I want to save as much money as possible. So I'll just try my luck elsewhere.
welcome to nufgo
pity was too generous
Miyu is my wife
Then even bother asking
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would you read doujinshi with melu?
>I'm not his wife
why is she bullying morgan?
I want to stick my head between her thighs and take a big whiff
>Getting NP5 after you bench the Servant
>He wasted coins on the appends
I swear they added those just to fuck people over.
the fact they still haven't added a way to get coins without get a specific servant shows how scummy/greedy they are.
I wonder what currency they'll add next for the 120-150 level up requirements
Still receiving lores btw
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I want to stick a 6 inch blade in her lower abdomen and violently pull up and to the left then twist and pull it out.
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>I wonder what currency they'll add next for the 120-150 level up requirements
As a typeslut, easily $100 a night, but it's far too much work for me.
i like to imagine how she would react to reading this
Easy money where?
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>Skipped Arc
>Skipping Summer 7 to roll for Summer Anastasia
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You know those kidney stuff you have? You don't need both of them. That's a life hack for ya.
both gssr and destiny order gave me the one servant I didnt want from those pools, what do I even do
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>targeting sr
im praying for you
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>approx 400SQ spent
>approx 1,200 SQ left
>1 copy of Arc
>a bunch of SR dupes
Yeah, I think I won't get too greedy, time to fold. Gotta save for skadi and wu
Bro your inheritance?
she can tech that
refund lol
>Destiny gives me servant I don't want
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I miss Arc's old voice. She used to be voiced by the same one who voiced Hiratsuka-sensei.
me and my wives
Bros? What is the topic of discussion at hand here?
You live with your poor decisions

Destiny summon requires you to fill in all slots. So if you have a slot/class where there isn't anything you want, you're fucked. This is why I'm skipping the damn thing. There are some classes where I have too many servants I want while some other classes have stuff I have zero interest in.
i didnt want any Lancers
wait a minute what the fuck is that blue thing with a cable and a controller? looks like a vibrator?
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Same. It's not fucking fair bros...
I posted in the dying thread, fuck
Summer Abby or normal Abby? I don't have either.
>got NP1 summer Caenis even with anniversary quartz last year
life is suffering
then stand on her midsection till she faints
Okay some of these advanced quest are legit hard
Sell your plasma and semen
While my Destiny and GSSR didn't give me the servants I least wanted, they also didn't give me the servants I most wanted, so now I'm just sitting here with Gilgamesh and Kagekiyo thinking "this was acceptable".
On one hand I wish I was in a better mood, but I also don't feel like I got fleeced. There is no word for this kind of para-disappointment because it's not disappointment so much as it is recognizing it's not complete satisfaction either.
Like a meal that fills you up, but doesn't have a dessert to close it out, it shall be moved on from.
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We got the increased SR rates I think and it went fine for me in JP with 120 SQ used for NP2 Summer Ana, NP2 Summer Corday and NP1 Okita Alter.

You have to pick from every class, it's not surprising that you can still get fucked. I think GBF's pick your scamcha is better with this because you pick 10 summer characters rather than specific categories.
Why does Taigong Wang have that slanted eyes chink face?
literally who
Should I be happy with NP3 Bazett when I wanted NP1 Koyan Yami?
you have to pick a servant from every class, and anon like me may have had a class with no servant they wanted.
girls don't have dicks
I remember reading about a guy who donated semen then got sued for child support
Do any bros here have connections to Steve Jobs or other rich magnates?
What NP levels are you aiming for, bro?
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>all degrees are useless if you dont network in college, which is the main useful function in college.
im graduating in 20 days and i havent spoken to a single person in my university for the entire duration of my time there.
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Yeah, I prefer her old voice too.
Soulful anime zoomers have never watched.
you're probably a bad person
the best girl from hachiman anime.
Why did Mo dress like this?
I'll eat out an alter sis for $30
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>unlocking the third append before NP6
lol, lmao
I mean I did exactly that and had to suffer through my Passionlip being stuck at level 108 for a year and a half
It's a music player. I know you kids don't know since these days you just use your phone but back in the days, people have devices dedicated for listening to music.
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not a jobber
(am currently unemployed)
People don't want you to know that, but the money in the bank are free, you can just take them, as long as you spend them all quickly and never make another dollar in your life.
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yeah but nobody would know that because i never went in.
don't worry anon I'm the same...BS in mathematics and MS in computer science, but did 0 networking/socializing so no job prospects...
but she's not listening to it...
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that is really not good, hope you have a family member/friend that can get you a good enough job
But I thought you already got a job, my lippa
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>no experience to get a job
>no job to get experience
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i dont talk to my family either.
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This but only the BS in math and gainfully employed in a fully remote position.
I didnt want Melusine guys, is she at least decent at np1?
4* have it worst than 5* in the coin system honestly.
they really need to add a universal coin or have a "Coin Font"/"Coin converter" thing so that you can merge coins to make a "Universal Coin" or exchange coins for a specific coin you want, like trade coins of SR/SSR you don't care for, for other SR/SSR coins you want.

But that would be a basic QoL thing and wouldn't encourage people to waste money on the gacha so they will never add something as basic and obvious as this to their shitty system.
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I'm fine with NP1 skadi, but I'd like at least NP2 wu

You might unironically be fucked, bro. A lot of jobs are never advertised publicly and companies just pass it on internally to see if their employees know anyone interested/qualified etc. College networking sessions are the rare times you get access to those stuff if you don't have friends/family already in the industry.
Yes, she's decent even at NP1.
yeah she's cool
not gonna break any records but she has 130 charge and is cool on challenge quest
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okay well... hope you arent american
Remember, Arc is BROKEN.
>checks notes
She, uh, LOOPS with NO CE NEEDED and is a BROKEN OMNIFARMER despite her shit stats, even MELUSINE fucking KNEELS and uh why haven't you buyed her yet
what do you even do
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>spend all my sq summoning a servant
>use them once
>return to using the same team i use on everything
With black grail? Yes. Don't even think about doing 6 CE with her at np1.
Pure Coins would be too logical and generous for this shitheap of a game
jack off 2+ times a day
Oh with those funds you're absolutely getting both, but good luck anyways.
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Yep, I was right.
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lucky you anon...I'm stuck doing door dash while I'm sending out resumes...doing gig work is surprisingly profitable though, making about 20-30 an hour and It's super easy.
best of luck
trying to get into basically anything that isn't blue-collar right now is like trying to break into a fucking bank vault with a spoon
>gamepress is still broken
i just wanted to check whos on the ibuki and skadi banners then make a comment like
"we should trade ____ from this banenr to that banner"
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>good gpa
>recognizable college
>programming skills
If you have this you're fine and don't need to rely on nepotism. If not lmao at your life better start spamming linkedin and asking professors for some last minute references kiddo.
Bro, don't tell me we're the only ones you talk to...
thinking about being based
Nta but yeah you are.
Bros my cousin wants me to work at his casino since they're hiring but neet life is too comfy
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>none of the above
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S. Erice.
S. Wu.
Get ready to learn McDonald's buddy
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>he isn't a tradechad
It's not as simple as that. The people who already have connections already have an edge over you since they likely already have gotten past the 'submit resume to be read by the bot on the website' part and gotten to a real person to read your resume.
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minimum wage is fine...
>All this fucking zoomer cope sessions
Just start doing some shitty job, be extremely competent at it and pivot every chance you get.
that's like 35 minutes of your day
>none of the above
>managed to be a shitty civil servant
I just dont care anymore, i'm just a shame to everyone that i refuse to interact with everyone since i'm the only one who lived a mediocre/shitty life.
i like the younger version
>Arcueid is ba-
This is NP3 without hitting her niche or Oberon buffs.
NTA but I probably jack off 5-6 times a day.
>he wasn't learning how to track the menstrual cycle of WNBA players then taking their under SGPs when they are listed as "questionable illness"
>caitlin clarks will be in like 20 days btw be on the lookout
The job market had changed since your days, grandpa. That job progression method doesn't really work anymore these days.
Literally a meme unless you're willing to work for pajeet salary. It's over saturated right now.
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I'm a civil servant. Pay isn't great but at least they can't fire me.
i like edging doe
Me, I just jack off once a day
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It's an estimate, hopefully it's even sooner!
a single fap takes me 1.5 hours plus cleaning the onahole
that's why i only do it a day a week and weekends
i jack it 2-3 times a day in a 1 hour span
lmao who cares
you have a stronger mind than I do, working for shit like that would drive me insane
No shit you fucking retard you're better off with connections but the idea that you can't get a job without it is a lie perpetuated by undesirables and incompetents.
I didn't say programming positions you braindead unemployed ape. Programming skills are an asset at minimum in almost every stem field these days.
Now that I got arc with tickets. I'm close to 1k SQs. How necessary is summer skadi if I already have caster skadi for quick teams? How necessary is bimbo merlina if I already have Merlin?
>Math/Computer Science
>3.5 gpa
I even built a GNN for image reading.
but yeah as >>485037808
said literally no one is hiring right now...
>the idea that you can't get a job without it
Nobody is saying you can't you shitforbrains
People are simply saying it's going to be an uphill battle you fucking faggot
The rate-up should stay for 2 weeks after it arrives.
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....i ask Mother for money personally
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>No one hiring programmers right now.
Gee I wonder what happened.
Fuck off with your offtopic posts, wagecucks.
>Anon got lucky
>heh everyone else who doesn't succeed must've been a retard!
many such cases.
Is nobu a boy or a girl?
Keep trying and apply nationwide, you will get picked up.
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We are almost there bro, just a few weeks left
Does it work?
It doesn't make it "fine" like you claimed.
Stop being so dishonest.
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i've been farming embers for 13 hours and 40 minutes.
using anything but your hands is straying from the path God set for you. You will answer for this at the day of reckoning, I spit on you
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i dont get the appeal of onaholes
this. go g4p or fuck off
a few weeks? ill be packing up and moving in a few weeks. I WANT IT NOW
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>Summer Skadi
Buffs your Quick loopers even more, it's 65% Quick on top of 20% attack versus Skadi's 50% Quick and defense down only lasts for one wave. If you have top-tier Quick loopers S. Skadi is worth considering.
More worth it at higher NP levels, I personally don't see a use for her but my Merlin is NP2 for reference and his main use is with my Himiko and Morgan who want Buster buffs.
I rolled my first redman from a ticket on the story banner today
fuck tsukihimenerds
If you didn't have your foreskin no mo and you could barely even feel your hand you'd understand
masturbation with less risk of deathgrip syndrome
Why spend money on this game when you can give me that money instead and I'll give you a nice surprise.
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Koma... 2 more months...
Summer Skadi is necessary with the extra np refund and crit
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>mfw already spent $80 for tsuki deluxe edition
will the 20 I spend on destiny order really be used make more visual novels?
haha no
i get the appeal of onaholes
oh boy this argument again
refund tsuki and pirate it bro
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I love anni time
Devour grail, then get excited for next grail.
>he doesn't collect physical media
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it's actually just chocolate
Goddamn lippers
She kinda seems not so great. She's "better Arts Merlin" but the best Arts DPSs don't play nice with her.
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i will live in the pod i will eat the insects i will own nothing and i will be happy.
I just realized how cute and funny my ordeal call lineup is
At least they're all new
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>Be Merlinlet in 2024
Is Avalon good substitute for stall comps? i know she isn't as good unless you whale for high NP levels but surely NP1 Avalon is better than NP1 Jeanne that i currently use when stalling.
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your hand but better and less mess
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>I love anni time
>Weaker than Melusine at Neutral
Is that why I'm a quickshot? Cause I still have my foreskin
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>Rolling NP1 dps servants
Waste, you need NP3 at the very least these days.
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how do you cure that? asking for a friend haha
Yeah, I think that if you care about meta S. Ibuki and S. Skadi are still better. But then again my OG Merlin is NP2 for a reason, don't care about this one.
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>will the 20 I spend on destiny order really be used make more visual novels?
Kinda? Tsuki:RE was delayed thanks to FGO but that delay was used by the Type Moon guys not involved with FGO to polish the shit out of it.
Yeah, she's a good substitute. Doesn't mesh as well with Morgan or Himiko but overcharge on demand is a nice plus.
i have foreskin and use onaholes a lot so no
you just need to practice
>against a Berserker
why did Raita forget to give her an ass.
walking around with all that mass should give her one
>less mess
really? i cum into tissues and it seems easier than cleaning an onahole.
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i do not care, my dick is rolling
stop talking about fapping and cumming
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>used all my blue apples so now i need to start using real apples on hands
cumming to this post right now
Who just started playing the game now and got lucky with the Destiny Pull?
Should've veteraned more and not used them on innate bullshit. I still have 70 out of 150
Pretty much why I didn't want to do Destiny Order, that and the DPS Servants I was going for either have a rate-up 4* or CE that makes it more enticing to roll for them there.
I just hope I can get a "real" job before the 6 month pause on my loans is over.
though for a BS and MS I think $68,529.99 of debt isn't too bad...
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if you made a fresh account to paypig on gssrs instead of buying an account you're a mental retard
I just fapped and cummed 10 minutes ago
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gooning rn
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unironically stop jerking off for like a month
or if you do jerk off be a bit more goddamn gentle with it so your body can re-acclimate to stimulation that isn't extreme
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>come to bed and stop arguing on that damn message board already Anon
edging to you rn
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i did that too but even then it was more messy
is better to just cum in the hole balls deep
Ah, I forgot to jerk off during my destiny summon, that explains everything.
paenis my bride...
I can't even imagine being circumcised...
After the initial 3 week AI stupor It'd just have been one big callus down there.
You can land a job in 2 if you aren't a complete retard and willing to relocate nationwide. Apply apply apply, your days should literally have 2-3+ hrs of interviews a day.
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If I have NP2 Arjuna Alter, should I roll for Morgan?
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I work for a Canadian marketing company managing Western sales for a Japanese client. Recently, I've been trying to learn more Japanese because they moved me to talking to the client. I never thought being a weeb would pay off. I've even started cooking Japanese food, bought a Japanese phone and driving a Japanese car.
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being circumcised is just one step away from being a beautiful trans womxn
>your days should literally have 2-3+ hrs of interviews a day.
i don't wanna do that shit though i've got important stuff to do like watch the newest seasonal anime
Morgan's probably not going to outshine Arjuna Alter unless you have particular setups that need her team charge. When it comes to clearing stuff, Arjuna Alter is good enough for essentially everything.
My Arjuna Alter is NP3 and I'm still rolling for more Morgan copies eventually, Morgan is more of a team player and works with the Avalon comp.
Alright, I've got an NP2 Arc now. Is she good enough or do I keep rolling?
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now what
at np5 120 2k fous she deals almost as much damage as ungrailed Spartacus, you tell me
Now you enjoy your grandma's baked cookies you ungrateful child
Then stop complaining and go quietly drown in your debt while your degrees rot into irrelevance and unemployable lack of experience.
np6 or your account blows up
i have a job but its irrelevant to my degree how long can i leave it before the powers that be decide my degree has rotted bro
built for big centaur cock
that anon wasn't me btw
Summer Kama, nice
kinda wanted Ibuki but at least it wasnt Reines, she was the one I was iffiest about
I feel little bit bad that I went for the soulless choice with berserker banner since for morg this is her NP3... But failing miserably during Kriem banner (got np2 charlie and 0 Kriems in 100 pulls) I feel little bit better getting her.

Destiny lineup was (too retarded to take pick)
Raita snake-Ishtar-Melu-Reines-CRANE-Oldman Li-Raikou-Np2 sphistar-Kiara
$30 is simply too much for a jpg
that anon was me btw
Reading Traum makes me think Kadoc makes a better love interest than Mashu. Rival-Enemy to Lovers (without supernatural Servant bond) feels more natural.
Wish we had an option to choose his gender as we had with Guda.
Convince me to paypig for the 30sq GSSR and a chance to get Oberon. Why shouldn't I just get Mahoyo instead.
Congrats on the bird
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the biggest shame is that her ass is quite nice
it's just the massive imbalance of the size of her tits makes her appearance lopsided
just a grail or 2 to give him a vagina
you can ask Sion to give him a neo vagina too
Did you miss when the cuck said Ana was the only one for him?
Here's your zerker 2 bro
Never lose hope, my unemployed bros...
It's costs 2 GSSRs but only the servants you want. I bought a big pack to use for this and future GSSRs. I only spend the paid quartz for GSSRs.
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>A chance
You will not only fail to get Oberon, you'll get the Servant you want the least.
>Why shouldn't I just get Mahoyo instead.
If you like the story you'll enjoy the collab in two years and it's guaranteed entertainment if you play it.
refund it
>have a job but its irrelevant to my degree
Welcome to the real world, buddy. That is the situation for a lot of people.
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i get neetbux, i don't need hope
mahoyo is free
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It's time... to farm.
i wish i was a physical and mental retard instead of just a mental retard that doesnt even get autismbux
no, it's still time to make blapples
>watch the newest seasonal anime
But there's barely anything interesting this season...
Another anon here. He said she was the only Servant for him. But he throws himself to protect Guda without knowing why. And in LB7, if you play Gudako, he blushes as he asks permission to sleep in her room while she's off since his got destroyed. He never has a blushing sprite near Mash. There are gender-oriented scenes for Gudao with Kuku too, and Ishtar husband (for Gudako).
In terms of typical coming of age, Anastasia is the elegant first doomed love and Gudako is the genki second love the brooding atoner meets. Nips love that cliche in writing and it's easily framed like that. He'll always care for Anastasia, but doesn't mean he won't care for someone else.
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im watching monogatari and code geass and nothing else so far
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>9 months
its over
That's pretty much what I'm watching as well. It's kinda of a barren season.
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congratulations bro!
>code geass
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Sex with big oni women
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And just like that.
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Did I stutter?
Was that scene really necessary?
you forgot something very important
I dont care at all
new series that follows on from the end of the last movie or some shit. a bunch of new characters and a bunch of japanese people being slaughtered like cattle even though lelouch was meant to have solved racism. i dont know if i like it yet or not.
Is Gummie II dead?
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Why is lelouch a girl?
>Female Lelouch
For what purpose. The whole point of the original is that he transcended sexual preferences and everyone wanted to fuck him anyway.
The new geass ability turns people into transexuals.
I still find it funny that it has official porn and C.C. canonically has a hairy green bush.
>a bunch of japanese people
It's just Hokkaido
>even though lelouch was meant to have solved racism.
Zero Requiem doesn't mean eternal world peace and zero conflict, rather than for once, countries are working together and Brittania is no longer off colonizing everyone and slaughtering people with zero shits given.

Lelouch has always been a girl.
The Kadoc and Guda CE is draw by a yaoi mangaka whose main pairings are always white hair x black hair guys, by the way. They specifically commissioned that artist for it.
Pretty sure Lelouch's could do it too. He just needs to command them to be man/woman.
how do I find pictures of this green hairy bush
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>Lelouch has always been a girl.
My life is a lie...
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>Coming from a CG looking MFer
Why haven't I heard about this?
Retarded /fgog/kek not staying in his shit general as usual coming over to expose how much he likes his head shoved up his ass.

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