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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 7th, 8:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Tuliyolall (Instance 1) x11, y6.6 | Kneel to Wuk Lamat meetup >>484959469 (Cross-thread)

Previous Thread >>485026392
Why did Wuk have to ruin the last trial?
my fiddie is
God I love Hrothgals.
femezen property
magic or mischief gods forfend
Sphene... :(
today i will play some crystalline conflict
Male highlander beastmaster for my male hrothgar beast
can you guys come up with your own original jokes instead of just inserting your characters into existing memes
do regulators actually work as mind control devices? i thought you just merged memories with another soul when you were being revived
he didnt deserve to die
>creating the party the line immediately before
That's just laziness, they should have gone for verosimility
Did you forget the whole part where when someone dies, it wipes everyone elses memory of them so they don't feel like they lost someone
He was just sleeping there why couldn't we walk passed him
excited to beat this nigga up 4 times each for the 20 other jobs not at 100 yet
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You hear about the Doman Godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand.
Because the wol was feeling horny for some fighting
Why are buns like this so popular?!
the legendary mats are going to be fucking worthless when raid drops because everyone has been spiritbonding on them
post big bushes
in catbox if you're a pussy
Twitter link, please?
But that's exactly how memes work.
Just hacked a fiddie's regulator. Made her think she's a living onahole and she didn’t even question it for a second.
It hasn't been demonstrated to be a mind control device, per se, but it is at least a memory alteration device.
my moonster moonsty wife
i hope you're all well /stretched before whatever content you are trying to do
>Reign of beasts combo
>Rampart buff is a secret aurora and HoC buff
Oh yeah, GNBs ate good this expac
You're all here thinking about how you'll use Regulators for hypno ERP
I'm here thinking about how I'll use them for snuff ERP
To force a ship with sphene, so its more believable when she dons the sphene crown and they meld personalities.
soul cells have their memories wiped off
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>trying to figure out Pictomancer, how it works, and what the fuck I'm supposed to press first and what to press next and what not
>in other words, I need to figure it out myself, spend lots of time training myself to familiarize with it and become better at it slowly and slowly
>still have no idea what the fuck is going on

Ehh, at least it keeps retards and idiots at bay so this MMORPG won't become a shitty themepark, unlike that "Other" MMO"RPG"
my holes got stretched out by a rava if that counts....
>two most autistic hypnofags in the thread are miera
>one is a dom
>one is a sub
>neither are into the other
not sure if it's funny or worrying
>when she dons the sphene crown and they meld personalities.
This will not happen because it would be too kino of a twist to fathom
Just make sure you don't overcap resources or sit on OGCDs cause you didn't paint and you'll be fine
My femlala hasn't been used or stretched in so long... since the 2 day maint...
need to be bred.. need mating..
Eat the paint. Save the red paint for ur eb.
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Just level 92 content.
Troons need to make everything about themselves.
I am a femlala
who likes being called cute
and will give you nothing in return
Do you like malera?
This job is really good at filtering people who are too retarded to google search
>pictomancer rotation
Have to be sub real sub 70 IQr retard for that one, but this game is full of them and they even post here.
>I'm here thinking about how I'll use them for snuff ERP
I'm loving every laugh. Kong and DB both lost to this
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eblan alumen
To revive people and snuff them again...
>get snuffed
>come back cause you still have souls banked up
>get snuffed again
Rinse and repeat
One of them is French which is even worse.
defeats the purpose doesn't it
I want to taunt in PvP how likely is it that I get banned?
wouldn't it be better to erase them from everyone's mind? like an ultimate snuff
Deathgasm hot
and the souls are limited. Counting down would be part of the fun.
if you get reported you will get warned
Everytime I see this image I just want to /pet you it's simply cute!
god i wish that were me. wyd
How many characters here are built for instant loss
You all dont put out
i fucking hate farming moonies
Even if the taunt is response to someone dancing over my corpse? I guess I will taunt then report them first.
using their friends souls for it?
>losing to the crimson chin
can you blame them?
That's a good one, too. Depends on what aspect of it you want to highlight.
But you do have to keep in mind they are only erased from others with regulators, which is limiting for a lot of cases.
Oh now we're getting somewhere
I constantly mark "target to ignore" and never got so much as a GM talking to me, despite someone whispering me telling me they reported me
If wuk lamat looked like this people would love dawntrail's story
me except i'm a catboy so that usually puts people off
If wuk lamat sounded like this people would love dawntrail's story
lyse was hot and everyone hated her
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seal rock? they're going to have to start calling it dead catgirl rock
Posting your character & not beating around the bush tends to get people to show up. It's been working for me, at least
Farming souls to reup their Regulator would be another fun one. You start with some random nobody to give them a taste of it, but then it's their friends.
Bro.. your stormblood?
>You all dont put out
i can't erp ;-;
Anon. There's been people's entire personality of afking in CC ranked games, spamming marks to ignore and intentionally feeding. They still play to this game and are not banned. You could not do a single thing to get banned in PvP unless you stream yourself cheating for 2 weeks on twitch.
I didn't do anything
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What's going on in this thr-
That's because they didn't bother reporting you and if they said they did, they lied. That's actually a surefire way to get a strike. Next time just jump on their corpse.
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you gotta spice it up a little. you tease them the entire time and tell them that if they finish before you, you'll make them spend a friend's life. it would start with fear and end with them breaking down and happily trading the lives of their friends for just one more go. and they'd be so caught up in it they wouldn't even realize it was their turn next.
why do you do it khagan
is it for your femlala wife
>you're on your last soul and desperately trying not to cum but eventually give in to pleasure
pretty hot ngl
My moonie knows how to operate a combine harvester
so all that stuff about teaching people to love peace through violence was just bullshit, and zoraal ja really just did all this because he was jealous?
i drank too much anyone wanna do "roulettes" or "levequests" or "shared fates" or "treasure maps" or "gposing" or any other types of "ingame content"?
hot hot
>friends from another shard
gm my wife
perhapts fishing is comfy actually
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ngl, I really like Solution 9 and everything there but is not something that should be in Dawntrail. Why not a beach map or something.
Dawntrail shouldve been a Beast/Monster hunter xpac and not a political battle for the throne.
if you'd talked to as many catgirls as i have, you'd want to kill them all too
the yok huy talking about people never dying if they're remembered was pretty good foreshadowing
What do I make my second main for this expansion, Viper or Dancer
I'm on EU, and when I went full ragefag, inting, AFKing at spawn, RP walking into fights, /pet teammates instead of playing and marking and remarking and remarking to ignore again, I never got a single strike, and I swear to you I used to do that shit multiple times every evening for weeks
Hard to believe i never got at least a couple reports per week
pretty much every theme shown in the first part of the expansion is relevant in the second half
gm wife
It's more fun while wearing a bikini. You should try that.
its almost 6 in the morning and im spamming dungeons while drinking mountain dew
I've had more fun with regulators as part of gaslight and manipulation RP than "hypno," because I (the audience) can see the gut-wrenching details of what memories have been wiped and how they're being gradually replaced with someone else's suggestions...
This is excellent.
Mine is, and I do.
I am..
A Lady Bow

Queue for Casual CC @ 1:45 on Crystal
gib more examples
Peak moonie, doesnt look like a downgrade like 90% of the other mooners
why dont u drink my cum instead anon
If you want to PF, DNC because it's easier to find an open physranged spot than a melee one, despite there being double of them in a party; also because you can easily ask to fake melee if you only find a melee spot, while a melee player faking a ranged spot might lose uptime
>so many anons into snuff or identity death
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Queue for casual CC
The dust has settled, let me be clear.
Moonies won
post character
I know for a fact, because I got a week suspension putting an ignore target marker on a shitty Viera. I know it was that because I normally don't interact with others in this game at all, I don't even say a word when they piss me off.
wtf is identity death
w-wtf man.... ok :3
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I hate erpfags so much
the whole reason we don't immediately try to kill the regulator system is because the people who are used in it are consenting to it which is the entire issue with what happened in mamook
Thanku, but I actually think most of the moonies that post here look pretty good
It's true . . . Dawntrail is the moonie expansion
eat glue
memory erasure or replacement, brain fuckery
stuff like that
When your personality is replaced with another, the further removed from what it once was, the hotter it is imo. I think a lot of the draw comes from the freshness of a reset and forgetting of things that made you sad, etc.
it's not foreshadowing it's a failed parallelism wuk lamat and the wol instantly reject the notion of storing dead people in the cloud and claim it to be immoral due to their naturalistic bias for an expansion about accepting the views of others the main characters do a pretty bad job of it
cutest moonie
this but replace spamming dungeons with watching cutscenes and replace mountain dew with water
>pelupelu are about making fair deals that make everyone happy
>we have to defeat sphene who is pursuing a one-sided deal
you forgot to attach your identity to that bold statement
I miss him
Hard to believe they'd jump straight to a week for marking in CC... But I'll believe it if that's your experience. What's your region? I think region culture influences how GM behave too (or perhaps resources allocated to managing that region)
It absolutely should have been in Dawntrail. It's how they tied in the human sacrifice and genocide themes to the Americas region.

It's actually very well written besides Wuk being involved too much in it. It's kind of amazing how they told it in a way that a teenager can follow, but people still miss it.
There's so much foreshadowing throughout. Then so many cases of one character doing a callback or reexamplaining. The same point gets hammered 2 or 3 times but you have lots of people here still missing them.

And despite all this simplification and making things obvious, when prior expacs often left things vague and open to interpretation, it's still a very good story.

I do question if Wuk being too involved actually makes it bad writing, either. I think it may be intentional to make Sphene seem even better, more endearing, and get you to sympathize with her more. I've never sympathized with the antagonist at all in ff14, let alone so so much.
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please queue on chaos thank u
Lyse replaced a deeper, more endearing character called Yda.
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>new fashion piece is latinxslop
This expansion just gets worse and worse...........
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hell naw bruh heeell naw bro hell no
Kyoppi "Destroyer of Shitskins" Ai
How do I use AI to enhance my screenshots?
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Literally the endboss spoiler so dont click it unless you beat it.
Come fight Trial 3, and save the world, Crystal - WF - Private PF: 1111 open to all classes
the first thing they said about it to sphene was that they didn't understand it but they wanted to learn more before passing judgement on others culture, speedreader
The "talking about the game" phase lasted 2 days before everyone started either raging at the state of the writing (entirely justified) or went back to begging for futa cock
I hope for your sake that the raids are good, gotta wait 4 weeks for that though
>Then so many cases of one character doing a callback or reexamplaining. The same point gets hammered 2 or 3 times but you have lots of people here still missing them.
>And despite all this simplification and making things obvious
its because younger zoomers and gen alpha are getting dumber and dumber
my racist commie wife(male) who plays a cute femra without the slightest hint of irony
>wuk lamat and the wol instantly reject the notion of storing dead people in the cloud and claim it to be immoral
They don't like it (nor would most people) but they also don't attempt to interfere with the process in any form until Zoraal Ja starts forcibly eating souls at Origenics
Alisaie explicitly has a line where she points out how we don't have the right to tell them what they can do with their own lives even if their values are weird
Stop skipping cutscenes
ugly femra
>muh younger generation bad
This has been the cope of every failure over 30 for all of human history
>gut-wrenching details of what memories have been wiped and how they're being gradually replaced with someone else's suggestions
i need to see it takes two on my catboy
Slamraping this commie chud's boyhole and bringing an end to the latinx posting
this has to be bait
promptly kill yourself
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>voices Hien
>ready to kill himself if his subjects aren't willing to fight
>voices Thaliak
>kills himself
>voices Otis
>dies again
Is there a lock on button for this game

That keeps the camera on my target while I run around ?

It's hard to fire my arrows and run away

At the same time ?
ranru is that you
Post Veena Fieras. Shitskins need not apply.
damn, dude was proven right 30 seconds before he even made his post
did i speedread too much
why did the yok huy go to north america and die if the gate to the golden city was in their mine the entire time? was it just finding the key?
my commie schizo femra wife
> Alisaie expresses surprise to see a city where different races get along
Has she never been to Idylshire?
just hold the right mouse button down dumbass
I know she has a cute average cock
Man maybe I should level my Crystal alt after all. I really thought we'd have unrestricted cross-region data center travel by now...
Could you answer the anon asking for examples?
The only other "theme" i could think of is Wuk Lamat and how she kept talking about compromise and loving all the peoples - which was subverted because the expansion ends with us meeting "people" with which there are irreconcilable differences so we have to snuff them out instead of preaching
I guess letting go of the need to prove yourself to others also ffeds into "letting go of the past"... Feel like I'm stretching it...
I've done it multiple times in past. I also use /sweep quite often. I think perhaps I was reported quite a few times and I just got unlucky. I am on NA.
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I meant to originally, but it's 6 AM.
Really? You don't say...
use legacy movement if you're not already
they didn't know where it was
On my way
Gotta take a huge dump
Been in queue for 7 / 13 min

Do i have time
>Want to play viper because fast APM
>Brain shuts down while trying to keep track of mechanics and keeping rotation
>Guess Im just meant to be a healer...
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There is definitely a lot of luck of whether you get a dumbass GM who oversteps or not.

NTA, but there are studies indicating that we really did peak and that intelligence is declining in Zoomers, though it's minor.
Education cuts and increases in chemicals is real.
or use /lo
Please anons, catbox and wcif (where can I find?)
Yeah, if you're on Dynamis that's actually a 30 minute wait.
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>tfw it is time for mountain fire but the healers cannot keep up with the damage
don't worry sis they're making viper easier soon
It was funny how she was portrayed as the most intolerant one in the room, and for a good reason: her studies on primal tempering made her well-versed in souls.
Use Xivcomboexpander my dude
I took the risk
Still in queue
God bless

I can't tell the difference between legacy and normal

What actually changes ?
This needs to by cyber sloppified now..
Yea kinda sucks its not open yet
Much appreciated
>I think a lot of the draw comes from the freshness of a reset and forgetting of things that made you sad, etc.
its the opposite
losing everything you cherish, all the good times and things that make you who you are
kk thanks just got my EX dancer weapon time to farm the acc now
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EB like this?
That just feels like it defeats the entire purpose though.
I liked the subversion because wuk is so focused on peace between everyone
she tried to reason with sphene the entire time but both of them recognized the fact that they'd need to be enemies because their goals of ensuring their people's survival are directly against one another
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>kid has disease that makes him paralyzed because of an aether imbalance
>we just let him suffer despite knowing how to fix it
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This 64 polygon car somehow manages to look better than the musktruck.......................
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It's not just funding cuts and it's not just biological decline, zoomers are also less willing to listen, and learn about how to think, because we have infinite free entertainment, and there's no reason to push our brains hard
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I finally understand the Alisaie poster.
Her breakable size. Her small frame. Her stupid hair.
I'm going to fucking breed this woman and turn her into a mother.
No i'm not done with the msq, yes i'm closing the thread. No i don't care what comes next, I can't wait for brio to be back.
>couldnt stop playing at the end of ShB and EW
>literally have to force myself through the last zone of DT bc lmao we need to talk to these dead people :)
Yes, Amaurot and UT also had urgent matters that should've been priority (aka not dying to the Light and beating Meteion) but at least we were roadblocked, we could've literally went to each memory storage thing and nuked it.
Why would you enjoy that?
sorry but we need the souls now that the AI death machine is gone
disgusting ugly hag
next time post a cute character instead of this freak
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I'm mildly offended you don't know who started this.
But I'm not going to kill you over it or anything...

maybe the portal wasn't there yet, or maybe it was but they couldn't open it. I don't know, the more I think about the story the less it makes sense
I guess that will be Alisaie's role in the patches.
damn.. fiera look like THAT?! sauce?
You know what Sphene wanted to do right?
She wanted for the kid to die so she can make him happy in Living Memory instead
If it affects corporeal aether there's nothing we can do, even the porxie method was stated to only work on souls, while the tempered who started mutating were too far gone, like the mutated garleans
What is the easiest of the 2 EX trials? Am nub and need to ease in.
are you on right now?
got anything more modern?
from what i hear teachers say, gen alpha is hopeless
What happened in the 1976-1986 decade? lead?
I think they're the dom in this situation, anon
Actually the solution is extremely simple
The kid just moves out of Solution 9
Done, he can be normal now
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Whats the current BiS for jobs that ahvent done EX1 and EX2 yet? Pls help
i have not seen either but based on the normal trials i'm gonna guess the first one
Civil rights
When I see a woman with this type of body I just feel like ruining her entire life.
I'm a new player and I need a mommy gf mentor
I love fiera+ so much it's unreal
Holy shit I'm a brainlet for not having realized this
Valigarmanda is much much easier
you wouldn't get it unless you're a maso
That doesn't explain why WoL didn't say anything.
are you for real
it is fucking
it is fucking 7.0
what do you mean "what is BIS"
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>mfw everyone gets to find the mindwiping hunk of their dreams and i am too nervous to even join a pf
I feel like coming here is self harm at this point
Oh so it's just mental illness
Both are easy. Valigarmanda is more fast-paced, though.
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>if you get AIDS in Africa just move to Europe and it'll be cured!
my character's ffix shard was a female knife ear who saw her lover off to the war (he died) and became a endless more than a hundred years later without remarrying (they were never reunited)
do not steal
What is there to say?
It is not his/her business
>I'm mildly offended you don't know who started this.
sorry i don't visit the thread that often and i took a break recently.....
>But I'm not going to kill you over it or anything...
>anon doesn't think i am cute enough to snuff
its so over
when i log in to my maleroe i feel bad if i haven't lifted that day
I just saw a Musktruck in person and can't believe someone would drop $80k for one.
Have they fixed the EX2 cheese yet?
full neo kingdom using ur new tomes and an epochal ring from one of the expert dungeons
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this place is gay
can i have a fry
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I'm not convinced that Wuk Lamat needed to be in the story at all. This entire thing could have been the WoL and a few scion buddies looking for El Dorado and dealing with the fallout. No Dawnservant succession arc, no furry Mary Sue, just the good stuff.
does this fiera have a monster dong?
If you don't like it, then give it to me.

I sadly don't, but I suspect it's worse. If you find something, give me a you.
I also think in the 90s, sentiment was that parenting had gotten much better. That gen x were better parents than boomers. So it's not an "each generation is worse" thing. Millenials just really were worse parents even though Millenials themselves generally have better interpersonal skills and higher intelligence as this shows.
It is more like, extreme pollen allergy but like, you can just go somewhere that is not 24/7 permeated in lightning aether, it is that simple
masochism isn't a mental illness, it's called being based. what's the matter anon, can't take a punch?
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I actually fucking forgot tomestones already existed for 7.0...dementia is real
Yes days ago
Buy your tomestone gear and wep, sis. Put an Epochal Ring in your 2nd ring slot.
>Oh so it's just mental illness
so is life
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I really hope we don't "save" Sphene in the post patch, she never actually existed in any real sense. Just let "her" rest with her people.
Not really it condesnes skills that should already be condesnes
On Balmung, but I'm all RPed out for the night and probably going back to sleep in a bit. You're welcome to say hi before I go, though!
NTA but it's potent nightmare fuel which is an aphrodisiac for some. But there's no point in being rude if it's just not your thing.
Yeah, lead. Recovered above where it started but then started dropping again.
There's either a new chemical, or it's just worse parenting and education. Gen X and Boomers are extremely selfish and cut education and public services all over the western world.
Forgot where I was for a moment
Actual failures of DT MSQ
>Unnecessary cutscenes for things like tracking Valigarmanda with the cursor
>Bakool Ja Ja releasing Valigarmanda and the ensuing lack of punishment are poorly handled even if technically reasonable
>Segue into Shaaloani is somewhat forced
>Botched chances for sorely needed solo duties during the Dawnblazer ride and the first attack on Tuliyollal
>No coherent reasoning as to why we can't help the lightning-poisoned kid
>opening of the portal is unnecessarily mean-spirited towards Krile for the purpose of showing Gulool Ja's importance
>absolute worst excerpt of Smile they could have picked is used for those two cutscenes, the full song is much less shit
Do you find most of these agreeable?
yda sucked
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thank you!
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>If you find something, give me a you.
basically all we have is anecdotes for the time being
its not looking good though
>Final boss drags us through alternate reflections
>It's just a canyon and some floaty rocks
Wasted potential
I like wuk lamat.
>cant use sprint and change jobs on the move without it removing the buff
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Sure, but lot of those are minor enough
Villains are loadbearing in FFXIV stories and Zoraal Ja pretty much doomed the entire operation from the get-go by being the most boring thing they have ever written
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tank players have to be the most retarded mouth breathers alive. just mit and pick up the fucking tether bro that's all you have to do
>ghetto rigging a steel locomotive with wood
>nigger chorus start siniging
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"My friend knows how to fix this"
where are youu
im too busy keeping the samchad alive because our sunslut whm is too high to press buttons
No, it's 5.5 ilms. Average I guess, but small for a Fiera...
>anon doesn't think i am cute enough to snuff
Post character.

I LOVED Zoraal at the start and thought they were trying to write an anti-hero. I guess I was just projecting because he was clearly so one note and boring at the halfway point onward.
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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i logged out i felt like i walked in on an orgy
Me too
Need malelala EB for my femlala. Must be on Balmung
Maybe or maybe not, I think the cutscene refers to people being born with the imbalance, at this point it would not eb so much a problem of exposure
How do I level crafters from 0 to max?
The visage of a gormless-looking Roegadyn stares at you from beneath the waters.
that's interesting but can you get out of my face please
log back in
yeah but we gotta do something about the damned crown.
>inb4 sphene thralls and hijacks whoever puts on the crown
This nigga deserved at least 2 or 3 more cutscenes in the first half of the MSQ and as a fellow warrior should have recognized the WoL's killer instinct and try to take us out in a solo duty fight.
Level to 20 just using the mats you get from the level 1 quest and vendors, vibing, doing job quests
Go to Ishgard restoration until level 70 or 80
Daily GC deliveries, Crystarium/Studium/Wachumeqiuirtogn deliveries
It is not as they are born with the imbalance, they have "bad immune system" to lightning aether. In one of the side quests you even find a guy who works in garbage disposal who asks you to help him take out some of the garbage because he is stuck on the floor in a small temporary paralysis

If they go away from lightning aether, they can function like normal.
He looks so damn cool. All the missed potential makes me mad.
>wuk lamat puts on the crown
>zenos somehow takes over her body
levels of kino that have not been reached before
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frick u
i did now wha
As an archer

What does my team expect me to do ?

I'm only level 9 but the say at level 15

I can party

And I don't wanna let team down
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can i say hi on an alt? my main can't get there until dc travel is back
u go pewpew and do dmg
Bro? That's a male?
Started the game again just over a week ago and I just finished up everything post-heavensward. I've only been playing WHM so far but figured it would be cool to do Stormblood as SAM. But I did one dungeon and the wait time fucking sucked for DPS. I'm still fairly new, is there a better way to level a job outside of duties? Doing side quests? FATES?
Fucking Viper main, he did less dmg than his catboy mch brother against that first boss
>i did now wha
now erp with the first rava you see!
I'd rather have a mindjack plot over a rescue plot.
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I could write too much information involving this woman so instead i'll simply say
based and same brother.
wrong. this is me.
Which trials can i solo at lvl 100?
>apply dots as you move
>spam quick nock as soon as the tank stops pulling
>weave bloodletter in between heavy shots
now you are ready for sastasha
This would've been HIS expansion. Going to Brazil to kill big creatures? Zoraal Ja killing his own father? They would've been best friends.
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Was HW MSQ good after all?
Should we return back to that formula instead?
You should be able to queue up with trusts (NPC party)
DC and EB status?
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I hate that they didn't fix how sunken in the eyeballs are...

By using the mats I think >>485043374 is saying to do your crafting log. Yes, do that, you can do the first like 15 levels of crafting log purely from vendor mats, I'm pretty sure, and that'll get you to level 20-25. What the other anon said is correct.
1 sex s’il vous plait?
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i hate erp and this place feels wrong
This guy is the Garrosh Hellscream of FF14.
Giga Chad
Load of potential
Turned into a boss fight to pad out the game.
At least he was given a mercy of his fight not being interrupted like Wuk and let us have a look into his mind.
All in all though, a damn shame.
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>18min queue as PCT for Tower of Babil
EBed to zoraal ja but he cheats on me
at that low of a level not really. you could do palace of the dead but it's fucking boring. at least you only need to get it up 10 levels to start stormblood.
alternate reality where zenos gets domesticated and becomes a new scion
there are 2 billion of you trying to do the same
whats the maps plugin called?
Sis? Your Bozja? It was very alive with multiple full instances the first day for everyone to get their Picto and Viper to 90 right away...
cover those ears up you SLUT
time for the nightly dosage of 50mg of melatonin lads
Any bros?
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Malerabros how do we cope with Mamool Ja replacing us as the sexy lizard men?
Sure, W.A., in Living Memory at the moment (ironically enough).
just drag my fucking AST around on a leash...
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This has to be one of the worst cyberslop bike designs I've ever seen..............
We stopped having a character arc 2 expansions ago. It's impossible to go back to HW kino.
is she right
should we stop mislabeling maleras as creeps and groomers
We just call on him for when we need a Trust for a dungeon and/or trial, otherwise he's just busy being a cryptid in Garlemald.
i have no idea what the optimal rotation is other than to use all my tools on cooldown but mch at 100 is pretty fun
But where does Wuk fit into this?
Can you give me your name and world so I can blacklist you?
Uuuuugh I know
Worst part is that I have a friend that could heal but he's stuck on Chaos
Is Bozja really that fast?
Hm, sounds right up my alley
I fucking hate her voice oh my god
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Yet another day of hopping out of bed and immediately making it everyone else's problem
Good luck on your whatever you're doing today, anons
they're chasers now
I play a veena fiera and with God as my witness: the only people that ever approached me out of the blue in capitals asking me if I was EBd were malera
Ryne status?
I want him to fuck my wol so bad
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i like it they look peelable like if you had a thin blade u could separate the eyelid without hurting anything anyways im gonna sleep now
My tongue, your downstairs area
>Is Bozja really that fast?
Took me 4 hours and 20 minutes to get Picto from 80 to 90 in Bozja. And it doesn't use rested exp, which is a big benefit to save an hour or two from leveling from 90-100.
If you have a group of 8 before going in there, you could get it done in under 3 hours.
hypnotized, docile, enslaved
I wonder how quickly they're rewriting the post patch due to the MSQ complaints. Was the writing a case of too many cooks, I know there were two scenario writers for DT but idk how many we had for each prior expac. Or was it due to wanting to let newer story writers breathe by not having too much oversight?
bakool ja ja may have killed thousands of people after freeing valigarmanda but i forgive him
thank fucking christ i beat a dungeon and i can finally sleep
shit took me like 5 hours, i've been playing since 12am
bro you're a racist commie chud and THAT is the character and glam you design? that's your avatar?
every "man" is a chaser now, it's 2024, get used to it bigot.
If you're both on EU, you can both go to Shadow
You can also both go to OCE and eat the ping
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I wish this mount let you shoot a missile...
what top and bottom is that
who are these people in the pic?
cream queen sphene
What do you personally think of the female Midlander running animation?
Someone buy my command materia on malboro
Cheese was a silly way to do that mech anyway
Braindead strat is much better
its a case of Hiroi still isnt ready for MSQ writing

he did good on the werylt quests line but he cant hit that same note on a much larger and longer storyline
Shit, you're right, I'm being stupid. Thanks for helping my dumb ass, genuinely did not think of this.
>If you're both on EU, you can both go to Shadow
We tried
Shadow is literally dead
We tried every role combination INCLUDING Tank / Healer / 1 DPS and we remained in queues for 15 minutes before giving up...
Will give it a shot
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>femoid doing high-pitch feminine voice while character gestures
Dropped+reported to square enix.......
Anemos suspenders top, Quantriatelle's skirt.......
I thought lizards had better taste than this.
>femra calling miqote basic
please please please like maliddies
qrd on this person?
thats nyot me but i agree with that person!
give your own skull a shot while you're at it
You can't do most trials or any optional dungeons through duty support, but wait times for those usually aren't as bad
Duty support is also much slower than real players to balance out the lack of a queue
I think most people forget about trusts honestly
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I'm a brown bastard femlala
Yes I got tanned for DT to larp as a jungle femlala despite being a dunesfolk
thats mch. the important things are making sure you don't sit on the tool cds, reassemble on tools, and make sure you get 6 gcds (5 heat shot +1 other gcd) during wildfire.
impractical but cute all the same
Unpopular opinion:
Most times there's no real need to tryhard and mix and match set pieces; most sets will always look better as a whole set, and match badly with anything else
Most anons should stick to using a whole set, maybe change the headpiece, and express creativity with dyes instead
Need to lick a froth's fangs...
I do, lucky you
I did like Werlyt quite a bit so yeah I guess it's just the scope cause there are some scenes and nuggets of the MSQ that were genuinely interesting.
I should draw him fucking my WoL.
>learning a rotation any way than on your own through trial and error
do people really
You should! And you should share it with us (me)
Dangerously based take from a f*male character, I'm impressed
1/10 made me reply
QRD on both?
Are the 13 shards real worlds or just imaginations?
>most sets look better as a whole set
if you're an autistic retard. the world is more than neatly arranged lines, rain man. get some style before you talk down on anyone else's. is your closet full of sweatsuits and costumes ala scooby doo?
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Is dying just going to be the central theme of FFXIV going forward or do you think Creative Studio 3 can find something else to base their stories around?
literal npc post
real worlds with real people who live real lives,
How to play MCH in CC? Feels like everyone just piles onto you and you die before actually doing damage unlike BRD
yet you post your character in slutty clothing for anons to crank
yoshit piss is still not done with his midlife crisis. please understand.
my femlala is a little like this
>ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem
Thanks for your compelling reply, anon, I'm really reevaluating my life
ffxiv isnt real
glamour slopping is fun and two step dyeing is clunky right now
...I don't remember, did she actually go to Idyllshire? I only remember being there with Y'shtola, Alphinaud and Krile.

Either way doesn't matter because every single fucking city in the game has different races, and specially above all the Crystarium, where she had to stay at the longest. This expansion's focus on "WHOAAAH, LOOK AT THE DIVERSITY" is fucking stupid when it's been mediocre af in terms of how much more diverse the place is compared to every other we've been to. The mere existence of midlanders already makes that a stupid point to begin with because their lore is precisely that they spread fucking everywhere and integrate with every other race.
Well, only the ones that still exist. I'm not sure on the exact count, but it's like 6 or 7 total that haven't been rejoined?
no one in any of the current worlds is whole therefore none of them are people and killing them isn't murder
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Do you miss her yet?
Complete set almost always looks worse than mix and match. Too many bad pants with complete set.
bro got zodiark'd
don't play front line, enemies should need to overextend to get near you
throw your aether mortar where you're going to be because it's a giant amount of shields
analysis bioblaster
Viper feels kinda weak
Also apparently they are making it easier when savage drops?
always did
You fool. I never stopped missing her.
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>Walk in Zadnor
>Rank 18
>-100k mettle
It appears that I am far too brain damaged to level up in Bozja bros
anyone who unironically mentions
>logical fallacies
has spent WAY too much time on the internet and needs a break from FINAL FANTASY XIV
Picto is busted Viper is pretty weak yeajh
One of the moid-est posts I've ever read
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ummmm i forgor i turned all my old screenshots into jpgds :3
No. Sphene made me completely forget about her.
perhaps if you were a proper helion hroth rather than one of those filthy lost
Ima cum on those feet and she's gotta lick it off herself
cute clumsyc@...
Good mix and match combinations are there to be found for all roles.
If the two-dye system wasnt such a fucking letdown thered be even more.
Shame the developers seem to share your negative attitude regarding glamor and creativity.
and what an ugly face too, literally one of the ugliest ones in the thread
Nah I think the game has pretty much all got it out of its system by now. Shadowbringers was about accepting death, Endwalker was about how life can be fulfilling even though we die and DT is about keeping the memories of those you've lost in your hearts as a form of life after death.
I hate this faggot so much.
-- t. only equips No.2 Type B Leggings
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is there a crystal skull housing item
I know the potencies on picto are broken, but it feels odd to have viper be so eh, it feels like they have reaper damage before reaper got its potency buffs
Alisaie doesn't appear in 3.0 so yeah,she has never been in Idyllshire.
The cyberslop level 97 maiming gear actually looks really good with the right dyes...............................

Summer event with her, Emet and Hythlodaeus when
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Finally got a PC, trying to download ACT but there’s a lot of links. Which one do I get for windows so I can parse myself finally
7 shards are gone
5 left
mch is absurdly reliant on good positioning. enemy melee should basically have to run through your whole team to get to you
I'm often the person who has to get on the crystal sadly, like more often than not I can't just stand back and do damage since everyone dies before me or that there's someone that jumps on me and I can't shake em off
the only thing i don't like about mixing and matching is the discrepancy in both texture quality and color, especially with the graphics update
With cheese you runned to arenas edge to avoid doing the mechanic enteirly
With braindead you just assign positions in line for the whole group and pop stacking markers naturally
We can bring her back. We have the technology
Mom would not dress like this.
Can anyone on Crystal make me a Cullinarian Knife
I'm fine with buying everything else because it's a reasonable price but the secondary tool is like double the price of everything else for whatever reason
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Don't you owe my hroth full dental care?
Your queen is a hoe Helion scum
What do you expect when you see a female character lusting after male characters? Biofem, gay, or tranny?
today i did the heritage found and solution 9 part of the story. i was hoping to finish dawntrail by tonight but i'm tired so i'll stop just before entering the city of gold. i'll do the last 11ish quests in one go once i wake up.
Yes, the journey feels lonely and daunting without her watching over me
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Someone explain to me how Square did all this QC for Dawntrail and yet didn't buff AoE potencies so that AOES ARE A LOSS ON THREE OR LESS TARGETS (for the most part)
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Square up, Faraam or stay up there.
sounds like a good plan, i had to do that too
*sniff sniff*
Stinky lizard
On Light?
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for some reason they decided to change diminishing returns on each one to just -60% on all subsequent targets
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veeper is fun
I'm talking about the faggot in the forefront of your image.
does anyone actually like final fantasy 9 and do you enjoy the references in dt or think they should have done something else
I love this guy so much
just the normal advanced combat tracker setup, itll have a little setup tutorial type thing when you first run it where you can get the xiv plugin
Did you miss the part where bringing people back in that way requires burning souls? Are you going to offer your soul to be used as... actually you know what, they can take my soul and turn me into Hydaelin that's starting to sound pretty cool actually.
Soon. It will be the first event in the upcoming ffxiv gacha game.
Does Alexandria's still count as remaining, when seemingly its remaining civilization was poofed into the source? Does the count as rejoining?

That's about where I left off too. I can tell it'll be a bit and want to be rested and paying attention.
This but unironically
Well maybe if you listened, felt, and thought you would know why
FF9 is good
>does anyone actually like final fantasy 9
secondaries don't deserve to live
what's up with the level 100 mch set? the single goggle is fucking retarded. is this for people roleplaying as blind in the other eye?
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>the EX2 mechanic with the circle/donut lines moving through the 4x4 grid
Why is this filtering me so hard
why not use the souls of the aborted lizard babies to fuel the living memelands
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Its literally someone's OC written to be the protagonist
I have no idea how they got away with it, must have sucked an astronomical amount of cocks to convince them
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My catgirl looks and acts like this
(cont.) the closest she has been from Idyllshire was Matoya's Cave and that one dungeon that drops the heirloom set.
Use lifesteal essences if u're going solo
Fat Cat Fact #219

While many cats love milk all Fat Cats would prefer to receive their milk in the form of ice cream.
No, that shard is gone. It is the Second Umbral Calamity or Calamity of Lightning that rejoined that one, all of that is left of that shard is just the purple bubble that was left floating in nothing for centuries
I know reading is hard but if you can finish the worst ff game you should be able to make it to the end of that post
Okay well I just instaqueued in as healer, but the PCT in here is fiera, so at the very least I got the queue shifted forward slightly.
because ur a big fatty mc fat fat that keeps thinking about donuts while doing the mechanic so you get distracted, fatty.
Big {Same}
My femlala behaves in a certain manner but you'll only see if you queue for
I mean, I won’t. But that is not going to stop some sharlayn mook from doing it.
Because its a mechanic that is designed to shit up your screen and be poorly readable. Dont feel bad about it.
>go into a new place
>see that people use others souls as a tool
And thats how you'll be bugged and harassed by the mother until you leave or kill them both
If you're REALLY confused, you can simply stick to donuts.
You'll always be safe inside one and as long as you take a SINGLE vuln from the cleave you should be fine!
Yeah didn't proc yet, it did shift slightly, thanks for your help friend, things should be a lot smoother once I hit 90
mortar on crystal and pray then
save scattershot for wildfire so you can threaten burst on enemies, if you need to concede the crystal push then do it as long as they don't push to 50, the only actual thresholds on the crystal that matter are 50% and 50.1% because you need to handle overtime strategies differently depending on what your team's progress is
I love (You) too.
The worst FF is 13 followed closely by 15 and 16
What if the next expac is about Pandaria?
Not really. I liked Hydaelyn but I disliked Venat, despite my best efforts at trying to like her.
Woah now, X-2 will always be the worst FF game.
Wrong X-2 was fun
They seriously overestimated how much they can push their OC. Because I didn't mind her much during her story where she's doing the trials (i.e. we do the trials for her), but the moment we killed Gulool Ja Ja's shadow, she should have remained in Tulalilulelo.

Speaking of Gulool Ja Ja, doesn't that bit with fighting his shadow feel like it's supposed to tie in with Living Memory somehow? Like the Yok Hui saw the dead walking in their dream and sought to develop magic that can bring a memory to life, which then turned out to be hella cursed, so it is only known to a select few shamans? Not that it's needed as an explanation, it's practically fighting a primal and those are well established, but it feels like the two were meant to be connected.
needs extreme breeding correction
it has that hot lesbian though
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I am lewding femezen in my mind right now
i will do it again
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talk me out of fantaing to femezen
queue for what?
I'm rotating a femezen in my mind right now
I will continue doing it
Wow SE really is fucked if they have to pull that
they look nothing like your image
do it and let me touch those weak spots (ears)
femezen look awful even with the update
your pic is pure cope, and the animations and body proportions are trash

Your cat girl likes fucking midlander men?
Who was asking for themes?
But anyway, the harvesting of souls was human sacrifice.
Ending all the Endless is genocide.
so it's not really a carry sort of job? feels like i should just fuck off back to BRD since atleast i'd be aable to do damage without getting dogpiled
You'll have to pay 10 if you regret it. Smelzen look fucking weird from their animations to most fashion.
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cant get over this
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Not specifically, but she's vaguely Nier coded
mch is a damage pump job with a nigh guaranteed kill on its lb, it's absolutely capable of carrying provided your team can at least exist
bard is not able to carry
someone please explain to me how uwuranger managed to somehow be in the party of the WOD and also scions
Disproportionate lanky body and the worst animations in the game.
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>everyone memes for months about how the sacrifices WILL stop
>we actually stop them
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>femhroths can't wear hats
SE deserves NOTHING
anyone know how much the new housing exterior cost? The one that looks like a comfy cotton.
Do it
embrace the schizophrenia
My malezen found a naked femra sleeping on the streets of the Brume. What should I do with her?
To be fair, Eorzeans nations do show signs of racial animosity like Duskwights being treated with suspicion in Gridania.
File deleted.
fuck, I need to farm Vanguard glams
hope some anons will help me today :3
naruto if he trans
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scholasticate coat bros... it's over...
>Use Seraphism as a male character
Bros I don't like this.
They look like this >>485045650 ingame.
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Meanwhile Section goy literally has more elaborate fountains everywhere...........
You need to be autistic to enjoy being a femezen, and a homosexual autist if you're going with duskwight. People will say animations and neck but that never bothered me. That said, I'm a max height max breast femezen and a lot of people will walk up to me and say "mommy?" in my tells.
show your femezen, I want to call you mommy if you deserve it
True, but I doubt a fucking sharlayan of all people would be impressed nevertheless.
why do you hate final solution 9 so much
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it looks good in Soot Black at least
but yea, I was disappointed too
lmao yeah that happened. the sound they make might sound like "mommy" but they're simply choking on their projectile vomit, giraffe freak
>a lot of people will walk up to me and say "mommy"? in my tells
How do you respond to this? Serious question
my wife O.N.
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gonna plap that fiddie
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Right now? I'm gathering... Crafting glam my gatherer's glam is less cute.
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>playing the fairy healer
What did you expect?
my femra is
laying eggs in hyurs as we speak.
Either a hi or a headpat or both.
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you just wouldn't get it
do you think we'll mention electrode to ironworks? I mean all that future tech is right there on the source now.
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cool duskie
my ugly retard femezen wife
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will you fuck off already? your pictures are trash and your character is ugly af
I'm going to start a competing engineer company and steal all the customers from those two homos
*goes to the edge*
*provokes the mobs on the far platform*
*runs down the path*
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They added alpaca girls
Why are you not contributing?
Said Anonymous Poster, while not posting a pic of xir character
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Froths can't wear hats.
This was a fanta not worth doing
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As a healer, the first EX makes me want to shoot myself
This was known
This was always known
you don't need a plugin for that
Will you fucking stay already? Your pictures are great and your character is beautiful af
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femezen players really have fucked up sense of aesthetics.
someone actually made these characters and thought "yes, this looks good. this will be my character."
Is it that bad?
I was finally working up the courage to try it after I got my last 2 tome pieces...
god this is so tired. just because you don't know what i look like doesn't make you any less ugly. nice tranny projection by the way, moid
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Why did the group need to waste time using Erenville's aether tracker hand to find an auspice level calamity wrecking monster when Krile's echo power is powerful enough to be able to track ordinary people's aether on the other side of the globe.
Post character bro
Adquired taste. No normal person would willingly poison themselves but wine exists.
How can people post this without posting their own ugly character?

It's like when I watch youtube debates, and one guy is using some ironic vtube avatar calling everyone else on cam ugly fucks

Like dude, you're probably the ugliest fuck if you're hiding behind anonymity LMFAO
I forgot. I'm sad.
I was thinking about trying EXs for once, but posts like these are making me nervous
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lmao owned
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>cyberpunk city
>less people roaming the streets than what you can find in a Slovakian liquor store at early morning
Hot take

If you're going to insult people and act like you're above them, you should post your character
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settle down ok?
>filler quests are filler
whats new
Samefag schizo on the spiral, ban all hrothfags
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shut up moron
any green men on light looking 4 a static for the upcoming savage? whm/ast
there's no race more bullied than elezen and I'm tired of pretending that it's not the case
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The Print Screen button can be weaved in as an oGCD.
It would give me an idea of your superior sense of aesthetic and give context to your criticism
Like the retards here screaming about media literacy on both sides of the Dawntrail argument, and if you ask them their highest literary achievmeent was picking up a Harry Potter book and putting it down because reading mroe than 15 pages a day gives them a migraine
hello my wife
That was my first post this thread you fucking schizo

Hrothgals actually giving people that brainworm disease
>he thinks square can into massive npc crowds
Act above you? I live above you, nigger. That's why you need to beg for pictures of me, I don't give them out for free as desperate validation bait like you do. Venmo me 100 dollars and I'll think about it.
eb status on the bun?
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Dare I say based?
I get tells all the time from randoms saying my femezen is pretty. I could never see myself playing another race
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Sister please take your medication
God I love Hrothgals.
lmao as if I know, get a medium or mansion cuck.
We love you too...
why do people use ffxiv as a dating app
please don't bully femezen or I will stab you to death
The entire fight is "what if we just said fuck the healers in particular?" fire is full of back to back heavy hitting raidwides, if one DPS fails mechanics, and you don't raise them immediately in most cases you're gonna lose a tank or healer right after. I guess this is the dev's response to the "strike"
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Hrothgirls love you
Shit I didn't realize I already posted.
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Where is the Mamool Ja minion from?
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They literally have arching fountainshows.........
How is Cachiua p*ssing and c*mming herself over the most basic "water goes up" fountain.........
Could you ever be friends with a 100 bust femlala?
Double impreg

Triple impreg

All my babies ofc
No idea, but they probably got one in the two and a half years since that screenshot was taken.
Hrothgirls have brainworms? Yes. You will not find a bigger race of trannies and those that chase them. Roes losing yet again. Can't they stay on top of anything?
I feel like a goober wearing this
your ribbon is floating above your head
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I already play a 100 bust femlala myself.
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I can't believe I'm going to have puppies
Femra Nation has established Tural as a puppet nation.
I wish people liked pale moonies.. it's always grey or blue moonies people want
Sir please behave yourself
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I love fast queues, thank you double DPS expansions.
Not a single femra that's for sure.
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Tried to create a femezen really quick, see how good I could make her.

How'd I do?
most fun melee that isn't scouting?
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I am a femlala who got penumbra to work
same except duskwight and I'm always told why am I not grey, racist fucks.
Get a rope to work around your neck.
there's already a collar there bwo
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I miss him....
hey pedophile, give >>485046197 a ring, the freak needs friends

I guess that means it's almost public
The only froth I like is from Siren and she doesn't want to EB me
you can really tell this wasn't made by a femezen player by how normal it looks
ma'am i have a confession
you think I'd tell you?
You seem obsessed with this femhroth, have you tried confessing your love to them?
Wtf I like pale moonies
“GNB” equipped, but different colored items were used.
If you know how to compile you can compile your own version of the testing version with own opcodes.
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>She saw your
mouth is eeehhhhh
not a fan of the eybrows but good colours
Yes, why else would you post it here publically

Are you just mocking all of us???
I-In fiddies right?
>》 Something Need Doing (Expanded Edition) updated to v1.17.
Your femezen is like a starbucks "coffee drink" to an italian
I'm all horns (ears).
so you're telling me that a lalafel has a grown ass womb and overies?
oh I'm too stupid for that
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You WILL eat ze slop............
yeah have you not heard of scaling
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Morning, xivg
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But this game got characters dying and coming back no problem?
My Hroth is a WAR and a SGE because she had a Sharlayan education but was the jock of her class.
The only slop I'm eating is your pussy
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While that wasn't me that replied to you I am a bratty femlala and there's nothing you can do about it when I mock you for your incompetence.
you're my new thread crush
now THATS a hrothman
but let me guess,
you're gay
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(nonny means nonce)
My hroth is a WAR because he is fucking stupid
Just some alt that comes and goes whose gimmick is being a USSR era communist.

Name them. Not the 3 who obviously didn't really die and you knew would come back, but ones who actually died-died.
that baby was pretty fucking big. it wouldn't be far to say that the organs are probably similar to a normal eorzean.
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grown men in their 30s truly do make the best femraen
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Nah, I'd win
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My hroth is a Bozja vet who is having trouble re-acclimating to society after a life at war. She needs someone to hold her during thunderstorms and wake up in the middle of the night to make sure the doors are locked.
>invites savage lizard people thinking she can fix them
>they fuck up everything
Sphene is a modern polish woman
Good aesthetic
Lets see some kurosawa style screenshots
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scale fag mad cause they lost
Well thank you anon, nice to see people enjoy redras still.
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If you're still here, I'll be on Dynamis but we'll have to play later, like at 4pm ET or so
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>How'd I do?
Quite well actually, making you an atypical Elezen player
tell us how
how much will the new crafted gear for arcadion cost you think?
Pale moonies are well liked, too
my moonie is a level ninedee picturemancer
Looks like a cousin to mine, nice work.
Excuse me sir but I thought this was a Fantasy world. Why must its denizens be normal-looking?
Cat of the sun walking up here.extremely horny,almost feral,humanity is slowly leaving her soul,cant think properly, cant breath normally, head is light and empty as her blood is mostly located in her thick and juicy gock, making it twitch uncontrollably and leak perlescent horny and sweet juice.need to breed, need to choke a cute neck when those balls full of love and passion explode inside someone,flooding their gut with warm cream.Need to kiss a mouth,put her tongue inside a mouth.she is reaching, the limit
three fiddy
tree fiddy
I don't hate it, but SMN needs/needed much more than just a Bahamut reskin
Does she like Viera who’ve spent decades adventuring and now just want a wife to spend the rest of his days with.
My Highlander is in the same boat from different fronts, perhaps they could find solace in one another.
come on be serious
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Good morning. I love hrothgals (and femroes and femezen).
Texas with a dollar sign in front of it.
*crafts you into a single piece of HQ thunderyards silk*
your reaction?
idk, 400k per gear piece? At least straight on launch.
You sound cool but I'm not a fan of malera sorry. Not manly enough for me
Go on.......
cute moonie
Good morning

I'm a lalaboy and I love femlalas
She wanted that BLC (Big Lizard Cock)
you are absolutely allowed to make your character as ugly as you like. I'm just questioning why you would want to, it seems to be a common trait among femezen
Same as Endwalker
duty support added for the final raid WHEN?
You finally get to heal
Isn't this what you healies were complaining about?

Get good or get carried
you have wuk lamat, that's all you need
>not lalas
You are wrong
Duty Support shouldn't even be a feature.
>not manly
To be whimsically creative, free from the necessity to adapt the character's looks to catch the eye of some single dude in his mid-30s somewhere else in the world.
what's the job to play in pvp if you assume your whole team is incompetent/throwing?
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I agreed to help a warrior not nanny some retarded child
Name one manly one. I would say Erenville was the manliest of all and he got called a fussy little bunbun by his mommy. Also do they even grow facial hair?
that's not too bad I thought it was going to be like 1m per piece of something
>Claims to be a child
Faggot game
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do what makes you happy bud,just don't let people touch your ears
bakool is my favorite new tumblr sexyman
Should I level MNK or DRG first?
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He said viera not malera...
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its gooning time
It’s not working, says to run as administrator or use NPCap but I’m sure I ran it as administrator idk what to do
MNK and bully someone
What makes them manly? Being tall/v taper/looking annoyed af?
Malera players are gayer than mierdas and catboys, and Im not even mentionning thé face3 maleras now
Of the modern games, (XIII-XVI), XV was the best for me, although that's not saying much. Even XIII was better than the dogshit that was XVI. Fuck YoShitPiss
I think you mean Miera, darling.
What are WoL's parents like?
What's the best way to grind aesthetic tomes?
Join me on Alpha, Light
rape me
Either dead or missing
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I usually go by the necessity to catch the eye of the mid 30s dude sitting in my chair rather than trying my hardest to make sure no other person could possibly find my character even slightly pleasing to look at
you do you though
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Only like 2/10 maleras I see at EU servers are not gay. It's an interesting contrast with /xivg/ which seems to live in it's own bubble.
oh, meant to post this in /ffg/
Oo that coral blue with the sandy yellow on white fur looks amazing. I did not think about that combo. The blue eye shadow and little markings on the forehead add a lot too.
This is by far one of the best non face 3 that I've seen.
I was hoping it was a tranny ngl
Is that how you say it? That's dumb, that doesn't make any sense. Why not just shorten viera so you can say male viera like "malera?" What the fuck is a miera? That sounds like an italian car.
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They have big horns
I couldn't care less for any of them, sans 14. And 14 only gets away with it funnily enough because it takes the bulk of its inspiration from the Sakaguchi games
Give rape me give rape femezen me rape femezen give me rape femezen give me you.
My mom is Miounne and my dad is Vorsaile, the triad npc at the GC. I got adopted tho, I have no real parents as I was created in a la. My mission? Breeding face1 fieras
Hey abe
i recently did the msq in yak t'el and i couldn't think of anything but this image when the hroth shoved the entire fucking taco in his mouth
>you do you though
Indeed I shall.
If you call a lalafell player a pedo 20 lalas will come defend him, if you call an elezen a giraffe no one fucking says a thing. This looks very jewish to me.
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which would be a more fun combo to raid as, GNB/DRK(maybe paladin?) or NIN/VPR?
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Want to ride this italian car, discord kitten?
pedophiles always need to protect their own, they thrive in networks
my femroe is going to get her last 2 crafters to 100, botanist to 100 then I’m making the new crafter gear :)
i don't like rabbit boys
i like men
but now i fear my gaffe has cost me my highlander prince
boo hoo.
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I'm EU too, I have a huge group of friends and randoms in a syncshell now and I was fucking around as a glamourer malera for almost two weeks, it's absurd the difference it makes for social interactions, I dont hâte them, but damn
I actually need to go back and touch up his story, I haven't done anything with it since FC drama years ago.
Face 2, 3, and 4 can all have facial hair.
The race as a whole isn't popular for a reason: Animations are pretty bad, with the standard run being stiff enough to deter most people. Proportions are whack as all hell, most outfits look weird and you gotta lean into high collars to look decent. To top it all off, people are gonna be weird as hell, big reason why I fanta'd off femezen is I got tired of people begging me to be their dommy mommy and other such degen nonsense coupled with the absurd levels of autism and retardation I personally witnessed from the elezen playerbase (primarily femezen). But hey, if you like the race and none of that is a deal breaker, go for it. You do you man.
No, I won't be doing that. Just create a new character and spend some time looking at how she moves like a poorly rigged animatronic. After 30 minutes have passed, if you still think this race is ok, then congratulations, you can go femzen, because you are immune to the awkward uncanny movements likely due to your severe autism.
what about it isn't working
touch it up while holding hands with my hrothgirl and talking about the men you killed over coffee.
I am a heterosexual, well groomed, slightly tanned highlander too. I can replace the Anon you were talking to if hé steps back. Note that he is a bit freaky, do not answer to this letter if you dont plan to spend countless hours getting railed, every single day
>I got tired of people begging me to be their dommy mommy
funny, i used to get that shit every time i walked into a city as a femroe. then i changed to a grey duskie and nobody talks to me anymore (thank god)
XIV is as themepark as it gets and has less RPG elements than a fucking asscreed game.

u should nyot just smooch strange moonies
Cause making fun of pedo projectors is funny. No one cares about giraffe projectors.
spend your traders tender on the tranny chair, bigot
are you stupid
are you clinically retarded? how the fuck is a basic bitch builder-spender filtering anyone? it even fucking grays out the spells you can't use after certain abilities. downtime even barely exists because you can paint the shit to then unload later
the literal hardest part of PCT is having a cast bar on most spells which isn't a lot
She wanted the people to see one last show before they're deleted, how is that so hard to understand? Also, maybe she wanted to prolong the inevitable.
What would happen if you say yes to the horny subs sending you tells? Im sure you can earn quite a lot of ingame stuff if you play their game and step on their balls or something. Sounds like an easy way to plap too, but thats just me being a coomer I guess
I was thinking about going f rava just for that, I just LOVE having short races standing next to me and looking up
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i am a femlala that is weak at self-defense...
do you really not see the difference between calling someone a kiddie diddler and a lighthearted nickname? do you have autism?
You will not be able to escape the blanket
You will become useless...
I am a
that has completed the Main Story Quest of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
>he thought malera was male viera
lurk more retard
when anamnesis
God I can't imagine how bad it would've been if I played a femroe instead, my condolences.
Bro I'm trying to play a video game not help some sweaty nerd cum, miss me with that shit.
Moonies are smelly! SMELLY! Worst race! Weaklings living in SOCIETY! Give all Miqo'te a bad name!
-- t. Seeker
>Bro I'm trying to play a video game not help some sweaty nerd cum, miss me with that shit.
Play a male race then, like in real life
What are your thoughts?
Who is this ultradork and is she single
>not reporting the weird people
just do it
That sounds wonderful. You could tell tale of your girls trials as well.
God I want to be gangraped by a group of handsome malera and be used and abused by them with some tender loving aftercare afterwards.
>not help some sweaty nerd cum, miss me with that shit.
It's a team effort game, if you get a mil gil by virtually kicking someones balls and then walking off I would do it, free gil
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>You're pretty sensitive here Mablu
>I see why you're a gleaner
if i have to listen to erogeville say "they-uh!" one more time
I don’t play video games to cum, dude
Sooooo, where you at then
>handsome malera
never happening, then
ignore the people talking about bad animations because most of these people are just mod beast who cant even remember what their character looks like without them anymore
But think of all the single women who do.
Well said Seeker friend. By chance and just out of pure curiosity, are you a +
T. sunnie-
Tia hands wrote this post. Why don't you go train harder and challenge a Nunh if you're so horny, huh? Think you should get everything handed to you? Until you prove yourself tribe leader all you deserve to get are pity fucks from cheap lalas!
single women play this game?
>using video games as a dating service
Yikes brother
The singlest.
every woman who plays this game is single. the ones who "arent single" have a "boyfriend" that they don't know the real name of and lives 2000 miles away.
Is it so bad to want to meet someone that shares interests?
If you gave a fuck about finding someone through video games you wouldn’t be playing XIV at all lol. You’d have way better chances on a game like League or Valorant if you actually want to find someone
Mateus, you?
But what if I like Final Fantasy XIV?
Bal, we can totally meet
we got the pedos
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she's so hot
I can meet and add you, but if you wanted to do anything tonight I'm gonna have to disappoint. Caught me right before I was heading to bed, but I spared some time for you. Where ya at on Bal?
Same desu so no sweat. I'll meet you at the aetherite plaza.
I'm >>485043945
The one in uldah, I mean. sorry, it's that late haha
Fucking traitor

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