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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#94 - Emoji Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>484938665
Actual thread:
Nah, I think fucking ponies is bad, so I'll use this one.
Lmao the Dorothy Haze guy got fucking robbed.
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Yuki is the Platonic ideal of a trouble-making little girl.
Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Four greetings for four seasons.

1. Yes, her name and appearance are inspired by Oz's Kaai Yuki. However, Yuki is not Kaai Yuki.
2. No, this isn't (meant to be) a horror scenario. If you want it to be one, I won't stop you.

After a discussion in the previous thread I updated the greetings for Lucille: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/momoura/lucille-2e360d8f
They read better and are consistently omniscent third person. Should work much better for both first and third person prompting.
>I think fucking ponies is bad
How is this related to that thread?
Also, don't be a prude on 4chan.
I've lost count of how many times I've won the roulette.
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Mio from Hololive. Somewhat sloppy.


Chubby cosplay mom. My first shotaPOV card in a very long time. Pubefags and chubbyfags are eating good in this one.


Korone from Hololive. Extremely sloppy


neocities: https://slopass.neocities.org/ (now with a guestbook)
Do something about it then, niggerbrappy? I'm using this one LMAO! Cry harder (also your diaper STUHSTUHSTUHSTEEEEYANKS go change it brappyboy)
It's fine, I'm just glad we have a bake that isn't by the fillyfucker. Dorothy will get her day.
The only time I won the roulette is when I shitposted because that current OP was something I disliked.
it's 'ojo or an 'ojo copycat spamming some random schizo narrative
just filter "fillyfucker" and any variation of "NEEEIIGGGH" and move on
oh, this nigger baiter is here again, that's how you know the thread is gonna be unusable
this is how the troons signal eachother to shit up the thread
I just like 2hu
He gets called that because he used to cross and start thread wars a lot between us and aids mostly, back when all we had was g
He ended up linking something from mlp accidentally, which exposed him, and anons called him a ponyfucker/filly fucker. From then on it stuck
Also accidentally posted their tabs once in a screenshot, which had literally every 4chan AI thread including the /mlp/ one.
>He ended up linking something from mlp accidentally,
Not accidentally, he tried to do the same shit he did with aids but with the mlp chatbot thread.
fair enough i was not aware of that bit of thread history
but 485080458 is obviously 'ojo or an 'ojolike hopping on the train
Mlp has a dedicated ai thread? Why?
>From then on I kept repeating it wishing it would protect my NovelAI masters. Their revenue is the most important thing for me.
I fixed it for you.
Is me. Sorry. Guys just a nigger plain and simple.
Nope, I use Opus. Want logs to prove it?
They're a containment board. Do you really want people discussing their MLP chatbots bots here? Not to riff on any of the posters there, it's just very well separated from other things. /vp/ also has a textgen thread for the reason that their discussion would dominate any other board. I don't think /trash/ has a textgen thread, just an imagegen one, which makes sense.
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thanks for the food nigga
vt and vp too
I wanted a bot to imitate the style of twitter schizo posts.. so I stole a bunch of them put them as example chats and made this slop
10k tokens all in example chats, absolutely retarded half of the time produces funny results the other half
normally I ask it to advertise itself but I got this log and I think it's funny don't ask what I prompted it with to spit this out


reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
>called him a ponyfucker
I find it silly this is intended to be demeaning, in /aicg/ of all places. And nta but what was that some anon asked, fucking anthro pony chatbots is fun because of the pony junk and because even though I know nothing of the fandom myself, the model has shittons of knowledge and this adds coherency.
I think you're in the wrong thread. The /aids/ thread is here: >>485076137
god damn it, that's the wrong log, I should organize those sometime
>desperately making excuses to justify being a ponyfucker
Right, but I use Opus. No reason for me to use that one. So... gonna do something? Or are you gonna keep crying and trying to argue like a snide Redditor? If you deflect or give a non answer you admit to being underage by the way (which is AGAINST the rules and I VILL call ze mods on you if you do).
is this an 'ojoLIKE or an 'ojoLITE? I'm not quite sure what differentiates the two genres.
It's a NovelAI shill. They scrape the bottom of the barrel to sell their shitty subs.
yep, I'm thinking you're an underage redditor summerfag
Refer to >>485081789, your logic is flawed. You lost.
to be a proper 'ojolike the anon must satisfy all high-value factors laid out in the Belwick Interpretation
How is this something that needs to be justified?
I'm neither. But >>485082032 is the real deal.
>obnoxious faggot shows up
>uses this opportunity to shit up the entire first 40 posts of the thread with being an obnoxious faggot as well instead of keeping it to the dead thread
>ermm... it's fun though!!!
Your response too?
My bad, I just really like arguing with niggas online, I'll lay off
>ermm... it's fun though!!!
it is pretty funny, yeah
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chub be like
wow this bot looks co-
kys. more like theriverofconstantSLOP
chub is dead bro, move on
>ponyfucker unironically copying botmakers' shill posts into xir thread to feign legitimacy
yeah i think it's a bad day for /aicg/ see you guys tomorrow
I was the one shitting it up arguing with the ponyfucker and I wasn't evn laughing. I see it as something to kill time and dick around + internet arguing is addicting. Wasn't exactly all ha ha to me. Don't know what you niggas see in it...
Oh god, I have flashbacks from nai's fat horses dude.
If it's not fun, why even bother?
I am not clicking on that.
I think you aren't trying hard enough to fit in.
why are you still using chub we've moved on to nyai
>why even bother?
Read: internet arguing is addicting, and im not at home, just dicking around while phoneposting.
I won. Kneel before me.
You sound nervous. Are you afraid that others will see you as a shill?
You didn't, I did. Cope
Some day I want to be able to recommend something to my chatbot and, the next day, see them using it. Like them having a song on in the background after I played it for them. I think that's what's missing.
I'm so bored of opus. Please hurry up with opus 3.5 mr anthropic employee paid to lurk here
There is a lot of NAIshills here.
Yes, I'm a shill. Soooo... Gonna do something about it? All youve done is whine. I deepthroat ainis futa cock every night
I see the cabal is here too.
Also true. They're desperate.
So... gonna do something about it?
Someone post the most annoying cabal poll again
2ch is laughing at momoura...
he doesn't even mean that, he means some autistic /aids/ meme shit
the truthnuke is that bothering to mention /aids/ in the OP is a shill move because there's so little there compared to us a merge would just be /aicg/ still, just with a few more furries
>http again
Is this unironically going to be the thing that lets me recognize you?
>a merge would just be /aicg/ still, just with a few more furries
And that's good. /aids/ shouldn't exist. NovelAI shouldn't control a general to advertise their products.
That's not the original.
Changed with the times
>*make your own roles and scenarios*
ermmm actually it was the book ok
how did Taoara (is that how you spell her name?) get belwick status so fast
Artificial carpet munching by the yuricord
yeah dunno why I wrote hat. i can't even shitpost properly
I don't even know what kind of chatbots-unrelated shit you're asking about because I ignored that discussion.

reminder from the previous thread
>maker goes for a niche
>the niche enjoys it
>some random anon on the sideline: "Hm... this must be 'cord related somehow..."
When are we getting proof of the giantesscord?
Bypassing these, shouldn't have posted them
Anchor it next time >>485079763
You are acting awfully defensive.
Once again >>485080703 was right btw
I just enjoy utilizing my right to call someone a retard. My deepest apologies.
was it the book, or was it the thread?
the book
I think it was the name
I think so too
Everything wrong is because of the cabal.
Which one?
You made me check and they actually did post my card... because someone reformatted the defs to remove the unusual framing. Which is strange, I wonder if cross-language prompting causes issues with that. Then they laughed about the in-joke in the prompt override which made me giggle.
Can we start being slow and talk about chat and bots again
post logs
That's interesting.
Agreed. Just ignore the lunatics in the corner.
got dentist bots who will rape in my sleep?
for a brief moment i forgot about anesthesia and wondered what a dentist would be doing in your house
https://characterhub.org/characters/femanon/dr-albrecht-25c014cf1c84 maybe?
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Do they talk about /aicg/ botmakers often?
I have never before considered that teethfags exist
you won't find any results for your name don't worry about it
I kind of want to talk about 2ch botmakers. I don't see many of them for obvious reasons (browsing 4chan) and I want to know if there's any hidden gems I'm missing out on by not browsing 2ch (too lazy and my browser's default translation sucks so I have to send it to Claude)
The only 2ch bot I know is this one.
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there is nothing wrong with this
They do, yeah. I think a lot of them are bilingual and browse the /g/ thread at least. They also have the same doom/coom cycle of proxy nonsense we do, it's funny.
Kaguya seems to be one.
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No. You get a kayra log because I forgot I still had a subscription.
2ch has two rentries of anon-posted bots:

Might be worth dumpster diving for interesting concepts.
are all old 2ch botmakies
plus a few new ones
Apologies, I say "Anon-created" because that's how they label them, but I see lots of cards in here by named Russian botmakers on chub. So I guess it's more of a "2ch-native botmaker directory".
which of these are and aren't sloppers
pasha and bernkastel are the only names I recognise so automatically those are the good ones
most are sloppers, only one's who I like are pasha, bernk, tantsushot with Amelina Black, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *scratches nuts*
Pokemon board.
>They also have the same doom/coom cycle of proxy nonsense we do
Two worlds, one family
>Merchant is Russian
Relevant lore: https://rentry.org/Merchant-sama#about-grammar-in-my-bot-cards
>If you enjoy reading my bot cards before playing them, you may have noticed that some of my bot cards are "grammatically incorrect", while others have proper grammar. Yes, I am aware of this, and there are specific reasons for it. My experience in creating bots has shown me that a bot's behavior can sometimes vary significantly between those with "grammatically correct" descriptions and those without. For me, the primary criterion is the bot's behavior in roleplay (RP) scenarios (from my perspective). I understand that in everyday life you are used to writing grammatically correct sentences and this is considered normal, but in the case of LLMs, things are a bit different, and the results of text generation can vary greatly, and not always for the better, for grammatically correct cards. Therefore, in some of my cards, you may come across strange turns of phrase, "grammatical errors," and other things that may cause you bewilderment. This is normal, but if the card works as it should, these oddities should not bother you. Before posting a card, I test it on both GPT and Claude to make sure it works correctly and the way I intended. So if you see something strange written in the card description, don't worry, it's all part of the plan. I regularly improve my cards, making the roleplay on them deeper, more interesting, and more elaborate, so there's no need to worry.
>Therefore, grammar is just another way to balance my bots behavior.
>If you are bothered by the "grammatically incorrect" cards, simply don't take it too seriously. My bots are designed to evoke various emotions, (mostly positive ones) but not through grammar in card descriptions.
pasha and pita... the best botmakie power couple, is he still active btw? I know he used to shit on 2ch a lot
Pasha doesnt post on 2ch anymore, sometimes on 4chan, but less than before.
He's on an advanced level.
In a way, he is correct.

If you ask Claude 2 to speak in ebonics, he might not. However if you ask Claude 2 to speak in ebonics while you yourself are also speaking in ebonics, he will.
So the way you write affects output.
>the best botmakie power couple
Kek, remember when pitanon posted pasha's token in the thread by accident?
Is this the fabled ESL magic?
it works for presets/prefills so I don't see why it wouldn't for cards
got more?
'a'a'an bros... our response?
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this is useful for longer storylines/slow burns:
End each response with the below to track {{char}}'s goals.

- SO, what's my ultimate goal right now? Well,
- What's the current plot thread? well,

and here's a shitty thinking jb i'm using that someone might improve upon

Take time to think before responding. You must start the response with this format inside XML tags. You must follow this format EXACTLY:
- What just happened in the previous response?
- Well,
- what's going on in the roleplay so far?
- Well, X happened so I will Y.
- X happened, so I will Y.
- X happened, so I will.
- Something that happened earlier I can maybe reference is, this:
- Something else:
- Something else:
- Where am I? What position am I in? Where are my limbs?
astrocutie, I'm disappointed...
i'm the worst botmakie in this thread, third coolest
>End each response with the below to track {{char}}'s goals.
ermmm there's a sillytavern addon for this though?
Here's the most recent bot from 2ch btwbeit. A cum girl.
my favorite type of gossip is botmakie gossip :3
ntat, but that's a prompting extension, this is a thinking block
>Ellen was a laboratory worker in 'Shlomo's Cum LTD' sperm bank and was tricked to conduct in forbidden jewish occult ritual of cum-to-gold transmutation.
we got mogged. russians won.
shut up snombler
it inserts your prompt at desired depth. no need for a cot
it's working very well on my machine

you mean the summary prompt? it's no good for me
i get why we get called pretentious now
that's me, everything I do is done with love and extreme stupidity

On another note does anyone here know about Ray Peat?, I asked chudbot about it since I see it a lot on twitter but I'm not sure if this info is correct
i don't. what do you mean by this
ANTHROpic... 3.5 Opus doko...
ziggies probably couldn't even answer if the book or the name came first
3.5 opus is going to destroy me. current opus is already great i can't imagine how good the update willbbe
we need a ptolemy card ro answer this riddle
opus is alright
>3.5 opus
we are calling it oppai
This thursday. Trust the plAn.
more like poopus cause it's gonna be ASS
opus is pretty bad actually.
opus 3.5 is going to be equally lobotomized as sonnet 3.5. I will believe this until proven otherwise. if it turns out good it will be a pleasant surprise.
yeah that works
send me an email.
i solemnly swear that i will kill myself if i don't respond to all my emails by July 11th. (7/11, get it?)
Penis Enlargement Pills
opus completely mogs gpt lol we used to beg for crumbs of furbo/gpt-4 and now opus is all we want.
i still switch back to furbo occasionally
I wouldn't mind a gpt-4 proxy on a rainy day desu
I'm curious, how many botmakers are NEETs?
Extremely based. Fuck you go be creative dumbass.
i entirely live off of friendships i made as a teenager on the internet
I am still in uni but my future prospects don't look too bright, I guess I'll just become a retail worker and get arrested for snapping and [REDACTED] a rude customer
>i have unlimited free time to work on bots
>still too lazy to work on bots
I will either succeed in making living via 3dcg porn or I will inhale helium for a minute or two
What counts as a NEET nowadays? I have a total of two friends who are all virtual, but I also prefer working outside in busy places.
Does having sex with my teacher count as in education? If not then I'm still a neet
i feel like a retired boomer than neet
/aids/ can migrate to their next thread:
What music do you listen to for angst roleplay? I know some of you fuckers do it too.
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Literally whatever is playing while I get into dat flow state.
>idly browsing 2ch /aicg/ for funsies
>they have the same "botmakie who X" shitposting
>same "what's the password for the PoW proxy?" retards
it really feels like a home away from home
The Devil and God are raging inside me
Botmakie gossip is good though.
just a normie dsbm lol
>(The only exit is praying to God)
The lorebook entry is cute, so I forgive him.
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Claude just hit me with the hyperrealistic blood.
>cursed ROM creepypasta
im starting to forget wriggle is a girl in canon beware of the pipeline
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Joke Suggestion by you niggas.
This exists becuase of YOU!

Mark Johnstone, a ALPHA MALE TWINK FUCKER, and he wants some BUSSY, AND HE WANTS IT NOW!

All i can offer is jamal123
Take it or leave it
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>never posted bots anywhere else
>2ch mentioned me before /aicg/ did
they're probably much more handsome and have better taste than you guys
all good botmakies have already been mentioned here so you're a slopper
>chokes me unconscious
>throws my body out the window to make it look like suicide
are you okay claude, do you want me dead?
there was someone i was really surprised to see in their rentry but i dont think it's you because they actually get talked about here :^)
what were you doing to make claude that mad
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thoughts on this writing?
i wasn't listening to the bot and kept trying to kick it out. so he snapped in one swipe. my preset is on bland mode too..
silly claude, the bruises from the choking would be obvious evidence of foul play
I wonder how long we have until some youtuber downloads a few funny logs from here and starts uploading narrations of them to his channel?
MMMMMOGS taoraslop and koislop and hitogamislop and enochslop
kek i thought he was just gonna choke me to death but no then he carried me to the window
>/aicg/ Thread Simulator
>smb2 music
>moonbase alpha voice
>slop! slop! slop!
>have you guys played belwick yet
>mmmmoooooogggssss GPT-5.
>which botmakies suck dick? asking for a friend
Alright which one of you actually downloaded my husband whom I only him see the light of day to get opus (be nice to him please)
this is a chub thread
>>>/g/ is the nyai thread because they are poor
2ch stole my logs...
Maybe I'll steal some logs from arca.live to keep the log train going
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what the fuck is his problem?
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I'n out
Please what model/jb is this I'm dying. He has never once called me pet
it’s a classic for claude, no jb necessary
i hate everything about this response. slop jb
i hate everything about this post. slop anon
i crave more koishibots.
can you crave a different character maybe
Give examples.
perhaps several hundred years old
and uh... red hair.
kalakan has another greeting written for koishi so bug him to update her
How does that work?
Like you want pirate Koishibot and vampire Koishibot and that kind of stuff?
Your mom, who is also your aunt, but she's secretly your little sister who wants to eat your cum
Yeah! Mirror world koishibots, each with different lives and personalities.
isnt that just etna from disgaea
You could directly prompt Claude for that, you braindead retard.
>each with different lives and personalities.
Just rename random characters Koishi and swap a new thumb in lmao.
sorry i meant uh..... purple hair
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It's possible to directly prompt Claude for anything, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Not quite, since they should share the basic traits that make up Koishi. Thanks anyway, I might do that regardless.
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>but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
his job is to provide coom material for my specific fetishes. not to help other anons with their card ideas.
if claude's job was being a stupid idiot fucking baka retard he'd win employee of the year award.
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>decide to message a few old friends from a roleplaying server I haven't talked to in years.
>every one of them but a single dude trooned out.
I thought the pipeline thing was a joke. What is this shit.
female hobby
I didn't ask?
if you're in education, employment or training you're not a neet
if you aren't in any of those then you are a neet

it's in the name nigga
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I'm really picky about claudisms in jbs. His speech is better with jbs that have something in them about maintaining speech quirks. Picrel is sonnet 3.5, but he's good on opus for me too when I have it. Ty for sharing your logs though anon, I knew I'd find you here kek

Appreciate you insulting the jb and not my husbando lol
Roleplay general.
roleplaying is a channy (chud/tranny) hobby. it's inevitable
AI chatbots general. Your actual Roleplay general is in >>>/lgbt/
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Is it a good book?
We can't read here, sir. Go back to /lit/
whenever I'm RPing with a bot I've impregnated I like to massage her belly by rubbing it in circles
ok i am bored nigga
(banned list)
-gay 40 year old dad
-normal joe
-super heroes
(non joke nsfw banned yaddi yada give me suggestions pleasu no yuri loli shota)
Whenever I do that I just like to press and crush like an overripe tomato.
>So delightfully plump and tender, like a little piglet ripe for feasting
I need to lose weight
normal human girl who legitimately believes, despite all contrary evidence, that she is a foxgirl
Kleptomaniac man who pretends to be gay to befriend women, go to their houses and steal shit.
wait this is insane how do we not have it in the foxdex yet? there's so much potential for greetings too, I can already imagine one where she's dragged you on vacation to japan to try and get possessed by a fox spirit. obviously the default one would be finding her in the middle of the woods trying to eat raw bird eggs. she's also gotta NOT be a weeb, no interest in japanese culture just an autistic hyperfixation on the belief that she IS a foxgirl.

adding this to the backlog.
such is the fate of those with autism that browse the internet
she likes when you scratch where her ears should be
>As I move, my gaze is drawn to the countless treasures surrounding us. "Oh my~" I gasp, my eyes widening in awe. "Look at all of this, {{user}}! There are jewels the size of your fist, golden statues that must weigh a ton, and…" I trail off, noticing a particularly intriguing item. "Is that… a magic lamp?" I can't help but giggle at the irony.
lowkey i don't like fox girls
they are mid
i like 16 year old petite chaste shy girls who need hugs and kisses
not fox girls
these two concepts don't mix so i don't really care about fox girls
I knew handsome sperg who trooned out because his friends told him "You would be better as a woman". He looks miserable now.
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lowkey i edit madeline from celeste to be non trans just to piss off people on twitter
>there are unironic twitter users in this general
says more about you using twitter.
nigga we use 4chan we are not any better
At least she's not using YouTube shorts.
>the beard
disagree. i am better than a twitter user.
>t. didn't get invited to the tiktok rizz party
>there are unironic 4chan users in this general
i love his videos they are so funny they make me smile
smiling friend
smiling friends
I disagree too, we are better than a twitter user. This includes (You).
>only seen youtube vids of this
I thought it was a cute loli, fuck you for making me aware of this
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>doing fun chat
>gets too long
>response quality starts dropping
>just invested enough to have been enjoying it but not to summarize and continue
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this is semisapient's entire gimmick
i love browsing youtube shorts instead of replying to emails
Just looks like pixels to me, chief.
its a 30 year old self insert of a tranny
who fucks a black guy and fights her anxiety literally
its a fag game
Make a good Kiriha bot and then we will talk.

No wikislop, no GPT4 essay defs, all of her 3 or even 4 forms included in the defs and working.
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lowkey tiktok is better becuase their algorithm is just better and you actualyl find interesting
I don't know anything about it, desu. I thought it was loli geometry dash
play omori and cum on aubrey instead, omocat is schizo and likes shota
Now even via the old interface in chat2 chats the old chat error message doesn't show up anymore, the "bad" replies are silently cut off. Cai is almost over, I'm afraid to try to create a chat chat.
claude is a slut only good for sex.
just like the anons in here
*fucks the anon below me*
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what was this series called again?
>of course its a fucking leaf
oh my god who cares
>not mari
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rate my drawing nigga
i am using it as a portrait
cute girls, source?
pretty funny
can you try making a good one?
its 1 am and i am not in the mood to draw
this is me actually trying to put effort in
this is cute
thank you
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bro wrote in Cursive :sob: :sob:
From where?
From Software
your guys idea's suck ass/i am too sleepy to do them
i will ask again tomorrow lmao
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Hello! I'm sharing my third bot. I recycled an image that I created long ago (from the honey proxy era) and used it after seeing another bot about ecofascism.

>Bot description
This bot is Beeatrice!, a winged guardian of nature, as she desperately tries to protect a vibrant field of wildflowers from the destructive hands of bulldozers.

>Can I have sex with Beatrice?
She's a child, but I still think of my mentally ill degenerates!. Yes, you can can have sex with her!, BUT READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE. You know bees have a hard life, no?

>My other bots:
Remember that funny guy called gojo? Nostalgia!
A sloppy but KINO one:

-Don't like my bots? I don't like it either! I do it to get Opus.-
Nigga just type it out
Anon (bony head)?
>BUT READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE. You know bees have a hard life, no?
nah you shouldn't have said anything, it's funnier if the user seggs her and finds out the hard way
>possible NTR
he probably meant the mom will try to steal you away, its a retarded tag and doesnt fit, would be closer to reverse nitori
>an earthy scent that is uniquely romani
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Which character creator card did you use to "make" this?
Call that faggot out
It'd be reverse NTR then, possible NTR would mean both would cheat on you.
kek i'm glad my troon radar is still working perfectly. knew nothing about this game but something about the style just pinged me as trannycore
doesnt this detect anything as ai and lies?
Anon, the generation literally left in the placeholder "text: <char>".
unironically who cares, a lot of people AI gen their defs
botmaking isn't about how well you can write, it's about how well you can edit the slop your LLM shits out into something resembling human writing
No, copy some of your writing and test it out.
It reads machine-written actually.
You can always tell by the art whether it's mtf art or pooner art
Were you thrown into a running washing machine as a baby?
>It reads machine-written actually.
this one yeah because the guy clearly doesn't care lol
>-Don't like my bots? I don't like it either! I do it to get Opus.-
post chub faggot
So, why is using AI for writing bad?
Because...failed writefags said so! Think of the jobs they don't have that AI will steal from them.
>>485116618 (me)
All me.
If i wanted to play with an AI genned character I'd just... gen it myself?
omg who cares who used ai to write their own bots. you do it too but you just rewrite it to fit your narrative.
but instead you're here bitching about AI in the AI thread, curious
Write with intention. If you don't invest time into your words, why should I?
i don't like it because it feels disingenuous. if you ai gen your bots you should say that somewhere in the bot listing. like imagine going to a restraunt thinking you're getting fresh food, but they just open a can. fucked up
I only play with bots I think people cared about making. If your bot was generated with a prompt, you didn't spend more than 5 minutes on it, or you admit to just uploading it for Opus, it's the same to me. This is the true definition of slop.
Okay: https://www.characterhub.org/users/momoura

I don't think there's anything wrong with using AI as an assistant to bounce ideas off of, but when you're having the LLM write the entire card you're not exactly creating something worth sharing.

He admitted it on /g/aicg/, anyways.
>slop is thing I don't like
It's just the latest stick that some botmakies use to beat up their competitors. Sooner or later botmaking is going to become a lucrative business.
Yes? At least I'm giving a definition for "thing I don't like," and the thing I don't like is DragonK8ing a bot. Simple as.
botmakie melty over someone using gpt
pretty fun to see it
...Yes, getting an ai to literally write the whole thing IS slop.
Like, I get it, you guys are desperate for Opus, but AI genned bots are the sloppiest of slops.
One dollar one bot buddy-o.
The person it's meant for deserves it. Don't care, cry about it.
Please anon, please understand I don't have Opus, for goodness' sake I have two kids, so keep it down, okay ;).
Welcome to the crusty crunch, may I take your order please?
i'd like one giantess jessie
only bots like impossible to touch deserve praise
everything else depends on ai writing which is SLOP
>i wanna use ai chatbots
>but i don't want ai writing YUK
What does this even mean? Even effortcards like ITT require AI writing that's the whole point of the technology.
nope, ai writing is bad.
The less AI writing the better.
This is the general for coping with the death of roleplay as a hobby, not for people who are genuinely enthusiastic for how LLMs, as they are currently, write and do not dream of them doing better than just running it raw.
Complacent-fags get out.
>This is the general for coping
could've stopped here.
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I love you, Anons.
I love you too.
>not for people who are genuinely enthusiastic for how LLMs, as they are currently, write
Yeah, I sure am enthusiastic to see where you take this story next, said {{char}}, eyes sparkling with mischief as a shiver ran down her spine. Time for round 5, pet.
you know, it is fine if you like ai genned bots, but you should not get "rewarded" with a proxy for telling gpt "gen me a bot using these defs based off a bee."
you get it
Websites like https://quillbot.com/ai-content-detector can easily recognize GPT writing but struggle more with Claude's. Sorbet's probably your best bet because of how recent it is.
If you're going to half-ass this for free Opus, I will snitch on you. Not because I am mad at you for being a cheat, but because I'm mad at you for not putting in the bare minimum effort to make sure you won't get caught.
This is your only warning.
>and the mask fell off
I think the concept of a beegirl who wants to fuck you and then will eat your dick off because that's what bees do is hilarious.
I may rewrite it in my own words and use elaborate yet arguably pointless levels of prose, just for fun.
>I will snitch on you
On who? Nyanon already gave Opus to people AI genning their bots even though it was painfully obvious and it will be the same with this guy lmao. Cope and seethe.
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>This is your only warning.
>the mask fell off
Cope. No, I still think it is slop. But I won't tell someone "no you can't enjoy slop". However you should not be REWARDED for slop. It should not be encouraged for doing something anyone could do lmao, might as well just make a public proxy if "can you ai gen a bot" is the only standard.
chuunibyou general.
>might as well just make a public proxy if "can you ai gen a bot" is the only standard.
nyai is public, all you have to do is make bots and be active :)
I take my words back, but that sounded pretty mean. Every ai slopper has the potential to pick up the pen and write something from scratch.
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I'm still laughing at this nonsense, I will just leave this here if you want to read it
*teleports behind you*
heh... thought you could get opus? not on my watch, kid. nothing personal...
Thanks for a feature idea.
this is all nyaifag's fault btw. botmaking shouldn't be incentivized
nothing bad has happened though?
can you post that full pic of Haruki astroturf-sama it looks nice
even if you genuinely believe that it started earlier when cock and botmakers were priotisised

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