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Reminder to reply to and encourage shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)
Talk to the Wuk Lamat poster again to learn about the Wuk Lamat event

Previous Thread: >>485091785
my fiddie is
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
my moonie has the stinkiest steamiest armpits on xivg
masallah i will cum inside two women today
Forcing fiddies to wear regulators.
Downloading lewd memories from the cloud straight into fiddie brains.
not posted, fix it
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
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Don't forget about me.. 3.5 hours

• July 7th, 8:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Tuliyolall (Instance 1) x11, y6.6 | Kneel to Wuk Lamat meetup >>484959469 (You) (Cross-thread)
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i still think the character update fucking sucks
god i hope we get regulators as a head accessory pleaaaaase let it happen.
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What a trash story.
I thought the last fight would be cool, boy was I wrong.
show me moonie pits
Why are you even here really?
>inb4 but it's le players I mean t-the actual game
It's an mmo you faggot you need to know people to do the most engaging content
Anyone have a pic of how the new map hairstyle looks on mieras?
Nice try but that little toy will have no eff-
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>they are changing viper
VPR is officially too hard for the playerbase. How does that make you feel?
how do you female characters not have wives yet its all you post about
like somehow male characters get more stable EBs than you all i don't get it
Remember not to let Trancers enforce revisionist history by slipping in their agenda with Dawntrail.
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>beware of weird creepy zoomer sexpest
>hits on every female character and harasses them on balmung for sex
>throws child tantrum when denied

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>Sphene is going to kill everyone
>"Yes....let's talk to civillians and get to know random people and have no sense of urgency as we navigate this fake amusement park"
>regular boss
>hard boss
>extreme boss
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ah yes... the colours
the alpaca spitting on wuk lamat was the best story beat in the expansion
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Should I do it? Should I wait?
Can anyone post ss of ur WoL using the hair?
whats the trancer agenda for dt?
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You guys excited for the 7.2 job overhaul?
How many people wrote this story and what kind of speaking terms were they on?
She is my wife with daddy issues.
the colours in the picture are blue and green
Why do you want Jobs to be harder to play?

If you're playing FFXIV for the gameplay, you're playing the wrong genre let alone the wrong game.
did this scene at night
some scenes later on seemed to be forced at particular times of day, no idea why that one wasn't
people who play females are all unstable
me included
>NYPA faggot
always buy, spend gil, enrich yoship
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your mods made her eyes look creepy af
are u on aether
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I think you already know the answer to this question, anon.
I wish it happened later because I didn't hate her yet when it happened
fine. xiv is a joke game when it comes to "difficult" content

the average xivcel would implode trying to do mythic prog in wow
when did they say 7.2 would be the overhaul? ive heard some people say 8.0
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>Yoshida sama can we name her off our 3d modeling program?
Yes sure. Fuck it, expansion sucks anyways.. I gotta go make 4 other games that suck even more . Go ahead
Speak with Wuk Lamat again
3, and
'who fucking knows'
>the new hair is yet another short hairstyle
once again I am disappointed
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I am a malezen who routinely posts pictures of a random cat girl i found on twitter as if they were my own

I love getting (You)s from people telling me they'd "rape" or "plap" me or whatever, but I'm too insecure to actually fanta to a catgirl for real

No, I don't feel any shame over this, nor will I stop.
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Biofems have spoken.
Miera is the best male race.
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well after this msq I sure as hell amn't playing it for the story
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My femlala ate a lot of authentic tex-mex food like tacos and burritos with mild salsa ever since arriving in mesoamerica
what's the answer
*wwalks into thread*
i don't actually please explain
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the end is near yet it seems so far
Whats the closest you can get to Lucy Edgerunners outfit without mods?
nice sunnie
Stop doing this you fucks!
It gives me anxiety to log in
there were
three birds

over that way
up your falseflags lil bro
best moonster of /xivg/
haha what a fucking loser
not even fujos desire mierda anymore, catboys are back to being the cute gay kings
meowdy kittens
Excellent post khagan
I want a harem of Femezen
hey I made this same exact post no more than 2 hours ago
what race do you play
Midlander/malera it looks the best
What do you guys think Wu Lamat's VA will think when the inevitable FUTA porn arises
>join party
>leave party
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Not reading all of this, fuck off
>parody manga is a parody
Imagine my shock
people doing the o/ wave/salute in final fantasy 14 makes you anxious?
what other things make you anxious? curious
I wish I was in an FC that did this ngl
I'm in an FC for a dying friend group. We barely have one or two people online at any time...
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I'm home, finally. Week long trip, sunburnt, still lv 93 MSQ. I'm so far behind everyone.
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1. Heavensward
2. Shadowbringers
3. Endwalker
4. A Realm Reborn
5. Stormblood
6. Dawntrail

The true /xiv/ poster's list. It mixes not only "Shadowbringers and Endwalker was peak kino!" with the classic flavor of nostalgia for Heavensward. To appear looking like too much of a nostagia baiter however, Stormblood is put in 5th place and Dawntrail is sent to the bottom to counter any accusations of being a "Normie".
actually face 4 catboys are superior.
femra only
>the average xivcel would implode trying to do mythic prog in wow
The average WoW raider would shit and piss their panties in any ranked FPS game.
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*hits the dual vapes*
I must be a genius
i want to eat a femezen's ass
Kys retard fuck off with your limsacat glowshit image.
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This is me
for some reason i have a feeling this post was made by a face 4 catboy
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I agree
People standing next to me in dungeons
Going to the grocery
Talking to people in the phone
did they improve the breast physics? just saw a fem highlander bouncing all over the place
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nice game...
how the hell do I compress webms manually anymore, this was coming down to like 9-10 MB, i used some website to get it to be postable here but it neutered the quality
Ah yes mythic prog, known for requiring a fucking GPS addon to play, very skillful
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>FSH delivery questline
>blue mage can only cast fish spells so he gets stronger by eating bigger and badder fish until he can kill monsters with them
fuckin nice
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judas was right, if VPR was added in HW the ability would just be this
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my male maliddie looks and acts like this
1. ARR
2. HW
3. SB
4. ShB
5. EW
6. DT
you should have asked her bro
you're going to assblast miau miau into writing a dozen essays
my 7.0 fiddie looks so old and angry ive never fanta'd i dont know what to do aaaaaaaaaa
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Is that fucking David's jacket
wrong. that post was fact checked and certified by the fiddie cartel.
That was debunked. He was referring to combat content changes in 7.2. The job stuff is still 8.0.
Nope they just enabled it above 60 fps
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How 2 read viper skills.
vanguard aiming top fits kinda well
we don't have leotards in this game so just cope with 2b bottoms or something

and also no neon hair colors like the s9 residents
no, are you stupid?
>the same skill but without the double weaving
sounds like HW was ass
i think most don't know or care who you are and the rest of us hoped you'd gone back to /wowg/
do u have a house i could live in
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they said catboy not dog man
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We are so back
My femlala could use some cheering up...
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this new dragoon helmet is pretty nice im glad i finally have a good helmet for this set even though ill probably rarely show it
ok mierda

shut up shut up shut up!
Do we have an apm chart for DT jobs? Is VPR actually high apm?
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David Martinez YOOO
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Well, too bad! I'm back baby!
Femezen are just ugly bro, always were. Just took you until now to realize it.
>much flakier in thread responses
>pickier in who they want as an EB
>fem x fem is prone to extreme grownassmannery and rarely lasts
It's mostly the 2nd one, usually when they say they like (x) they're looking for a select few that play (x)
Wow finally wuk Lamat saying something smart
Stop padding these fucking cutscenes!
cute bun
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Which of these works best for a dweeby healer character
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>Wuk Lamat translates to Seventh Dawn in Mayan
somehow you made your fiera's face even more pedophile-coded
hand over your tzera webms so i can goon
>make ugly character
>still be ugly afterwards
why are you transbians always so similar and boring, it's starting to get tiresome laughing at you
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>open up Commendations box to commend someone
>it's a Female Hrothgar
>cancel box and leave duty
ShB > EW >= HW > DT > SB > ARR
wasn't this already debunked
the shmoogle is behind me isn't he
>he commends people
Please say this is a joke, I do not want that insufferable FUCK in the Scions.
my wife
First based post from this nigger
>chocobo colours are locked behind owning a house
Top right looks dweebiest. Make sure to put on a cute hat too
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pictomancer stay winning
Top left and bottom left
Buy an apartment
Femezen are pretty.
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2 or 4 im leaning towards 4
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I think Hrothgals should post themselves for me to look respectfully. Or disrespectfully. Whatever you prefer.
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Macchi did you really buy the Collector's Edition of the game you constantly pretend to hate.
how is reaper at 100 bros
it looks underwhelming
I'm surprised you didn't go for a hitler artist meme
Remember when we had great stories and characters and could laugh at WoW for having shit writing no cared about? Damn I miss those days.
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Im tired of constantly adjusting my damn materia prices, Im this fucking close to just making a PF advertising them tax free
No amount of nostalgia or quality combat/raids will make HW the top expac. In terms of story the entire expansion is literally nothing.
>grown men on female characters looking for female character wives
>"mostly the 2nd, which could be spun as a positive reason"
it's not the first reason which is that those people are flaky and crippled by ADHD
it's not the third reason because ohmygosh grown men on female characters would never act that way
it's mostly that they're just selective about their mates, totally, that's it
if this is a C.I post then you of all people should look at your friend group and think a little harder
>say lol
>meltdown ensues
do fiddies really
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My catgirl looks like this
the fiddie cartel acts all tough until their control collars activate all at the same time
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no she doesnt
>Teleports to Shaaloani
>/sh "meowdy"
not use it?
this goes against the thread twitter tourist narrative
Ugh why is Astro's gauge the only broken one on my reshade.
Shadowbab detected
I mean it's simply true isn't it? Think about the discourse you hear online. Heavensward, despite being just as much as slog as ARR and Stormblood is almost always fondly looked back on. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were narrative improvements on the previous three and there are hundreds of crying videos of people reacting to scenes from them.

Dawntrail...has a very noticable, very prominant, very Mainstream negativity attached to it. A true /xiv/ poster would realize this and in order to appear hip and in good taste, slam that shit to the bottom while pushing ARR and Stormblood up with some rose tinted nostalgic memories of how great Gius's speech was (despite hearing it weekly in roulettes) or how much they "really felt comfy in the Steppe (despite 90% of it being chores.)
im gonna kill u
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Post malera please
Ew what the fuck? Should I just buy the 675 crafted?
t. femezen
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Pistols at dawn.
Was it? I was thinking about it the other day and it was so obnoxious that i was starting to think they made her annoying on purpose and it was going to be a story point later on.
>load into kugane
no it doesn't
I don't think hypnosis is hot.
how is a bun pedo-coded?
Was this the vibe they wanted in Shaaloani?

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i now remember why i dont do dungeons as anything other than tank
Sounds about right, especially number 3. That's why all couples should be heterosexual.
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How? Are they going to simplify it? Maybe make the tooltips less wordy too?
>load into Ul'dah
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>he doesn't know about pre-ordering
oh no no no no no
this is a micro-agression
>Female Hrothgar sits next to me on couch while im waiting in partyfinder
Help my middie is in danger.
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They're shock collars that activate every time they try to talk like a real person. Fiddies only get to bark.
they have this weird black square around them, right? some of mine do the same, it's annoying
/pet /pet
Wrong, but continue to seethe over the objective truth.
>ippikki atros saunters into the bar
gaius' speech WAS great though
he was right and he did nothing wrong AND he gave us memes
none of my mounts tilt anymore when i fly
what the fuck
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Rogged in
I unironically cannot tell how they can even simplify a job that straight forward, maybe longer debuff, single weave instead of double ones?
>Gaius was right
>Emet was right
>Somehow they are considered the villains
Who writes this game
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da da da da da da
something something something
Anyone on Balmung or Crystal in general have the new house skin I can look around at? Preferably small but any will do.
I wish mine would stop tilting
its making me sick
they said they're going to remove positionals from certain skills
my guess is the coils attacks
they've been removing as many positional-positional attack requirements as they can, just look at dragoon
I wish there was a fiera to cuddle with my miera
unironically based
bros the only one i love more than gaius and emet is
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>much flakier in thread responses
>pickier in who they want as an EB
i think these both feed into each other, Cameron Ingerland can say they want a moonie EB and there can be a moonie who says they'll meetup with them but Cameron really means she wants a very specific moonie she already has a crush on
>fem x fem is prone to extreme grownassmannery and rarely lasts
it's really this one. if you could convert drama to energy the amount of female character x female character drama that happens on xivg and its countless discords could power the game servers till the end of time
See anon! You get it! Now let us cheer "Woke Lemutt bad!" even though she was just a mediocre character a lot of people just didn't care for and complain how over the game is.
I mean I don't agree that it needs to be simplified, but obviously the "problem" is not the regular combo. It's the one where you have to do 2 positions back to back that requires a double weave in between. That is crashing some people.
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I am
a femhroth
Who lost HUNDREDS of thousands of GIL.
>How? Are they going to simplify it? Maybe make the tooltips less wordy too?
Either making giving Viper just a raw "Continuation with X charges" or the easier route by making the Coil skills have no positionals.
not mine but all 3 are in the bottom right hand corner of ward 25 in the lavender beds on balmeme
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Malezen bros we are so back
I hope my femezen gets posted as one of these one day…
anyone wanna
do the new treasure maps
>Queue as healer
>Its instant
>DPS waits out on timer and loses his queue
it might be part of a setting you can turn off because i was fucking with the settings earlier for hunt train reasons and now none of them tilt
the neck still looks ridiculous lol
A bit too K-Pop for my taste, I prefer them less faggy
Lord almighty that's a one ugly mug you've got there
Don't bother. I did like 40 yesterday with a friend group and we got jack shit. The only thing in them is the new hairstyle.
Thanks for the info
Your opinion doesn't matter nigga. Malezen won and the biofems fucking love us.
I hope posing tools come back soon
I have a good part 2 for this
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Please help me they are surrounding me
I don't remember writing this. Actually I don't remember...anything from the last hour. But I feel very relaxed...
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looks great imo
Top right mate, no questions
Dawntrail final zone was actually good unlike the absolute disaster of an insult and a joke and a crime against humanity that was the final zone of endwalker.
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You are wearing your anti hrothgal underwear aren’t you brother?
These people need to go back to korean mmos, right looks like fucking Lost Ark
My femlala charms will swoon all the males...
until you open your mouth
The last fight was cool until wuk lmao had to show up again out of nowhere to remind us that it's her expansion.
>no s-ranks for at least 18 hours
Show your femezen's plate
I can't believe they haven't fixed this.
We're not a monolithic hivemind, you retard. Not everyone is into 5'2 Asian boys.
pre-ordering gave an earring and a minion, not the collector's edition items
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>when they spawn they will be instantly killed
won't even bother trying to swap servers
god the first dungeon sucks so much with the rp sequence on the boat
the rest is fine but jesus it's awful
ty :)
The final trial scene took the entire expansion down a peg for me. It was finally the WoL's single moment. And Wuk had to come in and take it.
that's what i'm after, actually
not like I don't have the money, I just want it now and don't want to spend the gil (I do have enough though)
did you do both the new maps?
>if this is a C.I post then you of all people should look at your friend group and think a little harder
it's comical how correct this guess probably was
all look same
>Malezen won and the biofems fucking love us.
just like with all other male races, the malezen NPCs will forever be infinitely better because to lust after because they don't completely change their personalities when you show them any hint of attention
t. biofem who loves aymeric
>god the first dungeon sucks so much with the rp sequence on the boat
back to wow, blizzcuck
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why are face 2 catboys all destined to become gay cowboys
no they're on your left
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I suck at doing hrothgar facial expressions>>485103671
>I mean I don't agree that it needs to be simplified, but obviously the "problem" is not the regular combo. It's the one where you have to do 2 positions back to back that requires a double weave in between. That is crashing some people.
Couldn't you weave true north during Dreadwinder
More important question:

Why does sodomy and being a criminal go hand in hand?
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why havent you eb'd a moonie yet?
what are you looking at
>you of all people should look at your friend group and think a little harder
need a straight cowboy face 2 to tie me up like cattle fr
L piss
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Stormboomers be like "yooo this gameplay fire."
Taking my big hrothgar hands, untying that bikini and bending this cat over the side of the hot springs until that screenshot isn't the only backshot she has.
There's really no other drops worth money?
do you feet look like that too
I mean sure but are you going to actually use true north as a fixed part of your rotation? For real?
this is one ugly moonie
beat the first trial finally
review so far:

the story is fun and goofy but the main characters are terrible. The scions (except thancred and krile) appear to have undergone a lobotomy on the ship to Tural, and Wuk Lamat and Erenville are pure dogshit as characters. The other "promises" are actually kinda compelling. Catboy, Hitler and the retard bring life to the otherwise sterile journey so far.

first 2 zones were a mediocre hit and a hard miss. Birdland/gobbie was utter shit with literally no reason to return to, and jewish desert had a few cool POIs but was mostly ugly dirt.

music has been pretty disheartening. EVERYTHING is the same melody this time around. Endwalker at least had the "Endwalker" theme and "Flow". This time around it's all just the Dawntrail theme. Feels like everywhere I go is just the same song, over and over and over.

I probably should've quit after Endwalker. Seems the passion at CBU3 has fizzled with their success, as is the norm with companies of their ilk. Gonna see this one through to the end, though.
Why would I EB the inferior catgirls?
Most of them are trannies
nice nose piercing
all of them have penises
or don't reply to me
or aren't on my world
They're stealing our tourism gimmick
I miss appal.
Because God explicitly forbids homosexual relations in holy scriptures
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I skipped stormblood, youtube'd the lore, and do not regret it.
maybe the ugliest moonie ive ever seen nice fucking hairline elk
the timeless turali cloth is decent but it wont sell as fast as the hairstyle
Yeah it's awful. Probably a fix out there but I haven't messed with my reshade in so long.
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Which elezen type is this? Which face is this?
Wuk lamat comes by in the last trial and takes your credit btw
How much is the hair?
after hitting some pills i no longer feel anxious about talking but i stay quiet anyways out of habit, should i start just saying whatever dumb shit comes to mind? will people like me more if i talk a lot
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sure but im also going to shock you with a cattle prod
average is about 10m
timeless cloth 1-3m but probably less now that people are doing the maps for the hair
is this game worth playing casually? like i don't wanna do ultis or even savage
haven't played since 2021~
i just want comfy solo gameplay, will it keep me busy?
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>cowboy zone
>no new cowboy hat that shows ears
>no new cowboy hat at all
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How much do you think people would buy used femlala socks and/or panties for... asking for a friend... pic unrelated...
>scions talking about who will stay at the gate and who will go in for 10 minutes
instead of voice acting this they could've done this off screen and then explained it in a single text box
Oh boy you are in for even more disappointment. Just wait til you hear "Smile"
why are you black
dusk face 1
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Leviticus 18:22

Bestiality is also similarly forbidden. Yuri, curiously enough, is not expressly forbidden though can be interpreted as implied with another verse after these.
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>bot/min quests with two male buns, one with pink and and the other with light blue
>pink bun asks blue bun to move in with him after the first quest
Damn, these homos work fast.
tattoos are forbidden too
she looks like a wife type femezen
my face 2 catboy cowboy is straight
forget glamourer where the fuck is penumbra
sorry but you'd have to pay people to even accept them
remember island sanctuary lol
he's in hiding
That's it? Wouldn't even bother with maps desu
People actually think the music in DT is bad?
do u know if dc travel is enabled
So there's a wind-up zero in 7.0? How do you get it?
From 1 to 10 how dead is BLM?
If that were the case I wouldn't be asking...
my moony is malera-coded
you just know a fujo wrote that questline
if you have gatherers leveled its worth getting your daily solo map and just doing it yourself IMO
what if I have sex with female (male) in Final Fantasy XIV
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Meeting someone cool in game today
Praying so hard I don't fuck it up and I can just be normal for five minutes
Lend me your aether, anons
only to dynamis oomf
Its not available yet.
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its not bad but a bunch of it isnt really fitting
the worst offender is mexico city
Yeah that's why I don't have any.
I also observe the Sabbath day, albeit not flawlessly.
Can my catgirl rub the top of her gock on your armpits?
>"y-you cant point out that im doing something wrong! other people are doing this other thing that nobody brought up at any point therefore im justified! im justified! i have to be!"
ooooooooooooouuuugh what pain and torture
t. femezen
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Probably an event or something like Krile's
the night music is fine, the day music sucks though.
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I was a Rava, wanted to be a cat, and fanta'd while keeping the same color scheme. It works out.
good luck anon
Smells like squid
Remember the first rule, anon - shut the fuck up. You don't have to talk all the time. Just let the other person do the talking if you feel nervous, and respond when appropriate.
Why do people keep calling it texas when it's clearly that wild west state back when they were building the cross continental railroads?
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wao ndja is so goode at arties!
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>Can anyone post ss of ur WoL using the hair?
i miss white glint
I am
going to ruffle kriles unkempt hair
the final boss track sounds like something out of sonic
You're meeting a family member in-game?
>using the old testament
what are you, jewish?
bussin fr fr
It's not worth the hassle right now imo. High chance of instant pulls + the risk of getting stuck off of your home world.
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Here's my didn't ask meltie
I'm not sure what the narrative is for most people, but I think the story was extremely bad, yes worse than ARR. Nice looking areas don't make up for a trash story. I think having to escort a character who shoves herself in every situation and every encounter the entire time during an expansion was an awful decision. At least in ARR the story was more impactful and about you and those around you.

There is one area in the level 95 MSQ that's actually cool as hell.

The whole expansion claims it's about "understanding culture", in which case you just do a few minor errands for people, hearing out how they have some kinda issue, having us say "yes that sucks. You should stop that, haha" and then we eat food and realize "everyone likes food" and that's about it.

Yshtolas's voice sounds like she was recorded in a low quality Skype call on a Xbox 360 mic compared to everyone else and it sounds terrible, thankfully she doesn't talk much.

The coolest NPCs with low screentime are our guy Otis and Roebro

The final trial feels like some kinda off season April fools joke.

Honestly they should have delayed the expansion for 2 more years and never ok'd this.

The fights dungeons, the trials, minus the last one is fine, but what the hell were they thinking with that last trial? Was the intention to give a massive "fuck you" slap in the face to every ff14 player? It feels like it doesn't even belong in ff14.
people have no concept of geography
its more like arizona
goodbye moonies
i'll see you maybe next time...
What smells like squid
>that wild west state
its more New Mexico and Arizona than Texas, but there was no 'state' at the time, they were unorganized territories
how do black mages (the job) get through fights while keeping track of so much shit?????
What was Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. thinking with the first boss in Deadwalk? I know that you like it because it filters normies, but WHY do you like the mechanic so much?
I do talk too much but its only because being silent seems rude. I can never find a good balance so I overcompensate. I'll be mindful
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didn't ask, towa
Whoa an actually good male hair, I see why it's 15mil
If you got gil to spend then who cares and buy it, you'll get it back with subs
If you need to be careful of how much you spend just wait, surely it will go down in price as people unlock it and do whatever content it's from
dont care youre still gay
Reminder that femlalas are genetically hard-coded to obey any order a miera gives them.
dont forget about me by the time im able to go to malboro
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are you a virgin or something
nta but i'm not towa and i miss that gooner too, he had a perfect himcess femra
Also, sex
I only obey catboys and only if they're hot.
surprised to see me? i suppose that's only natural. may i plap?
Gentlemen, I bring thee: Wuk Lamat but good.
And also male. Please don't mind that.
Here's why you're wrong.
It's alright, anon. I already chase that kosher life so it's unlikely I'll get clipped by whataboutism.
Yes, as was Jesus, who stated he did not come to replace the law but fulfill it.
It is not really a big deal unless you're doing actual physical things. Also getting aroused to the point of being wet is a way to become ritually unclean until sundown.
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>hunt train has over 600 people
So you don't obey any catboy?
harvin femlala eb for my femlala
No shit but the region are classified within states today so you can use the name to refer to the land. One of them even has its capital being a city that was founded during the railroad construction times by the workers and hanger ons. I just don't recall any of the names.
i only obey maliddies which is unfortunate because they're all so dorky and shy
not clicking that
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reminder that our tank got VALIGARMANDA'd in worqor lar dor (extreme) while our summoner was watching
Some of them can be
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>living memory is actually decent, the rest of the expac being irredeemable dogshit
>ruined because wuk lamat keeps barging into moments like a downie
>or even worse tries to talk with that obvious man voice
>leaps into the final fight without being able to shout because it would break the already unconvincing facade, is noticeably hoarse too from forcing their larp voice at this point
can we expect a ritualistic disemboweling from yoshi or Hiroi, or someone naming the kike at squeenix that let this abortion happen?
Stop posting these things, I don't want be swarmed by horny femlalas.
But that's a human.

I preferred old BLM.
This is why people pay for mods
I am one of the pictomancers of all time. I am accepting commissions. Act fast - slots are limited.
What shader is that bro? Looks sweet.
i'll keep it on the docket
>Healer Role Quest Instance
i will be very annoyed if nobody makes porn of these two fucking
So what was Azem doing during the calamity of lighting? Losing and dying?
i'd accept your offer if i couldn't find 20 more bitches who look just like you by turning my head slightly to the left
He'll post again eventually
Shh, nobody has to know.
*hides bastorias blue*
Why is everyone saying BLM is dead?
It's also the caster too. Funny music.
he was sundered long before any calamity
Nobody here actually plays BLM, it's a difficult job. Most people don't play the game in general, though.
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my submersibles bring me many jiggleshines...
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The mod beasts are slowly waking from their slumber. The end is nigh vanilla brothers.
him and effy got a divorce and effy won custody of xivg
>do some random duty support run for fun
>pick tank
>dont pay attention to the setup, end up with Wuk Lamat as dps (big mistake)
>despite being dps, wuk lamat still has the warrior ability that draws enmity towards her
>she breaks off all of my huge pulls and I have to manually tomahawk the enemy she is fighting or the entire party stops midpull
She is an awful character both in terms of story and gameplay.
Please don't call me out like that
Im asking what were the reflections of Azem doing
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it been a week now.... when is XIV combo getting released?
sneaking up behind this catman to push him and make him lose his balance
If he was planning on killing the pink haired middie he should've ordered one of the robots to put a bullet in the back of her head as he gave the fake order to let her go instead of risking an attack, I'm fucking pissed
There was an anon who saved up multiple stacks of 99 of each type and sold them all for like 182 million gil.
>fanta to miera
>only recieved 2 tells from confirmed biofems after an entire hour
Did xivg just troll me?
XIVcombo expanded works and is better
use slothcombo, its been up for days
sex with this cat
Sounds pretty gay anon. Honestly, it's probably an inevitably.
Maybe there wasn't any. His soul fragments could have been chilling in the aetherial sea around then.
never happened to me
wtf are you doing
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i edited johto5 a little
probably did minor adjustments to the sliders, but i don't remember...
aieeee i'm going to fall and break my hip
i thought it was shit because it ruined the pacing and went back to the shitty beast tribe quest lines
2 was enough for me i couldnt handle doing fucking 6 more
It's Sunday so all the mentally ill biofems are busy rearranging their plushie collection in the hundreds. Give it a few days.
PoV: You do nyot like Wuk Lamat
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Its not. Its just pictotroons coping because they know Yoshi P will buff its golden child to be No.1 caster DPS.
How many were you getting before?
For a race of giants these guys arent really tall
I guess they are mexigan giants
Imagine being anything but a New Covenant Christian in Anno Domini 2024
in the soul cell warehouse in origenics
Please do not take my offer seriously, I beg you. My art is very bad and the only reason the person posted their commission is because that was the price I asked for. It gives me a laugh to see responses like yours, when it comes to my """""art""""".
dying or dead, you expect every azem reflection to be a hero or win every fight? do you want a elaborate history of every reincarnation of the wol or their shards?
Femhroths in cutesy outfits.
You either made an ugly one or a rava
Thank you very much. All mine have been broken and looking for a base that I can edit, so greatly appreicated.
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Today I learned that the LOD settings straight up delete part of the mountain in Urqopacha.
how did you confirm they're a biofem? Nobody is sending pussy pics to basic bunny boys
>i set up the game wrong and now it doesn't work right, this must be tranny lamat's fault :c
lol retard
is it worth transferring to dynamis for the new world bonus? im in primal rn and got no ties here except for a dead fc
Lamitt didn't get her male middle husband so she placed a curse on female lalakind to ensure none of them get one either.
>that one dungeon where Alisaie is a healer
>she still uses her LB1 all the time

am i the only one who got completely taken out by just putting in FFIX music
not even arrangements just fucking FFIX music
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Idk… I do love moons as much as my fellow sun friends though
Okay so right now it's bad then?
I dunno. I'm expecting a curve ball like Azem happened to be one of the people being manipulated by the Ascians and unwittingly doing their duty,
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Yoshi swapped to Pictomancer, dipshit.
He left BLM behind in the dust because balance troons kept whining.
You do what works for you, I'll stick with the way of my ancestors. Far as I'm concerned you and I are on the same team.
If you want to level fast, yes. Take the Marilithpill, there is a nice FC there as well.
if you're on primal i will just name a spot
oh nooo now i'm going to have to nurse him back to health, haha.....
Monkey's Paw finger curls: I'm a lalaboy
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Report to jenova for your hug
Its not possible, they're just too wide. They don't have the body shape for dresses and their shoulders are too broad for a blouse. The only good looking hroths are the ones who lean into the tomboy/street clothing.
This is malezen or malera cope
Yeah, for sure, I have been tanking for 6+ years and only now I have noticed that I lose aggro to trash mobs. Retards.
cause I don't want to EB
>Time Elapsed: 10m
>Role Waiting List Number: After #50
Dead game
Hop to golem best world just say "FUCK YOU TOURIST" when you see <traveler>
Nobody played IX so nobody knows yet but I'm sure that'll be the next thing the discord wow trannies scream and shit up these threads over in the coming hours.
hi, can you stop using the eb teleport when you're near me? thanks
Pictotroon is overtrooned right now because lazy design.
So, no. That doesnt mean Black Mage is bad.
It just means Pictroonmancer is overtuned.
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holy fucking cheats
you faggots play like this?
most shaders have been broken since the update
here are some fixes if you haven't tried them yet
why do i feel like you're enjoying this, bro?
would you really take care of a sick old man??
post location
When can we region DC travel? I want to visit NA.
my femroe is the asuka kazama of /xivg/
*EB teleports 5 feet and embraces EB*
What now, punk?
Okay but even if you nerf PCT, it wouldn't solve the fact that BLM is behind almost the entire melee brigade. I don't know why you're making this about PCT.
>6 years
>still this bad
Not everyone plays with Slothcombo. Some people just use normal XIVcombo which only combines "common sense" combos.
>Get bad FPS
>Lower settings
>Dont see any visible changes
>FPS still shit
>Lower more settings
>Game looks like ass but still the same exact FPS
I remember when graphic settings actually did something.
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this helmet is so good
yep, and then people get kicked from their statics because i outdps them ahahahahaahaha
upgrade or get left behind, luddite
because BLM players actually only play BLM because its #1 damage so the rise of an actually fun job doing better damage has them seething like nothing else
>Reduce button bloat
Yes, I just use regular combo expanded tho
My ex EB just used the ring teleport in front of me…
Could you write the same analysis for each other expac? Only thing I agree on, relative to other expacs, is the final trial. Because I thought they were worse and I think you just don't remember them.
>no mention of Zekowa
sis, your cliques??
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Wuk Lamat naked
Truly the best PCT in the thread /kneel
Picto is overtuned as fuck I'm hitting 30k plus in lvl 90 gear for every ability.
I'm so close to that fucking bike. It will be mine
I like Koana more than Lamat
Are you JP? I think JP can only go to OCE.
80% of that is logical stuff that should just be in the game
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Femhroths in 2B bottoms.
>I don't know why you're making this about PCT.
Because thats how the conversation progressed.
Ever have a conversation before?
I think people do maps and sell the loot for some quick cash if that helps
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which one?
not a total guess, C.I was replying earlier in that chain of posts, but it would perfectly fit with him trying to excuse the shortcomings of his usual crowd
hopefully not
i like ffix a lot but it felt very lazy to me

i think that's a normal opinion
Nice lips.
I swear it enlarges their ass 2x more than the other female races
where you at ill double your money
how much does it cost and where do you buy it?
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lmfao this is so fucking stupid does she ever stop yapping like this? WHO speaks like this?? I have never seen a more shut the fuck up character than lamutt
no but i do use noclippy
Wuk is a man
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I missed ktisis
whaat, no... why would i enjoy needing to take care of all of his needs... all of them.....
The one on the right and its not even close. You never realize how truly ugly elezen are until you see them standing right next to someone else.
this is thankerd
How the fuck do they think this game design is good, exactly?
>oh so many people are doing it, we did a good job with this!
is probably their honest thought and they don't actually play the game?
It didn't "progress" to that, you literally just made it into that on your first reply out of nowhere for no particular reason. The first post of the conversation was just asking about BLM. No mention of PCT whatsoever.
You are allowed to become a citizen of Alexandria

But sniffing pits is made illegal
I'm biased cause I don't like elves

But I think right looks way more unique

Left just looks like every malezen I ever see posted except his wig is black this time
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>is the only one of her kind to wear hot pink
My male shetona comes from a tribe that has mastered the art of taming femlalas
I exclusively play BLM and don't give a shit about numbers because it's the fun job
>human skintone
you're not a moonie
also hrothgals are better
They are fucking kids, and they brew alcohol to drink.
Did they write dialogue like this to pander to americans?
Otis was a shard of Azem.
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Short haired fiddie for today?
Chocolate Americans would be the lowest common denominator.
and you know you can pre-order the collector's edition too, right miguel?
Reminder that these "people" then go on official forums and reddits and complain how jobs are boring and not fun to play.
i HATE the ghost dungeon first boss
left if you fuck women
right if you gargle cocks
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idk but it's not working
gross. looks like a dyke.
It is literally a leader's job to yap
What's wrong with that, the bosses scale
You are probably doing it wrong because the right way to tame a femlala is to shoot her with high powered sniper rifle
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>fps dropped to 30s suddenly
>it was a hunt train teleporting to my area
Wuk probably bathed together with Koana when children.
right is a better design but midlanders are the most boring male race possible
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
No they don't what
I want to get better at resolving mechanics while doing my rotation (I just can't do both at once). What's the best way to practice solo without being dead weight for a party? The only thing I can think of is soloing Eureka Orthos.
didn't gulool ja come with us to the unlost world? where did he disappear to? i feel like i missed something.
cute c@
>if you nerf PCT it won't solve BLM though
Pretty cute
While the doomer aren't calling to downvote the expansion, you freaks are... Interesting.
The game isn't awful but it is absolutely not a 9 or a 10. Maybe a high 7.
thats right sis this is our game and we wont let the chuds ruin it
PF extremes
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>all these new facial bones
I'm thinking DT is saved...
ayyyy lmao
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Oh cool, it's back? Cute redra
Keep up the good work anon
i accept your concession.
Yeah, because on the topic of casters literally no one gives a shit about smn and rdm and the only reason people would ask if blm is dead is because pictotroon is doing broken amounts of damage.
I've just been selling materia mostly but I've got a couple of maps I can run

Is this a sex thing?

7.5 million in solution 9
>button bloat is fun!
i bet youre one of those faggots that think pressing 1-2-3 takes skill lmao
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>Athena is just Aizen from Bleach
>Solution 9 Is just Night City from Cyberpunk 2077
>Even the soulkiller is the same

So... Can we finally agree Ishikawa/Yoship is a HACK?
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come and try...
how do i gather collectibles? ;_;'
i go to the place but it keeps showing common items and the collect skill is greyed out...
Oh no.
This game can't even handle 100 people fighting a boss. Once hunt trains reach a certain size you can just stand in aoes and the game can't register that the enemy hit 100+ people at once before it dies, so you're just invulnerable to all attacks.
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Location: Dynamis, Maduin, Wolf's Den Pier
Status: Suffering
uuuuuh hey..
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it took a while to get the new bones positioned
>tongue bones...
i'm not even the first anon that replied but how does that remotely answer what they asked lmao
Seriously, though it sucks that it can't be dyed.
Prove it
>down to a 6.5
>Just don't remember them
No, I just played through them all again without skipping since last July until literally the week with alter before dt's release. I remember them. While the other expansions had you following and helping NPCs, nothing is comparable to Wuk and this story, barring me finding cheese.
95 MSQ, I mention it
he was zoraal ja's head of reason. when you went into the portal his aether started dissipating because of the barren waste that is the unlost world being uninhabitable for spirits
trans allegory
are you going to the nodes at the correct time
most of them are on timers
i heard a rumor that if you queue up for kuh-teesis hyperboring then all your posing plogons like kuh-teesisi and anamiaeisiss and char data ripper will come back
Also with so many people, the boss DOESN'T EVEN RENDER so you 200+ people don't even get a hit on it.
Favorite crafting level method for 90-100?
why does this cat look like it's made of plastic?
just practice when you do roulettes or queue trials/raids for a bit
I didn't know that. alright, that explains it though. thank you ...
i really dont care if fags cry about the game im not going to leave a review
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which vendor?
lmao that's fucking cheap
sure i'll torch 8m just to add another mount to my lodestone page that i'll never use
t. owns the 50m mounts
Crafting every single item
right looks fairly unique
left looks like every other melf that posts here sans that one grey scarred dude
Exactly why we need to push back against them
>literally too stupid to hit 1-2-3 4-5 in a row
>”button bloat”
Skill issue shitter
the level 91 collectables aren't timed, if you wanted to grind those and set alarms for all the other ones in the meantime (if you were trying to farm exp)
if you just want scrips, you're better off just waiting for all the timed nodes in succession
(or fishing)
I hope it goes to a 5
Can I use this to test another race?
>What's the best way to practice solo without being dead weight for a party?
Use trusts/duty support for the dungeons/trials.
For anything more, you'll just have to bite the bullet and occasionally be dead weight.
Went 100 on SCH, and holy shit, bridal dress on me for 20 seconds.
>Wolf's Den Pier
this is a femlala post but I'm coming anyway
>1-2-3 totally takes skill bro!
>i love not having enough room!
keep sucking yoshi's dick
Is there a fix for reshade trying to apply to dalamud windows when they're on 2nd monitor?
Shit keeps freezing the game while reloading 1k shaders every time you click on any plugin window
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Woah it Rooks like our numbers are dropping... Tell the secondlife devs that they can turn their mod beast mods back on... We need to milk this for another 4 years
I-M H-I-M, XIVG Eminem.
Scratchy froth tongue blowjobs.
I don't like hunt trains they feel so soulless to do
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They're not cheats they're "quality of life features".
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I think you're right, cute hat and top tight it is
server and eb status ma'am?
miguel said i shouldn't have bought the collector's edition since i didn't like the MSQ of yawntrail
and in response, i told miguel that i had pre-ordered it so my opinions on the MSQ were irrelevant

miguel dijo que no debería haber comprado la edición de coleccionista ya que no me gustaba el MSQ de yawntrail
y en respuesta le dije a miguel que lo había reservado por adelantado así que mis opiniones sobre el MSQ eran irrelevantes
how can u not have enough room if u have a regular keyboard
i can barely reach the 5 key with my hands and i have more than enough
it would rip the skin
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I suppose so, gpose only
Oh no..?
Moonies have the most punchable faces
>AST card holders change with weapons
>MCH hip box is the same with everything
huh??? shes not the only writer and she didn't write dawntrail what the fuck are you going on about?
Yes, I think it only accepts .chara files for import though
Go take a picture of what your WoL would look like with the It Takes Two hairstyle!
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threesome with sphene and mablu
She was built in a factory
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Normally I'm not a fan just due to how prominent its use is on female characters, but I have to agree it looks REALLY good on Fem Hroth... I really wish the slightly small heads, slightly too wide shoulders, gearsets looking too chunky, lack of hairs, no hats... wish all that didn't bother me so much.
>face 1 hroth with face 2 hair
>fits perfectly
why couldnt we have this exactly?????
What in the fuck is that.
wow the scions sure were divided this expansion huh
I thought Ishikawa didn't write the msq for DT
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is it bad that im so bored all I really wanna do is go for a pink parse on RPR for EX1 and 2
ZT post
>ASTs are sluts and swap out sleeves like nobody's business
>MCHs are loyal to their trusty box
Is Valigarmanda EX really hard for healers or something? It took us a whole hour to get fire phase down and we only got past add phase once
but anon it's made with love *: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*
I recently replayed them all since the middle of last year too. I thought DT was a lot better than ShB and EW. For HW and SB, it's a rougher comparison since those had some especially rough points but also especially high points. We have very different tastes I guess. I can't overlook how muddled EWs story is and how awful it was to play without unlocking flying until level 88 in numerous areas. For ShB, I can't overlook how there's virtually no actual story until post MSQ, how badly the euthanasia trope was done and how terrible the trolley part and build up to Mt Gulg was and how those were back to back.
For HW, damn it's so good with the politic parts, the Ascian tie in was a huge step up over ARRs, and anything related to Eistenien and Nidhogg, Ysayle, and especially Tiamat man the Tiamat part is so sad, but the area introductions were the absolute worst and dragged on and these older expacs were especially unfun to actually play sometimes with the general quest design, story presentation, and poorly animated cutscenes.
im another hebephile
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>People actually think this looks good
I can see why islam covers up women nearly 100%, still think mablu should have covered her mouth too as you can do many things with it.
Unironically this. You think you're being clever, but people who actually played the game can see the plain as day difference between a level 100 scholar bar and a level 100 pictomancer bar. They both are the same level and are supposed to perform at the same level so why does one have literally, not exaggerating, twice as many buttons as the other? Because SCH feels like shit to play and PCT doesn't. That's what quality of life is supposed to do you dumb jackass. God I'm so glad retards like you are wasting away on welfare and screeching your opinions into the void instead of working somewhere your idiocy could hurt the game.
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>Finally find the Golden City
>It's just a room full of glowing cubes with another door in it
>"Congratulations! You won! Now go home."
my fiddie rides Alpacas while drunk off of Mezcal in the new world, but it's fine because she has diplomatic immunity
>hard for healers
not at all
I remember one time in Shadowbringers I found an A rank with some friends and we started to kill it. Some autist started having a meltdown because "NOOOOOOOOOO LE HUNT TRAINNSSSS!!!!" and tried to keep resetting it and threatened to report us.
Funniest shit ever. We ended up killing it too.
what is the it takes two hairstyle
thanks anon....
I'm sure it would be fine as long as she is careful.
If a femezen looked at me like that...
Veena or Rava miera for biofem hunting?
Ishikawa didn't write it, numbnuts. YoshiP is a hack but thankfully his insistence on removing every bit of friction from the game is starting to see pushback, and I doubt he's the one primarily responsible for story shit.

It's whatever godawful fuckwits got put in charge of writing this time that are responsible for the story.
reason why I got this in my search info
Good morning thread. Time to finish leveling my last 2 crafters then focus on Viper to 100.
My veenaboy has literally never interacted with a femoid
veena unless you actually have a personality like Gabe
veena pale
black hair
purple eyes
max height
put a little red makeup around the eyes
My maliddladsterlander looks quite good with it ngl
>Malding over "muh heckin' discordarinos"
Well done. Show them it's a videogame
bwo there's dozens of hebes that come to xivg
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>People actually think this looks bad
I'm torn here. On one hand, I get more femhroth to myself, on the other hand, I'm worried they'll become endangered due to people with no taste
I just realized that Cornservant is a play on 'Dawnservant'

I feel so dumb. . .
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How the fuck do I play picto?
Does JP have hunt trains?
[4:36 p.m.] 》 Ktisis updated to v0.2.24.
[4:36 p.m.] 》 Cammy updated to v2.1.0.9.
[4:36 p.m.] 》 Athavar's ToolBox updated to v2.2.1.5.
hi gabe
i am
needing a fiddie plapwife
press your motifs a lot anon
Is it too late to learn vali extreme? All the learning parties are gone.....fug...
Do you want a Highlander to fertilize your eggs?
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shalom :)
Take HRT
to the femra that gave me 1 mil, you're great and your character is cute
As a femhroth, I get on average an instant 3 or 4 messages when I hit the QS and that's before I even walk in the door. You have nothing to worry about lmao.
Is there a site or something that compiles the limited headgear wearable on viera and hroths for easy reference?
make your own party you shy slut
what's that last one
Have your painting motifs up by the time their associated skills come off cooldown and do filler otherwise.

At least that's as far as I understand so far I'm sure that it gets more complicated later on but that's the basics.
>skipped the part where he says he'll tell you about it and let you decide what to do with it after the ceremony
be a tranny
I like to kill SB marks with sonar on and watch the huntfags show up and hover over me.
Look up a guide?
TLDR, motifs - > muses, don't cap out on hammer charges, starry is your 2 minute cd, use swiftcast on living muse as often as possible.
No not at all if you're ever on Aether just say something and I can help, prob not today tho due to other shit going on
Do not besmirch the fujo with this. It was her replacement, hiroi or whatever the fuck the hacks name is.
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She looks like she just got a really bad haircut but was too nervous to tell the hairdresser she didn't like it
It takes about 2-3 hours to get all shared fates in a zone done. That's not too bad.
My Hrothgal gives warm fuzzy hugs to smaller races
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So I tried viper. Is SE really promoting 1 button gaming???
RDM is the only caster for real men
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It's over!
hey.. want 2 mil? (;
yeah, i mean look at how many people cheat to use only 1 button
I haven't done any high end duties before. Anything I should know before I attempt the extremes?
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i foresee catboys in the future
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>queue for expert
>get in dungeon
>3 people immediately say some variation of greeting. hi, hey, hello, o/, so on
>i say nothing
>at the end of the dungeon say "white women are objectively the best at fucking dogs"
>have been doing this for 4 years
>not even a single warning on my account
fuck they're that popular?
I'm going to be single forever, fuck
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Sex with Blessed Siblings
you can check it all out here, anon
Nah you don't need to worry, the people who actually enjoy femhroth will never switch off like normal people cause they enjoy what they like not what other people like
you didn't do this
fuck yo bitch and the clique you claim
If you stick around long enough I'd commend you for that.
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wow gonna try this myself.
Wouldn't you only use swiftcast to guarantee Mog of Ages in burst windows and for movement? The recast cucks you still, might as well use downtime to paint unless you have things to weave.
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They should make lvl 1 vers of the vanguard armor.
"And then the hanu hanu taught me that friendship is magic and we can do anything when we work with each ot-" SHUT THE FUCK UP WUK

Considering the way he gets schizoed, I believe it whether it's him or posted that or not. I noticed many people here get schizoed because someone gets jealous that they ERPed with someone else.
no worries, gil is useless and you happened to be on the same server
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I don't know I think I became a boomer, I just wanna do my XIV combo, drink my beer, and watch my 401k/roth keep going up.
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The last time I felt this much contempt for a video game character was Syvanas and Nathanos.
This is a funny joke until you catch your sister actually doing it to the family dog and you have trauma the rest of your life.
i continue to do this
>Hope you don't mind if I obliterate your army

One dialog option and Otis saving this expac for me
Gabe doesn't ERP.
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I don't like it.
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whats the fastest way to level up botanist and mining?
anon this isn't healthy, just close the game if you're that angry at it
They would not want you to call them that.
What would happen?!
make sure gear is good enough, left side should be fully tome imo, look up the fight, then just go at it. Make sure you know when you yourself are messing up and when its other people's fault don't just blame it all on you for not clearing in lets say 3 - 4 PF's. Group content 1 player can't single handily carry
>shitskin retard wow player opinion
this explains so much. you have to go back.
Yeah that's true. I wouldn't want to eb one and then they swap off a month later. How popular do you think being a femhroth is outside of the fotm factor?
great for males and I like it on my middie, doesn't look too good on my femra
Wanna' lose 1mil? ;)
Shut up, loser.
Turn off your computer if you dont like reading my posts.
enhanced swiftcast trait moves it to 40seconds so you can use it on living muse
I would become elfnotized and devote my life to them...
Empathy is a superpower that's on par with mindcontrol. It's a common theme in modern stories these days. I wasn't aware this crap infected Japan yet so either Hiroi likes Steven Universe or someone else wrote this

Yeah. Dawnservant is a title held by a singular man who had the strength and wisdom to forge it. Giving it to Wuk doesn't really mean anything and I hope she has to deal with a civil war due to how stupid she is. She won't because she has empatyh. But I hope anyway.
the new studium
leves as a last resort
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wow, we have tongues now
Atleast Sylvanas redeemed herself at the end of Shadowlands. Hopefully the same happens for Wuk
NTA but you only need to make porn or ERP for that to happen, that's always recipe for disaster. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who gets schizoed unless they have done lewd content or are legitimately schizophrenic themselves.
>I noticed many people here get schizoed because someone gets jealous that they ERPed with someone else.
you dont even need to erp with someone for them to get jealous. just be in a picture with them. doesnt even have to be sexual. im serious.
Tuliyollal day theme be like

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This is my catboy tonguelocking with your lala btw.
It will probably be niche depending on server, lot of them are doing what I'm doing and switching off a little bit, but who knows only time can tell can just take a wild guess
I actually stopped early on in BFA but kept up with the story.
Dawntrail is WoW-tier writing.
I had fixed it by using some DLL that makes reshade ignore UI but it looks slightly weird whenever there's no UI on screen (like during cutscenes)
in the 7.5 trial Wuk will give a speech where she hypes up the Warrior of Light who then does a slow walk towards the boss while she and everyone else holds off weaker foes
oh, and how do you know? tell the story, don't be a pussy.
DT gpose porn is going to be so kino... can't wait to see what anons come up with
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not that i hate the song or anything but i hate that this is the day theme for the zone because its hard to listen to for long periods.
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I'll get to it when Penumbra and Brio get updated too.
Ktisis is already up.
I don't care about gil but did a solo map out of curiosity and got a bundle of timeless turali cloth, looked at what you make with it, didn't like any of it, so I sold it for 2.8mil gil. Moved pretty fast too. Clearly there's some money to be made right now.
Yeah no shite we're going to get an explanation later, numbnuts. It doesn't make it any less of a damp squid
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why does the song from this expansion sound like something from Balan Wonderland wtf
Moonies have the most kissable faces
I got my toast mount bros.
moogles man
I like reading your posts
which map?
>Considering the way he gets schizoed
im just not a fan of his posts or how he carries himself ingame, personally
if you construe that as being a schizo then i'm a schizo
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fuuuuck i need femhroth eb so bad
Is that before or after she awakens to the Echo and gets a crystal of light?
I didn't know this, but apparently if you are empathetic, that means you are hyper functionally autistic, normal people don't know how to put themselves in another person's shoes, they just say it because that's what the good guy says in movies
i would have if you asked nicely
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The solo level 100 one, I assume there's just one such map.
before, she comes in at the last 10% again
Why is there no scintillating metallic rainbow dye?
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>its puppet bunker
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I am dying inside and also outside
Sir Otis Velona...your hand in marriage please....
wash your coochie
It'd really be less pathetic if you just admitted you're retarded and owned being a cheater.
The level of writing so far is astoundingly base and lazy
again, is this a sex thing?
Quick someone start calling CC
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it's not the R word if I want it...
It's the third one in that series that's the worst. I swear it takes FOREVER to finish because half the alliance is dead at all times.
How do I get the map? I just checked some 100 nodes and it wasn't there.
Sorry, weird how? Does it look broken or change the shader effects?
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Woah hey there how's it going you're a handsome lad.
I am
a femra
who will play FF Origins instead of Dawntrail
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use luck of the pioneer on these nodes in texas
It's REALLY bad if you're the one that directs it toward other people he hangs out with. I see some jealous anon calling him greasy gabe, not directed at him but at anons who hang out with him and post him. Being so mad at someone you harass anyone mildly associated them
That would explain some people I know

They say all the right things and claim to be accepting, but are the most bitterly psychotic when talking about groups they haven't been pre-programmed to be sympathetic towards

>"X group of people only act out because they're disadvantaged or otherwise abused"
>"Well what about Y group of people?"
>"They're just evil."
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what is it with retarded fucking female hrothgar and running around in circles for 30 minutes straight? What fucking autism is this it's actually hurting my eyes as I sit here afk crafting
so you're the schizo in the situation, got it. What did they do to hurt you so bad?
the cuck chair is real bros
stay wary and don't sit down
it's on discount right now...
love them
wish they would walk in circles on top of me
need a handsome korean malezen oppa to FUCK MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH GET ME PREGNANT WITH LIKE TEN BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools at my monitor* woof woof bark bark
I don't give a fuck
i dont care about who he hangs out with, i scroll past his posts because i dont like him based on the interactions ive had with him ingame
first ugly femezen i've seen since the update. how did you manage to fuck her up so bad?
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I'm a kitty kitty kitty
I'm a cat
if you mess with me
you're going prog EX1 with me!
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Now maybe you or someone else can identify this lizard's name/lodestone?
If we are to treat the people in ultima thule as people shouldn't we treat the people of the unlost world as people as well?
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giwtwm i love goofy malera so much bros
thread feels kinda slow suddenly
Okay thanks.
Yeah, you know they were cooking with hrothgals for a long while but I still feel they could have been a tad better. Still 10/10 for me tho.
I did like a few times where it was clear the WoL was just having a bit of fun and hiding their power level while others made their threats. Its too bad Wuk dragged everything down cause it could've been a really fun story overall.
Tell me to not stop what I'm doing right now and go pose some Lyse getting hypnotized and vored by Ttokrrone. I'm so fucking close to just doing it.
my femra does that too
this is a trap
Imagine making a femezen and not making her blue
Its the opposite way anon. Autistic people have no empathy because they cannot understand the way other people think. Autistic people think they do, and it turns out to be what -they themselves- would do in that situation. This is why so many of them are genuinely confused when they make huge fuckups - they didn't fuck up, they were doing what they (and no one else) thought was right.
idk i dont care nigga listen to the big cat she's the dawnserveant!
I am
an unplapped femra
When's the EB?
Ace Le'fay @ Balmung
>tfw no catboy trap EB that progs EXs with me
>picto is just blm/rdm but fun
Nice cut
I don't want to plap you but I will /pet you
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*plap* *plap *plap* *plap*
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I'm hopeful that they give it some care and attention to improve the rough edges, and especially to boost hair options, but I feel like I'm huffing premium copium. Nevertheless I sincerely and truly hope you find the hrothgal wife of your dreams.
Those are normal autistic people who can't make any connections. I'm talking about the hyperfunctional autists that actually have jobs and lives, not NEETs in the basment.
Malezen aren't Koreancoded desu.
Thank you, now I know who to EB <3
If this expansion had at all the same bite that ARR to EW had, 7.1 would be about all of Tural immediately getting taken over by Lolorito and Rowena because they smelled blood in the water and Wuk Lamat can't even begin to understand half of the legal mumbo jumbo they throw at her.

Being empathetic is a quality that is sadly missing in a lot more people than it should, but I don't believe that it's completely missing from normal people. A lot of people can put themselves in someone else's shoes, issue is, comprehension doesn't ALWAYS generate empathy, and this is fucking one of those cases for me. I fucking hate Wuk Lamat, because I can perfectly put myself in her goddamn shoes. You have no idea how many of the traits she has are shit I used to have. I also went around once wondering aloud how things tasted, thinking every issue could be resolved with just a generic "let's sit down for dinner and talk it out" advice. I was a fucking idiot for thinking that. Life threw shit at me for thinking that, I had to mature the fuck up because that attitude created more problems than it actually solved, it was endearing to some but nobody took me seriously, and it actively annoyed others. So when Wuk Lamat just goes around doing that shit and it somehow works, I know I'm looking at a dumb fucking story, and a shallow and immature character. Because I was there too once, and that's not where the story of my life finished and society decided I had become the perfect diplomat.
What is the appeal of this race?
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Thanks you're too
fat fucking onahole
If you have to ask

You'll never know
Yeah, I don't really mind a story where my character is just the silent enforcer in the background while other characters move the plot but it's important that I LIKE the character that my character is supporting from behind the scenes

I thought maybe just one or two more scenes where it's made clear that WoL isn't doing the heavy lifting because it'd be like using a nuclear warhead to kill a guy would have been fun, also Wuk Lamat....please leave the final boss to us thanks you have no place interfering in a bossfight that isn't for babies
pedo race.
I feel crazy because I feel this so often talking to people
>Anon we should NEVER make fun of someone's appearance
>but if they're evil then we can
And tons of other things exactly like that
the entire final part of the story is a ripoff of fate grand order cosmos in the lostbelt
Yea we do have differences in what we like.
I'll speak as when I was a new player story wise (started playing when 5.3 was current) ARR hooked me with it's post content story into HW, I thought it was cool the betrayal / explanations. HW kept me playing because it was cool that a nation was playing both sides with the Ascians with the intent to betray them, the nation harbors you and I wanted to know what happened. HW post content was great cause it hooks you into the interesting war with garlemald and Ilberd does a great job doing that. HW I enjoyed MSQ wise through and through, but the flying island parts were boring.
Storm blood I had the hardest time stomaching, personally cause I didn't like the split campaign, I was more interested in ala mhigo events than going to doma. I didn't like it till we raided alamhigo, the fights were a blast though. The post content was cool as hell cause it refines the conflict of garlemald more and the GCs are actually doing stuff, also there's a lot of WTF magic moments leading into ShB.
ShB I enjoyed, it was constantly "the hell is going on" at every instance. I didn't know if the exarc could be trusted, I liked ranjeet, and enjoyed the light warden hunts, there was a good balance of hanging out with all scions. I disliked the trolly build up, but what happened afterwards was a cool fight. I thought glug's build up was good, and I enjoyed everything from basically SB post content literally until we hit the Moon in EW. love bozja (visually it looks like trash, gameplay wise it was great)
Too many doors were closed at once in EW. The garlean tension is gone, the gods, the ancients, the primals, dynamis. Everything after reaching the moon felt like a story disaster. The fetch quests didn't feel great. Elpis was cool but I disliked everything else.
DT feels like I'm being forced Wuk Wuk Wuk and more Wuk. I thought it would get better but it really really didn't. We need more time w/ other chars. Wuk is a DM character.
I'm starting this on hard what am I in for?
I got the money yesterday, and said "fuck it I'd rather have the money"

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