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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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>17 scadu level +1 fragment just outside what I assume is Miquella
jesus how the fuck did I miss so many?
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Yes I just spend the last 3 days doing nothing but helping people out beat hard bosses.
It feels good.
>"Heh, not bad for an ojiisan..."
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It's not like it's disgustingly broken desu, it's just good.
And anything can look broken if all you do is turn and burn the most clueless coopers.
>fromsoft: our game is le hard epic gamer challenge so we are going to make it a huge pain in the ass to beat the game by dodging and punishing without having an insanely high damage buffed up status shitting build
>also fromsoft: but we will continue to make shields trivialize the game and also we will add a sekiro tear that just breaks the design of every fight
From Slop games are overrated trash and always the same
>spam R1
>do 20 iframe dodge roll

Loved by casuals for its simplicity while telling you you are a big boy for liking a hard game
>wasting fp on a shit mob instead of stunlocking them with simple R1s
what compels a man to play like this?
>we will add a sekiro tear that just breaks the design of every fight
it's not like you automatically become a deflect/parry master soon as you drink this shit. you get punished hard as fuck if you miss one during a combo to the point where you could get your guard broken and are open to critical damage aka death
If I want to use bloodboon incants do I just hit the minimum for faith and pump arcane or the reverse?
What's the max skadoo level you can get from one playthrough? I think I beat Radahn at 17 or 18.
Deflect tear would have been pretty good if the deflect timing was actually hard to pull and not sooooo forgiving. Reforged mod did it much better.
meant for >>485108618
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i can hear the musici n the background from the og video lol
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>gradually starting to fall more and more in love with Marika
What the hell is going on with me?
Patches deserved his own ending.
min fai and then dump arc
>chasethebro here , here is another video where I just spam L2 the whole invasion

People can’t seriously find this or invasions fun
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This aged badly. But for good reasons.
most stupid shit i've seen on /erg/
that's not just skill issue, it's being retarded
why did he need his own boss fight
>people cry that ER DLC is too hard because they can't completely over level everything or over upgrade their weapons and they can't watch a YT video of BEST PLACE TO FARM RUNES because runes are now useless.

git gud
>blue cipher

Lol typical bluetroon being dogshit at the game
I'm reminded now of Quella, god of Dream/ the Spirit Tree Shield, and Nahr Alma, god of blood.
Good old 'Quella and his tree, looking out for all the sleepy people.
>not cinematically choosing which mobs to destroy with L2's to just R1 spam everything
ChaseTheBro here, I've modded my game today to fly in the air, make myself invulnerable and instantkill other players while I teleport around with permanent iframes and lagging. Please take a look at our sponsors and like and subscribe
Still a shitton of easy modes. Not sure why they nerfed the DLC when a looot of people were ignoring the entire DLC with Fingerprint shield.
If your ash of war does less than 300% damage / 30 poise or takes longer than an R2 to activate its fucking shit
full stop

this is the new baseline for usable AoW
they might differ in aoe and range and timings but that's what good AoWs all do now, 300%+ damage / 30+ poise that comes out fast
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>host summons on Romina
>Scadu level 0
He's Miquella now.
Elden Ring has the most broken builds out of any souls game ever retard

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He never stops attacking
I miss havels set bros
>Get summoned for Elden Beast
>Host expects me to just solo it
>Has a spazout when I bring the thing next to him
why is reddit like this
That's clearly intentional, a based no Scooba enjoyer.
You now reminded me of that cringe fanfiction lore written by ZoonieTheTroon for the Archthrones mod
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okay Snayle
they like beating up on casuals. they would all be huge bitches and smurfs in any fighting game beating up on baby ranks and probably disconnecting anytime they come close to a loss but they love to larp as skillful in souls games beating up casuals who either don't even like invasions or don't really know how to play pvp. ds3 pvp was fun but i knew to get out of that shit when i learned how optimal pvp looked like and how cringe it is for two good pvp players to "fight" eachother (i.e. stalemate do nothing and hope the other guy whiffs his straight sword first)
I can't believe there's no continuation if Patches' or Tanith's quests.
>"Shit, I'm hurt outside thisnrandom boss room, give these castanets to Tanith"
>"Oh, thanks. Om nom nom eat snake husband"
is that..... a big FLOWER? noooo
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If everyone is at RL150, doesn't that mean I should go to RL165 so I can still invade and shit on them? Or is there a better RL to be at for invasions in the DLC?
I need the full tale as well as the link for the fanfic.
If it's intentional than he should play solo. Extremely inflated boss's HP pool is simply not fun to deal with.
it's mind boggling how much content elden ring, and yet it still feels rushed
yeah, plus with all the pvers going to 200 you'll reach more of them headed that way
>t1 kumano t2 swiftspear rage isn't OP, you just need to git gud and dodgeroll it with iframes
>just keep that untapped turn 1 swamp up
Why are you watching that freak in the first place? This is
>If everyone is at RL150
Are you autistic? You know you have infinite FP regen in this dlc, right?
are they not? PC here btw.
>MGT invented flowers
How miyazaki will recover from this
166 will keep you in 150's range, I thought about doing it but I'm too autistic to breach 150
>max charging palmstrikes in pvp catching people off guard
I want to _hug_ human Ranni
You could have posted this without a picture, and I'd have no idea which boss you're talking about.
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Done and done. Deflecting Tear is the GOAT.
This makes ds2 seem more kino than elden ring, all those memorable areas
I played the Archthrones mod and it was brought to my attention that the fanfiction was written by xhey/xhem
If you use the tear or shackle on Mogh or beat him above SL 100 - you didnt beat Mogh and shouldnt be able to enter the DLC
what's the qrd on this
How powerful is Sellen in lore? Could she defeat Godrick on her own?
I dunno where the fuck I missed a Sacred Tear and I can't be arsed to go back to find it.
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The "Lol XD LetMeSoloHer" meme is the worst thing to happen to SoulsBourne in its long history.
What's the recommended order to tackle the DLC areas? Like what order should I do all the remembrance bosses to ensure I complete as many quests as possible?
Just download the 'dark souls: archthrones' mod for DS3 then 'enjoy' the unbalanced mod
Miquella learned holy magic so he could ride his brother he is so wholesome
if you fought radahn with +12 flasks then you didn't beat him
le epic rivers of blood man!!!!XD
I suspect that Martin didn't actually contribute much in the final game, outside of names. We have never actually seen a draft that he provided to From, and considering how copy pasting assets into some sort of product is From's M.O., it's probably unrecognizable to Martin's work.
His name was just for marketing value and nothing more.
Kill hornsent.
Have you not heard of Dark Souls: Archthrones mod? The fanfic lore in that was written by them and it's pre-DS3 shit with DS2 troon lore added in
The "you didn't beat the game" meme is as tiresome as the "Could this be a dog? Try fingers, but hole!" Messages.
It just makes me sigh internally now.
>tender Miquella's footprints
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no im an ER newbaby who got the game first 1 month before dlc launch
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>Mfw realized I've beaten DLC with +8 flask
I forgot how far they get.
Masculine urge to replay DS2.
>sword-lance blood infused has 120 base buildup
you didn't beat the dog try fingers edge left
>I thought about doing it but I'm too autistic to breach 150

and this is why i think most people are gonna just be 150. because of autism. like, either 150 or 200, even.
Has anyone made an Enoch Powell character, yet? I kind of figured that that would be one of the first things people would do.
>post a playthrough video of me defeating Malenia with my fists
>1/3rd of the comments are "should have just summoned LETMESOLOHER"

Video games were supposed to be my escape from the retarded masses
200 is the standard now
seethe and cope
What is it? I saw someone with a name like this yesterday.
>can only alter a handful of outfits
>pretty much only can remove the cape on most armor sets
>can't alter most headgear
>can't remove the goofy looking hair stuck to things like godfrey's headband or malenia's helmet
>can't alter pants or armwear at all
feels awful, why do they give us so few options
>blind spot
you didnt beat the host
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Glad to finally join the Ranni simp fan club
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I miss the old memes, even though they were pretty much just as overdone
>tender miquellas tenderspot
try beating the game then you wont feel that way
>He never stops attacking
Be bad
That would have required time and effort, and that would have taken away from From making one of the most intricate crafting systems ever developed.
Same. "Praise the Sun!" message spam was somehow less obnoxious.
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You forget how bad things used to be. People were still talking about le ebin father of giants well fater Dark Souls 3's release.
How do you make such nice wems? Mine turn out like shit in terms of video quality when I trim down the size
If I’m trying to use an unarmored ash of war in invasions is using endure on another weapon and swapping a viable way to avoid getting staggered/blendered out of it?
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I wanna go back... praise the sun one more time.
That's THE way anon.
Vaati here. I’ll level with you guys, I’ve got absolutely nothing after reading countless hours of item descriptions. I need your best takes on the lore of the dlc so I can finish my next video. I’ll take anything at this point. Thanks!
Any helpers? Pwease?
Why is she so traumatized after her fight with the two fingers? It must have gotten personal or something. She ripped off her clothes and everything.
Good to know! I’ve never used Endure on any previous builds so I was unfamiliar. Thanks for the clarification
I don't know man. Personally I just wandered around collecting shit. Only can say that don't go near shadow keep too qucikly if you want to complete NPC questlines.
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>Putrescent knight

The hitbox on this enemy feels unfinished/bugged. More then half of my Zweihander goes through the model and I deal 0 dmg.
The moveset/everything it does is fair enough, easy enough to adapt to. But this is me using a Zweihander, I cannot imagine how despair inducing this boss must be with a medium/small weapon.
She got raped by the fingers
“I don’t need magic to kick your ass, alien bitch” *tears off clothes*

“Bring it doll face” *flails fingers menacingly*
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I looted her dress in the chest before the teleporter in Renna's rise
I guess she didnt want to get it dirty.
it's like Holo all over again....
She is just out of shape so it took a lot of effort, she was trashing and moaning and crying while trying to slice them up. It's like super fat dude attempts to exercise first time in 30 years.
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i know this is a shitty request, but does anyone have a save file just before the final boss of the dlc? i ended up cheesing him and want to refight him
yep, source?
ER is the last event in the Souls timeline.
We find out that the world did collapse after the fire wasn't lit in DS3, and the GW saved it by crashing a meteor into it and bringing back light in the form of the ER.
If that's what just two fingers do to her, imagine with three...
miquella abandoned his body because his bussy was too stretched out from mohg and he wanted a tight spectral bussy instead
Want one of each flavor damage on my wizard, is there a better fire spell than Catch Flame?
based fuck those hostsissies
Jokes on you, I can’t even watch like 80% of webms posted
This is why I never cheese bosses, I regret it immediately after so I suffer for hours instead
if you're on PC just use cheat engine to revive bosses, you can keep fighting them as much as you want and it's easier
Sucks to be a watchlet
any lewds of romina?
Call me cringe but I played https://youtu.be/5GcPA3C0QeI against Bayle and it was absolute kino
after radahn i don't regret summoning for malenia. radahn was bad enough. i don't care about beating malenia anymore. instant death to random waterfowl is just total bullshit.
I want to do a DLC playthrough with a new character that utilizes stuff from the DLC but I honestly can't think of anything I like.
I was thinking about sword of darkness / destined death build or something.
I am autistic and all my builds have to be themed.
Give me ideas
>level 1 wretch
>heater shield
its time to sote
You're cringe.
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I wonder what this would have been for
the hitbox works, the boss is just designed to make full use of the advantage it has over you being on foot and it on horse.
Yes mommy, the (((hornsent))) will pay for tying to put you into a jar
Yharon death mode + this + properly scaled co-op + friends. Impossible to be cringe. Though Bayle's ost fits him much more desu, for obvious reasons but not bad, not bad.
I don't even know how to make webms
Honestly your best bet is to just link this game with Bloodborne and Demon Souls. The most interesting bits is how in your face Elden Ring was that it takes place in same world as Demon Souls and Bloodborne (fog, lands between, monumental statues, avatars, moonveil, winter lanterns , death blight lizards, slime, patches)
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what would ranni order from subway?
sure i could have came back after faram azula as level 150 instead of 90 but them im not really fighting the boss im just steamrolling them so whats the point. shit boss shit game
who up sendin they horn
Tool to summon flower magic, we got it in form of a shitty spell.
Make a Hornsent Inquisitor.

>Barbed Spear
>Sword of Damnation
>Spira and golden barb sorcery

Easy and cool.
We already know.
It was similar to the briar, where it was a item that let you use a spell at the cost of FP without a spell slot.
It was going to be what that shitty flower crucible incantation is.
She would first ask what the hell a subway even is
Yeah 138 the usual
Not a bad idea
What armor?
perfumer build now its balanced

lightning perfume
golden vow
lightning tear
lightning scorpion
claw talisman
ritual sword talisman
perfumer talisman
crusade talisman
rakasha helm boot glove
jump damage armor (either)
80 dex 80 fai
meatball sub and then get food poisoning
Either Morgott robes or Aescetic [Curseblade] robes.
/vvg/ - Velvet Veil general when?
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ok, i didnt know, i'll try this, thanks anon

thank you as well
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Its a shame so many of the incantations and spells aren't that great for pvp or pve.
A few of them are, obviously, but some are just let downs.

No one playtested the flower spell or the rot spell, clearly. Such a shame, they look so cool.
Cruicible Knight builds are suffering out here.
Hunter build with bear armor. Earn souls and mats by shooting animals and trading with merchants. Tread lightly, live a peaceful life.
>Sword of Darkness
>looks like a fucking stretched out turd
Give me back my Dark Sword.
Red bear build. Red bear beast claws, red bear armor. STR/Faith, use Bestial incantations only and the Bear roar incantation. That's what I'm doing right now.
There's also the Curseblade mask to look Hornsent. Might be easier to just be a Curseblade but that's less interesting.
rare nice cosplayer feet
167 can still connect with 150 and goes up to 200
It's probably the best range to invade at high levels now, and you can make a ton of powerful builds there

This is what you're invading most of the time, just so you have a view of invasions from the gankers' side. In case you were ever wondering how they're feeling on their end of things.
Why would you say it aged poorly? That's still where it existed before it was veiled. I'm still of the opinion the divine towers are what are keeping it in the shadow realm.
Is it just me, or is there still a bunch of spells that From clearly had in mind to give us?
Those necromancer death spells, and that frog tongue crucible incantation being a few.
the transparent band thingy on the shoes ruins it for me
INT/Fai status?
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The fucking NIHIL heal tax and heal to 70% was kinda bullshit, but I got him.
He gave me 6 levels too, guess they are going into vigor

Should I go to the DLC or am I too low?
I'm feeling even better about destroying that filth now.
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>more art with believable body structures
I hate how most art directions are going the route of exaggerated features.
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I'm trying to do an 80 int mage against Radahn. Throughout the dlc I was using spirit ashes since I mostly played a frail mage but Radahn I wanted to try to do it without a spirit summon.

Any suggestions on what spells to bring? So far I've been using comet, Flintstone nails, and glintstone blade trio but that it since everything else is too slow or not enough damage? Heard night comet is good when I duel weild the staves but don't know what else might be good?
Also suggestions on how to handle the 2nd phase since he gains way more aggression and it's kinda difficult to dodge all his attacks when he does his consort lightshow.
>40 vig
respec or grind out 20 levels anon
the divine towers are rauh architecture aren't they? they certainly weren't constructed by the golden order.
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>didn't shackle him for two huge openings
>didn't explore Altus enough to find the special physick ingredient to counter the tax
Good luck anon. You're an honest fella.

Still undertuned. Putrescent spells good though.
they sound like a bunch of literal monkeys.
There's exaggerated features and then there's grotesque features. Know the difference.
Every Souls game DLC is full of enemies using spells the player cannot
You need 60 vigor unless you are a pure caster, 50 if you are a hybrid.
Yeah I have no idea why we didnt get those necromancer spells. They are literally already in the game, they use it against us.
Hidetaka Miyazaki here. I’ll level with you guys. After Shadow of the Erdtree, I am fresh out of ideas for my next game. Give me your biggest pros and cons from Shadow of the Erdtree, and what I should focus on next. Domo!
>Good luck anon. You're an honest fella.
I was told I am a dogged fellow
I will go to 50 for now and see how it goes
I started DLC with 40 vig but dragoncrest gs and ritual shield. You will level up in the DLC very fast, so just go in
the hornsent dindu nuffin wrong
The lack of Death Glintstone spells offended me deeply. Specially the kickass ones that riochet and would be insanely sdtrong in invasions.
Tired mom Marika... Hair still golden blonde, but duller than it was during her youth. Her eyes still carry a subtle faded glow. Her Empyrean body has aged better than any mortal's, but the signs are there. The crinkles at the edges of her eyes. The slight sag in her breasts. She takes care of herself, but no routine can keep her nipples from turning chewed and brown after so many births. She finds the time to shave her armpits still but no longer bothers with her crotch. There's a bit of flabbiness to her upper arms that all the years of swinging a hammer hasn't been able to hold back. A small pouch of fat before her tummy. Her hips are still wide and her ass is still divine, but it's not as tight and bouncy as it once was. There's an additional thickness to her thighs.

She gets tired more easily. Sleepiness creeps up on her in the evenings instead of late at night. Lots of paperwork needs delegating to subordinates instead of being handled personally, thanks to her weary eyes. Enjoys slower, longer sessions in bed than the furious rutting of her youth. Wants to have her hair stroked after. In a mortified whisper, she asks to be called a good girl. Sighs and relaxes and flows into your arms like honey. Nuzzles her face against the nape of your neck.

In the darkness of the bedroom, with her eyes closed and her divine instruments stowed, one could almost believe her human.
i thought it was kinda hard at 60 vig. 40 will be tough. definitely pump vig and maybe give the dlc a try. you will get a lot of runes from the basic enemies before the bosses so you might find it good enough.
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>mfw having to sift through all the pedophile shit and balloon tits to find a decent hentai these days
look who's mad
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This is the single coolest helmet in the entire series
>using host's mirror and a black mix of this helmet, hornsent chest and night cavalry to completely blend with environments during invasions

open world
bosses with infinte stamina and few openings
you could do gravity casting with sword lance aow
rot halberd+antspur
storm builds with the hornsent stuff
full dex sword of night+claws(the shield is trash)
death knight axes+halberd+the lightning spell
carian dueling shield+carian sorcery sword
mesmmer spea+all the messmer fire stuff

take your pick
im just glad we got something with the putrescent spells at this point, int/fth infusion never ever
if you're gonna add trap characters make them show some skin. i can't fap to a single shot of miquellas face
alright so I know she "sleeps" but she can't actually eat right?
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>porn addict crying about quality

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So fucking many Liurnia and Limpgrave gankers/grace goblins
It's so fucking it's unreal
You have it in reverse, it's:
complex map
I have 200 hours in the game
I just realized I could store spells, ashes of wars, weapons and armors to make my inventory less convoluted
Ask me anything
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>thou needst not bring me nourishment
>I relinquished such habits along with my flesh
>however, thy offer hath brought me some nostalgia
>I remember fondly the taste of teriyaki
>ach, forget what thou'st heard. forget
>thou hast fetch'd me plenty already in thy service

>oh, before you leave
>do care to not bring back their cookies, lest Blaidd find them
>tis poison to his wolven constitution
pros: world structure, some quests/NPCs (Ymir, Ansbach), some OSTs (Midra, gank, Metyr), some smaller dungeons like darklight catacombs
cons: bosses like Radahn that keep teleporting and spamming, too simple legacy dungeons (except the keep), lore and story, quality of item descriptions and most quests
>Ask me anything
Who are you voting for in November, and why?
What's it feel like to live a well adjusted life where you experience games without looking everything up first?
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I love her bros
Rip frozen lightning dead and forgotten
>"Marika's lord..."
>literally not
>can't say otherwise
you rike?
>that disgusting mutt accent
My thoughts exactly
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i seriously hate this personality type.
>crying about porn addicts in a porn addict series
no point in 80 intelligence when you go 72 intelligence and still cast every pure int spell in the game, those 8 extra points can go to endurance or mind or strength
or just level to 80 for max damage???
remember trying to make a frozen lightning build once
i ended up just being an asshole with a dragon halberd who would occasionally cast frozen lightning
I'm not American so I'm voting for Biden of course.
Its nice
you'll do more damage with more mana or stamina or by using the royal greatsword because you have some strength
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Dear bros.
The Brass Shield with Carian Retaliation is AMAZING. Enemies that were just facetanking my blows as if they had superarmor are being easily blocked and parried opening themselves to a katana to the gut.
I will try the Fingerprint shield next but I’m loving this as if I have been playing Elden Ring wrong for a long time.
Pros: New weapon types, cool talismans, hidden paths are fun, npc's felt more present
Cons: empty areas, reused enemies, rushed story, phase 2 Radahn
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>geez... lay off the sandwiches ranni
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>I hate how most art directions are going the route of exaggerated features.
Are you new to art or somethin?
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Is there a way to disable the horse resurrect popup? I'm fighting some dragon and I get killed by popups in the middle of a fight.
>Everyone is a porn-addicted tranny like me

Reminder ER could have had Western game-style sex scenes with Fia but instead they tastefully just have her hug you.
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I use both handbrake and webm for lazys. Compress with handbrake first, then use webm for lazys. Keep duration under 10 seconds to maintain quality. As you creep to the 4chan length limit of 2 minutes staying under 4mb will get really fucking crunchy. Best you can do for longer ones I've found is getting giga autistic with handbrake compression which can take 10+ minutes of rendering time only for the output quality to be unacceptable. Or if it's acceptable and took 30 minutes to encode webm for lazys refuses it because it's h265 10bit. Aim as close to 4mb or below with what you get from handbrake before you send it through webm for lazys because shit will get crunched the fuck up if it's way too big.
Hello Mitsubishi-san.
Visually stunning landscapes
They have nothing in them
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for me, it's this one's me
rolling was always for edgy rats.
Join the SHIELD CHAD COMMUNITY, get some strength.
Personally I like the icon shield because of the 3 HP regen. It really nukes the DLC
Pretty sure he meant something more in the line of grotesquely huge tits on Marika rather than just slightly exaggerated body proportions.
Pros: Dragon waifu
Cons: No dragonlord ending
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Is this kind of build worth it or do I have to go full 80/80 for Thorns?
she's so me
I kind of want to do a fire knight build but the armor is ugly
Gravity build might be cool, I already have one that hasn't done the DLC yet. I wish the Ancient Meteor sword was fucking STR/INT like all the other meteor stuff.

Again, you forget how Jap games are simultaneously prude and degenerate
while the areas have this serpentine nature to them that makes them feel like giant dundeons in the way they connect around, they're also largely empty and there's not much to do in any of them aside from "progress" which feels worse than they did in the base game. While I know you can't add shit to every area (and shit like caves and catacombs in the base game didn't feel great), I wish there was more to do and find in the over world.
The boss's level of aggression is getting ridiculous and the flourishing and dancing they all do is making it really hard to even understand what they're doing. It's getting really annoying, specially cause the camera is not working great on any of them either
The lore is shit honestly, but I have never really cared about this stuff anyway.
Combat as a whole is starting to feel very dated, not in a good way. A lot of other games in the genre are starting to overtake souls with better combat even if they fall short on some other aspects.

The Sekiro tear is the best addition to this game honestly. The fact that it made guard coutners good too is a nice cherry on top.
Seriously I can't stress how good Sekiro Tear is.
Have I mentioned the Sekiro tear yet?
Thanks fren
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>Excellent art direction, arguably some of FROM's best.
>Minor dungeons like catacombs, caves (gaols) and forges are more engaging to go through than base game's due to scarcity and each having its own gimmick.
>Some really great bosses in Messmer, Midra and Consort Radahn.
>Shadow Keep and Enir-Ilim are pretty good legacy dungeons.
>Open-world is much better than the base game's, pretty much forces you to explore.
>A few instances of the game encouraging use of its secondary mechanics, like stealth against the Frenzy enemies in Abyssal Woods.
>Deflecting is a game-changer.

>Some asinine bosses like Dancing Lion and Rellana.
>New item disparity, some builds are better than others. Many seemingly shoe-in items and spells not added.
>Belurat, Ensis, and Midra's Manse are all lackluster.
>Some areas like Cerulean Coast and Abyssal Woods are far too empty.
>Too many NPC bad ends.
>Convoluted narrative, even for a Souls game.
>No covenants added.
>Deflecting not a core mechanic.

Overall I give it a 7/10, not bad but not FROM's best. I want to see a smaller, more focused title with revamped combat mechanics and a little less neglecting of pvp/invading.
no, you won't
>consort radahn is ha-
what's your excuse now, nooblings?
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>no ricochet sorcery
>no frog tongue incantation
you don't need more than 53 arcane and 28 faith to cast all arcane incantations.
28 faith, 53 arcane gives your dragon communion seal 322 spell power which is the exact same as the erdtree seal gets at 72 faith while also allowing you to cast every faith spell in the game.
They intentionally made it like this to make arcane casters viable.
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this spell goes through doors apparently
>scrounging youtube for lore explanations on the dlc
>all anyone talks about is le metyr and le greater will was never real

Lore is cooked innit?
Messmer spit tastes like cinnamon?
freyja's greatsword fits and you can go 45/55 str/int to cast all gravity spells from the meteor staff
Kino. We will never get back THE DEMON WAS DESTROYED.
Impenetrable Thorns is a sorcery. You need a staff.
porn is just better than real women if you aren't a 9/10 or better chad. if you're one of those then congrats i guess but that's still 10% of men, leaving 90% to suffer otherwise.
>search for sloppa from sloppatubers
>find sloppa
>2 million buffs

majoras mask drip
Yeah I am loving it
Yeah. The nice thing about FromSoft lore was that it was always vague but pretty much never self-contradictory. I think this DLC is the first time the lore flat-out contradicts itself instead of simply being Zanzibart-tier vagueslop
more skill than pressing B
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The Outlaw with spinach, banana peppers, extra onions and chipotle sauce.
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Asked earlier today but no1 knew
Whos is this big guy and how did he get so big?
Where is it contradicting?
The explosion can hit through walls too saw another red die that way
zanzibart, he is a giant because he imbibed the nectar of the giant lord
Probably whoever was mentioned on the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword description. Just some extremely ancient race of very large people that is gone or extinct now.
Hes The Fell God anon
[spoiler/]bcuz he fell down there lmao
Its a leftover from earlier in the game's development. There were going to be huge-ass heads like that all over Limgrave, too.
where does it contradict itself friend. not knowing about it =/= contradiction.
yeah with 28 faith and 53 arcane you'll have 275 spell buff for your +25 albinauric staff which is not bad, its as good as the gelmir staff except you get to scale harder with bleed.
i simply assume the big skellies are signs of ayyyy lmao landings in regions
I think if you mashed all the legacy dungeons together from the DLC and maingame into a single area you'd have one of the greatest RPG's of all time.
If you want to do an open world AREA, it should be optional. Like vast farmlands and rolling hills outside the mega-city.
Perhaps there are secrets there, things to go search for, fun little puzzles or side activities, but nothing mandatory. Things to go de-stress if you've hit a roadblock.

I can't even find the right image for what I'm thinking of because AI-slop is all that shows up on google.
Long long ago, before the fire giants, there were really big giants. Nothing else is known about them.
The games and Miyazaki definitely likes subversion but in no way are they pornographic. That's fully the fanbase and comers in general.
>go up against hard boss
>make backup save just before fighting it
>switch from cosplay shit to OP shit to beat it
>finally beat it after enough tries
>make backup save of post-fight
>reload old save and fight it again with the worse cosplay crap and beat it "for real this time"

anyone do this or am i just autistic?
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Fuck off
That's the Greater Will, he's just chilling honestly
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>No centaur incantation
>We get the shitass pillars of light instead
def wonder if well see a seemless sote integration
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>because AI-slop is all that shows up on google
I hate this timeline
How many times do I have to kill the Scadutree Avatar?
But then it wouldn't make sense for all these places to be right on top of each other in a single blob unless you do the
>uhhh the lands converge
shit again
carian shield + thrusting sword. use the shield strike as a guard point and spells as your pseud AOW.
3 health bars
>can't show nips
Tasteful lewd, you'd be fine.
>All of Elden Ring is actually happening in a tiny space the size of an average Midwestern American suburban house
that's why you do what demon's souls did, have 4-6 interconnected areas that you warp to via a hub.
I literally have a photoshop file of all the legacy dungeons plus the dlc dungeons pieced together. It’s definitely bug enough to be one of the greatest games ever. I’m even cool with some open world elements / areas around the mega dungeon, but man would it be so perfect to get a massive dungeon crawl.
>shoves his femboy/foot fetish into every story
well they were probably the biggest and most obvious lore dump. actually kinda weird how straightforward the item descriptions for that one was.
>porn is better if x
>leaving 90% to suffer otherwise

So which is it anon? Is porn heccin great or is it suffering?
>Caelid is where my wife's tampon accidentally fell off from the trash bag
I do too anon.
AI art makes me sick. I get nauseous looking at it. Its funny, I see gore, no problem.
I see AI art, I get sick. Like that feeling of sea sickness. I've actually thrown up before because of it.

If someone knows why this happens to me it'd be greatly appreciated it because its pretty cucked behavior for a grown ass man.
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funny numbers
Fuck you dragon.
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holy SHIT I finally beat Bayle. Had to upgrade this bad boy for the piercing damage. Golden Halberd: Bayle Slayer
one possibility is that they're spontaneous cadavers born from the fell god, similar to the cadavers from godwyn.
It has lots of utility that's for sure. I love the fact you can detonate it early by aiming it towards the ground.
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What did the author attempt to convey through this scene?
good job cutie
I love that fucking weapon I went through the whole DLC using it
the straightforward nature of the metyr stuff is counterbalanced by the several dozen other things that it calls into question. basically everything is an ayylmao now.
>new char, arc this time
>grab the beast claws
>occult infuse em
>lords of blood exultation
>not varre mask, because im not a faggot
>delete everyone both in PvE and PvP
What the fuck were they thinking with this weapon, please tell me its gonna get nerfed

Also, wouldn't it be even more disgusting to just run it on a str-build for the dualwield bonus, low level, with bloodflame weapon and multihit talismans?
If I want to optimize my build should I focus on spell casting or focus on the melee weapons?
Lets say I have an intelligence build, should I focus on meeting the spell requirements or the weapon requirements? I can't meet both because otherwise I have to go to level 200
It's Godwin, The firstest dead.
>rl 245
>get summoned for godrick somehow
>takes like 15 seconds
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>I love the fact you can detonate it early by aiming it towards the ground.
I did that accidentally because I panicked but yeah, that's really useful knowledge. I like using mist maiden mist then grav missile to suck them into it

also how do I get my silly bubble to do more damage? this shit only does 800-900
He's a Griffit/berserktard
Ok you have me there but I'd argue that foot-panning shots are tasteful compared to full-on hentai

He's also a self-admitted masochist so I will concede that as well but I still stand by the games being tasteful and not pornographic
Hourah Loux, the Goldmask, realized that he was having sex with a man and a woman when he bedded Marika. He is going to drop his disguise and take the ER under your nose after finding out the truth.
This was the original plot at least.
you sound like you should just focus on spells and stand in the back throwing pebbles at stuff
Shitter Dictionary Fourth Edition:

AoE Spam: I do not wish for the boss to have an effective counter to my summons ganking him and I have not located my jump or roll button as most can be avoided as such.

Unavoidable: I personally am not able to avoid an attack through lack of ability and/or knowledge

Built around summons: I personally do not have the skill required to fight the boss solo even though they are more predictable when solo

Never stops attacking: I lack the insight to identify openings in the bosses patterns and wish to be able to run away and heal while the boss simply watches or paces around

Input read: I wish to sip on my sunny D in reach of the boss whilst they are not in recovery and be unpunished for it

Unfair: I find this boss to be challenging me and requiring me to improve and I am opposed to this

Bad design: I personally do not like the boss but will frame this as an inherent flaw of the game
got any webms with the beast claws? haven't tried those yet
used it until holy damage sucked in based game
whipped it out for the dlc
what about bosses like radahn who don't let you cast a spell? everyone here used moonlight greatsword and moonveil against those fast enemies
How do you get the "Dear" instead of "Fair" consort eternal line?
>also how do I get my silly bubble to do more damage? this shit only does 800-900
I dunno, I haven't gotten around to experimenting with it yet.
I'm doing a pyro build with the new fire knight weapons, messmer spear, and the DLC fire spells along with the base game ones. And the two new fire ashes of war. Very fun and well-rounded.
Giant dad was organic, at least. The let me solo her guy astro turfed the fuck out of his video to get himself popular. On top of that he's utter dogshit at the game.
Sorry, she only says that line to me because she loves me the most
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I had to respec my character to beat Radahn with the stupid jumping bullshit. Did I beat the game?
>the poison blooms twice
>oh, finally something to make use of poison
>slap it on my occult snake fangs fist weapon
>can miss from close range, even when locked on
>literally worse that just R1ing a few times with dual snake fangs, even with alexander shard and poison boost talisman
>removes poison on hit
am I missing something, or does it just suck?
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Assassin fashion
>and wish to be able to run away and heal while the boss simply watches or paces around
this but unironically, Malenia was a bro for doing so
>being tasteful and not pornographic

By that you just mean there's no big boobs and nudity, not that there's an absence of fetishism or degeneracy.

Very typical American zoomer.
Be a male tarnished.
Go talk to her after her quest to check on her.
i was hoping we'd learn something about the geology of the lands between in the dlc. why these giants were buried and then unearthed at some point on this tiny island, why liurnia is sinking, how the underground regions came to be, why the divine towers are covered in rocks, and why the lands between, but not so much the shadow lands, are covered in rock spires, and why there's the gravitational anomaly and raised part of the ocean in the middle. you would think whatever weird shit is going on with the land itself would have at least been passed down in legend but no one in the lands between even talks about it.
I still see random youtubers and streemer reference giantdad and the wall sometimes
>full screen AoE
>multiple projectiles
>attacks with lasers/projectiles
Soooo, we can all agree that elden ring is just practice for the eventual fromsoft bullet hell game, right? because elden ring is absolutely a bullet hell game
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you can squeeze an R1 and the thiollier needle L2 during a sleep for big damages
I miss when the world was full of NPCs. Everyone is dead. The Roundtable is on fire. No matter where I go in the world the sky is full of ash and smoke.
>Dark Souls
>The world can't be fixed, it's stuck on a death loop until the wheel breaks
>The metaphysical issues are so bad time and space are collapsing
>Elden Ring
>The world can be fixed, we even have a good idea of what it looks like
>The metaphysical issues are mostly solved as we play through the game
Yet the end is the same. An empty world. A handful of randoms squatting in Stormveil with no impact on anything. A senile old man and his adoptive daughter burning to death. I really hope the next Fromsoft game isn't just more grimderp shit. "And then he goes le crazy and dies!" was impactful the first ten times, not the next one hundred times.
>tasteful tasteful tasteful
>It's tasteful.. because I SAY it is, OK??

Ok sure meanwhile they shove in gay pedoshit and corpse rape.
are you the invisible assassin in the fcs
For one thing, you would need to actually find people to actually talk to, and ones that don't just want to kill you. The second thing is to find people who actually gives a shit about the Lands Between in the first place to actually care.
I mean, it's one of the cheapest ways to do it without just summoning, but you probably made it harder on yourself anyways since you didn't use dragoncrest greatshield and marika's braid.
only 300 bonus damage for target being asleep?
seems weak famalam
>thops doesnt even die for a plot reason he just overworks himself
miyazaki sama i fVcking kneel Vgh.... sVch poignant writing.....
As soon as they fix Ansbach's spell I'm going full dex/arc blood bullshit with all his gear.
Imagine thinking input read is not real
I don't progress past killing fire giant once I'm done with a save.
You only lose out on the last few bell bearings. You can easily just NG+ and buy whgat you need from the previous cycle.
Miyazaki has not made his perfect game. He said Elden Ring is pretty close but still not it. You'll take your eternal sorrow and like it, faggot.
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b-but it looks cool... and it does a big purple splosion... and it's in character for a St Trina simp like me.......
You know, he is just following the tradition of mage apprentices dying. That DS3 mage guy is just dead in that capital's library too for no reason too.
>>Input read: I wish to sip on my sunny D in reach of the boss whilst they are not in recovery and be unpunished for it
>run away from the boss to heal myself
>he zooms through entire room in one nanosecond to punish me
It was fine with foreskin apostles, they did not have to match me against Professor Zoom.
DLC left with me with little or no interest in replaying it. I think the inquisitor stuff is very nice visually and probably strong in pve, but I also realized there are really two (types of) builds:
> high posture damage
> low posture damage
the second one is pain compared to the first one, and everything in these categories plays too similarly. imho even ranged vs no ranged and status vs no status matter less
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There are a few new composers in the base game of Elden Ring that wrote some really banger songs.
But there's also a few legacy composers that continue to double down on raw orchastra-slop. Its getting out of hand. Not every boss needs to be 30 violins breaking strings.
Godskin theme was an actual incredible song, worthy of praise. Same with the litchdragon theme and Godwyn.
Most of the others? What the fuck.
albinauric is worse than maternal
Whats the lore now on the super golem by rain of arrows aow? Is he tied to them birds somehow? Really disappointed we never got another version of this. Great tool for measuring damage potential.
hmm, I will use cheat engine to give myself the curseblade mask, 99 of all consumables, bloodflame, and beast claws, and then run around ganking people epicly at low levels!
Stick around while I post tons of webms of me killing clueless low level coopers!
based trina frogman
i kinda wanna do a trina build now
Yeah, I just listened to the boss themes and some open world music and themes like Rellana or Avatar (IIRC) actually annoyed me for this reason
>everyone who kills me is cheating
he's back
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She's so perfect bros
It really peaked in the DLC. There is not a single NPC alive right now, everyone is dead. Even Grandma just lifelessly groans anymore.
I hope from adds a bizarro Gideon who just sits at the firelink hold and spergs about every other spell and talisman you find, going on long tangents about his theories that are all blatantly wrong but said with a deep passion.
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never has there been a more disappointing weapon then this.
Elden ring has the worst music of the series unfortunately
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I'm trying to be as honest as a sleep build can be
I have 18 arc soley for a shitty bubble spell that does 800 damage
>nooooooo you cheated, you never could have beaten me if you didn't spawn in those fletched bloodbone arrows
This is the problem with lorefags. They see shit like this and the Uld statues think it needs to have a name and a place of origin and an explanation for every little thing when all it really boils down to is traces of civilizations and beings so ancient that they've been almost entirely forgotten save for their ruined remains. It builds on the concept of the rise and fall of ages and Orders being cyclical. It doesn't need a fucking name.
Wait, why the fuck do you get the off-hand ash of war when you still have the straightsword out???
maternal is int/arc, so unless you're also leveling a ton of int it's absolutely not. There's zero point in using int on that build, and maternal staff only starts to beat out albinauric at like 60int or something.
>t. low iq
No you fucking retards, NTA thats living rent free in your heads, I don't even PvP
I'm just saying that IF I were to PvP, that is what I'd do
>backstab into forced alt + f4 true combo
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the needle prioritises it's ash, similar to how the grafted dragon from Godrick will take priority over your right hand weapon
at first I tried to soft swap to needle after sleeping them and it was very difficult to land
Do Ansbach and Thiollier die even if you don't summon them for Radahn?
They're meant to die fighting Radahn. So they just appear dead in the arena after.
oh wtf, I did not know that was a thing
ty anon, that actually makes that weapon usable
My only favorites are Morgott's theme and Malenia's theme, something just clicks inside me when I hear them. I also like ambience in the game, especially in SOTE.
Yes, no one can make it out alive at the end of this DLC. No connections to the base game can survive.
Tp the people who complain about the open world being empty, what would you add?
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>people were somehow surprised Miquella is a bad guy
Its extra pathetic because iirc durng an interview they said they explicitly set out NOT to make DaS4 but something more hopeful. I think at this point Miyazaki is literally incapable of not making grimdarkslop
Kind of. If you don't continue their questlines they just disappear, so they're probably alive somewhere...
Nowhere we know about, of course, but somewhere.
Sun maybe was not swallowed but Miquella surely did.
Stone Puzzle Sword
what're the best gank killers from the DLC?
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Its because they keep getting praised so the legacy composers keep doubling down on the raw orchestra-slop.




You get what I mean?
They need to tone it down with the raw sperging of noise and start going back to actual rhythms. Like what the fuck is going on here man.
claws of night
blind spot
midra sword
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St. Trina makes my peepee feel funny.
This 5v1 fight is, uhh, interesting
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>thinking about getting into pvp
>realize it'll just be deleting newfriends from existence, spawning into a ganksquad with password summons, or going to the arena and stare at a stutterstepping duelshield off-stoc-whatever thirdworlder who treats PvP as his 2nd job
>go back to theorycrafting roleplaying builds for PvE
I should've bought ER on the playstation instead...
I think I'll just spend my time looking for a cheap house like I should be doing, I've finally saved up enough to stop being a rentoid
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God this feels so good to do every time their overleveled babysitters die
Just keep jizzing madness at them as they get raped by pve
I fucking hate Dragon theme, it's so over the top and overused it's not even funny.
>I should've bought ER on the playstation instead...
you think any of that is different on playstation? lmao
You can reduce their numbers by deciding the outcome of their quests.
Or even get allies to join you.
If you raw dog the npc fight it's going to be a pain. Pretty sure they spawn in on timers an not health.
i love you man, have a good evening
Based wdc
SUMMON retard, its peak cinema, its meant to be a showdown between the friends you made along the way, and the schizopussy you couldn't dick down in time
Its just noise and it gets horrible after the 20th time. If they're going to repeat the theme that much it needs to be a fucking banger.
>Putrescene Cleaver is a Strength/Arcane weapon with zero Faith or Int scaling
Why? Isn't it a death weapon?
Meant to type sekiro
For me it was 3 vs 5.
I like Metyr but I agree about the others and the general trend
>go blind
>cuck myself out of the quest rewards I wanted most
do they need to be summoned to get their stuff at the end of the fight? i really don't want to summon two shitass npcs and get bodied.
>gets hit once
how often can you do that in 3v1s without getting hit once and dying
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I can't stop fighting Messmer
I think I might be autistic
I did my first playthrough on my ARC bleed guy and missed Ansbach scythe and spell, feels bad
man this weapon does no damage
Summon once for the dialogue then just fight him normally after.
>Why? Isn't it a death weapon?
I disagree on the Scadutree avatar, I like it's theme (though thag might just be because like the visual of a flower DOES fit like the ochestra thing) but like yeah, it's just so samey! I live Messmer but his theme I think is also good example, he should have something super unique and epitomizing him buy instead it's just not
Feel like going for a full frenzy/chaos style build unsure how it will do in PvE, being limited to fire damage. I'll probably use the Greatsword of Damnation so that's holy too.
Are the hands/torch/perfume any good? Torch is busted in PvP I see.
the sunflower theme isn't that bad, granted it's nothing crazy good, but it really isn't grating on the ears either
i summoned them a bunch before i killed radahn without summoning them and their corpses were still there
Mommy did nothing wrong
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Anon i have black flame protection on this character
I can actually survive fine given that it's a level 7
Can always level up to 20 and get decent vig, but hey, i managed to cap off rune arcs prior to DLC, invading with super low vig ain't that bad at this point
Anything I should do before burning the sealing tree?
This is why invaders rightly keep getting shafted. Can't wait for Miyazaki to grow a brain and let PvErs opt completely out of shitvP
What is the go to for bleed fag builds? Is it still RoB? Did the DLC add something new?
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>messmer every time the white robed dipshit walks through the fog gate
>Was so dependent on Radagon's daddy dick that she literally went insane when he left
>So in love with Messmer she took an entire Carian military expedition to join him in a sealed pocket dimension
>Kills Godwyn and the Fingers and who knows who else during the Night of Black Knives, massive tsundere
Uses the corpses of other sorcerers for BALLing, seems to enjoy killing Jerren if you coop for her, mad scientist
Why are Liurnian girls such freaks. You just know sex with them is different from banging a chick from Altus or Limgrave. Is it the climate? Glintstone in the water supply? Why are all Liurnian girls in the game canonically "I can fix her" basketcases?
>anons are getting filtered by this guy and complain about no back and forth
How? The guy who uses it is literally a undead skeleton that was previously the GEQ's knight before they retconned shit. The spell he give he gives you is even Int/Fth and summons ghostflame
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I have a terrible secret.
>I find boss fights to be irritating and dungeon crawling to be the most fun part of the game
I said it.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my 3v1 advantage isn't enough help me miyasaki-san
a sorcery with a faith requirement
you rike?
It's being one handed, which I think is the furthest thing away from how the weapon is meant to be played
Even DS1 is still active. I will never stop raping hosts. You can cope and sneed about it.
Sometimes I purposefully lose to a boss I were about to beat just because I want to keep fighting them and aren't ready for it to be over yet
Do you ever do that?
cheating to gain a hollow victory - sad
You may have inadvertently lucked out. I hear a bunch of stuff in the DLC is bugged, that scythe being one of them. Something about some scaling not being applied I think.
Is there a trick to Gauis' perfect rollcatch combo and/or 2 week lingering hitbox charge?
The NPC quest lines if you haven't already.
phew, good to know
Just finished up the DLC after getting all the achievements. Gotta say this game is probably my least favorite in From's list and its probably the first game where I have done everything and genuinely not wanted to go back for more. Bosses and enemies are absurdly annoying, with the DLC cranking it up a notch. In between the massive input delay, the input queue and the roll on release I don't think they could have made a more clunky system if they tried.
content instead of nothing but reused bosses, or if you’re going to reuse the bosses, at least throw them at the end of a cave instead of just copy pasting them at various points in the open world

there should have been 12 paintings to find in the dlc instead of a whooping 2 and a bunch of small caves instead of what ...1 cave?
Imagine being the worst weapon in a game with 852 different weapons
>Intentionally sandbagging a loss to an enemy so they can instant loss ryonafuck you
Type B canonical behavior. Nothing unusual
Which way, western man?
(femboy or realdoll)
Kill yourself
Hornsent absolutely seething rn
His awesome bloodspell is bugged. Doesn't apply bleed and doesn't damage correctly.
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>accidentally upgrade Red Bear's Claws to +10
Did I fuck up? They seem trash.
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Your only valid complaint is the FUCKING ROLL ON RELEASE, HOLY FUCK FROMSOFT, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
>Dryleaf Arts
What's the best build for this weapon?
Yes, you can either strip to light rolls to be able to pass through it unlike medium rolls
or you can turbo tank up like a retard with moore set, black flame protection, golden vow, dragon greatshield talisman, moore shield, opaline crystal, rune arc and HP talismans
... so? You don't have to use them if yoy don't like them
It's just a bunch of skeletons imbued by St. Trina's vaginal juices imbued together. There are different aspects related to death in this game. Like why the fuck skeletons are effected by sacred but revenants are not? At the same time revenants get damaged by healing while it does not effect against skeletons. It's the same way, just reainmated corpse affected by a different school of magic.
Sorry, I play Type A, all my deaths are truly nonconsentual and result from me messing up in combat instead of "oooh noooo I dropped my sword, I have to bend over now" bullshit that your types do. I've seen enough of you while travelling around the Lands Between. Always off in the bushes doing Marika knows hwat
Renalla is still alive, but brain dead.
Sellen is still "alive" if you side with her.
Jerren is still alive if you side with him.
Jar Bain is still alive, but will MiA when you finish his questline.
Rya is still alive, but can be MiA if you choose not to give her the potion.
Tanith is still alive if you don't want that incantation, but really hungry.
Patches is still alive if you don't kill him in either of the two boss fights.
Nepheli, Haight, and Gostoc are alive.
Kale is still alive because his quest got cut.
Miriel is still alive because he has no questline at all.
Boc can stay alive if you don't give him a larva tear, but will go MiA.
Corhyn will stay alive, but will go MiA after you give him the forgetfulness potion.
I think ER actually has more NPCs surviving more than any other From game.
what if I'm an eastern man?
I agree with you though. Some bosses can be fun, but the dungeon crawling is what I enjoy the most. Hopefully the next game gives dungeons and their level design a bit more love. I want more traps and hazards, especially ones that aren't super obvious and easy to avoid.
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>plan on playing an evil run
>meet her
>mission failed
>lol just grind the fight for days and memorize the hitboxes perfectly
he means he wasted an ancient somber stone which are limited
nice exploit
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>search google for Elden Ring art
>scroll down
>see some legit art
>start seeing AI art
>start seeing more and more AI art that is obviously not from Elden Ring
>soon its 90% AI art

Holy fuck bros
>you have to fight me! I spent 37 hours crunching numbers to be the most perfect killing machine, how dare you not validate my autism!
No one said this.
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Tempted to go full dragon form+dragon incantations+lightning fists. Would Ranni love a dragon schizo?
you farm those pots organically?
I have the same kind of secret anon. ER's base bosses are fine but SOTE feels like a chore, I don't spend much time on them but I cannot remember anything about them either, like they all blur into the same fight with no distinguishable identity.
Suicide, now
I mean like Yeah but they're not THAT limited, I've never had to really worry about them
Dint use Google images, Google images purposefully shoves ai art in. Use tumblr, Twitter, maybe deviantart, gelbooru/danbooru, stuff like that
Everything related to the Petruscent is super undercooked. Their spells don't even have sigils. It's really clear the rewrite happened super close to release and they didn't have time to smooth out the changes.
>everyone who pvps is a tryhard meta slave AND a cheater
you have an endless bag of excuses don't you
Nobody is complaining about messmer, almost everyone agrees he's a top tier boss.
Is Baidd more popular with women or with gays?
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Aren't those private servers by now?
>let PvErs opt completely out of shitvP
They already did that in DaS1 but you bitched about that, too.
>dodge the meteor combo in p2 by running back and then strafing to the left/right, then dodge the real slam like my hecking streamers
>sometimes the afterimages hit me anyways and sometimes they are out of range
I dont fucking understand this attack
gays for sure
Then don't complain, faggot.
Probably some status application thing, it doesn't do that much straight damage even with all the buffs
Maybe you're suppose to use the dancers talisman or something
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>godwyn's knights are so loyal they went beyond death
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Are there Mind breakpoints for Int?
that is true however atleast on PC
Input delay is really inconsistent. Sometimes the game is smooth as butter and others....As for the input queuing its such a dogshit mechanic. It totally needs to be scrapped.
Traps are most fun when they are obvious and the challenge lies in navigating around them.
I just don't understand why sleep got put on arrows/bolts could you imagine how insufferable it would be if madness got that shit? Worse than the torch
sometimes it gives 6 fp instead of 5
Lmao I don't need to cope. I'm solo and each game invaders keep losing ground,. Watching you mald is my butter fried bacon.
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Their absence in the base game is strange, since they are followers of Fia's death cult. Still, it does kind of give some insight on Godwyn himself, since these guys are definitely not of the GO knightly type.
not in my experience

i see people trying out tons of different builds

but also, can you blame people for sticking with a build that they know works against 3v1 ganksquads?
Every game has an input buffer, it being scrapped completely would be absolutely abhorrent
The one in souls games is just way too long to artificially create a feeling of "deliberateness"
I think its a close competition. I have seen 3 or so girls simping for him and its pretty rare to see girls simp for Elden ring males
>we interrupt gaius mid-rape and that's why that albinauric has his pants
Got to be the weirdest subtext of any boss
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it would be fine if people just couldn't cheat since the materials limited but what can ya do...

having said that, are there any CEchads around that can drop me 999 materials? I promise to only use it against the sweatiest of ganks
What if I kill the boss and resurrect him with CE?
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>Giantsflame Pots
Ride around the pillar near Ancient Snow Valley Ruins, 3 per cycle, cycle is like 10 seconds
>madness/roped madness pots
Stack all drop rate boosters and kill 6-7 hollows in the first room of midra's manse with Oil of Rannah, they drop a ton of runes and silver horn tenders too
>I'm solo
Yet your assmadness flares around the thread. I will keep living rent free in your head and i will keep invading shitters because all these games will be active for years to come. Cry me a river about it.
I think From forgot that levels are supposed to be as challenging and memorable as the bosses.
People still talk about getting through Blight town to this day.
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Can someone post that pic of the tranny meltdown over that Mother of Fingers mage guy? I cant find it
The entire Volcano Manor storyline felt rushed as hell. Which sucks because it's my favorite one
i never was able to consistently dodge any of his flying ghost attacks. the best way i found to dodge the meteor one was just roll spam to the side but it seemed like the timing of of the first roll was pretty tight to be able to dodge all the strikes. the ghosts do almost no damage though so it was working for me. the other ghost attack that he can do raw makes no sense to me and at the end when the screen is covered by the yellow aoe and you can't see what hes doing he starts up into a random swing that almost always hits you. such cancer. never playing this game again.
0 attention span retards who complain about emptiness are the same dumb fucking niggers who don't understand concepts like establishing shots and how to block a scene properly and dont understand why people like blade runner
I'm not sure why Elden Ring in particular feels so different
is the backstep talisman worth it? the damage penalty seems steep
Why base game trina instead of the new trina sword which is longer?
Let me guess, your favorite game is Bloodborne.
People talk about blight town because it ran at 15 FPS
At that soul payout the phantom was level 68. Overleveled by not grossly so. Just out of range of someone level 40 +4 who explored a lot of Limgrave+Weeping Peninsula before going to Stormveil, maybe dipped down to Siofra too.
You know that's not the whole reason anon.
dsr still has ppl playing but for ptde you need ppl who are willing to connect
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it does less sleep build up than the vanilla sword which I prioritise so I can shank people with Thiollier's needle
maybe if eternal sleep was different than regular sleep in pvp, i'd use it
I dunno. Is it even a trap if you can spot it from a mile away and its piss easy to avoid?
Killing Bayle gives you enough souls to buy 457 Knot Resin
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Anon watch the webm carefully
One of them dropped 1k after dying to birds on background, another dropped 7k
I literally had no "honest" hosts in stormveil tonight for an hour, so i feel zero remorse doing this to people
gj Ironmask Igeal we got those mfs
Practically every trap in Sen's Fortress is easy to spot from a mile away and everyone loved that place.
good tip, put that on the fextra
I dunno. I genuinely hate rolling, getting hit by a bosses combo and being knocked down, only to roll again when I didn't press the button and being smacked in the face once more, or going in for three hits instead of two, realizing I fucked up and attempting to cancel the third hit by rolling while the second one is still priming or mid animation, and it just being outright ignored.
I ended the game on this most recent run playing "how it was meant to" via jumping over enemies attacks, breaking their poise and parrying, and while it was fun for some bosses like the crucible knights, Radagon, Midra, ect, most were genuinely just a fucking slog.
I think they should have either toned down the bosses or given the player more tools to deal with them, like a sekiro parry (Hardtear) as a base mechanic. As is currently the game is far more frustrating than fun, even when you play very meta.
You're mistaking admonishment for anger.
1/ it's more fun
2/ it breaks some "roll catching" attack patterns because you can do it faster
3/ gives you a more consistent way to position yourself within punish distance
1/ you fucking die when you get grabbed
Fair enough. Fuck it just give me Sen's 2 and I'll be happy.
They should have just had runes to power up your scadu level, instead of it being a easter egg hunt.
The amount of runes you get is insane, especially since you won't use it on anything because the DLC drops a ton of upgrade material.
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70% of all the youtube and social media content made by the community is PvP. Its free advertising. Without it the game won't sell as well. PvP is here to stay.

You have a million coop slop games to go play. Go play those.
That is really pathetic
he just like me frfr
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I know an assmad motherfucker when i see one. You keep replying as if trying to find validation for your own asspain. But you won't find it here, there's just a dude enjoying invasions, and you're his prey.
You always could do it. Just don't summon/play offline. :)
gratz to whoever just became a lord
>>everyone who pvps is a tryhard meta slave
I'm really sick of hearing about him all the time. Like I'm supposed to be grateful or he's a celebrity or something. Seriously dude, fuck off. You had your 15 minutes of fame.
That's a hilarious combo. It really should 1 shot man, all that work for baby damage.
Bubble bros we are suffering.
Actually they might be the most prestigious GO knightly type
>An incantation that was taught only to the most accomplished knights, and now a lost art in the Lands Between.
>Crackles with lightning, the power of the capital's ancient dragon cult. The knight, once the personal guard of Godwyn, was also the protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate.
>These medallions, of the largest variety, were conferred to Godwyn’s inner circle of distinguished golden knights.
>Golden armor of the Death Knights, adorned with an antiquated depiction of the Erdtree. Enhances skills and incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. These knights, once Godwyn's personal guard, quested to find their transfigured master's cadaver surrogate—for the coming age of the Duskborn.
Cannon of Haima probably would've killed 5 times over
It's rather strange.
We got a bunch of datamined shit, but nothing really substantial like the base game's dropped Miquella dream quest or Kale's bird journal entry journey.
The DLC just seems so half baked I was expecting a ton of last minute cuts in the files, but we really don't have much.

shut the fuck up nigger
Been playing since DeS. Don't need permission from any rednigger.
It's rather strange.
This game is dogshit. You're all retarded faggots. And yet you won't shut the fuck up and let all this die.
Are the scarseals, (+3 to attrubute) still good or worth it? mainly asking for the DLC boss fights,
If you've been playing that long and don't understand what I'm saying then you're a midwit and barely sentient to begin with.
My loyal blade (Malenia). And Champion of the festival (us)
Both your deeds will ever be praised in song.
Now, the vow will be honored and my Lord's brother's soul will return.
So that he may be my consort.
If you're at the point where you can enter the DLC you shouldn't have a vig amount that makes any of those talismans worth it
oops the mask slipped, you are that guy
Consort this!
*cums in ur bussy*
If there was a lot of stuff like that cut last minute then you fags would all just switch to saying it was rushed.
I was mostly talking about them not fitting the holy knight type, since they are pure dragon cult followers. That and they wear a really old Erdtree symbol from Godfrey's early reign, use barbarian weapons, and are not wearing plate armor or use shields.
who the FUCK is Godefrey
Even Nanaya's decaying corpse has her toes out man fuck this fetish
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I wish I had recorded this
>Invade at Liurnia, almost sever out but see a red's health going down so I rush to help him
>Yellowcel with nu-Fagdahn armor spamming the new L2 and the faggot host with the thunder perfume aiming it at the floor desperately
>Kill the Fagdahn in 2 hits
>Host runs behind the crab shack and starts using the finger severer
>He dies in one hit, base vigor at RL 200
But anon, it was rushed.
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>It's rather strange.
>This game is dogshit. You're all retarded faggots. And yet you won't shut the fuck up and let all this die.
>won't sell well
>each instance PvP is more pared down
I don't believe you. Anyway, this series is super mainstream now, expect to be even more abandoned in the future. 50 million casul sales are better than 3 million hardcore players ones.
So uh, where are the CE tables? I'm not farming for shit anymore, fuck this
The second half of the Grafted Duo boss fight alongside Godrick for Barbarians of the Badlands DLC.
Reused Godrick asset.
A faggot
Clai Pan is a bitch. Pass it on.
DC more after your backhand bitchery doesn't auto-win fights you FUCK
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>she has been seething for 15 years
That's why it doesn't matter anyway people will just say shit.
Godfrey's gay cousin
Stop laughing. It isn't funny.
Is the range/hitbox on Lifesteal Fist fixed or is it attached to the weapon hitbox? Like would the hooked claws connect from a further distance than a fist weapon, for instance
>you can't enjoy a game while not caring for some aspects
Talking to yourself bud?
The porn of this better be awesome
perfumes are a weapon class and we got string and grease bellbearings, what would you even farm that is a problem
Hi Crunchy
If Fromsoft wants the invasions to actually be engaging they can't just let people invade with any broken gear they find, that just starts a nuclear arms race between summons and reds
Invasions should let you possess one of the enemies in the area
>Been playing since DeS.
Post your DS1 playtime.
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What's up with the giant dead guy in Nokstella?
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Why am I still invading this place? I disabled the summoning pool thing
i look like this
Why are redsissies such insecure crybabies lol
Does anyone else think?
We got a cinematic being shown to use two months from release, with Mike Zaki saying that it was a really important story plot point in a interveiw.
We can't find anything of it in the game files, so something really got fucked up at the last minute.
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what were they thinking?
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>I disabled the summoning pool thing
I don't think
This game is kind of like dark souls when you really think about it
People wanted prime radahn since day 1 so we got it.
when did I complain?
Why is he in a chair that can't touch the ground?
Why are his feet exposed?
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I love invading in back archives with a gravity sorcerer so much
But he is a weaker version of him.
A Radahn who never finished his gravity magic training, and got huge from his great rune or maxing out his Mind stat or something.
People wanted Prime Radahn, not Radahn the prime faggot.
Always the doll
Yandex seems to have a fair share of art without AI slop.
Redpill me on Blades of Stone.
how the fuck am i supposed to beat radahn with colossal great swords, everything is so slow
>make good post that deserved (You)s
>doesn't get them
They're blades and they're made of stone.
spam giant hunt
It's 2024, only bad posts get (you)s
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can you dupe this thing in the coffin?
not going to fight this shitter again
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I’m gonna KINDLY gobble that Miquellan knob, I tell you what
nope, only 1 per NG
ARCbros got shafted
How viable are gravity spells for pve?
here you go anon
Any lore reasons why the lamentor mask and hornsent bairn erupt in blackflame when activated? Possible Gloam Eyed Queen™ reference?
>Ranniplebs canonically BTFO

Zaki my man
yo fuck this gay shit on god
dude that's gay
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Rellana is a fucking nightmare if you're using a weapon with bad charged R2s/ash and no hyperarmor. First playthrough with a piercing fang claymore was much easier. At least now I've got her swords for the rest of the playthrough, there's no way from would make the only other int/fth weapon in the whole game just as bad as nerfed sonaf right?
How did people figure out which enemy is weak to what element/weapon type? Was it really just dying a lot to them and trial and error? There has to be something in game that gives you hints right?
So I started a new game. Is occult spiked spear good? I want to use moghs spear but that's going to take a while.
This general is worse than sote and er
Nice wide hips. They would look great being thrusted into by a big smelly bloodfiend
Their is a table that shows their resistance in the game files from what I remember. It's how people find out that Sacred is actually effective against most of the bosses in the DLC.
yes it's good
Don't make me put on the prelate's greaves anon, I'll fucking show you wide
>captcha: WANK0
>there's no way from would make the only other int/fth weapon in the whole game just as bad as nerfed sonaf right?
whose gonna tell him
Your type b has nice legs
Trash. I tried using gravity spells on all the stone birds in the dlc but it was easier to one shot them with night comet
Rellana is easily my favorite boss because she's easy to understand
i think the back of his chair has the same symbol you see on the turrets of the towers of the wall surrounding enir ilim and under the flame things in ordina and sellia, and that is similar to what you see on some of the railings in leyndell. now we also have the petrified corpses in belurat to try to compare to the the petrified people in the nox cities. thats literally all we know about these guys. some symbol that appears a bunch of places for unknown reasons and unexplained petrified people.
the dung eater has the same sun face as solar, think about that
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Praise it, brother.
>if these get buffed and you want to make a bayle build you have to go through him twice

Any chance the game can bug out and hand you a heart when you beat him as a phantom?
Someone post the image showing godfrey had red hair in his youth. Can’t believe no one’s talked about that yet.
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I can't believe this old slag would bollix me dear old mum like this.
>put all my greases and stones in chest cause all my weapons are infused so I can't buff them
>the game put all my shit back once I rest at a grace
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I use perfume in the colosseum even though they're absolutely fucking dogshit.
If Clai Pan is in this thread he's a fucking nigger, DC some more swiftslash spamming FAGGOT
you should stay at RL 80
Just a call back with a subversion. Now the guy with the sun motif is actually an ass eating serial killer instead of your bro.
>coopshitters mad as fuck
based clai pan
You should use some perfume in real life too
>I found clai pan in thread
Chink internet swiftslash won't save you
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>Get summoned at Enir-Ilim for the Leda and co. fight
>Host dies while in Leda's world
>Game sends me back to the host's world, says there's a connection error, then sends me back to mine
My god this game's code is held together by shoestrings, hopes and dreams huh.
>Summoned to the Darklight Catacombs
>Right at the fucking start
>Host immediately fatrolls
>Summons another dude too
>We get immediately invaded
>Dude basically kills himself
>Continue on
>Other dude dies to the mages lol
>Another guy invades
>He is trying to put me or the host to sleep with sleep crossbow shots and St. Trina sword
>When he starts losing the 2v1, goes further in and parks in front of the giant canon imp
>I decide to just rush in and lower the imp's platform, dude keeps chasing me trying to get me to sleep
>When the host joins me, he runs back to the imp canon
>I once again decide to rush the giant imp canon and the dude follows me
>As I am wailing on the imp, he just gets caught in my GS swings and dies
what was his plan here exactly
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>Clai Pan appears
That’s good though. All of my builds are attempting to stick to a theme and aesthetic regardless of meta viability. The shitters who just throw on bullgoats or Moore’s armor swapping through a bunch of S tier weapons and items have zero identity to their play style, and in a game where there’s zero incentive to PvP victories other than satisfaction, why not be unique?
I don't think consort Radahn is fun at all......
>wine mom Marika
Do I want her cauae I know I could get her?
But he is my bro.
He let me rape his body with horn balls to make a mending rune that is perfect for a shithole like the Lands Between.
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After going through the dlc I still think Limgrave is the best region in the game. There's so much shit to do and it has the perfect carefree adventure vibe. Scadu Altus does come close though.
Rock sling is still goated for dragons. Blades of stone should theoretically do more poise damage but bosses are either too mobile or you have to hit their head like sunflower.
I have some fascinating news for you: dying in this fight will result in lost runes with no ability to recover them. Just gone, forever.
>s-stop using a spell that's good against my gank
coopfaggots have no right to complain about invaders using anything
if running away from people and hiding behind trolls at gatefront burnt calories you'd be able to see your feet
>clai pan still responding
He comes in and spams swiftslash, dies then DCs because he's a little bitch. At that point stop invading
this but unironically
Cut this shit faggots
Marika's tits, you must be 'orny.
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>backhand blades is a spell
I hate Clai Pan so much it's unreal
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>Clai Pan
My hero
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Fucking finally
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Who the fuck is Clai Pan?
art of wars and spells are synonymous as far as i'm concerned
Is it dead online already?
No fucking summons no fucking invasions
Have I leveled to high?
to give you a fun and memorable experience by engaging with the level in invasions

i'd use the big boi imp too
You have a multi password on?
>Keep level brackets
>But remove weapon upgrade brackets, all weapon upgrades normalized to host's level for invaders and summons alike
Why the fuck do they not do this, why the fuck would you ever want to double segregate a limited online playerbase
what level are you?
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How do I make a gravity mage that is decent in PvP situations?
i imagine that would fuck some peoples builds since scaling changes from 9-10 for a lot of weapons
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>check the sky for the turtle
>not there
>go to the other one
>isn't there
what the fuck??
standing in place and pressing parry when the boss moves is not fun
standing in place and pressing block when the boss moves is not fun
standing in place and spamming powerstanced jumping attacks with bleed or frost is not fun
if the "right" way to play the game doesn't actually involve interacting with the bosses moveset then maybe the game just sucks
You know a lot of people are saying this.
you're game looka like poopy
sellen-chan.... i thought you leveled int....
Dump 80 and spam gravity missile against walls they’re behind

45/55 with meteor staff for gravity weapons too
Radahn's speed of light slam should've been a simple ash of war or a spell
Clai Pan is the problem, and ganking is the solution
Equip gravity spells and spam them.
I’m parked at 168 on my current character and I either get invasions immediately or no more than 20 to 30 seconds tops
>Important: Do NOT fast travel or rest at a site of grace while looking for the turtles or the turtles you have not destroyed will despawn until you examine the statue again.
nah bro
1 fiddy
Clai Pan? My nigga
Swordbro? Not my nigga
>he thinks invaders would ever receive a quality of life feature

dang you kind of just suck if that's your idea of playing the game lol

ledges are your friend. off-hand gravity staff is your friend for pure spellcasting. knockdowns with gravity missile into cheeky combos are your friend. gravity missile not free-aimed at the floor is basically an area denial tool that lets you freely cast / do whatever inside of it for as long as it lasts. you absolutely want / need an L2 or weapon with decent hyper armor because people will rush you down even if you aren't casting the spells that bring them directly to you.
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Mfw I'm trying to fight club at gatefront with my friend and the bugman clai pan invades me with swiftslash and he DCs when we kill him every time
>golden hippo
How did this make it into the game?
What's the minimum level requirement for the dlc? Basically whatever level you were at when you beat mohg? I feel like the scaling is as such that it doesn't matter if you go into the dlc at like 60 or 160, everything one shots you until you get the fragments
I'm more flabberghasted that he just died to GS swings basically on his own cause I wasn't even aiming for him
just block him you stupid retards??????
Whatever level doesn't get you invaded by clai pan
Basically irrelevant desu, just get all the skibidi fragments ASAP
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what's the best build/weapons to play like a hyper-aggressive-high on cocke-batshit insane schizo who even kill innocent animals?
no defense no parry no break stance no pause no roll, just pure demented flesh tearing non stop
Its right after Mogh, the Scadus are just vital because you will die to anything at 0 scadus. I think you can get like blessing 6 before fighting ANY bosses and that should be enough to carry you.
>everyone who hates the boss is just worse than me
and there it is
Mmmm miquella the fool's golden hips
Looking into thematic elemental combos. Lightning/ice/wind is a fucking cool storm combo.
Any other unique combos you recommend? What has any history mixing with fire? Just Relanna?
No. It brings me a smile to see that swiftslash spamming bug get crushed under the steamroller of our gank.
I will not surrender to the Clai Pan menace
whatever level allows you to co-invade with clai pan
Poison Flower Blooms Twice is fun as fuck on it. It's basically having bleed that you can choose when to proc.
i think with no skibidi you want to be at least level 100 and have at least 50-60 vig. if you show up underlevelled though you can just pick up extra skibidi and then catch up in levels later
This anon is high on cock!
so if i wanna fuck on gank squads, is the nerfed swift slash still my best bet?
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Invasion range is rounded down, yes?
Invading seems miserable, I feel like host can't lose unless they are literally retarded
What percentage of hosts are retarded?
i have good news
What kind of backup weapon should I use? I'm thinking Great Katana since it has such low stats and a good moveset.
Level 150.
Just be like clai pan and win every time.
Despite his status as an empyrean, I think Miquella would be largely helpless when put in a full nelson.
nope, you just got rid of all the 150 and below and cannot invade them
a vast majority of them which is why they have to resort to summoning to begin with
How many Hefty pots can I get in the DLC?
alt-f4ing when you run out of health to deny people the runes from killing you isn't winning, you ziohazard
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>exploring Ruins of Rauth
>See Divine Lion in the distance
>"Oh, how cool"
>Mfw it's got a new Deathblight phase where it vomits out a 360deg fuckmassive death fog and constantly spawns x4 curse lizards on your location
What the FUCK were they thinking? Holy shit talk about taking a cool bossfight and making it gay and lame.
like 80% minimum are just super casual PvE players with like 30 vigor at level 150 range
claws of night
beast repellant torch on your back means they will not vomit death fog
You don't. Gravity sucks, it's strictly for PVE and only for certain circumstances
Almost all of them. The "smartest" ones just wait until you get bored and will avoid doing anything at all thatbyou van capitalize on.
Gankers deserve less than that
My fix for scadu fragments
>keep all existing fragments
>same required to level and same maximum
>all major bosses now also drop a fragment
There, now it's the same as Golden Seeds
dont forget your max weapon level
why does everyone get filtered by this guy?
>finally get to temple
>oh it's a dancing lion, cool
>phase 2 starts
>lol, lmao
>resurrect at grace
>get curse resistance talisman out of item box
>never die to deathblight once
he's just a goofy refight. as far as DLC refights go (blue smelter, 2cat) he's pretty tame.
>no option to take Miquella as your war bride (male)
What was Michael Zaki thinking
Nope. Gravitational Missle and Collapsing Stars are top for PvP. Collapsing is mostly for cliff kill tricks but Missile is outright amazing.
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lol bro... I got bad news for you
Conservatively, 90%

18 dex is low? Anyway, carian regal scepter has a unique version of the staff L2
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you didn't beat the squad
Usually both co-opers and host are complete unprepared for PVP but I get a feeling that this also applies to invaders as every time soneone attacks us while I'm helping the host to get through the area, they are equally as retarded and unprepared.
>writefags are back
erg is healing
you can have me anon
should yes but I would just stop at 166 to be safe
I honestly don't remember, but no less than 600 hours. The ones I remember playing the most are DS3 and Bloodborne, 3K and 4K hours respectively.
Mine would be a wrestling mini game featuring the spirit of Hoarah Loux, which has been transported to the Shadow Lands. I would be fully interactive and each body part would be controllable individually, like QWOP but for wrestling. Beating him with certain techniques would unlock more fragments, and you could challenge him at any time in his dojo.
And you did not beat the clai pan!
wtf? So you need 166 to invade 150s?
Whoops, rewind a few seconds before the timestamp
>play ER for the first time
>eventually kill a few dragons
>start using dragon breath spells
>they look cool and leave status effects
>status effects are actually amazing
>think "wow finally an RPG where status effects are good
>go to /v/
>they are eternally seething that status effects are good
I don't get it
in every other rpg/jrpg thread you'll see people mad that status effects are useless on bosses.
Why are people so angry at status effects on elden souls?
Yeah I thought that was going to be the point of fighting Radahn, like fuck this guy have me my lord. Miyazaki did us dirty, I thought we were getting Kuro 2.0 (bathed in rays of gold)
yeah. But you should be happy you're avoiding those cancerous 150s.
You can still coop with 150s though
Because "boss does death on every attack" is a gay mechanic, where your only options are which flavor of cope you wanna go with
take the coop pill, you get to laugh at retarded hosts, get a more challenging boss battle and you got all the liberty to cosplay and do fun builds.
Because they’re mad you didn’t beat the game the way they did. Just play how you like and enjoy the game.
Ignore the mentally ill retards that seethe about the “right” way to play.
>Clai Pan is in this thread RIGHT NOW
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depleted your hitpoints to 0, you lost
>Clai Pan is in this thread RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!
Elden Ring is the best video game of all time
SotE is the best DLC of all time
Unironically honest opinion
I'm clai pan
>blindfold of happiness last long enough you can sprint through major danger
I might even start using this in PvP. They're just gonna think I'm a Prattling Pate memer but then get blindsided from an angle they thought I couldn't approach from.
we are all clai pan
Shit tranny game
Doing my second olaythrough after a few years, have been using Reduvia and am lvl 50 around Liurnia, man everything feels too easy
I did a Int/Dex rapier buckler and sorcery run my first time around, felt hard as shit, I didnt realize how easy early vigor stacking can make this game
Most invaders are basically 1 step above Kevin tier. If I'm co-oping I'll always request a duel and if the host tries to gank I'll let him handle it alone. That being said the instant I see a cheated consumable I turn into great Talal, no mercy for cheaters. Since I've done about as much invading as co-oping I know how bad ganksquads and OLPs are but cheating is still cheating.
I'm currently running around with a huge shield (that only has 96% physical, still waiting for another shield that has as much block and also 100% phys) that dropped from some early mob, a massive lance some guy posted about ITT, and just breathing things to death and it's great fun.

I wish I didn't waste so much points in spirit so I could summon some headless knight but it's fine.
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Where the fuck is she? I'm here but she's not. Is this a bug? I've already done everything, including killing radahn and getting everyone's equipment which also includes hers. There's no one here.
>>go to /v/
Found your problem
People on /v/ don't like videogames
>no runes
>no proof
Lol. Lmao.
Wild Strikes, high poise, health regen on hit
Cheesed Radahn with a bleed build (chicken wing) on my first run. Now I'm getting raped on my second run and not having any fun. I think I'm going to cheese this bastard with Mimic Tear or Tiche.
Phase 1 isn't bad, I can no-hit everything except for when he does the surprise 3 hit combo [always get clipped on the quick third strike], but phase 2 has too much bullshit going on.
>get desperate
>use a starlight shard
>autistic sperg rages out and revs up the chainsaw
Cmon now.
I took the long way around and cheesed it with rot arrows from a plattaform where it could not reach. I am not sorry.
Check out these big guns *kisses bicep*
Reload the area shitwit
im 30 hours in, leveling up a bit for Radahn. level 57, didnt enter the capital region yet, going counter clockwise

I literally never ever dabbled with INT. dont even know what up button does at this point, and my FP is not even 100
should I respec and move points to INT and Mind a bit? like, I cant even summon unique ashes and I cant cast a single spell. what do
Don't complain that I'm better at cheating than you.
You’ll get the ability for limited respecs early on.
I always think of DS2 as a late PS2 game lol. Why does it look and play like it's some retro game?
outside of having enough health early on and a damage soft cap, it doesn't matter.

i prefer to go in early level so i can level up in the dlc. 90-100 i find the most fun. you end up around 150 near the end of it.
Already did you tranny retard. I've already beaten this shit over a week ago, but now her icon popped up here again all of a sudden.
Get the infinite FP tear and use it to summon whatever you want without the mind investment.
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>lvl 57
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INT sucks, I did my first two runs as a caster and a melee INT user and it's just not fun at all. FTH has all the good shit, both damage wise and fun wise.
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i wish we could have gotten miquella's outfit desu, instead of just his crown

what build are you doing? my fth/dex build had like 16-17 mind by the time i beat radahn 2.0, and was able to manage pretty well since incants are pretty situational and just going up and hitting someone is 99% the easier option than trying to line up an incantation
sorcery isn't terribly useful either, it just kind of either makes the game a little dull because it's too easy or frustrating because the enemies move too fast for sorceries to hit unless they're melee sorceries
Mad cuz bad
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People thought this was hard? It's actually a really cool fight, despite being easy.
Why do the waterfalls in the dlc look like something out of a ps2 game
I used a summon to beat Margit
Nice. Spirit ashes are fun but some of them cost way too much mana.
but he doesn't do death on every attack. if anything, his death phase (it's also just a phase, lmao) is less dangerous than his lightning phase.
and what you're calling "cope" is just using the game's mechanics to deal with threats appropriately
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No. They thought it was annoying because she has an undodgeable attack and some crazy reach on her sideways shuffle.
what's a good not-tranny game? other than lies of p ofc

i liked romina even though she came out of nowhere
enjoyable fights >>> difficult for the sake of difficult fights
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cope or rope, make your choice
That's cool and all, just don't come crying to the Internet when it turns out you don't know how to beat Zanzibart in 40 hours
>summon spirit ash 178 energy
>walk for 2 minutes
>ash vanishes...
>walk for 2 more minutes
>can summon ash again
>dont have enough energy
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Why does this keep happening? I'm just trying to invade. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Which one is that?
your opening post about the topic is literally you claiming you are angry
Nice try clai pan
There’s an infinite FP tear you can get later on that’ll let you summon without investment. It’ll just cost part of your physick flask.
a dump stat is something you don't put any points in
invading people is inappropriate behaviour for a decent human being, uninstall you fat troon
oooh I parked that boss for a bit, let me circle back and get it, cheers anon
I like being a lil over powered...
I parked 15 in FTH and some in ARC for some early weapons, should be kino then
I'm doing DEX with 15-20 in 3-4 other stats so I can fuck around with cool gear if I want to, but that also means I need to be a lil overpowered to compensate
I really need to look into incants and other cool stuff at some point tho
Verify game file integrity. Twice. It helps... but fact is game is coded badly and minor hardware hiccups can trigger EAC. Just be glad it isn't handing out softbuns
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you got pvp banned for being a disconnect fag clai tran
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Why did INT/FTH get so shafted in Elden Ring despite it being the best build in both DS2 and DS3?
Her giant spinning laser beam. The first one cannot be dodged unless you’re far away when she starts.
>Yura's quest is still bugged in Seamless coop
Next time learn to play the game so you can be quick and strong as great Clai Pan.
could you like, fuck off with these images?
Nice. I haven't really found cool tears so far besides the bubble of invincibility and the +str one.
>Endure Bleed Warped axe
>some shit shield with Vow of the Indomitable on it
I've stopped summoning spirit ashes in the overworld, they just disappear lol
Builds that rely on posture break are inherently worse than ones that don't because they're more unreliable. Boss AI RNG can potentially make you lose stance progress if the boss does something like Radahn's rock scoop where he jumps away and recovers posture or if the phase 2 resets far enough in neutral for them to fully recover posture. Posture break just looks strong in clips where everything goes right.
i like the sickle. it's a needle of eternal agony that isn't too bad.
Oh, that's hardly enough of a problem to make the rest of the fight unenjoyable.
theres so much images not related to elden ring in this thread i thought i clicked the wrong tab
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...6 were made by men
>...1 were made by women
>...3 were made by trannies
Additionally, for every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...5 were made by normies
>...3 were made by autists and maladjusteds
>...2 were made by the truly mentally unwell
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, rounded into fractions of ten. Similarly, the pursuit of simplication means this methodology could omit statistically insignificant numbers of posts.

That said, the next bread has been baked at >>485129924. Please check your flask charges and migrate in an orderly manner.
Thank you all for participating!
Who gives a fuck he didnt level vigor so he died
>be blue
>shadow keep specimen storage
>red is floors above us, host just stands there as the dude falls down and impales him on Midra's sword, oneshot
Sometimes I hate this job.

>Mogh's funhouse, boss fog
>waiting on this dickwad to get another gold
>red invades
>makes beeline for the host
>lol sike he separates us
>but now he's trapped on the elevator with me
>pull out old reliable (no not rivers) and bleed that redfaggot
>dip my balls down his throat
>go back, hosts bows to me, gets his second summon
>host (mage) does his job and hangs back, spamming spells.while me and fellow gold go town on hornfucker
>we win, host Raptures while we do ring gestures
Sometimes I love this job
i don't think it matters too much, as the heavy weapons often used do more than enough damage on their own. getting a crit is just a bonus.

but you're right, if everything goes well for you, it looks amazingly easy, but if it doesn't, the fight is as long as any other (outside of bleed and frost builds).
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Am I misinterpreting or does the new, fancier St. Trina sword actually do LESS sleep on hit than the one from the base game? Also, on players what is the functional difference between sleep and eternal sleep? I know it puts non-boss enemies into a permanent sleep state but I have no idea what it does to players
eternal sleep is just a gimmick to use for mob enemies. there's little difference otherwise.
do they actually fall asleep in pvp?
Then what the shit is going wrong?
Tbh I am kind of annoyed that I have to use them. I like that they are effective, but it genuinely feels like I am gimping myself without them.
i'm more annoyed that i can't see shit

Rellana's combos are dangerous enough, she doesn't need a smokescreen. and the breath attacks grab aggro so fast, the host is basically dead if she switches targets mid-combo, and most breath-spammers have like 17 vigor
>gravity magic
>is useful for applying gravity to kill foes
From are geniuses.
>stealing lore theories from 4chan
Going back to your roots, I see.
Moore's set is kinda cute. That and Solitude armor are my favorite sets. A lot of the 40 poise ones look cool too but idk why from didn't move them up to the next bracket
Isnt Bullgoat's it's ER equivalent?
It's designed this way to nudge you to ng+
Zaki is emotionally manipulating you to play the game again.
In pvp you just 'lose focus' for a moment and slump over. It's essentially a stun animation like madness but without the damage proc. It's generally too short for memey combos but will typically net you a jump heavy or a quick WA.
It's an inferior version but it's not even hard. Just call torrent and do a drive by on the frogs. Once they are gone you can continue with the fight on foot like normal.
I played the whole game staggering enemies as often as possible because it was fun and charging a full R2 is way more satisfying than getting a couple R1 swings
It drains more fp I think? That's about it. You can build up sleep with the old saint trina sword then get the proc with the new one to fuck with mages I guess but yeah I don't know why they thought we needed another sleepy straight sword

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