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Previous: >>485107138

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

how many SQ are we getting for these maintenance(s)?
oh boy cant wait for more ai art and more anons to get mad about ai art
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Where is she going with that shota?
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Kama Love!
How do I cope being a Jeannelet Arclet not by choice?
What's the first thing you'll do once we get back into the game?
How does ascenion SQ work this patch and what do I gotta do for SQ?
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Sorry I can't hear you.
maybe a golden apple, too!
we get 900 sq and a free arc in our mailbox. albert himself told me.
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let her cook
Nothing besides final ascending servants. Any prior servants that were already FA'd have the quartz sent to your box
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Goon to Melusine AI porn
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Not my first pick, but I'm perfectly ok with this.
Futa Drake plz
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I hope we get SQ rollback (delusional)
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Is she cooking Potato stew?
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>Enkidu ESL schizo babble post
>only has 3 support pages listed out of 6
kek what a bitch.
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you get 3 SQ for every non-welfare servant you levelled to max ascension. This is applied retroactively so for alot of people who levelled plenty of characters up to max you get a big ton of SQ in the present box for anniversary
You people have 100 servants at final ascension?
>Still no apologems
By getting better taste?
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Sweet, back to having Automata play the game for me!
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If I'm dating Castoria, will Morgan try to steal me from her?
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We're back
Your funny tatoo ?
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>log in
>blue apples
>log out
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>Enkidu faggot won
>No rollback
>No Apology gems
Fucking hate Oberon lies.
Big talk for a latelet and/or veteran.
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>no compensation
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would you read melu's doujinshi
do you think morgan is fine with her being a mistress?
why can't you fags just put TT on Oberon? How is this even a difficult this?
>$39.99 for a ssr
My nigga. AI art > Lots of "proper" art people keep sucking for absolutely no reason
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arc really SUCKED my sq reserves dry!
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>Passionate prone bone sex with bob

This is what I get from prompting Saika, novel doesn't recognize her yet

>AIbro can you make draco crawling out of the pc monitor
I got some interesting results from that

>Please do Scathach, Zenobia and Nitocris in four legs and being impregnated from behind. Not orgy, but separated, once for each.
>won't post friend code
bet you have Kama grailed too
i have 4 meta supports, skadi/castoria/vitch are higher priority.
Remember to login and get the first day of the anni login bonus, orherwise you miss the entire anni login bonus
Don''t be greedy. Do you know how much it costs us to give you a blue rider gem?
morgan can eat my ass
I have teatime on my Oberon. I think it's actually the non-fags who don't put teatime on Oberon.
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I don't get it
If my Extra Class needs didn't bench him, I would.
But my Sakurafaces take priority.
You bros get my Castoria and my Vitch slots designated for you, that's the deal.
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this is not a difficult this because i have teatime on oberon.
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Lady Avalon is rare case where i don't really care for the art but the sprite is pure sex.
Only reason was I knew about this in advance so I've spent the better part of a year ascending all my servants.
Oh, side note, any welfare servants don't give quartz, they give a rare prism instead.
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at least you tried, & the other AIbro got a proper good generator to do tons of porn with her too
you ok okita?
Same. The art is bad. All the colors blend together too much and loses a ton of the detail. The sprites show said detail waaaaaay better.
I lost Arc and I have no rollback. I have no Oberon. I have no Vitch. All I can do is scream and my Jeanne GSSR 2 spooks.
How come it's 2024 and you still can't speak english?
Are you retarded, son?
But I do? Shouldn't have added coldshots to your lists.
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Should I get the 25% buster damage CE? I really don't see how that can be better than something that boosts all damage by 10% and starts with NP at 50%, but I'm guessing there are certain teams that the buster 25% excels at? I usually run a party of Ibaraki, Berserkintoki and Merlin, or another berserker friend support. How should I use my SSRCE ticket? Maybe the 8% NP per turn for my Merlin?
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I hope you all appreciate the compensation for the unscheduled maintenances!
Me too, saving sqs for lady avalon
Threw some tickets at arucied and it didn't go.
yeah you can check my pants bro
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> Do a 11 roll after maintenance
Guess who answers the call
idk bro, go for something you think you need and dont listen to any retard here
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oh wow it's really up
Fat elephant woman
There is literally nothing here worth picking aside from BG or Kaleidoscope if you don't have either MLB
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You should either get for artwork or get KScope.
I got Black Grail for artwork, because I didn't pull any yet. It's useless on Supports and I'm unlikely to ever use it myself anywhere anyway.
i havent used any ce apart from foumes and event ces in years
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>make 2 blapples
>log out
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Fresh server rolls are the answer.

Nobody else stank up the luck.
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Can you do some of these with Melu but her expression is super into it and not as rapey?
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Be happy you even got your servers back.
Greedy bastards.
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Post a meme related to the servant you got from GSSR/Destiny
what's up
just rape ticket'd the muramasa CE
is the only one left to MLB (still need one more copy)
Holy shit hair down draco is beautiful
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You already did
they're having an internal discussion on how little they can get away with giving us
I want to rape Muramasa
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>some of these
Can you be more specific? I assume you mean the impregnation ones?

last ones for now gotta go.
That's it. ONE MORE "emergency maintenance" and i'll play Blue Archive. Fuck shitbert. Garbage localization, garbage management, garbage server.
Can Arc clear hands?
Altera, Jeanne d'Arc Ruler, Jeanne d'Arc Archer, Scheherazade instantly burned, Roland instantly burned, No Arc, Medb Summer
707 quartz
bc vitch/castoria already have tea time and i dont have enough 10/10/10 servants to have three support lists
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Never spent a cent never will
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I have teatime on him for now but I'll replace it with heroic portrait as soon as I'm done maxing out my Castoria's skills.
something tells me you have
>>Get mouth raped by servant in My room
>>can't log out
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>2x MLB Formal Craft
>3x Imaginary Around
>4x MLB Limited Zero Over
>2x MLB Kaleidoscope
>2x Prisma Cosmo
>1x MLB Black Grail
>2x MLB Volumen Hydrargyrum

What should I get with my ticket?
A Kaleido so I have a 3rd one for... I don't know what?
A 3rd Prisma Cosmo to maybe MLB one if I end up getting a few more copies in the gacha over the years?
Maybe an Imaginary Around to MLB it if I end up with another one somehow?

Is Imaginary Around good for anything anymore? I put it on Jack for a long time but I haven't used her in years.
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I won but then i remembered that i spent like 40$ on GSSR/Destiny
>t. hitler
Thanks a lot man, fantastic stuff.
Too many other servants need it more. Castoria, Vitch, Skadi...
The last 3 like the Zeno one
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Oh no, I'm being raped by Ryouma and Oryou, how horrible.
>berserker 2
>summer musashi and a copy of kriem
im fine with this desu
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>i dont have enough 10/10/10 servants to have three support lists
So don't fill out a full list. Leave the slots empty except for the ones you can fill.
>skadi on support
>with tt
quick is dead, please remove her
Bro's I'm in
I will never abandon my Skadi bros.
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You're the real one, Anon.
are you supposed to be able to get spooked by a random limited servant from your destiny summon that you didn't even pick?
You should.
>Arjuna zerk(Destiny)
The game's telling me to be gay
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You paid for the account.
Any true F2P would have maxed all their SSR by now.
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Technically Blue Archive got those things too
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Oni women want only one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
Wait is that Castoria? I didn't even realize I had her lol. Tbf I leveled my Merlin only after having him for over a year so I could lvl Ibaraki past lvl 100. I guess imma level her next
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>Garbage localization, garbage management, garbage server.
>skadi with TT
give her bella for doors
Isn't there a doujin where they spitroast Gudako?
Can you make some Quetz sex?
Bella or Wise?
Bruh, nobody cares if you can fill 3 lists. If your third list is only Oberon with teatime it's better than not having a third list.
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is that eggs I smell?
At least the characters aren't garbage like in BA
No. Most people still pick riders for doors.
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Servants for this feel other than Karna and Arjuna?
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Super Arjuna.
aren't their multiple localization problems with BA as well? Though at least you guys can get them fixed.
Eric Bloodaxe.
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post supports Server is back up.
Nigga you got 3 lists... you can do both.
That said, frankly, as long as I've got 1 Rider with Bella, Castoria and Vitch with TT, that's plenty.
If yall niggas want more then mail me like 5 big packs.
No fucking way...
You know the rules: Yours first.
Tesla and Edison, next
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Tbf I have a lot of servants I can't lvl them all, especially since I stopped playing events for like 2 years now.
When is the next lottery? I'm out of embers and low on QP.
>plan the last 2 years was NP4, assume it'll cost me around 1000-1500 SQ
>takes pity for first copy, the dream is dead
>all SQ gone and get NP4 on literally my last ticket
What a sinking feeling. ~2500 gone just like that
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Yeah, sure bro.
bonus futa:
AI porn is the future. Get with the times, boomer.
at least you got the np you planned for bro
Early November. It's half AP embers and QP during anni so stock up if you need for summer servants.
How do I get new friends here if my support is bad?
There is no good AI art. It's riddled with flaws and looks generic as fuck.
Not until november. You have to stock up on embers and qp during the anniversary
Threw 30+3 pulls at Arc
Got Archer Napoleon
If you just post it and ask earnestly some people will probably still add you. As long as you actually play they're pretty forgiving
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>Servants for this feel other than Karna and Arjuna?
If hoshino loses I riot
>Tbf I have a lot of servants I can't lvl them all
Not that anon but if you consider this a lot of servants then you're a fuck up. I'm even giving you the politeness of assuming every silver and bronze servant.
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tam lin lotto in november
Post it so we will laugh at you
I don’t think I like FGO very much nowadays
Scamy Vamp EX
You post it, say you're new or whatever and ask for friends.
I know, terribly hard!
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Does she look "into it" enough?

Sure, which positions?
/SS/ club
>level 100 2k NP2 Arc with level 100 BG struggles to break 200k damage on wave 3
wtf I thought it was a joke
Just a reminder that there are no leaf bros.
sigh.... ok fine. Getting Arc to 119 took EVERY ember I had. And that shit was stockpiled from last december. I haven't seen my mailbox this empty since year 1.
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Servers up
finish your fucking weekly master missions
Arc is a joke, yes.
I do not understand what is occurring in this image.
I simply know that it resonates with my soul.
just post it, we're dead as shit and likely have 20+ corpses to clear.
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Hinawank will win she has the power of Sensei cock with her side
She's a meme cancer bro
Also her best set is double Broberon so switch to that
Arc supports Bazetto quite well... interesting...
Knowing Status Quo Archive it gonna end up being interupted before anything serious happend
Still i cant believe the dev actually pull a JJK joke end everybode accept it
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she can comfy 3-turn 5CE hands with BG and double koyan np1
Prisma Cosmos is situationally useful, if you have BG and Kscope MLBd then just get that.
So what's the next gimmick they'll use to make me level my servants? Are we also going to get quartz for having servant's skills leveled up?
bro...we weren't joking when we said she was summer abby/summer Lion King tier...
Now's the time with the triple SUCC too. Don't forget to buy the second archive expansion slots in the shop as well.
I haven't cleared weeklies in over a year
Not you BB, you're perfect.
The fact you need a gimmick to level your servants is fucking shameful.
>Sure, which positions?
Cowgirl and/or doggy would be nice
OC extra missions that want you to ascend+level+skill+bond your servants a for a big chunk of materials in exchange
It's a reference to Takeshi's Castle or a show similar to it.
If you're American you've probably seen Wipeout which is a similar show.
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That's perfect
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>accidentally pick Skadi, or even Ana, when mindlessly doing Hands
Thank goodness I'm just letting Kama loop this shit.
Holy kino, thank you! is that really ai?
>planned for worst case scenario
>actually got what he expected
you didn't get lucky, it happens
there a retards complaining about not getting servants when they "saved" less than 300 sq and before pity we got people throwing thousands of sq without anything to show for it
ok ty anon
also gives me a spot to put merlin
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How long before Sei skibidi's on Douman's gyatt :peach: blud :skull: :skull: ????
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Meanwhile, my level 90 NP2 Space Ishtar with level 2 skills and the Mage Association mystic code:
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You folks lvl to 120 servants because they are good, not because you like them? Disgusting.
I'm in the same boat - I think the "correct" answer had always been either Kaleido or Black Grail on the neverending quest to MLB one of them. But now with mana loading append Black Grail is probably the only logical choice
I figured it was a reference to some of those Jap gameshows.
I meant I don't get what Titania and Barghest are actually doing.
>Mr Kao
>We want to believe you know is your fault that NA servers were down in one of the most profitable days of the year.
>Your incompetence is forcing us to give all players 5 (five) mana prism as compentation,
my condolences, at least you got np4 though. I remember there was a guy in here who quit after only getting np1 morgan after 3k sq
>level 2 skills
Can you do Melu just like that but in the missionary position instead?
I level the characters I like, I have about half my cast leveled and skilled up to at least 6. But I don't feel like spending QP and materials on characters I dislike for no benefit.
Oh okay, so it already exists. Guess I'll get on it then. I've just about finished leveling everyone. Thanks anon
>Try one last roll for Arcueid
>Spooked by Napoleon
I've already 120'd my wife.
Now it's time for gameplay picks, starting with Morgan.
>he's going to MLB KScope
Better be for a 120 since otherwise you just Mana Loading bro. Ain't no other use for Coins.
>Mana Loading
>*Extra Attack on a solo Herc
>or ALL of them for autism
mating press
post anyway ill add
That's way too generous. 1 blue rider gem is more than enough to compensate.
I love Napoleon but wouldn't want him to come like that.... I'm sorry bro
>Nigga you got 3 lists... you can do both.
No, I can't. Because Skadi gets teatime. You can't use the same servant twice in a designated lineup. Skadi gets teatime no matter what.
>for no benefit.
Looks like you get benefits now, homie. Admittedly you should also have a stack of SQ waiting for you from rank-up and interludes because you sound like the kind of individual who also doesn't have Bond 5 for everyone.
I already had him at NP2 so it hurts even more.
That thought was in the back of my mind ever since the pity hit me. The removal of pity after you get NP1 really is a total dick move, if anything the pity threshold for the next copy should be even lower
kek retard
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Giving Skadi TT is more profitable since there's still a few diehard quick fags who will religiously stick to their setups so I can squeeze more FP from them than just doubling up on buster teams when Vitch already corners that market
It's simple business
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No one will lose because Le Happy Ending!
Ask on >>/vmg/fate
I actually have every character (besides the only character I genuinely hate who will forever remain at bond 0) to at least bond 5, with even my unused characters at least bond 6.
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I have so many lores, I've never felt this kind of power before. I'm not sure what to do.
I had one friend that stated in his message that TT oberon is useless.
it was like this but with albert standing naked
Do fags want TT and +15% CEs or do they want the FP+25 CEs?
Your one friend is stupid.
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remember you told me to do it anon, here's my garbage
several units are still wip obviously, most will be finished up by the end of anni even if i have to gapple
i have infinite slots if any of you actually wants to be friends with me
do i need to triple lore kriem or can i just do s2/s3
>forgot I forgot to finish levelling Chink Gramps
>back to Ascension 1 for him
He looks pretty cool with the modern garb. Good on you, gramps.
if you check rayshift, there are currently at least 19 lvl 120 Arcueids
Maybe, but his whale NP5 support list is more useful than your support.
Which is kind of dumb. I don't need those mats anymore since I've already leveled the servants to get those mats. Should have made it mainly SQ, lores and maybe fou paws.
Christ, I've heard the stories but this is the first time I've gotten enough copies of someone to try for 120 so I'm now seeing what it's like on the other side of 100. I'm sitting on ~250 boxes of 10+ lotto embers and I feel like they'll all be gone by 103
Should I put my new Oberon in the all slot or extra slot? Where do you look for him?
Forgot to post your FC, sweaty.
>10/10/10 castoria
>10/10/10 koyan
>10/10/10 skadi
only things i care about
post FC i'll add
Extra slot with teatime.
I'd look for him in the garbage
do you even need friends anymore? you can use the np of any random person's support that appears
no one actually farms with double oberon.
Based. Easily his best outfit. Though admittedly if you have the other Li Shuwen on the field then peak /fa/ is Old Li 1st, Young Li 2nd.
For once I got something with tickets..not sure how bad I want NP3. Might just stop here.
You never needed the NP of friends tbqh, some CQs maybe but you should at least have one friend that has a usable NP
I farm with double Oberon.
>no apologems
it's over.
And now you understand why a bunch of your random friends have Servants sitting at 106 and 108 and shit.
Just the UI of having to feed all the Exp is exhausting.
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I wish my Lv120 servant is actually good
I wish there's some major rank up that suddenly makes my fav super meta
I don't even care if I get called soulless when that happens
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>blow 5 gold apples on hands
get like 2 levels on the journey to 120
holy moly this is going to take a lot of xp
go ahead blacklist me
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i farm with double oberon
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It's better to think of it as a long term goal that you're getting the opportunity to shorten significantly due to cheap ember quests and x3 succ rate.
>saber nero & saber alter getting a buff that practically turns them into EX tier instantly with their buff
>my favorite saber hasnt gotten any buffs
i dont level to 120
i level to 100, and only one is gameplay
>go ahead blacklist me
gotchu senpai
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first time?
Do the levels get progressively more absurd or is 100->101 the same as 119->120
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it took me 130 blue apples and 8 gold apples to go from 102 to 120 yesterday
it's a bit tougher but within the same magnitude.
You need coins and more embers to level up, but the stat increase is the same.
RIP D'eonfag.
Now realize there's people who've leveled multiple servants to 120 already.
i'm lucky that mine are just passable enough gameplaywise while still not being particularly good so I can claim soul points while still being able to use them for everything
sent, van gogh in all
mine are all bond 15 already so I'm not sure if I would be happy with that
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Is there a Mashu/Gudao version of this?
>come back to the thread after a few months
>it's been taken over by ai loving bots
This is disgusting.
Keep chipping at it, there is no rush.
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Servants for this feel?
That's why 120 is about DEDICATION. The power boost you get from it is negligible compared to the sheer amount of resources and time you sink into getting there, so the only reason to do it is to prove you love a servant.
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Mine are the same. I'm pretty fortunate that most of my grails have some charge so they're all usable.
>[speaking Japanese]
All of them ;^)
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Any SSR I spent more than 500 SQ to get.
Are there any 6ce ember/qp farming teams that don't use any meta servant bond?
Mashu has more ntr porn than anything wholesome. So no.
I wish overflow bond would go into a shared pool you could apply to individual servants, even at a decreased rate I'd still do it.
God that's hot...
This. 120 is a sign of dedication and love and while someone's tastes might by shit, their dedication is still admirable.
nice melu anon
Mashu is literally built for NTR to be fair.
Not my fault faggots begged for AI shit. We wouldn't have had that problem if our game had content and sped up though.
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I don't think the levels get appreciably worse.
Each level is basically the entire 1-100 cost... 20 additional times.
This is cute but they should have aged Gudako and Kadoc up a little. They look like 18.
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Tea granny
That's right.
is voyager any good
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>I wish there's some major rank up that suddenly makes my fav super meta
Make your own meta. It's a sp game. Damn, motherfuckers like you need your hand held to cross the street.
The trick is to manage your gift box like a giga autist and wait until anni super succ to dump it all. Took a Servant to 120 and didn't end up even needing to touch my 955 no expiration date stack, btw
ty i love her
any team eith class advantage that doesnt 3 turn stuff.
What about the guy who 120 Morgan, Poo, Arcueid, Meluko and Ibuki Summer?
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I need a senpai command code stat.
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That's not Mash's fate.
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this man is an Arts chad
10 years learning how to Grail Tamano
The Egg!!!!
The Egg!!!
Your SQ expenses dosen't entitle you to fuck his loop stragety up the ass!!!
Koyanchiuaua in all
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Do people even still make compilation images? I don't get the point of doing this data harvesting anymore.
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i got 8 A's in 300 rolls
Mines only at 118 because I wanted mana loading..... No regrets but I wish she was 120 already
Fuck off /fgog/
he gets better this anni and sometime next year as well
after buffs, he's better but still not best 1) quick looper, 2) aoe foreigner
i still love him, mostly bc gssrs gave me np2>>485124680
>Profile 6
Holy sovlless
more like mecucko lmao
each level is the same, 209 5* same class embers or 251 5* non class embers.
thanks for the free (you) bro.
>nearly at 13 bond
it's dangerously close to being over
I want to punch this guy in the face every time he shows up in a show or movie
I only got 3, but the MLB version isn't an amazing upgrade so I'm saving my SQ
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Glad you liked it

>Cowgirl and/or doggy would be nice

>Can you do Melu just like that but in the missionary position instead?
Like this?
I will not use your fp trap
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I'll gladly hold your hand bro
>no gold fous
you don't love her
didnt meant to tag >>485124680 but was gonna say

incomprehensible soul
>grailed np5 qsh
>120 np4 sherlock
two of my faves that tend to get overloocked
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Meant for>>485123704
Supports don't really need gold fous
>>Profile 6
It won't go away for some reason
If you don'T HAVE all six profile supports listed does that mean you won't add me?
This one or Reines?
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What's Arc's Append skill order?
1>3>2 ?
>Buy meal
>Eat it how you want to
>This is a problem for an autistic man down the table
Is this scene just to make me think he's an asshole?
>Do people even still make compilation images?
I have made a custom quadruple support in photoshop because I like my servants.
>It won't go away for some reason
Her 3rd ascension has a special profile (same deal as Oberon).
Bob. Mineji a shit.
Day 7.
Not a single FP roll.
Only a third of one quest done.
This is what happens to veterans.
None of them are useful at all. Use those Coins to get to lv120 at lower Bond.
It was an easy Bob+Barg for me.
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main advice I can give you is dont start using the XP until you hit inventory cap, you can even dump all the XP you get in second archive and fill that up to full. You'll get way more XP levels from doing that than farming+tiny xp level+farming+tiny xp level
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>we never got the chinese dress
>Supports don't really need gold fous
It's a sign of dedication innit? Supports also don't need to be 120'd
How many gold fous do we get per year?
how often are you getting the extra card?
might say 3>1>2
Not enough.
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I don't know if you really need the 20% starting, but 3 is better than 1 since you're probably only using her NP
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What's your record?
yeah well her 3rd ascension is ugly so I guess it'll continue to stay like that.
Append 2 is useful in farming since there are many events with a 50% starting CE, append gives 20% so Arc can fire her NP two times with only 1 Castoria Charisma.
120 > 2 > 1 > 3
getting her to 120 is a bigger boost, append 2 lets you run her with double oberon
it's literally as over as it can be
You need append 2 at lvl 1 for double oberon
Thanks bro. I'm looking forward to sherlocks resurrection in 2+ years.
I haven't done it, I don't really care about these that much honestly. Just a bunch of stalling for double buffing to hit high numbers.
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in 2025 you can do 3
Sent, Herc in All.
It's a shame you can't really use Melu's cool red skin since it requires starting in ascension 3
>implying the average NP1 /alter/ Arc can clear anything with just fucking castoria attack buff
It's such a pain in the ass I'm glad I'm never changing my support ever again.
What are you using Castoria and Arc together for
Uh... is there a reason you're not using Vitch? Or Oberon?
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i made it....
I'm pretty quick with photoshop so it takes me pretty low amount of time. Also emulator helps, instead of doing shit on the phone.
>Do people even still make compilation images?
Why would you ever make them instead of just grabbing them from Rayshift in the first place
2>3>1 for me. 2 Makes it easier to 6CE casual farm without Vitch/Oberon, and my personal rule is if CQ/stall geared Servant, prioritize 1, if AoE farmer, prioritize 3 even if class is niche
grail to 120 > append
Because the boss has 1m hp and my ST Arts looper clealy can't clear a node with 3 enemies.
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and how do you think hes unlocking 3 append skills at np1 gimp boy
>arc in 7 tickets
Honestly don't care about you being a newfag, but I can't add braggers. Seeing that shit after you went to pity is just such a fucking slap in your face.
Are you bringing your Arc and Castoria to Fuyuki to "farm" Weeklies...?
Your fault for being a luckless shitter.
Kind of lame that the IP counter is gone so we can't tell how many people were here for the anniversary
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Arts can actually buff multicore easily though, you could simply use a team support friendly AoE Arts servant like Vritra
What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?
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the party cost restriction was pretty big but I managed to get around it
Skill issue
>data update
Shit taste beyond compare and worthy of our scorn but the dedication is still the same to get to that point.
The path is the same for all who walk the 120.
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I could have rolled for a castoria when I started playing but I didn't because I thought she was a swimsuit servant and I dont like swimsuit servants
Yeah yeah, whatever, I'll get to her after I finish Ibuki.
Don't ask about the gold fous on Musashi, those were a mistake
Same, I've deleted countless people for (humble)bragging.
The golden time to level servants to 120 was during 5th Anniversary since we got 5x super/great succ.
>Sherlock Holmes grailed NP1 120
wtf how?
git gud
this is one of the dumbest things I've heard
not even mordred would fuck up like this
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Still need to put CC on some, but they're all at bond 10 at least.
>inb4 maintenance in 4 hours
burning spares without raising np level. You just need coins, technically not levels.
He keeps a separate level 1 gameplay copy naturally
i honestly forgot about that mb
i spent too much money this year so i just wanted to celebrate some nice luck, but i can see how it would rub people the wrong way. will change it
Who's the better gold fou target, name a character and I'll post a nice piece of art of them:
1. Level 120 NP4 Morgan
2. Eventual 120 NP4 Arc
I like them about equally
It's insane how rare it is nowadays, I swear only newfags and tourists do it.
/alter/bros never do it.
I gambled and got it, do I just win the game now or do I need Ibuki still
Holy FUCK, back to back first 10-pull...!
I have no room, but your Frans are awesome
>do I just win the game now
Are you planning to roll 2 more copies, 2000 fou her, and grail her to 120?
jesus christ you're beyond help.
Okay, it was 700k hp (one of the halloween event). But a high NP level Arcueid can't do that amount of damage without damage CE. You need a ST damage dealer for that one.
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She's already at 120 since I have her at NP6 thanks to a double
Thank you funny vamp alliance!
I'll do 3 & 2, and pick up 1 later after bond coins trickle in.
I kind of feel bad not trying sooner. Maybe I could've been in Albert's list in the stream.
nice, thanks.
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>win the game
You won the hands.
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Yeah bro fuck these assholes for being happy after getting a a bit of luck in this glorified casino.
This is severe gameplay autism if true.
arc will not deal damage without 2k fous
No, if you want to use solo Arc, she needs NP5 and lv120.
At NP3, she acts more like a helper than the main damage dealer except in specific quests like the Illya Castle Lotto in which she can do big damage with only lotto drop CE.
Is there a version of this without the riyo art pasted over it?
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>win the game
How could that be when you just lost the game?
Nobody said anything about this
Can i get a refund
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>Server down
>Want to farm
>Server up
>Don't want to farm anymore
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Appreciate it bro. Saber still needs a few more paws before she's complete.
Everyone said everything about this. Arc is shit unless you go all in to the point where anyone would be a monster.
Grats bro
>watching alter get scammed into arcueid
>we have 2 years of seeing how she is not a good farming unit without np5 120 2k/2k
>can only assume that they are pulling bc they like her
>liking arcueid
It has been repeated over and over again but Arcfags refused to listen.
Same bro.....I was in the mood and was farming but then the servers went down and I started playing something else and now I don't feel like it
to be fair, she's the only Tsuki heroine in the game currently, you would see way less pulls if the others were here
I would pull for Len personally
Thanks, man! Tossed another 10 roll at it and got the third one, no fucking clue where this luck came from.
Why did Yd forsake us
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curryfag hands typed this post
Most of the hype for her is related to her character, not her gameplay. Retarded gameplay FOMO faggots see this hype and go "wow she must be good for gameplay!" even though nobody said this or even implied it. She's super weak compared to other neutral damage farmers.
They're literally only rolling because type moon shilling lmao
There's an infectious aspect to it
Seeing all these niggers pull back to backs makes me want to roll
So I myself have given one ticket to her banner even though I give zero fucks about that character and would rather burn the 4 star than keep such an unsightly rat within my treasury
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The answer to gameplay is coming soon.
She's a really shitty character though.
I can smell the curry reeking from here bro
schizoanon, i...
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Refresh my Memory.
"The Gook" from several years ago was obsessed with Ciel, right? or did he spam tsukihime in general?
Please put your portraits up! I'm using everyone's! Especially if you have soul and picked someone like Hijikata!
do you get anything for clearing this? if no, I'm skipping it
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Captain, there is a submarine approaching this thread!
At this point in the game I have a 120, 2k, NP3 Spishtar that I plan on getting to NP5. At no future point will I ever roll for "gameplay," it will always be with my cock. All of the new servants know this. Chaldea is my breeding ground.
Ciel but did copy paste tsukihime info
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We told you for 2 years
You had 2 years to check youtube vids and/or use laplace to verify them as well
This is all on you
Are Castoria and Morgan rivals?
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No, you're right
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Jokes on you I like both
I especially love them together
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I'd like to think that this is how he saw himself before the fall.
Can you do more like that Zenobia one exept with anal and she's a loli with a big ass?
Likelyhood of them having fucked up the arc rates and refunding our sq?
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>she is not a good farming unit without np5 120 2k/2k
good thing i have that then
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But I just did
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both, he was a powerlevelfag, so he loved spamming about how powerful ciel and sometimes arc were. he would shit pretty hard on the maids though
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I put em on my event support is that good enough?
Will I be able to get 90 more quartz by the time Ibuki is released?
I only hop in /alter/ when there's a big new servant and avoid most fgo news.
Oh well, she's still good with Ibuki, right? Is Ibuki NP1 enough or do I need NP2?
Definitely, just do the rank ups.
i hope he ends up like that before the end of fgo. like when chouji ate the red pill and suddenly became fit and hot as he burned off 150 lbs worth of calories in seconds.
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Sure, I like your idea
They're not Arc fags, they're gameplayfags wannabe. Arc fags are going NP5 even if they don't get to see her skillset or fine with NP1 because of the clap.
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That's just one big pack. You aren't poor, are you?
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Well you don't really get much of a choice in her route now
you have no tickets?
>got 9 rate-up SSRs with 1500 sq during lb6 and last anniversary
>took 1500 sq to get NP2 arc this year
So next year I'll be lucky again right?
I already have musashi sorry
NP3 is enough
Rate my taste
dumb tourist get fucked lmao
Nah that was last year's anniversary when we got the bugged rates guaranteeing Great succs. It meant your exp was literally x3 the value.
I got 3 offrates and ended with NP4 Arc. It sure would be nice........
How is summer raita whore at NP1? I've got pity but I'm not trusting my RNG.
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Yeah, kind of...
>he would shit pretty hard on the maids though
I hope a tragic fate took him.
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Still not as gay as MBAACC, disappointing
>You're like an expensive toy I can't wait to break~
MBTL delivered somewhat at least
If you want to use Ibuki and Arc for farming, the two of them needs to be at least NP2.
I think only Illya Castle allows farming with only Arc at NP2 and Ibuki at NP1, but you also need Oberon and Merlin. This is becaues the wave 2 and 3 bosses are a Chaotic Servant (Arc NP damages against Chaotic Servant increases depending on her NP levels, not her overcharge) and the lotto farming CE has extra damage against those who have Riding passive which the wave 3 boss have.
That's why I tend to avoid /alter/ for the first few days of some new big release. Skadi, Oberon and Castoria are the exceptions since I was already going all in for them anyway.
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Not really. Morgan is a boss character, not a rival. They interacted very briefly in the LB. Bob filled the rival role, but Bob is a pathetic rival. The true rival was Cnoc, but she was a friendly rival.
In what world Arcueid will hit 600k+ damage against neutral enemies without damage CE?
prisma cosmos, obviously
Retards have been asking this shit since Hopeman back in the quick days and the answer is still the same:
Noodle arms
Golden spot
I picked Ranmaru. Sovl or soulless?
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After running a bunch of quests with Arc, I've found that for me at least her real beauty is in being able to enable support-less 6CE buster teams for generic brainless farming content. Wave 1 Arc NP, then Wave 2 and 3 are done with any 50% chargers and max append. Running hands with this team; it'd work perfectly with Jalter's future charge strengthen. Kintoki would work right now of course, and plenty others. Really nice actually since my Castoria hit 14 recently and I want to avoid using her as much as possible.
Musashi becoming an Archer at least makes her a bit more unique comparing to the other Zerks
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>Be a Cielfag
>Get accused of being that shitstain a few couple times but my English is not shit so it doesn't stick
Still hope the subhuman is dead in a ditch
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Flowers of Thanatos best route. Prove me Wrong. You can't.
I fucking love the I KNEEL meme so much
>Jalter's locked in pose is spreading her legs
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Here's the rule of thumb for 90++ meta:
Fine with doing 5CE? NP1 is doable with type advantage
Insist on 6CE? At least NP2, again with type advantage
Neutral damage? Better be prepared to open your wallet and maybe gameplay grail gold fou that shit
I will acquire Ibuki NP2.
Thank you.
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>anon discovers what multicore farming is
good job bro!
Arc deals too little damage like that for hands
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Koyanskaya's perfect breasts.
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np3 whore
I haven't seen xir yet so soul. Soulless is Maou, Kama, Melu, etc. who everyone and their moms picked.
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>I've found that for me at least her real beauty is in being able to enable support-less 6CE buster teams for generic brainless farming content.
My nigga. I do QP farming with just Douman/Arc/Sanzang because of how brainless it is. There's something nice about the 80%+ servants being able to do brainless content by themselves with minimal input for support servants/Mystic Codes.
Post what you're missing
God tier
>a clone(spishtar) of a clone(the uruk girl in babylonia hosting ishtar) of a clone(ishtar) of a westaboo with one of those chinese names that are embarassing and kids would make fun of (toesucker rin)
Either you are a genius the likes of marquis de sade or you are an irredeemable abomination
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Damn he sounds like that annoying sakuraschizo from /a/.
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He first turned up on /a/ spamming Saber stuff during Babylonia, then pivot to weirdass Arc vs Gil stuff. Then he kept getting banned on /a/ because the mods, against all odds, actually did their job when /a/ got enough of his shit and kept reporting him. /a/ told him about /vg/, so he ended up on here. That's where he pivoted to tsuki stuff and spammed Ciel. Later, it was found out that the reason he was even on 4chan in the first place was because he was banned from most korean communities, then banned from reddit.
looks good, I'm debating Reines, Titoria, or Space Ishtar for my third one.
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I looked into my /alter/ folder but I don't have anything for Tama Shark except doujins
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So, what do you think? …I look like a princess? Eeeh, I wasn't aware of it until now, but that's how you see it, huh?
Cu Alter
Red Hare
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Does anyone have the sluts - retards images
Even with Arc at NP2 and Ibuki at NP2, they aren't going to hit 600k damage.
Those 90++ quests requires something specific, like sacrifice one drop CE for damage CE (event damage or MLB Black Grail), a Servant that fills the niche or something ridiculous like a NP5 Lv120.
NP2 Arc and NP2 Ibuki aren't going to farm too many 90++ quests.
The issue is that most of those quests have bosses at 600k or 1m hp, and one of the waves have something like 200k to 300k hp mini boss.
i would berry my dick so far inside her ass whoever pulled it would would be crowned king arthur
I have it on my grailed Bakin
>no saito or moriarty
I can offer you nothing... I am less than dirt....
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I didn't realize just how useful she was with 30% party charges honestly, I never planned to roll multiple copies so I didn't actually give a shit about her most often discussed gameplay benefits.

Clearly not since my NP1 Arc without even her 1st skill maxed is doing it, she can handle Wave 1 just fine in that comp with Ishtar and Jalter's party buffs.

Yeah it's really comfy, I'd been a bit annoyed with setting up 6CE Buster Setups but this is basically completely brainless.
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I'm still dead sure that motherfucker had never actually played tsukihime and just read wiki entries. because he would never talk about actual story points, just how ciel and arc could, i don't know, lift a truck or whatever. all of that unprompted, of course
>third one
I thought we only got two
there is a third one?
The actual beauty of Arc is that she's a monster in complex CQs, as long as you know how to properly build a team for her.
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i have merlin if you're interested >>485123704
you can unfriend right away its no skin off my back
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I got him on regular GSSR. Good shit.
I picked Zenobia instead of Spishtar. Good taste though. Titoria is god tier.
Wouldn't Jeanne be more likely to do this?
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>Can you do more like that Zenobia one exept with anal and she's a loli with a big ass?

That's doable, I already got MLB Black Grail. I'm willing to reduce farming effectiveness if it means that I am able to turn my brain off.
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I think it's her turn for a swimsuit
Np2 works fine if you aren't a multicorelet
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this is a crazy idea
this is a crazier result
So now that you finally have Arcueid
Are you happy with her gameplay performance or dissapointed?
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I fucking love ai
I do not have an Arc
Ever since Castoria broke CQs I have stopped really caring about what a servant can do in them.
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NP2 arc is all you need
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i dont know i didnt even bother using her i just went back to making blue apples.
I got Percy
I don't have her, only played her trial
Seems a bit boring, defensive skills are useless in FGO
>illya pic
>horrible post
like pottery
I messed around with hands and an mlb bg setup and she got through em so good enough for me
Now I'm back in the QP mines because 10/10/10ing so many new servants this year left me broke
>defensive skills
Are you retarded, Arc is extremely offensively focused
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>this is a 60 year old man
I said that Illya Castle was the exception because Nito and Ozy are Chaotic (Arc niche) and Ozy has Riding (lotto drop CE does extra damage to those with Riding passive).
She is not going to hit those numbers outside that specific situation.
905 355 480

Add me if you haven't already, I may have just not seen you appear on refreshes if already friends.
kek so true
>NP changes the field to buff her
>field change is undone as soon as you switch to the next batch of enemies
What is the point?
im not going to use her outside of that specific situation
Arcueid senpai 6 CE farm this as the sole damage dealer, while your favorite can't. which means Arcueid is a top tier, meta servant.
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I don't save "memes," so can't do that. Here's a crane though. I got her.
in true multicore meme fashion, i am farming hands multicore with her and sanzang.
i swear, the things i do to ensure no bond gets used on my good supports...
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Do you even love her?
I wish I was a Servant so Gudako would rape me...
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>get 3 SSRs and a 3* in one day
>Summer Skadi weeks away
>only 200m QP after maxing Xu Fu and one of Arc's skills
but np5 120 godjuna can do it
Holy shit that's incredible, thanks
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It’s over…
She is fine, still need to try double arc for uneven nodes
how many do you have max fou pawed?
Where Bond CE?
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i do but im still missing 2 np levels.
The answer literally cannot be more than 2 anon.
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two arcs...
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I asked how many servants do you have maxed fou pawed.
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This makes me unreasonably upset.
Yeah, 2 instant NPs+60 charge for a ST servant seems great.
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Sent, Percy's on the second page. You can keep or remove me after if you want at your discretion. Good luck with the CEdex
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that's gross anon, do that in the bathroom next time
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My favorite can though?
retarded question so i assumed you were asking the alternative.
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Cute Serenity
sent, hokusai in all
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I'm a little disappointed in Xufu because her NP is a bit weak. Doesn't heal everyone, just her? Silly dork. Haven't used Arc's NP yet other than the trial quest, so no opinion.
Is she wearing an Evangelion shirt?
well show it, nerd
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i am going to RAPE aria
>implying anyone's favorite is poogod
Which append will you pick? I went with extra attack boost. I can’t imagine needing to desperately pop Lord/Mold Camelot…
>got np5
very happy
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NP2 Arc with Black Grail, Ibuki, Koyans and Oberon she hits around 350k. Against Chaotic Servants she hits around 520k.
She can farm with Black Grail only against Chaotic and as long as Ibuki can clear 1 wave and a non Oberon buffed Arcueid can deal with another wave.
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I didn’t roll for gameplay
She kills za hands so it's fine
She's offensively focused but not extremely
An SSR extremely offensively focused is something like Muramasa
Her statline is defensive and her S3 could be much better
She's not bad just not good
I have a friend who has a 120 Arjuna and Arjuna Alter, so I assume the love is genuine.
Why is he holding a Pokeball
Only the visuals change back, she still gets the passive buff for wave 2 and 3. Look at the blue icon beneath the turn counter.
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pretty sure Ibuki can loop this
>Only the visuals change back
But why? They shouldn't change either.
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>easily spammable 5000HP heal
>20 crit stars per turn for 5 turns
Xu Fu being party-wide would be one of the most hilariously strong 3* in existence. Between her and assclap you'd basically never die.
It would get very tiring listening to that music with that background for the rest of your life
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Is her np1 better than np1 Ishtar?!
Which np level?
Arcueid is fine. This is her neutral np3 damage with a MLB Grail, a low damage roll, no plugsuit, no golden fous, no grails, no chaotic or man attribute, and no Oberon. Still 200,000 damage.
To catch (You)
What's our compensation bros?
its a change up from the shitty default battle theme tho
brown little girl sex
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No problem, glad you liked it

Here's some more loli Zenobia
Shut up.
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>with a MLB Grail
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The joy of touching grass
You've had 7 years.
>Melu and Percy Dream portraits
Not a single regret.
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Absolutely love the Quetz stuff.

Could you do more like this but with Sheba?
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You guys didn't roll for anything "EXTRA" did you?
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im comfy grinding hands with np1, which is good enough for me
>her S3 could be much better
>30% to two members could be better let alone having any other effects
what the fuck are you talking about it is an extremely good skill and what makes her so offensively focused, she has her own NP with no help and helps others use their NP, she has no stall or defense focus in her kit
My Xu Fu is the strongest.
I am F2P playing from year 1 and only got MLB Black Grail just now.
I got a lot of Heaven's Feels for some fucked up reason, the CE that at MLB gives less damage than a normal Black Grail.
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>black male
You're on thin ice, AI merchant.
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You can't run away!!!
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just 7 Xu Fu and 3 Arc
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>Can 6CE hands without using my own supports solely relying on friend Oberon
bretty comfy, gayplay is a nice bonus from maxing her out
No... don't kill her...
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What's wrong, didn't get Poster Child?
Bro how is 200k with mlb black grail fine for a fucking np3 limited SSR
Imagine she being one shoted by an enemy...
Not until she's bare minimum lv100
Sent, Ranmaru's on All 1st page.
It's a shame Arc's rate-up is just her and Xu, who will be free soon enough. If it also had a high chance of giving legacy CEs like BG I'd actually roll more.
>Get NP4 Arc before my first copy of Xu Fu
The people saying not to roll for 3*s are fucking right.
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Welp, time to breed you.
I also play JP so is exactly as I expected.
sent, oberon in all
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>no one actually farms with double oberon.
People using him more than Koyanskaya in my case. He comes behind Castoria in usage.
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what you gonna do about it alaya? huh?
I'm disappointed in how weak she is but I never intended to use her anyway since my current Buster farmer is only bond 11/15
I'm Batman
ok bro
Servants for this feel?

Poster Geez has HP stats and higher cost.
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its usually schewed between shitting out the 5* if you want the specific 4* but it kinda sucks worse if your aiming for a 3* instead I guess
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I'm sorry, but the only people allowed to reply to this post are people with servants that have over 20k attack.
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>description of how to win the shishou quest uses plural when talking about targets
>bring all aoe casters
>it's just scat and no other enemies
Fucking Albert, that took 24 turns.
Added, I had some dead friends hiding.
Holy based
Could you try some more fat assed lily versions getting analed on all fours? I feel Morgan, Musashi, Scathach(or Skadi) and Barg might look pretty good.
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>Could you do more like this but with Sheba?
Sure, same positions as Quetz?

The problem with the lewds of brown girls is that by default the AI will try to make them white skinned.
This is very common with Zenobia.
Then when the I add the tag "dark-skinned female" the AI also makes the male dark skinned or tanned.
I did set the "dark-skinned male" on the Undersired Content box but still gets through sometimes.

>HP stats
and an enormous attack boost so I don't know why you'd care, unless you level it it doesn't matter
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>friend request full
I got an arash with arash CE for when you got space
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>So now that you finally have Arcueid
>Are you happy with her gameplay performance or dissapointed?
>speedread evil eye advanced quest tips
>something about battlefield
>quickly try to use Arc and her Millennial Castle
>lose 5 ap.
atk boost is meaningless if you're trying to let her die.
Imagine how big his shota cock would grow to at 120...
And how many situations you get in which the event drop CE hits the 90++ quest boss trait is Chaotic too?
I'm going to 10/10/10 my Liz.
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>leveling Illya and Sitonai to 120
>reminded how cancerous the levels are
Anyone else using their Blue Apples to farm hands?
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what about servants with 20k attack+HP?
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Coming back, is there a little wretched thing version of Tamamo in the game now? I want her real bad.
Programmer lazyness.
The field buff is still active, but the game doesn't give you the option to keep the background or not.
I'm on my way to getting Salter to 120 and now she'll be soulless meta...
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It's THAT easy.
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>0 SQ
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He's correct, the world would be a better place if everything was nicely gatekept.
Your funds for summer?
He still have around 255 SQ.
i hope you still have your box filled up anon....
look at richy-rich
im at 10m qp
This is why we've decided to gatekeep Liz from our community.
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Could you do Ibuki with a sundae? No sex
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Are you gonna gobble up his tiny little cock?
>not new
NP level?
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>Receive like 40 lore or something
>Only 9 left
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Is the QAB bonus worth it?
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I’m doing that right now with Percival looping in order to get a head start with Voyager’s 120. And even then the x3 chance with Super/Great boost isn’t kicking in…
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at least he dos a fuckton of damage for CQs and hard story boss battles
I did a quick check at my QP funds because I got 3 new SSR and 4 new SR.
Thankfully I still have 400m QP.
better than no chain or quick chain
worse than arts chain and buster chain
So I have 1000 quartz left for Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi. That is only good enough for one pity. Which one should I guarantee?
I use golds
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skadi if you like quick farming more, proto-merlin is mainly arts merlin which is good but not castoria tier
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Ibuki. Avalon is a support for Arts critters, and Skadi is >Quick
Lady A is only really good with multiple levels, Summer Skadi is mostly just an straight up upgrade to Skadi
Skadi because she is waifu.
For gameplay, Lady Avalon is cucked in comparison to Castoria so Skadi is still better.
My inspiration…
grats anon
My nigga. Any time we have one of those giant Oni, I automatically bust out the NP5 Tsuna. He's just so fun to play.
I see that's an old screenshot, but I'm mirin' anyways
Proto Merlin is nice mostly as yet another Arts support you can use instead of Castoria. Between her, Tamamo, Nero Bride and Xu Fu, you can still enable a lot of Arts looping and save her bond.
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Stupid passives
I already have an NP5 Space Ishtar
I'm going to ass fuck all my Lizs.
S.Skadi > S.Ibuki > Lady A
proto-merlin is great for immortal team because of added OC, which is great if you prefer using morgan and not himiko
summer skadi is amazing for quick looping, and now that we have mighty chains, quick is no longer >quick
Lady Avalon is superior in those pesky CQs where you cannot have a duplicate servant since she slots in over Merlin.
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>and now that we have mighty chains, quick is no longer >quick
Then ask yourself, do you have a favorite Arts servant who could use a Merlin support, or a favorite Quick servant?
Isn't regular Merlin the best for Morgan
Nta, that anon is prioritizing invul hits -> buster damage.
Honestly if I wanted max amount of super invul hits I'd just use Himiko.
Mighty chains don't help quick servants farm.
Looking for a replacement for my bond 15 castoria desu. Seems like Lady A isn't it.
they do actually
So, what was the maintenance that happened early today about?
No they don't.
Which one?
Has anyone here hit bond 15 without use of automata
they saw that you didnt roll enough and had to shut the servers down to save costs
Me, I manual everything
they downsized the servers then upsized them again
I can't prove it btw.
Yes? Why let a machine bond with my servant when that's the point.
Morgan and Himiko are not part of the immortal comp. They do not significantly contribute to your survival or clear speed in any way.
It also isn't rocket surgery. It's just standard RPG mechanics.
Tank (Castoria)
Heals (Merlin, several options really)
DPS (literally anyone, picrel)
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yes on JP thanks to OC 90++ free quests bond. its insane
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Me, I farm manually since I’m used to that shit since my RuneScape days.
Me, for Beni and Skadi.
Ok, which is worse, bond 15 through automata or through backline bonding?
I tried summoning Arc while on the toilet and it didn't work out well. I'm never going to try poopsummoning again.
yeah, me
>Need one more copy to 120
>Impulsefag in me wants to roll this anni
>Active brain cell in me says to wait until Wandjina event, for event CEs and Yagyu would be a great bonus as a storylock I don't have
N-next year...
I think if they're your favorite and they're not even seeing the frontline, it's pretty pathetic.
Every single bond 15 ST NP servant is done via backline
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>They do not significantly contribute to your survival or clear speed in any way.
Morgan and Himiko boost NP OC which combined with NP chains allows for Castoria to have 3+ stacks of her super invul. Swapping Merlin with Merlina will make reaching multiple stacks of super invul even easier because she also gives NP OC in her charisma.
Morgan and Himiko helps by giving more tanking power to Castoria.
Morgan sacrifices 1 AoE shield in exchange for more damage and more ways to charge the team.
Himiko sacrifices damage in exchange for 2 AoE shields.
Morgan and Himiko overcharge shenanigans matter significantly for fights which wear down on your shields more quickly. Enemies which have normal AoE attacks are a good example
bro you weren't allowed to do that...
That ritual only works with Poogod and Tamamo.
Fuck I forgot the text
It is so fucking over.....
Yours don't have 20k attack though, you need a CE to get there
Not true. Mt. Ooe is a great place to farm both bond and bones and that's a 3/3/1 node, perfect for ST on that last enemy.
That upscaling…
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>morgan and himiko, not part of the immortal comp
Just stop talking
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I already got Arc. Is it worth to keep rolling to MLB this?
people who have bond 15 servants that dont actually help with farming are 100% backlined, I can bet you $100 that they'd not put their asterios on the front line for lottery farming until he hit bond 15 for example
post your bond 10+s
this nigga gay, he wants a CE full of MEN
Should have kept the original resolution
>Increases Arts performance by 10%
>Increases critical damage of Arts Cards by 20%
>Starts battle with 60% NP gauge
What do you think?
>art crit
They keep it low because of her crit stacks. She'd be too powerful at 20k...
Ocean flier is way better
Do you need a 60% NP charge craft essence? If the answer is no then use one of your free ones like pic related.
I have 10 bond 15's and never used automata. It's just about playing consistently, not wasting too much AP and using your apples in farm worthy events. Also being aware of bond efficiency and not underestimating how much bond you can get by just farming materials on decent free quest nodes on weeks when there isn't much else to do.
Do I need an NP3 Arc? I just spent 500 quartz for NP1....
any one have a link with the nude edit of this ce?
I kneel.
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Liz is french???
for GAMEPLAY? Yes.
There isn't one. This is the last FGO NA thread.
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Wait until page 10 like the rest of the civilized world.
nvm, just found it
Will NP2 be good enough? I have 500 quartz left and I want Summer Skadi.
If you are a fujo, go ahead.
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Sorry liz, I stirred the pot too much and the sheep felt the need to say the same thing at me 6 times
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I still haven't finished ooku
If youre going to grail the shit outta her, it'll be passable.
Do you even have a looper? Because I really dont need the point unless you want her to be your main buster looper.
my top tier plan is after finishing my 120 project and doing all the strengthening quests I can use the dead period to clear ooku again for the 50+ SQ
TL: I said some dumb shit and everyone was too busy correcting me to make a new thread
Servants you would have gay sex with?
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Even worse translation than the team that localized osakabehime. Dont' quit your day job brother.
This is the last /alter/ thread
jalter is a girl dumb dumb
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Oh thank god I'm free
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Mysterious Ranmaru X.
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Let me just rest my eyes a little...
i can pretend to be a girl like the rest of the /alter/sisters
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Ranmaru is a girl though.
This is why nobody wanted to meet you at AX
Yes to the same positions
So unfair. My Ibaraki barely reaches 16k at lvl 100+ max golden fou while some SSRs without Fous have more stats than her

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