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Reminder to reply to and encourage shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous Thread: >>485121175
my moonie has the stinkiest steamiest armpits on xivg
is she going to marry my male midlander
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i have GOT to get my dick sucked
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
which thread characters would represent each job?
If Minfilia (not Ryne-Minfilia) had adopted a combat job like Krile or temporarily Tataru had, which would she choose?
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this was a great addition to the filter
Femlala for my male midlander
please and thank you
>Be Dawnservant with me, Koana!
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are you upset that they still haven't made a better title screen to hype you up than ShB
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This is a cute apartment!
be advised that viera
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Is it rude for tanks to solo a boss when the rest of the team dies? Is there a threshhold where the tank should just wall it? What do you think?
No, she has sex with emet selch only and miera on her alt
God I love Hrothgirls.
we'll be together soon..
give me a rundown on cerberus limsa
shutup shadowbab
There's a lot of people here I wish would play GNB irl.
Where are you going that has people advertising? Data center travel is shut down.
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Without looking anything up, record you pronouncing "Quetzalcoatl" using https://vocaroo.com/ and post here
You're able to pronounce names native to Turalian culture, right? You're not some racist chud, are you?
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As you wish.
>city is called Final Solution 9
>powered by genocide
yeah but the incompetency that leads to most wipes is also rude so it's fair
aw man I can't compete with emet-selch...
oh well I'll go hit up her alt
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Hop into gpose and take a screenshot your Hrothgal right now!
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oh wait that's old drama we are now talking about how shit wuk lmao is and how she doesn't pass or whatever
even the leader of the healer strike moved on from the entire game it would seem
healsissys did we win???
Zalera retards coming to Balmung because nobody wants to go to Zalera
They should add a player apartment building to Solution 9

also what happened to the other 8 solutions?
sex with shale (the elezen in the backroom)
i think it depends. if it's 25% or lower on first try just go for it. if it's like 75% just wipe. if it's a dungeon boss and it's been 3 wipes then just solo it. they're not getting it.
I just had a shower, you're ew
I’m using novel AI to generate images of fat femlalas
Going to finish up Thunderbolt Fantasy S3 in ~15 minutes.
is ZT awake?
my fiddie is
my malera is the grand king with the doodoo destiny
...oh I get it.
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Grape-Flavored cat checking in! Nya~~
I know why you’re wearing that visor
I know what’s going through your brain
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>Game staples me to Wuk so I can take her victory lap

At least it let me rudely refuse to call her Lamaty'i
BBC only
maybe just don't be bad. ignore that the tank has vuln stacks and would have died on any other role
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>Not part of the gooner clique
>Nor part of the raider clique
>Nor part of the race I play clique
>Nor part of the PVP clique
>Nor part of the ebin clique
Feels grey, man.
>muh sexual deviancy!!!
Literally nothing transsexual or degenerate about consuming pornography, it’s healthy in fact. What is mentally ill though is playing a Japanese MMO and picking a male character and pretending to be some paragon of righteousness and celibacy because of it. Pull your head out of your ass and stop being a fucking faggot.
hello ser, how goes the struggle
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>no u
i accept your concession, now post your toy gun.
Based cutscene skipper
elk types in lower case btw
low hp nah finish it, if it's high just wipe unless this is like the 2nd or third time.. but only if you can actually solo it otherwise you're just wasting time for no reason.
Parsing grey in FFXIV social life.
why do you need to join a clique from here
Queues still take an absurdly long amount of time because people don't want to play healer. It's not a deal-breaker for now, but you're going to find people not playing as much as they used to. And you'll like that since it lets you play other games like Yoshida-sama told you to, right? Ultimately Square Enix loses nothing except profit and shareholder confidence, which means SE won't do anything to change. You'll like this and so will everyone else.
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This is the final one.
>it's healthy in fact
Yeah you're one to look up to.
>tfw only have a static
>they're on a different DC and they treat it like a job
why is kong skinwalking as elk?
nobody really cares about all the other solutions, it’s the final solution that we all know and love!
I think they're just offscreen. Pretty sure Sphene said something about there being a bunch of different districts of The Everkeep, and Solution 9 is just the largest, housing The Arcadion and governmental offices.
I play a female character, but nice try though
where is the diaper album trannychal?
so who sent krile the letter? was it gulool ja ja?
I'm at a -- here anon.
Main server of Chaos
Final Solution
Please step into the soul chamber
>They should add a player apartment building to Solution 9
Lol are you new to FFXIV? The game is made by Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Like, do you know what you're asking for?? Lmao
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Nobody will know I'm a hrothgal with this moustache!
>why is a schizo skinwalking a schizo
i dunno but they should do it more it would be pretty funny cause i hate both
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>Queues still take an absurdly long amount of time because people don't want to play healer.
we got 2 dps this expansion
that is literally the only reason
tanks still the most desired role in any content except in... *squints* guildhests
they need to stop doing 2 dps expansions
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please somebody have sex with my femezen instead…
I take it mods are back if everyones avatarfagging again?
Cat airdropping in
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So Everkeep is the largest and most advanced city on Etheirys now
Nice blank
*steals your nose*
maya is a much better name than krile
oops sorry my dick was in the way
dumb and flat
Then why did you do so many of them
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My wife in this pic. Also a bungirl for some reason.
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vocaroo yourself saying this
Sage is pretty fun.
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Gonna rape those armpits
Very handsome highlander, sir. Carry on.
Yes, and this will be a recurring issue for the next three years. Nothing will be done to change it. People will lose interest if they can't queue for stuff. But that doesn't matter since you can just go play other games (FFXIV is the play-other-games MMO).
why didn't they just upload everyone into everkeep and stop them from reproducing
Handsome Hrothgar, sir.
thanks you're too
Okay look
Horrible degenerate that I am I DO still like the set for non-horny reasons too. The armor detail is really cool and simplistic screen faces are peak character design, it's cute cute CUTE
Also look at the ears and tell me they aren't adorable
I’m in a race CWLS that I shouldn’t be in after my DT fanta, hehe…
its not really in Etheirys
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Cute! Perfect! I love her!
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You're part of the chill dudes clique, they're so chill they don't even need to be invited to it, they're just part of it by default.
Nice tits ser.
So how come warrior does EVERYTHING better than all other tanks?
they said it's the 9th residential district man
*rips your mustache off* WHO ARE YOU
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I am
a bun
doing MSQ roulette
*looks at dps graph*
I was working towards the token unlock for the wings to dump the gemstones into while leveling in DT
The wings probably aren't even worth it now since the ex2 mount is basically those but better..
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they're the only uncool tank, decent tradeoff
she looks so sad...
Reminder: Zoraal Ja had sex
it is legit the worst tank outside of hg, rouletters need not reply
I assume so yeah
The most comparable society would probably be bestways burrow because they have similar aether harnessing technology but it’s not on the planet
*pins down and rapes a max height fiera*
(I'm a lalaboy)
Are you Emet Selch?
we don't really do frontlines queues any more huh?
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So people can follow in the footsteps of their favorite character without sacrificing for it
Am I the only one that find this cat repulsive?
Im a cat enjoyer but this one is so fucking bad idk why, its like the average limsa cat but with the small mouth and shit eye color
I have faced gods but nothing has prepared me for this unholy place
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It's invul is broken for savage, you can often get 3 of them off in a fight. While paladin even has to bust theirs at the start despite having CDs just so they can get a 2nd use
ill queue with you if youre on aether
maybe he cloned himself. hoobigo with boonewa scales is extremely rare
shut up rinko
>tanks still the most desired role in any content except in... *squints* guildhests
no, there's way more tanks than healers, the adventurer in need system is just retarded japcode that always prioritizes tanks first - i.e. if there's 49 parties that have a tank and no healer, and there's 1 party that has a healer and no tank, the system sees that 1 party and decides that tanks are in need
it's pretty obvious when you consider that tanks still regularly get queues a few minutes long whereas healer queues are literally always instant
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What the fuck? How could you mod in face 2's sideburns onto a face 4? Humanity is doomed...
read before replying
it's second in damage after GNB
also outside of HG it's mit is godawful compared to all tanks. mit, not healing btw
their sustain is insane and their aoe buff is really fucking good, second only to PLD. also holmgang is broken
PLD needs to be buffed
why does the roulette always pick this one
i find them revolting because they have a penis
Why does everyone hit on Mablu

It's making me feel like a cuck
stolen valor
Who is this
no other job has anyone close to the level of obnoxiousness that xeno has over the smallest perceivable balance differences and se actually listens to him
is that a face 4?
I am a miera dreading having to level my crafters
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Any good recommendations for some bulky ass armor sets/glams?

I want my Roe to look built like a brick shit house
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cuz it picks what sprouts are queuing for and need for their MSQ
wow this looks horrendous
PLD will shine during savage when every boss has a small hitbox and lots of downtime
not his one
... what
Cat penis is ok
everybody wants to fuck Mablu’s mouth, it is nature. also anons glamours are there that covers face but keeps mouth revealed?
I have not gotten that one in like the last 10 roulettes MSQ I've done
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Warrior has the worst time dealing with kitchensinks compared to other tanks. They're just better at recovering but they take the most damage, the complete opposite to DRK
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Does this hairstyle make me look like a Karen?
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I'm pretty sure. DT changed face 4s a lot
my eyes were immediately drawn to the face 4 hrothgal in the back. fuck i am desperate
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Wouldn't you?
i hate that because xeno is a fucking retard
can someone post that image where he says he wants GNB to be WAR? it's funny
What is hg I must've missed something
If SE listened to him they'd nerf GNB potency and give us Crit/DH
Is there a plugin that can automatically deliver collectables and spend scrips? :3
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We're doomed as a species.
I try my best in foreign languages but there's many sounds that elude me like "soft s" or ㅅ in Korean for example. I can't roll an R to save my life either.
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Yok Huy men
yes and anyone can walk in or out
I want to make a femezen alt tank as soon as crystal opens back up
Yeah, I would go with a different one
Hallowed Ground, well known WAR ability.
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wh-what the fuck.. catboys aren't allowed to look good
stop this
I just did Deadwalk with a bard and i think it was the first time i was grouped with a bard all expansion. How have any bard players felt about the class so far? I dont think ive seen a NIN yet either.

Lets not forget that Sharlayan has a space ship that can fly to the end of the galaxy and an underground biome that replicates what the endless had. Lets also not forget the Alexandrian army got heem'd by the Scions and friends when they didn't have the element of surprise.
da wetst hav falen
it's not really a karen hairstyle but it is pettable
it’s not so bad but she looks like she’s a little dorky/prudish. pair of glasses is probably cute???
>optimize the fuck out of savage until WAR loses like 1 gcd at best
what now? even in pre-EW raids this was common, you did uptime strats with your raid group
It's just based simple as. Other tank players can cry and whine and point to DPS graphs but WAR is just what real men play. The devs know this.
Performing cunnilingus on every hrothgirl in Tullyollal. Twice.
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I see them posted periodically, but they died down in the few weeks preceding Dawntrail and haven't really picked back up.
On a related note, I don't usually do ASTslop in Frontline, but once in a while I see a premade in another part of the Alliance and say fuck it.
its kinda funny how I see WARs get chunked during ValiEX
but maybe right now WAR has a lot of shit players, they all did less than me on pld too and have greys in healing
Will ranked actually be alive this time when the season starts?
I did it 3 times.
at the top of the jump puzzles.
I should have kept a counter of the number of times people tell me or Wuk herself how much she's grown

Because holy shit
It'll be fellatio for mine ;)
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A single yok hoy would kill alisaie size-wise
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I only just now found out that apparently only a few people can actually understand Mooglespeak
I also just realized that the Set of Primogs minion is a reference to the band The Primals and its band leader is named Mogken
why are latinx folk so sensitive?
how dare you call the kingdom of alexandria UNHOLY, you swine!
The filibuster's set
i'm gonna rewatch this movie
im in tullyollal right now
for the first week sure then its back to 3am queues from the same handful of people for the rest of it
Everyone being split up/doing the MSQ slowed it down here, probably will be back the more people get caught up
How’s DT GNB anyways? might level that as my first tank because femmyzen look cool as one..
How do I make a cute, non dommy mommy futa, Fiera? I just like bunnies that's all
it's modded and it looks retarded
How many days passed during the DT MSQ? Was it just few day, weeks or months?
bakool jaja has always been based in my book
>Other tank players can cry and whine and point to DPS graphs
that was literally WAR for most of EW especially during Abyssos and it was louder and more annoying than whatever PLDs and DRKcucks are doing right now
>not the white knighting gringos being offended for them
Same. I fucking hate it there. They don't even have a materia melder near the raid gear vendor. Not to mention just seeing that place makes me ask "Final Fantasy?"

Like, I'm not a "Final Fantasy should look like blah blah blah." Kind of person because the series best entries have such wide variety, from 9's return to the classic style, to 7's gritty future, and even to (not one of the best, but my beloved) Type-0's literally academy anime setting.

Any yet, 2077 cyberpunk just feels like too much. Or rather, too much to commit to as hard as they have. If Solutin 9 was a dungeon I think I might really like it as a cool mix up. But as a whole hub city PLUS where the raids will be it just feels like an over commitment in an expansion that despretly needed something to connect it back to the rest of the game.

IMO they should have taken the first portion of the last dungeon, made that the hub city, then made the Solution 9 we got be the dungeon theme so you would get a progression in tech as you rose in the tower.
>EW has stupid time loop gimmick plot
>filters speedreaders
>DT has extremely basic straightforward plot
>filters speedreaders even harder
for the anon from earlier with some glitched UI on reshade: the DLL thing I mentioned in this one
When there's no UI on screen it changes the gamma to 0 so if you have a different gamma setting the screen will brighten up then get darker. I think that's about it
come see my bakery :) goblet ward 1 plot 17 (balmung) (small plot)
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I don't know but it's really lame that PLD kinda sucks nuts because it's the coolest tank bar none
>born to be a sword and board knight
>forced to unga bunga like a retard
NIN is fun but I hate having to share gear with VPRs
Its almost always alive unless you are a Crystal gamer (lol)
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no mames guey
The timeframe of the entire game is fucked. Despite all the shit we've been doing for over a decade, it's only been like a year or two ingame.
why he ear
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I got stuck in an expert with 2 bard dps and it was easily the worst dungeon of my life. both of them told me that the AoE rotation is now not even worth doing as it got such a dps reduction. dunno how true that is but that dungeon took for EVER
The need to flex supercedes manners

t. solo'd alexandria dungeon bosses from 30-40% while my friends sat at the entrance for like 10 minutes with one random
When's the date, bro?
Are we not going to address who the mother to gulool ja is?
I will still main-tank Arcadion Savage on DRK
warfaggots and schfaggots have been far and away the worst parsefags I've ever had the displeasure of playing with
nonstop bitching about war damage before its stormblood buff, nonstop bitching about drk doing more damage in shb, etc
one of my friends who I had a static with in shadowbringers would just jump off the side of the stage if he fucked up his opener during prog
Because complaining about something handwaved away with a terrible excuse doesn't mean you didn't read it.
looks constipated
too ugly for slutwear
lmao you think that helps?
Viper? More like Nigger.
Not a single person pronounced it correctly lol
20-25% imo just go for it; I've never heard complaints during the times I did
If it's early on in the fight, usually have had the healers/rest of the party ask for a reset
I've had to recite so much bane posting for people but it's fun
we're not going to address who his grandmother is either
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where must i go to smooch this cat?
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+1 to image limit
no contribution
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We are but later in the patches. I liked that one anon's idea that his mother will be a NPC/boss in the Arcadion
>w-well yeah WAR has like 0.5% less damage than other tanks
>never mind that they have the best burst, best healing, best party buffs/healing, support, sustain and more
>they deal 0.5% less damage!!!
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frick you
oh well it has a good musk to it
the other solutions are the floors where soul stuff takes place, you technically go through it in origenics and the 12th level is Lost Memory where as the 11th is the kings throne room where you faced the king
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Femlala EB for my Malera
armpit princess
wasn't there supposed to be a meet up on dynamis
is it still going on
Visit the bunny village in Rak'tika and take notes from them.
it's been like that since HW, maybe ARR even
those jobs are genuinely a magnet for terrible people for some reason
>EW has stupid time loop gimmick plot
>filters speedreaders
Venat did what she did because the WoL travelled back in time even though the WoL only exists because Venat did what she did because the WoL travelled back in time even though the WoL only exists because Venat did what she-

Do you see now how retarded this is? "Muh closed loop tho". Shut the fuck up, fucking dunce.
this is so obviously a femlala astroturfing. literally no malera wants a femlala
>king's throne room
>literally empty except for the throne chair
men really think this is okay
My favorite team comp is me as PLD tanking, but replacing my burst rotation with clemency as the DPS eat the boss like a fat kid at golden corral. The healer returned to start because they thought we couldn't do it without him. I will be pegging him later.
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I am going to beat you with a rock
it got some great QoL changes and one new button
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>it's been over a decade
*deadnames eleneshpya in your path*
Don't listen to that anon, take notes from Fran instead and be my midlander's fiera eb
dang didn’t fit as well as I’d thought, still p cute but I don’t think it’s the strongest hairstyle
depends on the changes they make in 7.1

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Yeah, why?
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>if you know you know
I like PLD as OT because they can aim their wings easier then, that 15% mit is huge
raidsloppers are mentally ill and will take the 0.5% damage over all that
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femhroth status?
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I'm starting to hate RPR in CC just for that obnoxious fear.
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nothing wrong with being flat
Yeah it's retarded, just doing all the boat trips should have been months if not years considering how we sail around the world all the time
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good night, bitch
ill be honest bwos, now that i finished the MSQ i cant find something interesting to do. and being away from balmung means i have no one to talk to
N-No! I'm a malera! I really really am! I love Femlalas soooooo much!
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>he took the most basic vanilla aesthetic for PLD
Where is your queen to cover with the shield and kneel to?
why does this happen to veena so often
gay sex with my malera RIGHT NOW
if I was in charge of job design I'd make the damage
but nerf WARs healing a tiny bit to be on par with PLD
do you guys think this is more fair?
I'm not going to sleep?
server and location RIGHT NOW
I generated a femlala with AI
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no one would pick war if it wasn't strong and easy to play
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punutiy is definitely a new item, i managed to get one and sell it before it just plummeted in value
suzusaurus is an old minion i think, which just dropped in rarity tier I'm guessing
ganbatte japanese-sama
Fujo meat
Zalera, Crystal.
that sounds awful, it should be GNB>DRK>PLD=WAR
Do you actually listen to these?

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Thats just Zankuro
All of the tanks can perform the tank part of their job description competently at a high level, being able to do it "better" will hardly be a factor, we don't have SB PLD anymore.
bit zesty
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I wish to never see wuk in the msq again
>the monkey paw curls
Oh nyoo
its the same when a lot of people were DRK or PLD suddenly
just NPCs swapping from one strong job to another
i'm on aether...
don't remember asking the agp coomer for his take
>DRKs and GNBs kit is heavily focused on damaging skills but they are supposed to do less damage than WAR in this vision
Yeah you are a retard
my wife
the aesthetic is definitely weakest
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She becomes a scion and you become blind
pedophile-coded cat
get out niggy
>Saying goodbye to Wuk
I'm so glad I got spoiled on this because having her fucking show up later and reattach herself to my hip would have been hard to bare
Holy sex. Do you like fiddies and/or can you record yourself reading Gaius's pretor speech?
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Why is Erenville's mom like this?
Nah, I think it's fine.
what if we touched LCD screens..
But isn't the tradeoff that WAR can make it so healers don't have to heal as much as they can sustain themselves and even heal the team a lot, meaning healers and the party can focus more on damage and therefor gaining a NET damage increase in total?
That stupid fucking DRK sword has NEVER dropped for me god dammit
Builded for lalaboys
DRK should be lowest because it's a strong off-tank, they don't need sustain and all they're good for is using TBN on the MT (WAR)
WAR should be highest because it requires more skill to play than PLD and DRK but has more issues with the tankbusters than GNB
All the good ones are elsewhere... please at least say you're a top so I won't get disappointed
>She literally comes out of your computer, becoming real, and declares that you're her new family.
Hey, you'll never see her in the MSQ again!
become the reaper
My miera needs to get his cocked slurped on ASAP.
Waiting for the reveal that Wuk Lamak was the New Worlds Warrior of Light
Because it's hot
it's fine, two new buttons you only get to hit in burst, the song change is annoying for when you're starting combat (slight delay compared to before since it takes a second to register in combat) but great for downtimes. the hawk's eye change is real nice since now you can guarantee the barrage shadowbite during your buffs in aoe.
>AoE rotation is now not even worth doing as it got such a dps reduction
they were mentally retarded like an alarming amount of bard players in df.. landon/shadow are dps gains at two compared to burst/refulgent.
it was gulool ja ja
Do you like femra?
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>inb4 she awakens the Echo
>inb4 her unique Echo power is also something completely busted
wife-code cat
location? do you like fiddies?
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It's not my fault that the best-looking plate armor in the game is also the most basic.
>where is your queen
There are PLDs who have those?
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Looking for some feedback on my hrothgal.
found out there are plugins that'll afk run dungeons for you
is there one that grinds FATEs? i wanna get some orchestrion rolls but fuck doing 60 FATEs in every zone
the only metric of performance for tanks and healers in raid is if the party isn't dead, therefore job design should be catered toward being fun in actual content like dungeons
If SE listened to him there would be underage love interests.
Set my home in Tuliyollal right after that scene.
Do you like moonies
Hags pretending they’re young is hot. Even better if it’s less convincing too. God I love hags.
owes my maliddie sex
Her Echo is spamming solo-limitbreaks

In the post launch MSQ she's going to group up with us to do an LB4 like Elidibus
It's actually a crime against everything job fantasy stand for that WAR has more utility and support to the team than PLD
they spent like 25% of the MSQ slurping GJJ
you're never there to stop it
miera gassing themselves up again i see
XIV isn't fun any more. I don't have any friends who play.
mierda falseflag
do you like miera?
How would Wuk Lamat have reacted to Emet-Selch? Would she have offered him tacos?
i wish we could say "YES!!!" that part was so fucken cute
My mom is honestly like this, she's a black belt in judo and very energetic but she's over 50
Not them but I'm the same, and I do.
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*knocks something off the counter while maintaining direct eye contact with you, then falls off*
She's a WAR and her journey mirrors the same journey our WoL went on in ARR, we we're just witnesses to it, like watching a sprout level up. She's the protector of her kingdom, and you don't need the Echo or be a shard of Azem to be a Warrior of Light. Just look at the Scions.
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Hags are the breast
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This. Gulool did the heavy lifting. His kids are inheriting his deeds with 0 struggle. Wuk would've been paste by Valigarmanda if we weren't there and we would've had to either push Zoraal's shit in if he tried to start anything with us or completely wipe Tural of his bull shit and have the twins sort things out
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>the red bit at the bottom of the GNB af coat can't be dyed
I have actually, legitimately never been more angry with this game I think. This literally makes no fucking sense
do you like maleroes?
Bet she rides a mean dick bro, god bless her
she would have drooled before talk shouting at them before drooling a little like a retard, then proceeding to try and make fwendz with the power of understanding
Well, chud?? You ready to admit you hate joy?
>They don't even have a materia melder near the raid gear vendor
yeah they do, it's up the teleporter
Seething Middies/Catboys. lmao
shes missing a ring on her finger
you retarded nigger
>Intervention gets stronger if you have rampart or guardian, you can use it while also protecting yourself with Sheltron
Warrior has
>nascent flash which is shit for mitigation
>shake which does not compare to any of PLDs tools unless you burn other cooldowns
i love MM so much
Yeah I'm a hater, what of it
you really gotta work on these falseflags bro
She would have probably wanted to learn how the Ancient society worked. Emet would have bluescreened as the writers didn't think that beyond "they were big and had a lot of aether"

I am real.

DC? Veena or Rava?
how did you get her so orange? i wanted to make my hrothgirl orange but i couldnt find anything like this
May I see your miera?
>Not to mention just seeing that place makes me ask "Final Fantasy?"
Final Fantasy 1 3
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 9 (if you count terra)
Final fantasy 8
Shut the fuck up
Light Meenour
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I don't know if the froth and foam scene really counts as pretending, since it was technically more like the equivalent of having to fetch some old documents from a drawer in Y'shtola's room except her teenage diary was on top of them and fully visible and it was impossible to get said documents without opening it, but it definitely had that vibe.
WAR's single target healing is pretty puny, anytime a WAR would be able to save someone's life with their targeted skill every single tank has tools to do that also.
You guys focus on Nascent Flash and Bloodwhetting but the most broken healing WAR has is Equilibrium and it's not even really close.
NTA but does veena or rava matter?
I read somewhere that, for some reason, botting FATEs is a sure-fire way to get banned and nobody knows why exactly
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My dog licks my face for over five minutes every time I come home and I let her because I love her

Wuk is awful. Wuk is not a dog. Wuk is not my dog
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>maybe you just hate dogs
>for a cat person
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Aww shucks, thanks.

I think I'm happy with her once I pick a face paint.
I am once again asking for MCH glam ideas
bro that's a level 53 dungeon wtf is you doin?
don't toss your gear out your dumb ass
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literally me
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Dude just compare these two
So does the average PLD not know how Veil works or do they just choose to not use it? I've been in multiple Valigarmanda extreme groups and none of the PLDs use their party tools, not even Reprisal. I've noticed this on a lot of DRK's too.
snu snu
May I wife this femhroth...
if bloodwhetting was "per cast" it would be more noticeable desu
equilibrium is very busted right now though, you can buff it even more
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>queue leveling into mt gulg
>get a tank that single pulls and can't keep aggro
>queue leveling into aurum vale
>get a tank that tries to pull the entire first room and party wipes us
>queue leveling into brayflox
>get a tank that literally pulls one enemy at a time
boy oh boy do i love the influx of retards that every expansion brings
dancer's pvp lb is so hot...hypnotizing dozens of people into simping for me, mindlessly staggering towards me just for a chance to touch my body...aww, you say you're not gay? well, you are now, good girl :3
>Do you like fiddies
>Gaius's pretor speech?
We'll see, no promises.
i want to eb her and make her happy
thug maxxed bbc owning Rava
erenville ended up being a more sympathetic character than poo lamat by the end and he was a one dimensional prop for the entirety of it.
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I won't like Wuk Lamat until she human sacrifices someone and cuts their beating heart out of their chest cavity while they are still alive
i think wuk lamat was fine in the second half of the story

or maybe i just got used to her?
fino fano fourteen?
Doesn't, I'm just curious. People don't usually post their characters when they're asking for ERP so I just want to know some tiny details.

is this maggo
the duality of anon
i would say something too but retarded healers can't heal the fire party stacks so i let them do all of the work if able
I like Wuk Lamat however I am using the JP audio like any self respecting human
You've got your extreme weapon right anon?
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caught a loser who likes to let the clock run out at the end of raids to try and steal loot from the impatient. i put up with a lot from this game but that's some real fuck shit. easy blacklist add
You're retarded and brown
I don't even raid anymore so I don't particularly care for the balance, but for me the frustration is
>born to be a sword and board knight
>made to spam spells from far away by half the rotation
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>enter alliance roulette on monk
>see this
Erm what the sigma
All malezen only want femra… what hope is there for my femezen? Are no races for femezen? She’s dark skinned too so I think chances are even lower… is it over?
I agree with you. I think she's a fine character and I enjoyed journeying with her. There were moments where she was a little annoying, and moments where I thought she was really funny or endearing, and overall I thought her character arc was solid. She's clearly there in the second half as a foil to Sphene.
no i haven't stepped foot in either ex.
that alone is all you need for raidwides, wings are 15% mitigation which makes up for that because you can plan it on other instances of raid damage
you also have clemency to save other people with, nascent does not compare to that

personally i just dont think war is too strong with its utility
Sorry but liking tacos is not enough. I need human sacrifice
*brings you a still-alive mouse* :3
I just played around with colors in ktisis. The skin colors are limiting but I picked a brighter hair color that was more reddish brown to trick the eye into thinking they blended together into orange, and the green eyes help to create the orange suggestion even more.
u mad
Once the DC travels open up and raid tier dies down, i'll try to keep an eye out for you. Always fun meeting cute femra.
Premade. you got into a group of friends.
Would Wuk have been more beloved if she was a cute/sex miqo'te instead?
she came off like a genuine downy by the second half of or end, coming in like a goofball during certain moments in living memory ranging from inappropriate to angering. Like someone forcing their le so quirky OC character into a different story
DRK's are only playing their job to swing a big sword, they do not give a FUCK about using defensive tools
>dark skinned
i want you if and only if you're a duskie
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i have 3, my latest one i got because one of my static members rolled a 97 but had a full inv
Froth and foam was because she never bothered to update that spell until she after she needed to do it in front of people
clever. she looks very cute.
Her journey is only superficially similar to the WoL in ARR.
In ARR you're a nobody who appeared (technically literally) out of nowhere and were chosen by a goddess to undergo trials and strengthen your bond with Her and earn Her gift.
Wuk Lamat also has to undergo trials and earn her the throne though I wouldn't compare "cooking a meal" to "killing a fucking primal." That being said, she's not a nobody out of nowhere, she's the beloved daughter of the ruler of an entire continent that is treated like royalty almost everywhere she goes.
One story is about a nobody becoming the light of hope, the other story is about someone trying to live up to their father's lofty legacy (and succeeding due to having the road to that legacy gently laid out before her.)
fucking moron jesus
I am the exact opposite, I hate Wuk Lamat and her writing and role in the story, but goddamn I wish people would stop bringing up the trans shit, I don't give a fuck, literally just change the dub if it bothers you that much.
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>wait 30 minutes for queue
>30 minute dung
>no drop
im starting to see why square enix had a 70% decline in profits last fiscal year lol
Read nigga.
15% of the target's HP
Healer HP = 100k = 15k shield
10% of YOUR HP
Tank HP = 170k = 17k shield
a lot of tanks dont understand mitigation actually or that they should be using their stuff
count how often a DRK uses obltation, you might see 2 uses on themselves
they dont know how to reprisal either, it's a sad sight
>Queue into dungeon with sprout tank single pulling
"I bet we can pull a group or more at a time if you're up for it, would let us use our AoE's to kill em all faster"
"Oh, sorry, I'm just kinda new"
"Yeah man, no problem. Just round em up with your AoE combo and cycle through your miti and you'll be fine"
"Okay thanks"
Receive triple comm and a hug.

It's literally that easy.
I love fino fanta
Yeah, 2 of them. Still gotta get the EX2 accessories though
she looks like she fucks middie men
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I am a meena who will EB anyone in return for the new hairstyle
yes, actually. as i said i will put up with anything from this game but that is way past the pale. if you make everyone sit there for a full three minutes after a raid is done so you can thin the crowd a little bit you're human fucking scum. kill yourself.
She was always fine, chud. Just say you're a transphobe and save us the effort.
I wonder when Y'shtola is ever going to chew me out for mocking her for this
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I'll try to make myself easy to notice then, mystery miera.
Of course anon
They know how shit and fucked up your job is and are pitying you.
>new expansion is out
>mouthbreathers who play for a few weeks every few years are back
5 such cases
Bro just tank if you're so smart
bro it's just 10 mil
>>485132572 bakery
Please free me from the wheel
what if it's another meena
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I'm a himcess. That means I'm not your "dude" or your "bro". I'm putting in a sincere effort to be feminine in my mannerisms and bearing while interacting with you so as not to break character, and it would be polite if you refrain from addressing me that way >\\<
None of them were sprouts. I do hope you enjoyed making up a scenario where you won an argument, though.
Okay, cunt.
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I parse pink on DRK (in HPS)
I even have a few 100s
I care about mitigation
Maliddie Student Council anime final episode ED theme song (last day of high school, all members graduate and say one last goodbye to each other before going separate ways to different colleges with their new EBs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DrkvuK6HBg
Yeah that's exactly what I meant with my analogy. "She never bothered to reorganize that drawer until she needed those documents and had to pull out her teen diary in front of other people."

The little :D face WoL makes when making fun of it fucking cheered me up.
post feet
Wuk isn't just a princess either, she's a DOUBLE princess. Adopted by the Dawnservant AND daughter of the leader of her race
Holy fuck I'm so sorry
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Whatever you say bro.
>Are no races for femezen?
Femezen are for my fiddie. They owe her cute dates to have tea and sweets while talking about their adventures.
>She’s dark skinned too so I think chances are even lower… is it over?
I'm sorry sis. My fiddie is white, so the current dev team won't let your femezen "owe" her anything. It's literally over.
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Jesus I would block her based on the plate alone.
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dressing mine up like this and a calfskin rider's hat
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never hated her even after the voice reveal and i still don’t like her as a character. super annoying and dumb
The mounts are really cool this time around, but its been a pain so far...
Not a dog person huh
my miera bucks like a funny
okay my moonie would slurp
Alright brotato, lets get litty later and smash some pussy my fellow dudeasaurus!
i want to be brutally assaulted by a group of stinky moonies, so their scent clings to me for days after
That's kinda gay. I would wager you play CC casual match.
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>complete first dungeon of DT
>cutscene where Wuk Lamat admits to being less qualified than Koana and Zoraal Ja, and has a crisis of confidence
I cannot tell you how vindicated I feel to have that acknowledged
She's a little grating at times but dramatically overhated
Oh, yum. What DC?
>tank in need
>Role waiting list #10
>switch to healer
>instant queue
I am a very lewd comment at your expense earlier today and I must apologize.
Gross, where's the cock?
holy moly do you like miera
>Run dungeon
>Grab chests
>Beat final boss
>Check inventory
>Sword isn't there
>Run it again
>Check inventory
>Sword isn't there
>Repeat until I get bored and try again later
>Same results when I do
>Vent frustration with my bad lucK a little on cat that has it
>Your retarded ass can't comprehend this and spouts your niggaboo slang at me
(you) are here.
Shining example on why section 8 street apes should not have gotten access to the internet.
i thought the yok huy giants were really cool
she better have a complete jungle down there
do they still make you wait until the next major patch to buy extreme mounts with totems? that shit is really stupid
uhhh best bun
idk what an extreme weapon is. just got to catboy wild west in the msq though
The valigarmanda weapons go fucking PERFECT with the armor sets from Vanaspati. I'd post my GNB but I'm on PS5 and getting pics is annoying
How did the wol exist in grahas black rose timeline if they never went back in time to elpis?
What are the ascians and meteion up to in that timeline?
It may be superficial, but the connection is still there. She is considered the underdog compared to everyone else, isn't really taken seriously outside of the due respect of her status of Promise and people who treat her nicely since she's very sociable with the people of tuliyollal. She does go through her own journey, and you undermine her feats in the story when she did face Valigarmanda alongside everyone else as well as cook and learn about the cultures of her people and what it to unify everyone (its pretty similar to the amount of busy work the WoL had to do in order to face Titan as well as other small tasks and jobs given to him over the course of the story, be it helping the common man or acting as delivery boy for the national leaders of the city-states.)
prease understand
There is some amout of truth to this I think. Lyse was basically the same situation, but she's a hot blonde haired blue eyed punch girl, so I ended up liking her a lot in the end. Wuk Lamat is written really poorly and has way too many lines in comparison to the rest of the characters, HOWEVER there is definetly truth in there that if she was also a master race bombshell or even just not a furry I would probably cut her more slack. I can't speak to the VA drama though, I play with JP audio.
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I have 500k gil.

That's perfect actually
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You tell 'em, sis! The least they can do is treat me like a girl. It's so rude.
uh oh melty
cringey puppy girl shit is a red flag for trannies and bpd so no im not. get some respect for yourself, dude.
>rava without a cock
erenville is such a moody bitch goddamn
We’re doing Caesar’s Legion/NCR next group shot but I agree it should be school themed afterwards
It just occurred to me that she "suffers" from imposter syndrome, a blatantly made-up mental illness that midwit white people give themselves so they can get extra sympathy for their very average lives.
No wonder the average twitter troon loves her so much.
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Can y'all help a lvl.100 clear their bags?
Hacking into your fiddie's regulator.
Wiping away her most important memories and replacing them all with the lewdest content I can find on the cloud.
Took a long break from FF14 and stupidly thought Dawntrail released today for some reason. How is it? Is it good, they add any gay shit?
Good moonie. Would headpat.
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is it really ok for people to be drinking this
Perfect for roe cock correction
he's literally me..
Don't worry. Anyone and everyone will tell her constantly about how much she's grown and how great she is

And she'll end the entire MSQ having not changed at all
he's just like me fr fr
u should eat the materia. maybe give the red ones to ur eb because they taste the best.
Wife coded, cutegars
It;s okay, I forgive you.
any moonsters around
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I do not like having the Vore spell on my HUD.
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>fresh blind prog
>watched video
imposter syndrome isn't a mental illness, it's a complex and anybody who isn't a master of their trade feels it at times
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i drink this stuff all the time it's not a huge deal
dc and world...
>Got the 150 triad open tournament win achievement
>The umbrella looks like shit
Oh ok, thanks I guess
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Do biofemmes even like malezen or is my hideous giraffe neck too much to bear?
yeah what's up
>Watched video
Almost spit my shake out people are so fucking dumb you know this dude is NOT clearing
>We got Stormblood Lyse again, but worse this time
I still can't believe it
better for you than Mezcal
using the word "biofem" is why "biofems" don't like you, autismo
>calling anyone else a midwit while making posts like this
If they're acting like a sprout, approach them like a sprout. Sprout is a mindset. I'm going to give anyone that plays bad the benefit of the doubt that they probably wish they weren't bad. Then offer some guidance without trying to belittle them or establish some egocentric "I'm better than you" dynamic. I'm autistic as hell but this seems to just make sense, I don't get why people have a problem with it. Even the ones that get defensive tend to chill out and listen when you make it clear you're not attacking them.
Yes there are some people that won't listen and refuse to do anything to get better. But that's no excuse not to give them the chance to make that decision.
biofems are fucking MIERA owned
fanta or fuck off
better* because she didn't ruin an existing character

*if you don't let her voicelines play
my malezen has GOT to get dicked down by a fiera+
How'd you know?
>another one gaslit by /xivg/
love to see it
open the coffers
throw away/use the tickets
throw away all materias that arent XII
use the triple triad card or turn it into gold saucer
throw away all the raid gear tokens
throw away all the crafting materials
throw away all the demateiras and cracked planicluster shit
sell your gold/silver pieces to the nearest merchant
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i like giraffes...neck and all..
he means that he's actually blind, please dont be mean to disabled players
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It's called a "Mawshot" I believe
You're right, the proper term is "femoid"
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mieras think this is true
im talking about the gemsap in it morons
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this image contains unclothed roe don't click
>"I believe"
You can't fool me vorefag.
aren't aymeric and estinen two of the most popular charactrers with biofems
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They need to add a separate inventory for dyes, materia, currencies and probably something else I forgot.
Or, instead of managing someone else's emotions for half an hour so they can play the game at a 2nd grade level instead of a kindergarten level, I can simply leave, do MSQ for half an hour and hope I get someone who can play the braindead role.
Tank. In. Need.
You can repeat it as much as you like but Yda wasn't a character. There was nothing to ruin
Excalibur, Primal....
i swear they made highlander tits bigger and bouncier
crafting materials
Estinien is the biggest biofem magnet in the game and many art with biofem self inserting you will find their partner a malezen
yeah they do
It'll be fine. Like a strong energy drink.
You sound like a very lonely person.
okay speedreading tourist whatever you say
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hahaha everyone get a load of the gay meena
why are malezens so obsessed with biofems?
Fuck...I might visit when dc travel is back up
Oh right, fishing bait
no, now buy extra retainers piggie
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>headwear that was fine before now clips with hair in dawntrail
why did yoshida do this
exploration zone clutter
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it's just some snake oil shit made of water, crushed turtle shell and flowers. when you advance that quest you'll realize just how good the juice is
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Hyperion, Primal
Some do, but you have to tryhard. You can also roll a face1 mava and random all the rest and have biofems on your dixk
The question is why are you trying to appeal to like, 5% of the playerbase. If they play a second life simulator too, toi can imagine how fucking fat and undesirable they are IRL, do you relal wanna play something you dont like for a fucking disgusting hypo
Ask yourself the right questions my good sir. Sure it does feel bad when you see the two biofems in your entire FC of 100+ ppl simp for the nigger coded miera, but keep your head straight

I wish!

If I were a vorefag there'd be no problem.

No, what I have is a very specific character fixation. A character so easily used for vore that-
because malezen are the straightest race
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I would suck a malezen's dick through his armor. But the truth is malezen players don't just have really good taste in their own race, they actually have really specific tastes. Being malezen is the coincidence. The commonality is, all malezen want one or two things and it varies wildly from man to man.
again with this? retard
Zodiark Trance walked so that "erasing the endless was wrong" could run
is mountain zu a fomo?
>make blind party
>retards join
>they immedeiantely start posting about strats
>erm this is blind
>they get all pissy
why the FUCK is everyone like this? I swear to giod half the commnity now is pissy about people not letting them spoil shit for them
The Japanese translation for mezcal is "Mesukaru".
The Japanese abbreviation for female Hrothgar is "Mesugaru".
Is it Krile?
I've just run out of patience for this playerbase. They were all wearing late-expansion gear anyway, if they still don't know how to play tank by now then they've ignored dozens before me who tried to explain it to them.
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my fiddie acts like this
>the "stance" system on viper is actually nonexistent and the twinblade shit just comes from a cooldown that's instantly disabled if you use any of the dual blade attacks
whitest poster here
Post initials and a place we can meet, my future wife.
Highlander eyebrows when...
(This poster was cut off because he was eaten)
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How could you do this to me
Malezen NPCs =/= Malezen players
I can lust after those two for the rest of time and be happy because I know they can’t open their mouths and ruin my fantasy the moment I start showing attraction to them like malezen players do
mittens? is that you mittens? fuck you mittens!
It's not a FFXIV character at all. Don't worry about it.
Looks like when a hrothgal is ready to receive my spunk
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Just found out the woman I've been obsessing over is taller than me. It's absolutely FUCKING over and I'm gonna spend the next three days in a stupor running the extremes over and over when is raid realeasoing?
whats wrong with Mierda?
Most deranged thing I've read all week. And that's saying something considering where I am.
Because running it blind in Week 2 is a much rarer thing than not.
They won't do it because it'd make us too powerful.
mierda post
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So what's the point of Viper? It's not unique in any way and just plays like Reaper pretty much
so? does being straight mean being an insufferable e-dater?
my honest reaction to a moonies
what do malezen want...?
My malezen is RAILING the two miera in the gathering quests.
dont believe the other posters
this is actually femra piss which is stored in their horns
Dragon Quest Builders crossover when
I like malezen but I am not a biofem
what does that make me
this mentality is so fucking stupid. fuck you, dipshit. do sports teams go out and play blind? they have plays and formations to make, that they practice, so they can execute when it comes to be gametime. that's what the strats are. you needing five raises because every mechanic is brand new to you does nothing but slow down everyone else and you should unironically uninstall.
I just ran out of the Simpsons quote

People don't do that kind of thing with fish outside of Tural
>week 2
unironically kill yourself if you think wanting to runs hti blnd half a week after th game came out is unreasonable
only white person itt
Playing ff14 is not a sport though
mayo monkey
three tuesdays from now if i were to guess
they're retards who can't fathom wanting to figure out something on their own and just want a clear
I don't get it either but I just say "BLIND PROG" in all caps whenever I make a pf
I swear to god if it's Kirby I WILL end you and everyone related to you.
For some people it pretty much is.
fast reaper
but in 7.05 it'll be literally identical to reaper but without a raidbuff so just play reaper
>wake up from my beauty nap
>see anemenemensis is being updated and almost finished
20 more sleeping pills and we're so back
You know it's funny, as I look back at all the Scouting gear in the game it all kind of feels like it was always made for VPR in the first place. Almost every Scouting set looks better on VPR than NIN
>nigger coded
what the fuck does this even mean
That's funny
shut the fuck up autismo. it doesn't change facts that it's not 7 other poor souls' responsiblity to babysit you while you "learn" by taking us straight to second echo. again, and i say this with my whole chest, fuck you. kill yourself.
Who cares?
Proof? Bigger? Shinier?
>beauty nap
>still ugly
you should sleep more eggemi
proof please?
Nothing inherently, xivg hate them because they are popular with biofems, and those nonwhite autists dont even have the courage to send tells
I dont like mierdas because they look like faggots, and I dont like faggots. And they also are played by hetero losers that want to attract women, and I also hate desesperate losers
It's a video game where you fight a big computer controlled monster
I didn't say unreasonable, I said rarer. A great many players don't even know it exists.
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swys you can't post that here...
good, I didn't want reaper 2
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>get PLD weapon set as dungeon clear reward
>equip it
>get it again the next run because you don't get duplicate protection if you open the container
Bullshit, but at least I'm done.
I would kill to drink the mezcal from a hrothgal's chest
I've usually have to do "no guides / blind prog" whenever I'm trying to get a blind experience. But I've only ever done content on crystal so it's not been a problem.
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seems to be alot of talk about miera in this thread, I'm officially checking in for you to all worship me now.
>this mentality is so stupid
>it's so stupid to put what you wan tin the LFG board and ask fo rit
jesus christ you can't be thist stupid right?
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I'm something of a fag myself.
I thought Anam was killed?
bitch whats on your head
>slow down everyone else
The fucking point is that *no one* knows what's going to happen. That's why it's a blind party. You know who joins blind parties after watching a guide? People who know they're retarded and can't keep up with people who know what they're doing.
They explained during a fanfest, but they got a lot of requests for a two sword job other than ninja so they decided the new world offered an oppertunity for something new.

Unfortunetly, what they didn't tell us was that the devs are now only able to make two jobs RPR and SMN. All future jobs moving forward will be reskins of one of these two and slowly all other jobs will be reworked to be more in line with this.
>Not using the goofy helmet
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Bro just be her short king. If you're boob-height, you have a free pillow right there.
>and those nonwhite autists dont even have the courage to send tells
every brown ESL I met in-game was a miera
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what the frick
the worst posters outside of laz and judas both of who i usually forget are miera because they dont make it their entire personality like the rest of them do
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i thought only dwarves in the first did this
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Its fucking biofems fault for enabling them
Someone post this faggots profile picture lmao
>no dual-wielding tank job
>no weapon throwing rdps
what weapons would you want to see bros
my queen you look ravishing tonight, care for a spot of rape?
I wish he had a special interaction if you /laliho'd him
brown ESLs play pale fiddies and fantasize about getting blacked by futa ravas
see: this thread and people like magness, tzera etc
>initial opinions of Dawntrail the first few days are almost all negative
>slowchads completing it recently are more positive

>hrothgals were doomposted and falseflagged for months, even shortly after the initial hype of the benchmark was out
>now they're being fanta'd onto en masse and by newfriends here and they're all cutiepies

>wuk lamat was hated early on for yapping way too much
>recent completers think she's OK and even endearing

Now all I need is a Jeb template with Lamaty'i and I will feel vindicated
I'm 5'5 she's like 5'7 maybe it's not a big enough difference to be gimmicky
They constantly call back to ShB. Magnus is working on the train, you have this, and you also have the 100 dungeon boss. Its about time they started showing off the first's counterparts desu.
>no weapon throwing rdps
>could have had something cool like a Hammer job
>instead we got another generic sword job
Also one thing I will never understand, how come they never do any channeled abilities? Like the dancer ability... we got in PVP.
Only one like that I can think of is the MCH flamethrower.
Where the hell is the spin to win job!?
didn't this guy get SHORO'd at the broken choker or am i thinking of another miera
my moonie takes hard men between her breasts and doesn't let go until they're soft men
both are white men THOUGH
brown ESLs play miera and chance biofems
Spear and shield tank.
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
I bet you're both cute.
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Did you remember to set the "characters who've already done it can't join" flag on in Party Finder?
>see a cute femlala
>want to say hi
>every single time I've ever interacted with a femlala first, I got called a sexpest and a creepy pedo
>teleport away
Can we just forget that
reminder that living memory is literally just ChatGPT and the wriiters did not intend for you to feel bad about being required to delete your friends' parents, and you should've been glad to do it even if their continued existence didn't rely on harvesting lifeforce from others
just make it yourself TM
anyone want to farm the cyberslop dungeon
lmfao absolutely not
Get on your knees, kiss my femlala's feet and MAYBE I'll consider letting you kiss higher faggot
You are rapidly becoming the Akemi but in miera form
sorry escobar it seems your cover blew up
You look like a ginger wearing a wig
They are putting in a lot of connections to the first. So much so, I think it's foreshadowing they were connected in the distant past. Hell, we are even getting nightworld coins as quest rewards.
Everyone must be done with the MSQ if we're already back to the boring /xivg/ fights of arguing that "[enter group of thousands of players] likes this specific thing"
Have her wear heels.
>see this post
>check the replies
>it's like 9000 brownoids self reporting as such and also being illiterate as being unable to read the reply chain
the jokes just write themselves
Pyha is dying
yes I run it as "duty incomplete" always on dynamis
Can she titfuck my catgirl real quick and make this huge throbbing boner go soft too?
I let you swallow a bit of my cat milk, the rest you will snowball it inside my own mouth~
Deal? Balmung Uldah aetheryte
She is, I'm Dorf mode hairy and buff most women don't like my aesthetic
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>cute femhroth face
>ugliest colors i've ever seen
happens way too often
just port in the charge blade from monster hunter
malera are pretty cute when they aren't trying to sexpest me
Honestly should have saved that picture to rub it in your face
it's surprising to me given that it's not just a similar individual but a cultural practice that is identical
like one of the scions pointed out that the arcanima in the colosseum fight was surprisingly similar to how it was used in the source and then it turned out they are from the source
i wouldn't be surprised either
If you have to tell people to call you a girl you are doing a poor job at being a himcess.
Sometimes the Japanese translation on twitter for female hrothgar becomes "mezghal"
My gay catboy need to be plapped right now
That femhroth face is fucking disgusting and fuck you for liking it.

Face 4 is a travesty.
I'm a hard man who likes moonies.
amigo gringo
Bro's colorblind
Well then yeah that's on them for not reading.
the real cover being blown is the THOUGH being capitalized, you can know exactly who it is from that
you're shoro owned fag just stop posting like gabe did after he got shoro'd
why are mayo monkeys so sensitive?
>>cute femhroth face

This Patrick Star looking bitch is in the way
I say it that way as well THOUGH
red and yellow femhroths look like shit
Hroths are cute but more than any other race they give players the opprotunity to make some truly UGLY characters with all the color options.
NTA but where can I take you up on this?
Tzera is brown?
I don't know what this means and I'm not afraid to ask.
What does it mean?
The entire past fucking half year women have been lasting over Senshi are you for real mang grow a pair
it does this because the in-need role lags the actual state of the queue, so people fill that role quickly and then fill the queue with it before it updates, so it's always the opposite of it listing tank or healer
you will never have sex
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>ninja can't mix knives
>dancers can't mix chakrams
>pictomancer can't mix brushes and palettes
>vipers can't mix swords
>red mage can't mix rapier and focus
I hate having VPR in my parties seeing them fucking teleporting and flying around is so fucking distracting
Why don't you come over here and make me
>trusting what dumb anons here say
Baka. It will never die as it is the superior posing tool and always shall be
Thank you but I shall pass, pray use it on a catgirl instead
It came to me in a dream
I'm super white
you got fucked by a gay rhoe and now you're shorod forever.
Sucking this bun's BH juice while he's carrying ice cream and can't defend himself.
So does the thunder dome still exist post MSQ? I don't understand how Living Memory has normal weather now.
Why would he want weird twitter e-girl pussy?
Okay I had one clean run of EX1, that has to have been like a green or something...
I bet nobody was parsing though
is my femlala cute
No rike?
But I'm a slow completer entirely because I hate her

It didn't take me two weeks to beat Endwalker and I'm wondering if I'm even going to be finished by the time it's been two weeks (I started on the 30th of June)
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absolutely nothing its just a funny bit
the whole point of tournament arcs is for the writers to have an easy excuse to flesh out side characters.

how the fuck are they going to do that in arcadion when it's just us
>talk to very nice biofem
>she most of the time only answers with stupid gifs
Man, I wish I was gay sometimes, bioholes are so FUCKING BORING
Face 4 is a very hard face to make look cute. You must be blind. It's only used for "handsome" glams
You probably could salvage it into a bimbo gyaru but that face can't be cute.
Cute hag
I kins of like neither of the visor patterns, I wish there was a blank option instead.
I was
>just stop posting like gabe did after he got shoro'd
Chat is this real? The whole personality of gabe was about being hyperstraight dominant female character plapped
sweaty ravas
some people are more oblivious to gendered behavior than others, or sometimes you meet them in a setting where the majority of people are male
post it
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what are you on about dork? I don't think I've even seen him at the choker before, at the very least not when I've been.
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Are you.... upset?
It's going to be us and Thancred, Urianger, and Estinien going through the tournament. The Semifinals will be WoL versus The Boys.
Chat is there always this much drama chat?
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lmaoing @ u
Just marry a biofem for children and EB a himcess for love.
If a woman replies only with gifs all the time it means you're boring and you're not interesting to her
short dudes literally get ezmode jacked and I'm fucking jelly. I get it's a deep seated hit to self-esteem and the jokes can sting but I mean this in the best way that it's banter and you're selling yourself short (kek) King. Why do you care what "most women" think anyways, you sound like you have a keeper.
I'm going to plap this miera until he gets pregnant.
ese me muchos bien
Then why weather not lightning
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>They didn't say anything about buffing MCH
Bros....I think it's FUCKING over for us....
I do this when i just want to reply for the sake of replying
That's awful. Only Face 1 and Face 3 are worth a damn.
you're not real
living memory is not in the dome
never was
Okay Primalbros give it to me straight then. Are aloe drinks good? What is the texture of the pulp comparable to? Is it stringy like orange pulp or what?
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calm down mayotranny
I mentionned most of the time she is a fucking blogger but I have to work for it, if I dont answer to the stupid gifs she will send something after a bit. Its never smooth
Id rather have a GAM talking to me
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Reminder that it's always funny to join private PF's when their password is 1234
Hey... why face 2 haate...
>another ESL
are ESL's the biggest male character shitposters in /xivg/?
Yeah yeah, whatever.
If he likes roes I don't see the problem.
primalbro here
the aloe part usually is in very small chunks and its very very good, but the drink is basically sweet water + whatever flavor you add
>Most of /xivg/ is hispanic Indian and Asian
its over, what games do white men like me play?
anyone use the island gatherer plugin? i've seen it can also harvest overworld mats, anyone tried it?
I am very real
the russian roulette with yourself.
high tail hall
ESO and Fallout... but the brownoids can come too. I have nobody to play with.
i checked, you werent there
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Yeah Suzu is old but it drop from the same zone as the punutiy. The 118 zone has the stuffed Axolotl and my 119 stub is only exploring one of the two 119 zone since the other wasn't unlocked at the time of re-sending it.
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my femra looks like this on glam plate 1
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I made this
+ the aloe are like flavorless gummies with a bit of sweetness. not stringy or gooey, but like solid jelly
they're all DT /v/ tourists
I play this game but do not engage with any of you outside these threads or post my character.
she can tell you're a chudcel and just wants you to go away without triggering a schizo episode
games are for women and children
grow up
They play normie shit and have sex irl
But if you want an answer, avoid ALL free to play games for starters
>getting scared by ESL tourists
Women don't have to learn how to put effort into convos and keep asking more of men which is why men are going gay
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White men like us are a dying breed hermano...
moon juice
Escape from Tarkov, mostly.
why are goblin players such massive assholes?
moonie juice
Gay sex with roegadyn
Oh neato.
>literal poos have taken over /xivg/
>mayo monkeys kneel to them
>all ebins will become BROWNED and forced to kneel
How the fuck did they do it?
What is the single actual most canonest job for WoL?
who did you think was posting all the bbc stuff?
Not in 2024, that's just bots and brown teens running cheats now
>a game plagued with hackers
only chinks play that shit
I wanted the confirmation, I have to World travel there
petition to rename xivg to bxivg cause were all BLACKED
She's not into you. A woman goes above and beyond for a guy she's interested in. She's probably too nice to say that so she's hoping you stop replying.
fresh moonie+ juice...
I can't get pregnant you dumb fucker, and also as if I'd ever let you even get close enough to try.
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I have some Allagan aetherstone stuff, do i need those?
lmao come on. Picto plays NOTHING like Summoner.
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Is it me?
extremely grim thread for xivg if im being honest
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Hey us Goblinoids are very nice
I'm feeling more like BLUED right now actualy.
Warrior. It's in the name.
yeah because you posted pajeet
>bro is so insecure in his sexuality he thinks everyone is a tranny
I'm only half asian
read my other answers I cba rewriting it
No. You asked a question.
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I'm hoping the 119&120 zones have something cool... I've only gotten some lame housing items so far
Ahahah this fag doesnt know.
I'm a white man, but it doesn't matter because this is a RPG, where people roleplay, and I will never tell you what I am if you know my character. I am my character to every man, woman, and tranny that plays this game. Who I am is irrelevant. If you play this game for IRL contacts you are not my people, stay away. You are disgusting filth.
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i lost my good morning status: sired
street status: shitted
etc meme FUCK
Face 3 is cool but I would say 99 percent of hrothgirls wear it. Face 1 looks the best and Face 2 can be good with a cute outfit. Face 3 and 4 are just bottom tier, sorry anon.
no they are trash
>I wish I was gay sometimes
You literally can be. What's stopping you? Is it because June is over?
PvE is pretty lit with the boys desu
Are you saying that you can choose your sexual orientation and all it takes is an effort of will?
The new world is never expanded on, we never return to the weast.
this man knows what's up
you just know
How am I to maintain my autistic sense of superiority if I do that?
Just clear out your inventory. I must have thrown out hundreds of stacks of things I wasn't using
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This is a joke character
Everyone complaining about trannies, and not a word of this bitch twirling her metaphorical moustache
Pretty sure the point is that it's a joke?

The caster quest guy behaves like a sentai hero initially and is dressed to match
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They are supposed to be moustache twirling villains. You will get it once you complete one (1) single questline.
are those Thal's balls?
Poison bubbles. Retard poisoned herself with the totem's power.
You are now remembering how the Ronkans fucked off from existence right before the flood of light happened and that we've been seeing them all over Tural.

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