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Previous: >>485145709

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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It's over
lol lmao
>redditards convincing themselves Lycaon is a cool character just because he's meta
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Did you reroll or do you have all Hoyo games on one account?
keep seething loser, been jerking off to him since way before the game came out
my favorite character being the strongest in the game is the cake on top
E V E R Y O N E B O R N P O S T 9 1 1 W I L L
nekomata has tuna breath
rerolled, saved my main for my last reroll and got the 5* guarantee that I wanted
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Is this game really even more whalebait than Genshin/HSR?
As far I can tell the only new gacha are the pet bunnies and those are "free" unless they start to make new unique BiS for new characters
from what i can tell its literally the same as hsr
I'm scared of rolling and getting a furry...
Akira-kun is just so cool what the Hell...
Do you always need to have a stunner on a team? Can you get by stunning with other effects, or doing enough damage you don't need stuns?
it's a knot game
you WILL get knotted
Honkai 3rd is powercreeped as hell while genshin powercreep is almost nonexistant by gacha standards. Haven't played HSR so what's the predicition for this game?
Who is most fun to play, Ellen or Zhu Yuan?
>fluffy tail
>gay furry
>covered in leather bondage gear
what's not to like?
Are they allowed to do balance patches to characters ever, or would that be illegal
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>forces Wise to creampie her every night
>against his will
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Butler Fighter trope will always be cool
Do I level Corin's skill or ult first?
Zhung Yiuang plays herself and spergs out all over the place if you press square/click once. She also has no ethereal stunner.

Ellen needs to play with the knot, and he will be on-screen 90% of your playtime.

Both suck. Wait until biker chick. She has a shield. A SHIELD!!!
Incestschizos have to be the worst posters
what are these "gacha standards"? fgo is one of the biggest gachas and it gas anti-powercreep
>while genshin powercreep is almost nonexistant by gacha standards.
I came back in 4.0 after quitting in inazuma and genuinely had a fucking miserable time until I rolled furina and everything magically dies 10x faster.
i didn't reroll but if i didn't get koleda i wouldve probably just dropped the game
Time to do my weekly errand and find those cats! How exciting!!!
when's the first Shibuya reset
wise is so lucky
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i love belle!
Not in a gacha unless you want to die as a company
ellen is fast, strong and has fun combos and is sexo
mid yuan is mid but sexo
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This is the most dogshit quest design I've seen so far. Asking you to finish in 2:30 when the last wave has a bullshit miniboss that always runs away from you and DISAPPEARS. Without Ellen and/or Lycaon I don't really see how you can beat this in that timeframe. Why is this one so shit compared to the others? What the fuck are you smoking hoyo?
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why is nekomata so shit?
Zhu Yuan has cool kung fu
I had more fun with her, simple as
very true
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Well? What now?
LycaonGODS...our time has come.
Only buffs but they never do that
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>just reached my 35th knot
>relic dungeon consistently drop 1-2 gold piece
Is this finally time to grind the relics? or doing it on 35th knot is a trap?
when you see it....
I cleared that easily with Piper

Sounds like you have no aoe lol
skull issue
>Zhung Yiuang plays herself and spergs out all over the place if you press square/click once.
If anything I feel like I have the most control over her because the way her dash attack works just makes sense to me.
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Funny how this thing completely fixes Neko.
Get your 2 teams built first and then start grinding disks
bros please help me i can't stop rerolling i need the KNOT
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One month
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the trannylators don't even know which pill is the blue one and which one is the red one
this happened right after I switched from Japanese text back to English
goddamn I really need to practice reading Japanese until it becomes less exhausting
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I can finally start playing this game.

Is there anything I should know?
Zhu Yuan is calced to have a higher damage ceiling by CN.
Please tell me there's a guide that tells which mainstat a certain disc can get. Or is there a way to look it up in the game.
you will never be japanese btw
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You just know.
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So fucking kino bros
I'm so happy to be playing this kamige
Nekomata is a brick. Every other standard 5* is quite good.
why would you want to be japanese
How much harder is it over floor 10 of the permanent mode?
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Doomkeks, your response?
Dog + Oni combo is so fun.. I don't even care who the dps is but Pizzacutter is also fun
It's shit until Chapter 2, skip every Cunning Hares dialogue box
>The Victoria Housekeeping bangboo literally cooks a pancake and attacks enemies with it
who the fuck comes up with this
Where did the "don't roll for dps because powercreep" come from? I thought people were memeing when saying this in every gacha but pretty sure 99% of these people are completely serious nowadays.
I will never be British either
If I have to LARP either way, I choose Japanese
>"I can't learn other languages because I'm dumb so neither should anyone else!!!"
furry girl when?
not some human pervert with a tail buttplug and an ear headband
actual fur
seeing nekomata next to ben and lycaon is just depressing
But... billy is the best bro...
oh right i forgot the first set of 10 is permanent content
lol my bad, alright not gonna sweat too hard since it's gonna be hard as a rock to clear the real endgame content F2P
People see "you MUST roll for Kazuha/Ruan Mei" and believe 100% earnestly that the game is literally unplayable if you aren't using THE most meta support character
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I shouldn't want to fuck this.

I shouldn't.
I should not.
I can't find info in the handbook about impact/assualt/disorder/anomaly
Can someone explain to me? I get status effects like freeze, burn and shock but not these
don't skip dialogue if you do you are soulless and can fuck off
getting an s character kind of sucks. like they just stand there
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You should
We don't know and we won't know for a while. F2p friendliness is a function of balance and release schedule, not free pulls. Genshin is the most f2p friendly gacha I've ever played despite being stingy as fuck because they keep powercreep under check and average less than 2 new characters per patch. Honkai impact 3rd on the other hand will hand out freebies like they are going out of business and it's still the most predatory whale baiting dolphin squeezing piece of shit I've ever played. It's unlikely this game will be more f2p friendly than Genshin, though, that much I can tell you
There's no reason to play anything other than anomaly builds for me. Piper and Grace... They demolished everything.
Well, you definetly aren't going to completely clear most stuff without Ruan Mei though
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What second team do I even use when my only five star is Nekomata who takes up Anby/Nicole and I don't have Piper?
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The new Nicole design is spreading in fanart...
First floor is lvl 50 enemies
it's perfectly allowed despite what retards always repeat about it being "illegal in japan"
gaems just don't do it because it pisses off whales.
why not?
fat thighs in spats are hot
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you roll ellen
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Lucy, no....
But enough about the chapter 1 missions
I'm doing fine so far.
Look it up on YouTube
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bear realizes there is nothing to do in the world and would rather stare at tires. smart bear
why would mother nature produce such fertile fruit if it weren't meant to be seeded? you should and you must.
Does this game have a soft pity like HSR and Genshin?
if so at what roll?
the snake game is fun, although I see that many do not play well
I wonder if someday they will add something like tetris
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What's hard to understand? Supports have a longer shelflife in gacha. 1.0 dps have never last long before a new one steals the spotlight.
but the kino music that starts playing when you get an s-rank?
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>rizzing random JC on the street right in front of the video store
onii-chan is dead meat as soon as belle sees this shit
she looks like something out of pokemon
it's decent yeah
must say i strongly prefer the dog digger game
tick tock
My high score is barely a third of what the game expects for all rewards and it has me set as "Top 0%" which is pretty funny
I bet there's going to be a lot of complaining when people realize how good you actually have to be to max out rewards on these games
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should i be levelling the basic atks or does it depend on the character?
When are we getting our first event?
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Does this game not have an equivalent to the 5* Hertacope cones?
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You did make him kneel, right?
you're actually right
ultimately, genshin is actually f2p friendly even though it's the stingiest by far when it comes to rewards and handouts because they somewhat try to keep the powerscaling in check
4 years in and year 1 characters are still some of the best ones
much unlike HSR giving away lots of rewards and handouts, but constantly powercreeps characters either by higher multipliers or more elaborate kits that fill more bases
GraceGODs run this game btw
What does it mean when there is a character icon but no quest/encounter icon? I can't find Anby anywhere.

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>last person you see before going to bed
>first person you see after you wake up
it does not. HSR was too generous and Dawei learned that was a no-no.
I shouldve saved screenshots of each anon tricked by this semen demon to make a compilation. She tricked the whole general... DONT FALL FOR IT ANON
unique/strong utility is usually a much better investment than unga dps
That sounds boring as shit. Why the fuck would I want to use the same units for 4 years?
right after chapter 2
Is Soldier 11 just Anby's sister or something
they look the exact same
Sorry anon, ZZZ is a game made for whales.
These quests are clearly designed to fuck with Ellenlets, it's ok anon it's just 10 polychromes you can live without it
maybe try a different hour of the day just look at your schedule
that or check your cell phone to see if she sent you a message
I dreamt that I got knotted tonight and now I'm afraid of pulling...
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You can really tell most of the anons in this general don't have a sister irl
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For Shiyu defense I can use
Lucy, Piper, Neko
Anton, Anby, Nicole right?
What the fuck does knotting even mean?
Do I want to know?
I don’t like the fact that I can be knotted at any second and ruin my account. Playing this game is like MINESWEEPER.
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Finish chapter 2 -> Get called to do CD farming -> Next day will get called to do weekly bosses
anby looks much cooler desu
Damn, it's gonna be a lot harder getting decent cope options on my characters. I don't even have a single defense or support A rank engine.
it's when their penis expands bro
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I don't have a sister but I think still that its disgusting
Whoa you can get commision quests by just talking to people even if they don't have a blue mark over their head. Shit now I need to talk to everyone
quick question the anomaly bar is the circle at the right side of HP bar and Daze bar is below HP bar right,
so i break enemy Daze then hit till Anomaly fill up?
Not going to lie, my favorite part of Genshin was beating 10 year olds at mini games.
I bet snake controls like absolute ass on a phone kek.
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Piper's spin does a gazillion damage even with cope gear
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niichan has good taste
fictional incest is hot, irl is not
>t. has both older and younger sisters
>Doesn't even knot her
Weak-ass video
True, but not cool enough to counter furry debuff, at least for me
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>he didn't unlock the most important one
oh no no no no
There are many things I would do to Ellin but I will never put my dick anywhere near her mouth.
>What now?
Anyone else hating it how when you pass by someone too fast and they don't repeat their speech bubble? NEED FIX
What does piper mean when she says "fire engine"
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You guys did hit the robot for more rewards right?
It's not even just the character balance. Things like Genshin having the sacrificial and favonious series of weapons goes a long way toward making it f2p friendly. No character feels gimped without their BiS weapon so the weapon banner can be safely ignored. For this game we will see but it's not looking too good in that front with even 4 stars having designated 4 stars weapons lol.
yeah it's annoying
but you can get them to repeat if you run far enough away
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I have an older sister but the appeal of incest in media isn't so more as fucking because they're siblings to me, but more so as the fantasy of having a mutual loving relationship since childhood and sticking together as wife and husband forever. Childhood friends don't hit the same because they don't live under the same roof like married couples do
Have an older sister. Had a crush on her when I was like 5-6 in elementary school. Then she fucked off to college when I was like 8 and I rarely saw her after that except for holidays.
As a result, we're not really that close. Spent most of my childhood as basically an only child.
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yeah it's tough, to be fair the hertacopes weren't that great compared to limited cones.
i got an S pop on standard banner earlier then got pissed when it turned out to be a weapon, but then got happy when it turned out to be an Attack one cause now Ellen's using it.
Is Soldier 11 unironically better than Ellen?
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Will they add FURINA in this game?
they're too tanky bwi
I confuse Grace with the Cop
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No. I am triggered. Fuck these devs. It's 5 waves of enemies, you waste at least 30 seconds traversing and picking up the fucking Resoniums they give us. Who the FUCK thought 2m30s is a reasonable time to 3* it? Fucking Hoyo, dogshit chink fucking devs.

seething replies
that's right but I also am a mother / son fag and have a mother so don't see the connection here. I'd say most can see that in reality it's not as appealing as in fiction
>more boys in shorts
No thank you, please stay in Genshin!
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don't tell me, what that pedo was saying was true...she's a legal adult? nooooo
>Just played Anton/Grace/Rina/Plugboo
what the fuck is this team ? why is Anton allowed to do so much damage ?
nvm, i'm retarded, there's a training in the VR for it
Anomaly is kinda spicy when combined with good CD
for Fire weakness yes
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I might be a pedophile.

This is fucking sexy as shit.
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>12 seconds off the weekly mission
It's over for me...
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lost my 50/50 to dog, just gonna keep pulling till the guarantee

in the meantime what's the better team? corin(0m)/lycaon/rina(+her sig) or neko/lycaon/rina? was using neko/anby/rina before this
trying to figure whether to build the corn or the cat now that i hit ik30
>Anton's W-Engine has a 50% Energy Regen main stat when fully leveled without dupes
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Lucy is Furina

>Buffs your team
>Summons three minions
It's ok bwo, real children aren't nearly this hot
Any reason for picking a specific character when opening business? I just pick Heddy instead of 18 because she's cute
lol no, pay up piggie
I think I giga bricked guys. Did the hollow zero missions without realizing you can refresh them twice until after the weekly reset....
You know like most chinese adult women are built like this right.
man these fan projects are good
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Same except I'm coping with Anby instead of Rina...
Thats not how refresh works retard bwo
what do you mean refresh
I just unlocked the SU of this game and only did 3 runs. How bricked I am.
Rerolled because I got Soldier 11 and she sucks.
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Lets test that theory. How does the attached image make you feel?
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Go on without me weeklyGODs...
She is just that good. Enjoy wasting 40 hours rerolling for powercrept shark girl and and the fake meta furry boy
Dumbass, you can only refresh before you completed any. The purpose for the refresh is if you want different bounties.
She need to breed.
>CD on anomaly
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young amy
Soldier 11 seems pretty fucking good
How much would I need to pay if I want Nicole to suck my cock and have sex with me
She does more damage than my Ellen...
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Our (real) heroes...
irl is only hot if its with a girl that you already find hot and by some unlikely sequence of events you find out she's your (half)sister.
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Yeah why would you? Considering that you'll be getting a character or two per patch on average as a F2P. Genshin's easy enough to play with 4 stars
You won't need a second team until level 50 and till then you should get another S rank from the standard pity banner.
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It's when the furry penis expands at the base to get locked in the hole. Apparently it's because doggos don't store semen so they need some time to produce it hence they evolved into having knots
I could be wrong though
Don't worry about CD
You mean you only refresh the requirements and not the rewards? Please say yes bwo
When you look at the weekly tasks, you have 2 chances to "refresh" them. That's what they say. I am at work so other knowledgeable anons will need to inform you
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Little sister wincest is one of the most intellectual fetishes. It's so appealing because it stimulates both your "most protect this qt at all costs" neurons as well as the "I want to bang her" neurons.
Shorts are the GOAT bottom for girls, skirts are boring af.

Consult Coffin of Andy and Leyley for an example about both of these topics above.
Built for pronebone
faggot game
Cumming on Grace's bare feet
>implying I don't have all 3
F2P btw
Does chapter 3 focus on them?
Don't understand why the cop was in chapter 2 when her banner is after the shark girl who didn't appear in the main story yet.
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>What the fuck are you smoking hoyo?
you answered your own question
>Without Ellen and/or Lycaon I don't really see how you can beat this in that timeframe
so are you going to stay mad or are you going to be a good paypiggie
man they got such a damn good aesthetic, can't wait to get to their parts
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There is not a single hot blooded heterosexual male that wouldn't want to grab this and seed it
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Who's that
Yes you refresh the requirements if you cant do those. Rewards are based on 5000 exp per week
i wish i had furry man
Odds I build lucy and piper
Evens I build grace and rina
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It makes me cry but also angry
That's me.
Honestly no Gacha game matches the chill vibes ZZZ has. It's got an urban 2000s feel that only games like Freejack or Jet Set Radio had.
your sister is just a whore
Her and Zhu Yuan are pure sex imo.
3 star character in other games
literally me
You keep playing and make her even stronger.
And do her trust events
Depends on the character. Your DPS will usually want their basic attack leveled unless they have something else in their kit that takes priority, but shielders and supports don't need to bother
judging by his nametag i would say that is probably zenless zone zero.
Am I blind or is there no ether/corruption standard 5*?
Is nicole the only character with it in the game so far?
geeroy is a stupid name, but I agree
It's an easy game for babies you should be able to clear it
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Perfect hip to waist ratio
you can't seed it, she's a robot
He's the Triple Zee
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her shorts are literally painted on holy sex
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It's one of the guys from the come alive music video
and probably the producer self-insert
>the game bombed so hard that Tectone, being a contrarian, started defending it
How the fuck do people know that? What?
I hope I will get another by then, but I can already level my characters to 40. Suppose I'll just try to level the team I use the best I can.
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What are the elements for this shiyu defense? Can't find any info about the elements after you clear the basic level
Hero robot #1 from Daft Punk
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yeah it's murdering with the retro/nostalgia factor. didn't expect to fall in love with it to such a degree but man i'm all in for the long haul if this is what they keep coming
>pick same element as shield
that's so boring, let me brute force everything dawei you nigger
Bro it's because they don't want to model pants so they just painted their thighs. It's the same in other Hoyo games.
calm down Grace
I lost the 50/50, bros, my account is fucking bricked...
Sexo 11 is the best dps in the game, but the Exceed mechanic filters the gachapags
woman fuck dogs too
ether will be the premium element
I got Ellen under 30 pulls, got wolf guy at that guaranteed 50 hoping I'd get Grace.
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>inter knot level
Why couldn't they just name it into something simple like account level?
have you never seen dogs have sex
or learned about how other animals reproduce in school
>all 5 cunnies are here
um, where's the brick ?
you can use whoever as long as they're built. hoyo games have always been about the artifacts bro
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Thomas Bangalter
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>Checking Resource Integrity
My current gameplan is basically assault with piper and assist counter with secondary element(Nicole, oni, Lucy) until it disorder/stunned. Just hit lvl 31, will there be a roadblock for this build in the future?
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Means hero in Russian
roll ellen to unbrick your account or you're not getting past shiyu 3
Master Yi
>play billy
>slides all over the place, jumps around, fun as shit
not viable
>play ass policewoman
>stand in place and click or stand in place and hold, dodges feel rigid and boring

Why is this game like this. Why am I not allowed to have fun
>spin to win is a legit strategy
Defend this.
The only time I'm happy to hear rap music is in the gacha
it's 1 dollar nigga does it even matter
>rewarding mihoyo for their censorship
Her multipliers are insane but half the enemies in the game right now are robots who have fire resistance.
Soldier 11 will get better as time goes on.
just reroll, you have infinite pulls
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Fofo love!
Corin love!
this game didnt start with enough characters
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Too bad they'll do like every other chinese gacha and turn the game into another wuxian fantasy trip starting from patch 2
yeah, it nets you nicole's sig
His drill is just that powerful
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>resisted topping up in Star Rail for an entire year
>already bought the ZZZ starter packs and a few of the smaller top ups
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SEX account
if you're gonna spend anyway you might as well
i bought that and a monthly and called it money well spent
yep got that too
you wouldn't get it
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Everyone is for (you) in this game. Self insert fags rule this thread
Piper's tummy...
>Ben skill does more damage than DPS ultimates
>he doesn't know
It's a typo on wiki, and real increase is 50% instead of 500% per level
Ch 3 is about them and they also apparently are aware of the big apocalypse through their master. Whether they’re good or bad power is to be seen.
His drill will pierce the heavens
Yes, for Mihoyo
Idk. My Billy stands in place while my policewoman slides and dodges everywhere. Maybe it's because I didn't press any movement button when I played Billy? Nah, it's the game not letting me have fun.
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If you get knotted you can be fun AND meta.
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this nigga can't even look at a cat without thinking about fucking his sister
Why does this censored game have more titelage than every other AAA gacha? Wuwafags have been parading a tiny sideboob around for months as peak or eroticism
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Is the guy back there being "serviced"?
anyone has a list of the EXP required for the Inter-knot levels?
I want to know if we'll be able to reach level 40 this week, and if not, how many batteries it would take
Fairy, play Before my body is dry
He's a manly man. C3 is enough.
Stop thinking in terms of gacha and instead in terms of writing a story that makes sense
Is this a Gurren-Lagann reference?
A tale as old as videogames
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why are all the npcs so damn breedable? I wanna rape them all!
that would be extremely depressing but i have some degree of faith in them this time since none of that shit has been hinted at and the only 中国 names are the cop faction
plus they've made it clear this is a retro anime game
Any EN mistranslations in this game? Oh and JP is a dub btw
HSR going from Peaknacony back to Xianzhou in the next patch feels like a mandated progression from big ccp themselves.
So now that they have blasted the cunny out of their system, will we get proportionally more hebes and adults in future patches? I want to actually be able to masturbate to these characters.
Ellen could never
>slides and dodges
And those are rigid as fuck. Her slides/dodges are tiny. Billy can slide across the entire arena and can change direction during his move. Why are you pretending to be retarded
this art is too ugly im filtering the md5
I got it for $0.73 with VPN
i dont know i dont pay attention to the dialogue
Isn't their concept art of 2 more and the robot?
rent free
you're the first guy in this thread that mentioned wuwa
Steel Cushion or Housekeeper for Corin?
Long skirts from the waist that accentuate ass curves are so erotic
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Here is a cute Corin before I go to sleep.
We're just getting started anon. There's a whole loli e-girl faction. Strap in for the ride.
none that I've seen so far
EN dub sounds good too
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tiger when
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>cunny team is meta
as it should be
Only when waterkuma feels like it
I still don't fucking have piper. I'm rolling the very next fucking anomaly banner.
good job anon
we survived week 1
why is 01 turned off
Is it even the same localization team? The EN dub quality is too different (in a good way) than HSR and Genshin.
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no we're getting willy from here on out
Because 04 is on.
Why are they trying so hard to attract Blue Archive players? You dont want pedos in your game's community
>waah why isn't the chinks sucking our dick
JP usually keeps the CN kanji and reads them differently so if JP siblings are Akira and Rin their names are probably not Wise and Belle in CN
it's for the visuals
turn on the bottom 3 for the totally clear image
otherwise, it gets stylized
>Draw a human
>Add one line at the top of each leg
>Call it a robot
This is just lazy
>Asking you to finish in 2:30 when the last wave has a bullshit miniboss that always runs away from you and DISAPPEARS
This will be future endgame, enjoy
dude they need to find a way to make that 7777 roll thing faster
Be honest, is Piper retarded?
You're probably thinking of pic related.
I think the reason I like ZZZ so much is that it feels like the devs and artists got way more creative freedom.

Genshin and Star Rail feel a bit too sanitized for normies and the general public.
Nigga have you tried using hold attack with her bullet charge read and move while doing it? She literally zooms all over, actually activating the perfect dodge as well while doing it if she gets attacked since it counts as dash attack.
Thats a petite woman, there is no way the police would hire a child
The lead artist is a BA player
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You fool
We're only halfway through
There's much more cute and funny awaiting us
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[serious] how come this game is getting so much hate compared to genshin and star rail at launch? both games were universally praised but this one has so many content creators and regular players who don't like the game even though it's so fun...
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I choose the bear
You can't even pretend to like Xianzhou. That's why you being a faggot instead of defending that arcs content.
>>485169621 (Me)
Do you actually need to keep running and attacking with Ellen to get stacks unless you whale out for cons? This gameplay loop seems so shit.
keep seething gweilo
Not anymore, mihoyo fixed him.
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literally because the early game is slow so people got filtered
I don't understand the decision making for when they use koleda vs piper
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Thank god they don't care about your opinion
normies have shit taste
>c3 piper
>c1 ellen
>c2 koleda
You're a zzz paypig now.
Who do you like using more? Corin or Neko?
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its ok anon, I wanna fuck this
Genshin and HSR is for children
ZZZ is for people who like children
it's pretty boring for the first few hours so it's easy to get a bad first impression
Just an example, what game do you want to bring up, ToF? Nobody plays that anymore. Genshin/HSR? Those people never talk about censorship because they're even more censored than this. So it leaves only one major culprit, and by your reaction I'd say I was correct
>getting over his cunny addiction
There's a double tap input for it too, which is faster than running normally
They can't handle the soul
I dunno anon.
>>485170027 (Me) (You)
Dude chill.
they didn't play for more than 5 minutes and they thought it was stupid that you just sat there and used normal attacks on the literal first enemies you ever see at the very beginning
the general was full of comments like that a few days ago too
absolute state of generation Z
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What does he smell like?
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>I need two teams now
F2P btw
The lolis are hebes, retard. Ellen and Anby are jailbait
It's to filter normalfags so the game doesn't get more neutered, I really want it to lay low specially compared to the other big hoyo games around
Action combat has always been niche for mobile games and the actual dedicated action game fags are too elitist for a casual game like this. Honkers was always very niche too.
So, those marks around her thighs... She has a fuck nugget feature, doesn't she?
Da Wei, give us a standard 5* W-Engine selector... pls...
If you are not going to spend your batteries (and probably some polychrome), then maybe not this week
the entire game is a tutorial
Bears don't sweat
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How do I trigger burn with Lucy
Belle has imprinted herself into his very soul
She won so hard
Genshin also got same problem you know, people keep mocking Mondstatd for being BotW clone and looks bland as fuck.
People start loving it once they discover Liyue
I finished jacking off to Anby's intro animation.

Now I can finally play the game.
>Genshin and HSR early game
>Not slow
game would be so much better if they something like rally mission as the main "exploration" mode
but Mihoyo cheap out on that
literally me btw
>c3 on an A rank
not sure why that part was notable to put alongside the two p2w ones
>the cat has worse dps than 4* that aren't even DPS role
>Genshin: BotW but free? nice
>HSR: JRPG but free? nice
>ZZZ: DMC but free? Wait this isn't DMC reee why is this so different. Different means bad!!
I imagine that's what goes through their head. Most people don't play a lot of video games and don't even know that HI3 clones are an entire genre
I really believe it's to filter out shitters who don't like otaku culture in the first place. This game is not for ironic weeaboos
What are you saying bro? Hebes are cunny too. Both JS and JC counts as loli if small enough.
JK is the hag.
>The engine meant for neko or the engine meant for corin, which should I give to corin?
You swap her out and let the Piggies and Bangboo do it
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Finally got my Corin leveled. This team really just melts any boss.
are you literally an anthropomorphic bear?
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All Cops Are Babes. I hope those 2 synergize
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Best we can do is giving you a 5* standard W-Engine in the standard banner for a character you don't own, you riiike?
That's actually a sexy image of Corin

Sleep tight, pupper
Yeah good luck with that
she needs energy
Yeah one of Rina's dolls is sucking him off
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but oniichan said he wasn't good with women...
It doesn't take long in Genshin before you can fuck off from the story in a random direction and start having fun exploring. HSR? I dunno, game is ass before you have a roster, but I guess Belobog was cool.
ZZZ fucked up bigly in that the first fucking 10 hours is boring and slow as fuck. The biggest offender being the long animations and unskippable dialogue during the tv sections. Each mini event having like a 2-3 second animation really adds up and makes the entire thing feel like a slog to go through.

I really hope they speed up the animations or straight up make them instant.
I honestly think I bricked my account by rolling the Belbog Bangboo instead of an Anomaly one
Took 65 pity btw
>he can't clear everything without Ruan Mei
thanks for outing yourself as a SHITTER
No, I'm just a buff daddy
Is ellen a significant upgrade over corin for my lycaon soukaku team?

why are you replying for me
the detective sidequest left me feeling quite disgusted
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>ZZZ tutorial takes 20+ hours
>you could have picked up and finished multiple games in that same time
What was the plan behind this?
You will be rolling for Lycaon's homo vampire ex in the future right?
I actually fucking hate the "robot" lore, because it usually means the characters act more stiff and autistic than they really should, i.e. more robotically, to keep in line with the lore.
From that picture it seems like she really will be more stiff.
But I find that unattractive. Just call it "robot" but make her acts like a regular human like e.g. in Girls Frontline.
stay mad kid
I can't wait for Zhu Yuan wipeout screens
I'll cum gallons
You don't know that.
At this point, you're just outleveling bosses.
Once we hit end game level 99 in the future, that's when you'll learn the true worth of your teams.
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man i'm fucking pumped to get to sp00ky maids arc
say no more
be honest /zzz/
have you jacked it to any of the ingame models yet
only if theres more furries
i've just been only recently using corin to get a feel for her
compared to neko's high damage zip zaps she feels rly slow
corin's only used for burst after stun right?
The plan is normalfags are too stupid to learn the game faster. The flaw in the plan is, normalfags are too stupid to learn it even in 20+ hours
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Why the fuck all of these got VA?
Seem like just random NPC rambling.
maybe they should have thrown in an undefeatable intro boss that splats you in seconds
only Ellen and nekomata
no because I'm not a c**mer
I jacked it to Piper's armpit post
I don't feel proud about it.
People unironically want to skip the story.
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an arknights collab would be great
I will upgrade my supports' basic attacks and you can't stop me
I just did it with Grace...
too buff
>The plan is normalfags are too stupid to learn the game faster
But they don't even explain the details of character kits at all.
Neko's cameltoe and Piper's armpits.
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That 100 free rolls unironically did a lot of pr damage to the game. If mihomo didn't spam that cringe ass scam ad they probably wouldn't have gotten so much hate from the mormalfags
I have absolutely jacked it to several in-game models

Nicole's combat intro animation where she swings those hips and boob jiggle when she stares at you is fucking amazing
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I would have unironically rolled for the cop if she didn't have those retarded strands of neon red hair
Seriously fucking why?
yes, corin's, I just happened to listen to ASMR that sounded like her
Copulation with Piper
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I dreamed about Koleda's soft lips.
>Any EN mistranslations in this game?
a few he/she mixups where the tls have no idea who the fuck a line is supposed to be talking about
Piper... Technically it was modded, but it doesn't change body size or wearing crazy lewdy costume.
>Checking resources integrity
Why does this take so long
Why? I don't get it.
did she blow me a kiss or spat on me?
I play games that are longer than 20+ hours so i'm right at home here
based asmrGOD
pulled ellen cause she sounds a lot like one I know
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>koleda part 1 is just her pretending to be elementary schooler
Nah, I’m not easily titillated.
For reference the only character I constantly coom to in HSR is topaz.
Topaz expy when
because you're not using an ssd
every time the best drops when transitioning from TV time to battle mode I get that electric feel
im cooming
love me stiff and autistic robots. anby too
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English Corrin is better than Jap Corrin, someone had to say it.
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you don't have to force yourself to be gay here
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Yeah, like a fast forward button in the top left or something...
The game should have been more non-parryable attacks to make the early game less mind-numbingly brainless.
Is Qingyi literally just Robocop Frieren
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I mean, tht's the thing I do not understand
Nothing in this ad is a scam
>obtain 100 pulls for free through in-game events
>play game
>get pulls
>people bitch
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>pulled ellen cause she sounds a lot like one I know
my brother!
the way she speaks sometimes makes my ears tingle
>people find this sexy
Go touch grass lmao
>because it usually means the characters act more stiff and autistic than they really should

Billy doesn't. And Anby isn't a robot. Also the various bangboos are pretty expressive.
Every Eng voice is better except Fairy
They actually fishing for guys who are playing jrpg in 2004~9. Back then the line between VN and JRPG was kinda blurred.
>the thigh flesh being clamped by the shorts a bit
The modeller was absolutely a spats connoisseur
Hey wait a minute...
your shit taste can be cured with a few volts of electricity
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Yeah, I do.

She is sexy as fuck.
I legit thought piper's jp va was an asmr va that I heard before
akira and rin are literally wise and bell
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What a random thing to be annoyed by
It is. They were expecting 100 rolls with no condition. Just mailed to their accounts. No leveling or playing needed
yet another genshinban who didn't read the skills and dont know what quick assist are
How do I make nekomata good
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Agreed, make it Waai Fu instead
I've checked every time and still nothing. I'm beginning to think it's just bugged at this point.
attack characters, even if they are A rarity, are still attack characters
Confirmed to be A rank
panel line sexo
Better question: Should Mihoyo’s words be interpreted as a lie because of audience’s expectations even though they’re technically true?
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uhm bros...? I thought this game was easy??? also I still got an S rank for that, can you even not get one in Hollow Zero
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>female furries
it's kinda random. Try ramen shop, I encountered both nicole and anby randomly that way when trying to find them in town. Also try going in and out the video shop.
I now understand hebephiles.

Hebes are peak female
Link? I'd like to remove her baggy pants
>available coffees rotate daily like genshin domains
literally why
the two marks on her belly button...
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Yes, and?
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here's your topaz expy bro
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Guys what team and bangbro for Nekomata?

I lucked out and got her and her weapon and she is literally just shredding everything all on her own.
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>female furries
The way this game makes fanservices kind of justifies the stinginess towards players. Genshin and hsr doesn't have the budget and value production this game have, simple as that. Not only that, HSR can afford to give free limited 5* because it's the cheapest of the bunch.
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>sees a jk
>uhmm ackchyually that's a loli
Why are you like this?

this is a loli
this is not a loli
Is this shit bugged? Is says go to the last target and there's nothing anywhere? It's the stage with the moving trains.
She's a grown up version of that bitch from Pokemon Sun and Moon. Definitely worth spilling your coom over
its the scratch off dog
always has been
read your history
There's no saying how stingy it's gonna be until we have the number of rolls for 1.1
follow your bangboo
Sometimes you have to go in and out of a shop to trigger the lines. Time of day doesn’t matter unless it hits midnight.
I love all the car puns she says when fighting
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>spooked by the electro nun on standard
>dont like how she played
So would I sub Anby out for her in a electric team with Grace and Anton?
Or would it be worth going for Ellen so I can run a full maid team with Corin?
I'm just sort of hoarding my limited rolls so far
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Eango is fucking unhinged
after all the trains are moved you're supposed to go to the center of the map and fight a boss
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>Nothing in this ad is a scam
Some of the "free" pulls have no time condition(like leveling pulls), which is shitty bait marketing
from the image just follow up ahead until there is a bridge on the right side
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Easily the hottest character in the game right now. But she will be overlooked. That's fine. I'm devoted to her.
Apparent "difficulty" in gacha games is usually because your characters aren't built, bro.
I got a 2* ~7 seconds late using Billy, Anby and Rina.
You get Suckcocko for free and in 12-16 I'll have her built and easily clear 3*.
It's following me not leading
Well I guess it depends on how you define free, personally I don't mind the pulls being locked behind knot levels (I'm still level 27) but when I unlock those pulls I view them as I have "earned" them through my hard work and not obtained "for free", "free" literally should mean free with no tagged on condition behind it. Mihoyo is just being a sly dog playing with words even though I like the game there's no defending them here.
>he thinks Belle is gonna let you drive a chick magnet
All hoyo games in one account.
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How are your luck bwos?
There's a tutorial that explains the ONE just ONE important thing about the character. And that's already too much for the braindead average gamer
I hope natlan and Yunli filter these "ohno anime child sexy" fuckers from hoyoverse forever.
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/o/ get out
Why aren't we as a society allowed to acknowledge that high school girls can be hot (especially fake ones)
That doesn't automatically mean I'm going to do anything to them
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It's over sisters the 17 year 364 day old CHILD is sexualized
Tried that. Invisible wall
rerolling is not luck
How the fuck do these people survive anime so long to presumably become fans of it.
they really need to update the disc designs or something, some of them look too much alike
Careful, he's a hero
I will though to the fake ones
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Because recognizing that means you have the potential to do something to them. It's kinda like how being racist is one of the worst things ever even if you don't say or do anything racist in public and generally treat people with respect. Thought crimes are as bad as actual crimes.
>hasn't reached Chapter 3
Say hi to Qingyi from Lucky Star
What's the secret broken Grace build?
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skipping chink cop lady
skipping chink cop robot
I think it's bugged then, that is the correct way
I want to kill you.
Both are hot but incest is even hotter so who cares
yep that shit is bugged bro
ok hutao
QTEs actually requires brainpower for their ilk
should you always strive to have the 3 passives active?
>Genshin and hsr doesn't have the budget and value production this game have
Anon Genshin is definitely the most expensive one. Open world games are expensive as fuck. What's expensive here? The animation? It's good for your party but note how few enemy types there are, and how few animations they have. I'd say Genshin had more enemy types with more behaviors in 1.0
Cool image but would be better if grammatically correct
>double Twitter screenshot
What the fuck are you doing anon?
/pol/ has the answers
I decided to watch a CC for some reason to see their opinion and most of the video was him talking about how Nekomata's shorts need to be longer, Lucy needs pants and how the blue girl's skirt is too short. I wonder how common that sentiment is since I don't watch many CCs and I wonder what the chances of backlash and hoyo caving to that kind of thing are.
victorian gatekeeping all being horror tropes is the coolest design man i don't know what to tell you
when is the first limited homo coming out?
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Ambushing Nicole while her back is turned in the Hollow and fucking her doggystyle!

Cumming all over her and throwing 10,000 Dennys on the ground after!
who was it I wanna see this nigger for myself
Genshin goes out of their way to keep older units from being powercrept into irrelevancy
>Klee? Got Furina
>Ganyu? Got Emilie + burn artifacts
>Xiao, Hu Tao? Got Xianyunu
So you can roll new units to buff your older favorites and keep using them, fuck it, I cleared the most HP bloated abyss with Qiqi because Clorinde enables an extremely stupid physical team with her, it's hilarious
Meanwhile Seele and Blade are gathering dust and can't do shit
Why is Piper always so sleepy?
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did 70 pulls on ellen but luckily i saw qingyi drip marketing before i bricked my account, now i will save for her

fuck matching element types, etherboo is secretly the best bangboo in the game because it groups up enemies for you
You take all the mats you were gonna use for her and build Piper instead
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Wtf there's a 250 + 500 xp commission without any markers? Are there any more?
>exceed mechanic
What's that
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I hope we get a street racing minigame event with our own custom car someday
Chapter 3 was the first time I was able to play Lycaon and he's cool as shit honestly, all his animations are really good
His running animation actually makes it looks like he's hunting niggas
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why isn't she playable
Mad about... what? You need to take your meds if you're hallucinating me being mad.
>hoyo caving to gweilo noname jewtuber opinions
s11's mechanic doesn't even matter because dps have no purpose in this game besides mashing out cooldowns after stun/chain attack, and chain gives her the free fire buff
when you see a girl with a phone in hand before your store she has a quest
Yeah it's funny seeing normalfags do the
>I can't IMAGINE finding a 17 year old attractive
song and dance lmao. Every single person hearing that knows they're lying
>Meanwhile Seele
Still clears all of endgame content with mono-quantum
>and Blade are gathering dust and can't do shit
Uhhhhhhh wait for jade I guess?
I don't support this guy and don't recommend watching unless you just want to see normie takes on the character designs.
they can't even make corridor for this game it's FUCKING TVs
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>20% free physical damage
>more base atk
>big crits
>20% more damage if chain atk somehow end up behind the boss
It's not even a question, i still use starlight engine and rarely encounter her energy problem
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I am winning bigly.
A bangboo and some npc show up in the video shop, talk to them and follow them around to unlock the quest and an exploration commission
>Qiqi Clorinde
Isn't she a Dendro slave?
>the face she makes when Wise thinks Grace was gonna hug him
Total brocon confirmed
They literally advertised the code ZZZFREE100 to trick people into thinking there were actually gonna be 100 free rolls
She's the designated
>I'm sleepy
character. Launch lineup has to have that, as well as the
>I'm hungry
>I talk about nothing but work
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This is just
>le video games cause violence
logic hidden under another veneer

Funny how porn goes around with teen-bait titles constantly and gets a free pass. Society is retarded.
Its advertised as
>free 100 pulls launch gift
But in actuality like half of those pulls you would get anyway from levelling at any point and not during launch. Thats the stupid part.
>thinking random ass normie CC's opinion matter

Ah this dude with his shit takes.
EN Belle Voice Actor keeps saying Proxy Network instead of Inter-Knot written in the text for some reason. Could it be a last minute change to Inter-Knot
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One of my many wives
>100 free rolls
sea hours
>Still clears all of endgame content with mono-quantum
Don't have her signature so she isn't hitting the threshold to oneshot adds with basic attacks ever, so she's as useless as she can get
I'm not spending the next year in the relic mines when QQ is more consistent
The TVs unironically has a lot of unqiue assets and puzzle design thought put behind them.
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No one would pass a test where they had to identify 50 17 year olds versus 50 21 year olds with an accuracy above 25%.
i just want soldier 11 stop giving me lolis :(
How do I co-op with my frens?
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you just know
Anomaly proficiency and mastery discs
i am gay
That too.
Its fucking shitty.
No wonder only a few people are playing.
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Wrong pic
>Why the fuck would I want to use the same units for 4 years?
You have no soul
>Nicole looks fantastic and she is a woman most importantly so I'm okay with the provocative reveal
LMAO this will be a good watch
a fucking MIATA
>Don't have her S1
I mean yeah look most fucking DPSs in HSR don't age well without their S1, let's be real here.
>see latest trailer
>already bad feeling due to certain pink slut looking like certain someone
>le Kianer
Fuck this trash! The only fucking reason for why I kept giving this a go is because faggots kept insisting that this is all NEW game. Yet every announced character in this garbage trailer is Honkek expy of some sort. You have Kiana, pink slut, and even Mei look alike. If the villain ends up being a blonde green eyed man with the obsession of bringingdead back to life, I'll fucking laugh! Fucking trash! Rename this into Honkai Impact Zero, because it's clearly the trash they want to make instead.
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Cringe or kino?
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I will now put money in your kuso.
this is why we're on 4chan and not reddit or xitter bwo. normies aren't truthful. teenagers can not only be hot but are objectively breedable. as an adult i wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole for many reasons but i don't have to ignore the truth either.
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I hope they add a future character that uses a mech. I don't even care if it's a furry.

I cycled the day to reset the magic voodoo and then interacted with the newspaper itself at evening. Lo and behold it worked. Thanks anon.
they're good, but they shouldn't be the main game
>another cunny and mommy
yeah I think it's the best faction
Normalfags don't have such a strong stance about it as Twatter freaks though, keep that always in mind. Their stance on the whole
>she's 17 years and 364 days old YOU SICK FUCK
Is that you just don't say things like that in polite society, rather than being austically against it
Well porn are produced by (((them))) so it gets a pass
but you need lucy for soldier 11 though
>Game was always supposed to be a roguelite
>As such, the game has a heavy focus on the TVs
>People are fucking surprised that the roguelite element is spotlighted
i hate retards
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How'd I do?
Billy is a mech
Wish granted. The mech is only used in the ultimate.
this entire game is cringe-kino
where do you get this anon?
They called the code FREE100 to make it look like it's a 100 pull code, it's incredibly jewish and insidious marketing
>see add
>use code "ZZZFREE100"
What would the average person think?

The only actual benefits from starting early is the 10 pull login event (to make you log in and stay hooked), the random 10 pull on mail that wasn't advertised
Everything else can be obtained by anyone who starts the game at any point, they aren't "launch rewards"
Unless there's a human inside piloting him no he's not.
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Forced animation
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>You are playing as Belle
Just a friendly hug between girls
>You are playing as Wise
She wants me
I'm surprised the roguelite element was sped up in a beta, got a fast forward button in another beta, yet is still slow as molasses in release.
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If I gave you a button that will instantly swap yourseld with that pig would you press the button?
wtf, there is more?!
another area and larger than the first one
Too good, lots of shit luck incoming.
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>high IQ, non slurper post, no mention of southeast asia
It's like a dream
>he thought that Mihomo would be able to resist reusing characters
yeah that's great and all except I'm not playing a roguelike in this mode, I'm playing pokemon and ace attoney
I'll kill you, you fucking nigger.
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cringe if they removed this maid group and replaced them with gyaru schoolgirls or gyaru office ladies in stockings (including making that furry a hot girl), then this game would have sold 2x more
Stay mad, wuwakeks
Wise chads we are winning!
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Got this from the level 20 rolls, is Grace's weapon okay for Piper? She's the only Anomaly unit I have...
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fingers crossed she doesn't know about Ellen
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>lot of unqiue assets and puzzle design thought put behind them
Yet they do nothing with it
They use a gimmick once and proceed to forget about it
They could combine several of those gimmicks working one with the other to allow for little thought-provoking puzzles but they don't, it's just one after the other, no problem-solving involved, just a little walk along the TV corridor
Even fucking Pokemon had more compelling puzzles and dungeon-like places
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it feels illegal how strong lucy/piper+(passive activated character) feels.
they are also hotter than actual S characters, why did they make the best 2 characters easy to roll A rarity? this game is way too generous, i love this game.
But it's not a roguelite, tvs are mostly just used for little puzzles before combat. Roguelite mode is just one of endgame modes, and you do it a few times in the story
anon, she's so desperate for kids she gave construction equipment intelligence
Agents that are dead fish in bed?
they really need to improve the engine/disc ui, it's so fucking clunky. Like yeah yeah engine animation and how the disc circle around it looks cool for the first min, I don't need it taking over half of the fucking screen all the time
is that shanghai
Why is she looking at his dick?
>They use a gimmick once and proceed to forget about it
>They could combine several of those gimmicks working one with the other to allow for little thought-provoking puzzles but they don't, it's just one after the other, no problem-solving involved, just a little walk along the TV corridor
This is not true at all btw.
Canonically Grace
kys pedo
why does she do it to the pigs
what's her problem
Where's the cliche gacha character in ZZZ that has german names for their skills?
There are better ways of tutorialising things.
This felt too railroaded yet didnt explain much until VR
Skyward blade on Qiqi makes her do a lot of damage/shred with SC damage iirc
You mean...
>you are getting cucked by a literal metal rabbit
Because that's the thing she was talking to while you stand there loke an idiot confused about it.
Unless you Billy yourself by becoming bot 100%, she will never look at you twice.
You are an autistic fuck. Who cares if it was "always supposed to be a roguelite"? If they can't implement the roguelite well, just don't do it. That's the stance of most here.
Unlike you we don't care what the "original genre" was supposed to be. We just care that it's an anime action game with hot characters, an interesting premise, and for many also that it's free to play.
>vampire character got wasted on faggot
it's one of the perks of being employed for her
They were added last so I guess they didn't have enough time to nerf them properly.
>standard at 77
It's going to go above 80 isn't it...?

>le Kianer
we already have Kiana
the thinking machine that fell in love with the building
they like it
I'll probably never get another S rank again
Also wish I'd picked Wise, how could I have known that the sibling choice was which one to remove from the story, not the one to be MC
>Grace feels calm when she sees us
>Ellen feels better when she sees us
We gain trusts too easily with these people the first time we meet them even without being Phaeton. Do we have some sort of hypnosis power with our eyes stuff.
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She's just like me, frfr
>because faggots kept insisting that this is all NEW game
Those "faggots" are Mihoyo themselves btw, they insisted this would be a brand new setting
Fucking scammers
LIVE child sexer
I feel like they're trying to compete with BA but i might be retarded
Why would you assume he's a WuWakek?
He's a freetard.
I'm a freetard too.
That scam ad is shitty.
But I'm still gonna play this game because after learning its a scam I just started rerolling after I get my first 10 free pulls at standard.
Rolled Neko. Decided to keep it.
pretty privilege
Wait for more of the biker gang.
I'm surprised people say that because it seems as fast as it can possibly be while still staying coherent. I don't understand the complain at all, with fastforward I can barely read the text fast enough, sometimes can't even do that. And your bunny moves faster than you can control it, you can't even really move at full speed with fastforward, it's faster than your reaction. What do you mean you need it to be faster, your bunny is already faster than sonic
I'm skipping that dyke. Don't care how hard they might shill her - honkai shit is always instant skip for me.
I love seeing every hoyo general get mindbroken by HI3
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You wouldn't impregnation a shark!
>We gain trusts too easily with these people the first time we meet them
Just standard jarpig MC shit
Go over to wuwa if you want a joke, ascended Chinese general dragon emperors are kotowing at the MC within the hour and every woman in China is ovulating and spreading her cunt for your seed
Definitely, but I hit all my desired characters so I guess I don't care what I get from now on
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>only rolled on the standard banner so far
>3 SSRs
>Another Grace
>Grace's W-Engine
I got the most graceseeded account.
do bangboos actually matter? I really don't know if my shorkboo does anyhthing useful in the midst of battle
it's a dystopian future where everyone just cares about themselves and people don't talk to each other (also known as the 90s). Someone smiling and saying Hi is considered attractive
Two wombs
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That's why she only does anal
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*electric maid
I have never played hi3 but I have no idea why people put so much energy on hating it. Even if some characters from it get put into this game I really don't care
picked up
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>lasagne releasing the billionth sakuraface is le good
>mihoyo releasing a 2nd Elysia is le bad
A F2P should know how to read the fine print. I knew exactly what they were saying in that ad, can't trick me
Man, I hope they do more of the investigation puzzle
Reminds me of Danganronpa
Not really.
That's why you can't pay money to whale on them.
Play another game then, idiot.
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Why my parry keep failing against this fucking shitty boss?
Only 1 out of 10 of my parries actually connect.
is corin / soukaku / lycaon a good team
It's time to take up the mantle and impregnate that hag anon
just busted a fat nut to anby
wait so there's no coop or multiplayer modes at all?
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someone post the chink tier list (not the CBT one)
but I don't play wuwa
I just call out mihomo's bullshit
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Guaranteed Miyabi lets gooooo
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Where's everyone at?
because this is the boss where you learn Dodge.
You can't parry a flamethrower.
Probably because it's a yuri game. I don't care because it's not the amerigolem LGBT kind of lesbianism rather it's the hot fanservice anime lesbianism but apparently some people can't tell the difference between HI3 and TLOU2
he varies his attack speed
you gotta react quicker
also when it flashes red you cant parry but im guessing you know that by now
A bangboo in a human sized mech would be kino
okay I watched it. wouldn't be surprised if he was unironic pdfile the way he's hating on lolis
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I really wish the housekeeping factions were an all female group
Skill issue.
It's just fags being obnoxious about it and feel the need to make everyone to know about expy 24/7
On the friends list theres options for multiplayer. But it may just be from the arcade games.
Because of its shitty fanbase that acts like they are better than everyone else, shit up other threads, then play victim card as if others obsess over them for no reason.
Curious about chain attack swap. Sometimes i can do 1 chain but sometimes 2 chains , 3chains bangboos.

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numberwise it's aight
I did want Grace though
What happens if you invite Nicole a lot?
This is the "You actually need to dodge more than you parry at times"-check in the game.
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>why did they make the best 2 characters easy to roll A rarity?
So that you will hound their dupes.
I got Lucy twice and now it compelled me to buy her dupe in the shop to get C2.
Now I want more Pipers too.
if its not golden light its dodge
Yes, Lycaon is the best stunner in the game and his 2nd passive boosts the damage multiplier on stunned enemies.
Corin really wants to hit stunned enemies and she gets even more damage against stunned enemies when paired with Lycaon.
read tutorial
But most of his attack were arm attacks, only missiles that range and I dodge that.
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Does this team have any right to work or is Lucy going to fuck up the Distortion combos between Grace and Piper? And if not, what would be fitting replacement (preferably A-rank)
depends on the enemy, if it's trash mob one chain, elite 2 chains, boss full bangboo chain
you should be able to parry the arm attacks....
need a doujin where a fat ugly black man rape Belle while Wise is forced to watch (and is also being raped by a gay black man)
probably ad
Enemy type you cute brainlet. Its only possible to chain 2/3 times on generic enemies if you chain multiple staggers on different enemies. On "elites" you always get 2, and on boss monsters you get 3, which allows the use of a bangboo too
used for ads maybe
who do I put on a team with them
No its not.
They only said it can be obtained in-game.
They didn't say we had to play the game.
Now that you've read it, tell the rest of us
Oh you haven't, ok then
they're using it as an ad, I saw it a few times
It works well enough.
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um i think you mean based???
Alright i'll get into investing them, thanks anon(s)
it's just from the same handful of long-time schizos who have the vendetta against Honkai, most of them are ex /alter/fags and chenshin players
Whenever I see people get mad about losing their 50/50 to w-engines in limited banners I just laugh at them. People like you sucking mihoyo's cock for literally free is why they can keep getting away with shit like this. I play both games and have whaled on both yinlin and jinhsi and their sig weapons but I will not spend a single dime on zzz's limited banners because of how jewish mihoyo is. Fuck your brand loyalty.
Hi3 has the worst fagbase. Even worse than Genshit's.
You just don't hear about them because nobody cares for their dead dyke game. They also know it, which is why they always come to other threads to talk of their shitty dead game there, then sperging out when others tell them to fuck off to their own dead general.
>playing on casual meme difficulty
hmmm you didn't beat the game
When should I use prototype seals?
read tutorial again
You get an in-game freebie for clicking on a link to that video, don't you? It's right there in the event menu
>They didn't say we had to play the game
Yeah they did. It literally says "PLAY THE GAME TO OBTAIN" in the ad
it would be cool if you didn't engage with the free roll schizo and let him talk to himself
I was actually surprised when he said neko's shorts should be longer, piper looked terrible and lucy's shorts which aren't even lewd are too slutty.
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>295286294th wuwa melty
>he didn't reroll for free ellen in 10 rolls
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>you cute brainlet
why the fuck do you niggers have to be so condescending to anyone asking a simple question who is clearly interested in the same game you play? just be nice you stupid fucking mogoloids
asap. no point in saving them for anything in particular
With their other game it's also possible to explain it since it has some references to the Honkai game. Such as dvalin showing up in a cutscene (which also leads to the game having a genshin Collab). Honkai titles are mostly sequels of the previous one with starrail being a spinoff and they even show Himeko Kafka Bronya Welt and Otto before the game even comes out. Meanwhile, ZZZ was completely new. New cast, no connection or reference in their other game. It's meant to be a completely separate universe. Then not even 2 days after it was released, 3 expies of their Honkai characters was announced. Imagine tear of themis suddenly getting a genderbent Raiden Mei expy as a character. Imagine their animal crossing game has Kiana in it as expy.
>They didn't say we had to play the game.
they did, and everyone knew they'd pull this bullshit once we saw that
this is wrong on so many levels
I also play both games and WuWa runs so poorly that I will never spend a dime on it. Incompetent devs don't deserve any money at all. Same logic for ToF, hacks should be out of jobs
No it's the release trailer.
the hammer weighs 25 times more than her body
Can't say about electric team, but would use grace as dps instead of anton and keep anby.
Corin and Ellen can't go together
Does the Biker Nun have a name?
We hate higtroons and all other kinds of yuritroons here.
That shark will force me to impregnate her even if I say no.
You would ideally have both characters that arent Piper be the same element to stack that abnormality as fast as possible to distort it with Piper.
That element is ideally fire because Lucy is also fire, and allows you to chain the element/faction bonus.
its crazy because if ZZZ is a 2/10 in terms of complex dmc gameplay, WuWa is like... 2.01/10 at best
>he watches tectone
i can't 3-star the ice shield stage without it...
retard can't even quote
nigcole pulling mobs in with her black hole
I'm more surprised tiesto video got 13m
I mean, Grace and Piper are consistent enough to pull off Disorder so why not.
For Disorder comps I can only see like, S11/Lucy/Piper competing because S11's application is almost up to par with anomaly units and Lucy's pigs help you get the burn.
and genshin is a 1/10
crazy right
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No "play the game" tho.
>demon souls is like 2/10 as a dmc game
This is how retarded this criticism sounds. I'm so tired of fake gamers who play one game and compare everything to it
I don't really understand why they forced a male into every single group - cops, bikers, everyone has to have a deadbanner male shoved in
difficulty only affects story mode so in the end they only hurt themselves
Geroy means hero in Russian
Why did you remove the lore video from the OP?
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it's over for me bros...
He's an entertaining fatass
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>can be obtained through in-game events
>please see actual in-game content doko
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God damn that was agonizing.

I swear I parry tons of red cross signals before, even normal mobs also got red cross signal right?
Why only this boss got red cross that we can't parry?
I just copied an OP from yesterday and saved it to copy-paste to new threads, I didn't notice anything was missing
If someone removed it it wasn't me, sorry
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>anime girl in the thumbnail
>scissors in the title
you just know
>in-game event
>as in "click here and get your 100 pulls"
>not "play game for 10 days for 100 pulls!"
Other games gave us free pulls no condition. No playing needed. ZZZealots will protect their kekery.
I can't, only the feet stomp one can be parried.
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pretty good, decided to save for 1.1 cunny tho
crazy lucky

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