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Previous: >>485154249

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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i love belle!
can you stop using the same pics every thread
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You've been playing too much video games anon. It's time to take a break.
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protect Belle!
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We won.
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Completely platonic loving sibling behavior.
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I rolled Soldier 11 in my first 20 roll.

How is she?
Eat your veggies anon.
Or I'll force you to...
>That profile pic
She's autistic...
once you do all the content how do you get gems?
Are the chapter 3 coins all in Lumina Square? I'm having a hell of a time finding any despite there apparently being 30+ according to the trash.
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"Play the game" doko?
Wait a minute...
Why did you remove the lore video from the OP?
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Who synergizes well with ben?
Is this correct rotation for ellen team

Stun->ellen->stunner(again) -> bangboo-> will automatically swap to zukaku spin ->press spacebar to swap to ellen to gain buff
ZZZ Revenue Looking Tight..
Extremely meta if you have lucy and piper.
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do you need her weapon?
They are in ballet twin, unless you mean chapter 2 intermission
>reroll this
>reroll that
Luck will balance out

If you get lucky with an early 5*, you're gonna get ass fucked by RNG later on and lose 50/50 at pity

If you get shitty luck, you'll eventually luck shit.

It's all part of the plan.
>still no drip marketing for the second S rank
can I easily get them? I asked because it seems like an endgame thing but idk
Piper, Lucy and Corin is such a retardedly strong and fun combo.

Piper takes care of AoE and softening up bosses, Lucy provides the buffs, a ranged attack and a decent chance to proc Burn if build for Anomoly while Corin with her jump in finishes them with the shredder whole stunned.

I got S knotboy and Puppet Maid but I dropped them, A tier F2P gods we are so back. Do NOT use a stunner, it's a complete bait trap
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can we reach level 40 this week with free battery refreshes?
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There's no second S rank... It's Ellen rerun time...
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Why THE FUCK is this happening?
Probably after Zhu yuan bwo
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>msq forces you to play as boring faggot Wise
>who is zhu yuan
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You're not talking to other women, are you?
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>104 pulls into standard
>44 pulls into limited
How did I do?
And who should I build?
>luck will balance out
You haven't seen the last year of my pulls in HSR, buddy
It's Ellen rerun
Anby reminds me of that girl from date a live.
Right here. This one even says "up to" lmao, you know what that means if you know what that means
racist fucks wtf
Yesterday I saw an image of a Belle doujin, is there a source to that?
As far as I can tell it's a BP thing. They probably aren't going to be common, but when else are you going to be struggling for resources? Now's the time to use them.
>in-game event
>as in "click here and get your 100 pulls"
>not "play game for 10 days for 100 pulls!"
Other games gave us free pulls no condition. No playing needed. ZZZealots will protect their kekery.
You faked that.
piper has the mental age of a 5 year old
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oh no no no no!
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>If you get lucky with an early 5*, you're gonna get ass fucked by RNG later on and lose 50/50 at pity
This is the cope gacha version of "it's okay if that dude did something mean, life will catch back at him later, keep being nice and you will be rewarded sooner or later"
Probably... not?
Nobody cares for the cop. She looks dumb as fuck
I want to B.A.N.G. her
I want Anby to give me an efficient deadpan ice queen analytical robotic handjob and then get an attitude when I cum all over her black skirt and make it sticky
It's over. Hoyo pulled the plug, EOS announcement after QinGyi banner
why are the chinese so jewish
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At what knot level is she giving me the commission to impregnate her?
if this was a western game, this would be removed due to DEI pearl clutching
but because the game it chinese nobody gives a fuck
there is some real beauty in these games
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>get nekomata as the beginner 5*
>get her weapon from the standard banner next pity
>get the physical bangboo
>she's still shit with all that investment
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sex with ambi for the sole purpose of recreation
anon, where's your Srank?
Anyone have the Resonaboo? It says his active skill is a black hole, is it actually any good at grouping mobs? I'm tired of the butler because his impact feels negligible.
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Do i really have to spam Dash + NA to do damage with Ellen? I'm starting to regret getting her...
What the fuck is there to do now?
>LC picture
>retarded post
every fucking time
My Koleda is doing more damage than Ellen
imagine not only being a streamer but being a gachage streamer of all things
is this guy at least sponsored?
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Even redditors knew what that means. You're dumber than a redditor how does that feel
The only thing I hate about the TV maze is how sluggish the dialogue and story parts are when interacting with it. It's so slow to go through that stuff and I actually like the TV parts.
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consider the following
JP already started doing 4 stars only clear on shiyu defense. Ben and Billy doesn't seem to be weak after all
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>uhhm actually if you notice the fine print it says "up to" and "playing the game" so there clearly wasn't an ulterior motive to make the FREE100 code give 0.67 pulls instead, it didn't trick me because I am a free thinking high IQ individual
Mihoyo makes great games but you don't NEED to defend their jewish monetization and marketing, you know
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Hugging isn't talking so, yes
nah, the gunplay is sex
Chinese merchants = Jew merchants. They have been in contact since ancient times.
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Should I hold my standard rolls after the 50 guarantee or go wild for the eventual 300 guarantee?

I'm saving my premium ones.
>You're dumber than a redditor how does that feel
Why do you have upvote arrows on screenshot
Except RNG is a very real thing, retard-kun
thank you've just convinced me to not build her so my second s rank is a fucking useless CAT
doesn't count
nah redditors just defend everything is all

>posts saying characters shouldn't look like children gets downvoted
I'm gonna apologize to reddit
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why do I notice the typo immediately after posting it and not before goddammit
i've been using her with anby/nicole for the story, i'm at IK29, she's done the job so far but i will replace her when i get a limited S rank.
>just whale for the perfect relics bro!
Every single gacha does this sort of advertising you disingenuous little shit.
Their culture is literally 'fuck you, I got mine' proliferated across billions of people. Imagine if gypsies became the world's largest (relevant) nation. They steal and rebrand culture, technology, and whatever else they can get their grubby hands on to fit and push their agenda.
haha, WTF?

Why is Wise worried about his sister finding out
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Bros... I need her.
>the actual launch rewards for ZZZ is a login event and 1600 polychrome
This isn't any better you know
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literally says in capslock "PLAY THE GAME TO OBTAIN UP TO-"
Because he's a redditor ZZZealot slurper.
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I just bought this ID.
I'm getting filtered, how do you change which NPC you talk to when they're right next to each other?
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>"bro mathematical probability doesn't work like that because... it just doesn't okay!"
>makes an extremely retarded false equivalence to try and justify his equally retarded reasoning
I see thinking is not your strong suit.
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How could ok with Da Wei taking advantage of illiterate people
>I will give everyone in this thread up to $100000
>what do you mean where's your money??? I said up to are you stupid??
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What are you trying to nitpick exactly? I don't have an account if it's that, see the arrows are right there. I guess you don't know what reddit looks like when you're not logged in
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Can I use Lucy as a DPS? I know she's not meant to be one but she gets me too hard
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>see anime pics being spammed
>search md5
>it's the anime avatartranny who posts on /trash/ about taking raw nigger dick in the ass
literally nobody who actually is interested in the game gives a shit because they will get the pulls anyway. if your only interest was to log in, get and spend 100 free pulls and then log out, hoyo doesn't give a shit about you anyway.
This game is stingy but I lucked out on getting Ellen within 50 rolls. If I had lost 50/50 on hard pity, I’d assume I’d never get her. I got the Welkin too.
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High population, high competition cutthroat society, they always take advantage of anything they can
I don't think you can, you just fidget about until you get the cursor on the one you want
No they don't. They actually make a clear distinction you ZZZealot.
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>Should I hold my standard rolls
why would you ever do that?
what would be the point of holding on standard rolls?
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I have a gambling itch but I must save for gun cop
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PF just reset
yes, and literate person would understand what the fuck you mean
>"You said up to, how do i get all of it?"
>You have to do this and this
fucking third worlders i swear
If you were actually going to play the game, what difference does it make to get 100 rolls now versus later idgi
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The cop girl is really fun, but I wish they let me play this girl.
Highest Billy disks level is 3
I'm glad we agree that not giving enough resources for day 1 pre-registered players to hit two soft pities is unbelievably jewish
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because he knows what's good for him
>Shit mode
See you next month
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Cop love
Ok zoomer
Ty, I’ll autobattle it as usual
>chink robot girl
jesus christ who is rolling for this shit
If my account seed is bad I'd rather know early on.
I have neither Piper nor Lucy.
I feel like I'm unironically bricked because they're so good at cheesing the early game. What am I supposed to do without them?
Because they aren't launch rewards then
They are regular patch rewards
>he thinks bears fuck girls
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bro anything can cheese the early game
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For when they add a new character I want to the standard roll in the future?
nah you need the complete set so that includes S11
If people got something good from those 100 rolls, they would stay tho.
More customers.
Yes they do.
You're trying way too hard.
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>reroll one last time, just to complete my reroll accounts list
>on an account that was getting me hardware id banned on day 1&2
>it's Lyca + Shark
now what
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The fuck? Guess I'm never finishing this then because nothing's working
bears are holesexual they dont care who it is
doesn't seem like they were advertised as limited time rolls attached to just the launch period though >>485173824
She reeks of A rank honestly
The answer is lolifags have zero taste
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I'm still baffled by your skills anon
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I want Anby to give me an efficient deadpan ice queen analytical robotic handjob while she spreads her legs open to show her thong and make me cum faster and then get an attitude when I cum all over her crotch and make it sticky
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>Ben and Billy doesn't seem to be weak after all
Billy is weak, he does like half of Corin damage
He is still very cool though, so i don't want to give up on him yet
>Having 3 melee team will fuck you up if the boss only do attacks that can only be counter with evasive assist.
I wished normal dodge counter does more damage than assist, but that will turned this game into that genshin clone
>Prydwen called piper T2 tier
>Turns out she is insanely overpowered.
Ben is being used a fire cuck for the godlike team that is piper and lucy who are literally meta.
Corin's slave obtained
My mental health gone...
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How's your savings?
god damn it took me until level 31 to unlock the trust mechanic
what do those cat things do
Bro you Ben BIGGER parry??
Isn't that the only guy you can talk to? He sells you things
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>For when they add a new character I want to the standard roll in the future?
Bruh you're looking to wait for at least an entire year for a 0.6% chance to get a character that will also be diluted in the huge pull of release standards
Just pull you fool
this, not having them would just mean that you have no rewards for quests and stuff. it's nothing generous just normal fucking rewards
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Pretty shit launch rewards then, no?
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Being sexy while dressed like an actual cop is a feat
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Is this really true?
it's funny they're actually out jewing the jews in their own game
It's not just these 3 either
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>account fucking sucks
>but its lvl 32 and redoing everything would just make me quit
Prydwen couldn't calculate anomaly scaling. You shouldn't trust them with anything that involves hidden modifiers.
virgin confirmed
>people who picked Belle are being brainwashed to be brocons
So this was the CCP's true intentions...
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I cheated and used modding software to hide the ui, and then I copied and edited a Qingyi text frame in photoshop
nicole and anby are strong enough, just level up their skills properly
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trust the plan
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>getting Ellen on first search...
Anby's panties ...
>ellen keeps giving the camera upskirts in combat
how do I play one-handed bros
need more of this
He melts the daze bar of the second boss of SD7 in less than 5 seconds, that's pretty impressive for a non-stunner character to me
kill yourself nigger
Ben is such a husband material
Can you not fuse other w engines into each other for exp?
or manwife if you're into that
What do they feel like?
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The answer for all us non degenerates is that she'll tease him relentlessly about finally finding a girlfriend.
Dismantle them at the shop first. Or maybe you can do that in a menu somewhere, not sure.
Hoyo games are easy as fuck anyways, so it shouldn't be a problem in a long run. It's just that realization that you are a fucking lucklet stings a lot and makes you want to counteract
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The 35% bonus against stunned enemies applies to Corin her Assaults and Devastations btw

Ecelebs put her in D tier, meanwhile she's the hardest hitting single target nuker in the entire game
you have to dismantle them at the w-engine shop, you get both w-engine shards for crafting and w-engine exp things
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I've been smoking weed and playing this game for almost 2 days straight and haven't eaten anything but a chocolate bar with almonds lol
Fun game chinkoids...
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Need to knock knock Nicole if you catch my drift
How do you play S11 Lucy Piper?

Actually how do you play Lucy + Piper?
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Don't actually want Ellen but had this sudden urge to gacha and ended up blowing my whole stash
The two maids were from standard...
This game is so degenerate
>sitting on my 100 limited pulls waiting for the cop

I wish they just did a double banner for the whole patch for 1.0
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u press e when the buttons colorful
yeah I just wanted to play around with more characters
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Yeah, the flashy combat and overal chill vibe of the game works really well with getting stoned
I don't understand this image, I just went into test and absolutely everything he does can be dodged/parried as flashes tell you. Even the missiles you can full dodge with dodge->dodgecounter->dodge and he telegraphs a ton if you spend 3 minutes learning his moveset
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Agents for this feel?
So, who can I self insert as?
Me but for the biker chick

Someone post the webm of her
Soaking of which, gets an actual funny anecdote on how Asians view Jews.
So when are /ourrivals/ gonna be revealed? (the proxies that got the 3 other AIs)
What the fuck I kept wondering who I'm supposed to talk to
Is she a 5*?
Does anyone have the animations for Lucia that was leaked a while ago? The post and tweet of it is gone now.
Fyi, Lucia is the big tired nun presumably from the Hog faction with Lucy and Piper.
Sasuga Mishityo
>doesn't know the difference between a dodge and a parry

>light thing on fire and burn
>spin with piper to pretty much instant kill with the reaction
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You're not thinking of skipping her banner, right anon?
>"Load up and pull out!"
Why did they give Piper this line when you switch to her?
The other sibling will be kidnapped and brainwashed in 2.0
Trust da place
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>spent all ~170 free pulls
>only s rank is the 50 one
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I also got double Grace as my only S rank from standard...
Saving for the robololi idols
Fire has way cooler characters than the Electric and Ice dorks
pulling for nicole dupes
with strong enough gear anything can be dps
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Knot 34
143 Limited pulls
130 Standard pulls
135 Bangbro pulls
So far
I actually skip Ellen for her
Skipping shark.
Is there a way to enable true fullscreen for this game? I'd like to play with supersampling
>main team of Lv40 Anby/Rina/Corrin can't clear a challenge stage
>swap anby and rina for a level 30 Piper and Lucy with no skill levels
>easily clear said stage
I kinda felt dirty bros, I feel like I didn't deserve that win
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Nope. I'm all saved up. I'd never brick with the maid.
Is it me or does it feel like daze is a bait mechanic? You have to spend so long building up a stun meter doing no fucking damage to get like a 10 second window where you can actually play the game. It just seems worse than playing status effect teams no?
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Finally, 8 more minutes and I'm free
>loli sees "that"
>and she is not impressed
fucking slut!
The video i quote literally said that boss melee attack, can't be parried only dodge or evade assist.
He was responding to my post asking why that same boss red cross attacks can't be parried when I got 3 melee characters, so apparently those melee attacks count as range attack.
>nekomata is outclassed by piper AND corin
this bitch SUCKS
It's fine, having her on-field makes her pigs spin more often
A lot of discourse around ZZZ being easy which I guess I understand but what other gacha games have difficulty story content during their 1.0 release? I legitimately can't think of a single one.
>You have to spend so long building up a stun meter doing no fucking damage
Only if you use on-field DPS(Nekomata, Billy)
Dedicated stunners do it in 2 clicks
The fact that we have playable Ben makes me very optimistic with the variety of future characters
I was getting sick of every new release being the same old 3 bodytypes dolls dressed up with different wigs in Genshin and HSR
I can't wait to play a cop gigarobot with a riot shield
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There's another time gate at level 36 oniichan
Ah, I see. I'm running Grace and Rina so no wonder I can just parry it.
But building up the stun meter is the game
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well that was a nice scene
I'll pull for her, intended too ever since her gameplay on CBT (mostly because of her ass)
Same but I managed to gett all the A ranks
It's still baffling to me how the wolf is much stronger than other standard characters. I guess they wanted to make up for the fact he's the lone 5* furry
This retard in general gives bad advice, I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of his mouth.
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Limbus chapter 2 was infamous in filtering people
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yeah for being a super dog shit story
The best type of sexualization is sexualization that normoids don't even recognize as such.
>time gate
Weird way to say 'mandatory sibling sex break'
how do i cope that billy doesnt do much damage?
sure blud, post your high level defense runs
>60 poly from dailies
>120 poly from weeklies
what the fuck? that's barely 3 pulls a week...
What you don't get is you don't have to stun the fat enemy to deal chain attack damage to it. You stun the little mob then you launch a chain attack on the fat enemy. That's why you identify the weakest enemy in the group and you go stun that ASAP
>red cross attacks
Nigga what
of course those can't be parried the game LITERALLY tells you that red attacks are dodge only and parries are the orange ones, this applies to every enemy in the game
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>knot level 30
>just learned that anby has a pause combo
>and does more damage with multiple abilities if you do 3 basics first
>and also basic-basic-basic-skill-basic is a combo

i should really do these tutorials sooner
>Every single gacha does this
Source? Where's the Source?
her teambuilding sucks fucking ass
I remember the great filtering of Genshin 1.1, but that was 1.1 not launch.
No gacha is ever going to have difficult main story content. The closest Hoyo got was probably the original version of Aventurine in HSR, where you had to actually think about your team comp for 5 seconds to beat him and it filtered so many people they nerfed him
The endgame content is supposed to be hard but with the option to make it easy by being a whale
Isn't it a well known tactic to make the undesirable character OP so people don't quit over pulling them?
If he was trash, it would be another Lingyang situation
The filter was during the fun part of chapter 2, though
>giving me a free taste of your tears
mmmmmhh.. thank you
I regret rolling for shark brick
>not buying the 5 dollar pass
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what happened?
I literally auto him with blade team on day one
pay up gweilo
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Shork-tailed girl is among the top 5 facts about this game
how the FUCK do people have full teams of lvl 40s with lvl 40 weapons
>If you have a ranged character, previously red attacks (unparriable) become yellow because you can witch time dodge (evasive assist) it instead, given you have the assist points.
>If you don't have assist points, previously yellow attacks become red because you can't do anything about it but dodge (no witch time).
How is this hard to understand?
Do I get enough rolls to guaranteed a banner unit from 1.0 content?
WuWa, or so the Wuwatards will tell you. I have no idea why but they genuinely believe that their game is hard. They must be very bad at video games
they play the game
it's been 5 days nigga
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Why couldn't we have gotten this Ellen
Yes, if you accidentally went in with a team that worked (or you're a whale or autistically overgeared) he was easy
The point is 90% of the playerbase tried to beat him with an underlevelled party of single target units using the wrong element, got stomped, and instead of thinking about what they were doing for 2 minutes, they complained on hoyolab until he got nerfed into the ground
If you get her to c6 maybe?
She needs her pigs to deal damage so the longer the buffs are up the better
A month and a half vs less than a week?
Probably have been using the same comp since day one and didn't level any other character/weapon
hmmm idk maybe the game on the left has been out for a fucking millennia?
>less than half the download
Barely not enough. Your money please gweilo
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She is the "release an element without an actual DPS and then drop an SSR early for it" bait of this game and I'm not falling for it.
He's already missed 4*90 from the pass, he will be eternally bricked
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Sir your max refreshes?
>Last 30 days
So you're telling me ZZZ got more than 30% of Wuwas total revenue of a whole month in just 3 days?
Most of the launch criticism was just a bunch of shitposting and gachatards waging tribal warfare.
>coffee shop in New Eridu doesn't offer me different options than the coffee shop in Sixth Street
>nekomata guaranteed
how bad in general?
how bad compared to belobog girl?
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Save your gems for the better girl
Shit game scam ad and hoyoslurpers wanted another self-playing game like HSR.
>comparing 4 day old game to a 1.1 patch game
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>figure out character mechanics
>get dual parry timing down
feels so fucking good
The gooks found one frame of a character that's just vaguely doing a pinch sign and took it as a small pp insult and threw a collective fit to boycott the game
I only have one team, everyone else is level 1
>t. f2p ($0 spent)
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It took Genshin about two years to add two characters to the standard roster, and they haven't done it since. I wouldn't count on it, just roll dude.
Isn't her best team just nicole and anby? They're both very good.
which frame is that?
I feel like the cunny officer will be an electric stunner (rip anby)
Electro team.
For me, its Lucy
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I don't really like Ellen or Zhu Yuan so I'm skipping both. I won't regret it will I?

Do we know who's in 1.1?
It was revealed to me in a dream.
Leaks say she is an electric stunner so...
There will be kemono women and you will LIKE it
This game is too hard.
I don't fucking get it, the first 20 hours are easy, then you get this stiff difficulty spike.
Name 3 examples from other gacha or this phenomenon doesn't exist and you're schizophrenic.
i'm always afraid i'm going to farm the wrong item in VR
The HIA combat trial is the best combat track in the game. The chapter 3 fight themes are good, but they are overlayed with incessant beeping because every fight has mines and grenades everywhere so I havent been able to appreciate it
The one that anti-gooks have been spamming since day 1, they're just as mindbroken as the gooks
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Do you think as middle-aged men with greying beards we'll be horny over a game from India, the same way how we've gotten into Chink gaming lately?
did you upgrade your skills?
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leveling and ranking up characters feels so long compared to other hoyo games
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That one over there
did you upgrade your weapon?
No that's lifetime lol
Even if they mail the pulls
they would still be giving the same amount of pulls and we would be getting the same amount
The only difference is this takes longer to reroll

Im not rerolling because you just know they'll release a game someday that checks your hoyo account for crossovers
i've played those days and spent all my shit
it takes like a whole day of energy to level up one thing
Time to play Ben you little bitch
Read this post but imagine Ben Bigger wrote it.
No, because the only thing India can produce is scam offices
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>My Belle
is this how math really works?
She's good. I think most people who say she is bad just have a hard time triggering her damage buffs
>Piper and Corrin have a mechanic that stops attack chains on the first hit so that your assist points doesn't get lost to the Hollow
What other characters have this gigachad mechanic?
I always just click on the [Obtain] blahblahblah after going into skill enhancement or whatever and it takes me straight to the mission I need to do for the required material
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I'm starting to feel like Ellen was a bait banner as the days pass and more people are using the cunny combo...
What a fucking scam
Meanwhile wuwa get like 40-50 rolls just for installing the game
Thinking about restarting so that I can pick wise instead, should I bother playing on asia servers or do I just make another account alltogether
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No, I'm pulling for her semen demon partner.
To be fair they top out at 60 in this game.
We are going to collect all the AI.
Chinese and Korean pop culture is just Japanese pop culture but in other language. Just a matter of having dev teams good enough to develop good games. Indian po(o)p culture is something nobody but Indians care about. I expect a few good indie games in my lifetime out of India and that's about it
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Haha...that's our Belle!
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The funnier part is that she kicks someone in the balls on this questline
Same here, I mean, Ellen is hot, but her gameplay didn't really click with me. Honestly the best outcome for me would be to lost 50/50 and get Rina for full electro team, but like that will ever happen kek
If you don't have Brimstone, what W-Engine is best for Soldier 11?
Qingyi (the other cop, the short one with green hair) should be in 1.1
Maybe Miyabi but it would be really weird to release 2 ice DPS units within 4 banners at launch
What are these max refreshes you speak of?
oh shit if that is the one I think it is I nearly wiped on the boss (with nearly full health entering)...
is piper/lucy the xiangling/bennett of zzz?
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Anby really likes her borgars
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korean incel melty incoming
>gimping your dps for heals
Installing the game is as far as I got because it doesn't work. Even the menus stutter. Stop shilling start fixing your defective product
I am likely skipping both her and Ellen tbqh.
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dropped picrel

Yeah, but skills top out at rank 12 (14 after +2 from M3/M5)
indian games will probably be exaggerated action like bollywood
horny? probably not
>what is two team for abyss
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The certain bangboos can heal, but also bro your ben?
I got lucky with Ellen so I might get her for my second team, I'll wait to see 1.1 banners though.
lucy is just piper's accessory
she'll be replaced when better SoC/physical characters are available
How long is the daily in this game?
is there auto?
I aint got 40 mins everyday to grind for 1/5 of a roll everyday
>anby deflecting bullets
what how
>relying on a BangBoo for you your dps and not a flexible support for what the team needs
You know you're crazy when even Chinese netizens think you're too crazy.
How old is this girl?
Asking for a friend
>a Pajeet
Its a miracle this game reaches your country huh?
I finished it. But couldn't get any bonuses.
17 years 364 days 23 hours
old enough
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>Biker chick
You mean this one?
There's basically no daily, you finish it just by doing your stamina run which is like 3 battles
Bro your Avocadoboo?
>How long is the daily in this game?
Your daily tasks are trivial (get a coffee, pick your VHS tapes at the store and pull a scratch card), then it's about 2 minutes of active play to burn your stamina
I don't think it only gives points for damage
Learn to parry/dodge.
Fuck forgot my pic
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are the weekly items from the bangboos in front of the convenience store a trap? drained the fuck out of my dennies clearing them out
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>saars developed RDR2
well whoda thunk
Ellen feels like shit if you play her wrong, I think it's a weird choice of unit to put on the first banner. You absolutely have to both dip into roaming mode to get stacks constantly, and save her meter until you have enough to use her EX skill twice. If you just mash basic attack she ends up doing less damage on her team than Soukaku
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better than

We already have WuWa for that. I'm tired of china.
She and Soldier 11 can defect any ranged attack while dashing. It's kino.
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Aren't the first banners in a gacha usually bait banners? Even Venti fell hard into irrelevancy, though to be fair that wasn't on purpose, just Mihoyo poorly balancing/planning their endgame and trying to overcompensate as a result.
I'm just buying the stuff I need right now, early game you're guaranteed to run out of money even without buying out entire stores
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They al go to her thighs
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Rina is a chubby maid...
>>>>hard mode
>just give the enemies 10 billion hp
If you need the items, it's worth it. You can get dennies from VR stages for less stamina than you would farming those materials.
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Out of curiosity... Why is it modern Chinese artists seem to be drawn to extremely brightly colour character/outfit designs that, in some cases, break all rules of colour theory? Is it cultural? I've noticed this browsing Pixiv or other sites with Chinese artists.
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>Even Venti fell hard into irrelevancy
After a fucking YEAR
How long do you expect characters to be relevant for?
out of 10!
Them making all enemies immune to Venti was 100% intentional. They do this sort of stuff often. They're extremely averse to actually buffing/nerfing characters, so they adjust enemies instead.
2min max
It's literally:
- log in
- drink coffee
- open your store
- talk to the dog and get a scratch card
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are any of you using mods? havent been banned?
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what's the difference?
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My gf is now working for me. Jealous?
is ellen's sig worth pulling?
Lucy is a great investment because she'll work with any of the other bikers (Lighter, Caesar, and Burnice)
Eh Venti was meta until 2.0, that's good enough if you got him in 1.0
Unfortunately I got him in a rerun, just before he fell out of meta
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From the lovers of Star Craft and the home of sweaty E-sports

did you really need to know why ?

ZZZ gameplay is legit Zzz...
>Even Venti fell hard into irrelevancy
He can't fall into irrelevancy for me when I don't have Kazuha
>that sag
holy FUCK my dick
When are the cute boys dropping
If you like Lucy just play Lucy
I think a year of being top or close to the top of the meta is more than reasonable. if ellen can just maintain her spot as a good ice DPS for a year she's a good investment for any account. I'd only be worried if a character got powercrept in less than 6 months.
Depends whether you want more stun or assaults

I prefer Piper/Lucy/Corin, it's my physical team until I get Soldier 11 so I have a Fire option as well. Four characters but two very effective teams.
I'm interested in what kind of example you mean
Sex with autistic maid
seele is the prime example of this
she's so shit and got powercrept in like patch 1.2
Retards were filtered by dragonspine, but that was probably the only time genshin felt like an actual game.
lighter will come soon sister
They're almost definitely trap, especially for early progression
>He doesn't have Nicole as shiller
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Sixth Street more like Shit Street lmao.
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i dont know if i did all the hollow commissions last week
A rank btw
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So, how is Soldier 11 actually? I see people talking about Lycaon and Ellen and Koleda and Ben but no one ever brings up 11. Is she good? Can I run her in a Koleda/Ben/11 team? Or does she prefer 11/Lucy/Koleda?
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cunnyCHADs won
hagfag LOST
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Why is there such a hate campaign against this game?
Like its gone beyond people just saying "I don't like it" or "The TV stuff is kind of boring" to "This game completely fucking sucks and has zero reason to ever touch it and all the devs need to get cancer and die"
It's not fair. Jingliu and Dan Heng released. Never seen such a monstrous jump in damage.

And now both of them are kinda meh overall, kek. HSR powercreep is something else.
do you get less rewards in VR if you don't get an s rank?
how do i convert my monochrome into the wish?
>biker faction has 5 members
what the fuck??
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I get to look at Heddy's cute face every day, which is enough for me.

But really, they should have their model standing at the counter instead of 18, feels like a huge missed opportunity.
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I just realized some of these giant bear characters are kids
I don't even know how to get those chars. I only have Sjal and the other girl and some dude.
It's a huge statstick and it makes part of her hair glow red, that's it. Probably only worth it if you either absolutely love her or plan to whale.
Venti took over a year to fall off and even then he's still useful on anything that isn't immediately immune to the SUCC.
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but they're all autistic
>hagfag lost
Yeah? >>485176207
>But really, they should have their model standing at the counter instead of 18, feels like a huge missed opportunity.

it's not even like it would be that difficult to implement
Lucy/Piper/Soldier 11 is unironically stronger than the meta ice comp atm. I'm sorry but your sharkwhore is already depreciated by a comp with two A tiers
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I really feel like the 'lower tier' characters are largely just massively underrated, am I wrong?
She's fine, just needs to be a bit wary of her timing and shit
(And she's a bit boring, personality wise)
>"you could give a meow-ning before opening the door"
i want to kill Nekomata
>"but it's cute!"
no it's retarded
>only did 7 rerolls
>still no lycaon
bros... im already losing steam...
kuro paid them, simple as
I have two hands and two teams to field, I can do both, no worries.
they shit out acheron and firefly and jesus christ the dps jump
>reach pity
>it's a 5* weapon for a character I don't have
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>HSR powercreep is something else.
What the fuck? Wasn't Honkai Impact 3rd's powercreep also gigabloated? I'm just gonna assume that any Mihoyo product with ''Honkai'' in its title is going to be a powercreep-fest
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>cute and bunny
>got Ellen on 1st 50/50
I take back anything mean I've ever said
Piper and Lucy alone are stupidly good for how easy they are to play. Piper deals stupid damage if she can spin 2 win.
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>chapter 3
>focus more apocalyptic theme rathen than political shit
>probably the strongest chapter on the game because it ties everything
>things finally picks up at the end
>1.0 ends here
Color theory is gay and basically as long as there's contrast between warm and cold it's going to work. Other than that you can flip colors around randomly
>Not "Bootler"
Coming from Nikke this shit sounds retarded as fuck, can't believe most characters will be limited
it's all shitposting because barely anyone has access to S-rank artifacts, and even those who do surely don't have anything usable yet
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It's disappointing how there's only been one good Belle x Wise porn so far.
The rest are just low resolution koikatsu slops.
>none of today's coffee have the rateups I want
when do you unlock the last 4 coffees?
Hold dodge, she parries bullets automatically.
It all depends on build and comp, the only really "eh" character I can think of is Billy but even then the dodge shooting spam looks cool so whatever
So there's NO way anby is a better stunner than koleda right? I feel like I was stunning enemies way faster than when I switched to koleda but I also don't care enough to level anby and experiment
How do I play piper and lucy?
what the fuck even are the d engines
what is this bitch selling
Yeah, I lost my account that I spent on to get C2W1 ellen, it's fucking over.
Goddamn Anby is so hot and fun to play, I want to have a 5 star version of her right nyow
I'm about to hit standard pity I hope I get Grace
considering i got grace rina and ellen with her signature id say no lmao i didnt even bother rerolling all my hoyo games are in the same email
low UID winners win
>need Brickole for her team
No, thanks.

ZZZ is really popular in Japan right now
Because I want 100 free rolls no condition. So I can reroll faster for a character I'd actually stay for.
Is lucy and piper the roza and liliya expies
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she's cute
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Lost my 50/50 to Soldier 11. Should I try and guarantee Ellen? It'd let me have both mono fire and mono ice teams.
A true butler has no time for such frivolities. Hmph.
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highly doubt
How do I choose which Bangboo comes with me on missions? I unlocked a bunch but can't switch them.
>Aren't the first banners in a gacha usually bait banners?
It's usually for multiple reasons, but yes
The main reason, there is always a chance of balancing slipping out in later banner, which will make "new normal" of DPS(HSR/ToF route).
The second is first banners(especially DPS) are suffering from lack of adaptability to new mechanics. Like 2.0 mobs were designed to fuck with Venti and force new comps, 3.0 was the same etc.
Essentially, there is always a chance that new boss will fuck over parry comps for example. Then Lycaon will fall off meta and so will the shark(while Lucy comps will be fine as is hilariously)
It's not really because it's titled honkai, but there's not much you can do with the gameplay without introducing new mechanics through new characters. That led to faster powercreep.
nta but I've been powercrept out of HI3 as a casual player after about a 100 hours. But that's probably due to me not farming enough, can't be bothered
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It's depend on Tin nigger mood
Koleda is the 2nd stunner best in the game.
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uh did corin suck their cocks in exchange
the circle on the right in the character selection menu
>we have dating sim-esque trust events
Holy fuck can you believe this is a mihoyo game? It's like they had a return to form to be more like standard gacha games. I honestly feel like I'm playing Princess Connect again, it's amazing.
Don't mash. 3x light -> Ex Heavy > Charge Light will stun most bosses in one go.

Anby and Soldier 11 are the literal "stop mashing retard" characters
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the TV puzzles are so cool hope we get many more of them. fuck everyone who says they suck YOU STOOPID
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Side effect of gacha brainrot.
A common symptom is self identification with the game and it's developers/publishers.
This results in smear campaigns and false flag operations against competitors.
Every Housekeeping Service member just fucking kills them. Corin has a bodycount.
I feel bad for the genshin team, they clearly had the desire and the ideas to make a properly good game but every time they tried adding even a hint of challenge the retards howled. Then the same retards cried about zzz being too easy. The same shit is happening to From. I really can't understand what the hell is wrong with mainstream gamers, what the stupid fucks want
Yeah, but all the girls are
I like that she always gets MC's codename wrong tho
Also doesn't help that we already met the other clone, and that one has better ass shots
Get all of Lucy's pigs out, get a DOT on the enemy with your third unit (preferably fire), then Piper spins
Hopefully it gets the same treatment HI3 and HSR got with porn.
Has anyone here seen that video where the girls from HI3 and HSR getting fucked and squirting everywhere?
>got 2 copies of Rina from my guaranteed and 20 into my Ellen banner
Is my account bricked?
I feel like they test different approaches in different games. HSR is definitely way more generous than Genshin or ZZZ but also the powercreep is insane. Genshin only recently slowly starded some light powercreep, but you can still clear most shit with 1.0 characters. I wonder how ZZZ will end up
that's a shit move not gonna lie, making another bank run before turning him irrelevant
Anon we have dates in Genshin, they're called hang-out events
All the extra animations that halt you from doing things are horrible. It's really surprising, too, because usually mihoyo is good at ui's being fluid and responsive.
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>literal children in skimpy outfits
Yeah dropped. Actually disgusting.
>The same shit is happening to From
Retard alert
her personality is hilarious, it's anby's autism amped to 11
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>play Ellen
>feels like shit
>read the tutorial
>practice her roaming>stun>stacks>ult combo
>dopamine explosion directly into the brain
Feels great
Belle, your Stable Diffusion server
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does rank affect how much rewards you get from the HIA battles?
t. Gacha Smack
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what happen? according to your chart japan is the best wuwa country? why is it getting mogged 3 to 1 by ellen, best wuwa banner is x2 lower too
Rina only really works with Grace and Anby ime, maybe PEN becomes better later on but it didn't do jack shit for me
My problem is more that Chinks overload their character designs
Compare Kancolle with Azur Lane (it's CN clone in subject matter). Kancolle girls all wear regular school uniforms augmented with ship details, or other cultural garments that have been improved/hottened up

CN designs meanwhile often are way too fantastical for my preferences
But CN character design is improving sharply lately, just look at WuWa and half of ZZZ. These character BTFO anything that has come from Nipland in recent years (the last standout Nip releases were maybe Xenoblade and Nier:Automata, which are by now a hot decade old)
Ok thanks. What is koleda's best rotation for stunning though? Is it really just 2 attacks > ex > mash into enhanced?
Unironically this
Memes say the cop is more "fun" to play because she's very straightforward to use, but optimal Ellen combos are better than sex
They probably censor games because they know it'll Amp up modders
"Fairy, generate an image of my brother fucking me in the ass"
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Yeah, starting at interlude chapter i started to like the tv. I used to hate TV at first because it's just too much but they toned it down and improved it. Kinda sad they plan to remove it completely and rwill eplace it with full rally commission style
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>>literal children in skimpy outfits
hell yeah this game kicks ass
No but if you get below S you should go back to middle school
Yes. If you look at the top right in the mat select screen you'll see a knot-level option. Higher level = more/better mats
Caesar just turned into Jeanne Alter
They take too long to become interesting and are too sluggish, the x2 speed button shouldn't get disabled every 5 steps
Wuwa sucks on phones apparently.
>Tell me you never played a gacha with a dating sim without telling me you never played a gacha with a dating sim.
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Belle when she sees Wise's dick
Tru, but only one autist came home
>dodge and parry mechanics
Genshin could never...
I should find other JP games with dodge parry mechanics. Its fun.
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How important is the Shark Engine for Ellen?
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I'm not so soulless that I would resort to AIslop.
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Azur Lane started hiring Japanese artists
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Why is she like this
I really like the song from Billy's trailer
thats level not rank
>makes her hair glow
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>Ziggers this desperate
You do realize PC coefficient is very high right? Like 40-50X because most playing pc.

So when July revenue comes, we actually already won
Rina is fucking shit right now
Lol all you want, they're the date events. In fact they were called date events originally
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i love the shark and i keep on listening to her music video
Yes, you get less if you don't S rank, but with the bosses from the green lady, only the exp materials get reduced, not the core skill materials.
She needs to be bred
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Yeah, she's late because Wise was having sex with Ellen
We're only missing Grace and Solider 11 for now, the rest is uncensored. And Belle if you want to count her it.
It was made with Japan in mind. Battle maids? Urban setting minus black people? Ramen? Konbini? I'm pleasantly surprised.
>found futa mods for lucy and piper
>but I can't find one for nekomata
I don't want to use only two out of three futas on a team...
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If they add more enemies where you can't just parry spam them to death you would just play Ellen the way they seemingly intended, constantly dodging into the charged scissors.
She has extended iframes on her dodge and her entire kit is built around getting stacks from doing the charge attack (and the charge attack instantly detonates freeze) and currently you don't really have to touch any of it (unless you're soloing a boss with her).
>everyone hated this game but 4chan
>people are starting to realize all the hate campaigns were overblown and the game is actually good

mihoyo does it again
she gets wet when she notices people trying to peek. Shes secretly a slut that gets off on voyeur
Um, you don't think people are playing ZZZ on ps5 and PC?
>use the Piper, Lucy, Soldier squad
>feel like they dont do anything
>suddenly the boss is dead
its not as good as the Mono ice gang but for being 2x 4 star its pretty damn strong. Probably going to save my rolls for whichever banner has piper as the 4 star rate up
i would agree but theres also double the art from zzz already in sites like sankaku etc than wuwa lmao and it had a month to ramp art, theres no hype
>Wise: man, we need to do something about Fairy's energy consumption....this is getting ridiculous
>Belle: it can't be helped Wise, we just have to figure out how to pay for it!
huh why?
I'm really tempted to just buy Lucy from shop at this point...
bro, kincora has been in azur lane since forever
why is mihoyo sticking to the omnipandering shit even in this game?
Wise is bad with women
He ain't having sex
porn brainrot is something else
>back to 99% PC cope
japs do the same shit, the only difference is japs have been in this market for far longer so we remember all the good stuff
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>corin and ellen ruins lycaon's imposing speech
Not at all
Visual effects are a nothingburger and the free engine is only 13% worse
I have 17.3 hours played in RDR2. GTA with horses and consequences is really fucking gay.
It's not even fun to go on a rampage because it bricks your game.
Any and all games with honkai in it should be avoided because of this.
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>Master, this will increase the electric bill tenfold. Are you sure?
im coping with Soldier 11’s signature for her and that’s all she’s gonna get unless she gives me FULL service
They have all the elements of a dating sim. You lose life if your date doesn't like your answers, you follow a non-linear VN story with multiple endings, and you get a picture of you and your date at the end.
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To be fair the crown is really tacky and I much prefer the current drip. It fits more with the faction too.
I have been hacking nonstop in every battle and still not banned.
the hdd menus need to be changed
the game just came out and there are already like 5 tabs each with 3 separate lists of missions
what the fuck have they been doing with cbt feedback
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When will BugBoo be here for Bug Mei expy?
how does that comp play out? use sol 11 and lucy to drop fire anomaly and then swap to piper for disorder?
its simple
normies hate to be labelled as lolicon so they don't want to let other people know they enjoy the game and characters
>content creator makes a video about ZZZ
>its actually positive and objective, saying he wasnt fond of the TV stuff or the early game fights, but the game picks up a lot after the 1st chapter
>getting completely torn apart in the comments
people acting as if its illegal to say a single positive thing about the game
i think all or most attackers deflect while you dash
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Seele in HSR
>literally 0 implications that this would be another Botw gacha clone(yes, fuck you, genshin is a chink knockoff no matter how hard you cope)
>get surprised it's not a botw gacha clone
People are retarded
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And yet, the Proxies employ an AI. Curious!
she does nothing and requires too much energy
Is there a way to tell which weekly material Zhu Yuan will need? I'm not sure it could be seen in her trial stage.
just do it you won’t regret it
chars and weapons are always the right choice
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Yeah, exploration really got stale once they stopped trying with open world enemies. For some reason normalfags really love walking through empty plains collecting garbage, I have no idea.
Wuwa has shit character design, terrible story and the game is basically just Genshin but shit on phones version. ZZZ honestly has the best looking character designs I've seen in a game in years.
Caesar is actually an improvement, save for the cleavage. But that's easily modded out.
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Was this shot really necessary?
The story is very fun
pretty much.
>trigger burn
zzz is a good game but im glad it's getting trashed, i want mihomo to go the kuro route and get scared by bad press and give more free rolls.
>but anon if the game gets bad press it'l eos
haahaha you cant actually think they'd throw away that many years of dev time.
Where's the unique unlocks and the (for you) dialogues in the overworld?
4channers said i should follow whities. So who's whiter, Tectone or Asmon?
>pretending the Radahn and AC6 nerfs never happened
>pretending that the same retards aren't still crying for journalist mode for SotE
to From's credit they haven't watered their games down too much (although some argue that AC6 was ruined) but there's a vocal crowd of idiots playing games meant to be hard and then crying that they're hard
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Yes. Especially for the left lady.
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Seele was supposed to be giga broken with her Infinite Resplendance mechanic, but retards complained that it's too OP so they nerfed her. Im still pissed off about it to this day
Correct. They're having sex with him and there's nothing certain jealous imoutos can do about it.
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Link, I will drop a like
they really like censoring tits
its over
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enough for hard pity on Zhu Yuan since I got S11 early while rolling for my last soukaku dupe
whos a better support in a Ellen + Lycaon team, Soukaku or Rina
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I like how proxy sounds like pro kishi in jap, makes it sound way more badass than it is
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This semen demon is gonna make me cum
thats fucking retarded
if you spend more stamina it doubles the waves and makes it impossible
>Scared of bad press
>Giving shit for free
That's not gonna work, gweilo
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was this shot really necessary?
>got a S-rank from Standard
Goddammit. Is the Stun standard weapon better for Anby than her A-rank signature?
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>westerners love the music
>Japan hates it
Soukaku and it is not remotely close
Was them handholding and Qingyi being in Zhu Yuans tits really necessary?
fucking bangboogers at it again
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>people acting as if its illegal to say a single positive thing about the game
It's unironically the ecelebs
"ZZZ shit slop skip" is now a forced meme, as organic as "genshit could never" and their subhuman fans will dominate discussion on the English internet
Anby's signature is ass, it's definitely better
the snake arcade is more fun than the game
>"I knew it, this is sus"
>unique unlocks
Here's 5 gems now go away
Sis she requires zero energy, you can get her pen ratio buff up by just autoattacking and then swapping. Unironically skill issuem
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Really? Proof?
>need to look up guides for dates so you can answer correctly
sounds like shit
police girl has got to be easiest dick roll since Ganyu and Shenhe god damn im savin her a nice load
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Okay, now I'm almost at late game I kind of understand what they were going for with the combat. Inflicting anomalies, causing a disorder when you add two and then breaking them into getting stunned is pretty satisfying especially if it happens after an assist dodge. This dumb and fast paced combat is pretty fun. Too bad at the early game it's just spam spam spam.
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So how does China think about the game? We all know gweilos' opinion don't matter lol
But westerners hate the music. We had like a hundred threads here saying the music in the game sucks dick
Feet aside, it demonstrates squash and stretch technique for animation.
It's literal Pixar/Disney tier quality.
These bangboos stealing mah job
my nigga Give Change did nothing wrong
The chill lofi music in the hub words is really good.
The combat wubwub "noise" is dogshit, you really need to be subhuman to like that
Why are roasties doing all the reviews in IGN?
Who will win mobile game of the year in whatever the fuck it's called. TGA?
Rina is an Electro support, build your Anton
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>you will never yank down those bloomers
You can redo those events endlessly in Genshin and restart from checkpoints so you literally can't lose, don't see how you'd need a guide
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ohnononono posts a mobile chart deflects to pc when shown wuwa is doing bad, avatar fags with yinlin who made worse than jinyan ahahaha you cant make this shit up, btw anon post an outdated pic, this is from today, brutal seggs is even worse
>AC6 was ruined
Most people simply gitgud after beating Ibis and Snailteus
Only C-Spider was legit nerfed, but to be fair its hp felt overtuned for a chapter 2 boss.
Soldier and Piper take turns being DPS while Lucy deals fire and supports. Keep an eye on burn being maxed out to proc discordance so you can start building burn again.
how do i unlock gear farming bros?
>play as male MC
>game thinks I'm playing as female MC in a mission
0/10 trash game
Are we gonna get a prison arc like in Path To Knowhere or a School Arc like in Blue Archive? Military Arc like in GFL?
I enjoy the rougelike/blobber aspect but they need to make it smoother by disabling the bing bing wahoo animations or allowing movement while they're playing
You are retarded. Souls combat is garbage and is not designed for rollspam that is DS3/ER/SotE. You have Sekiro, better combat system, for fast paced combat, but you soulsfags got filtered hard by it.
DeS and DS1 were designed as resource management exploration and puzzle bosses. Then PtDE came out and DS2 turned into "le hard" garbage that tries to bait you into cheap deaths. Then DS3 decided to copy BB pace while still using rolls, and you retards clapped.
I can't imagine how retarded you should be to defend slop that is SotE
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Boo Power!
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I have been playing for 3 days and only got 45 rolls, what the fuck, isn't it a bit low for a starting account? I'm absolutely not rolling anything other than quingyi and idol cunnies if the income is this small
>reading china internet with 1 billion shitposters and trolls
no thanks
>brutal seggs is even worse
What does this mean
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Maid bootycall...
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Holy shit those are really good numbers for Japan. Maybe the fan art dream isn't dead just yet.
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We love Chinese, English-language, fake hip hop here
Wuwa is better than this game but I still enjoy the story, setting, and easter eggs. ZZZ is soulful, people need to give it a chance.
keep playing
happens the second time you get called to the military base me thinks
>standard gave me the yiff and nothing else
>bangboo banner gave me two S ranks within 30 pulls
Very funny, dawei.
>causing a disorder when you add two and then breaking them
In English, doc. For those of us who still don't know how this shit works
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first time bwo?
I like battle theme 2
The drop right at the start is really good
They literally lowered Elden ring DLC's difficulty after backlash
>people called genshin combat extremely easy on launch week
>literally all got filtered by spiral abyss and then the narrative changed

>honkai star rail got labeled 'dead on arrival' prelaunch
>"imagine releasing a turn-based rpg in 2023!"
>beloved everywhere, even more successful in japan than genshin, top 5 mobile rpgs of all time thus far

>zzz getting completely slaughtered in word of mouth and by content creators everywhere for being 'easy', 'garbage' and 'terrible'
so now we just wait a week lmao
To be fair ER is much harder than Fromsoft's other games. There's quite a difference between that and something like Demon's Souls.
>unlock the romance system
>every girl just instantly agrees to do on dates with you
Why is wise such a Chad?
Whoever sucks Geoff Keighley the highest.
The fucker charges companies 200k per trailer to an audience that have to watch ads or pay tickets to see the trailer he got paid to show.
Fuck hi.
I hate corin solely because of her single JP voiceline when scrolling past her
Shut up bitch I'm trying to pick an actual good character for my comp and I don't need your moaning coming from my speakers
Now pull up HSR Seele and GI Venti release banner numbers
Honestly it's not even as bad as hsr at the moment, the cringy dialogue happens a lot more rarely here
It lacks a good tutorial really.
Most things you can do with the free roster but they won't teach you, or rather they do but it's all kind of randomly spread across so much else that by the time you're free to experiment you don't remember anything.
>keeping getting anton copies
>he's bottom tier
oh boy
the music is absolutely fire
not black btw
corin RAPE
>coping this hard
kek, it's going to be a funny 3 month ride down to your HI3 levels of revenue
>ER is much harder
Smell like DEX nigger
figures they hate good music when Japan loves earbleed dogshit like Yoasobi and Ado. okay Ado isnt as bad as Yoasobi but still.
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>remember people were arguing about if Ellen wears panties
>get her
>they're literally flashed in your face any time you go to her skills
I wonder what % of the thread even plays the gave vs comes here to shitpost
>he doesn't know
The MC selection is just retarded, you see the one you picked in most of the big story cutscenes but the other one does 90% of the incidental yapping during missions. They also have completely different personalities, Wise has the personality and charisma of cardboard
There's people still clearing endgame with Seele lol, you just need to roll for supports rather than damage dealers.
I bought the bp
Women like you more when you already have a partner, as is in his case
>asmon dropped zzz because it was too easy
>he nearly dropped elden because it was too hard (his words) but his community was so pissed with him he made a cheese build with shield and went full blocks and pokes without even evading once
man souls players realy pretend to be good but need to cheese difficulty huh
>other mihomo games: everyone not a boy looks like shit
>zzz: everyone is decent at worst with a bunch of great girls but almost no boys
how did this happen
AFK Journey unironically
is it good?
>Wise has the personality and charisma of cardboard
He's just the straight man of the group, he plays off Belle very well
Unless you didn't pick him as MC and he talks the most, that's a huge brick
Anomalies are the debuff you put on enemies when you attack, it depends on your element like ether with Nicole and electricity with Anby.
>It lacks a good tutorial really.
I agree, I don't even think they showed the disorder debuff in the story mode, only on the VR mode.
Some of them don't even want to collect garbage, judging by the response to the empty Sumeru area in 4.6. They just want to wander around featureless plains while their lobotomy incisions heal, I guess
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"game is too easy bro"
>not even account level 30
>didnt' even unlock all the modes yet
Why do we listen to ecelebs again?
dont believe in tierx they ar so braindead they put qiqi at S tier on release lemao bennet bottom tier, anthon is god tier for shock comps, you E once and all your basics trigger the shocks applied, he is like kafka for electro
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Akira is the bland MC self-insert and Rin is your wife
those are diapers tho
Putting an FGCfag in charge
he's great as MC, imouto flirts with him constantly
>tfw netflix and chill with anby
these daily trust missions are pretty good, wish i got an S rank from the standard pity that had trust missions right at the start
You're taken (by your sister) and girls always are more interested in guys that are taken (especially by their sister). Don't be fooled though, you already have your chosen one (your sister)
the game giving enemies 10000% hp and slapping a timer on it to encourage you to spend money is not difficulty
You are retarded
Hoyo has decided that omnipandering within a single game is no longer profitable, so they make multiple games and pander to one or two groups in each one instead
Asmongold told me this game is shit so I deleted it. He knows best.
they decided to make a game for actual weebs and otaku rather than ironic weebs who watch the most popular anime each season and do nothing else related to the culture
those literally cant be diapers, it wouldnt be able to catch poop because it's only covering 30% of the butt
That area is 90% filler for a future event
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>finish date with Anby
>schedule a date with Nicole right in front of her
thats like every game though
Fire whoever designed Bangboo Golden town
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it's insane how fast that fucker trigger shock, multiple time, in a short time frame
I'm using Koleda/Lucy/Anton and achieving disorder is so fucking easy
If you pick Belle, Wise becomes the keikaku doori, Ayanokouji, literally me character that he so obviously wants to be, AND Belle gets to keeps her personality because she's the one who gets kidnapped either way. That doesn't sound like a brick to me.
When Belle was lost in the Hollow, all dialogue options for Wise where essentially Batman tier.

He is passive until he's not, which is perfect for protags
>Nooo you cant dislike what i like
The combat doesn't change, you just get stat checked. Once you get enough gear and levels you can left-click your way out of anything, this game is super one dimensional and requires no skill
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The truest measure of a gacha game's success is fanart(porn)/time.
wise and belle's having contrasting personalities is great though that's why they're lovers
Yeah I know but what's a disorder? You need to fully stack 2 elements? Or just fully stack 1 and then simply apply another? Or just apply 2, even if they're not fully stacked?
What are you going on about my retardo? What you said only applies to Genshin, but the wives from Honkai Impact 3rd and HSR are actual sex. Consider the new HI3 MC.
Are you guys memeing or people actually fuck their sisters
as someone who's had sex with their biological sister it's not that great
>ok it did more than wuwa but...
>now compare it to the same company other games we claim wuwa would beat too last month
the absolute state of wuwakeks, whats next waiting for the animal crossing hoyo game?
How to get over his shitty no energy phase? Just spam supports?
You need to fully stack two in a quick succession.
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>come back from the bathroom
>unpause the game
>fairy says "master I await your regal return from the bathroom"
what the hell man
For me, it's Yaoyao!
god i wish i had a sister to have grown up having sex with
whoever play hi3 in this age is a massive retard btw lmfao
>bakeks gloating about porns again
wtf is this AI art looking girl ? also another souless chink dress
>the wives from HSR are actual sex
Waiter, three more orders of chinkdresses please
But enough about wuwa, let's talk about the mandatory parry and timings
All hard content is DPS checks, retard. It's timed, you can't left click for 10 minutes and get an S, you need to be as fast as possible
hi3 looks great is it too late to start?
Specifically find supports that give energy to the next swapped character, he needs a lot of help. Rina is perfect for this.
Using starlight engine are you actually supposed to keep your DPS on field a lot? I constantly have my stunner up so I can switch to my dps to burst but there's no way I'm doing any dodge counters when the boss is stunned. I'm assuming quick assist is the one you get for getting knocked away which is kinda out of the question.
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i touched my sister's booba once i thought she was asleep (due to circumstances we had to sleep on the same bed)
she poked my nipples back
Remind to include '-furry' for ZZZ arts though
>vr training says 2-3 blue and 4-5 green rewards
>get 2 blue and 4 green with an s rank
I don't think the rank affects the vr unless you get can get even less
All the good streamers (Mr Pokke and Sweetily) are still covering the game.
Its fine
Hope tectone fuck off though
That sounds a lot harder than just staggering.
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>he thought Fairy’s omnipresence was limited to in-game
i thought this was a profile icon but it actually does something?
based sister.
You could just get a support to trigger the assist.
Based Wise
Is this why Wise makes Belle sleep so much?
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Corin, Corin, Corin!
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they got caught in the german translation using AI so not surprised
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I asked /gig/ a while back about how it feels to have a sister and everyone agreed that they don't have any sexual thoughts about them, at worst they're annoying and at best they're like your best friend
>bland, chink dress and UWAH STEP ON ME MOMMY
Truly peak designs
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>less than 400 behind wuwa
>it was 800 4 days ago
>JP twitter already surpassed JP wuwa by 50k

It's over for wuwaggers....our genshin killer failed to kill GI, HSR and ZZZ....
I already did.
The only thing you will be missing out on are 7 B-rank weapon balls.
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Anton is cool
Billy is cool
Ben is cool
Wise fucks his sister so he's also cool
I'd rather less male characters but cool characters, than the platoons of boys in shorts and crop-tops that we're used to with Mihomo
Bravo Dawei I kneel
>The combat doesn't change, you just get stat checked
UNTIL the bosses start spamming left click themselves while having a thick armor.
Learn to parry and dodge.
Every day until even the densest norm understands these are Chink games
You VILL coom to the Qipao and you VILL like it, gweilo
>its time to go to bed Belle
SHUT THE FUCK UP Wise are you Morgana or something
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The Atsu v Tectone drama about to hit round 4... So hopefully they kill each other.
HI3 has already ended, they'll keep the server up with occasional new content but it's over
I’m glad Coffin of ashleykeks got their very own mihoyo game too
I never understood this, the MC has a clearly defined personality in every hoyo game so why would you fantasise about being a boring nerd
Having played both (in the betas) I would lean towards what >>485178198 said, they play off each other better when you pick the girl, unless you are really desperate to hear someone say oniichan at you a lot
Does it look great? It's a very old game, they've remade early levels but they still look and play very rough. Later levels and characters are alright but first 30 hours or so will not be great
But that was pre-reboot, I don't know if they just let you skip the early stuff now. Anyone played it recently?
didnt atsu quit?
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forgot pic
every "localization" company uses AI nowadays
animesubs are fucking garbage thanks to this
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i have her max and i don't even use her....
what do i do anons?
Belle isn't Wise's gf/wife
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your only option is his signature weapon and give him shit load of energy regen lol
Sweetily deepthroat where she massages my cock with her sweet voice
Yes it balances out over ALL your rolls. By rerolling youre just forcing a good roll on the first pulls of your account thus preserving your ressources so that account is unironically ahead.
Rerolling is the only agency the player has to combat jew gacha mechanics, if you dont for gods sake just buy a rerolled sea bot account for 10 bucks since you can even change your email for some reason.
Proof that being more generous to players just makes you less money, you're better off fleecing your playerbase 2 the max like mihoyo with w-engine pity drops and the paypigs will still happily pay for it and suck your cock for free
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shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark
anton is cool
billy isn't
furries of either gender are a separate category imo
I don't mind AI translation, it's the fact that it was AI translated from ENGLISH to German that's the crime here. Eng trannyslators are in charge of worldwide translations, it's disgusting
Yea, but then he has been apparently been DM'ing people. Announcement in a week
i think all the characters are cool, even lycaon.
There are more ways to make characters looks distinguishingly Chinese without resorting to Sonic OC recolors
I can identify every Liyue character from a black and white silhouette without my glasses from across the room
Oh thanks, I forgot that also counts.
give her to me
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I like Wise. I find the fact he pretends to be cool funny.
>eceleb worship thread not banned and pinned with (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
absolute state of /v/oomers
I love the Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt style.
Powerpuff but fucking degenerate.
Because they're nerdy gamer girls teehee.
yeah, characters have special events that trigger at certain points in hollow zero runs
there's one guaranteed at the rest points, but sometimes they can also help you cheat past other events
I like Wise and Belle too, I like both protag options
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>starting to think belle is cuter than the rest
>set her as the wallpaper even though I don't give a shit about the wallpaper
>stare at the wallpaper for a few minutes
The shitposts
They got me
fuck yeah jackhammer this bitch
The Eng translation crew is nowadays however probably only a skeleton crew (while other languages are SkeletonSkeletons), so the days of extremely woke trannylator teams are basically numbered, especially with 5 or 6 more vocal backlashes that spook devs and publishers
lmao if they used simple mtl, it'll probably just be left alone
just fuck your fucking sister anon
I like it when she takes off her jacket before sleeping
>when all this going on ''proxy'' can only watch
Most useless hoyo MC ever
Apparently there wasn't a lesson to be learned from gamergate.
Shut up Fairy
she needs to get jackhammered full of babby batter
if Anton was a real bro he’d handle that
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Do I really need two teams?
Yeah, setting Belle as your wallpaper while playing Wise is incestkino
Do you think Da Wei wishes he had a sister?
Proxies fight and support them though, it's a very cool setup

suck my dick belle
He's a leet haxxor. That's cool, I like haxxors, I love the creepy uncle protag from Watch Dogs too. Also curious phrasing on your part
>fantasize about being a boring nerd
>fantasize about being
And yet you choose a woman. So you "fantasize about being one", as you've just let it slip right there, brosis
Why are tight pants and leggings so hot, bwos
It's not like they don't share 95% of scenes anyway.
You can't even start stage 7 of Shiyu defense without a 2nd team.
Do you unlock more coffees at 35?
i am actually doubting whether to recommend this game to my sister
>MC is worthless but worshipped by everyone
they went for the Arknights audience (and got it)
I really like billy's english voice
>Shiryu Defense is literally impossible without M6P5 Ellen and M6P5 Zhu Yuan
I thought you guys said this game didn't require whaling...
The red haired brat
what does this mean?
idk what happened today but my coffee options went from like 18 to 8.
they probably just rotate based on a day
Not for a long ass time. The first Shiyu defence that requires 2 teams is 7, and it already beyond level 40. It also doesnt reset. Some whales have gone past level 10 and seen the resetting shiyu and it expires in 23 days and gives way less rewards.
Get your first team up to level 40, level their W engines, do some preliminary work on the drives using the bardic needle (dont farm for them yet) and wait a few weeks to farm up stuff, get your dudes to 50, start with a second team, before you attempt it.
Is Lumina Square running badly for anyone else?
It's the first hoyo game that stutters and falls below 60fps
Anon, did you read my post? I find fantasising about being any hoyo protagonist weird because they are all distinct characters with an actual personality and voice acting and everything, they're not mute player avatars.
yea I don't get the point of proxy
even a random muck can go in and out Hollow just fine without navigator
in english doc
no just you
Well yesterday was a weekend so they probably rotate and give more on those days
If it's like HSR, Shiyu Defence will give you 5 rolls per 2 weeks for the full clear
no they can't skiptard
What do the M and P stand for?
How did Tin Masters monopolize coffee with such dogwater service
>you can't drink more than one cup of coffee per day
holy soulless
try a repair
I like the Faction activating buffs instead of being forced to play the same element for all 3

open up a decent amount of team and won't fuck us up if we want to play a lore accurate team
It stuttered a bit on first load but second time I came there it was smooth. Just shaders loading. And I don't mean WuWa style 30 hour long shader loading I mean a few minutes and it never happens again
they cant but i agree i don't get why the MC is glazed so much.
shouldn't they really be glazing with bangboo and not him?
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>Coffee shop doesn't sell it black

they even post commissions for proxies on interknot because they have better carrot data and they would get fucking lost in the hollow without them
You skipped the first arc. It shows.
Genshin launched with the whole Chinese internet flaming them. IGN China, rival companies, major game reviewers, million follower content creators openoy leading the flame.
Genshin won TGA mobile game of the year with a 2.3/10 in china. They've only just crawled up to 6.6 on bilibili.
The lesson they learned was "games cannot be flamed to death" just don't listen to reviews and make the game you want.

Even HSR got more hate than ZZZ on launch. This is nothing.
"It will all balance out" only if you have infinity amount of rolls
The less rolls you get, the more unlikely it will all balance out and the more phenomena of lucklets/luckGODs will be prevalent that will have like 10s difference in SSR pulls despite same number of rolls
redpill me on physical team
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Proxies are the Matrix's operators
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They all get lost
hollows are like mc escher mazes
there's one line about firing a bullet and it whizing past your own head
sexual assault
don’t know why he’s using M for Cinema and don’t know what the weapon enhancements are called but it should be C6 formsure
Phaeton is known for having the remote controlled bangboo, so they know it's the MC doing the navigation
Holy slow thread. This game is dying. EOS by end August in all likelihood.
Huohuo bad
Billy bad
Nekomata good
Piper sex
I'd get physical with them iykwim
I'm playing this game in the most braindead way possible, can't even see how anomaly builds up, and this just deals 10k+ damage out of nowhere with unbuilt characters
there are only 2 acceptable languages on this planet, and neither of them is japanese or chinese
Male MC is boring, who would've thought
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>poop swirl on the cup
What did they mean by this? Did the Tin Master just trick me into drinking poo?
character + 6 duplicates to unlock full potential
not sure but I guess it'd be the signature weapon + 5 dupes to also have full rank
Because it is called Mindscape Cinema and if you're going to shorten it to one letter common sense would dictate you use the first one
It's fun
It respects your time
That boo is remote controlled by you, MC is finding a path towards goals and then out of the hollow. Without him you're just stumbling about.
The kinds of people who lead you down the right path on, say, a dangerous mountain, tend to get a lot of respect
We are literally the fastest you dumb bob the tomato
lots of gweilo don't know how hated genshin is in china
koreangods and russiangods... we won...
Thanks for the bump saar
He's a siscon and that's based
based and /k/pilled
>tfw still understand this from having played CS and CoD 10 or 20 years ago
Thats the shit cup, even the drink looks like shit in poopwater when he serves it
Theres a lot of random references to poop in ZZZ
Some do, but a big part of the story is they keep their identity as Phaeton anonymous. The HIA glaze the MC when they go to hollow zero and invite him back constantly despite having no idea it's a bangboo and not a person.
It's Luwak coffee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak
Russian anime games doko
bros I'm burnt out already...
it sucks any meta comp has to bring the homo furry...
This. You either speak English or American and everything else sounds like ape speech.
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How do I refund my WW BP and welkin? This game actually deserves the money
Billy wishes he was Grace
Corin is ok but hogs fieldtime
Nekomata zoom zoom zoom nya
Piper spin2win
why do you need the meta comp, there's no content that requires it yet
anime characters are japanese, chink weebs made this game, playing in any other language is retarded
en dubs are always bad
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choose 1 cunny to rape, the rest will rape you to death
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The second these threads stop being pro incest you'll know the game has died.
Bro your soldier piper lucy?
Not everyone knows the MC can do that, he still gets glazed. Miyabi didn't and despite being some void level giga chad or whatever, says she wants to work with the mc again despite none of them knowing it was him controling the bangboo.
>a lot of random references to poop
scatGODS can't stop winning
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Always the case because male self inverters prefer blank slates, while yumejos/fujoshi really like boring dudes.
Meanwhile the female self insert in otome games is usually a lot more distinct, so Belle is too. That and her being more standout draws in dudes that just think she's cute.
Please stop making threads before page 10
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this is very real
I like my chances!
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shock resonia is pretty cool
i rape none of them and in turn they all rape me to death
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>spin with piper until you're about to stun the enemy
>buff with Lucy
>stun with piper spin
>swap to Corin and just stand in place as the enemy's hp bar melts
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>50 rolls on limited and nothing so far
>Have Rina
Do I reroll?
It's extremely funny how the male protag dialogue is full of incest undertones because from what I remember in the beta there's none of that if you picked Belle, he's just sort of naggy
wise looks like he's gonna shoot up a school
>she wants to work with the mc again despite none of them knowing it was him controling the bangboo.
In the final scene before they leave, The scotts outpost nerd girl advises them that the bangboo belongs to you and points right at you. They are glazing the mc for having such a good bangboo because their official government ones suck dick so they assume hes a technician (which he is but its not his main profession)
I luckshat soldier 11 and grace, can they comfortably make two teams for this game's end game mode?
japanese voice acting is literally always bad and retarded, while english voice acting is only 90% bad and retarded
How do I make soukaku deal do damage like you guys say she does? I got the wolf dude aside from the maid and the wolf does like shit ton of damage
I think the New Eridu Special is plain coffee
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I switched my monthly from ww to this game
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>If you need buttsex help, just let me know!
What the fuck is his problem?
Yes, Grace+Anton on one side and S11+Piper+Lucy will clear pretty much anything
change computer
account seed is influenced by hardware seed
im sorry but your kusoge WILL be bumped off
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I appreciate the amounts of sharp teeth in this game
If you pick Belle his more incestuous lines are in the JP dub
>he calls Belle his kawaii imouto
>he says "as expected of my imouto" when you do well.
>in general he praises belle more
the two canon dubs of this game are CN and EN. those are the only two languages shown on the login screen tv.
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what are you talking about, voice acting is a real career in japan, there's real quality even at the low end, unlike the US
The meta is currently "pick whoever makes you coom a little into your boxers"
Spam her default EX until she has 3 flames under her picture in the top left then use her elongated EX, this puts her into a mode where all her attacks do pure ice damage, buffs her ice damage, buffs her attack stat by 1000 (at level 40 most characters have 1100-1300 so its doubling your attack) and she attacks much faster. Its still better to hand off that atk buff to Ellen
I swear people use JP just to be racist. Like they only want to listen to the character say the N-word. That's like, super racist imo.
anon it's an ENschizo ignore him
>"pick whoever makes you coom a little into your boxers"
Yeah, I'm thinking based.
No Rina is great

Rina (the big maid) is great you basically do any attack with her, swap and as long as her dolls are out (they linger for a while after they stop attacking) she massively buffs the teams PEN increasing the damage they deal by quite a bit. She also is an evade assist which is super nice. And her ultimate instantly swaps in the next teammate and charges their ex special and it lingers stunning the enemy
there also real quality in en dubs but you will never know that because youre a tribalist faggot
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I rape Corin and will gladly be snu-snued by Neko, Lucy, Piper and Soukaku
the N-word is actually more prevalent in CN dub
>character + 6 duplicates to unlock full potential
That's C6, as in Cinema 6.
Just like in genshin it was E for eidolon.
You can't just make up your own terminology.
how is end game? my pulls have been bad can i clear with only a ranks?
Naruhodo, I don't have ellen, just the wolf
If the wolf is still better than soukaku, do I hand off that buff to the wolf, just tag him in during the hold?
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Shes so fucking cute...
Is Miyabi really going to be ice dps, same as Ellen?
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i lost the 50-50...

I don't understand how anomaly works. Do they deal increased damage from daze/stun? Do they replace the stunner? Who goes in the team with Anton+Grace if I don't have Rina?
depends on what you mean by “clear” but the easy answer is yes
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Pretty much
You just have to time it
Disorder damage is also based on the first element applied so its better to apply assault first and then burn
JP isn't bad it's just an imitation game. The only thing that irks me about JP is the complete inability to say western names without adding 5 syllables and the absence of accents.
Top 3 amount of bad reviews on bilibili, "ZZZ boring" trending on Weibo, fans celebrating the weakest hate campaign on a hoyo game, top grossing anime game, rating climbed up from 5 to 7, prevailing attitude is the narrative will shift in one week when PlayStation grossing ranking updates
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It's M6, as in Mindscape 6.
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>i lost the 50-50...
You won
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I did not make it up I was just explaining what he meant by it. But there is a reasoning for it being M
>the way she immediately looks over to Wise for reassurance
Holy cutiepie
you want Attacker,Stunner, and Support/Anomoly
Proxies are the ones feeding Carrots to the bangboos, so what the HIA agents saw was Wise/Belle doing le hacker things to decrypt carrots and they seem to be really good at it.
They probably also give instructions to their bangboos, Phaethon just control theirs
>Do they deal increased damage from daze/stun?
They're pretty much constant damage dealers
>Do they replace the stunner?
not really
>Who goes in the team with Anton+Grace if I don't have Rina?
LMAO it's only ever the same 10 trannies who do EN dubs
real quality amirite
>Do they deal increased damage from daze/stun?
everything does increased damage to stunned enemies.
>Who goes in the team with Anton+Grace if I don't have Rina?
you could slot in Anby or Koleda for stun i guess
there really isn't, the entirety of EN dubs is carried by like 3 voice actors, who are prominent in other, western media
the rest are a coin flip at best
Anby matches element but realistically you should use your best units for each role. So yeah either Doggie or Fire Loli.
>The only thing that irks me about JP is the complete inability to say western names without adding 5 syllables and the absence of accents.
CN is the same
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>rape me to death
>implying a bunch of brats can last long enough to even make a dent in my ugly fat bastard stamina
all they'll be doing is pic related
are you lost?
depends on the anomaly but her anomaly gives shock stunning the enemy for a few sec and then does damage over time, use anthon with her, his E puts him in burts mode and during burst mode his basic attacks trigger multiple instances of shock applied by grace, when they are all covered in the shock effect just swap to him and do the drill, for third mate use anby if you dont have rina
I just mean in the whole anime dubbing debacle in general.
I know every shit college in Germany teaches Japanese and I know every shit college in Japan teaches German.
Is it so impossible to have a VA for a character who is canonically German have a German Japanese teacher read his lines for him in an accent?
If I got cast as "what-the-fuck-ever," I'd make some calls instead of reading my canonically French character in a fucking Texas accent.
She was an ice DPS in CBT1, they could've changed her element, but I really doubt it
(And it'll probably take some time until she's released)
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man i didnt plan rerolling and went with my hoyo account, game bless me, i got shark engine and shark+plug boo too, it was about time i was lucky on a gacha
i hope shes electro so we can have an electro dps with rina and grace
You've convinced me smarter anon.
That cutscene where she attacks the big ass hollow make her look like an electro unit
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So these 3 are the strongest... I don't want the wolf though, who could I replace him with?
Theres only one and its pretty old.
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cunny officer probably
all that supposed variety doesn't matter in the end because all japanese people sound the same
i think this is the only legitimately bad character design in this game

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