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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous Thread: >>485170986
spent 5 hours editing my character and ended up just slightly changing the skin color
All known ebins (A.K.A. bad players) who have received an Ooki ultimate carry:

Kongnamul Gukbap
Elsee Kaleidos
Jazz Venuz
Aurelia Claude
Zhokko Kruzer
Draper II
Zir Waddington
Xissi Angel
Sherrie Williams
Lemure Shroud
Megarian Id
Ophan Lemuria
Zoe Loona
Sheena Malphur

Do not interact with these players.
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Femlala EB for my Malera
why are elezen so overrepresented in the msq when nobody plays them
Alpha, Light
I only care about EK, Zir and Xissi making my peepee hard
Odin, Light
>Pictroonmancers still seething
Black Mage won
somehow making such an ugly cat is an incredible feat
>Tell me, have you been to the ruins beneath the Waters of the Bounty?
>Or the treasure islands beyond the frozen Waters of Blindfrost, in Othard's north?
>The fabled golden cities of the New World? The sacred sites of the forgotten people of the south sea isles?
>What about Meracydia, the southen continent? Do you know aught of its present state of affairs?
>Have you spoken to Wuk Lamat yet?
>… I thought not. Even of your little Eorzea, you know precious little. The true identities of the Twelve, for instance.
>All of which is to say: expand your horizons. Go forth and seek Wuk Lamat. Some of the taco flavors in Tuliyollali will surprise you.
>As the bearer of Azem's Crystal, you may consider your duty to see at least that much.
female rava need to stop being cute next to me or i'm gonna burn their character into my mind forever and dream about what could have been
Which healers are the best in pvp?
imagine unironically playing blacked mage in 7.0 LMAO
whm ast
The only thing I raid is grown ass man cock and balls in erotic roleplay with my modded character
What's the purpose of fisher? no recipe requires any fish, so it's totally useless.
And if you want scrips it's faster to just use botany or miner.
If your team is shit whm
If team is good ast
Elezen are the native race of Eorzea
everyone else is a filthy brownoid coded immigrant.
the smelliest most backwooded retarded inbred duskwight is more pure than you will ever be.
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Why are "sneak behind this guy" quests back......? Does anytroon even care about them......?
Why do we have to comfort civilians after the attack on Troonliolai if we're literally a tourist with no connection to them in any capacity......?
Why do we need to buy an overprized saddle to catch a Llama when you can literally just tie a noose around its neck and drag it to the guy......?
Why does Krile comment about Zoraal ja's dark and mysterious ambitions if they are revealed to just be one-dimensional daddy issues......?
Why do we care about the giant's one-dimensional, simplistic view of heritage if we're not going to explore the topic of consciousness and souls further given that the other area is literally a cyberpunk hellscape.......?

Okay xivggers, answer these and also kindly apologize to me for being wrong once again while I'm right all the time........
What's the least painful way to level my crafters? I'm level 50-60 with all of them save WVR in the 80s.
i will blacklist and instant block everyone who uses 'muh blorbo' as an excuse for modbeasting
i didn't really read this post sorry
I havent seen a BLM in any of my roulettes for the past nearly 2 weeks
I almost never see scholars in CC but I see the rest plenty of times, I think those three are strong in their own ways
I am
A gay maleroe
>Making healers seethe
Youre implying most healers even care enough to res people.
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now i can't play FFXIV for about 8 hours or my fc mates will know i'm neet. so sick of this roleplay.
what about veena
>Why does Krile comment about Zoraal ja's dark and mysterious ambitions if they are revealed to just be one-dimensional daddy issues......?
Krile's expositionary dialogue about Zoraal Ja has the singular purpose of telegraphing to the audience that, "Zoraal Ja is bad and cannot be reasoned with." It's much faster than having any one of Wuk Lamat, Koana, Gulool Ja Ja, or even the Warrior of Light attempt to interact with and sway Zoraal Ja from his course to give a sense that it is impossible.
Just say you work from home
Anyone got a comfy controller setup for gathering?
>female rava
imagine wanting to fuck black "people"
I plays them
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my miqo looks almost like this
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>I made it
hey bro can you do the nunh shaker for me
Now that I think of it it also serves as foreshadowing, since in Yak Tel Krile explicitly stated the seething was directed at his brothers after they succeeded in a quest and they failed
what about them?
>healer and rdm both instantly die to the boss slowly blowing bubbles at them in skydeep cenote
damn these new dungeons are hard fr
I see blms doing DT content

it's more of a "thank god I don't need to spend swiftcast yet" feeling
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Why would anyone play Elezen
how was i supposed to know i shouldn't stand in them
Straight or gay?
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what should I put in my Rava's search info
So, by purposefully setting the trial rules in a way that the contestants were epxlicitly forbidden from stealing the stones from an elector, but not stealing the stones from each other...
Did the Dawnservant set it up so that some asshole like Bakool Ja Ja could just ignore the trials and murder his children for keystones?
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erenvilles mom has got it going on
male rava? youre built for roe cock
futa rava? youre a machine that turns women into single mothers.

female rava? you eat hotchip, charge your linkpearl, and lie.
trust the plan
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And I would do it again
hudge night
It just happens sometimes
What do I put on my femlala's search info that will get me blacklisted by people who don't like the fact lalas ERP but also is a soft whistle to tell others I do ERP as a femlala
Funny how different the experiences are. I had healers get pissed at me several times because they wasted swiftcast. There is literally 0 reason for healers to rezz if there is a red mage around with a basic grasp for his class.
The hearts of men are black with corruption and must needs be cleansed!
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>I don't remember anyone mentioning that the dome was synchronized with the Source's time flow.
That won't get you blacklisted, you mean?
I don't think it's possible.
Is it a male or female rava
Please, before I have better ideas of how to spend my time
that depends, is it gay or straight erp?
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>"knight/lord/baron/baroness/count/countess/duke/dame of Ishgard"
>There is literally 0 reason for healers to rezz if there is a red mage around with a basic grasp for his class.
healers should res over rdm if they have swiftcast available, rdm dropping a gcd is more damage lost than a healer dropping a gcd
You want to fuck Cahciua in her ravishing Shetona maiden form
I want to fuck Cahciua in her floating televisor form
We are not the same
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This adventure.... Ssssssuuucckss
You could easily infer that from his expression alone, but they had to give Krile that dialogue (complete with ominous music and a dutch angle) to vindicate Zoraal Ja's family for not reaching out to him from this moment on (or even acknowledging him at the ascension.) He's such a bad dude that why should the protagonists bother, right?
It remains my biggest qualm with the story. Both the laziness of the dialogue and the lazy handling of this specific, interesting dynamic.
my mallezen is the village rapist of ishgard
Based thighlander
try with "Just a Lamitt, looking for his Ardbert"
That won't get you banned, but the people that know will know...
also hey

Don't do this to me.. this is my search info except it says her instead of his...
this carboy's son is so retarded dude
Penumbra status?
>nyused goods
>self-hating tranny
>ultimate raider and shit tier parser
>doxxed and commits suicide
Will we ever have anyone like Ooki in /xivg/ again?
Fat Cat Fact #220

A Fat Cat’s favourite emote is /eatpizza
My rava? shes part of the hawk tuah tribe.
now then, spead em.
You did go into DT with your EB right?
I'm a commoner of Ishgard
Where do all the losers who are bad at the game and bad at life hang out?
there is a guy that got kwabbed irl and he took it out on others and he got so mad over pvp that he called people nigs and claimed to shoot people at a fanfest and he got police at his door irl where he had to cry about it being a joke
I remain convinced that I'm the only one playing an elezen with no ties to Ishgard.
>zoomer inorganic tiktok meme
Balmung Solution Nine Instance 2 X9.1 Y13.7
no i mean in game
i literally just had this cutscene
emet is kinda based ngl
why would I want to live in a midlander infested shithole instead of ishgard
Having an EB is cringier than actual ERP so no
What do I gain from playing the game together with someone anyway? It's not like we can interact with one another or help one anotehr with anything except dungeons, we just ride somewhere and get locked in cutscenes in which we do not appear together
Do you like malera
Stop talking about femlalas forever
I am
A male elezen
So no.
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Gulool Ja, the one and only King of Alexandria.
I literally wanted to be a holy knight before creating my first character and so I created elezen
>his Ardbert
you are cringe
you are so fucking cringe omg
I don't give a shit about what you think is cringe. My Malera EB swings his cock in my mouth on the reg. We're just two gay big buff ass lizards who like slamming eachothers buttholes.
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>BLM cope op
New king caster on the block, maybe we'll let you have a slot in the party once we clear. Stick to dungeons til then, little buddy.
I mean... there's gridania
FF6 is one of my favorites and I love Relm in it but my god the sound effects of casting fucking rapes my ears after playing for 5 minutes
Is this that person in QS shout chat?
Grown ass man with attachment issues living vicariously through an online relationship
I'm sorry your father never hugged you, but ifthere's hope for Gulool Ja, there's hope for you
>want to play more of the game through crafting
>ignored for shitposts from people who don't even play the game
My elezen doesn't have any ties to Ishgard because they think roleplaying is for homosexuals
What are your initials?
Good job confirming pictotroons are retarded.
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erm actually the only person I've ever said that to is my ex-wife when I was upset with her and off my meddies (I apologized)
no, but i brought my friend back into the game and we're playing together now and he fanta'd for me :)
>not wanting to be a dusky bandit that would actually open you up for being a storied adventurer by your own hand and to not be rooted to ishgard politics.
>not wanting to be the tired and true racist haughty wildwood that would have the most reason to go into the new world to colinize the shit out of it and make bastard half-elves in it and have the edge over nearly every adventurer because you have knowledge of the forests so youre basically a meaner and more obnoxious steve irwin with pointy ears.
Just one more rework bro trust me just one more I will get it right this time please one more
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I won
>how do i level up my crafters
you craft shit nigger
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damn what the fuck you aren't like other guys needing to be escorted
why is he named gulool he only has one head.
why is that nigga blue, arent those niggas usually brown?
>I apologized
Any face 4 catboys with the new hair style?
>hat do I gain from playing the game together with someone anyway? It's not like we can interact with one another
But you can, it's called socializing you absolute bellend. Try going outside once in a while.
The cutest Scion
Might help if you weren't retarded
Should I settle my femhroth on Zodiark, Light?
Get a small plot and stuff?
why not
>left side skin colors
>do not interact
>right side skin colors
>sex on sight
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shes alright
sorry bro i read the post i just don't have anything to contribute
i levelled all of my crafters simultaneously via ishgard restoration, and then to 90 collectables
and then when dt came out i levelled them to 100 via collectables
there's not really much to say about it, you can calculate how much xp you need via the xp table on the wiki and then you literally just craft shit for several hours
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Absent any posing plugins/software, I cannot deliver an image of my character picking up his son and violently shaking him unfortunately. This will have to suffice.
I figured she was like in her 40s or something not 20
He's Zoraal Ja's son, who's also a blue scaled Hoobigo, who's the biological son of Gulool Ja Ja
>there's people who log on to watch their character bang a hammer and hit trees
you for srs?
My femra? Yeah, she's a princess from some underwater raen bubble somewhere
I also flipflop between thinking of her as actually being royalty or just being in a position to be sort of treated with a similar sense of respect
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Gulool was just his grandfather's name, the 'ja ja' part is because of the two heads
He's blue because he's the son of a blue nigga (This is extra rare because usually the two-headed guys can't even have kids in the first place)
wait that blue nigga actually canonically fucked?!
This is how a WAR shakes a fellow WAR's hand.
You hear that, guys, Sena had the HARDEST JOB of anyone in Dawntrial. Show some respect!
My femlala? The most brutal Queen in history so she may protect what she loves
You're cringe ...Because I said so! I'm epic and you're fucking cringe, ok?!
at this point, why not shrink down another race instead of whatever this is?
What race do I play to chew on that fat?
>Wants a femlala wife
>Used goods
Prospects aren't looking good, buddy!!
>BL-ACK madge falling for the bait
dont care
You were pretty cute in the cutscene to be honest
the worst voice actor in this game
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I mean, they're right, It is a hard job to do a fake voice for 7000 lines of dialogue and ruin an entire game
need mods so I can start gooning again
Sure, it was.
It's either that or cloning
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Send this femlala to the mamool ja breeders
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actually it's a frypan, thank you
ACK! It's owari...
He did have the hardest job. No one else had anywhere close to the responsibility he had and he failed miserably. Taking on a job you can't do is not commendable.
>He needs mods to goon to ffxiv
You are weak, I just whacked off to a face 4 moonie imagining her moaning and bouncing on it.
Face 3 femra is next.
The irony of you telling me to go outside when you consider wathcing cutscenes together while not interacting in any way as socialization
I'm not saying you can't socialize through videogames, but this game's MSQ offers nothing in the way of it, you just run together, click on the same NPC, and watch a cutscene. Unless it requires some sort of involved commentary, you are not doing anything together, ecept maybe chat about unrelated bullshit to distract each other from it
It's more a commentary about XIV than a commentary on people playing videogame together really, I wouldn't post the same thing about people progressing through WoW together, because that has far more gameplay segments where two people can share and be helpful to each other, a lot more chances to actually "do" stuff together instead of playing a solo game in parallel
I miss gathering HQ raw materials.
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very cute!
if wuk lamat becomes a reoccurring character, will they soon replace her voice actor
trannies can't fake their voice forever
>Go DPS for once in hunt train
>Get frozen and then die to a follow up attack that I was one pixel in
Serves me right for not playing healer, i guess
gooning and crafting, name a better combo
>push the little fairy buttons when you need little healing and push the big buttons when you need big healing
>pushing anything looks like it does nothing so mash everything and hope for the best
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Is it true what they say about femlalas?
When is Glamourer going to be up holy shit I WANT TO FANTA ALREADY
god i really don't
Why are you not a tank spamming your ranged ability?
It's already been confirmed that Carlos Mencia will voice her in 7.1 onwards
Looking for a goon partner? Primal.
Yes, they LOVE maleras.
>not only faking your own genders voice with halfassed vocial training
>slap on an accent on top of it
>you have to try everything in your power to keep it so you sound muted and monotoned
>have vocal breaks on multiple occasions trying to do anything with emotion
>conning a multimillion company that has been having a really bad rut and this expansion is the one that will make or break them hire you on as the MAIN CHARACTER of the expansion.
It's true, they're fucking retarded and can be kicked for a field goal
Is Solution Nine the worst city they ever added?
There is literally nothing other than the scrips area, and the city is so fucking large. It feels like a parody of open world
is this the dragonfucker from yum
I assume they are going to fill it with more shit over time like Idyllshire.
listen to me
What about her JP VA? or her French VA? or her German VA? Is Kate implying that Sena is somehow more important and valuable and then them?
I am
a catgirl
waking up extremely pent up once again.
She wishes she could
hold fondly a cute little face
and slowly fucking it,
before inevitably exploding and making it
the yummiest and sexiest
throatpie ever
I'm hoping they throw us a curveball and allow us to develop the city in some way, otherwise you're right, though Radtz was exactly as useless, just smaller
Grown ass man hands typed this
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I just tried PvP and I DO NOT get it at all. its so overwhelming.
Its bad for SE image to hier such a talentless tranny but believing the game will die because of that is pure retardation
Also imagine not playing with JP voices or anything that is not French
just say nut in their throat
t. anon that loves creampies and watched the genre get decimated due to oral and anal "creampies"
I cant stand you niggas
I am
I know this because I think
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Sorry, but I already drew you as the basedjack, and me as the chad
Picto completely replaced black mage this expansion lmao, why the fuck bring a black mage who can't move, who can't buff and who can't do damage
Wait for the thread pvp crackheads to wake up and give you a run down
you and everyone in this general that says they don't like pvp
black mages are really mobile now
the game wont die (for now) but its bringing more bad faith to them, it will however add up and will be a negative talleymark for them for people to bring up for eternity.
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God I wish I was a dragon
What do you want to know? Is it for FL or CC? Like, what's up?
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Press the button
It deals the damage
Send slurs to the NIN in the lobby
If no NIN
Repeat process
i am
a femra who is watching
imagine if your capstone skill was a 400 potency spell
I'd kill myself
Is it true that Kate shut down an actual professional Latina VA just to have the tranny making the voice?
I wish Otis would have actually let me play the queen...
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make a cytube
Picto is also cuter
five bucks BLM gets gigabuffed for Savage
MP exists solely to restore HP, use Recuperate early and often
if you're low on MP retreat and use Elixir to replenish it
Guard if you're being focused or to dodge cloud nine's updraft
attack enemies on low MP, chase after them to prevent elixir use when it's not suicidal to do so
get your team to focus targets (impossible challenge)
cc enemies in stage hazards
stand on the fucking crystal
>See Black Mage
>Know automatically due to pictomancer being a thing and the job with most damage that anyone left to play it is shit
>hes being outdamaged by the fucking dragoon
yeah, i was talking to yoshida-san just last week and he told me himself
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my femra is so cute
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wuk lamat xiv
your what
Black mage is so bad right now you would take any other caster over them
I can be your Otis and you can be my queen...
I would lie on the ground and stare up your femra's skirt until she reacts to it
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What are /xivg/'s honest thoughts on female hrothgar? Haven't been able to play much dawntrail yet and I'm thinking about fantaing off fiera to femhroth. Do they have any problems?
this particular face makes her look like the dancing lion boss from elden ring
>Black mage is so bad right now you would take any other caster over them
It's a complete waste of a raid spot in every metric to bring a black mage
I don't remember her looking like that wtf
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its literally over
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not a fan of the vpr smirk desu
they are better modeled
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There's a lot of weird issues with froths that I personally don't like. They can't wear hats. Sleeves and tops in general cause their body mass to double in size and I don't like that.
My catgirl is a huge creampie addict too, but this morning she wants it to be slow and romantic, and carefully stroking a face and hair while slowly leaking her warm cream down a tight throat is her mood right now
I was visualising doing that to a cute moonie actually...
Are you blue or grey by any chances
Even worse, I phoneposted it too
Wildwoods are cucks for elementals literally under their boots. They're second class citizens behind the midlanders of gridania. I understand why wildwoods larp as ishgardians it's like Mexicans online larping as racist white men. Duskwight you're correct about its the superior choice.
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I shouldn't hear someone's voice and have a fear response reaction from 10,000 years of evolutionary biology teaching us how voices should sound based on gender, and then hearing someone do that...
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are ya winnin sons
Whoa.. handsome hroth...
DNC rdps?
>majority of people that like Wuk Lamat are some form of mentally deficient gigglesquees
is jp twitter mostly moonies now???
need a veena girl to smother me with her ass
I was one for a short time, they look great in nearly everything. Awesome animations, not as square as femroe or too lanky and weird like femezen. i had to fanta back to my original race because too many furfags were sending me tells or inviting me to their fc.
do you like femra
Eulmore is still the best hub purely because it looks nice and everything you need is compacted into one room.
Which instance is the rare fate spawning on Crystal? Or is it Dynamis that everyone is waiting
i hope so
god i love moonies
im still playing samurai, seethe parsetranny
Same but a rava, and her tits instead
need a miera to cheer on
just get mare?
why are people so scared of just getting mare?
where do you find that out
malera get mogged by mamool ja so hard it's insane
It's interesting, because it's totally a look into echo chambers, they say their opinion because it's the "right" thing to say, and their trans friend agrees, because it's the "right" thing to say, and now they both believe everyone believes that, and if you don't believe that you are "wrong"
Hey Crystal, Dawntrail Trial 2 queue doko? Need a healer and 4 DPS
is glamourer working yet?
I will remain playing blm because it’s fun
I pray to god that SE doesn’t troll my gear substats on crafted / normal raid because what we have available right now is horribly bad for spell speed
but lalafels are not rated well for aerodynamic properties...
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good morning
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I need to figure out which plugin to use to tone down thair MA'AM shoulders and give them some actually milkers. Other than that, they're pretty good, especially the thick thighs.
3 more years of unqualified “experts” claiming to know how to write a story better than CS3.
3 more years of anons complaining about trans people
need a f+ any race balmung EB who plaps sluts 24/7 but not me
How do I, a female viera, attract a male or female midlander to eb
Not just wrong, but you're an evil bigot who wants to kill trans people, and it's ok to harass you and even cheer on your death because your opinion doesn't conform to mine.
youre only getting a ball smothering.
check the instance with the highest numbers.
coeurl is supposed to pop soon, and mateus just wrapped up their chain.
malboro had its chain finish five minutes ago and we've been waiting more than five minutes
when the troon has wider shoulders than the chaser
just try heroin?
why are you so scared of trying heroin?
bwos i just came back from a trip do i just do the msq for now
no but ktisis lets you customize stuff in gpose
I don't want to download 6 gb that turn your character into dolphin porn
Over/under 20 more minutes.
Does it give both the suit and the capybara?
I liked this expansion and the story.
I have had personal relationships that have ended recently like Wuk Lamat and her adoptive father and caretaker mother
I think the next few patches will be alright and I like both picto for pve and viper for pvp
thank you for your attention
sis, they are free, you can literally just pick one up in limsa
What was YOUR Azem shard doing during the Surge Storm, anon?
Mine was tending to her electro-femra.
12 mats for the mount
the outfit comes from a FATE boss in LM
I'm not going to look at your hideous abomination. Why can't you be content with making a character that looks good modless?
>female viera
black irl...
>being mad about other peoples opinions for 3 years
when something is put on spotlight to the public it must be of pristine quality, you didnt see the niggers out there during segregation batting easy outs, if they did baseball would still be a whitemans sport. you bring something shitty to be the breakthrough role for something then people will shit on it.
I get everything I desire. And I want a vagina having rava
Its a matter of time before I find one. This thread has a bunch too
DC and what does your char look like?
heroin is based thoughever
get netlimiter and restrict up/dl to 500 kbps
jesus christ lmfao
I am glad you are enjoying yourself.
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what does throttling speed have to do with wasting hd space
I am glad you are enjoying yourself.
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pick one
>not as square as femroe
You're taking the piss. Femroth are the most manly troon like race in the game.
for all the erp I've done in this game I've only had 3 rava -
quite rare
my femzen is uh
my char looks nice modless but better modded
oh no not 6gb!
1tb ssd are cheap as fuck now
stop crying
most modded chars are 50mb and its a 1 time download
I am honest and direct, I love femras but it vastly depend on the horn color, face number and how mentally unhinged they are. I love unstable femras, a bit too much sometimes. Tease me and describe yourself a little bit, dont forger to mention if you have a + or not down there
Really not hard to find
than kyou anon
how are you enjoying patch 7.0
i am waiting on the snake fate boss to spawn
five more minutes
you fucking autist, just lie and say you are on console.
furthermore, mare has a cache, so you reserve 20gb for it to use and no more
further further more, hd space? sis? cant you afford 15 bucks for a 250 gb ssd?
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>hd space
bro stop being a thirdworlder
you can pick up 1tb ssd for peanuts
>Are you blue or grey by any chances
no, white..
>recommending a cheap ass SSD
Do you want this anon to lose all his data after a year? A good brand will ask you around 50-60 bucks for 500gigs
She looks ugly bro.
isn't this ogre hair
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its so fucking over
the final days are going to happen
troongadyn spotted.
What's really disappointing IMO is that in the first half of the expansion (the rite of succession), was honestly a blank check for them to do WHATEVER they wanted in terms of duties. They could have had a Alpaca chasing mini-game, they could have had a cooking mini-game, the single-player trial duty could have had mechancis that you just can't do with normal players and be interesting. Instead we have a bunch of talk to NPC's and "Talk to Wuk Lamat Once Again" prompts, and it's a snorefest for 5-6 levels.

Like holy shit there are so many different kinds of contests you can come up with for us to participate in, and one of them is literally just "figure out why the grass isn't growing". Like how the hell did Bakool Ja Ja pass that one? They had to know story wise it wasn't enough to carry the first several hours of an Expansion...but they sure as shit could have made the gameplay make up for that.
damn, /xivg/ reminding me i gotta pick up another 4tb ssd and a couple more 20tb hdds soon
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I didn't like the story very much, but I thought they knocked everything else out of the park. Visuals, music (...not Smile), dungeons and trials have all been great.
Consider joining the hunt discord for Serpent Lord pings, that's how I got my capybara in 2h not even actively waiting for it.
I consider wearing pants with a shisui top to be sacrilege
neither of those answered the question
>character is a dusky
well alright im down to dick down some inferior elf let me just
>they have blue or grey skin with white and or black hair
and just like that i am unaroused and unamused.
Do you actually think about using the 4 support cards as ast or do you just immediately chuck both on the tank?
State your data center and perhaps someone will log in to assist.
anon the difference between cheap and top brand SSD's is basically nothing now, not like how it used to be
and who cares, just put mare and other garbage on it
thanks bro
yeah that's fair
if you're gonna slut it up, you better do it right
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I just dont know what I'm doing, I normally just do crafting and some MSQ, everything is so quick! by the time i've gotten someone targeted thats getting attacked they're dead and I cant heal them.
I'll give this a shot and just keep trying I guess!

Thanks friends!
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>tanking dungeon
>perfect pulls, clearly not my first time
>perfect usages of defensive CDs
>smooth run, possibly my smoothest and fastest ever
>literally could not have played better
>0 commends

Why does everyone hate tanks?
White how? Like human like white?
It's absolutely ok in my book



3 hours of work
>Do you want this anon to lose all his data after a year?
unrelated, but yes, i do. im annoyed by the same guy bitching about mare all the time
>they took the gamba out of AST noooooooooooo
>meanwhile BRD and DNC playing slot machine in the distance.
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>lightning/ice cleanup
>can't even make it into ice/lightning
I only got myself to blame for now trying to get this done earlier... I always make the same mistake when new EX comes out.
happens all the time to me. but then when i play like utter shit the commends come in
The pelupelu trial having those "GREAT TRADE SUCCESS" cutscenes felt so fucking stupid, it's not like you even did anything. It should have been a minigame
Try playing Red Mage and carrying a bunch of shitters through the duty, only for them to say "thanks healers!"
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*puts my nude feet on xivg's face*
Why did Sphene accept the heritage found people into Alexandria when it's literally established that they came here to harvest their souls......?
*rubs it in*
You may answer this question now xivggers.......
she's a woman and therefore retarded
next question anime nigger
I really want a bossy random to use me as their personal fast queue
I've been cleaning up with the comms as a femhroth dancer. People like novelty I guess.
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>And I want a vagina having rava
I like to commend bad players so they feel self conscious and undeserving of those comms.
People commend glams portraits and how cute you are, not your role and how well you do
youre a femra.
I dont commend femras
if I am in a party and theres 3 femra in it i will let the commend rot
if I am in a party and theres 2 femra playing like god tier gamers and did gold parses and they sucked me off in boosting my damage (Reaper main btw) and the tank is a retarded ass crayon eating femhroth whos been trying their best to unintentionally sandbag the dungeon im giving it to the hroth.
I hate femra that much bro.
I've never done an EX

I just assume it would take too long with new players since I don't have friends
If you're cute I'll carry you
i play dps so i always com healer cause i stand in shit for uptime
i always com dnc if i get dp
I can help you setup a kff if you need to clear
yeah, i felt they really phoned it in with the gameplay

don't know why they're so hesitant to at least try and innovate. jrpg i guess
maybe I'll get to suck you one day anon...
>be cute fiera
>load into duty
>use single target rotation for all of it
>parse a fat 5
>3 commends
its literally that easy
Is there a way to make macros that can drop a ground targeted action (such as Earthly Star) on your mouse cursor's location? <mo> can only do it on existing targets, I want to be able to drop it anywhere.
works on my machine bro
t. male middie
post your character
*cums in my pants*
I can be an anchor in your parties if you want an /xivg/ person to blame...
>so hesitant to at least try and innovate
shitty engine
I am
a femra
eating crayons...
Do you want the red one?
I can give you a good dp with my fiera friend if you want
She's a white savior and they're indigenous people
i pick who i'm gonna commend exclusively based on how much i like your character in your portrait
i have no idea how you "performed" and i don't care
it's a dungeon, who gives a shit
Plapping the answers into this troonra
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I got my first clear of this EX with a blindprog PF full of people I'll never speak to again
It only took 2 lockouts
This EX isn't that hard if I can clear it
Ast or sch?
Mentally ill tranny.
holy moly same
Just watch a guide and go into a fresh prog pf Jesus Christ man
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rava or veena
to know if youre capping
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are you going to answer the question orrrrrrrrr
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Did Alexander come from Alexandria
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I love sounding yeah, wanna....,.......
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Just be cute
are you going to kys already?
>DF extreme
>in a duty finder
>western player
you are lying.
i accept your concession

What of it?
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Rate this cute LALA I found!
Got no doubts that part was handled by whoever did Island Sanctuary and Ishgard Fetes, the content for actual disabled toddlers.
That's an abandoned app retard. It's never getting fixed.
fuck you i made this joke on release day
>he didn’t hear that Anam isn’t being updated anymore
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wtf im actually a femra (dark kind)
is my race really why people dont commend?
I get traded sexual favors for fast queue times
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Stop making evil women so attractive
only contrarians on /vg/ likes rava, anon.
try being black in the game vs white, and see the difference in hits on ptom
pic unrelated
Don't use a meme skin color
>Ishikawa good at explore dept of character and use past material to elevate previous expansions.
>DT writer good at shit the bed so hard, previous expansions elevated on their own.
Cexxxx dyls+
my maleras never gonna dance again
lightbros who wants to run the 95 dungeon
its why i dont commend people, yes.
>tank uses cover or tbn on me
i will commend them
I get more tank commends on my miera than my fiddie
That's a man.
Holy ESL batman
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I ask about other people's femras
I care about other people's femras
groomer feet have got no rhythm
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Same Energy
how do i look cute in dawntrail
nta but i only com femras
>and use past material to elevate previous expansions.
You mean she's good at butchering past lore and world building and ruining it?
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My fiddie acts like this
My femlala looks just like this except she’s a snowskin white devil
is there a tool like anamnesis yet?
owe my male middie sex
I don't want to get carried, but thanks.
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I've been spamming pause and play for 15 minutes and I got 1 good pose so far that I haven't been able to replicate.
I'm gonna so disappointed if this fucking quest doesn't actually need an antidote.
Sorry I'm still waging
peeping tom, its a plugin
Preach complaining that it's been three hours and he hasn't attacked anything yet. Pretty funny.
wtf that is the shortest macro i've ever seen
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Are there any alternatives to Anamnesis or Brio out right now for changing my appearance?
when does arcadion release? next week?
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Someone needs to develop an addon that lets us progress the animations in adventurer plates 1 frame at a time.
Be expressive
Use "!", for example when the duty starts, instead of hey say "Heya!" or something.
If something funny happens or you mess up a mech just type lol or woops
And always type "gg!" at the end
It really is that simple. People appreciate a good but simple attitude
>be veena
no hits on Ptom
>be low level rava alt
6 hits the moment i go in the QS, all of them being white characters.

veena are shit.
Light brown ravas are pure sex, if you talk about nigger black yeah you are right
I play a very cute sunnie and I never get ptom mires unless I target people first. I get a random tell about her being cute once a month or two
Is glam that important? Up close im ultra cute, but I never glam my shit I just dont care
why do these level 12 alts have "LF LT RP"?

ur level 12 what kind of long term can one expect, wtf
I want to get carried. Thanks.
cant wait to have ptom back on my catboy
Some fights don't call for needing a whole lot of macro. Zodiark EX had zero.
Who cares man
Do you really actually waste valuable time in your day watching a grown ass man play an rpg or is this some meta troll post to annoy people
i never commend anyone
temporarily, in gpose with ktisis
>smooth runs
>pefect cd usage
>fast af
>lvl 61
Dude get to lvl 100 what are you crying about
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This doesn't seem like a very good message.

>If you do horrible deeds for the right reasons, you'll get off the hook with community service
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Hey anyone in crystal wanna help me with dungeon 1? i tried queuing but its taking a bit too long.
Who would you comm?
All the other mechanics don't need partners, if you mess up that's entirely your fault. No wipes if one guy fails the mechanic
so true brother
im convinced they are just parroting what they see in other search infos unless it's incredibly specific
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my femlala looks and acts like this
>thinks he passes as a woman so much that he needs to bring up that he was raised as a male
woah... is this foreshadowing???
>crystaloids and eu players cant even get a dungeon done

the femra
>Logistics NCO for their GC
>Ride around in my chocobo carriage from town to village supplying our men and women occasionally killing fates
The fiera without a micro second of hesitation
Banned from use?
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A wild fiddie appears!
>Do you really actually waste valuable time in your day watching a grown ass man play an rpg or is this some meta troll post to annoy people
What else am I supposed to do while I eat? Sit in silence?

Is it? I haven't done any Dawntrail content besides Viper quests.
1 (uno) character design..
next expac is going to be shit, isnt it
You’re wrong, the faggot dev will gladly receive credit for somebody else fixing it for 7.0.
I like your femra, anon.
That is literally me

It depends if any of them made good plays, like if the healer clutched some shit I might give it to them
from appearances alone I’d go with the malerar though since he looks funny and the others aren’t particularly eye catching
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So you do nothing because you have nothing, just like the writers........
*murderkills billion of tulilolai anyway*
Not an argument.......
Extreme hag breeding
would your warrior of light feel lesser if they were made to knock up their EB in cowgirl position
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My femezen
God you motherfuckers are so boring
Kong did you really buy a new account immediately?
Here's my take on this.
If you're someone that's an experienced fighter, short of proving you're beyond remorse and changing your ways, you shouldn't be imprisoned or killed if you're still likely to be of use in settings like these. It's a much better way to make amends to save lives rather than rot in jail or in a mass grave.
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I would say imma beat you up, but i know you are into that so nvm. Also you better be studying up!
Quite literally, 0 Wuk OR Sphene r34 exists.
I want to rp my character being a bandit type, which jobs would be most fitting? Creative options welcome too…
>leave without commend
The dev was afraid of possible legal action being taken against them. The only faggot here is you. You talk tough but you're a big pussy and Square would ram your ass in court. Good luck getting mommy and daddy to pay those fees, kid.
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Who the fuck is this 'Kong' individual? Why won't anyone answer me?
How do I craft my plate and bio for it to show Im a sexual degenerate with unlimited sex drive, that Im also a +, a dom, without it being too obvious for my normie friends
I am popular amongst my friends but they dont know the monster I am, and I want it to remain secret for now
thrown in the ocean?
Very satisfied now that the actual writing failed to hold up its end of the bargain people are finally mercilessly shitting on the sub-visual novel style storytelling which is what I've always hated about this game. None of the things that are being complained about are new, it's always been like this, hours upon hours of clicking on sparkly ground with a handful of exciting cutscenes that are the only things people actually remember about the story after all is said and done
keep your hands to yourself slut
ugly skin colour
ugly face
ugly hair
>Got a cute Redra
>Now have a cute bluera
Nice. Need more exotic skinned xaela. Tired of basic white bitch femra.
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>Want to do a holy/angelic Viper glam
>Have to be a bright glowing asshole
Now I am become Second Lifer, destroyer of cutscenes.
she’s my femezen’s femezen now…
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Ask and ye shall receive.
>too scared of people finding out
sure bud, lol
Matingpressing this succulent nigger with my thick and WHITE gock
both my femzen's femezen
Literally took 10s to find the first r34 of Sphene
is ameliance still fertile, i need to know
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>Tired of basic white bitch femra.
There are many many reasons why they probably know already
Just B urself
He’s literally ”working” on a release lol.
Go eat hot chips and cry about men on your tomestone
any other side quests with rewards like the corn one?
Hag fertility scales up anon
she's currently at guaranteed octuplets
Your taste is shit Lucie
No clue I just saw some good titties posted on /v/ so I saved it.
Nobody likes fatass femlalas. I’m excluded from PFs because I take up 2 party slots.
In this one particular case, that makes sense.

But for society at large people will see that and go "Oh well I might as well try my hand at being a criminal, and if it all goes wrong they'll just give me a dangerous job". Whereas prison and execution are deterrents. I don't think Golias deserves death but I don't think he should've been let off the hook so easily.
Any bros?
do a /ptime
This but Zoraal Ja
yep i'm thinking it's time bust a fat nut in her hairy pussy and have 8 other leveilleur twins running around
Then how do I display the fact that Im a dom, without the+ or the degen rest of my post. A top arrow in the bio?
I'm the most upfront dude in my FC, I Can explain the top part but if I go down the route of explaining what a + is etc, I will be considered retarded. I play on EU too, people here are way more autistic and less of gooners like NA folks
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As one relationship end, another shall begin
The best storytelling done in game has always been in post trial cutscenes or dungeons themselves. Dawntrail's biggest sin is that all the story they told in them this expansion was shit and that any good beats were marred by Azim Steppe "fetch 4 sheep" levels of tedium.
race and server?
the quest chain starting with Aunty Knows Best in the outskirts of heritage found gives a music roll of the xak tural villages
1 ra
2 ra
Red ra
Blue ra
>Make a post
>Someone responds disagreeing with me
>I respond to them asking them to expand on that or I offer a counter argument
Why even come here and make drive-by shitposts if you're not interested in having a conversation?
Yeah I totally studied... and slept too.. haha
Malboro roe
I realized I didn’t feel like arguing the same shit I’ve argued 5 times in the last week with some other anon
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hey do you like bunnies
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Wait there are some actual based people in the forums? I thought everyone was retard there
Think this game is turning me into a faggot.
Eventually you learn this place is only for surface level discussion, anything deeper and the other person has an out of being a troll or realizing they are wrong and fucking with you instead to try and make you mad
I don't get to Cover+HG often, but it's nice when the opportunity presents itself and I can feel like a big damn hero.
They dont Im quite reserved, barely talk about sex. The only thing they know about me is that Im a degen for farming, that Im gil and mgp capped and that Im very upfront and direct. They all want me to come to gatherings and meetups because Im quite funny and charismatic, they dont know the fucking monster I am, its a certainty
anime woman poster
fucking retarded
name a better duo
than crystal players and inability to do content
that's how it goes when you play a female character
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The best defense is a good offense, therefore it is better to spend time preparing a new low quality post rather than defend an existing one.
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>She sees your tongue gpose
femra wife to lick her horns
many such cases
I'm just here to throw hateful comments at random people.
God, I fucking hate Akemi.
>Why even come here and make drive-by shitposts if you're not interested in having a conversation?

Is it your first day on the internet little guy?
that bigot will be banned before the turn of the hour don't worry
Total Play Time: 48 days, 22 hours, 2 minutes
You wouldn't a femcelezen...
not the first time i've left five loads in your mom either, son
nobody plays on malboro
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hell naw
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I kinda feel bad for the writer. He probably liked Wuk and what he did and everyone shits on it on a major scale
Sure we do. We totally do.
>I'll go and get my headlamp─come and see me when you're ready to head out!
>not in the same spot she was when i finished the quest
post fatass femlala
Kong confirmed.
There's no need for an argument when I already know that I'm right
bros how do I get myself a bundle of femezens
People coming here for anything that is not trolling, racism or thirstposting is something my little and slow brain cannot understand
Literally me
Sometimes I feel like playing a male character just so I have an excuse to imagine being with femra
That guy is going to learn that 99% of people don't think like that, even if you try to explain it, right now it's just
>they are the superhero good guy of the movie and anything they do can be recontextualzed as actually good

An example I heard:
>Like Wuk Lamat's voice actor, yea she's trans, and yea it's not the best, but she's actually trying. Why arent YOU a voice actor, and besides, that means a trans person got the job. if you watch the new, you'd know trans people are getting genocided, so this is good for their cause, they're one of the biggest minorities since you see stories about them all the time, so they really need this win.
some things give it away
Seen on friends list-
Steps of nald with rp tag on
Private apartment with rp tag on
Random bumfuck zone with party flag
Or things like
Doted on by one of your subs in public etc.
One slip and they know
drive by shitposts are literally all I do
why would I want to have a conversation with the retarded faggots on here id rather just get replies and close the tab
You are literally all stupid and subhumans
my femelezen will abuse your ears (weak spots)
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the ZT expansion
holy shit who give hint
What are some good glams and colors for a pink hrothgirl I made
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giving this bitch a taste test lol
Okay, I guess I'm Venom Kong/Punished Kong.
he won
I will switch from Lala to Elezen
post the elezen
damn i didn't know you needed another side quest chain to continue that quest
Looks like her horn touches the pan before her mouth does
>all these changes to blacklists to improve them
>still can't remove myself from other people's friendlists
why is this so fucking awful yoshida
>tfw coomer and lewd but don't like fully nudity and ERP and everyone in this game is just just flat out fully degenerate
fuck i want to troll in PvP with my alt but im scared some autistic cyber sleuth will use the new blacklist features to figure out my main.
she's adding her pheromones nectar to the sauce
Gatherer leveling might actually make me shoot myself
>this dawnservant ceremony scene
i'm actually dying of cringe
It means you won
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this nigga wants to kiss legs in thighs
Being flat out full degenerate is okay if you're fem character
Need to have some tact if you're male to thrive
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fuck up nigga
it only took like 8 levels to finally get to a point where I don't have a nauseating urge to skip every piece of dialogue
automate it
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Why would you expect an actual conversation on /xivg/ of all places?
we don't want pedophiles in our ranks
stolen coomer valor
gm sirs where are the big boobie mod pics
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Ah yes, what a nice German name.
penumbr is still ded
>Doted on by one of your subs in public etc.
It's over. Not because they are my subs, but because some of my FC friends like to tell me their dirry little secrets and what is wrong in their lives, I talk to them privatly a lot, so when I enter Somewhere they look all start spamming my names and stand up doting and petting
I had one femra Friend which is completely insanew send me a glass with her pee in it. She wanted to send me nudes of her spreading her pusy lips but I declined. She blogged about her pee fetish for a good hour and wants me to pee on her. I wish I knew why do people confess so easily to me
Tb h After thinking about it, I juste should be upfront on what I truly am, its not like they will judge me if they know I like to slap people and collar them
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>concede to my intellectual superiority
I laugh at you......
Fellow purity middie here!
>watch gameplay videos about 1.0
>graphics unironically better
>gameplay looks way better than just mashing your glowing buttons
>getting the feeling you're actually questing
>cutscenes are fluid and full of emotion
>UI being autism incarnate appeals to me
>world is SOVLFVL
>*actually* feels like a ff game
wtf?? I thought 1.0 is le bad yet I'm being called to it, it's so enamouring...
>Adding her phermones so that whoever tries the sauce will end up obsessing over her
God femra are such weird crazy bitches
I fucking love them
holy ESL-eroni
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>finished up red mage's quests and got holy
>really enjoyed Arya and X'rhun
>excited to see how things continue
>look up where to grab the next quest and remember it's only role quests from here on out
Good morning /xivg/
>dont like nudity or ERP
What do you like then? Dont ignore me and answer this, my curiosity is piqued
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I have been doing this for over 10 years and it will never change
Nobody wants to argue in good faith or debate on anything deeper than surface level because it would require actually reflecting on what they posted
It is not unique to this general nor board, but this general does move the fastest so it feels more noticeable here.
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Do you think Wuk Lamat will get poochie'd or will they push her even harder in an attempt to redeem her?
>I had one femra Friend which is completely insanew send me a glass with her pee in it.
>>Adding her phermones so that whoever tries the sauce will end up obsessing over her
you should open the jar
That snake fate boss is COOL
I've noticed this. It's off putting when im a full blown degen as a male character but its more enticing when im a female character. What gives? Can someone whose also been on both ends explain this phenomenon
>is piqued
and so was your mother when she saw me.
That's not allowed, ears are too much of a turnn on, control would be lost.
>anon discovers the long history between germany and poland
id like to have experienced it dalamud falling eventually
There's a level 80 job quest still anon, it's just yellow.
The real doompill is that 1.0 was actually a pretty good game but people were too WoW theme park brained for an old style MMO to succeed anymore. He'll, I'm pretty sure if I remember right that Mimodi is implied to give the WoL head in one side quest back in 1.0
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MSQ spoiler
The key at the end of MSQ reacted to the Azem crystal because it was created by the first reincarnation of Azem to travel between worlds
Side note
Goober sexo
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Hrothgar supremacy
She is tall af, she does not like manlets.
My dad is 6'4
The cooler Zanaki
someone post the webm with momodi walk
Speak with Wuk Lamat.
Every time I see this face I think of ZS
Hornless! Hornless!
1.0 was not a good videogame no matter how you slice it
My femra is Jingliu of /xivg/
Honestly I came here because ever since DT dropped it's become fucking impossible to discuss this game on /v/. Not that I disagree with much of the criticism, but there's a game past the MSQ and attempting to talk about anything else just isn't possible. It's sad that this garbage general somehow became the best (read: least shit) place to talk about FFXIV on 4chan.
funny you mention that. my cock is 6'4. thats why she was drooling m8.
She'll get what her predecessor Lyse got. Forgotten save a small part in a single zone in an expansion 4 years later.
i am
a femra who is snuggled in under her blankets and pillows after grinding all night
>get even a 1/4 chub and pass the fuck out
Back in ye olden days of HW I was close to a femra who unironically skyped me at 3 am, riding buck ass naked down the street on her motorcycle
She's being too needy besides I'm on a break to find more Sphene nudes
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Someone permaban this chud asap.
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>anon made a joke
a barrel in ARR had more polygons than the playermodel pre DT
"good graphics durr" is actual retardation when it tanked performance
>I don't self insert
>My female character has a penis
Pick one.
Why does the lighting on the fishing rod look like it's from FFXI
Sounds cool as fuck, let me guess you played a male char.
Where is she now and how good was the ass
like this?
1.0's crafting and gathering mechanics dumpster the brainless slop we have now.

Shame about the rest of the gameplay.
that's a really small +
someone else is usually doing the inserting
>my female character does not have a penis
>but I do
hmm yes
looking like a white woman from elden ring sis
What the fuck does "content" mean?
Every other word out of peoples mouths in MMOs these days is "content" but I don't know if they are talking about everything contained in the game in totality or just raiding, if you are talking about raiding just say savage/extremes/ultimates or whatever and be specific it sounds retarded
like satisfied or something idk
Mahjong, benchposting and ERP.
AYO, where the fuck is the Sphene rule 34?
I played with Ooki Himaa this week and when I said I knew them from mentions /here/, they referenced not wanting to be associated with this general.
What did you do to drive away one of the only people in /xivg/ who can actually play this game, clear all content and parse well?
erp gooning the list goes on
Most fun tank right now?
do mods work yet
transphobes are not welcome here
Teasing, sofcore, "ecchi", kinks like exposure. If you take a gpose I find it way more intriguing if it's something like a picture of someone with revealing outfits, someone getting spanked or humiliated. Something that leaves something to the imagination instead of someone just showing off their massive dong or getting penetrate fully naked.
It leaves nothing to the imagination, the "hunt is over" and there's nothing to look forward to.
And the naked body, mostly genitals are not aesthetically pleasing. This goes both for males and females.
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sex with feo ul my loveliest branch
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Boy, I sure look forward to Brio, I wonder what else this Dev makes in his free time. I should check his twitte-
I love the visual style of 1.0, now you look at shit like Solution 9 and it's so trashy and cheap by comparison
>self insert
>5’0 irl
>6’1 in game
>What the fuck does "content" mean?
Anything that isn't the MSQ. So:

>Normal Raids
>Alliance Raids
>Little yellow sidequests
>Crafter/Gatherer quests/sidequests
>Treasure Maps

A very small % of players say "content" and mean raiding, just ignore them. Raiders aren't even 20% of the playerbase.
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I don't remember making this post
>self insert
>6'1" irl
>4'9" in game
With the current dungeon bosses, I'm bumping that number up to 40%
Are you me.....
You mentionned ERP tho, since you have the same as me, it is quite sexy, especially if you put the emphasis on the foreplay, why not spending at the start if it's like revenge sex etc
Otherwise I agree, I have a huge lingerie kink, nudity does not do it for me, but a leotard pic will make me go feral
What does he do in his free time? Don't keep sus waiting
i played a malezen at the time yeah
though I'm not sure if she's even alive now, she went down a dark path from good college student to prostituting raw for the thrill
I was only 19 at the time and I was scared I'd knock her up or catch something she didn't know she had yet so I never made the 16 hour trip to smash.
Last message I got from her was that she loved me too.
>self insert
>7" irl
>2" in game
How do I tell a Femhroth hitting on my Femlala to fuck off and yiff in hell without the furryfucker to get all anal about it and report me to the GMs
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You don't want to know
use your words, you can do it
Worst LARP award
Queen's Blood in XIV when?
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>he can't enjoy teasing foreplay into overblown fucking into cute aftercare
The only downside is doing every step takes fucking hoursss that I do not always have.
How were they transphobic?
I don't browse this general much, but isn't this place transphobic in general? If so, why drive away someone living up to the status quo?
he's gay
I wish, would be easier when I think on it
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>posts things that aren’t actual content
>finally won a house at the start of dt
>don't wanna decorate until bdth comes back
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>self insert
>6' 7" irl
>5' 1" in game
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Man, Holy is kind of the shit
And GOD, I forgot how cool Norvrandt was
Every region is just packed full of character and culture
Ishgard Restoration was the only gathering/crafting content.
>Free Companies
Gameplay system, not content.
Gameplay system, not content.
Gameplay system, not content.
>Gold saucer
I laugh at your mother for not swallowing
Thats sad, hope she is ok. Fascinating how often femras are usually batshit crazy irl
Why are her boobs so big
>that one guy trying to derail with femra
>Femra are so ugly now that they are ignored
Your 8 year shitposting streak is over, time to actually develop an actual personality or simp for another race lil nigga.
I've been waiting nearly a decade on your races downfall.
I can enjoy that a bit, but like you said the problem is that it takes hours and hours and at some point I kind of lose interest in the middle of it but still have to go through with it because of the other participant
So raiding to you is content?
Can someone post the graph of DT spoken dialogue
Sniffff.... Aaaah. Love the smell of unemployed 4chan shitposters in the morn.
>AYO, where the fuck is the Sphene rule 34?
bwos i just finished endwalkers....
>xhe doesn't work herself
>xhe doesn't have mondays and tuesdays off
You're expected to be a little more stoic and put together as a male character and not drooling coom brained buffoon, that is assuming you're sexxing up biofems and not other dudes. If it's other guys you might have a little more freedom to be degenerate.
Try to find someone that wants to wear hot outfits for you, and do some sexy dances/pole dance shit, it's hot and not too "revealing"
T. Gay hrothgar
Raiding is the only relevant content desu. Anything besides that is a massive waste of time.
Don't do me like that, Bruh ;'(
I need moar Sphene 34
>lodestone can check if you 2 are on each others friend lists
>ingame cannot
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Picking FemRa is unironically a red flag. There has always been something egregiously wrong with every FemRa I've met. I just ghost them if they try to talk to me.
truly blessed
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Pray, do tell me, for my curiosity has been thoroughly piqued.
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100% unironically yes
She's a healthy lizard
It's almost a guarantee that at least 80% of the time ur ERPing a dude. The fa66ot infiltration runs deep.
i cant explain, the game is fucking stupid
>only 1
not very blessed...
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It's never been more over
does tranny porn on twitter and subscribestar, complains about onlyans
Face 4 Straight Highlander Male
You can say faggot on 4chan, tourist.
Raiding is the only content that XIV can even pretend to have. If it tries to pull out Eureka or some shit, you can just respond that they killed it. SE always kills past-comtent in favor of current expansions. Raids are all that's left lmao.
why travel to other worlds when the world is unsundered?
meant for
>Raiding is the only relevant content desu
I've been playing for 6 years and I've never once raided.

Raiding is an irrelevant side activity the majority of players ignore.
>Face 4 Straight Highlander Male
I'm sorry for your loss
try two hours five minutes ago on malboro for snake world boss
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Luv me 'athrin'
Luv me 'raftin'
Luv me 'saucer
Luv me fashin'
Maybe ol git a house one day.
I don't care for an FC at this point, maybe a solo FC for a house would be nice.
No shit faggot, maybe I just don't want to.
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>Content enjoyers in front of non-content enjoyers when new raid tier drops and they need new gear, food and potions
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Yeah, if only that exists...
you can just tell this is some eastern european lmao
Idk man doing a fight for 16 minutes straight then wiping because you or someone elses big toe got clipped by an exaflare only to have to repeat the process for the entirety of a lockout (sometimes even then you don't clear) Doesn't really seem like the best usage of time. The real redpill is that because its an MMO everything is a waste of time and you should choose a time waster that you find enjoyable.
Just b urself :)
Cuck gay and fake response. Lurk more faggot
I genuinely hope you deletete your character and fuck off.
you seem nice.
>Kong already caved in and bought another account
I've lost count how many people told me how they've been catfished
I play as a futa so it makes me at 100%
How do we fix Fisher?
I said First reincarnation, the first shard of Azem in the source to ever exist
>raiding is the only relevant content
>some people cheat at it and still play like shit
It's funny watching full grown tax paying adults not saying or self censoring "naughty words" on an adult website.
Nigga you aren't making a monetized YouTube video, say the word.

Jews made this world a worse place and you cattle chasing that buck endorse it, as an Mhigger I don't give no fucks.
by not coming back to this general
Sneak "quests" exist to spread people around zones and slow down levellers, its congestion
More legendary fish with shorter availability windows with weeks between them.
Esl posting will forever makes me smile
red mage has good spell animations and sounds
It's still true. Outside of most content, XIV is just becoming second life. We even have empty chairs and tables everywhere for the players and not NPCs in the later zone.

Standard 'content' on XIV is erping and gposing. That's not an MMORPG to begin with.
come tuesday you're still going to be here shitposting at the crack of dawn. you are unemployed.
My moonie is drenched in sweat from a long day of crafting, time for a shower.
>people seething because they thought the cute degenerate femra theyve been erping with is a fat neckbeard
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Though curiosity is a virtue, there are times when man's inquisitiveness doth overstep its bounds
Of course he did, he already spends thousands on bots to play the game for him, what’s another few hundred for a cheap account?
why not?
If Wuk lat was actually voiced by a biofem latina I would have forgiven her role in everything.
there is no verholy, only verflare

i don't do either of those things but you're still in a "massively multiplayer online role playing game"
Garleanbros, is it over?
Cause of the three letters RPG.

Despite the overlapping words, people mean different things when they wanna roleplay and play a roleplaying game.
Why does every tranny have purple LED lights in their room? I ask because I jerk off to a LOT of femboy/tranny porn and it's super prevalent.
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Hold on, I'm doing MSQ.
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yes,,, hahaha... yes!!
A very good friend of mine (catboy) is getting dommed by a femcat and Im pretty sure its a tranny because of some clues I gathered here and there (in the military, she her pronouns in disc etc),they ERP all day, he follows her everywhere at anytime, hé even writes like her too
How big of a disapointment it is when you realize you have been chatting with a GAM all that Time?
i'm talking out my ass i'm shitfaced from waiting for the world boss fate
It actually doesn't look too bad on you, my Miqo just looks super odd with the smirk
based and true
I mean you can cope if you want. I would really not call this an RPG if I were you though because goddamn you play some shit RPGs if this is your standard.


This game is not based off its merit as an RPG lmao.
I’m a sunnie+ and I’m a fat obese neckbeard in my 40s irl.
>there are people here that don't know the difference between ERP and being in an actual relationship with someone
Let me run my sunnie face all over you before you shower.... I can even lick you clean too......... Do you have a + or a -........
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i don't think John Dragons was thinking about 2-minute dance routines when he invented Role Playing Game
and i'm not sure how integral it is to an mmo either
What's wrong with being unemployed? At least I've had sex unlike you.
Being in a relationship requires effort and commitment. I have to constantly think of the sacrifices and things I must do to support my other half.

ERP is strictly better. Say hot things until I cum then get out of my house, you rag.
We know, elk
T. 32yo ultra fit crossfiter/ex powerlifter playing a futa too
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so much emotion and soul went into that review
ty but it loooks weird when im just aetheryte standing imo. like imagine going to the bank and some jackass is just standing inside smiling smugly, not moving. you finish your thing, and the jackass is still there, standing, smirking
go back to twitter retard
I'd pay to be a fly on his wall when his dreams come crashing down. This shit is so prevalent but they just don't want to believe it.
from my own experience of a distant pal who got so engrossed he sent pics of himself and every time he asked for pics or proof of their existence he just given CS skins and a bunch of excuses. This shit went on for over a year before he found out he was being 'Cheated' on and the other asshat who was caught in the trap found out it was a neckbeard the whole time and broke the news. I did not let him live it down. Was in actual TEARS over it. I've wondered if he's even alive anymore.
>censoring f-word
The people who use 4chan these days are shallow and have very weak arguments. Intellectually dishonest cowards don't like being wrong and will literally die before admitting they might be mistaken even if presented with hard evidence. You just happened to stumble on one of their favorite tactics: avoidance.
because we've had this argument a hundred times and i don't feel like driving around the same old lanes right now

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