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Monster Girl Farm Edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :

Create mekanized: https://pastes.dev/2mRhDCgdXf

Previous: >>484372687
Where can I reliably download Technomancy? Curseforge site is kill, and I tried 9Minecraft (with virus checks) but it didnt work
>Curseforge site is kill
Are you sure about that? I can visit it just fine https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/technomancy
You are right, ty. I used the link linked in the TC4 tier list page, and I didnt know that Google appareantly doesnt register Legacy CF anymore
The exploration in GTNH actually adds to the experience as you can use it to meaningfully progress
Is it possible to create a mod using AI for coding? I know basic things about how the code works and that's it.
You can ask AI to make simple algorithms, but it can't do full projects or interact with modding APIs.

I think you're better off using MCreator.
learn to code :^)
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>finally found an Ice and Fire dragon's lair underground
>it's in a Deep Dark biome surrounded by sculk
Just kill me now
make the warden fight the dragon
Any good magic only packs?
4 and a half years of waiting for a valk skies server...
>first time trying Thaumcraft
>made my own simple modpack suited to my taste
>island spawn, it's perfect
>except it has very little mob variety, a set of chickens and cows, but literally 20+ piggers, swear to god Circe was here.
>have to sail out and import sheep with a boat and wheat
>get the rest o the junk I need from underground
>roughly 10h in and I can finally start Thaumcraft
I need to build a nice looking wizard tower and farm first, or it won't be as comfy.
The gtnh developers and members of the community are melting down over level maintainers because they make the pack "too easy."
They're infighting because instead of having to make complex chemical lines that include spamming 100 multiblocks you can do almost anything in under a dozen, and nobody knows how to nerf maintainers without making them useless.
>level maintainers
The fuck are those? I got filtered at early IV.
I get their point - with level maintainers (and fluid AE), 90% of the gameplay is either shift-clicking recipes into patterns and re-wiring multiblocks to take the next power tier.
they're available at IV
>Pattern all the stuff you need to craft something with your ae2 system
>Put the item in the level maintainer, tell ae2 how much you want to keep in stock
>It autocrafts the item for you passively
If you set it up correctly you can do entire chemical lines in way fewer machines (and it's faster to set up). Instead of needing to make 20 LCRs for plat line you can do the entire thing in 2.
they should remove ae2 from the pack if they want it to be hard
Level maintainers just keep X amount of an item in the system?

Even if you were to completely remove them, they are just one step away from monitoring things externally in a buffer with level emitters, people would just do that. People are always going to abstract resource management in that way, and it is always possible to do as soon as you can set up a buffer, which is always possible. It is impossible for the devs to stop you from doing this.
>fight hideous Creeper monster thing that's composed of multiple Creepers
>drops Creeper Girl Spawn Egg after killing it
gregniggers are more autistic than the dark souls pvp community
They send requests to your ae2 system to craft the item, level emitters don't do the same thing. Crafting cards do as well but they're way harder to use and insanely laggy, so you can't effectively scale with them unless you want to kill a server.
>Crafting cards do as well but they're way harder to use and insanely laggy, so you can't effectively scale with them unless you want to kill a server.
that's kind of the point I was trying to make. It's not that hard to make your own bootleg level emitter as long as you have the ability to autocraft, so it's a good thing they exist to reduce lag and spamming the same module for every single material in your system. People are going to do it either way as it is the most intuitive way to manage resources, so their is no point fighting against the concept.
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creeps also have a small chance to drop creeper girl plushies. GoG decoration blocks are all god-tier. I only wish there were more of them.
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I always thought it would be cool to have a multiblock style crafting system like infinifactory.

the problem is, in modded minecraft it would always be trivially easy to set up your block sources right next to the crafting acceptor in the perfect ratio and configuration.

Can anyone think of any mechanics to constrain this and make the crafting process interesting and fun?
>force emitter and acceptor minimum distance
Not good enough as you can just ship the products in a straight line for that minimum distance.
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Looking at this suddenly made me want more unique backgrounds for MC.
literally just create but you have to move the basin block entity to it's destination without a pipe
Yeah but imagine how kino it would be if you had to autocraft create contraptions by rotating them and fusing them together and shit. But you could cheese it by just making boring straight line assemblers.

base create has this problem too actually. You have to force yourself to not make sovlless 5 block long assembly lines for everything if you want to make anything cool.
I think Arcane Engineering does that?
>custom blightfall sky texture where you can see the jaded way above you
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>The gtnh developers and members of the community are melting down
Water has also been discovered to wet things it comes in touch with
honestly not a bad idea.
if my botmium casings haven't finished crafting in another hour and a half I'll make an empty bump complaining about it



Forks to fix or change something that was an issue, obviously.
Yes but
enviromine is a horrid mod to begin with
Galaxy OD is decent as a fork
the "continuation" one is basically just adding HBM compat to it
you would need some way to make orientation and collision of the crafting ingredients matter, which would probably be a lot a work to add to minecraft items.
>the "continuation" one is basically just adding HBM compat to it
and that's why they made it
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hbm is also a horrid mod
and that is your opinion
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No, that's an objective fact
Technical details aside, even if you made orientation and collision matter, you could just set up the crafting ingredient emitters in the exact orientation of the output and trivialize the whole system. I am trying to think of a way that would force the player to have to set up interesting constraints for themselves in the crafting process to make them have to make more complex factories.

As far as the technical details go, it is unlikely that I would ever actually work on this, it is just a thought experiment. It's possible that someone with knowledge of the Create codebase would be able to hack in this behaviour, but I haven't looked into it.
What compels trannoids to do this.
nigga's never had a frogurt before
boomer cartoons
Clearly you're avatarfrogurting
>hey bro don't use crafting cards they're laggy, besides they suck anyways
>by the way after 10 years we made non-laggy crafting cards, have fun
I'll also accept frogurtfagging.
Good cartoons, yes!
you will never be funny
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they finished crafting!!!
only took 2 hours 45 minutes
>inb4 you're complaining this is tedious gregtroons new hormones
they're completely optional and useless at this stage in the game, they're only mandatory next tier (where they would've taken half the time to craft)
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What is the best mod for alternative classes/races? Pic mostly unrelated
I know nuversion has a cool fantasy race mod, but it's stuck on fabric and from the sounds of things it's very much a wip on forge, so I haven't messed with it. No idea about classes.
Yes, but Medieval Origins Revival was the one I was talking about. Some of the animations don't work on the forge port irrc since it runs on Spell Engine.
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Dafuq is a TileEntity?
any block you can interact with and has a function or stores items
It becomes important to know because they can cause a lot of lag if you have tons of tile entities in one place
Ah I see, thanks for the answer Anon.
>accidently broke the biome dome alpha node
why the fuck does the mattok mine it so fast what the hell
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ah yes, the mansion is coming up quite well
let's see the view from it
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a great view on the ocean and the dozen of 23x23 nether portals my friend has built above it to farm piglins even though we already have xp and gold farms with Create, marvelous
Holy shit is that a BUILD someone has actually posted? Amazing 10/10 not a lawnbase or autismbox
Greed knows no limits.
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serb status?
all dead?
>tfw contraption so large it causes a small freeze when only one half of it is in motion
>still not complete yet
>produces 2 logs per minute
>crashes the server
no hes building a door
>six netherite backpacks
I got DEEP pockets
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Have you tried hollowing it out?
Or is it still just too big?
consider splitting the door into two contraptions or more if needed
>four to eight contraptions, so none of them lag the server on placing/assembling just one
>each has their anchor easily accessible
>set to "place only when anchor destroyed"
>change this when you need to modify the contraption
>move them in sync
It is split lmao, each half is over 3k blocks. I need it to be three blocks thick for both detail work and so it doesn't look stupid when it opens up and is just a skinny little strip.
I could do this, but that would likely include another redesign and I'm not sure I want to deal with that again. I'll just deal with it, the stutter is pretty short-lived anyways.
sobel shader my beloved
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reposting because the angle and cropping bothered me
why does everything in E2E feel so ugly
thats a 1.7 super secret setting
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its a fun novelty and all but i wish the colors were more accurate
those yellow blocks are unstained glass and the dark blue floor is sand
torches and any fire textures (tinkers smeltery, lit furnace) go haywire and turn into red green and blue and yellow all at once
What settings do you use for complementary shaders to make it not run like complete shit? I have 12gb ram allocated and there is still no setting that doesn't put my fps in the single digits
>12gb ram allocated
giving it less ram might do it
I only turned it up that high because I was screwing around with it and it was already running awfully, I usually play with 6
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alright fuckers I got a server sitting that I can change to anything
What pack do you pavement apes want to play since I'm not going to fall for making one again
There's a lot of shilling for blightfall thus far
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is there a mod that lets you keep swimming after you hit the surface? All I found was a dead bukkit plugin for 1.11
after inevitably pushing them off the oil rig we're going to build, I want to see my friends struggling to get back up on board, not watch them hold spacebar and casually walk on the stormy waves like hesus

ray traced reflections rape fps, turn it down to screen-spaced or flipped or whatever else it has
turn down the shadow quality and range, 1024 and 8 chunks should be enough
set PBR to basic
disable rain puddles
disable the nebulae or whatever the fuck, pretty sure it has multiple versions of those
disable wavy lava, you won't notice it unless you're hanging out in the nether anyway
at this point you might as well try other ones, drdestens, bsl, bliss(holy fog), superdupervanilla and makeup-ultrafast are pretty nice too
if those are also running bad, then you gotta check the hobo tier ones like potato, enhanced default and miniature
Shaders are a meme, you just got memed on fps.
isnt this just an interface with a crafting card
Blightfall isn't good for a thread serb with the structure it has, personally i wanna play auto-terrafirmacraft or a modpack with valkyrie skies.
>Blightfall isn't good for a thread serb with the structure it has
it is literally made for multiplayer with the various biodomes
>make it not run like complete shit
a better gpu will do, otherwise google "sildur's basic shaders"
Blightfall I will 100% join to see. So much shilling for it and yet it's the only old modpack I've never seen a playthrough off nor experienced.
Nerfing raytracing werks, thanks
I have a 4070, good enough for my purposes and I'm not upgrading anytime soon lmao
Thanks though
It just doesn't feel like it's gonna be as good as it is with friends with anons haphazardly joining and the quest system asshole.
so only join if you simply don't see youurself having friends to play it with in the foreseeable future, gotcha
that's still a large portion of the thread
My autism isn't satiated.
i dont see myself having friends even if i join a server like that
>i dont see myself having friends
Yeah I can believe that.
Is there any mod that makes explosions better? Like the more tnt there is the more powerful the explosion and blast radius
Did Thaumcraft ever have a powder-like item that could light up a large area? There's the arcane lamp and nitor, but what I'm remembering is a one-use item that worked kind of like the arcane lamp (looked for dark spaces and placed invisible light sources).
One of the addons had something like that for light and for darkness. I'm pretty sure. It's been a while.
gaseous glowstone from TC3?
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imagine the smell
gaseous copper
I love making chemical spills
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How do you prevent stuff from falling over into the void?
Also what do you use to fly?
You can craft a draconic evolution magnet in GTNH in LV
>How do you prevent stuff from falling over into the void?
you get the draconic evolution item magnet somewhere around MV, it pops items into your inventory if you're within 8 blocks range
and I'm using the kami armor from thaumic tinkerer, before that I was using the advanced nanochestplate from gravisuite
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Gearing up for UHV I've redone my entire ae2 crafting setup, mainly using crafting input busses and making minimum batch sizes at least 8.
Rebuilding all of these machines from scratch has taken me almost a week but it's worth it because I have just about every important machine parallelized in sets of 4, and thanks to void miners the bigger issue is processing ores than getting them.
Now post the underside.
already did >>485420110
took me until LuV to figure out how to not fuck up cabling
I'm only in HV, but how do you make long cables like this without being autistic and obsessing over power loss? Or does it matter less in higher tiers.
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Cable loss is irrelevant after EV. The distance you can string a cable and still keep machines from powerfailing increases 4x every tier, so by EV it's at 128, then 512 blocks in IV, then 2048 in LuV, etc.
In ZPM you also unlock lasers, which lets you transfer absurd amperages over long distances with almost no loss (pic related). All of these machines are running at UV voltage so from the laser node (the blue box) I could move cables up to 8,000 blocks away before they start power failing.
Where's your Thaumcraft/Blood Magic/Witchery area?
That's less spaghetti than I thought it would be.
Kinda disappointed by how organized and sorted everything is.
page 10
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I made it to galacticraft in DJ2 (ch24/30), so far all I have to say is this mod's machines suck.
These machines are seemingly designed to be super painful to automate, I end up with this abomination. I'm fine with hideous setups like this, since the pack adds a multiblock to replace these (since the pack dev knows how much this compressor sucks) - however, it's gated behind the moon (I need cheese wafers).
One other pain point is that the galactic ingots (which is core to all of these things) takes some astral sorcery automation, and I don't have a good automated source of aquamarine until I get tier 5 seeds at the end of this chapter. I've just spent a bit of time running around the overworld with a fortune 6 (from astral sorcery, engraving a book with horologium) shovel mining aquamarine every so often.
Still love this pack, by far the coolest I've played. Highly recommend it to people who want a deep pack that makes you use lots of mods in depth.
Loving psi for 1.20 but when is it releasing for 1.21?
die versionchaser
you don't belong in this thread
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I can almost afford to make the 560 advanced compact fusion coils needed for a compact mk3 fusion reactor
Just need 123,000 Americium ingots, 27,000 more diamonds, and 68,000 neutronium ingots
that's doable, no problem
diamonds are literally free at that point in the game
this is minecraft general, post your gacha idle shit somewhere else
looks like modded minecraft to me
dont die
Has anyone played Alchemistry here? Is it any fun exploring the content? Does it have a storage for all of the chemicals they want you to break things down into or do they expect you to find your own solution?
>Is it any fun exploring the content?
Quite a lot, I made a diamond farm out of a carrot farm, so it's quite OP, also you can make most modded rare irl ingots out of hidrogen and power, I remember getting plutonium like that from really cheap sources
>Does it have a storage for all of the chemicals they want you to break things down into or do they expect you to find your own solution?
The 1.12 version didn't, I think there was some big change in nuversions but your best bet are the 2x2 drawers with emerald upgrades, I always wanted to make an actual periodic table out of them but never got around it
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do die
>emerald upgrades
You know I don't think I've ever bothered with anything more than copper on anything that's not the controller. Sbould I really expect that many items from breaking down things?
Yes, expect A LOT of items from alchemistry
A single carrot breaks into i beta carotene 50% of the time, and that breaks down to 40 carbon and a lot more stuff
I filled a diamond chest in under 5 minutes just randomly dumping trash on it, if you really want to do anything meaningful it you absolutely need drawers
I'm ambivalent to your death
I miss ender io
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I can move the control points of the shapes around in-world now. Need to work on click-and-drag next.
bro is talented
That's really cool
Its getting updates on 1.20+ now
I know It's still very barebones, the dark steel armor or the ender was the best loot you could have gotten in some structures in the earliest early game
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any not retarded(atm) kitchen sinks with quests?
>kitchen sink
>not retarded
mutually exclusive requirements
Quests are for giving a goal, if the pack doesn't have one, the quests can't either
Take a minute to sit down and think of what you actually want to fuck around with and that'll give you a direction to shuffle towards

Thematic example since it keeps coming up lately: Blightfall for a thaumcraft centric pseudo-challenge experience. There's plenty of mods in there but its very clear that purple magic is the star of the show here
Enigmatica packs are okay, try them.
My friend says that the Destruction Pickaxe from Extra Utilities is MAWPC because "your inventory being full of stones is just part of survival", I don't really get how it is MAWPC, what do you guys think?
Your friends needs to get raped
>carry lava bucket
>put down lava
>dump unwanted items into lava
>pick up lava
how does he feel about any backpack or /null item
>i'm not against it I LOVE SHULKERS OH MY FAUCI
null item:
>that's less worse than the pickaxe
>its still a bitch thing
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>Mostly play nu-vanilla (used to play original Tekkit a lot back in the day but recreating it in 1.12 wasn't the same)
>OptiFine took too long to update to some version after 1.19
>Finally decide to give this "Fabric" thing I've been hearing a lot about a shot
>Start with just a bunch of optimization mods
>Actually OptiFine had some texture pack features, gotta install replacements for those too
>You know what, some QoL mods would be nice
>Install more visual mods, why not, they improve visuals in subtle ways
>Actually why not install like 20 structure mods to make the world more lively
>And some different terrain mods to try it out
>Also some small gameplay improvements would be nice too
>Fast forward to now where I periodically check Modrinth for recently updated mods and download any that interest me, now venturing into more drastic gameplay changes and additions
I feel like I'm gonna end up in the usual trap where I spend more time building and configuring my kitchen sink than actually playing it but at least I'm having fun
don't ever show him create
the toymy trap
it's never worth it
I learnt my lesson the hard way after having modded skyrim for years on end without ever having started up the game to play for real
you'll be too obsessed with the idea of your ideal game instead of actually playing what you already have
Yeah, I've had a similar experience with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. back in the day where at one point I even started reverse engineering mods to include my own additions (which unfortunately takes away some of the magic if you know how everything works)
Although here I usually go through the cycle of
>gather enough mods that interest me
>play for a couple of months
>get bored of Minecraft and take a break to do other things
>suddenly reignite interest a few months later
>check which mods are available that I've overlooked before
>continue the playthrough with those additions or start a new one of they require a new game
Playing on modern versions also keeps me restrained since I gotta wait for mods to update to 1.21 now, but it also lets me find new mods just by checking what's been updated recently
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but what if I end up making my ideal game? how can I know without trying?
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>just want to recreate the feel of beta-era Minecraft when I started playing in the modern day with some tweaks to make the game harder in a way that feels 'right' to me
>the 'hard mobs' mod I used like 5-6 years ago is long since out of date, okay let's find something different
>ok it's for forge alright, it's 1.20.1 I might still be able to use it?
>start looking at some other minor visual stuff like distant horizons and the yung structure mods of course
>okay yeah sure oh shit performance will be bad without optifine right
>oh optifine isn't used anymore because it doesn't perform nearly as well as alternatives
>okay what should I use then?
>bunch of splinter mods that do look like they do optifine's things better, okay whatever
>oh yeah I should grab a beta-style texture pack
>you need custom colours to recreate the old shading for grass and the sky and such
>okay that's no issue there's gotta be a mod for that right?
>the only two mods that implement custom texture colours as a standalone feature are outdated and for fabric anyway
>now either have to give up performance, the visual aspects I want to replicate or mob difficulty (which is the one thing I ABSOLUTELY want to improve on gameplay-wise)
>also I'm not actually sure how many of these mods are compatible with the different minor variations of 1.20 anyway
Jesus fucking Christ why did Mojang never make an official modding API like they said they would 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO? I hate this shit, now I'm going to lose the urge to play the game again and come back in 6 months where I have this issue where things are only half-updated again (assuming they're not outright abandoned)
An official API would be worse than our modloaders and would kill modding. Just look at bedrock
It's only gonna get worst now that NeoForge exists and some mods are dropping Forge support because of that (while others instead ignore it and stick to Forge)
It's the quilt situation all over again except worse because at least quilt supported fabric mods (mostly) and it hardly had any mods that woud make it worth switching over to, I'm glad that shit didn't take off
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I love continents
How are they still not a part of base minecraft (other than mojank being lazy niggers sucking microshit cock)
Because we already had fuckhueg oceans separating land in early versions and everyone hated them
People complained how the oceans were too big and nobody can find any biomes without traversing a shitton of water. You don't give a fuck because you use minimaps.
Nigger thats a world preview
Does he not know you can just drop the cobble
this is the product of perfectionist autism
in other words, a skill issue
I make toymys for every game I mod, and yet I also have thousands of hours of actually playing those games too, because I'm capable of recognizing when something is good enough and can just be let alone.
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You are actually missing out if you have not played Blightfall.
What an unique experience.
The recent changes have polished it even more.

The only shame is that I don't think there's been any modpacks released yet that come even close to this experience.
Blightfall is perfect for a small group of friends (one dome) or a VERY tight knit community (spread out domes).
Otherwise, you can easily ruin the experience for other people.
I'm retarded and bad with everything so I'm wondering if there's a way for my friend to join my modded server without actually having the game. They're Russian, and Mojang blocked Minecraft there.
Minecraft is still perfectly accessible here, unless he means buying directly from M$ which I suppose might be the case but key resellers are also a thing
You can host a Minecraft server and disable account authentification, allowing pirated clients to join, but usually it requires some sort of server-side login system as a security measure (back in the day we simply used whitelisting, not sure how much things have changed now since supposedly cracked clients let you play with any username now)
This is why you should always do playtesting, the other day I started a playthrough of my TOYMY to check the balance and somehow it was more fun than I thought it would be, but I had to stop playing to make more changes...
This, usually after I'm done assembling the essentials I start a playthrough and then take notes on what should be tweaked, corrected or changed. Same with texture packs
You will never stop perfecting your TOYMY, but that shouldn't stop you from playing it
there's a login mod and a skin restorer from 1.12.2 and onwards so it's really easy unless you play on older versions but if you are just playing with friends i wouldn't even bother with a login system
I'm pretty bad with technical stuff, so I'll ask you all. What's the best option for server hosting? I'm using Cloudnord right now, and while it's cheap for what it is, it's not the best at stuff. The server is consistently 40 ticks behind even at 9 gigs of ram.
>recent changes
making your own server computer
>I'm pretty bad with technical stuff
>testing in creative
>stumble upon a pyromancer in his tower from Iron Spells and Books
>apparently they can trade shit especially legendary spells and ink I've been looking around for
>try testing in Survival
>all of a sudden he attacks out of fucking nowhere and I can't trade but switching to Creative allows me to access his trades
What the fuck?
you have to start somewhere to learn
Oh, so when I die it totally resets. I wonder if it's because I was opening all his chests.
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I got access to another mutiblock, this one being the liquicrafter (the gate was the galacticraft plates). I need this right now to make oil for fuel to go to space, but I'll need more later. I haven't figured out a great place to put this, but I know I'll need to make a good amount of room for the incoming multiblock requirements - I'm getting a bit boxed in on my island, so the directions to expand are really only two ways.
The goal for today is to go to space, get cheese ore from the moon, and make the advanced compressor multiblock - the galacticraft machines are just horrible.
tell him to google: plati dot ru and search minecraft there
Continents need more uniformity and not to look like clown vomit.
the average mind, ladies and gents
The average mmcg seethe
Prove it.
yo bros does RTG work with GT6
Nah. For noobs, quests for individual mods to guide them can be really good if made well. I doubt they were made well in ATM, but a good example might be MC Eternal
ZAP hosting lets you buy lifetime servers for a couple 100$. Starts at 120-150 I think but more RAM better CPU etc. costs more. Customer service is good and technical issues are rare. Decent for technical illiterates who want a long term server
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Never mind we're cooked
>Need to make a compact mk2 computer, then scan it to get the research needed for a compact mk3 computer
>Compact mk2 computer is 48 mk2 fusion reactors
>This requires 48k indium
most likely
https://contabo.com/en-us/ this is 12.50/month for a very good VPS. the same one here >>485637486 is $40/month.
The monthly stuff in Zap is bad yes. But a lifetime server means you have it forever, no payments after the initial payment. You own the server until you die or the company hoes broke.
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The textures for the gt++ matter fabricators with this pack are wild, it reminds me of early 2000s metroid games
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that looks terrible
>Compact mk2 computer is 48 mk2 fusion reactors
w h y
what type of lifetime server?
Most things past LuV/Fusion are made by literal children in discord, some of whom put their own username in the item tooltip because they want to be extra special.
Is GT just "how big can we make these numbers" the mod?
GTNH yeah
other GT not necessarily
but sometimes
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It's completely optional to make at this stage of the game and you're not really expected to make one, but the compact mk3 reactor is extremely powerful since it can do anywhere from 64-192 recipes at a time, with roughly the cost of 48 fusion reactors.
You don't need one as soon as you can make it, but yeah you want one before going into UEV.

>Is GT just "how big can we make these numbers" the mod?
After UV yeah it gets pretty bad but even that number is stupid because there's no realistic way to get that amount of indium besides bees until you make a space elevator at UHV
No, that's just GTNH (cookie clicker)
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im installing it. i think im on java 18 or something, is it worth getting the latest?
also i just got the latest beta from picrelated https://downloads.gtnewhorizons.com/Multi_mc_downloads/betas/ i assume that's fine? the main site download didn't work in pollymc it threw an error wanting me to have java 8 but apparently the multimc-ready versions from this site work with pollymc cause it's launching
>the main site download didn't work in pollymc it threw an error wanting me to have java 8
That's because the lmgtfy3 mod requires a java 17 to 20 and the stable you downloaded wasn't shipped with it.
Also, terrible idea, but I hope you have fun for a while.
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Here's a good use for thaumcraft.
>UHV motors and other parts need thousands of ingots of bedrockium
>Instead of wasting thousands of stacks of tnt in am implosion compressor to make the bedrockium it's easier to dupe it using thaumcraft
dang neat! How long have you played this world? I had a world once where I got full Bedrock Armor but it corrupted :(
>lmgtfy3 mod requires a java 17 to 20 and the stable you downloaded wasn't shipped with it.
i don't get it, the error was saying it wanted java 8, i have java 18 it would've worked if that was the case. anyway it's working now i guess
It was not by my hand that I am once again chasing versions. I was forced by trannies who create their mods for newer versions.
are you also waiting for psi 1.21?
>I doubt they were made well in ATM
i learned mekanism with atm8 questbook and it was very good
Trannies!?! You chop men's penises and tell them they are real women!
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damn the worldgen in gtnh is pretty soul
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Just reached UHV tier, at this point components require Cosmic Neutronium, Regular Neutronium, and bedrockium :)
>biome borders dont line up with the rivers
the river is it's own biome
it looks dumb, the water should be the only part of the river that is part of the biome and the banks should be parts of the other biomes
what is the cause of those sudden drops to 0 fps in huge modpacks? it'll be at 50 or so and then do that shit every 10 seconds.
seems i need to upgrade my cpu.
Try using observable to debug.
You're wrong and you're stupid
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Can you actually automate that at any appreciable speed? I remember the thing being slow
Just put more of the stuff
I set up 10 of them and the speed is ok
the bigger problem is neutronium which takes forever and requires a lot of energy to make
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Finally reached UHV, the first GTNH exclusive tier and the longest after IV. Also a hell tier, because the numbers start getting insane and everything is going to require 4-16x of each multiblock machine to make if you don't want to wait around for weeks.

It's actually a very linear tier and everything is well developed. From My understanding, how it goes is:
>Start UHV
>Immediately need to make a t8 rocket, can't do anything without it
>T8 Rocket unlocks every planet except t9 system. T8 planets let you obtain Tau Ceti E Seaweed (Needed for UEV circuits), Radox, Awakened Draconium (needed for ebf coils), and Infinity Catalyst
>Infinity Catalyst is needed to make your first infinity ingots, which are hella expensive and unlock the first batch of low tier creative items (like the infinite wireless booster, which lets you access your ae2 system wirelessly anywhere in the world, even other dimensions) (lol)
>Once you have T Ceti E Seaweed you need to setup a processing chain for Bio catalyst, in the same way you did for wetwares, but it requires a lot more machines and bac vats and the recipe times are insane (lol)
>At this point you need to build the nano forge if you haven't already (lol)
>With UEV circuits you unlock a lot of Twist Space Machines (not officially part of the pack, but they're way better than spamming 16 dedicated gt++ multiblocks for every recipe)
>Nanoforge + UEV bio circuits unlock Radox Polymer (lol), a plastic above Kevlar and PBI, needed for mothership
>You need to automate kevlar too btw if you haven't already (lol)
>You also need to make Mutated Living Solder (actually easy after bio catalyst, just moderately slow)

>With Living solder, Kevlar, Radox Polymer, and a LOT of expensive Infinity you can make the mothership (Needed to Access T9 Planets)
>Mothership gives you access to Seth, Which lets you mine Tengam ore (Replacement for Magnetic Steel / Neodymium for UEV Components, also the only way to get Tengam)
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By the end of the tier you should:
>Be producing at least 1 Billion EU/t (Naquadah fuel 3 is unlocked after UEV circuits, which can very easily carry you there if you aren't doing SC steam instead)
>Have at least 1 Space elevator (lol)
>Have at least 1 Compact Mk3 / Mk4 fusion reactor (lol)
>Redo your entire base infrastructure to be able to process the casual tens of thousands of materials needed for every craft in UEV+ (lol)

I'll probably be in this tier for months, if I don't burn out and quit.
blud can't even do 10 quests lmao skull emoji
what mods should I add to my 1.7.10 pack bros
the new shit they added in 1.12 sucks and I don't want to play 1.10 because my 1.12 mods arent on it
Deadly World and Glenn’s Gases
What new shit?
The colored beds and concrete?
10000 new armour upgrades as individual items and advanced machines and super mega ultra MK II ender gear
The light brown ender gear is literally the exact same shit except the sword does +1 damage compared to the ender, wtf are you talking about
8000 hours? is this for real? thats 333 days. i mean i have spent multiple years of my life in WoW since it came out so i guess it's not THAT insane but man idk i like the concept but life is too short for this
Half of it is basically AFKing at the end (and there's honestly not a ton of AFKing for the first 90% of the pack).
The pack's real end should be before the stargate, but because it's le epic gamer craft they keep making new shit that only exists to make the craft longer.
You can lower the time significantly (and make it more fun) by downloading twist space, I don't know if that's accurate but around the end of the game people talk about leaving their pcs running for a few days afking just to finish extremely big crafts
Why people "play" this is beyond me.
maybe because it's fun? not everyone goes into it thinking "omg I'm going to get the 8000 hour blocks"
I tried it then quit when I saw the recipe for doors.
they play it so they can post their ae2 terminal crafting something on discord or here
After sinking around 300 hours the door recipe feels easier as fuck.
Is like something has broken in my mind that now everything low tier seems easy.
The few vids and caps I've seen is literally just menu simulator lmao
it's more like factorio with a few hour long menu sessions in between setting up machines, actually
greggie thinking he's a factorio player is like an italian thinking he's white
Factorio is like vanilla minecraft next to greg
>i don't get it, the error was saying it wanted java 8, i have java 18 it would've worked if that was the case.

java 8 was standard for 1.7 forever until someone made a mod that lets you use java 17+ , like nuversions
that makes it 8 impossible to run on older versions of java, just like new versions

> i mean i have spent multiple years of my life in WoW
good then you have no life already and know what it's like, gaytech no humancontact is perfect for you
>it's more like factorio
t. someone who does not, in fact, play factorio (or if he does, he has 300+hours into it and hasn't launched a single rocket)
absolutely mentally ill and obsessed
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This tbqh

>literally goes and digs up his STEAM history to say "look at me I launched a rocket"
lmao, even

you're on 6 levels of insecure and it's positively hilarious
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no, just learn how to take a joke ze nigger.
you're the one who said he didn't even launch a rocket in the fist place tho, and I don't even play greg factorio is just easy
You fell for the meme that the warden is actually dangerous
factorio has a reputation for being difficult, but it's literally impossible not to "win" it even as someone who doesn't know what he's doing

gtnh has a reputation for being "difficult" but it's just grinding for thousands of hours for the sake of grinding for thousands of hours

rly maekes u dink
learn how to take your schizophrenic anonymous poster obsession back to your discord
I don't really know what you are talking about, nor if you are the same person, nor if I am the anon you think I am, but I compared factorio to vanilla just because it's basically no UI and just building, like vanilla minecraft, not because it's bad or anything
Redditarded brimstone pun thread
>just because it's basically no UI and just building
literally more effort went into Factorio's UI than the entire past decade of minecraft updates altogether tf are you on about, it's super functional
Italians are whiter than Americans desu
You barely open it
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now that's just plain retarded.
Not a hard thing to do desu.
I normally install a performance modpack as a base before installing all the mods I want in nuversions, but I feel like playing 1.12.2 again
What is a good performance modpack for 1.12.2?
Hopefully neoforge supersedes forge/fabric quickly and becomes the new default modloader. It's already happening with a few mods like modern industrialisation jumping ship from fabric, but either way modding is going to be even more or a splintered shitshow for a few versions at least.
wtf actually additions was out for nu-minecraft why didn't anyone say anything about that
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I have a minimum viable product now I think. Idk how strict modrinth is, but I'll post a link when I wake up if they accept it.

It's not very user friendly, you have to decipher all of my autism keybinds and figure out what each mode does.
Cool, I expect it to be for b1.7.3 and 1.21 by tomorrow
kek. All joking aside does anyone ITT have experience with the Architectury API? allegedly, it lets you build for forge and fabric at the same time. It seems too good to be true to me.
>modern industrialisation jumping ship from fabric
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>forge newvagina
if anything the original forge for +1.16 is a rotten carcass
version chasing wasn't enough, modloader chasing is the new big thing in modding
but in all seriousness, the creator is one of the devs for neoforge. Also the creator for ae2, so expect that to go neoforge exclusive soon too
You know what we need? A NEW modloader to replace ALL the previous modloaders and unite everyone under a single project! This will surely fix everything and will have NO negative consequences whatsoever!
There are so many mods, like embers or tetra, that I've installed in every single modpack I make but I never play
I too wouldn't play a modpack with tetra.
It's a nice concept
Too bad its horribly balanced and looks hideous, especially swords.
you're confusing it with a shitkers construct
NTA but he is right.
Basedker's chadstruct moggs any other tool mod because the smeltery is top tier
unnerf crossbows already
thing is, part of the fabric split is because of drama
neoforge will pull some fabric modders in
I expect forge to die pretty quickly
How many *active* devs does old Forge has anyway?
The real forge is neoforge
"forge" as in the +1.16 one is a piece of garbage whose only reason for existing is the fact that fabric appeared and they wanted to hurriedly put out something to compete, and then the faggot maximus of lexomanos decided not to fix anything merely out of resentment of people accusing him of presenting a shitty parody of forge just to compete with fabric
you can see absolutely ridiculous bugs still present up to today, like being unable to swim in fluids, that he refuses to fix (not ignore, REFUSE) because people complained about them and used fabric as an argument (even mentioning fabric was an immediate ban anywhere he moderated too)
On the day of the split I remember reading something about lex being literally the only one of the original team that remained, it most likely got new ones but the core is all in neoforge
someone's seething
Everyone who was unhappy with Fabric left for quilt already and we all know how well that turned out
>On the day of the split I remember reading something about lex being literally the only one of the original team that remained, it most likely got new ones but the core is all in neoforge
Isn't Forge his full time work?
I found where I read it, the faggot is a lot LOT worse that what my rant might lead you to believe
His company
Fuck off lex
I don't know why are there so many people that disliked ExtraBotany, It's the best botania addon
>The trannies are offended at being called trannies.
Lex is such a monster...
Anon, there is a long history of bullshit from Lex, he fully deserves this.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you just haven't been following modded Minecraft closely or for very long.
If you read the link lex literaly berated cpw because he didn't stop him from acting like a cunt, he is the most pathetic person to ever touch this game
what now?
>I want to be clear, Lex has been a problem in the modding community for many, many years. Almost every veteran minecraft modder has had a negative interaction with him over the past 12 years. I have, when able to, tried to steer people to not abandon Forge just because of Lex - defending him in many a private conversation with a frustrated modder who’d just been called a “Cunt” for 1,000th time by Lex, or banned from our online spaces for a trivial transgression like discussing Fabric or coremods.
>Lex has argued repeatedly that I had the power to rein him in, but that’s an accident of history and not something that I believe should have been necessary between two adult friends, and if it had killed me - a non-zero likelihood (I am not a young man) - then there would have been no one left anyway.
so it's just the usual, got it
>and if it had killed me - a non-zero likelihood
bpd takes yet another victim
This is what never leaving the internet does to an individual.
Welcome to modding
Can I get a reminder what was the mod from like 3-4 years ago that allowed to select multiblock structures in-game and animate their movement/rotation/etc.
It was compared to Create at the time, but it was advertised as a more of a visual-oriented animation mod while Create was advertised as more of an actual game mechanics mod.
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Is there a mod that allows in-game scripting of things via UI that is not too hard for regular players to learn?
I basically want players to do minigames or simple scripted adventures, like creating some basic quests and npc dialogues, specify waypoints to make npc move here or there, specify monster spawning rules and behaviour etc.
This is actually done on purpose to prevent grass looking greener on the other side.
100 Days with the Jenny Mod?
I tried growing jungle trees to get more jungle saplings. but from the 5 I started with, I only got 2 left now

Did I fuck up something, did I get unlucky?
Probably unlucky. I can't imagine why you want jungle trees though, veins are annoying as fuck
Just get more bro
Just set up one big tree nursery bro.
You're close to where I am, come over honey
you just described custom npcs to a T
amazing bump
lame bump
He'll grow out of it once he gets a job
Lex is a massive piece of shit, dunking on the trannies does not negate nearly a decade of fucking up forge with his incompetency.
Sounds like Lex is based.
>>The trannies are offended at being called trannies.
>dunking on the trannies

but when/where did this happen
Being an incompetent retard who inherited a project he only did minor bitchwork on who has held back it's quality at every opportunity to hold to that tiny scrap of unearned power sounds based to you? Are you a discord moderator or Lex himself?
Seems like all ther is to it is that the Cultists found he like some hecking sinful posts on twitter lmao
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yeah but i wanna see them, I need to gauge his power level
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ME Output Hatch/Bus bros..... they finally nerfed it.....
its over
Good luck. The cultists did their usual dishonest thing of being vague to misrepresent themselves as being less insane than they actually are and lex privated his twitter. Actually, I think Elon hid everyones likes now anyway.
if lex is still using the forge forums you can go see it for yourself lol
list one problem he caused that's not "he made me dilate"
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>Get a t8 rocket
>Finally reach another planet that has life and isn't a rock wasteland
do NOT look up the recipe for xenoxene worst mistake of my life!!!
that nigger doesn't even believe in performance mods https://gist.github.com/The-Fireplace/d092f25e892a46902ecdec68dee2b938 https://web.archive.org/web/20200718035108/https://gist.github.com/jellysquid3/8b68b81a5e48462f8690284a0a3c89a1
thanks, never updating
your links don't work but he's right. they bloat memory for almost no performance increase and they're a grifter scheme.
>planets have only one biome
>It came to light recently that LexManos had been displaying transphobic behavior — that is, liking, following, and retweeting transphobic posts and individuals on Twitter. Some people may brush this off as nothing, but this is precisely what quiet bigotry looks like, and it often leads to worse, more active, and more outspoken bigotry. It isn’t acceptable behavior, at all. Screenshots and other evidence of this behavior exists, but LexManos’s Twitter has been set to private. This behavior was first reported in late February. As of April 5th, LexManos is no longer head of Forge.

>The successor to LexManos, Curle, has also displayed problematic behavior, both in terms of poor moderation as well as racist attitudes and actions. This is also unacceptable. Where one form of bigotry exists, often so can others exist and grow. While I refuse to speak for people of color, I have done my best to listen and promote their voices when possible. Curle’s behavior has been shown to be offensive to people of color, and Curle has used phrasing and tactics that are clearly racist to anyone paying attention.

NeoForge is based apparently https://medium.com/@aislinnbmullen/minecraft-modding-and-bigotry-35cbd255479
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this is the guy in the thread shitting on lex btw
>literal who packdev that hasn't made anything either good or of note and doesnt even show any proof
pretty much exactly what I expected
that's bullshit no one plays without a fork of sodium on nu-versions
>everyone does it so it must be true.
At this point, everyone doing something almost almost means it is not true. This metric has been failing me less and less every year we desend into hell.
nigger i play on an old laptop and it runs like shit unless i get embeddium, it just works
But enough about lex
I play on a normal computer and this meme collage of 50 "performance" mods is indifferent from vanilla
well yea, theres no point if ur just playing vanilla
does anyone know what the equivalent of "recipes.replaceAllOccurences(<>, <>);" is for crafttweaker in 1.7.10?
doubling down on the lex dicksucking so much that you deny the effecitveness of a whole new renderering method is a new one
minecraft after 1.12 is a rotten carcass
making tr*****s seethe is more important than framerate
if you don't get atleast 60fps consistenly on fucking minecraft you need to get a new pc instead of installing 1000 performance mods
this general has shat on lex for years and now suddenly its about trannies
very suspicious
i hate trannies more than i care about shitting on an internet random
this general has been full of trannies for years
>mojang made the game perfectly and any performance mod is not going to make it run better just get a better pc lol
they did. if you're on a modern PC the bottleneck won't be immediate mode or caching problems. if you're an underage spic on a thinkpad you'll need to install a bunch of trannyware thoughbeit.
>autist headquarter of #1 troon autist game
yeah that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone
>>modern PC
>Runs skyrim perfectly fine
>Minecraft crashes from a medium-sized farm & makes 1 chunk disappear from history
skyrim is almost 20 years old bro
fair, witcher 3 is also fine
infiniminer was 25 years ago...
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>minecraft is older than its playerbase
Fuck your worthless argument, now I feel old
>people were saying this 8 years ago
Fine taste in Window Managers.
I'm looking for mods that add "serious" threats to Minecraft like The Flesh that Hates or Ice and Fire. Going for that magical apocalypse scenario. Any suggestions?
if its overkill mob greifing your looking for try lycanites + the texture pack that makes it good
retard, angelica like triples my fps
its like in scifi overall, where planets are monobiomes and are actually just locations on earth with a space skin
what's the difference between the MSVC and MinGW versions of polly?
>batched rendering for standard blocks and mob models use display lists, a standard that got deprecated months before minecraft 0.0.9 released with objectively superior alternatives available for over a decade
>game used one core for the longest time, still only uses one for most things except for a select few chunkloading tasks (supposedly)
>whatever the fuck it is they did with tile entity rendering
you're either a fucking idiot or just a mojang shill (read: fucking idiot)
>texture pack
Good idea, I never liked the look of Lycanite mobs.
2x2 are more likely to return more saplings
fortune helps
otherwise, yeah just unlucky
spruce trees are better anyway
imo homophobia and transphobia are based, sexism and racism aren't
>sexism and racism aren't
you heard me, they're cringe
it's my opinion
I don't feel like arguing about it, but I'm not gonna sugarcoat it either
desu I only see transphobia justified.

Post your magic setup please, I want to see it.
jungle trees are the only vanilla tree that has lower sapling chance
It is, but there are some cool mods still like create or alex caves that I would love to have back in 1.12.2
I've heard curle being refered to as a she
I really REALLY doubt curle is a real she
Clearly you have much to learn.
>16 hours discussing e-celebs
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UgoCraft? It's far older than 4 years though.
>they do optifine's things better
fun fact: they actually don't (at least yet)
the main arguments for all the pissshittium performance mods is "they're open source" and "won't break most mods" because they can't claim better performance than optifine
>Jesus fucking Christ why did Mojang never make an official modding API like they said they would 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO?
They did!
For Bedrock.
welp time to watch all the old mod spotlight playlist again
So far I haven't had a single version, minor or major in where I don't have at LEAST 50% performance increase with the tranny's performance mods over the asburgers' performance mod, and I've tested it on every version from 1.16 to 1.20.
amd cpu and gpu
Bump New Horizons
God, actually trying to interact with enchanting for once in my life makes me remember how AIDS it is
>whoopsie you slipped and fell, time to lose hours upon hours of mob grinding
What mods for forge are a good passive way to farm XP that aren't tech or magic autism?
Create Enchantment Industry
Mob Grinding Utils
Cursed Earth
>aren't tech or magic autism
I'm sorry, anon, but that's all we've got...
>not using the enchantment infuser
>Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric]
This one?
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I've only done thaumcraft. I set this place up in my old overworld base before moving to the void and I didn't want to abandon it because it looks nice. I haven't touched blood magic / witchery but I need to do botania to get the ring of loki
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crazy how far 4 stacks of carbon and 2 stacks of electrum get you smd wise
I love batch crafting circuits
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just got done making some simple, nice decorations with chisels and bits, and it ONLY took me the better part of the last 978 hours!

seriously though, this mod is the real endgame autism timesink
Doesn't that tank your fps even with shitpissium installed?
probably if you go crazy with it
but I usually only ever build a few picture stones and some trinkets to put on tables.
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>see something about minecraft that makes me want to play again
>try to log back in
>find out that my account that I've had since alpha is fucking deleted
This has to be illegal. I mean come the fuck on. Seriously?

Downloading pollymc now... How do I find and change my user id so I can access ender chests and such on my old worlds?
that's just kinda how things are right now
it's fucked
here in the US, anti-trust laws might make illegal the process of repeatedly buying up companies and immediately disbanding them
e.g. what EA does all the time
but they haven't been enforced in decades
I know
For a while I went full autism mode with dwm, but i3 just werks, simple as.
/3/ haunts me even here
there is no escape
We need to cook Magnetohydrodynamically Constrained Star Matter Bolts
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I am filled with absolute murderous rage, why the fuck could they not make it just like every other machine mod? Why does nothing work?
I've used every method and guide to get nothing in return.
You need to configure the sides
I did through the machines GUI.
I've gotten it to work before, but it is a bit difficult and confusing.
what's a low-overhead item/liquid pipe for 1.7.10?
enderio conduits are great
I heard they might be laggy (idk if It was fixed in 1.7.10) when you combine a lot of them with conduit facades though
alright, thanks
Just use auto insert and auto eject?
Why are you struggling with side configs? The issue about mek you should be complaining about is the fucking machine speed. Shit needs an end-game speed upgrade.
Just put more machines the nuversion ones are really fast already
Slurries are still slow
In fact I'm so mad about the Chemical Washer that I've stopped using Mek for my ore processing entirely
Here it is if you want to play around with it.
When it crashes post the crash report to the github or whatever so I can fix it.
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oh shit it's a RAT
Can you not parallelize
I'm thinking that for silver coins in CABIN, a carrot farm might be better than a tree farm
it's a lot simpler
a tree farm with create is the easiest thing ever, just grow redwoods around an horizontal windmill
I've done it before, but full automation requires some finagling to get logs out and keep some saplings in, but not overflow on saplings
carrot harvest is just pure output, no replanting needed
also, harvesters move faster and are cheaper to craft than saws
Slurries get leftover unless I use an AE2 system to import/export the amounts I need, I refuse to do it
just use a dispenser
Just build separate systems for different ores?
Dispensers on contraptions plant saplings?
No way...
No I mean on the ground
>Just build separate systems for different ores?
now that I think about it It's a quark feature, I don't know if they disabled it
I don't think that scales well or very compactly.
I guess I could use funnels and a belt...?
Nah, I'll probably just have one minecart contraption do the planting, and another do the chopping.
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nvm they did disable it, forget what I just said
I guess the cheapest block placer would be a turtle then, wich is far better than a dispenser
this is not true, deployers will always have enough saplings in them to sustain themselves just slap a storage interface in the contraption and take everything
deployers will work fine for me
a circular design (or worse, a piston design) would cost a lot of them, but a minecart design should cover more ground (at the cost of some rails)
I guess the complicated setup I had in a previous world wasn't necessary
I had the saws and deployers on two different contraptions
Oh I completely forgot that they made deployers cheaper, yeah, you can have a minecart with a single stripe of saw, barrel, delpoyer going in circles untill full and then empty it
Just play beta 1.7.3 with Better than Adventure
Is there a mod that adds something like the Terraria death penalty, meaning you lose XP but you dont lose items? If not, how hard would it be to realistically code that with absolutely zero coding experience?
Dying in bad places sucks dick with items you grinded for hours, but full keepInventory seems too easy
I think you can download NBTeditor and copy all relevant NBT files from your old player to your new one
Just get a mod that has Soulbound enchants and apply it to your gear
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>Is there a mod that adds something like the Terraria death penalty, meaning you lose XP but you dont lose items? If not, how hard would it be to realistically code that with absolutely zero coding experience?
>Dying in bad places sucks dick with items you grinded for hours, but full keepInventory seems too easy

Just have keepinventory on, and losing experience on death is like a 10 lines of code In a datapack.
I used to play in survival with stacked totems of undying in my offhand, they made you very resilient but they were not that cheap
Actually I just googled it and it exists already
cunts took my account too, 10 year old me did not have the foresight to keep a spam-filled email from 2005
now I pirate all of microsoft's shit
now do it for 1.7.10
how do i escape the direwolf 9x9 mindset
Build an 11x11
speed upgrades are a scourge upon tech and should be completely abolished in favour of parallelization and passive automation
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create on 1.12
create on 1.12
>he kept furnace generators
good dev
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It is over. The perfect modpack has been reached.
how viable is running fapcraft in a big-ish kitchen sink pack, performance-wise?
It won't affect performance unless you group a lot of girls together.
it's only a matter of time now
>create on 1.12
it's called BWM
anyone seen mods like this for 1.20.1? Not a totally comprehensive overhaul of foods that adds a gorillion different types of crap and punishes you heavily for not eating all of them (trying to keep my playthrough vanilla-ish), but just like 'eat something that isn't steak or baked potatoes over and over and over and you'll get small buffs to make these weird convoluted foods worth crafting'
So there is no reason to play beyondmeme any more
what's the performance looking like?
not bad, diet seems to fit what I want the most, might have to play around with it
yeah that or enchanting plus
this one is cool too https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/nutritional-balance
yeah this looks pretty good, seems to target most of what I want and if the worst comes to fruition and it doesn't get updated past 1.20 when I move on I should be able to swap it out with no issues
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i used to be in /mcg/ too but it was literally 95% hermit spambot posts a few months ago and i haven't gone back since
What's everyone's opinion on the Star Technologies modpack? I'm thinking of dipping into that since I have the shitty tism that doesn't let me be smart with something like GTNH
true, but my spam filter helps deal with that.
but that's like 75% of the thread
Man projecte really spoiled me. It's stupidly op and makes even autocrafting seem like a hassle. But it's precisely that leve of convenience that killed this run so early, I don't have anything to work towards now.
this, but mystical agriculture
I had MA in there too but only for things that projecte didn't cover. Funny since prior to this I thought MA was the peak.
Alchemy seemed like an obvious thing for MJ to add in after enchantment but ofc it never happened
MJ would rather do mob votes, add a single useless mob and then call it a day instead of making any significant changes. The company is hilariously incompetent and I wish they would stop development so modders can actually work instead of chasing useless updates.
It's genuinely a wonder they haven't given up on Java yet when they've given a gorillion free copies of Bedrock to Java players already, and shit like Bundles proves it's more of a detriment to development than a benefit when version parity has to consider two completely different engines on top of one engine needing to be as universally applicable for as many platforms as possible.
Although one good thing they did was increasing the world height with caves and cliffs, I really want that backported.
I dislike it. It moves diamonds lower in the world in rock that takes longer to break, and I don't really see the benefit. I've never been limited by only being able to go 64 blocks below sea level, but I have been annoyed every playthrough in 1.18+
I want it for megabuilds.
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I don't think it's just incompetence, though I really don't want to downplay that they ARE incompetent and lazy. But still, if they're also too scared of alienating the stupid cottage industries of modding spergs and grifters selling their game to kids watching youtube, then fucking move on and make MC2 already.
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picture stone garden continues
I feel like I may be gimping my already lackluster pixelart skills even more by giving myself so little room to work with, but I think the stones wouldn't look right if they were any bigger.
Minecraft 2 won't happen because Minecraft itself is a platform more than it is a game in Microsoft's eyes, in case shit like the marketplace and realms didn't tip you off already.
Dmenu is the shit but those suckless kids have huffed too many of their own farts.
Microsoft pushing useless updated editions is their entire business model. Which I suppose is what Bedrock is, but still, as far as platforms go it's barely developed compared to their other products after 10 years.
no one apart from clueless little kids is ever going to switch to Bedrock from Java until they fix the redstone
and the spawning, and the performance, and the bug that makes entire chunks disappear...
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Who has played this? Going back to Buildcraft/Railcraft/Industrialcraft along with Reika's mods is something I've never experienced before
>because Minecraft itself is a platform more than it is a game in Microsoft's eyes
this is an exclusively good thing, if that ever changes Minecraft is dead
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redoran symbol?
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they're both meant to be norse picture stones
I definitely see where you're coming from, though. 2x3 blocks gives my pics way too little definition
tf is that first symbol supposed to be?
the black and gold one? It's just a weird face
proto spurdo
or krampus spurdo
spurpus, if you will
How retarded am if I add quests to TOYMY?
extremely. quests are bad
that's bad because...?
there is no point to them and they just encourage mouthbreathing retards to stay as stupid as they are
are they like:
Objective: breathe through your mouth
Reward: stay as stupid as you are
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yeah basically
I like quests because they guide you through progression (is the main reason I'm adding them) or introduce you to mods you don't know well.
I didnt because either I fucked up the weirdly convoluted installation, or the pack is so shit that ores arent even unified.
So I am doing TOYMY. Better anyway as this pack also is basically a Kitchen Sink with some custom content.
Never use q*ark.
>transware on beyondmeme.
Soon i'm going to build blood powered ironclads with vis guns and nobody can stop me
Happy Non-Binary People's Day!
I managed to set up my gtnh singleplayer world as it's own individual server, and while it doesn't really boost my fps it's nice not having to leave the client on to afk. I might host a server if I can find some easy reliable hosting and I have the time.
mods for this?
the one you make yourself
Create: New Hormones doesn't have ironclads, vis, blood or guns.
yes it can
The best hunger mod is easily Hunger Strike - restoring the classic hunger system where food restored your HP improves the game massively for me. Normally, hunger is just an annoyance- It's not hard to grow some carrots, fill your inventory with them and never have to worry about food again, and all hunger does is annoy you because you have to stop every minute to chew on something. With hunger strike/the classic hunger system, there's actually a reason to make better foods since they heal more health, and it also makes the game less piss easy by removing natural regen (which in modern versions, you can be completely invincible if you just eat and use the health regen with your fully enchanted armour, which is especially bad in multiplayer, PVP is so boring since the only way to kill someone is to keep hitting them until their armour breaks)
>blood powered
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Memeversions are cursed, curse of vanishing
based non-versionchaser
That's not the point, CurseForge is listing a version not supported by the mod.
>1.16 and 1.18
those are beyondmemeversions doe
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Why does curseforge hide so much shit by default now? It's impossible to find "abandoned" projects now too unless you have a direct link, and sometimes those don't even work.
Because it's a shitty jew platform and the only reason people still use it is because it's the easiest way to mass upload content bait slop.
ugh what's wrong with these version chasers why do they want a functional api to mod
ugh guys you don't understand I NEED SNIFFERS and I NEED SHITTY COMBAT UPDATES I can't use et futurum because i'm too retar- I MEAN I JUST CAN'T, OKAY!
I'm building a shrine to my waifu in a vannila+ pack
Post your builds for inspiration
And by inspiration I mean I'm going to steal it shamelessly
boobs statue
build a giant statue of her
you are literally just too retarded to read
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apparently these are actually untextured. That's just how the matter fabricators look, even without a texture pack.
So? Go read a book on your own you fucking nerd.
The fact that I'm not getting the news out of this thread is proof that Minecraft is dead as hell.
What news
a very famous modded minecrafter running to work at mojang just had his github repo pull request shot down while at a public appearance by a reddit janny on a rooftop.
I swear I'm incapable of making good-looking factories. Every time I'm forced to build something I just build a giant box and fill it with a bunch of machines, alternatively I dig out a giant box and fill it with a bunch of machines. Help me /mmcg/ I am going mad
e-celebs go in >>>/vg/mcg
the only bearable one is etho so unless it's something about him I don't care and neither should you
embrace the boxfactory
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A partially implemented Thaumcraft essentia locomotive has been chilling in the Railcraft code for years, and nobody told me.

Explain how exactly am I the first one autistic enough to try and fix this injustice.
It seems to me, I just have to make an essentia loader and it will just werk. How hard could it be?
(Probably very hard)
Oh the GUI doesn't seem to be implemented either actually.

Surely it cant be *that* difficult to copy-paste tank carts and replace fluid with essentia. I've never modded for 1.7 though (I'm using the GTNH fork), so this will take a few days even if I have no problems with the Thaumcraft API (I will have many problems with the thaumcraft api)
Does it not have a gui or is it just not implemented?
It has 2 tanks but I can't really see it working any different than just injecting motus/iter/potentia or any other one that makes sense to power a train and just send it off
I understood what you were implying bro.
It is not implemented, It tries to open the steam locomotive gui , and fails as it isn't a steam locomotive.

I made the files for it to have its own gui, but now it isn't opening and also not giving me an error. I'll figure it out though.

And yeah as long as the thaumcraft api plays nice it should be really easy to get working. The partially implemented version crashed when you tried to place it due to some weird thaumcraft thing though, so I am worried. It is probably why it was abandoned in the first place.
nice, good luck
Thanks anon. I will keep you posted
havent played 'craft in like half a decade so I dont know shit about the modding scene anymore. Currently have ATL launcher still installed since forever ago but what version of minecraft is the go to for maximum mod compatability? Every time I create an instance on the launcher to make my own pack it has fuck all options for mods
MultiMC launcher, 1.7.10 for tons of mods including classics, 1.12 for slightly newer and more up to date mods, but you will have to deal with shitty new combat system
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the 32x faithful texturepack for gtnh got updated a few weeks ago and now tpv coils are hot pink
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how is it going to work?
I love and hate the shitty gregtech textures at the same time, they are so ugly but they also have so much SOVL
Where did you get that? Did you make it?

Idk yet. The "plan" seemed to be to use fire+water essentia to make steam.

Right now I am just trying to replace the solid fuel with fire essentia, and keep all the water code the same.
Yes, from the thaumcraft's and railcraft gui image files
based, thanks anon. I think for right now I am going to keep the water tank on the right and replace the furnace slot with the essentia tank.

It looks like I might have to do some n*tworking code though.
They look purple to me.
I started playing Cobblemon. Never played Pixel on too much, only once in a 4chan serb, but was more into playing the vanilla minecraft than training stuff. Cobblemon feels more vanilla-ish, which I like, but it's missing a ton of items, mega evolutions and other forms and, from what I can tell, content? Like, custom structures, dungeons and maybe gyms and such. I prefer the blocky mons over the perfect size 3D models from Pixelmon, but Pixelmon usually has more stuff already.

Should I play on a server or what? I would like to chill alone desu.
>it's missing a ton of items,
Most pokemon items/stuff you can grab from addon mods. Like if you need TMs you can just grab the TM mod.
>mega evolutions
That’s another add on mod, it’s missing a few mega evos still.
>and, from what I can tell, content.
That can be filled with other content mods.
>Gyms and NPCs
You’re going to have to make those yourself unless you go to a server which already has custom built structures and scripts for you.
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>but was more into playing the vanilla minecraft than training stuff.
I played on the /vp/ servers a while back and I always have a way better time building stuff than engaging in the competitive teambuilding. Honestly Pixelmon would be better off if it took a page from Palworld and minimized the decades-old RPG mechanics
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So the main railcraft dev was like 2 hours away from making an essentia locomotive and just.... decided not to.
based anon, is that water or aqua essentia?
Can you PR it?
Right now it is fire essentia and normal water
I will go before the GTNH discord high council when it is ready. Wish me luck.....

It's not really ready yet as I hardcoded it to fill the tank and it cant accept input from essentia jars or whatever. I think I will make a essentia loader that can connect to essentia tubes and you will have to fill it that way, because I am too scared to figure out how to do the floaty infusion way.
I also really want to make essentia jar carts.
But for that (and to fill the little tank on the side of the locomotive) I have to figure out how to render shit in 1.7.10. I did a bit of rendering in 1.12 and nuversions but mojang likes to change it every 5 seconds.
is that fucking minxxie
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I still I'm unsure if building platforms over a void is a sound way to make a base. Specially in GTNH, where if a energy hatch falls it would take a lot of time to craft it again.
that's why you should have a second base-spanning platform covering the void
and maybe a third platform below that
possibly make it out of glass
>where if a energy hatch falls it would take a lot of time to craft it again.
energy hatches are (almost) free after ae2
And no, the draconic evolution item magnet is so good that it becomes annoying at times. It's an instant pickup for any item within 8 blocks, and you can increase the range to 32.
Also why base in the void instead of the overworld?
you need a LOT of space for the hundreds of machines you have to build and all the cables you need to wire to get to the pack's endgame. Since the builder's wand lets you easily place down hundreds of blocks at a time, it becomes way easier to make huge platforms and expand them instead of having to hollow out cliffs or hills in the overworld. It's also way less laggy because you don't have to worry about mob spawns in a personal dimension and because there's less blocks you get better fps.
You also unlock ender tanks and chests pretty soon after a personal dimension so it becomes pretty easy to transport items from miners or fluid pumps into your base.
I also forgot to mention that it doesn't rain in a personal dimension so you can leave machines out and not have to worry about them exploding. I still put a roof over them for aesthetics but a lot of people just have a flat world and build machines on top without building or decorating their base at all.
>mob spawns
by the time you have to optimise for fps/tps mega torches are free, and at MV (!) you unlock a Multiblock that fills every empty space below it with concrete to prevent mob spawns in caves and the like
still want to quarry out everything below though
fewer blocks loaded is better
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>Upgrade my power spine to 65k zpm amp lasers because they're relatively cheap
>Lasers only ever output their full amperage at once (meaning I have to wait for a laser hatch to have 65k amps of zpm before it shoots out the power)
>This fucks up my energy readings and the lsc doesn't actually know how much energy is coming in / out
I'm only producing around 40m eu/t and consuming anywhere from 10-30m but it still says 500m of each. It's pretty much impossible from this point in the pack to get accurate numbers.
That looks like something worth opening an issue for.
Is your whole base chunkloaded?
I'm retarded I had a loop in my network so the lasers were sending power around in a circle and raping me with cable loss

almost all of it
>holy shit this game is broken guys lmao
>wait I'm retarded

Always the case.
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Very cute.
What is this?
looks like modded minecraft.
nta but i'm 99% certain that it's this https://modrinth.com/mod/touhou-little-maid
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>not a single mod brings back alpha fire spread
Ah, I see lol
look on the news barry
specifically, shooting
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>new update
>Compatibility with TacZ mod, after installing TacZ mod, Maid will add gun mode, which can use guns very intelligently,
Some of you are aight, don't come to the village tomorrow.
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Thanks for showing me the best weapon mod in the game!
it's good but quite op for singleplayer
had to spend a whole evening making shit more expensive like ammo needing brass, guns dealing less damage and having higher recoil
also the current gunpacks are ass, gucci attacments turns your shit into laserguns and redditdiver guns are soulles(except for authors self insert, he's cute)
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anyone know why the lod chunks from distant horizons are rendering at fullbright?
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ok wtf
A really famous celebrity got shot yesterday. And you won't believe who it was!
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good morning i hate the gtnh drawer controller recipe
How TF do I find "abandoned" mods on the joke that is Curseforge? Even the legacy search in OP link doesnt work
unless your pack has bossing autism then who gives a shit
is there any way to automate the deconstruction table in blightfall? tomatos are a really good thing to throw in there if you want everything but ordo
Curseforge is fucking cancer. I have no answer for you I just wanted to express my disdain for curseforge.
what do you mean by abandoned mods
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gayest thing I've seen today.
straightest thing I've seen today.
the hair implies female and the dynamo she touches is like a rod so
is correct
>Look up factory interiors
>Decide what aesthetic you want to go for
>Look through the chisel and other building mods and make a list of blocks that match that aesthetic
>Play around with them in creative, see which blocks work well together
>Make a big ugly box out of them
>Fill it with your machines
>Add some steel scaffolds inside of your box to give it structure
>Reiterate the design process based on your own feedback. Do you find yourself constantly going to one area? Ignoring another? Struggling to connect cables through one section? Need more space for one type of machine and not so much for another? Optimize the layout to suit your needs
>Once you outgrow the space and master the mod's automation systems, dedicate some machine lines to the place with a permanent design in mind and migrate to a new factory section
>With a more finalized design in place, slap on some cool aesthetics, and remodel the box into a dedicated facility for them (again, use reference images)
Eventually you'll learn from practice and experience how to make your builds look slightly less ass each time you make one. Just keep iterating the design process and experiment with what you have. A big part of learning how to build is learning to enjoy the process of it and having that initial feedback is a strong motivation to move forward. If you have trouble visualizing ideas start with something simple. Replace the floor with stone bricks for example, or add glowstone to the ceilings to make lights instead of using torches on the ground. Do stuff like this and your shitty dirt hut will become a comfy hobbit hole in no time.
>>Play around with them in creative, see which blocks work well together
Every single time I start doing this I get burned out of building
>I just build a giant box
nigga show me a factory building that isn't a giant box even willy wonka did it
what if we held hands in the official /mmcg/ gtnh serb
we really don't need any more homosexuals here
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stick figure pussy
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Does anyone remember when that russian guy ported redpower 2 to 1.7.10? I can't find it anymore
See >>485314964
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A very dark forest
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someone make a mod to bring down ore meteors like blood magic, but without blood and without magic
how else are you supposed to control meteors besides with magic
oh and make it work with all ore types, configurable weights of ore blocks using an auto-generated config file
maybe a mode to choose the ore you get?
and make it for 1.7, 1.12, and 1.18+
science fiction
tractor beams
gravitational repulsors
oh man, I remember my blood magic + thaumcraft ore generator setup with meteors and thaumic bores
infinitely more kino than whatever ore printers exist nowadays
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Just some numbers on these XL turbines:
>Each of them is equal to 16 sc turbines, so x6 in total there are 96 turbines worth in this picture
>They also have fast mode, which ups it to 48 turbine equivalent each, or 288 turbines
>Each individual turbine produces 4,704,000 eu/t with huge cosmic neutronium rotors, meaning each XL produces 75.264M eu/t, or 225.792M eu/t with fast mode
>Since they support lasers I can get the full power output out of them
Right now I only have the capability to run a single one without fast mode, so 75m eu/t on top of my existing 48m from the other turbines. Eventually once I scale enough and have a compact mk3 reactor this setup should cap out at 1.3 billion eu/t.
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im a big fan of "funny number goes up" be it for selling things in large quantities or collecting things. More or less like magic boxes that make the stuff for you but like quarries and shit to be slain and stuff can be sold for "money" and bought aswell. I thought about utilizing villagers somehow but most mods i've tried are a bit janky.

Any mods/modpacks like that? Preferably 1.12.2 or 1.16.5
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i am a big fan of GTNH but i get burnt out too quick, progression is nice but I like a mix of funny number going up more.
cabin has a whole trading system where you can set up production lines for certain items you can sell for coins that you in turn can trade for other shit
I used it to automate clay
I guess a questbook could technically count as a "shipping" book with some kind of generic currency system.
it's not the questbook it's a thermal machine that just exchanges things for money iirc
i'd prefer a non-physical currency system, that could possibly be used with villagers aswell. Closest mod I've seen is the Harvest Festival mod but its unfinished. I may dabble in it but I don't like using their Mineshafts/Animal system.
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I wanted to play some 'craft with my kid and nephews but I kinda want the whole thing to be educational. What do you guys think are the best "science" mods right now? I wanted to start with RotaryCraft but maybe there's something more expansive that doesn't sacrifice complexity to cover more topics.
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Add either OpenComputers or CC:Tweaked (depending on your version) to teach them computer science.
ask reddit faggot
It would be quite cool to have valkirien sky's moving blocks falling from the sky but I bet that would cause an immense amount of lag
Alchemistry, Nuclearcraft and the likes
You don't have to go out of your way to make it educational or realistic. It's almost RNG whether or not something sticks with a kid. Just take them through a tech pack that isn't mega-autistic and they should learn self-driven problem solving and organization skills naturally at their own pace, which IMO is far more important than learning random STEM facts that they probably don't even teach in school anymore.
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>The number went up
yeah number went up so now I can feed power to 16 more volcs
>Bring down a meteor for 10,000 mana from a 5x5 multiblock pyramid
>Bring down a meteor for 10,000 EU from a 3x4 greg machine
Much better, Just like Gregorius Tranny Xerself designed!
They both achieve the same result, but it would be silly to build a sacrifice altar in a factory. Likewise, it would be silly to build a futuristic machine in a mediæval fantasy setting.
nta, but magic altars don't usually have cables so trasport of energy is limited to it's own mod, wich is often not fast enough or laggy
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Anyone have a clue on what map all these "AI voices read off reddit family drama stories" Videos?
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that was ez
Just waiting for some coils to finish cooking
I never see anyone talk about rockhounding chemistry, but I just started trying to get into it today, and it seems incredibly expansive.
The mod seems to be centered around using tons of complex machinery to break rocks down into chemical compounds, breaking those compounds down into their constituent parts, and creating resources out of it
Too much oak wood. FInd a block that compliments but contrasts it and replace the floor.
What mod adds those furnishings?
Thank you for the tip, I'll probably replace the walls with daub once I have a stable source of clay.
The seat is from Create, the desk is from Ars Nouveau, the curtains are from Macaw's Windows, the goblet is from Supplementaries, and the television is from WATERFrAMES.
Everything else is vanilla.
I should just do a nuversion playthrough at some point. A lot of the mods look neat and some of the building stuff has good art.
I just don't want any of the demonic stuff.
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hey is there a screenshot or something detailing the essential distilling setup we had on the gtnh serb?
its tiktok and stay far away from this chinese psychological weapon
Create buckbroke me and sissified me into a nuversion tranny. Its just that good, especially the trains.

The rest of the mods are shit, or inferior ports.
go to bed, boomer
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ok is there any renewable way to get gold in blightfall besides making a rail duper? mining this shit takes fucking forever and its kind of an unfun bullshit blemish on an otherwise great pack
Don't you have pistons?
no i do have pistons thats what the rails are from
i wanna get gold in a way thats not cheating but im not gonna spend another 45 minutes in the mines and have to ration it out more
what are the most nostalgic mods? I already got elemental creepers and mo creeps and weirdos
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I remember fondly playing with orespawn and lucky blocks
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ok so I have a bit of an embarrassing confession to make. I never bothered to learn how exactly suction works, I always just moved the jars by hand like a caveman, and used the OP provider thing in TC6. Anyone have a QRD before I give myself an aneurysm reading the code.
can you make a vanilla one?
What do you need help with? Maybe I could give advice

Thaumcraft gold nugget duping?
Haven't tried it, but the dev seems to be an overambitious codelet who has no idea what he's doing. For example, to animate cogwheels, he cycles through blockstates corresponding to different rotations instead of using a client-side tile entity renderer because "lol idk how to use those xP". So I wouldn't hold my breath.
But the mod is getting some attention, so maybe he'll manage to attract some competent people and bait them into doing it properly.
It's on MCArchive
Have a German port too while we're at it
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Does anyone have a guide on how to speedrun botania? I finally got my first infinity ingots so I can make the asgardandelion and have infinite mana. I REALLY don't want to do botania but I need to get the loki ring before I stab my eyes out making assembly lines
the tnt flowers are pretty op if you're careful
you barely need to craft runes if you kill the gaia guardian enough times
I am beginning to understand why the original author gave up. Thaumcraft 4 essentia code is a dumpsterfire. I could have done a better job and I am a complete retard.
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this flower is infinite mana. I just want to know what I have to do to get the ring of loki as fast as possible. I've done botania once and I remember hating it like 5 years ago
just get the plate where you make terrasteel, a pool, a spreader, 2 of those little white things (sparks maybe), and a beacon
you need like 10 livingrock in total
the rings are dropped from the gaia guardian
Yeah thanks, I just looked through the recipes and quest book and it seems like all I have to do is rush terrasteel to make the elven portal which is a few flowers
Should be easy
it is one, but so is all social media
>American data theft and society manipulation good
>Chinese data theft and society manipulation Bad
cant you just copy paste the suction code from TC4 or some addon? IDK I cant code just asking
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never mind lol
of course this is gtnh
Super fast version of the pure daisy?
The block on top of the daisy is an LuV world accelerator. It consumes 6 amps of LuV but speeds up the pure daisy by 64x
I never actually played it so I can't speak on it's quality but you made me remember this, maybe it's fine, maybe it sucks
Is the currently a serb other than create gaykanized?
greg's boomboxes
Mo' Creatures, the Aether, TooManyItems
I thought Create mekanized was kill? I guess the ops just forgot to remove it.

captcha: VVVV
Yeah, I just copy pasted from the previous OP.
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>Create mekanized was kill
this is sad...
I really gotta rig up some barebones setup for precision mechanisms so I can get BRASS FUNNELS
(oh, and also enough mechanical crafters to make crushing wheels)
when is oracle vps back
I don't recall the funnels needing precision mechanisms though?
probably cabin
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What are some good create addons you recommend? I'm a magicfag but i saw this power armor ad decided to try it out, looks pretty ngl. Right now i have the rail one, some decor mods and enchantment industry.
>create "addon"
>mcreator crap
Most of the mods in the earliest Technic pack
Millinaire, SDK guns, OG IndustiralCraft, OG Buildcraft
Better recommendations?
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hey can you even capture nodes that are stuck in a block like this?
ya don't
None, they all suck
kubejs is the only addon you want
i miss shitkers clouds
Create excavator can easily be used with kubejs to make custom infinite ore nodes. Like voidmining basically. I'm trying to use it on my toymy to get use out of trains instead of using laggy ass cobble -> iron nuggets farm and similar ones.
There's also valk skies + interactive if you want to build boring vehicles for mining or airship bases.
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as usual, the coolest modded gameplay is in vanilla.
reading your post cubehamster instantly came to mind
Holy sovl, what mod?
I have a weird problem in my modpack i made. Items in-game will just randomly not stack with each other... happens to mod-added items, vanilla blocks and items, anything really. Its rare but not too rare. Id say it happens to about one or two things in my inventory per expedition. I really dont know how its happening. The affected items ahould be exactly the same but im assuming something about them is somehow changing and therefore making them 'different' in the game that I cant see.

Any ideas?
does it also give you an urge to shove a banana up your ass?
Press f3+h and look at the item id's and nbt tags and see if they are different
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infusion shit can go under right? i really wish the abacus was in this
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/createstuffadditions-fix sounds similar to this
the tps on my modded server is going down significantly for every extra player on the server past the first person who joins and I have no fucking idea whats causing it aaaaaaaaaa
>infusion shit can go under right?
>i really wish the abacus was in this
you can get a standalone abacus from https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/symcalc instead of having to go through downloading the entirety of bitchin' gadgettes
>mccreatorslop creating weird ass bugs
This is why I avoid those like a plague, no matter how promising or cool they look.
You've been warned, idiot>>486151979
Some chink are alright i guess
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>captchas don't work with webdisplays
fuck, I was so close to posting about minecraft from within minecraft
shank you
I've never used that mod or create in my entire life. Something else is causing it.
How about showing your mod list you stupid monkey?
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>Spent 20 fucking infinity ingots for this infinite mana flower
>Apparently it's bottlenecked by the mana spreader speed and you can only connect flowers to ONE mana spreader each
>It takes hours to fill a single mana pool even with lens on the spreader
I want those ingots back.
mana spreader transfer throughput depends on distance to target.
do not help him
Obvious bait
just look up dandalifeon patterns
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Thanks, that helped. I moved the spreader right next to the mana pool and it's way faster
this shit is retarded
please anon
he's not shit
he's worse than shit
seething + obsessed and deranged
Shut up, I'm talking about troontania mechanics.
that's what you get for trying to skip botania because all you know is ME system item in item out
you're not even funny
I think the mod is kinda cool and has some neat ideas the problem is that it's essentially a redstone / automation mod at it's core but it tries to be "magical" and doesn't work with any of the other automation / tech mods. Like you can't pump mana through pipes, you have to use botania stuff to transport it.

I can't get ae2 autocrafting to work with botania stuff either, you have to use the open crates and some other shit to automate it which looks like a mess
zoomies malding bad
Re-read the shit you write, you literally sound like a braindead faggot zoomer.
do you ever make any posts that aren't off topic seething
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Botania at scale is so dumb.
This is my current botania area (DJ2) - it makes all of the runes, mana pool conversions, and elven trades passively (aside from the really expensive stuff like wyvern cores, which are on-demand).
I hate how it makes you build everything close together to take advantage of a mana battery - to get around it, you need really annoying systems that have fairly annoying throughput.
Thankfully my terrasteel demand is reduced now that I have terrasteel seeds, that was a big lift for my mana production.
my fucking eyes
you can use ae2 autocrafting, you just have to make a contraption to properly input the items
It's why it's in the void, so I never have to look at it.
The only other things there are thaumcraft (since tc6 will grief your world and there's no real way of stopping it other than a glass roof at build height) and my wither grinder.
personally, I think botania would be better with faster mana spreaders and one-way sparks
In my main base (where I still have my starter botania area), I have something that functions somewhat like a 1-way spark where I have a mana pool near my mana battery that uses a spark tinkerer on a timer to constantly flip a mana pool from dominant spark to normal spark - it has mana flow into it from the battery while it's dominant, and then flows into my production stuff (out of range of the mana battery) once it flips back to normal.
It's the best I have without needing to move either my mana battery or my production (all that it's used for at this point is some on-demand runic altar recipes).
you can get the addon to just store mana in ae2, or use minecarts.
...or you can just remove troonia from modpack
The thing I had most about Botnia is the references.
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I know I'm being a picky autist about this but it's rather annoying that magic mods (thaumcraft included) add uses and recipes that include otherwise completely useless vanilla items (like clownfish) that have annoying methods to acquire said items.
Like I have access to cosmic neutronium niggerium ingots and can fly around at mach 2 speed but I still have to pick up a bucket and milk some cows or collect melons / nether wart.
>I have access to cosmic neutronium niggerium ingots
I think this is a modpack problem, put autistic technological progression together with mana and magic.
For me the runes got tedious and that's roughly where I lost interest in exploring the rest of the content
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>Cake is 3000L of milk + Baked Cake Bottom + an egg in an assembler
>Baked cake bottom is a cake bottom in a furnace
>Cake bottom is 4 sugary dough in a crafting table OR forming press
>Sugary dough is sugar + dough in a mixer
>Dough is water + Flour in a crafting table OR mixer
>Flour is barley / wheat in a macerator

>3000L of milk is three buckets of milk in a fluid extractor
My server has crashed twice now because it ran out of memory as I was flying around finding cows to milk
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3-level carrot farm
just have to add the item extraction
(btw, beacons are because of the Magic Feather mod, which lets you fly in range of a beacon)
Correction, Milk is actually milk buckets in a fluid canner
At least botania doesn't consume the lower tier runes when making higher tier ones
Coming back after a long time (like, a year or so) to play some more modded Minecraft. Glanced at what modpacks've been popular lately and saw Prominence 2 listed. I played Prominence 1 a long while back. Is there much of a difference? What kind?
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I almost have it working but I have been having bullshit server/client nbt desync issues for the past FUCKING THREE HOURS FUCK YOU MOJANG FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCKK YOUUUUUUUUUU
ganbare anon, you can do it, make us proud
very nice
what can the trains carry? I've never used this mod but it sounds like a better version of minecarts
where new
What version is that 1.7?
remember to change the op a bit this time
what's that ugly block with the torch inside?
1.7.10 (GTNH)
so remove create mekanized (it's dead)
anything else?
stone brick lamp from quark
cheap lighting
It's a very old mod, and it has the standard old multiblock machines like crushers, coke ovens and the likes
The trains can be connected to any minecart, modded or not, so they can be somewhat useful for transporting stuff in the millions over very long distances, or transporting botania's mana, but it's honestly not all that efficient
Having your stuff delivered by train is very cool tho, and little is more fun than designing railroad plans and junctions and all that comes with it
Sounds like an alternative to railcraft. I've never actually used railcraft besides for the steam boilers or coke ovens, in any pack that has it.
it IS railcraft anon
wait what I thought this was traincraft
You can see "Railcraft" in the name of the gui
we need a new thread
calm down, we got a couple pages to go
anything need changed in the OP, besides removing the (dead) Create Mekanized server?
it's fine for the most part
if it were me I'd add https://superstormer.github.io/useful-mods/
for the toymy niggas
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