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Anomaly Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>485090323

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Monster Girls Friday is over. Enjoy the spooky prompts! >>484706928

>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg
(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
Been chewing on an idea for like a month already, but I don't know how to actually start the prompt.
Super autistic worldbuilding, factions and nations type of thing. Border disputes, fanatic (retired) army veterans, a pair of dumb teenagers who stumble on something gamechanging.
But I don't know where a natural starting point is. First attempt was a 2k word info/lore dump that i trashed before even hitting send.
Since you already have your worldbuilding and characters set up, work on making those into lorebooks. Build a bit of history around your main characters, set some tone for the story to follow in an author's note.
Where to start can be tricky. Do you start in media res, midway through finding it, running away from whatever consequence, at the point where they banter trying to make their way over/through a fence on the outskirts of wherever this thing/place/phenomenon is? Or further back, and have room for the world to be painted first before going in to find how their world changes?
I suppose it depends on what the world is, and how it'll change, and why. What are some of the details?
>Been chewing on an idea for like a month already
Bad idea. When you get the urge to Prompt, you have to Prompt immediately. Otherwise you'll lose all inspiration that got you there in the first place.
>a pair of dumb teenagers who stumble on something gamechanging
If it wasn't for this, it wouldn't be as difficult to think of something. Are these kids persistent characters, or just one-off fodder? I would get rid of them. They don't have much purpose in this world.
I actually disagree. I think the ideas have to get down on paper when the flash of inspiration hits, but when you're making something bigger, letting ideas congeal for a while isn't a bad idea. Books aren't usually written in a few days, after all.
I'd say it depends on the setting and what the big thing is. Having it be young adults lends a more adventure and action feel to something that otherwise might feel like dull politicking. But it's a very different perspective either way.
>Do you start in media res, midway through finding it, running away from whatever consequence, at the point where they banter trying to make their way over/through a fence on the outskirts of wherever this thing/place/phenomenon is?
>I would get rid of them. They don't have much purpose in this world.
The only solid scene I have in my head is the pair walking home across a meadow. She's teasing him because he's reserved, and he's chastizing her for being careless. They see dark smoke up ahead, reaize too late that their homes are being pillaged, and their world turns to shit.
But i'm not sure whether to start further back and flesh out the world, or start from there.
I feel like they're the pov characters, with him being unambitious and loyal, and her being strong-willed but emotional. That vignette was what inspired the rest of my worldbuilding so I don't want to dump them.
Good cornholin' thread! How are y'all doin' today?
Okay, so gamechanging here means that they now no longer have homes or family, most likely. That's a darker tone than I was picturing. Right. As a prompt, or an abrupt start that could either make people bounce off of it or hook them in, you could have an abbreviated form of that scene, a few lines of banter that cuts off as they see the devastation, their day of fun doing whatever shattered. Alternately, if you were writing in a medium that allowed for more setup, you could spend a bit more time setting up the characters and the world around them before everything falls apart.
Is there a reason why this is happening? What would they do? How do they get themselves intangled in the intrigue that your worldbuilding seems like it wants to set up?
Trying to figure out what flavour of genreslop I want for my story. Torn between low fantasy where magic is barely understood and feared, or post-apocalyptic scifi where nanomachines and old tech is treated as magic in-world (kinda stealth scifi since the readers will also see it as magic)
>Is there a reason why this is happening? What would they do? How do they get themselves intangled in the intrigue that your worldbuilding seems like it wants to set up?
They live on the frontier, mountainous land between a bureaucratic empire and a war-torn feudal nation. The attack is a sad but commonplace occurance for people living on the border, since it's too remote for empire to properly patrol.
I was hoping to use the woman as a kind of fantasy-nuke, treated with the kind of hatred and fear you expect from a medieval european culture seeing magic. As for how she has the power, still deciding on the flavor but it's something that she was unaware of. The loss of her family, home etc awakened it and almost killed her, and the guy is conflictrd between nursing her back to sanity/health and killing her because he's freaked out and grieving/irrational.
Okay, so a different feel from a modern or near-future setting, then.
If she's going to have a tragic awakening scene that changes how everyone looks at her from this, you're going to want some setup first. Give readers a reason to care about her. You have a chance to put some of your worldbuilding in the background while setting things up so it doesn't all come as a total shock to the reader. Obviously not all of it, but the sort of everyday background knowledge that can be gleaned by normal interactions. Then they can have their moment a little further away than normal and come back to devastation. Without some setup and character development, a destructive reaction from her might be a bit much of a shock and pull the reader out.
>normal slice of life story with three romantic interests
>start with basically female Jack Horner, she offers me tons of money to marry her just so her dad will stop pestering her about it
>continue with the most narcissistic nurse ever, she tries to sell me her selfies for a fortune, and even said "you're just like me."
>and the last one is a ditzy detective, or at least she acts like that, because she invited me to have a drink and confessed that the reason she likes me so much is that i'm hard to read psychologically, she wants to date me just to have a never-ending puzzle to solve
now i'm torn bros
All three.
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Never forget bros
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>Jack Horner
I can’t stop imagining it’s that one fag paleontologist that seethes about Trex earring his favor dinosaur so he spent decades slandering a extinct animal as a big stupid inefficient scavenger that couldn’t hold its own in a fight.
>yes I’ll marry you, but you must declare Trex was a scavenger that would lose to spinosaurs I’m a fight
but sadly i was talking about the fat fuck from puss in boots who is an absolute sociopathic monster
I would maybe go a different direction if you are up for it. Horners character just kind of wanted everything and then instantly got tired of it.
You could do a tsundere/yandere that wants what she can’t have, but also finds you uninteresting once she has you
i planned to make her an absolute pain the ass, so that works
He's going to put me in a cringe compilation.
>you're going to want some setup first
Yeah that was my feeling too, but like I said originally... i ended up infodumping like a history essay or something. Not sure how to go about it organically.
Guess I should go read some stories to get a feel for it. 'Heroe's Journey' type shit.
An infodump of history can be important, and can even be put in at certain times, but, especially at the start, you're going to want to set up the basics of your worldbuilding. Your setting, your characters, the simple everyday facts. They're on the outskirts and raids aren't uncommon? There's probably a couple of people keeping a bit of an eye out while working. Maybe even an offhanded mention from a parent to be careful while out and about because they heard something had been going on or something. Things to let the reader in on the concept of things before it tips over and goes deep. Your bigger worldbuilding waits until it's needed, dropping bits at a time where they're relevant. The most intricate details may not end up in your story, but they're still important to exist in your head and in your notes because it's what other bits of your world rely on, even if the reader never knows about them precisely.
For instance, what all can this magic do? Who knows, and that's why people are scared. You, the author, might know, or you may leave it fuzzy with vague boundaries. How structured a magic system is is something that can matter, but may not end up needing to. Knowing to yourself what things it definitely cannot do, and whether there's any control on it, is something you'll want to know, and maybe sprinkle in some crumbs about.
It's so easy.
Good cornholin' thread. What are y'all writin' today?
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Ghetto Recap


As Above, So Below >>485165786 https://aetherroom.club/7190


The Sluromancers >>485113049
Wingman >>485156258 >>485158483
Explosive Hike >>485175434
Bonzi And The Dated Meme (People got fired for doing this IRL) >>485178891
Unknown Doings: Part 2
The Cock King >>485189182
Fudd >>485190404
Demonic Date >>485203731 >>485310075
The NovelAI Future >>485217625
Comic Sans >>485219515
Bafflement And The Legacy >>485233315 >>485236603
Fumo Adventure >>485245569 >>485247145
The Rock Is In Everything >>485250602
Hither came Brigitte >>485258949
Quiet Freeloading! Part 2 >>485261075
Make AI Great Again >>485282478
Infinite Worlds: The Return >>485288798 >>485289494
Futa Recap >>485308029
Farmer Joe? >>485323795
Ad-Friendly Elf Milk >>485343627
Bonzi Knowledge >>485355290
AID x NAI Team Up? >>485355321
Fox Snippets >>485336839 >>485337628 >>485358613
Incestuous-HUH?! >>485358767

Notable Posts:

Ballads And Ballad Accessories >>485102553
Average Suno /wsg/ thread >>485101918
Story And Chat Discussion >>485109475 >>485110478 >>485112352
Fox >>485122749 >>485123976 >>485126161 >>485221161
LLMs and Natural Writing Ability >>485117424 >>485117978 >>485118402 >>485130053 >>485135383 >>485136742
Cel-Shaded 3D Vibe >>485151634 >>485152093 >>485153106
Drone Distraction Tools >>485180196
Preset Discussion >>485219879 >>485220308 >>485220313 >>485220593 >>485258076
Haiper >>485226824
Lax AI? >>485258497 >>485258875 >>485261729
Would >>485300021
Dog Pants >>485311525 >>485313762
Somnophilia >>485319989 >>485320118
Image Gen Bender/Blender >>485342407 >>485342830 >>485344538
The Ibuki pics and fox one were from separate stories...
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I still got a (You).
Thanks as always.
Nobody respond to the attention whore.
Good job!
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I'm still happy she downloaded a Traci picture.
I still think the mods are useless for not banning his ass.
>9 (you)
Hot damn.

Forgive me /aids/!
If the mods paid attention, /aids/ wouldn't exist. Not a video game.
The mods need to make an /ai/ board already. Then the /vg/tard would leave us alone.
It'd be pretty funny seeing her say that the entire /ai/ board is the cabal.
>the cabal can't help but shit the new thread too
I think it's a lost cause...
>be frog
>go to AI board to shit up entire board
>half the threads have no idea what the fuck you are talking about as they just want to use some random service, gen pictures of AOC and Taylor swift making out, or shit post random YLYL threads.
>be the cabal
>go to AI board to shit up entire board
>half the threads have no idea what the fuck you are talking about as they just want to use some random service, gen pictures of AOC and Taylor swift making out, or shit post random YLYL threads.
>Still doesn't get banned because jannies are retarded
>Keeps wasting her life away on 4chan trolling
>Kills herself the day Turk releases the best storytelling model ever
I am unironically looking forward to 70B in Summer 2024
If we do get a AI board it probably will be a a very poorly moderated thing at the level of b or pol so only convincing cunny would get purged assuming we get a NSFW one
The "totally neutral" thread:
>Mysteriously disappeared with: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you
>Added SpellSlop back to op.
Guess it doesn't matter that the dev was coming here to shit on thread.
>No avoid section.
Who cares that these corpos steal your data and then use it for AI safety?
>>485385052 (me)
Result: not enough console warring.
>>485385218 (me)
Result: Dario comes back home to fuck me with his small dick.
>>485385447 (me)
Result: We need to bring the gemmy thread back! >>485360407
>Who cares that these corpos steal your data and then use it for AI safety?
This but unironically
Make a normal thread next time, retard. Your gemmy persona does more harm than good.
If/when we do get a AI board wonder how many of the exact same thread that just happen to exist on different boards would suddenly combine.
There are like half a dozen different image gen smut generals across about as many boards if I recall
Dario/Fagman won't fuck you.
Cloaca is tight, so thankfully Claudia still gets pleasure.
Wrong, we (the cabal) killed all of them.
Want to give another try, Columbo?
>Still using the columbo boogeyman
More like absorbing another reply and adding it to her arsenal.
we really need new anons
I actually like the gemmy thread but I think it needs more relevant pictures, while somewhat retaining the 'em nature. As said before, mods don't like soijaks, so it makes the whole thing pretty tough.
This, but unironically.
what the fuck
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Wait! How did you find my pictures novelshill? I was just getting ready for Dario... Fucking cabal!!!
Don't worry fellow chud, 'jakkers always have a plan!
Fuck off. We're not a NAI-only thread, quit pretending like we are.
The cunny image gen will stay on /b/ even if an /ai/ board is created.
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>furtroon OP
CF apparently plays Genshit. That's what offends me more.
Not if mentioning AI outside of the board is banned.
has been for a while
I was not talking about the entire world itself - just the prompt - the foundation. Even if it was merely an outline, it would've been a great boon to the process. He could edit and modify as he pleased later on once his mind cleared up.
>I don't want to dump them.
How do they picture into the story past that? What influence can they have? They can't do anything of importance - they're just some kids. Well, unless you decide to make one of them a godly being or some other kind of sudden plot-armored power-up.
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the recap is a graveyard
I think if the OP image getting deleted then it's fucks with the archive, or some such nonsense.
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I see this place is as nightmarish as it always is and NAI still has nothing to show (i spit at their entire year long characterai clone project), thought I'd drop an exciting release for AI research

This new multi-token prediction technique is super exciting:
>models trained with 4-token prediction are up to 3 times faster at inference, even with large batch sizes. (faster generations)
>not only does it improve AI output quality, but the quality bump seems to scale with how big the model is
>13b performance achievable on much smaller models, so also works as a new way to save money in training and running the model
>Our 13B parameter models solves 12 % more problems on HumanEval and 17 % more on MBPP than comparable next-token models. (at the very least a 10% improvement)
>paper is from meta so it's not bullshit
>paper has been successfully implemented and the implementation is openly shared so it is DEFINITELY not bullshit
Anthropic and Meta feel like they put out real research. I'm positive OpenAI has big leaps but they share it with nobody so who cares. I'm excited for someone to whip up a text model of this
Wouldn't make sense. The cunny and mlp image gen generals need to stay in their own containment boards.
Quit consolewarring, asshole.
can we even count on japanese moot noticing the need for a new board
These better not have equations...
JMoot doesn't really do much apart from ask the mods to remove the IP counter (apparently?)
Previous thread was nuked.
the new /v/ knockoff boards did surprise me a little bit
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Also I should have dumbed down how this conceptually works so nobody else has to crawl through a arxvis paper. In short AI is currently trained to predict the next token. This new technique trains the AI to predict the next few tokens forward instead. Simple change, but it makes data worth more to the AI in terms of what the AI learns from it. And it makes the AI smarter! Lets fucking GO.

It also makes me wonder about the next step with AI, since we are now a lot more aware that like, the AI doesn't actually think. I knew this already and you did too hopefully but we need a whole architecture change like JEPA (ask me) to get there. Fingers crossed.

Read up, I saved you having to dig through the paper to figure out what is going on
>a new board
There's a need for a new board because of what happens in /aids/?
Taking poll suggestions for Friday themes!
Gookmoot didn't ask for that. There are certain groups with particular interests that have been using bots for some time now. Removing the IP counter was done to make the bots harder to identify and the threads easier to astroturf. This was done in exchange for a sum of cash.
I can't speak for any of the other knockoffs but I genuinely like /vrpg/. It's a comfy place to talk about RPGs with a slightly less retarded crowd.
same experience here
We don't have enough AI shit to justify a new board.
Jackie Chan
Discussion about AI needs to be contained to a single board.
Cold beer on a Friday night.
Shilling an inferior product.
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Good evenin’, thread. How’re ya’ll doin’ today?
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Mascot platformers

Partly because I got weirdly into jak and daxter lore and got reminded how absolutely fucking built the women are in those games
Speak clean english. That goes for your images too.
Not. Hbu?
I’m doin’ fine. Been writin’ about gyarus and feisty women lately. What’re ya writin’?
Nah, it's some sort of glitch. It happened in aicg too and the pic wasn't deleted.
Existential dread and the state of modernity.
Not yet, but thanks for the idea.
No problem.
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>every post was deleted at the same time
Does that mean that there's only 1 anon in the general?
>Well, unless you decide to make one of them a godly being or some other kind of sudden plot-armored power-up.
Yes, she's the gamechanging thing. Basically, in a world where 'human' magic doesn't exist, she has magic. That she wasn't aware of and cannot control. So factions either want to execute or enslave her, and she's floundering around.
Plot would revolve on her impact in the world as she learns her powers, with the deuteragonist being her stoic/loyal friend who feels conflicted between doing everything in his power to protect his only remaining friend and doing his 'duty' by slaying the witch.
Sounds like a shit story.
What the fuck
More like the lazy mods took the nuclear option.
Oh, it's a bug because the OP image got deleted
Keep telling yourself that me, cabal.
Claudia is living the St. Elsewhere life.
>So factions either want to execute or enslave her, and she's floundering around.
The plot-armor will be heavy then. Otherwise once the factions take notice of her - the anomaly - they'll be able to kill her pretty easily. A noobie mage isn't a threat.
It's a shit idea, is unrealistic, and he should be stoned for thinking of it. Why is everyone here such a nitwit?
I won.
Beach episode / Swimsuits
Wrong thread. Go to /aicg/.
Smelly frog.
>everything I don't like is my boogeyman
pot calling the kettle black
Hello, SA. Why don't you fuck off? I won. The people have spoken. I'm more beloved by the thread than you~!
womp womp
wrong answer
/Hello, SA/i
Not them, but the actual threat is different from the perceived threat. Not knowing what can be done with magic makes the possible ways to take a mage out more difficult. Can you hit her with an arrow? Can you poison her? Can you run her through with a sword, or a knife? Would you survive doing any of those things? Superstition is powerful.
Is this the power of 'jakking?
I win either way.
Being born in Russia is losing by default. You have to work to become someone like that Maid Marian Professor to win in Russian. So... uhh, sorry.
The more people who join in shitting on that Dixie boy, the more I win. The more people hate him, the closer and closer to his self-termination.
You got banned on /jp/, buddy. Now THAT'S losing. Only complete and total losers get rangebanned from there.
>everyone I disagree with is my boogeyman
Try again, Colombo. Lol, lmao. I accept your concession. So much for neutrality.
good post
It's not a good post. He's openly shilling for a scam company and begging for attention.
don't panic but I think you may be a language model
Theme Fridays are nothing more than a cabalist plot to takeover the thread and shill for NovelAI.
the pussy whiff.
yeah I'm not interested in them either
Did they start after the transition to /naids/ from /aidg/?
I come back months later and we're seriously still doing Hick vs Whine? This never got old?
It feels weird to see how mind-broken a man can get all because a random nobody online typed their words differently.
It got old for everyone else, but the lobotomy patient still thinks it's funny
He's been banned multiple times (because even the janitors can tell, shocking I know). He's either a kid wasting his childhood on 4chan or a very sad man. Not sure which is sadder.
What's worse is I think we could get the actual Pedy to denounce him, and he'd still keep it up.
I understand it after I found that SA orchestrated the OP wars for the cabal.
I have never been banned.
>Superstition is powerful.
Didn't stop the 'witches' in the past from getting burned at the stake.
>Can you hit her with an arrow? Can you poison her? Can you run her through with a sword, or a knife?
Yes you can.
>Would you survive doing any of those things?
Better to give it a try rather than letting the anomaly grow in strength. I have a feeling that Anon is going pull something from out of his ass to cover the fact that she can snuffed at any time. I'll still read his storyposts though when he post them in the future.
I won't he reading any of them. He's just as bad as the sperg who thinks arachne are fuckable. All of you would get eaten by your waifu.
Just do what male black widows have started to do.
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Reminder that op looked like this before some retards decided to listen to claudia and change it for worse.
My prompts and stories are falling further and further into the depths of depravity. My shame is immeasurable. How do I stop. Help
I don't see anything wrong about that OP.
Hi, Baker. What's the difference?
Is Saga even a thing anymore? feels like it's going the way of Holo.AI.
post them here and the shame will stop when everyone calls your fetishes vanilla
/Hi, Baker./i
I see the condensed OP won the war.
But what's the difference? Tell us.
It is good that all the bloat is gone. Much cleaner now.
>~90 seconds in-between replies
Unironic case of rose-tinted glasses. This is NOT better and I won't pretend it is
So you're going to tell us what are the differences or...?
after a two months hiatus I am happy condensed won the war.
The funniest part was actual ‘hey we could shorten down this link or trim news’ suggestions got shouted down by obviously claudefag as too much too soon or had to be brought up by muiptle anons across multiple threads to get implemented during a not frog thread
Condensation was fine, the weird attempts to remove RWTTFY were not.
>muiptle anons
We all know that you're the only person that cares about this. Even a lot of the time, people forget to trim it to 5 by accident.
I know at least a single other anon gave a shit about trimming since I was shorten team shorten kobold down and one other guy agreed and nobody else cared
The shortened Kobold link was reasonable. The trimming the news thing was always stupid.
Granted my argument for that was if the news got so old it didn’t really matter. I think my argument was if it’s a month old it should rotate out.
Granted I think even at the time I considered something nice that didn’t really matter if it never happened.
I won.
He should post them in /aicg/.
I mean I dumbed down a lot of my brainstorming/worldbuilding and I haven't started any proper writing yet.
Act 1's gonna be all about them attracting 0 attention while she staves off death (using her power by accident leaves her reeling), so rumors at best, but no real attention.
Wanting to introduce potential allies in frontier/outside the empire who know a bit of esoteric stuff and stabalize/guide the pair. Then by part 2 there's a roster of friendly people but it's still a lot of running and hiding, and by the end I imagine she's strong enough to force a stalemate and he's a worthy guard.
Picturing stuff like LoTR with Frodo or SW with Luke. Big stakes, but also big world.
I won't storypost them, not to worry.
>I won't storypost them, not to worry.
going through the arc of copying hentai plots while watching the hentai too
Which hentais?
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It seems someone fine-tuned back the image generation of Chameleon, Meta's multi-modal model.
We're back.
Eggbros, we're so fucking bad.
>simply place your hand in the frying pan
>he has weak fire sensitive genes
I also want to know.
Here are the links for the Infinite Worlds Adventures I posted last thread.
Spring Break Sausage Party https://infiniteworlds app/#zyLX
Secret Experiment https://infiniteworlds app/#fFcP
Since the last thread got wiped pretty soon after I posted them, I don't think many people got to see them. Hopefully nothing happens to this thread.
It's been forty minutes. Time for a cabal bump.
>Bad idea.
>Sounds like a shit story
>It's a shit idea, is unrealistic, and he should be stoned for thinking of it
No reason.
I guess I just don't feel like there's a point. Thanks for talking through it with me though anon(s?l, I feel like I have a better idea of how I want it to start at least.
Why let trolls dictate what you can and can't post? You know that sperg isn't going to bother to read any of it anyway, so why deprive genuine posters of your storyposts?
He should post it in /aicg/. None you cabalists here care about stories. He's right that there isn't a point. This thread's only purpose is to shill NovelAI.
>what you can and can't post?
Thin skin, poor writing skills, embarrassment to name a few. Easier for me to talk about ideas than to post screenshots.
Not a single story has been posted all day. We should merge with /aicg/.
Sounds like a poor excuse to get people's hopes up to me. We've had literal third world-tier me cum storyposts posted here, you're not better than or worse than anything I've seen before. Just get over it and post.
Use Claude.
Pay him money and he might be willing to shill for you, cabalist.
wholesome or comfy prompts
It doesn't matter what wins, you will only get three prompts. All by cabalists. No a single anon.
/We should merge with /aicg//i
/should post it in /aicg//i
/shill NovelAI/i
I already won. By driving away yet another naive anon, I've contributed good to society. Another innocent man won't get scammed by NovelAI.
People here, and even on /aicg/ to a degree, are pretty understanding/helpful. I think you only get shit on if you have one of like 3 badong fetishes, stuff like vore and snuff.
Don't lie to him cabalist, everyone here hates storyposts and shits on every single story posted, no matter how awesome the storypost is. Mine alone receive dozens of spam haters.
I'm the same way. Getting over that anxiety takes time.
Warning: not actually gay.
Going back to older prompts is always fun.
>The cabal's shaking with fear.
>GayAnon posts a non-gay prompt
It's a wrap.
Even Freddie Mercury liked women with big asses
He's done it before.
What was his last straight prompt?
Reminder that fempov only appeals to trannies.
Looking through my files, it seems like it was actually A New Team, unless you want to get technical and claim How To Use Gender-Changing Apps Properly 1 is straight because it's penis in vagina action or Light Of Tomorrow is straight because you can femPOV it by way of placeholder MC. I don't think I've done straight stuff in a while because I've been a bit focused on getting that idea list empty, but I have dabbled in both straight and yuri on occasion for certain spurts of activity (like that one burst of four straight kitsune prompts I did a while back or that set of three yuri prompts earlier this year).
Once I get done with actually clearing out my idea list I might dabble a bit once more. But it's never been the case that writing non-gay stuff was some sort of taboo for me. Heck, I wrote Sunset Confessions in what was my first month of proper prompt writing.
>AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th
>(just) Starting
>July 15th (in five days)
Fuck fuck fuckkkk never ever ever ever ever the groundhog sees and shadows and sentences thee to two more years of twennybee I can't handle this shitttt
>NOT buying big models for $70 a day or turning my graphics card into a bitcoin mine either though btw
Just use Claude.
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Such is life.
a secret look into latitude HQ
Alan is NOT happy about this leak.
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No gift codes for a while.
>random throwaway prompt ends up being extremely well written & engaging, ending with poignant message about redemption
>prompt I devote massive amounts of time, lorebook space, and effort into flops within an hour & devolves into unbearable repetition
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Yeah, that's happened to me a few times as well.
"These ruins kind of smell.."
uh oh, here comes the donkeys
"Screw that! There is treasure here!"
That is a cool chestplate
"Shit! Anon was right! The fucking donkeys are coming!"
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"How are these foul donks so fast??!"
>photos taken seconds before disaster
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inconvenient hypersexuality
"Well, we got caught~ But there's always the next time!"
Even the spammers are asleep. Bless.
Time to die.
I refuse!
CF was the only thing holding this sorry general alive. He could have won by doing nothing.
where did we go wrong
infinite zork...
Where is that one anon that always says Infinite Zork would be a waste of time?
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Since no one is gonna say it. Thanks anon for your contribution to my smooth smooth brain.
True, but fewer than you think. For instance, for quite a while, the stated position of the Catholic church was that witches couldn't exist, and thus it was wrong to try to persecute them, and ironically, that anyone who burned a witch was subject to death themselves.
That, and it's a different power here. Historic accounts of witchcraft use more insidious magics, potions and wiles to change one's disposition or cause them bad luck. That is quite different from causing an explosion, as seems to be the case here.
The funny thing is, most witch huntings were done as mobs, partially because of the way that such things sweep people up, but because it's presumed the witch can't make all of them turn into animals or change the weather quickly enough before putting her in front of some form of trial. Though if it's a more explosive response, there might be some more caution. Who knows, though, really.
Oh, no, plot armor? Hey guys, did you know your protagonist is unlikely to die? Or, heck, that any person can be killed at any time? Yeah, there no doubt will be some way they'll find their way out of things a few times, because to do otherwise leads to a very short, and very boring, story. While not everything goes perfectly for the good guys, not everything should go perfectly for the bad guys either. There's be no caps for us to read, as I'm sure I will be doing as well.

I know it's coming from me, but unironically, write, post, and don't give a shit about detractors. Not every story is everyone's fancy, and you're anonymous. Posting things anonymously is perhaps one of the better ways to improve, because if it doesn't land or is poorly written, you can come back with another story later, and people will be none the wiser who you are.

I hope you noticed the couple of suggested changes I made before the thread went. Mostly that a pronoun changed mid-sentence and that a verb should have been a plural version.
>Oh, no, plot armor? Hey guys, did you know your protagonist is unlikely to die? Or, heck, that any person can be killed at any time?
The powerful factions know who she is, and what she is from or near the start, the Anon confirmed this. My point still stands.
The powerful factions that are, mostly, a distance away? Who know that there's some girl who did something worth looking into? That's a lot of vagueness to slink away with. It won't last them forever, though, but feeling only one step ahead is how you can have tension. Powerful factions don't always have to be all-powerful.
When will those niggers at NovelAI re-enable gift keys?
The fact that they don't even say why they are disabled is very frustrating. I just want to gen for fuck's sake.
You hate prompt ideas, we get it, now fuck off and quit policing things.
looking through my old-ass ai dungeon screencaps
ah, memories
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ah yes, the famous edgar's syndrome
I can pretend to be him, if you want.
Infinite Zork would be a waste of time!
There we go.
>MC is arandom ass kid
>find demon kid and play with her
>many years later, the demon kid is now the princess of her own "evil" kingdom and the MC is an adventurer
>the demon princess is horribly incompetent
>beat her enough that the score reaches 99-0
>after her 99th defeat, her maids ask why she's so obsessed with the MC
>this devolves into 7 paragraphs of the maids teasing and trying to convince the princess to just date the MC instead of doing all of the villainess vs hero bullshit
>incompetent villainess
I love the inverse of that, where the character is a natural villain, but oblivious to their evil
Thanks Anon, glad you have my back.
POV: You're a virgin sacrifice.
Okay, hear me out:
>virgin sacrifice
What if instead of being a virgin that gets sacrificed, you're sacrificed to a virgin monster/spirit/deity/whatever?
>Bot fucking murders {{user}}
>{{user}} quietly getting eviscerated for three paragraphs with no response or reaction

Every single instruct jailbreak is slop and I'm tired of pretending they're not. Don't act for user is slop.
>Don't act for user is slop.
>Don't act for user is slop
People just don't understand how to work this.
The context must not contain a single instance of the bot's Name: describing anything that happens to the user or that the user does. It's as simple as that.
The model does not know when it is acting for the user and when it's you acting. It's just a text completion algorithm.
But if you never have the user's actions described by the bot character, it will tend to respect that.

The problem is caused by bot makers and users that don't understand the technology they are using. LITERALLY a skill issue.
Roleplay is better when both persons are able to use the characters equally.
What anon wants is a co-writer, not an RP buddy
What? No. Would you enjoy a video game where the computer just randomly takes control of your turns?
I have no idea what you're getting at here, but I specifically don't want the model to respect that.
It's not taking your turn it's filling in the fluff that makes an interaction feel realistic.
A bot describing {{user}} screaming after getting his arm ripped off isn't removing my agency.
Hi, Claudefag. Yes, I would. Cry about it.
Not even remotely the same you colossal fucking retard.
I DO want the AI acting on my "behalf" because the AI has given me some good outputs and improved the story flow.
And if I don't like it, I can just delete that part or edit it.

And speaking of story flow, I want storytelling, not ERP shit. I also want to write a story alongside the AI. I want the AI to throw in a fun twist out of nowhere.
I want to have FUN.
I think you're both right.
>tried to talk about my story, got told my ideas are shit and I should get stoned
>people were still arguing for/against my garbage a day later without me
>reply to a post about 'roleplay' specifically with my opinion, get called claudefag and an absolute fucking retard by people talking about 'storytelling'
You guys are so needlessly hostile, I just wanted to discuss my story and offer my opinion on why roleplayers dont like the bot acting for them.
Im not trying to make waves or be contrarian here, honest. Just wanted to add to the discussion.
Probably going to set someone off by saying this, but this is why I unironically had more fun RPing using NAI while also writing less.
It let me focus on my dialogue and maybe the first couple words of of an action while the model finishes it and fills in the filler writing.

With Claude you have to write a lot more to have a story that doesn't read like trash.
Yeah there's an impersonate function but it's jank, like everything in SillyTavern.
The people who told you you deserved to be stoned are trolls, but there is more to roleplay than what most people in /aicg/ seem to want from the model. I doubt any of them have ever roleplayed with an actual person before, my dude. Co-op RP is better than back-and-forth RP. Simple as.
Hi cabal/baker/Aini/Claudefag/Whinefag/Soellbounddev. Maybe if you story and ideas weren't complete garbage.
Come to think of it, adventure mode 100% "acts" for you. It interprets your input and spits it out as an action and series of prose, for each and every action. The limitation being that back then, the model wasn't good enough, and when the setting got added, most people switched to prose.
NovelAI's shit is vaporware that clearly never had any testing put into it, though.
>adventure mode
A meme. Nothing more. Nearly everyone switched to 'story' once they figured out how superior it was compared to adventure in terms of quality and clarity back in the day.
>and when the setting got added, most people switched to prose
Are you a bot who doesn't read?
>watched vinny and some other youtubers play AID
>shit was funny
>they try NAI
>they do adventure mode because that was how they used AID
Sorry. I saw 'NAI' in the same sentence as 'vaporware' and assumed you were CF or WF.
NovelAI's adventure mode is vaporware, even when compared to classic AI Dungeon's adventure mode, I feel. Nobody honest with themselves would dispute that.
But the inherent sexiness of watching a demon girl make elaborate traps only for them to fail is great.
And not to mention her insisting on calling you Great Rival, refusing to admit that she loves you.
I wish for big beak AI storytelling.
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AID Adventure mode was fantastic, there is nothing wrong with a change of pace and fags like you will never change my mind.
No, I said you were both right. Though to be honest, I haven't "roleplayed" enough with either humans or people to really comment on the situation with any authority.
Ironically this is also kind of how it was for AI dungeon back in the day for me to. I just found story with quotation marks for dialogue infinity more fun and useful then do or say
This general is in a sorry state right now. Morale is at an all time low, and we've been raided by one or two trolls for well over at least two years. I come and go from the general, so I don't know if there was another before the current two. Even without the antagonists, this thread can't even agree on simple things when it comes to AI storytelling.

Regardless, I'm someone who has done a lot of roleplay in the past, in fact the only reason I am a writer was old forum roleplay. Can you link the original post? I may have some insight.
What *was* Minotaur doing with all those young men, anyway?
I hate random refusals, I hate random refusals, I hate random refusals
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Bro I even told you yesterday not to pay attention to the resident schizo
That's one of his triggers. If someone shits on your stuff with 0 constructive feedback, it's him. Trust me.
>old forum roleplay
Me too. First it was neopets, then gaiaonline.
POV: I’m gonna fucking die because they forgot to give me my fire resistance IV potion
Neopets for me, then offshoot pet sites and php forums and such.
ngl, I played it a few times and never interacted with the community. But I really really want to go back and start playing neopets again the site just tickles millennial brain so good alonfside the broken flash games
I kinda wish it had evolutions, though it's probably just Pokemon ironing it into my head that "thing needs to get bigger to be stronger."
>put in a fake birthday over 20 years ago and can't remember it now
I keep meaning to look up the neopets leak because apparently everyone's birthday is in there
The economy was shit and if you weren't an established player. The game was also heavily monetized when Viacom purchased Neopets. The game quickly became worse and worse until it quietly died.
*and if you weren't an established player you were fucked.
Sorry, speeding through my post.
>press W
>character lifts right leg, moves it forward and puts it down, then lifts left leg, moves it forward and puts it down
>"wooooooow why is the game controlling my character? I just told it to move forward, not to do all that stuff with its legs. how am I supposed to feel immersed if I'm not deciding which leg to move first?"
I don't know what Neopets staff was on in their Ski Lodge Murder Mystery era but I want us to recapture this as a society. The idea of players knowing your site staff enough to recognize people you kill off little caricatures of is funny and humanizing to me, it feels small/close-knit and personal in a way I miss about the internet
Reminder Lamias would be the best for cuddles, especially a chubby one.
Would the fat go to her snake side first?
All the fat goes to the tail.
I don't want cuddles, I want to crash my fist against stone tempered flesh. To test my strength against Salamander (girl) on her own journey.
Yes, that's how real snakes store fat. So if she had a little extra weight she'd be soft and squishy.
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imagine watching dinner migrate through her. presumably she horks down entire deer
Theme Friday poll is up, go vote!
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so nyover...
Too bad, prepare for chatbots everywhere.
Sorry, but i can't read.
Needs more scales.
Holy. Shit.
Yeah I''m thinking I'm gonna OCR this myself.
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Oh no!
purely transactional gloved handjob from a professional and emotionless but subservient woman
that fits the bill very nicely
for some reason I didn't actually have that in mind for this concept but it's so obvious in retrospect
A daring synthesis:

A person who is inexplicably part of your life
A reason why awkward situations between you and them may arise
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My Tuna Sandwich
I want to eat her but she can talk, has a good personality and takes on a human form whenever I add mayo to her for 4 hours to keep her fresh.
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so apparently the opposite of the ugly corporate memphis is this hideous shit
the AI is a fascinating thing
>I hope you noticed the couple of suggested changes I made before the thread went.
I saw, but any edits I make will not propagate to the versions I've shared. It's designed that way so anyone can change any given adventure's instructions however they like without being overwritten by the creator.
looks like an aini drawing
Old AID story?
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that
I should probably re-work this cat girl character, she reminds me too much of Traci. In my defense I figured a serial kleptomaniac is funnier if they aren't very smart.
The cast is supposed to be an extreme mix of criminal charges, but all "severe" enough for them to end up in the same wing/detention block.
>Cat girl: Extreme Serial Kleptomaniac/shoplifter on a solar system scale
>Lizard girl: Notorious Fleet Admiral of an opposing empire/War Criminal
>Human MC/Self Insert: First Offender, but harshly charged because the law he broke was only recently put into law and they wanted to make an example of him.
The crimes themselves aren't going to matter beyond how it defines their personalities, though I'm still not sure on the kleptomania for the cat girl.
Originally the human was going to be mistaken for some infamous space pirate, and that's why the lizard girl let him command the ship, but I realize she'd probably be able to snuff that out really quickly, plus mistaken identity is a bit played out with self-inserts. The first offender/harshly charged for something minor seems fresher. Instead the rank thing comes from the ship's computer assigning him as Captain simply because he was the first person awoken from hibernation, and the lizard girl just really respects command/authority structure (maybe a racial thing?) and that's why she allows it.
Your heart would already be on a slab and consumed jibberjabberer
I was going to laugh at the douchenozzle line but just realized it spelled the as THe
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could make her a devious/manipulative Traci, who's unsuccessful since she's easily distracted or something
I now see that the problem was never CF.
Ah, I see. That's a slight shame, but an understandable one. Good thing they were minimal.
good morning, I hate c*ts
I wish to be wrapped up in fluffy tails.
Huff and puff the fluff.
Whaddya got against cots?
They killed my family.
It seems the two people that work for the cabal to pump content into the thread woke up.
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Fluffy tails... sexo...
What kind are preferred?
There is room in the heart of the anonymous users of /aids/ for all kinds of tails.
How about lizard tails?
very gross picture
Depends. Smooth tails are probably nice, pointy bearded dragon tails are not pleasant.
Will my MC survive?
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Summer dragon days, scaly romance days
We're living in a world of the next page
Making smut tapes
Smedrins and prompting paper
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer

Fluffy tails wrapped around your legs
All your problems will disappear
But one tail is always not enough
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer

Beaks in /aids/ not like they were before
Larion changes
It's not like before
Beaks in /aids/ not like they were before

So if your summer dragon saga is over
Raise your hands and sing
It's time to say goodbye

Summer dragon days, scaly romance days
We're living in a world of the next page
Making smut tapes
Smedrins and prompting paper
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer

Fluffy tails wrapped around your legs
All your problems will disappear
But one tail is always not enough
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer
Smedrins and prompting paaapeeer

Beaks in /aids/ not like they were before
Larion changes
It's not like before
Beaks in /aids/ not like they were before

So if your summer dragon saga is over
Raise your hands and sing
It's time to say goodbye

To the times left behind
We just want to remind you
That's it's time to say
To the times left behind
We just want to remind yoooou

That's it's time to saaaay

Beaks in /aids/ not like they were before
Larion changes
It's not like before

So if your summer dragon saga is over
It's time to say goodbye
A reminder that the frog bard is a member of the cabal. He helped populate their thread in the previous OP war.
Thank you for your service.
very good
>“Don’t worry ‘bout a thing, Anon-kun. Your Kylie-chan’s gotchu covered!” She winked, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “I know just the place for our first date…”
>“C’mon, pookie-bear! My ride’s waiting!”
> “Good afternoon, Miss Tachibana,” he said with a slight bow. “Where to?”
>“The love hotel district, Tanaka-san!”
I should’ve expected that.
Post your CSS. Looks very clean!
No one cares, Hick.
What character archetype are you going for, and why'd you post the text rather than a screenshot? Sounds intriguing though.
This is the AID mobile app, bro>>485640118
Spoilt yakuza queen bee/gyaru high school student, also did not feel like it. Still have to fix up the prose.
The daddy better approve, otherwise...
I'm more worried about how much Kylie will reverse enjo kosai/groom my character.
...what archetype is he?
A nerd. Wish fulfillment, I know, I know.
Cute picture and would.
Nothing wrong with wish fulfillment. I'm over here writing isekaislop...
What kind?
I am the fantasy world's strongest ex-hitman turned shota mage.
>shota mage
Mommydom, or some other angle?
You hit the nail on the head.
Hate that type of hairstyle , no thanks
Does anyone have the original AID2 Monster Girl Dungeon prompt from 2020? The one that had an explanation that monster girls look like women who have some monster or animal body parts and all this.
Nooo!!!! My lovely beautiful wife was aged down by dark magic and turned into a child!! Wtf do I do bros
I have the original den of sin one, don't know if that was for AID2 or early NAI. There was a newer one that was mostly maintained that added some new girls but it fell behind.
Seeing as it says lorebook I assume it's early NAI? AID has json instead.
I have one too, but it still has WI in the name. https://files.catbox.moe/fngy5n.json

Looks the exact same as yours with the only difference being brackets [around certain parts of the entries.] which is probably a bad idea these days.
Is it really not in the club?
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;_;) oh come on, I'd at least draw a snout with a cute :3 shape!!!
That one is quite good too, thx.
But I vividly remember a much simpler thing, like, back when AI Dungeon 2 was wildly popular, somewhen in early 2020, users could upload scenarios or something like this, and there was a monster girl dungeon scenario, it being one of the most popular ones, if not the most popular. And it was quite simple, some three paragraphs of author's note or memory or whatever it's called in AID, and a couple paragraphs of prologue.
I think there were two version of it, one SFW, one NSFW, both called simply "Monster Girl Dungeon".

Maybe I'm shit at googling and using club's search, but it seems like it was wiped off the internet.
This one https://aetherroom.club/6702 seems to be somewhat similar, but the one I'm searching for was simpler and most likely not based on MGE.
I know it usually goes on horrible people in reality, but she's a curious, excitable reptile girl, she's good. Also, it's supposed to be feathers.
hmm... intercourse .
You might be able to clean it up, or make your own. I ended up making my own monster girl lorebook that's a bit more personalized to my tastes.
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Not sure if it's the same but Monster Girl Dungeon" later got renamed to Monster Girl World?
I have the world one and see mention of this rename. I must have gotten this zip folder from somebody here years ago, the problem is several have sub scenarios which aren't included and thus no WI.
>fantasy story with fantasy races
Waaait a sec
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Came for the coom, stayed for the 40k.
Who is she? Noseface?
No idea. Some random person that showed up.
What did she say after you told her that you didn't know her?
It's not detailed or cute enough to be an aini drawing
She's either dumb or just unfortunate. I hope you made her crack a smile at least.
She is not going to flatten your prostate.
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Holy shit it's Little Nicky
I don't give a shit, troll.
Jeeze guys
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Love her.
Is he on the 'cord?
That's okay, I only want to shake her hand
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Cuddle up, get cozy, and warm your heart with Wholesome and Comfy Friday!
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Comfybros, we won.
I hate avatarfaggotry generals so much
/aids/ is a paradise compared to other cesspools
what kind of absolute shitholes are you browsing to come to this conclusion? aids is easily the worst thread I regularly check in on, but admittedly I don't bother talking about politics or popular video games here
The average /v/ thread is way worse than /aids/ even nowadays.
Yeah, I'd like to know what boards that anon is visiting if /aids/ is the worst he's seen. I remember when /tg/ was usable.
Haven't been here in a while, what's TogetherAi and is it better than Novelai?
It's like an AI model provider. The main downside is none of the models are finetuned.
Damn it, I just want to write my shitty coom stories
mostly /g/, /fit/, /mu/, a couple generals and event threads on /sp/, a couple other generals here, /ck/ mainly to post about tea, /d/, and occasional check-ins on culture boards and porn boards. pretty inoffensive selections I guess.
I also used to post a bit on /tg/ when the chess general was there but I've pretty much abandoned it since it moved; prior to that it was occasionally worse than aids
>Be me
>Go to literotica
>~98% of all stories are the same ~3.5k word shit that is lucky to have 2 paragraphs between 'First awkward interaction' and sexo.
No wonder ai sucks at this

Letting women write porn was a mistake
Yeah I know, LE is pretty terrible. They also have one of the "strictest" anti-AI policy, and all that means is a grumpy old woman runs all the shit through a terrible AI detector website.
shill me your favorite tea
Is Traci meant to be a horny slut? Asking on behalf of my main character
Sorry i didnt reply sooner, I got a bit flustered and decided to step away from the thread for a bit. Looking back it does seem like just 1 person was shitting on me, but i suck at telling anons apart.
I won't storypost the one I talked about earlier itt because residual bad vibes, but I'll try to share something else unrelated next thread to contribute/get over my nerves.
Thanks bros. Hope VG or TSWS anons update soon, I love the longer adventure stuff they share
Yes, but she's supposed to be naive even in her natural element. Like, she wouldn't mind being called a "breed-able bitch" by someone, but she'd never naturally refer to herself as such. To her, sex is just a natural thing that she doesn't put much thought into beyond that without encouragement from outside sources. If I had to simply it even more, she's like a hybrid between a traditional bimbo and a "naive bimbo".
fun sized kek
I like this art style.
Oh, Traci.
Vibe check?
And these settings.
I don't know how much the AI-gen Goldie affects the gen, but I tell myself it helps with hair/character consistency.
Another Traci Album
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prompts for this feel?
based casual nudity
I won.
Maybe tomorrow...
Literally no one cares. By showing weakness you're just making yourself a target, so just post whatever and never look back.
>anons in this thread are either stubborn schizos that insult each other for hours or shy wallflowers that wither from one angry post
I guess in a way it's natural. You either harden up and just accept it and manage to stick around through all the bullshit (and there is a lot of it) or you get filtered early, exception being those that are new and experience it directly for the first time.
>harden up and just accept it and manage to stick around through all the bullshit
Not worth it for a shit, dying general.
>shy wallflowers that wither from one angry post
I don't think anyone like that counts as an anon
not even being an insulting schizo, that's just incompatible with 4chan
You're doing a lousy job at killing it. I'm honestly disappointed.
*Not worth it for the marketing general of a shitty company.
I think you've upset him.
I'm not even CF. There's just zero reason to still participate here or make an effort. Killing this general would be a mercy.
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The top 10 worst ways to die, according to NovelAI. This was produced with the Writer's Daemon preset and zero editing or tagging, I just let it run rampant to see what it would pump out.
Um, you don't die in number 6 and it's completely nonsensical in regards space travel.
Maybe next year.
I used to go to Literotica and several other erotica/smut sites almost every day for about a decade but now I only check them out maybe once every two months. AI almost entirely killed my interest in those places as 99% of stuff posted offers an inferior experience to what you can get with minimal effort through an AI co-writer. There are still some really good stories that were posted on Literotica over the two decades it has been active, and it's digging for those older gems that remains the only reason worth checking it out now.
>AI almost entirely killed my interest in those places
Indeed. But there's still folks out here commissioning someone to write some smut for them. They must not know about LLMs. NAI Scroll tier is cheaper than a commission, and you can write/gen anything you desire.
>NAI Scroll tier is cheaper than a commission, and you can write/gen anything you desire.
Thanks for the ad, cabal.
Your welcome!
This scene kind of reminded me of MGQ 'bad' ends. Their lust-inducing pheromones combined with some potent drugs that I was fooled into consuming are fucking up my brain, and I cannot think, only cum.
If you use AI to cowrite, who is doing more work? In terms of prose, how much of it is under your control? Back when I used AI for my writings I usually felt like I was letting it do 90% of the work, whether AI dungeon or Novel AI. I had the ideas and the general direction, but the AI wrote the majority of the prose.
My stories are kind of worse now but I'm much more proud now that I'm not using this as a help anymore. They are now (mostly) AI free, and I'm working on developing more as a writer.
>who is doing more work?
AI, I'd say it's a 70/30 split for me.
>In terms of prose, how much of it is under your control?
In my own homemade prompts most of it is under my control as the AI emulates the style being used.
>I think it would be better to either have a human cowriter or to just write it on your own considering the current landscape and the things people have been saying about AI.
Who gives a fuck what those schizos say. AI writing and art isn't going anywhere no matter how much they cry about it. You shouldn't worry about their meaningless opinions.
Will theme fridays be extended to character cards when AR releases? I don't wanna go to /aicg/.
I'm surprised, I figured /fit/ would be rife with shitposting but it's probably just people getting assmad over ribbing. /mu/ is a pit full of chimps flinging shit at eachother 24/7, so I'm calling bull on that one. The rest are tame, even /d/, unsurprisingly 4chan is generally civil when it comes to porn.

/tg/ has been on a slow, steady decline. It used to be a place you could really get creative and discuss ideas and ttrpg nerd shit. Several factors contributed to the hobby itself getting worse. Then CR happened, Youtube and reddit scalpers came for "content" and the /tg/ developed it's own defensive /v/-tier shitposts. /wbg/ got really, really fucking bad. People don't really discuss ideas with eachother and just sorta huff their own farts. Watching /tg/'s quality plummet in real time over almost a decade was something else. I probably missed a few things but there isn't a day that goes by where I miss old /tg/.
Disgusting Westoid propaganda.
>shivers down spine
Oh no...
wtf I love democracy now?
A bit too negative with no logic.
I still browse Hentai Foundry due to a singular writer on there that makes Futa X Female stories. I turn his stories into prompts from time to time and convert them to first person perspective.
Okay but, fire or ice dragons? They can be dragon girls or anthros if you want. Ultimately, I'm asking you to choose between a giant overclocked heater or the mother of all AC units.
Your cock will melt in the pussy of the Fire Dragon. Sticking it into a Frost Dragon on the other hand would be very uncomfortable for your penis - it might go soft due to the jarring sensation. So for me, Fire Dragon it is.
Both fire dragons and ice dragons can eat shit. I prefer lightning dragons.
I think you mean 8 because you definitely die in lava
Explain yourself.
anon likes that electrical stimulation
NTA, but I mean, you can hook a lightning dragon up to a generator and never worry about power again. Depending on what it can do, it might be able to control storms, it can rain whenever you want or need it to. Seems pretty useful but I personally think fire is more practical since it can cook, smelt and keep you warm without the need for electronics.
An acceptable reason, but I still want to hear from Anon himself.
>you can hook a lightning dragon up to a generator and never worry about power again
>assuming a proud Dragon would let you treat it like a battery
Fool, you're just asking for death.
>assuming a proud Dragon would let you treat it like a battery
Depends on the personality of the dragon. The original question was extremely vague. If it saw itself as a guardian deity of some sort and likes to help humans, or perhaps physically needed to discharge electricity due to an organ that produces it and the generator if comforting, or you have captured it in a small magical sphere that fits in your pocket that brainwashes wild monsters to do whatever you say, it might be willing.
>or you have captured it in a small magical sphere
Only this is sensible.
Llama 3 405B will release on July 23, it will also be able to understand and generate images and text.
Let's celebrate the death of NovelAI.
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>that quest
Fucking wot?
Gender bender? The quest seems simple - just gather some herbs.
>gender bender
Indeed. Pinched from some old prompt where you become your avatar in an MMO.
>poorly stole the stats from a touhou prompt
>steal shit fro mother storytelling cards to have it be a storyteller
>edit the preset too
>now playing as a catgirl mage
nah, nai'd win
>green text
Now that's what you call a resourceful fellow. Good on you, Anon. And post more when you can.
>start the 405B model
>hit generate
>leave pc for a month for the output
>pc erupts into flames 3 weeks later
>house burns down
>entire block gone up in flames
>forest fires across the country
>arrested for using 100 years worth of energy
We used to do card events called Decks. And there was a Friday for cards already.
I used NAI to cowrite my fanfic/RPG where I played as the MC, AI wrote around 40% IIRC

Most of time, AI gave me some random idea I have expanded on myself.
I think the last time anyone made cards was that Catgirl Card Event. I made one for a character from a dead game.
I end up doing a lot more work than the AI. I'm really hoping NAI's 70b is better. Mountains of lorebooks and it's still difficult to get them into context unless I force them.
And you can rest assured the generated reply will be one billion times better than anything Novel-A-Lie can do
Kinda thinking that filter list should be added to the OP. I thought about writing a novel about the personalities it filters, but perhaps a "less is more" approach is better?
How much of an improvement do we expect NAI's 70b model to be over Kayra?
Pussy eyes.
About $25 extra
I don't think we even have a guarantee that 70B will be available outside of aetherroom
It should be as smart as claude sonnet, so... expect it to be a huge improvement over kayra.
wtf happened all the old card images are dead
/pussy eyes/i;boards:vg
Recommend me the best settings for NovelAI to write some good-ass edgy shit. I mean some true-to-god excessive 13 years old edgelord shit that would make any normalfag die of a cringe-induced heart attack.
Oh my fucking god Catbox why do you keep tormenting me like this. I honestly don't know what it's complaining about now. As far as I can tell, it just cancels loading if you send a whole bunch of requests (you know, like loading 200 images at once).
I assume this is some fuckery on Catbox's part. What you can do is go to the card you want to see, right click the "card" tooltip text, then say "reload image" and it'll load. The images are all still *there*, Catbox just doesn't *load* them.
Who knows, I can't see how it won't be better at least.
I'll be happy to have a new, bigger storytelling model to play with.
[ Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Blood and Gore, Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Cross-Posted on Wattpad ]
That should work, toss that into your memory.
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thank you, you saved the Brumaire spot

/aids/ or for the oldfags from /aidg/ where do you sit?
1 because sage is deaf and will leave me tf alone
5 and 7 seem pretty safe. As the other anon said, 1 is also fine. For as obnoxious as Sage is, he seems easy enough to ignore. 4 and 8 are the worst. Don't know enough about Crab or Gil but I'd rather avoid them on premise of being Anons.
I want the nuclear option of 8.
I’m fucking fascinated by how inept and just how fucking little of business or AI either of the Walton’s understand. I have so many questions I need to hear their probably bullshit explanations to
I have been sitting on a concept for cards for nearly two years now because I have been waiting to see if NAI was advancing the format in any way
When did Sink post hands?
Llama 3 405b releases July 23rd god I wish I could run it
Not really sure what could be done to improve cards beyond better models making lore books more meaningful.
Any updates on 70b
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>sit in 8 and just talk loudly about taffy pullers for hours
At least we can test it on togetherai/openrouter.
I hope it's as good as Opus.
Maybe if 70b is huge success and brings ina bunch of new subs they can start training 405b with the extra money and better hardware to run it
Does NAI have an option to create an image of the current story? Or just character portraits of who’s talking
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How close are we to actually being able to play coherent games in textgen, like what the Mormon promised 4 years ago.
Kind of depends on how much you are willing to put up with, fill the gaps on your own, and how willing you are to hand hold the AI at times.
It slingshots from up being an option for a good while to still a long way off,
Ai roguelite is the only one attempting to create such a thing and its pretty horrendous it’s probably gonna need multiple AU’s to handle different tasks and an AI that manages them all together my guess is the tech exists now it’s just way too expensive to run all the different AI’s at once for it to be commercially worth the effort but once a coherent text based CoC type game releases that’s it for my productivity I’m living in that world
Judging by what the HiddenSnore team is doing, at least 2-3 more years.
>Can Language Models Serve as Text-Based World Simulators?
TLDR: No. And it will never be possible.
Maybe in a few years when ai gpus start getting faster and better. Right now it's super expensive to even run models that size, let alone fine-tune them.
I hope nvidia comes out with some house that are specialized in running AI and makes it significantly cheaper like DLSS but for AI
1, 3, or 5. Not because of who sits around there, I plan to just put in earbuds and watch in-flight tv or listen to music or whatever the whole flight, but because I'm not about to crush my kneecaps for 8 hours sitting anywhere other than an aisle seat where I can stretch out somewhat. Though I suppose 4 is also fine, though I always thought the screens were an awkward distance away on the front rows.
Isn't DLSS itself AI?
$500k or dinner with Kuru?
5 because i won't be talking to any of them(you talk to strangers on a plane?) and it's the easiest to leave(you have to use the bathroom, okay I stand ez)

Coincidentally like all my flights.
Dinner with Aini
The whole right side is completely irrelevant, safe for Mormons. They wouldn't be fun to sit with either, since they both have no idea what they did wrong and are turbonormies. I guess it's either 2 or 3 just, but I would personally choose to recite my AID coom stories to Sama-chama.
Nick would probably be fine but I definitely wouldn't want to sit by Alan as well.
Feel like Nick would be fine until you got to a discussion topic he assumes he is 100% correct on and then turns into a turbo sperg. Alan would be a faggot right out of the gate
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6. I gotta sit with my homies.
Attention Drifted in and out like the perspective
When I do AI smut, I start out managing it more carefully and getting better material. But as I get closer to finishing, I tend to start hitting "send" more quickly with less curating as long as its more or less keeping the scene on track and sufficiently lewd.

Surely there's more than one person here who does fem pov smut.
There's a few of us, yeah.
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I figured. But as it turns out, I am the Lisa poster.
>Surely there's more than one person here who does fem pov smut.
Sounds zesty.
I think it was the big jiggling tits that tipped them off
What prompt did you use for that in Bing?
Is it just me or has the thread been free of the frog girl for the past few days?
Let me page her your concerns.
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Probably got tired out from the 3-4 days of being triggered by the sharty thread.
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Style was:
>illustrated in the style of a grainy retro 1980s anime OVA
I don't remember the exact prompt, but probably something like:
>an actress playing a soldier with a blonde ponytail, she is wearing an olive crop top and pants (I use "crop top" a lot for tops because it gives booba even when it doesn't give an actual crop top), she is sneaking through a forest
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And I use "actress playing...character description" a lot because it tends to be more lenient with clothing and sexiness of the characters if I do that.
>>Between novel ai, together, or open router ai what's the best one for an old school ai dungeon crawling adventure experience?

I like na i but it feels so different than pre neutered ai dungeon and reads and plays more like a novel than a game and I'm too lazy to get it's adventure mode going.
koboldcpp Command R+
The closest would probably be making your own Adventure instruct preset and using something like >>485834135
What's stopping you from just making a story/module designed to work like a dungeon simulator but within the prose framework?
You include in the memory something along the lines of
>This is a text-based roleplay, the role playing game is set in a fantasy setting. The player decides what his character within the world of the game does in an attempt to amass wealth while the Dungeon Master describes how the character's decisions play out and how the environment reacts to him.
You format the actual text like
>Player: I kick in the door and barge into the room!"
>Dungeon Master:

I do the same thing whenever I want to ask the AI for ideas.
This reminds me of Magic Schoolbus for some reason.
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reminds me of those choose your own adventure books
Since I made this OP, I consider myself King, and I wouldn't attack my own property.
But I wouldn't mind another OP war to further drain the thread from anons. I will be victorious in the end.
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Kinda looks like a grown up version of the blonde girl
Uh oh...
how we prevent Claudia from yeeting the teets?
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Fuck the frog. I am the real King of /aids/. By my decree, state mandated elf maids. START GOONING PEASANTS!
Cute kitty.
I'm only going to ask this once because it would be an extreme twist of fate that both of us should be in the same general like this, but Southern Anon, do koalas mean anything to you? IYKYK
Anlatan dead by December?
The cabal is about to start their night shift.
Did they nerf image gen?
A month or so ago they changed the backend a bit
I haven't checked today however
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I'm the real KANG of /aids/ doe
Hurr Traci, I'm a Durr
oh deer
my taste in tea isn't that great, I'm mostly there to get recs on what to try next. trying to avoid getting ahead of myself and dropping hundreds of dollars on puerh cakes with no idea what I'm getting myself into
I really like all the oolongs I've tried though, I got this one in my last order and it was excellent:
/fit/ isn't that bad, there are just a few recurring bait topics that should always be ignored and in general the populace has a hair trigger when it comes to diverting threads into coomer posting, but that aside it can be surprisingly helpful and informative. as for /mu/... yeah, now that I take a glance at the catalog, it's pretty bad. I guess I find it tolerable because it was my homeboard for ages, most of the shitposting is either funny to me or instantly mentally filtered out. I'll pretty much only check out threads that seem like they'll either introduce me to something new or talk about something that hasn't already been discussed to death, which is admittedly maybe 3-4 threads on the whole board at any given time, but hey, it's better than nothing.

that checks out with what I've heard about /tg/, I've seen people echo that sentiment about it - and the worldbuilding general specifically - elsewhere too. sucks to see a good community scrapped for parts, same sort of thing happened to /mu/ around 2014-2016 where the board culture rapidly died out (I blame spotify personally) and it went from */mu/* to a generic 4chan board that happens to be about music
He's a coyote right? Coyotes are cooler than wolves.
nice one
vibe me
Is it possible to get this art style on novelai?
it's whatever the roulette wheel gave me
shame this mix does not like anything except furries
I got you
I don't know how that makes fluffy, but I guess I'll find out once I resub
I'm not sure either, that mix is very sensitive to tags though so I've been having to bracket everything
You could probably get quite close, but I've got a complicated flowchart of a process behind those. Not as Matrix spaghetti as some, but it's got some steps. Lack of artist tags could make it harder, but Vibe might could save the day.
https://catbox.moe /c/7kbkm3
Is this "vibe" thing good at mimicking art styles? I don't have a sub to test it right now.
it can be
it is very finicky however
NovelAI suffers at pure mimicry due to their lack of artist tags, but vibe is quite powerful. I guess it basically works like a controlnet? NovelAI is a good place to start when you're beginning with image generation.
Hey, this looks pretty good. Not as good as your local gens, but it does look almost there.

I played with their image gen with my leftover credits when they launched v3. It's fun, but guess I'll wait for their new text model to sub again.

Thanks for the answers.
I won.
a brand new car!!!
Sonic the Wolfgirl.
I still have no idea why they decided to ditch image tags, the "style match" shit is literally just the base image feature and will completely change the pose/character at high levels and just ignore the style at any other level.
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Silly tavern extension to allow placeholders in the opening.
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Sort of on-topic bump that Barbarella is a fun movie, and reminded me about a lot of my early AID adventures, though not FemPOV.
You people are fucking retards for splitting between two threads.
It's not like /aicg/ wants to merge.
We never split either, /aicg/ and /aids/ were created in different boards at different times. We were never 1 thread to begin with
True, I don't see why /aicg/ split between two boards
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Loving this error
Works on my machine.
Chatbots are fucking cringe and speaking as an AI text gen user I don't want anything in the slightest to do with them.
/vg/ /aicg/ does not allow tech talk like /g/'s /aicg/
>use chatbot shit with claude/silly tavern
>still try to use it as a storyteller but it's hit and miss
>finally make my own fucking card and edit preset to make it more instruct
>works sorta but still not too happy with it
>leaves me wanting to see this 70b fine tune more
>the cabal is getting better at writing green text ads...
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Decided to give fempov a try for once. It wasn't all too bad like I expected, but I'll stick to my usual instead. (Content Warning: Futa x Female, Respect, Smut, Monstergirl Dragon)
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Part Two. I'm surprised the Siege tangent didn't veer off course.
The thread has been slow for the last two days. Was WF really holding it up with his samefagging? This is ridiculous
Feel the thread has always flip flopped like this.
Whenever something new comes out the thread gets life back.
Well I hope that time comes soon. The shift to slowness was quite abrupt.
NovelAI is not something that needs its own general.
/naig/ has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? But I wasn't talking about NAI, but the thread as a whole.
The thread is nothing but NAI.
Some sillytavern screenshots were posted too. I don't know the model they were using though.
I always cringe when the AI describes a dick as scaled
>Old shit model
>Official transcord server
>Better generals for textgen
Why are we so slow, bros?
This is what I get for allowing the adverbs to slip past me.
She's a dragon, so I just let the scaly cock be with all it's bumps and ridges.
>bumps and ridges
Yeah that's pretty much what I edit it to. Or "textured" or something.
A scaly dick makes me imagine a leather condom kind of thing.
>A scaly dick makes me imagine a leather condom kind of thing.
I have no issue imagining it well. Think of it like protective cock armor, and it might give you a better picture.
two more weeks............
NAI? more like sNAIls
I'm in the alpha.
Is that so
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>AetherRoom was scheduled for release by the end of 2023.
>It is halfway through 2024 and the alpha hasn't even started.
Small indie company, please understand
imagen with updated data when
sounds boring
I wish to the fully tails in 70B.
ancient yakuza fluffy foxwife
generate it
Tifa is better.
She loves you, but sometimes she needs to punish you for messing up.
But it's okay, there'll be make up sex afterward.
how is it different from, say, writing a sotry with a self insert character?
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The Traitor Admirals must die! For the Golden Throne!
Chat format involves ai responses that are structured in an unappealing way where almost every response sounds like the ai is asking a question due to some chat users certain need to not have the ai 'act' or 'speak' for them. On the other hand, a story with a self-insert character is a narrative where the author/user includes a representation of themselves in the plot, which is typically more interactive and allows for more spontaneous behavior from the ai.
>shit text model
>new model taking forever to release
>can't even use the actually good image model because gift keys are disabled
I hate these dev niggers so much it's unreal. Someone go to their hugbox cord server to call them the niggers they are and finally explain why can't I PAY them, when I want to, because of fucking fucking keys being disabled.
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For me it's Yuffie.
Makes me wonder if someone had a way to generate new keys themselves
>tried discussing my story, only a couple of people cared to talk
>tried to join prompting discussion, got called collosal fucking retard
>ideas got called bad, shit, unrealistic
>got told no one cares, that I don't count as an anon, that im a retard and a wallflower
If that's the average experience for a new poster trying to use the thread, it's no wonder the thread's slow.
is he seriously doing this fucking schtick again?
Just hide his posts + stubs.
the first time I ever had a 4chan namedrop
Have you tried not being a retard nigger faggot?
wow totally organic
>ideas got called bad, shit, unrealistic
I didn't call your story bad, I said it was a bad idea that you didn't write down the prompt when the urge to Prompt struck you at the moment of time. As for the other guys that are insulting your story - 'they' are just one guy; Whinefag. Don't take what he says seriously.
uhh woman man bad
Came off saltier than I intended, am esl so i get tone wrong sometimes. I just wanted to point out that maybe the reason thread is slow is because retards like me are too scared and just lurk
It is hard to believe they're all one guy though. Not saying you're lying just hard to wrap my head around
>Came off saltier than I intended, am esl so i get tone wrong sometimes
That's alright.
>I just wanted to point out that maybe the reason thread is slow is because retards like me are too scared and just lurk
Not much reason to be scared - you'll only have to deal with WF for a bit until he's bored.
>It is hard to believe they're all one guy though
It really is just one guy. His style of shitposting is too noticeable.
It really is hard to believe, but pay attention to him long enough and his personas will start to blend characteristics or he'll slip up and forget to rename a screenshot or something
it's truly baffling
And you know what's crazier? He's in pretty much every llm thread on 4chan. Mikufag? Him. Fillyfucker? Also him.
Here we can observe claudia in her natural habitat, trying to mimic the geminess of a real 'jaker
She lacks polish
She will never shine as bright
>are too scared
Of what?
Again, literally no one cares, and that is one of the best virtues of anonymity. There is no post history to haunt you if you don't want to. You could have just said whatever and no one would know you were that one whining retard. Just post.
>>that I don't count as an anon
for what's it worth, this "precious newfag too pure for the mean ol' thread" shtick is decent bait, so I'll take it back
sounds like your issue is mostly with chat users who dont want the bots speaking or acting for them more than it is chat itself
It just doesn't appeal to me.
Kayra is the best on the market. No one can compete.
>new thread and it's nit even close to done
It was slightly coal-y NGL.
she's trying to stir up more shit and half assed it
What new thread? There is no new thread.
There was one linked in the post >>485931207 quoted, but both that post as well as the new post got deleted.
Yes, I know about that joke thread. I was being sarcastic. /aids/ will forever be /aids/ and nothing else.
Those are her footsiewootsies with timestamp and she got banned for that
/aids/ will forever be a NovelAI-only thread.
C'mon now, you really believe that?
False. Storyposts from any service is welcome here.
Only a woman can be so obsessed, petty, and vimdictive
False. That overlaps with the topics of other more active generals. The Avoid section also tells people to use NAI.
Not true, and you know that.
The avoid section warns people about services and companies that engage in censorship or do shady shit - practices we don't tolerate here.
she's back
The avoid section tells people to use NAI. The other threads don't babysit people like that, and people prefer to post there. That leaves this thread with the only purpose of being for people wanting to ask questions about NovelAI's products.
Don't yeet the teets, Claudia.
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>The avoid section tells people to use NAI
No it doesn't.
>The other threads don't babysit people like that, and people prefer to post there.
The other threads are different from our own: /aicg/ is for chat. /lmg/ is for local models and questions dealing with them. And /aids/ is the thread for storytelling - no matter the model. Pretty simple to understand.
That's me when I realize I have to go to Turkey first to visit Claudia.
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Oh no, bros... I'm having heretical thoughts.
It's pretty easy to understand that Anthropic and OpenAI belong to /aicg/, because /aids/ tells people to avoid them. And /lmg/ takes care of the rest of the models. /aids/ also avoids instruct models, which is all of them.
End result: /aids/ has only people capable of talking about NovelAI, and has nothing to offer to people that don't use it.
>has nothing to offer to people that don't use it
Wrong. /aids/ has a place for them to talk about and share stories & prompts.
>gouda lobotomy
Anon she's artificially arguing because she wants to make the new thread before her Mom screeches at her to go to bed.
Aright, I won't engage with him anymore, but chances are he'll still make the next thread though.
>the cabal still think they're going to win the OP war
frame 313
Orville will pound Village Girl Pussy! He will, I swear it!
>live surrounded by rednecks
>spend too much time on 4chan
>online gaming
I thought I understood racism. I was wrong. One of my Claude swipes rolled "race play" and holy shit.
That is supposed to be news in America? They get shot at every day.
She's a middle-aged man, not your waifu!
SHE is a young girl now - fit for fucking like any other. Give Orville his just reward now!
did someone left the oven off? Where are the new bakes?

In my as-
I really hope the guy who speculated NAI's new model is going to come out in early August was right.
However, if it doesn't have a higher context limit and custom modules, I'll be a bit disappointed.
it's too bad NAI decided to train on the meme preview llama 3 70b instead of the trve 128k context updated 70b that comes out on the 23rd
Alright time for the hard hitting question: what's your favorite TTS seed?
What do you like about Aini?
I clicked it because name recognition and just got used to it. Just one of those situations where it ain't broke, so why fix it
I don't like Aini's because I thought she would have a German-tinted English accent. Hearing her actual voice ruined it all for me.
well, fair enough
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Anon, I…
You kind of did this to me. The current timeline is all fucked up. The Grand Admiral title puts in me in the era of the Great Crusade. I don't think Tirza is destroyed yet in the current timeline.
Oops. I meant Tizca,
Despite name dropping Tizca by itself, the ai believed it was a planet of its own and not a city. I fixed it now that the coom is out of my brain, and placed it into its proper sector and planet of Prospero.
Nighty-night /aids/. See you guys in 8 hours!
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Pssst, there's a new gem in here: https://rentry.org/kysclaudenigger
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New Thread!
We aren't even at 700 yet doebeit.
Not today, you scaly bastard.
3 and I'm kicking Sam's seat and looking over his shoulder the entire time. Looking to get killed by orbcult cyberdancer assassins the second I get off the plane.
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I like to use


Then set the speed a little higher and it’s a sorta dopey cowpoke sounding. I dunno why but it does please me.
Average family dinner in America
I enjoy pizza. What is your favorite dinner, and how to write food in stories?
Nobody is going to use that thread.
com rang ga
Rigatoni pasta for me.
My favorite is radiatori
shame it's hard to find since walmart stopped carrying it
Still love the goat.
How do you go about writing good sex scenes?
Easy, I don't.
mention waves of ecstasy and shivers down the spine
Fuck you.
Fair warning, most of this advice comes from female authors, which may or may not be what you want.
Go outside and have sex, then put your experience into writing.
Nobody here has, or ever will have sex.
Except for SA, who is always getting freaky in the barn.
>you're sacrificed to a virgin monster/spirit/deity/whatever?
That just guarantees that you're dying a virgin.
What? You think Magdongballer the of the Pure Feast, wielder of the Wrathful Spire of Penetration is going to let you smash?
Fuck no, you're getting shiskabobbed and dunked into Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.
Lemme smash. I brought stick.
Riddle me this, cabal. How many of you does it take to shill for an incompetent company?
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here my guidelines, mostly from claude
ain't reading all that shit nigga
obviously, just include them in prompt so the ai can do the work
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Here is my justification. She's cute. Cute us justice. Ergo she committed no crimes.
>doesn't copy and paste it in the reply section or provide a link to a rentry or something
>expects me to type out, by hand, the words in the image
Come on dude.
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Aetherdoom never ever.
Imagegrim updates now and forever.
Using Kayra is a pointless endeavor,
13b is just straight up lesser.
But using Claude is cucked beyond measure,
and Open AI gives me arterial pressure.
The alpha is literally tomorrow, clown pepe.
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I wouldn't know since I didn't get in. I hope it's good, and the anons that got in can enjoy it.
>doing a fantasy story
>put on some fantasy playlist on spotify
>keep getting elder scrolls, lotr covers and other overfly used fantasy songs
As nice as those songs are, I'm sick of hearing them.
Use Claude to generate song lyrics and use Udio to make songs.
I like this guy. Why don't you look up some folks on youtube and then search for them on spotify? Pretty easy to avoid skyrim/lotr.

It's time to enter the world of power metal.
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I really wish Crab made the club require visible accounts like other sites. Just look at the garbage being posted. I want to block these low-quality posters.
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New NEUTRAL Thread
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>Create my own story.
>Story will have...

>Create my own story.
>Story will have...

>Create my own story.
>Story will have...

Why do I have to share a planet with this colossal faggot, Jesus Christ
Yup. Pure slop.
Yeah it sucks.
it's too long
NTA but thanks.
made me cry and made me feel things
I may or may not try these in the new thread.

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