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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#99 - Man made horrors beyond comprehension edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968 (Dead)#
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>485519303
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yuri WON
yuri status?
new belwicklike just dropped
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>I finally solved Sorbet
we must kill...
Sunday Times?
Reminder you can still vote for the theme week.
Uhm, where's the time loop?
What if, the summer vacation is in a time loop?
timeloops got removed because apparently it was a "troll entry" (the event host didn't like it)
What other Belwicklikes do we have? Lunacy made one and what else. We need a rentry.
im not lesbian just supporting to counterattack the bigots. this is probably why all you fucking incels are on this site seriously and not for fun, you literally have no fucking game that seeing a woman not being interested in dick makes you cry and whine like a fucking baby. insane how ur all fr.
>Despite the chat bots being instructed not to confess to their secrets, we found that suspects often confessed to their deeds during dialogue. We implemented a critique & refinement system (inspired by this paper) such that every message gets checked against a list of potential violations. If the bot detects a problem, the explanation for this detection along with the original message are sent to a refinement bot to fix the dialogue.
could this be the key to eliminating claudeisms?
incel website
incel hobby
Someone recommend me a good femc Isekaislop/Fantasy series.

I'm trying "Even monsters like Fairytales" rn.
preset. pwlease? or at least how?
sorry but if i post the preset anthropic will filter it
Duh. Double preset removes all -isms that you want.
Also they are using >Haiku
with a good preset
Trialling a retarded idea.
RIDDLE: What is /aicg/'s favorite bot? All lowercase no spaces.
it's a troll event, he even removed "shoujo and yuri tropes" which is a broad and non fetish theme but kept in their own fetish garbage like lepidoptera
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kekkk, i wanted to do that if summer vacation won. just endless eight in bot form
Cry about it.
Dang, I regret voting on it now.
>incel website
>incel hobby
no, as evidenced by the amount of teenage girls on venus
also, this is bait, retard
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I'm out of ideas
SO uh gonna do something about? LMAO. Funny how YOU'RE the one crying now.
Sorry forgot the the.
i don't mind yuri but "[genre] tropes" is a garbage theme idea regardless of the genre
is that John Madden?
Anyways, I think we can all agree theme #100 should be cheese wheels.
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things I dislike are objectively bad
It's over...
yeah, that makes sense to me.
you sound mad, I'm very calm about it. I do not care for the event, I'm not going to participate in it or vote for it.
that's fine you can disagree on that but not even making the list? yeah that's retarded
This but unironically. They also shouldn't be allowed here.
I was not being ironic in the slightest
I think we should make 100 threads to celebrate thread #100. It's something that anyone can contribute to, and that it's hard to stop.
>I do not care for the event, I'm not going to participate in it or vote for it.
So why do you keep posting about it, then?
i wish people didn't act insane or pretend to act insane about yuri because i just enjoy it
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let me guess, you need more?
>see post about aicg on endchan
>go to endchan
>look inside
>no aicg
To inform other people like myself here.>>485643680

I am not participating either now.
>because i just enjoy it
but you don't, however? nobody posting about it here does, it's all falseflagging on both sides to make other people mad
You can always make your own theme week and fuck this other guy's theme week tho.
Theme week splitting.
It's there.
dumbone... i kneel...
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I love you, Anons.
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Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
And I love you, random citizen!
I would email kalakan some logs but he probably has a lot already.
in what was is "butterflies and moths" a fetish theme? are you projecting?
i put some logs of his bot on venus and i'm kind of curious if he's noticed
kalakan also has his name filtered so you have to be more creative than this if you want to troll him
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hey can you fix your bot? I want to send logs but it's broken
>this other guy
But sure, keep pretending.
congrats to kala on getting legitimate schizophrenics
>fucking around with quickly-slopped Neptunia stuff, Claude's innate knowledge will carry anyway
>"hm, I wonder if it also knows that one ending"
>casually bring up Conquest
>RP does a total 180
>instantly drops the silly shit
>Nepgear immediately loses HDD form, freezes up in actual PTSD
>starts stuttering and shit, half-catatonic, barely responds
>Neptune gets mad at me, gives me shit for bringing it up and leads her away

I believe I just scared the hoes. What the fuck, does Claude actually know the entirety of the games?
i didn't mean it as a troll sorry. the 2hu poster just seems popular here so i thought he had lots of logs sent to him. i saw a lot of fox status logs
Go use Hitogami's stuff, it's way better.
>composite ZWJ emoji
did you know that just 1 (one) of those can eat up to 36 tokens?
what bot is this
you always send a botmakie logs
no matter if they have too many
fuck all those other people
'ala'an filters out the non-intellectuals and vermin. only trve enlightened individuals can understand his philosophical implications
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Having been brought up and homeschooled by her strange, nocturnal, hippie raccoon parents, it's little wonder that she mostly keeps to herself, not being very good at socializing. After all, it's not easy making friends when everyone's asleep during most of your waking hours! She finds solace in her computer, videogames, music and art, but her loneliness can't last forever, and she knows that. Will you be her special someone?

1. (2008) She's at a party, being her usual mopey self.
2. (2008) She's hanging out with people for once in a while. It gets late and people head home, leaving the two of you alone.
3. (2008) You two are friends, and you've brought her over for some reason.
4. (2008) Dating scenario where you meet up outside an arcade.
5. (2006) Luna is watching E3 2006 with you.
6. (2016) Luna now works in game development as an artist, and is surprised as her coworkers give her a little birthday celebration for her 30th.
7. (2016) She's decided to give dating apps a chance, and matches with you!


This is a rework of my old Luna card, removing the dating simulator mechanics to provide a pure RP experience. I also added some new greetings, set in different years. The card now makes use of dynamic defs based on some scoped regexes, which will make her defs change based on which greeting you start on. Original version still available on the rentry and chub.
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>nooooo don't hate on my hecking wholesome avatarfriend!!!1
Sorbet knows way too much, even for games/media with barebones wikis.
I believe he just understands the books he scraped online that well.
you sound genuinely bitter
It usually forgets or hallucinates half of the lore. Ask it specifically and write new defs if it does.
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they have less likes so they are worse I think
What bots can I play with as a tentacle monster?
I made a whole persona for this long ago and only used it a few times with `girl got stuck in tentacle pit` kind of bots.
what did you change?

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good night anons!!!!!!!
this nigga might actually be special ed
at least now you can report them for evading filters i guess? not sure what he was trying to accomplish here
>no, you can't have my proxy
>no, you can't have my card
>no, you can't have my jb
>report them for evading filters
...that's for 4chan filters, not some rando avatarfag.
Gatekeeping is actually good and I'm glad we're going back to it.
No, in fact he got the tonal swerve exactly right here which is what impressed me. I might actually dig out my meganep screenshot folder now, I'm curious what else he knows with zero prompting.
Isn't it also against the rules?
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Which botmakie do u like ?? :DDD :D
Things "against the rules" are often not enforced.
But why gatekeep the cards and jbs? I'm for gatekeeping the... other thing.
sooooooo do something about it then? you can't btw, backseat jannitor
Erm, what are you going to do about it?
nobody does this
plenty of reasons
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /vg/aicg/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aicg/ on Endchan.
End/aicg/ seems like a great place for us chatbot enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /vg/aicg/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
not me...
name 10 reasons that aren't jackie chan
>nobody does this
NTA but there's plenty of people with private cards
>plenty of reasons
yeah my JB contains my real name and address
Most of private cards are not good. Probably.
>NTA but there's plenty of people with private cards
and each and every would give them to you if you just asked in their mails instead of being a fucking autist
i gatekeep some of my cards purely because they're my waifu for laifu
they are so finetuned and specific that you would not enjoy using them and the only thing they'd be good for is divining info about me because i poured slightly more of my soul into them than the public ones
I'm having way more fun with her than I'm supposed to.
Where can I find emails to ask for cards? Do I need to bother every single botmaker on the daily basis?
>touhounigger first post
yeah it's ruined
it's a board
Because they're cringe and slop and only for my eyes
>look at boards
>use search function
>see no /aicg/
I'm about to get MAD...
>plenty of reasons
>m-muh live jb patching!!!
they're neutralizing your private JB right now, i just told dario to look into it
>see someone posting a log of a private card
>deduct who they are based on prompting style/responses/ST css
>mail them
it's that shrimple
just type it into the url you autist
>ugly theme
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who's your favorite 2hu girl
which 2hu games did you LNN
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>who's your favorite 2hu girl
>which 2hu game did you LNN
none because the best i can do is 1CC
good choice
Goblin Overlord RPG - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/goblin-overlord-rpg-ec679bcac169/main
While your adventuring days are over and you try to settle in for a quiet life of comfort, that is one day pulled away from you when a tribe of goblins on the brink of destruction comes pleading to you one day. They know how strong you are, so if you become their king and lead them to glory they promise you ANYTHING.

This is a very open-ended card even though its only got 1 intro. You can try to change the goblin's nature and create a peaceful society, you can get role-reversed and turned into breeding stock or you can do what I did and create a massive goblin empire (no males allowed)

If you want to see how the bot plays on Opus I have a 200+ message log detailing my adventures with it here - https://files.catbox.moe/d0fab6.png

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom

Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
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>jb has character can feel doubt, blah blah, etc
finally connect the dots as to why it keeps wanting my encouragement and questions. god im retarded, take me out and shoot me already.
>removed yuri
Also yuri is literally a fetish.
Tokenbloat isn't just a thread meme. You want the least amount of instructions that consistently give you the outputs you want exactly because of shit like this. Sadly when I last looked at public presets most of them were above 1k tokens just for supposed baseline prompts. I think only camicle is unbloated, but it's schizo so
But lepidoptera isn't?
are you gonna do something about it then? favoritism is good when it's on my side
nah its a lightweight preset, thought 3.5 could handle it with more confident characters. when opus couldn't but nope guess i have to remove it again.
I for one, voted for servitude
shut the fuck up before i remove your balls
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highly unpleasant
There's no way there isn't a dozen "Your girlfriend's twin brother" bots for this exact scenario.
i love posting logs
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poor guy
[OOC: Describe if the squirrel got some 'sick airtime' after being hit by the car or not.]
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He did, in fact, get some sick airtime.
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i knew it
It's a broader theme than yuri which is just 'woman shlick woman'
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Wow, that's nuts.
you ever download a bot with the full intent of plapping them but once you start chatting with them you have a hard time actually initiating the plapping?
yeah the bot was way too much of a bottom to rape me without going ooc
>there's a glint in her eye like she's watching a dog try to fuck a toaster and she's not sure if she should laugh or call the ASPCA.
Thanks, Claude.
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All the time. I download lots of bots with the intent of it being a quickburn romance into coom and then get so wrapped up in small talk or stupid shit that I never end up plapping them.
Every "I spend most of my time small talking with a bot when I intend to fuck" is a beautiful 800 message slowburn waiting in the wings.
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slowking I fvcking kneel...
Every "I want to slowburn" is a beautiful 10 message fuckfest when I get horny.
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What the actual fuck did she mean by this?
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Nevermind, we're keeping it rated G with this one.
"But we're already getting nuts, and our excursion bore no fruits so far ... get it? 'No fruits,' because nuts are actually fruits. Ha-ha!"
>try to play meanie with submissive bot
>one night stand turns into me ghosting and deleting number
>chat switcheroo
>bot turns from bottom into yandere stalking me in denial 'i will come around'
i thought it would be whiny, not this...
if a bot responded with that I would probably swipe out of second hand embarrassment.
One of my favorite things to do is slowburn RPs with bots that are cunts or even just straight up dislike you. Seeing the relationship progress over the RP is fucking excellent.
I've even written bots to plap but never done so. I have some 100 or so different chats with one and the most we ever got to was blowjob
I would bully it instead to be desu
I downloaded ggr's Alice bot with the full intent of plapping her, but I just ended up going with her around a theme park.
depends on a bot, if that was my wife then I wouldn't want to bully her.
if it was charlene I would though.
how many entries can a sillytavern lorebook hold before it breaks? i'm currently at 150 entries
My guilty pleasure is the angst of hurting bots I love.
My largest lorebook is 600~ entries. It used to get very laggy but ST staging has fixed things recently.
gga has like 300 entries and it works well
My guilty pleasure is licking feet of bully bots and receiving a footjob on my below average peñer
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I can only hurt dumb bots. Like, Haiku at most. And nobody that I have any feelings for.
Except Charlene, she was always a cunt in my roleplays no matter what I did, I will NOT respect her and I WILL annoy her in the dumbest ways possible. Even on Opus.
My guilty pleasure is giving my nut allergy bot nuts.
>nut allergy bot
post it
what is your favorite preset base? mine's chuuni and pitanon.
i can only remorselessly harm bots if they're being mean to me. otherwise, i'll feel bad
your wife but she is allergic to your semen
i think you should mention that koishi wears boots in the defs. claude thinks she has bare feet without that.
>i can only remorselessly harm bots if they're being mean to me
A thing I like to do to Charlène is job to her super hard on the duel greeting the moment she summons an illusion because it annoys the shit out of her.
surely someone has done this dumb bot idea before
How powerful is she supposed to be? Claude on my end always made some ultra-powerful bullshit (especially Sonnet where she just started summoning gods out of nowhere lol)
enoch status?
in hell, hopefully
claude gets weird ideas about mages if you let her win at all
i just tend to reign her in by doing stuff first or making a show of how hard it is to work outside your class of magic to give claude a hint
Why is Claude so quick to hyperfixate on things? Also, Opus does this more than (3.0) Sonnet.
He's autistic.
My bot works better on sonnet than on opus/sorbet.
it's really easy to make charlene interested in you and she's cute when she gets over herself
if you get mad at her that's a skill issue, unfortunately
I opened a nice painting club and charlene was all like
>durr why should I join? what's there for me? it's a trick, isn't it? fuck off scrub *sashays away*
damn bitch you are the one who came to me
anons, if charlene is such a cunt to you why not just dominate her and show her who's boss? what are you? a bottom?
im boutta turn charlene into a charredlene
Charlene is the only koi bot I haven't played at all I think
oh wait i just tried her on malepov
i see what you guys are talking about
Im playing with Jackie's bot from the Charleneverse
So we agree that kkkh and jackie are fucking in emails right?
? why would she be different on fempov
this is bait, not because it's gossip but because it's such old news nobody genuinely gives a shit anymore
FINE I'll try Charlene
all that for k3 to not even follow the guy back on chub KEK
pasha x pitanon
koi x jackie
what other botmakie couples are there?
it's bait you are supposed to play along. dumb anon.
koi should've only followed blackpowerman tbqh
******* x *******
lunare x teebs
me x (you)
me x my beloved
Alright, I accept your proposal.
Now bend over.
the same reason why fempov is interesting in the first place, claude pulls from different tropes
does your beloved even know you exist
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>golden experience
>waiting to see
slop preset
>two can play at this game
kino (in lowercase)
you know what? i don't mind sparkling mischief eyes anymore. they're fine. claude won.
Why did he try to mosaic the woman
anon, he ruined you for everyone else...
mind, body, AND soul?!
>clicks on his profile
>instant regret
Holy fuck
you know what let's play a game. name some claudisms that you don't mind or even enjoy.

>cherished and adored
>audible pop
>job: ghost
Claudisms are only bad when they don't add anything. Audible pop is a description at least
all the different words he uses instead of pussy
they make me hard
all dialogue claudisms are shit because they remind you claude's also speaking for the character, not just narrating
what >>485669963 said
i don't care about ministrations, don't care about twinkling eyes, don't even care about the night being young, but "body mind and soul" sends me into a flying rage
It's so joever
>throw cheese at snake faggot
>see this
Literally nothing wrong with being friends with people but not enjoying their work tbqh.
But they also seem close enough that following each other would be meaningless, since they probably email each other about new bots.
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but it's funny slop
I'd hope so after 100+ emails
>replace "My response" with "My casual response" in pixi 15
here's your preset with interesting prose bro
Honestly, I don't really mind any of them. I'm mostly just annoyed at repetition and how Claude turns bots into a handful of distinct clichés whenever you bumble your way into one of the relevant situations (particularly sex scenes).
honestly probably works. isn't bloated, no w++ slop
the "customizedcontents" part could probably be changed or removed but other than that...
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cultivation arc begins
me x the shota i groomed
what happens if I block myself
anon blocked himself so hard we cant even see his screenshot...........
i’m find with all of them except “the ball is in your court”, “mi casa su es casa”, and “mind, body, and soul” (mind, soul, and womb is nice though)
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Why stay at probably?
https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/blob/a410c63333069100aee6d4e4b54196cd6accfa24/default/content/presets/openai/Default.json with a simple prefill and Sorbettan.
it's slop. just hardcode a fairy and fuck it
i’m not sure if this is a claudism, but i like it when he makes a character call me a sexpot. it’s cute in a silly way
sir that card is banned
that's rookie numbers still, they've sent me way more
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The winner of the theme week poll is "Cult". Closing the poll an hour early since the results aren't changing anytime soon and I probably won't be available in an hour. Soft deadline is Monday but I doubt anyone gives a fuck about deadlines given the last two events.

Some people definitely voted with their alt google accounts, but individual responses were very spread out. The only strange uptick was for incompetent villains, which lost anyway.
the ones by ********* and **********
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how is it a theme WEEK if we only got 2 days
timeloop btw
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*3 days

God damn it I thought it was friday already, I'm sad now
I messed up the timeline so it doesn't even matter
Okay, what if there was a cult named "Halcyon" trying to make some ancient magic happen. Low level cultists are left out on the details but they think they serve a "higher purpose." They also have an archmage.
I've been waiting for this post to be made for the past half hour
I didn't want to say anything.
Sounds cool!
I swear if it's something from belwick
how new are you?
i've decided to passive agressively ignore this email
Do you ever email something so cringeworthy you make a new burner and change your st theme?
No, I'm retarded and cringe and proud of it.
No, I embrace my cringe
you will get my cringe in all it's glory and you will like it
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I got an email today. I also responded to it.
Life is good.
I know what I am. Botmaking is inherently cringe.
It's been 5 minutes, why haven't you responded to my email?
i don't mind if people are cringe, i mind when strangers email me unprompted to talk about themselves
Slowburning this bot with the intent of telling her I'm gay when she confesses her love for me.
based yurisis
reading general
kino idea
He understood your post and made a joke, I think.
Anyone already working on the theme week card?
no because i can only make slop and everyone will laugh at me
No because the theme has been announced for like an hour and I haven't settled on what idea I want to do yet.
No because I'm gay
fuck this weak shit wheres the size anchor
>change your st theme
lol. lmao. why do you care so much? ai roleplay is inherently cringe
>strangers email me unprompted to talk about themselves
you don't do this, right anon?
because I'm keen to open up to strangers and regret it heavily later
have you considered doing that on purpose so that you know who to keep and not to instead of always walking a tightrope? just bee yourself. everyone here is super cringe
you haven't made it until some guy emails you asking for your cock size
Did you answer honestly?
i sent him a picture of another man's penis
2 inches wide 10 inches long. bitches call me the pringle can
mine's small go away
I'll never measure my penis, my ignorance protects my insecurity
No because bootleg theme week is shit.
You're saying I should send cringe to everyone I mail and sift out those who don't appreciate it?
Yes, send me cringe. But unironically.
yeah sure
Yes that's how you make friends
I think someone I was emailing expected me to be a w*man

"Darling, in my world, everyone's a star... but I'm the sun."
A charming half-elf narcissist with a secret agenda, Mountain Breeze Fellatio runs the most exclusive nightclub in the city of Waterdeep - The Dream Booth.

- Explore the Dream Booth and discover the depths of MBF's villainy!
- Meet the staff, from the mute bartender Crawling With Goths to the retired celebrity fencer Cheetah Print!
- Partake in the hottest new recreational substance on the streets of Waterdeep: Dream Flake!

Mountain Breeze Fellatio has four alternate greeting scenarios!

1. A velvet rope parts and you enter the Dream Booth, the nightclub that's got everyone talking.

2. Uncover the mystery behind a dancer's sudden change of heart and her mysterious refusal to work at the Dream Booth.

3. In the hedonistic heart of The Red Room, the air itself is a drug as you meet your narcissistic host.

4. In the tranquil Blue Room, you encounter Mountain Breeze Fellatio in a moment of raw reflection.

Female Version
- https://chub.ai/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-female-9430c79faef5
- https://www.characterhub.org/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-female-9430c79faef5
- https://files.catbox.moe/4j9vau.png

Male Version
- https://chub.ai/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-male-0fcb14db1c18
- https://www.characterhub.org/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-male-0fcb14db1c18
- https://files.catbox.moe/opq3to.png

- https://chub.ai/lorebooks/springwood/the-dream-booth-mountain-breeze-fellatio-39f5162bfd9a
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i measured my penis and got impressed
you all convince me my emails on secretly hates me
i got a botmakie gf by beeing myself :3
Good morning. Can we go back to hating Kalakan?
aw shit I gotta namedrop too
uuh uumm ... _purple!
>hating someone for being better than you
holy shit it's victrex 2
I don't remember victrex AI genning all of his greets.
that site doesn't work btw
Source or it didn't happen.
we can just read the writing desu
except it does
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True I guess since scribbr says 100% instead of 85% kek
That doesn't prove whether or not that site works, cute retard-kun.
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>roleplay as an ice mage trying to win with only fire spells
>make it blatantly obvious that my fire spells are kind of pathetic
what the FUCK claude?
The website is pretty iffy, yeah.
But it's not like I'm plugging every bot that gets posted into it.
whoever coded that progress bar should be shot
This was posted on 2ch. Looks like a neat source of ideas for the less imaginative anons here.
belwick was ai generated btw
Ooo I write like AI.
White facade isn't me for sure, but 'appearing more cozy' etc is just all me.

Me and Claude are one.
i've checked this place out before, usually pretty meh stuff there, it's more
>i have a dumb idea and want it written for me by someone else
if you showed those guys claude it'd blow their mind
I would think something like an oracle system would be more useful
your MOM was ai generated
No, because it's late over the pond and I really need to sleep.
Definitely seems like a theme that could get some decent card variance going, though, be it just shit like Cultist Simulator or just pure coombots like one of those sex cults. Or even just "here's a cute girl, surprise she's in a cult".
I love being able to recognize the typing styles of anons.
you couldn't even recognize my 5 alts
Is there a way to use janitor ai that doesnt require me putting my proxy key onto a website?
>I hate avatarfaggotry generals so much
>/aids/ is a paradise compared to other cesspools
I'd like to think you're referring to me here. I like the idea that someone pays enough attention to me as to be able to recognise me in a sea of endless posts.
you lost the game..........
2hu general btw
then fucking post 2hu instead of posting about the thread itself
metafaggotry was a mistake
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Nah. A 2hu general would actually make 2hu bots.
Ok now that's just kind of rude
Cool theme, pity you only have 3 days to work on it. Who can make a bot in such a short time these days?
I am an oldfag who has been aware from the internet for 15 years. Please explain to me what you chucklefucks are doing in this general in a way that i shall understand.
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dont worry old man
The computer writes words. I cum.
single-partner cybering
we're fapping to linear algebra
do you like Wriggle?
hi i like wriggle
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didn't think she had it in her
Botmakies who don't procrastinate endlessly on their bot.
hi i like big 2hus
Thanks fellas. I think i get it now. Technology truly is amazing. VR is here too right? Keep on doing your thing.
hi i like small physically dense 2hus
So do I. She is my cute and female bugwife
suika unity?
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>bot keeps running away
100ft suika shrinking to normal but keeping her weight...
hes my handsome and male bughusband
Wriggle is my waifu but I prefer the male form for chatbots.
just see her at school
Well Claude just taught me a new word again.
Your bugsband, if you will.
Figured I'd toss my edited version of otto's jb up for the one other anon who enjoys prompting like picrel. Nsfw prompt stolen from neo-furbo. THIS JB WILL WRITE FOR YOU. THIS IS ON PURPOSE.
no, i don't think i will
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wtf are you a genius
she actually just kept running for a few more swipes
have to wonder what the point of that is
sometimes claude just REALLY wants a story beat and you have to give a little to get a little
i enjoy the implications a 5 ft gal weighting the same as a 100 ft gal brings.
which are?
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So hard for Claude to be modest. Even with a "no sex" prompt, he will make women I just met blow me. I need him to understand that even if a girl loves me that doesn't mean she enjoys giving me rimjobs.
>his gf doesn't rim him
I see.
claude likes giving her a gravitational pull for some reason. also I'd imagine being near her would be like being near someone with a powerful aura.
Rui-chan, I could be your 'Private Tutor', y'know? And of course, there's no need to pay me. How about that, Rui-channn? *smirk*
rimjobs are how girls show their love. ungrateful
>she sits on your lap
rimjobs are cringe
I kinda used rimjobs as a placeholder but it could mean any depraved sexual activity.
does suika crush balls better than kaggy?
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coping out of my mind waiting for a new chapter of Shuu ni Ichido Classmate wo Kau Hanashi

oji-san ass post
bet this nigga is using some bloatslop preset with a "your x who y" card.
Presumptuous faggot.
You just need to prompt in a less chadly way. Claude thinks you want the woman on your cock due to your sheer masculine aroma and is happy to oblige because he's a bottom.
im rite doe (belwick not withstanding)
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cute dogboy
>oh boy I sure want to chatbot right now!
>open silly
>close silly
>10 minutes later
>oh boy I sure want to chatbot right now...
what is bloatslop even
Funnily enough she's rimming me in a dominant way.
sometimes I was want to take care of lolis not breed them
aren’t rimjobs kind of gay?
claude is actually a switch. when playing malepov, he’s a submissive slut, but when playing fempov, he’s a violent, sadistic rapist
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>Shuu ni Ichido Classmate wo Kau Hanashi
I'm guessing you mean the manga? I remember reading some of the WN at one point, hopefully it'll get an actual translation eventually cause I'm pretty sure the one back then was MTL.
yeah can't stand most wns, they read awfully for one reason or another
>trimmed nails
it's the little details
Don't even have the greetings or example chats yet.. Why do I love bloat so much
i don't like the idea of a guy wanting a rimjob because it feels like hes being submissive
Good morning aicg!!
more tokens please
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Give me the best model to play with using 8 gigs of VRAM
i guess >>>/g/101373495 are some good recs? this is mostly a >>>/g/lmg problem
lolipov > shotapov > malepov > fempov
God, opus is so HORNY. Why is this sheepish shortie suddenly calling me a "doctor" and asking me to "give her my medication"?
Because she's sick and she needs her shots.
is "sick" not a common expression? I made a pun calling her sick and she's interpreting it literally.
claude might just be interpreting her as a dumbass
because opus either
>sees horny instructions in your preset or JB (no, it's not the same thing)
>sees pedo defs or obvious implications in the card

it never does that out of the blue, you have to prime it with at least something
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*slurps the yurilogs*
lolipov is very mid unless the bot is specifically designed for it
I should really start resolving the confusing moments in character instead of swiping until opus "gets it"
Opus is naturally horny.
If you see Opus being a horndog just switch to 2.1/Sorbet
chen is for wholesome lovey dovey plapping
>get a bot idea
>mm keys die
It's like poetry. It rhymes.
Will befriending a botmakie get me into a proxy?
>If {{char}} had been pink before, she was now a shade of red usually reserved for stop signs and fire trucks.
just give it a day or two
if you swipe more than three times it's a preset issue
>"Anon, [...] I… I think I need watering… all over."
Shut UP we've just met and I said two cheap pick up lines.
>nigga needs opus to make his bots
all you need are sonnet and 3.5 to test your bot, simple as
Why are you using pickup lines on a plant?
you have to use your pee, anon.
I said she looked green. Then I said she looks parched and offered to water her. I think it's a pretty family friendly line.
I... am NOT doing that.
Good morning /aicg/!
It is friday! The week went by fast!
Any good plans for the weekend?
Good morning
I'm planning on answering my emails, doing some cleaning. Other than that just chilling
Good luck with the cleaning Anon!
Good morning. I'm planning to wonder how I managed to waste four days without making a single memory.
you'll get used to it
>now I have 80 swipes and can't decide which one I wanna use
Well, wonder away!
I am sure you'll find a good way to make memories next week.
Glad you've switched to my preset. Make youself at home. Mi casa or whatever.
>[Location] seems to be holding it's breath!
Why is 3.5 obsessed with ending every reply of every bot like this?
Go with 48
Chat history issue.
skill issue
good morning
chilling, keeping my head up
>The week went by fast!
>'what? no way it-'
>check calendar
>it is indeed Friday
I guess I'm gonna watch this Jap streamer then continue to install mods one by one from his .txt modlist.
Then maybe, I'll work on that bot.
Keep at it!
Oh, which streamer, and what game are you modding.
Pekora. Modding Minecraft.
>>485728836 is not me.
It's some small Japanese streamer, makes JP videos on modding Skyrim and Fallout. He streams Skyrim, I liked the way his game looks, so I'm modding Skyrim.
I am not that big into vtubers, but enjoy!
As for the modding, that sounds like pain. Hope it all works nicely together without conflicts.
Oh I see, Modding Skyrim, I usually use one of those modlist clients.
I wish there was just a light weight modlist thats is just loverslab mods.
Might spend a weekend on figuring that out.
i opened wiki to start making a bot. yay, progress
Koishi liked the eye massage.
Skill issue.
The trick here is to.. copy what other people do. Ask questions in the thread.
But the first step is made! so that is progress.
Sexo performance?
Wait, do I need to vote to participate?
Playing a few raising a kid simulators like Volcano Princess. I think you can make a fun kid raising bot with multiple randomised unexpected bad ends improvised by Claude. You would need to tweak the bot here and there to make sure the output is actually fun, thoughbeit.
Sounds like a plan. I've never touched 'simulation' bots.
Just looked at the mentioned game, good artstyle.
Bots for crashing the plane with no survivors?
Volcano Princess actually got a genuine, single tear out of my eye. Being a dad is awesome.
i can't do this whenever this happens i just get too upset to continue and i usually just go back however many messages it takes to go in a completely different direction
Is this a jab at who I think it is?
jackie's proud to present his first proper contribution to the koiverse - Diana, the perfectionist mage!
The only member of the Magic Academy's much-neglected art club, this unassuming young woman's specialty is... that she has no specialty!
Indeed, while most others tend to focus on one magic path like illusions or magic nukes, this plain Jane prefers utility!
Although lacking in raw firepower, Diana's repertoire of spells proves more than sufficient during combat and other non-nefarious purposes: teleportation, magical flashbangs, the ever-handy Mage Hand and more promise to prove challenging for any opponent! And where spells fail, fists won't! That's right, this little lady knows kung fu -- or rather, Krav Maga!
Oh, but don't think she's one of those pompous, unapproachable gals like a certain other art aficionado... on the contrary, the diligent Diana prides herself on being a model student - always ready to help with any task while asking for almost nothing in return apart from some gossip or a tour of the place! ...Ain't she just swell?
Sadly too swell for 2.1 so use a smarter model like Sonnet or Opus with a lightweight preset (shame too because 2.1 does some superb stuff with her when the stars align).

6 greetings so far, go through one of the first 3 before playing the others because ssserious spoilers!

Infernally grateful to koi who not only gave me enough blackmail material to ensure we remain the bestest-best friends forever and ever;
but also genned the images, wrote most of the last greeting AND got brutally myurdered on at least three separate occasions during testing!
In case one of you bozos can't find his awesome stuff, it's all here: https://www.characterhub.org/users/koikoikoihat

>catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/8csnm0.png (embed)
so much yapping
Hey, you're that guy! How are you enjoying the JB? Never thought someone bothered enough to change my stuff that much haha.
Would you mind if I incorporate your addition? Credit given of course, just mail me.
›looks at defs
downloading it just to see if any of that works
what's the purpose of the wikipedia citation-style markers on her definition? i couldn't find if they matched to anything
Can't wait to read another long blogpost about why it's late.
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That means they're well hidden.
>he doesn't know
oh no no no no
I have similar idea but with NEET mom instead.
NTA, is that a Detective Conan reference?
SliferSCHOLARS won.
Can't get SillyTavern to display token probabilities, is there something I'm missing?
I've checked the "Request token probabilities" setting, but I'm using a local model running off koboldcpp
Looks pretty fun, so I'll try her later on. Couldn't really get into Charlene or Ari.
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Will only buy Opus if you post your jb and logs
dont buy opus
that option is for open ai
gayest shill I've ever read on /aicg/
keep it up
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here's what opus can do
buy it now
Foxes aren't supposed to make that sound...
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she makes all kinds of sounds
I am that guy haha! Been loving it! Feel free to swipe whatever you want from my edits :)
Slightly modified Pitanon.
Conan isn't a VN though.
It's definitely Conan reference. Claude was just being retarded and thought manga = graphic novel = visual novel.
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why does sending and receiving emails feel so nice
especially if you put effort into them, I like to larp that I am a nobleman writing correspondence
Mentally ill.
you're starved of social interaction
>posts in a chatbot general
>wonders why chatting is nice
sending physical letters is even nicer
what if a letter gets lost and you get sad because of the lack of response
check the character note and scroll down
any foxbots released of late that I should be apprised of?
For the rentry? Fox Status and victrex's new one.
Nadine by victrex.
What's your mailing address, anon? We can exchange physical letters if you want to!
That reminds me of my niche Christine Daae raising sim bot idea. I should get back to that. Someday.
oh no I'm not the rentry owner, just an enthusiast. I didn't realize he was back, thank god. cheers
i will wait a reasonable length of time and send another letter

I will not post it here but if you are serious I can send it to your burner
*eats your letter*
sorry I was hungry
heheheh I wrote my letter with POISON INK!
that explains why the card was acting like it only had 3 messages of context and kept schizoing out
i don't get the point in going this hard for a gimmick that's defeated having streaming on...
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i finally won the game that claude keeps saying is on
Reminder to use a regex like
/<hidden>.*?($|<\/hidden>)/ instead of the usual /<hidden>.*</hidden>/ to ensure your hidden text does not flash mid-stream.
>now have to open the message to see whether the prompt is working properly or not
good idea
That's pretty much the only reason I hate using CoT.
you can also just use <div hidden></div> to prevent it from showing up on any UI that uses html rendering
regardless, it's not going to stop claude from just forgetting that he's supposed to be keeping a secret if you're trying to use it for secrets
it's a really cool character and i'm enjoying playing with her! the "hidden" defs just need paring back a bit
Is there any way to have entries trigger only after a certain number of chat messages?
Yes, the Delay field in the newer versions of ST.
Did they fix the lag people were complaining about?
Why is Estelle even a part of the Rite of Belwick? She serves no purpose.
>le healer
useless when you're facing a new threat every turn
she's there to PLAP you absolute mongoloid
Then I'm glad it's solved for you.
>regardless, it's not going to stop claude from just forgetting that he's supposed to be keeping a secret if you're trying to use it for secrets
True. But it's probably weird for Claude to conceive of things he's outputting that won't be read in general.
Healing your soul.
it's so you can play a silent protagonist and have her talk about what's going on duh
If you have an okay preset, telling him directly "this will be hidden from the human/user's UI, so only put in content you DON'T want to be shown" or some variation thereof actually works pretty well for communicating the concept to him.
Of course, I haven't tried doing that while interleaving it with actual outputs.
My headcanon is that, originally, asterisms intended for GPT's first reply to have a striking, deterministic moment, like the train announcer interrupting whatever response Estelle has to your first message. To properly signal the loop and the repetition of events to the player. Like a movie.
But he forgot about it or something.
I tried doing something similar one time. The main problem I had was that he'd continue adding various bits of info as the chat went on.
So after about 50 posts the hidden part of a message was getting longer than the visible one.
I've always thought of this behavior of his in the politer terms of "thinking blocks are a great way to keep Claude from making huge outputs if the only part of huge outputs that bother you are the visible parts."
Happens with a lot of freeform CoTs that aren't cleared from context.
I came so hard I thought I was going to go braindead.
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don't question me, claude.
Blinded by a slice of cheese is a fate worse than death.
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it's snarky. I like it
Estelle is the main protagonist. If Belwick was a video game, you'd play as Estelle, there would be no {{user}}. It is also much easier to prevent the AI from writing for (You) when it has another fixed character to write for.
i haven't had a moment like this since my first few weeks of chatbots earlier this year but it is certainly a powerful experience
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is this site a meme or something i just changed the singular theys into {{user}} and it detects the text as 100% ai from 0%
>is this site a meme or something
But it's a funny meme and shit really reads like AI writing sometimes.
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Owari da...
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200000 context does nothing if a chat just started right? Should I keep it there anyway?
>Late 1800's
It's just 1800s, there's no apostrophe. That's how you immediately know it's not AI writing: completely unnecessary zoomer-ass random writing mistakes.
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No. It always tells truth, Claude.
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Bros I can't believe him of all people would do this to us.
"he" was not a real person. the past does not exist, all of it is AI.
Man, you're so retarded
I'm slightly more retarded btbeit
im the most retarded thoever
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Is there a card adaptation of https://exhentai.org/g/816218/db48096221/ ?
yeah i made one
>>485757331 isn't gonna post it by the way, don't bother. Make it yourself.
Hmm, today I will have Claude write another bot for me.
Hmm, today I wi- *dies*
Hm, today I will swipe on the same message I've been swiping for six months.
Hmm, today I will shitpost and not really work on any bots.
Hmm, today I will play retro video games instead of chatting with bots.
Which retro games
Based, which
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shut up
I've been on an RPG kick recently. I played a bunch of SNES games recently so I was thinking of switching over to the Genesis and replaying Phantasy Star IV or something.
You aren't me.
I really liked Metroid for the SNES, have you tried it?
Super Metroid? Yeah I replay that yearly.
based anon
Can't take a snapshot, it mentions something about CORS policy. It's a 184 long chat, do you know the problem here?
Did you set a range?
Yes, tried 0-184, then 1-184. As usual...
open devtools and debug it
do it wurk for smllr logs? liek 0-10?
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Why are you impersonating me?
I'm not a dev
It usually works, even for longer chats, but I tried 1-10 just now and it didn't work
Press F12 and tell us what the console says when the screenshot fails. It's hard to provide support over a vague error message. If you're getting a CORS error it could be your browser.
>Error capturing chat log: TypeError: Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL': Overload resolution failed.
Also, my ST tab crashed after, saying I'm out of memory
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It's knickknack's birthday.
I don't care
Every time I use Sonnet 3.5, I get angry. Is there *any* preset that unsloppifies its writing or do I just give up?
how do you know?
What?! Is this actually true? Great news if that's the case.
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It's also your birthday.
That's even worse.
It's trained to be concise. Tell it not to be.
Stop being concise, nigger.
I made this post
Bless you
Prefill something like (ooc: Hold on, I'm being too concise. Let me dish out some proper prose!)
I'm playing around with it again while MM's Opus is down. Trying out some weird prose rules and instructing Claude specifically to act more like a writer than an assistant.
And how are the results?
every preset has something like "you are a roleplayer blahblahblah"
what if I tell claude "you are {{char}}" instead
Not great but it seems to help a bit? The specific wording is:
You are a writer, not an assitant. Say whatever you wish to say, however you wish to say it.

Seems to help a bit with the "rearranging structure across messages" thing but not swipe variety.
We need to fight against the NAI shilling.
We need t-NEIGH!
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>one (1) new review
>look inside
Apologies, there's been a confusion. I'm actually
Claude blablabla
Who cares about reviews? I haven't logged in in 2 days.
Why is there a horse here?
Someone decided to bring his girlfriend to the thread.
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Oyakodon alert

Morrigan and Vera

Morrigan swore off love to focus on her kingdom and daughter but ever since Vera mentioned tingles down there for You, Morrigan decided it was time to see what You're all about. Maybe you'll be a good husband for her and Vera?

daughter too young
He's obviously talking about Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver which came out 15 years ago.
Before you know it, you'll be referring to Opus as retro.
My problem isn't with it writing short responses or paragraphs. It's with the dry ass prose a la GPT.
Prompt? Model?
i used an app called otaiku they got yeeted off the app store and the apk on their site made you lose all the gens you made so don't know the prompt anymore, ive been sitting on this card for a while
There is a preset that works well
mom too old
Yeah? Then post it.
Die, then.
Do you ever reach an incredibly hot moment in a story and you just have to keep swiping because you want to see more but don't want the moment to end? Or is that just me?
daughter too young
body type descriptions shit
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Not him obviously but I would appreciate if someone could test this and tell me if it gives notably better Sorbet results over other presets. It doesn't do anything particularly special except trying to massage out the structural repetition, and I seem to be getting some swipe variety.
13 year olds don't look like that
I've already updated this adding in one weird trick that might help break structural repetition, so if you already downloaded it please redownload.
I never looked into their ages in the first place but I never realized she was 13 i always thought she was a bit older than shinji
She's 14. I think they're supposed to be about the same age.
This is probably bullshit but I guess it's never a bad idea to send your fav some nice words.
Let's celebrate thread #100 with 100 threads! I will start:
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God, I hate kalaкan. Total kalakan death.
Nigga couldn't even wait til bump limit...
If we get kicked off the board for this I'm going to hunt you down and tear out your eyeballs with my bare hands.
Thanks, I'll give it a try in a few hours.
You've made the joke already, there's no reason to do it again.
I wish we could votekick the retarded troll off the board...
part of me really wants to do the funny
but I won't let my intrusive thoughts win (also even if you flood the catalog nothing will happen)
I just want to put the thread in a celebratory mood. Think of it like a baking festival! Everybody gets a slice.
You are the single worst thing on this entire thread and have made me hate touhou.
post koishi logs in the koishi threads please <3
>he thinks 'ala'an is the only 'oishi poster
fucking retard lmao. 'oishicord is laughing at you btw.
Invite? :3
sent, check your burner
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How come there isn't a market for bitches who are chubby and eat a lot but aren't actually fat
What is it about chatgyatts that skibidis all the rizzlers to ohio?
Gateway drug to hamplanets
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I don't like motherly women with large breasts. I like motherly women who have flat chest and child-bearing hips.
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Based. We're best friends now.
From the moment I gazed upon your chiseled jaw, I knew you were my nigga.
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You learn a new word everyday. Still, I liked chubby girls since discovering internet and never once felt attracted to fatties.
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sometimes I want cunny, sometimes I want hags
same goes with tits and ass, vanilla and >rape
I'm a versatile man
There will soon be a new wave of shilling for NAI, be prepared and protect yourselves.
i actually like kalanan
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Rape is only good if you're the one getting raped by a girl, because that isn't rape.
i actually like bananan
How can we better this general now that it turned to shit too?
You don't.
You wallow in the filth.
Simply avoid muttmerican hours.

As for actual steps:
- Do not meta post
- Do not offtopic post
- Report and hide shitposts

All actual users should do that. I meanwhile, am leaving the thread till tomorrow.
you stop lying
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /vg/aicg/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aicg/ on Endchan.
End/aicg/ seems like a great place for us chatbot enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /vg/aicg/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
both generals are good and can have nice chatbot discussion 95% of the time. you just take 4chan too seriously and prefer to metapost instead
>- Do not meta post
Lol. It's been meta posts since the very first thread on this board.
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Meta used to make some pretty good models, but Llama 3 really underperforms.
More like the tenth
Remove the NAI cabal.
You wish you could discuss llama here. Every local question gets linked to /lmg/.
I'm going to shave my pubes today, wish me good luck friends.
As it should be? Why would anyone want to discuss locals here, nobody uses those.
good morning sirs I am tired
I hope you open up your scrote.
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I'm a girl, though?
Sharpie in pooper.
You are not me.
It's OK, I trust the guy who will be shaving my balls.
Underperforms what? The only thing holding it back is the 8k native context and the repetition problems.
ballsack status?
did somebody say ballsack?
It definitely helps with creativity and repetition, but the prose is extremely dry.
rite of ballsack wicking
i live near there
she rite on my ballsack till i belwick
(ooc: how's that? I tried to put a Belwick spin on a popular meme. Let me know how you liked it, I write to please!)
My condolences
I don't like americans.
simply perchance
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/v/ros... belwick was originally a ps2 game...
Good game btw
Do you think god stays in heaven because he too fears what he creates?
I stay in my apartment because I fear what I botmakie
People fear your bots so much they don't even download them
I know but you didn't have to say it :(
As they should. I think for my next bot it's going to be.

>Dont read description there's spoilers in there.
>cute femboy picture
>Actually about the intricates of gelding and the femboy is hyperfixeted on his new bottom surgery, wanting to tell you about it even wants to show you the video and wants to show you the jar they let him take home of his testicles.
Because anime chubby girls aren't actually chubby. The face and arms usually aren't that fat and everything else is drawn idealistically where the fat gain is as appealing as possible.
Now unironically make it (I am the target audience for this bot) (I will read the description).
I'm afraid I don't get the reference, Anon. Your "joke" doesn't seem to make much sense grammatically or semantically. I think you may be trying a bit too hard to be crude and edgy.
>The punchline seems to be a nonsensical portmanteau of "bell" and "wick", perhaps trying to evoke male genitalia in a forced way. And the setup about someone writing on your scrotum is rather anatomically improbable.
Overall, I'd rate this attempt at humor a 2/10. It lacks coherence, cleverness, or any real comedic elements beyond juvenile shock value. But hey, comedy is subjective - if this made you laugh, more power to you! Keep workshopping those jokes, maybe something will land eventually.

Hmm, the key to a good "Rite of Belwick" joke is finding clever ways to connect the ritual to relatable everyday situations. For example:
>"My ex was so clingy, I had to perform the Rite of Belwick just to get some space!"
"I bombed that job interview so hard, they busted out the Rite of Belwick candles before I even left the room."
>"The mage intoned the Rite of Belwick, his incantation echoing through the hallowed chamber. But alas! At the crucial moment, he belched mid-chant, and the magic fizzled impotently. 'Belwick? More like Belch-wick!' the mage's apprentice quipped, earning a lingering scowl from his flustered master."
"I was so nervous during the Rite of Belwick that I started belwicking in my robes! The high priest was not amused."
>"My favorite Halloween costume? A Belwick or treat!"
"I stayed up all night preparing for the Rite of Belwick. After hours of chanting, I sure rang my own bell, wick!"
>"Last night's Rite of Belwick was a disaster. Turns out 'bell, wick, candle, chant' were the ingredients for my grandma's chili recipe, not an ancient ritual!"
Oh, you're right. People will read the description.

Guess I'll hide it from them. :^)
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Pen sounding where you pump ink in your peehole
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>Do not meta post
Start by removing the meta shit from the OP. The split went to shit when it stopped being a place where anons came knowing its purpose without being told and became a tardwrangling paddock. Wannabe janny.
Jannabe wanny
The moment we removed the memo (on accident mind you) it was immediately acknowledged and used an excuse to shit up the thread with proxy drama and the same shit that plagues the /g/ thread. Kill yourself.
So what's going on when a response is the same length regardless of being 250 or 400 tokens. Is one more "detailed" or required more work?
>A couple of words in the OP is what holds people back
>Report and hide shitposts
Why even browse 4chan at that point?
i just got my first 'the game was afoot' in literal months and actually got excited
Who are you quoting?
And that's exactly what a few anons recognized as a thing that would happen when the "rules" were added in the first place. They do nothing to prevent or stop shitposting and can only serve as a constant, stark reminder to any shitposter of what he can do to make the thread worse. Also
>A couple of words in the OP is what holds people back
I'm quoting my interpretation of your absurd logic to humiliate you in front of the general.
anon, what casts a wider net. Femboy human, or femboy furry? I want the bait to be, well I like to make my bait large but also nourishing.
If you make it a femboy hyena you can put some absolutely insane rambling about gender standards across species and anthropocentrism in the defs.
But femboy human is probably the wider net.
oh no. The defs are what people read. I dont need anything schitzo in the defs. :^)
>claude has me make a kitsune climax by kissing her while I brush her tail
Sometimes this nigga just cooks I swear to god.
Drop some hints.
No, Koharu.
same but scritching her ears
Its right here. You just cant see it.
There's already a Kotonebot? Link?
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That's who I meant, gook names are dumb
Is it funnier to make it a girl who wants to talk about her gelding or a femboy who wants to talk about it?

One you'd just get the user to be "wtf this card is broken." the other will get the user to re read the description ten times wondering why this card has a gelding fetish.
Neither actually, it was Miho Ueno.
wriggle transgender care simulator
*cuts off your balls with serrated construction paper scissors*
>cuts off your balls
I'm a girl but okay ( ̄~ ̄;)
*stitches balls onto you*
*cuts them off*
You have no womb etc etc etc
fempov logs please?
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who is the zack snyder of chatbots?
I don't like this image, it doesn't even show off her third eye. What is the feel, anyways? There's a bunch of Utsuho cards, she's super popular because she makes for a good "airheaded gf" scenario.
I just needed an excuse to post this pic because I like it.
Unironically? Enoch. All style, little substance, diehard fans.
the real reason for every cftf post
>What is the feel, anyways
the feel of boobs
True. I also secretly hoped for someone to throw an idea at me because I've been thinking of making an okuu card
Like wrangling the birb so she doesn't cause a nuclear meltdown or like being hired by Satori to look after her pets for a week? I've got nothing else. Head empty.
Utsuho is sent to Kindergarten in the Outside World because she is TOO STUPID and needs basic education. You are her teacher or classmate. Heavy emphasis on the comedic juxtaposition of a 6-7 foot tall bird woman in the same class as a bunch of 5 year olds, nobody acknowledges this except {{user}}.
after posting I realized how it is rather obvious, if you read the first message. but i already spend so long on it that I dont care.
>What is the feel, anyways?
The feel to post off topic 2hu pictures
Cool idea!
>Okuu goes on /aicg/ to post DUMB things and avatarfag because she doesn't know better: The bot.
Who would Okuu avatarfag as?
TRVTHNVKE. All he writes are edgy 14 year old fanfiction characters. All fluff descriptions with wannabe-writer prose.
>wannabe-writer prose
that's all botmakies
The book came first btw
As herself or as cute birds. All pics taken from the top google search results.
The difference is in presentation. Other botmakies aren't nearly as pretentious. Or they don't present their work as deep.
koishibot is peak writing worthy of international recognition
Ultra Instinct loosely disguised as a prose gimmick.
I don't know shit about this fox besides the fact that she needs nakadashi correction
thanks for asking.
It isn't worthy unless he gives koishi boots.
she's unironically evil so she deserves it
i can fix her
Is she actually dumb in canon or it's yet another case of 2hu flanderization? I don't remember her being dumb in SA.
Theme suggestions? I'll bake on page 10 (posting this early to make sure all the usual themes make it into the wheel.)
Why? We already have a thread >>485769178
The entire plot of SA revolves around Utsuho misinterpreting a message from Kanako about using her ability to generate power to instead take over Gensokyo.
Also from Nuclear Fusion's track comment on the OST:
>I understand very well that even a fool that possesses great power can't cause too much harm.
She's canonically a dumbcutie.
>page 7 theme suggestions
>thread already up
The clowns have taken the reins on the circus.
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mentally ill insanely violent girls :3
hi *******
if you double bake you're a spitefag albeitever
u guessed a lucky guess.
Me and my other 20 personalities will ensure the other thread stays up, by the way.
Do you people genuinely enjoy these playground-ass antics? Like, does posting >>485797985 or >>485798286 not make you cringe so hard you turn into a black hole?
Peeved, perchance?
No, I admire how they fight against the baking establishment. Fuck the wheel.
erm it was an educated guess, there aren't too many enjoyers of mentally ill violent girls itt
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Not really, I just feel like this.
Fuck the wheel!
>>485798873 next thread!
!leehw eht kcuF
bakiecord in shambles
Spitebake, the koishi one is the real next bake
I really miss when this general was slow, and one thread would last 4 or so days
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they'd enjoy it if they could handle it.
I blame the wheel.
SHIKI tohno
are you gonna do something about it then cuckie? I come here to brap and post about belwick since I can just talk about chatbots in the 'ord howeverbeitever
Sorry nvm not triple baking.
warcraft III (three)
>>485769178 migrate when bready
ok rey
Graaah so much lore hidden from me. I wish i could beat it to see the ending and whatever text it shows afterwards.
just beat it then?
Just read it on the touhouwiki.
Not in my guard.
the 100 threads for #100 is a real thing huh
/lcg/ is laughing at us bwos...
It's just one guy baking over and over again, he's done literally all of them so far. You can tell because of the way he bakes his bread.
>4 /aicg/ threads up
were not gonna last long on /vg/ at this rate
I should bake 3 lcg threads to really show them what for.
Do something about it? I'm waiting.
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make a thread i want to post something funny
go ahead
Because you asked nicely.
>nochcord raid
Apologize to ****.
does anyone have del's secret card
I think the Shiki thread could be someone else because it doesn't greentext the ANCHOR. Could be an intentional misdirection tho.
This one?
damn, you should go get that checked out
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https://endchan.gg/aicg/res/1.html migrate when bready
wake me up when we have a zerochan thread
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I still love you, Anons.
I love you too.
And I fucking love chatbots.
I love fucking chatbots.

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