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Previous: >>485765992

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
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>mock furries
>mock trannies
>mock faggots
>mock coomers
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Vulpera won
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>you are at 90% health
>you drop to 80%
>you drop to 60%
>you drop to 40%
>you are now at 20% health
>you try to run in fear
>you are stunned
>I activate Avenging Wrath, Execution Sentence and Final Reckoning
>great angelic wings of dazzling light sprout from my back
>you are dead
Protect that virginity!
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>dodges all of it without even moving
I won
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you have no power here
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I'm going to miss her bros...
>a paladin attacking alexstrasza
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she needs some rest. and a lot of sex
Should I?
vulpera survival hunter
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What happaned?
why is kalimdor so tiny
gonna be in TWW
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Cause it was a better time
with tauren while I watch
>khaz modan
mid east
>kul tiras
the americas

tell me it doesn't make sense, i dare you
ulduar makes no sense wtf
could also be greenland
goblins dont fit
are you sure about that?
Do people still think Khadgar is going to die in the prepatch event?
I remeber people mentioning it a month or so ago but haven't seen any discussion about it since.
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>prepatch event
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Is Dalaran not getting nuked in prepatch?
what happens to dalaran is still unknown because they said that all in game cinematics will be encrypted until full release
TWW release, not prepatch
oh ok
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So.. Since the Alliance is cringe now. Which Horde race is the most based?
>the Alliance is cringe now
If anything the Alliance has gotten better over the years where as the Horde has just gotten worse.

>Which Horde race is the most based?
As always, Orcs.

The Horde became what the Allliance was before Blizzard introduced the whole High King spiel
they are equally cringe
playing Horde has been a non-stop humiliation ritual since MoP, anon
>the Alliance has gotten better
The Alliance went from having a badass warrior king to having a crybaby with mental illness with a king.
Have you had a look at the absolute state of the modern "Horde"?
*for a king.
>crybaby with mental illness
>a crybaby with mental illness
Damn it.. lol
hol up let me leech off the MMO community's good vibes and contribute nothing except pissing in the communal drinking water for 20 years straight until the tides finally turn and I'm isolated with an empty friends list where I belong. alright, now that's done, time to give vague suggestions about "reintroducing the social aspect [that I never understood nor helped foster]" by holding strangers hostage and forcing them to rely on my character.
We need a remastered WoW

> Season of Discovery but with HD assets from every expansion
> Classic-TBC-WotLK era game, MoP & Legion expansions with better story bridging
> rewritten TBC & WotLK storylines
> stories as whole are written to be more brutal, male leads & focusing on races' societal struggles (e.g. Kel'Thuzad's journey from a mage to the grand lich etc.)
> DHs available in TBC, introduction rewritten
> Monks & Pandas are not made available
> Only WotLK era races & class combinations + some Cata combinations & rewritten DHs
> extra Cata combinations: Hunters for Humans & Undead, Shamans for Wildhammer affiliated Dwarves
> Humans can choose their affiliated kingdom, including Kul Tiras (KT rig not available)
> Broken as optional model for Draenei
> Wildhammer clan options for Dwarves
> Orc, Troll & Tauren players can choose their associated clans
> rework gameplay for less of spec locked gameplay (e.g. Affliction warlock choosing Immolate as a spell over Unstable Affliction, Mages may choose to spend the Pyro proc for a Pyroblast, Arcane Missiles or a heavy hitting Frostbolt etc.)
> modern spell effects
> race specific class changes (Forsaken priests not wielding light, use dark magics to heal, Troll priests choose between Sun Loa's light & dark healing etc.)
> class specific spell skin options (Shamans healing via spirit magic instead of water, necromancer pets for demonology warlocks etc.)
> Transmog
> zones' level scaling
> party sync mode
> M+ for old dungeons - ilvl doesn't increase but adds jewel sockets etc. to drops in higher levels
> M+ gear improvement capped at some level, after which titles & mogs are given as reward
> DID & Zandalari as "Classic+" content (Zandalari completely rewritten into a savage, dark magic Voodoo kingdom.)

We MUST completely bin Stickney-Metzen's Cosmos of Marvelcraft, and all of that cosmic faggotry along with it.
Season of Discovery is an improvement to the right direction, but could do with a bit more.
we need a retail wow with classic models and animations
we need a WoW GBA port
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>2024... I am forgotten...
Impregnate void mommy!
All it took was mentioning this faggot op at /fog/ and he spazing all over it with vagueposting as he always does.
know your shitposter /wowg/ and the one pushing tribalism shit at xiv and other games since he plays none of them, even wow, and it is a literal poorfag.
Anyone else still doing keys on EU this week?
we need you to shut the fuck up
rexxar will replace brann in s2 delves
what's the point prepatch is in 10 days
What does prepatch have to do with M+?
I always found it lame how Vereesa had a major role in MoP, as well as showing up a decent amount in Legion, only to get shoved aside as soon as Alleria returned.
WIth Rexxar he has honestly always been fairly neglected, I'm not sure why Bliizard doesn't use him more since a lot of players do like him.
i mean i guess its fine to do it if you dont have the portals. with warbands they become account wide so
I've never used a portal to go and do an old dungeon once they are out of the current seasonal rotation.
Only time this has been the case is when the Neltharus dungeon from Season 2 was used again in Season 4.
Dungeon portals are really not that big of a deal. Raid portals would be more convinient since you get a direct teleport to farm transmog, cutting out some travel time.
would be a lot more useful if the cd for portals not in the current pool was significantly reduced. very helpful for traveling around
I think that would be widely abused by people who run bot farms as they would only need to buy a carry (why would they play legit? ofcourse they'd buy one) and then have global accoutn wide portals on every b.net account they make.
For this reason i couldn't see it happening, but it would be nice. However i doubt blizzard would have the foresight to consider such a consiquence first before implimenting your idea.
yeah but getting most portals is a huge time investment, you would need to wait years for seasons to cycle, and i think botters are mostly interested in short term profits
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Speaking of that, I guess portals being unlocked for your "warband" will also apply if you create a character on a realm you have zero characters on? That's kinda huge.
t. one realm only kind of player
they're BOA so yes.
I think I unironically said this when I was like 7
>"errrmmm unlike SOME of you, *I* actually like talking about the game. Huhph!"
>Thread utterly dead with very little discussion
>Some anon posts a quick screenshot of an overgeared druid queueing for a low key
>Gets screamed at by some autist
Bro they literally gave Vereesa her own short story in Shadowlands and had her show up at the end of the expansion.
Rexxar then shows up in Dragonflight.
That's more than what a lot of characters get.
why would anyone want a Horde character to return at this point? If Rexxar ever got major focus he would do nothing but prostrate himself before Anduin and apologize for not being born a human
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>I always found it lame how Vereesa had a major role in MoP, as well as showing up a decent amount in Legion, only to get shoved aside as soon as Alleria returned.
>WIth Rexxar he has honestly always been fairly neglected, I'm not sure why Bliizard doesn't use him more since a lot of players do like him.
Because they are out of touch.
China adore the cast of WoW more than Blizzard themselves do, but if you've seen the pictures of the dev-team at their out of office staged photo-shoots in any of the previous threads it's easy to figure out why that is.
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> having the itch again
> retail is irreparably pozzed
> but like the gameplay mechanics & features
> curious about SoD
> hear Blizz having fucked it up for sake of gameplay time stats

What should a man do in such a situation?
Just wait of the Woke Within pre-patch?
>Because they are out of touch.
its because they never planned more than 1 expansion ahead
Horde aren't any better lol they have a council full of cucks. The best option for an interesting and dynamic leader, Gallywix, was shunned from the group. Imagine the chaos a goblin leader of the horde could create, would be fun.
Just play retail and don't read the quest text. Or install an addon that auto-skips it.
you should probably just stop playing video games
this is honestly my favourite WoW image, so much fucking soul in this picture it's unreal
haven't touched in WoW since SL's first patch, nor played any games since then.
It's fan-art drawn by a chinese player.
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yeah the chinese text in the bottom right corner didn't give that away
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TWW is the chud expansion
I'd go retail, SoD is a FoMo game mode at this point with no catch up mechanics in regards to getting runes. Starting fresh on SoD now will not be fun. Get ready for prepatch or dick around with MoPRemix
>illidan trying to plap tyrande
>kael thas trying to plap jaina
nigga it's 7 am fuck you mean "good night"
I stayed up late gaming... again...
Why didn't Alleria just do this to Sylvanas until she apologised?
now you've done it
Good night King.
meltdown incoming
i havent stayed up til 7 am playing video games since i was underaged
That's not very gamer of you
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reminder avatarfagging is strictly against the rules
do your part and let the janny know of the rampant rulebreaking as per the first line of the op
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im always gaming, even during my sleep
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This looks as though it was hastily recolored by someone, that, or, not by someone, but something.
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welfare gear looking like shit is a staple in mmos
Maybe. I really dig the black/white/purple theme though.
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> female empowerement
> chud
Eurowhore logic
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why did this cunt character get edited into an otherwise perfect commission?
its a fucking god damn crime that they have done nothing with rexxar since Founding of Durotar. Sure hes been in a few quests here and there, but nothing major.
Who is it?
he should have been the proxy adventurer for the Horde that the faction leaders (THrall, Garrosh) became in Cata and MoP, accompanying us (or us accompanying him) to get shit done across Azeroth
artist's or the commissioner's OC
aka an avatartranny
makes it better desu
>have an artpiece depicting every facet of the official game lore up to BFA
>cram a random ass player character into the dead center of it with her color palette and lighting drawn in contrast with the rest of the image

no it doesnt unless you worship attention whores
goodnight chad. never stop posting
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the disbelievers will be executed for their disbelief inshallah. for the light is most merciful, most exalted allihimdullah
why do people say rdruid is easy when it has barely any tools for saving dps from getting 2 shot in m+
It's the artist's character getting an autograph from Rexxar
Why does it make you mad that artists include their own characters in their art?
get good
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Well you uh see /wowg/. The Broken Isles weren't actually raised by Gul'dan. Just the Broken Shore. And not a single one of the four major civilizations chilling on the Isles at the time bothered to take interest in the giant tower that was raised from the Oceans floor, just across from Suramar during the events of Warcraft 2.
Instead, we only realize the Nightborne, Highmountain, Druids, Vykrul and their Titan masters were all just chilling off screen comfy for twenty eight years.
Im not even remotely mad just disappointed
I also already explained why, read again
You are very mad, actually, and your explanation is bullshit. Are you just mad you have no talent? You can be honest here.
ok im absolutely fuming, now go dilate lol
>its easy when you get good
so its not easy?
>instant seethe with a concession
didn't read, but we should exterminate all orcs just in case
its not .prevoker is the easiest
>healer cucked the most by dps practicing social distancing
yeah no
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da log within
Gul'dan so ugly they aughta call him ghoul'dan haha
is he dead dead now or
AU Gul'dan is dead dead.
MU Gul'dan's ghost is still at the bottom of the Tomb of Sargeras.
Will the ore and stuff like that, that I mined up still be viable in new expansion or should I get rid of it.
He's pretty dead, not as dead as Garrosh but deader than Sylvanas
I have a friend who's horde but I like the alliance races more, how good are the cross faction features like raiding and guilds or are the so scuffed that I should just play on the same faction as him?
Well, what exactly would they do about it? The place got sealed up by the Kirin Tor and the wardens were left with the keys.
afaik you can do any instanced content together without issue but won't be able to do world content together. I haven't done much crossfaction stuff to know in detail.
cringe, im glad they wont ever be touched again
>deader than Sylvanas
how's sylvanas dead
This is from a different time when they actually liked writing about their own game. Nowadays everything is so brisk and lacking in even the slightest exposition that nothing feels established anymore
Lightbound Orc alliance allied race in midnight
She's dead in that she died and became undead but on the deadness scale she's like a 2. Calia's a 1
sheĀ“s in
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There's a literal period of 16 years between when Gul'dan raised the tomb and TFT happened.
In this time, nothing was done to the tomb. The Kirin'tor didn't even patch it up, until after Maiev and Illidan went there. That's 16 whole years, anyone could've done something with the tomb.
Broken Isles were always a shitty retcon.
yes, and? This is an endemic problem with warcraft and blizzard. There is always only barebones continuity that is nothing more than "Big event happened, it may have happened here but thats always changeable."
bros can you recommend me a class? I come from OG and I played SAM, SCH, SGE, and DNC
>Yes and?
There's a difference between some long lost continent being hidden by mist, or no one could find it. And the a civilization literally a boat ride away and used to have a direct bridge to, from the on-going conflict, chooses to ignore a giant fucking tower being raised from the ocean for 16 years.
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Blizzard was really fast to take down the Turtle 2 trailer. Do you guys think it's because Blizzard is planning to do a graphical update for Classic too?
Just because we don't know what happened in that time doesn't mean nothing happened in that time.
The place was full of demons and naga, im sure plenty of people went to check it out and got torn limb from limb.
I don't know what any of those acronyms mean but you should play a druid because that's what all the furtrannies play
im agreeing with you, it is retarded but its just how blizz does things and it fucking sucks.
No it's because using someone else's IP to make a game in a new engine is, in fact, copyright infringement. Turtle is pulling their punch here by saying they'll continue to "mod" the game but that's not a mod it's just blatant theft of an IP.
FFXIV classes don't have a whole lot in common with WoW classes
also it's okay to call it FFXIV in here
>ran a +14 in which the retardin didn't pad on aoe, used his support skills and even threw the occasional LoH/WoG to stabilize the situation
lmao what a colossal faggot, haven't laughed like that in a while
she's in what
and he still outdpsed you
Weren't the nightborne trapped inside the surumar bubble for 10,000 years until the events of legion? Maybe the vrykul could have investigated but what would they do with it exactly anyway?
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and im in her
she's more alive now than before because she got her soul back
So how does the beta work? Do I have to level a character to 80 in there to check out the hero talents?
make a character on the 'goes to 11' server for instant 80
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That's why she's a 2 and not a 3. I thought this out stop questioning me it's just a bit
dorf kino
whats wrong sis?
Level 35
Half way there!
>big tower huge stairs
>portals everywhere
Yes, that was in the plans for a while.
unironically, all it takes is a command line to make use of the new models.

tell that to the overwatch porn and warcraft mods in other games using WoW's assets then
Rexxcraft got hand-delieverd a Cease and Desist from blizzard for using their IP in his porn.
But that's inconvenient for your narrative so I guess it never happened.
vrykuls are 8'0 aryan chads and stacies while all elves are merely subtroll abominations
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mogged by harronir
OH innocent
The only reason he got a CD was because that faglord was hired under a new name.
Blizzard ALWAYS paid fore their porn because is free advertising for coomers.

If blizzard cared, they would had CnD every artist using OW and WoW models to make porn.
But hey don't do, because is Advertising for them.
>UHM ACTUALLY *made up schizo headcanon*
>Blizzard ALWAYS paid fore their porn because is free advertising for coomers
too based to be true
tranny devs
tranny game
tranny community
nuke california, today.
>Pay for it
>Free advertisement
>Pay for it
Anon, I...
but enough about final shart
>da log within
when is it coming out?
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lmfao. this turd really broke them, they'll never recover from it.
I would call bullshit on this, til i remembered that they rolled back the last banwave because they discovered that half of the players, including faggots from here and their own forums, were using the non bot modded EXE to run model mods because they never cared to fix male and female bodies at all.
And all used coomer mods.
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I played A LOT of Remix. Fuck you! I'm finished. I'm officially alt ready for TWW. I loved Remix. I fucking loved it, /wowg/. I loved the collecting, I loved the challenge, I loved the community! I LOVED REMIX. Fuck you!
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i told you to take your meds yesterday spazoid
i dont play either of those fucking games
xiv sucks
and if they want to come into my thread and shit stir they're going to get shit on
>doesnt play the game
so uh... wheres your axe bitch boy?
Waste of trips when 10 years ago, Nintendo and Gamefreak were literally paying for Pokemon Doujinshi in japan due to cynthia and BW girls.
All companies does that, in the past it was easy, til shareholders embraced the ESG faggotry and now they have trannies at their necks to push their agenda.
Grab the TWW Token Sheboon and put her 10 years ago, not only her design would be different but there wont be any of the shitshow of a design she has, including the missing arm.

Again, Blizzard don't care, because they are hypocrites enough to admit that is free advertising.
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did you buy every mount toy and transmog
Fastest way to level characters in remix?
This is why you can't have discussions on 4chan. Any time you make a point the other person will just make up some schizo fantasy universe where they are right and pretend that's reality.
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>Vagueposting again because nobody is giving a fuck about his posts
The OP is malding anda calling others schizo because he is a faggot and never played WoW.
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>somebody in a bgblitz tells me to put some clothes on my character
>reply inshallah
Post your character
>I did a few dungeons
post trove tally
I loved remix too. Wanna bang?
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avatartranny status?
i play FFXIV and judging that you like barrior healers and range that like support, i recommend priest, Disc is basicly sage and you can give people power infusions on dps that will steb eath other just to have it
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>put arbitrary "rating" on bgblitz
>system matches you against teams ~300 mmr in either direction
>something different quest still requires a "win" to get conquest gibs
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
two characters this week ive had to play more than 4 games to clear the weekly conquest gibs
this game is such a piece of shit
i cant wait until all the niggers who refuse to analyze what they're doing wrong in arena to figure out why they cant break 1400 to bitch and seethe and throw their hands up a second time at wow pvp
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Thinkin it's time to dog in to woro warca
love your mog
Try this:
>mount up on your dragonriding mount
>fly into the air
>while at high speed spam your hide UI keybind
report back with your findings
thanks, ive been using it for a little over two years at this point, i cant find anything even close to comparing aesthetically, maybe when i finish the redemption set, who knows
so ive been gearing up my shaman for a quick 18hundo
for some reason the Bigdam build doesnt use windfury and i have to physically swap my mainhand to my off hand to apply double flametongue
what am i missing here??
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> Do you guys think it's because Blizzard is planning to do a graphical update for Classic too?
God I hope they do, and add some of the post-Legion assets (armours & weapons) + remastered HD versions of the old armour.
I will resub immediately
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10 more days.
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> lmao what a colossal faggot,
> haven't laughed like that in a while
The worg within
10 days until collectionchads win forever
cursor disappears and doesn't come back. what else?
on some of my characters it completely fucks the camera and my FoV gets stuck at like 150 when I land but it doesnt do it on all of them and I want to see if I can find out why
i see a foot
cant wait to go mogmaxxing
classic should stay classic. just play retail
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The evolution of the human race...
Retail is pozzed beyond repair - we need a HD version of Classic ala SoD & the following:
> Season of Discovery but with HD assets from every expansion
> Classic-TBC-WotLK era game, MoP & Legion expansions with better story bridging
> rewritten TBC & WotLK storylines
> stories as whole are written to be more brutal, male leads & focusing on races' societal struggles (e.g. Kel'Thuzad's journey from a mage to the grand lich etc.)
> DHs available in TBC, introduction rewritten
> Monks & Pandas are not made available
> Only WotLK era races & class combinations + some Cata combinations & rewritten DHs
> extra Cata combinations: Hunters for Humans & Undead, Shamans for Wildhammer affiliated Dwarves
> Humans can choose their affiliated kingdom, including Kul Tiras (KT rig not available)
> Broken as optional model for Draenei
> Wildhammer clan options for Dwarves
> Orc, Troll & Tauren players can choose their associated clans
> rework gameplay for less of spec locked gameplay (e.g. Affliction warlock choosing Immolate as a spell over Unstable Affliction, Mages may choose to spend the Pyro proc for a Pyroblast, Arcane Missiles or a heavy hitting Frostbolt etc.)
> modern spell effects
> race specific class changes (Forsaken priests not wielding light, use dark magics to heal, Troll priests choose between Sun Loa's light & dark healing etc.)
> class specific spell skin options (Shamans healing via spirit magic instead of water, necromancer pets for demonology warlocks etc.)
> Transmog
> zones' level scaling
> party sync mode
> M+ for old dungeons - ilvl doesn't increase but adds jewel sockets, higher levels rewards mogs & titles
> DID & Zandalari as "Classic+" content (Zandalari completely rewritten into a savage, dark magic Voodoo kingdom.)

We MUST completely bin Stickney-Metzen's Cosmos of Marvelcraft, and all of that cosmic faggotry along with it.
we dont need any of that shit
just put in more hirez slutmogs and add catgirls
ez million extra subs right there
I hate Turalyon
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you'll take your 2-patch marvelslop themepark expansion and you'll like it
that'll be $90 (unless you want to get timegated)
>Discussion about the game
>It's all retards bitching about the game
we need retards like you to stop writing garbage
what we need is a special leveling questline through Chromie from level 10 - 60 that takes you on a summarized version of each version of WoW's story, so starting from vanilla, then TBC, Wrath, Cata, WoD, etc etc.
and whenever a new expansion is released, you just add onto the questline to include the previous expacs or something.
right now people have no idea what the fuck is going on because its all built on top of 20 years of storytelling and its a massive barrier for new and returning players.
I also think it'd be a much more fun leveling experience than what we have right now
i miss wildstar
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You've been asking for Classic+ with these same desires since before Blizzcon.
It's not happening.
You won't ever be able to retcon Shadowland.
You won't ever be able to retcon TBC.
You won't ever get bring back Varian
You will have to deal with the First Ones, one day.
And the Titans have never had it in your best of interests.
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i can already picture the trillions of posts that will be made in r*ddit, featuring selection screens with all their rare mounts and pets and characters wearing tusks shoulders. those people are so predictable.
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if the game needs anything, it needs a reiteration of the mage tower.
I will be posting my nelf harem
There's a "secret" delve boss that's supposedly mage tower difficulty when you clear every delve on the highest difficulty
and it's also getting updated every season so you can't outgear it
its cool so who cares
oh shit they're doing it? fuck, i've been mentioning this for a while. you think they're reading these generals?
yea holly mentioned it that they want to revamp the new player experience because they want players to be able to experience all 20 years of wow in some way
either i'm just really good at sensing what they're planning or they read my posts either way i'm very happy lol
i hope they do, some good feedback is being posted here
pretty rare, but its there
it's not rocket science, if old players are leaving (they are) and no new players are coming in (they're not), the game dies. new players have to climb like 15 different mountains to actually get into this game, it's supposed to be the more accessible version of wow but in reality classic is far more accessible to literally anyone. part of that is how dogshit, disconnected, convoluted, schizophrenic the new player experience is.
heres a good interview imo
it also touches on horde vs alliance

I made the point to Associate Director Maria Hamilton that, with World of Warcraft's iconic Horde and Alliance factions now in a "truce" period to allow players from either side to play together, the game feels like it has lost some of its identity as a result. It stems a bit into the general World of Warcraft new player experience and feeling bonded, rather than disoriented when entering the world for the first time. Maria teased that things might not always stay peachy between the Horde and Alliance, even if the philosophy is allowing players to play together primarily.

"I don't think we want to get rid of that faction identity at all," Maria emphasized, "I think that that's important. And I know that things that happen later in The War Within ā€” we'll delve into some of that. But at the heart of it, the philosophy is more about friends being able to play with each other."
yeah but they already revamped the new player experience with tutorial island and then chromietime to get you up to the new expansion. and then they said you could just level through dragonflight from level 10 starting with TWW. so it's not so obvious that they'd do ANOTHER new player experience revamp on top of that
i think the game needs a complete, streamlined, and universal leveling experience. chromie sucks. it's another thing that fragments the playerbase.
need to be something that every new player has to go through, and run into other new players, or shit, even older players that might just happen to be around farming stuff
it also needs better content discoverability and better introduction to endgame.
for example, why not have an "LFR" version of M+? something you could do with AI/warbands, with a timer, affixes, but on a lower scale difficulty wise?
and also regarding content discoverability, there's a lot of stuff in the game that players, especially new ones, will never be aware of their existence.
i know we now risk into going into "lol skyrim markers" meme but honestly a game as big as wow needs it
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Exile's reach was the worst mistake blizzard ever made and it's good that one of the people at the top recognizes that it sucks and racial starting zones are just straight up better in every way
your reductionist faggotry aside, what's content to you?
adding a possibility to level to max level outside of the latest expansion would be pointless, since no one would be grouping up with you to do dungeons or quests.
AI party members maybe a solution to this, but people will start to demand them to be improved, which adds yet another system to maintain & improve constantly.
They are going to recycle Remixes through old content & call it a day. There's no other reasonable road, unless they are going to bin WoW for WoW 2.
not him
the three pillars and shit like the mage tower
i know some people like world content, goldmaking, and farming mogs/mounts but i only bother to do the latter when im sitting in a shuffle que
otherwise i couldnt give a shit
old school starting zones shit on exiles reach and its not even close
you get a nice, detailed and narrated introduction (kino voice btw rip earl boen) and you immediately get immersed into your character
>for example, why not have an "LFR" version of M+? something you could do with AI/warbands, with a timer, affixes, but on a lower scale difficulty wise?
its already setup like this with heroic dungeons, theyre even running LFD with current season dungeons
i think theyve tried to address the leveling woes by just making it incredibly fast
>brewchads getting their own soothe in tww
bear sissies on suicide watch
anyone here runs WoW on linux? i'm trying to decide wether to install windows 11 or linux if i can run everything i need on it.
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i miss my diapy chua so much brehs
it's obvious they are already doing it with some of the inclusions and ui updates in remix, the changes to grant old mount training out of the blue, and a lot of small details in the way df and tww are laid out. also it wasn't just the tutorial in bfa it's about the way each expansion expected to be self contained and played through chromie time once its past rather than an abandoned endgame extension like shadowlands. there won't be another expansion that's as blind to the rest of the game as shadowlands was.
yeah but there is no proper introduction to m+ in the game. the game doesn't really tell you what's a keystone, what's an affix, you kinda have to figure it out on your own
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>you kinda have to figure it out on your own
shitposting aside, it's still one of the main activities in the game. it should introduce new players to it, and inform them what's a keystone, affixes, the timer and how it works, rating, loot, how to get a keystone in the first place, etc
thats a good thing.
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>be arcane in dungeon
>use touch of the magi
>mob dies before it can go off because devs thought it was a good idea to increase its duration in a previous patch
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what they need to do is a fucking reset. there's no reason why this game needs to be 10 expansions piled on top of each other when only 10% of that is going to be playable content. classic works because its a single game, and even with wrath it's only 3 games. it's a cohesive experience from start to finish and it doesn't feel dead in every zone. retail has like 10x the playerbase of classic but it feels emptier than Era servers.

wow's expansion model is not sustainable. they need to find a way to fix this or the game will simply continue withering away until it finally dies.
wtf is this real?
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>a fucking reset
what do you think the worldsovl saga is? i think the name the last titan is pretty self explanatory.
metzens are in control
They need a reset & limit he game into the first three 3 expansions.
Make a spin-off which focuses on MoP, Legion & BfA island kingdoms' landmasses.
That's it, that's all they have to do.
The keystone panda is pretty much the official m+ mascot now so there's a perfect character to use for an introduction/tutorial quest.
yea so why not use her to introduce new players to it? fuck, even the most basic of shit, WHERE to place the fucking keystone at the start of a dungeon.
hell yeah! that's what WoW needs! even more retards that can't figure the most basic stuff on their own
fuck off and kys
read this fucking thread and realize why a reset is a bad idea
Yeah just like have a quest that informs you how to obtain a keystone, then a followup that puts you in a little tutorial instance complete with voiced instructions.
Obviously they'd still have to retard proof it by making it clear you need a party of 5 players to do a real keystone but using the AI helpers they made could work well for a tutorial.
Reset shills (Asmongtards) are just bitter faggots who don't play this game anymore and want those who still play to be as miserable as they are.
WOW 2 is coming after this trilogy of expansions. Azeroth will blow up after that thingy in the middle of it comes out of it and we will escape to another planet and that will be the start of WOW2. WOW 2 in 2028 imo.
how does a reset affect your enjoyment of the game exactly
Reboot is just the new cope from classicucks. Now that classic objectively proved that TBC and Wrath actually sucked, the next step is to act like dragging the modern game back to those settings would somehow make it good.
reset shills and asmongoloid are just bitter they don't have unobtainable mogs/mounts/cheevos and they want to clear the playing field
What surprised me the most as a new player(started playing in dragonflight) is how lively the server I am on is even in this time when there is literaly nothing going on and we are all waiting for pre patch and most importantly new expansion.
NTA but why for fuck sake you would want to go backwards?
>Season of Discovery 2 - The Burning Crusade
>Season of Discovery 3 - Wrath of the Lich King
>Season of Discovery 4 - Cataclysm
>Season of Discovery 5 - Mists of Pandaria
>Season of Discovery 6
>Season of Discovery 7
>Season of Discovery 8
>Season of Discovery 9
>Season of Discovery 10
>Season of Discovery 11
>Season of Discovery 12
>Season of Discovery 13
>Season of Discovery 1058465942654984654654165427e+149
there's your reset
They're not doing another SoD after how hard the current one flopped
No you don't get it, I don't play retail so I need retail to be classic
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yes, flopped
how the fuck do you lose 90% of your players what the actual fuck
it was bound to happen. sod has a small team that cannot deliver more content than 1 dungeon turned raid, abilities taken from retail and 1 world event





I'm not saying anything should go backwards, you should just start from a new baseline instead of continuing this endless vertical climb that only makes it harder to bring in new players.
if you reset the game you're going to lose 80% of your playerbase. most wow players want things to "carry over" in a potential wow 2/reset
>364,000 players in the first month
>$15 a head
things already don't carry over. how many stat squishes have there been? what level are we? how relevant is gear from older expansions in current content? WoW is already a seasonal game, they just don't openly speak about it.

if you're talking about collections or whatever, that's totally irrelevant. they can carry over and it won't affect anything.
>dies faster than wildstar
>literal launch weekend for SoD phase 4
>not a single server above medium pop
i don't get what kind of reset you want then. if you don't delete achievements and collections you're not really resetting anything. you can make the starting experience better, but that's it
>2024-01-31 there are nearly 400,000 players
>by the next week over 50% of the playerbase is gone
huh. what happened there?
i came back to trannyflight that week
i was playing 100,000 characters
ecelebs treated sod like the second coming of jesus. it was supposed to take over retail according to them. that shit didn't even last a year lmao
It was clear very early on that they had no fucking clue what they were doing with SoD and a lot of people just hopped off the train after they snored through BFD a couple times.
Then the rest left when they forced everybody into 20 man raids that they didn't ask for.
it really wouldnt be WoW if every FUCKING MOB didnt have a stun or slow or disorient or daze or FUCKCK
why the fuck would anyone reset cosmetic and achievement shit? what does that do but make everyone miserable for no reason? you people are so fucking retarded why can't you engage your frontal cortex before typing to me

I'm talking about restricting the game to a few different expansions in a rolling cycle. you would have vanilla 2 + tbc 2 + wrath 2 and then start over, basically. new players would then always be more or less caught up to the current playerbase, power scaling would never go insane, the world would always feel alive since you're not spread out over 10 expansions, etc.
skill issue
ironically it's the opposite. instead of experimenting they settled on a predictable pattern. retail is in a way shackled by its endgame, but sod devs had the liberty to make so much fun shit instead they made sod retail like
SoD will have all the classic+ people want though, just wait and see, devs are cooking
>t-third times a charm!
>they should just make the game worse because I am autistic and can't let go of the past
think you should drink bleach tbqh
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People don't want new things. They want classic over over over and over again.
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Why would the devs ever waste recourses on a classic+?
>We-want TBC!
>Get given TBC.
>TBC dies off.
>W-we want WOTLK!
>Get given WOTLK
>WOTLK dies off.
>Get given hardcore
>Hardcore dies off
>W-we want new content for vanilla!
>Get given SoD.
>SoD died off in phase 2.
No wonder they're all in on retail, cause they know retail players will actually play the content they make.
>y-you can't let go of the past!
>also I will kill myself if my mountsmogscheevos don't carry over to every possible version of this game until the end of time
I have all my mounts in the present thoughever
nobody cares about wrath of the poop king
rewatch the blizzcon presentation. they said they were setting up another 20 years of WoW
I also don't care about wrath of the poop king?
>I don't care about wrath of the poop king!!!
some of these gold times on the advanced race courses are ridiculous
20 more years of wow doesn't mean the game isn't getting at least a soft reset. they're already setting up the other side of azeroth and i think we can expect some graphical update soon(ish)
nobody wants to play same shit over and over again. People like new toyss like new weapons or armor, people also believe it or not love that the story goes on. Rehasing the same shit over and over again becomes boring quickly. The best thing for wow if they want to start over is new game not the same ol same ol expansions people alreday played.
brack was right
personally I wouldnt give a shit if they made WoW 2 and none of my stuff transferred or carried over. its a non argument imo
How many of them tho. Almost nobody plays classic anymore.
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>nobody wants to play same shit over and over again.

Oh. So I said "wrath 2" and you thought I meant literally Wrath of the Lich King again for the 2nd time. Well. You have below average IQ. Don't ever reply to me again.
Personally I don't care if you get your skull crushed under the tire of my truck. It's a non-argument imo
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You don't need to worry about it because WoW 2 is never going to happen. It's clear that the next 20 years of WoW are going to be implementations and revisions of the game we have today.
why would my skull be anywhere near the tires of your truck?
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>And who are you...
the Blackguard said
>...that I must bow so low?
>Only a bear of a different coat, that's all the truth I know.
>In a coat of blue, or a coat of red, a panda still has claws.
>And mine are long and sharp, Tushui.
>As long and sharp as yours.
There would be no concessions given to the outsiders on that day.
I accept your concession
why is cg invading? didnt their main game just drop a new patch this week?
one of the hallmarks of low IQ is the inability to abstract or think in hypotheticals. mongrels such as these are incapable of imagining a world that can be and instead hyperfixate on the literal interpretation of whatever is said. any attempt to get them to think in hypotheticals is met with a vacant, slack jawed stare. "but is not what you said??? how can be???" they'll drool out of their misshapen hole
how do you keep the old world "fresh" without utilizing the same zones over and over?
Are you ok lil bud? Why don't you go and donate some superchats so he says your name. That'll make you feel better.
none of them actually play
they just watch alexensual and argue about what is and is not retail
one of the hallmarks of low IQ is ever talking about IQ
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I don't get why you people insist on resetting wow, making a wow 2, or deleting all lore post the expansion you grew up on.
What you should be asking for them is to do something actually proper with the IP that isn't pumping out MMO expansions, or releasing mobile games like Hearthstone and rumble.
something major will happen to the game after the last titan. i am sure of it.
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Asmongold said it on stream a couple months ago and now all his twitch zoomies are hyperfixated on it
actually what we should do is continue to make new expansions forever as the playerbase slowly dies until eventually the servers are shut down, and then I'll piss on the grave of this game and make sure you remember you could have fixed it if you only listened to me, but you couldn't because you were born too stupid. thats okay
Because everyone knows WoW has been warped beyond saving at this point and the only way to fix it is to throw the whole thing out and start over.
I think you're right about that but it's not going to be a sequel.
asmongold yesterday said he doesn't give a shit about retail anymore. i hope zoomies start doing the same
why does a 20 years old game with 4-7m subs need to be "saved"?
I don't watch Asmonshit, it just seams like a logical progression for me. I mean wtf is supposed to happen to the planet when that thingy comes out of it. Wheter it will be good or bad doesn't matter, planet isgetting destroyed. And it would be really lame if the thingy decides to stay in the core of the planet to save us. That would be the stupidest shit ever imo.
asmongold doesnt do anything except react to zoomer youtube videos, hes become the most boring person on the internet
>defensive seethe reply
yup, that's an asmonzoomie
He's said that so many times over the last 3 years and it has never been true
who knows really.
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The planet doesn't even need to be destroyed for a World Soul to be born. This proven in Legion with Argus, when the Titans escorted his world-soul off the planet and he formed on the Seat.
do you guys think azeroth is a hot amazon mommy with abs
>sod devs had the liberty to make so much fun shit
like what? maybe wow formula doesn't work for anything other than "retail like"
I literally have a playlist on YouTube filled with interviews with everyone on the future and current state of WoW. I've done the research, man. WoW 2 is not the direction they're taking the franchise. They are sticking with the game they have today.
it will be a blue haired tatted up dyke and you know it
Sounds like you need to get a life
Damn, Helya was Azeroth all along?
devs listening to "what players want" is the biggest mistake of gaming industry
classickeks want fresh servers now
Classicgrifties want money*
havent played kulasic since january
i prefer retail
but i would play the shit out of a fashy fresh right now
does this still work if you havent been looting anything?
>no changes
Yeah about that.....
If they were going to do a fresh classic it should be for the 20th anniversary in november. Give people time to be bored of TWW
wow players are effeminate faggots
it's like listening to women
they don't know what they want
they want to be slapped around and degraded
most successful expacs were those which treated players like shit
anyone who plays post faggot centaurs is an aids ridden faggot so they obviously want to be humiliated
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>t. sissyhypno enjoyer
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SoD made them millions of dollars for virtually no work at all though
>SoD made them millions of dollars
have you seen fatgrend? he spent all of that on twinkies and multiple entrees a sitting at company lunches and funko pops
one store mount in retail makes them more money than 10 SoDs
time for SoD 2
we need to feed the beast somehow
okay so they can make tens of millions of dollars doing both...?
they're revamping quel'thalas in Midnight, so I'm guessing every expansion after that will just focus on one part of the world that's getting an update
but by the time they're done with that it'll be another 10 expansions later
can I get heroic level gear and trinkets in delves? If not I wont do em.
are delves cool? I haven't looked into them
sure it goes straight to your mail
that won't be until 2029 i think. i'm thinking it goes as follows:
>Midnight Q1 2026
>Last Titan Q3 2027
>??? Q1 2029
basically a 18 month cycle per expansion. each major patch of the expansion will cover 6 months and will have 2 minor patches, one (X.X.5) 2 months in and another (X.X.7) 4 months in
need worgen evoker
need worgen sex
Well, look into them
>What you should be asking for them is to do something actually proper with the IP that isn't pumping out MMO expansions, or releasing mobile games like Hearthstone and rumble.
this. their animation is incredibly good. there is absolutely no reason they can't invest more into making an animated show set in azeroth or produce feature length films about the lore of azeroth. imagine a movie about the war of the ancients or about prince arthas turning into a death knight, with the quality of the saurfang cinematics
it would be absolute kino, but for some reason they just refuse to do it
>no reason they can't invest more into making an animated show set in azeroth or produce feature length films about the lore of azeroth
they cant because the lore is so fucked everyone would make fun of them
Yes but
> 9 - 11 will reward equivalent item level gear to a tier 8 delve. This is designed so Blizzard can make them challenging without players feeling that they need to complete the highest tiers for gear.
>Blizzard lterally says the expansions will be shorter because they don't want to still be telling the Worldsoul Saga into the 2030s
>YouTube retards: WILL THEY BE SHORTER???????

Fucking retards, man.
Instead of blizzard releasing those short stories, they should've done cinematic. Like give me a cinematic that follows a Pandaren who joins the Shado-Pan
>Just over a month away from War Within
>No expansion shorts that they've been doing every expansion since Emperor Shaohao/Lords of War yet.
Did the the quicker production cycle result in us getting no shorts this time around?
why is nobody complaining about buying 3 expansions that have less content for the same price?
Because tww has more launch content than the last 5 expansions
>are delves cool?
yes if you like killing endless trash mobs
nothing in TWW is cool enough to be hype fodder like Warlords/Warbringers/Harbingers
>for the same price?
not if you account for inflation
Warbringers were mid anyway. So we might be lucky we've missed out on a second Jaina focused short.
>even matt is making fun of the gay centaurs
it's over
>DF campaign is too long!!!
>blizzard makes the next one shorter
this is why you don't listen to players
>Implying Daughter of The Sea wasn't the purest kino
It's just a shame they 180'd her character again halfway through the expansion.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
rope is a good thing
I don't have any problem with Jaina getting back to her old self, but it didn't really feel earned. Like, a hug from her mom and an intimate moment with Thrall fixes everything?
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you have faggots like this one that want wow to have a story as long as xiv
Maybe they're only releasing one animated short each expansion, for the final patch big bad.
you say this but you never post your dracthyr
>calling it an MSQ
WoW players discovering FF during Shadowlands has been a disaster.
remember that wow is at the gamescom this year, so we can probably expect something interesting there
The Shaohao was before SoO, not before the expansion itself.
And tehy were testing how little can they get away it, because instead of animating proper cinematics, they learned that a slideshow would do.
Fast forward to Shadowlands and they even reused some frames from Legion. lmao
Yeah, it's why I lumped Shaohao in with LoW, given they were animated around the "same time".
why do story fags infest the video game medium so much?
I don't think they'll show anything from midnight, but we'll probably get first patch info and whatever the fuck they have planned for classic after cacaclysm
Gals... there's still time to save moonkin.. r-right...
these idiots shit on the story all the time and yet want more of it lmao.
Better question, why they pick MMORPG as their object of interest?
When someone you kill has to respawn 5 minutes later for the CHOSEN HERO, SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD to get the kill.
Captcha: 2DKMS
>first patch info
fine by me. we know it's going to be goblin related but i hope they also announce something cool gameplay wise
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>the long awaited WoW 2 or Warcraft 4 is finally announced
>it's a multi platform mobile first slop tarisland clone
>do you guys not have phones 2.0
can't wait to see it
never ever
why did they do this to undead
my nelf hunter is so cute and she is gonna be dark ranger
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Me on the right
We will probably get dynamic ground mounts at some point this expansion. And maybe racing tracks
bost gyude 'under
people already pay monthly subs and buy shit from the shop, do you really think they care about paying for expansions more often?
more like the players want a complete story in .0 and about all you get in the past 2 expansions is a setting introduction with some resume builder sideshows. basically it's the core wow problem where no one wants to call obvious shit the shit it is. it's not wait and see it's incomplete, insufficient, and unsatisfying to have such a thin production. as it is you shouldn't even bother with an expansion until it's finished and you can play it straight through smoothly as old content without worrying about anything else. then maybe if you get through it in 2 weeks rather than 2 years it might be condensed enough to have some weight.
>the joke is porn.jpg
to be fair, tbc and wrath "died off" after the last raid for each xpac was released, which is normal. and the people that wanted tbc and wrath are now playing cata classic
ever notice how wow went downhill once it started to focus on story?
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I just started gearing her so she's a muslim right now
in MoP? yeah we all noticed
yeah in TBC
>gearing "her"
she belongs to tauren men
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>visible ears and eyes
anon's talking about the character, gorilla nigger
Yeah, the Onyxia questline really was the low point of wow.
praise be
Durning Tides of darkness?
Are we playing ret paladins in tww within bros?
Anyone drooling over the Turtle WoW trailer has objectively shit taste. It doesn't look good at all but you all are being gas lit into thinking it's good because that's what streamer man said.
these fucking vaults in the forbidden reach are absolutely awful

what the hell?
as soon as i level one in MoPmix
i thought it was neat
its all the zones you know and love with a fresh coat of paint
i have never nor will i play a private though, maybe if blizz crashes and burns in relatively short order and they EoS, but otherwise wont happen.
didnt watch any streamy reactionarinos either
Dead general, dead game... it's over...
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been thinking of buying the epic edition for the beta and early access but it comes with a bunch of crap i don't even want like this pet. is it possible to sell the pet for gold at least?
game is bad because all the normal people quit leaving asocial weirdoes with no one to play with.
nah you cant sell anything from the bundle
2 weeks
we're going to pop off so hard
People like jizz over this trailer but you'd throw a shitfit if blizzard decided to add retail models or assets to classic.
lol this epic edition is such a scam i'd instantly regret it if i bought it
i bought it. who tf cant afford 90 bucks every 1.5 years
i would be unhappy, yes
the old models have sovl and we have two versions of the game for a reason
the old models dont even look bad. I prefer a lot of the old animations even, current models and animations are way too smooth and disney-like

I'd be okay if femnelves were updated but no one else
So wtf was the point of your fellating of turtle then?
>fresh coat of paint
looks jarring because UE5 is souless as fuck. and the models are still low poly
Out of touch boomers:
>We need le wow 2
Also out of touch boomers:
>We shouldnt change the way classic looks
unironically yes. its not even a hard concept to understand
greedy blizzard kikes:
>people want classic+. classic+ would make us a ton of cash
also greedy blizzard kikes:
>lets give them retoilet light
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I got the epic edition and I would do it again
that actually happened
check /pol/
thanks chud bro for posting the news
>hypocrisy isn't a hard concept to understand
I know
buy me it you rich bastard
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this is on topic because we need to know what race plays marks hunter
what was the race of the shooter
I can't believe he did it again...
nelf, dwarf, goblin
class just fucking SUCKS
He cant keep getting away with it
now or in tww?
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Cant believe they killed Ysera again
calling a waahmbulance for you rn
Mommystrasza feet...
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mommystrasza's pussy...
Ammen Vale
booba time
Convincing point...
was she always that stacked

i think so it was just never that... pronouced on camera. taliesin you lucky bastard
I think she might be pregnant again
this mick still plays the game?
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Time to play WoW
yea with his boyfriend matt
I can never make it past level 1...
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same. one day
>0 children
WTF Malfurion
Keep accidentally vendoring all my gear and getting lost, ugh.
they're fucking as we speak, as per in game questline
Malfurion got sleepy and went to bed, actually.
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after a long fuck
Hear me out, Tyrande births triplets, leading to a an explosion of night elf fertility.
they need it
orcs demand diplomatic access to night elf wombs leading to the 5th great war
Ugh, lost in Shadowglen again.
What does Tyrande smell like?
Worgen cum
fresh blueberries
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Finally free
>13 hours ago
I' about to lose my mind
https://youtu.be/sDGYviQwiGo this u?
you reminded me of THAT nn animation
i wonder if she plays classic
shes so hot bros...
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too common
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>ceegee niggers show up because their game sucks
>posting and lusting after trannies and "femboys" intensifies by 200%
why are they so gay?
did someone say femboys
no, now fuck off
season of dads is bussin ong
femboys would save wow. bunnyboys saved OG
kill yourself faggot
foxboys saved wow
and then a tranny killed it
WoW isnā€™t a second life clone like OG though
>goon into my plastic hole wife like a retard until i become cross eyed
>no longer interested in women
time for some m+
yes it is

not breedable enough. we need a boy race with big hips, round asses and thin waists
If only there was a kind soul to show me the way
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need to breed femworgen
gotta look for em, they're shadowmelding
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That would be ideal
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why can't she just stay with us...
kind of a shame too because shes top of the stack as far as wowfus go
i remember when they announced and everyone was crying about how she looked like a tranny and all that shit, it really dried up quickly
Tbh the key art looked nothing like the top-tier in-game model
female tauren druid
kt arms warrior
Rerolling to belfie
post her
retchads we literally cannot stop winning
Holy shit the tranny jannies are losing it.
trinkets that are just <press button for huge stat boost when using your cooldowns> are cancer
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does wowg think this race/class was staged?
male human holy priest with the cheat death talent
>troon jannies will instantly delete this but leave up blatant avatarfaggotry
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Itā€™s because the resident tranny mass reports these posts. Theyā€™re worried about the upcoming genocide lmao
honestly no, theres enough unhinged people out there that would totally do it. Dont forget someone fired on that baseball game those senators.reps were playing back in 2017
Did you get the message yet or are you still too dense to get it?
no-one cares about your futa avatar faggot
>maye bragging about reporting everyone for being 'off topic' while always posting porn himself
You gotta love the mayester, you just gotta.
>country where school shootings happen regularly
>country where some boomer opened fire on a concert audience from his hotel bedroom because the music was too loud
whats actually shocking to me is how long it took for political violence to become more commonplace in the US. I guess it goes to show most people don't actually care about politics that much
Itā€™s actually Howlah that reported the post on several devices
Donā€™t ask how I know
it's actually trollanon
Prepatch can't come soon enough
just 1 more week
9 days
>spent 3 solid days getting 1800 on my rsham
>play my friends DK on his account
>gaining ~100 MMR on losses up to 1k
>1400 after a single 4-2 game
>1700 after 3 wins
he's never PvPed in his life. he does not have rating from a previous season. the game can just decide you're playing like a 1.8k and try to place you there? what's the predictor.
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America and WoW wins again.
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the deadest 9 days of your life brace your selves
Season 4 is over on the 23rd, right? What happens to the Awakened Raids and the mount for doing normal mode?
If they do the same thing they did in shadowlands every raid will be awakened during prepatch
mmr didnt get reset last season
they juiced weekly inflation
you literally start at 1930mmr on a fresh character
if you go even or positive in your first round you maintain or increase your mmr
the higher your mmr the faster you aquire cr
1800 is below the starting mmr, so a rough equivalency would be 1400 in a system like tbc where your team started at 1500 and if you dropped below it you just make a new team.
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Don't forget that there is a bullion vendor for transmogs so go get some unique appearances such as Nymue's staff and Naltharion's sword with 0 effort
Do you want some help anon? I won't mind getting you a last key
ashkandur is a must buy
Nah, I'm just seeing if I can get 2500 without doing a +10. Thanks for the offer though.
Go do academy +10
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I am definitely easily offended.
He will absolutely still play enough TWW to milk several yt vids out of it.
I should've figured something was up when they didn't roll the set rewards over to S4 votes. bet they couldn't figure out how to switch the season over lol. if it's that free I'll grab a few more.
I like this troll
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PvE gear should be good in PvP.
Can we have an America parade through Stormwind?
some trinkets are
honestly think it was a complete oversight on their part
kennie the furnigger on the arena forums said that the appearances were being awarded from tier pieces received from the vault
its pretty free, im trying to get all the classes i dont regularly play right now because im really bored with m+, the only one ive struggled with is mage and that one only took 25 lobbies, got everything else inside 15 lobbies, still want to do shaman and evoker but times running short on me
PvP shouldn't have gear and stats should be normalized.
When i started pvping on my main pala this season i didnt need to buy any tier set pieces, rings, or weapon
PvP gear should be good in PvE
like it was in SLS1
when they tried this in legion people cried and shit their pants because they couldn't outgear people
no one has done this since the end of battle for azeroth
they cried because they couldnt customize their template
funny because the current pvp gear system you can't really outgear people either.
the horde garrison is a literal shit hole compared to the alliance one, what the fuck
Iā€™m playing tarisland on mobile and itā€™s pretty good. Why canā€™t blizzard put wow on mobile?
You are literally playing WoW mobile that Netease sold to Tencent when they lost the rights to WoW during covid.
Damn bros is it true that Turalyon got clipped in the ear at his rally in Stormwind today?
>Why canā€™t blizzard put wow on mobile?
WoW is a spaghetti code nightmare that prevents them from putting it on anything other than PC. They've been trying and failing to put WoW on console for almost a decade.
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>sell wow mobile to tencent
>netease gets wow back
Yes but it was all staged by the army of the light
Alliance only got a nicer fishing hole. They don't have comfy weather and seats around a big campfire.
Their inn doesn't even have balcony seats. Human architects just decided
>"It is absolutely essential we pave paths on this land so our stupid delicate feet don't have to touch grass. Also plumbing. Obviously a working fountain is a much needed use of Garrison resources."
Thatā€™s fucked up. Why would they do such a thing? I think those Dracthyr and (((warlocks))) have too much control over Stormwind these days.
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Luckily his wife dealt with the shooter prompty
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there will never be a bigger bias than the horde vs alliance major cities in BFA. holy hell the temple sucked so much ass.
It was actually a failed assassination attempt from Onyxia.
>It is absolutely essential we pave paths on this land so our stupid delicate feet don't have to touch grass."
the "protect nelfie feet" initiative
The worgen, ā€œredskinsā€, warlocks and death knights seem pretty upset by the news. They know whatā€™s coming kek
This never would have happened if Genn took the throne instead.
Nelved would be the ones appreciating grass under their feet the most!
the Alliance was always cringe
and the most based are the Forsaken, back to back warcrime champions
>Monks & Pandas are not made available
retarded niggerbabble
if only their models and animations didn't look fucking hideous
i don't remember that from legion but legion was the last time I had any fun in pvp so that's a good thing in my book
PvE gear should be good in PvP because otherwise I have no reason to ever play PvE.
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There we go!
please stop spreading lies about the Dracthyr
the Nightborne were still in their bubble at that point they wouldn't have seen shit anyway
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>burn out playing maze+
>try pvp for the first time
>actually find it fun being retarded and making retarded statements in chat and actually learning my class again in a pvp setting
Stormwind has become noticeably worse since their mass immigration
i want solo rbgs now
did you have this same opinion when night elves were immigrating to stormwind?
At least they contribute to society. Theyā€™re better farmers than us humans ever were
Is the orc racial for pets as good as it sounds for demo lock?
don't give them any ideas, please stick to tarisland and Nintendo switch. we don't need to debase WoW any more, they already disneyfied and trannified the game and the gameplay is all we have left.
most of us just want a McDeathwing's cheeseburger and to sleep on an actual bed
I believe it only works on fully controlled pets (one with a pet bar) and doesn't effect uncontrollable guardians like demo lock imps.
tauren crit damage is better
Classic is and always has been dogshit, the old faggots kept going off about "how better things were back in the day"
and when Blizz actually listened to them and relaunched the ancient game, the only ones who couldn't see how shit it really was had rose-tinted glasses stabled to their faces
Why did you have to come here? You could have stayed on the forbidden reach
I am no longer asking for a nelf gf.
Where is she?
because the old faggots are malding over how successful Dragonflight was
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>president wrynn still hasn't pushed through the legislation for throne-mandated worgen gfs
What the fuck gives???
They need to stop pushing their sick ideology on the human children of stormwind.
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I am ready for the WoW within :3
f-for uhhh... diplomacy... and to meet the nice outsiders like >>485977678
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can't stay away from those worgen knots huh
giant Troll muscle mommy
What, you're upset he was trespassing in your thread?
Guys, I want to play WoW but I'm a little bitch about it. What do I do?
what do you find so scary anon. the big, sweaty, muscly, buff green orcs on the screen cant actually hurt you
That's not worlo
pick whatever you want
what this one? and miss out on all the laughs? shit no
i dont view pornography
fuck off
No I mean the Blacked thread. Cause yeah its weird he was there, whatever, but whoever fingers him for it just casually glosses over why they were there as well.
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nelves are open to breeding to rebuild their losses at the burning of teldrassil
Go back to ziv. Itā€™s made for troons like you
>Attention waning in /xivg/
>Goes to /wowg/ to meekly beg for more attention
Never change
I'm scared that I'm already too late to get that ugly season raid mount. Plus I'm playing a Tank and everyone warned me not to because the chances of getting invited are low.
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It's about time
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See you then.
Og looks like THAT?
Yeah it looks like a Skyrim mod from 2013
with ACKtrail being a dud, this will probably become common itt.

which one? you can easily get the slimecat by doing LFR. you'll get extra bullions for the weeks you missed and its dirt cheap anyway. should also buy some of the cool mogs
>Cause yeah its weird he was there
idk if its weird for him, hes rather perverted, seems right up his alley
>but whoever fingers him for it just casually glosses over why they were there as well.
look man the people your going to find on this website have some weird tastes, its just how it goes
but to say its not really funny is disingenuous
its just like the time the barry clone posted the clip of yoship fucking the tranny from gif and when pressed about it his response was "i just stumbled upon it"
keks for days
The fuck class should I make my femgnome?
Same energy as barry finding the troon porn with the guy that looked like yoshit
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>xiv tranny tourist season is about to start
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death knight
We miss you Tina
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>We miss you Tina
Mage, priest, warlock, rogue, hunter larping as a tinker
>SoD phase 4 released
>no increase in viewship on twitch
Did they just flop ANOTHER SoD phase?
sod is mostly dad gamers, they don't even know what twitch is
to be fair, twitch is dying because of their egregious ads
that's irrelevant in classic's case, despite ceegee being obsessed with ecelebs
The mandate of heaven left SoD with P3, Turtle and the desire for FRESH are currently warring for the imperial seal
>mandate of heaven
tranny groomer guild
sometimes one of their victims comes itt to shill themselves
sad stuff
For the greater MMO sphere, you might be familiar with Final Fantasy XIV Online which obtained the mandate in 2021 but has since lost it
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>Wow never expands on fishing
>never adds more sandbox professions to keep the game more fun
>always forces you into ilvl grind
more like system of grindcraft rather than WORLD of SOULcraft
i want to drink so fucking bad rn
theres a farm minigame for herbalists and a new fishing tournament in tww
MM hunter can be player with one hand and i think that's beautiful
some anon also said that there is some sort of event for blacksmiths where you fight waves of mobs that get increasingly stronger
pretty sure that's one of the world events for everyone
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if you're lying then im going to find you and shit on your head
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literally impossible
Dogging out
handcrafted for valeborn bbs goddesses
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It's true
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can i unlock new fishing rods? are there fishing traits i can skill up in? do i get fishing specific gear i can mog?
With how hard they raped professions in DF, I don't want them touching these systems ever again.
How would WoD Remix even work?
Garrisons would just piss people off (even though personally I think they're over hated and actually a lot of fun).
people want to collect currency and spend it on cosmetics, just make that fun and you can't go wrong
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Also speaking of WoD: why the fuck weren't the Saberon ever made playable? They are cool af
I don't know details, I just know there is a new fishing tournament
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Remember when Sylvanas got assassinated but ultimately didn't die
barber mount when?
They look like shit and only appeal to the sexually unwell. Iirc druids could turn into them at one point
if you ever played XIV you'd know how soul crushingly boring profession jobs are
it's fun and new at first but there's a reason there are mods to automate that stuff

professions are fine as they are because they need to be utilitarian
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Are we playing earth warden shaman tanks in TWW bros?
as much as they're hinting at 4th specs, I highly doubt we are getting any in TWW.
Because they're mostly unintelligible Worgen reskins that are primarily feral, and all the races we ally and/or talk with on Draenor hate them.
>another spec before the core class is fixed
lol even
starting from scratch with a 4th spec while ignoring the other 3 is exactly the kinda shit Blizzard would do.
remember when she served the jailer for an entire expansion and then went "I will NEVER serve" right after he acquires the mcguffin which turns him into God and he barely even fucking notices her dainty arrow hit him

what a retarded character
I still think they look cool af
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Human women belong to troll women.
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>branded troll
>human women belong to them
Is this some fetishy reverse psychology the human women are doing?
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30+ anons...

I'm either taking a break from playing or I'm done for tonight. It sucks getting old. I can't game like I used to.
But troll women belong to human men. Ergo, human women also belong to human men.
she schizo fr
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I'll blink twice if I am being held against my will.
>He thinks human men can go 80 rounds in one Troll heat
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Never once made the claim myself, but I guess its out there.
/Cast Death grip
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Y'all like the new ink?!
ayo whycome this be sayin dwarf does less damage when they have literally the same exact dps racial
I kinda do actually
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That's actually pretty sick.
Never seem some hard Zandalari themed tattoos before, but thats some pretty good shit.
"ink" is for criminals, reprobates, slaves, and homosexuals. You couldve paid some scam artist on twitter to draw you a pretty picture you didnt have to look at every time you take a shower
Wait is that Maye?
normies aren't going to recognise the horde symbol so they're going to think this guy is just really into power rangers or never grew out of his dinosaur phase
It's T*na
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Ain't him, but that'd be a bonus for me. Love Power Rangers.
Suddenly have a large desire to get a Power Ranger look for my Zanda-Pally...
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That's cool as fuck dude.
Also no.
Not sure they play anymore but they sent me that edit out of the blue, it's not mine.
can someone explain to me what the difference between regular herbs and "overloaded" herbs?
Same as mining. The special nodes of the herb/mine get overloaded and depending what kind it is, you get more of the mineral, better quality of it, extra/rarer items from it, or a bunch of a rousing element associated with it.
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That's great and all but why is there an ability attached to it?
Because that's what you use to overload the mine/herb for the bonuses.
each element can be overloaded for a different effect
so you use the ability near a regular ore deposit, it makes it special, and then that's it?
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Dracthyr should have used the gargoyle model
No, only on the special nodes.
Or the special nodes that aren't just the 'more of -herb/mineral- kinds.
So like the windy/frosty herbs for example. Overload those and you'll get an extra effect to get more Rousing Air/Frost. The wind one will be like that one quest in Bastion where you're launched into the air and have to slowfall through rings, you do that to floating flowers.
Frost you just get a big herb in an ice cube you continuously damage and chip off more herbs and rousing frost.

Its a very important ability if you happen to need more element shit, and cools down faster the more you keep collecting herbs of any kind (in DF zones), but it can only be applied to those special nodes.
That's true.
I think I kind of get it. Blizzard is trying to make it more interactive to deter botting, I guess. Idk.
A little, yeah. Not that its essential, just speeds things along a bit.
Also I guess to kind of spice up the gathering professions a little or something, increase the amount collected or whatever.
No such ability for skinning though, sucks for them.
any pre-existing dragon, draganoid, or winged-anything model would have been better than the dracthyr one.
Which Alliance for Priests anons? I feel like Nelf, Humans and Draenei are all pretty cool losewise for Priests
>those homosexual colors
estrogen and onions beans have obliterated all traces of masculinity in the last 3 generations its insane.
TWW is the old man expansion. Delves and solo q rbgs mean we won't have to waste precious time looking for a group manually.
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I already have all classes leveled on horde side... I want to see stuff and cities from the other side now
Worgen is the only valid alliance choice
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Every race Priest is a different kind of Priest.
Just be aware that Gnomes are the only ones making a conscious effort understanding anatomy and how to keep you alive.
Should I level my gathering alt first when TWW launches?
it's so gay over there... like unlubed shaved three days ago gay.
If you're actually gonna focus professions in any form, it couldn't hurt. First or second.
Or even if you just want to try (and I'm sure ultimately fail) getting a head start on the auction house game with materials.
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new warcraft movie around the corner brehs
Hight said they need to find a company that understands the franchise. He doesn't want anyone in Blizzard to work on it because they're a gaming company - not a movie studio.
There's knowledge catchup in tww and npc work orders for recipes/gold etc so no need to rush like in df
Damn, Warcraft movie is doing that well on netflix?
Getting a full sleeve WoW tattoo is one of the cringest things anyone can do. Every one of them look terrible.
The sylvanas one is the worst though.
Next OP is Garrosh with a bleeding ear surrounded by Kor'kron, right?
no one will know its a wow tattoo thoughbeit
they don't call it big dick dps for nothing
You're the fag if you're dedicating large areas to a singular video game tattoo usually in a singular point in time, nerd. Like that fucking retard has the BfA expansion on his entire arm for the rest of his life, one of the worst expansions of all time. Simply embarrassing.

Awesome, now the people who aren't already laughing at you will now be asking what it is and you'll have to explain to them that you thought the black panther inspired dinosaur people in WoW were cool.
Comments are peak cringe, those people need to be drafted
I will never understand tattoo fags.
What compels one into permanently staining their skin with this shit?
Is it the groomer mentality?
Every time some tattoo fag is around, he starts talking about how everyone should get one. Usually these days, people are "nice", so they either keep shut or commend the tattoo, after which they start coming up with ideas about what should the person get for tattoos like anyone fucking asked.
Sooner or later, you got one of these retards, who whine they cannot afford groceries, sporting a tattoo worth 6 months of groceries.
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>"People that spend their own money to do stuff they feel like to their body that I don't like are complete fags and it hurts me in every way possible!"
It looks cool, fag
sincerely, yes.
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>>485949806 here, i'm no longer a muslim, plus i got Sylvanas' bow now
>and it hurts me in every way possible!"
I never said this. The rest is true though.
Post what you look like so I can evaluate if you make a good point.
You didn't need to say it, you sound like a reeing faggot regardless.
This post did not need a pic of your character
Good of you to make an equally pointless response.
Where's that faggot that said that nobody will watch it on Netflix
You sound upset like you're taking it personally. I wonder why.
You can come up with whatever cope you want but the bottom line is getting a large tattoo like a full sleeve to a single thing like a video is just stupid. What if you don't like WoW 10 years later? Whoops.
His problem then, isn't it?
You're the one crying about like it represents you personally.
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The seethe that starts bubbling up whenever someone says "inks" are for vapid retards is glorious.
Okay can someone explain to me the appeal of balance?

>your choice between legendarily ugly boomkin form or cloudy fart glyph that ruins your mog. No 3rd option, must look like shit to cast spells
>pain in the ass multi dot management with weird multi target appkication with different target numbers for the different dots
>offensive rotation that consists of spamming the same spell for 15 seconds at a time
>bland aoe that auto targets everything in a 45 yard radius with zero gameplay
>actual fun spells like treants and mushrooms are a dps loss and skipped

I dont get it. Why do people play this spec?
Yes, it is his problem then. That's why i'm laughing about it. That's the whole point of my posts. Thanks for finally comprehending, took you a minute but you got there in the end.
Every single druid spec plays like ass and are only ever picked because their numbers are usually overtuned to the max. Notice how all the boomkins disappear the moment they aren't the best at literally everything during a patch?
>laughing about it
Yeah, that's definitely how you conveyed that. Good job with your pretending to be mad angle.
A lot of normies are tattooed and people literally do not give a fuck about it outside of 4chan from my experience.
That is how i conveyed it. You pretending anything else was just baseless projection on your part.
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>every time some tattoo fag is around, he starts talking about how everyone should get one
It's pasta.
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It's usually one of these obsessed retards who make it their whole personality, not the one with some tiny sharpie scribble full of regret.
But it absolutely is a thing.
Sounds like you're the obsessive retard who makes hating tattoos into an important character trait desu

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