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Previous: >>485872534

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

Join Albert and Michael on July 17th

>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

bro love
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I ran out of gems while NP5ing Arcuid and i only have NP4 and i need to farm free gems for another copy in 3 days or i will never get NP5 because she never gets a rerun on JP so she will never get a rerun on NA either but getting free gems in this game is aids because you need to rerun the same stage 5 times for each gem.
I tried FGA but most of the time it ends up dying so im doing it manually because i cant wait i need to get more in 2 days or less.
I thought about buying a big pack or 2 but i think ill leave that for a last resort on the last day because thats like... 10 hamburgers.
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Bobbu rabu
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Post your support!!
2 slots open!!
add me!!
You can try your luck in GSSRs
we usin them 10 tickets boys
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4 days left I hope you save enough quartz for them
Why are her hands always like that?
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Schez love!
is she showing her boobs behind supports? full pic please
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I'd like some comments. Usually I just get bullied for so many NP1s though.

Things I'm considering are
- grailing Wu and replacing Semiramis with her
- whether to remove Okita and add Void Shiki
- replacing Da Vinci with Bakin
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I concur.
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>he's skipping Ibuki
>It was THIS big!
I would skip morgan too
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228 slots open
just bee yourself
What tier list is this? Best farmers?
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YuYu is not lewd!!
Thoughts on these two?
im not sure im gonna be lucky enough to get them all
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Bros how do I lucid dream I want to sex Draco too
Already bros
pretty good!
already friends, cucksucker.
hopee 500 is enough for skadi
Love Nitocris
I tried to add you before but I guess you denied? Sent again, Barg in all. Always good to see a Quetz supporter.
No sex happened, it was just cuddling. She only squirmed around like a cat on my lap.
I mean it was obviously sexy but it never got to sex.
Is Nakahara still alive? Seems her servants barely ever get stuff. The hassan costume was an oddity in that sense.
I can't post those thoughts on a blue board...
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its not something you can learn straight away, my advice is follow the lucid dream guides and constantly follow them even if when you wake up and write/type down what you remember nothing actually happens. Thanks to that I dont lucid dream but i've had way more semi lucid dreams involving abby's that dont suddenly wake me up for no reason when starts getting good
I have zero respect for grailed teach or grailed columbus
I want Serenity to get her swimsuit this year
you didn't reply so I thought it was some rando...
added and locked!!
yeah sorry, was banned for posting nws image so I couldn't

love you bro
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65 slots open but you couldn't pay me to accept /alter/ trash
Why? Who hurt you, bro?
I've tried for over a decade and only had mild success, it's very person dependent but you should be able to *improve*, even if specific levels may be out of your grasp
And this is from someone with many very vivid dreams by default
I still get Fate dreams, I'm just not generally lucid

Do you like cunny Draco more after that event?
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>She only squirmed around like a cat on my lap.
Did you get hard though
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I have one slot.
you probably have a shit tier support anyway
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>Haven't support posted anywhere, /alter/ included, this year
>Got refreshed by listanon anyway
>Wake up to rando whale req who has first and third pages full of NP5 SSRs, the CEs are nothing but MLB KScope minus teatime on Castoria
This doesn't tell me if they whale on events for CE though...
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let her cook
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it's not like I want to be bros with you anyway, idiot!
>Skipping an actually fucking ugly Summer character who is only this strong due to Sakurai nepotism
Yes, and?
does Draco still want harems like normal Nero or nah?
sent, kiara in all
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this is mine >>485895281
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>played 6 hours of Elden Ring right after waking up again
>still haven't cleaned my room
this DLC has ruined my life

time to boot it up for another 6 hours
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I never particularly disliked young Draco, and I still stand by my preference for mature Draco. I think her adult form looks really cool and sexy and powerful.
But I did kind of even out my opinion and now I'm considering keeping her set to "random ascension" instead of "always third ascension".
I'm a latelet, a lot of skills are unmaxed but the event's 90++ node will get me out of the egg and chain zones.
Not shown: Castoria with level 8 skills.
I have one slot: 787,596,949
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Imo Draco is a bit more reserved than Nero.
Considering she was suicidal and just wanted to die until we came and became her light.
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If Hans had been summoned near the start of part 1, is there anyone he could have used his NP to give enough of a boost that they could defeat Goetia?
>Another request
There's someone on my FL who hasn't logged in in 4 days, delete?
It was obviously exciting. And I remember holding her really tight while she laughed.
>I'd like some comments.
You are on THE list.
>had to choose only 2 of the CE anniversary
>will have to content myself by rolling the ones CE with said servants that also appeared in the other CE but couldn't choose cause fuck Lasengle
No. Märchen Meines Lebens cannot penetrate Nega-Summon. Beast I is completely invincible to the spectrum of heroic spirits, until Solomon showed up we accomplished absolutely nothing. He just wanted an answer from Mash and was humoring our presence to that end, nothing more.
My Fate/Grand Order support pages aren't Fate/Grand Order enough?
Big fan of a lot of your supports. Vritra, Ibuki, Schez, Regend just to name a few. Sent, Barg in All.
Based chosen perceiver of Draco's bonus singularity
That's fair. She has an adult form for a reason too. I mostly go for cunny but I like her horny form a lot too. She has a warmth and and feels reliable.
I think I'll be using both a lot.
Dantes or Saber Shiki if we're being serious but I'm going to meme and say that Lu Bu would solo the pillars if given a Hans buff. 72 Demon Pillars? Not even enough to warrant a Officer Defeated quote.
Arcuid isnt in GSSR
I just locked you!!
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I don't know how lucid dream works but I just dream about them a lot and none of them are sexually related...
Maybe you could start from keeping a collection of artworks and try to remember every detail when possible? I keep a collection of them as references to draw.
I don't know what THE list is, I just see people talking about it.
Wrong, Draco is the one who isn't in GSSRs.
Thanks bro! I haven't received any requests yet. Maybe try again?
oops, meant for >>485897147
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You’ve been selected by Whaleanon infinite loops are now at your disposal.
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Is this a good lineup for the dream summon?
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All the Cum on Cummer
newfag here. is it harder to max grail lower rarities? i always mostly see 5* servants grailed
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>But I did kind of even out my opinion and now I'm considering keeping her set to "random ascension" instead of "always third ascension".
All Dracos are good.
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Once you start desiring sex, you start getting too horny and slowly lose your grasp over the dream, and the next thing you know you're already up
5 grails for a 5*
7 grails for a 4*
9 grails for everything else.
It costs you more grails.
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
Replace Poo Alter with Morgan
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Oberon love!
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Neither of them are.
already friends!
it costs more grails but grails are not particularly that hard to find. You see 5* more often because that's the normal trend for a variety of reasons. 5* almost always dominate the grail count.
Yes, that's why you should only grail SSRs
Lower rarities have worse skills and lower stat totals too so there's no reason at all to grail them
For grailing to 120, raising a 1, 2, or 3 star is easy, trivial even. Raising the 0 star or 5 stars is a difficult challenge, and you see people post it because it's a mark of devotion and dedication. Raising a 4 star is agonizing.
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would she have an ascension that looked like this?
Not really. The biggest bottleneck to max grail (lv120) is coins, which on paper should be much easier for FP silvers and bronzes. But if you're a newfag it's a crapshoot, year 1 oldfags could probably 120 any non-limited silver or bronzes they wanted from lotto FP rolling and such
I heard Morgan sucks though.
Unless that 3* is storylocked or limited
Now that's true hell
I just received 3 quartz
Its soulless to grail only 5* Servants. People who grailed more lower rarities worked harder for their Servants.
Oh, yeah. Bediverefags are screwed.
come let me clap for you
Looks fine. Are you going for one specific servant or just hoping for a gameplay bonus?
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Got you.
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Good morning, bro.
>Once you start desiring sex, you start getting too horny and slowly lose your grasp over the dream, and the next thing you know you're already up
That's why I want to learn lucid dreams, so things like that don't happen that often
And I realise I'm in a dream without waking up
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Arc's rate-up isn't over yet so of course she isn't available in the GSSR or this Destiny Order bro...
Castoria hopefully.
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Morning Lipbro.
gonna be real with you here, was never really an UMU fan and nothing she ever did really managed to overtake Artoria and Medusa in my eyes, be it in the extraverse or fgo. But i will admit that Draco hits different than normal Nero and that how much of a dork she was in her Valentine did manage to melt my heart a bit
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Hello, bro
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That would be fun. I'd hope for a storyline that somehow allows her to have some fun in the end without instantly destroying whatever ecosystem she dips her toes into.
So something like diving suit -> casual wear -> proper swimsuit would be really nice.
So is Arcuid going to be in future Destiny Summons?
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Good luck bro
Yes, obviously. But Aesc, the next anniversary GSSR, will not be in next year's destiny order either.
>she will never get a rerun on NA either
There's always Thanksgiving
Correct, and her groups tend to be pretty good too.
The matter is Morgan needs less support. Arjuna Alter only functions as a world breaker with Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon, and since both of those are on your list too, you don't have either. Morgan can work with Koyanskaya of Light and any 50% charger.
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Hello to you too, bro. Hope you're having a good day.
I'm confident enough in Nasu's autism to believe JP wouldn't let NA have an Arc rerun before them. The only way for us to have Arc during Thanksgiving is if JP gets a rerun for her before that happens
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Once again Castoria escapes my grasp...
First in the normal GSSR now in the dream GSSR also...
Cursed image. Cursed Wada.
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If someone sends you a friend request in-thread but you don't want to add them, what's the least rude way to handle the matter besides adding them anyway against your will?
Meet behind the ramen shop apology
Ignore it.
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>TFW the next Castoria rate-up is over a year away
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>Beast I is completely invincible to the spectrum of heroic spirits, until Solomon showed up we accomplished absolutely nothing. He just wanted an answer from Mash and was humoring our presence to that end, nothing more.
Serious question: what purpose did Ritsuka serve in the story, besides be a plot device that drives the story forward through Chaldea's resources and technology set up by Marisbury and the FATE system supplanted by Mash's (Galahad's) shield?
The real answer to that is: NOTHING.
Let's face it, the MC is overall useless to the story. The anime adaptations prove such damningly, as they tell the story of the games very faithfully and accurately. If you completely cut them out and have the MC be Mash or even better have the main characters be the Servants themselves.
That's not getting into the fact that Guda is perhaps the blandest and safest option to handle Chaldea's Servants and its systems, as they are merely just one wheel in the whole flawless system that Marisbury crafted. Put any idiot in the driver's seat, say even a moderately-skilled magi or any other fucking TM protagonist, the results would either be the same or even be faster, most efficient and more varied that way.
Ignore it
Just politely ask if it's a wip, and that you'd prefer it's resolved before you add.
Straightforward communication gets you far in life.
Cute pic, Saber Alter in all.
At least you can Buster loop now.
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You hit decline in game and ignore them
wait where is this image from
>and I still stand by my preference for mature Draco. I think her adult form looks really cool and sexy and powerful.
i get you, her drip is sublime, has long hair and is tall, her face tattoos/mark add to her rather than detract and her greatsword is super cool. The heels and the pose she's striking help her cause a lot, her artist cooked
His lack of personality IS his compatibility.
Any other person in the driver's seat does not have his full repertoire of Servants, and thus would be at a fraction of his effectiveness.
Does Morgan need NP2 for decent NP damage?
She need np5 to deal real damage bros
Yes, she hits like a noodle otherwise but generally any looper wants NP2 at minimum.
Holy shit bros they remembered he exists!!
Why is it acting like we have never mean Astolfo before?
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Being "the blandest and safest" IS their purpose, because you are riding a powder keg through a flaming forest. Anyone who is more headstrong or with greater force of will will find themselves tripping on the other colorful characters and making enemies where they need to be making friends. Among Masters, only Kirschtaria is our equal or superior in this regard. Someone like Ophelia, Akuta, or Beryl would completely fuck up the alliances we need to make to navigate the mires of singularities and lostbelts. Especially Beryl as heroes see through his shitty nature. By about singularity 5 or so, the most experienced Master alive. You've worked with more servants than anyone else across all of history, and your friends list keeps growing longer.
having a nice stroke, anon?
Now give him the animation update he so desperately deserves.
check the np damage list
in niche, np1 morgan is really great
arjuna makes his own niche, so his level of consistency is really high; tradeoff being less battery
I dislike skadi, is the summer version meta or I can skip?

slags for your attention
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Name the servant
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You lost alterkek
You did play Lostbelt 5, right? New servant, new iteration, new memories.
Guda acts as a glue that binds all the servants together. All the servants we've met, be it allies, enemies, or bystanders, were all ready to die for Guda in Solomon. This is because Guda is such a non-character that every heroic spirit project a part of themselves onto us, and they go "wow we totally vibe well mastah, you're my best friend/husband/wife/child/business partner/student/sparring partner/king/subject"
Like the cope has always been 'yeah guda is totally an absolutely normal human bean, and that reminds me of what I need to protect' (a.k.a. it reminds me how fucking awesome I am as a heroic spirit)
What the fuck is the benefit of having "more battery" when they both need a starting NP CE no matter what?
There's one Moribro on my FL with a 112 Mori. I feel bad for the guy.
The power of friendship is like actually the mc's superpower kek
The point is having the most versatile toolbox of magical familiars ever - by the time he's done if he can continue operation of the supporting Chaldea systems, - will be one of the strongest forces on the planet.
When's the next half AP hands after this anni
She’s more of a Buster support I believe
Where are Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail?
Yuyu plays a stringed instrument.
Ritsuka is mandatory for certain places like Babylonia. Without her/him you dont get Quetz, Eresh, Gil, King Hassan, Ishtar, etc working together so its game over. Without her/him you also dont get Ares and arguably Grand Romulus in Olympus, or super saiyan Castoria 3 later, or U-Olga helping out later.

Nasu even already said that if the protagonist was different then they'd get stuck in some part or another
She needs to hit her niche or she does the damage of fucking Spartacus.
Which servant do you think would have the sexiest accent?
And no, "my wife/husband" does not count
did any servants die of stroke or high blood pressure
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It matters for lotto setups and probably some 90++s.
He hasn't met us but we have met him. The game acted like this was the first time we were seeing an Astolfo with ??? for his name.
French and Italian accents are hot as fuck. But there's also something about the low, smoky Middle Eastern accent that I am sure Schez and her ilk have.
>Put any idiot in the driver's seat, say even a moderately-skilled magi or any other fucking TM protagonist, the results would either be the same or even be faster, most efficient and more varied that way.
Ok let's see
>aoko and or alice
Probably win, true magic is strong
MEoDP gg ez
dies in London
Dies in fuyuki for being an autist
Literally brown hair guda.
So 50/50 I would say
Cavewoman sex...
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As stated earlier, he is the safest option and possibly even the worst case scenario to helm the system, because he is a guy who does nothing and yet still gets those results. Now, replace him with someone who actually does something.
If you have plenty of machismo or charisma or determination, you could win over the confidence and minds of Servants easily. That's the purpose of a self-insert. You could see yourself as Guda, or hell even replace him with you yourself, though you can't because you are restricted by story progression and limit of choice.
Imagine if say, Hakuno, Shiki or even Shirou is the one handling said driver's seat. You could get pretty interesting, varied and maybe even exciting results.
Imagine if a class-S badass like Rance or any GAR MC from a seinen manga is in charge.
Nevertheless, the results would be faster, more interesting and less mundane than if that husk of nothing was in charge. Again, why is he the MC other than self-insert gacha bullshit?
They're literally all already bleached kek
Anastasia. Russian accents are super sexy.
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Only one servant has played guitar on Youtube, and that is Richard the Lionheart.
It's so sad that all this gachashit and vtuber shit is dominating comiket nowadays. No wonder lots of artists are fleeing comiket and releasing stuff at smaller events instead.
>farming embers for 120 Arc
>still only have 2k embers
This is absolute cancer. Why does 90-100 take all of 50 embers, but 100-120 requires 5000 embers?
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New year.
If you prepare to 120 anyone in between it would be better to save up some now.
Gameplay wise, she helps farming more than Skadi, but is a small buff, not a revolution in farming.
She provides more refund and damage in farming than regular skadi.
Has a damaging NP, so can quick loop on her own, or be used as a back up DPS in harder content.
And she buffs buster crits, which is great in harder content, as using the stars generated by quick servants to fuel buster crits gives a lot of damage.
Literally the best voice in-game imo.
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It bothers me too. Believe me.
More interesting sure. I don't like Guda nor do I ever self insert for the record. But his purpose is clear in the story.
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Is Melu worth rolling for gameplay?
Da Vinci, I guess? Italian is sensual.
>It's so sad that all this gachashit and vtuber shit is dominating comiket nowadays
Specially vtubers, I don't like the idea of creating so much art a out an eceleb.
Very nice, very sex.
Rule of thumb, unless an aoe np servant has an np interlude, they need np2. Almost all base stat np1 aoe servants can't do their jobs, and you end up with 3 stars outdamaging them.
Anon, it's fucking comiket, you can sell whatever the fuck book you want there. And let's not even pretend that FGO and Kancolle haven't been dominating comiket for a long time. Stop acting like that old coot Miyazaki.
That still doesn't excuse him or his inclusion or make it good.
Probably hag vinci's thick italian accent.
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My next 120 target happens with new year. I'm retarded, thanks. Time to finish the current 120 instead of saving hellfires in second archive, then
I didn't say it did anon
Now go respond to someone else
>Again, why is he the MC
Because he is an average guy that got lucky, if you replaced him with a super competent person ready for anything you would be missing the whole point, like with many TM works the MC is someone external thrown into a situation they aren't ready to handle.
I second this.
She's a two in one deal. She's a stupid good ST looper, and she's a strong general use AOE. If you can't hit a niche (e.gm Chaotic with Arc, Man with Morgan, Debuff immune with POO), she hits stronger than any other Buster AOE. She also can run MLB BG.
Summer right after arc's rate up ends?
Jane's thick almost unintelligable southern accent.
anything not farming
What if she's only NP1?
>why is he the MC other than self-insert gacha bullshit
why ask a question you already know the answer to lol, someone post that .jpg of what Guda is "supposed" to be like if you take testimonies from every servant
>it's fucking comiket, you can sell whatever the fuck book you want there
Wrong, if you want to sell you have to please the crowd
Thank you!!
Added and locked!!
I am now full of bros!!
And most importantly, she's the most for (You) servant in the game.
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I don't really think there is an accent that is inherently sexy, unless the girl knows how to use it. Quetz rolling R's in my ear is the only thing that comes to mind I guess.
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I should go there.
Yes, after the stream and the maintenance.
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The point of the MC is their lack of direct contribution contrasting with their unending optimism and how that specific optimism is integral to their position in Chaldea.

The MC physically cannot be useful, they're surrounded by hundreds of superheroes. Even with them actively making an effort (regular working out, regular lessons in several subjects, keeping to strict work schedules even when not on a mission) they can't do anything but try to be ready. But in the moment of truth, when everything is at risk, it's Masters optimism and willingness to believe in the good of even the worst of society that has let them get to where they are and let them recruit the literal hundreds of servants we have.

By accepting everyone without question, Master has been central to recruiting the largest and strongest possible army in the entire world in defense of it against the Foreign God. That's what Master has done that's been useful. There's a reason they have Masters biggest fear, shown in LB6, being them being useless because of Kadocs return, only for Kadoc to directly say in Traum that he couldn't be accepting of people so universally like you are.
yes 100%
her ST arts np is typically slept on imo, now with xu fu advanced quests are stupid easy with her
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Which Accent doea Castoria have?
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Quetz love!
>Stop acting like that old coot Miyazaki.
No. Otaku sicken me.
No, she has her last gasp in the next lotto 90++, and after that she falls off a cliff. Subsequent 90++ nodes, particularly lotto ones, run multicore and target niche damage types, Melusine simply doesn't do enough for it to matter because she has no niche she can hit. Yes, even NP5 120.
I told this already, but instead of Mash being your dumb companion, the MC should've been the Shielder, it would solve so much of the writing problems if Mash was the MC. Well, not necessarily as her, but the Chaldea homunculus, they could make you pick between a male/female character like they did for Guda.
There is literally nobody more for (You) than Charlotte Corday. You can have servants sucking your dick in an H scene in My Room and they still wouldn't be.
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While i condiser Shuten to be a being that 70% doesnt deserve to exist im not made of stone and thus can admit her voice is pure sex
Let's not step into this minefield...
>70% doesnt deserve to exist
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Welsh. It's literally the most eldritch accent the world has ever seen. That's the reason only her and Oberon understand the Welsh fairies.
But enough about Abby.
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Please post an example, I would like to hear this abominable accent
Still really versatile, especially if you have your own vitch and oberon
She has 130% battery built into her kit anon
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Obviously you want more NP levels, but even at NP1 with MLB BG (or even regular BG which you get for free now) she hits really damn hard.
>Stop acting like that old coot Miyazaki.
Miyazaki is absolutely correct about the anime industry and otaku culture.
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Enough about Draco
Is Aurora for (You)?
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To this day I still feel that people are upset that Guda isn't Shiro and pull bullshit rule breaking magic out of their ass. Because it always boils down to "Why can't they do what X did by now?".
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i love you
Do you remember?
Nasu needs to use less Deus Ex Machinas one way or another
NTA but I have no clue what this guy just said.
I thought the glaswegian one was the worst one
Are they hinting that Aurora will become playable?
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>burning 5 million FP
>smashed the ceiling of 36 CE bombs
>already 14 CE's maxed 100
how many should I max out entirely
(You) are for Aurora, isn't she beautiful?
Turd is cresting the anus
Hope the meido is too
hello discord
There's some reasonable complaints about why Fujimaru is still useless and incapable. Like the half dozen legendary teachers of Chaldea can't teach us anything because we "have no potential". And we don't take an injection of Klironomia because our reserves were limited, it's better to fortify a Servant, and we never had access to the quality Ares Klironomia that would make us a great warrior. And we don't get buffed by our legion of Casters because all of them together just won't make us anything good as multiplying shit just gets you slightly better shit.

But I can't find any form of legitimate excuse for why Kashin Koji can't make us a Servant class puppet body for us. The world is at stake. You've been captured in a singularity before. Your soul will be intact. She could make a more mundane body for downtime (if you fear losing your humanity) as well. She actively wants to do it in her voice lines. She has the resources and the talent. Da Vinci could oversee so she doesn't add anything creepy. You don't have a good reason to decline.
Why aren't we an immortal battle puppet?!
Sorry meido, that was meant to be
I hope the meido is up too
I hope they use the her sundress design if she ever gets summer stuff
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Good morning hermanos!
disgusting whore
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murder ALL fairies
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>If you have plenty of machismo or charisma or determination, you could win over the confidence and minds of Servants easily
and also alienate a lot of other servants that like to throw their weight around and wont back down. A more heroic protagonist wont be able to recruit as many evil servants as Ritsuka, specially the ones who are unrepentantly evil. A more wilful protagonist might not be able to forgive and take back the servants who betray them (and that does happen more than once) or maybe even reject servants who used to be their enemies (and theres a lot of those). A pragmatic protagonist would reject dangerous or unloyal servants or wont give others the chance to redeem themselves due to the risk they pose

lol, lmao even.
Morning hermano
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uh bros? where's the np refund? I can't loop with this...
Good moming
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i cum
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Morning bros
That's the transhumanist angle I could only dream of. I hope Nasu takes his sci-fi bent in such a direction since he needs something to ground him lest it become more sci-fantasy.
Amazing scenario.
umm is catbox down for anyone else?
stupid sexy kot, let me put a baby into you already
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Anime peaked in 2011 and it's been downhill ever since.
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If I run an emulator and use my phone can I effectively farm twice as fast, or am I unable to run both at once?
Morning bros
I just finished Traum bros, it was pretty good. Not amazing but the good moments still really stick out to me.
Anything that you think you'll use, plus any favorites for support list wanking.
>the various 50% CEs (Sumo, Cranking, Quick Christmas, etc)
>full attack bond bonus CEs (e.g. Detective Fou)
>niche CEs (e.g. Golden Carp)
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sent, kiara in all
the business at reichenbach was great the entire time
everything after was kind of ..... eh
only one at a time, and never leave unfinished or interrupted battles in one before starting the other
You are just a jaded faggot
>lol, lmao even.
Need I remind you that by the time of Rance X, he managed to unite much of the entire world under his rule and charisma. He can do anything and get away with anything.
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The whole summoning system is based around giving you a servant you're compatible with. Yes, any servant you summon is inherently willing to sleep with you, no it doesn't matter how much of a retarded failure you are, simple as.
*Catalyst summons not withstanding
it was good until salome died
No. The anime industry has always been a trash heap with a few hidden diamonds. Nothing has changed from like the 80's to today.
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>ascension 3 melu on support
Stupid master.
That's what I thought, otherwise more people would probably use an emulator. Thanks.
No, anime peaked in 2002.
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UBW anime was unironically better than SG.
Don and nameless rider still carried.
Nobody cares.
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don is trash
rider was ok
She has a lot of very pretty art. That would be nice too.
This but 2004
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How are you spending your Seiturday?

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I like farming with Aracleid, might even watch her anime so I'd no longer be a secondary!
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Well I think YOU're trash. How bout that.
Babby's first edgy/gory cartoon.
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No VN adaptation will ever be that good ever again.
>elfen lied
>rated for 15 year olds
I mean, I know for practical purposes that was the real audience, but still
it doesnt change the fact that don is shit
No such thing
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Morning, bros.
I had seen much worse than that beforehand. 90s anime was wild.
Then what is this?
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2011 was actually an insane year. Lots of good anime including one of my favourites ever.
So I have enough to guarantee Aquatic Skadoo, but I just realized I have basically nothing for Quick servants. All I've got is NP4 Laneclot, NP5 Astolfo, and NP2 Summer Illya. Is there any quick servant who is actually worth going for when I have all the major Arts/Buster options at NP3+?
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C104 soon
wyorks on myine nyachine, use a privyate DNS like
unholy sex
Damn, that's pretty good for a fanmade OP. Now I wish there was a Tsukihime anime.
Loma even
I mean it was a well-known series that achieved popularity because it was so violent and edgy even though it was trash. Makes sense it would leave an impression to kids who had never seen violent cartoons before.
Was this anime made just to shill the Nara deer?
catbox and litterbox fuck up a lot for me and I have to go to the main site then links will work for me again. I don't know why.
accepted and locked and sucked and chucked
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Rance at the top of his game is indeed capable of a lot, in particular i remember some instances of incredible willpower that could *possibly* see him through a lof of the bullshit that FGO throws around.But simply put i dont trust Rance to be at the top of his game for everyyyy singularity, event, lostbelt, etc and even one fuck up could get him stuck- so game over
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NP4 Lancelot is an extremely good quick servant.
Looks like Morgan approves of gay marriage.
that was ufotable kek
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It kinda seems to be working but I will still never watch it
Sent, Barg in All. Nice to see Barg, Astrea, and swimsuit auntie.
Oh, this one. I still have to finish watching it, at the 12th episode currently.

I know, he carried me hard through the quick era. The problem is he seems rather lackluster compared to the newer arts/buster options.
my bad, got chains mixed up
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for my BROS
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>Oh, this one. I still have to finish watching it, at the 12th episode currently.
Well HURRY UP it gets SO GOOD
for SSRs
summer okitan
higher np levels of voyager
eventually ushi avenger
imo, izumo no okuni is underrated
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>not 2007
I remember reading the novel last year, and it was one of the few times where I felt the adaptation held up compared to the source material.
Very good taste anyway anon, if you have a slot I'd add you.
Mary Magdalene servant when? I want to see Columbus interact with her egg
thanks bro, i hope you have a good goon or whatever you enjoy
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Only 6 months left until Kino!
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Did you read it because I shilled it here? I hope so. I've been singing its praises since it came out. We're probably friends though.
Damn, you two are based and yes, I'll get onto it because there's only so much Ooku shit I can handle in one day.
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Added bro
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>shin sekai yori
>sis still hasn't read honzuki no gekokujou
Can you stop thinking about sex for more than a fucking minute.
>not ORT's theme
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Doesn't pull my heartstrings the same way.
Why are these related? Sell me on it.
cant wait for a summer arcueid to be the new arts looper for JP
What CE do I pick if I already have MLB BG, MLB Kaleidoscope, 2 regular Kaleidoscopes, and 2 Cope Scopes?
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I tried this and got bored. SSY is one of my absolute favorites, am I missing something?
prisma cosmos
When is the reveal happening, anyway? Did they ever announce a stream yet?
Got a slut
>no mention of sex
1 Corinthians 5
>Arc powercreeps Melu
>summer Arc powercreeps summer Melu
I don't think so? Was obsessed with it during my early teens, and have had it on my reading list since forever.
Could be that you reminded me of it, though.
What's your IGN anon?

I actually have read that also, but dropped it around volume 6~(?).
The issue with LNs is they tend to wear out their welcome.
bruh you fucking esl
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Yes. Stream on Wednesday.
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bookworm girl dies crushed by a mountain of books, gets sent to a different world and reborn as a poor girl where the rate of literacy amongst the peasants is zero
thus begins her quest to read a book again
it does start slow, but you'll get hooked
Do you have a single copy of Volumen Hydrargyrum at all? It is also good for certain other CQs to just go in with invuln stacks especially on Kukulkan. If so, do you have a maxed Prisma Cosmos? It's good on Merlin and Lady Avalon in some CQs. That would be my priority order.
i think i would have sex with Miyu
avin a cheeky one are we?
ill av one too den
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I have 22 spots open after some cleaning.
No, I mean JP, since that anon mentioned it.
so did Johanna and Constantinos fuck or what
It hasn't happened yet, thus cannot be cathartic. What sustained stress situation is even occusing?
Servants don't have penii
cheers, guv
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I want a servant who fits under the Emotionless_Sex tag. Who are my choices?
Oh I know it makes no sense but I liked the sound of it.
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Correct, they have a single penis, not multiple
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Books, huh? Well, i liked one about a uuh, great caterpillar, utter KINO
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Kind of stupid how cheap this combination is and it works perfectly for most free quests.
Sure you did buddypal.
Have some goddamn integrity anon.
They're not married
Nightingale and Morgan, and that's pretty much it
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Katou Danzou and Kashin Koji don't show things on their faces.
Because their faces are made of wood.
Explain Arc's NP.
What is happening there?
Isn't it a bit low on damage for waves 1-2?
Don't think, just clap.
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The caterpillar was too perfect...
Works perfectly fine. You can also grail him to 90 or something if you feel like you lack damage.
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>during my early teens
Don't make me feel old. Lauren

Being isekai gives me pause but I'll give it a try sometime. Part of what's so nice about SSY is that it's not an isekai, the mystery of the world is conveyed by following children growing up and learning of mysteries kept from them etc. It has only become a more refreshing story in the decade since with more and more and more fantasy stories just being isekai.
Thank you super succ
It's for general clearing, 90+ etc obviously require different setups.
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Does anyone here actually have kids
Why did they delay summer?
I hope not
God I hope not
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Hey I'm reading that one now! We should start a book club!
Good taste.
Cool bro!
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>『Marble Phantasm』
>Rank: EX
>NP Type: Anti-Army
>Range: 30 - 40
>Maximum Targets: 100
>Cosmic Fantasy Incarnate.
>Temporarily transforms her vessel into condensed mana, then unleashes an extremely powerful attack using energy provided by the planet itself.
>It is not nature interference as in magecraft, but a pure natural phenomenon.
>In her second Spirit Origin, where she likes to get up close and personal with her opponents, this energy becomes the catalyst for making herself a bunker-busting missile.
>In her first and third Spirit Origins, where she is both a child of nature and True Ancestor royalty, it becomes a spacetime-crossing attack launched by the her and Millennium Castle of A.D. 1200.
>In addition, this Noble Phantasm temporarily transforms (or rather, manifests) the field into the Millennium Castle.

It's basically using the planet's mana to launch energy beams. Like Excalibur with Gaia backup, except Arc always has Gaia backup so unlike Seiba what she does is always on.
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When did we get an increase? Just now?
She uses Marble Phantasm to summon the Millennium Chains to bind and crush her enemies. This also invokes the Millennium Castle Brunestud, Reality Marble of the Aristoteles Type-Moon, to the current region. That's where the chains come from after all.

Except in second ascension, which is just infusing herself with magical energy and ramming her enemy as a living bullet.
If I had kids I would not be posting on /alter/.
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Congrats bro
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I've waited 2 years for this.
Bro? Galatea?
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>Except in second ascension, which is just infusing herself with magical energy and ramming her enemy as a living bullet.
I want to see Aoko fire Arc now.
maybe? I didn't notice it either, thanks
Because they don't like to do stuff back to back most of the time, luckily it's only a day of "delay"
Being given a super succ by poor little Voyager...shooting my load down his own tight throat...helping him wipe out his flustered face...
>In addition, this Noble Phantasm temporarily transforms (or rather, manifests) the field into the Millennium Castle.
So it's like manifesting a Reality Marble?
Basically half of alter does. This place is a huge normalfag den nowadays.
Do you like Fate/Extra or is your first support just coincidental?
why would I roll lady dabalon when I have Castoria already?
LN, which I wouldn't consider real books but whatever.
It's literally called Marble Phantasm
The first +100 came around Bunyan event iirc, the second +100 was with anni
I love Fate/Extra. It's intentional.
Sort of. It's calling another Reality Marble, which already exists in a distant place (it's high up in some european mountains), to your location. It is not Arc's Reality Marble.
yes but no because autism
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What's the last book you've read?
VNs and Mangas dont count.
kek the first two responses
Kids can be cute
...no commento desu.
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BB in all, if you want and have space!
Reality Marble creates a make pretend area that boosts you. She brings Millennium Castle to the field. The very physical one. That's why it stays on field.
No, a Reality Marble is the user's internal world manifested externally, the Castle is an extant world maintained by Gaia/Brunestud, it isn't Arc's internal world, but it is its own World/Texture that is hers (because she is the Ultimate One) just being moved to the area and deployed.
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I'm going to beat the shit out of you

The Count of Monte Cristo in high school is the last one I remember, unironically
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Nah. He's a faggot. Lots of modern anime are good and are able to surpass his shit
Why read books when you can listen to audiobooks?
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Journey to the End of the Night
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I just reread LotR.
Wayne Barlowe's Expedition
Mostly I just look at the pretty pictures, though. It was originally intended to be an artbook, after all.
Anon (You) are doing the super succ
BB in all.
Shinji should have tried to murder everyone at that school instead.
kek nope
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12 Rules for Life - Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Tress and the Emerald Sea.
>(You) are doing the super succ
brb grailing a spare copy of my waifu
Do educational books count? Last one I read was a Japanese grammar if not then my physical copy of oregairu.
abby love
based pedophile
Do Light Novels count? Because I reread Fate/Strange Fake recently. I also reread Overlord and So I'm A Spider, So What.
Otherwise the last book I read was The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends by Ronan Coghlan. Though that's just an encyclopedia and not a story.. Same goes for A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson..
Um, I reread The Count of Monte Cristo a couple years ago, I suppose. I should find a new novel to read.
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Started Dune but didn't like it and dropped it halfway
Last i finished was a re-read of Wheel of Time around February
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How strong is Barg supposed to be? She's obviously not top tier like Morgan and Melu but she's stronger than a KOTR/paladin
based child molester
I would accept but you have max friends now
She is a child.
Eric Bloodaxe is stronger
Are we talking strictly base form?
Or are horn unleashed and calamity on the table too
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As a Calamity she is of the same class as Cath Palug, aka Fou, aka Primate Murder.
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Commentarii de Bello Gallico by Caesar
And The Cheese and the Worms by Carlo Ginzburg before that.
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>Lancelot buff now makes nis NP ignore defense
uh, neither the wiki nor gamepress mention that, so he should now hit significantly harder then?
>Part of what's so nice about SSY is that it's not an isekai, the mystery of the world is conveyed by following children growing up and learning of mysteries kept from them etc. It has only become a more refreshing story in the decade since with more and more and more fantasy stories just being isekai.
It's the difference between self-insert pandering, which most regular series do nowadays, and a focus on character/world-building. The entire story flows naturally from the question; "what if humans would actually develop super powers, what would happen?", nothing in the story feels forced. It's great.
We're not friends, btw. So if you have slots I'll send a request.
Sorry, deleted some mashus. I will resend!
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i believe... we'll get a good TV series someday... be it made by humans or AI once it evolves enough
My country's Constitution and other code books
>Calamity Barganon is Primate Murder tier
>we beat her with just Gawain, Lancelot and Mash.
gg ez. Get fucked on idiot.
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Unbound she's a Beast Larva, which means it takes 3 or 4 strong heroes to fight her back. As a heroic spirit she is just roughly equal to Gawain, obviously.
Cath Palug's original state is not even close to Primate Murder. It becomes Primate Murder after living a year with humanity and consuming all their negative emotions, whereupon it takes all seven Grands to hold it back.
Damien by Herman Hesse.
iq requirement to enjoy alter threads?
wikia has it, but yeah NP upgrades usually make NP1 the old NP2 and NP2 the old NP5.
That is the tiniest Barg arm/hand I've ever seen.
I mean, wasn't she able to move when she was tethered to the ground in LB6?
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Didn't know Wayner Barlowe did books. He has some amazing art.
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I think people keep misinterpreting what Miyazaki meant plus people keep using the made up "anime was a mistake" as a quote.
What Miyazaki meant is that the current anime industry is made by people who don't observe the real world for people who also doesn't observe the real world rarely gets made from the basis of real people, but rather ideal ones. Could be pretentious, but I think most people can agree because a lot of main characters even in serious shows doesn't act "human" and can rarely be sympathized with. Nasu does an excellent job in writing a great character from time to time like Castoria who is a person I'm sure a lot of people can see a part of themselves in. But on the flip side you have characters like Kirito from SAO who no one can relate to unless you think yourself as some kind of prodigy. That's why Frieren is a great story because it has human characters, despite some of them being elves, and we can relate to some of them. And Frieren herself is supposed to be an anomaly in the show because she is there to let us look at it from the perspective of someone who has time.
>stronger than a paladin
Literally jobs to Lancelot and Gawain in 5 minutes.
We won't. We have the books, and that is all we need for kino.

"Kneel to the Lord Dragon, or you will be knelt."
Just a forewarning for this topic regarding the wiki, the wiki claims disingenuously misrepresent the context of many quotes so it's necessary to refer to the script directly.
Statements from characters need to account for said character's knowledge levels at the time of comment, and stuff like shit-taking can't be taken at face value.
Always require script quotes.
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>iq requirement to enjoy alter threads?

This is a stick-up. Put the SQ in the bag.
The fuck
Eat a turd
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>good books
>now good music
Blessed thread
Fuck on lipper
To be fair, Lancelot is the strongest knight of the Round Table normally, and Gawain is the strongest under sunlight. They are literally THE two most powerful KotR by a country mile short of Galahad himself.
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out of 10
I actually enjoyed this post and think it’s well written.
pffttttttttttt, what could you possibly do, increase your HP for 5 turns? LMAO
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Grats bro, and welcome to THE list.
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What list?
Who do I get for my second dream portrait bros
>welcome to THE list.
He grailed Abby, he was in the list already.
"I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself"
-Miyazaki on AI "art"
He's right and based even if he's an old coot
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Rahm should be the CEO of /alter/, all this witty commentary convinced me he must be the smartest poster here
Your fav
Ill shoot your dick off.
I heard something about incest so probably that
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Happy for you!
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What sq...
>yfw saber being final boss
I will never be on your list
you're gonna need some good aim
Reminder thar the lipper said AI art is great and should replace artists soon.
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You’ll never get me
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They had Galahad in that fight too, via Mash getting gigabuffed by Galahad inside her.

Barghest was fighting 3 of the legitimately toppest tier heroes, in Britain where they were getting a truly monstrous fame boost, and it was still a brutal fight that left two of them without enough mana to stay summoned. And in that fight, Barghest was still trying to hold herself back and was committing the equivalent of suicide by cop, and it still was one of the toughest fights in the entire LB. She was bullshit strong.
We'll get a SMT Vengeance chapter and a Elden Ring dlc chapter.
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>t. turd


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>"bro, just make a Friend Point bot"
>make my own second account and get halfway through fuyuki using +10 FP protraits
>only 480 FP so far on my main account
That's only a quarter of a full 10 roll. Better than nothing, but come on!
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I can wait for the rerun, I'm patient
just because of this post if I ever have a son I'll name him Charlie
Kazura controlling the corpse of melt.
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Congrats, bro.
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"Radahn" is being raped here btw.
Im in the KamaBob alliance
Also known as Bobma
what if you have two sons
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Also got my Broyager
Summer BB in all!
The implications of the story are scary as hell, and we're already trying to do that kind of shit even without superpowers.
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I've never said so. It's a symbiosis. Machine Learning is just another new tool for them and Stable Diffusion and such can't prosper without the ease of creativity humans has.
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One of the Lipbbros does.
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Post cute Bobs
Make blapples and use automata on your alt while you sleep.
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If CYOA counts then I've just finished Fallen London's Nemesis last week, currently going through Firmament.
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Servant for this feels?
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i just realised you can expand your second archive
Yeah, the specifics are really important. It's like against Albion where they're pretty fucking fortunate they have an mach-capable aircraft because they're completely fucked without it.

The wiki fucking tries to present Mash's bravado quote of "she doesn't hold a candle to the real Barghest" like some kind of powerlevel-setting statement, it's fucking garbage.

Woodwose vs Calamity Barg I'd still maybe give to Woodwose simply because his energy reserves are practically unlimited. But she's indeed bonkers.
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nta, but its not really a tool though. it's literally a way to replace people and positions in the industry. whether you think this is good or not, I leave that up to you
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wow so just like robots replaced people in factories wowie oh noes skynet is real world is doomed
>calamity fraudghest
>jobbed to mash and a couple of knights
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I don't have any slots unfortunately. I have one person at 4 days but I've had them a very long time so I feel like giving them a little more time. Tell me your code and I'll add you when I do?
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yep I'm thinking rape
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Grats on the boy and sovlful custom rayshift, Greekbro
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Bob's little bobs
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>Artoria push 120
You're not beating the clichés on blond women anytime soon.
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>summer nightmare event is about to start
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Would you roll for a Miyu(Berserker)?
No, that's a run-on effect which will be abused by those in power. You're getting your ideology mixed in like a parrot.
It is a tool, exactly as the Lipper said. But if you keep focusing on the smaller things instead of the Masters, your beloved CEOs, you'll never change anything,
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And how is it not a tool? We have a lot of tools today that reduced the workforce in a field without AI, but somehow AI is the one people feel threaten over.
Not machines, computers, internet and so on we've had for 30+ years.
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It literally is a tool. The result (driving artists out of work) is not guaranteed. It is how it is being wielded.
>The printing press is not a tool it's a way to replace people in positions of power in the scribe industry
Literal commie gobeltygook
>little girl with a gigantic weapon
I hate this trope
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This serial rapist.
Mash was peak Mary Sue in LB6 tbf
Summer BB in all.
Miyu is ugly.
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Well since we're posting 120's guess I'll post my own too.
Yeah, but I'd like her to wear even less clothes
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Have you never expanded it? Are you serious?
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>little bobs
Albion goes down fairly easily because of Percy dabbing on her.

Woodwose is meanwhile considered by Morgan to be the strongest in LB6 of course. Stronger than any of the Calamities she made into Fairy Knights, just because he's an A-ray and has Authority over the waste heat of the Planet as a result. And lest we forget, he WON. It took actual future sight and Percy's spear to make it even a fight at all, while we had Muramasa there helping (the guy who casually fought his way to Morgan) and while he was cursed he still survived it long enough to cross the entire Fairy Britain. Woodwose is a madman and too many people sleep on him.
this is mine >>485895281
deleted 1 inactive for you!!
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stick-up? wazzat? is it tasty?
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Ackshually it's 'blonde'
'Blond' is used for dudes
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I listened to the audio book of Dire Strait's bass player John Illsley's autobiography. Was really good and I enjoyed it. The last book I read was Wheel of Time but never did finish it.
Remind me again, which team were the Tutsi and which one was the Hutu. Since those Tutsi bastards deserved it.
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Thanks, everyone's added on the list.
should i spend my friendpoint stash for ce bombs now that we have 3x succ?
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btw this artist draw FGO stuff too. Mostly with Drake
If they added naked units the game would become 18+ ...
I was just finish upTraum and the nipwank on Tametomo made my eyes roll.
Meanwhile the other top tier Archers like Gil, Herc, or Arjuna fought the gods in their legends. Like if you're going to a wank someone from your country couldn't they at least pick someone with an impressive legend?
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Qrd on the list you are talking about?
Yes, but you should have done it during Super Bunyan's event because of the extra CEs.
Saying AI is a tool for artists is like saying a camera is a tool for people that paint landscapes, dumbasses. It's not, it's a replacement, you can like both, or neither, but they aren't really comparable. Another example, there used to be positions for artist to just color backgrounds or just work on backgrounds, if you have an AI that can work on the background automatically, guess what, that artist is not necessary. Come on, it's not that complicated, it's literally how things works.
Now when I say artist, I mean professionals, not randoms that only for the have fun, for those, sure, AI can be helpful.
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Actually, "blond" just really isn't used by most people for anything anymore at all.
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Why so small?
>have castoria at 10/10/10 with tt
>almost no one uses her
>mysterious heroine xx, 10/7/10
>most used servant pulling thousands of friends points everyday

Huh? Why is she so popular?
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fp bots
put botj on her for maximum profit
yeah it was overhyped
Arash split a continent in comparison to a mere boat.
She has small gropable titties.
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>Saying AI is a tool for artists is like saying a camera is a tool for people that paint landscapes, dumbasses
That's not what I said. I said it is a symbiosis. AI is a technique that creates a lot of tools to make several different fields easier and less mind-numbing to do. I don't know why you're so hung up on just artists. Even professionals can utilize it, so I 100% don't agree with what you're saying.
You sound extremely emotional about it all.
Servant in All usually gets the FP bots.
>700 SQ
I want Merlina and Skadi...
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I can't fucking believe I'm about to quit FGO and I don't have a single Angry Manjew
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Actually saying AI is a tool is extremely analogous to photoshop and digital drawing tablets. Professional software has long held abilities to just do things you can't otherwise. Templates, easy backgrounds, stock patterns etc. Professional artists and casual enthusiasts can all benefit massively from it. Your real problem isn't with the tool, it's with capitalism.
all I know about AI is it lets me generate Artemis getting fucked right in the pussy
Sent. Yang in All.
well where else are you supposed to fuck a woman
No shit, Albion was literally mindbroken and they had the Storm Border. Dragon Cores can only be destroyed by Divine Constructs, the spear of which is one. Without the Stormborder they'd all have been killed in an instant by her Breath which exceeds Divine (see the Storm Border's armor).

Morgan never stated that Woodwose was stronger than Calamity Albion. Morgan literally approached her and offered her a magical armor to avoid having to deal with Albion personally.

Melusine's Dragon Core is directly compared to th A-Ray skill Breath of the Planet processed by Arcueid and Woodwose in Aruceid's profile, and you'd know that if you were here in good faith.

Won't be replying further unless you're going to be honest and provide verbatim story quotes.
I have him NP12, skill issue.
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A tool making a profession obsolete does not make it less of a tool, mate. There is a reason we no longer have blacksmiths and basket weavers as prominent professions. It's the same as CGI art replacing the pencil drawings. Exactly the fucking same. It's faster and it has a lower barrier to entry, but in the end an artist using it will create a superior product to a random shmuck using it, since he'll be able to more aptly gauge what changes to make to the original output. It is a tool and everyone crying about it are just people that don't like learning new things and changing with the times.
That's too bad.
I could, but I'd have to keep checking my requests and keep it below 20 at all times, which is a bother. I'll give you a request some other time when you post your support.
back of the knee maybe
Fully maxxed 120 servants
What's your fc
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>list of albert cocksuckers
based, will be blacklisting all of them
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I told you my name so you have to tell me yours at least...
Damn need to update that
Ευχαριστώ αδερφέ
I'm just disagreeing that it's a symbiosis? Because it's not, they require different skill sets. Sure, some pros might adapt, but some won't and will cease to work. It's undoubtedly a paradigm shift, and not just a simple tool. That's more of my point.

I don't have a problem with anything though, I literally started saying you can make up your own conclusions, but saying many artists won't be replaced is silly and naive.

if you want to define every new field redefining tech as a "tool" then sure, lol.
Took awhile but my wife is done. Next on the list.
>Rapist (Once I get 30 more coins)
in a month and a half
Does "maxxed" include the 3rd append?
>if you want to define every new field redefining tech as a "tool" then sure, lol.
Don't add her. Lauren is an avatarfag eceleb who constantly shits up the thread with her bullshit
Muramasa's not exactly a strong servant bro
Woodwose literally went down against a ragtag bunch of pretty average servants
Pretty effin nice sup bro
Brolmes in all
Sent, Kiara in all.
Whatever helps you cope, poorcuck
Yes, all appends 10/10/10, all cards 500/500, 2k4s
Congrats anon
Yes, see:
We did it alter, we killed Fgog.
We won.
It literally is symbiosis. AI doesn't exist from nothing. Artists can create their own AI from their own work. They can also use AI built on other models for their own basis if they want. It is, demonstrably, a tool. You will have a very hard time getting specific tiny details out of AI. To create something wholly new in the image you want is very difficult without, at some point, drawing in the things you want yourself. Since the industrial revolution we have seen a whole lot of paradigm shifting tools, also, this is just the latest of the bunch.
Is it even possible to have more than one? I haven't missed a single paw yet I still don't have enough to max a second servant. Surely nobody is dumb enough to spend rare prisms on that shit, right?
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>I'm just disagreeing that it's a symbiosis? Because it's not, they require different skill sets. Sure, some pros might adapt, but some won't and will cease to work. It's undoubtedly a paradigm shift, and not just a simple tool. That's more of my point.
I'm sorry to say this but you're plain wrong in that case. It is a symbiosis because without artists, the tool can't produce, but an artist can utilize the tool to help create a base or an idea. That's why it's a symbiosis because both parts can help each others. It is a paradigm shift just like automated machines, cars, computers, internet and smart phones was whether you like it or not.
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What else are you supposed to use rare prisms then?
It is possible to have 3 fully maxxed 120 servants, maybe 4
Remember, you can buy 3 paws every month in RP shop
I have a slot now, send it again or give me your FC.
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>dump blue apples into doors
>"surely this will be enough qp"
>nowhere near enough qp
Fou paws are a bigger blocker to me than appends desu
It's been fucking up for a while. Uguu is a nice alternative for litterbox.
based latelet paypig
Bond lanterns?
Personally, I find AI suddenly making every LARPing socialist a conservative funny as fuck.
Thats only 3 a month, i have like 100 left.
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>he is not buying lanterns, paws, fous and lores every month
Even if you somehow bought out every single paw ever available you'd still barely have enough for a second servant.
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last copy is free
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this desu, greenlisters like myself are going to have a field day laughing and redkeks when that new list drops.
There is clearly a discrepancy between how often you and I acquire RP.
Imagine getting a 3day for this quality of image...
>The problem is he seems rather lackluster compared to the newer arts/buster options.
He always was just a good and cheap alternative to the more expensive option that was Dantes. We'll be a getting a good welfare universal Arts looper in the form of Iyo later this year. You'd only be still using Quick if a servant you like is Quick themselves, like Caren for example.
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enough QP doesn't exist, I've decided.
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It may be offtopic but it's good quality discussion, a general can't survive talking about FGO 100% of the time because it naturally devolves into the turd and voidstancer spamming once the thread dies
You are a tool.
>ummmm, is this servant that is clearly not designed to enable farming worth it compared to this servant that enables farming on top of being self-sufficient in CQs to a certain extent????
honestly I'm a little frustrated that I got NP5 arc in under 800 quartz meanwhile I probably dumped far more than that for Vritra and only got NP4
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Tool is arguably the best band in world history, and that too has taken a lot of influence from Pink Floyd. Lateralus is then objectively the best record ever. Miraculously take over, the blinks start to feel like children’s play quickly.

When listening to the tool, you have to tune your brain to the right position to get to the grain at first weird sounding rhythms and rhythms, but then when you get to, so oh what art is on every record and song!
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I'm content with my weekly free paws and I don't care about your opinion on the matter.
cool humblebrag bro
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Lauren talked Mahoyo with me and that's plenty on topic
cope more reddie
who's that?
You should be charmed by how in character it is that Vritra made you work and struggle to achieve your dreams.
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>only 5 days left until 20kg
My dick is ready
Glad to have you Yangbro!
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You have to understand how much she enjoys watching you struggle. You wouldn't deny her that, right?
i'd sooner suck a cock than spend rare prisms on anything but lanterns
Absolutely. My body is a machine turning autistic obsession into AI slop.
>t. redlisted loser
A symbiosis means both parties get a benefit of a given interaction. That's not what's happening. Positions that exist right now in the entertainment and design industry will and are disappearing. Sure, the art director might still have his job if he learns to use AI, but the guy from my example that specialized into making backgrounds won't. So, again, at least from the professional aspect, its not at all a "just" tool, but a replacement/automatization/call what ever you want thing.
Saying it's just a tool is downplaying how powerful this tech actually is
Why did albert do it?
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I'm rolling for Ibuki because I think she's hot.
Ok then. It's a VERY GOOD TOOL
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Are we actually?
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theres nobody else worth adding so who cares
>t. Melukek
Woodwose beat Vortigern and is also considered by Morgan and Cnoc to be stronger than Melusine. Who can only win against Chaldea, by her own words, if she fights in the air because she is better in the air. This is excluding Castoria with bells buffs, who is stated that she would be perfectly fine in a fight because only Morgan (+ throne) can beat her at that point.
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>Your real problem isn't with the tool, it's with capitalism.
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Shut up, Pollux
>creatives didn't complain when millions lost their jobs to robotics
>now they are the ones suffering
No sympathy. Creatives deserve nothing and I for one welcome our AI slop overlords.
>Read the VN
>Dislike gacha, but play because they're TM fans
>never spend, true F2P
>grails favorites
>has RL hobbies and friends
>fun to be around

>addicted to the gacha
>never touched the VN
>brain so addicted to gacha dopamine that he can't sit still and read for more than 25 seconds
>favorite dish is SEAnigger cum
>posts porn unironically
>posts AIslop

Daily reminder that there is no shame in being a "reddie".
#ReddiePride #BetterRedThanDead #RedPower
I don't have a problem with it, mate. I just think its stupid when people pretend something its not happening when its clearly happening. AI will replace artist just like cars replaced stables and horses
Alter Ego Muramasa has multiple divine spirits in him with foreign god buffs, he's completely different from Chaldea Muramasa.
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We're already friends.

I've got a few empty slots though if anyone is interested.
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i'm a reddie and only the top two apply to me.
Capitalism makes a problem for almost everything with how late stage we've gotten. If AI is so goated why don't they make a bot that has sex and eats delicious food in your stead? That's basically the direction we're headed.
will I get a summer musashi tonight yes or no?
Whether it's a problem to you or a problem to someone else, the problem isn't the tool.
>Robot, experience this tragic irony for me!
You know if you really liked the VN you could always grail the low stars like Cu and Medea and Kojiro and Hassan which are all obtainable from the FP pool right?
Sent, Space Rin in all
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Cars replaced horses because they are an objectively better mode of transportation. If AI becomes and objectively better art creator what would be the argument against using it?
What is it like to have real life hobbies
Accepted, thanks.
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>Cars replaced horses
and no one could be bothered to think of the sisters even once...
what do you do in this game that isnt farming or CQs?
>Dislike gacha, but play because they're TM fans
If you were a fan you wouldn't be playing gacha, retardbro. You would find the very concept of FGO an affront to the series you love.
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High quality post worth my (you)
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Like I said, you are wrong. I don't know what to tell you. You reasoning makes no sense and it comes from a place where you refuse to see the fact it's a tool artists can use, and the tool needs artists to exists.
Programmers use AI to make skeletons for code despite being a tool to reduce the amount of programmers you need. And this is happening on a professional level. Same thing is happening with artists. The ones who can adapt (professionals) will thrive, the lazy ones will fall behind and become hobby artists as you called them I guess.
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I'm done fiddling with my list for this anni, pretty happy to have hit all my targets within expectations and savings
opening up helena summers spirit origin listing and cumming loads over her final ascension.
Where did you get the impression I was arguing in favor of artists? From the start, my point is that AI is not tool for artists, but a replacement. That's it. If you want your art organic or BB-grade, its your decision, not mine.
FGO unironically contains some of the best shit of all of Type Moon though. There's a sea of trash too, but there's also all the same compelling shit that's in all Nasu's other writing.
Yes, the continued existence of the human race might be as AI powered robots. That too would be evolution. It's like arguing we should all go back to protoplasm because that's what we were in the before times.
Sent, Kiara in all.
>abstain from reading works by the author you like even though hes being held hostage and will never write a real vn again for the next century
Keep talking Lipper, your opinion is always valuable and needed to be heard.
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The point is that LA and Castoria have different uses and actually pair very well together in CQs.
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What does the text over Vritra's teeth say, my valued member of our community and years-long bro?
Added, thanks.
Sent, Bob in all.
Apparently I’ve sent you a request some time ago.
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How much do you love her?
But it isn't though? The horse riders of the past could become car drivers, in the same way a conventional artist can always start using AI. Because it's a tool. Just like the horse and just like the car.
>fights Muramasa, is left seething forever because it was amazing and she is insulted that she couldn't beat him easy
>fights Mash, only wins because Mash loses heart when her attacks are ineffective, seethed at human equaling her
>got stonewalled by fucking Caster Cu, seethed yet again
>fought Percival in tournament to the death, Percy lived and was named equal to a Tam Lin by Morgan as result, Melusine seethed AGAIN
>when she is fought 2v1 by Muramasa and Cu she gets her shit pushed in, screeches autistically about how "she didn't really try" and runs away
Her modus operandi is to claim she's the strongest, lose, then scream while running away crying that it didn't count.

She's a worse jobber than Gilgamesh. At least he wins some of his fights.
Bro, you are conflating artist as "the passion" versus as "the profession". Artists in the industry, they have to do tasks, like any other wagie, if a tech comes along and make so they don't need to that task, they are laid off, simple as. Again, the Directors and other decision maker guys, will probably retain their job if they adapt, but a lot of people will simply be replaced.
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There is at least one guy in the "incomplete maxed list" (not the same as a redlisted) who has custom AI support list, and there is one more but I don't remember where. I decided not to comment on anything I see in your rayshifts.
No horse in this race but
>the lazy ones will fall behind
Abso-fucking-lutely not. The suits' greed now decides artists' livelihoods, not how hard the person whose passion and craft is putting their all into something that gets devalued harder by the day. Soon there will be wholly AI generated vidya sloppa getting sold at AAA prices and the slope will keep getting worse, human effort is almost entirely irrelevant
Hello new bread?
Yeah, when I had tried to accept you your friend list was full. I added you now though.
if the "horse" industry was just the driver, sure, but it wasn't, it was the guy the created the horse, the guys who housed the horses, they guys who breed the horses, and so on. cars didn't kill one, but all of them. That's normal, by the way, I just think its stupid not acknowledging it
Thank you.
Is your Arc NP6?
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>Soon there will be wholly AI generated vidya sloppa getting sold at AAA prices and the slope will keep getting worse, human effort is almost entirely irrelevant
Yeah, because that's working great for them currently. We're definitely not one step away from the E.T. landfills.
And now there's the guy who designed the car, the guys that supervise the car making machine, the gas station attendant, the car mechanic. Professions sometimes fizzle out. Sucks to be the one that gets the short end of the stick, but that's how life is. The tool is not at fault.
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Yes. So is Void, she's just not pawed. I thought listanon may have missed her. Boyager is NP5 (True), maybe I'll go for NP6 during his next rateup
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I fixed it today. And asked you to be sure that I don't need to redlist you.
The simplicity in your thinking is honestly astounding and I wonder how you put on pants in the morning.
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Update Boyager's level and it looks good, thanks. I will be dodging the redlist for a while until the Paw injection from OC drops probably, I'm satisfied with how things look for now
I'm trying to dumb down the argument so you can at the very least recognize people will be replaced by the new tech. But is good seeing you stop pretending to be nice, lmao.
No one here is saying they won't be replaced. Just like how it has been for the past 200 years. But as soon as it's a tool that helps something people thought only humans could do it is a problem. Being nice only gets you so far and I just feel sorry for you at this point.
Why do you feel sorry for, mate? You're clearly the one passionate about this subject. To me It's pretty simple, revolutionary technologies change fields and economic landscapes, but not without suffering, some group of people will lose their jobs and be fucked, it can't be helped. I just think it's silly how you are trying so hard to pretend this isn't happening to artists.
I refuse to acknowledge the general commission slop slinger as an artist and that's who's getting the boot. In fact this might return the term artist to it's original meaning.
That's very idealistic, to say the least. But ok, at least I get where are you coming from now. I don't know, and in honesty I kind don't care, which forms of art you think are valid, but I do think holding this seemly elitist mindset will alienate from this discourse, so, uh, be mindful of that. But, hey, at least you agreed people are getting the boot, which was my point.
Summer BB in all!
Yes I am
this nigga replied in an old thread
>3000 SQ
They're coming home whether they want to or not.

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