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Previous: >>485916225

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA [JP]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [JP]



>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)


>ZZZ stickers
Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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ellens ass should have been fatter
Ellen Joe is ameritrash. Hoyo is a communist Chinese company. What did they mean by this?
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This is now a Rat thread
F2Pbros I'm getting hard filtered by Shiyu 9...
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with whom?

post grunge better
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But i want this cat!
I'm running Corin with Ellen because I love my maids
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sex with hags that look like kids
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You know what to do, answer it for Corin
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Who do you DM every morning /zzz/?
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Ellen's big JK shark butt...
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ego death
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/bag/gers are welcome here
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Hiding Grace's coffee and whoring her out to pay Belobog's debts
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corin a cute
Are people level 40 already?
floor 9 is the filter
10 is easier and critical node 1 and 2 are unironically easier as well

just wait until you have level 50s and you can breeze through them
Remember to hug your imouto anon.
predict her personality.
>overconfident cocky retardo
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I want to suck on Ellen's lolipop
Replace Lucy with the copbot
Why is /bag/ so needy and desperate for our approval anyway? Our onii-chans don't give a fuck if we like them.
I like Billy's gameplay, but I'm not doing the big damage on defense 7

Is he really bad or am I not using him right? I'm using him, Anby, and Lucy as second team. Using his burst and EX after enemy is stunned and hold his basic while crouching.
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Wonder what sort of event schedule ZZZ is gonna have. For context every patch HSR has a big non-combat event, a smaller combat event and two farming bonus events in addition to the main story update and fortnightly endgame update. Occasionally a big Simulated Universe (Hollow Zero) update too
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Does this mean Ellen is guaranteed? Or just an S rank?
I'm torn between the upcoming cop for the new meta + sticking with my soulful Lycaon/C5 Soukaku/Corin team or getting Ellen.
I don't like Ellen's personality much and I expect the ice meta to be over by 1.1.
Should I roll or just leave it alone? I don't want to be fucked and REALLY need Ellen later.
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What are her feet for?
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Allied generals
/gig/ /bag/
Enemy generals
/wuwa/ /hsr/
is farming denny with hollow zero worth it
He's exclusively for chain attack and ultimate. Right now he's nothing more than burst DPS.
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whaleGOD here.. i was building pity on Ellens banner after getting her C6 and got an early copy, did I brick my account?
Pretty sure only those that used poly for stamina. I'm ~2 days away from KL 40.
There's been lvl 40 people like half a week ago
Prep for Miyabi. Still have enough rolls for Etherboo if I get Zhu Yuan
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I'm at Ch2 part two story wise, completed everything before that.

More or less how many free pulls can I get from the game from this point onward? I think there's a new city map incoming? I only unlocked home street and the construction site.
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>Everyone hates Fofo
>Everyone loves Corin
>They're the same
I don't get it...
I just realized this game reminds me a lot of Dragalia... Lost...
I just reached 36.
>you can fully S-clear all of Shiyu Defense with Anton
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She's too dark skinned. Hoyo should lighten her up.
which wengines did you want
hellfire gears is kinda poopy but you got the shark
I get rock hard imagining Piper out of gas on the side of the road, lifting that little black square of cloth to give sweaty roadside naizuri.
I think Billy needs C2 that changes some of his attack properties to be anything other than ult burst.
You aren't knot lvl 40 yet retard bro.
Billy is only good for his dash aoe to clear weak mobs and his ex shot to rack up some burst. His ult can stack up pretty high with that W- engine that stacks ult via chain attacks
If its your first pity, its only a S-Rank guaranteed. 50% chance its Ellen.
If you don't like her, just stop now.
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33 runs, get to it.
He's ass bro. I'm sorry
Corin has a sick chainsaw
just anton?
of course. DROPPED...
I can’t keep up with 2+ gacha anymore. What shud I do.
we hate /gig/ here
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Total Anby Death!!!
Kill Anby! Replace Anby! Leave Anby inside a Hollow! Kick Anby into the TV! Bench Anby! Roll on other banners to get characters other than Anby! Modify files to remove Anby! Uninstall the game because of Anby! Fill out Hoyo feedback forms asking to take oug Anby! Buy accounts without Anby! Buy characters other than Anby! Bury Anby in the roster! Remove Anby in the wiki! Make videos about killing Anby! Create a top 10 list on how to get rid of Anby! Pay content creators to shit on Anby! Hire agents to assassinate Anby! Report Anby to PubSec! Have mewmew give stickers for the death of Anby! Destroy all traces of Anby!
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>the gap between Shiyu 8 and 9-10 is astronomical, bosses literally have 5x more health if not more
>you can't even brute force it with player skill because it's simply a numbers issue
Even star rail wasn't this bad, you could clear moc with undergeared and underleveled characters by playing optimally but you NEED your characters to be level 50 if you want to actually do shiyu defense.
Tell me again how skill expression is a significant aspect in this game? Because it's clearly not.
Do you have link?
>Prep for Miyabi
You don't even know if they will add more.
probably the same
genshin also has a big event, 1 or 2 combat events, some other event and the filler 2x event

I like genshin minigames, star rail combat events, and zzz could have a mix of both
with /bag/s
Shared ult is a mistake, you ended up only keep seeing the dps's ult which is a shame.
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Elf sex...
She s not guaranteed. You have a 50/50, if you don't like a character don't roll. You will be fucked meta wise if you don't roll. Ice Meta won't be over anytime soon and 1.3 released a new character for the team.
short, whiny, stuttering, insecure crybabies have got to be one of the worst character archetypes of all time
they're so annoying
fofo is only good in fanart depictions, insufferable ingame
corin isn't as bad but still belongs in the dumpster
You don't even have power in your own game anymore, Ms. Herta.
If you already got a different S rank, it's gonna be Ellen. If not, it's 50% chance to be her. Roll her if you like her, roll fat cop if you don't. Simple as
billy is ass against bosses
but great against mobbers as a chain attack bot
is this from a cutscene?
swap gig and hsr
nobody likes giggers
>2+ gachae
im 37, can't see anyone being past 38 without spending polychrome on refreshes
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Anyone know who drew this Piper? 'Cause I don't.
Why would Miyabi be Ice?
Wouldn't Electric make more sense since she comes after Qingyi?
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Which of these do build for a second team?
She's ice from closed beta
How do I save the Kind Bear? Only with 500k coins?
Kill all pedos. Roundhouse kick a pedo into the concrete. Crucify filthy pedos. Defacate in a pedos food. Launch pedos into the sun. Stir fry pedos in a wok. Toss pedos into active vulconos. Urinate into a pedos gas tank. Judo throw pedos into a wood chipper. Twist pedos heads off. Karate chop pedos in half. Trap pedos in quicksand. Crush pedos in trash compactor. Liquefy pedos in a vat of acid. Eat pedos. Dissect pedos. Exterminate pedos in gas chambers. Stomp pedo skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pedos in the oven. Lobotomize pedos. Vaporize pedos with a ray gun. Kick old pedos down the stairs. Feed pedos to alligators. Impale pedos on a lance.
I like both...
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How the mighty have fallen.
ice anomaly
Drop a game, obviously.
that looks like AI sloppa to me
I like both a lot. In fact, I think I like Huohuo more. Corrin isn't as annoying as Huohuo though.
>you can't even brute force it with player skill because it's simply a numbers issue
Not quite true. People have brute forced it abusing anomaly. You definitely 'can' brute force it with player skill with the right comps. Admittedly, if you rolled Nekomata or Koleda as your S-Rank you might be fucked.
auto-battler is unironically 5min dailies and stamina burn. it's already getting boring but is easy to digest. ZZZ will calm down too as you level up.
lucy + piper
flex with corin or nekomata
Fofo at home
looks like AIslop from the details, they are random and don't match
can confirm, it is indeed fun.
on my face
that's AI retard
Are you rolling for Ellen?
It seems you only have one S rank and you should have two, unless you got two cats.
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i hate trannys
give me cat!
>Why would Miyabi be Ice?
cause they already made her and she's ice
Yeah? Not any model I've seen before, then. But, I don't really pay attention to AI.
Sure, w/e
I play 5 nigger
those 5 gachas amount to 40 minutes of gameplay per day btw
uh oh reddit melty
Piper and Anby are being powercrept as we speak and NOBODY cares.
Elfy sex...
Support like Nicole I sometimes use if there are a lot of adds. Stunners can be used too if I want stun. But DPS is usually the go-to ffor me too
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Nope, I wanna get the police girl, I have been unlucky I guess
what a nice guy
what happens when theres actual content in multiple games
it's normal for a 4 star to get power crept
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reddit is two blocks down sis
Anby is the most upsetting one, she's literally the game icon. To be replaced at 1.1 hurts.
You lost, H*rta.
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Alright! It's my first pity so that's a 50/50. I just hope I can still clear the hardest endgame with Corin replacing Ellen.
we'll eventually get a support that boosts decibels with an ult-based kit or something so we can ult more often
Yes, chapter 2 cop story
Abby's entire purpose is a newb trap.
She exists solely to drain new comers of resources so they have to spend to level up other characters or be forced to wait
>sitting there chipping away at an enemy for an hour
wow yeah whales sure btfo'd
you got em
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good evening mr. cheld
10/10 would clank clank
So they're doing the infinite empowered thing? Kinda cool actually, didn't think he'd be good enough even with that tech.
If i stop before pity on ellen banner does it mean i'm close to pity on the next banner?
You're gonna get another S rank on this banner in 10 rolls. I'd wait until then before deciding on anything.
hmmmmmm nyes
>People complain about TV Hollow Zone (HSR version of Simulated Universe)
>They release their own DU version (basically 1 big Rally run)
How much until they do it
i wasn't following my diet the last week because i was playing zzz and now im fat :/
I'm convinced closed beta testers intentionally did not report shit like this
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And that's that. chapter started cool then got less interesting but had a great ending
no but she will mog Ellen
/bag/ is the most cancerous gacha general
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>let your imouto go to buy videos alone 1(one) time
>she gets trapped in a hollow

My imouto will never be alone again.
Yes. It carries over.
Don't think just roll
Yes it's when they're chasing EMP Moron down the street. He throws the cat at them and she saves the chonker.
>Anby - Nicole - Corrin
Anby stuns up, Nicole Def shreds, Corrin skullfucks everything when stunned
>Lucy - Piper - Nekomata
Semi-disorder team with Nekomata getting a fat boost every time something is Assaulted and her inherent assist/dodge boosts. Most people I see play disorder wrong and never actually try to set it up properly.
I rush it and finish it within 1 day after work (can take multiple hours)
some are like a few minutes per day, or like 1-2 hours total though
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I ended that mission with the "never worked for money" achievement and like 1.4m gear coins so yea.
how long is ch 3? I was gonna try to do it this weekend.
No, it means you're a certified faggot.
Anby will still be played 2nd side on non-fur fag accounts
she's shining brighter than march 7th or any of the genshin starting 3 tbqh
Why does energy recharge so fucking slowly?
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F2p Nekomata team?
if you're a woman or a redditor.
It's literally the same, you just need the right comps. How you retards romanticize difficulty in children's games astounds me.
I'm F2P from day one, just reached level 38 today (spent maybe 2-3 batteries).

Mihoyo roughly expects most people to be around level 30 on Monday so don't rush it. The XP drought after reaching level 36 is done deliberately to let others catch up.
does anybody else hate billy and anby for wanting to rat you out?
She was ice while in beta. Her animations have icy effects. Soukaku from her faction is ice.
All evidence leads to one conclusion but you are welcome to continue coping.
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same reason you can spend an infinite amount of money in a f2p game
>I just hope I can still clear the hardest endgame with Corin replacing Ellen.
Anything short of Shiyu Defense is easily doable with Corin. I use her for fun all the time in HZ and other missions. In Shiyu you'll get fucked right now, but getting level 50 characters/cop will fix that in the next two weeks.
I just realized there hasn't been a single rally mission since early game
She's the first and only Ether DPS we know of so that alone makes her really valuable, especially you use Nicole a lot and you have Ether-buffing Bangboos
the obvious hare team. neko,anby,nicole
Must pull, the only Ether DPS in sight.
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>There are /bag/s here
Say something nice to them zzz bros
Pretty quick. The biggest time sink is actually getting to knot 36
I messed up. You want to swap Corrin and Nekomata. Corrin's +35% damage to stunned enemies is her boosted Core Skill. Nekomata can still get her own boost on the other team.
your only source is the beta where soukaku was a wind unit and her kit was such garbage that they canned her for cbt3
there's technically a limit
>have everyone c6w5
>all poly refreshes for the day wasted
>cunning hares faction elements
>electric physical and ether
The fuck is a bag?
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cause nobody has the single er main stat piece you can get yet
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There are 2 more for chapter 3, dunno if you count that as early game
Stop being such needy sluts, /bag/cucks.
it's 4 missions. So I'd say about 1.5-2 hours long but you have to do all else you can do since first unlocks at 32 then 34 then 36
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Piper> lucy > neko

Full cunny was how it was intended.

Piper enables neko's buff from assault

Lucy Ex enables neko's buff from quick assist. It also looks and feels good when you Ex from afar.
how do i turn off models phasing out when the camera is too close bros...
Grace/Rina/Anton or Anby/Grace/Anton? And why?
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BA enjoyers are based.
Okay cool, I haven't done any side content after reaching 30 in the first week and wasn't sure if people are hitting 40 already.
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creepshot bwos wwa?
To add, put nicole before neko. So you can quick assist into neko to trigger her passive, or stun from anby into nicole THEN quick assist into neko
>Her animations have icy effects.
Not in the current release they don't. No ice affects at all in her cutscenes. Just random falling dissipating shards of energy. If anything they look more like ether shards.
I played BA for a month because context is important when I masturbate.
Who's the girl on the left?
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Neko, Anby, Nicole or Neko, Anby, Soukaku. Neko, Piper, Lucy can also work if you happen to get the Biker girls.
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what the hell is that supposed to mean
They fixed Lucy's ultimate.
i have no enemies.
all players from other generals are free to come here and discuss zzz. i hope they enjoy their stay.
cunning hares team or lucy/piper
cunning hares is more f2p-friendly than lucy piper because you need lucy m2 otherwise she's energy hungry.
Their sluts are hot, but their attentionwhoring in these threads is starting to be annoying.
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it's to get you to play daily or pay a bit for extra stamina. Honestly I kind of wish they kept the scrapped $5 stamina pass idea from genshin since I'd totally spend on that
it means she has killed people
wait for someone to mod out the censoring shader, just like every other hoyo game
There are 2 after each chapter, 6 in total.
>soukaku was wind in beta
>2 of her teammates are electric polearm and bow
And it even unlocks a new survey where I can get 60 poly great!
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I got caught...
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How am I doing as a non-rerolling f2p?
Same, but I skipped the playing part.
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Anby -> Nicole -> Neko
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This poal will decide everything, chose wisely. Or add something if you so wish

How do you even get that many pulls?
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I'd be interested in trying BA but i refuse to play on phone and i can't be bothered to do emulationshit
no official pc client, no play
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what are the chances of summer themed events with skins like these?
The Cunning Hare's have a reputation for doing jobs other people are unwilling to do, for a mark-up. And they always need money.
Do the math.
Tifa Lockhart from FF VII.
>rolling for weapons during launch
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ok that's cheating
They merged it into the bp by adding stamina pots there, but it's not a lot.
Pretty good desu. Hope you REALLY like Ellen, though. You're pretty much fucked for later banners
>press the fast foward button to make the shitty tv sections go by quicker
>it keeps unpressing itself every fucking time
Mihoyo for some reason is very sparce with skins, however if one of their games were to get a swimsuit skin it would be this one
we aren't the passion project bwos...
miyabi's model isn't finished
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Can't wait to M6 this cat like I'm doing with Clara
0% unless the economic situation in china gets bad enough, the CCP lets mihoyo pull out all the stops.
Shock teams are meta right now.
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or this
>transgender diluc
Rina's a better shock support. This isn't even a question.
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>if one of their games were to get a swimsuit skin it would be this one
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??? I thought they fixed this
There's no math to be done when they go through a whole song and dance about how they specifically did not kill a killer
>rolling for the launch weapon banner
She's a highschooler. They have a triangle alignment chart where the 3 corners are tired, horny and depressed
Sorry. We're up all night making passionate love.
why does genshin get a proper biker lady before the game that has a biker faction
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Anby is going to be my 2nd side stun character when I get Qingyi.

Anby is still useful! Anby is good!
>won 50/50 twice
very rucky
nah, you're fine, you should spend more and just build pity again and don't stop until you're at 79
Enjo kousai side gig
They HAPPENED to not have been the one's who killed him. They were very happy letting nekomata think they did. They're not a "we never kill" merc group.
Shark metabolism burns through her energy quickly. She tells you this multiple times bwo...
brown girls are allowed to be lewd because they dont believe in abrahmfag religions
Right bitch looks so cunty, I love it.
this but unironically. I won't use the furry and hitting koleda before she's powercrept after getting her sig is too good to be true for me
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a friend told me that getting a S removes your A pity, thats dumb, its not like that in SR/genshin
Mono-team users are for casual players

2+1 teams aka disorder teams are superior
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don't forget to report the biggest issue
Sorry Anby, I'm using mono cunny with piper and Lucy and using Qingyi on my second team, you're only good for bed warming now
Never ever listen to meta fags, just roll who you like and try to build units that compliment your favorite characters. Mihoyo games are easy you just need time to buff up your units
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>Anby -> Nicole -> Neko
I was using this until level 10, when I luckshit by getting all the 4* cunnies
Can I swap someone with Soukaku? I have all 3, but only she has her sig weapon, and a cope weapon for Piper.
what skills to build for Rina
miyabi still mogs desu
I agree and I’m not sure why
I know, but team Grace/Rina/Anton has shit daze uptime. I feel like I do more damage with Anby, idk.
It literally says this in the rules for the gacha. Why the fuck do people ask the customer services about it?
One I can take on dates and bring her into my room
The other just exists as a healer in my DoT team
trve avsian beauty. looks good to me.
post the in game model
Shock team doesn't rely as much on daze
I got C9 Ellen AMA
Hopefully Soukaku doing the DPS after stunning with Lycaon can carry me through the Ice ones.
does the weapon banner also have a 50/50
nta but I see it too. Probably because it has furries like Drag did scalies and the tones are similar in a lot of ways
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You can ditch Lucy, probably. Piper is too important. However, you waste soukaku's ice buff, and Lucy feels better to play
is she better than TSM ellen
im new, which ones are those bro, do you mean Ult and Skill?
I don't get it.
I wish this game was as good.
Anomaly-based teams don't rely on stun for their damage. Stunners are just one form of dmg amp in this game and Rina's dmg amp is simply better than what you get from Anby stunning faster, in a shock team.
Finally a anime character that really looks like a asian woman.
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why are you replying to the same image again
>tfw reached the stage where you have to level characters+skills+farm artifacts
Welp, honeymoon period is over for me.
Cheldface failed on hsrg now he's trying it on zzz.
who are even the top characters lmao
Medico was my favorite.
where is Medico?
Why haven't they kicked Boombl4 yet
no1 reads the gacha rules..
You can and should build 2 teams bwo. You can still run corin unless the enemy specifically resists phys or flex in another element dps if they do
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Account 1 : Rina
Account 2 : S11 and Nekoumata
Account 3 : Grace and Koleda
Which one should I go with?
>no denny left
>farming for the skills and ascensions around it hoping I get some more randomly soon

account 3
Should I save my rolls? I have 2 rainbow tapes and like 20 grey tapes
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Stupid sexy belle
So do I even need Anton in that team then? Who should be more on field? What's the rotation?
This retard is actually very cute in her own way.
Account 3.
Probably 2.
You can go S11 ben lucy rocketboo & neko anby nicole amillion.
Their general is tame compare to gig and hsrg who are constantly doomposting and arguing with each other.
I see it
Except Nicole
Account 2
>SF6 was a major inspiration for the game
Yeah, Lighter is going to have a shoryuken.
Thanks for the lust-provoking images, baggers
Are you knot 40?
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she's cute, not sexy
anton triggers previously applied shock ticks with his drill so you apply shock then spend time on anton while he has energy
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There is 0 (zero) incentive to save standard banner rolls
Save limited banner rolls until a character you like releases
Spend all your standard rolls as soon as you get them
you shouldn't save standard rolls
gonna be like 2 years before they add anything to its pool besides a couple of A ranks down the line
hoyobabs arent cultured bro sorry
Zero reason to save standard tapes, use them up. Save limited tapes for a character you want. Pity carries over, so there's no harm in gambling on a character you want even if you can't guarantee hard pity.
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Zhu Yuan waiting room
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you guys have any more exploits?
3 is more future proof but currently about the same as 2. Pick which one you like more.
If you want to go for Ellen or cop, go for account 3. If neither interest you, account 2.
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average female cop lmao
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I'm still level 30 so I'm still working on my ice team. I just wanted to know if Corin was good enough to keep on ice since she probably wont be on any other teams i make.
they need to put my wife in the game already
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I didn't want to level up a 3* weapon for Lucy, but looks like I'll have to unless I equip her with Soukaku's sig.
Thanks anon(s).
i am gay
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I want to roll so bad bros, how much longer
no ur not
nah like 33. Ive done all the Hzero but none of the videos or ch 3
mod when?
which website tells you how lucky you are compared to others?
It's because she's literally Anby
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what should i give soukaku if i dont have her BiS? I have her with lyca and ellen
Fuck. If only someone would make a mod of her for this game.
>they cut out the tiny trex arms holding the waist
>Koleda thinking that this could happen to her
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>day 1 account, dailies every day
>completed main story
>completed basically every commission
>did almost all of prologue on hardmode
>did 2 agent stories
>like half of all mewmews
>redeemed all codes except nijizz
>35/60 arcade machine achievements
>be friends with agents
>S rank shiyu defense up to stage 6
>good hollow zero runs for the achievements
>signal shop hey did you know rolliing an S weapon gives you 20 residual signal? That's enough for 2 more pulls!

I'd never rolled for any weapons before now. Getting the A engines and seeing their impact spoiled me and I wanted it.

I'm hoping to try for Zhu Yuan and maybe Qinqyi but after that it's several patches of saving if the leaks are real.
She's very cute and I hope she's the archetypical hopelessly single hag who enjoying cracking a cold one on the weekend.
Anomaly damage scales with stun damage multiplier, stun has the same exact effect on anomaly damage as it does on everything else.
The only thing anomaly doesn't scale with is crit.
Wisebros… our response?
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at least in Japanese, they basically sounded more confused at first than anything else, like they couldn't even get what she was putting down, but then rolled with it if it meant that improved their reputation (and cash flow)

You just sound like you're jumping to conclusions
How much exp and dennies do you need to level up 6 characters from 40 to 50? Should I be farming for that pre-40 or disc drives?
>Got a Resonaboo
well now I have to roll Zhu Yuan
You can no be saved for even considering benching your bro, but Anby's shit for that team. Anton's designed to sit on field with a shocked enemy that your team will provide non-stop and takes full advantage of everything the other two members do which is what makes it blow stunning out of the water.
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I'm gonna fucking kill him...
>archetypical hopelessly single hag
that would be Grace
Zhu Yan is literally just out of the police academy
I really like Billy and want to carry him through the whole game.
Who else do I need to take when difficulty ramps up?
>but then rolled with it if it meant that improved their reputation (and cash flow)
Which means they're not against killing, clearly contradicting your argument. You tried to make it sound like they tried to avoid killing someone, which didn't actually happen.
>if you slow down qingyi animation you will find that she has the best movement animation of all characters
why people said she has 4 star animation again? I think in technical she has the best compare to all of characters she just attack really really fast
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one man stands alone
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hag love?
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I wished I rerolled for 11. Now I'm stuck with an annoying cat and an S rank engine I can't even use
He's good pretty much with any team just for his CC.
>your attacks knock enemies away
>his pull them closer
nice shot creepbro
Zhu Yuan is called a captain at a point in the story and she's not general duties either. She's definitely not fresh out of the academy.
anyone beat Shiyu Defense 14 or 15
Kot is fun though
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cute hag
bosses in shiyu defense are just big hp sponges
M6. Trust the plan.
Yeah but 11 is way cooler
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Condolences. I really did not anticipate this rank-and-file cutie to become my favorite.
i'm a tranny and this offends me
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Yep, I'm thinking katchads won.
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npc tummy
I don't like her model's face but her ass and animations are pretty peak
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>if you slow down qingyi animation you will find that she has the best movement animation of all characters
I just checked and I'm not seeing it. She mostly does straight hits in her combat chain, with only one interesting move where she extends her weapon. For a weapon as well-suited for acrobatic moves as hers, its really underwhelming.
And its not slowed down in-game anyway, and the in-game visuals are obviously the important part.
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I'm skipping Zhu Yuan for Qingqyi
>Which means they're not against killing
It means they're not against lying, space cadet
Rost status?
the later ones literally rape you atm
Just boys being boys
we don't have one (YET)
ive been wasting stamina this whole time
i never even thought about pre-farming materials for future characters
imagine dual wielding them...
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I'm getting both
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this whole "gaslight the little kid into believing the number 5 doesn't exist after 4" is kinda funny
I am building pity on Zhu because I don't mind her early but prefer Qingyi and the rrrat. Probably 40 or so rolls for Nicole dupes
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is there a limit for this shit?
>C6 Lucy
>C2 Koleda
Only 165 more rolls...
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Is this the rat thread?
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>trust event nearby
>huh there is no one here...?
>no way
>have to go into shop and leave
>conversation starts
>trust up
wow nice
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>You tried to make it sound like they tried to avoid killing someone, which didn't actually happen.
Anby wanted to catch Silver even as he was getting corrupted, not kill him.
What a weird cope. The fact they happened to not have killed him doesn't prove they don't kill people.
Every thread is rrrat thread
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I know this is a coomer game but I just got to chapter 4 and...isn't this going a little too far?
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I rerolled
Knot Level 20 now
I also got an annoying S rank Engine but I got my Shark+Grace and Rina with C6 Soukaku on the side.
Can't complain.
would be funny if it's max integer or something
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She keeps calling the robutt "senpai" in JP
She has that "new officer that still has ideals" vibes, unlike the big chin dude that saved her when she was a kid and turned corrupt and self-interested over time
She's literally presented as the new candid blood that's supposed to make things change in an old and corrupt administration
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Why does my fofo have a amputee scar on her arm?
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Brat thread
Soulless, they should be on the same team and I'm looking forward to their joint voicelines and animations
>NPC creeper
/gig/ is here
That also doesn't show they're against killing. They had no reason to want to kill that guy to begin with.
cheese to meet u
She's strong but she's a Diluc. A month from now S11 mains will be called shitters who can't play the game
The shock team isn't really an "Anomaly Team" in the same way a Disorder team is. Rina should be great too, but Anby and stunn in general is very well suited to Grace/Anton. Against bosses the team is based round maximizing Anton's burst mode windows (Assuming normal use of burst mode). Anby is nice for this since you can have Grace build most of a Shock, Bring in Anby to finish Shock and Stun purely for timing purposes, and then have Anton go burst mode and then drill a bunch during the stun. Piling those modifiers during burst mode shreds bosses and of course you're getting more chain attacks too. Rina gives you Pen, Shock duration and electrical damage. Which are all great, but you miss out on the 50% Stun multiplier and more frequent chains. They're both really effective. I think the main advantage the Rina team has is actually in clearing groups, since Rina can meaningfully buff Grace's excellent long range AOE damage in a way Anby cannot.
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you people are bots, imaging advancing the burnout for a small chance at another standard banner, sad!
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come here
Frankenstein's Monster
>chink name
>chink name
who? huh? Are they really gonna keep this up?
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I'll roll to pity on zhu but let it go if I miss the 50/50 to get qingyi
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I'm skipping both.
She's the lolibaba's boss even though she's younger and calls her senpai
they do clarify this in the jp dub
>That also doesn't show they're against killing
He'd threatened to kill them. That isn't a reason to kill in self defense? Especially as he's mid-corruption later and babbling about "destroying"?
NTA but why would they kill him? Thats not what they were paid for. Anby wants to catch him, to get the strong box.
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>mfw entering Bangboo Golden Town
That was a fucking waste of 30 mins
We have furry, we have fish,

When do we get lizards and bird people?
Anton is there to kill bosses quickly. His single target damage is important. It's not called "burst" mode for nothing.
no she's a brick without a C1 like actually unplayable worse c1 bait than hutao
She outranks Qingyi but Qingyi is older than her. She literally described as "A more senior officer who acts like someone more junior" in official marketing.
Kill all pedos. Roundhouse kick a pedo into the concrete. Crucify filthy pedos. Defacate in a pedos food. Launch pedos into the sun. Stir fry pedos in a wok. Toss pedos into active vulconos. Urinate into a pedos gas tank. Judo throw pedos into a wood chipper. Twist pedos heads off. Karate chop pedos in half. Trap pedos in quicksand. Crush pedos in trash compactor. Liquefy pedos in a vat of acid. Eat pedos. Dissect pedos. Exterminate pedos in gas chambers. Stomp pedo skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pedos in the oven. Lobotomize pedos. Vaporize pedos with a ray gun. Kick old pedos down the stairs. Feed pedos to alligators. Impale pedos on a lance.
holy fffffffFUCK
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It's joever I've done all the quests
>45 for me
it hurts...
lmao what a dumb character
ez skip
Just like everything in this game involving tvs.
No, but you'll run out of nodes to get the missing coins.
why would they kill anyone

There aren't even killing jobs put up for raiders basically ever
the only person who openly admits to killing and is not a villain is Soldier 11
What I'm saying is there's literally no evidence, it's just edgy headcanon
Good thing we only have lolicons here to scare them away
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>nothing at the video store costs energy
>everything at HIA costs energy
>nothing at scott outpost costs energy except cleanup
explain this
>naturally high shark metabolism
>high schooler
>works full time
I would be exhausted all the time too
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Ok /zzz/ by the end of the month I better see your 11 modifier clear of HZ or you will be laughed at
>That isn't a reason to kill in self defense?
It wasn't self-defense there though? In that situation they'd have to specifically hunt him down to kill him, why? They want the box and Anby tries to go after him to get it. Wether or not they would have killed him in a fight to get it, we never know. Your argument is that the fact they didn't go out of their way to kill him, somehow proofs they would go out of their way to 'not' kill him. And it just doesn't hold.
B-But number go up...
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Wuwa's zhezhi vs ZZZ's Qingyi.

Who will win?
I kinda liked it, although I was sad there wasn't any use for racking up millions of Gear Coins.
Do you guys find this feasible? Personally I think the time to dashs, cancel anmation and attack with only the 2nd hit is kind of a dps loss desu.
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she choice should be obvious
>why would they kill anyone
If they're paid for it. Thats how the argument seems to have started?
>There aren't even killing jobs put up for raiders basically ever
Says who?
I guess you will since you'll be having the time of your life starting gacha flamewars all day
Is there an estimate of how much currency we'll get over the next patch like the leaks subs do with GI and HSR?
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Here's your Qingyi bro
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the answer is obvious
Nothing except for leveling costs energy, it's pretty consistent. Weekly bosses not requiring stamina is just hoyo being nice for a change
Gachas that gate quests with stamina are retarded
You sure are going a long way to elaborate on things that don't exist to prove something that has no evidence.
the dps loss is building energy again to use anton's skill to put him back into burst
Can you imagine if this was like other gacha games and the story stages cost energy to play...
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How many of us are actually skipping both Ellen and Zhu Yuan? Half of us? A fifth? One guy?
Once you can bail out kind Bear there's no point in accumulating more.
Says "Have you been playing the game and seeing what jobs raiders get put up to?"
Im skipping neither because I'm not a faggot
only possible with anton exploit
>gentle looking man body later found in a hollow
no rerolls, day one, battle pass, all batteries used and I'm halfway through 39
>What I'm saying is there's literally no evidence
No there isn't. But neither is there for them refusing to kill people and your statement "they specifically didn't kill a killer" has nothing to do with if they would or wouldn't. Because it simply didn't happen that way.
Nicoles comment 'could' imply her having killed people and having that on her conscience, or it could be some other convoluted explanation. Irrelevant.
My gut tells me to just skip both but I think I'll probably impulse roll zhu yuan anyway
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the answer is obvious
Nooo you don't understand!! there's must be something else !!
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>another hoe in a Chinese dress
next hoe in a Chinese dress please
HAHAHA now I see what's up with Lucy. her ult just diappears. DAWEIIIIIIIIIIII where's my coompensation????
>No there isn't.
Then post the evidence...
whats the point of playing this if I can't use my waifus outside of missions?

Me, probably. I really want mousewife and I might as well save for her w-engine also.
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What did these monsters do to my Sucrose
>equating my perfect daughter Porno to Anby
Shit image.
nigga that's hot as fuck
No. The other members of the Police faction are Seth Lowell and Jane Doe.
is Rain nicoles sister or what?
Bros Ellen or Zhu Yuan?
If I get Ellen I can skip the cops but if I skip Ellen I'm forced to roll at least one cop.
There is no point EoS in one week.
Learn to read before making butthurt comments retard.
made for amputee ryona onahole
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I can't skip this cutie. Especially since I really want her buddy cop partner too
You tried to contradict someone with something inferred by a scenario you literally invented in your head. They made comments inferring from things actually said and done in the story.
Looks to me like you're on the much shakier ground here.
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so apparently the game wants me to soukaku since i pulled her 6 goddamn times and i capped her cinema but no idea where to fucking put her
>pic related my agents + anton
>currenty running a piper ben lucy
wat do
Ah, so it WAS bugged. I wasn't sure since I happened to use it twice on enemies who were already dead
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obvious is the answer
Why does Zhu Yuan just feels like a far better and diverse Billy?
ok what did u got until now

>1 ellen
>2 graces
>1 koleda
>graces weapon
>m6 anton and almost full weapon

i think i was very lucky
wdym? im skipping everything until the samurai fox of course.
lets be real here 95% would fuck Zhezhi over Qingyi when given the chance
It was a cool concept but the execution was sadly pretty bad.
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kuro game's designs peaked with this and nothing will ever come close
She won't look that good in game unfortunately. And her best team will probably be


Genshin team building is so dogshit
Are you playing dumb?
>>What I'm saying is there's literally no evidence
>No there isn't.
Negating a negative means "yes there is"
cop needs c1 to function shark doesn't
Because she's a 5 star duh. Also her roll and shoot isn't as fun as his slide and shoot
>Both wuwa 1.2 and zzz 1.1 come out on the same day
Jesus sales posting will be even worse here
Whoever his hotter/cuter/more fun in your eyes. You got to play both of them by now.
None of us know which is gonna be more meta.
ill just wait for the fox samurai and hopefully get spooked by ellen and the rat and the cop
Topaz also needs E1S1 by the way
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Kuro slurpers have no choice but to like this and defend that god awful design
Poll it
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fuckyou bitch I wasted 1 hour of my life
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She's cute but I like XXI and bambinata much more desu
>No there isn't. But..
Clearly shows the "no there isn't" is agreeing with the statement there is no evidence, and then elaborates. Fucking dipshit.
Anything related to getting mats and levels costs energy.
>You tried to contradict someone with something inferred by a scenario you literally invented in your head
Huh? I never invented shit. I never mentioned anything that didn't happen or wasn't explicitly implied, but he did. So what the fuck do you want?
And here is where he implied shit >>485928127
>They made comments inferring from things actually said and done in the story.
Yeah so did I, retard, but I guess you've been rerolling and didn't bother to finish chapter 1.
but the CQC and shooting shit is fun af, still found Lycaon the most fun to control of the ones I played thus far though.
What the fuck is bkx is that a new kpop band? Or are you so high on meta you're reducing character names to single letters
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My autistic GF is excited
You badly need to learn how the english language works, before arguing here with people using it. He's literally agreeing with you there.
You can't start sentences with prepositions.
i need elp bros. my main team is the f2poor crew all built somewhat around 40-50 range, the other team is ellen/soukaku but i didnt get knotted so i need another stunner. i have koleda but shes fire and i dont want to waste resources if shes not going to help that team, what do?
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lmao no
both are cute but my fantasy has always been small girl with big fuck off weapons so im not that into either
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If you are attracted sexually to anime children, you are a pedophile, it's just that shrimple. Not saying there's anything wrong with being a pedo that doesn't act on it IRL, but you are still a pedo and should own up to it instead of making the silly argument about it being anime
Wuwa might have the worst character designs of any gacha
That is 100% getting a bugfix.
yeah I used her ult on a boss two times to make sure and after the animation it just disappears
Is there any weekly content right now besides capping hollow zero and weekly bosses?
He's disagreeing with my posting direct evidence that they wouldn't kill when given the opportunity.
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>1 ellen
>2 wolf man
>cats weapon
I'm content with what I have. I just wish I had more resources to upgrade my 4*s.
B-b-but muh character model quality
look at them polygons
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Absolute state of Wuwajeets
Thank you, I needed this
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Soukaku is TINY
Koledas activated passive is extra damage for chain attacks against stunned opponents, so you're missing on on damage by activating it but it doesn't affect her ability to stun.
>Huh? I never invented shit.
>when they go through a whole song and dance about how they specifically did not kill a killer
This never happened. They actually avoid mentioning they didn't kill the killer and it only comes out by pure accident. You tried to frame it like they went out of their way to kill a killer, but that never happened. What actually happened, is that they happened to have had no reason to kill a killer and didn't do it and then took credit for doing it.
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Good luck on your yunli rolls...
why is her head so small wtf
kot engine
>Posts Yui
Are you owning up to your pedo tendencies anon-chan?
>Unless its a story mission, side quest dialogues are short and concise, you talk to someone for 4 clicks of dialogue then do a commission.
How long until it turn into wordslop about some npc's sob story like genshin and hsr? When chinawank starts and oriental town of New Eridu is unlocked in patch 1.3?
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Clara is being casted in a porn movie
I don't like fighting the SD10 robot at all
You didn't even post indication for it, let alone evidence.
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I will promote our tape in the store
>Soldier 11 can now promote the video store
this sounds like a terrible idea
Doctor Pavol, I'm HIA
Billy needs C2 before he becomes any fun. But also he's the starter attacker. It's basically his destiny to be overshadowed immediately until his alternate version power up comes down the line.
Soukaku is DUMB and does not grasp the concept of currency. Onis live in a barter society!
oh neat ill lvl her up then. time to toss the shitty cat into the trash(leveled her to 40 but billy was still better)
>Remaining 10d
If you had played g*nshin you world recognize the three heavenly kings from one letter alone
If they were categorically against killing, they wouldn't have led Nekomata belief they did it. Its pretty simple and your "argument" does nothing to contradict this. They never killed Silver Tears, because they had no reason to do so. He wasn't their target, nor was there ever a point where they fought and then somehow avoided killing him despite being able to do so.
Topaz e1 is just some crit damage, zhuyan without c1 instantly runs out of bullets
but i dont find Yui sexually attractive
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You're a quack!
Guys I won the 50/50. I got Lycon. That means the fiest S rank I get in cop banner is guarinteed to be the cop. Feels great.
People pretend waterkuma literally only has a say on art stuff but this is literally his top fetish
This meme is 12 years old now...
>This never happened.
There is literally a "heartfelt" scene in a train car near the climax of chapter 1 where they admit to Nekomata that they did not kill the person she thought they did.
>They actually avoid mentioning they didn't kill the killer and it only comes out by pure accident
No, they bring it up quite explicitly because Nekomata found her old picture
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isnt she supposed to be full bot? just straight up sentient robot doll
>If they were categorically against killing, they wouldn't have led Nekomata belief they did it.
They're literally known for being liars and scummy. This isn't speculation, it's their reputation. They aren't known for killing, that's just a fact. There's no proof of it.
>There is literally a "heartfelt" scene in a train car near the climax of chapter 1 where they admit to Nekomata that they did not kill the person she thought they did.
Thats not a "song and dance" about not killing a killer. A song and dance implies they made a big deal out of it, but they actually did the opposite.
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>she doesn't work out at the library
forgot pic
>game updated
>Lucy's ult was bugged, is now fixed
>no compensation
time to review bomb the game bwos, I want my 60 polychrome.
>runs out of bullets
The infinite Anton burst, auto-targeting's not making it easy...
>A song and dance implies they made a big deal out of it,
Yeah. And they did.

Because Nekomata was saying, basically, "you killed my dad".
>They're literally known for being liars and scummy
They're not. Nicole is known for being a scammer. Also if they were against killing they would have zero reason to make someone belief they killed a guy.
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>fairy i know you and don't get along, but surely you agree this is getting absurd
>surely you're sick of navigating hollow data just so wise can get his jollies watching bear belly jiggle
>there's gotta be something you can do
>can you scan for local laws in new eridu forbidding human/thiren relationships
>fuck, legalized twelve years ago?
>okay uh
>can you scan for laws on age gaps
>that fat fuck is like 40 surely he's too old for wise
>What do you mean New Eridu doesn't have an established "age of conse"— wait, that's actually good for me
>Okay, I've got it
>Can you— wh—
>Why are you showing me this
Onis used to sell their daughters to humans in exchange for wine
what bug?
clara sex
>Because Nekomata was saying, basically, "you killed my dad".
Fucking hell, you're really rewriting the whole story in your little copium tantrum over being wrong arguing about a shitpost.
You think we'll get a red oni in the future? The always come in a pair.
I love dumb Oni girls
>They're not.
>Nicole is known for being a scammer
what is the point of contradicting yourself in your post
This is also WHY they're called "Cunning HareS". The actual name is Gentle House. They "earned" the other name and Nicole took to it. This is in their profile.
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Very cool but also FUCK I have almost 5k gear coins and I'm still on the first floor.
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>guarinteed to be the cop
congrats bwo. I am damn near pity but am afraid of losing and get Ellen. I rather wait for Zhu and then comfily pull her
Just want you to know I'm not reading this.
no idea just said her ult wasn't functioning as intended. maybe she got nerfed...
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i fucking hate shiyu so much
who is this referring too
You can turn it off in options.
I've been playing it since day 1. Who's X, the water boy? He's been out of meta for years, you're still using him? B is Benny probably, but who the hell is K?
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my egf is about to dump me because I haven't been joining her in overwatch 2 and league because I've been playing zzz for days now...
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yes it will be 2025 and she will remain the only ether DPS, only Ellen is the brick so far
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Belle being an aggressive brocon will never not be funny in both the cucked and yandere variations
>copium tantrum
>direct evidence that they wouldn't kill when given the opportunity.
When did they have a reason to kill him? He fell into the hole during their fight. It never came to that in the first place? Also "they didn't kill this specific guy so they would never kill anyone" is a pretty fucking dubious claim.
I don't even think they'd let the Hares kill anyone, for audience sympathy reasons, but your arguments are dogshit bro.
Red Oni will be a tall buff tomboy
Red oni > Blue oni
>tfw no oni daughterwife
>lets be real here 95% would fuck Zhezhi over Qingyi when given the chance
No way fag
dog engine
koleda engine
4 bangboos
>When did they have a reason to kill him?
Officially going in circles, therefore officially stopping.
k is kazuha
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It's designed to frustrate you until you give in and roll the shiny new character from the gacha who's conveniently perfect for that month's fights.
this game is dead after Qingyi banner
I'm sure he'll forgive you bro, just play a few rounds with him!
>only ether dps for months
>ether is the best element in the game
>works with a full f2p team
you are literally bricked if you skip her
btw >>485930818
zhezhi has the proportions of a male
I love these
God yes
>Frankenstein monster
I'm so fucking slow to not have noticed sooner that Victoria housekeeping has a horror theme
I thought Americans hated chinese lore, why do they make the majority of wuwa players?
You even got people like Asmon defending it.
>faggots kept saying itt that Anton 's infinite isn't worth it and takes too much
>Try it out in shiyu 8 and 9
>S rank
I'm never listening to you faggots again
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ZZZ made me quit Genshin. I went back to it today and it opened my eyes to how bland the designs are.
Hunting someone down to kill them because you fought before isn't self-defense.
i already have ellen and her entire team
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>got ellens weapon
>upgrade to 20 (ran out of mats)
>hollow zero with her and soukaku
>floor boss previously took right around the 120s mark, S if lucky A if unlucky
>clear it in 39 seconds
Holy shit this is big.
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I miss my Corin so much... waiting for tomorrow to hang out with her again feels like a thousand lifetimes...
>expecting people to know all the tech
Send an explainer.
Asmon got filtered by the TVs kek
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Kuro can make good designs when they try but why would they rip off the worst genshin girl and wuxiafy her?
>ignoring the second part of the sentence

>as he's mid-corruption later and babbling about "destroying"
I can't get horny for Soukaku...

It's like getting horny for a tiny retarded foodie... there's nothing there to get off to...
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verifying file integrity . . .
looks like my sister now
I haven't used Xiangling since 1.0. Does gig meme her as a meta character
Kazuha does go into every party but I've never rolled for him due to not being gay
Should've built your Corin bwo
So many pedos here, very gay.
Anby is my only stunner so far, so I'll simply use both later.
what if i love anime lolis but dont like real children
it takes like 5 second on PC stop crying
Majority of people who play wuwa only play it to spite genshin, like the mongoloid YouTubers. Atleast that's the vibe I get whenever I look into /wuwa/
fuck the cocksucking employee who thought this was a good idea
UID femanon?!
literally my sister
they're boring. it'd be fine if the tv parts were there own mode but being incorporated into the story makes them shit and a slog to get through
I like both Wuwa and ZZZ. Why can't we just be friends? The two games aren't even competing...
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>koleda, lucy, lucy's pig engine carrying me
>anton, soukaku on bench at the moment
>cinemas for billy, corin, anton, anby
speaking of anton, kek what the fuck is this intro
Zhu's stinky butt on my face
zhizhi it's not even close
>I like both Wuwa and ZZZ
You're going to upset the anti-wuwa schizo with statements like that.
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play better, snake has been out for literally 50 years
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>maxed out Soukaku and C5 Nicole
>at least one copy of every 4*
>S11 was from an early lost flip while rolling for Soukaku dupes so I have a gurantee for Zhu
Honestly a great start but I wish I had Koleda.
why does this thumbnail use the fortnite font
This is a phone game bwo
That's inevitable for A-Ranks. If you invested in them and prefer them then just skip the banner and save your polychrome for someone else.
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look at this fucking disgusting fujo ass stink ass nerd




>*nose bleeds*

>*glasses fog up*

>*retarded fujo smile*

>*stink ass rancid ass stinky yeasty pussy explodes*
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>Wise, this has got to stop
>Every fucking day you come home with fear fur and drool on your clothes
>How are you supposed to continue your bloodline and FUCK your SISTER if you keep acting like such a gay furfag
>I've seen the HDD logs too
>I know you keep using Eous to get a "low angle" of Ben's fat fucking ass
>You're going to rope that poor Bangboo into your godawful fetishes, Wise
>Why would you ever want to fuck some nasty, smelly bear when you've got FREE ACCESS to tight, puffy imotou pussy RIGHT HERE
>What the fuck do you mean "the smell is part of the appeal"
>Wise get back here
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Based TVs saving ZZZ
>have koleda
Heh.. I'll keep her occupied bro, don't worry. You'll get her eventually.
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>lost 50/50 going for M2 Ellen
maybe I should just save pity for Quinyi...
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Everyone who played CBT complained about it and what they removed instead was anby's thong and nicole's breasts
Because unlike Wuwa ZZZ is working just fine on my potato PC, meanwhile the other one was buggy as hell even in the lowest settings.
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I like her a lot.
go through the portal in the next room in the back
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>Fuck me, Wise.
>I'm no longer asking.
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underaged slave labor
>zzz best style worst gameplay
>hsr worst style best gameplay
>genshin mid style mid gameplay
lmao anon is falling for an NPC again
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I can't find this fucking bear anywhere on the map

anyone remember any spots he hangs out in? Dunno how I'm fuckin' missing him, given he's gigantic
You are retarded
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Does the promoter you choose even matter?
Qingyi should have Seth in her banner right?
The drip marketing is always accurate, best on second A-rank? I'd say Billy.
Kuki turning out to be a good unit was a miracle
Look for the "trust event nearby" popup. If it shows up near a shop, enter and leave the shop to trigger Bear Activities
show me ur score
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what will you do anons if they're all s-rank and come out consecutively between each other
Next room there is a optional door you can open by standing in front of it for a bit, then follow the path and go down the little staircase where you find another soldier. Then go back and you can get the chest.
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>100 gorillion gigabytes...
>verifying files...
>the 100 free pulls...
they all seem to have the same stats so I doubt it
>wuwa bad style mid gameplay
Genshin has amazing worlds, the scenery is still amazing to this day but they insist upon using 3 pre-set model builds.
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Playable Rain when?
>b-but she can't fight
She could use a robot or mech suit that she hacked to fight.
>takes one last sip of my beer, maintaining eye contact before putting down my beer and cracking my knuckles
You came to the wrong side of town, boy...
time to brick my account by rolling for anton c1
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>Kazuha does go into every party
i also refuse to roll him cuz hes a faggot and he's got a self inserting avatarfag in gig
Different daily rewards
Agents give agent relevant upgrade materials
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Probably resort to THAT
I'm not reading this either.
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Nah Jinhsi topped that, first girl I've spent money on in a gacha game (to get her S1 and her sword), Ellen is okay I guess but she didn't compel me to spend like Jinhsi did, the magistrate is just that good.
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You know what I'll do
pierce the heavens with anton's drill
lmao last time I forced myself to use QQ against AS Cocolia to have a semblance of challenge I hadnt had since release
Man, how will these dork even fight in the Hollows?
Hell it would be embarrassing if they could do it but Belle and Wise can't.
Pile Bunker Seeded
Pay up, there was no choice to begin with
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ah... melancholic OLs....
ok i just noticed there's an interactable door back to gaming
Be completly unsurprised, because thats exactly what will happen? Thats pretty clearly the pattern we got right now.
>Police girls all after eachother
>Section 6 all after eachother
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Yes, they all give bonus in addition to the dennies when you claim them the following day.
>Bangboo 18: nothing
>Sjal: bangboo software patches (bangboo xp)
>agents: tactics chips for their respective elements
idk about travis and heddy yet
I look like this IRL
didn't ask, go back
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Elves don't have cat tails.

Is that a butt plug?
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please help for comps...

>anby (wish I had the furry instead)

should I level a lightning based comp instead?
i cannot clear s9...
major skill issue or i built my characters like shit (probably this, it's my first time)
genshin is worst style purely on model quality and bland designs alone
What makes stun multiplier go to 200%?
first hoyo game?
stop posting NPCs!
god damn why are they all so cute
is not 100, you need 100 to install it because motherfuckers cant send the files but a installation with "compressed" files so then it can install u on the pc, so 50GB for the shit and 50 for the game
>>Bangboo 18: nothing
didn't need your fag ass to reply either, go back
when i saw this npc for the first time i did the lego bruce wayne gif IRL
I played hsr for over a year because I like the characters and the gambling but the gameplay never clicked
I still haven't done MoC 12 even once because I can't auto it
yeah and people praising natlan designs have the worst taste i've ever seen, it's like somebody pulled all the pokemon trainer reject designs and added them in, and now it looks unfitting for the region
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Are you me?
I got M6 Anton / M6 Billy and still M0 Corin and only M1 Soukaku
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>almost hitting hard pity with every S rank
>decide game is fun enough to play for a while, dump ~$100 on the shop
>suddenly pulling S ranks super early

bros I think it's rigged
the biggest mistake you can make right now is trying to level more than 6 characters
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Wise NO!
You can't cheat with an NPC!
I have the exact same teams, also can't clear s9, I think it's just a matter of getting some characters to 50
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>keep posting NPCS!
I got you bro.
even as a 4 niggas in a row enjoyer it's dry
I am being cautious, I will save everything, I only plan on getting M0 qingyi and saving the rest for them
s11 ben lucy
elen soukaku rina
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Thanks. That's a weird way to do it, especially for this shop in particular
what is this page?
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Outdated. B has fallen off hard. Pyro archon will be off-field buffer + subdps so she won’t work with B. Her best team will be F + Emilie + DPS.
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Who the fuck comes up with a launch bundle, thats a worse deal than just the regular top-up with bonus? You'd think mihoyo was at least good at monetisation by now.
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>anon, you are under arrest for taking creepshots of npcs
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grown up character vs pedo bait. It is just another easy W for wuwa
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I lost my Jade pity to Welt just after losing my Ellen pity to Nekomata
You can now laugh at me /zzz/
I'm only interested in the robot so I'm safe
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>elen soukaku rina
rina builds stun meter? or is it for the faction passive
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Having important NPC story characters is good that Mihoyo has been lacking. I hope they build from here.
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Have you tried jumping over that fence? Should be pretty easy with those jet powered cyborg legs right?
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I feel the same
furry alfred and diluc bruce whens the crossover
HSR has every guy with a boob window and Seele was the ugliest character they had made yet. There is no style. It is supposed to be scifi but there are dragons fighting next to mechs. Many of the characters look like chinawank.
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Drinking the boba tea out of this character's urethra
I'm actually considering s1 jinhsi but I already have her weapon and they might be overkill for me..
Rina can go into anby's in Ellen team

Grace Piper Rina disorder should work too

You most likely just need to get to knot 40 first, desu
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She's too young for you, cosplayer
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why did she put a shrimp in her ear
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Not sure I can help you there bro. This is how it looked for me a few days ago, been running my head into the wall of SD10 since.
Everyone was 30 except for Nekomata and Ellen at 40. I'd think a S11, Piper, Lucy should be able to do it. Have you given them at least matching relic sets yet? it makes a big difference. I would not hesitate to at least upgrade a DMG% or crit% main stat relic you might have for your DPS.
F removing burning for emilie nice game knowledge you have
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W for womp womp
Can you guys spend a few extra dollars on Wuwa before you drop it? I feel sick to my stomach I don't think the game has much longer
I have a M5 Soukaku and an M1 Anton despite not using Soukaku and Anton being on my primary team. Desire Sensor is real.
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I thank God for kuki, Kirara, and Chevy.

They are such turbo faggots with 4* banners. Has Chevy even come back yet? >>485934093
F’s hydro app is not strong enough to exhaust the pyro aura for burning retard.
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Your parents hated you, huh Belf?
i dont care about m*les and most of the chicks are hot. Seele isnt the only girl in the game
I got the monthly after I thought 1.1 ended pretty decently, but I already don't want to do the dailies anymore...
is there tutorial on how to mod this game? I don't mean downloading mods, I mean actually creating them, changing the models and putting that into the game
>He didn't purchase the latest Ebi Buds
>>485935232 new
>>485935232 new
>>485935232 new
Famous last words
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I'm about to make the next fucking /zzz/ general if this website tracker link isn't in the OP I fucking swear to god
See this question asked every single fucking thread
you just know her dad played a blood elf female in WoW
>he doesn't know about babel fish
Don't forget your towel anon.
Rina in an Ice team would be purely for the penetration buff. Her additional passive will do nothing for it.
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She has boyfriend
People still play that? That should've been an MMO instead with its echo system shit.
>50% usage rate on a character everyone owns from fucking release
>S tier for 4 fucking years
If Pyro archon scales off attack she will use him.
Ellen was doing that on my 5 inches
Not a problem for an oji-san like me.
Anyone tried that infinite burst Anton tech? Debating building him for it but not sure if it’s worth the hassle.
Is this game gonna get actually good looking characters or is it just going to be more lolicrap
Anal creampies
unironically stick to wuwa if you want hagfag pandering, main reason I dropped it
And this is one reason rally mission suck in comparison to tvs.
Particularly loved the one where you could press a secret elevator switch, only for it to skip 10s of gameplay and the last two remaining crates of the map.
Bro what is the sauce
>They have a triangle alignment chart where the 3 corners are tired, horny and depressed
That sounds like the same for adults except you replace horny with something else like bored or angry.
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>actually good looking characters
>posts a terribly overdesigned character

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